BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for
Development Guide
What is the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK?............................................................ 6
BlackBerry DynamicsAPI reference..................................................................................................................... 6
Key features of the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK....................................................................................................6
Activation..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Secure storage............................................................................................................................................ 8
Secure communication...............................................................................................................................8
Shared Services Framework...................................................................................................................... 8
Data Leakage Prevention........................................................................................................................... 9
User authentication...................................................................................................................................10
Administrative controls............................................................................................................................ 12
Advanced security features with BlackBerry Protect Mobile................................................................ 12
Data collection and metrics withBlackBerry Analytics......................................................................... 12
Dynamic security response withBlackBerry Persona............................................................................13
Requirements and support for platform-specific features............................... 14
Software requirements.........................................................................................................................................14
Using an entitlement ID and version to uniquely identify a BlackBerry Dynamics app................................... 16
Relationship between the entitlement ID and version and native identifiers........................................17
FIPS compliance...................................................................................................................................................17
Link for FIPS in Objective-C or C++.........................................................................................................17
Troubleshooting: FIPS.............................................................................................................................. 18
Declaring a URL type to support BlackBerry Dynamics features..................................................................... 19
App UI restrictions............................................................................................................................................... 19
Requirements and prerequisites foriOSplatform features..............................................................................20
Support for Touch ID................................................................................................................................20
Support for Face ID.................................................................................................................................. 20
Support for WKWebView..........................................................................................................................20
Support for SFSafariViewController........................................................................................................ 24
Support for the Apple Universal Clipboard............................................................................................. 25
Unsupported iOS features........................................................................................................................ 25
Supported TLS protocols and cipher suites...................................................................................................... 25
Steps to get started with the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK..................................26
Using the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK dynamic framework............................................................................... 26
Prepare an existing BlackBerry Dynamics app to use the dynamic framework...................................26
Configure a new or existing BlackBerry Dynamics app to use the dynamic framework......................27
Install the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS static framework.......................................................................29
Prepare an app to use the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK static framework............................................. 29
Add theevent-handler skeleton manually.......................................................................................................... 30
Limitations and best practices when using Swift............................................................................................. 33
Manually add the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK to your Swift project...................................................... 33
Integrating optional features...........................................................................35
Preventing password autofill in the app UI........................................................................................................35
Enforcing local compliance actions................................................................................................................... 35
Adding custom policies for your app to the UEM management console........................................................ 35
Add a watermark to the screens in a BlackBerry Dynamics app..................................................................... 36
Allow unencrypted data to be copied to the pasteboard..................................................................................37
Replace the default splash screen for inactive apps........................................................................................ 37
Prompt the user to update a BlackBerry Dynamics app...................................................................................38
Adding a custom logo and colorswith the branding API.................................................................................40
Using zero sign-on for SaaS services throughBlackBerry Enterprise Identity................................................ 40
Integrating BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Server services.............................................................................. 40
Integrating BlackBerry Analytics..................................................................... 42
Remove the previous integration with the separateBlackBerry AnalyticsSDK.............................................. 42
Using the BlackBerry Analytics REST API.......................................................................................................... 42
Get a JWT token for REST API calls.......................................................................................................43
Integrating BlackBerry Persona.......................................................................45
Integrate BlackBerry Persona with a BlackBerry Dynamics app...................................................................... 45
Sample apps in Objective-C............................................................................ 47
Testing and troubleshooting........................................................................... 49
Implementing automated testing for BlackBerry Dynamics apps....................................................................49
Automated testing with theBlackBerry Dynamicssample apps.......................................................... 49
Preparing for automated testing............................................................................................................. 50
Components of a sample automated testing configuration................................................................. 51
Execute tests from the command line withXcodetools...................................................................... 51
Execute tests from theXcodeIDE.......................................................................................................... 53
Add automated testing to your BlackBerry Dynamics iOS app.............................................................53
Configure compliance settings so you can debug your app............................................................................ 53
Using enterprise simulation mode......................................................................................................................54
Enable enterprise simulation mode.........................................................................................................54
Troubleshooting common issues....................................................................................................................... 55
Logging and diagnostics..................................................................................................................................... 55
Configure logging for theXcodeconsole...............................................................................................56
Monitoring app log uploads by device users......................................................................................... 56
Testing connectivity to application servers and diagnostic functions................................................. 57
Deploying your BlackBerry Dynamics app....................................................... 58
Configuring library version compliance..............................................................................................................58
Instructing users to trust the signing certificate............................................................................................... 59
Deploying certificates to BlackBerry Dynamics apps....................................... 60
Using Personal Information Exchange files.......................................................................................................60
Configuring support for client certificates..............................................................................................61
Certificate requirements...........................................................................................................................61
Using Kerberos..................................................................................................................................................... 62
Legal notice.................................................................................................... 63
What is the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK?
The BlackBerry Dynamics SDK provides a powerful set of tools that you can use to create secure productivity
apps for a BlackBerry UEMdomain. The SDK leverages the full capabilities of the secure BlackBerry Dynamics
platform, so you can focus on building your apps rather than learning how to secure, deploy, and manage those
The BlackBerry Dynamics SDK is available for all major development platforms. It allows you to leverage many
valuable services, including secure communication, securing data in file systems and databases, inter-app data
exchange, presence, push, directory lookup, single sign-on authentication, identity and access management, and
This guide will provide:
Information about supported features
Development requirements and prerequisites
Instructions for installing, configuring, and using the SDK
Considerations for key platform features
Information about the sample apps provided with the SDK
Testing and troubleshooting guidance
Guidance for deploying your app
This guide is intended for intermediate and experienced developers with an understanding of how to create apps
for the intended platform. It is not a basic tutorial.
BlackBerry DynamicsAPI reference
TheBlackBerry Dynamics SDKAPI reference describes the available interfaces, classes, methods, and much
more. The API reference for each SDK platform is available at
Key features of the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK
This section provides more information about key features of the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK. It does not detail the
complete feature set. For more information about the full list of supported features and APIs, see the BlackBerry
Dynamics SDK API reference for your platform.
For more information about the requirements and prerequisites to support platform-specific features, see
Requirements and support for platform-specific features.
The implementation of some of the features discussed in this section will depend on how the UEM administrator
has configured your organization’s servers, network, and other infrastructure components. Contact the
administrator to clarify whether there are components of a feature that are configured or managed using the
management server.
Infrastructure and enterprise activation
After a BlackBerry Dynamics app isinstalled on a user’s device, the user must activate the app in order to use
it. The activation process registers the app with the management server and gives the app access to the full
capabilities of the BlackBerry Dynamics platform. The activation process ensures that all end users are fully
authorized and permitted to use the app.
|What is the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK?|6
Users can activate a BlackBerry Dynamics app manually using an activation password, QR code, or access key
provided by the administrator or obtained from UEM Self-Service, by using the UEM Client, or by using the Easy
Activation feature described below.
For more information about activating BlackBerry Dynamics apps, see the Activation section in the GDAndroid
class reference or GDiOS class reference and Managing BlackBerry Dynamics apps in theUEM Administration
Easy Activation
Easy Activation simplifies the process of activating multiple BlackBerry Dynamics apps on a user’s device. With
Easy Activation, a device user only needs to activate the first BlackBerry Dynamics app on their device; when the
user installs additional BlackBerry Dynamics apps, the user can choose to delegate the activation process to the
previously activated app. Any BlackBerry Dynamics app can be an activation delegate, but priority is given to the
app that is configured as the authentication delegate.
Easy Activation is automatically enabled for all BlackBerry Dynamics apps that are produced by BlackBerry.To
enable Easy Activation for your custom BlackBerry Dynamics app, the UEM administrator must specify the app
package ID (Android) or bundle ID (iOS) in the BlackBerry Dynamics app settings in the management console.
Contact your organization’s administrator to provide this information. For instructions for specifying the package
ID or bundle ID for an app, see Manage settings for a BlackBerry Dynamics app in the UEM Administration
On the application side, Easy Activation is enabled by default by the BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime.
For more information, see the Easy Activation section in the BlackBerry Dynamics Security White Paper.
iOS user enrollment and DEP activation enhancements
The BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS version 8.0 and later and UEM version 12.13 and later feature the following
activation enhancements for iOS user enrollment and DEP:
MDM enrollment and the activation of BlackBerry Dynamics apps doesn’t require the UEM Client.
After a new device is enrolled on UEM, UEM prompts the user to install the BlackBerry Dynamics app that is
configured as the authentication delegate(that app must be assigned to the user). When the user opens this
app for the first time, it activates automatically. The user can then activate additional BlackBerry Dynamics
apps using Easy Activation.
Programmatic activation
The programmatic activation feature enables a BlackBerry Dynamics app to activate without any user interaction
and without displaying activation prompts or progress screens. This can be useful when targeting your apps to a
consumer audience or for developing apps for devices that have limited or no means of user input.
For more information about programmatic activation, see programmaticActivityInit in the BlackBerry
Dynamics SDK for Android API Reference or programmaticAuthorize in the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS
API Reference.
Note the following implementation details:
Decide whether you want users to specify a password to unlock a BlackBerry Dynamics app after the initial
activation. You can use programmatic activation while still requiring users to type a password to unlock the
app. This setting is configured in a BlackBerry Dynamics profile in UEM.
To activate the app, your application server must use the BlackBerry Web Services REST APIs to retrieve the
user credentials and to generate an access key. You may need to create a new UEM user account or to lookup
an existing user account. See the User resource in the BlackBerry Web Services REST API reference for the
available REST APIs that can be used to create a user, lookup a user, and to generate an access key.
Pass the user credentials to the app and call programmaticActivityInit or programmaticAuthorize
with the retrieved credentials, setting ShowUserInterface to false.
|What is the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK?|7
For Android, receive the broadcast event GD_STATE_ACTIVATION_ACTION to track activation progress from
NotActivated to InProgress to Activated. You can choose to display a progress indicator during this
short period.
For iOS, observe GDState.BBActivationState to track activation progress from NotActivated to
InProgress to Activated. You can choose to display a progress indicator during this short period.
Once activation completes, the user is prompted to set a password (unless you’ve configured the BlackBerry
Dynamics profile to not require a password). The app should wait for the GD_STATE_AUTHORIZED_ACTION
You can use configureUI (Android/iOS) to customize the UI of the password screen (for example, with a
custom logo and colors).
Secure storage
Secure file system
BlackBerry Dynamics apps store data in a secure, encrypted file system. For more information, see BlackBerry
Dynamics File I/O Package in the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android API reference, or GDFileManager and
GDFileHandle in the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS API reference.
Core data
BlackBerry Dynamics apps can store Core Data objects in a secure, encrypted store. For more information, see
GDPersistentStoreCoordinator in the API reference.
Secure SQL database
BlackBerry Dynamics apps can leverage a secure SQL database that stores and encrypts data on the user’s
device. The secure SQL database is based on the SQLite library.
For more information, see the BlackBerry Dynamics SQL Database page in the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK API
reference (Android/iOS).
Secure communication
The BlackBerry Dynamics platform enables secure data exchange between a BlackBerry Dynamics app on
an end user’s device and a back-end application server on the Internet or behind the enterprise firewall. Any
communication through the enterprise firewall uses the secure BlackBerry Dynamics proxy infrastructure. One
app can communicate with multiple application servers.
To learn more about the programming interfaces for secure communication, see GDSocket and GDHttpClient in
the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android API reference, or GDSocket, GDURLLoadingSystem, and NSURLSession
Support in the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS API reference.
AppKinetics, or Inter-Container Communication (ICC), is a method for securely exchanging data and commands
between two BlackBerry Dynamics apps on the same device. The exchange uses a consumer-provider model: one
app initiates a service request that the other app receives and responds to as a service provider.
For more information about AppKinetics, see the Inter-Container Communication Package in the BlackBerry
Dynamics SDK for Android API reference, or GDService and GDServiceClient in the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for
iOS API reference.
Shared Services Framework
BlackBerry Dynamics apps can communicate with each other and application servers using the Shared Services
Framework, a collaboration system that is defined by two components: one that provides a service and another
that consumes the service.
|What is the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK?|8
The provider can bea client-side service, which is a BlackBerry Dynamics app that uses the GDService
APIs(Android/iOS), or aserver-side service that is provided by an application server or other remote system. The
service is consumed by a BlackBerry Dynamics app that communicates with the provider using AppKinetics (a
proprietary BlackBerry ICC protocol) for client-side services or a protocol such as HTTPS for server-side services.
The typical steps that are required to consume a service:
1. Service discovery: The BlackBerry Dynamics app (the consumer) queries for service providers using the
GDAndroid.getServiceProvidersFor API or the GDiOS.getServiceProvidersFor API. Service discovery is
optionalbut recommended for both types of services because it respects user entitlements and permissions.
2. Provider selection: The consuming app selects the provider. This is handled by the app code.
3. Service request: The consuming app sends a service request to the provider using the GDServiceClient
API (Android/iOS) for client-side services or TCP sockets or HTTP over BlackBerry Dynamics secure
communication(Android/iOS)forserver-side services.
