Steel Sheet Pile Guides • Basic Principles of Hammers for Sheet Pile Installation
PDCA – Pile Driving Contractors Association – www.piledrivers.org2
Impact Hammer Technology
Hammer selection
Hammer selection is the most important aspect of pile installation. In many cases only one hammer type may be applicable for the
pile-soil combination, whereas others may require several hammers to cope with the varying conditions.
One major advantage of an impact hammer is that the blow count record during pile installation is a direct measure of the pile
resistance. The vertical advance of a pile under a given hammer blow is used as a measure of the pile’s bearing capacity. The
hammer’s interaction with the pile-soil system is both modeled before driving (wave equation analysis) and monitored during pile
installation (Pile Driving Analyzer).
Vibratory hammers are widely used to drive and extract sheet piles, but they are less commonly used to drive bearing piles. Where
bearing capacity is required, the use of impact hammers is the predominant installation technique employed.
Impact hammers are also essential to drive sheet piles when soil density increases. SPT ‘N’ values approaching 40 generally indicate
the limit of vibratory hammer eciency. Here, impact hammers come into their own by being able to shear through dense soils to
reach the design penetration depth.
Impact hammers are usually supported by a leader rig or can be freely suspended by a crane.
Cover background: strizh/123RF
Leader rig Crane suspended hammer
What is an impact hammer?
An impact hammer is a specialty hammer used to drive sheet piles into the ground.
Impact pile driving hammers consist of a ram and an apparatus that allows the ram to move quickly upwards and then fall onto the
driving system and pile. The ram must have a mass and impact velocity that is suciently large to move the pile.
A properly functioning hammer strikes the pile in quick succession. It transfers a large portion of the kinetic energy of the ram into
the pile. The stroke of a pile driving hammer is usually between three and ten feet (900 to 3,000 mm).
Steel Sheet Pile Guides • Basic Principles of Hammers for Sheet Pile Installation
How does an impact hammer work?
The most common forms of impact hammers in use today are hydraulic drop hammers and diesel hammers. While they operate
dierently, they are both used to drive sheet piles, pipe piles, H-piles and specialty wide flange piles by allowing a ram weight to fall
onto the top of the pile.
Hydraulic impact hammers
Hydraulic fluid is applied to the piston to move the ram. A hydraulic power pack provides the pressurized fluid to operate the
hammer. Hydraulic impact hammers can be single acting, double acting, dierential acting or other variations. Most but not all
hydraulic hammers employ the use of an electric valve operated with a variable timer. The timer allows for flexible control of the
output energy. Others use a purely hydraulic system to control the valve and thus the cycling of the ram.
Most hydraulic hammer manufacturers claim high eciencies for their hammers. Although there are many improvements in hydraulic
hammers that enable a more ecient drop, the main reason for the higher eciencies is that they have some kind of downward
assist to equalize the hydraulic flow during the hammer cycle.
Hydraulic hammer
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Diesel hammers
An open-end diesel hammer consists of a long slender piston (the ram), which moves inside a cylinder. The cylinder is open at its
upper end, thus allowing the ram to partially emerge from the cylinder. The ram falls under gravity to the pile cap. Upon impact, the
ram pushes the pile cap and pile head rapidly downward. The impact block separates from the ram within a very short time and the
pressure of the combusting air-fuel mixture will cause further separation as the ram is forced upward.
A closed-end diesel hammer cylinder is closed at its upper end, thus causing the ram to compress the air trapped between ram and
cylinder top. When the ram falls, it is subject to both gravity and the pressure in the bounce chamber, hence called double acting.
Diesel hammer
Pile cap
To ensure that as little energy as possible is lost in the transfer to the pile, the driving energy is transferred to the pile via a driving
cap or spreader plate. The driving cap also ensures the hammer blows act centrally on the pile. The pile cap is matched to the shape
of the sheet pile being driven.
A central connection between the hammer and the pile and exact guidance of the hammer on the leader are key prerequisites
for accurate pile driving. If the hammer is not concentric with the pile, then the eccentricity may lead to pile head damage and/or
pile lean.
