City of St. Albert
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Part 1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 1
Jurisdiction .................................................................................................................... 1
Development Authority .................................................................................................. 3
Bylaw Amendments ...................................................................................................... 4
Contravention and Enforcement .................................................................................... 5
Part 2 Development Process ................................................................................................10
Development Permit Requirements ..............................................................................10
Variances and Conditions ............................................................................................20
Validity, Cancellations, and Appeals ............................................................................23
Non-Conforming Development .....................................................................................25
Compliance Certificates ...............................................................................................26
Part 3 Specific Uses & Activities .............................................................................................28
Part 4 General Regulations ...................................................................................................43
City-Wide Regulations ..................................................................................................43
Residential Buildings and Parcels ................................................................................51
Non-Residential Buildings and Parcels .........................................................................60
Landscaping and Grading ............................................................................................64
Part 5 Parking ........................................................................................................................68
Part 6 Land Use Districts ......................................................................................................80
Part 7 Signage ..................................................................................................................... 164
Part 8 Definitions ................................................................................................................. 184
Table 1: Minimum Specified Penalties .................................................................................................... 7
Table 2: Development Not Requiring a Development Permit................................................................ 10
Table 3: Parking Stall Dimensions ......................................................................................................... 77
Table 4: Land Use District Conversions ................................................................................................ 81
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Figure 1: Maximum Height for Detached Garage with Garage Suite ..................................................... 39
Figure 2: Measuring Building Height ....................................................................................................... 43
Figure 3: Measuring Retaining Wall Height ............................................................................................ 44
Figure 4: Corner Cut for Traffic Sight Lines ............................................................................................ 46
Figure 5: Illustrative Detached Garage Setbacks ................................................................................... 54
Figure 6: Fence Height and Location ...................................................................................................... 55
Figure 7: Lot Widths ................................................................................................................................ 57
Figure 8: Curb Frontage Requirements for Pie Shaped Parcels ........................................................... 57
Figure 9: Curb Frontage Requirements for Rear Lane Access Only ..................................................... 57
Figure 10: Lot Depth Requirements .......................................................................................................... 57
Figure 11: Lots Cul-de-Sac .................................................................................................................... 58
Figure 12: Measuring Lots Less than 12.20 m Wide ................................................................................ 58
Figure 13: Small Lots on Non-Through Streets ........................................................................................ 59
Figure 14: Parking Angle Illustration ......................................................................................................... 77
Figure 15: Zero Lot Line Development ..................................................................................................... 91
Figure 16: Grouping of Vehicular Access on Adjacent Lots for a Block of Dwelling (Semi-Detached) .......... 95
Figure 17: Grouping of Vehicular Access on Adjacent Lots for a Block of Dwelling (Duplex) ................. 96
Figure 18: Grandfathered Sites for Dwelling (Semi-Detached) ................................................................ 99
Figure 19: MID District Sub-Areas .......................................................................................................... 113
Figure 20: Downtown .............................................................................................................................. 123
Figure 21: Downtown Podium and Stepback.......................................................................................... 126
Figure 22: ICC District Subareas ............................................................................................................ 130
Figure 23: ICC Building Height Adjacent to Erin Ridge Drive and Erin Ridge Road .............................. 132
Figure 24: ICC Storefront Access ........................................................................................................... 136
Figure 25: Billboard Sign Locations ........................................................................................................ 171
Figure 26: Example of Typical Non-Through Street Designs .................................................................... 196
Figure 27: Restricted Building Envelope .................................................................................................. C3
Figure 28: Staggered Setback ................................................................................................................. C4
Figure 29: Multiple Lot Developments ..................................................................................................... C5
Figure 30: Established Neighbourhoods (shows expanded city boundary). ........................................... C6
Schedule A: Land Use District Map
Schedule B: Major Roadways
Schedule C: Established Neighbourhood Overlay
Schedule D: Building Heights for Specific Development Area
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Part 1
This part introduces readers to the Land Use Bylaw, the local Development
Authority, the process for amending this bylaw and offences for contravening it.
This Bylaw may be cited as "The City of St. Albert Land Use Bylaw."
This Bylaw repeals Land Use Bylaw No. 9/2005 and amendments thereto.
(a) All amendments to this Bylaw, any Land Use Redistricting, Subdivision, or Development
Permit applications received on or after the effective date of this Bylaw shall be
processed and considered upon the provisions outlined herein.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), if a complete application for a subdivision or
development permit in accordance with Part 3 of Land Use Bylaw No. 9/2005, as
amended, is received by the Development Officer before the coming into force of this
Bylaw, that application will be determined in accordance with Land Use Bylaw
No. 9/2005, unless the applicant elects in writing to have the application determined in
accordance with the provisions of this Bylaw.
This Bylaw is enacted pursuant to the Municipal Government Act (MGA), as amended.
The purpose of this Bylaw is to regulate the use and development of land and buildings
within the City of St. Albert (the “City”).
Nothing in this Bylaw shall exempt any person from any obligation to comply with the
requirements of any other municipal, provincial, or federal statute or regulation.
Each provision of this Bylaw is independent of all other provisions, and if any provision of
this Bylaw is declared invalid by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, all other
provisions remain valid and enforceable.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) Any reference in this Bylaw to other Bylaws, provincial or federal legislation shall be a
reference to the Bylaw or legislation then in effect and shall include all amendments and
any successor legislation.
(b) The density requirement of an Area Structure Plan (ASP), Area Redevelopment Plan
(ARP), Neighbourhood Plan or Concept Plan shall supersede the site density of any
(a) Fees and charges under and pursuant to this Bylaw, are established within the Master
Rates Bylaw, as amended.
(b) Penalty fees for contravention of this Bylaw are established within Section 1.25 ‘Fines
and Penalties’.
(c) Fees and charges must be paid in full prior to a decision being rendered.
In this Bylaw:
(a) the table of contents, titles and subtitles are not part of this Bylaw, but are inserted for
convenience of reference only;
(b) tables, charts or schedules included in this Bylaw are part of this Bylaw unless otherwise
(c) Land Use Districts may be referred to collectively:
LDR, SLR, LLR, FBR, MDR, HDR, MID (Areas A and B), and ICC (Area A) are
Residential Districts;
NHC, TCC, ICC (Area B), and RCC are Commercial Districts;
BP1, BP2, ICS, and IND are Industrial Districts;
MID (Area C), MU1, MU2, and DTN are Mixed-Use Districts;
ALT, PRK, CPK, ICC (Area C) PSI, FUD and TRN are Special Districts.
(d) Dwelling (apartment); dwelling (duplex); dwelling (manufactured home); dwelling
(secondary); dwelling (semi-detached); dwelling (single-detached); dwelling (townhouse
complex); dwelling (townhouse hybrid); dwelling (townhouse plex); dwelling
(townhouse single); dwelling unit above a non-residential use; group home; secondary
suite (garage); secondary suite (garden); secondary suite (internal); supportive living
accommodation; townhousing; and transitional accommodation are Residential Uses;
(e) in this Bylaw, unless the context otherwise requires, words importing the singular shall
include the plural and, vice versa;
(f) in this Bylaw, unless the context otherwise requires, words importing one gender include
all genders; and
(g) the following abbreviations are used in this Bylaw:
du is for dwelling unit;
ha is for hectare;
m is for metre; and
is for square metre.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Development Authority
(a) The office of Development Officer is the Development Authority hereby established in
accordance with the MGA and will be filled by a person or persons appointed by the
Chief Administrative Officer.
(b) A Development Officer shall perform the duties specified in this Bylaw.
(c) The duties and powers imposed or given under this Bylaw and the MGA can be
discharged by any one of the persons appointed to the office of Development Officer.
(a) The Development Officer shall:
Receive and determine whether an application is complete as per the timelines
prescribed within the MGA;
Process and render decisions on Development Permit applications as per the
timelines prescribed within the MGA;
Keep, and maintain for inspection during regular municipal office hours, a copy of
this Bylaw as amended, ensure that an online version is made available on the
City’s website, and hard copies are available to the public for a fee; and
Keep a register of all Development Permit applications, and the decisions
rendered on them, for a minimum of seven years.
(b) The Development Officer may:
Refer a Development Permit application, in whole or in part, to any internal
department, outside agency, or local authority they deem necessary for comment;
Provide a written Time Extension Agreement, in alignment with this Bylaw;
Consider a variance, provided it complies with this Bylaw;
Refuse a Development Permit application and provide the Applicant with notice
stating the decision of refusal and the reasoning for it;
Enforce the regulations of the Land Use Bylaw; or
issue letters certifying whether the current or proposed use of a parcel or building
complies with this Bylaw.
(c) A Development Officer may review applications for the siting of telecommunications
towers in alignment with Section 3.31 ‘Telecommunication Towers’ and has the authority
to issue a letter of support or non-support in accordance with ‘C-P&E-05
Telecommunication Tower and Facility Siting Policy’.
The Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB) shall perform such duties as are
specified in Bylaw No. 20/1995 and the MGA, as amended.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Bylaw Amendments
All amendments to this Bylaw shall be made by an amending bylaw following a public
hearing in accordance with the MGA. Application to amend this Bylaw may be made as
(a) In the case of an application to redistrict a parcel of land, any owner of a parcel of land
or their authorized agent or other persons having a legal interest in the parcel of land
may, in accordance with Section 1.15 ‘Land Use Redistricting Application’, apply in
writing to the City to have the Land Use District of the parcel of land amended;
(b) In the case of an application to amend the text of the Land Use Bylaw, any person may
apply in writing to the City to have the text amended, in accordance with Section 1.16
‘Text Amendment Application’; or
(c) By the City at any time.
(a) All applications to redistrict a parcel of land shall be made to the City and shall be
accompanied by the following:
A completed application form;
A copy of the certificate of title for the lands affected that has been produced no
more than 30 days prior to the date of submittal;
Copies of any registered caveats or restrictive covenants and any other
documents satisfactory to the City verifying that the applicant has a legal interest in
the land;
A statement of the reasons for the request to amend this Bylaw;
Vicinity maps produced at an appropriate scale that provide dimensions of each
boundary of the amendment area, show the relationship of the proposed District to
existing land uses in a 100.0 m radius of the boundaries of the site, and provide
the location and nature of any prominent geographical or natural features;
A statement of how the proposed amendment conforms to the polices and intent of
the MDP;
A fee, as established within the Master Rates Bylaw, as amended;
Where the applicant is an agent acting for the owner, a letter from the owner
verifying the agent’s authority to make the application; and
Any other information requested at the discretion of Administration.
(b) Where an application to amend this Bylaw under subsection (a) has been refused by
Council or withdrawn by the applicant after advertisement of the proposed amendment
Bylaw, another application for amendment on the same site shall not be made by the
same or any other applicant until at least six (6) months:
from the date of Council’s decision; or
from the date the applicant’s letter of withdrawal is received by the City.
(c) An application to redistrict a parcel of land to Direct Control (DC) shall require additional
information noted in Section 6.4 ‘Direct Control District Application’.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
All applications for text amendments to this Bylaw shall be made to the City and shall be
accompanied by the following:
(a) A completed application form;
(b) A statement of the reasons for the request to amend this Bylaw;
(c) A statement of how the proposed amendment conforms to the policies and intent of the
(d) A fee, as established within the ‘Master Rates Bylaw,’ as amended; and
(e) Any other information requested at the discretion of Administration.
The City may refuse to accept an application to amend this Bylaw if the required
information has not been supplied or if, in its opinion, is of inadequate quality to properly
evaluate the application.
After accepting an application to amend this Bylaw, the application shall be processed for
consideration by Council in accordance with the City’s requirements, and the MGA.
Contravention and Enforcement
(a) A person who contravenes, causes, or permits a contravention of any provision of this
Bylaw is guilty of an offence.
(b) It is an offence for any person to commence or continue development when:
a development permit is required but has not been issued;
a development permit has expired;
a development permit has been revoked or suspended; or
a condition of a development permit has been contravened.
(c) It is an offence for a person to prevent or obstruct a Designated Officer from carrying out
any official duty under this Bylaw or the MGA.
In the case of an offence that is of a continuing nature, a contravention of a provision of
this Bylaw constitutes a separate offence with respect to each day, or part of a day, during
which the contravention continues, and a person guilty of such an offence is liable to a fine
in an amount not less than that established by this Bylaw for each such separate offence.
(a) The Development Officer, a Bylaw Enforcement Officer, or a Peace Officer may enforce
the provisions of this Bylaw, or the conditions of a development permit pursuant to the
MGA and the Provincial Offences Procedure Act (POPA), as amended.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(b) The Development Officer is considered to be a Designated Officer per this Bylaw.
(c) Enforcement may be by violation ticket pursuant to POPA, notice of violation, or any
other authorized action to ensure compliance.
(d) The enforcement powers granted to the Development Officer under this Bylaw are in
addition to any enforcement powers that the City or any of its Designated Officers may
have under POPA.
(e) The Development Officer may exercise all powers concurrently.
(a) Pursuant to the MGA, where an offense under this Bylaw occurs, the Development
Officer may by written notice, order the owner or the person in possession of the land or
buildings, or the person responsible for the contravention to:
Stop the development or use of the land or buildings in whole or in part as directed
by the notice, or
Demolish, remove or replace the development, or
Carry out any other actions required by the notice so that the development or use
complies with this Bylaw.
(b) A person who receives a stop order may appeal to the SDAB in accordance with the MGA.
(c) If a Stop Order is not complied with or appealed to the SDAB by the stated deadline, the
City may elect to take further action.
(a) The City may register a caveat under the Land Titles Act against the certificate of title
for the land that is the subject to a Stop Order, and
(b) The City must discharge the caveat when the Stop Order has been complied with.
Pursuant to the MGA, a Designated Officer may, after giving twenty-four hours notice to
the owner or occupier of land or the structure to be entered:
(a) enter on that land or structure at any reasonable time, and carry out any inspection,
enforcement or action required to assess or enforce compliance with this Bylaw;
(b) request anything to be produced to assist in the inspection, remedy, enforcement or
action; and
(c) make copies of anything related to the inspection, remedy, enforcement or action.
(a) A person who is guilty of an offence under this Bylaw is liable:
to a fine as prescribed in Table 1; or
on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding $10,000.00, or to an order of
imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both.
Table 1: Minimum Specified Penalties
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(b) Development Without a Valid Development Permit
Principal Building
Residential or Special District
$ 1,000
Commercial, Industrial or Mixed-Use District
$ 1,500
$ 1,000
Accessory Development
Residential or Special District
$ 500
Commercial, Industrial or Mixed-Use District
$ 750
Temporary Structure
$ 250
$ 500
Change of Use, Alterations, Occupancy
Residential or Special District
$ 500
Commercial, Industrial or Mixed-Use District
$ 1,000
$ 500
Home-Based Business
Home-Based Business (Level Two)
$ 500
Home-Based Business (Level Three)
$ 750
Stripping and Grading
Site less ≤ 3 hectares
$ 500
Site > 3 hectares
$ 2,000
$ 500
$ 150
(c) Continued operation or construction after the expiry of an issued
Development Permit
Residential or Special District
$ 500
Commercial, Industrial or Mixed-Use District
$ 750
Stripping and Grading - site less ≤ 3 hectares
$ 500
Stripping and Grading - site > 3 hectares
$ 2,000
Sign (Permanent or Temporary)
$ 150
$ 500
(d) Continued operation or construction after the cancellation or suspension
of a Development Permit
Residential District
$ 500
Special District
$ 750
Commercial, Industrial or Mixed-Use District
$ 1,000
Stripping and Grading - site less ≤ 3 hectares
$ 500
Stripping and Grading - site > 3 hectares
$ 2,000
Sign (Permanent or Temporary)
$ 500
$ 150
(e) Failure to comply with Development Permit conditions
Residential District
$ 500
Special District
$ 750
Commercial, Industrial or Mixed-Use District
$ 1,000
Stripping and Grading - site less ≤ 3 hectares
$ 500
Stripping and Grading - site > 3 hectares
$ 2,000
Sign (Permanent or Temporary)
$ 150
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
$ 750
(f) Failure to comply with one or more regulations of this Bylaw
Any Regulation, exclusive of Signs
Residential District
$ 250
Non-Residential District
$ 500
$ 250
Signs (Permanent or Temporary)
Residential District
$ 150
Non-Residential District
$ 150
$ 150
(g) Obstruct a Designated Officer from carrying out official duties under this
bylaw or the MGA
$ 1,000
(h) Payment of a fine does not release the offender from the requirement to comply with the
regulations of this Bylaw.
(a) A Peace Officer may issue, with respect to an offence under this Bylaw, a municipal
violation tag specifying the fine amount established by this Bylaw.
(b) Where a municipal violation tag is issued, the fine amount indicated thereon may be paid
as directed in lieu of prosecution.
(a) A Peace Officer may issue, with respect to an offence under this Bylaw, a violation
specifying the fine amount established by this Bylaw; or
requiring an appearance in court without the option of making a voluntary
(b) Where a violation ticket specifies a fine amount, a voluntary payment equal to the
specified fine amount may be made as directed.
(a) A person applying for, or in possession of, a valid development permit is not relieved
from full responsibility for ascertaining and complying with, or carrying out and shall
ascertain, comply or carry out development in accordance with:
the requirements of the Safety Codes Act, and regulations including the current
Alberta Building Code and Alberta Fire Code, Environmental Protection and
Enhancement Act, RSA 2000, c. E-12 and Natural Resources Conservation
Board Act, RSA 2000, c. N-3;
the requirements of any other federal, provincial or municipal enactment or any
other law; and
the conditions of any caveat, covenant, easement or other instrument affecting a
building or land.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(b) The City is not responsible for nor does the City have any obligation whatsoever to
determine what other legislation may apply to a development, nor to monitor or enforce
compliance with such legislation.
(c) In the event that the provisions of this Bylaw conflict with any provisions in the City's
Traffic Bylaw, the latter shall govern.
(a) Signs not maintained to the satisfaction of the Development Officer may be required to
be renovated or removed, such as:
where, in their opinion, the sign is in a state of extensive disrepair; or
where safety concerns or emergency conditions may justify such removal.
(b) A sign removed under Subsection (a) shall be delivered to a storage facility where it will
remain impounded until claimed by an individual, business, or organization referenced
on the sign.
(c) If an impounded sign is not reclaimed within thirty (30) days of the individual, business,
or organization (as referenced in subsection (b)) being notified (either verbally, or in
writing) of the sign’s removal, the City may dispose of the sign an any manner it deems
(d) Any cost associated with removal or storage of a sign shall be charged to the owner of
the sign.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Part 2
Development Process
This part outlines the City’s Development Permit Process and related requirements
and procedures.
Development Permit Requirements
(a) Except as provided in Section 2.2 ‘Development Not Requiring a Development Permit’,
no development shall be undertaken within the City unless an application has been
approved and a development permit has been issued for it.
(b) If a use to which a building, or a portion of a building, is put ceases operation for six
months or less, the re-establishment of the same or similar use in the premises does not
require a development permit, unless structural changes are made in the space. If
structural changes are made, a new development permit is required.
(c) If a use to which a building, or a portion of a building, is put ceases operation for more
than six months, the re-establishment of a use in the building requires a new
development permit.
(d) Subsections (b) and (c) do not apply to the use of dwelling units.
(e) All development shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions of an approved
development permit.
(f) A Development Permit applicant shall be responsible for compliance with all federal,
provincial, and municipal enactments, and any other law applicable to the use and
development of the land and/or buildings and shall, as and when required, thereunder
obtain any and all permits, licenses and approvals.
The following development, outlined in Table 2, does not require a development permit,
provided the development complies with all requirements of this Bylaw. If the development
requires aVariance’ (Section 2.16), a development permit must be obtained authorizing
the development and variance.
Table 2: Development Not Requiring a Development Permit
Permit Not Required
Constructing, widening, altering, redesigning or
maintaining a public roadway;
Traffic management projects and devices;
Vehicular and pedestrian bridges and walkways;
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Permit Not Required
Water reservoirs, water lines, storm and sanitary sewer
Street furniture, tennis courts, playgrounds, public park
landscaping, municipal recreation equipment and civic
buildings with a gross floor area under 75.00 m
Constructing and maintaining public utilities; and
Stripping, grading or filling of land, including temporary
storage and sale of topsoil in an area governed by a
development agreement, but excluding topsoil processing
or screening.
A project listed in Development Subject to a Valid
Development Agreement (subsection 2.2(a)) undertaken
by the City;
Construction and maintenance of that part of a public
utility located in, on, over or under a public roadway, a
public utility right-of-way or public utility lot;
The installation, maintenance of, and repair of, public
works, roads, provincial highways, facilities, and/or utilities
carried out by, or on behalf of federal, provincial, or local
In a Residential District, the FUD or TRN Districts, the
installation of a freestanding pillar, less than 1.20 m in
height, for the purpose of municipal addressing.
In the TRN District, an Agriculture Accessory Building.
On a parcel in a Residential District limited to:
the parking of one commercial vehicle, having a gross
vehicle weight of between 3,000 kg and 5,000 kg; and
the parking of one commercial vehicle, having a gross
vehicle weight of more than 5,000 kg, but less than
7,000 kg, if it is parked or stored in a garage, or it is
being loaded or unloaded.
In a Commercial or Industrial District, parking of a commercial
motor vehicle that is accessory to a use for which a
development permit has been issued under this Bylaw.
In a Residential District, the width of hard surfacing in any
yard for the purposes of providing vehicular access from a
public roadway to a garage or carport, provided that it
does not exceed:
7.50 m on a lot 11.50 m or greater in width; and
5.50 m on a lot less than 11.50 m in width.
In the TRN District, a dugout, in alignment with Section
4.55 ‘Dugout’.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Permit Not Required
The use of a building or a part of it in connection with a
federal, provincial, municipal, or school election,
referendum, or census.
Construction of a fence, wall, or gate on an interior lot, in
alignment with Section 4.35 Residential Fences’ and
Section 4.50 ‘Non-Residential Fences’.
In a Residential District, the FUD or TRN Districts, holding
a garage sale up to three times per calendar year, each
for a duration of not more than three consecutive days.
In alignment with Section 3.18 ‘Home-Based Business
(Level One).
In a Residential District, the FUD or TRN Districts, the
habitation within a dwelling unit of a family, plus a
maximum of two lodgers.
Routine maintenance of, and repairs to, a building not
involving any structural changes.
Construction of a private pool or a decorative pond 0.60 m
or less in depth.
In a Residential District, the FUD or TRN Districts, one
radio antenna less than 12.00 m above finished grade at
its highest point.
In a Residential District, the FUD or TRN Districts, the
parking of a recreation vehicle less than 10.00 m in
length, or the storage of recreation equipment less than
8.00 m in length:
in a fenced rear or side yard, unless a development on
an adjoining site has a window of a habitable room on the
ground floor facing the recreation vehicle or recreation
equipment, and this window is located less than 2.5 m
from the recreation vehicle or recreation equipment;
on a driveway, if the recreation vehicle or recreation
equipment is set back a minimum of 0.30 m from a
sidewalk, or where there is no sidewalk, set back 2.0 m
from a curb;
in the case of a lot accessed by a lane, the recreation
vehicle or recreation equipment shall be set back a
minimum of 1.0 m from the closest edge of the lane; and
notwithstanding the above, the parking or storage of a
recreation vehicle or recreation equipment shall not be
allowed if it interferes with safe traffic sight lines, as
determined by the Development Officer.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Permit Not Required
In a Residential District, the FUD or TRN Districts,
construction of:
an accessory building less than 10.00 m
in floor
an unenclosed, uncovered deck, to a maximum of
0.60 m above finished grade;
a patio; and
a firepit or barbeque (in alignment with the Fire
Services Regulations, as amended);
where the development otherwise complies with this
Landscaping on a Residential District parcel, not including
multi-unit sites.
Construction of a retaining wall less than 1.20 m in height,
if the slope of that portion of the site retained by the wall is
less than 8%.
In the TRN District, a shipping container, in alignment with
Section 6.29(o) ‘Shipping Container’.
A short-term rental in a Residential or Mixed-Use District.
A sign identified in Section 7.3 ‘Signs Not Requiring a Permit’.
In a Residential District, the temporary placement of a
storage container or refuse bin, not otherwise associated
with a building permit, on a paved driveway, for a period of
no more than two weeks.
Installation of solar collectors attached to a building, in
alignment with Section 3.27 ‘Solar Collector (Attached)’.
Installation of telecommunication towers that are not
added to, or mounted to a building, and are federally
regulated and comply with the regulations in Section 3.31
Telecommunication Towers.
A temporary building such as a shed, office, or storage
building, used solely as an accessory use to the
construction or renovation of a building or development
subject to a valid development permit for a period of up to
twelve months or as otherwise determined by the
Development Officer.
A wall mural in any District.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) An application for a development permit shall be made by the registered owner of the
land on which the development is proposed, or by a person having a registered interest
in the land on which the development is proposed, or by some other person with the
written consent of the owner to the Development Officer by submitting the following:
information as required or requested within Sections 2.4 through 2.9; and
such fee as set forth in the ‘Master Rates Bylaw’, as amended.
(b) An application is incomplete until the information and fees required under Subsection (a)
are submitted to the Development Officer.
Unless the Development Officer or this Bylaw specifies otherwise, the following
information must be submitted to the Development Officer when an application for a
development permit is made:
(a) Two (2) copies of a site plan showing the following information:
north arrow;
scale of plan (in metric, minimum 1:100);
legal description of property;
municipal address;
labeled property line and setback requirements in accordance with this Bylaw;
outline of all building and/or structures on the site;
total gross floor area, and, where applicable, gross floor of each individual unit within a
location of all existing and proposed utility rights-of-way;
distance from back of walk and face of curb (existing and proposed) to the property
medians and/or breaks in medians on public streets adjacent to the site;
existing and proposed site grades, contours, the designated flood line (where
applicable) and any special topographical features or site conditions;
location of all existing and proposed utilities;
location of all lighting and light standards, catch basins, utilities poles, hydrants and
utility fixtures;
location and dimension of driveway accesses;
adjoining streets, avenues and lanes, all shown and labeled;
layout of existing and proposed parking areas showing dimensioned depth and width
of stalls, barrier-free stalls, aisle dimensions, angle of stalls and number of stalls;
parking area grades including any driveways and ramps;
identification of surface treatment for all areas;
location of all existing and proposed fencing;
location of garbage and recycling receptacles and loading areas; and
existing and proposed sign locations.
(b) Landscaping plans as required by the Development Officer showing:
the existing topography and clearly identifying the vegetation that is to be retained
or removed;
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the layout of the soft and hard landscaping, pedestrian circulation and open space
systems, screening, berms, slopes, and retaining walls;
the types, sizes and numbers of plant material, caliper of trees and the types of
hard landscaping; and
municipal address, north arrow and scale, and property lines.
(c) A certified copy of title of the site indicating ownership, interest and encumbrances
accompanied by a written authorization for the Development Officer or their
representative to enter upon the site; and
(d) An address for any subsequent notification.
(e) Any other additional information required as per Sections 2.6 through 2.9.
(a) Any building greater than 20.00 m in height requires a height impact assessment and
sun shadow study be completed by a registered Architect or Professional Engineer.
(b) The assessment shall address the shading and wind impact of the proposed building on
adjacent properties and buildings and, where applicable, the impact of glare and noise
reverberation associated with façades that are to contain a substantial proportion of glass.
The Development Officer may require the following additional plans and information:
(a) Photographic prints showing the site in its existing state;
(b) Data to show:
how the form, mass and architectural character of the proposed development will
relate to neighbouring developments; and
how the design, materials and finish of the principal facades of the proposed
development will relate to existing or planned facades of neighbouring buildings
including photographs of existing building facades.
(c) A parking study, transportation study, transportation impact assessment (TIA), or swept
path analysis prepared by a professional engineer;
(d) A historical resource assessment, heritage assessment or related study;
(e) A wastewater servicing study, or re-evaluation of wastewater servicing study prepared
by a qualified professional;
(f) A vibration or noise evaluation study, or attenuation proposal prepared by a professional
(g) A lighting plan;
(h) A retaining wall design prepared by a professional engineer;
(i) A Real Property Report;
(j) Clear drawings, electronic and/or hard copy when required for presentations to Council;
(k) Site topography, trees, landscaping or other physical conditions;
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(l) Copies of plans in such number as specified by the Development Officer showing the
elevations, floor plan, and a perspective of the proposed development, including a
description of the exterior finishing materials;
(m) A vicinity map of appropriate scale, indicating the location of the proposed development
in relation to nearby access streets and other significant physical features which may
have a bearing on the proposed project;
(n) Copies of any permit, license, approval, application for any permit, license, or approval,
any environmental assessment, environmental impact assessment, emergency
response plan, baseline environmental study, environmental audit and any other report,
study or analysis that the applicant or owner has, is, or will be required or requested to
obtain or prepare pursuant to any federal, provincial, or municipal enactment or any
other law that the Development Officer deems necessary to properly assess the
(o) Such geotechnical report, environmental assessment, environmental impact
assessment, emergency response plan, baseline environmental study, environmental
audit, report, map, study, or analysis that the Development Officer deems necessary to
properly assess the application;
(p) Information confirming that the applicant has discussed the proposed development with
any person affected by the proposed development; and
(q) Other information required by the Development Officer to determine how a proposed
development may affect land uses in the vicinity.
(r) On sites greater than 0.75 ha, the Development Officer may require developments to
incorporate sustainable development practices through the use of, but not limited to, the
following techniques:
Infrastructure practices, building and site design that conserve the consumption of
water, energy, and materials.
Combination of low impact development techniques implemented throughout the
parking area of the site, that result in an efficient conservation of site run-off.
Typical techniques include bioretention cells, bioswales, or permeable surfaces.
In addition to the plans and information required under Section 2.4, an application for a
development permit for the excavation, stripping or grading of land, whether with or
without other development on the same site, must include the following information:
(a) The specific location and area of the site proposed for excavation, stripping, grading, or
(b) The type of excavation, stripping, or grading proposed;
(c) The quantity of soil to be removed, the depth of topsoil to be removed, the total depth of
excavating, and depth of topsoil to remain;
(d) The setback from any environmentally sensitive areas on the site to the proposed
location of the excavation, stripping, grading, or stockpiling;
(e) The location of access points, proposed haul routes, and hauling activities;
(f) The proposed method for the mitigation of any nuisance caused by dust and erosion;
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(g) A detailed plan for controlling erosion, sedimentation, and weeds on the site;
(h) A detailed timing and phasing program covering the length of the proposed operation,
including any processing or sales operations; and
(i) A plan showing the final site conditions following completion of the operation and any
land reclamation proposals.
(j) In making a decision for a development permit application the Development Officer may
impose conditions to:
address on-site areas which are subject to erosion, and off-site areas which are
vulnerable to damage from erosion and/or sedimentation;
limit exposure of loose soil for the shortest feasible time;
minimize the size of the area to be exposed at any one time;
control surface water runoff originating upgrade of exposed areas to reduce
erosion and sediment loss during the period of exposure;
reduce impacts on privacy or view of adjacent properties;
prevent off-site sedimentation damage; and
control impacts to adjacent properties, including excessive dust and dirt nuisance
migration to adjacent properties.
In addition to the plans and information required under Section 2.4, an application for a
development permit for a show home or residential sales centre shall include the following
(a) The specific location and area intended as a show home site;
(b) Parking provisions;
(c) Lighting provisions; and
(d) Signage.
In addition to the plans and information required under Section 2.4, an application for a
Home-Based Business (Level Two) or (Level Three) shall include detailed information
regarding the scope and nature of the proposed business, using a City-supplied
(a) A Development Officer must, within twenty (20) days after the receipt of an application
for a development permit, determine whether the application is complete, unless an
agreement is reached between the Development Officer and the applicant to extend the
twenty-day period in alignment with Section 2.12 ‘Time Extension Agreement’.
(b) If the Development Officer fails to determine that the application is complete within the
prescribed time period, the application shall be deemed to be complete.
(c) When, in the opinion of the Development Officer, an application is deemed to be
incomplete, the applicant shall be advised in writing that the application is incomplete,
and that the application will not be processed until all of the required information is
provided. The written notice shall include a description of the information required for the
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application to be considered complete and the deadline by which the required
information is to be submitted.
(d) The failure to submit the required information in accordance with the notice shall result in
the application being deemed refused and may be appealed in accordance with Section
2.27 ‘Development Appeals’.
(e) Once an application is deemed to be complete, the applicant shall be notified in writing
that the application is complete, and the Development Officer shall process the
(f) The requirements of this Section do not apply to the optional information identified in
Section 2.6 ‘Additional Plans and Information’, but if required shall be provided by the
applicant to the Development Officer prior to a decision being made.
(a) The Development Officer must make a decision on the application for a development
permit within forty days after the Development Officer determines the completeness of
the application, pursuant to Section 2.10 ‘Determination of Completeness’.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), time to make a decision on a development permit
application may be extended within a written ‘Time Extension Agreement’ (Section 2.12).
(c) An application for a development permit shall, at the option of the applicant, be deemed
to be refused when a decision is not made within 40 days of receipt of the complete
application unless the applicant has entered into a written time extension agreement with
the Development Officer to extend the time period beyond the 40-day period.
(a) The Development Officer may request an extension of the determination of
completeness time-period or the application review period of a development permit from
the Applicant.
(b) The Development Officer may grant an extension of the determination of completeness
time-period or the review period of a development permit application at the request of
the Applicant.
(c) A time extension agreement shall be agreed to by both parties in writing.
(a) In reviewing a development permit application, the Development Officer shall have
regard to:
the purpose and intent of the applicable District;
the purpose and intent of any applicable Statutory Plan adopted by the City;
the purpose and intent of any other plan and pertinent policy adopted by the City; and
the circumstances and merits of the development permit application.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Bylaw, the Development Officer may impose more
stringent development regulations or standards on a development permit for a
Discretionary Use in order to ensure that the Development is compatible with, and
complementary to, surrounding land use, as well as other planning considerations.
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(a) The Development Officer shall review each development permit application to determine
what type of use the development constitutes.
(b) Where a proposed use does not conform to the wording of any land use definition or
generally conforms to the wording of two or more land use definitions, the Development
Officer may determine that the use is similar to the land use definition that the
Development Officer considers to be the most appropriate in character, purpose, and
potential impact. In such instances, the Development Officer may allow the proposed
use as a discretionary use.
(c) Subject to a Variance’ (Section 2.16) and any other variance provisions contained in this
Bylaw, a Development Officer shall refuse an application which does not conform to this
(d) The Development Officer shall issue a development permit for a permitted use with or
without conditions, if the application conforms to this Bylaw.
(e) The Development Officer may issue a development permit for a discretionary use, with
or without conditions, if the application conforms to this Bylaw.
(f) The Development Officer may refuse a development permit application for a
discretionary use on its merits, even though it conforms to this Bylaw.
(g) A decision on an application for a development permit for a permitted or discretionary
use shall be in writing, and a copy shall be sent to the applicant.
(h) If the Development Officer refuses an application for a development permit, the decision
shall contain the reasons for the refusal.
(a) Notification of the issuance of a development permit for a discretionary use, or for a
development permit for a permitted use involving a variance, is:
within five (5) business days of the issuance of the development permit, notice
shall be published on the City’s website; or
within five (5) business days of the issuance of the permit, notice shall be mailed
by ordinary mail to each registered owner of land within 30.00 m from the
boundary of the site of the proposed development, as shown on the assessment
roll of the City at the date of the application.
(b) Notification of an application to Council for a Direct Control development is:
within five (5) business days, published on the City’s website or in two consecutive
issues of a newspaper circulating in the City; and
within five (5) business days, mailed by ordinary mail to each registered owner of
land within 60.00 m from the boundary of the site of the proposed development, as
shown on the assessment roll of the City at the date of application.
(c) The Development Officer may notify property owners in an area greater than that
required under subsection (a) or (b).
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Variances and Conditions
(a) In exercising their discretion pursuant to this section, the Development Officer may grant
a variance up to a maximum of 25.00% if, in their opinion, the development would not:
unduly interfere with the amenities of the neighbourhood; or
materially interfere with, or affect the use, enjoyment, or value of neighbouring
properties; and
the development conforms with the use prescribed for that land or building in this Bylaw.
(b) In exercising their discretion under subsection (a), the Development Officer shall
consider the general purpose and intent of the appropriate District and the following:
except as otherwise provided in this Bylaw, there shall be no variance from the
regulations prescribing floor area, lot coverage, or density;
a variance from the provisions in this Bylaw shall not be granted when the variance
will knowingly cause a structure or use to not comply with federal, provincial, or
other municipal regulations, including the Safety Codes Act, RSA2000, c. S-1; and
variance requests to height, setbacks, and other regulations that may affect the
conformance of a structure with municipal, provincial, or federal regulations shall be
circulated to affected departments for review and comment prior to a decision on the
application for the development permit.
(c) Notwithstanding subsection (a), the Development Officer shall not approve a variance to
any use within the TRN District based on parcel size.