4. Service response: The consuming app receives the provider response using the same interface that was used
for the request (the GDServiceClient API (Android/iOS) for client-side services or BlackBerry Dynamics secure
communication(Android/iOS)forserver-side services).
Client-side services can be used offline and are ideal if the service requires specific user interaction.
Server-side services can be provided by a clustered application server and are ideal if the server software already
exists outside of the BlackBerry Dynamics platform.
Client-side and server-side services both require user entitlement in themanagement console.
If you want your custom BlackBerry Dynamics app to use the Shared Services Framework, the UEM administrator
must specify the app package ID (Android) or bundle ID (iOS) in the BlackBerry Dynamics app settings in the
management console. Contact your organization’s administrator to provide this information. For instructions for
specifying the package ID or bundle ID for an app, see Manage settings for a BlackBerry Dynamics app in the UEM
Administration Guide.
Sample apps that are included with the SDK demonstrate how to use the Shared Services Framework. For more
information about how to use the Shared Services Framework, see the following resources:
GDServiceClient (Android/iOS)
BlackBerry Dynamics Service Definition (Android/iOS)
Definitions and descriptions of published services
Server-side services can use the Push Channel API (Android/iOS) to send notifications to BlackBerry Dynamics
apps. The channel is end-to-end secure at the same level as BlackBerry Dynamics secure communication. As
a result, the BlackBerry Dynamics app does not need to poll the application server, which decreases the load
on both the app and the application server. Any application server that is a service provider can use the Push
Data Leakage Prevention
The BlackBerry UEM administrator can use Data Leakage Prevention (DLP) settings in BlackBerry Dynamics
profiles (UEM)to configure data protection standards, including enabling or disabling copy and paste between
BlackBerry Dynamics apps and non-BlackBerry Dynamics apps, screen captures, dictation, FIPS, and more.
Contact your organization’s administrator to configure DLP standards as necessary for your custom BlackBerry
Dynamics apps.
Note the following for the different platforms of the SDK:
|What is the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK?|9
SDK platform Notes
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for
The SDKprovides the following classes to manage the secure copy,
cut, and paste of data: ClipboardManager, GDTextView, GDEditText,
GDAutoCompleteTextView, and GDSearchView. The secure copy-cut-
paste sample app demonstrates uses of the secure clipboard.
Due to current DLP controls, the setOnReceiveContentListener method is
not supported in the following components and widgets:
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS The BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime can secure or block text in transit
to or from the clipboard, depending on the configuration of the DLP
settings. The Runtime secures text by encrypting it when it is cut or
copied to the clipboard and decrypting it when it is pasted. These
operations are handled automatically by the Runtime, so no development
changes are required.
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for
You do not need to make any development changes to support DLP for
Cordova apps for iOS or Android. Note that for Android Cordova apps,
secure cut, copy, and paste is currently blocked.
User authentication
BlackBerry UEM offers the following options to adjust the user experience for accessing BlackBerry Dynamics
Fingerprint and biometric authentication
Various forms of biometric authentication are supported by the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK, includingfingerprint
authentication andfor Android and Touch ID and Face ID for iOS.The BlackBerry UEM administrator can use a
BlackBerry Dynamics profile (UEM)to enable biometric authentication.Contact your organization’s administrator
to enable and configure these features.
For more information, see BlackBerry Dynamics and Fingerprint Authentication.
Authentication delegation
The BlackBerry UEM administrator can configure up to three BlackBerry Dynamics apps on users’ devices to act
as an authentication delegate (a primary, secondary, and tertiary delegate). When a user opens any BlackBerry
Dynamics app, the device will display the login screen of the authentication delegate app. After the user logs in
successfully, all of the BlackBerry Dynamics apps on the device are unlocked. The user does not need to enter a
password again until the idle timeout is reached.
If you want your custom BlackBerry Dynamics app to be an authentication delegate, the UEM administrator
must specify the app package ID (Android) or bundle ID (iOS) in the BlackBerry Dynamics app settings in the
management console. Contact your organization’s administrator to provide this information. For instructions for
specifying the package ID or bundle ID for an app, see Manage settings for a BlackBerry Dynamics app in the UEM
Administration Guide.
|What is the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK?|10
The administrator configures one or more authentication delegate using a BlackBerry Dynamics profile. It is a best
practice to configure the most commonly used app as the authentication delegate. Contact your organization’s
administrator to configure one or more authentication delegates.
Note: If the administrator configures a secondary authentication delegate, the administrator must notify users
that if they delete the primary authentication delegate app, the user must unlock the secondary delegate app and
set the app password again so that it can be used to authenticate any additional BlackBerry Dynamics apps. The
same requirement applies if a tertiary delegate is configured and the primary and secondary delegate apps are
Do not require a password
Enabled using a BlackBerry Dynamics profile, this setting removes the password login for BlackBerry Dynamics
apps. Users cannot choose whether to use a password.
Do not enableauthentication delegation and this setting in the same profile or policy set.This feature is
supported in UEM 12.7 or later. If the setting is enabled and then disabled at a later date, users are prompted to
create a password the next time they log in to a BlackBerry Dynamics app.
You can use the GDAndroid.getInstance().canAuthorizeAutonomously() or [GDiOS
sharedInstance].canAuthorizeAutonomously method to check ifthis feature is enabled. See the GDInteraction
sample app (Android) or the SecureStore sample app (iOS) for examples of this method.
Bypass the app unlock screen
Enabled in the UEM Client settings for a specific BlackBerry Dynamics app (UEM), this setting allows an app to
completely bypass the password login screen.
For more information and programming guidance, see the Bypass Unlock Developer Guide.
Background Authorize for iOS
Background Authorize is a restricted API that allows a recently locked BlackBerry Dynamics app to use the
principal BlackBerry Dynamics APIs (such as secure storage and secure communication) when the app is running
in the background.
This feature can be useful in scenarios where the app has stopped unexpectedly and is started in the background
in response to an APNS message (for example, a new email). If Background Authorize is enabled, the app can
download new data and store it in the secure container. When the user brings the app to the foreground they can
authorize and immediately access the data (for example, messages).
To access this restricted API, submit a request to the BlackBerry Dynamics Registrar program at
For more information about this feature, see the Background Authorize Developer Guide.
Background Authorize for Android
GDAndroid.canAuthorizeAutonomously allows BlackBerry Dynamics apps to background unlock, receive state
callback, and use credential-protected storage.The app can use canAuthorizeAutonomously() to check if it is
possible to use background unlock, and if possible, authorize with serviceInit().
Web Authentication
The SDKsupports ASWebAuthenticationSession.The BlackBerry Dynamics implementation of
ASWebAuthenticationSession utilizes BlackBerry Dynamics secure communication and secure storage for
cookies. To protect enterprise credentials from being stored in the iOS keychain, the device user will not be able to
use the Safari saved passwords feature in the embedded webview.
Initialize an instance of ASWebAuthenticationSession in your app to allow user authentication through a web
service, including those operated by athird party.The page will open in a secure, embedded webview in iOS,
or the users default browser (if it supports web authentication sessions) on macOS.For more information, see
Authenticating a User Through a Web Service.
|What is the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK?|11
Administrative controls
The BlackBerry UEM administrator can use various server settings, policies, and profiles to manage BlackBerry
Dynamics apps and ensure that app usage meets the organization’s security standards. Consult with your
organization’s administrator to ensure that your custom apps adhere to the configured settings in the
management console.
For more information, see Controlling BlackBerry Dynamics on users devices, Enforcing compliance rules for
devices, and Managing BlackBerry Dynamics apps in the UEM Administration Guide.
You also have the option to addnew management policies and settings that are specific to your custom
BlackBerry Dynamics app to the UEM management console so that they can be configured and applied to users
by UEM administrators. For more information, see Adding custom policies for your app to the UEM management
Advanced security features with BlackBerry Protect Mobile
The BlackBerry Dynamics SDK integrates the BlackBerry Protect library to support BlackBerry Protect Mobile for
UEM. BlackBerry Protect is a licensed service that offers a suite of features that enhances UEM’s ability to detect,
prevent, and resolve security threats without disrupting the productivity of your workforce. BlackBerry Protect is
configured and managed by the UEM administrator. No additional development or integration effort is required if
your organization wants to leverage the BlackBerry Protect features for custom BlackBerry Dynamics apps.
BlackBerry Protect uses a combination of advanced technologies, including:
The cloud-based CylanceINFINITY service that uses sophisticated AI and machine learning to identify malware
and unsafe URL
The UEM server that provides a complete device management and compliance infrastructure for your
BlackBerry apps that monitor and enforce security standards at the device and user level
The seamless integration of these technologies establishes a secure ecosystem where data is protected and
malicious activities are identified at all endpoints and eliminated proactively.
BlackBerry Protect includes the following features:
Malware detection for Android apps (including BlackBerry Dynamics apps) that are uploaded to UEM for
internal deployment
Malware detection on Android devices
Sideloaded app detection on iOS and Android devices
Safe browsing with BlackBerry Dynamics apps
Insecure network detection on iOS and Android devices.
Insecure Wi-Fi access point detection on Android devices.
Integrity checking for BlackBerry Dynamics apps on iOS devices using the Apple DeviceCheck framework
Hardware certificate attestation for BlackBerry Dynamics apps on Android devices
For more information about BlackBerry Protect, see the BlackBerry Protect documentation.
Data collection and metrics withBlackBerry Analytics
BlackBerry Analyticsis a cloud-based portal that you can use to view information about theBlackBerry
Dynamicsapps and devices that are used in your organization's environment. Previously, theBlackBerry
Analyticsfunctionality was offered in a separate SDK that you could integrate with yourBlackBerry
Dynamicsapps. In SDK version 8.0 and later,BlackBerry Analyticsfunctionality is now included in theBlackBerry
Dynamics SDK.
|What is the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK?|12
For more information aboutBlackBerry Analytics, see theBlackBerry Analytics documentation. For more
information about integratingBlackBerry Analyticswith yourBlackBerry Dynamicsapps, seeIntegrating
BlackBerry Analytics.
Dynamic security response withBlackBerry Persona
In SDK version 8.0 and later, theBlackBerry Dynamics SDKintegratesBlackBerry Persona(previouslyBlackBerry
Intelligent Security) functionality.BlackBerry Personais a license-based cloud service that can dynamically adapt
the security requirements and behavior of your users' devices and work apps to their real-world contexts.
For example, if aBlackBerry Dynamicsapp reports a location that is not typical for the user,Personacan
dynamically limit the user’s access to work apps, disable device features such as the camera, and enforce stricter
authentication requirements. Likewise, if aBlackBerry Dynamicsapp reports a location that is typical for the
user,Personacan apply device behaviors that make it easier to access work apps and resources.
Personaadds a layer of adaptive security to your organization’s existingUEMdomain without introducing
an additional software footprint. It is a cloud service that collects data from existingBlackBerrysolutions,
includingBlackBerry Enterprise IdentityandBlackBerry Dynamicsapps.
ThePersonaservices gather and process behavioral data, app events, and location data to calculate risk levels for
each user in real-time and execute dynamic management actions that are configured by theUEMadministrator.
For more information aboutPersona, see theBlackBerry Persona documentation. For more information about
integratingPersonawith yourBlackBerry Dynamicsapps, seeIntegrating BlackBerry Persona.
|What is the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK?|13
Requirements and support for platform-specific features
This section provides the software requirements for using the SDK, as well as prerequisites that are required to
support platform-specific features.
Software requirements
iOS development
Item Requirement
Compatibility with previous
versions of the SDK
The latest release of the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS is compatible
with these previous releases of the SDK:
Deployment target iOS 13 or later
iOS SDK 13.0 or later
Xcode Xcode 12 or 13
Supported programming
Swift 4, 4.2, 5
Supported Internet Protocols IPv4
|Requirements and support for platform-specific features|14
Item Requirement
Frameworks and libraries The BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime static library requires the following
frameworks and libraries in the Link Binary With Libraries build phase:
Info.plist requirements In the Info.plist file,add the key "Privacy - Camera Usage Description"
with the value "Allow camera usage to scan a QR code".This is not
required if the app already uses the camera for its own purposes.
Native bundle ID If you develop a BlackBerry Dynamics app for use on both iPhone and
iPad devices, use a single native bundle ID for all variations of the app.
UEM will only accept a single native bundle ID.
Keychain group sharing for
multiple apps
Keychain group sharing allows groups of apps to share information that
is stored on a device's keychain. Keychain group sharing is required
when you are developing multiple inter-related apps. The setting is part
of a project's build.
To enable keychain group sharing in an Xcode project, open the project
file, navigate to the app target Capabilities tab, and turn on Keychain
Sharing.You may be asked for your developer password and to choose
a development team. The provisioning profiles for each app must come
from the same team and must share the same App ID prefix (see row
below). For the Keychain Group, specify
If the settings for keychain group sharing change, it is recommended to
do a fresh reinstall of the new version of the app instead of upgrading
the old version. This ensures that the new keychain settings take effect.
|Requirements and support for platform-specific features|15
Item Requirement
App ID prefix An App ID prefix is a unique ID that groups a collection of apps and
enables those apps to share keychain and UIPasteboard data. Apps that
share keychain data must have a common App ID prefix from Apple.