Steel Sheet Pile Guides • Basic Principles of Hammers for Sheet Pile Installation
Typical driving cap for Z-sheet piles
Typical driving cap and spreader plate detail
The form of driving cap must be matched to the sheet pile that is to be driven. It is attached to the underside of the hammer by a
loose attachment and is guided by the leader where used.
Sizing the impact hammer
Impact hammers are of the size needed to develop the energy required to drive the piles at a blow count that does not exceed 10
blows per inch at the required ultimate pile capacity. The intent is to select the size of hammer at normal operating condition to be
sucient. Occasionally, it may be required to drive to a higher blow count to penetrate an unforeseen thin, dense layer or minor
obstruction. Jetting or drilling may be a preferred means to penetrate a particularly dense layer. Overdriving often will damage the
pile and/or hammer.
In its simplest form, the impact energy delivered per drop hammer blow is simply the weight of the ram times the fall distance to the
pile cap.
A 3,000 lb. ram falling 10 feet (with no bounce on the pile cap) at impact would deliver 30,000 ft-lbs of energy. Twice the height of
the bounce is deducted from the total drop height to determine the net drop and calculation of delivered energy.
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A general rule of thumb for hydraulic drop hammers is to match the ram mass to the mass of the sheet pile being driven. Therefore,
if a 50-foot-long pair of Z-26 sheet piles weighs 3.5 tons, then it would be reasonable to use a three-ton ram mass with a standard
drop. As the drop height can be controlled by the operator, then the installation could begin with a small drop to get the pile
penetration underway. Drop height would increase as needed to ensure a minimum penetration rate.
A more scientific and accurate approach is to use wave equation analysis. The industry has largely adopted wave equation analysis
and it has become a well-used tool for pile driving evaluation. Contractors will often use the wave equation to optimize equipment
selection and hammer makers often make equipment recommendations based on the wave equation analysis.
Wave equation analysis is a numerical method of analysis for the behavior of driven foundation piles. It predicts the pile capacity
versus blow count relationship (bearing graph) and pile driving stress – for example, when a soft or hard layer causes excessive
stresses or unacceptable blow counts. While popular, it is best carried out by an engineer familiar with the software to ensure
appropriate results.
Steel Sheet Pile Guides • Basic Principles of Hammers for Sheet Pile Installation
Vibratory Hammer Technology
What is a vibratory hammer?
A vibratory hammer is a specialty hammer used to drive sheet piles in or out of the ground. Impact hammers use a large weight to
strike the pile. Vibratory hammers are relatively quiet and have many advantages, such as fast installation. They can also extract
sheet piles, can be used underwater, are lightweight, protect the environment (especially animal life) and can be used in close
proximity to residential areas without noise complaints. They are also relatively small and are easy to transport.
How does a vibratory hammer work?
Unlike traditional pile driving equipment that uses a large weight or ram to strike a pile, vibratory hammers use spinning
counterweights to create vibration in the pile. The vibration sends the soil particles into suspension enabling the pile to slip through
the soil.
The ability of a hammer to drive sheet piles is dependent on the sheet pile size, mass and the soil conditions present.
The vibratory hammer’s ability to drive a pile is a combination of driving force, frequency, amplitude and free-hanging weight. The
driving force of a hammer is determined by its eccentric moment and steady-state frequency.
Eccentric Moment – The eccentric moment is calculated by the eccentric weight
{M) and the distance from the center of gravity to the rotation axis (r).
M = (m . r)
Centrifugal Force (F)
F = 0,011 . N
. 10
. M
Amplitude (A)
2 · M
× lOOO M
= Dynamic Weight
The size of the eccentric moment aects the driving force, attainable amplitude, operating frequency and power requirements for
the hammer.
Eccentric moment equals the distance from the center line of gravity to the center line of rotation, times the total number of
eccentrics in the hammer.
Amplitude is the vertical movement of the total vibrating system, and the direct result of the applied force generated by the
rotating eccentrics.
Amplitude = 2 x eccentric moment
÷ vibrating mass (hammer and pile weight)
PDCA – Pile Driving Contractors Association – www.piledrivers.org8
Worked example:
A hammer weighing 8,750 lbs and with an eccentric moment of 2,600 in/lbs is driving a PZ 27 sheet pile 40 ft long. What will the
amplitude be?