(d) Notwithstanding subsection (a), for a sign, the Development Officer shall assess the
merits of a ‘Comprehensive Sign Plan (Section 7.7) and may, at their discretion, vary
the number of signs permitted per site if:
the proposed sign types are permissible within the given District;
the proposed signs otherwise comply with the sign type regulations outlined in
Part 7 Signage.
the Comprehensive Sign Plan results in a greater degree of visual harmony and
consistency between the proposed signs, the buildings, the site and adjacent lands.
(e) In the DTN District, the Development Officer may vary any requirement if, in their
opinion, the variance is proposed in order to accommodate urban design or architectural
criteria consistent with the purpose and regulations of this District.
(f) In the ICC District, the Development Officer may vary any requirement if, in their opinion:
the variance is proposed in order to accommodate characteristics which are
fundamental to the nature of the Urban Village concept and is in keeping with the
purpose of the District, and
the variance is in order to accommodate other design solutions which offer
equivalent daylight, ventilation, quiet, visual privacy or views.
(g) When considering a variance to parking requirements, the Development Officer may
require a Parking Demand Study, which demonstrates to the satisfaction of the
Development Officer that the parking needs of the development can be met on site.
(h) Site Density Bonus’s noted in the MDR, HDR and MU1 Districts are not considered variances.
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The Development Officer may, with respect to any use:
(a) Require a development permit comply with the policies of the Municipal Development
Plan (MDP), an ASP, an ARP, a Neighbourhood Plan, or a Concept Plan;
(b) Require the applicant to make satisfactory arrangements for the supply of utilities
including, but not limited to, natural gas, cable, water, electric power, sewer service,
vehicular and pedestrian access, or any one or more of them, including payment of the
cost of installation or construction of any such utility or facility by the applicant;
(c) Require an applicant enter into an agreement or interim agreement, which shall form
part of such development permit, to do any or all of the following:
construct, or pay for the construction of, a public roadway required to give access
to the development;
construct, or pay for the construction of:
a pedestrian walkway system to serve the development; or
pedestrian walkways that connect the pedestrian walkway system serving the
development with a pedestrian walkway system that serves or is proposed to
serve an adjacent development; or both
install, or pay for the installation of, utilities that are necessary to serve the
pay an off-site levy, redevelopment levy or both, imposed by the Off-Site Levy
Bylaw unless otherwise stated in this Bylaw;
specify the location and number of vehicular and pedestrian access points to the
development from public roadways;
construct or pay for the construction of off-street or off-site parking facilities or
loading or unloading facilities;
repair, reinstate or pay for the repair or reinstatement to original condition of any
street furniture, curbing, sidewalk, boulevard landscaping and tree planting which
may be damaged or destroyed or otherwise harmed by development or building
operations upon the site;
install or construct or pay for the installation or construction of landscaping
berming and fencing on the development, public roadways and public lands
adjacent to the development; and
re-establish or restore all survey monuments including Alberta Survey Control
monuments which may be damaged or destroyed or otherwise harmed by
development or building operations upon or adjacent to the site;
(d) Require an applicant provide security to ensure the applicant complies with this Bylaw, a
development permit, an agreement under this section, or a statutory or subordinate
neighbourhood plan enacted by the City, which security may include, but is not limited to
an irrevocable letter of credit or charge against the title to the site;
(e) Require an applicant to obtain or maintain insurance coverage naming the City as an
additional insured under terms and with carriers as required by the Development Officer
including but not limited to comprehensive general liability coverage and automotive
accident coverage;
(f) Require that an agreement entered into be registered by caveat against title to the land
at the Land Titles Office;
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(g) Include provisions contemplated by the MGA in respect of oversized improvements; and
(h) With respect to a permitted use, impose such conditions as are required to ensure
compliance with this Bylaw or the MGA.
In addition to the noted ‘Development Permit Conditions’ (Section 2.18), the Development
Officer may, with respect to a discretionary use or development permit in a Direct Control
District, impose such conditions as they deem appropriate, having regard to the
regulations of this Bylaw, and the provisions of any statutory plan including, but not limited
to the following conditions:
(a) Specifying hours of operation;
(b) Specifying number of patrons;
(c) Establishing landscaping requirements;
(d) Requiring noise attenuation;
(e) Requiring special provisions be made for parking;
(f) Regarding the location, height, density, massing, design, and appearance of a building;
(g) Regarding the grading of a site or such other procedures as are necessary to protect the
site from other developments or to protect other developments from the site;
(h) Establishing the period of time during which a development may continue;
(i) Ensuring the development is compatible with surrounding development; and
(j) Ensuring the development complies and is compatible with the general development
regulations, and/or the regulations within a specific District.
In addition to the noted ‘Development Permit Conditions’ (Section 2.18), and Designated
Flood Line, regulations (Section 4.11), where the development of buildings is proposed on
land which, in the opinion of the Development Officer, may be subject to flooding, or
subsidence, or that is low-lying, marshy, or unstable, or is adjacent to or includes the
designated floodline, or within 100.0 m of the bed and shore of any lake, river, stream, or
other body of water, the Development Officer may impose such conditions as they deem
appropriate, having regard to the condition of the land, the provisions of this Bylaw, and
the provision of any Statutory Plan or Neighborhood Plan, including, but not limited to the
following conditions:
(a) Requiring soils and geotechnical reports to be completed prior to or concurrently with the
construction of any development;
(b) Requiring foundations, footings, drainage and any other aspects of the building to be
designed and certified by a professional engineer;
(c) Requiring the development to be constructed in accordance with the plans and
recommendations of a professional engineer;
(d) Requiring that a professional engineer inspect all or part of the proposed development;
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(e) Requiring compliance with specified design criteria, including but not limited to, flood
proofing provisions, sedimentation and erosion control measures; and
(f) Requiring a certificate from a professional engineer that all inspections have been
satisfactorily completed, that all design criteria have been complied with and that all
conditions have been met.
Validity, Cancellations, and Appeals
When an application for a development permit has been approved by the Development
Officer, the development permit shall not be valid unless and until:
(a) Any conditions of approval, save those of a continuing nature, have been fulfilled; and
(b) No notice of appeal from such approval has been served on the SDAB, or the Land and
Property Rights Tribunal (LPRT), within the time period specified in this Bylaw.
(a) When an application for a development permit has been approved by the SDAB or
LPRT, it shall not be valid unless and until:
the Board has adopted the minutes of its meeting at which the application was
approved; and
any conditions of approval, save those of a continuing nature, have been fulfilled.
(b) Upon service on the City of an application for leave to appeal the decision of the SDAB
or LPRT, under the MGA, the Development Officer shall suspend the development
permit issued by the SDAB or LPRT.
(c) The development permit issued by the SDAB or LPRT, and suspended pursuant to the
MGA, remains suspended until:
the Alberta Court of Appeal denies leave to appeal, and any appeal from that
denial has been finally determined; or
the Alberta Court of Appeal has granted leave to appeal, heard the appeal on the
merits, made its decision, and any appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada from
that determination by the Alberta Court of Appeal has been finally determined.
(a) Unless otherwise provided by this Bylaw, a development permit remains in effect unless:
the development permit is suspended or cancelled; or
the development for which the permit is issued has not commenced within twelve
(12) months of the date the permit is issued.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), if a building permit is issued for the development within
the twelve (12) month period, the development permit shall not lapse unless and until the
building permit so issued is cancelled or lapses.
(c) Notwithstanding subsection (a) time shall not run during an appeal of the development
permit to the SDAB or LPRT, and any consequent court proceedings until:
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the SDAB or LPRT, has issued a written decision of its approval of the
development permit and there is no appeal from this decision of the SDAB or
LPRT; or
the Alberta Court of Appeal denies leave to appeal and any appeal from that denial
has been fully determined; or
the Alberta Court of Appeal has granted leave to appeal, heard the appeal on the
merits, made its decision, and any appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada from
that determination by the Alberta Court of Appeal has been finally determined.
(a) A development permit for a permitted use where no variance has been granted comes
into effect on the date the permit was issued.
(b) Barring an appeal to the SDAB or LPRT, a development permit for a discretionary use or
where a variance has been granted, does not come into effect until twenty-one (21) days
from the date on which public notice was issued.
(a) The Development Officer may grant one twelve (12) month time extension on any
approved development permit.
(b) Time extensions are not permitted on approvals from the SDAB.
(a) If after the issue of a development permit, it becomes known to the Development Officer
the application for the development permit contains a misrepresentation;
facts have not been disclosed which should have been disclosed at the time of
consideration of the application for the development permit; or
the development permit was issued in error;
The development permit may be suspended or cancelled by notice in writing, issued by
the Development Officer, to the applicant at the address given in the development permit
(b) Upon receipt of written notice of suspension or cancellation of a development permit, the
applicant must cease all development and activities related to the permit.
(a) If the Development Officer:
refuses or fails to issue a development permit to an applicant;
issues a development permit subject to conditions; or
issues a stop order under the MGA;
the person applying for the permit or affected by the stop order under the MGA may
appeal upon payment of such fee as set forth in the Master Rates Bylaw, as amended, to
the SDAB.
(b) A person affected by an order, decision, or development permit made or issued by the
Development Officer, other than a person having a right of appeal under subsection (a),
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may appeal upon payment of such fee as set forth in the Master Rates Bylaw, as
amended, to the SDAB in accordance with this Bylaw and the MGA.
(c) An appeal shall be conducted by the SDAB or LPRT, in accordance with the Subdivision
and Development Appeal Board Bylaw No.20/95, as amended, the Land and Property
Rights Tribunal Act, and the MGA.
(a) Where an application has been refused or cancelled, an application for a development
permit for the same or similar use shall not be accepted by the Development Officer from
the same or any other applicant for the same site:
within six (6) months of the date of a refusal by the Development Officer; or
within six (6) months of the date of a written decision of the SDAB or LPRT, on a
previous application, if the previous application was appealed to, and subsequently
refused by, the SDAB or LPRT; or
within six months of the date of a written decision of the Alberta Court of Appeal on
the previous application if the application has been appealed to the Alberta Court
of Appeal; or
during the time prior to the decision of the SDAB, the LPRT, or the Alberta Court of
Appeal if the application has been appealed to the SDAB, the LPRT, or the Alberta
Court of Appeal.
(b) Subsection (a) shall not apply in the case of an application for a development permit for
a Permitted Use if the application complies with all the regulations of this Bylaw.
(c) If upon review of any application for a development permit, the Development Officer
determines that subsection (a) applies, then the application shall be returned to the
applicant, along with any fees that have been submitted. The application shall not be
considered as having been refused, but shall be deemed not to have been submitted.
(d) Notwithstanding subsection (a), if two or more development permit applications for the
same or similar use on the same site have been refused by the Development Officer, the
SDAB, the LPRT, or the Alberta Court of Appeal, or any combination of the above, the
third and any subsequent development permit application for that use on that site shall
not be accepted by the Development Officer until one (1) year from the date of the most
recent refusal, unless that application is for a permitted use and complies in all respects
with the requirements of this Bylaw.
(e) Where a development permit is issued for a site for which any other valid development
permit has been issued, all previous development permits shall be invalid if the physical
aspects of the development conflict, or both developments could not occur
simultaneously upon the site, in conformity with the regulations of this Bylaw. In the
event that the latter permit is appealed and the decision is reversed, the former permit is
valid, unless otherwise provided in this Bylaw.
Non-Conforming Development
(a) When a development permit has been issued on or before the day on which this Bylaw,
or any amendment to this Bylaw, comes into force, and the enactment of this Bylaw or
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any amendment to this Bylaw renders the development a non-conforming use or non-
conforming building, the development permit continues in effect.
(b) A non-conforming use of land or a non-conforming use of a building may be continued,
but if that use is discontinued for a period of six (6) consecutive months or more, any
future use of the land or building shall conform with the provisions of this Bylaw.
(c) A non-conforming use of part of a building may be extended throughout the building, but
the building, whether or not it is a non-conforming building, shall not be enlarged or
added to and no structural alterations shall be made to it or in it.
(d) A non-conforming use of part of a lot shall not be extended or transferred in whole, or in
part to any other part of the lot and no additional buildings shall be erected on the lot
while the non-conforming use continues.
(e) A non-conforming building may continue to be used, but the building shall not be
enlarged, added to, rebuilt or structurally altered except:
as may be necessary to make it a conforming building; or
as the Development Officer considers necessary for the routine maintenance of
the building.
(f) If a non-conforming building is damaged or destroyed to the extent of more than 75% of
the value of the building above its foundation, the building shall not be repaired or rebuilt
except in accordance with this Bylaw.
(g) The use of land or the use of a building is not affected by reason only of a change of
ownership, tenancy or occupancy of the land or building.
(h) Notwithstanding subsection (e), the Development Officer may approve as a discretionary
use in any District, an enlargement, alteration, or addition to a legal non-conforming
building, if the non-conforming building complies with the uses prescribed for that District
in this Bylaw, and the proposed development would not, in the opinion of the
Development Officer:
unduly interfere with the amenities of the neighbourhood; or
materially interfere with or affect the use, enjoyment, or value of neighbouring
Compliance Certificates
(a) The registered owner, or a person with a legal or equitable interest in a site, may apply
to the Development Officer for a Compliance Certificate.
(b) The applicant for a Compliance Certificate shall submit two original Real Property
Reports, that have been produced no more than five years prior to the date of submittal,
along with the fees outlined in theMaster Rates Bylaw’, as amended.
(c) The Development Officer may issue a Compliance Certificate when, in their opinion, the
buildings as shown on the Real Property Report provided by the applicant are located on
the site in accordance with the separation distance, and yard and building setback
regulations of this Bylaw, or the yard or building setbacks specified in any development
permit which may have been issued.
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(d) The Compliance Certificate shall only cover those buildings, or parts thereof, shown on
the Real Property Report as provided by the applicant.
(e) The Development Officer may refuse to issue a Compliance Certificate when, in their
opinion, they do not have sufficient information from the applicant to determine if
buildings as shown are located in accordance with the yard and building setback
regulations of this Bylaw, or the yard or building setbacks specified in any development
permit which may have been issued for the site.
(f) A Compliance Certificate is not a development permit.
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
Part 3
Specific Uses & Activities
This part outlines regulations that apply to specific uses and activities within
St. Albert.
This part applies to all Districts under this Bylaw where such development is a stated use.
For a dwelling (apartment), dwelling unit above a non-residential use, dwelling (townhouse
complex), dwelling (townhouse hybrid), and supportive living accommodation
containing 40 or greater dwelling units:
(a) The minimum amenity area (common) shall be 30.00 m
, excluding parking lots and
pedestrian walkways.
(b) An amenity area (common) may be provided indoors, outdoors, or a combination thereof.
(c) An amenity area (common) may include:
a rooftop amenity area;
an at grade amenity area, including a plaza, courtyard, or patio;
a balcony or terraced balcony;
a common garden area, either at grade or above grade; or
any other amenity area (common), including but not limited to, a pool, fitness
centre, community room, or theatre room.
An amenity area (common) at ground level adjacent to public areas shall be
(d) Screening shall:
be a minimum of 1.20 m in height; and
be provided as either a landscape buffer with a minimum width of at least 1.00 m,
or a fence.
(e) Notwithstanding subsection (d), amenity area (common) may be screened in some other
form or combination thereof, if, in the opinion of the Development Office, it clearly
delineates the public space from the private space.
For dwelling (apartment), dwelling unit above a non-residential use, dwelling (townhouse
complex), and supportive living accommodation:
(a) each dwelling unit must provide at least one of the following forms of amenity area
a deck or balcony;
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
a patio, or at grade yard;
a balconette or juliet balcony (in the DTN District only); or
a recessed balcony.
(b) notwithstanding subsection (a) for supportive living accommodation, the Development
Officer may use their discretion to determine the number of private amenity areas
required for a development.
(c) An amenity area (private):
shall be located next to a habitable room;
shall be a minimum of 5.00 m
per dwelling unit, with no one dimension less than
1.20 m; and
may be provided at ground level, above grade, or a combination thereof.
(d) An amenity area (private) at ground level must have screening at least 1.20 m in height,
to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
For developments containing three or more principal buildings on a single parcel, an
outdoor communal amenity area of not less than 100.00 m
must be provided for
employees and patrons of the development, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer
in accordance with following:
(a) the amenity area may include seating areas, raised gardens, courtyards and recreational
(b) the amenity area may include a plaza or focal point;
(c) the amenity area may include such elements as street furnishings, hard surfacing,
plantings, art, sculpture, and architectural features to create a strong sense of communal
gathering space;
(d) a portion of the amenity area must provide overhead weather protection;
(e) the amenity area must have convenient pedestrian connections and provide for barrier
free access; and
(f) an amenity area must be located centrally, or within a reasonable vicinity of the buildings.
A development permit for an animal service use shall only be issued where, in the opinion
of the Development Officer, the design of the facility ensures that any adjacent property
would not be adversely affected by noise or odour associated with the use.
(a) A bare land condominium unit shall comply with all the general regulations of this Bylaw
and with the regulations applicable to the District within which the bare land
condominium unit is located as if the unit were a lot or site.
(b) With the exception of common property lines on semi-detached or attached units, no
building on a bare land condominium unit may encroach on any property line, utility
easement or right-of-way.
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(c) A bare land condominium plan shall be treated in all respects as though it were a plan of
subdivision and shall comply with all requirements for a subdivision, including, but not
limited to:
adequate pedestrian and vehicle access;
provision of supply of water, electrical power, gas and sanitary sewer and storm
drainage; and
sequencing and timing of construction of all buildings and servicing.
A bed and breakfast use shall:
(a) have no cooking facilities in a guestroom;
(b) have a minimum guest room size of 7.00 m
per single occupant and 4.60 m
per person
for multiple occupants; and
(c) Not undertake significant exterior modification of the structure or grounds, unless such
changes are compatible with the character of the existing neighbourhood.
(a) The closest point of a retail (cannabis) use must be located a minimum of:
100 m from a parcel upon which another retail (cannabis) use is located;
100 m from a parcel upon which a provincial health care facility is located;
150 m from a parcel upon which a school (elementary or secondary) is located; or
150 m from a parcel upon which a future school (elementary or secondary) will be
located, including but not limited to lands designated as school reserve, or
municipal and school reserve, under the MGA.
(b) The separation distance shall be measured from the nearest property line of a parcel
containing a retail (cannabis) use to the property line of the above noted use.
(c) Notwithstanding the prescribed minimum separation distances in subsection (a), the
Development Officer may consider a ‘Variance (Section 2.16), not exceeding 10.0 m.
(a) The closest point of a cannabis production and distribution facility, or cannabis
production and distribution facility (micro) building must be located a minimum of:
150 m from a Residential District or Use;
150 m from a parcel upon which a school (elementary or secondary) is located; or
150 m from a parcel upon which a day care facility is located.
(b) The separation distance shall be measured from the nearest property line of a parcel
containing a cannabis production and distribution facility to the property line of the above
noted use.
(c) An accessory building or structure used for security purposes must be located on the
same parcel.
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
(d) A cannabis production and distribution facility must include equipment designed and
intended to remove odours from the air prior to discharge from the building, thereby
limiting any adverse effects on adjacent parcels;
(e) Notwithstanding the Outdoor Lighting Requirements (Section 4.16) of this Bylaw, all light
associated with any activity or function undertaken within the building, shall be contained
within the building, thereby having no adverse effect on an adjacent site.
(f) No signage identifying the cannabis production and distribution facility is permitted.
A crematorium shall include equipment designed and intended to control odor and
emissions prior to discharge from the building, thereby limiting any adverse effects on
adjacent parcels.
(a) A day care facility that includes a playground, shall provide a separate access to the
playground area from the principal building and the playground area shall be enclosed
by a fence at least 2.00 m in height from finished grade, subject to Section 4.50 ‘Non-
Residential Fences’.
(b) At the discretion of the Development Officer, a day care facility may be required to
provide a drop-off area for the loading and unloading of patrons from vehicles so that the
development does not interfere with the regular flow of on-site or neighbouring traffic.
(a) A drive-through shall be located:
at the intersection of two or more public roadways, not including a lane;
between intersections, if there is an adjoining service road or a centre dividing strip
on the adjacent public roadway;
adjacent to a roadway interchange; or
in a shopping centre where, in the opinion of the Development Officer, the traffic
associated with the drive-through, combined with other traffic, will not adversely
affect public roadways or the internal traffic circulation for the shopping centre.
(b) The minimum setback for a drive-through is:
6.00 m from any property line or boundary of the site and any on-site parking
areas to all pump islands or above ground storage tanks; or
3.00 m from any property line or boundary of the site to a canopy over a pump
island or a drive-through aisle; or
10.00 m from any part of the building used for the Drive-Through to the nearest
Residential District; or
25.00 m from any part of the building used for a car wash to the nearest
Residential District; or
such greater distance as required by the Development Officer to buffer the
Residential District from noise, traffic, or other impacts of the drive-through.
pump islands must be located to allow a minimum 6.0 m wide through traffic lane.
(c) In addition to any other landscaping regulations under this Bylaw (Sections 4.61 through
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
a berm, or screening of at least 1.0 m high shall be erected and maintained around
the perimeter of a drive-through, unless the drive-through is located within a
shopping centre or where, in the opinion of the Development Officer, a berm, or
screening is not required; and
a berm, of a height to be determined by the Development Officer taking site
conditions into account, and a fence or wall, of at least 1.0 m in height and located
on top of or along side the berm, shall be erected and maintained to separate the
drive-through from any adjacent Residential District.
(a) For a dwelling (apartment), the following are the minimum separation distances, unless
otherwise stated in this Bylaw:
10.00 m from the exterior wall of a dwelling (apartment) building to any other
exterior wall of an on-site residential building; and
The minimum separation distance from the exterior wall of a dwelling (apartment)
building shall not be less than:
3.00 m to an on-site roadway, or a common or visitor parking stall;
1.50 m to a common walkway (except that portion of walkway that provides
direct access to building); and/or
1.50 m between a principal building and an accessory building, except for a
common amenity building which has a separation distance determined by the
Development Officer.
Separation distances may be determined by the Development Officer for any
portion or portions of a building containing non-residential uses located on the
ground floor.
(b) A dwelling (apartment) shall provide internal pedestrian connectivity, and connections to
a public sidewalk, walkway, or trail to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
General Townhouse Regulations
(a) The following regulations apply to all townhouse development:
Any dwelling (townhouse) must meet the required density listed in the applicable
ASP, ARP, Neighborhood Plan, Concept Plan, or District.
Driveways and vehicular access for a dwelling (townhouse) development shall only
be provided from lane or common internal roadway.
Surface parking must not encroach into any required front yard setback.
A dwelling (townhouse) facing a public roadway shall be comprised of no more
than six consecutively attached units.
A dwelling (townhouse) not facing a public roadway shall be comprised of no more
than eight consecutively attached units.
The minimum lot depth for a dwelling (townhouse) townhouse is covered in
Section 4.38 ‘Lot Depth’.
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
Dwelling (Townhouse Single)
(b) Unless otherwise regulated in a District, the minimum principal building setback for a
dwelling (townhouse single) is:
7.50 m from any property line adjacent to a Major Roadway (listed in Schedule B)
if a dwelling unit faces that roadway;
4.50 m from a front property line, to no greater than 6.00 m;
from a side property line is:
0.00 m for a townhouse (interior unit);
1.25 m for a townhouse (end unit);
3.00 m on a corner lot in the SLR and LLR Districts; or
on a corner lot in the MDR and HDR Districts:
A. 3.00 m when being height is less than or equal to 11.50 m; or
B. 4.00 m when building height is greater than 11.50 m.
from the rear property line is:
6.00 metres if there is an attached garage or carport located on the lot; or
13.00 m when no attached garage or carport is located on the lot.
(c) The minimum lot width for a dwelling (townhouse single) is:
5.50 m per townhouse (interior unit);
6.80 m per townhouse (end unit) on an interior lot;
8.50 m per townhouse (end unit) on a corner lot in the SLR and LLR Districts; or
9.50 m per townhouse (end unit) on a corner lot in MDR and HDR Districts.
(d) The maximum lot coverage for a dwelling (townhouse single) is:
a townhouse (interior unit) is 55%;
a townhouse (end unit) is 47%; or
a townhouse (end unit) on a corner lot is 47%.
Dwelling (Townhouse Plex)
(e) Notwithstanding subsection (a)(ii) for a dwelling (townhouse plex) within the
Established Neighborhood Overlay District (Schedule C), where there is no lane, a front
driveway and vehicular access may be considered by the Development Officer in
consultation with the City Engineer.
(f) A dwelling (townhouse plex) shall only be developed on a corner lot, with lane access.
Dwelling (Townhouse Complex)
(g) Unless otherwise regulated in a District, the minimum principal building setback for a
dwelling (townhouse complex) is:
5.00 m from any property line adjoining a PRK District;
4.50 m from a front property line adjacent to a public roadway, not including a
common internal roadway, if a dwelling unit has direct access to and faces that
7.50 m from any property line adjacent to a Major Roadway (listed in Schedule B)
if a dwelling unit faces that roadway; or
6.00 m from a property line in all other cases.
(h) The minimum building separation distance for a dwelling (townhouse complex) is:
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
10.00 m between the exterior of the front or rear wall of a building and the rear or
front wall of any other building;
5.00 m between the exterior of the front or rear wall of a building and the side wall
of any other building;
3.00 m between the exterior of the side wall of a building and the side wall of any
other building;
(i) The minimum separation distance for a dwelling (townhouse complex) from the
exterior wall of a building to an on-site roadway, a common walkway (except that portion
of walkway that provides direct access to building), or a common or visitor parking stall,
shall not be less than:
5.00 m at the front;
1.50 m at the side;
1.50 m at the rear.
(j) 1.50 m between a principal building and an accessory building, except for a common
amenity building which has a separation distance determined by the Development Officer.
(k) Notwithstanding subsection (h), a greater setback or building separation may be
required by the Development Officer.
(l) A dwelling (townhouse complex) shall provide internal pedestrian connectivity, and
connections to a public sidewalk, walkway, or trail to the satisfaction of the Development
Dwelling (Townhouse Hybrid)
(m) In the case of a dwelling (townhouse hybrid):
dwelling (townhouse single) regulations regarding dwelling lot size, building
setbacks, lot coverage, and building height shall be applied to each single lot
within the overall development; and
dwelling (townhouse complex) regulations regarding amenity area, visitor
parking, pedestrian connectivity, internal roadways, onsite walkways, and building
separation shall be applied to the overall development.
(n) If doubt arises as to the required application of the dwelling (townhouse) regulations
above, they shall be determined by the Development Officer by applying this bylaw as
closely as is possible in the circumstances of each case.
(a) Any site containing an establishment (adult) must be located:
at least 150.00 m from the nearest Residential District;
at least 100.00 m from the closest point of a parcel on which there is a school
(elementary or secondary), religious assembly, day care facility, or conference and
banquet facility;
at least 100.00 m from a Special District; and
at least 100.00 m from the closest point of a parcel upon which there is another
establishment (adult).
(b) The separation distance shall be measured from the nearest property line of a parcel
containing an establishment (adult) use to the property line of the above noted use.
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
The occupancy of a group home shall be no more than two individuals per sleeping unit, to
a maximum of six (6) people. In all cases, occupancy shall be determined by the Building
Code in force.
A heavy vehicle and equipment (sales and service) use shall:
(a) include a permanent building, with a gross floor area of at least 10% of the site area;
(b) have exclusive use of an outdoor display area;
(c) outdoor display areas shall not be used to satisfy on-site parking area requirements,
meaning on-site parking areas and display areas must be separate;
(d) ensure that all outdoor display areas are paved, curbed, drained and landscaped; and
(e) pave and screen all outdoor storage areas for vehicles that are awaiting servicing or
repair, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
(a) A home-based business (level one) may operate within in a dwelling unit, or an
accessory building.
(b) A home-based business (level one) is restricted to a maximum of one (1) window sign.
(c) A person conducting a home-based business (level one) shall not store materials,
commodities or finished products associated with the business outside the dwelling unit
or accessory building.
(d) No student or customer visits are permitted.
(e) A person shall not provide in-person instruction as a home-based business (level one).
(f) No person, other than a resident of the dwelling unit, shall be employed in a home-based
business (level one).
(g) The home-based business (level one) shall be operated as a secondary use only and
shall not change the principal character or external appearance of the dwelling unit or
accessory building involved.
(h) A home-based business (level one) shall not produce offensive noise, vibration, smoke,
dust, odour, heat, glare, electrical, or radio disturbance.
(a) A home-based business (level two) may operate within in a dwelling unit, an accessory
building, or a rear yard.
(b) A home-based business (level two) is restricted to a maximum of one (1) window sign.
(c) A person conducting a home-based business (level two) shall not store materials,
commodities or finished products associated with the business outside the dwelling unit
or accessory building.
(d) If a person provides instruction as a home-based business (level two), no more than five
(5) students or customers shall be in attendance at the site at any one time.
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
(e) One (1) non-resident person may be employed by a home-based business (level two).
(f) A home-based business (level two) shall be operated as a secondary use only and shall
not change the principal character or external appearance of the dwelling unit or
accessory buildings involved.
(g) The required parking for a home-based business (level two), shall be provided in
addition to the required residential parking for any dwelling units, in accordance with Part
5 Parking.
(h) A home-based business (level two) shall not be permitted if:
It produces offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odour, heat, glare, electrical, or
radio disturbance; and
the Development Officer determines that such use would be more appropriately
located in a Commercial or Industrial District having regard for, among other
matters, potential traffic generation and potential interference with the residential
character of the area.
(a) A home-based business (level three) may operate within a dwelling unit, an accessory
building, or a side or rear yard.
(b) A home-based business (level three) may have a maximum of one (1) sign, that is either a:
fascia sign;
freestanding sign;
projecting sign; or a
roof sign; and
the must align with the following dimensions:
maximum area is 0.60 m
maximum height for a freestanding sign is 2.50 m.
(c) Outside storage of goods, materials, commodities or finished products shall be at the
discretion of the Development Officer, in alignment with the setback requirements in the
applicable District.
(d) The maximum number of clients at any one time shall be at the discretion of the
Development Officer, having regard to the character of the immediate area, proximity to
other residences, and the potential impact of traffic.
(e) Up to two (2) non-resident persons may be employed by a home-based business (level
(f) A home-based business (level three) shall be operated as a secondary use only and
shall not change the principal character or external appearance of the dwelling unit or
accessory buildings involved.
(g) A home-based business (level three) shall not occupy more than 30% of the gross floor
area of the principal dwelling plus the area of accessory buildings.
(h) Up to three commercial vehicles used in association with a home-based business (level
three) may be parked, stored and/or maintained on-site.
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
(i) The required parking for a home-based business (level three), shall be provided in
addition to the required residential parking for any dwelling units, in accordance with Part
5 Parking.
(j) A home-based business (level three) shall not be permitted if:
It produces offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odour, heat, glare, electrical, or
radio disturbance; and
The Development Officer determines that such use would be more appropriately
located in a Commercial or Industrial District having regard for, among other
matters, potential traffic generation and potential interference with the residential
character of the area.
(a) A live/work unit shall comply with the density provisions or floor area ratio requirements
of the underlying District.
(b) All live/work units should maintain a commercial component, which must comply with the
the floor area devoted to the commercial component should not exceed 50% of the
unit; and
the commercial component shall be:
located at grade; and
have a public entry oriented to and directly accessible from a public roadway,
other than a lane or an undeveloped registered road plan.
(c) Commercial component uses shall be limited to those uses allowed as a permitted or
discretionary use in the applicable District and shall be subject to a separate
development permit application.
(d) There shall be direct access between the residential and commercial components of the
live/work unit.
(e) Notwithstanding subsection (d), the residential component shall be separated from the
commercial component by a wall, ceiling, door or other means of separation meeting the
requirements of the Building Code.
(f) Materials, commodities or finished products associated with the commercial use shall
not be stored:
outside of the unit; or
in a parking stall, including a garage, required to meet minimum parking
requirements in Part 5 Parking.
(g) A maximum of two non-resident employees or business partners may work in the unit,
and a minimum of one (1) employee or business partner must live in the unit.
A development permit for a pre-fabricated trailer to be used temporarily for a residential
sales centre, sales office, outdoor recreation or public assembly use may be granted at the
discretion of the Development Officer for a period specified in the permit.
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) Where a dwelling unit is used as a residential sales centre, a separate development
permit must be obtained for that use.
(b) A residential sales centre must have an exterior finish similar to the existing or proposed
residences in the vicinity, unless otherwise permitted by the Development Officer.
(c) Once the use of a residential sales centre ceases, any area of the development used as
sales office or display area shall revert to residential use.
(d) A residential sales centre must provide sufficient on-site and off-site parking, in the
opinion of the Development Officer, to ensure that adjacent sites would not be adversely
(e) A temporary breezeway may connect two (2) or more show homes or raffle homes at the
discretion of the Development Officer.
(f) Where a residential sales centre is proposed, the plan of subdivision for the lots shall be
registered prior to issuance of a development permit for the show home.
(g) A residential sales centre shall not be operated for a period of more than twelve (12)
months, but the Development Officer may upon application renew a development permit
once for up to twelve (12) additional months.
(h) Notwithstanding subsection (g), a development permit for a residential sales centre in
the MU1 District may be renewed annually in conjunction with active development and a
valid development permit.
(a) Any secondary suite shall be accessory to the principal dwelling unit.
(b) A secondary suite shall not be subject to separation from the principal dwelling by
registration of a condominium or subdivision plan.
(c) A secondary suite shall not be considered in the calculation of densities as outlined in
statutory plans.
(d) A secondary suite shall have a maximum of three bedrooms.
(e) Only one secondary suite (garage), secondary suite (garden), or secondary suite
(internal) is allowed on a lot with a dwelling (single-detached), dwelling (semi-detached),
or dwelling (duplex), in accordance with the applicable District.
(f) Notwithstanding subsection (e), in the LDR District only, a maximum of two secondary
suites are allowed on a lot with a dwelling (single-detached), provided that one of the
suites is contained within the principal dwelling.
(a) A secondary suite (garage) is allowed separate and accessory to a dwelling (single-
detached), dwelling (semi-detached), or dwelling (duplex).
(b) A secondary suite (garage) shall:
be located in a rear or side yard;
meet side yard setback requirements for the principal dwelling;
be located a minimum of 1.25 m from the rear property line;
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
be located a minimum of 1.50 m from any other building on site;
have a maximum gross floor area of 75.00 m
; and
be architecturally compatible with the principal dwelling unit.
(c) Consideration should be given to privacy for the suite, the principal dwelling unit, and
dwelling unit(s) on adjacent properties through the placement of windows, decks and
(d) A garage containing a secondary suite (garage) shall have a maximum height of 7.00 m
from finished grade; or 6.50 m with a roof slope equal to or less than 2/12 (Figure 1).
(e) A secondary suite (garage) must be located a minimum of 4.00 m from the principal
Figure 1: Maximum Height for Detached Garage with Garage Suite
(a) A secondary suite (garden) is permitted separate and accessory to a dwelling (single-
detached), dwelling (semi-detached), or dwelling (duplex).
(b) A secondary suite (garden) shall:
be located in a rear or side yard;
meet the side yard setback requirements for the principal dwelling;
be located a minimum of 1.25 m from the rear property line;
be located a minimum of 4.00 m from the principal dwelling;
be located a minimum of 1.50 m from any accessory building on site;
(c) notwithstanding subsection (b)(v), a secondary suite (garden) may have a 0.00 m
separation distance from the side or rear of a detached garage;
have a maximum gross floor area of 75.00 m
; and
be architecturally compatible with the principal dwelling unit.
(d) Consideration should be given to privacy for the suite, the principal dwelling unit, and
dwelling unit(s) on adjacent properties through the placement of windows, decks and
(e) A secondary suite (garden) shall have a maximum height of 4.50 m from finished grade
or 4.00 m with a roof slope of 2:12 or less.
(f) Notwithstanding subsection (e), the Development Officer may approve a breezeway that
connects a secondary suite (garden) to the detached garage, if the breezeway is built in
compliance with the Alberta Building Code and does not exceed 13.50 m
in gross floor
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) The minimum area of a secondary suite (internal) shall be not less than 30.00 m
(b) A secondary suite (internal) shall have a separate entry from the principal dwelling unit,
either from a common indoor landing or from the exterior.
(a) A solar collector (attached) may be located on the roof or wall of a building.
(b) Within the LDR, SLR, LLR and FBR Districts:
where a solar collector (attached) is attached to a roof with a pitch of less than
4:12 it must not extend beyond the outermost edge of the roof, but may:
project a maximum of 0.5 m from the surface of the roof when the solar
collector is located 5.0 m or less from a side property line, measured directly
from any point along the side property line; and
where the solar collector is located more than 5.0 m from a side property line, it
may project a maximum of 1.3 m from the surface of the roof.
where a solar collector (attached) is attached to a roof with a pitch of 4:12 or
greater it may project a maximum of 1.3 m from the surface of the roof, and must
not extend beyond the outermost edge of the roof.
(c) Within all Districts except the LDR, SDR, LLR and FBR Districts:
where a solar collector (attached) is attached to a roof with a pitch of less than
4:12 it may project a maximum of 2.0 m from the surface of the roof, and must be
located at least 1.0 m inward from the outermost edge of the roof.
where a solar collector (attached) is attached to a roof with a pitch of 4:12 or
greater it may project a maximum of 1.3 m from the surface of the roof, and must
not extend beyond the outermost edge of the roof.