For more information, see Technical Note TN2311: Managing Multiple
App ID Prefixes.
The Apple App ID prefix is completely independent of the BlackBerry
Dynamics entitlement ID.
BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher
The BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher is a user-friendly interface that
allows users to easily access and switch between BlackBerry Dynamics
apps, configure app settings, and take advantage of other useful
features. For more information, see the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher
Framework documentation.
The BlackBerry Dynamics SDK and the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher
Library are mutually dependent. See the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for
iOS Release Notes for the required version of the BlackBerry Dynamics
Launcher Library.
Restricted key prefix The key prefix "blackberry" is reserved by BlackBerry and should not
be used for key values, key attributes, or key elements. For more
information and examples, see the Application Policies Definition in the
appendix of the API Reference.
Using an entitlement ID and version to uniquely identify a BlackBerry
Dynamics app
BlackBerry Dynamics apps are uniquely identified by a BlackBerry Dynamics entitlement ID (GDApplicationID) and
entitlement version (GDApplicationVersion). The entitlement ID and entitlement version are used to manage end-
user entitlementin themanagement console. The values are also used for app publishing and service provider
These values are specified in the assets/settings.json file for Android or in the Info.plist file for iOS.
You must define both the entitlement ID and the entitlement version for all of your BlackBerry Dynamics apps,
regardless of whether you use the Shared Services Framework.The same entitlement ID must be used to
represent the app across all platforms.
For more information about setting and checking the entitlement ID and version, the proper format to use for
these values, and other requirements and considerations:
See the GDAndroid Class reference in the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android API Reference, especially
these sections:
Indirect Authorization Initiation
void authorize (GDAppEventListener eventListener ) throws GDInitializationError
See the GDiOS Class reference in the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS API Reference, especially these
|Requirements and support for platform-specific features|16
- (void) authorize: (id< GDiOSDelegate > _Nonnull) delegate
Relationship between the entitlement ID and version and native identifiers
The entitlement ID (GDApplicationID) and entitlement version (GDApplicationVersion) of a BlackBerry Dynamics
app are different from the native identifiers that are required by the app OS platform. The native identifiers for
Android are the packageName and packageVersion values in the AndroidManifest.xml file. The native identifiers
for iOS are the CFBundleIdentifier and CFBundleVersion in the Info.plist file. The values of the entitlement ID and
entitlement version and the platform native identifiers can be the same, but do not have to be.
To take advantage of BlackBerry Dynamics features such as Easy Activation, authentication delegation, certificate
sharing, the Shared Services Framework, and more, the UEM administrator must specify the entitlement ID and
version and the native identifier (package name or bundle ID) for a custom BlackBerry Dynamics app in the
management console. For more information, see Add an internal BlackBerry Dynamics app entitlement and
Manage settings for a BlackBerry Dynamics app in the UEM Administration Guide.
The native identifiers for your custom BlackBerry Dynamics app should be unique, especially with respect to apps
that are available through public app stores. Duplicate native identifiers can prevent the proper installation or
upgrade of an app.
You must change the native app version if you want to distribute a new version of the app. You only need to
change the entitlement version if the app starts to provide a new shared service or shared service version, or if the
app stops providing a shared service or shared service version.
FIPS compliance
It is a best practice to make your BlackBerry Dynamics apps compliant with U.S. Federal Information Processing
Standards (FIPS) 140-2.The BlackBerry Dynamics SDK distribution contains FIPS canisters and tools.
The BlackBerry UEM administrator enables FIPS compliance using a BlackBerry Dynamics profile (UEM).If
enabled, BlackBerry Dynamics apps must start in FIPS-compliant mode. The SDK determines whether a service is
running in FIPS mode when the app communicates with the server to receive policies.
FIPS compliance enforces the following constraints:
The use of MD4 and MD5 are prohibited. As a result, access to NTLM-protected or NTLM2-protected web
pages and files is blocked.
In secure socket key exchanges with ephemeral keys, with servers that are not configured to use Diffie-
Hellman keys of sufficient length, BlackBerry Dynamics retries with static RSA cipher suites.
When you enable FIPS compliance, user certificates must use encryption that meets FIPS standards. If a user
tries to import a certificate with encryption that is not compliant, the user receives an error message indicating
that the certificate is not allowed and cannot be imported.
For iOS, when you build for testing with the x86 64-bit simulator, FIPS mode is not enforced. As a result, you
might see a difference in behavior with the simulator compared to actual operation. BlackBerry recommends
that you always test your app on actual iOS hardware and not rely exclusively on the simulation.
If you use the SDK dynamic framework, FIPS linking is not required.
Link for FIPS in Objective-C or C++
Before you begin:
|Requirements and support for platform-specific features|17
If you are not using a default xcconfigfile, create one nameddefault.xcconfigand configure your build options
to use it.
In your project build settings, verify that the debugand other build configurations point todefault.xcconfig.
1. Add the following lines to thedefault.xcconfigfile toensure that the FIPS canister linking script gd_fipsldis
called as part of the build process:
LDPLUSPLUS=$(HOME)/Library/Application Support/BlackBerry/Good.platform/
LD=$(HOME)/Library/Application Support/BlackBerry/Good.platform/iOS/
2. Set the deployment target to the required version (seeSoftware requirements).
3. In theOther Linker Flagsfield in the target build settings, verify that theall_load linkerflag is not selected.
After you finish: If your project or app includes at least oneSwiftlanguage source file, seeLink for FIPS inSwift.
Link for FIPS inSwift
If your project or app includes at least oneSwiftlanguage source file, complete the steps below.
Before you begin:
Link for FIPS in Objective-C or C++.If you are not including source code in Objective-C, you mustreplacethe
contents of thedefault.xcconfigfile, not add to it.
If you are not using a default xcconfigfile, create one nameddefault.xcconfigand configure your build options
to use it.
In your project build settings, verify that the debugand other build configurations point todefault.xcconfig.
1. Add the following lines to thedefault.xcconfigfile:
LDPLUSPLUS=$(HOME)/Library/Application Support/BlackBerry/Good.platform/
LD=$(HOME)/Library/Application Support/BlackBerry/Good.platform/iOS/
2. Set the deployment target to the required version (seeSoftware requirements).
3. In the project, navigate toTarget>> Build Settings>Linking>Other Linker Flagsand add the following:
Troubleshooting: FIPS
Possible Solution
The app crashes Crashes might occur if the FIPS canister has not been linked to the app
correctly. Check for the following line in the log output: "Crypto::initialise:
FIPS_mode_set failed: fingerprint does not match"
Verify that you followed the steps inLink for FIPS in Objective-C or C++and, if
necessary,Link for FIPS inSwiftand that no errors are reported.
|Requirements and support for platform-specific features|18
Possible Solution
archarmv7s'"linker error
when building fromXcode
For development or testing purposes, setBuild Active Architecture
OnlytoYes.For production release, setBuild Active Architecture OnlytoNo.
Declaring a URL type to support BlackBerry Dynamics features
A BlackBerry Dynamics app for iOS devicesmust declare a URL type so that it can be discovered by other apps on
the same device. This enables AppKinetics, which is required for many BlackBerry Dynamics features.The URL
type and schemes are declared in theapp's Info.plist file.
The URL type must be the same as the app's native bundle ID. Within the URL type declaration, the following URL
schemes must be declared. For example, if the native bundle ID of the app is and its
entitlement version (GDApplicationVersion)is, then the declared URL type is
and the schema declarations are as follows:
Format Description Example
Always required for enterprise
apps (not required for ISV apps)
Exactly as shown
Always required
Enables an app to use
authentication delegation and
is required for all BlackBerry
Dynamics apps
Required only if your app provides
a discoverable service
App UI restrictions
The BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime monitors the app UI to enforce the configuration of enterprise profiles or
policies from BlackBerry UEM. For example, a BlackBerry Dynamics profilemay require the user to enter a
password when the app transitions from the background to the foreground, or it may lock the app UI after a
certain period of inactivity.
For a complete explanation of the restrictions and requirements that the app UI must follow, see Application User
Interface Restrictions in the API Reference.
|Requirements and support for platform-specific features|19
Requirements and prerequisites foriOSplatform features
This section provides specific requirements or considerations to support features of theiOSplatform in
yourBlackBerry Dynamicsapps.
Support for Touch ID
Touch ID is a fingerprint recognition system for some iOS devices.
Touch ID can be allowed for user authentication in BlackBerry Dynamics apps in addition to standard password
authentication. For more information about Touch ID, see BlackBerry Dynamics and Fingerprint Authentication in
the BlackBerry Developers for Enterprise Apps portal.
Support for Face ID
The BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS version 4.0 and later supports Face ID. An administrator can enable or
disable the feature in a BlackBerry Dynamics profile.
Each app must add the NSFaceIDUsageDescription key to the Info.plist file. For more details about Face ID, see
the Build-Time Configuration appendix in the API Reference.
Support for WKWebView
The BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS version 4.2 and later supports secure WKWebView for displaying interactive
web content.
Note the following support details:
The SDK supports multiple WKWebView instances. The instances must be created programmatically.
The SDK supports loading WKWebView from UIStoryBoard. To avoid any possible data leaks, you must
loadUIStoryBoard with the WKWebView componentafter the SDK is initialized.
The supported versions of iOS require JavaScript injection by the BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime.
The secure Fetch API is supported.
Synchronous XMLHttpRequests are supported for iOS 12.2 and later, but the GET method is supported for iOS
13.1 and later only.
The SDK implementation of WKWebview does not support WebRTC.
The SDKsupports the use of the cache to search for valid cached data for resources loaded by WKWebView.
The SDK’s implementation of secure WKWebView currently supports:
Loading HTTP and HTTPS data
Basic, Digest, NTLM, Kerberos, and ClientCertificate authentication
Video and audio playback
Asynchronous XHR requests
HTML5 non-persistent local storage
Sending the following types of body data using XMLHttpRequest: ArrayBuffer, Blob, FormData,
URLSearchParams, USVString
The SDK’s implementation of secure WKWebView does not currently support:
The JavaScript sendBeacon API
The following Data Leakage Prevention (DLP) settings from BlackBerry UEM for long-press or 3D touch
|Requirements and support for platform-specific features|20
Do not allow copying data from BlackBerry Dynamics apps into non BlackBerry Dynamics apps
Do not allow copying data from non BlackBerry Dynamics apps into BlackBerry Dynamics apps
HTML5 persistent local storage
HTML attributes for a link tag (for example, preconnect)
WKWebView: Unsupported methods and properties
Class: WKContentWorld
WKContentWorld is new in iOS 14 and is not yet supported by the SDK. The SDK supports only
Class: WKDownload
WKDownload is new in iOS 14.5 and is not yet supported by the SDK.If a developer attempts to use WKDownload
via a 3rd party framework,the console will produce the following error messages:
WKGD: Attempt to use WKDownload interface detected! Dynamics SDK does not support
WKGD: Attempt to start download via WKDownload interface detected! Dynamics SDK
does not support WKDownload.
WKGD: Attempt to resume download via WKDownload interface detected! Dynamics SDK
does not support WKDownload.
Class: WKDownloadDelegate
WKDownloadDelegate is new in iOS 14.5 and is not yet supported by the SDK.
Class: WKFindConfiguration
WKFindConfiguration is new in iOS 14 and is not yet supported by the SDK.
Class: WKFindResult
WKFindResult is new in iOS 14 and is not yet supported by the SDK.
Method Details
webView(_:authenticationChallenge:shouldAllowDeprecatedTLS:) This method is new in iOS 14 and
is not yet supported by the SDK.
|Requirements and support for platform-specific features|21
WKPDFConfiguration is new in iOS 14 and is not yet supported by the SDK.
Method Details
addScriptMessageHandler:contentWorld:name: This method is new in iOS 14.The SDK supports only
This method is new in iOS 14.The SDK supports only
removeAllScriptMessageHandlersFromContentWorld: New in iOS 14.You cannot use this method
with WKContentWorld.pageWorld.If
you need to remove the script message
handler fromWKContentWorld.pageWorld,
remove the handler by name using
removeAllScriptMessageHandlers New in iOS 14.You should remove
the handler by name using
Class: WKWebView
Method or property Details
This method isnew in iOS 14. The SDK
supports only WKContentWorld.pageWorld.
