Step #1: Graduate School & Official
Go to the transcript site of each of your universities
Request and pay for your transcript to be officially sent to graduate school
at Purdue University, West Lafayette
Most universities do this online
Select Purdue University GRADUATE SCHOOL, West Lafayette
If your university wants to email it to the graduate school, the email is:
ATTN: Lynn Bryan
If your university wants to snail mail it to the graduate school, the address
Office of Graduate Admissions, Purdue University Graduate School, 155 South Grant
Street, YONG 170, West Lafayette, IN 47907
Step #2: Graduate Application
Before Beginning, have the following ready:
An email you can access right away
500-word Statement of Purpose in MS Word
Information for previous employers
Websites of your previous universities attended up and ready to reference
Ask 3 colleagues for letters of recommendation.
Go to:
Create your profile and follow these steps
Issues with submission of the graduate application can be addressed
to Robin Cunningham at
You will receive a pin number
In your email to set up a password.
Be able to get to your email to move to
Continue with the application.
Choose the appropriate year
Will say year you had selected
This is the new style
Click Continue
Fill out personal information, then click
continue at the bottom.
There will be birthdate, citizenship,
race/ethnicity, and veteran status questions
Click continue when done.
No dashes in phone number please!
Please type “00” here if you have not lived outside the US. Do not leave blank.
Choose Secondary STEM Education/Initial Licensure
Teache r License
Fill these out EXACTLY like they are here!
Be sure to complete the questionnaire before you continue
Transition to Teaching
DO NOT CONTINUE Until you complete the application
and it should look like this.
Click here
Start typing and let it auto-populate,
then choose your university from the list
If you have an unofficial transcript ready,
please upload it here (not required)
Graduation date
You can leave class rank blank
Most teaching degrees are a
Bachelor of Science
Lynn Bryan
Selcen Guzey
Choose “No Self or Externally Funded” and then Scroll down
YES or NO Be sure to answer this section. List all certifications and licensure areas.
Indiana or the state you have a teaching license if applicable
The content area of your degree/licensure.
Any other special areas? List them here.
Add current employer
Hit upload first and make sure your statement is there,
then hit continue. Please make sure your statement refers to the
Indy STEM Teacher Residency (ISTR).
Please read these carefully, but the answers below are typical
If anything is red here, you need to go back and fix it!
Click here when you are done! On the next screen it will have a payment waiver
You should not be charged anything for this application! DO NOT PAY the fee.
This is non-refundable if you pay this. If the waiver is not given to you, contact
gradinf[email protected] or contact me at
Step #3: Finalize Application & Request a
Transcript Evaluation and Credential Review
Don’t forget to follow up with your Colleagues for Letters of Recommendation:
Ask 3 colleagues for letters of recommendation. The recommenders will be sent an email
from the application system on how to upload their letters or they can send them to We will be glad to manually upload your letters.
Request a Transcript Evaluation & Credential Review:
Go to:
Create your profile and be sure to select a content area under “Secondary STEMM Education
with Initial Licensure(Online)”
You will then receive an email that invites you to the next step.
Issues with submission of the graduate application can be addressed to Robin Cunningham at