(d) Where a solar collector (attached) is attached to a pitched roof shall not project vertically
beyond the height of any existing roofline or any roof peak.
(e) A solar collector (attached) shall not exceed the maximum building height of the
applicable District.
(f) In all instances, the maximum distance by which a solar collector (attached) may project
from the surface of the roof is determined by measuring the perpendicular distance
between the surface of the roof and the exterior surface of the solar collector.
(g) A solar collector (attached) that is located on a wall may project a maximum of 0.60 m
from the surface of that wall.
(a) A solar collector (freestanding) shall be an accessory use to the principal use on a
(b) A solar collector (freestanding) shall not project vertically beyond the height of any
existing roofline or any roof peak of the principal building.
(c) A solar collector (freestanding) shall be located and arranged so that:
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
Glare is not directed at an adjacent site and indirect glare does not adversely
affect an adjacent site; and
Traffic safety is not adversely affected.
(d) In a Residential District, a solar collector (freestanding):
must not be located in a front or side yard;
must be located a minimum of 1.0 m from side and rear property lines;
must not be more than 3.7 m in height above finished grade;
must be located a minimum of 1.5 m from the principal building; and
must be located a minimum of 1.5 m from another accessory structure.
(e) In a Non-Residential District, a solar collector (freestanding):
must not be located in a front yard;
must comply with the setback requirements for accessory buildings of the District;
must not be more than 5.0 m in height above finished grade;
must be located a minimum of 1.5 m from the principal building; and
must be located a minimum of 1.5 m from another accessory structure.
(f) In a Mixed-Use or Special District, setback and height of a solar collector (freestanding)
shall be at the discretion of the Development Officer.
(a) Exterior finishings shall incorporate a high degree of visual interest using elements
including, but not limited to, colour change, material change, or architectural features.
(b) Blank facades shall be addressed with sufficient architectural and/or landscaping details
to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
(c) Any vehicular access into the building shall not front a city-owned public roadway.
(d) The number of vehicular access points into the building shall be at the discretion of the
Development Officer.
(e) A storage facility (indoor) proposed in a Commercial District shall be permitted only if,
the ground floor of at least one entire building face incorporates a commercial use as
follows: in the following manner:
the commercial use component shall not be less than 70.00% of the ground floor;
The ground floor height shall be a minimum of 4.0m;
Each commercial use shall have separate access from the exterior;
The commercial use shall not be related to the storage facility (indoor) business
(a) Unless required for the preparation of a site for which a development permit has been
issued, the stripping, grading and excavation of land shall require a development permit
as outlined in Section 2.7 ‘Stripping, Grading And Excavation Applications.
(b) With the exception of those lands governed by a valid development agreement,
stripping, grading and excavation activities are considered a discretionary use in all
Districts and require a development permit.
(a) A surveillance suite shall be clearly subordinate to and compatible with the principal use.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(b) No more than one (1) surveillance suite shall be located on a parcel.
(c) Where a surveillance suite is attached to the building on a site by a roof, an open or
enclosed structure, floor or a foundation, it is to be considered a part of the principal
(d) A recreational vehicle shall not be used for a surveillance suite.
(e) The minimum and maximum floor area of any detached surveillance suite shall be
50.00 m
and 100.00 m
(f) A minimum of one (1) dedicated off-street parking stall shall be provided.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Bylaw, but subject to Section 1.12 ‘Duties of
the Development Officer’, the Government of Canada regulates the telecommunications
industry in Canada and is the authority that approves the location of telecommunication
(b) Unless excluded by the Government of Canada, a telecommunication tower shall be
reviewed by a Development Officer to ensure concurrence with the Bylaw.
(c) Preferred locations for the siting of a telecommunication tower includes lands in the BP1,
BP2, ICS, RCC, NHC, TCC, DTN, HDR, MU1, PSI (non-school sites) and FUD Districts.
(d) Notwithstanding subsection (c), roof-top towers are preferred in the NHC, TCC, DTN,
HDR, MU1, PSI (non-school sites) and FUD Districts.
(e) Emergency services related directly to fire, police and hospital services on lands in the
PS and IF Districts are considered preferred locations solely for towers proposed to
enhance emergency uses on those sites.
(f) Discouraged locations for the siting of telecommunication tower include:
lands in the PRK, LDR, SLR, LLR, FBR, ICC and PSI (school sites) Districts;
lands designated as a Municipal Historical Resource through Municipal Bylaw or
lands designated as a Provincial Historical Resource by the Province of Alberta;
lands located within 800 m of Big Lake;
lands identified as being environmentally sensitive areas; and
local wetlands, riparian areas, areas of large bird concentrations, bird flyways such
as ridges and breaks in river vegetation, and areas where visible bird staging and
nesting exist.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Part 4
General Regulations
This part outlines general regulations that apply to all development in St. Albert.
City-Wide Regulations
Sections 4.2 through 4.24. applies to all Districts under this Bylaw.
(a) The height of a building is the vertical distance measured from finished grade to the
highest point of the building as may be shown on a building elevation plan and building
cross-section plan, as illustrated in Figure 2.
(b) For the purposes of calculating building height, "finished grade" shall be measured using
the lowest level of finished ground elevation adjoining a building at any exterior wall as
shown on a site plan.
(c) Notwithstanding subsection (a), the following are not considered part of the building for
the purpose of measuring building height: elevator housing, mechanical housing, roof
stairway entrance, ventilation fan, skylight, steeple, chimney, smokestack, parapet wall,
flagpole, or similar feature not structurally essential to the building.
(d) The following are considered part of the building for the purpose of measuring building
height: solar collector, signs, roof mounted telecommunication tower, satellite dish
antenna, or radio antenna.
(e) A retaining wall shall not be used to create a finished grade that achieves a greater
building height than would otherwise have been possible by the original grade or
topography of the site.
(f) If doubt arises concerning the measurement of the height of an irregular building, it shall
be determined by the Development Officer by applying this Bylaw as closely as is
possible in the circumstances of the case.
Figure 2: Measuring Building Height
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) The height of a retaining wall is the vertical distance measured from finished grade to the
highest point of the retaining wall.
(b) For a tiered retaining wall installation, the height of the retaining wall will be measured
and considered as one wall, if the retaining walls are separated by a distance less than
two times the height of the underlying wall as illustrated in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Measuring Retaining Wall Height
(a) The location of mechanical equipment, exhaust fans and other potential sources of noise
and smells must be oriented to reduce adverse effects on surrounding properties and
communal amenity areas.
(b) All mechanical equipment must be visually and acoustically screened or incorporated in
the building.
(a) The front property line of a lot is:
the property line that adjoins a public roadway, other than a lane; or
in a LDR, SLR, LLR or FBR District, on a corner lot for a dwelling (single-
detached), dwelling (semi-detached), dwelling (duplex), dwelling (townhouse
plex), or a dwelling (townhouse single) the shortest property line that adjoins a
public roadway, other than a lane; and
in all other cases, a lot adjoining two or more public roadways other than a lane is
considered to have a front yard adjoining each public roadway requiring compliance
with the yard requirements of the District in which the lot is located, notwithstanding
that the lot is separated from the public roadway by a public utility lot.
(b) The rear property line of a lot is the property line opposite to the front property line.
(c) The side property line of a lot is the property line that connects the front and rear
property lines.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) The front yard of a lot is that part of a lot located between the side property lines of a lot
in width and from the front property line of the lot to the nearest point of a foundation wall
of any building on the lot in depth.
(b) The rear yard of a lot is that part of a lot located between the side property lines of the lot
in width and from the rear property line to the nearest point of a foundation wall of the
principal building on the lot in depth.
(c) The side yard of a lot is that part of a lot that is neither a front yard nor a rear yard and is
measured from the side property line to the nearest point of a foundation wall of the
principal building.
(d) If two or more lots are consolidated, the Development Officer will determine the yards
taking into consideration the surrounding existing development situated on adjacent lots.
The Development Officer may request a site plan depicting proposed yards in order to
make the determination.
(e) If doubt arises as to which is a front, rear, or side property line or yard of a parcel, the
Development Officer shall determine the respective property line or yard by applying this
Bylaw as closely as is possible in the circumstances of each case.
(a) A front yard building setback is measured from the front property line of the lot and at
right angles or radially to the building.
(b) A side yard building setback is measured from the side property line of the lot and at
right angles or radially to the building.
(c) A rear yard building setback is measured from the rear property line of the lot and at
right angles or radially to the building.
(d) For the purpose of measuring building setbacks, architectural projections are excluded.
(e) If doubt arises as to the required dimensions or building setbacks, they shall be
determined by the Development Officer by applying this Bylaw as closely as is possible
in the circumstances of each case.
(a) In a Residential District, or for a residential use, a lot is considered to be a corner lot
notwithstanding that the lot is separated from the public roadway along the side by a
public utility lot.
(b) Lot coverage includes the area covered by the principal building and accessory
buildings, but excludes the areas covered by a vehicle access or a parking lot.
(c) Notwithstanding subsection (b), in a Residential District, lot coverage shall include the
area of the principal building and accessory buildings including, but not limited to,
gazebos, sheds, attached or detached garages and carports; covered or enclosed decks
and verandas; dwelling (garage suite); or a dwelling (garden suite).
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) On a corner lot, there shall be no development greater than 1.0m in height, within the
triangular area created by the property lines that form the corner and a straight line
connecting the two points 6.0m back along these property lines measured from their
intersection, as illustrated in Figure 4.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), a greater corner cut distance may be required by the
Development Officer, in consultation with Engineering Services.
(c) If a corner cut has been taken, the area in subsection (a) shall be determined 6.00 m
back from what would have been the intersection of property lines if the corner cut had
not been taken.
(d) In the DTN District, the triangular area shall be determined using a line 4.00 m back from
the intersection, unless another distance is required by the Development Officer.
(e) In the MU1 District, traffic sight lines may be reduced at the discretion of the
Development Officer in consultation with Engineering Services considering the safe
functioning of streets and the provision of adequate vehicular sight lines.
Figure 4: Corner Cut for Traffic Sight Lines
(a) All exterior surfaces shall have a finished treatment.
(b) The design, character, and appearance of a building, including but not limited to all
accessory buildings and relocatable buildings, must be:
compatible with any other buildings existing on the site and in the vicinity, unless
the building, in the opinion of the Development Officer, sets a higher standard of
design, character, and appearance District or part of it; and
consistent with the purpose and regulations of the District in which the building is
(c) The exterior finish of a building, including but not limited to a dwelling (single-detached),
dwelling (semi-detached), dwelling (duplex), dwelling (townhouse plex), dwelling
(townhouse single), or an accessory building, must be completed within two years of
the date the building permit is issued unless otherwise stipulated by the building permit.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) The designated flood line is as indicated on the Land Use District Map in Schedule A
and is presented for reference purposes only and is not guaranteed for accuracy.
(b) Developments including, but not limited to, new construction and substantial
improvements are prohibited below the designated flood line.
(c) The designated flood line is the boundary of any filling of land.
(d) Notwithstanding subsection (a), development permitted below the designated flood line
shall require the approval of the Development Officer in consultation with the City
Engineer, and is restricted to:
development for the purpose of flood control;
public utility building;
public utility;
bridge or public roadway;
temporary campgrounds;
pedestrian walkways, parks and trails;
uninhabited accessory buildings;
non-obstructive recreation (outdoor) uses such as a golf course.
(e) A structure or premises which lawfully existed below the designated flood line before August
15, 2011, but which is not in conformity with these provisions, may be continued subject to
the conditions outlined in Section 2.28 Non-Conforming Development and the MGA.
(f) For lots adjacent to the designated flood line, or of which a portion lies below the
designated flood line, prior to the issuance of a development permit the Development
Officer shall require that the applicant submit a set of stamped plans certified by a
registered Professional Engineer or Architect which confirms the freeboard elevation at
0.50 m above the designated flood line.
(g) As required, the Development Officer will rely on the information provided under
subsection (f) to determine the designated flood line on an individual property.
(h) The Development Officer shall circulate a development permit application for a
development located on a property adjacent to, or including, the designated flood line to
the City’s Engineering Department for review and comment with respect to the suitability
of the proposed development.
(i) Nothing in this Section, overrides or changes the boundaries of a District.
(a) Notwithstanding that a development otherwise complies with this Bylaw a development
permit shall not be issued for a development that encroaches into or over:
a utility easement or right-of-way without the written consent of the owner of the
easement or right-of-way and the person whose utility line is found in the
easement or right-of-way;
a public utility lot without the written consent of the owner; and
municipally owned land without the written consent of the owner.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) Garbage and Recycling Storage is restricted to Non-Residential Districts and the MDR
and HDR Districts.
(b) Garbage and Recycling Storage must be located in:
a storage bay within, or attached to, the principal building,
a freestanding enclosure, comprised of solid fencing, or walls that match or
complement the materials of the principal building, to the satisfaction of the
Development Officer; or
an in-ground waste bin system, and
Must not encroach into a front yard building setback or landscaped buffer
(c) The minimum setback for a garbage and recycling storage area is 3.00 m from any
property line that abuts a public right-of-way, Residential District, residential use, natural
area, or park.
(a) A storage container / refuse bin shall be screened from view to the satisfaction of the
Development Officer, or set a higher standard of design, character, and appearance for
the District in which its placed.
(b) A storage container / refuse bin shall meet the minimum setbacks and placement
requirements for accessory buildings for the District in which its placed.
(c) A storage container / refuse bin shall be used for storage/ waste removal purposes only
and shall not be used to store dangerous or hazardous materials, or as a dwelling.
(d) Notwithstanding subsections (a) through (c), the temporary placement of a storage
container / refuse bin shall be at the discretion of the Development Officer.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision within this bylaw, outdoor lighting must be located
and arranged so that:
rays of light are not directed at an adjacent site and indirect rays of light do not
adversely affect an adjacent site; and
traffic safety is not adversely affected.
(b) For a Non-Residential use, a dwelling (apartment), dwelling (townhouse complex), or
dwelling (townhouse hybrid), all on-site parking lots, exterior pedestrian walkways, and
rear, front and side yards must be illuminated.
(c) For a Non-Residential Use, or a dwelling (apartment), buildings are encouraged to
incorporate exterior and decorative lighting to enhance building architecture, landscaping
elements, and focal points.
(d) Full cut-off fixtures shall be installed for all exterior lighting.
(e) Notwithstanding subsection (d), outdoor lighting used to illuminate architectural features,
monuments, or public art, may emit light above the horizontal plane so long as it is
directed at such features, at the discretion of the Development Officer.
(f) All on-site surface parking lots and exterior pedestrian walkways must be illuminated.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) Overhead weather protection is encouraged along building frontages with commercial or
institutional uses at grade, and at primary residential entrances for a dwelling
(apartment), a dwelling unit above a non-residential use, or supportive living
accommodation (over 13.00 m in height).
(b) Overhead weather protection shall be of a method suitable to the architectural style and
function of the building, and may take be of the following forms:
a continuous awning or canopy;
a continuous building recess or arcade; or
a combination of the above; as determined by the Development Officer.
(c) Overhead weather protection shall project a distance that, in the opinion of the
Development Officer, provides ample protection for pedestrians.
(d) Overhead weather protection shall have a sloping profile, or be designed so as to
provide effective shedding of rain, self-cleaning by rain and wind, and to minimize snow-
(e) Notwithstanding any other regulation in this bylaw, overhead weather protection shall be
provided at a height and depth to provide sufficient protection of the adjacent sidewalk.
(f) If a building frontage is on an inclined grade, the design of the overhead weather
protection must be stepped or inclined to follow the grade.
(a) When a mixed-use building contains a residential use, the residential development must:
not be located below any storey used for non-residential purposes;
have an entrance separate from the entrance to any non-residential component of
the building; and
amenity area (common) in accordance with Section 3.2; and
amenity area (private) in accordance with Section 3.3.
(a) Notwithstanding any other regulation in this bylaw, the panhandle portion of the lot shall
have a minimum width of 10.00 m.
(b) Notwithstanding any other regulation in this bylaw, the panhandle portion of the lot shall
have a maximum depth of 100.00 m.
(c) No panhandle portion of any lot may be contiguous to another panhandle portion of a lot
at the street line.
(d) Notwithstanding section #.#, or any other regulation in this bylaw, the panhandle portion
of the lot shall not be used to calculate lot frontage, lot area, lot coverage, or building
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) The following are prohibited in all Districts:
Automotive Wrecker;
Boarding House;
Digital Mining Facility; and
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision in this Bylaw, the following uses, unless specifically
listed as a permitted or discretionary use in the District where the site is located, are
prohibited as accessory uses to any other use:
Agriculture (Intensive);
Animal Service;
Automotive (Service);
Bed and Breakfast;
Bulk Fuel Sales Depot;
Bulk Oil And Chemical Storage;
Cannabis Production and Distribution Facility;
Cannabis Production and Distribution Facility (Micro);
Day Care Facility;
Establishment (Adult);
Establishment (Gaming);
Fleet Service;
Funeral Home;
Group Home;
Health Service;
Industrial (Level One);
Industrial (Level Two);
Industrial (Level Three);
School (Commercial);
School (Elementary or Secondary);
School (Post Secondary);
Storage Facility (Recreation Vehicle and Equipment);
Supportive Living Accommodation; and
Transitional Accommodation.
(c) Unless otherwise stated, no person shall use, or permit to be used an accessory building
for human occupancy.
(d) Notwithstanding subsection (c), in an Industrial District, the PRK or CPK Districts or for a
parcel containing a campground, the Development Officer may approve a surveillance
suite, (Section 3.22), provided that such use complies with all applicable building code
and health standards.
Unless otherwise permitted by a federal approving authority, a principal building or
dwelling unit located on a property adjacent to a railway right-of-way must be located at
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
least 15.00 m from the closest edge of the railway right-of-way property line to the closest
edge of the building.
Developments involving livestock are prohibited except as part of an agricultural use
within the FUD or TRN Districts, and shall only be allowed in accordance with the relevant
municipal bylaws.
(a) Unless otherwise stated in this Bylaw, a trailer, mobile office, or other temporary
structure shall not be allowed except for use during construction.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), at the discretion of the Development Officer, a
Development Permit for a temporary structure for a residential sales center, recreation
(outdoor), or public assembly use, may be granted for a specified time period.
(c) In the ICS and IND Districts, a trailer, mobile office, or other temporary structure may be
allowed at the discretion of the Development Officer.
(a) A lot must have at least one legal means of vehicle access.
(b) Access shall not be allowed from a public roadway across a lot to another public
roadway other than a laneway.
(c) Access from a lot to a Major Roadway listed in Schedule B must:
have a turning space on the lot so that vehicles leaving the lot do not back into the
major roadway; and
comply with the City Traffic Bylaw, as amended.
Residential Buildings and Parcels
Sections 4.25 through 4.44 applies to all Residential Districts.
Notwithstanding any other provision in this Bylaw, for a Residential District, a
development shall meet the density target of the MDP, an ASP, ARP, Neighbourhood
Plan, or Concept Plan.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this Bylaw, an accessory building:
must not be located in a front yard;
must be located a minimum of 1.00 m from side and rear property lines when
located in a rear yard;
may be located in a screened side yard, provided it is a minimum of 1.20 m from
the side property line;
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
must be located a minimum of 1.50 m from the principal building unless
determined otherwise by the Development Officer;
must be located a minimum of 1.50 m from another accessory structure unless
determined otherwise by the Development Officer; and
must not be more than 3.70 m in height above finished grade.
(a) An exterior air conditioner or heat pump must not be:
located in a front yard;
located less than 1.00 m from a rear property line; and
located less than 0.30 m from a side property line.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), this section excludes a window mounted air conditioner
or heat pump.
(a) An architectural projection shall be permitted to extend into a required yard setback up to
0.60 m.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), a balcony may extend into a required yard beyond 0.60 m,
at the discretion of the Development Officer.
(c) A cantilever shall not extend the entire length of a room.
4.29 DECKS
(a) A deck less than 0.60 m above finished grade may be built to the side and rear property line.
(b) A deck 0.60 m to 1.50 m above finished grade:
must meet the required front yard setback of the principal building;
must be located at least 1.00 m from a side property line; and
must be located at least 3.00 m from the rear property line or 1.00 m when a rear
property line is adjacent to a lane, road, park, public utility lot (PUL), or municipal
reserve (MR).
(c) notwithstanding subsection (b), a deck may be developed to a 0.00 m setback along the
common property line on dwelling (semi-detached), and dwelling (townhouse).
(d) A deck greater than 1.50 m above finished grade must be located at least 5.00 m from
all property lines, unless:
the Development Officer determines that a 5.00 m separation from all property
lines is not required due to site conditions; and
the deck complies with the side yard setback of the principal building.
(e) If a covered or enclosed deck is attached to a principal structure, the deck shall meet the
minimum setback requirements for the principal structure.
(a) In addition to the requirements in Section 4.10 ‘Building Design, Character and
Appearance’, a dwelling (apartment), dwelling unit above a non-residential use,
supportive living accommodation (greater than 13.00 m in height), or transitional
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
accommodation (greater than 13.00 m in height), must be finished as follows to the
satisfaction of the Development Officer:
Exterior finishing materials on façades visible from a public right-of-way, natural
area, or park shall be of a higher quality appearance to the satisfaction of the
Development Officer.
The use of two or more colours is required to enhance the building exterior and to
create design accents. Building and architectural details (including flashing and
downspouts) shall have a colour that complements or accents the principal building.
Walls, including retaining walls, for general landscaping, amenity area (private)
and amenity area (common), and perimeter walls must be constructed or finished
in a similar material and colour to that used for the principal building exterior.
Large expanses of uninterrupted wall planes are prohibited where visible from a
public right-of-way, natural area, or park.
(b) When a building has a large expanse of uninterrupted wall planes:
the use of recesses, entrances, windows, projections, building material, colours,
roof design, or a physical break in building mass, is required to add articulation to
the façade;
multi-dimensional features shall be in proportion to the wall heights and building
mass; and
landscaping may be required to address an uninterrupted wall plane in accordance
with section 7.14(8).
(c) An uninterrupted wall plane shall not exceed 15.00 m in horizontal direction.
(d) A building greater than 100.00 m in length, may be required to provide an at-grade
pedestrian thoroughfare, at the discretion of the Development Officer.
(e) Building massing should respect the existing topography of the site by terracing the
building where appropriate.
(f) Exterior pedestrian entrances must have overhead weather protection.
(a) The front yard setback for a detached garage or carport shall align with the required front
yard setback for the principal building.
(b) The interior side-yard setback for a detached garage or carport is 1.00 m.
(c) Notwithstanding subsection (b):
for Dwelling (Semi-Detached) and Dwelling (Townhouse Single), a garage or
carport may be developed to a 0.00 m setback along the property line, common.
For a Dwelling (Single-Detached) in the LLR District, a garage or carport may be
developed to a 0.40 m setback on one side.
(d) The Corner Side-Yard Setback for a detached garage or carport on a corner lot with no
lane is:
4.50 m where there is no sidewalk; or
6.00 m from the edge of the sidewalk nearest the property line.
(e) The Corner Side-Yard Setback for a detached garage or carport on a corner lot with a
lane shall align with the side yard setback of the principal building.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(f) The Rear-Yard Setback for a detached garage or carport is 1.00 m.
(g) Notwithstanding subsection (f), for a lot with vehicular access provided from a rear lane
the minimum rear yard building setback is 1.50 m.
(h) For a detached garage or detached carport:
the maximum height is 4.50 m; and
the minimum separation distance from any other building on site is 1.50 m.
Notwithstanding subsection (h)(ii), the Development Officer may approve a breezeway
that connects a detached garage to a principal building, or secondary suite (garden), if
the breezeway is built in compliance with the Alberta Building Code and does not
exceed 13.50 m
in gross floor area.
Figure 5: Illustrative Detached Garage Setbacks
(a) All vehicle and recreation vehicle parking spaces, and driveways in Residential Districts
shall be hard surfaced.
(b) Parking vehicles either permanently or temporarily on turf, dirt, gravel, lawn, or other
non-hard surfaced area is prohibited.
(c) Notwithstanding subsection (b), the Development Officer may allow non-hard surfacing
of a driveway in an Established Neighbourhood, as shown on Schedule C, having
regard to the characteristics of the streetscape in the vicinity or neighbourhood.
(a) Stairways attached to the principal building that are located above or below finished
grade must not:
be located less than 1.0m from the side or rear property line; and
shall not impede required vehicle access to a detached garage or carport in a rear yard.
min 1.5m
min 1.0m
right of way or easement
rear property line
front property line
min 1.5m
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Figure 6: Fence Height and Location
(a) For a Dwelling (Single-Detached), Dwelling
(Semi-Detached), Dwelling (Duplex),
Dwelling (Townhouse Single), or Dwelling
(Townhouse Plex):
A fence in or around a front yard must
not exceed 1.20 m in height.
Any other fence must not exceed 2.00
m in height.
Notwithstanding subsection (ii), a
fence in or around a rear yard adjacent
to a lane must not exceed 1.20 m in
height for any portion of fence located
between the rear property line and the
face of a detached garage.
(b) For a fence, the depth of a front yard shall
be the distance from the front property line to
the foremost portion of the on-site principal
building or the principal building on the lot
adjacent to the fence, whichever is greater.
(c) For a fence that is to be constructed on top
of a retaining wall or within 1.00 m of the top
of a retaining wall, the maximum height of
the fence shall be determined from a point
that is one-half the height of the subject
retaining wall.
(d) No fence is permitted if, in the opinion of the
Development Officer, the fence will block or
impede traffic sight lines.
(e) At the discretion of the Development Officer, on a corner lot, a fence may be required to
provide a corner cut for the purposes of sight lines noted in ‘Corner Lots – Traffic Sight
Lines’ (Section 4.9).
(f) A fence shall not be constructed of or topped with any material that may pose a hazard
to the public, or wildlife, including barbed wire and electrification.
(g) For a Dwelling (Townhouse Hybrid), Dwelling (Townhouse Complex), or dwelling
(apartment), fencing may be required by the Development Officer, in consultation with
Engineering Services.
(a) A fixed outdoor fire pit, barbecue, fireplace or stove must not be:
located in a front or side yard;
located less than 3.0m from side and rear property lines; or
located less than 3.0m from any building.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) A building greater than 25.00 m in height shall:
be designed in a tower and podium format;
be designed, oriented, and constructed to maximize views, articulate the skyline,
and allow sunlight penetration at the street level, in public spaces, plazas, parks,
and amenity areas;
provide a minimum 7.50 m high podium, but no podium shall exceed 15.00 m in
height, as shown on Figure ##;
provide a minimum step back from the podium of 6.00 m, as measured from the
building face of the lower storeys when the side or rear property line of the site is
adjacent to an LDR, SLR, LLR, or FBR District;
provide a minimum step back from the podium of 3.00 m, as measured from the front
building face of the lower storeys when facing a public roadway, excluding a lane;
provide a minimum step back from the podium of 3.00 m, as measured from the
front building face of the lower storeys when the site is adjacent to any other District;
have a maximum tower floor plate not exceeding 750.00 m
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a)(v) in no case shall the tower floor plate exceed 80.00%
of the podium floor plate.
(c) provide a minimum separation distance of 25.00 m between towers. The separation
distance is applicable to towers located on the same parcel, or an adjacent parcel.
(d) Notwithstanding subsection (c), the Development Officer may, at their discretion,
determine the required tower separation, based on any recommendations, or mitigative
measures specified in a technical study, prepared by a professional architect or
(e) Additional step backs may be required at higher storeys for the building, if, in the opinion
of the Development Officer, it is necessary to mitigate the building scale, or wind, sun, or
shadow impacts.
(a) For a rectangular lot, lot width is measured by offsetting the front property line 6.0m
(Figure 7);
(b) For a pie-shaped lot located on a bulb of a cul-de-sac or a partial bulb on an outside
corner of a public roadway:
lot width is measured along a line 9.0m back from the front property line
(Figure 7);
the curb frontage must be a minimum of 6.0m as measured between the points
determined by the intersection of the side property lines and the line of the curb
face. For the purposes of this subsection, the side property lines are extended to
the curb face (Figure 8); and
where the lot is accessed by a rear lane, the curb frontage must be a minimum of
5.00 m as measured between the points determined by the intersection of the side
property lines and the line of the curb face. For the purposes of this subsection,
the side property lines are extended to the curb face (Figure 9);
(c) For a reverse pie lot where the front of the lot is wider than the back, lot width is
measured along a line 6.00 m from the rear property line (Figure 7); and
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(d) For irregular lot configuration where the lot width cannot be reasonably calculated by these
methods lot width shall be determined having regard for, but not limited to, access, shape
and buildable area of the lot and location of adjacent buildings.
Figure 7: Lot Widths
Figure 8: Curb Frontage
Requirements for
Pie Shaped Parcels
Figure 9: Curb Frontage
Requirements for
Rear Lane Access Only
(a) In an LDR, SLR, LLR, or FBR District, or for a Dwelling (Townhouse Single), Or
Dwelling (Townhouse Hybrid) located in any District, the minimum lot depth is:
36.00 m, if the lot is adjacent to or backs onto a major arterial roadway identified in
Schedule B; or backs onto a railway property line;
30.00 m, if the lot is pie-shaped and is located on a bulb of a cul-de-sac, or on a
partial bulb on an outside corner of a public roadway, and is adjacent to or backs
onto a Major Roadway identified in Schedule B; and
30.00 m in all other cases.
(b) For a Dwelling (Townhouse Plex) located in any District, the minimum lot depth is 36.00 m.
(c) Lot Depth shall be measured at the midpoint of the front property line, as illustrated in Figure 10.
Figure 10: Lot Depth Requirements
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Where a lot is located on a cul-de-sac bulb adjacent to another existing or future
residential development, the lot shall be a pie-shaped lot sharing a rear property with the
adjacent residential development, as illustrated in Figure 11.
Figure 11: Lots Cul-de-Sac
Figure 12: Measuring Lots Less than 12.20 m Wide
(a) For all dwelling types on lots less than 12.20 m
wide, including dwelling (single-detached),
dwellings (duplex), dwelling (semi-detached),
and dwelling (townhouse single), the
following regulations apply:
Garages and driveways shall be grouped
to maximize on-street parking and space
for public infrastructure, as illustrated in
Figure 12.
Driveways shall not exceed 5.50 m in
width at the back of walk when located on
a lot less than 12.20 m in width, as
illustrated in Figure 12.
Where a dwelling has a front attached
garage, the front of the dwelling must
provide visible wall frontage, exclusive of
the garage width, as a window, door,
front porch, landing, or combination
(b) Lots less than 11.50 m in width shall not be
located on the bulb or partial bulb of a cul-de-
sac, or a non-through street.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) A second public access is required for a residential use, on a local road, when:
the distance the distance from the center line of the primary local access road to
the closest point of the access route at a front property line exceeds 200.00 m; or
the total number of dwelling units exceeds 100.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), should the traffic on the local road be expected to
exceed 1,000 vehicles per day, the Development Officer, in consultation with the City
Engineer, may require construction of a second public access.
(c) Notwithstanding subsection (a)(i) the distance from the center line of the primary local
access road to the closest point of the access route at a front property line may exceed
200.00 m, at the discretion of the Development Officer, for the following properties:
a portion of the SW-21-54-24-W4M (3, 54307 Highway 2), as shown on Figure 13; and
plan 142 3673, Block 1B, Lot 1 (200 Giroux Road), as shown on Figure 13;
including any future revisions to these legal descriptions based on a subdivision or
condominium plan
Figure 13: Small Lots on Non-Through Streets
(a) In the LDR, SLR, LLR, and FBR Districts and a Dwelling (Townhouse -Single) , in any
District, only one vehicle access per lot is allowed.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a):
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
on a corner lot that does not have rear lane access, one (1) vehicle access on
each side adjoining a public roadway may be allowed;
on a lot which can be accessed from a rear lane, and has existing vehicular
access to the front street, one (1) additional vehicle access from the rear lane may
be allowed, or
on a lot that provides a minimum of 30.0m of frontage, a circular driveway with two
vehicle accesses may be allowed.
(a) A private pool, hot tub or decorative pond must be:
located in a rear or side yard; and
at least 1.0m from the side and rear property lines.
(b) A decorative pond must not be located in a front yard, unless:
the decorative pond is 0.6m or less in depth; and
the decorative pond is located a minimum of 1.00 m from the front and side
property lines.
(a) Subject to the requirements of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications
Commission, a radio antenna must not be:
located in a front yard;
located less than 1.50 m from side and rear property lines;
more than 12.00 m in height above finished grade; or
used for commercial purposes.
(b) There shall be no more than one freestanding radio antenna on a lot.
(c) There shall be no more than one radio antenna attached to a principal building, or an
accessory building on a lot.
Non-Residential Buildings and Parcels
Sections 4.46 through 4.59 applies to all Commercial, Industrial, Special and Mixed-Use Districts.
Accessory building setbacks and heights of accessory buildings or structures shall be
determined by the Development Officer.
(a) In addition to the requirements in in Section 4.10 ‘Building Design, Character and
Appearance’, all buildings must be finished as follows:
Exterior finishing materials on façades visible from a public right-of-way,
Residential District, residential use, natural area, or park shall be of a higher
quality appearance as determined by the Development Officer.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
The use of two or more colours is required to enhance the building exterior and to
create design accents. Building and architectural details (including flashing and
downspouts) shall have a colour that complements or accents the principal
building as determined by the Development Officer.
(b) Large expanses of uninterrupted wall planes are prohibited where visible from a public
right-of-way, Residential District, residential use, natural area, or park.
(c) When a building has a large expanse of uninterrupted wall planes:
the use of fascia’s, canopies and other multi-dimensional exterior features is encouraged in
order to break up the fade;
multi-dimensional features shall be in proportion to the wall heights and building mass; and
landscaping may be required to address blank walls in accordance with Section
4.62 ‘Blank Walls’.
(a) In a shopping centre:
emergency access routes and fire lanes shall be provided in accordance with the
Alberta Building Code in effect at the date of the application for development
permit; and
emergency access routes and fire lanes shall be appropriately signed to prohibit
(a) Electric Fences are prohibited.
(b) Barbed or razor-wire fences are restricted to Industrial Districts only where the fence is
1.80 m or higher.
(c) At the discretion of the Development Officer, on a corner lot, a fence may be required to
provide a corner cut to maintain sight lines noted in ‘Corner Lots – Traffic Sight Lines’
(Section 4.9).
(d) Notwithstanding anything in this section, no fence is permitted if, in the opinion of the
Development Officer, the fence will block or impede traffic sight lines.
(a) To encourage a walkable site design and to enhance the pedestrian shopping
environment within a shopping centre, the following shall be considered:
The grouping of buildings in clusters with the buildings primarily oriented to create
an attractive and pedestrian-friendly public realm. In requiring such a configuration,
the Development Officer shall have regard to building size and the intended use;
The configuration of buildings to provide for shared parking to encourage
pedestrian rather than vehicular movement between buildings; and
Where practical, buildings should be located adjacent to a public roadway, and
oriented to permit views into the site along the axis of roadways and walkways
abutting the perimeter public roadways.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) Where a proposed non-residential use will be located on a site adjacent to a residential
use or District, a Development Officer may require mitigation of potential development
impacts on the residential uses including:
provision of noise attenuation walls;
increased landscaping, including a landscape buffer;
relocation of parking areas, walkways, business entrances, or other high activity
areas away from residential property lines;
screening or relocating on-site lighting to avoid spillage onto residential parcels;
restricting the location of outdoor speakers; and
changing the proposed structure to mitigate noise, light, or glare impacts.
(a) Exterior finishing materials on façades adjacent to a Major Roadway (Schedule B) roadway
shall be of a higher quality appearance to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
(b) Unless otherwise spoken to in this Bylaw, buildings adjacent to a Major Roadway
(Schedule B), are encouraged to be oriented to, and have their main entrances, facing a
public street, with parking located at the side or rear of a site.
(a) In addition to the on-site parking and loading requirements under Part 5 Parking,
loading docks shall be located in the side or rear of the site.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), in the IND District, the Development Officer may allow a
loading dock to be located in the front of the site along a portion of the building, based
upon the development design, site functionality, building articulations, and exterior
finishing materials.
(a) The minimum setback distance that shall be maintained between a new dugout and a
parcel line is:
front yard: 40.00 m;
side yard: 15.00 m or 40.00 m if abutting a public roadway; and
rear yard: 15.00 m.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), where a dugout existed prior to February 22, 2022, the
dugout will not be subject to the prescribed setbacks.
(a) An area used for outdoor display must:
be paved or otherwise surfaced and landscaped in a manner consistent with other
landscaped lots in the vicinity;
provide additional access, parking, screening and lighting as necessary to
accommodate the outdoor display; and
provide adequate drainage to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Outdoor storage must conform to the following requirements:
(a) An outdoor storage area shall only be located in the interior side or rear yard.
(b) All equipment, vehicles, materials, and other items located within an outdoor storage
area shall be maintained in an orderly fashion.
(c) The minimum setback for an outdoor storage area is 3.00 m from any property line that
abuts a public right-of-way, Residential District, residential use, natural area, or park.