This method isnew in iOS 14. The SDK
supports only WKContentWorld.pageWorld.
createPDFWithConfiguration:completionHandler: After calling this function, the user gets
NSData in the completion handler. To
store data in the secure container, use
GDFileManager.To securely send data
through the network, use NSURLSession.
createWebArchiveDataWithCompletionHandler: After calling this function, the user gets
NSData in the completion handler. To
store data in the secure container, use
GDFileManager.To securely send data
through the network, use NSURLSession.
findString:withConfiguration:completionHandler: This method is new in iOS 14 and is not yet
supported by the SDK.
|Requirements and support for platform-specific features|22
Method or property Details
loadFileURL(_:allowingReadAccessTo:) Files can be loaded from a bundle or from the
App folder, but they can't be loaded from an
encrypted, secured container that is protected
by the SDK.
loadFileRequest:allowingReadAccessToURL: Files can be loaded from a bundle or from
the App folder, but can't be loaded from an
encrypted, secured container that is protected
by the SDK.
mediaType This property is new in iOS 14 and is not yet
supported by the SDK.
printOperationWithPrintInfo: This method is for macOS only and is not
currently supported by the SDK.
resumeDownloadFromResumeData:completionHandler: This method is new in iOS 14.5 and is not
supported by the SDK.The SDK generates a
warning when it is called.
serverTrust The SDK returns nil for this property.
startDownloadUsingRequest:completionHandler: This method is new in iOS 14.5 and is not
supported by the SDK.The SDK generates a
warning when it is called.
uiDelegate The SDK returns its own internal delegate. If
you set a custom delegate the property will
work as expected.
Class: WKWebViewConfiguration
Method or property Details
limitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains This property is new in iOS 14 and is not currently
supported by the SDK.
Class: WKNavigationAction
Methodor property Details
shouldPerformDownload This property is new in iOS 14.5 and is not supported
by the SDK.
|Requirements and support for platform-specific features|23
Class: WKNavigationDelegate
Enumeration Case Details
WKNavigationActionPolicyDownload This enumeration case is new in iOS 14.5 and is not
supported by the SDK.
WKNavigationResponsePolicyDownload This enumeration case is new in iOS 14.5 and is not
supported by the SDK.
Class: WKUIDelegate
Method Details
This method is not supported by
the SDK.
Class: WKUserContentController
Method Details
removeAllUserScripts() The SDK injects its own scripts, so calling this method
will break how the SDK supports WKWebView.
Class: NSAttributedString (NSAttributedStirngWebKitAdditions)
Method Details
loadFromHTMLWithFileURL:options:completionHandler: Files can be loaded from a bundle or from
the App folder, but can't be loaded from
an encrypted, secured container that is
protected by the SDK.
Method Details
fraudulentWebsiteWarningEnabled The SDK always sets this value to NO and the user can't change this
value.The SDK provides an alternative mechanism to validate URLs. For
more information, see Safe browsing with BlackBerry Dynamics apps.
Support for SFSafariViewController
The BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS supports secure SFSafariViewController for displaying web interfaces
within BlackBerry apps.
|Requirements and support for platform-specific features|24
Note the following support details:
The use ofSFSafariViewControllerto load a preview of a web page is secured with BlackBerry Dynamics
secure communication. You must add SafariServices.framework to your Xcode project.
The SDK does not support authentication using SFSafariViewController.
Navigation control is disabled when using SFSafariViewController with the SDK. The SDK supports a single
view only.
The SDK does not support signing in with SFSafariViewController to Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect
(using MSAL) is not supported.
Support for the Apple Universal Clipboard
The SDK supports secure cut, copy, and paste operations using the Apple Universal Clipboard. Users can
copy and move data between BlackBerry Dynamics apps and devices that follow Apple Continuity system
requirements. The apps and devices must be activated for the same user account on the same instance of
BlackBerry UEM.
For more information about the Apple Universal Clipboard, see to read Set up Universal
Unsupported iOS features
The following features are not supported by the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK:
Feature Details
BitCode BitCode is an intermediate, architecture-independent binary object format
that allows developers to submit a "machine neutral" app to Apple for a
final, architecture-dependent build. The intermediate nature of BitCode
is not compatible with the cryptographic requirements of the BlackBerry
Dynamics SDK, which relies on the delivery of libraries or other modules that
are cryptographically signed at build-time. The signatures of the libraries and
modules are validated at runtime to ensure integrity.
If you enable BitCode and try to build an app, a build error will indicate that the
SDK does not support BitCode.
App Extensions The BlackBerry Dynamics SDK does not support app extensions such as
Supported TLS protocols and cipher suites
The SDK uses CURL 7.70.0, supporting the TLS protocols and cipher suites of TLS version 1.3.
|Requirements and support for platform-specific features|25
Steps to get started with the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK
Step Action
Use one of the following options to integrate the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK:
Using the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK dynamic framework
Install the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS static framework
It is a best practice to use the SDK dynamic framework.
Add the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK event-handler skeleton manually or by using
If you are using Swift, review the limitations and best practices. If you are using an existing
project, manually add the SDK to yourSwift project.
Consult the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK API reference for instructions for implementing the
desired features of the BlackBerry Dynamics platform.
See the sample apps included in the SDK package for examples of how to implement key
For additional guidance and code examples, see the Getting started workflow for BlackBerry
Review the optional features that you can integrate.
Test and debug your app.
The SDK allows you to test in enterprise simulation mode and supports automated testing.
Review configuration recommendations and then deploy your app.
Optionally, deploy certificates to the BlackBerry Dynamics apps on users’ devices.
Using the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK dynamic framework
As an alternative to thestatic BlackBerry Dynamics SDK library, the SDK is also offered as a dynamic framework,
consisting of the BlackBerryDynamics.framework dylib and two BlackBerry Certicom libraries. Follow the tasks
below to configure your existing apps and new BlackBerry Dynamics apps to use the dynamic framework
If you use thedynamicSDK library, you do not need to configure FIPS linking.
Prepare an existing BlackBerry Dynamics app to use the dynamic framework
Complete the steps below ifyou have an existing BlackBerry Dynamics app that uses thestatic BlackBerry
Dynamics SDK library (GD.Framework).
|Steps to get started with the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK|26
1. Use the following commands to uninstall the static library:
a) $ cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/BlackBerry/Good.platform/iOS/
b) $ sudo ./
2. In the Xcode Project Navigator panel for your project, in the Frameworks folder, delete the reference to
3. In the <App name> > Supporting Files > Resources folder, delete the reference to GDAssets.bundle.
4. Update the project’s import paths to reference BlackBerryDynamics instead of GD.
For example,for C-style import or includes, change GD/ to BlackBerryDynamics/GD/.
For module-based imports, replace GD with BlackBerryDynamics.
Note: GD_C_NETUtility and sqlite3 have been moved from GD to GD_C modules.
5. In the default.xcconfig file, comment out the 3 lines starting with FIPS_PACKAGE, LDPLUSPLUS, and LD.
After you finish: Configure a new or existing BlackBerry Dynamics app to use the dynamic framework.
Configure a new or existing BlackBerry Dynamics app to use the dynamic framework
Before you begin:
If required, Prepare an existing BlackBerry Dynamics app to use the dynamic framework.
Choose one of the following methods to configure the app to use the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK dynamic
framework. BlackBerry recommends using the CocoaPods method.
|Steps to get started with the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK|27
Method Steps
Use CocoaPods a. If you don’t have an existing pod file, use the following commands to create
cd ‘<project_directory>’
pod init
b. Add the following reference to the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK pod:
pod 'BlackBerryDynamics', :podspec => 'https://
pod 'BlackBerryDynamics'
c. To add the BlackBerry Dynamics ATSL to the target app for UI tests, add the
pod 'BlackBerryDynamicsAutomatedTestSupportLibrary'
For more information, see Add automated testing to your BlackBerry Dynamics
iOS app.
d. If default.xcconfig is used by your application, add the following to the end of
your Podfile:
post_install do |installer|
# Append configuration from default.xcconfig to
configuration generated by Cocoapods
if Dir.glob("**/default.xcconfig").first()
system("find Pods -name 'Pods-*.xcconfig' -exec sh
-c 'cat `find . -name default.xcconfig` >> $1' -- {} \
e. Install the pods, then open your.xcworkspacefile to see the project in Xcode:
$ pod install
$ open <your-project>.xcworkspace
|Steps to get started with the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK|28
Method Steps
Use the files available in
the SDK package
a. Extract the contents of the
BlackBerry_Dynamics_SDK_for_iOS_<version>_dylib.tar.gz file from the SDK
package to a directory.
b. In the Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content list of the project target,
add BlackBerryDynamics.xcframework, BlackBerryCerticom.xcframework,
Set all of the above frameworks to Embed and Sign so that Xcode will change
the project file by adding the frameworks to the EmbedFrameworks step in the
Build Phases and will configure the Runpath Search Paths accordingly.
c. In the Build Settings of the project target, update Framework Search Paths to
include the directory of the BlackBerry framework files.
d. In the Header Search Paths, include the following entry:
Install the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS static framework
Before you begin:
Visit BlackBerry Developer Downloads to download the SDK package. When you click the link, you are
prompted to log in to the Developer site with your BlackBerry Online Account. If you don’t already have an
account, you can register and create one.
As an alternative to the standard static SDK library, you can use the SDK dynamic framework.
1. In the macOS GUI (not a shell), uncompress the SDKpackage.
2. Double-click BlackBerry_Dynamics_SDK_for_iOS_<version>.pkg.
3. Follow the prompts to install the standard or advanced package.
If you use the customized installation, you must install the core SDK. It is recommended that you include the
code samples in the installation, and that you select the same folder as the core SDK.
The SDK artifacts are installed in the following default locations:
The main artifacts are installed in ~/Library/Application Support/BlackBerry/Good.platform/iOS.
For every framework in the Frameworks subfolder, a soft link is created in /Library/Frameworks.
Every framework in the Frameworks subfolder is copied to the Xcode folder that is currently active (as returned
by xcode-select -p).
After you finish: Prepare an app to use the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK static framework.
Prepare an app to use the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK static framework
Before you begin: Install the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS static framework.
1. In the Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content list of the project target, add references to the
following frameworks to the list of frameworks used in the project.These frameworks are installed in
|Steps to get started with the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK|29
Xcode build system Frameworks
New Xcode build system GD.framework
Legacy Xcode build system GD.framework
2. Set both BlackBerry Certicom frameworksto Embed and Sign so that Xcode will change the project file by
adding the frameworks to the EmbedFrameworks step in the Build Phases and will configure the Runpath
Search Paths accordingly.
3. In the Supporting Files group, add a reference to GD.framework/Resources/GDAssets.bundle.
4. If you are using the legacy Xcode build system, add the following Run Script step to the project's build phases
to remove the x86_64 slices from the frameworks when building for a device:
if [ ${PLATFORM_NAME} == "iphoneos" ]; then
for frameworkName in BlackBerryCerticom BlackBerryCerticomSBGSE
lipo -remove "x86_64" "$FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH" -output
Add theevent-handler skeleton manually
The application-delegate object UIApplicationDelegate manages the iOS app life cycle using events.You
can decide how to implement the life cycle of events; the steps below provide an example that is based loosely on
the Apple Breadcrumbs sample app (with differences in declarations and other key areas). Several of the sample
apps included in the SDK also demonstrate the event handling lifecycle.
1. Specify the entitlement ID (GDApplicationID) and entitlement version (GDApplicationVersion) in the
Info.plist file. See Using an entitlement ID and version to uniquely identify a BlackBerry Dynamics app.
2. Import GDiOS.h and implement a skeleton GDiOSDelegate protocol.The example here relies on a boolean
variable named started. An alternative approach is to declare the variable in your project's .m file.
// AppDelegate.h
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <GD/GDiOS.h>
@interface AppDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate, GDiOSDelegate>
|Steps to get started with the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK|30
BOOL started;
@property (strong, nonatomic) UIWindow *window;
@property (strong, nonatomic) GDiOS *good;
- (void)onAuthorized:(GDAppEvent *)anEvent;
- (void)onNotAuthorized:(GDAppEvent *)anEvent;
3. Build the app and verify that there are no warnings or errors.
4. Use GDAppEvent to process events. Move the application launch code from
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions to the GDAppEvent handler method.
// AppDelegate.m
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
// Override point for customization after application launch.
self.good = [GDiOS sharedInstance];
_good.delegate = self;
started = NO;
//Show the BlackBerry Authentication UI.
[_good authorize];
return YES;
#pragma mark BlackBerry Dynamics Delegate Method
- (void)handleEvent:(GDAppEvent *)anEvent
/* Called from _good when events occur, such as system startup. */
switch (anEvent.type)
case GDAppEventAuthorized:
[self onAuthorized:anEvent];
case GDAppEventNotAuthorized:
[self onNotAuthorized:anEvent];
case GDAppEventRemoteSettingsUpdate:
// handle app config changes
case GDAppEventPolicyUpdate:
// handle app policy changes
case GDAppEventServicesUpdate:
// handle services changes
case GDAppEventEntitlementsUpdate:
|Steps to get started with the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK|31
// handle entitlements changes
break ;
NSLog(@"Unhandled Event");
5. Special-case the onNotAuthorized events. Verify that the app can handle authorization errors
or functionality like remote wipe, a lockout, or blocking events. Implement these events in the
onNotAuthorized function.