PZ-27 = 40.5 lbs/ft × 40' = 1,620lbs × 2 (driven in pairs) = 3,240 lbs (total weight of pair)
2,600 in/lbs (eccentric moment)
8,750 (weight) + 3,240 (pile weight) × 2
(11,990) × 2 = (.216) × 2 = .432 amplitude, or amplitude = 7/16"
For eective driving, the hammer must have amplitude of equal to or greater than a quarter of an inch.
Generally speaking, the higher the amplitude, the more eective the hammer will be at driving piles in soils considered marginal to
vibratory driving. Higher amplitudes may also increase risk of damage to adjacent structures.
The eccentrics of a vibratory hammer are attached to a shaft, and are mounted in pairs opposite one another, on a horizontal plane
inside the gearbox. The pinion shaft(s) are connected to a hydraulic motor/motors mounted to the outside of the gear box. As the
eccentrics rotate in opposite directions, their horizontal forces cancel one another out, leaving only vertical vibration.
Position #1 Position #3
Position #2 Position #4
Steel Sheet Pile Guides • Basic Principles of Hammers for Sheet Pile Installation
What is the dierence between an electric and a hydraulic vibratory hammer?
In the market today, there are two main types of vibratory hammers – electric and hydraulic. Electric hammers and hydraulic
hammers have many dierences but have similar traits.
Both electric and hydraulic hammers use a “power unit” that powers the hammer. Both have clamps allowing the hammer to connect
to the pile. Both use wires or hoses to connect the hammer to the power unit.
Electric vibratory hammers use a large electric motor on top of the hammer to spin the counterweights. To power the electric motor,
a large power unit with a diesel engine will turn a generator, giving enough power to the motors.
Hydraulic hammers use hydraulic motors to spin the counterweights. To power the hydraulic motors, a large power unit with a diesel
engine turns hydraulic pumps, which flow oil out to the motors and back.
Hydraulic hammers are much more powerful than electric hammers and are half the weight. The other main advantage is
that they can spin at a much faster speed. The higher the vibration speed, the less vibration will travel through the soil to
surrounding buildings.
The design of a vibratory hammer
A suppressor
B elastomers
C eccentrics
D vibration case (gearbox / carter)
E clamp
F jaws
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Vibration generation
The vibration case has two pairs of eccentric weights that rotate in a vertical plane to create vibration. This generates centrifugal
force. When two unbalanced eccentrics maintaining the same moment are rotated in opposite directions, vertical (up and down)
vibration of constant cycle is produced.
Fv vertical force r rotations per minute
w angular frequency w
angular frequency π-radian
m mass
The weights are driven by hydraulic engines. The eccentrics are gear-connected to maintain proper synchronization. The eccentric
shafts are mounted in heavy-duty roller bearings. The maximum capacity of the engines is hydraulically limited.
The extraction head contains rubber elements (elastomers) to isolate vibrations from the vibration case to the crane or pile
driving rig.
The hammer has a hydraulic clamp containing two gripping jaws, one fixed and one moveable, that grip onto the sheet pile. A
cylinder, integrated in the clamp body, operates the moveable jaw and has a pilot operating check valve that keeps the cylinder
under pressure in case of hose damage. The clamp is operated hydraulically.
Steel Sheet Pile Guides • Basic Principles of Hammers for Sheet Pile Installation
The hydraulic system
The classic pile driving setup includes a power pack and a vibratory hammer. The heart of any vibratory hammer is the exciter block,
containing pairs of counter-rotating eccentrics.
The power pack is driven by a diesel engine and supplies the oil flow to the vibrator via hydraulic pumps to drive the piling into
the soil.
Vibratory hammer technology explained
Variable moment technology
A vibratory hammer with a variable eccentric moment can be started and stopped without vibration. For this, the eccentrics
are placed in a zero position with an adjustment motor (with opposite centers of gravity, resulting in a cancellation of the
eccentric force).
After the vibratory hammer has reached full speed, the eccentric moment is set causing the vibratory hammer to vibrate. It is
possible to set the eccentric moment at a value from 0 to 100%. The operational rpm of these vibratory hammers is higher than that
of low frequency vibratory hammers. Where a low frequency vibratory hammer will rotate with approximately 1,500 revolutions per
minute, a high frequency (HF) vibratory hammer will rotate with approximately 2,300 revolutions per minute.
