ALA Property Access Rules (Including STR Client Access)
The Court in the Vertical Web Ventures, Inc. v. ALA case entered a Preliminary Injunction Order
(“Order”) which, among other things, allows people who rent residences in Arrowhead Woods
for a period of less than 30 days (“short-term rental clients”) to access Lake Arrowhead (the
“Lake”) and the Reserve Strips (the “Strips”). In compliance with the Order, ALA will no longer
enforce ALA Bylaw Article II Section C which prohibits short-term rental clients from accessing
the Lake and the strips. ALA will also not prohibit Arrowhead Woods property owners, whether
ALA members or not, their guests, lessees, and short-term rental clients from accessing the
Lake or Strips.
ALA Property Access Rules are as follows:
1. ALA General Member:
ALA General Members can use their ALA membership/RFID card to access the Lake and Strips.
ALA General Members can also use any ALA registered boat/watercraft providing the member
has satisfied all ALA operator licensing requirements, has the required ALA boat/watercraft
operator license in their possession, carries photo identification, such as a driver’s license, and
carries their ALA membership/RFID card. ALA General Members cannot use ALA property for a
business or commercial purpose.
Family members and non-paying guests of an ALA General Member can use the ALA member’s
membership/RFID card to access the Lake and Strips provided the ALA member puts the family
member’s or guest’s name on the member’s approved guest list with ALA. Family members and
non-paying guests can use the ALA member’s registered boat/watercraft providing the guest or
family member has satisfied all ALA operator licensing requirements, has the required ALA
boat/watercraft operator license in their possession, carries photo identification, such as a
driver’s license, and has the ALA member’s membership/RFID card with them at all times while
on ALA property. Family members and guests cannot use any ALA property for any business or
commercial purpose.
ALA General Member who owns a short-term rental property in Arrowhead Woods short-
term rental client access:
Short-term rental clients of an ALA General Member are prohibited from using the parks,
fishing dock, Lone Pine Island, and the Village docks. Short-term rental clients of an ALA General
Member can use an ALA General Member’s membership/RFID card to access the Lake and
Strips, with or without the ALA member being present if the following requirements have been
a) The ALA member who owns the short-term rental property must provide ALA with a
copy of their current short-term rental permit issued by San Bernardino County for their
short-term rental.
b) The ALA member must list the name of each short-term rental client on the approved
STR client guest list in their ALA membership account on the website. This can be done
c) Each short-term rental client must go to the ALA office and present a copy of their rental
agreement executed by each short-term rental client over the age of eighteen (18) and
show photo identification, such as a driver’s license, to ALA staff prior to accessing the
Lake or strips.
d) Each short-term rental client must read the ALA rules, sign an agreement stating that
they will follow all ALA rules and agree to be subject to fines if they violate any ALA rule.
e) Each short-term rental client must sign a waiver that releases and indemnifies ALA and
its employees and agents (the “ALA Indemnified Parties”) to the fullest extent allowed
under the law from any and all claims against the ALA Indemnified Parties which result
from the short-term rental client(s) use of the Lake, Strips, or any ALA property.
f) Each short-term rental client must purchase a short-term rental wristband with the
short-term rental client(s) name and wristband expiration dates. Wristbands are
available for periods of one-day, two-day, three-day, or one-week. ALA will charge a fee
for each type of wristband.
g) Short-term rental clients must wear their short-term rental wristband and carry photo
identification, such as a driver’s license, and the ALA member’s membership/RFID card
while on ALA property.
h) Short-term rental clients cannot store, register, or use any boats/watercraft (including,
but not limited to power boats, sailboats, kayaks, canoes, pedal boats, or paddleboards)
on the Lake, whether the boats/watercraft are owned by an ALA member or the short-
term rental clients.
i) Short-term rental clients are prohibited from using the Lake or Strips for a business or
commercial purpose.
j) ALA may fine the ALA Member who owns the short-term rental property if that ALA
Member fails to comply with these ALA Property Access Rules. The ALA Member who
owns the short-term rental property shall also be jointly and severally liable for any fines
levied against that ALA Member’s short-term rental clients that remain unpaid for more
than sixty (60) days.