- (void)onNotAuthorized:(GDAppEvent *)anEvent
/* Handle the BlackBerry Libraries not authorized event. */
switch (anEvent.code) {
case GDErrorActivationFailed:
case GDErrorProvisioningFailed:
case GDErrorPushConnectionTimeout:
case GDErrorSecurityError:
case GDErrorAppDenied:
case GDErrorBlocked:
case GDErrorWiped:
case GDErrorRemoteLockout:
case GDErrorPasswordChangeRequired: {
// A condition has occurred denying authorization, an
application may wish to log these events
NSLog(@"onNotAuthorized %@", anEvent.message);
case GDErrorIdleLockout: {
// idle lockout is benign & informational
NSAssert(false, @"Unhandled not authorized event");
6. On authorization, start the app. Initialize and start the UI with the onAuthorized function. The GDErrorNone
event is returned by the BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime whenever a container is opened and no error occurs.
- (void)onAuthorized:(GDAppEvent *)anEvent
/* Handle the BlackBerry Libraries authorized event. */
switch (anEvent.code) {
case GDErrorNone: {
// started was declared in first step.
if (!started) {
// launch application UI here
started = YES;
} default:
NSAssert(false, @"Authorized startup with an error");
|Steps to get started with the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK|32
7. Link for FIPS in Objective-C or C++.
8. Add GDAssets.bundle to the Copy Bundle Resources build phase in Xcode. Verify thatthe copy of the bundle
that is distributed with the framework has been added to the project.
Limitations and best practices when using Swift
The BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS is compatible with the Swift programming language. For supported
versions, see the Software requirements.
Note the following limitations and best practices:
Item Description
Sample apps The BlackBerry Dynamics SDK includes the following sample apps in Swift.
The sample apps are stored in ~/Library/Application Support/BlackBerry/
RSSReaderSwift: This sample demonstrates how to use the BlackBerry
Dynamics Secure Communication APIs for basic networking. It
shows how to use GET with the GDHttpRequest API (with and
without authentication) and the GDNSURLSesssion API. For session
management, only GDNSURLSesssion sharedSession is supported.
ServicesServerSwift and ServicesClientSwift: This sample provides
a complete client/server app that demonstrates how to implement a
service with the Shared Services Framework. The service enables secure
communication between two apps. The ServicesServerSwift app provides
the service and works in conjunction with the ServicesСlientSwift app,
which calls the service. The samples also demonstrate how the file
transfer service is used with the ServicesServeSwift app.
Manually add the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK to your Swift project
Before you begin: Use the Dynamics SDK dynamic framework.
1. In your code, import the BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime module:
import GD.Runtime
2. Modify the AppDelegate class to implement the GDiOSDelegate protocol to implement a handleEvent
(anEvent:) method:
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, GDiOSDelegate {
func handle(_ anEvent:GDAppEvent) {
3. Add a variable to your AppDelegate:
var good: GDiOS?
|Steps to get started with the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK|33
4. Add the following code to the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions function:
self.good = GDiOS.sharedInstance() // Get BlackBerry Dynamics shared instance
self.good!.delegate = self // Set delegate
self.good!.authorize() // Authorize
5. In the Info.plist file, add the entitlment ID (GDApplicationID) and entitlement version (GDApplicationVersion).
For more information, see Using an entitlement ID and version to uniquely identify a BlackBerry Dynamics app.
6. Define URL types with the same ID as the bundle IDand URL schemes with the required schemes described in
Declaring a URL type to support BlackBerry Dynamics features.
7. Build your project.
|Steps to get started with the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK|34
Integrating optional features
This section provides more information about integrating optional features into your customBlackBerry
Preventing password autofill in the app UI
Password autofill is aniOSfeature that automatically provides suggestions for a user’s password or other privacy
data in an app. This feature does not satisfy the security standards of theBlackBerry Dynamicsplatform and can
lead to the exposure of sensitive data.
TheBlackBerry Dynamics SDKdisables the password autofill feature for all screens inBlackBerry Dynamicsapps,
but it does not block the feature in the app UI.BlackBerryprovides an open source sample onGitHubthat
demonstrates how to prevent the password autofill feature in the UI. For more information, seeAutoFill blocking
solution for Password AutoFill in UITextField.
This method is independent of and does not rely on theBlackBerry Dynamics SDK. Note that this solution applies
only to UITextField.
Enforcing local compliance actions
The BlackBerry Dynamics SDK includes the following APIs thatyou can use to block or unblock a user’s access to
the UI of a BlackBerry Dynamics applocally:
You can use these APIs to temporarily prevent access to an app under certain conditions. For example, if the user
accesses a public Wi-Fi network that is not trusted, you can use GDiOS.executeBlock to prevent access to the app
until the user is on a trusted Wi-Fi network. While the app UI is blocked, the app’s network activity and container
storage access is not affected.
You can use GDiOS.executeBlock to display a message to the user that explains why access to the app has been
blocked and how the user can restore compliance and unblock the UI.
The RemoteDB sample app has been updated to demonstrate the use of these APIs.
Note: It is possible to circumvent a UI block if the user is able to restore a backup that was created before the
block occurred. Take this condition into account when you develop and test your app.
Adding custom policies for your app to the UEM management console
You can add new management policies and settings that are specific to your custom BlackBerry Dynamics
app to the BlackBerry UEM management console so that they can be configured and applied to users by UEM
administrators. The new management policies that you define are in addition to the full suite of BlackBerry
Dynamics and device management policies already offered by UEM.
You can add a custom policy for a BlackBerry Dynamics app by creating and uploading an application policy
definition file to the management console. For implementation details and more information about the file
format and elements, see the Application Policies Definition appendix in the API Reference (Android/iOS) and the
BlackBerry Dynamics App Policies Technical Brief.
|Integrating optional features|35
For instructions for uploading the file to the management console, see Manage settings for a BlackBerry
Dynamics app in the UEM Administration Guide.
Add a watermark to the screens in a BlackBerry Dynamics app
To protect against data leakage, you can implement an app policy that addsa watermark to the screens in
a BlackBerry Dynamics app. The watermark includes the user’s username and the current date and time.
This watermark deters users from taking photos of potentially sensitive information, while also giving your
organization a means to trace the source of a data leak.
To implement this feature, you must use BlackBerry Dynamics SDK version 8.0 or later, and you must implement a
BlackBerry Dynamics application policy in UEM to enable or disable the feature.
Note: The watermark does not apply to views that appear outside of the interactive use of an application (for
example, notifications and widgets). Review the data leakage protection settings available in the BlackBerry
Dynamics profile to configure the necessary protections for sensitive information.
1. Create a BlackBerry Dynamics app policy definition file for your app.For implementation details and more
information about the file format and elements, see the Application Policies Definition appendix in the API
Reference (Android/iOS) and the BlackBerry Dynamics App Policies Technical Brief.
2. Add a setting definition for the DLP watermark policy. The name of the key must be and the default value should be false.
<setting name="">
<label>Enable DLP Watermark</label>
3. Include the DLP watermark policy setting in the structural section of the file. The pview elements must not
include a key attribute.
<pview type="tabbed">
<title>Data Leakage Prevention Watermark</title>
<desc>Add a faint background watermark across all application screens
with users 'username' and the current date/time.</desc>
<pe ref="" />
4. Coordinate with the UEM administrator to upload the app policy for your app in UEM. See Manage settings for
a BlackBerry Dynamics apps (App configuration > Upload a template).
The UEM administrator can now enable the DLP watermark feature.
|Integrating optional features|36
Allow unencrypted data to be copied to the pasteboard
The BlackBerry Dynamics platform offers comprehensive data leakage prevention controls, but in certain cases
you may want to allow an app to copy unencrypted data to the pasteboard so that it can be consumed by another
non-BlackBerry Dynamics app.
To implement this feature, you must use BlackBerry Dynamics SDK version 8.0 or later, and you must implement a
BlackBerry Dynamics application policy in UEM that allows theadministrator to enable or disable the feature. See
the GDNativePasteboardAccess class reference for details about the client-side implementation.
1. Create a BlackBerry Dynamics app policy definition file for your app.For implementation details and more
information about the file format and elements, see the Application Policies Definition appendix in the API
Referenceand the BlackBerry Dynamics App Policies Technical Brief.
2. Add a setting definition for the Native Pasteboard Access policy. The name of the key must be and the default value should be false.
<setting name="">
<label>Enable iOS Native Pasteboard Access</label>
3. Include theNative Pasteboard Accesspolicy setting in the structural section of the file.
<pview type="tabbed" key="iOSNativePasteboard">
<title>iOS Native Pasteboard</title>
<desc>Permit this application to use the GDNativePasteboardAccess
API. This function allows pasteboard items to be written to and read from the
pasteboard in the clear while data leakage prevention is active.</desc>
<pe ref="" />
4. Coordinate with the UEM administrator to upload the app policy for your app in UEM. See Manage settings for
a BlackBerry Dynamics apps (App configuration > Upload a template).
The UEM administrator can now enable the feature.
Replace the default splash screen for inactive apps
When a BlackBerry Dynamics app becomes inactive, a BlackBerry branded splash screenis displayedby default.
You can use either of the following methods to replace the default splash screen with a custom splash screen:
Replace the splash screen at build-time: In your app’s plist file, add a value using the key
UILaunchStoryboardName. The BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime will try to instantiate a splash screen from the
storyboard with this name. By default, the name in Xcode will be LaunchScreen.
Replace the splash screen at runtime: Customize the splash screen during the life-cycle of
the app (for example, to handle the user experience for specific system events) by using the
classGDSplashScreenCustomizer.hand its associated delegate. This class allows you to replace the splash
|Integrating optional features|37
screen with a custom view controller.Follow the instructions below to create anapp specific policy so the
UEM administrator can enable or disable the custom splash screen.
1. Create a BlackBerry Dynamics app policy definition file for your app.For implementation details and more
information about the file format and elements, see the Application Policies Definition appendix in the API
Reference and the BlackBerry Dynamics App Policies Technical Brief.
2. Add a setting definition for the custom splash screen policy. Specify a name for the key, for example
BD_SDK_AllowCustomSplashScreen.The default value should be false.
<setting name="BD_SDK_AllowCustomSplashScreen">
<label>Allow app to display custom splash screens replacing the
3. Include the custom splash screen policy setting in the structural section of the file.
<pview type="tabbed">
<title>BlackBerry Dynamics Features</title>
<heading>Custom Splash Screens</heading>
<desc>Describe the custom splash screen feature and what data is
displayed on the custom splash screens.</desc>
<pe ref="BD_SDK_AllowCustomSplashScreen" />
4. Coordinate with the UEM administrator to upload the app policy for your app in UEM. See Manage settings for
a BlackBerry Dynamics apps (App configuration > Upload a template). The administrator can now enable the
custom splash screen feature.
Prompt the user to update a BlackBerry Dynamics app
Users should always upgrade to the latest available version of a BlackBerry Dynamics app to benefit from the
latest security protections, features, and fixes.If a user has turned off automatic app updates on their device,
the user runs the risk of remaining on an older version of an app that does not have the latest enhancements
and protections. You can implement an app policy that will enable your BlackBerry Dynamics apps, on startup,
todetect whether the user should upgrade to the latest available version. The BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime
provides a notification using the ThreatStatus interface only if the user is running an older version of the app.
To implement this feature, you must use BlackBerry Dynamics SDK version 8.0 or later, and you must implement a
BlackBerry Dynamics application policy in UEM. Note that the UEM administrator cannot view or change the policy
configuration. The minimum required version and the app download URL are configured using hidden fields in the
application policy.
The ThreatApplicationSecurity(Android/iOS)class inthe ThreatStatusAPI(Android/iOS)providesawarning.
TheisAppVersionOutOfDate()method(Android/iOS)indicates if the current version of the app that is installed
on the device is lower than the minimum required version. A string with the URL to download the latest version is
returned usinggetAppUpdateURL()(Android/iOS).
|Integrating optional features|38
1. Create a BlackBerry Dynamics app policy definition file for your app.For implementation details and more
information about the file format and elements, see the Application Policies Definition appendix in the API
Referenceand the BlackBerry Dynamics App Policies Technical Brief.
2. Add the following settings: This is the minimum required versionCode from the
Android manifest file. This is the minimum required bundle version as defined in
the Xcode info.plist file. This is the URL that the user can use to download
your Android app.This is the URL that the user can use to download your iOS
<setting name="android_appMinVersion">
<setting name="iOS_appMinVersion">
<setting name="iOS_appUpdateURL">
<setting name="android_appUpdateURL">
3. Include thesettings in the structural section of the file.
<!-- App Minimum Version Security Configuration -->
<pe ref="android_appMinVersion"/>
<pe ref="android_appUpdateURL"/>
<pe ref="iOS_appMinVersion"/>
<pe ref="iOS_appUpdateURL"/>
4. Coordinate with the UEM administrator to upload the app policy for your app in UEM. See Manage settings for
a BlackBerry Dynamics apps (App configuration > Upload a template).
|Integrating optional features|39
Adding a custom logo and colorswith the branding API
You can use the branding API to add a custom logo and colors to the app UI.For more information, see (void)
configureUIWithLogo in theAPI Reference.
Using zero sign-on for SaaS services throughBlackBerry Enterprise
Your customBlackBerry Dynamicsapps can leverage zero sign-on (ZSO) for SaaS throughBlackBerry Enterprise
Identity. For more information, see theBlackBerry Enterprise Identity docs.
