Proprietary & Confidential
Prospect Calls, Greeting & Identifying Needs Checklist
Phone Calls
Answer with community name & my name
Get prospects name & use in conversation
Ask for prospects phone number
Ask for additional contact info. (address/e-mail address)
Ask how they heard about our community
Determine needs (Size, move-in date, #of occupants, price range, pets, specific needs)
Suggest they visit community website or company website
Describe apartment features and/or amenities
Create a sense of urgency
Invite them to visit the community
Try to set a specific appointment
Offer directions to the community
Stand & greet with a smile
Shake their hand
Introduce yourself
Get prospects name & use during conversation
Ask them to sit down (gather additional information)
Offer refreshments (water, coffee, tea or hot chocolate)
Professionally dressed & wearing name tag
Remember phone call & have previous info. On prospect readily available
Identifying Needs
Complete guest card
Determine how they knew about the community
Identify: size, move-in date, #of occupants, phone#, price range/budget, pets, where they
currently live, e-mail address
Ask why they are moving
Determine any specific needs or preferences (location, color, etc.)
Create rapport while determining needs
Request proper ID before touring community
Proprietary & Confidential
Prospect Tour, Closing & Follow-Up Checklist
Demonstrating (Tour)
Show an apartment (clean, made ready & comfortable in temperature)
Take control & lead with enthusiasm
Take a scenic, yet convenient route to the apartment
Initiate & carry on friendly conversation while walking to/from the apartment
Mention the professional management
Mention on-site personnel
Discuss and/or point out amenities & facilities of the community
Discuss neighborhood facilities (shopping, dining, entertainment & neighborhood conveniences
Mention benefits for the apartment features shown
Get prospect actively involved in the tour
Point out advantages that prospect said were important
Effectively overcome objections
Begin asking closing questions early in the presentation
Invite prospect back to the office after the tour
Discuss rental rates positively & confidently
Ask prospect to leave a deposit or other monetary commitment (app fee, deposit, etc.)
Create a sense of urgency
Attempt the following closes:
1. Ask them to fill out application
2. Ask to hold apartment for them
3. Ask questions that generate a yes/no answer (do you like the apartment? will your
furniture fit? etc.)
4. Use assumptive phrases (your apartment, you’ll love living here, etc.)
5. Ask them to sign a waiting list and/or leave a floating deposit (if nothing was available)
Ask their reason for not leasing at this time
Attempt to schedule another visit to the community
Provide the prospect with any promotional materials (business card, brochure, floor plan,
application, and/or qualifying criteria, etc.)
Suggest that they visit the community or company website
Proprietary & Confidential
Fair Housing/Crime Supplement
Don’t say or do anything to discourage prospect from leasing due to any issues that could be
perceived as discriminatory.
Be prepared to correctly answer the following questions (or similar) according to Fair Housing
What type of people live here?
Do you make exceptions for late rent for people on social security?
Do you allow grab bars in the bathroom?
Is the unit wheelchair accessible?
Do you accept service dogs?
Be prepared to correctly answer questions regarding security correctly according to Fair
What kind of security do you have?
Is this a safe area?
Prospect Follow-Up
Follow-up by telephone within 72 hours
Follow-up in writing within 5 days (Thank you note, email)
Follow-up with prospect a minimum of 4 times before marking them as ‘Lost’ in Rent Manager