2. ALA Beach Club Member:
ALA Beach Club Members can access the ALA Beach Clubs, the Lake and Strips, and can use a
registered boat/watercraft on Lake Arrowhead providing the member has satisfied all ALA boat
operator licensing requirements, has the required ALA boat/watercraft operator license in their
possession, carries photo identification, such as a driver’s license, and carries their ALA
membership/RFID card. ALA Beach Club members cannot use ALA property for a business or
commercial purpose.
Family members and non-paying guests of an ALA Beach Club Member can use the ALA
member’s membership/RFID card to access the ALA Beach Clubs, the Lake and Strips, if the ALA
member puts the family member’s or guest’s name on their approved guest list with ALA. A
maximum of 5 guests per membership/RFID card are allowed access to the ALA Beach Clubs.
Family members and non-paying guests can use the ALA member’s registered boat/watercraft
providing the guest or family member has satisfied all ALA operator licensing requirements, has
the required ALA boat/watercraft operator license in their possession, carries photo
identification, such as a driver’s license, and has the ALA member’s membership/RFID card with
them at all times while on ALA property. Family members and guests cannot use any ALA
property for any business or commercial purpose.
ALA Beach Club Members who own a short-term rental property in Arrowhead Woods
short-term rental client access:
Short-term rental clients of an ALA Beach Club Member can use the ALA Beach Clubs, but only if
accompanied by the ALA Beach Club Member. A maximum of 5 short-term rental clients per
ALA Beach Club membership/RFID card are allowed access to ALA Beach Clubs when
accompanied by the ALA Beach Club Member. Short-term rental clients of an ALA Beach Club
member can use the ALA Beach Club Member’s membership/RFID card to access the Lake and
Strips, provided the requirements listed in Paragraph 1 (above) have been satisfied and subject
to the terms and restrictions in Paragraph 1 (above). Short-term rental clients must always
wear their short-term rental wristband and carry photo identification, such as a driver’s license,
and the ALA Beach Club member’s membership/RFID card while on ALA property. Short-term
rental clients of an ALA Beach Club Member may not use the ALA Beach Clubs, parks, fishing
dock, Lone Pine Island or the Village docks without the ALA Beach Club member who owns the
short-term rental being present.
3. ALA Dock Member:
ALA Dock Members can access their privately owned dock, the ALA Beach Clubs, the Lake and
Strips and can use an ALA registered boat/watercraft on the Lake providing the member has
satisfied all boat operator licensing requirements, has the required ALA boat/watercraft
operator license in their possession, carries photo identification, such as a driver’s license, and
carries their membership/RFID card. ALA Dock Members cannot use ALA property for a
business or commercial purpose.
Family members and non-paying guests of an ALA Dock Member may use the ALA Dock
member’s membership/RFID card to access the Dock Member’s privately owned dock, the ALA
Beach Clubs, the Lake and Strips, provided the ALA Dock member puts the family member or
non-paying guest’s name on their approved guest list with ALA. A maximum of 5 guests per ALA
Dock membership/RFID card are allowed access to ALA Beach Clubs. Family members and non-
paying guests can use the ALA Dock member’s registered boats/watercraft on the Lake
provided that the family member or guest has satisfied all boat operator licensing
requirements, has the required ALA boat/watercraft operator license in their possession and
carries photo identification, such as a driver’s license, and carries the ALA Dock member’s
membership/RFID card. Family members and guests cannot use ALA property for a business or
commercial purpose.