Due to this high rotational speed, the vibratory hammer operates further away from the soil’s resonance frequency – and due to the
smaller amplitude, these vibratory hammers are less harmful to the surroundings. Tests have demonstrated that the vibration level of
a HF hammer measured at a distance of 2m from the sheet pile equals the level of vibrations produced by a low frequency hammer
at a distance of 16m.
Also, when vibrating a steel sheet pile into the ground, the adjustment motor can be adjusted to influence the eccentric moment and
therefore the amplitude. This will allow optimum adjustment of the vibratory hammer.
Conventional vibratory hammers have a constant eccentric moment. When passing the critical frequency area during start-up and
stop, the constant amplitude will cause disturbing negative vibrations in the boom of the crane and in the soil to a considerable
perimeter distance.
Content and photos in this section are courtesy of American Piledriving Equipment, ThyssenKrupp/Müller and PVE-Holland.
PDCA – Pile Driving Contractors Association – www.piledrivers.org12
Press-in Machine Technology
What is press-in piling?
Press-in piling is a unique method of pile driving that uses hydraulic force without the use of vibration or percussion to install piles.
This method consists of a few dierent variations carried out by dierent types of equipment. These variations include installation
with gravity-based machines, tall leader-masts with press-in attachments and reaction-based press-in piling machines.
Advantages of the press-in piling method include:
Minimal noise impacts
Imperceptible vibration (non-vibratory)
Of the aforementioned types of press-in variations, reaction-based press-in piling machines are by far the most prevalent. Additional
advantages and capabilities of press-in piling with reaction-based press-in piling machines include:
Installation into hard soil conditions (with attachments)
Installation within very limited horizontal and vertical clearances
Safe installation with controlled accuracy
Installation within a small footprint
Installation with controlled, measured and monitored static loads
How do press-in piling machines work?
Press-in piling machines are designed to install steel sheet and pipe piles without using vibration or percussion and do so by deriving
its source of potential energy from the reaction of already installed piles that are essentially integrated with the ground (White et
al., 2002). Press-in machines obtain this reaction by hydraulically clamping onto the tops of the installed piles, thereby using their
reaction to create a press-in force in order to press in subsequent piles.
Figure 1 illustrates that with this mechanism, even a compact press-in machine can create a press-in force that is by far greater than
its weight. Since these machines hold the sheet and pipe piles near or at ground level to press them in, hardly any press-in energy is
lost that would otherwise generate unwanted noise, vibration or the deformation of piles with conventional pile driving equipment.
Figure 1
The safety of piling equipment handling is also enhanced since the point of contact between press-in machines and piles near or at
ground level and is not suspended at a high elevation as it would be for the many types of conventional piling equipment.
Steel Sheet Pile Guides • Basic Principles of Hammers for Sheet Pile Installation
Advantages and limitations of press-in piling machines
Press-in machines are ideally and commonly utilized on projects with challenges such as with noise and vibration sensitivity or
restrictions. In addition to their non-vibratory and minimal noise attributes, press-in piling machines do not require a large footprint
since these machines are designed to operate and advance along the top of installed piles. Therefore, press-in machines are
also utilized for projects with space or access limitations. Since challenges dier from project to project, it is imperative that the
conditions and parameters of challenging project sites are reviewed before a feasibility study is carried out in order to determine
which press-in machine type is applicable. In addition to press-in machines being used to install piles for shoring, retaining walls,
flood walls, seawalls, etc., press-in machines are also utilized to extract piles in many cases where impact or vibratory hammers
alone may not be able to do so.
Although press-in piling machines are useful for the installation of steel sheet and pipe piles on challenging projects, press-in
machines are not able to install or extract H-piles, concrete piles or certain sized cold-formed Z-shaped sheet piles. Although
few and far between, there are certain sized hot-rolled Z-shaped sheet piles and pipe piles that are not compatible with press-in
machines as well.
Basic press-in piling components
Figure 2 shows the basic press-in components of the press-in machine, power pack, pile laser and radio controller. The radio
controller allows the machine operator to precisely control the machinery eciently at a safe position/location. Since press-in
machines use highly accurate infrared pile lasers placed 50 to 100 feet away from the location where the press-in machine is
operating, conventional lead and driving templates are not required for press-in machines to install sheet and pipe piles.
