DZT Stand Mai 2017
Influencer Terms & Conditions
These Influencer Terms & Conditions (the “Agreement”) shall outline the
mutual understanding of the influencer (the “Influencer”) and the German
National Tourist Board, a legal entity constructed under the law of Germany
(the “GNTB”, and together, the “Parties”). The Parties hereto agree as follows:
OFFER: The offer includes all the information sent to the Influencer, including
but not limited to, the campaign brief, campaign description, campaign
requirements, payments, fees, personal expenditure remuneration, flight
dates, schedules, workbook schedules, social media channels, product,
number of posts/blogs/videos and any other information provided to the
Influencer by the GNTB (collectively, the “Offer”). The Offer has been agreed
upon by the Parties and shall become part of this Agreement.
EFFECTIVE DATE: This Agreement is entered into as of the date the Offer is
accepted by the Influencer (the “Effective Date”).
CONTENT: Influencer shall produce content based on the brief as outlined in
the Offer (the “Brief”). All opinions expressed by the Influencer will be honest
and truthful. Influencer may be required to state certain message points
outlined in the Brief, which shall be outlined by the GNTB. Influencer shall not
make any statements which are defaming or potentially damaging in any way
whatsoever to the GNTB or the GNTB’s product or service, at any point during
the Campaign. Content may also include branding, graphics, and hyperlinks,
as outlined in the Brief. At the sole request of the GNTB, the Influencer will not
publish or post the Content, and/or will comply with any requests to remove
the unsuitable Content from their social media channels.
SPONSORSHIP: The content produced (text, photo, video, etc.) must be
identified as advertising/sponsored content. This labelling requirement
applies to all social media platforms and for all blog articles created in
connection with a marketing collaboration. The labels must take the following
form for all platforms: #sponsoredby and #ad. Add the following sentence to
blog posts: 'in association with the GNTB'. For collaborations with verified
Facebook pages, please refer to Facebook's branded content policies.
Influencer will refrain from working with or mentioning a brand's competitor
for a set period of time
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APPROVALS: If appropriate, all Content shall be reviewed and approved by the
GNTB prior to being published by the Influencer on the channels. At the request
of the GNTB, Influencer shall make changes and adjustments to conform to the
GNTB’s expectations of Content.
DISTRIBUTION: Content shall be distributed via the Influencer’s social media
channels, including but not limited to YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
Vine, and Snapchat (collectively, the “Channels”), as outlined in the Offer. If
there is no specification in the Offer, it is assumed that the Influencer will
distribute Content across all their available Channels, as they would with any
of their regular content.
PUBLICATION: Content shall begin to display in the Channels on the date/time
specified in the Offer, unless discussed and agreed to by the Parties (the
USAGE: Upon Publication, Influencer shall display Content in the Channel for a
period of no less than four (4) weeks, if not outlined different in the Offer.
GNTB may also require certain hashtags, hyperlinks, titles, and other copy to
appear alongside the Content. Influencer shall own the copyright to the
Content and grants the GNTB full and irrevocable global rights to display,
license, promote, broadcast and otherwise distribute the Content at its sole
discretion, unless otherwise agreed to in writing, by the Parties.
PAYMENT & HONORARIUM: GNTB shall pay Influencer the agreed fee, as
outlined in the Offer, if applicable. Payments shall be made to the Influencer
within 30 days of the Publication. No late payment penalties, charges or fees
shall be applied unless expressly agreed upon in writing, by both Parties. This
represents the full and complete payment by GNTB to Influencer.
INDEMNITY: Influencer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the GNTB, its
directors, officers, employees, independent contractors, affiliates, agents,
successors, etc. from and against any and all damages, losses, costs and
expenses (including reasonable legal costs) incurred by GNTB in relation to any
breach of the Influencer’s warranties, agreements and representations given
under this Agreement.
EQUIPMENT: GNTB may at its sole discretion furnish Influencer with additional
equipment (e.g. mobile WiFi devices, etc.). Such equipment shall remain the
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property of GNTB and Influencer shall use its best endeavors not to injure or
lose such equipment (see INDEMNITY).
LIABILITY: Influencer hereby releases and discharges GNTB from all liability to
Influencer and covenants not to sue GNTB for any and all loss or damage on
account of injury to any person or property or resulting in serious or
permanent injury to Influencer, except when caused by gross negligence or
willful misconduct of GNTB. It is highly recommend that Influencer may
purchase (travel-) insurance in the event of property loss or personal injury.