ALA Dock Members who own a short-term rental property in Arrowhead Woods short-term
rental client access:
Short-term rental clients of an ALA Dock Member can use the ALA Beach Clubs, but only if
accompanied by the ALA Dock Member. A maximum of 5 short-term rental clients per ALA Dock
membership/RFID card are allowed access to ALA Beach Clubs when accompanied by the ALA
Dock Member. The ALA Dock owner has the authority to decide who can use their privately
owned dock. The short-term rental clients of an ALA Dock Member can use the ALA Dock
member’s membership/RFID cards to access the Lake and Strips, providing the requirements
listed in Paragraph 1 (above) are met and subject to the terms and restrictions in Paragraph 1
(above). Short-term rental clients must always wear their short-term rental wristbands and
carry photo identification, such as a driver’s license, and carry the ALA Dock member’s
membership/RFID card while on ALA property. Short-term rental clients of an ALA Dock
Member may not use ALA Beach Clubs, parks, fishing dock, Lone Pine Island or the Village docks
without the ALA Dock member being present.
4. Arrowhead Woods Property Owner:
If an owner or residential property located in Arrowhead Woods (“Owner”) chooses not to join
the ALA, but wants access to the Lake or Strips through ALA RFID gates, the Owner can obtain
one or two non-member RFID cards by paying a fee for each card and providing ALA with a copy
of their Grant Deed. If the Owner does not want to access Lake Arrowhead through the ALA RFID
gates, the Owner must carry a copy of their Grant Deed and their photo identification, such as a
driver’s license, when accessing the Lake or Strips. The Owner, their guests and lessees are not
permitted to access the ALA Beach Clubs, parks, fishing dock, Lone Pine Island, or the Village
docks. Owners must open an account with ALA and put the name of each guest or lessee on the
account before the guest lessee can access the Lake or Strips.
Arrowhead Woods Property Owner short-term rental client access:
If the Arrowhead Woods property owner owns a short-term rental property in Arrowhead
Woods, the Owner’s short-term rental clients can access the Lake and Strips without the Owner
being present if the requirements listed below have been satisfied. The Owner’s short-term
rental clients are not permitted to access the ALA Beach Clubs, parks, fishing dock, Lone Pine
Island or the Village docks.
a) The Owner who owns the short-term rental property must provide ALA with a copy of
their current short term rental permit issued by San Bernardino County for their short-
term rental.
b) The Owner must list the name of each short-term rental client on the approved STR client
guest list in their ALA account on the website.
c) Each short-term rental client must go to the ALA office and present a copy of their rental
agreement executed by each short-term rental client over the age of eighteen (18) and
show photo identification, such as a driver’s license, to ALA staff prior to accessing the
Lake or strips.
d) Each short-term rental client must read the ALA rules, sign an agreement stating that they
will follow all ALA rules and agree to be subject to fines if they violate any ALA rules.
e) Each short-term rental client must sign a waiver that releases and indemnifies ALA and its
employees and agents (the “ALA Indemnified Parties”) to the fullest extent allowed under
the law from any and all claims against the ALA Indemnified Parties which result from the
short-term rental clients use of the Lake, Strips, or any ALA property.
f) Each short-term rental client must purchase a short-term rental wristband with the
short-term rental client(s) name and wristband expiration dates. Wristbands are
available for periods of one-day, two-day, three-day, or one-week. ALA will charge a fee
for each type of wristband.
g) Short-term rental clients must wear their short-term rental wristband and carry photo
identification, such as a driver’s license, and carry the Owner’s RFID card, or a copy of the
Owner’s Grant Deed, while on ALA property.
h) Short-term rental clients cannot store, register, or use any boats/watercraft (including,
but not limited to power boats, sailboats, kayaks, canoes, pedal boats, or paddleboards)
on the Lake.
i) Short-term rental clients are prohibited from using the Lake or Strips for a business or
commercial purpose.
j) ALA may fine the Owner who owns the short-term rental property if that Owner fails to
comply with these ALA Property Access Rules. The Owner who owns the short-term rental
property shall also be jointly and severally liable for any fines levied against that Owners
short-term rental clients that remain unpaid for more than sixty (60) days.