(d) Notwithstanding subsection (b), no outdoor storage area shall be permitted within a
required landscape buffer or perimeter landscape area.
(e) Outdoor storage shall be screened to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
(f) Notwithstanding subsection (d), all outdoor storage shall be screened from the public
right-of-way, Residential District, residential use, natural area, or park by a sight
obscuring screen of at least 2.00 m in height.
(g) An outdoor storage area shall not be used to satisfy on-site parking requirements.
(h) Outdoor Storage shall not exceed a maximum height of:
2.50 m in a Commercial District or the PSI or BP2 Districts
5.00 m in the ICS District, and
6.00 m in the IND District
(a) All developments must provide on-site exterior private pedestrian walkways which:
connect on-site uses to each other and to the public right-of-way adjoining the
development in a safe and convenient manner through the use of dedicated
sidewalks, pathways, and walking routes; and
coordinate alignments and connections of onsite sidewalks, pathways and walking
routes to other existing or planned offsite pedestrian sidewalks, pathways, walking
routes, transit stops, amenity areas, and adjacent sites.
(b) Pedestrian walkways must be at least 1.50 m wide.
(c) Pedestrian walkways must be raised a minimum of 0.15 m from the roadway surface,
except where they cross on-site roadways or parking lots.
(d) Pedestrian walkways may be raised or ramped when traversing vehicular drive aisles,
and crosswalks shall be delineated with coloured concrete or painted lines.
(e) Pedestrian walkways must include landscaping improvements or fixtures to separate
users from adjoining on-site roadways and public roadways.
(a) No primary or accessory use shall be conducted as to cause the discharge of any
potentially hazardous or harmful waste materials:
into or upon the ground;
into or within any sanitary or storm sewer system;
into or within any water system or water body; or
into the atmosphere.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(b) No use or activity shall be conducted or permitted that is potentially hazardous
to persons or property by reason of the creation of a fire, explosion, or other
physical hazard; or
by reason of air pollution, odour, smoke, noise, vibration, radiation or fumes.
(a) Subject to the requirements of the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications
Commission, a satellite dish antenna or radio antenna may be allowed at the discretion
of the Development Officer subject to the following:
In the MU1, and DTN Districts only one adequately screened satellite dish antenna
may be attached to or located on a principal building.
In the NBD, TCC, ICS, BP1 and BP2 Districts, up to two adequately screened satellite
dish antennas may be attached to or located on a principal building.
Notwithstanding subsections (i) and (ii), in the case of a broadcast studio use, the
number of satellite dish antennas is at the discretion of the Development Officer.
No satellite dish antenna or radio antenna shall exceed the maximum building height
allowed in a District.
Landscaping and Grading
Sections 4.61 through 4.65. applies to all Districts under this Bylaw.
(a) Landscaping shall not be permitted if, in the opinion of the Development Officer, it would
obstruct traffic sight lines either on the site or on a public roadway.
(b) Unless otherwise required by a Development Agreement or by the Development Officer,
landscaping of a site subject to a development permit, shall be completed within two years
of approval of the building permit.
(c) The Development Officer may require additional landscaping or fencing between:
the exterior wall of any habitable room and the closest edge of an on-site roadway
or parking space; and
the property line and the closest edge of an on-site roadway or parking space.
(a) For a NonResidential District or use, or for a dwelling (apartment); dwelling unit above a
non-residential use; supportive living accommodation (above 13.00 m in height), or
transitional accommodation (above 13.0m in height), any development that has a blank
wall facing a park, natural area, or public roadway, except a lane, must be landscaped in
accordance with the following:
if deciduous trees are planted they must be planted along the blank wall at regular
intervals and if coniferous trees are planted they must be planted in clusters of three;
the trees required under subsection (a)(i) must be a minimum of 6.00 m in height
at maturity; and
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
shrubs may be planted between the trees provided they reach a minimum height
of 2.00 m at maturity.
(a) Subject to Section 4.9 ‘Corner Lots Traffic Sight Lines’, a development located in the
MID (Area C), NHC, TCC, BP1, BP2, IND, ICS, ICC (Areas A, B, and C), RCC, MDR,
HDR, MU1, MU2, or PSI District that adjoins a public roadway, except a lane, must be
landscaped in accordance with the following:
there must be a landscaped area at least 3.50 m wide around the perimeter of the
private lot, adjacent to the public roadway;
if deciduous trees are planted, they must be planted at regular intervals, and if
coniferous trees are planted, they must be planted in clusters of three;
trees must be located a minimum of 2.00 m from the property line; and
trees must be a minimum of 6.00 m in height at maturity.
A development located adjacent to a Major Roadway (Schedule B) must have a
berm or fencing, or both, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in
consultation with Engineering Services.
(b) For the berm under subsection (a)(v), planting requirements shall be determined by the
Development Officer, taking into consideration site characteristics and this Bylaw.
(a) A landscape buffer:
must include a mix of deciduous trees and coniferous trees which mix must be
comprised of at least 60.00% coniferous trees unless otherwise determined by the
Development Officer, in consultation with Engineering Services;
must include trees, that in the opinion of the Development Officer, in consultation with
Engineering Services, would be sufficient to screen the proposed use or District from
the adjacent parcel;
must have trees that are a minimum of 6.00 m in height at maturity; and
may, at the discretion of the Development Officer, include shrubs in addition to trees in
the landscaped buffer provided that the shrubs have a minimum height at maturity of
2.00 m.
(b) In a Non-Residential District, a landscape buffer must be provided, when adjacent to a
Residential District. The minimum landscape buffer width is specified for each District below:
Width of Landscaped Buffer
NHC, MID (Area C commercial
and mixed-use only), MU1, PSI
3.50 m
ICC (Area B), MU2
6.00 m
All Other Districts
As determined by the Development Officer to
provide a suitable buffer between the
respective land uses.
(c) In a Non-Residential District, a landscape buffer must be provided, when adjacent to a
park, natural area, or public utility lot. The minimum landscape buffer width is specified
for each District below:
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Width of Landscaped Buffer
NHC, MID (Area C commercial
and mixed-use only), MU1, PSI
3.50 m
ICC (Area B), MU2
6.00 m
All Other Districts
As determined by the Development Officer to
provide a suitable buffer between the
respective land uses.
(d) A landscape buffer shall be provided for a dwelling (apartment); dwelling unit above a non-
residential use (when over 13.0 m in height); supportive living accommodation (when over
13.0m in height); transitional accommodation (when over 13.00 m in height); dwelling
(townhouse complex); or dwelling (townhouse hybrid), when adjacent to parcel with a:
dwelling (single-detached);
dwelling (semi-detached);
dwelling (duplex);
dwelling (townhouse single); or
dwelling (townhouse plex).
(e) The minimum landscape buffer width is specified for each use below:
Width of Landscaped Buffer
dwelling (townhouse complex),
or dwelling (townhouse hybrid)
3.50 m
dwelling (apartment)
6.00 m
when over 13.0 m in height:
dwelling unit above a non-
residential use, supportive living
accommodation, or transitional
6.00 m
Any other use
As required by the Development Officer to
provide a suitable buffer between the
respective land uses.
4.65 TREES
(a) In a Residential or Mixed-Use District, a dwelling (single-detached), dwelling (semi-
detached), dwelling (duplex), dwelling (townhouse single), or dwelling (townhouse
plex) shall provide a minimum of one tree and three shrubs per parcel.
(b) Trees required for a landscaped area must meet the following standards:
deciduous trees must have a minimum caliper width of 0.06 m at the time of
coniferous trees must be a minimum height of 2.40 m at the time of planting;
if a tree does not survive the required maintenance period, the applicant for the
development permit must replace it with a tree in accordance with subsections
(a)(i) or (a)(ii);
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
trees must be of a species suitable for the specific application, site conditions, and
the hardiness zone;
where a landscaped area is required adjacent to a City boulevard, the tree species
and planting must complement the City boulevard trees as required by the
Development Officer; and
where at the time of development the area between the front property line and the
curb and/or the curb and sidewalk is not landscaped, this area shall be landscaped
to City standards.
(c) Subsection (b) does not apply to a development involving dwelling (single-detached),
dwelling (semi-detached), dwelling (duplex), dwelling (townhouse single), or a dwelling
(townhouse plex), unless the site is located within the Established Neighbourhood
Overlay District (Section C).
(d) Notwithstanding subsection (a), in an Established Neighbourhood (see Section C)
where infill development is proposed, the development shall provide a minimum of two
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Part 5
This part outlines parking regulations that apply throughout St. Albert.
This part applies to all Districts under this
(a) If a parking calculation results in a fractional number, the number shall be rounded
upwards to the next whole number.
(b) When a parking stall, loading space, or electric vehicle charging station is required, it
shall be located on the same lot as the building or use in respect of which it is required
unless this Bylaw or the Development Officer otherwise permits.
(c) No portion of a required parking stall shall be encroached into by any obstruction, including
but not limited to, a pillar, stairway, landing, cantilever, chimney, or storage unit.
(d) Where a use is not listed in this section, on-site parking shall be provided as required by the
Development Officer.
(e) Where this Bylaw states that parking isas required by the Development Officer”, a
transportation or parking study may be required to be provided, per Section 2.6 Additional
Plans and Information’.
On-site parking shall be provided as follows:
Residential Development
Minimum Parking Requirement
(a) Dwelling (Apartment);
Dwelling Unit Above A Non-
Residential Use;
In DTN District:
0.8 stall per dwelling unit, and
1 stall per 7 dwelling units for visitor
In all other Districts:
1 stall per dwelling unit, and
1 stall per 7 dwelling units for visitor parking.
(b) Dwelling (Duplex);
Dwelling (Manufactured);
Dwelling (Semi-Detached);
Dwelling (Single-Detached);
Dwelling (Townhouse Single);
Dwelling (Townhouse Plex);
2 stalls per dwelling unit.
(c) Dwelling (Townhouse
1.5 stalls per dwelling unit, and
1 stall per 7 dwelling units for visitor parking.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Residential Development
Minimum Parking Requirement
(d) Dwelling (Townhouse Hybrid);
As required by the Development Officer.
(e) Secondary Suite (Internal);
Secondary Suite (Garage);
Secondary Suite (Garden);
0 stalls required per suite, or
1 stall required when there are two
secondary suites on a parcel in the LDR
(f) Live/work unit;
1 stall per dwelling unit for the residential
component, and
1 stall per 50.00 m
of gross floor area for the
commercial component.
(g) Farm help accommodation;
As required by the Development Officer.
(h) Home-Based Business (Level
Home-Based Business (Level
The Development Officer shall determine the
required parking for a home-based business,
(level two or three) having consideration for the
proposed number of visitors/customers, and
In the DTN District:
0 stalls per non-resident employee required
during the maximum working shift.
In all other Districts:
1 stall per non-resident employee required
during the maximum working shift.
(i) Group Home
1 parking stall per 3 sleeping units, and
1 parking stall per employee required during
the maximum working shift.
(j) Transitional Accommodation
1 parking stall per 5 sleeping units, and
1 parking stall per employee required during
the maximum working shift.
(k) Supportive Living
1 stall per dwelling unit,
1 stall per 5 sleeping units,
1 stall per 7 dwelling units or sleeping units
for visitor parking, and
1 stall per employee required during the
maximum shift.
(l) Parking accommodated within private garage spaces will be counted as part of the
minimum parking requirement calculations providing the following is met:
Within a single width vehicle garage there exists an unobstructed space with a
minimum depth of 5.80 m and a minimum width of 3.00 m (measured from the
finished interior dimensions). In addition, a driveway pad must be provided.
Within a double width vehicle garage there exists an unobstructed space with a
minimum depth of 5.80 m and a minimum width of 5.80 m (measured from the
finished interior dimensions).
Within a tandem garage there exists an unobstructed space with a minimum depth
of 11.60 m and a minimum width of 3.00 m (measured from the finished interior
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
On-site parking shall be provided as follows:
Non-Residential Development
Minimum Parking Requirement
(a) Agricultural Support Service;
Agriculture (General);
Agriculture (Intensive);
Art Gallery / Studio;
Broadcasting Studio;
Car Wash;
Chemical Processing;
Community Garden;
Equestrian Facility;
Natural Area;
Public Utility Building;
Recycling Depot;
Residential Sales Centre;
School (Post-Secondary);
Transmitting Station;
Topsoil Processing and Sales;
As required by the Development Officer.
(b) Animal Health;
Animal Service;
Catering Service;
Health Service;
Personal Service;
Professional Office;
Retail (Cannabis);
Retail (General);
In the DTN District, 1 stall per 80.00 m
gross floor area.
In all other Districts, 1 stall per 50.00 m
gross floor area.
(c) Animal Health (Rural);
1 stall per examination space, and
1 stall for every 3 employees required during
the maximum working shift.
(d) Auction (Agriculture);
1 stall per 80.00 m
of gross floor area.
(e) Auction (General);
1 stall per 4 seats for patrons, or
1 stall per 80.00 m
of gross floor area,
whichever is the greater.
(f) Automotive (Sales);
Automotive (Service);
Automotive (Specialty);
Construction Service;
Equipment Service;
Service Station;
Heavy Vehicle and Equipment
(Sales and Service);
Retail (Adult);
1 stall per 50.00 m
of gross floor area.
(g) Bulk Fuel Sales Depot;
1 stall per 2,500.00 m
parcel area.
(h) Bulk Oil and Chemical Storage;
1 stall per 5,000.00 m
parcel area.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Non-Residential Development
Minimum Parking Requirement
(i) Cannabis Production and
Distribution Facility;
5 stalls, or
1 stall for every 3 employees required during the
maximum working shift, whichever is greater.
(j) Cannabis Production and
Distribution (Micro);
3 stalls, or
1 stall for every 3 employees required during the
maximum working shift, whichever is greater.
(k) Conference and Banquet
In the DTN District, 1 stall per 50.00 m
gross floor area.
In all other Districts, 1 stall per 30.00 m
gross floor area.
(l) Crematorium;
1 stall per 50.00 m
of gross floor area, and
1 stall per crematorium vehicle.
(m) Day Care Facility;
In the DTN District:
4 stalls, or
1 stall per 3 employees required during
the maximum working shift, and 1 stall per
15 patrons, whichever is greater.
In all other Districts:
4 stalls, or
1 stall per 3 employees required during
the maximum working shift, and 1 stall per
10 patrons, whichever is greater.
(n) Equipment Rental;
3 stalls, and
1 stall for every 3 employees required during
the maximum working shift.
(o) Establishment (Adult);
1 stall per 4 seats, or
1 stall per 50.00 m
of gross floor area,
whichever is greater.
(p) Establishment (Brew Pub);
Establishment (Drinking);
Establishment (Restaurant);
In the DTN District, 1 stall per 6 seats.
In all other Districts, 1 stall per 4 seats.
(q) Establishment (Entertainment);
In the DTN District, 1 stall per 10 seats.
In all other Districts, 1 stall per 4 seats.
(r) Establishment (Gaming);
1 stall per 4 seats.
(s) Event Venue (Rural);
1 stall per 4 seats, or
1 stall per 50.00 m
gross floor area,
whichever is greater.
(t) Exhibition Grounds;
1 stall per 2,500.00 m
parcel area.
(u) Fleet Service;
1 stall for every 2 employees required during
the maximum working shift, and
As required by the Development Officer having
consideration for the proposed fleet size.
(v) Funeral Home;
1 stall per 50.00 m
of gross floor area, and
1 stall per funeral home vehicle.
(w) Government Service;
In the DTN District:
1 stall per 10 seats, or
1 stall per 80.00 m
of gross floor area,
whichever is greater.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Non-Residential Development
Minimum Parking Requirement
In all other Districts:
1 stall per 8 seats, or
1 stall per 50.00 m
of gross floor area,
whichever is greater.
(x) Greenhouse and Plant Nursery;
1 stall for every 4 employees required during
the maximum working shift, and
1 stall per 50.00 m
of gross floor area
applicable to any retail sales portion.
(y) Hospital;
1 stall per 4 patient or resident beds, and
1 stall per employee required during the
maximum working shift.
(z) Hotel;
1 stall per guest room, and
additional stalls in accordance
with the
parking requirements of this section for any
other uses which form part of the hotel.
(aa) Industrial (Level One);
Industrial (Level Two);
Industrial (Level Three);
5 stalls, or
1 stall for every 3 employees required during the
maximum working shift, whichever is greater.
(bb) Recreation (Indoor);
1 stall per 4 seats for areas with fixed
seating, and
1 stall per 50.00 m
of gross floor area for
areas without fixed seating, and
1 stall per 3 employees required during the
maximum working shift.
(cc) Recreation (Outdoor);
1 stall per 4 seats for areas with fixed
seating, and
Any other parking shall be as required by the
Development Officer.
(dd) Religious Assembly;
In the DTN District:
1 stall per 10 seats, or
1 stall per 60.00 m
of gross floor area,
whichever is greater.
In all other Districts:
1 stall per 8 seats, or
1 stall per 50.00 m
of gross floor area,
whichever is the greater.
(ee) Retail (Warehouse);
1 stall per 3 employees required during the
maximum working shift, and
1 stall per 80.00 m
of gross floor area.
(ff) School (Commercial);
In the DTN District:
4 stalls, or
1 stall per 4 employees required during the
maximum working shift, and 1 stall per
60.00 m
of gross floor area, whichever is
In all other Districts:
4 stalls, or
1 stall per 3 employees required during the
maximum working shift, and 1 stall per
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Non-Residential Development
Minimum Parking Requirement
50.00 m
of gross floor area, whichever is
(gg) School (Elementary or
1 stall per 20 students for an elementary or
junior high school (grades 1 to 9).
4 stalls per 20 students for a senior high
school (grades 10 to 12).
Application of the ratios in subsections (gg)(i)
and (ii) shall be based on the projected
design capacity of the facility, and the grade
levels that it contains.
(hh) Storage Facility (Indoor);
4 stalls, and
1 stall for every 3 employees required during
the maximum working shift.
(ii) Storage Facility (Mini);
Storage Facility (Recreation
Vehicle and Equipment);
Sod Farm;
3 stalls, and
1 stall for every 3 employees required during the
maximum working shift, whichever is greater.
(jj) Warehouse;
Less than 1,850.00 m
gross floor area:
1 stall per 150.00 m
of gross floor area, and
1 stall for every 3 warehouse employees
required during the maximum working shift.
From 1,850.00 m
to 9,300.00 m
gross floor
1 stall per 300.00 m
of gross floor area, and
1 stall for every 3 warehouse employees
required during the maximum working shift.
Greater than 9,300.00 m
gross floor area:
1 stall per 500.00 m
of gross floor area, and
1 stall for every 3 warehouse employees
required during the maximum working shift.
(kk) A parking lot is encouraged to be located in the side or rear of Non-Residential use site.
(ll) The minimum setback for a parking lot or loading area is 3.00 m from any property line that
abuts a public right-of-way, Residential District, residential use, natural area, or park.
(mm) Notwithstanding subsection (ll), no parking lot or loading area shall be permitted within a
required landscape buffer or perimeter landscape area.
(nn) A parking lot or loading dock shall be screened from the public right-of-way, Residential
District, residential use, natural area, or park, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Non-Residential Multi-Tenant Buildings and Shopping Centre parking shall be as follows:
Multi-Tenant Non-Residential
Minimum Parking Requirement
(a) Shopping Centre;
Commercial Multi-Tenant Building;
In the DTN District, 1 stall per 70.00 m
of gross floor area.
In all other Districts, 1 stall per 40.00 m
of gross floor area.
(b) Industrial Multi-Tenant Building;
1 stall per 45.00 m
of gross floor area,
excluding any warehouse component.
(c) Any of the following
developments within a shopping
centre or multi-tenant building:
Conference and Banquet Facility;
Establishment (Entertainment);
Establishment (Gaming); or
Notwithstanding subsections (a) and (b)
the development officer may determine
additional parking requirements for the
uses listed in subsections (c).
(d) When a development falls within two or more use categories, parking requirements shall
be provided in accordance with the parking space requirements for each individual use
that form a part of the development.
(e) Notwithstanding subsection (d), for a shopping centre or multi-tenant building that has parking
approved in accordance with subsection (a) or (b), any future parking calculations for a new
use, or a change of use, within the building, excluding the uses in subsection (c), shall not be
based on the individual uses forming part of that development, unless the building is being
expanded, or altered in size.
(f) All parking spaces shall be hard surfaced and accessible by a permanent vehicle
access. Parking vehicles either permanently or temporarily on turf, dirt, gravel, lawn, or
other non-hard surfaced area is prohibited.
(g) Notwithstanding subsection (f), in the TRN District, on-site parking material may be
determined by the Development Officer, in consultation with Engineering Services,
having regard for the characteristics of the site, or development in the vicinity.
(h) Notwithstanding subsections (a), (b) or (c), the Development Officer, at their discretion, may
require additional parking having consideration for, but not limited to, the intensity of the use,
existing building occupancy, adjacent development, and on-site parking availability.
(i) Notwithstanding subsections (a), (b) or (c), the Development Officer, at their discretion,
may consider differing parking requirements, when supported by an approved parking
and/or transportation study.
(a) In a Non-Residential District, the Development Officer may authorize the use of off-site
parking to meet the on-site parking required under Sections 5.4 and 5.4, provided:
there is a convenient walkway from the off-site parking to the development that is
the subject of the development permit application; and
they are the owner of both the proposed development site, and the site where off-
site parking is proposed; and
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
the owner has dedicated the site for off-site parking for the benefit of the
development in question only.
(a) Barrier free parking stalls must be:
provided at a rate of 3.00% of the minimum on-site parking requirements, to a
maximum of 10 stalls;
included as part of, and not in addition to, the applicable minimum on-site parking
provided in accordance with the Alberta Building Code;
located within a reasonable distance of a building entrance or access point; and
identified as barrier free parking spaces through the use of appropriate signage.
(a) Tandem parking is permitted in Residential and Mixed-Use Districts.
(b) No more than two parking stalls can be designed in tandem per dwelling unit, for the
stalls to be counted towards the total required parking.
(c) Visitor parking stalls shall not be designed in tandem.
(d) Tandem parking may be permitted for a Non-Residential District or use, at the discretion
of the Development Officer.
(a) A parking lot shall be designed, located, and constructed such that:
it can be properly maintained;
it is accessible and appropriate for the nature and frequency of motor vehicles using it;
it has adequate storm water drainage and storage facilities;
it is hard surfaced.
each parking stall, loading space, or drive aisle is clearly demarcated, or physically
divided, to delineate each area;
curbs and other protective measures are used to protect adjacent fences, walls,
walkways, boulevards, landscaped areas, or buildings on the site or an adjacent site;
continuous raised or pre-cast curbing is provided adjacent to a street or required
landscape area; and
curb stops are located a minimum of 0.60 m inside the front of the required parking
stall depth.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), the final design of a parking lot in the TRN or FUD
District, shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with
Engineering Services.
(c) If a parking lot contains more than 10 stalls, it must be landscaped in accordance with
Section 5.11 ‘Parking Lot Landscaping’.
(a) When a parking lot is required to be landscaped Section 5.10(c), trees must be planted
at a minimum ratio of 1 tree per 5 parking stalls for single row parking and a minimum
ratio of 1 tree per 10 parking stalls for double row parking;
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), the ratio of trees to parking stalls required may be reduced
by the Development Officer where site conditions, such as location, size, sight lines, and
climatic factors, warrant a lesser ratio; and
(c) a landscaped island must be:
designed to protect trees and ground cover from damage;
raised a minimum of 0.15m above the finished grade;
finished with tree grates, ground cover vegetation or hard landscaping; and
installed after a maximum length of 20 parking stalls.
(a) For new development, electric vehicle charging stations must be:
provided at a rate of 1.50% of the minimum on-site parking requirements, to a
maximum of 10 charging stations for the following uses:
shopping centre;
multi-tenant building;
hotel; or
a standalone retail (warehouse), hospital, school, or government service use.
Provided at a rate of 3.00% of the minimum on-site parking requirements, to a
maximum of 20 charging stations for the following uses:
dwelling (apartment); or
dwelling unit above a non-residential use.
Provided at a rate of 1.00% of the minimum on-site parking requirements, to a
maximum of 10 charging stations for the following uses:
dwelling (townhouse complex).
(b) An application for an addition or expansion of an existing building shall be required to
provide electric vehicle charging stations based on the increased parking required, but
not exceeding the maximum charging stations set in subsection (a).
(c) Notwithstanding subsection (b), an application for a change of use within an existing
building shall not be required to provide any electric vehicle charging stations.
(d) Electric vehicle charging stations are included as part of, and not in addition to, the
applicable minimum on-site parking requirement.
(e) Notwithstanding subsection (d), for a dwelling (townhouse complex), electric vehicle charging
stations are calculated in addition to the applicable minimum on-site parking requirements.
(a) The minimum dimensions of a parking space or a drive aisle shall be in accordance with
Table 3, and measured as per Figure 14.
(b) In the case of a parking angle not listed in Table 3, the stall depth and drive aisle width
shall be at the discretion of the Development Officer.
(c) All one-way drive aisles shall be demarcated or designated with signage.
(d) All small car parking spaces shall be demarcated or designated as “small car parking only”.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(e) Small car parking spaces may comprise a maximum of 25.00% of required parking for all
developments, except for development in the LDR, SLR, LLR, and FBR Districts.
Table 3: Parking Stall Dimensions
Parking Angle
Stall Width
Stall Depth
Drive Aisle Width
Standard Parking Stall
0 degrees (parallel)
2.60 m
7.00 m
7.00 m for two way traffic, or
4.00 m for one way traffic
30 degrees
2.60 m
5.20 m
4.00 m
45 degrees
2.60 m
6.00 m
4.00 m
60 degrees
2.60 m
6.40 m
7.00 m
90 degrees
2.60 m
5.80 m
7.00 m
Small Car Parking Stall
0 degrees (parallel)
2.60 m
7.00 m
7.00 m for two way traffic, or
4.00 m for one way traffic
30 degrees
2.45 m
4.60 m
4.00 m
45 degrees
2.45 m
5.30 m
4.00 m
60 degrees
2.45 m
5.60 m
7.00 m
90 degrees
2.45 m
5.00 m
7.00 m
Figure 14: Parking Angle Illustration
(a) One loading space per loading door is required in all Districts.
(b) A loading space shall:
be at least 3.00 m wide and 9.00 m deep; and
have overhead clearance of at least 4.00 m.
(a) Queuing spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following:
a drive-through with a drive-up service window must provide a minimum of three
in-bound and one out-bound queuing spaces per service window;
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
an automotive (service) or automotive (specialty) with a drive-through must provide
a minimum of three in-bound and one out-bound queuing spaces per service bay;
a car wash must provide a minimum of six in-bound and one out-bound queuing
a parking structure must provide a minimum of one in-bound and one out-bound
queuing spaces;
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), additional queuing spaces may be required at the
discretion of the Development Officer.
(c) For any use not listed in subsection (a), queuing spaces shall be at the discretion of the
Development Officer.
(d) Queuing spaces must be a minimum of 6.00 m long and 3.00 m wide.
(e) Queuing spaces must allow for vehicle turning and maneuvering.
(f) A queuing space does not include any space occupied by a motor vehicle during the
provision of service.
(a) For any new development, or where any such existing development is substantially
enlarged or increased in capacity, on-site bicycle parking shall be provided, that is:
secure, safe, convenient, visible, and illuminated; and
compatible with the design of the surrounding development.
(b) For a dwelling (apartment), dwelling (townhouse complex), or dwelling unit above a
non-residential use:
the minimum number of bicycle parking spaces shall be one (1) bicycle parking
space per seven dwelling units.
Notwithstanding subsection (a), in the DTN District, the minimum number of
bicycle parking spaces shall be one (1) bicycle parking space per three (3)
dwelling units.
In the LDR, SLR, LLR, FBR, FUD, and TRN Districts, no bicycle parking is required.
(c) In the ICS, IND, PRK, and CPK Districts, the required number of bicycle parking spaces
shall be at the discretion of the Development Officer.
(d) For all other Districts and Non-Residential Uses the minimum number of bicycle parking
spaces shall be six (6) spaces per building.
(e) The Development Officer, at their discretion, may require additional bicycle parking
spaces, having consideration for, but not limited to, the intensity of the use, existing
building occupancy, and adjacent development.
(a) The parking of recreation vehicles or recreation equipment which do not fall under
Section 2.2 ‘Development Not Requiring a Development Permit’, may be allowed at the
discretion of the Development Officer.
(b) In considering a development permit under subsection (a), the Development Officer shall
take into account safety, sightlines, impact on adjoining parcels, and any other site factors.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) The internal and external design of a parking structure shall have consideration for:
visibility and surveillance;
on-site lighting; and
user safety.
(b) The building frontage of a parking structure, when adjacent to a public roadway, park, or
natural area, shall:
be integrated with the building design and finishing materials; and
complement the streetscape.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision in this bylaw, for a below grade parking structure, a
lessor building setback, for the below grade portions only, may be permitted at the
discretion of the Development Officer.
(d) Venting for an above grade or below grade parking structure, shall be integrated into
landscaping, the building design, or hard surface areas with limited impact on pedestrian
rights-of-way, amenity areas, or the visible building façade.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Part 6
Land Use Districts
This part outlines specific regulation that applies to the City’s Land Use Districts.
(a) Districts are described in the short form on the Land Use District Map, within
Schedule A of this Bylaw,
(b) District boundaries are delineated on the Land Use District Map.
(c) Where uncertainty exists as to the boundary of a District as shown on the Land Use
District Map, the following shall apply:
Where a boundary follows a street, lane, stream or canal it shall follow the
centreline thereof,
Where a boundary generally follows a parcel line, it shall follow the parcel line,
Where specific dimensions are noted on the Land Use District Map, those
dimensions shall be followed,
Where there is doubt or dispute concerning the exact location of the boundary of a
District, Council shall determine the location of the boundary according to the
direction of this Bylaw,
(d) Boundaries shall not be altered except by an amendment to this Bylaw, and
(e) Council shall maintain a list of amendments to the boundaries on the Land Use District
Map and update the local GIS database to reflect amendments.
(f) Where a property boundary is adjusted by subdivision, or by the inclusion of a private
road or other land not previously assigned a land use class, the Land Use District
boundary follows the new property boundary.
(g) Any doubt as to the boundaries of a Land Use District as shown on the Land Use Map
shall be settled by a resolution of Council.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Districts in the Bylaw have been amended as follows:
Table 4: Land Use District Conversions
Land Use Bylaw No.
Land Use Bylaw No.
Low Density Residential
Low Density Residential
Low Density Residential
Low Density Residential
Medium Density Residential
Medium Density Residential
Medium Density Residential
Medium Density Residential
High Density Residential
High Density Residential
Small Lot Residential
Residential Lane
Laned Lot Residential
Downtown Residential
Residential Front Back
Front Back Residential
Neighbourhood Commercial
Neighbourhood Commercial
General Commercial
Neighbourhood Commercial
Corridor Commercial
Trail Corridor Commercial
Mixed Commercial
Commercial and Industrial Service
Industrial and Commercial Service
Business Park
District Removed
Integrated Care Community
Integrated Care Community
Business Park Transition
Business Park 2
Regional Commercial
Regional Commercial
Business Park
Business Park 2
Public Park
Public Park
Public and Private Service
Public, Private, and Institutional Service
Institutional Facilities
Public, Private, and Institutional Service
Urban Reserve
Future Urban Development
Direct Control Mixed-Use
Mixed-Use 2
Direct Control Northwest Urban Village
District Removed
Alternate Jurisdiction
Alternate Jurisdiction
Business Park 1
Mixed-Use 1
Conservation Park
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) The purpose of a Direct Control (DC) District is to enable Council to exercise particular
control over the use and development of land or buildings within the area so designated.
The DC District may be used to create site specific regulations for parcels, including
historic resources.
(b) Council shall determine the uses that may be allowed in a DC District; and may impose
such standards and conditions it considers appropriate to regulate that use.
(c) Notwithstanding (b), Council may delegate the following discretionary uses for approval
by the Development Officer, and the Development Officer may impose standards and
conditions they consider appropriate to regulate, including:
accessory developments to a use enabled within a DC District
(d) A DC District is a separate and distinct bylaw from this Bylaw and can be made with
reference to Districts in this Bylaw.
(e) Council or the Development Officer may refer to a corresponding conventional District or
any part of the Land Use Bylaw to determine land use regulations that may be applied to
a Direct control development permit.
(a) Application requirements for the submission of a DC District must include:
All information required for a ‘Land Use Redistricting Application’ (Section 1.15),
A written statement indicating why, in the applicant’s opinion, a DC District is
necessary and why the same results cannot be achieved through the use of a
District in this Bylaw,
A list of permitted and discretionary uses proposed for the site,
Plans and elevations or other documentation about the development, including site
and building characteristics, that would help to substantiate the need for the DC
District, and
Any other information as may be required by the Development Officer and/or
(a) Council, or the Development Officer where delegated by Council, may issue a
development permit for any use in a DC District and impose such conditions as it
considers appropriate.
(b) In addition to the noted ‘Development Permit Conditions’ (Section 2.17), the
Development Officer may, where delegated authority by Council, impose such conditions
as they deem appropriate in alignment with the regulations under ‘Development Permit
Conditions For A Discretionary Use’ (Section 2.18).
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as Low Density Residential (LDR) on the
Land Use District Map, Schedule A, of this Bylaw. Additional requirements are outlined in
the Established Neighbourhood Overlay District, Schedule C, for development taking
place in established neighbourhoods outlined in Figure 30.
The purpose of the LDR District is to provide an area that allows for a range of low-density
housing options that meet the housing supply needs of St. Albert and are compatible with
the residential nature of the District.
(a) Community Garden
(b) Dwelling (Townhousing Plex)
(a) Dwelling (Duplex)
(b) Home-Based Business (Level Two)
(a) Dwelling (Semi-Detached)
(b) Public Utility Building
(a) Dwelling (Single-Detached)
(b) Residential Sales Centre
(a) Group Home
(b) Accessory Development to a discretionary
use, and decks that are greater than 1.50 m
above finished grade, and private pools
(a) Park
(a) Secondary Suite (Internal)
(a) Secondary Suite (Garage)
(a) Secondary Suite (Garden)
(a) Supportive Living Accommodation
(a) Accessory Development to a permitted
use, excluding decks that are greater than 1.50
m above finished grade, and private pools
The minimum gross floor area per principal dwelling unit is 75.00 m
, excluding the
area of an attached garage.
The area comprising gross floor area must be enclosed but does not require interior finishing.
The minimum lot width of an interior lot is:
10.0 0 m for a dwelling (single detached)
8.00 m for a dwelling unit of a dwelling (semi-detached); and
13.00 m for a dwelling (duplex)
The minimum lot width of a corner lot is:
13.00 m for a dwelling (single detached)
10.00 m for a dwelling unit of a dwelling (semi-detached); and
15.00 m for a dwelling (duplex) or dwelling (townhouse plex).
Notwithstanding subsections (e)(i) and (e)(ii), refer to Section 4.40 ‘Lots less than
12.20 m Wide’, for additional regulations on lots less than 12.20 m in width.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
The maximum lot area is 2,000.00 m
The maximum lot coverage for a dwelling (single detached) is 40% for the principal
building and garage, and 42% including accessory buildings.
The maximum lot coverage for a dwelling (duplex), dwelling (semi-detached), or
dwelling (townhouse plex) is 47% for the principal building and garage, and 49%
including accessory buildings.
The maximum building height is:
12.00 m for a walkout lot, or a structure with a drive-under garage, or roof
mounted solar panels; and
11.00 m in all other cases.
(i) An attached garage or carport must comply with the building setback
requirements that apply to the principal building.
The minimum Front Yard Setback is 6.00 m.
Side Yard Setbacks shall be provided on each side or portion of a side of a
principal building as follows:
Lot Width
Building Side Yard
Walkout Basement Side
Yard Setback
≤12.50 m
1.25 m
1.25 m
>12.50 m
1.80 m
6.80 m
Notwithstanding subsection (j)(ii), a development without an attached garage must
have a minimum side yard building setback of 3.00 m on one side to provide
unobstructed vehicle access to the rear yard if there is no lane;
Notwithstanding subsection (j)(ii), on a corner lot, the side of the lot that adjoins a
flanking public roadway must have a minimum side yard building setback of:
4.00 m, or
6.00 m from the edge of the sidewalk nearest the property line, to the face of the
garage where a garage faces the flanking public roadway, excluding a lane; or
6.00 m from the closest edge of the roadway, where there is no sidewalk, to the
face of the garage, where a garage faces the flanking public roadway,
excluding a lane;
Notwithstanding subsection (j)(ii), A dwelling (semi-detached) may develop to a
0.00 m setback along the property line, common.
The minimum Rear Yard Setback is:
6.00 m if an attached garage or carport located on the lot;
4.50 m on a corner lot when the principal dwelling with an attached garage
faces the flanking public roadway;
10.00 m in all other cases.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the District designated as Small Lot Residential (SLR) on the Land
Use District Map, Schedule A, of this Bylaw.