Figure 2
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Non-vibratory pile installation with low noise
With the imperceptible vibration and minimal noise characteristics of press-in machines, the next two graphs will illustrate how low
their levels typically are in comparison with conventional pile driving equipment. Figure 3 shows a comparison of ground vibration
measurements among press-in piling, vibratory hammer piling and diesel hammer piling at Site 2 (Site 1 was press-in piling only)
where Peak Particle Velocity output for the press-in machine was between 0.3 and 0.7 mm/s (0.01 – 0.03 in/sec) from 7.15 meters
(23.5 feet) away from the pile alignment (White et al, 2002).
Figure 3
Figure 4 below displays noise data for a double acting diesel/air hammer, hydraulic drop hammer, enclosed drop hammer and a
press-in machine (referred to as Silent Piler) within the graph. The graph shows that the Silent Piler does not exceed the rural noise
limit of 70 dB at a distance of two meters (White et al, 2002).
Figure 4
Steel Sheet Pile Guides • Basic Principles of Hammers for Sheet Pile Installation
Capability to install piles in various soil conditions
Press-in piling machines utilize certain techniques to assist press-in machines in installing sheet and pipe piles into various types of
ground conditions that range in various densities and depths. These techniques include:
Standard press-in
Press-in with water jetting
Press-in with simultaneous augering
Press-in with rotary cutting
Standard press-in piling is the press-in installation of piles without the need of the aforementioned water jetting, simultaneous
augering or rotary cutting systems. In terms of steel sheet piles, standard press-in installation is typically performed where SPT N
value is N < 25. For pipe pile installation, standard press-in installation is typically performed where SPT N value is N < 15.
Water jetting systems are designed to temporarily break up soil composition by loosening granular soils or lubricating cohesive
soils with high pressured water to allow smoother pile installation into the ground. The image on the left in Figure 5 shows a press-in
machine utilizing its water jetting system, which can be seen within the red circle as the reel axed to the top of the machine. A
water pump providing high pressured water would be nearby. The image on the right in Figure 5 illustrates what the operation would
look like underground.
Figure 5
These systems are generally used for sandy soils or soils consisting of silty, clayey or gravelly dense sand where the SPT N value
is [25 ≤ N ≤ 50] for sheet piles and [15 ≤ N ≤ 50] for pipe piles. In soils with this type of density and composition, the pile toe and
interlock resistance can increase due to the consolidation of soil particles. By temporarily breaking up the soil composition around
the pile toe while upstream water flow reduces skin friction and washes out soil within the pile’s interlocks, water jetting systems
for press-in machines can reduce pile toe and interlock resistance, thus reducing resistance and preventing potential damage to the
piles being installed.
PDCA – Pile Driving Contractors Association – www.piledrivers.org16
Simultaneous augering systems for Z-shaped sheet piles like what is shown in Figure 6 are designed to drill ahead of sheet piles
while pressing in sheet piles at the same time. The image on the left in Figure 6 shows that the continuous flight auger fits into the
web of the sheet pile pair being installed. The image on the right in Figure 6 illustrates what the operation looks like underground.
Figure 6
These systems are generally used for sti cohesive soil, solidified sand/silt, gravels, cobbles, boulders and relatively soft rock/rock
layers, etc., where the SPT N value is [25 ≤ N < 300]. The drilling that takes place just below the toe of the sheet pile pair while the
sheet pile pair is being pressed in at the same time prevents a pressure bulb from building up at the pile toe. Dierent auger head
diameter sizes can be utilized depending on the soil conditions and project parameters.
Rotary cutting systems for pipe piles, like what is shown in Figure 7, are designed for pipe piles to core through similar soil and
ground conditions as the simultaneous augering system for pressed in sheet piles. This variation of press-in piling for steel pipe piles
is designed to rotate and simultaneously press pipe piles into the ground. Sacrificial cutting shoes are welded onto the toes of each
pipe pile for faster pile installation into hard soil, rock and even existing concrete (Takuma et al., 2013). The bottom image within
Figure 7 illustrates what the operation looks like underground.