Integrating BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Server services
This section covers the general approach for programming with the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK and the BlackBerry
Enterprise Mobility Server services. The approach consists of two parts:
Programming an app to interact with the desired BEMS services
Entitling users to the necessary applications
BEMS services conform to the Shared Services Framework. A service consists of two applications: A program
that provides the service, and an app that consumes the service. BEMS is the service provider that must be
configured for use in BlackBerry UEM. You create the app that consumes this service.
BEMS services APIs
The BEMS services are described in the BEMS API Reference Guides.
Programming your service consumer app
You must define a unique BlackBerry Dynamics app ID for your application (for complete details, see Using an
entitlement ID and version to uniquely identify a BlackBerry Dynamics app). The BlackBerry Dynamics SDK has
functions to discover services, and each BEMS service has specific programming interfaces.
To discover the BEMS services, use GDServiceType. This API and other APIs for shared services are described
in other sections of this guide and in the BlackBerry Dynamics API reference.
After your consumer app discovers the service, the way the app communicates with the service depends on the
service definition.
Note: Most BEMS services run over SSL (HTTPS) on port 8443. Be sure your consumer application connects to
the correct server and port.
Discovering the BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Server services
Described here is a general approach to using the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK and Server-based Services
Framework to programmatically discover the Docs services offered by your BEMS installation.
|Integrating optional features|40
Item Description
Service identifier First you need to know the service identifier and version. For more information
about the available services, see Mobile Services.
Service discovery Next, code a service discovery query in your application program. See the
getServiceProvidersFor API in the GDAndroid, GDiOS, and GDMac classes.
Server cluster The result of the service discovery query is an array of GDServiceProvider
objects. Each object corresponds to a BlackBerry Dynamics entitlement ID that is
registered as a provider of the service. Your best result is that the array has one
If the array is empty, it means that the current end user isn't entitled to any App ID
that provides the service. In that case, your app shouldn’t use the service.
If the array has more than one element, it means that the end user is entitled to
more than one GD App ID that provides the service (likely a configuration error by
the enterprise). Your app would have to pick one of the GD App IDs, or try all of
them, or prompt the user to select.
In the GDServiceProvider object, there is a serverCluster attribute. It
contains an array of GDAppServer objects, each of which tells you the address
and port number of a server, and the priority of that instance within the cluster.
Server selection If the serverCluster array has only one element, then server selection is trivial.
Use the server address and port number of the first element.
If the serverCluster array is empty, that indicates an enterprise configuration
If the serverCluster array has more than one element, then you must
implement a server selection algorithm. A sample algorithm is given on the
GDAndroid, GDiOS, and GDMac pages in the BlackBerry Dynamics API reference,
in the getApplicationConfig section. The algorithm is the same for the
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android and for the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for
iOS. The recommended selection algorithm is as follows.
For each priority value in the list, starting with the highest:
Select a server that has that priority, at random.
Attempt to connect to the server.
If theconnection succeeds, use that server.
If theconnection fails, try another server at the same priority, at random.
If there are no more untried servers at that priority, try the servers at the next
lower priority.
|Integrating optional features|41
Integrating BlackBerry Analytics
BlackBerry Analytics is a cloud-based portal that you can use to view information about the BlackBerry Dynamics
apps and devices that are used in your organization's environment. Previously, the BlackBerry Analytics
functionality was offered in a separate SDK that you could integrate with your BlackBerry Dynamics apps. In SDK
version 8.0 and later, BlackBerry Analytics functionality is now included in the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK.
BlackBerry Analytics functionality is automatically enabled when you use the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK version
8.0 or later. To enable data collection and use of the BlackBerry Analytics portal, your organization must purchase
the BlackBerry Analytics entitlement, and the UEM administrator must assign the entitlement to users or groups.
For more information about the BlackBerry Analytics requirements, entitlement, and accessing the portal, see
the BlackBerry Analytics documentation. If you are upgrading an app to use SDK version 8.0 and it currently
uses the separate BlackBerry Analytics SDK, see Remove the previous integration with the separateBlackBerry
For more information about the BlackBerry Analytics APIs that are integrated in the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK, see
the BlackBerryAnalytics class (Android/iOS) in the API reference.
Remove the previous integration with the separateBlackBerry
If you previously integrated the separateBlackBerry AnalyticsSDK with yourBlackBerry Dynamicsapp, when you
upgrade to use SDK version 8.0, do the following to remove the previous integration:
1. RemoveBAFBlackberryAnalytics.frameworkfrom the Link Binary With Libraries build phase.
2. RemoveBAFBlackberryAnalyticsAssets.bundlefrom the Copy Bundle Resources build phase.
3. Remove the following method calls within your project:
4. Change the import for theBAFBlackberryAnalytics.hheader from#import
<BAFBlackberryAnalytics/BAFBlackberryAnalytics.h>to#import <GD/
Once you upgrade to SDK version 8.0, no additional development effort is required to enable yourBlackBerry
Dynamicsapp to useBlackBerry Analytics.To enable data collection and use of theBlackBerry Analyticsportal,
your organization must purchase theBlackBerry Analyticsentitlement and theUEMadministrator must assign the
entitlement to users or groups. For more information about theBlackBerry Analyticsrequirements, entitlement,
and accessing the portal, see theBlackBerry Analytics documentation.
Using the BlackBerry Analytics REST API
You can use the BlackBerry Analytics REST API to retrieve metrics and event data from BlackBerry Analytics. You
can use this data in a number of ways. For example, you can create your own custom reports.
To use the BlackBerry Analytics REST API, you should be familiar with REST APIs that rely on JSON bodies for
payload. You must also have a registered account that you can use to access BlackBerry Analytics at https:// For instructions for setting up BlackBerry Analytics and for creating an account, see the
BlackBerry Analytics Administration Guide.
|Integrating BlackBerry Analytics|42
The BlackBerry Analytics REST API reference is available on the Analytics Portal.The API documentation includes
examples of various requests.
Get a JWT token for REST API calls
1. Get a refresh token from theBlackBerrymyAccount online service. Use the same myAccount credentials that
you use to log in to theBlackBerry Analyticsportal. Refresh tokens are valid for a long time. Access tokens
expire in the interval indicated, in minutes.
Request to the server:
curl --request POST --data
Response from the server:
{"scope":"com.good.oauth2.client.general goodCurUserLevel
goodOrgID goodOrgRole goodOrgType inetUserStatus mail
o","expires_in":600,"token_type":"Bearer","refresh_token":" TOKEN_VALUE
","access_token":" TOKEN_VALUE "}
2. You can use a refresh token to generate a new access token. Persist the refresh token in a secure storage
location that is accessible to your app.
Request to the server:
curl --request POST --data
Response from the server:
{"scope":"com.good.oauth2.client.general goodCurUserLevel
goodOrgID goodOrgRole goodOrgType inetUserStatus mail
3. Exchange the access token for a JWT token at theBlackBerry Analyticsportal.
Request to the server:
Response from the server:
4. MakeBlackBerry AnalyticsAPI calls with the JWT token. The JWT token expires after 1 hour. You can repeat
steps 2 and 3 to get a new JWT token.
Request to the server:
curl -H 'Authorization:Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>'
|Integrating BlackBerry Analytics|43
Response from the server:
|Integrating BlackBerry Analytics|44
Integrating BlackBerry Persona
In SDK version 8.0 and later, the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK integrates BlackBerry Persona (previously BlackBerry
Intelligent Security) functionality. Previously, Persona functionality was offered as part of the separate BlackBerry
Analytics SDK that you could integrate with your BlackBerry Dynamics apps. In SDK version 8.0 and later,
BlackBerry Analytics and Persona functionality are now included in the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK.
Persona is a license-based cloud service that can dynamically adapt the security requirements and behavior of
your users' devices and work apps to their real-world contexts. For example, if a BlackBerry Dynamics app reports
a location that is not typical for the user, Persona can dynamically limit the user’s access to work apps and device
features, and enforce stricter authentication requirements. Likewise, if a BlackBerry Dynamics app reports a
location that is typical for the user, Persona can apply device behaviors that make it easier to access work apps
and resources.
Persona adds a layer of adaptive security to your organization’s existing UEM domain without introducing an
additional software footprint. It is a cloud service that collects data from existing BlackBerry solutions, including
BlackBerry Enterprise Identity and BlackBerry Dynamics apps.
The Persona services gather and process behavioral data, app events, and location data to calculate risk levels for
each user in real-time and execute dynamic management actions that are configured by the UEM administrator.
To integrate Persona with your custom BlackBerry Dynamics apps, your organization must purchase Persona
licenses, the UEM administrator must assign the entitlement to users or groups and configure the service, and you
must follow the app integration instructions in this section. For more information about the Persona requirements
and configuration, see the BlackBerry Persona documentation.
For more information about the Persona APIs that are integrated in the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK, see the
BlackBerryAnalytics class (Android/iOS) in the API reference.
Note: Enabling the Persona entitlement will increase the number of onUpdateConfig callbacks.
Integrate BlackBerry Persona with a BlackBerry Dynamics app
Before you begin: If you previously integrated the separate BlackBerry Analytics SDK with your BlackBerry
Dynamics app, after you upgrade to use SDK version 8.0, do the following to remove the previous integration:
Remove BAFBlackberryAnalytics.framework from the Link Binary With Libraries build phase.
Remove BAFBlackberryAnalyticsAssets.bundle from the Copy Bundle Resources build phase.
Remove the following method calls within your project:
Change the import for the BAFBlackberryAnalytics.h header from #import
<BAFBlackberryAnalytics/BAFBlackberryAnalytics.h> to #import <GD/
1. In your implementation of the AppDelegate, import the header BAFBlackberryAnalytics.h.
2. Inthe app target Capabilities, enable Access WiFi Information.
3. It is recommended that youadd the following usage descriptions (or your own custom descriptions) to the
Info.plist fileto inform the user why the app requires location permission:
NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription: "Allow BlackBerry to collect location data, including Wi-Fi address
and IP address, and usage patterns only when the app is in use. You may change this setting at any time
from your device settings."
|Integrating BlackBerry Persona|45
NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription: "Always allow BlackBerry to collect location data, including Wi-Fi
address and IP address, and usage patterns, even when the app is not in use. You may change this setting
at any time from your device settings."
NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription: "Allow BlackBerry to collect location data, including
Wi-Fi address and IP address, and usage patterns both when the app is and is not in use. You may change
this setting at any time from your device settings."
4. Add the following Persona flag metadata to the Info.plist file under the ROOT <dict> tag:
5. In the Settings or Preferences section of your app UI, add a menu item called “BlackBerry Persona Settings”
that calls the following method:
This method triggers the BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime to display a screen that prompts the user to opt in or
opt out of Persona using the user’s location and IP address data when assessing the user’s risk level.
Note: This is a mandatory legal requirement to ensure that the end user can choose whether to allow Persona
to collect and use data.
|Integrating BlackBerry Persona|46
Sample apps in Objective-C
Visit Dynamics SDK Samples to view and download the following sample apps. In the SDK package, the samples
are stored in ~/Library/ApplicationSupport/BlackBerry/Good.platform/iOS/Examples/objective-c. The apps use
Swift 5.
Note: It is recommended to make a copy of the source code in another location before making any changes.
Reinstalling or upgrading will overwrite or even remove the sample apps in the default location.
Sample app Description
AppBasedCertImport Demonstrates how to create an app that can import a user's PKI credentials
using the BlackBerry Dynamics Certificate Credential Import API.
For more information, see Certificate Credential Import and Creating user
credential profiles for app-based certificates in the UEM Administration Guide.
AppKinetics Demonstrates how to search for, create, and subscribe to client services
(AppKinetics). The sample demonstrates these concepts by implementing
a consumer and a provider for the Transfer File service. It is intended as a
starting point for developers making use of BlackBerry Dynamics AppKinetics
This app also demonstrates how to support multiple UIWindow objects.
AppKinetics save/edit client
and server
Demonstrates how to write a client and a server that use the BlackBerry
Dynamics Inter Container Communications API (also known as AppKinetics).
Bypass Unlock Demonstrates how part of the application user interface can remain
accessible after the BlackBerry Dynamics idle time out has expired. Bypass
Unlock can be allowed or disallowed by implementing an application policy
(see Adding custom policies for your app to the UEM management console).
The ViewController that bypasses the unlock screen can be opened by
pressing the volume controls if the application is in the foreground, or by using
the auxiliary 'notifier' application (from the sub-project) if the application is in
Core Data Demonstrates how to use BlackBerry Dynamics with a Core Data Incremental
Data Store backed by an encrypted SQLite database. The sample shows how
Core Data can be used to securely store a sample set of 20,000 fictional
employee details and their office locations.
Crypto C Demonstrates how to use theCrypto C language programming interface
that allows an app to retrieve public key certificates that are stored in the
BlackBerry Dynamics credentials store and use those certificates for signing
and verification of messages and documents such as PDFs.