The purpose of the SLR District is to provide an area for a mix of single family and multiple
family dwellings, and other development compatible with supporting diverse streetscapes in
new neighbourhoods. Vehicular access shall be provided from the front or side of the lot.
(a) Community Garden
(b) Home-Based Business (Level Two)
(a) Dwelling (Duplex)
(b) Public Utility Building
(a) Dwelling (Semi-Detached)
(b) Residential Sales Centre
(a) Dwelling (Single-Detached)
(b) Accessory Development to a discretionary
use, and decks that are greater than 1.50 m
above finished grade, and private pools
(a) Group Home
(a) Park
(a) Secondary Suite (Internal)
(a) Secondary Suite (Garage)
(a) Secondary Suite (Garden)
(a) Supportive Living Accommodation
(a) Accessory Development to a permitted
use, excluding decks that are greater than 1.50
m above finished grade, and private pools
The minimum gross floor area per principal dwelling unit is 75.00 m
, excluding the
area of an attached garage.
The area comprising the gross floor area must be enclosed but does not require
interior finishing.
The minimum lot width for a dwelling, (single-detached) is:
10.00 m on an interior lot; and
13.00 m on a corner lot.
The minimum lot width for a dwelling (duplex) is:
13.00 m on an interior lot; and
15.00 m on a corner lot.
The minimum lot width for dwelling (semi-detached) is:
8.00 m per dwelling unit on an interior lot; and
10.00 m per dwelling unit on a corner lot.
Notwithstanding subsections (e)(i), and (e)(iii), refer to refer to Section 4.40Lots less
than 12.20 m Wide’, for additional regulations on parcels less than 12.20 m in width.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
The maximum lot area is 1,000.00 m
for a dwelling (single-detached), dwelling
(semi-detached), and dwelling (duplex).
The maximum lot area is 1,300.00 m
for a supportive living accommodation.
The maximum lot coverage for a dwelling (single-detached) is 40% for the principal
building and garage, and 42% including accessory buildings.
The maximum lot coverage for a dwelling (duplex), or dwelling (semi-detached) is
47% for the principal building and garage, and 49% including accessory buildings.
The maximum building height of the principal building is:
12.00 m for a walkout lot, or a structure with a drive-under garage, or roof
mounted solar panels; and
11.00 m in all other cases.
An attached garage or carport must comply with the building setback requirements
that apply to the principal building.
The minimum front yard building setback is 6.00 m.
Side Yard Setbacks shall be provided on each side or portion of a side of a
principal building, as follows:
Lot Width
Building Side Yard
Walkout Basement
Side Yard Setback
≤12.50 m
1.25 m
1.25 m
>12.50 m
1.80 m
1.80 m
Notwithstanding subsection (j)(ii), a development without an attached garage, must
have a minimum side yard building setback of 3.00 m on one side to provide
unobstructed vehicle access to the rear yard.
Notwithstanding subsection (j)(ii), on a corner lot, the side of the lot that adjoins a
flanking public roadway must have a minimum side yard building setback of:
3.00 m, or
6.00 m from the edge of the sidewalk nearest the property line, to the face of the
garage where a garage faces the flanking public roadway, excluding a lane; or
6.00 m from the closest edge of the roadway, where there is no sidewalk, to the
face of the garage, where a garage faces the flanking public roadway,
excluding a lane.
Notwithstanding subsection (j)(ii), Dwelling (semi-detached) units, and any associated
decks, may develop to a 0.00 m setback along the property line, common.
The minimum Rear Yard Setback is:
6.00 m, if an attached garage or a carport is located on the lot; and
10.00 m in all other cases.
Any dwelling (single detached), or dwelling (semi-detached) located on a lot less
than 10.00 m in width must be located at least 90.00 m away from any lot that was
registered prior to February 5, 2018.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as Laned Lot Residential (LLR) Distrtict on
the Land Use District Map, Schedule A, of this Bylaw.
The purpose of the LLR District is to provide an area for a mix of single family and multiple
family dwellings, and other development compatible with supporting diverse streetscapes
in new neighbourhoods. Vehicular access shall only be provided from a rear lane, to
maximize on-street parking. Some single-detached houses may be developed with a zero
lot-line to allow for increased density.
(a) Community Garden
(b) Home-Based Business (Level Two)
(a) Dwelling (Duplex)
(b) Public Utility Building
(a) Dwelling (Semi-Detached)
(b) Residential Sales Centre
(a) Dwelling (Single-Detached)
(b) Accessory Development to a discretionary
use, and decks that are greater than 1.50 m
above finished grade, and private pools
(a) Dwelling (Townhouse Plex )
(a) Dwelling (Townhouse Single)
(a) Group Home
(a) Park
(a) Secondary Suite (Garage)
(a) Secondary Suite (Internal)
(a) Supportive Living Accommodation
The minimum gross floor area per principal dwelling unit is 75.00 m
, excluding the
area of an attached garage.
The area comprising the gross floor area must be enclosed but does not require
interior finishing.
The minimum lot width for a dwelling, (single-detached) is:
8.00 m on an interior lot;
8.25 m on an interior lot when placed next to a zero lot-line; and
9.75 m on a corner lot.
Notwithstanding subsection (e)(i), the minimum lot width for a dwelling (single-
detached) developed with a zero lot-line is:
7.00 m on an interior lot;
8.50 m on a corner lot, where there is no zero lot-line easement on the lot; and
10.00 m on a corner lot, where there is a zero lot-line easement on the lot.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
The minimum lot width for a dwelling (duplex) or dwelling (townhouse plex) is:
13.00 m on an interior lot; and
15.00 m on a corner lot.
The minimum lot width for dwelling (semi-detached) is:
6.75 m per dwelling unit on an interior lot; and
7.00 m per dwelling unit on an interior lot when placed next to a zero lot-line;
8.50 m per dwelling unit on a corner lot.
Notwithstanding subsections (e)(i), (e)(ii), and (e)(iv), refer to Section 4.40 ‘Lots less
than 12.20 m Wide’, for additional regulations on lots less than 12.20 m in width.
The maximum lot area is 1,000.00 m
for a dwelling (single-detached), dwelling
(semi-detached), dwelling (duplex), and dwelling (townhouse single).
The maximum lot area is 1,300.00 m
for a dwelling (townhouse plex), and
supportive living accommodation.
The maximum lot coverage for a dwelling (single detached):
on a lot greater than 12.50 m wide, is 40% for the principal building and garage,
and 42% including accessory buildings;
on a lot less than or equal to 12.50 m wide, is 45% for the principal building and
garage, and 47% including accessory buildings.
Notwithstanding subsection (g)(i), the maximum lot coverage for a dwelling (single
detached) developed with a zero lot-line, is 45% for the principal building and
garage, and 47% including accessory buildings.
The maximum lot coverage for a dwelling (duplex), or dwelling (semi-detached), or
dwelling (townhouse plex) is 47% for the principal building and garage, and 49%
including accessory buildings.
For the maximum lot coverage for dwelling (townhouse single) refer to Section
3.14 ‘Dwelling (Townhouse)’.
The maximum building height of the principal building is:
12.00 m for a walkout lot, or a structure with a drive-under garage, or roof
mounted solar panels; and
11.00 m in all other cases.
(i) An attached garage or carport must comply with the building setback
requirements that apply to the principal building.
The minimum front yard setback is 4.50 m.
A side yard building setback shall be provided on each side or portion of a side of
a principal building, or on one side of a dwelling (single-detached) developed with
a zero lot-line, as follows:
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Lot Width
Building Side
Yard Setback
Basement Side
Yard Setback
Zero Lot-Line
Side Yard
≤12.5 m
1.25 m
1.25 m
1.50 m
>12.5 m
1.80 m
1.80 m
1.50 m
notwithstanding subsection (j)(ii), on a corner lot, the side of the lot that adjoins a
flanking public roadway must have a minimum side yard building setback of
3.00 m;
notwithstanding subsection (j)(ii), Dwelling (semi-detached), and dwelling
(townhouse single) units, and any associated decks, may develop to a 0.00 m
setback along the property line, common.
notwithstanding subsection (j)(ii), The minimum side yard setback for a dwelling
(townhouse single) end unit, or a dwelling (townhouse plex) is 1.80 m.
The minimum rear yard principal building setback is:
6.00 m, if an attached garage or a carport is located on the lot; and
10.00 m in all other cases.
Vehicular access shall only be provided from a lane and shall be hard surfaced.
If a garage is not constructed at the same time as the principal dwelling, a hard
surfaced parking pad shall be provided, which accommodates the on-site parking
Townhousing dwellings shall not exceed 25% of the total number of dwellings on
lands governed by an ASP, ARP, Neighbourhood Plan, or Concept Plan.
Notwithstanding subsection (i), the dwelling mix may apply to an existing ASP, as long
as any dwelling (single-detached), dwelling (semi-detached), or dwelling (townhouse)
located on a lot less than 10.00 m in width is located at least 90.00 m away from any
lot within said neighbourhood that was registered prior to February 5, 2018.
A dwelling (single-detached) developed with a zero lot-line shall only be permitted
all roof drainage from the dwelling, garage, and accessory buildings, shall be
directed away from buildings and towards a public roadway, including a lane, or
to a drainage swale;
no roof leader discharge shall be directed to the maintenance easement;
the owner of a lot developed with a zero lot-line and the owner of an adjacent lot
shall register, against all titles at the time of subdivision, a minimum 1.50 m private
maintenance easement (shown in Figure 15 along the entire lot line utilizing the
0.00 m side yard setback that ensures:
an unobstructed minimum 0.30 m wide drainage pathway to be free and clear
of all objects;
a 0.30 m eave encroachment easement with the requirement that the eaves
shall not be closer than 0.90 m to the eaves on the adjacent building;
a 0.60 m footing encroachment easement;
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
sufficient access for the owner’s or tenant’s maintenance of both properties;
that the garage, parking area or driveway shall not encroach on the private
maintenance easement;
no principal dwellings shall be placed within this area;
no accessory structures, including air conditioning units, shall be placed within
this area;
no trees or shrubs shall be placed within this area; and
the easement shall be registered in perpetuity against the title of such lots.
a restrictive covenant and easement are registered at the time of subdivision that:
requires a drainage swale constructed to Municipal Engineering Standards; and
provides for the protection of drainage of the site, including the right for water to
flow across lots and the requirement not to inhibit the flow of water across lots.
a utility easement(s) is registered on all lots within a zero lot-line development,
including the adjacent lots, to ensure adequate access for utility maintenance,
when utilities cross over another titled lot;
each lot planned for zero lot-line development must be indicated on the tentative
plan of subdivision at the time of subdivision application; and
There shall be no architectural projections into the side yard for a dwelling (single-
detached) developed with a zero lot-line.
Figure 15: Zero Lot Line Development
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as Front-Back Residential (FBR) District on
the Land Use District Map, Schedule A, of this Bylaw.
The purpose of the FBR District is to provide an area for a residential mix of small-scale
dwellings that enable quality streetscapes in new neighbourhoods. Vehicular access is
primarily provided from the rear lane, with limited allowance for front-back split access, to
maximize on-street parking.
(a) Community Garden
(b) Home-Based Business (Level Two)
(a) Dwelling (Duplex)
(b) Public Utility Building
(a) Dwelling (Semi-Detached)
(b) Residential Sales Centre
(a) Dwelling (Single-Detached)
(b) Accessory Development to a discretionary
use, and decks that are greater than 1.50 m
above finished grade, and private pools
(a) Group Home
(a) Park
(a) Secondary Suite (Garage)
(a) Secondary Suite (Garden)
(a) Secondary Suite (Internal)
(a) Supportive Living Accommodation
(a) Accessory Development to a permitted use,
excluding decks that are greater than 1.50 m
above finished grade, and private pools
The minimum gross floor area per principal dwelling unit is 75.00 m
, excluding the
area of an attached garage.
The area comprising the gross floor area must be enclosed, but does not require
interior finishing.
The minimum lot width for a dwelling (single-detached) is:
8.00 m on an interior lot; and
9.75 m on a corner lot.
The minimum lot width for a dwelling, duplex is:
13.00 m on an interior lot; and
15.00 m on a corner lot.
The minimum lot width for a dwelling (semi-detached) is:
6.75 m per dwelling unit on an interior lot with laned vehicular access;
8.00 m per dwelling unit on an interior lot with front vehicular access;
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
8.50 m per dwelling unit on a corner lot with laned vehicular access; and
9.75 m per dwelling unit on a corner lot with front vehicular access.
Notwithstanding subsections (e)(1) and (e)(iii), refer to Section 4.40 ‘Lots less than
12.20 m Wide, for additional regulations on lots less than 12.20 m in width.
The maximum lot area is 1,000.00 m
for a dwelling (single-detached), dwelling
(semi-detached), and dwelling (duplex).
The maximum lot area is 1,300.00 m
for supportive living accommodation.
The maximum lot coverage for a dwelling (single-detached) is 40% for the principal
building and garage, and 42% including accessory buildings.
The maximum lot coverage for a dwelling (duplex), or dwelling (semi-detached) is
47% for the principal building and garage, and 49% including accessory buildings.
The maximum building height of the principal building is:
12.00 m for a walkout lot, or a structure with a drive-under garage, or roof
mounted solar panels; and
11.00 m in all other cases.
An attached garage or carport must comply with the building setback requirements
that apply to the principal building.
The minimum front yard building setback for a dwelling with a front attached
garage or front vehicle access is 6.00 m.
Notwithstanding (j)(i), the minimum front yard building setback in all other cases is
4.50 m.
A side yard building setback shall be provided on each side or portion of a side of
a principal building as follows:
Lot Width
Building Side Yard
Walkout Basement Side
Yard Setback
≤12.5 m
1.25 m
1.25 m
>12.5 m
1.80 m
6.10 m
Notwithstanding subsection (j)(iii), on a corner lot, the side of the lot that adjoins a
flanking public roadway must have a minimum side yard building setback of:
3.00 m; or
6.00 m from the edge of the sidewalk nearest the property line, to the face of the
garage where a garage faces the flanking public roadway, excluding a lane; or
6.00 m from the closest edge of the roadway, where there is no sidewalk, to the face of
the garage, where a garage faces the flanking public roadway, excluding a lane;
Notwithstanding subsection (j)(iii), Dwelling (semi-detached) units, and any associated
decks, may develop to a 0.00 m setback along the property line, common.
The minimum rear yard principal building setback is:
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
6.00 m, if an attached garage or a carport is located on the lot; and
10.00 m in all other cases.
One vehicular access per lot shall be permitted for a dwelling (single-detached) or
a dwelling (semi-detached).
For a dwelling (duplex), each primary dwelling unit shall be permitted one vehicular
Vehicular access may either be provided from a lane, or a public road, and shall
be hard surfaced.
For a dwelling (single-detached), vehicular access shall be provided from a lane.
For a dwelling (semi-detached), vehicular access for one dwelling unit shall be
provided from a rear lane, and vehicular access for the second dwelling unit may
be provided from a public road where:
vehicular access shall be grouped so that dwellings with rear detached garages
are situated adjacent to each other, and dwellings with front attached garages
are situated adjacent to each other, in pairs, as shown in Figure #.
a principal building with a rear detached garage shall be placed at the ends of
blocks, as shown in Figure #.
up to four mid-block transition lots are permitted per block where garages are
not grouped, as shown in Figure #.
For a dwelling (duplex), vehicular access for one dwelling unit shall be provided
from a rear lane, and vehicular access for the second dwelling unit may be
provided from a public road where:
vehicular access shall be grouped so that dwellings with rear detached garages
are situated adjacent to each other, and dwellings with front attached garages
are situated adjacent to each other, in pairs, as shown in #.
a principal building with rear detached garage shall be placed at the ends of
blocks, as shown in Figure #.
up to two mid-block transition lots are permitted per block where garages are
not grouped, as shown in Figure #.
Access to a triple width vehicle garage or larger shall be provided from a lane.
If a garage is not constructed at the same time as the principal dwelling, a two-
vehicle hard surfaced parking pad shall be provided on-site and shall have
vehicular access provided from a lane.
The vehicular access for each parcel must be indicated on the tentative plan of
subdivision at the time of subdivision application.
Primary pedestrian access to the principal building shall not be provided from a lane.
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
Figure 16: Grouping of Vehicular Access
on Adjacent Lots for a Block of Dwelling (Semi-Detached)
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Figure 17: Grouping of Vehicular Access on Adjacent Lots
for a Block of Dwelling (Duplex)
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as Medium Density Residential (MDR) District
on the Land Use District Map, Schedule A, of this Bylaw.
The purpose of the MDR District is to provide an area that allows for a range of medium
density housing options that meet the housing supply needs of St. Albert and are
compatible with the residential nature of the District.
(a) Community Garden
(b) Dwelling (Semi-Detached) on the
grandfathered lands identified on Figure 18.
(a) Dwelling (Apartment)
(b) Home-Based Business (Level Two)
(a) Dwelling (Townhouse Complex)
(b) Public Utility Building
(a) Dwelling (Townhouse Hybrid)
(b) Residential Sales Centre
(a) Dwelling (Townhouse Plex)
(b) Day Care Facility, if it is accessory to a
dwelling (apartment) and integrated within
the lower level(s) of the building
(a) Group Home
(b) Accessory Development to a
discretionary use, and decks that are
greater than 1.50 m above finished grade,
and private pools
(a) Park
(a) Supportive Living Accommodation
(a) For a dwelling (townhouse) only,
accessory development, excluding decks
that are greater than 1.50 m above finished
grade, and private pools
The minimum lot area is 0.075 ha excluding a dwelling (townhouse plex).
The minimum lot frontage is 25.00 m excluding a dwelling (townhouse plex).
The minimum lot width of an interior lot is 13.00 m for a dwelling (townhouse plex).
The minimum lot width of a corner lot is 15.00 m for a dwelling (townhouse plex).
The maximum lot coverage for a dwelling (townhouse plex) is 47% for the principal
building and garage, and 49% including accessory buildings.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
The minimum site density for the site is 40 dwelling units per net hectare and
cannot exceed a maximum of 100 dwelling units per net hectare.
Notwithstanding subsection (h)(i), a development shall meet the density target of
the MDP, an ASP, ARP, Neighbourhood Plan, or Concept Plan.
For the purpose of calculating the site area, 27.50 m
may be added to the lot area
for every parking stall which is constructed underground or under a dwelling at
finished grade if the Development Officer considers this to be appropriate given
site constraints.
Notwithstanding subsection (h), the maximum site density may be increased up to 125
dwelling units per net hectare if:
a minimum of 70% of required parking stalls are provided under a dwelling at
finished grade, in an underground parking structure, or within a parking structure
integrated within the building including high quality exterior finishing that matches
or complements the principal building exterior, where site design permits; and
in the opinion of the Development Officer, at least one of the following site
improvements are provided:
wider sidewalks or walkways internal to the site, together with street furniture to
the satisfaction of the Development Officer;
enhanced landscaping;
landscaping that is drought tolerant, reducing the need for irrigation;
green building products or technologies that reduce the carbon footprint, or
increase energy efficiency;
incorporate barrier free design into dwelling units, and the exterior feature of the
site; or
indoor or outdoor common amenity area, in addition to the minimum required
common and private amenity area when:
A. provided at a ratio of 1.50 m
per dwelling unit;
B. grouped into areas of not less than 30.00 m
; and
C. not located in any required setback.
The maximum building height of a principal building is 18.00 m.
The minimum front yard building setback is 6.00 m.
The minimum side yard building setback is 3.00 m plus an additional 1.00 m for
each metre or portion thereof in height that the building exceeds 9.00 m from
finished grade to a maximum side yard setback of 6.00 m.
If a lot is not serviced by a rear access lane, at least 1.00 side yard must have a
minimum building setback of 3.50 m to provide unobstructed vehicle access to
the rear yard.
The minimum rear yard building setback is 7.50 m.
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
For the minimum building setback for a dwelling (townhouse complex),
dwelling (townhouse hybrid), or dwelling (townhouse plex) refer to Section
3.14 ‘Dwelling (Townhouse)’.
The minimum building setback for an accessory building is 3.00 m.
Unless otherwise specified in this Bylaw, a discretionary use listed in
subsection (3) must be set back from any property line as required by the
Development Officer.
A Public Utility Building must have a minimum setback from any property line as
determined by the Development Officer.
An attached garage or carport must comply with the building setback and separation
distance requirements that apply to the principal building.
Driveways and vehicular access for a dwelling (townhouse complex), dwelling
(townhouse plex), or dwelling (townhouse hybrid) shall only be provided from a
lane or common internal roadway.
Surface parking must not encroach into any required front yard setback.
Surface parking must not encroach into any required perimeter landscape area, or
landscape buffer.
The floor area, lot coverage, building height and setbacks of a dwelling (semi-
detached) identified on Figure 18, shall comply requirements within the LDR District.
Figure 18: Grandfathered Sites for Dwelling (Semi-Detached)
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as High Density Residential (HDR) District on
the Land Use District Map, Schedule A, of this Bylaw.
The purpose of the HDR District is to provide an area that allows for a range of high-
density housing options that meet the housing supply needs of St. Albert and are
compatible with the residential nature of the District.
(a) Community Garden
(b) Home-Based Business (Level Two)
(a) Dwelling (Apartment)
(b) Public Utility Building
(a) Dwelling unit above a non-residential
(b) Residential Sales Centre
(a) Group Home
(b) the following use if it is accessory to a
dwelling (apartment)and integrated within
the lower level(s) of the building:
(i) Art Gallery/Studio
(ii) Day Care Facility
(iii) Establishment (Restaurant)
(iv) Health Service
(v) Personal Service
(vi) Retail (General)
(a) Park
(b) Accessory Development to a permitted
or discretionary use
(a) Supportive Living Accommodation
The minimum lot area is 0.075 ha.
The minimum lot frontage is 25.00 m.
The minimum site density for the site is 100 dwelling units per net hectare and
cannot exceed a maximum of 140 dwelling units per net hectare.
Notwithstanding subsection (f)(i), a development shall meet the density target of
the MDP, an ASP, ARP, Neighbourhood Plan, or Concept Plan.
For the purpose of calculating the site area, 27.50 m
may be added to the lot area
for every parking stall which is constructed underground or under a dwelling at
finished grade if the Development Officer considers this to be appropriate given
site constraints.
Notwithstanding subsection (f)(i) through (f)(iii) the maximum density cannot
exceed 200 dwelling units per net residential hectare for the property legally
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
described as Lot 1, Block 1B, Descriptive Plan 142 3673(including any future
revisions to this legal land description based on a subdivision or condominium
plan) and the density shall be in the same location as the maximum building
heights shown in Schedule D Map 3.
Notwithstanding subsection (f), the maximum site density may exceed 140 dwelling units
per net hectare if:
a minimum of 70% of required parking stalls are provided in an underground
parking structure, or within a parking structure integrated within the building
including high quality exterior finishing that matches or complements the principal
building exterior; and
in the opinion of the Development Officer, at least two of the following site
improvements are provided:
wider sidewalks or walkways internal to the site, together with street furniture to
the satisfaction of the Development Officer;
enhanced landscaping;
landscaping that is drought tolerant, reducing the need for irrigation;
green building products or technologies that reduce the carbon footprint, or
increase energy efficiency;
incorporate barrier free design into dwelling units, and the exterior feature of the
indoor or outdoor common amenity area, in addition to the minimum required
common and private amenity area when:
A. provided at a ratio of 1.50 m
per dwelling unit;
B. grouped into areas of not less than 30.00 m
; and
C. not located in any required setback.
For any development that contains a building in excess of 20.00 m in height, or
densities greater than 140 dwelling units per net hectare, or sites greater than
1.50 ha, the Development Officer may impose any of the following requirements:
non-residential land uses located on the lower level(s);
a distinct building base or podium, with a 3.00 m minimum step back provided
for upper floors, measured from the building face of the lower storeys, with
consideration for the transitions between adjacent building designs and heights;
orientation of the building to face the public roadway with a reduced front yard
setback to create a continuous ground level street front;
highly visible direct entrances to ground floor commercial uses to help promote
a pedestrian oriented streetscape and commercial activity adjacent to the street
and sidewalk;
accessible transit shelters together with convenient, barrier-free pedestrian
connections between transit zones and the development; or
an outdoor common amenity area of not less than 90.00 m
for building residents.
The maximum building height of a principal building is 25.00 m.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Notwithstanding subsection (i)(i)), at the discretion of the Development Officer the
maximum building height may be increased up to 35.00 m subject to the provisions
of this District.
Notwithstanding subsections (i)(i) and (i)(ii) the maximum building heights shown
in Schedule D Map 3 for this bylaw shall apply to the property legally described
as Lot 1, Block 1B, Descriptive Plan 142 3673 including any future revisions to this
legal land description based on a subdivision or condominium plan”.
For a ground floor non-residential use, the ground floor frontage shall be divided
into horizontal units to a maximum width of 15.00 m.
Notwithstanding subsection (j)(i), the Development Officer may permit a ground
floor unit frontage greater than 15.00 m if the façade is:
designed to maintain the continuity of the streetscape; and
creates the appearance of a series of smaller units.
A building must provide a public pedestrian walkthrough or frontage break along
the ground floor, after each building length of no more than 90.00 m.
The minimum front yard building setback is 6.00 m.
The minimum side yard building setback is 5.00 m, unless otherwise determined
by the Development Officer taking into account adjacent uses and on-site
The minimum rear yard building setback is 7.50 m.
For developments subject to the site density bonus of this District, the
Development Officer may determine the minimum building setbacks taking into
account adjacent uses.
the minimum building setback for an accessory building is 3.00 m.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as Mixed-Use Level 1 (MU1) District on the
Land Use District Map, Schedule A, of this Bylaw.
The purpose of the MU1 District is to allow suburban mixed-use development that
provides access to compact, pedestrian-friendly sites, and a variety of commercial,
institutional, and residential uses. This District allows medium-density built forms where
multiple-unit dwellings can be arranged side-by-side or stacked, while permitting lower
storey non-residential uses. This District promotes a range of small-scale commercial uses
that support the day-to-day needs of residents and the surrounding area.
(a) Art Gallery/Studio
(b) Animal Health without outdoor
kennels, pens, runs, or other similar
(a) Catering Service, which uses up to 3
(b) Animal Service without outdoor kennels,
pens, runs, or other similar enclosures
(a) Community Garden
(b) Broadcasting Studio
(a) Dwelling (Apartment)
(b) Conference and Banquet Facility
(a) Dwelling (Townhouse Complex)
(b) Day Care Facility
(a) Dwelling (Townhouse Hybrid)
(b) Equipment Service
(a) Dwelling unit above a non-residential use
(b) Establishment (Brew Pub)
(a) Establishment (Restaurant)
(b) Establishment (Drinking)
(a) Government Service
(b) Establishment (Entertainment)
(a) Group Home
(b) Home-based Business (Level Two)
(a) Health Service
(b) Hotel
(a) Live/Work Unit
(b) Parking Structure
(a) Personal Service
(b) Public Utility Building
(a) Professional Office
(b) Recreation (Indoor)
(a) Residential Sales Centre
(b) Recreation (Outdoor)
(a) Retail (General)
(b) Religious Assembly
(a) School (Commercial)
(b) Retail (Cannabis)
(a) School (Post Secondary)
(b) Accessory Development to a
permitted or discretionary use
(a) Shopping Centre
(a) Supportive Living Accommodation
In addition to the plans and information required under Section 2.4, an applicant for a
development permit within a MU1 District must submit, to the satisfaction of the
Development Officer:
an overall conceptual site development plan for the area designated as MU1 or, if the
applicant is only developing a portion of the subject area, a site development plan in
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
relation to the portion to be developed, in which plan the applicant has illustrated how
the development will be integrated within the area designated as MU1;
a traffic impact assessment that demonstrates that traffic impacts are compatible
with the purpose of the MU1 District and do not prejudice safety and traffic
movements within the area designated as MU1 or on adjacent public roadways;
details regarding the architectural theme for a development, including design
drawings illustrating the colour scheme, building materials, and any architectural
guidelines proposed for the development;
All applications shall be considered with regard to the following Performance Standards:
How site design contributes to streetscape and the surrounding area;
Appropriate location of uses to support active streetscapes and fit within the area;
High quality building design integrated with streetscape and surrounding buildings;
Pedestrian orientation; and
Well-designed amenity areas.
The minimum lot frontage is 25.00 m.
The minimum dwelling unit density for a residential use must be at least 40 dwelling
units per hectare and cannot exceed a maximum of 100 dwelling units per hectare.
Notwithstanding subsection (g)(i), a development shall meet the density target of
the MDP, an ASP, ARP, Neighbourhood Plan, or Concept Plan.
Notwithstanding subsection (g), the maximum site density may be increased up to 125
dwelling units per hectare if, in the opinion of the Development Officer, given site
constraints, the following criteria related to higher quality site design, energy efficiency,
sustainable building features or aesthetics are provided:
a minimum of 70% of required parking stalls are provided underground, or within a
parking structure integrated within the building including high quality exterior
finishing that matches or complements the principal building exterior, to the
satisfaction of the Development Officer; and
in the opinion of the Development Officer, at least two of the following site
improvements are provided:
wider sidewalks or walkways internal to the site, together with street furniture to
the satisfaction of the Development Officer;
enhanced landscaping;
landscaping that is drought tolerant, reducing the need for irrigation;
green building products or technologies that reduce the carbon footprint, or increase
energy efficiency;
incorporate barrier free design into dwelling units, and the exterior feature of the site; or
indoor or outdoor amenity area (common), in addition to the minimum required
common and private amenity area when:
provided at a ratio of 1.50 m
per dwelling unit;
grouped into areas of not less than 30.00 m
; and
not located in any required setback.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
The maximum building height is 22.00 m.
Notwithstanding subsection (i)(i), at the discretion of the Development Officer the
maximum building height may be increased up to 35.00 m subject to the provisions
of this District.
For a ground floor non-residential use, the ground floor frontage shall be divided
into horizontal units to a maximum width of 15.00 m.
Notwithstanding subsection (j)(i), the Development Officer may permit a ground
floor unit frontage greater than 15.00 m if the façade is:
designed to maintain the continuity of the streetscape; and
creates the appearance of a series of smaller units.
A building must provide a public pedestrian walkthrough or frontage break along
the ground floor, after each building length of no more than 90.00 m.
For a Non-Residential Use, Apartment, or Dwelling Unit above a Non-Residential Use
Equal to or Less Than 15.00 m in Height:
The minimum front yard building setback is 6.00 m .
Notwithstanding subsection (k)(i) a front yard building setback may be reduced to
3.50 m when the space between the building and the lot line is used for
landscaping or pedestrian features such as sidewalks, plazas, and publicly
accessible amenity areas and is not used for parking .
The minimum side yard building setback is:
2.50 m for a development adjacent to a non-residential use or District;
6.00 m for a development adjacent to a residential use or District.
Notwithstanding subsection (k)(iii), a 0.00 m side yard building setback may be
approved, when traffic circulation or deliveries would not be adversely affected.
The minimum rear yard building setback is:
3.50 m for developments adjacent to a non-residential use or District;
6.00 m for developments adjacent to a residential use or District.
For a Non-Residential Use, Apartment, or Dwelling Unit above a Non-Residential Use
Greater than 15.00 m in height
The minimum front yard building setback is 6.00 m.
The minimum side yard building setback is 5.00 m, unless otherwise determined by
the Development Officer, taking into account adjacent uses and on-site constraints.
The minimum rear yard building setback is 6.00 m, unless otherwise determined by
the Development Officer, taking into account adjacent uses and on-site constraints.
The minimum setback for an accessory building is 3.00 m.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
In addition to the requirements of in Section 4.10 ‘Building Design, Character and
Appearance’, the Development Officer may require that a building or buildings be
designed and finished with one or more of the following:
Design techniques including but not limited to, the use of variations in building
setbacks, and articulation of building façades in order to create architectural
interest, and minimize the perceived mass and linearity of buildings;
Establishment of a common architectural theme for a development including
principal design elements, finishing materials, colours and roof style; and
Use of high-quality materials on the exterior including brick, brick veneer, natural
stone, cementitious boards or panels, glass, metal accents, or other high-quality
finish acceptable to the Development Officer.
The Development Officer may require that a building be designed with a podium,
as follows:
Provide a minimum 7.50 m high podium, but no podium shall exceed 15.00 m in
height; and
Provide a minimum front step back from the podium of 3.00 m, as measured
from the building frontage of the lower storeys.
Additional step backs may be required at higher storeys for the building, if, in the
opinion of the Development Officer, it is necessary to mitigate the building scale, or
wind, sun, or shadow impacts.
Non-residential uses on a ground floor are limited to a maximum floor area of
1,000.00 m
per unit.
Notwithstanding subsection (p)(i) additional floor area is permitted when the unit
extends to floors above the ground floor, or gives the appearance of a series of
smaller units, as per subsection (j).
A minimum of 30.00% of the gross floor area of a ground floor of a mixed-use
building must contain non-residential uses.
A minimum of 8.00% of the total gross floor area shall be used for non-residential
purposes. In determining this calculation, the Development Officer may consider
the total non-residential site area for all buildings on multiple sites that comprise an
integrated, mixed-use development.
All single use, non-residential buildings shall have a maximum footprint of
1,000.00 m
, and shall have a total gross floor area of less than 4,000.00 m
All dwelling (townhouse complex), or dwelling (townhouse hybrid)
developments in a MU1 District must comply with the following requirements for
development in Section 3.14 ‘Dwelling (Townhouse)’ or the MDR District:
lot width;
lot depth;
lot coverage;
building separation distance;
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
amenity area (private);
amenity area (common);
vehicular access;
building height;
lot area;
lot frontage; and
In addition to the regulations in Section 4.16 ‘Overhead Weather Protection:
All non-residential development located on the ground floor must provide
continuous overhead weather protection for pedestrians for the entire building
frontage adjoining a sidewalk.
A dwelling (apartment), supportive living accommodation, or a dwelling unit above
a non-residential use, must provide continuous overhead weather protection for
pedestrians at lobbies, or unit entrances at grade.
Overhead weather protection must:
project a minimum of 1.00 m from the building face; and
have a vertical clearance of at least 2.50 m and at most 4.00 m above the sidewalk.
In addition to the requirements of Sections 6.10 and 6.27 of this Bylaw, the following applies:
In making a determination about the design of on-site motor vehicle and
pedestrian circulation within the MU1 District, the Development Officer must
ensure that motor vehicle and pedestrian routes are located and designed in a
manner that provides a clearly defined, safe, efficient and convenient circulation
pattern for both vehicles and pedestrians, including barrier-free routes. Loading
bays must be located in such a manner as not to impede the safe and efficient flow
of traffic and pedestrian movement and minimize impacts on adjacent land uses.
In addition to Section 9.9 of this Bylaw, the Development Officer may impose
whatever conditions the Development Officer considers necessary in order to
require that the applicant:
provide connections to parking areas, and to public rights-of way adjoining a
development for access to transit, services and amenities;
provide pedestrian access to ensure a development is integrated with a
surrounding area;
provide pedestrian walkways along storefronts which have doors or similar
separate pedestrian movements and motor vehicle traffic by delineating
crosswalks with special paving or, where possible, raising crosswalks; and
construct and maintain the pedestrian walkways for use by the public.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as Mixed-Use Level 2 (MU2) District on the
Land Use District Map, Schedule A, of this Bylaw.
The purpose of the MU2 District is to provide for a mixture of commercial, institutional, and
medium to high density residential land uses. Such areas should be compact, attractive,
pedestrian-friendly, and reasonably compatible with surrounding developments.
Development within this District should provide a variety of housing options, the provision
of commercial and residential uses within the same structure, and an appropriate ratio of
non-residential uses to create a community where residents can live and work.
(a) Art Gallery/Studio
(b) Animal Health without outdoor kennels,
pens, runs, or other similar enclosures
(a) Catering Service which uses up to 3
(b) Broadcasting Studio
(a) Dwelling (Apartment)
(b) Community Garden
(a) Dwelling (Townhouse Complex)
(b) Conference and Banquet Facility
(a) Dwelling (Townhouse Hybrid)
(b) Day Care Facility
(a) Dwelling unit above a non-residential use
(b) Equipment Service
(a) Establishment (Restaurant)
(b) Establishment (Brew Pub)
(a) Government Service
(b) Establishment (Drinking)
(a) Group Home
(b) Establishment (Entertainment)
(a) Health Service
(b) Home-Based Business (Level Two)
(a) Live/Work Unit
(b) Hotel
(a) Personal Service
(b) Parking Structure
(a) Professional Office
(b) Religious Assembly
(a) Recreation (Indoor)
(b) Retail (Cannabis)
(a) Residential Sales Centre
(b) School (Commercial)
(a) Retail (General)
(b) Accessory Development to a permitted
or discretionary use
(a) School (Post-Secondary)
(a) Shopping Centre
(a) Supportive Living Accommodation
In addition to the plans and information required under Section 2.4, an applicant for a
development permit within a MU2 District must submit, to the satisfaction of the
Development Officer:
an overall conceptual site development plan for the area designated as MU2 or, if the
applicant is only developing a portion of the subject area, a site development plan in
relation to the portion to be developed, in which plan the applicant has illustrated how
the development will be integrated within the area designated as MU2;
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
a traffic impact assessment that demonstrates that traffic impacts are compatible
with the purpose of the MU2 District and do not prejudice safety and traffic
movements within the area designated as MU2 or on adjacent public roadways;
details regarding the architectural theme for a development, including design
drawings illustrating the colour scheme, building materials, and any architectural
guidelines proposed for the development;
a building height impact assessment for any building greater than 15.00 m in
building height, demonstrating to the satisfaction of the Development Officer that
the impact on adjacent buildings or adjacent property has been minimized; and
notwithstanding Section 2.5 ‘Height Impact Assessment and Sun Shadow Study’,
a sun shadow study is required for any building greater than 15.00 m in height.
