Response Actions
Diesel & Gasoline Spills
Quick-Reference Guide
What You Should Do in Case of a Diesel or Gasoline Spill
This quick-reference guide provides general guidance for mitigating the release
of diesel, gasoline, and other vehicle fluids from commercial trucks and tankers
involved in transportation-related incidents. The Arkansas Department of
Energy & Environment (E&E), Emergency Management (EM) is providing
this guidance to answer the questions most frequently asked by remediation
professionals responding to these incidents.
mmediately report transportation-related spills of 25 gallons or greater
on land or any amount in water to the Arkansas Department of Energy
& Environment, Emergency Management at
Contaminated Waterway: If the release enters a waterway, also report
the spill to the National Response Center (NRC) at
Important Note: Remember, if you are reporting a spill, leak, or release
of petroleum products, hazardous materials, gases, or a geohazard event
that requires an immediate emergency response, please call the Arkansas
Division of Emergency Management (ADEM) at
STOP the release. If safety permits, utilize appropriate measures to stop
the release.
(For example, install a temporary patch on the rupture and/or
pump fuel from the leaking tank to another approved container.)
CONTAIN the release. The immediate objective is to prevent the
release from impacting water resources.
(Booms, dikes, portable
fuel-spill containment berms, or other improvised field-expedient methods
should be considered.)
REMEDIATE the release. Remove as much of the spilled material
from the environment as is feasible.
Spills contained to the roadway: Absorbents and/or a vac-truck
may be used to remove free liquids.
Minor spills off the roadway: A surface scrape and removal of
debris from the impacted area may suce for minor spills with minimal
absorption into the soil.
Larger spills off the roadway: Where contaminants have
absorbed more deeply into the soil, contaminated soils will need
to be removed. (See “Soil Excavation” section.) Typically, the
contaminated area will be excavated to native soil with no visible
staining or odor.
CONTACT E&E EM at 501-682-0716 or 1-800-327-8411 if:
Groundwater is encountered during excavation, or groundwater
contamination is suspected;
Excavation is not possible and an alternative remediation method
will be necessary;
You are unable to provide appropriate clean-up services in accordance
with this guidance; or
The spill necessitates guidance beyond the information provided
in this quick-reference guide.
BEFORE beginning any soil-excavation activities, call:
Arkansas One Call: 811 or 1-800-482-8998.
The Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT),
if spill occurred within its right-of-way.
(After initial emergency
response operations have been completed, any further activities
within the right-of-way may require an ARDOT Special Use Permit.
For contact information, visit the ARDOT website at: https://www.
The property owner,
if excavating on private property. Excavated
soil may be stored in lined and covered containers for no longer
than ten days while active remediation is ongoing. Excavated soil
may be disposed of at a permitted landfill. Contact the landfill for
further guidance.
Confirmation sampling
consists of taking a minimum of five grab
samples, one from each side wall and one from the bottom of the
excavation for every 400 square feet of excavation area. For releases
to ditches, one grab sample should be taken at release or entry point,
and one grab sample should be taken every twenty feet. All samples
should be analyzed separately. Additional samples may be required for
further delineation where deemed necessary. Contact the destination
lab for guidance regarding sample containers, preservatives, shipping
requirements, and other details related to analytical lab procedures.
Contact E&E EM for additional guidance.
Chemicals of Concern
Soil Excavation
Benzo(a)pyrene from PAHs
80.7 mg/kg
10,400 mg/kg
1210 mg/kg
462 mg/kg
61 mg/kg
Screening Level
Confirmation sampling
consists of a minimum of
five grab samples, one
from each of the four walls
and the bottom (or the
floor) of the excavation.
Sample Sidewall 1.
Sample Sidewall 2.
Sample Sidewall 3.
Sample Sidewall 4.
Sample the Floor
* Sample These Locations
Within the Dig Site
Sample analysis
of soil is required for gasoline, diesel, and oil spills.
Gasoline spill soil samples will be tested for Benzene, Toluene,
Ethylbenzene, and Xylene (BTEX). Diesel and oil spill soil samples will be
tested for BTEX and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). These
screening levels are only applicable when soil excavations do not
exceed two vertical feet and are backlled with clean soil. These screening
levels are solely based on human direct contact and are not protective
of ecological direct contact.
Spill Response Checklist
Spill notifications
(See “Notifications” section, front page.)
ADEM 1-800-322-4012
NRC 1-800-424-8802
(Call, if the release enters a waterway.)
Insurance company & contact information
Spilled product (in gallons)
Hydraulic fluid
Surface water nearby?
How close?
Name of water body?
Did contamination reach surface water?
(If so, boom, pad, vac, & contact E&E EM)
Soil excavation notifications
(See “Soil Excavation” section.)
Arkansas One Call 811 or 1-800-482-8998
ARDOT, if on its right-of-way
ARDOT Contact list:
Property owner, if excavating on private property
(Contact the County Tax Assessor to identify the property owner.)
Visibly-contaminated soil excavated
(See “Response Actions” section.)
Contaminated soil properly staged and/or disposed?
(See “Soil Excavation” section.)
Was groundwater encountered during excavation?
(If so, contact E&E EM.)
Did excavation exceed 24
in depth?
(If so, contact E&E EM.)
Confirmation sampling completed
(See “Confirmation Sampling” section.)
Do confirmation samples meet screening levels?
(See “Sample Analysis” section.)
Final report submitted to E&E EM for review & approval
(See “Spill Report Guidance” section.)
Spill Report Guidance
The responsible party should submit a final report to E&E EM
no later than thirty days after the completion of remediation activities.
The report should include the following:
Site sketch
identifying numbered sample locations & depth
Total amounts
of materials spilled and recovered
All actions taken
from start to finish
Analytical results
including QA/QC, analytical methods, & chain(s)
of custody
Date, time, & location of the incident
(address, city, county, & GPS coordinates)
Before & after photographs
of the remediation activities
Cleanup contractor
(name, address, & contact information)
Releaser of material
(name, address, & contact information)
Copy of disposal profile,
if required by the landfill
Email the report to the E&E EM at:
Electronic delivery of the final report is preferred.
If electronic delivery is not possible, mail or deliver
the report to the Arkansas Department of Energy &
Environment, E&E Emergency Response Coordinator,
5301 Northshore Drive, North Little Rock, AR 72118.