Helping you Navigate Cleveland State University!
When you go on a trip or begin a journey, you pack maps, equipment, guides, etc. We have created a checklist and resource guide to
help with preparing for your academic journey at Cleveland State University.
You can always come back to this page anytime you are at CSU. This is a great list of resources that will aid you throughout your
entire academic journey.
Reminder: Please reach out to your Academic Advisor if you have any questions. You can nd your advisor in Starsh!
Viking Checklist & Resource Guide
Viking Checklist & Resource Guide
Instructions: Read each item listed below and check the box once you have
read/completed it.
1) Before your rst day of classes...
Lesson 1 of 1
Viking Checklist & Resource Guide
Have you completed the FASFA?
All students should complete a FASFA each year. Visit Financial Aid to learn more.
Send in your AP Test Scores and Transcript(s)
College Credit Plus or other college credit: Remember you must send your ocial college transcript (s) to
CSU in order for the courses to be added to your records. You will need to send the ocial college
transcript from the college you attended. The class listing on your high school transcript will not count as
ocial. Please make sure to reach out to your high school guidance counselor for support sending CCP
AP credits: Send the ocial AP scores to CSU in order for the courses to be added to your records (you
can do this on your College Board account at If you want to see how your
scores will be counted visit:
Check Your Class Schedule
Your class schedule is available on CampusNet. Make sure that you double-check your class mode of
delivery, locations, and times in case any changes occur after Orientation. Also, make sure that you
coordinate your class schedule with your work schedule and other responsibilities. Contact your academic
advisor if you need to change any classes.
Check your Cleveland State University email
We encourage you to check your CSU email account at least once per day. CSU and your professors will
use your email account to contact you regarding important University information. Your email password
is the same password you use to access your CampusNet account. Remember Cyber Security best
practices when opening or responding to emails. Phishing continues to be the number one method of
scamming people. If you question the legitimacy of an email, we recommend you always err on the side of
caution and contact the sender via another method of communication such as a phone number you nd
on their website and forward any suspicious messages to
Create a Budget Payment Plan!
This allows you to pay in installments rather than making an entire payment at once. Enroll in the Budget
Payment Plan online via CampusNet. Call All-in-1 for more information at 216.687.5411
Commuters:Parking Pass
Purchase your parking pass online via the CSU GO Parking system at For more
information, call Parking Services at 216.687-2023 or via email at
On Campus Students:Housing/Residence Life
Send in your application to live on campus. Applications are available online. For more information, call or
visit the Department of Residence Life at 216.687.5196.
Student Health Insurance
If you do not already have health insurance, consider purchasing health insurance through CSU. You can
purchase health insurance on your CampusNet account. For more information, call Health and Wellness
Services at 216.687.3649.
All domestics students living on campus and all international students must have health insurance. Please
visit the following for more information including how to apply for a waiver:
Domestics On Campus Students: 
International Students:
Financial Aid
Make sure you sign and return your nancial aid award letter. Students can sign their award letters online
via CampusNet; click on the “Financial Aidtab. You can access your CampusNet account. If you have
questions related to nancial aid, please visit: Campus All-In-1and Financial Aid.
Dining Tips & Tricks
You can nd all of the information about dining at CSU by visiting Dining Services. There are locations on
where you can heat up your food if you pack a lunch.
Lift Up Vikes!
Make sure to connect with Lift Up Vikes (LUV!) Food Pantry and Resource Center. They can assist with
nancial wellness and connection to food resources.
Where do you nd your books?
You can buy or rent your textbooks (new and used options available)online. You can reserve your
textbooks at Viking Outtters Bookstore for pick-up. Books typically cost $300-$500 per semester. Watch
this video to learn how to save money in purchasing books for the upcoming semester.
Do you know how to navigate Cleveland State University?
Use our campus map to help you with navigating your campus. Be sure to check out the InnerLink that
2) During your rst semester...
connects a majority of our main campus buildings. It starts from the Maxine Goodman Levin College of
Urban Aairs (UR) and ends at the Rec Center (RC).
Add VikingCash
VikingCash allows you to use your Viking ID card as a debit card on campus. For more information, visit
the Viking Card website.
U-Pass Program
U-Pass allows all main campus students to ride on all Greater Cleveland RTA buses during each academic
semester. More information can be found by visiting the U-Pass website. Learn more about the Greater
Cleveland RTA.
The Viking Creed
We welcome all students to Cleveland State! Review our campus commitment in the Viking Creed and
download your own poster for your room.
Schedule an Advising Appointment
You are expected to check in with your academic advisor between weeks 4-7 of your rst semester. Your
advisor will assure that your class schedule is set for your second semester and will help you stay on
Learn how to be a successful student!
During your rst semester, it is important for you to learn what it means to be a successful student at
Cleveland State University. Every student will nd dierent approaches to help them be
successful!Success Coaching is a free service oered that can help you learn how to be successful.
You are your own best advocate, so never hesitate to speak to a professor, sta member or academic
advisor whenever you have a question!
Community Standards
Review your rights and responsibilities under theCode of Student Conduct andAcademic Integrity Policy.
If you have questions or concerns about either, please email Community Standards
Download Microsoft Oce 365 ProPlus  
All CSU students are able to download Microsoft Oce 365 ProPlus for FREE. These products are helpful
to have in order to complete assignments for your classes.Visit this webpage for more information on
how to download and install Microsoft Oce.
Sign up for your Library PIN  
YourLibrary PIN allows you to log into your library account and access some online library resources
o-campus. It's important to set this up so you can successfully complete research in your classes!
Get Involved On-Campus
Check out the many opportunities for involvement oered to you through the Center for Student
Involvement: student organizations, campus radio station, volunteer opportunities, leadership programs
and much more! For more information about organizations and events, check outVikesConnect.
3) Whenever you need help...
Campus Jobs
Campus jobs are a great way for you to earn money and get real world experience. Visit the Career
Services website to learn more.
Common Hour
Every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30 AM-12:30 PM in Fall and Spring semesters is known as Common
Hour. Typically, classes are not scheduled during this time so that students have a common period to
meet, participate in on campus activities and become active in the university community!
Review your Degree Audit
Degree Audit is a dynamic report that shows progress toward graduation based on a student's academic
record, transcripts, and current enrollment - including future registration. It is a great tool used
collaboratively amongst Cleveland State students, faculty and sta for academic planning and course
Get help early on! Problems that go unaddressed can quickly grow!
Whether your question or problem is nancial, personal, social, academic and any other form-reach out
right away! There are numerous resources, services and members of the university community that are
committed to your success! Many of these resources are listed below. If you aren't sure who to connect
with, we encourage you to start with your Academic Advisor.
Additional Resources:
Student Aairs
Health Center
Counseling Center
Disability Services
Oce of Institutional Equity
Tutoring & Academic Success Center
Writing Center
The Math Learning Center
Mobile Campus
Career Services
LGBTQ+ Student Services
Veteran & Military Success Center
Recreation Center
And much more can be found onMyCSU.