An External Urban Design Review is required for any development that:
has a total building footprint greater than 2,500.00 m
is located on a Landmark Site identified in Schedule D;
is greater than 25.00 m in height; or
in the opinion of the Development Officer is deemed to have significant impact
on the subject area’s urban design.
This review will result in an Urban Design Review Recommendations Report from
a City-designated reviewer. This Urban Design Review Recommendations Report
is a requirement of the development permit application and will include
recommendations from the reviewer that may range from acknowledgement of
positive design qualities of the proposal to suggestions for a design that better
complies with the City’s policies and plans.
Applicants are expected to consider and implement, wherever possible, any
recommendations of the Urban Design Review Recommendations Report into the
final application.
In addition to the Urban Design Review Recommendations Report, all applications shall
be considered with regard to the following Performance Standards:
How site design contributes to streetscape and the surrounding area;
Appropriate location of uses to support active streetscapes and fit within the area;
High quality building design integrated with streetscape and surrounding buildings;
Pedestrian orientation; and
Well-designed amenity areas.
The maximum gross floor area for any building is 3.21 times the site area. In
determining this calculation, the Development Officer may consider the total site
area for multiple sites that comprise an integrated, mixed-use development
inclusive of public roadways conveyed to the City;
a minimum of 25.00% of the total gross floor area shall be used for commercial
(non-residential) purposes. In determining this calculation, the Development
Officer may consider the total commercial gross floor area for all buildings on
multiple sites that comprise an integrated, mixed-use development.
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Notwithstanding subsection (f)(i), a minimum of 11.60% of the total gross floor area
shall be used for commercial (non-residential) purposes for the following properties:
Units 1-321, Plan 162 4279 (5 St. Louis Street);
Units 1-172, Plan 162 4296 (1 Goodman Drive); and
Lot 69, Block 1, Plan 152 4029 (22 Sir Winston Churchill Avenue);
including any future revisions to these legal descriptions based on a subdivision or
condominium plan.
Notwithstanding subsection (f)(i) and (f)(ii), for Lot 9, Block 1, Plan 232 0303 (230
Bellerose Drive), the:
maximum gross floor area for any building is 1.9 times the site area, and
a minimum of 5.00% of the total gross floor area shall be used for commercial
(non-residential) purposes
including any future revisions to this legal description based on a subdivision or
condominium plan;
The maximum building height is 25.00 m.
Notwithstanding subsection (g)(i), the maximum building heights apply to the
following properties:
Units 1-321, Plan 162 4279 (5 St. Louis Street);
Units 1-172, Plan 162 4296 (1 Goodman Drive); and
Lot 69, Block 1, Plan 152 4029 (22 Sir Winston Churchill Avenue);
including any future revisions to these legal descriptions based on a subdivision
or condominium plan.
Notwithstanding subsections (g)(i), the maximum building heights shown apply to
the following properties:
Lot 9, Block 1, Plan 232 0303 (230 Bellerose Drive);
including any future revisions to these legal descriptions based on a subdivision
or condominium plan.
The minimum building setbacks shall be provided as follows:
the front and rear yard building setback shall be determined by the Development
Officer with regard to adjacent uses, urban design considerations, on-site
constraints, or comparable Districts;
the minimum side yard building setback is 5.00 m, unless otherwise determined by
the Development Officer taking into account adjacent uses, urban design
considerations, on-site constraints, or comparable Districts;
the minimum setback for an accessory building is 3.00 m.
In addition to the requirements of in Section 4.10 ‘Building Design, Character and
Appearance’, the Development Officer may require that a building or buildings be designed
and finished with one or more of the following:
Design techniques including but not limited to, the use of variations in building
setbacks, and articulation of building façades in order to create architectural
interest, and minimize the perceived mass and linearity of buildings;
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Establishment of a common architectural theme for a development including
principal design elements, finishing materials, colours and roof style;
Use of high-quality materials on the exterior including brick, brick veneer, natural
stone, cementitious boards or panels, glass, metal accents, or other high-quality
finish acceptable to the Development Officer;
Use of a step back after 7.50 m or greater in height along a façade facing a public
roadway; and
Use of clear glazing on the ground floor to facilitate pedestrian interaction and safety.
Residential development must:
provide an amenity area (private) as required in Section 3.3;
not be located below any storey used for commercial purposes within a mixed-use
have an entrance separate from the entrance to any commercial component of the
building, within a mixed-use building; and
All dwelling (townhouse complex), dwelling (townhouse hybrid), or dwelling
(townhouse single) developments in a MU2 District must comply with the
following requirements for development in Section 3.14 ‘Dwelling (Townhouse)’or
the MDR District:
lot width;
lot depth;
lot coverage;
building separation distance;
amenity area (private);
amenity area (common);
vehicular access;
building height;
lot area;
lot frontage; and
In addition to the regulations in Section 4.64 ‘Landscaped Buffer’:
For a residential building in the MU2 District located adjacent to a public roadway,
the perimeter landscaping shall be increased to a minimum width of 6.00 m;
Notwithstanding subsection (k)(i) development built to the property line are exempt
from the perimeter landscaping requirement, however, will be required to provide
planters, hanging baskets, and other landscaping items in consultation with
Engineering Services.
In addition to the regulations in Section 4.16 ‘Overhead Weather Protection’:
Continuous weather protection is encouraged along building frontages with retail
uses at grade, and at residential lobbies, or unit entrances at grade where
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Commercial and mixed-use buildings will provide overhead weather protection in a
method suitable to the architectural style and function of the building to the
satisfaction of the Development Officer, having regard for the following:
provision of weather protection at pedestrian entrances;
weather protection provided at a height and depth to provide sufficient
protection; and
location of weather protection to allow for signage and wayfinding.
In addition to the regulations in Section 4.23 Vehicle Access General, the following
in making a determination about the design of on-site motor vehicle and pedestrian
circulation within the MU2 District, the Development Officer must ensure that motor
vehicle and pedestrian routes are located and designed in a manner that provides
a clearly defined, safe, efficient and convenient circulation pattern for both vehicles
and pedestrians, including barrier-free routes. Loading bays must be located in
such a manner as not to impede the safe and efficient flow of traffic and pedestrian
movement and minimize impacts on adjacent land uses.
The Development Officer may impose whatever conditions the Development
Officer considers necessary in order to require that the applicant:
provide connections to parking areas, and to public rights-of way adjoining a
development for access to transit, services and amenities;
provide pedestrian access to ensure a development is integrated with a
surrounding area;
provide pedestrian walkways along storefronts which have doors or similar
separate pedestrian movements and motor vehicle traffic by delineating
crosswalks with special paving or, where possible, raising crosswalks; and
construct and maintain the pedestrian walkways for use by the public.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as Midtown (MID) District on the Land
Use District Map, Schedule A, of this Bylaw.
The area designated as MID District encompasses Residential Areas A, and B,
and Mixed-Use Area C, as identified in Figure 19.
Municipal Reserves owing within the MID District will be districted Public Park
(PRK) to align with the South Riel ASP.
The regulations of the MID District, as described within the South Riel ASP, shall
apply to Lot A, Block 1, Plan 082 8697 only, including any future revisions to this
legal description based on a subdivision or condominium plan.
Development of the land uses within the MID District shall comply with the
provisions of this Bylaw, except as otherwise stated within the MID District in which
case the MID District shall prevail.
Figure 19: MID District Sub-Areas
The purpose of the MID District is to develop a vibrant community that includes a mixture
of commercial and medium to high density residential land uses in a comprehensively
planned neighbourhood. The District shall be developed as bare land or conventional
condominium. The community will feature high-quality design, a broad mix of housing
forms, employment opportunities, pedestrian accessibility, and a variety of public spaces.
The neighbourhood will be developed into three character areas, Residential Areas A and
B located north of the AltaLink right-of-way and Mixed-Use Area C, including residential
and commercial uses, located south of the AltaLink right-of-way. The transition between
these character areas is expected to be seamless and connected through various
pedestrian walkways and public and private roadways. The key attributes associated with
the character areas include:
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Residential Areas A and B which will provide a variety of housing types that are
built in a compact form and have direct pedestrian accesses to community
Mixed-Use Area C which will provide high density residential areas and
commercial uses that are integrated through high quality design. The residential
uses can be in standalone forms or integrated vertically with commercial uses. The
commercial uses will provide goods and services to the local and surrounding
neighbourhoods as well as provide employment opportunities.
(a) Dwelling (Duplex)
(b) Dwelling (Apartment) (Area B only)
(a) Dwelling (Semi-detached)
(b) Home-based Business (Level Two)
(a) Dwelling (Townhouse Complex)
(b) Parking lot at finished grade
(a) Dwelling (Townhouse Hybrid)
(b) Public Utility Building
(a) Dwelling (Townhouse Single)
(b) Residential Sales Centre
(a) Group Home
(b) Supportive Living Accommodation
(a) Accessory Development to a
permitted use, excluding decks that are
greater than 1.50m above finished grade,
and private pools.
(b) Accessory Development to a
discretionary use, and decks that are
greater than 1.50m above finished grade,
and private pools.
(a) Amenity Area (Public)
(b) Animal Health
(a) Art Gallery/Studio
(b) Animal Service without outdoor kennels,
pens, runs or other similar enclosures
(a) Dwelling (Apartment)
(b) Broadcasting Studio
(a) Dwelling unit above a non-residential
(b) Conference and Banquet Facility
(a) Establishment (Brew Pub)
(b) Day Care Facility
(a) Establishment (Restaurant)
(b) Equipment Service
(a) Government Service
(b) Establishment (Drinking)
(a) Health Service
(b) Establishment (Entertainment)
(a) Live/Work Unit
(b) Home-based Business (Level Two)
(a) Parking Lot at finished grade
(b) Hotel
(a) Parking Structure
(b) Religious Assembly
(a) Personal Service
(b) Residential Sales Centre
(a) Professional Office
(b) Retail (Cannabis)
(a) Public Utility Building
(b) School (Commercial)
(a) Recreation (Indoor)
(b) Accessory Development to a
permitted or discretionary use
(a) Retail (General)
(a) Shopping Centre
(a) Supportive Living Accommodation
No non-residential use is allowed above a residential use.
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
In addition to the plans and information required under Section 2.4, an applicant for
development permit must submit to the satisfaction of the Development Officer:
an overall conceptual site development plan for:
the area designated as MID District; or
if the applicant is only developing a portion of the area designated as MID
District, a site development plan showing the area to be developed, illustrating
how the development will be integrated with the entire area designated as MID
The overall conceptual site development plan, considered to be non-binding, must
identify the proposed building types and locations, development phasing, density
calculations, vehicular and pedestrian routes, and amenity areas in accordance
with the purpose of this District.
Details regarding the architectural guidelines proposed for the development,
including design drawings illustrating the colour scheme and building materials.
Any other studies that may be requested by the Development Officer including but
not limited to:
a traffic impact analysis that demonstrates that traffic impacts are compatible
with the purpose of the MID District and do not prejudice safety and traffic
movements within the MID District or on adjacent public roadways;
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) study to be
submitted at the time of a development permit application; or
geotechnical report.
Changes to an approved overall conceptual site development plan may require re-
submission for review by the Development Officer.
An External Urban Design Review is required for any development that:
has a total building footprint greater than 2,500.00 m
is greater than eight (8) storeys in height; or
in the opinion of the Development Officer is deemed to have significant impact
on the subject Character Area’s urban design.
This review will result in an Urban Design Review Recommendations Report from
a City-designated reviewer. This Urban Design Review Recommendations Report
is a requirement of the development permit application and will include
recommendations from the reviewer that may range from acknowledgement of
positive design qualities of the proposal to suggestions for a design that better
complies with the City’s policies and plans related to surrounding development.
Applicants are expected to consider and implement, wherever possible, any
recommendations of the Urban Design Recommendations Report into the final application.
If a development does not require an External Urban Design Review, but an
applicant wishes to receive recommendations related to urban design, they may
request an Internal Urban Design Review by Planning and Development staff prior
to submission of an application. This review will result in an Urban Design Review
Recommendations Report from staff designated by the Development Authority and
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
will include recommendations that may range from acknowledgement of positive
design qualities of the proposal, to suggestions for design that better complies with
the City’s policies and plans related to surrounding development.
In addition to the Urban Design Review Recommendations Report, all applications
shall be considered with regard to the following Performance Standards:
site design contribution to streetscape and the character area;
appropriate location of uses to support active streetscapes and fit within the
character areas;
high quality building design integrated with streetscape and surrounding buildings;
pedestrian orientation; and
well-designed amenity areas.
The minimum site density for the MID District is as follows:
40-54 dwelling units per net hectare for Residential Area A;
40-94 dwelling units per net hectare for Residential Area B;
120-250 dwelling units per net hectare for Mixed-Use Area C;
notwithstanding subsections (i), (ii), and (iii), the overall density for the MID District
shall be 81 dwelling units per net hectare.
Each dwelling unit must be provided with at least one of the following forms of an
amenity area (private):
a deck or balcony;
a patio, or yard; or
a recessed balcony or sunroom enclosed with exterior windows.
An amenity area (private) must be located next to a habitable room.
An amenity area (private) must have a minimum area of 4.00 m².
An amenity area (private) at ground level adjacent to public areas must have a
landscape buffer at least 1.00 m wide, or a fence with a minimum height of 1.20 m.
Notwithstanding the requirements of subsections (j)(i) to (iv):
up to 25.00% of the required amenity area (private) may be substituted for an
on-site amenity area (common) that is accessible to all residents, at the
discretion of the Development Officer, for all dwelling units except supportive
living accommodation;
up to 100.00% of the required amenity area (private) may be substituted for an
on-site amenity area (common) that is accessible to all residents, at the
discretion of the Development Officer, for supportive living accommodation;
Balconies and decks must be located at least 1.00 m from:
A. all property lines;
B. a roadway;
C. a common or visitor parking stall; and
D. a common walkway, except that portion of the walkway that provides direct
access to the building.
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
Notwithstanding the provisions under subsection (a), a deck may be developed to
a 0.00 m setback along the centre line of the common firewalls on a dwelling
(duplex), dwelling (semi-detached), and dwelling (townhouse).
The MID District shall provide outdoor amenity area (common) as follows:
Areas A, B, and C shall each provide at least two amenity area (common) spaces;
Amenity area (common) may include:
a rooftop amenity area or rooftop garden, not less than 30.00 m²;
a balcony or terraced balcony, not less than 30.00 m²;
an at grade amenity area, including a common garden area, not less than 30.00
m²; or
some other amenity area (common) including an interior amenity area not less
than 30.00 m² which is common to and accessible by all residents, excluding
parking lots and pedestrian walkways.
Each amenity area (common) shall have a minimum area of 500.00 m², excluding
parking lots and pedestrian walkways;
Each amenity area (common) shall have a minimum width of 6.00 m at its
narrowest point;
The amenity area (common) shall not be located in any required setback;
The amenity area (common) required under subsection 8.1(g) is in addition to an
amenity area (common) that may be provided under Section 8.1(f);
The Development Officer may, at their discretion, vary the requirements of
subsections (g)(ii) and (iii) above, taking into account site constraints, adjacent
uses, and urban design considerations.
All common walkways shall have a minimum width of 1.50 m, except that portion of the
walkway that provides direct access to the building.
For residential bare land condominium development:
when vehicular access is provided from the front:
the minimum lot width for a dwelling (duplex) is:
A. 11.00 m on an interior lot; and
B. 15.80 m on a corner lot.
the minimum lot width for a dwelling (semi-detached) is:
A. 5.50 m per dwelling unit on an interior lot; and
B. 10.30 m per dwelling unit on a corner lot.
the minimum lot width for dwelling (townhouse single) is:
A. 4.30 m per dwelling, interior unit;
B. 5.50 m per dwelling, end unit on an interior lot; and
C. 10.30 m per dwelling, end unit on a corner lot.
when vehicular access is provided from the rear:
the minimum lot width for a dwelling (duplex) is:
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A. 14.70 m on an interior lot; and
B. 19.50 m on a corner lot.
the minimum lot width for a dwelling (semi-detached) is:
A. 7.40 m per dwelling unit on an interior lot; and
B. 12.20 m per dwelling unit on a corner lot.
the minimum lot width for dwelling (townhouse single) is:
A. 6.20 m per dwelling, interior unit;
B. 7.40 m per dwelling, end unit on an interior lot; and
C. 12.20 m per dwelling, end unit on a corner lot.
For residential bare land condominium development, the minimum lot depth is:
16.00 m when vehicular access is provided from the front for a:
Dwelling (duplex);
Dwelling (semi-detached); and
Dwelling (townhouse single).
12.00 m when vehicular access is provided from a rear lane for a:
Dwelling (duplex);
Dwelling (semi-detached); and
Dwelling (townhouse single).
The maximum lot coverage for bare land condominium development is:
58% for a dwelling (duplex); dwelling (semi-detached); and dwelling (townhouse -
single) end unit; and
70% for dwelling (townhouse single), interior unit.
The minimum lot frontage is 25.00 m for:
conventional condominium development;
dwelling (apartment); and
dwelling unit above a non-residential use.
The minimum lot area is 0.075 ha for:
conventional condominium development;
dwelling (apartment); and
mixed-use building.
The maximum height of a principal building:
Dwelling (duplex); and dwelling (semi-detached) is 15.00 m;
Dwelling (townhouse) is 18.00 m;
Dwelling (apartment) (Area B only) is 18.00 m; and
Dwelling (apartment) or Mixed-Use Building (Area C only) is 25.00 m.
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Notwithstanding subsection (r)(i)), at the discretion of the Development Officer, the
maximum building height may be increased up to 35.00 m if a development
provides at least two of the following:
superior or innovative building style;
high quality exterior finishing, including, but not limited to brick, brick veneer, wood,
natural stone, tinted or textural concrete, glass or concrete masonry units;
a distinct building base or podium, with a 3.00 m minimum stepback provided
for upper floors, measured from the building face of the podium, with
consideration for the transitions between adjacent building designs and heights;
green building products or technologies that reduce the carbon footprint, or
increase energy efficiency;
peaked roof; or
enhanced landscaping.
For a residential bare land condominium development of dwelling (duplex); dwelling (semi-
detached); and dwelling (townhouse):
the minimum front yard building setback is:
3.00 m when vehicular access is provided from the rear;
6.00 m when vehicular access is provided from the front;
6.00 m when development is fronting LeClair Way, Levasseur Road, and Riel
Drive; and
The projection shall not span the entire width of the dwelling.
Notwithstanding subsection (s)(i), for development fronting LeClair Way,
Levasseur Road, and Riel Drive, a covered stairway which only serves to provide
direct access to the dwelling may project up to 2.50 m into the minimum required
6.00 m front yard setback.
the minimum side yard building setback is:
A. 0.00 m to the centre line of the interior common firewalls;
B. 1.20 m to the outside of the exterior wall on an interior lot; and
C. 2.40 m to the outside of the exterior wall on a corner lot.
the minimum rear yard building setback is:
1.50 m when vehicular access is provided from a rear lane;
3.00 m when vehicular access is provided from the front; and
0.00 m for back-to-back dwelling (townhouse).
notwithstanding subsection (s)(iv), a development without an attached garage and
no lane must have a minimum side yard building setback of 3.00 m on one side to
provide unobstructed vehicle access to the rear yard.
For a residential conventional condominium development of dwelling (duplex); dwelling
(semi-detached); and dwelling (townhouse hybrid):
the minimum setback from a property line to the exterior of the front wall of a building is:
3.00 m when vehicular access is provided from a rear lane;
6.00 m when vehicular access is provided from the front;
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
6.00 m when development is fronting LeClair Way, Levasseur Road, and Riel
Drive; and
The projection shall not span the entire width of the dwelling
Notwithstanding subsection (t)(i), for development fronting LeClair Way, Levasseur
Road, and Riel Drive, a covered stairway which only serves to provide direct access
to the dwelling may project up to 2.50 m into the minimum required 6.00 m front
yard setback.
the minimum setback from the exterior of the side wall of a building is:
0.00 m to the centre line of the interior common firewalls;
1.20 m to the outside of the exterior wall on an interior lot; and
2.40 m to the outside of the exterior wall on a corner lot.
the minimum setback from the exterior of the rear wall of a building is:
1.50 m when vehicular access is provided from a rear lane;
3.00 m when vehicular access is provided from the front; and
0.00 m for back-to-back dwelling (townhouse).
For a dwelling (duplex); dwelling (semi-detached); and dwelling (townhouse), on a corner
lot, the side of the lot that adjoins a flanking public roadway must have a minimum side
yard building setback of:
6.00 m from the edge of the sidewalk nearest the property line, to the face of the
garage where a garage faces the flanking public roadway, excluding a lane; or
6.00 m from the closest edge of the roadway, where there is no sidewalk, to the face
of the garage, where a garage faces the flanking public roadway, excluding a lane;
For a dwelling (apartment) and dwelling unit above a non-residential use:
the minimum front yard building setback is 3.00 m;
the minimum side yard building setback is 3.00 m; and
the minimum rear yard building setback is 3.00 m.
The minimum separation distance for residential buildings in Areas A and B is:
10.00 m between the exterior of the front or rear wall of each building and any
separate wall of any other building;
2.40 m between the exterior side wall of each building and the exterior side wall
of any other building unless a greater separation is required by the
Development Officer.
1.50 m between a building and:
A. a roadway;
B. a common or visitor parking stall; and
C. 1.00 m between a building and a common walkway, except that portion of the
walkway that provides direct access to the building;
D. 1.50 m between a principal building and an accessory building, except for a
common amenity building which has a minimum separation distance of 2.40 m.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
The minimum separation distance for a dwelling (apartment) and dwelling unit
above a non-residential use in Area C is:
7.50 m between the exterior wall of a dwelling (apartment) or dwelling unit
above a non-residential use and any separate wall of any other dwelling
(apartment) or dwelling unit above a non-residential use;
1.50 m between a principal building and an accessory building, except for a
common amenity building which has a minimum separation distance of 2.40 m;
3.00 m between the exterior wall of a dwelling (apartment) or dwelling unit
above a non-residential use and:
A. a roadway;
B. a common or visitor parking stall; and
C. a common walkway except that portion of the walkway that provides direct
access to the building.
In addition to the requirements of in Section 4.10 ‘Building Design, Character and
Appearance’, all buildings must be finished as follows to the satisfaction of the
Development Officer:
No building façade shall exceed 60.00 m in length, at the discretion of the
Development Officer;
to reduce building massing, building façade(s) shall be articulated by a
combination of recesses, entrances, windows, projections, change in building
materials, colours, roof design, or physical breaks in building mass, to create
attractive streetscapes and interfaces at the discretion of the Development Officer.
A continuous building façade without recess, balcony or other form of articulation
shall not exceed 15.00 m in horizontal direction;
building massing must respect the existing topography of the site by terracing the
building where appropriate;
rooftop mechanical equipment must be screened on all sides to the satisfaction of
the Development Officer;
walls, including retaining walls, for general landscaping, amenity area (private) and
amenity area (common), and perimeter walls must be constructed or finished in a
similar material and colour to that used for the principal building exterior; at the
discretion of the Development Officer;
all exterior pedestrian entrances to a dwelling (apartment) or dwelling unit above a
non-residential use must have overhead weather protection; and
the principal pedestrian entrance to a dwelling (apartment) or dwelling unit above a
non-residential use must have barrier-free access.
Notwithstanding the on-site parking requirements in Sections 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5, on-site
parking shall be provided as follows:
Dwelling (Duplex);
Dwelling (Semi-detached); and
Dwelling (Townhouse)
(a) 2 stalls per dwelling unit; plus
(b) 1 stall per 7 dwelling units for visitor parking.
Dwelling (Apartment)
(a) 1.5 stalls per dwelling unit; plus
(b) 1 stall per 7 dwelling units for visitor parking.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Group Home
(a) 1 stall per 3 sleeping units; plus
(b)1 stall per resident staff member.
Live/Work Unit
(a) 1.5 stalls for the residential components; and
(b) 1 stall per 45.00 m² of gross floor area for the
commercial component.
(c) Notwithstanding subsections (a) and (b), a
Development Officer may, at their discretion, vary the
parking requirements based upon the number of
bedrooms in the residential component, or the
provision of adjacent parking on a public roadway or
in a common parking area accessible to the public.
Supportive Living
(a) 1 stall per 6 dwelling units, plus
(b) 1 stall per 7 dwelling units for visitor parking, plus
(c) 1 stall per 1.5 employees required during the
maximum working shift.
non-residential, except Hotel
(a) 1 stall per 45.00 m² of gross floor area;
(b) the Development Officer may determine parking
requirements based on a parking study requested at
their discretion.
(a) 1 stall per guest room, plus
(b) additional stalls in accordance with the parking
requirements of this section for any other uses which
form part of the hotel.
dwelling unit has vehicular access from the lane and the other has vehicular
access from the roadway.
Notwithstanding Section 5.12 ‘Parking Stall and Drive Aisle Requirements’, parking
spaces and drive aisles shall meet the following criteria:
a parking stall must be a minimum of 2.60 m wide and 5.80 m deep;
a parallel parking stall shall be a minimum 2.60 m wide and 7.00 m deep;
7.0 m deep;
a drive aisle must be a minimum of 7.30 m wide for two-way traffic;
Notwithstanding subsection (y)(ix),the Development Officer may reduce the
minimum width of a drive aisle for parking spaces provided at an angle or for one-
way drive aisles.
required parking stalls for all residential uses that are provided in a private
driveway or garage may be located tandem, with no more than two2 of the total
required parking spaces located in tandem; and
small car parking spaces may comprise a maximum of 20% of required parking for
a dwelling (apartment) and mixed-use development building only.
There shall no residential vehicular access onto roadways designated as
Neighbourhood, Connector, or Crosstown.
Where a rear lane is provided, vehicular access shall only be provided from the
lane, except for front-back semi-detached or front-back duplex product where one
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as Downtown (DT) District as identified in
Schedule A of this Bylaw, and Figure 20.
Figure 20: Downtown
The purpose is to provide for a vibrant downtown that includes a mixture of employment,
commercial, institutional, government, and medium to high-density residential land uses,
with a focus on high-quality development which engage the public realm. Development in
the DTN District should be compact, pedestrian-friendly, and compatible with surrounding
areas, creating a unique, and recognizable neighbourhood. Buildings within this District
shall provide a variety of housing options, with residential uses located predominantly
above the ground floor and include an appropriate mix of uses within the same structure. A
specified area north of the river shall provide for an orderly transition from downtown that
is integrated with the Mission neighbourhood.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) Art Gallery/Studio
(b) Animal Health without outdoor kennels,
pens, runs, or other similar enclosures
(a) Community Garden
(b) Animal Service, without outdoor
kennels, pens, runs, or other similar
(a) Dwelling unit above a non-residential use
(b) Broadcasting Studio
(a) Establishment (Entertainment)
(b) Conference and Banquet Facility
(a) Establishment (Restaurant)
(b) Day Care Facility
(a) Government Service
(b) Dwelling (Apartment)
(a) Group Home
(b) Dwelling (Townhouse Hybrid) only
when integrated with a dwelling (apartment)
or dwelling unit above a non-residential use
(a) Health Service
(b) Equipment Service
(a) Park
(b) Establishment (Brew Pub)
(a) Personal Service
(b) Establishment (Drinking)
(a) Professional Office
(b) Home-Based Business (Level Two)
(a) Public Market
(b) Hotel
(a) Residential Sales Centre
(b) Live/Work Unit
(a) Retail (General)
(b) Parking Structure
(a) School (Commercial) when located
above the ground storey
(b) Public Utility Building
(b) School (Post-Secondary)
(b) Religious Assembly
(a) Supportive Living Accommodation
(b) Retail (Cannabis)
(b) School (Commercial) when located on
the ground storey
(b) Shopping Centre
(b) Accessory development to a permitted
or discretionary use
(a) Art Gallery/Studio
(b) Day Care Facility
(a) Community Garden
(b) Dwelling (Apartment)
(a) Dwelling unit above a non-residential
(b) Establishment (Drinking) with up to 50
(a) Establishment (Restaurant) with equal to
or less than 50 seats
(b) Establishment (Restaurant) with greater
than 50 seats
(a) Government Service
(b) Home-Based Business (Level Two)
(a) Group Home
(b) Hotel
(a) Health Service
(b) Live/Work Unit
(a) Personal Service with a gross floor area
equal to or less than 120.00 m
(b) Public Utility Building
(a) Professional Office
(b) Retail (Cannabis) with a gross floor area
of equal to or lesser than 120.00 m
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) Residential Sales Centre
(b) Retail (General) with a gross floor
greater than 120.00 m
(a) Retail (General) with a gross floor area
equal to or less than 120.00 m
(b) School (Commercial)
(a) Supportive Living Accommodation
(b) School (Post-Secondary)
(b) Accessory development to a permitted
or discretionary use
In addition to the plans and information required under Section 2.4, an applicant
for a multiple site or a multiple building development must submit to the
satisfaction of the Development Officer:
an overall conceptual site development plan for:
A. the entire proposed development area; or
B. if the applicant is only developing a portion of the proposed development
area, a site development plan showing the area to be developed, illustrating
how the development will be integrated with the adjacent area.
The overall conceptual site development plan, considered to be non-binding, must
identify the proposed building types and locations, development phasing, density
calculations, vehicular and pedestrian routes, and amenity areas in accordance
with the purpose of this District.
The minimum site density for residential uses is 100 dwelling units per net hectare.
Notwithstanding subsection (a), a development shall meet the density target of the
MDP, an ASP, Neighbourhood Plan, or Concept Plan.
In determining site density, the Development Officer may consider the total
number of units for multiple built forms when they comprise a development on a
single parcel.
As Illustrated in Figure 20, Building height in the DTN District is as follows:
Downtown Transition Area: (note: blue area on map)
The maximum building height is 15.00 m.
Main Core: (Note: yellow area on map)
The minimum building height is 15.00 m.
The maximum building height is 25.00 m.
Downtown Gateway: (Note: pink area on map)
The minimum building height is 15.00 m.
The maximum building height is 46.00 m.
Landmark Sites:
Building height shall be in accordance with Map ## in Section #.# (1)(a). (a)
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(h) MIDRISE BUILDINGS (note: yellow area design 15 m to 25 m high)
A building less than 25.00 m in height shall:
provide a minimum 7.50 m high podium, but no podium shall exceed 15.00 m in
height; and
provide a minimum front step back from the podium of 3.00 m, as measured
from the building frontage of the lower storeys.
Additional step backs may be required at higher storeys for the building, if, in the
opinion of the Development Officer, it is necessary to mitigate the building scale, or
wind, sun, or shadow impacts.
Figure 21: Downtown Podium and Stepback
Buildings located on a corner shall comply with Section 4.8 ‘Corner Lots And Lot
No more than 30.00% of the building frontage may be recessed.
For a ground floor commercial use, the front of a unit shall not be more than 15.00
m wide.
Notwithstanding subsection (i(iii), the Development Officer may permit a ground
floor unit frontage greater than 15.00 m if the façade is:
designed to maintain the continuity of the streetscape; and
creates the appearance of a series of smaller retail units.
Front Yard
A. The front yard building setback is 0.00 m.
B. Notwithstanding subsection (j)(A), the front yard building setback may be
increased to up to 3.00 m to accommodate a recessed entrance, rest area,
courtyard, outdoor café, amenity space (common), building recess or similar
amenity if, in the opinion of the Development Officer:
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
1. the design of the building frontage maintains the continuity of the
2. pedestrian amenity and connectivity is maintained; and
3. the recessed entrance complies with the Building Frontages in subsection (i).
Side Yard
A. The side yard building setback is 0.00 m.
B. Notwithstanding subsection (vii) above, a side yard setback of 3.00 m may
be permitted if, in the opinion of the Developer Officer:
1. it is to accommodate a rest area, courtyard, outdoor café, amenity area
(common), or similar amenity;
2. pedestrian amenity and safety is maintained;
3. the setback does not create a visual gap or discontinuity of the
architectural form or rhythm of the streetscape; or
4. it is to accommodate a pedestrian walkway or service lane.
Rear Yard
A. The minimum rear yard building setback shall be determined by the
Development Officer, taking into account:
1. adjacent and on-site uses,
2. access to service lanes; and
3. on-site parking requirements.
B. Notwithstanding subsection (ix), the maximum rear yard building setback
shall be 50% of the lot depth, as measured from the rear property line.
Downtown Transition Area Building Setbacks
A. The minimum front yard building setback is 4.00 m.
B. The minimum side yard building setback is 1.80 m.
C. The minimum rear yard building setback is 0.00 m.
Windows, Doors, and Entries
The fenestration area on a ground story building frontage facing a public street
shall provide transparent glazing for a minimum of 50% to a maximum of 70%
of the fenestration area.
The fenestration area shall be transparent glazing that allows interior activity to
be seen from the street.
Windows shall have window frame members of substantial depth and recessed
from the building frontage to provide architectural interest in the streetscape.
A building must provide windows on each floor of a façade which faces a public
roadway, a park, natural area, or PSI District.
A ground story façade of a building that faces a surface parking lot, or
pedestrian walkway, must provide a transparent window that provides full
viewing of the area.
All non-residential ground storey units facing a public street shall have, at
minimum, one direct functioning public entrance from that public street.
Development on a corner lot is encouraged to have its main entrance angled to
the roadway intersection.
Notwithstanding subsection (h) if an angled entrance is not provided, then one
entrance is required on each public street façade.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Building Projections and Overhead Weather Protection
Building projections must be designed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer
and have regard for the following:
balconies shall be designed as integral components of the building and shall
not project over or into amenity spaces or City property.
Developments are encouraged to provide continuous overhead weather protection
for pedestrians along the building frontage adjoining a public sidewalk.
Overhead weather protection shall:
maintain a minimum 0.60 m setback from the outside edge of the curb line in
keeping with the adjacent streetscape;
have a vertical clearance of at least 2.50 m and at most 4.00 m above the
If overhead weather protection or its supporting structure encroaches on city
property a written encroachment agreement is required.
Exterior Finishing
The exterior finishes of buildings shall:
be of high quality materials and be finished to the satisfaction of the
Development Officer;
include durable and attractive building finishing materials such as, but not
limited to: brick, brick veneer, stone, marble, tile, glass, stamped concrete or a
combination thereof; and
provide a variation in materials and design treatments on the ground floor or
pedestal of a building to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
The use of vinyl siding or metal cladding on building frontages is prohibited.
In addition to the requirements of sections 6.14 or 8.9, walls and fencing must
be constructed of wrought iron, brick, brick veneer, or a combination thereof.
A sign in this District is encouraged to be pedestrian-oriented.
A building is encouraged to include an exterior date stamp, identifying the year of
construction, visible from the public street.
Vehicle access from a public street shall only be permitted if, in the opinion of the
Development Officer, the proposed access:
is in compliance with City of St. Albert’s current Municipal Engineering
Standards and The Transportation Association of Canada (TAC);
is necessary because access from a service lane is not feasible;
does not front on to St. Anne Street, St. Thomas Street, or Perron Street; and
will not interfere with the continuity of the streetscape, pedestrian movement, or
safety along a public street.
there shall be no surface parking between a building and a public street;
surface parking shall be accessed from a service lane;
Notwithstanding subsections (i) and (ii), in the Downtown Transition Area surface
parking shall be located in the front of a development, and may be accessed from
a public street.
where a surface parking lot is adjacent to any public street or public open space,
the lot must be screened to the satisfaction of the Development Officer;
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Exclusive of the Downtown Transitional Area, parking for residential uses shall be
provided in a below grade parking structure, or a parking structure within the
development site;
Notwithstanding subsection (n)(vi) required visitor parking stalls may be provided at
A parking lot or loading area shall be a minimum of 3.00 m from the property line,
when adjacent to St. Albert Trail.
Parking Structure, The building frontage of a parking structure, when adjacent to a
public roadway, park, or natural area, shall:
be designed to resemble a fenestrated building for the first 7.50 m of height;
integrate with the surrounding built form and streetscape; and
have a façade composed of high-quality materials,
Any additional parking requirements necessitated by a change in use of an existing
building located in the DTN District may be waived by the Development Officer.
Where an existing building is being enlarged in the DTN District, additional parking
requirements shall be provided only for that portion of the building being enlarged.
At the discretion of the Development Officer, in the DTN District, required on-site
parking for a non-residential use may be reduced by up to 30.00%, if the building
is within 75.00 m of the public parking lot located at 6 St. Anne Street.
Notwithstanding subsection (m)(iii), in the DTN District, on-site parking is not
required for a non-residential use, if the building is directly adjacent to the public
parking lot located at 6 St. Anne Street.
