Name of Expectant Person:
I identify by the pronoun:
My support persons name:
My support person
identifies by the pronoun:
Name of my Healthcare Provider
who cared for me during pregnancy:
Babys Due Date:
Birth Plan
Please note the content of this document is intended to give you an idea of
questions/ideas/suggestions that could form part of your Birth Plan and is not intended to
replace any documentation provided by your Healthcare Provider and/or delivering hospital.
Here are some things I would like you to know about me/us
(Previous experiences, fears, concerns):
I am pregnant with:
One baby Multiples (twins)
... / ... / ...
I / we have attended:
Prenatal Classes
Breast Feeding Classes
Newborn Care Classes
Emergency First Aid Classes
Markham Stouffville Services Buiding Suite 403, 379 Church Street, Markham, ON, L6B 0T1
Markham Stouffville Services Buiding Suite 403, 379 Church Street, Markham, ON, L6B 0T1
Pain management
I would like a medication free birth
I would like to see how things go and make a decision about pain relief
dependent on my labour
I would like to have pain medication as soon as it is available to me
Comfort measures I would like to try:
Listening to music that I have brought with me
Dim Lights
Use a mirror to watch see the baby crowning
I am open to trying different positions to cope with labour such as Hands &
Knees / Exercise Ball / Walking
Breathing & relaxation or meditation exercises that I have practiced
After my baby is born
My support person would like to cut the umbilical cord (if possible)
I will do skin to skin with baby but if I am unable then
will do skin to skin
I would like to collect the babys cord blood/ tissue and have brought the kit
and completed the paperwork
I would prefer to delay the babys first bath and do it myself at home
Name of the Doctor who will care for my baby:
Markham Stouffville Services Buiding Suite 403, 379 Church Street, Markham, ON, L6B 0T1
Newborn feeding plan
I plan to exclusively breastfeed and will only give supplement if medically
I am planning on pumping my breast milk and feeding the baby with a bottle
I am planning to feed the baby formula
Following Discharge From Hospital
I am aware of community resources once discha
I am aware that I need a car seat for the baby
I had difficulty breast feeding my first baby and would appreciate extra help
this time