Steel Sheet Pile Guides • Basic Principles of Hammers for Sheet Pile Installation
Figure 7
While long interlocking pipe piles can be pressed into dense sand with high pressure water jetting (Takuma et al., 2017), this
simultaneous rotation and press-in action helps reduce press-in resistance without loosening the ground for pipe piles without
interlocks. For pipe piles without interlocks, angular plates or smaller diameter pipe pile can be pressed in between the primary pipe
piles for watertightness.
PDCA – Pile Driving Contractors Association – www.piledrivers.org18
Capability to install piles with very limited access
In addition to the aforementioned basic press-in piling components, a method known as the non-staging method allows for press-
in machines and the equipment needed to carry out pile installation to walk or advance on top of the sheet or pipe piles being
installed, which enables the equipment to operate in limited access areas where conventional pile driving equipment cannot reach.
Examples of limited access areas include slope embankments or water. Figure 8 shows the equipment designed to advance atop the
installed piles to complete the operation which includes the press-in machine itself, a clamp crane, a power unit and a pile runner.
The pile runner is designed to bring sheet or pipe piles to the piling operation from a remote access point.
Figure 8
Steel Sheet Pile Guides • Basic Principles of Hammers for Sheet Pile Installation
Capability to install piles in low headroom
While there is conventional pile driving equipment that is able to drive piles within limited vertical clearances, press-in machines are
also designed for pile installation where vertical access is limited. Figure 9 displays how press-in piling machines are able to install
sheet piles within low headroom conditions. Both sheet pile and pipe pile press-in machines can install within 13 feet of headroom,
although there are limitations for sheet pile installation within low headroom conditions depending on the density of the soil that the
sheet piles will be pressed into.
Figure 9
PDCA – Pile Driving Contractors Association – www.piledrivers.org20
Press-in monitoring system
Another notable advantage of press-in machines is that with each pile pressed into the ground with an electronically controlled
static load by using a series of hydraulics, real time conditions, skin friction, toe resistance, penetration depth and operation time of
the press-in force can be monitored. These readings can also help determine axial load capacities during press-in pile installation,
hence their advantageous use for the installation of vertical load-bearing piles. This monitoring is described through the illustration
in Figure 10 below.
Figure 10
Takuma, T., Nishimura, H., (2017), “Deep Pipe Pile Cell Foundations Built in Rivers for Expressway Viaduct Widening,Proceedings of
2017 International Bridge Conference (IBC 17-17)
Takuma, T., Nishimura, H., Kambe, S., (2013). “Low noise and low vibration tube pile installation by the press-in piling method,
Proceedings of 2013 Annual Conference of Deep Foundations
White, D., Finlay, T., Bolton, M., and Bearss, G. (2002). “Press-in Piling: Ground Vibration and Noise during Piling Installation,
Proceedings of the International Deep Foundation Congress, ASCE Special Publication 116.
Steel Sheet Pile Guides • Basic Principles of Hammers for Sheet Pile Installation
The following PDCA members contributed to the information included
in this Hammer Database and Guidance document:
American Piledriving Equipment, Inc.
7032 South 196th St.
Kent, WA 98032
Contact: Steve Cress
Oce: 800-248-8498
Mobile: 206-743-2846
Dieseko / PVE
5011 Vernon Rd.
Jacksonville, FL 32209
Contact: Herald Wattenberg
Mobile: 904-765-8868
Giken America Corp.
Contact: Ian Vaz
Mobile: 407-666-8119
New York City Oce
One Grand Central Place
60 East 42nd St., Suite 3030
New York, NY 10165
Oce: 212-597-9331
Orlando Oce
5850 T.G. Lee Blvd., Suite 535
Orlando, FL 32822
Office: 407-380-3232
The following companies provided additional contributions:
Dawson Construction Plant, Inc.
Kansas City, MO
Contact: Tim Williamson
Mobile: 816-808-8815
International Attachments Inc.
3030 Rocky Point Dr.
Tampa, FL 33607
Contact: Warren Smith, President
Oce: 877-219-1962
Movax Oy
Tölkkimäentie 10
FI-13130 Hämeenlinna
Contact: Lasse Mannola, Managing Director
Mobile: +358 45 604 7944