Thesis/Dissertation Page Numbering in Microsoft Word
This is easiest to do after you have completed a rough draft, but you can create your page
numbers early and then reuse this document to double-check the format.
1. Put your cursor on the first page (the Title page).
2. Click Insert > Page Number > Bottom of Page > Plain Number 2.
3. Highlight one of the page numbers and set it to Times New Roman, size 12. This will
change all the page numbers. If you have troubles highlighting the page number, double-
click on it, then highlight it.
4. Go to the first page (the title page) and highlight the page number 1; at the top on the
Design tab, check the box for Different First Page. Then delete the page number 1 from
the title page.
5. Go to page two and highlight the page number 2; at the top on the Design tab, click on
Page Number > Format Page Numbers…
6. In the Page Number Format popup, select i, ii, iii, … as the Number format. Click OK.
7. Now your number is in lower-case roman numerals. This is correct for all pages up to the
8. Go to the first page of your first chapter and put your cursor at the beginning of the
9. Click on Layout > Breaks > Next Page. This makes the page numbers on this page and
future pages disappear.
10. With your cursor still at the beginning of the CHAPTER 1: CHAPTER TITLE line,
click Insert > Page Number > Bottom of Page > Plain Number 2. The page numbers will
11. Highlight the page number on the first page of chapter 1 and at the top on the Design tab,
click on Page Number > Format Page Numbers…
12. In the Page Number Format popup, change the Number format to 1, 2, 3, … and under
Page numbering select Start at 1. Click OK.
13. Highlight the page number on the first page of chapter 1 and set it to Times New Roman,
size 12. If you do not see a number 1 on the first page of chapter 1:
a. Double click at the bottom of the page where your page number should be.
b. At the top on the Design tab, uncheck the box for Different First Page.
14. Now your pages should be properly numbered including:
a. No number on the title page.
b. The abstract page through the list of figures/tables/symbols/abbreviations should
be lowercase roman numerals starting at ii.
c. Chapter 1 and all content pages, references, appendices, and vita should be
numbers starting at 1.
d. All page numbering should be Times New Roman, size 12.
15. Be sure to update your table of contents to reflect the page numbers accurately.