GNTB will not provide such insurances.
WARRANTY: Influencer represents, warrants, and agrees that it is free to enter
into this Agreement and to grant the rights and licenses herein granted to
GNTB; Influencer has not heretofore entered and shall not hereafter enter into
any contract or agreement which is in conflict with the provisions hereof or
which would or might interfere with the full and complete performance by
Influencer of their obligations hereunder or the free and unimpaired exercise
by GNTB of any of the rights and licenses herein granted to it; Influencer
further represents and warrants there are no prior or pending claims,
administrative proceedings, civil lawsuits, criminal prosecutions or other
litigation matters, affecting Influencer which would or might interfere with
GNTB’s full and complete exercise or enjoyment of any rights or licenses
granted hereunder.
GOVERNING LAW: The governing law for this agreement shall be the laws of
the Federal Republic of Germany. Place of Jurisdiction shall be Frankfurt/M.,
Germany, if not agreed differently in the Offer.
DISCLOSURE: Influencer will comply with the Federal Trade Commission’s
Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising
(“FTC Guides”), current copies of which are available at, and the
WOMMA (Word of Mouth Marketing Association) Code of Ethics and Social
Media Disclosure Guide, current copies of which are available at
ORIGINAL WORK: Influencer hereby represents, warrants, and covenants that
all material in the Content (save and except any materials, if any, supplied by
GNTB) will be the original work and creation of the Influencer and will not
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infringe the rights (including without limitation, any intellectual property
rights) of any third party. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
Influencer agrees not to use any third party content without the express written
consent of GNTB.
Confidentiality: Any information (financial, business or otherwise) relating to
either Party, or any information relating to the terms of the Offer or Campaign,
is confidential (the “Confidential Information”). Neither Party shall publicly
divulge or announce, or disclose to any third party, any Confidential
Information of the other Party without the prior written consent of that other
Party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Parties understand and agree that
Confidential Information does not include information that: (i) becomes known
to the general public without fault or breach on the part of the Party receiving
the information (the “Receiving Party”); (ii) is information that the Receiving
Party can show with documentary evidence was in its possession prior to
disclosure by the Party disclosing the information (the “Disclosing Party”); (iii)
is independently developed by the Receiving Party’s personnel having no
access to similar information obtained from Disclosing Party; or (iv) is required
to be disclosed by applicable law or court order, provided that the Receiving
Party provides the Disclosing Party with reasonable notice and the opportunity
to seek confidential treatment, a protective order or similar remedies or relief
prior to disclosure. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Platform and the
Products and Services, and any trade-marks or other intellectual property of
GNTB will be Confidential Information of GNTB. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
the Parties understand and agree that the Receiving Party may divulge
Confidential Information to any of its affiliates, employees, professional
advisers or subcontractors solely as required for the Receiving Party to fulfill
its obligations set out under this Agreement, and provided that any such
permitted third-party recipient agrees to be bound by confidentiality
obligations in respect of such Confidential Information that are at least as
stringent as those set out herein, and provided further that the Receiving Party
will be liable to the Disclosing Party for any breach by such permitted third
party recipient of its confidentiality obligations.
Notices: Any and all notices, elections, offers, acceptances, and demands
permitted or required to be made under this Agreement shall be in writing.
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All correspondence to GNTB/GNTO will be addressed to the contact which is
mentioned in the Influencer contract.
Force Majeure: If for any reason beyond GNTB’s control including, without
limitation, force majeure occurrence, strike or labor dispute, or restraint of
public authority, GNTB is prevented from utilizing Influencer’s services
hereunder during any portion of the term of this Agreement, GNTB and
Influencer shall participate in good faith negotiations regarding any
modifications to the Agreement.
Severability: In the event any provision, clause, sentence, phrase, or word
hereof, or the application thereof in any circumstances, is held to be invalid or
unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity
or enforceability of the remainder hereof, or of the application of any such
provision, sentence, clause, phrase, or word in any other circumstances.
Entire Agreement: This Agreement (including any exhibits hereto, if any)
constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between Influencer and
GNTB hereto and supersedes any and all prior or contemporaneous
representations, understandings and agreements between the Influencer and
GNTB with respect to the subject matter hereof.