Greetings client and
greetings server
Provides a client/server example of how to use the BlackBerry Dynamics
Services API to communicate securely between two applications.
|Sample apps in Objective-C|47
Sample app Description
Remote DB Demonstrates how to use BlackBerry Dynamics Remote Settings and DB
APIs. The sample allows you to configure remote settings in the management
console, and upon receipt, it stores them in the secure DB. Any changes to the
settings are automatically synchronized and stored.
This app also demonstrates the use of the GDiOS.executeBlock and
GDiOS.executeUnblock APIs that can be used to locally block or unblock a
user’s access to the UI of a BlackBerry Dynamics app.
RSS Reader Demonstrates how to use the BlackBerry Dynamics Secure Communications
APIs to access resources behind the enterprise firewall.
Note: If cellular access is enabled for a feed, the name of the feed is green
in the app. If cellular access is not enabled for a feed, the name of the feed is
black in the app.
Secure Storage Demonstrates how to use the secure storage APIs, specifically the secure SQL
database and secure file systems APIs.
Server-based Services Provides a starting point for developers making use of BlackBerry Dynamics
Server based Services. It retrieves the details of the google.timezone.service
using getServiceProvidersFor. The sample prompts the user to supply a
latitude and longitude and retrieves the corresponding results from Google.
Before running this sample, make sure serviceId is created and associated
with some existing app along with its endpoint details in the management
console. Also, a user who is running this sample must have permission in the
management console to run it.
The Google timezone service is publicly available:
BlackBerry Service ID: com.blackberry.example.gdservice.time-zone
Latest Version:
SwiftUI The SwiftUI sample app pairs with Basic-iOS-Swift to provide examples of iOS
apps before and after integrating BlackBerry Dynamics SDK. The two samples
demonstrate features commonly used in BlackBerry Dynamics apps, including
secure file storage, secure database, and secure communication (HTTP/S and
The app is available on GitHub:
|Sample apps in Objective-C|48
Testing and troubleshooting
This section provides guidance for testing and troubleshooting issues with yourBlackBerry Dynamicsapps.
Implementing automated testing for BlackBerry Dynamics apps
The BlackBerry Dynamics SDK includesthe BlackBerry Dynamics Automated Test Support Library (ATSL)to
support automated testing for your BlackBerry Dynamics apps. The library is delivered as a dynamic framework.
The library includes helper functions for testing common user interactions in BlackBerry Dynamics apps, such as
activation and authorization. The configuration and structure of the library is compatible with the tools offered by
Apple for user interface testing. It makes use of the following components:
XCTest framework
Accessibility identifiers
For more information about these components and iOS user interface testing, see Apple Documentation Archive:
User Interface Testing.
You canuse the BlackBerry Dynamics library and the native library components mentioned above toautomate the
building, execution, and reporting of your application tests.
Since the BlackBerry Dynamics ATSL is delivered as a framework, you cannot make your own changes to it. If
you want to review the implementation and customize it, you can see the source in GitHub at
You can get the ATSL framework using Cocoa pods (see Configure a new or existing BlackBerry Dynamics app to
use the dynamic framework).
Automated testing with theBlackBerry Dynamicssample apps
The sample apps includedin theBlackBerry Dynamics SDKhave been integrated with theBlackBerry
DynamicsAutomated Test Support Library (ATSL). Most Objective-C sample apps include test code that executes
automated tests for provisioning and activation, and also demonstrate how to use the library to interact with
generic UI components that are not related toBlackBerry Dynamics.
You can use the integration of the ATSL in any of the sample apps as a guide for integrating the library with your
ownBlackBerry Dynamicsapps. Note the following details about ATSL integration:
Item Description
Build target for testing Each app has an<AppName>UITestsbuild target that can be used by
theXCTest framework.
For more information about how to configure and run user interface tests and
viewresults, seeApple Documentation Archive: Running Tests and Viewing
Code for XCUITest tests The test code is located in the sub-directory<AppName>UITests.
The code is based on the XCTests framework. Most of the classes relate
touser interface testing asXCUIApplication.
|Testing and troubleshooting|49
Item Description
Use of ATSL for
interaction withBlackBerry
The test code uses helper functions in the ATSL. For example,
thecode calls theloginOrProvisionBBDAppmethod of
theBBDAutomatedTestSupportclass, which executes the entire activation
You can validate ATSL helper function operations using XCTAssert macros.
For example, this assertion will fail if activation fails:
XCTAssertTrue([ats loginOrProvisionBBDApp], @"Activation
Use of ATSL for general
The test code also uses helper functions in the ATSL for generalinteractions,
such as checking that an item exists in the user interface and theninteracting
with that item. The ATSL functions handle this by usingXCTestCase and
XCUIElement classes.
These functions are defined in the categoryXCTestCase
+Expectationsand the groupEvent_Helpers.
Preparing for automated testing
As part of your automated testing you must activate a new installation of your BlackBerry Dynamics app or log
in to an already activated app. This requires a user identifier (typically an email address), anaccess key, and a
password.The ATSL can read activation or login credentials from a file in JSON format in the application resource
The file does not have any naming restrictions and must contain a single object with the following fields:
GD_TEST_PROVISION_EMAIL: String that specifies the user's email address
GD_TEST_PROVISION_ACCESS_KEY: String that specifies the access key
GD_TEST_PROVISION_PASSWORD: String that specifies the user's password after provisioning or during login
GD_TEST_UNLOCK_KEY: Specifies the unlock key, if necessary (optional)
For example:
"GD_TEST_PROVISION_EMAIL": "[email protected]",
"GD_TEST_PROVISION_ ACCESS_KEY": "012345678901234",
There are different options to prepare the file:
Manually generate an access key for a user in themanagement console, then manually edit the file.
Manually generate and store a number of access keys in advance, then automatically edit the file and consume
a key from the store.
Automatically generate an access key, and optionally a user, with the BlackBerry Web Services APIs, then
automatically edit the file.
Use the option that best suits your needs, based on your access to the management console and administrator
level permissions, your familiarity with the BlackBerry Web Services APIs, and your preference for using a new
activation for every test or running subsequent tests on the same app as an upgrade.
Please note the following:
In the JSON file, the access key and unlock key have to be 15 characters and cannot have dashes.
|Testing and troubleshooting|50
Automated testing works in Enterprise Simulation mode, but will have the same restrictions (for example, the
app cannot connect to any back-end servers).
There is currently an iOS known issue where automated tests can fail because the keyboard disappears
occasionally in the simulator.
In Xcode 8.3 and later, the XCTests framework executes tests in a random order, as a best practice. Tests
should be self-contained and independent.
Every BlackBerry Dynamics app needs a one-time initialization to complete activation. To ensure that this is
executed first, define a dedicated test method that executes BlackBerry Dynamics activation and have that
activation test executed in isolation.
The source code is provided in Objective-C. If any of the app or test code is written in Swift, you must configure
the code according to Apple standards for mixing Swift and Objective-C.
Components of a sample automated testing configuration
The following diagram illustrates the different components in a sample automatedtesting configuration:
Execute tests from the command line withXcodetools
Follow these instructions to build the application and test code, run the tests on a connectediOSdeviceor
simulator, and record the results. You can run the command from a continuous integration system such as
|Testing and troubleshooting|51
Run the following command:
xcodebuild test -project "${XCODE_PROJ_PATH}" -scheme "${APP_SCHEME}" \
-sdk "${SDK_TYPE}" -configuration "${BUILD_TYPE}" \
-destination "${DESTINATION}" \
Define the following variables:
Variable Value
XCODE_PROJ_PATH The path to your project.
APP_SCHEME The name of your app scheme.
SDK_TYPE iphoneosoriphonesimulator.
BUILD_TYPE ReleaseorDebug.
TEAM_ID The unique identifier of the team used for signing, as provided by
anAppledeveloper program.
CODE_SIGN iPhone DistributionoriPhone Developer.
FRAMEWORKS_PATH The path to the folder containing the GD.framework package. The typical value
HEADERS_PATH The path to the ATSL headers. This does not need to be specified if the ATSL
is copied within the project folder.
DESTINATION A string that describes the device that will be used to run the tests.
For a physical device, it would beplatform=iOS,name=${DEVICE_NAME},
where DEVICE_NAME is the name of the device as returned byinstruments
-s devices.
For a simulator, it would beplatform=iOS Simulator,name=
the version (for example, 10.3) and SIMULATOR_NAME is the name of the
hardware simulator as returned byinstruments -s devices.
APP_TARGET The target for user interface tests.
CLASS The test class to be executed. This value is optional. If it is omitted, all test
classes in the target are executed.
TESTCASE The method within the test class to be run. This value is optional. If it is
omitted, all test methods in the class are run.
|Testing and troubleshooting|52
Test results are printed on standard output in the OCUnit format, and can be saved by a continuous integration
system. You might need to convert the format to JUnit or another format that is suitable for your continuous
integration system.
Execute tests from theXcodeIDE
The tests that you can run from the command line (Execute tests from the command line withXcodetools)can
also be run fromwithin theXcodeIDE. This can be useful for investigating test failures with breakpoints orfor
running tests as you write the code.
The tests in theBlackBerry Dynamicssample applications foriOScan be run fromwithin the IDE in the same way
as any other tests that use the XCTests framework. Test results will be available in the Result view.
For more information, seeApple Documentation Archive: Running Tests and Viewing Results.
Add automated testing to your BlackBerry Dynamics iOS app
The following steps assume that the target app is already configured to use the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK.
1. If necessary, create a target in the project to run user interface tests. The target must have the type “iOS UI
Testing Bundle”.
2. Add the BlackBerry Dynamics ATSL to the target for UI tests.Add the following to your applications podfile:
pod 'BlackBerryDynamicsAutomatedTestSupportLibrary', :podspec => 'https://
3. If the test code is written in Swift,you must add the umbrella header to thebridging header, as required by
Apple. Add "#import <BlackBerryDynamicsAutomatedTestSupportLibrary/AutomatedTestSupportLibrary.h>"
to the bridging header.
4. Add or write code for your app tests. Use the helper functions in the ATSL in your test code.
You can use the code for the app tests in any of the sample apps as a starting point. The first app test,
testProvision, executes BlackBerry Dynamics activation and unlock as an automated test.
Configure compliance settings so you can debug your app
Compliance profiles inBlackBerry UEMprovide the ability to detect when a device OS isjailbroken and to
initiate an enforcement action (this option is disabled by default). This feature extends to deployedBlackBerry
Dynamicsapps, compiled with SDK version 5.0 or later, where an active debugging tool is detected. Your options
for configuring this feature depend on the version ofBlackBerry UEMand theBlackBerry Dynamics SDK:
If your organization usesBlackBerry UEMversion 12.11 MR1 or later and theBlackBerry Dynamics SDKversion
6.1 or later, when you enable the compliance setting to detect a jailbroken OS, you can configure the
setting“Enable anti-debugging forBlackBerry Dynamicsapps”. If enabled,theBlackBerry Dynamics
Runtimestops aBlackBerry Dynamicsapp if it detects an active debugging tool. If disabled, theBlackBerry
Dynamics Runtimetakes no action when it detects an active debugging tool.
InUEMversions earlier than 12.11 MR1, the“Enable anti-debugging for BlackBerry Dynamics apps” option
is not present and this functionality is enabled by default. If you enable thecompliance setting to detect a
jailbroken OS,theBlackBerry Dynamics Runtimestops aBlackBerry Dynamicsapp when it detects an active
debugging tool.
If you want to debug aBlackBerry Dynamicsapp in an environment where a compliance profile is applied, verify
that the compliance settings are configured as required. Alternatively, you can use a non-debug build of your app
to test it with the compliance settings enabled.
|Testing and troubleshooting|53
Using enterprise simulation mode
During the development and testing of your BlackBerry Dynamics app, you can run the app in enterprise
simulation mode to verify its execution and functionality. This mode runs the app on an emulator (for example,
the emulator that is supplied with the SDK). The user authentication process is simulated, so there is no direct
communication with your organization’s UEM server. As a result, a valid activation key is not required to activate
the app.
Enterprise simulation mode is intended for development environments only. Note that even though there is no
communication with the management server, communication with the BlackBerry Dynamics NOC still occurs
during the initial activation of the app. The BlackBerry Dynamics NOC must be accessible from your testing
You will notice the following differences when you run the app in enterprise simulation mode:
A [Simulated] label appears in the BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime user interface.
Any email address and activation key (PIN) is accepted for enterprise activation.
The provisioning and policy setup flow is only simulated in the UI.
A hard-coded set of profiles and policies from the management server is applied. Authentication delegation is
not supported.
You should also note the following:
If you run an app that was built for enterprise simulation mode on an actual device and not on an emulator, the
app will be wiped.
If you try to change to simulation mode when the app is already installed on a device, the app will be wiped.
Lost password recovery is not available.
Inter-container Communication (ICC) cannot be used; as a result, the Shared Services Framework cannot be
The Secure Storage, Secure Communication, and Push Channel APIs(Android/iOS) are all available in
enterprise simulation mode.The communication APIs will not be able to connect to your organization's
application servers through the BlackBerry Dynamics proxy infrastructure. You can make connections to your
organization's application servers if, for example, the AVD is running on a computer on your organization's LAN
or VPN.