In addition to the regulations in Section 4.23 Vehicle Access General, the following
In making a determination about the design of on-site motor vehicle and
pedestrian circulation within the DTN District, the Development Officer must
ensure that motor vehicle and pedestrian routes are located and designed in a
manner that provides a clearly defined, safe, efficient and convenient circulation
pattern for both vehicles and pedestrians, including barrier-free routes. Loading
bays must be located in such a manner as not to impede the safe and efficient flow
of traffic and pedestrian movement and minimize impacts on adjacent land uses.
The Development Officer may impose whatever conditions the Development
Officer considers necessary in order to require that the applicant:
provide connections to parking areas, and to public rights-of way adjoining a
development for access to transit, services and amenities;
provide pedestrian access to ensure a development is integrated with a
surrounding area;
provide pedestrian walkways along storefronts which have doors or similar openings;
separate pedestrian movements and motor vehicle traffic by delineating
crosswalks with special paving or, where possible, raising crosswalks; and
construct and maintain the pedestrian walkways for use by the public.
For the minimum requirements for townhousing, refer to Section 3.14 ‘Dwelling
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the area designated as Integrated Care Community (ICC) District
on the Land Use District Map, Schedule A, of the Land Use Bylaw. The area designated
as ICC District encompasses Area A senior housing, Area B supportive health care-
related commercial, and Area C amenity area (common) as identified in Figure 22.
Figure 22: ICC District Subareas
The purpose of the ICC District is to create a mixed-use development that encompasses a
complementary mix of land uses and activities wherein everything is within convenient,
walking distance. The ICC District will encompass a supportive living environment,
communal amenity area, and integrate seniors housing and health care related services
within a compact, walkable area. This District encourages attractively designed buildings
that complement the surrounding neighbourhood.
The following are permitted and discretionary uses in Area A of the ICC District:
(a) Supportive Living Accommodation
(a) Hospital
(b) Personal Service
(b) Residential Sales Centre
(b) Retail (General)
(b) Accessory development to a permitted or
discretionary use
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
The following are permitted and discretionary uses in Area B of the ICC District:
(a) Group Home
(b) Animal Health
(a) Health Service
(b) Catering Service which uses up to 3
(a) Supportive Living Accommodation
(b) Day Care Facility
(b) Dwelling (Apartment)
(b) Dwelling unit above a non-residential
(b) Establishment (Restaurant)
(b) Government Service
(b) Personal Service
(b) Professional Office
(b) Residential Sales Centre
(b) Retail (Cannabis)
(b) Retail (General)
(b) School (Commercial)
(b) Accessory development to a
permitted or discretionary use
The following are permitted and discretionary uses in Area C of the ICC District:
(a) Community Garden
(a) Park
(a) Accessory development to a
permitted use
Development in the ICC District shall comply with the provisions of this Bylaw, except as
otherwise stated within the District, in which case the ICC District shall prevail.
In addition to the plans and information required under Section 2.4, an applicant for a
development permit must submit, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer:
An overall conceptual site development plan for the area designated as ICC
Notwithstanding subsection (g)(i), if the applicant is only developing a portion of
the area designated as ICC District, a site development plan, which illustrates how
the development will be integrated into the remainder of the area.
The overall conceptual site development plan must identify the proposed building
types and locations, development phasing, vehicular and pedestrian routes, and
amenity areas in accordance with the purpose of this District.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
A traffic impact assessment that demonstrates that traffic impacts are compatible
with the purpose of the ICC District and do not prejudice safety and traffic
movements within the ICC District or on adjacent public roadways.
Design drawings illustrating the colour scheme and building materials in
accordance with subsection (#).
Regulations Applicable to Areas A & B:
The maximum site density is 115 sleeping or dwelling units/ha for supportive living
Notwithstanding subsection (i), a development shall meet the density target of the
MDP, an ASP, ARP, Neighbourhood Plan, or Concept Plan.
For the purpose of calculating the maximum site density, 27.50 m
may be added
to the lot area for every parking stall which is constructed underground if the
Development Officer considers this to be appropriate given site constraints.
The maximum building height is 15.00 m.
Notwithstanding subsection (a) the building height shall not exceed 10.50 m for
any portion of the building located within 10.00 m of a property line adjacent to
adjacent to Erin Ridge Road or Erin Ridge Drive. (Figure 23)
Figure 23: ICC Building Height Adjacent to Erin Ridge Drive and Erin Ridge Road
In the instance where the heliport approach and departure surfaces require a
lesser building height, the heliport height provisions shall prevail.
The minimum building setback within Area A Senior Housing is:
6.00 m when located adjacent to Erin Ridge Road or Erin Ridge Drive;
6.00 m for a side yard adjacent to an internal roadway or property line; and
6.00 m for a rear yard.
The minimum building setback within Area B supportive health care-related
commercial is:
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
6.00 m when located adjacent to Erin Ridge Road (Figure 23); or
3.00 m from any other property line.
Notwithstanding subsection (b) a lesser setback may be allowed for a
courtyard, rest area, patio, landscape feature, or similar amenity, where in the
opinion of the Development Officer, the design is in keeping with the purpose of
the ICC District.
Area A Senior Housing
The minimum separation distance from the exterior wall of a principal building
to any other principal building within Area A is 10.00 m.
The minimum separation distance is 3.00 m if an exterior wall of a building
contains a window, door, or other opening that faces onto an internal roadway,
common walkway, or parking area.
Area B Supportive Health Care-Related Commercial
The minimum separation distance is 3.00 m to any internal roadway.
The minimum separation distance between a principal building located within
Area A and a principal building located within Area B - supportive health care-
related commercial is 9.00 m.
A breezeway may be allowed between two principal buildings at the discretion
of the Development Officer. If a breezeway is proposed between two principal
buildings, no building separation distance is required between the principal
building and the breezeway.
In addition to the provisions of in Section 4.10 ‘Building Design, Character and
Appearance’, the following regulations are applicable to Areas A and B.
The Development Officer may require that a building design:
A. utilize features including, but not limited to, the use of sloped roofs,
variations in building setbacks, and articulation of building façades;
B. establish a single architectural theme, including design elements,
finishing materials, colours, and roof style;
C. incorporates brick work similar to that utilized in the Sturgeon Community
Hospital and Health Centre, as an exterior finishing material;
Regulation Applicable to Area B - supportive health care-related commercial:
A. The ground level of any building facing towards a pedestrian walkway or internal
roadway may be required to provide for clear glazing along at least 50.00% of
the façade to allow visual penetration into the interior of the building.
In addition to the provisions of subsection (i) the Development Officer may require
that any side of a building that fronts onto a pedestrian walkway must incorporate
design features which will create a pedestrian friendly environment, including:
A. street entrances providing direct access to the sidewalk; and
B. architectural features or street furniture.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
In addition to the parking and loading provisions identified in Part 7 of this Bylaw,
the following regulations are applicable to Areas A and B:
shared parking may be considered, at the discretion of the Development Officer
in consultation with Engineering Services, to fulfill the parking requirements of
Part 7; and
a proposal for shared parking shall have regard for the existing and future
parking needs of the District, existing parking requirements for the Sturgeon
Community Hospital and Health Centre, and the ratio of parking proposed to be
shared in Areas A and B.
Additional Regulations Applicable to Area A - senior housing
A vehicular drop-off area to accommodate residents and adult day program
users must be provided to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in
consultation with Engineering Services.
Signage, which specifically designates visitor and staff parking, and handi-bus
pick-up and drop-off areas must be provided to the satisfaction of the
Development Officer.
Additional Regulations Applicable to Area B - supportive health care-related commercial:
A parking lot is encouraged to be located to the side or rear of the building.
Compliance with Site Plan
i. Buildings shall be located in accordance with the overall conceptual site
development plan identified in subsection (#).
1.1.1 Limits on Discretionary Uses for Area A senior housing: The total floor area to be occupied by all discretionary uses
referred to in subsection (#) must not exceed 10% of the floor area
of the building in which they are located. The maximum gross floor area of any individual
discretionary land use referred to in subsection (#) must not
exceed 275.00 m
1.1.2 Regulations Applicable to Area B - supportive health care-related
commercial: Health service uses must comprise at least 30.00% of the
gross floor area of Area B available for commercial development.
Amenity Area (Common)
Notwithstanding any provision of section #:
In Area A senior housing:
A. A development which includes 40 or more sleeping or dwelling units must
provide a minimum amenity area of 2.50 m
per sleeping or dwelling unit to
be developed as an at grade, outdoor amenity area (common) and be
incorporated into areas of not less than 100.00 m
for the benefit of the
residents in each building.
B. The amenity area (common) may include seating areas, raised gardens,
courtyards, and recreational areas.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
In Area C amenity area (common):
A. A single amenity area (common), identified as Area C on Figure #, must be
provided for the benefit of all development within Area B.
B. The amenity area (common) shall:
1. be centrally located on the Area B site;
2. Be designed to serve as a space for the active or passive recreation and
enjoyment by users;
3. may include a plaza or focal point;
4. must be a minimum of 100.00 m
in size;
5. may include a plaza or focal point, and integrate elements such as street
furnishings, hard surfacing, plantings, amenities, art and sculpture and
architectural features to create a strong sense of a communal gathering
place, to the approval of the Development Officer;
6. provide an area of overhead weather protection for a portion of the
amenity area (common); and
7. provide for at least one pedestrian walkway connection to Sturgeon
Community Hospital and Health Centre, Area A, Area B, and off-site
pedestrian linkages.
Pedestrian Circulation
In making a determination about the design of on-site pedestrian circulation
within the ICC District, the Development Officer must ensure that pedestrian
routes are located and designed in a manner that provides a clearly defined,
safe, efficient, inclusive, and convenient circulation pattern for pedestrians.
In the ICC District, all developments must:
A. provide on-site exterior pedestrian walkways which connect on-site uses to
each other and to the public right-of-way adjoining the development;
B. provide pedestrian access to the adjacent neighbourhood and between Area
A and Area B;
C. provide pedestrian walkways along storefronts which have doors or similar
D. separate pedestrian movements and vehicle traffic by raising or ramping
pedestrian walkways when traversing vehicular drive aisles, and crosswalks
shall be delineated with coloured concrete or painted lines;
E. construct and maintain the pedestrian walkways for use by the public; and
F. design pedestrian routes that offer minimal disruption to the continuity of
pedestrian circulation.
Pedestrian walkways must:
A. be constructed of a hard surface material; and
B. be a minimum of 2.50 m in width, except in the case of:
C. a storefront access where a minimum 3.00 m walkway width must be
provided (Figure 24); and
D. a breezeway where a minimum 5.00 m walkway width must be provided.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Figure 24: ICC Storefront Access
Outdoor Lighting
In addition to the regulations of Section #:
A. All outdoor lighting within the ICC District shall be of a design and style that
is consistent with the architectural character of the development, and shall
add visual interest.
B. Outdoor lighting must be provided for all amenity areas, private walkways,
and parking lots to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
Overhead Weather Protection
In addition to the regulations in Section #:
A. In Area A, overhead weather protection must be provided at primary
pedestrian entrances, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
B. In Area B, a development must provide continuous overhead weather
protection for pedestrians for the entire building frontage adjoining a
C. In Area B, overhead weather protection must:
1. project a minimum of 2.00 m over the sidewalk; and
2. have a vertical clearance of at least 2.50 m and at most 4.00 m above the
In addition to the regulations of Section #, in Area A senior housing:
A. All minimum required yards within must be landscaped.
B. Within required yards, trees must be planted at an overall ratio of 1 tree per
75.00 m
of landscape area.
C. Trees must be planted in clusters and be dispersed within the site.
D. Coniferous trees must comprise a minimum proportion of 40% of all trees planted.
Vehicle Circulation
In Areas A and B, when making a determination about the design of on-site vehicle
circulation within the ICC District, the Development Officer must ensure that vehicle routes
are located and designed in a manner that provides a clearly defined, safe, efficient and
convenient circulation pattern for vehicles.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as Neighbourhood Commercial (NC)
District on the Land Use District Map, Schedule A, of this Bylaw.
The purpose of the NHC District is to enable development that provides for the sale of
goods and services to the community.
(a) Animal Health
(b) Animal Service
(a) Art Gallery/Studio
(b) Broadcasting Studio
(a) Catering Service which uses up to
3 vehicles
(b) Car Wash (when accessory to a Service
Station use only)
(a) Equipment Service
(b) Conference and Banquet Facility
(a) Establishment (Restaurant)
(b) Day Care Facility
(a) Government Service
(b) Drive-through
(a) Health Service
(b) Dwelling unit above a non-residential use
(a) Personal Service
(b) Establishment (Brew Pub)
(a) Professional Office
(b) Establishment (Drinking)
(a) Retail (General)
(b) Establishment (Entertainment)
(a) School (Commercial)
(b) Funeral Home
(a) Service Station
(b) Home-Based Business (Level Two)
(b) Parking Lot, for offsite parking only
(b) Public Utility Building
(b) Recreation (Indoor)
(b) Religious Assembly
(b) Retail (Cannabis)
(b) Shopping Centre
(b) Accessory Development to a permitted or
discretionary use
The maximum building height is 18.00 m.
The minimum front yard building setback is 6.00 m.
Notwithstanding subsection (e)(i), a front yard building setback may be reduced to
3.50 m when the space between the building and the lot line is used for
landscaping or pedestrian features such as sidewalks, plazas, and publicly
accessible amenity areas and is not used for parking.
The minimum side yard building setback is:
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
2.50 m for a development adjacent to a Non-Residential Use or District;
6.00 m for a development adjacent to a Residential Use or District.
Notwithstanding subsection (iii), a 0.00 m side yard building setback may be
approved, when traffic circulation or deliveries would not be adversely affected.
The minimum rear yard building setback is:
3.50 m for developments adjacent to a Non-Residential Use or District;
6.00 m for developments adjacent to a Residential Use or District.
In addition to the requirements in Section 4.10 ‘Building Design, Character and
Appearance’, all buildings must be finished as follows to the satisfaction of the
Development Officer:
Materials used for the building exterior shall be concrete, cementitious boards or
panels, exposed aggregate, stucco, glass, brick, natural stone, wood, or metal
Façades visible from public rights-of-way, Residential District, residential use,
natural area, or park shall be of a higher standard of design.
Buildings shall feature at grade windows and entryways placed at regular intervals.
Windows are encouraged to be located along abutting streets and pedestrian
walkways, excepting those areas that are used for loading areas or garbage and
recycling storage.
Buildings are encouraged to be oriented to, and have their main entrances, facing
a public street.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as Trail Corridor Commercial (TCC) District
on the Land Use District Map, Schedule A, of this Bylaw.
The purpose of the TCC District is to enable development that provides the opportunity
along trail corridor areas for the exchange of the widest variety of goods and services to
the community and to the surrounding region. This area may also include professional
offices, medium-density, or high-density housing.
(a) Animal Health
(b) Animal Service
(a) Art Galley/Studio
(b) Auction (General)
(a) Catering Service, which uses up to 3 vehicles
(b) Automotive (Sales)
(a) Equipment Service
(b) Automotive (Service)
(a) Establishment (Brew Pub)
(b) Automotive (Specialty)
(b) Establishment (Drinking)
(b) Broadcasting Studio
(a) Establishment (Entertainment)
(b) Car Wash
(a) Establishment (Restaurant)
(b) Conference and Banquet Facility
(a) Funeral Home
(b) Construction Service
(a) Government Service
(b) Day Care Facility
(a) Group Home
(b) Drive-Through
(a) Health Service
(b) Dwelling (Apartment)
(a) Hotel
(b) Dwelling unit above a non-residential use
(a) Personal Service
(b) Equipment Rental
(a) Professional Office
(b) Establishment (Gaming)
(a) Recreation (Indoor)
(b) Home-Based Business (Level Two)
(a) Retail (General)
(b) Parking Lot, for off-site parking only
(a) School (Commercial)
(b) Public Utility Building
(a) School (Post Secondary)
(b) Recycling Depot
(a) Service Station
(b) Religious Assembly
(a) Shopping Centre
(b) Residential Sales Centre
(a) Supportive Living Accommodation
(b) Retail (Adult)
(b) Retail (Cannabis)
(b) Retail (Warehouse)
(b) Storage Facility (Indoor)
(b) Accessory development to any permitted
or discretionary use
The maximum building height is 22.00 m.
The minimum front yard building setback is 6.00 m.
The minimum side yard building setback is:
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
3.50 m for a development adjacent to a Non-Residential Use or District;
6.00 m for a development adjacent to a Residential Use or District.
Notwithstanding subsection (ii), a 0.00 m side yard building setback may be
approved, when traffic circulation or deliveries would not be adversely affected.
The minimum rear yard building setback is:
0.00 m for developments adjacent to a Non-Residential Use or District;
6.00 m for developments adjacent to a Residential Use or District.
There must be a direct access to a public right-of-way or an alternate means of access to
the satisfaction of the Development Officer from a building used for residential purposes.
In addition to the requirements in Section 4.10 ‘Building Design, Character and
Appearance’, all buildings must be finished as follows to the satisfaction of the
Development Officer:
Materials used for the building exterior shall be concrete, cementitious boards or
panels, exposed aggregate, stucco, glass, brick, natural stone, wood, or metal
Façades visible from public rights-of-way, Residential District, residential use,
natural area, or park shall be of a higher standard of design.
Buildings shall feature at grade windows and entryways placed at regular intervals.
Windows are encouraged to be located along abutting streets and pedestrian
walkways, excepting those areas that are used for loading areas or garbage and
recycling storage.
Buildings are encouraged to be oriented to, and have their main entrances, facing
a public street.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as Regional Commercial (RCC) District on
the Land Use District Map, Schedule A, of this Bylaw.
The purpose of the RCC District is to:
Provide a high-quality Commercial District for the sale of a wide variety of goods
and services to the community and to the surrounding region.
Ensure developments are designed to provide a safe, pleasant and pedestrian-
friendly environment.
Ensure development is effectively connected to surrounding developments for all
means of transportation.
(a) Art Gallery/Studio
(b) Animal Health
(a) Catering Service which uses up to 3 vehicles
(b) Animal Service
(a) Equipment Service
(b) Automotive (Sales)
(a) Establishment (Brew Pub)
(b) Automotive (Service)
(a) Establishment (Drinking)
(b) Automotive (Specialty)
(a) Establishment (Entertainment)
(b) Broadcasting Studio
(a) Establishment (Restaurant)
(b) Car Wash
(a) Government Service
(b) Conference and Banquet Facility
(a) Group Home
(b) Construction Service
(a) Health Service
(b) Day Care Facility
(a) Hotel
(b) Drive-Through
(a) Park
(b) Dwelling unit above a non-residential use
(a) Personal Service
(b) Equipment Rental
(a) Professional Office
(b) Establishment (Gaming)
(a) Recreation (Indoor)
(b) Home-Based Business (Level Two)
(a) Retail (General)
(b) Public Utility Building
(a) Service Station
(b) Religious Assembly
(a) Shopping Centre
(b) Retail (Cannabis)
(a) Supportive Living Accommodation
(b) Accessory Development to a permitted or
discretionary use
(a) Warehouse Store (Retail)
In addition to the application requirements of Section # of this Bylaw, an applicant for a
development permit within the RCC District must submit, to the satisfaction of the
Development Officer:
an overall conceptual site development plan for the area designated as RC or, if
the applicant is only developing a portion of the subject area, a site development
plan in relation to the portion to be developed in which plan the applicant has also
illustrated how the development will be integrated with the area designated as RC.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
The overall conceptual site development plan, considered to be non-binding, must
identify the proposed building types and locations, development phasing, vehicular
and pedestrian routes, amenity areas and signage.
details regarding the architectural guidelines proposed for the development
including design drawings illustrating the colour scheme and building materials.
The maximum building height is 22.00 m.
The minimum front yard building setback is 6.00 m.
The minimum side yard building setback is:
3.50 m, adjacent to a Non-Residential Use or District.
6.00 m adjacent to a Residential District.
Notwithstanding subsection (ii), a 0.00 m side yard building setback may be
approved, when traffic circulation or deliveries would not be adversely affected
The minimum rear yard building setback is:
0.00 m, adjacent to a Non-Residential Use or District.
6.00 m adjacent to a Residential Use or District; and
Notwithstanding subsections (f)(i), (f)(ii) and (f)(iv) above, the Development Officer
may reduce the building setbacks in order to accommodate pedestrian
connectivity, streetscape continuity or continuous storefront retail development
while having regard to on-site constraints, adjacent uses, urban design
considerations and safe traffic sightlines.
In addition to the requirements in Section 4.10 ‘Building Design, Character and
Appearance’, all buildings must be finished as follows to the satisfaction of the
Development Officer:
Materials used for the building exterior shall be concrete, cementitious boards
or panels, exposed aggregate, stucco, glass, brick, natural stone, wood, or
metal accents. Vinyl siding is prohibited.
Façades visible from public rights-of-way, Residential District, residential use,
natural area, or park shall be of a higher standard of design.
Buildings shall feature at grade windows and entryways placed at regular
Windows are encouraged to be located along abutting streets and pedestrian
walkways, excepting those areas that are used for loading areas or garbage
and recycling storage.
Buildings within this District shall incorporate the following:
A. The massing of building walls shall be reduced through the use of
architectural elements such as columns, ribs, pilasters or piers, recesses
and projections, changes in building finishes, materials, textures and colours,
or other features that create an identifiable pattern and sense of human
scale. No uninterrupted length of any façade shall exceed 30.00 m including
any façade visible from adjoining properties or public roadways.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
B. Ground floor front façades that face public roadways, public sidewalks or
internal pedestrian walkways shall incorporate visual interest through
articulation and other architectural features such as arcades, display
windows, entry areas, awnings, recesses, or projections. They may also
incorporate a high degree of visual interest through the use of colour
change, texture change, or material module change.
A. The roof line of buildings shall consist of varying pitches, or flat roofs that
include articulation, and the use of design elements that reduce any
perceived mass and linearity of large buildings and add architectural interest.
B. Parapets concealing flat roofs and rooftop mechanical equipment from public
view shall be provided. The average height of such parapets shall not
exceed 15.00% of the height of the supporting wall and such parapets shall
not at any point exceed one-third of the height of the supporting wall.
A. Entrances must coordinate with pedestrian networking and public
connectivity to and through the site.
B. Each principal building on a site shall have clearly defined, highly visible
public entrances, featuring no less than two of the following:
1. Canopies or porticos;
2. Overhangs;
3. Recesses or projections;
4. Arcades;
5. Raised corniced parapets over the door;
6. Peaked roof forms;
7. Arches;
8. Outdoor patios;
9. Architectural details such as tile work and moldings which are
integrated into the building structure and design; or
10. Integral planters or wing walls that incorporate landscaped areas or
places for sitting.
Parking and loading areas must conform to the following requirements:
A loading dock shall be located in the side or rear of the site.
The minimum setback for a parking lot or loading area is 3.00 m from any property
line that abuts a public right-of-way, Residential District, residential use, natural
area, or park.
Notwithstanding subsection (ii), no parking lot or loading area shall be permitted
within a required landscape buffer or perimeter landscape area.
A parking lot or loading dock shall be screened from the public right-of-way,
Residential District, residential use, natural area, or park, to the satisfaction of the
Development Officer.
Soft landscaping is to be used to enhance and visually break up parking areas.
A landscaping ratio of 1.85 m
provided per parking stall shall be provided.
No parking stall shall be located more than 40.00 m from a landscaped area or island.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
If the maximum number of parking stalls for a shopping centre or warehouse store
(retail) is proposed to exceed 1.50 times the minimum required in Part # of this
Bylaw, the Development Officer may determine that at least one of the following
requirements is met:
additional parking stalls exceeding 1.50 times the minimum required are to be
provided either underground, in a parking structure above the retail
establishment, or screened by peripheral buildings; or
a combination of low impact development techniques is implemented
throughout the parking area.
Central Feature or Amenity Area
The overall development shall contribute to the establishment or enhancement of
public spaces by providing:
At least one of the following:
A. patio or seating area;
B. pedestrian plaza with benches;
C. landscaped picnic area; or
D. transit stop with amenities (benches, shelter, etc.); and
At least two of the following shall be provided:
A. tree, flower, or pollinator garden;
B. window shopping walkway;
C. outdoor playground area;
D. kiosk area;
E. water feature;
F. art feature;
G. clock tower; or
H. other such deliberately shaped area, focal feature, or amenity, that, in the
opinion of the Development Officer, adequately enhances public space.
Pedestrian Flows
Pedestrian walkways shall be designed to provide a safe and convenient route
between focal points.
Sidewalks shall be provided along all sides of the site that abut a public
roadway, and all internal primary drive aisles. All sidewalks shall be continuous
with other sidewalks or pedestrian walkways both internally to the site and to
adjacent developments.
Continuous internal pedestrian walkways on the site shall be at least 1.80 m in
width for the pedestrian thoroughfare, and provide a minimum additional 1.20 m
of landscaping, on one or both sides of the walkway.
Sidewalks along buildings shall be:
A. provided along the full façade of the building featuring a customer entrance,
and along any façade abutting public parking areas; and
B. at least 3.60 m in width, of which 1.80 m will be a frontage zone for trees,
benches, garbage cans and other typical street amenities.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as Business Park 1 (BP1) District on the Land
Use District Map, Schedule A of this Bylaw.
The purpose of the BP1 District is to provide a mixed-use employment area, that
accommodates light industrial, office, and other commercial uses that benefit from being in
proximity to one another and include businesses that require easy public access and no
outdoor storage, or outdoor display area. Buildings shall be oriented and designed to
encourage pedestrian activity, and may include retail or other active uses on the ground floor.
(a) Animal Health
(b) Car Wash (as accessory to a Service
Station use only)
(a) Art Gallery/Studio
(b) Conference and Banquet Facility
(a) Catering Service
(b) Construction Service
(a) Equipment Service
(b) Day Care Facility
(a) Establishment (Brew Pub)
(b) Drive-Through
(a) Establishment (Restaurant)
(b) Equipment Rental
(a) Government Service
(b) Establishment (Drinking)
(a) Health Service
(b) Establishment (Entertainment)
(a) Personal Service
(b) Funeral Home
(a) Professional Office
(b) Hotel
(a) Public Utility Building
(b) Industrial (Level One)
(a) Retail (General)
(b) Parking Lot, for offsite parking only
(a) School (Commercial)
(b) Recreation (Indoor)
(a) School (Post-Secondary)
(b) Religious Assembly
(b) Retail (Adult)
(b) Retail (Cannabis)
(b) Service Station
(b) Accessory Development to a permitted
or discretionary use; trailers, mobile offices,
and other similar temporary structures are
prohibited as an accessory use.
Maximum building height is 18.00 m.
Notwithstanding subsection (d)(i), on a lot adjacent to the intersection of two Major
Roadways (Schedule B), the maximum building height is 22.00 m.
The minimum building setbacks shall be provided as follows:
the minimum front yard building setback is 6.00 m;
the minimum side yard building setback for an interior lot serviced by a rear lane is
0.00 m;
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
the minimum side yard building setback for an interior lot not serviced by a rear
lane is 5.00 m on one side of the lot to provide vehicle access to the rear of the lot,
or a greater amount at the discretion of the Development Officer; and
the minimum rear yard building setback is 3.50 m, except when a lot is serviced by
a rear lane or abutting a Residential District, in which case it is 6.00 m.
In addition to the requirements in Section 4.10 ‘Building Design, Character and
Appearance’, all buildings must be finished as follows to the satisfaction of the
Development Officer:
Materials used for the building exterior shall be concrete, cementitious boards or
panels, exposed aggregate, stucco, glass, brick, natural stone, wood, or metal
Corrugated metal and similar materials are discouraged for use on building
façades or roofs and shall not be used for façades visible from public rights-of-
way, Residential District, residential use, natural area, or park.
The use of chain link fencing is prohibited where visible from a public right-of-way,
Residential District, residential use, natural area, or park. Chain link fencing may
be allowed at the discretion of the Development Officer, taking into consideration
the size of the lot, use of the area to be fenced, and visibility from any adjacent
Parking and loading areas must conform to the following requirements:
A loading dock shall be located in the side or rear of the site.
A parking lot is encouraged to be located in the side or rear of the site.
The minimum setback for a parking lot or loading area is 3.00 m from any property
line that abuts a public right-of-way, Residential District, residential use, natural
area, or park.
Notwithstanding subsection (iii), no parking lot or loading area shall be permitted
within a required landscape buffer or perimeter landscape area.
A parking lot or loading dock shall be screened from the public right-of-way,
Residential District, residential use, natural area, or park, to the satisfaction of the
Development Officer.
Required parking stalls shall be used for temporary employee and public vehicle
parking only, and not to be used for the storage of vehicles associated with the
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as Business Park 2 (BP2) District on the Land
Use District Map, Schedule A of this Bylaw.
The purpose of the BP2 District is to provide an architecturally consistent working environment for
a mixture of commercial and light industrial uses to achieve development in a park-like setting that
is an economic asset to the owners, neighbours, and the community. This District encourages
attractively designed buildings with limited outdoor storage, provides for an abundance of
landscaping, and establishes land uses that do not create air, ground, noise, and water pollution.
(a) Animal Health
(b) Animal Service
(a) Art Gallery/Studio
(b) Automotive (Specialty)
(a) Catering Service
(b) Broadcasting Studio
(a) Equipment Service
(b) Cannabis Production and Distribution Facility (Micro)
(a) Establishment (Brew Pub)
(b) Car Wash (as accessory to a Service Station use only)
(a) Establishment (Restaurant)
(b) Chemical Processing
(a) Government Service
(b) Conference and Banquet Facility
(a) Health Service
(b) Construction Service
(a) Industrial (Level One)
(b) Crematorium
(a) Personal Service
(b) Day Care Facility
(a) Professional Office
(b) Drive-Through
(a) Public Utility Building
(b) Equipment Rental
(a) Retail (General)
(b) Establishment (Drinking)
(a) School (Commercial)
(b) Establishment (Entertainment)
(a) School (Post-Secondary)
(b) Fleet Service
(a) Storage Facility (Indoor)
(b) Funeral Home
(a) Warehouse Store (Retail)
(b) Greenhouse and Plant Nursery
(b) Hotel
(b) Parking Lot, for offsite parking only
(b) Recreation (Indoor)
(b) Religious Assembly
(b) Retail (Adult)
(b) Retail (Cannabis)
(b) Service Station
(b) Storage Facility (Mini)
(b) Transmitting Station
(b) Warehouse Store (Industrial)
(b) Warehouse, where a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the
gross floor area shall be developed as office, or showroom.
(b) Accessory development to a permitted or discretionary
use; trailers, mobile offices, and other similar temporary
structures are prohibited as an accessory use.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
The minimum lot area is 1,000.00 m
Maximum building height is 18.00 m.
The minimum building setbacks shall be provided as follows:
the minimum front yard building setback is 6.00 m;
the minimum side yard building setback for an interior lot serviced by a rear lane is 0.00 m;
the minimum side yard building setback for an interior lot not serviced by a rear
lane is 5.00 m on one side of the lot to provide vehicle access to the rear of the lot,
or a greater amount at the discretion of the Development Officer; and
the minimum rear yard building setback is 3.50 m, except when a lot is serviced by
a rear lane or abutting a Residential District, in which case it is 6.00 m.
In addition to the requirements in Section 4.10 ‘Building Design, Character and
Appearance’, all buildings must be finished as follows to the satisfaction of the
Development Officer:
Materials used for the building exterior shall be concrete, cementitious boards or
panels, exposed aggregate, stucco, glass, brick, natural stone, wood, or metal accents.
Corrugated metal and similar materials are discouraged for use on building fades or
roofs and shall not be used for façades visible from public rights-of-way, Residential
District, residential use, natural area, or park.
The use of chain link fencing is prohibited where visible from a public right-of-way,
Residential District, residential use, natural area, or park. Chain link fencing may be
allowed at the discretion of the Development Officer, taking into consideration the size
of the lot, use of the area to be fenced, and visibility from any adjacent roadway.
Parking and loading areas must conform to the following requirements:
A loading dock shall be located in the side or rear of the site.
A parking lot is encouraged to be located in the side or rear of the site; and
The minimum setback for a parking lot or loading area is 3.00 m from any
property line that abuts a public right-of-way, Residential District, residential
use, natural area, or park.
Notwithstanding subsection (h)(i)), no parking lot or loading area shall be permitted
within a required landscape buffer or perimeter landscape area.
A parking lot or loading dock shall be screened from the public right-of-way,
residential District, residential use, natural area, or park, to the satisfaction of the
Development Officer.
Required parking stalls shall be used for temporary employee and public vehicle
parking only, and not to be used for the storage of vehicles associated with the
Shall align with Section 4.56 ‘Outdoor Storage’.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as Industrial and Commercial Service (ICS)
District on the Land Use District Map, Schedule A of this Bylaw.
The purpose of the ICS District is to provide for a number of light industrial and complementary
commercial and service uses. Uses in the District are to contain all nuisance and impacts on-
site, with outdoor storage as accessory to the principal use of the site, or of the building.
(a) Animal Health
(b) Animal Service
(a) Art Gallery/Studio
(b) Auction (General)
(a) Automotive (Sales)
(b) Broadcasting Studio
(a) Automotive (Service)
(b) Cannabis Production and Distribution Facility
(a) Automotive (Specialty)
(b) Cannabis Production and Distribution Facility (Micro)
(a) Car Wash
(b) Chemical Processing
(a) Catering Service
(b) Conference and Banquet Facility
(a) Construction Service
(b) Crematorium
(a) Equipment Rental
(b) Day Care Facility
(a) Equipment Service
(b) Drive-Through
(a) Government Service
(b) Establishment (Adult)
(a) Industrial (Level One)
(b) Establishment (Brew Pub)
(a) Personal Service
(b) Establishment (Drinking)
(a) Professional Office
(b) Establishment (Gaming)
(a) Public Utility Building
(b) Establishment (Restaurant)
(a) School (Commercial)
(b) Fleet Service
(a) School (Post-Secondary)
(b) Funeral Home
(a) Service Station
(b) Greenhouse and Plant Nursery
(a) Storage Facility (Indoor)
(b) Health Service
(a) Storage Facility (Mini)
(b) Heavy Vehicle and Equipment (Sales and Service)
(a) Transmitting Station
(b) Hotel
(a) Warehouse
(b) Industrial (Level Two)
(b) Parking Lot, for offsite parking only
(b) Recreation (Indoor)
(b) Recreation (Outdoor)
(b) Recycling Depot
(b) Retail (Adult)
(b) Retail (Cannabis)
(b) Retail (General)
(b) Warehouse Store (Industrial)
(b) Accessory development to a permitted or
discretionary use
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
The minimum lot area is 1,000.00 m
Maximum building height is 18.00 m.
The minimum building setbacks shall be provided as follows:
the minimum front yard building setback is 6.00 m;
the minimum side yard building setback for an interior lot serviced by a lane is 0.00 m;
the minimum side yard building setback for an interior lot not serviced by a lane is
5.00 m on one side of the lot to provide vehicle access to the rear of the lot, or a
greater amount at the discretion of the Development Officer; and
the minimum rear yard building setback is 3.50 m, except when a lot is serviced by
a lane or abutting a Residential District, in which case it is 6.00 m.
In addition to the requirements in Section 4.10 ‘Building Design, Character and
Appearance’, all buildings must be finished as follows to the satisfaction of the
Development Officer:
Materials used for the building exterior shall be concrete, cementitious boards or
panels, exposed aggregate, stucco, glass, brick, natural stone, wood, or
commercial-grade metal cladding.
Shall align with Section 4.56 ‘Outdoor Storage.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as Industrial (IND) District on the Land Use
District Map, Schedule A of this Bylaw.
The purpose of the IND District is to provide for industrial development that may present
impacts in the form of noise, vibration, odour, or any other adverse condition. The intent is
to allow for a broad range of industrial and office uses that support employment growth.
This District should be applied on sites that are separated from residential and natural
areas by a buffer.
(a) Automotive (Service)
(b) Animal Service
(a) Automotive (Specialty)
(b) Auction (General)
(a) Bulk Fuel Sales Depot
(b) Broadcasting Studio
(a) Bulk Oil and Chemical Storage
(b) Chemical Processing
(a) Construction Service
(b) Establishment (Adult)
(a) Crematorium
(b) Fleet Service
(a) Equipment Rental
(b) Industrial (Level Three)
(a) Government Service
(b) Recreation (Indoor)
(a) Heavy Vehicle and Equipment (Sales
and Service)
(b) Storage Facility (Indoor), if greater than
one storey
(a) Industrial (Level One)
(b) Surveillance Suite
(a) Industrial (Level Two)
(b) Warehouse Store (Industrial)
(a) Professional Office
(b) Accessory Development to a permitted
or discretionary use
(a) Public Utility Building
(a) Recycling Depot
(a) School (Commercial)
(a) School (Post-Secondary)
(a) Transmitting Station
(a) Warehouse
Minimum lot area is 1,000.00 m
Maximum building height is 22.00 m.
