Proyecto: semestre de otoño, español 3-4
The student will compose a personal narrative skit highlighting their daily routine via the use of
reflexive pronouns or a vacation which would include past tense, details etc. Students will speak
entirely in Spanish without the use of notes. The presentation must be memorized.
Option A: Create a presentation with only pictures and narrate live in class.
Option B: Create a daily routine / vacation video that you will narrate live in class.
Option C: Create a skit to present in class.
Communication (1.1 and 1.3) Students will engage in conversations and present information
and ideas in the target language.
Activity Description:
Your task is to describe to your class, en español, your average day or a memorable vacation
that you took. For the daily routing, begin from the time you wake up until the time you go to
bed. To accomplish this, you should use as many reflexive Spanish verbs as possible (Me
despierto). You will also need to include times when many of these activities occur (Me
despierto a las siete de la mañana). You must also include descriptive vocabulary related to
daily routines that will further reveal your habits (Generalmente, me despierto a las siete de la
mañana). For the vacation variation include full details of where you went, with whom, what you
did, why, descriptions of the places, etc.
Due Date:
This is the Fall Semester Project for Spanish 3-4 and it is worth 10% of your grade.
Students will write their rough draft of project in class (hand written, 90-100 words minimum)
and the rough draft will be due on 11/18/16. Their rough draft will be returned to them. The final
typed copy is due on November 30
, 2016. At that point, students will have the opportunity to
make corrections to their project and be ready to present to the class during the week of
December 12-16.
Final drafts of the project must be typed and turned in on November 30
, 2016 to Canvas.
Student presentations will be on during the week of December 12-16. No late projects will
be awarded credit.
Use at least 10 of the following reflexive verbs.
Also include body parts and other chapter 2 vocabulary.
o despertarse o lavarse o peinarse o ponerse o quitarse
o levantarse o bañarse o afeitarse o mirarse o acostarse
o prepararse o cepillarse o pintarse o divertirse o dormirse
Include at least 6 of the following vocabulary phrases or words.
o antes de + inf. o después de + inf. o temprano
o Hay que + inf. o Es necesario o tarde
o tener que + inf. o Segundo o ¡Ya voy!
o Primero o Finalmente o Favor de + inf.
When you discuss times, be sure to include (por) la mañana, de (por) la tarde, or de
(por) la noche. Also include body parts and daily routine vocabulary from chapter 2.
Each student’s lines should be about 100 words in length.
Nombre_____________________________________________________ Hora _________
Grade total: + _____________/50 points
Presentation Rubric for the assignment:
Excellent Average Needs Work
Reflexive Verbs Student uses 9-10 of the
reflexive verbs listed
above; excellent
10 9
Student uses 6-8 of the
reflexive verbs listed
above; some
conjugation errors.
8 7 6
Student uses 5 or fewer of
the reflexive verbs listed
above; faulty
5 4 3 2 1 0
Times Student gives 5+
complete times
(including several
references to morning,
afternoon, and evening).
Student gives 5+
complete times (but does
not include references to
morning, afternoon, or
4 3
Student gives 0-4 times
(may include some
references to morning,
afternoon, and/or
2 1 0
Student uses a variety of
chapter 2 vocabulary
throughout project.
Student uses some new
vocabulary throughout
4 3
Student uses little to no
new vocabulary
throughout project.
Description &
Spanish Use
Description is complete
with “extra” details;
Spanish is solid with very
few errors.
10 9
Description is complete
with no “extra” details;
Spanish is average with
several errors.
8 7 6
Description is incomplete
(no “extra” details);
Spanish is poor with vast
5 4 3 2 1 0
Fluent, minimal or no
pauses, very few errors
10 9
Occasional pausing,
some errors
8 7 6
Halting, forgetting lines,
use of English, many
5 4 3 2 1 0
Writing Rubric for the assignment---WL holistic rubric
7 or 8 = 8 Wow, exceeds expectations! 7 Strong, shows control and skill in this trait. Many strengths
5 or 6= 6 Competent, on balance the strengths outweigh the weaknesses. 5 On-Level A small amount of
revision needed.
3 or 4 = 4 Developing +, some areas need clarification or revision. 3 Developing Strengths and need for
revision are about equal.
1 or 2 = Emerging, Need for revision outweighs strengths. Not Yet, a bare beginning, writer not showing
any control in this trait.
0= Work incomplete/not submitted
Clean/typed final draft of lines were submitted: 2 pts. / No final draft was turned in. 0 pts.