Enable enterprise simulation mode
1. In theXcodeproject navigator, in theSupporting Filesfolder, open the associated.plistfile.
The prefix of the file includes the project name. For example, if the project name is FirstProject,the .plistfile is
named FirstProject-Info.plist. The file consists of a number of key-value pairs, including type.
2. Add a new row with the following values:
Type:String (default)
After you finish: To return to the default mode, delete the new row from the .plist file.
|Testing and troubleshooting|54
Troubleshooting common issues
Problem Possible solution
Linking problems (for example,
undefined symbols)
To verify that you included the necessary frameworks and libraries,
check the appendix of theBlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOSAPI
Access and password screens are
poorly rendered
Verify thatGDAssets.bundlehas been added to theCopy Bundle
Resourcesbuild phase and that the copy of the bundle distributed with
the framework has been added to the project.
App crashes A crash in the early stages of the app lifecycle is most likely caused
by a configuration issue. Review the errors printed in the logs for
Initialize theBlackBerry Dynamicslibraries before calling any
otherBlackBerry DynamicsAPI.
Provisioning error The email address or access key (PIN) has been incorrectly entered,
or an old access key has been used. Double-check the credentials
and, if necessary, send a new access key from theBlackBerry
UEMmanagement console.
Blank screen with keyboard when
the app is launched
TheBlackBerry Dynamicsuser interface is not correctly integrated with
the app. Verify thatawakeFromNibis implemented without warnings.
Blank screen after the password is
The app was authorized but failed to continue because
theGDAppEventAuthorizedevent passed tohandleEventwas not
handled correctly.
A device command
fromBlackBerry UEM, such as
wipe or lock, did not go into effect
The app was unauthorized but failed to stop running because
theGDAppEventNotAuthorizedevent passed tohandleEventwas
not handled correctly.
Logging and diagnostics
The processing activity of the BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime is logged by the runtime itself. The activity log is
written to the BlackBerry Dynamics secure container on the device after deployment.You can configure how your
BlackBerry Dynamics apps generate console log information. For more information about console logs controlled
by developers and container logs controlled by UEM administrators, see the BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime activity
log appendix in the API reference (Android/iOS).
If your app uses SDK version 5.0 or later, and the UEM administrator has turned off “Enable detailed logging for
BlackBerry Dynamics apps” in the BlackBerry Dynamics profile (UEM), the app does not generate console log
information. This provides additional protection against attacks by malicious users. This change has no impact
on how container logs are generated.
The “Enable detailed logging for BlackBerry Dynamics apps” setting is off by default.
|Testing and troubleshooting|55
For BlackBerry Dynamics apps running SDK version 5.0 or later, console logs are generated only if this setting is
turned on or if the app is running in enterprise simulation mode.
Configure logging for theXcodeconsole
The messages that are printed to theXcodeconsole can be configured in the build targets of the app project.
Different targets can have different activity logging configurations. You can configure the logging to be detailed or
selective. Changes to the console logging configuration take effect the next time the target is built and run, and do
not affect the container log.
1. Open the app’sInfo.plistfile.
2. Perform one of the following tasks:
Task Steps
Configure detailed logging a. Add a new row with the following values:
b. InXcode9.3 or later, to view the detailed logs, open the console
app (Window > Devices and Simulators, or from OSX, Applications
> Utilities > and enable the following settings in
Include Info Messages
Include Debug Messages
Configure selective logging a. Add a new row with the following values:
b. For each category that you want to omit from the console log,
add a row under the logger row as an item in the logger’s array.
For each item, set the Type toStringand the value to the desired
logging level:GDFilterDetailed,GDFilterInfo,GDFilterWarnings,
Monitoring app log uploads by device users
You can use the GDLogManager class (Android/iOS)to monitor app log file uploads that are initiated by your
organization’s device users. This class does not manage or display information about log uploads that are
initiated by the UEM administrator, or by management console profiles or policies.
GDLogManager provides the following information:
Upload size
Amount of data uploaded
Events that indicate the following states:
Upload completed
Upload abandoned or canceled
Upload suspended
Upload resumed after suspension
Actions for managing a log upload (cancel, suspend, resume)
|Testing and troubleshooting|56
Enable detailed logging withdetailedLoggingFor (Android/iOS)
When detailed logging is disabled by the management server profiles or policies, calling any API in
theGDLogManagerclass has no effect. It is a best practice to check this setting using the getApplicationConfig
API (Android/iOS). If detailed logging is enabled, present the log upload progress UI or any other related UI.
The following sample apps that are included in the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS demonstrate how to
Objective-C samples: RSSReader, BypassUnlock, GreetingsClient, and GreetingsServer
All Swift samples
Testing connectivity to application servers and diagnostic functions
You can use the GDDiagnostic class to test connectivity to application servers and other diagnostic functions.
The GreetingsClient sample app that is provided with the SDK demonstrates how to use the GDDiagnosticclass.
|Testing and troubleshooting|57
Deploying your BlackBerry Dynamics app
Before you deploy your BlackBerry Dynamics app to your organization’s production environment, you should test
the app and the deployment process in a BlackBerry UEM environment that is reserved for development testing
and evaluation. Coordinate with your organization’s administrator to get access to a dedicated test environment.
BlackBerry Dynamics apps are fully supported for BlackBerry UEM. BlackBerry UEM is the recommended
enterprise management solution to implement and use going forward, because it provides advanced app and
user management features, advanced connectivity and networking options, expanded compliance and integrity
checking, and the most recent BlackBerry Web Services REST APIs that your apps can leverage.
See the following resources for more information about distributing and managing your app in a BlackBerry UEM
Task Resource
Add your app to BlackBerry UEM and distribute it to
See the following topics in the BlackBerry UEM
Administration Guide:
Add an internal BlackBerry Dynamics app
Managing BlackBerry Dynamics apps
Configure BlackBerry Dynamics profiles that impact
app functionality
See the following topics in the BlackBerry UEM
Administration Guide:
Controlling BlackBerry Dynamics on users devices
BlackBerry Dynamics profile settings
BlackBerry Dynamics connectivity profile settings
Assigning profiles
Collect activity and compliance violation information
for BlackBerry Dynamics apps
See the following topic in the BlackBerry UEM
Administration Guide:
Activity and compliance violation reports for
BlackBerry Dynamics apps
Configuring library version compliance
In a compliance profile or compliance policy, an administrator can enable the BlackBerry Dynamics library version
verification compliance rule to specify an enforcement action if a BlackBerry Dynamics app is using a version
of the BlackBerry Dynamics library that is not permitted. The available enforcement actions are "Do not allow
BlackBerry Dynamics apps to run" and "Delete BlackBerry Dynamics app data."
In UEM, by default the BlackBerry Dynamics library version verification compliance rule is not selected and all
versions are permitted. An administrator can enable this option and select specific versions to disallow.
|Deploying your BlackBerry Dynamics app|58
Instructing users to trust the signing certificate
When a user opens a customBlackBerry Dynamicsapp that has been deployed and installed on their device, the
user is prompted to trust the organization that signed the app. Anadministrator should instruct users to complete
this step. If a user does not trust the signing organization, the device will display a warning each time the user
opens the app.
|Deploying your BlackBerry Dynamics app|59
Deploying certificates to BlackBerry Dynamics apps
You can use any of the following options to deploy certificates to BlackBerry Dynamics apps. Each method
requires configuration in themanagement console. Coordinate with your organization's administrator to select
and configure the desired option.
Option For more information
Personal Information Exchange
See Using Personal Information Exchange files in this section.
CA certificate profile See Sending CA certificates to devices and apps in the UEM
Administration Guide.
User credential profile See Sending client certificates to devices and apps using user credential
profiles in the UEM Administration Guide.
SCEP profile See Sending client certificates to devices and apps using SCEP in the
UEM Administration Guide.
Shared certificate profile See Sending the same client certificate to multiple devices in the UEM
Administration Guide.
After certificates are distributed to a user's device, those certificates are shared and used by all of the BlackBerry
Dynamics apps on the device. No additional programming is required by the app developer to support client
The management server and BlackBerry Dynamics apps also support the use of Kerberos for service
authentication. For more information, see Using Kerberos in this section.
The SDK also provides a Crypto C language programming interface that allows an app to retrieve public key
certificates that are stored in the BlackBerry Dynamics credentials store and use those certificates for signing and
verification of messages and documents such as PDFs. Note that BlackBerry Infrastructure certificates cannot be
retrieved from the store and that the private key will remain inaccessible. For more information, see the Crypto C
Programming Interfaceappendix (Android/iOS)in the API reference.
Using Personal Information Exchange files
An organization can deploy corporate services that require two-way SSL/TLS authentication for users. A user
is issued a password-protected Personal Information Exchange file (PKCS12 format, .p12 or .pfx) containing
an SSL/TLS client certificate and a private key. This file can be provided to BlackBerry Dynamics apps to grant
access to secure corporate services.
The BlackBerry Dynamics SDK supports the use ofPersonal Information Exchange files to authenticate
BlackBerry Dynamics apps and to access secure services. All of the required operations to support client
certificates are carried out by the BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime, with no additional programming required. The
app can use client certificates if:
Theapp uses the BlackBerry Dynamics Secure Communication Networking APIs.
The device user’s UEM account is configured to support certificates.
The certificates satisfy the certificate requirements.
|Deploying certificates to BlackBerry Dynamics apps|60
After a user activates a BlackBerry Dynamics app, the app receives the Personal Information Exchange files. For
each file, the user is prompted to provide the issued password so that the files and identification material can be
installed. When this process is complete, the app can access the server resources that require two-way SSL/TLS
If more than one Personal Information Exchange file is required per user, the BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime
selects the appropriate certificate using the following criteria:
1. Only client certificates that are suitable for SSL/TLS client authentication are eligible to send to the server.
Certificates must have no Key Usage or Extended Key Usage, or Key Usage that contains “Digital Signature"
or "Key Agreement”, or Extended Key Usage that contains "TLS Web Client Authentication”. Key Usages and
Extended Key Usages must not contradict allowances for SSL/TLS client authentication.
2. If the server advertises the client certificate authority in the SSL/TLS handshake, only client certificates that
have been issued by that authority are considered.
3. Expired certificates and certificates that are not yet valid cannot be selected.
4. If more than one certificate satisfies the above criteria, the BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime selects the most
recently issued certificate.
Configuring support for client certificates
Certificate support is configured in themanagement console by the administrator. Contact your organization’s
administrator to configure certificate support for BlackBerry Dynamics apps.
For more information about configuring certificate support in BlackBerry UEM, see the following:
Manage settings for a BlackBerry Dynamics app in the UEM Administration Guide
Sending certificates to devices using profiles in the UEM Administration Guide
Connect BlackBerry UEM to a BlackBerry Dynamics PKI Connector in the UEM Administration Guide
Certificate requirements
Client certificates must be in PKCS12 format, with the Certificate Authority (CA), public key, and private key in
the same file.
The PKCS12 file must have a .p12 or .pfx extension
The PKCS12 file must be password-protected
The source of the certificate can be your own internal CA, a well-known public CA, or an online tool such
asOpenSSLor theJavakeytool. You can use the following keytool example to generate a certificate,
substituting your own values as required:
keytool -genkeypair -alias good123 -keystore good123.pfx -storepass good123 -
validity 365 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storetype pkcs12
If the organization’s security policy uses FIPS standards, Personal Information Exchange files must be
encrypted with FIPS-strength ciphers. If Personal Information Exchange files use a weak cipher, which is
common for third-party applications when exporting identity material, you can use a tool likeOpenSSLto re-
encrypt the files with a FIPS-strength cipher. See the following example:
openssl pkcs12 -in weak.p12 -nodes -out decrypted.pem
<enter password>
openssl pkcs12 -export -in decrypted.pem -keypbe AES-128-CBC -certpbe
AES-128-CBC -out strong.p12
<enter password>
rm decrypted.pem
|Deploying certificates to BlackBerry Dynamics apps|61
Using Kerberos
BlackBerry Dynamics apps support both Kerberos PKINIT with PKI certificates and Kerberos Constrained
Delegation. Kerberos PKINIT and Kerberos Constrained Delegationare distinct implementations of Kerberos. You
can support one or the other for BlackBerry Dynamics apps, but not both.
With Kerberos PKINIT, authentication occurs directly between the BlackBerry Dynamics app and the Windows
Key Distribution Center (KDC). User authentication is based on certificates that are issued by Microsoft Active
Directory Certificate Services. No additional programming is required by the app developer to use Kerberos
With Kerberos Constrained Delegation, authentication is based on a trust relationship between the management
server (BlackBerry UEM and a KDC. The management server communicates with the service on behalf of the app.
For more information about how to configure the desired Kerberos implementation in UEM, including
requirements and prerequisites, see Configuring Kerberos for BlackBerry Dynamics apps in the UEM Administration
|Deploying certificates to BlackBerry Dynamics apps|62
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|Legal notice|64