The minimum building setbacks shall be provided as follows:
the minimum front yard building setback is 6.00 m;
the minimum side yard building setback for an interior lot serviced by a rear lane is 0.00 m;
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
the minimum side yard building setback for an interior lot not serviced by a rear
lane is 5.00 m on one side of the lot to provide vehicle access to the rear of the lot,
or a greater amount at the discretion of the Development Officer; and
the minimum rear yard building setback is 6.00 m.
In addition to the requirements in Section 4.10 ‘Building Design, Character and
Appearance’, all buildings must be finished as follows to the satisfaction of the
Development Officer:
Materials used for the building exterior shall be concrete, cementitious boards or
panels, exposed aggregate, stucco, glass, brick, natural stone, wood, or
commercial-grade metal cladding.
In addition to the on-site parking and loading requirements under Part #, parking and
loading areas must conform to the following requirements:
A loading dock shall be located in the side or rear of the site.
Notwithstanding subsection (#), the Development Officer may allow a loading dock
to be located in the front of the site along a portion of the building, based upon the
development design, site functionality, building articulations, and exterior finishing
A parking lot is encouraged to be located in the side or rear of the site; and
The minimum setback for a parking lot or loading area is 3.00 m from any property
line that abuts a public right-of-way, Residential District, residential use, natural
area, or park.
Notwithstanding subsection (#), no parking lot or loading area shall be permitted
within a required landscape buffer or perimeter landscape area.
A parking lot or loading dock shall be screened from the public right-of-way,
Residential District, residential use, natural area, or park, to the satisfaction of the
Development Officer.
Required parking stalls shall be used for temporary employee and public vehicle
parking only, and not to be used for the storage of vehicles associated with the
Shall align with Section 4.56 ‘Outdoor Storage.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as Public Park (PRK) District on the Land
Use District Map, Schedule A, of this Bylaw.
The purpose of the PRK District is to provide parks along with complementary facilities
throughout the City for the purpose of public recreation, and cultural activities. The intent is
also to protect lands within the flood risk area from development.
(a) Park
(b) Campground
(b) Community Garden
(b) Conference and Banquet Facility
(b) Day Care Facility
(b) Exhibition Grounds
(b) Government Service
(b) Greenhouse and Plant Nursery
(b) Public Market
(b) Public Utility Building
(b) Recreation (Indoor)
(b) Recreation (Outdoor)
(b) Stadium
(b) Surveillance Suite
(b) Accessory Development to a permitted or
discretionary use
Maximum building height is 10.00 m.
For a building adjoining a Residential Use or District, the minimum setback is
10.00 m from a property line.
For a parking lot, the minimum setback is 4.00 m from a property line.
For an accessory building, the minimum setbacks and heights shall be determined
by the Development Officer.
Property adjacent to the Sturgeon River Valley, the Carrot Creek Valley, riparian areas, or
within the flood risk area shall be held to the following additional performance standards:
development should, allow public access to public lands along the Sturgeon River
or Carrot Creek banks, where appropriate;
any development that disturbs the normal hydrological process within the Sturgeon
River Valley or Carrot Creek Valley must minimize the risk of on-site and off-site
flood damage; and
development, which includes any channelization or diking along the riverbanks,
shall be designed in consultation with the responsible Provincial Authority.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as Conservation Park (CPK) District on the
Land Use District Map, Schedule A, of this Bylaw.
The purpose of the CPK District is to provide for the protection and stewardship of natural
areas and environmentally sensitive lands and to preserve ecological integrity and
biodiversity. The intent is also to protect lands within the flood risk area from development.
(a) Natural Area
(b) Surveillance Suite
(b) Accessory Development to a permitted
or discretionary use
For an accessory building, the minimum height shall be determined by the Development
For an accessory building, the minimum setbacks shall be determined by the
Development Officer.
Property adjacent to the Sturgeon River Valley, the Carrot Creek Valley, riparian areas, or
within the flood risk area shall be held to the following additional performance standards:
development should, allow public access to public lands along the Sturgeon River
or Carrot Creek banks, where appropriate;
any development that disturbs the normal hydrological process within the Sturgeon
River Valley or Carrot Creek Valley must minimize the risk of on-site and off-site
flood damage; and
development, which includes any channelization or diking along the riverbanks,
shall be designed in consultation with the responsible Provincial Authority.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as Public, Private and Institutional Service
(PSI) District on the Land Use District Map, Schedule A, of this Bylaw.
The purpose of the PSI District is to provide areas for the location and establishment of
facilities which, under public franchise, ownership, or private enterprises operating for the
public convenience and necessity, provide public services such as education, community
services, health care, recreation, and utilities.
(a) Community Garden
(b) Accessory residence for staff or students to a
School (Elementary or Secondary), or School
(a) Government Service
(b) Cemetery
(a) Park
(b) Conference and Banquet Facility
(a) Public Market
(b) Day Care Facility
(a) School (Elementary or Secondary)
(b) Health Service
(a) School (Post-Secondary)
(b) Hospital
(a) Supportive Living Accommodation
(b) Parking Structure
(a) Transitional Accommodation
(b) Public Utility Building
(b) Recreation (Indoor)
(b) Recreation (Outdoor)
(b) Religious Assembly
(b) Accessory development to any permitted or
discretionary use
The maximum building height is 15.00 m.
The minimum principal building setback is 6.00 m from any property line.
Notwithstanding subsection (a), all developments must provide a minimum building
setback of 10.00 m from any property line which adjoins a Residential Use or District.
Setbacks and height of any accessory building or structure shall be determined by
the Development Officer.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as Alternate Jurisdiction (ALT) District on the
Land Use District Map, Schedule A, of this Bylaw.
The purpose of the ALT District is to provide for lands that do not require a development
permit when falling under the jurisdiction of federal or provincial legislation.
Any use that is consistent with those uses, activities and operations prescribed in the
appropriate superior legislation.
A development permit is not required under this District if the development is
exempted from this Bylaw by reason of provisions in federal or provincial
legislation or the developer being the crown, a crown agency or a federal industry.
If development of the lands within this District no longer satisfies the requirement
of subsection (d)(i), a development permit is required and/or the lands redistricted
to an appropriate District. If for any reason (including a change in use, ownership
or legislation) lands to which this District originally applies but subsequently
become subject to the City’s jurisdiction, the most restrictive District on the
adjacent parcels shall apply.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as Future Urban Development (FUD) District
on the Land Use District Map, Schedule A, of this Bylaw.
The purpose of the FUD District is to control land areas which are undeveloped or
developed to low intensity, which may include agricultural and rural land use activities of a
limited nature and to ensure their orderly transformation to future urban expansion or
intensification of development.
(a) Agriculture (General) on a site greater than 8.0 ha
(a) Animal Service
(a) Community Garden
(a) Construction Service
(a) Dugout
(a) Dwelling (Single Detached)
(a) Greenhouse and Plant Nursery
(a) Group Home
(a) Home-Based Business (Level Two)
(a) Home-Based Business (Level Three)
(a) Public Utility Building
(a) Recreation (Outdoor)
(a) Religious Assembly
(a) Secondary Suite (Internal)
(a) Sod Farm
(a) Topsoil Processing and Sales
(a) Accessory Development to any discretionary use
Each of the land uses listed in the following table shall comply with the regulations
set out for that use in the applicable District as follows:
Land Use
Applicable District
(i) Animal Service
(ii) Construction Service
(iii) Dwelling (Single Detached)
(iv) Public Utility Building
(v) Religious Assembly
(vi) Regulations for all other uses not listed in subsection (d) but listed in subsection (c) will be
at the discretion of the Development Officer.
Notwithstanding subsection (d), the Development Officer may refer to a corresponding
conventional District or any part of the Land Use Bylaw to determine land use
regulations that may be applied to a prospective development permit.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Multi-lot residential subdivision (greater than one lot) shall be prohibited; and
Notwithstanding subsection (d)(i), multi-lot residential subdivisions (greater than
one lot) are permitted as per the applicable ASP, ARP, Neighbourhood Plan, or
Concept Plan.
The Development Officer shall not approve a Discretionary Use that would
prejudice the future subdivision, servicing or development of the subject lands for
future urban expansion or intensification development.
The Development Officer may specify the length of time a use is permitted in this
District having regards for the subdivision, staging and development of the subject
lands for urban expansion or intensification.
A dwelling (single detached) shall be located on a site between 0.40 ha and 1.0 ha.
No driveway shall be located closer than 100.0 m from the intersection of two
municipal roadways, or as otherwise determined by the Development Officer in
consultation with the City Engineer.
The Development Officer may require, along with any additional conditions to
development on lots adjacent to Big Lake, that the development’s design, siting,
landscaping, screening and buffering, minimize and compensate for any
objectionable and potential incompatibility with natural areas, wildlife habitat areas
and environmentally sensitive areas;
When required by the Development Officer, a development permit application shall
be accompanied by an assessment of the environmental impact of the proposed
development on the existing land uses, geology, soils, vegetation, fauna, wildlife
habitat, water and air; and
All proposed developments below the 1:100 Designated Flood Line shall comply
with Section 4.11 ‘Designated Flood Line.
The Development Officer in considering an application may impose conditions
requiring the retention of trees, or additional plantings of such a type and amount
that are considered necessary;
The Development Officer may prescribe setback and/or screening requirements
for uses that may be incompatible with adjacent land uses to minimize potential off
site impacts; and
The Development Officer may impose conditions requiring screening for uses that
involve the outdoor storage of goods, machinery, vehicles, building materials,
waste materials, and other similar uses.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
This section applies to the areas designated as Transitional (TRN) on the Land Use
District Map, Schedule A, of this Bylaw.
The purpose of the TRN District is to regulate land areas which are undeveloped or
developed to low intensity, and to accommodate traditional agricultural operations and the
supportive services they use, which do not compromise the ability for future urban intensity
development to occur in an orderly and efficient manner.
(a) Agriculture (General)
(a) Agriculture Accessory Building
(a) Animal Health (Rural)
(a) Dugout
(a) Dwelling (Manufactured Home)
(a) Dwelling (Single Detached)
(a) Farm Help Accommodation (for parcels with an area over 4.00 ha)
(a) Group Home
(a) Home-based Business (Level Two)
(a) Secondary Suite (Garage)
(a) Secondary Suite (Garden)
(a) Secondary Suite (Internal)
(a) Supportive Living Accommodation
(a) Accessory Development to any permitted use
Discretionary uses for
parcels with an area of
16.00 ha and greater
Discretionary uses for
parcels with an area of
4.00 ha to 15.99 ha
Discretionary uses for
parcels with an area less
than 4.00 ha
(a) Agricultural Support Service
(b) Agricultural Support Service
(c) Agricultural Support Service
(a) Agriculture (Intensive)
(b) Agriculture (Intensive)
(c) Animal Health
(a) Animal Health
(b) Animal Health
(c) Animal Health (Rural)
(a) Animal Health (Rural)
(b) Animal Health (Rural)
(c) Animal Service
(a) Animal Service
(b) Animal Service
(c) Bed and Breakfast
(a) Auction (Agriculture)
(b) Bed and Breakfast
(c) Cannabis Production and
Distribution (Micro)
(a) Auction (General)
(b) Cannabis Production and
Distribution (Micro)
(c) Community Garden
(a) Bed and Breakfast
(b) Community Garden
(c) Construction Service
(a) Cannabis Production and
Distribution (Micro)
(b) Construction Service
(c) Event Venue (Rural)
(a) Community Garden
(b) Equestrian Facility
(c) Farm Help Accommodation
(a) Construction Service
(b) Event Venue (Rural)
(c) Home-based Business
(Level Three)
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Discretionary uses for
parcels with an area of
16.00 ha and greater
Discretionary uses for
parcels with an area of
4.00 ha to 15.99 ha
Discretionary uses for
parcels with an area less
than 4.00 ha
(a) Dwelling (Secondary) on a
parcel of land 32.40 ha and
(b) Home-based Business
(Level Three)
(c) Religious Assembly
(a) Equestrian Facility
(b) Outdoor Storage
(c) Sod Farm
(a) Event Venue (Rural)
(b) Public Utility Building
(c) Accessory Development to
a discretionary use
(a) Home-based Business
(Level Three)
(b) Religious Assembly
(a) Outdoor Storage
(b) Renewable Energy Facility
(a) Public Utility Building
(b) Sod Farm
(a) Renewable Energy Facility
(b) Storage Facility (Recreation
Vehicle and Equipment)
(a) Sod Farm
(b) Topsoil Processing and
(a) Storage Facility (Recreation
Vehicle and Equipment)
(b) Accessory Development to
a discretionary use
(a) Topsoil Processing and
(a) Accessory Development to
a discretionary use
The maximum floor area for an accessory building:
For parcels between 4.00 ha and 15.99 ha is 465.00 m
For parcels less than 4.00 ha is 230.00 m
The maximum lot coverage is 15.00% for parcels equal to or less than 15.99
The maximum lot coverage for parcels 16.00 hectares or greater is at the
discretion of the Development Officer.
The maximum dwelling unit density shall be as follows:
Two principal dwelling units on parcel areas 32.40 ha and greater, pursuant to
subsection (4) of this District; and,
One dwelling unit on all other parcel areas.
The maximum building height of a principal building, or any accessory structure is at the
discretion of the Development Officer.
The minimum front yard building setback for a:
principal building is 35.00 m;
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
agriculture accessory building, or accessory building is 20.00 m.
The minimum side yard building setback for a:
principal building is 6.00 m;
agriculture accessory building, or accessory building is 3.00 m.
Notwithstanding subsection (i(ii), the minimum side yard building setback for a
corner lot side yard that adjoins a flanking public roadway is:
principal building is 35.00 m
agriculture accessory building or accessory building is 20.00 m.
The minimum rear yard building setback for a:
principal building is 6.00 m;
agriculture accessory building or accessory building is 3.00 m.
Notwithstanding sections (i)(i) through (i(iv), for an agriculture (intensive) use, the
Development Officer shall determine setbacks. No setback for a new agriculture
(intensive) use shall be less than 100.00 m the property line of an existing
residential parcel. The required setback may be reduced if the residential parcel is
also owned by the proponent of the agriculture (intensive) use.
Single Parcel Subdivision
Single parcel subdivision may be allowed when subdivided from a parent parcel
with an area:
A. between 48.00 ha and 79.99 ha, which shall be considered equivalent to
64.70 ha, or a ‘full’ quarter section; and,
B. between 16.00 ha and 47.99 ha, which shall be considered equivalent to
32.40 ha, or half of a quarter section.
C. Existing parcels under 16.00 ha shall have no further subdivision.
D. A single parcel subdivision shall have a maximum area of 1.00 ha unless a
larger area is essential to:
E. encompass mature shelterbelts, existing buildings or any other related
features associated with an existing farmstead (however, additional farmland
will not be compromised to accommodate a septic system, the setback
distances associated with a septic system, a dugout, or an extensive area of
fencing); and/or
F. mitigate any site constraints which could otherwise significantly limit the
development potential of a 1.00 ha (2.47ac) parcel or create land use
conflicts such as but not limited to setback distances from pipelines, low-
lying or steep topography, inaccessible portions of land or land
fragmentation (however, additional farmland will not be compromised when a
site constraint could equally be addressed by modifying the location and/or
dimensions of the proposed 1.00 ha (2.47ac) parcel).
Four Parcel Subdivision Maximum
Multi-lot country residential subdivision (greater than four parcels per quarter-
section) shall be prohibited.
Unless otherwise indicated within an ASP, a quarter section of 64.70 ha in the
TRN District shall contain a maximum parcel density of four (4), comprising:
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
A. Two parcels each 32.40 ha or alternative areas necessary due to land
fragmentation; and,
B. Two parcels for residential uses, one from each of the two 32.40 ha parcels,
to a maximum area of 1.00 ha each.
Intensification of a use on parcels in existence as of February 22, 2022 may
trigger a planning process that includes preparation of an ASP and/or
No new, or expansion of existing, agriculture (intensive) uses shall be
supported in the TRN District.
When reviewing an application for a Discretionary Use, the Development
Officer shall not approve Discretionary Uses that would prejudice the future
subdivision, servicing, or development of the subject lands for future urban
expansion or intensification of development.
The Development Officer may specify the length of time a discretionary use is
permitted in this District having regards for the subdivision, staging and
development of the subject lands for urban expansion or intensification.
No driveway shall be located closer than 100.00 m from the intersection of two
municipal roadways, or as otherwise determined by the Development Officer in
consultation with the City Engineer.
Building Separation
An agricultural accessory building or farm help accommodation shall be set
back a minimum of 1.90 m from the principal building or another accessory
Farm Help Accommodation
Each building may contain a maximum of eight sleeping units, a common
kitchen or dining area, and common bathroom facilities.
When required by the Development Officer, a development permit application shall
be accompanied by an assessment of the environmental impact of the proposed
development on the existing land uses, geology, soils, vegetation, fauna, wildlife
habitat, water and air; and
All proposed developments below the 1:100 Designated Flood Line shall comply
with Section 4.11 ‘Designated Flood Line’.
In addition to the above, the Development Officer in considering an application
may impose conditions requiring the retention of trees, or additional plantings of
such a type and amount that are considered necessary;
The Development Officer may prescribe setback and/or screening requirements
for uses that may be incompatible with adjacent land uses; and
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
The Development Officer may impose conditions requiring screening for uses that
involve the outdoor storage of goods, machinery, vehicles, building materials,
waste materials, and other similar uses.
The Maximum number of shipping containers allowed on a parcel without a
development permit in the TRN District are:
Five (5) on parcels 16.00 ha or greater;
Three (3) on parcels with an area of 4.00 ha to 15.99 ha; and
One (1) on parcels with an area of 0.50 ha to less than 4.00 ha.
The storage of shipping containers in excess of the maximum amount for the
District as listed in subsection (n)(i), shall be considered as storage, outdoor and
will require a development permit.
Stacking of shipping containers shall not be permitted.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Part 7
This part outlines signage regulations that apply throughout the St. Albert.
(a) This part shall apply to all signs that are posted, placed or erected on both private
property and public property.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), this part does not apply to municipal signs or signs that
are posted, placed or erected in accordance with a contractual arrangement between the
City and another party
(c) Notwithstanding subsection (a), unless otherwise indicated herein, the Traffic Bylaw
regulates signage that is posted, placed or erected on City highways.
(a) A sign shall not be constructed or located such that they may be confused with or detract
from a traffic control device, municipal sign or other municipal device.
(b) A sign shall not be constructed or located such that they interfere with the safe or orderly
movement of pedestrians or motor vehicles or the sight lines required under this or any
other bylaw.
(c) A sign shall not project beyond the boundary of the site upon which it is located.
(d) A sign is limited to first party advertising, unless otherwise specified by this Bylaw.
(e) A sign displaying a neighbourhood name must be consistent with any City
neighbourhood naming policy or bylaw.
(f) A sign height must not exceed the maximum building height allowed in the applicable
(g) The illumination of a sign must not negatively affect, nor pose a safety hazard to, an
adjacent site or area.
(h) Wiring and conduits for electrified signs must be concealed from view.
(i) A sign must be designed and constructed to ensure:
the durability of the sign (taking into account whether it is a permanent or
temporary sign);
the compatibility of the sign with adjacent development; and
the integration of design elements and building materials that complement the
architecture of the on-site buildings.
(j) If a sign fits within two or more sign categories then:
it shall be a permitted use if it is a permitted use under each sign category;
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
it shall be a discretionary use if it is a discretionary use under at least one sign
category; and
it shall comply with all regulations applicable to each category of sign.
(k) The separation or setback distance of a sign shall be measured from the point of the
sign closest to another sign, property line, or building.
(l) A self-supported sign shall maintain a minimum separation distance of 3.00 m from any
another sign, unless otherwise specified by this Bylaw.
(m) No sign shall be placed on a site prior to the site being issued development permit
approval for a building or use.
(n) Notwithstanding subsection (r), a real estate sign, developer marketing sign,
development directional sign or developer marketing fence sign may be placed on an
undeveloped site not associated with a development permit.
(o) When a sign has been erected or displayed without the issuance of a required
development permit, retroactive application fees shall be charged as per the current
Master Rates Bylaw’.
(p) A sign shall be maintained in good repair and without limiting the generality of the
a sign shall at all times be structurally sound.
a sign shall not be allowed to peel or become torn.
any portion of a sign that is metal shall not be allowed to rust.
(q) Unless otherwise stated in section 4.5, all signs must have a development permit in
compliance with Part 2 of this Bylaw.
A development permit is not required for:
(a) A sign posted or exhibited inside a building;
(b) A window sign in a Residential District up to 0.30 m
in sign area;
(c) A window sign in Commercial, Industrial, and Mixed-Use Districts up to 0.80 m
in sign
(d) A motor vehicle sign, provided the vehicle is not temporarily or permanently parked for
the purpose of displaying the sign.
(e) A sign erected pursuant to a valid development agreement, to notify of a statutory plan
amendment, or to identify a Municipal Historic Resource;
(f) An emergency or warning sign placed on a public building, lot or utility right of way;
(g) Municipal address identification;
(h) A self-supported sign in a Residential District up to 0.80 m
in sign area for the purpose
of advertising an on-site contractor undertaking renovation work on a property, that is
displayed for a period of no more than fourteen consecutive days; and
(i) A sign on private property indicating on-site traffic circulation or parking regulations, less
than 2.00 m
in sign area and to maximum height of 2.00 m.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) The following sign types are prohibited:
attention getting device;
flashing sign; and
walkway decal.
(b) With the exception of motor vehicle signs, all signs displayed on or within trailers, motor
vehicles, or other vehicles are prohibited in all Districts.
(c) Signs that employ motion picture projections, animations, or non-static digital images are
(a) Third Party Advertising is restricted to Billboards and Portable Signs as approved by a
Development Officer;
(b) At the determination of the Development Officer, in a Commercial or Industrial District,
where abutting parcels have the appearance and function of a single site by virtue of having
cross-access agreements, shared parking, common internal roadways or access points, a
sign that relates to a use on any of the associated parcels may not be considered third party
advertising when placed on another parcel, but excludes a billboard;
Signs containing a digital display shall meet the following requirements:
(a) Unless otherwise stated in this part, a digital display may only be approved in the TCC,
ICS, IND or PSI Districts; Digital displays are prohibited in all other Districts;
(b) Subject to approval, a digital display is only permitted on a billboard, fascia sign, or
freestanding sign. A digital display is not permitted on any other sign type;
(c) A sign with a digital display located on, or attached to, the roof of a building is prohibited;
(d) Unless otherwise stated in this part, a digital display must be located a minimum of
30.50 m from a roadway intersection;
(e) Landscaping required under an approved development permit may be removed or
altered to accommodate the placement or visibility of a sign with a digital display, subject
to the approval of an updated landscaping plan;
(f) A digital display sign-face may be mounted on one or two sides of a sign only. If a digital
display is two-sided, each side must be parallel with the other. Triple-sided, multi-sided,
v-shaped, curved digital displays, or any other configuration are not permitted;
(g) All digital displays must be enclosed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer;
(h) A sign with a digital display shall not face a Residential, PRK or CPK District;
(i) The Development Officer shall be satisfied that the sign:
does not physically obstruct the sightlines or view of a traffic control device or
traffic control signal for oncoming vehicular traffic;
is not located in the field of view near or past a traffic control device or traffic
control signal in the sightlines of oncoming vehicular traffic; and
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
is not located in the field of view near or past other traffic conflict points such as
intersections, merge points, exit ramps, or curved roadways.
(j) All signs containing a digital display must be equipped with an ambient light sensor, in
accordance with the following:
(k) The ambient light sensor shall automatically adjust the brightness level of the copy area
based on ambient light conditions; and
(l) Brightness levels of the digital display shall not exceed 0.3 foot-candles above ambient
light conditions when measured from the digital display face at its maximum brightness.
(m) Copy shall be static and remain in place for a minimum of six (6) seconds before
switching to the next copy;
(n) The transition time between each digital display copy shall be instantaneous and without
any digital effects, including but not limited to, action, motion, fading in or out, dissolving,
blinking, intermittent or flashing light, or the illusion of such effects
(o) Copy shown in a manner requiring the intended message to be viewed over multiple
copy transitions is not permitted;
(p) If an electrical power supply is provided to a digital display, it shall be provided
underground unless otherwise allowed by the Development Officer;
(q) Existing digital displays (previously known as electronic message signs) approved prior
to the effective date of this bylaw amendment shall be bound by their original
development permit approval;
(r) An applicant with a valid existing development permit approval for a digital display which
permits static text-only copy may apply for a new development permit to allow the
addition of static images to the display. All regulations for digital displays, including the
design guidelines must be achieved.
(s) At any time, if a Development Officer determines that the brightness or light level of a
digital display exceeds the limits set out in subsection (xii)(B), the Development Officer
may direct the development permit holder to change the settings in order to bring the
digital display into compliance with this Bylaw, and if that direction is not complied with,
the Development Officer may undertake enforcement in accordance with Part 2 of this
(t) If any component on the sign fails or malfunctions in any way, and fails to operate as
indicated on the approved development permit plans, the sign owner shall ensure that
the sign is turned off until all components are fixed and operating as required.
(u) The sign owner shall provide a name and telephone contact information of a person
having access to the technology controls for the sign, who can be contacted 24 hours a
day in the event that the sign malfunctions.
Where required by a Development Officer, a comprehensive sign plan:
(a) Is subject to the issuance of a development permit;
(b) May be applied for by an Applicant in any District;
(c) Is a permitted use in all Districts;
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(d) Notwithstanding subsection (c), is a discretionary use when a variance is applied;
(e) Shall apply to temporary and permanent signs;
(f) Shall comply with the overall intent of this part and the regulations of the applicable sign
type with respect to the type of allowable signs within a District, sign height, sign area,
separation distance, location and setbacks;
(g) May permit, at the discretion of the Development Officer, a variance to the total number
of signs allowed per site;
(h) Is binding when approved and no deviations to the comprehensive sign plan shall occur
until a revised comprehensive sign plan is approved; and
(i) Approval shall require that separate development permits are obtained for each
individual sign within a comprehensive sign plan.
(a) District
Commercial (NHC, CTC, RCC, ICC Area B)
Industrial (BP1, BP2, ICS, IND)
Mixed-Use (DTN, MID Area C)
No Permit
(b) Permit
No permit required
(c) Sign
Maximum area is 0.80 m²
Maximum height is 1.00 m
(d) Maximum number of a-board signs per site is 1 per business,
per site frontage.
(e) An a-board sign must maintain a minimum separation distance
of 3.00 m from another a-board sign.
(f) An a-board sign must:
not be located on a public utility lot.
be played during business hours of operation;
when located in the DTN District, be placed in line with the
public street furniture.
(a) District
Residential (MDR, HDR) for on-site name and
address only
Commercial (NHC, TCC, RCC, ICC Area B)
Industrial (BP1, BP2, ICS, IND)
Mixed-Use (DTN, MU1, MU2, and MID Area C)
Special (PSI)
(b) Permit
Permit required
(c) Sign
Maximum height is 1.50 m
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(d) An awning or canopy sign must:
on a 1-storey building, not extend more than 0.30 m
above the roof or parapet;
on a building with more than 1 storey, not extend
more than 0.75 m above the floor of the second
not extend over the bottom of any 2
storey window
provide a minimum vertical clearance of 2.50 m from
finished grade to the bottom of the sign.
not extend beyond the width of the building frontage
except where the sign is wrapped around a corner, in which case it must extend
for a distance that is equal to the outward projection of the sign.
(a) District
Commercial (TCC, NHC, RCC)
Industrial (ICS, IND)
(b) Permit
Permit required
(c) Sign
Mounted on the ground the Maximum height is
8.00 m
Mounted on a building the Maximum height is
the combined total height of the building and
the sign, which shall not exceed the maximum
building height allowance in the District.
(d) Setbacks
Minimum setbacks are:
30.00 m from a Residential District.
1.50 m from all property lines when located on
the ground,
6.00 m on a corner lot.
(e) Maximum number of signs per site is 1.
(f) A balloon sign must maintain a minimum separation distance of 150.00 m from another
balloon sign.
(g) A balloon sign must not interfere with the access to or from a site.
(h) A development permit for a balloon sign is valid for a maximum of 60 consecutive days.
Following the expiration of the development permit, the site shall remain free of balloon
signs for a minimum of 30 consecutive days. Balloon signs may be displayed on a site
for a maximum of 180 days in a calendar year.
(a) District
Commercial (NHC, TCC, RCC, ICC Area B)
Industrial (ICS, IND)
Special (PRK, PSI)
Mixed-Use (MU1, MU2)
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(b) Permit
Sign for non-profit or charity event ≤ 72 hours
per month
Sign for non-profit or charity event > 72 hours
per month
Sign for commercial or industrial uses
No permit
Permit required
ii. Permit required
(c) Sign
Maximum area is 50.00 m² or 20% of a
building or unit face, whichever is less, when
attached to a building
(d) Unless otherwise noted in subsection (#), a development permit for a banner sign is
valid for a maximum of 60 consecutive days. Following the expiration of the development
permit, the site shall remain free of banner signs for a minimum of 30 consecutive days.
Banner signs can be displayed on a site for a maximum of 180 days in a calendar year.
(a) District
When located adjacent to, but not on, the
roadways that are shown on the Billboard Sign
Locations Map in Figure 24.
Commercial (TCC)
Industrial (BP1, BP2, ICS, IND)
Special (TRN)
(b) Permit
Permit required
(c) Sign
Maximum area is 30.0 m²
Maximum height is 8.0 m
(d) Setbacks
Minimum setbacks are:
30.50 m from a roadway intersection
3.0 m from a property line
100.0 m from a Residential,
Mixed-Use, PRK, CPK or PSI District
(e) A billboard must maintain a minimum separation distance of:
150.00 m from another billboard; and
25.00 from a freestanding sign.
A billboard must be self-supported.
(f) A billboard may not be combined with any other sign.
(a) District
When located adjacent to, but not on, the
roadways that are shown on the Billboard Sign
Locations Map in Figure 26.
Commercial (TCC)
Industrial (ICS, IND)
(b) Permit
Permit required
(c) Sign
Maximum area is 18.6 m²
Maximum height is 8.0 m
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(d) Setbacks
Minimum setbacks are:
30.5 m from a roadway intersection
notwithstanding subsection (i), 3.0 m from a
property line
100.0 m from a Residential or PRK, District
(e) A billboard with a digital display must maintain a minimum
separation distance of:
150.00 m from a billboard without a digital display
facing the same oncoming traffic;
300.00 m from a billboard with a digital display
facing the same oncoming traffic;
25.00 m from a freestanding sign without a digital
150.00 m from a freestanding sign with a digital
display, facing the same oncoming traffic;
(f) A billboard with a digital display must be self-supported.
(g) The space between the faces of a double-faced billboard
with a digital display must be enclosed.
A billboard may not be combined with any other sign
Figure 25: Billboard Sign Locations
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) District
All Districts
(b) Permit
No permit required
(c) Sign
Maximum area is 6.00 m²
Maximum height is 3.00 m
(d) Maximum number of signs per site is 2.
(e) A construction site identification sign:
must be self-supported or wall-mounted.
may only be located on site for the duration of time in which the project is being
constructed, as determined by the Development Officer.
(a) District
When located adjacent to, but not on, the
Major Roadways listed in Schedule B,
excluding Ray Gibbon Drive:
Residential (LDR, SLR, LLR, FBR, MDR, HDR)
Commercial (NC, CC, RC)
Industrial (BP1, BP2, ICS, IND)
When located adjacent to, but not on, the
Major Roadways listed in Schedule B,
excluding Ray Gibbon Drive:
Mixed-Use (MU1, MU2)
Special (FUD, TRN)
(b) Permit
For subsection #
No permit
For subsection #
Permit required
(c) Sign
Maximum area is 1.50 m²
(Maximum height is 3.00 m
(d) Setbacks
Minimum 30.50 m from a roadway / intersection
(e) Maximum number of signs per site is 1.
(f) A development directional sign must maintain a minimum separation distance of 150.00
m from another development directional sign.
(g) A development directional sign must be a self-supported sign.
(a) District
Residential (LDR, MDR, HDR, ICC Area A,
(MID Areas A and B)
Commercial (NHC, TCC, RCC, ICC Area
Industrial (BP1, BP2, ICS, IND)
Mixed-Use (DTN, MU1, MU2, MID Area
Special (PSI)
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(b) Permit
For subsection (10)(a)
No permit
For subsection (10)(b)
Permit required
(c) Sign
Maximum area is:
3.00 m² for a frontage < 30.00 m
9.00 m² for a frontage of 30.00 m to 100.00 m
18.00 m² for a frontage > 100.00 m and
minimum site area of 1.00 ha
Maximum height is:
3.00 m for a frontage < 30.00 m
3.70 m for a frontage of 30.00 m to 100.00 m
4.90 m for a frontage > 100.00 m and
minimum site area of 1.00 ha
(d) Maximum number of signs per site is 2.
(e) The frontage along which a sign is located shall be deemed the applicable frontage
length. Multiple frontages shall not be combined.
(f) A developer marketing sign must:
be a self-supported sign;
not be illuminated; and
be located upon the site that the developer marketing sign advertises.
(g) In the case of a developer marketing sign in the PSI District, the Development Officer
may specify the period of time the sign is displayed.
(a) District
Residential (LDR, MDR, HDR, ICC Area A,
MID Areas A and B)
Commercial (NHC, TCC, RCC, ICC Area B)
Industrial (BP1, BP2, ICS, IND)
Mixed-Use (DTN, MID Area C, MX)
Special (PRK, PSI, ICC Area C)
(b) Permit
Permit required
(c) Sign
Minimum length is 20.00 m
Maximum length is at the discretion of the
Development Officer
Maximum height is 2.50 m
(d) A developer marketing fence sign must:
be located on a site with more than 30.00 m of frontage.
be located along the perimeter of the site.
(e) A development permit for a developer marketing fence sign may be issued for a
maximum initial period of two (2) years. Upon application, the Development Officer may
renew a development permit for a specified time period thereafter.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) District
Residential (MDR, HDR)
Commercial (NHC, TCC, RCC)
Industrial (BP1, BP2, ICS, IND)
Mixed-Use (DTN, MU1, MU2 MID Area C)
Special (PRK, PSI)
(b) Permit
Permit required
(c) Sign
Maximum area is 3.00 m²
Maximum height is 3.00 m
(d) Setbacks
Minimum 30.50 m from a roadway intersection
(e) A directional sign must be a self-supported or wall-mounted sign.
(f) In the MID (Area C), ICC, DTN, MU1, and MU2 Districts, pedestrian-oriented directional
signage may be utilized to clearly delineate pedestrian walkways, to provide directions,
or to provide control where vehicular and pedestrian conflicts are deemed likely to occur.
(a) District
Commercial (NHC, TCC, RCC)
Industrial (ICS, IND)
Industrial (BP1, BP2)
Mixed-Use (DTN, MU1,MU2, MID Area C)
Special (PSI)
(b) Permit
For subsection (a)(i), no permit required,
provided the sign is located in a window
For subsection (a(ii), permit required, provided
the sign is located in a window
(a) District
All districts
(b) Permit
No permit required
(c) Sign
In a residential district:
maximum area is 3.00 m²
maximum height is 3.00 m
On any site adjacent to St. Albert Trail:
minimum 1.20 m x 1.20 m
(d) Setbacks
Minimum 30.50 m from a roadway intersection
(e) An election sign shall be posted:
with respect to municipal and school elections, only between 12:00 noon on nomination
day and 48 hours after the closing of polling stations; and
with respect to provincial and federal elections, only between 12:00 noon on the day
when an election writ is handed down and 48 hours after the closing of polling stations.
(f) In a residential district, an election sign must be self-supported or wall-mounted.
(g) A sign may not be posted on or within any City-owned or occupied facility, or on or within
any site upon which a City-owned facility is situated.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) District
Residential (LDR, MDR, HDR, ICC Area A, MID
Areas A and B)
Commercial (NHC, TCC, RCC, ICC Area B)
Industrial (BP1, BP2, ICS, IND)
Mixed-Use (DTN, MU1, MU2, MID Area C)
Special (PRK, PSI, ICC Area C)
(b) Permit
Permit required
(c) Sign
maximum area is 2.50 m
maximum height is 2.00 m
(d) Setbacks
Minimum setbacks are:
1.50 m from a property line
30.50 m from a roadway intersection.
(e) Maximum number of signs per vehicular access point is 2.
(f) An entry feature sign must be located at the vehicular access points to a site.
(a) District
All Non-Residential Districts
notwithstanding (a) in the MDR and HDR
Districts, for commercial uses only;
(ii) Notwithstanding (a) in the MDR and HDR
Districts, for residential uses, on-site name
and address only
Permitted *
when facing a
(b) Permit
(a) ≤ 0.50 m²
No permit
(b) > 0.50 m²
(d) Sign
Maximum 50.00 m² or 20% of a building or unit
face, whichever is less
(e) A fascia sign without a digital display must:
be limited to individual letters or shapes when the fascia sign is greater than
25.00 m
in sign area;
not extend more than 0.30 m in height above a building or parapet;
not extend more than 0.40 m outward from the supporting building’s frontage;
in the MT Area C, ICC, MU, and DT districts:
not be above the roof line, except where the sign forms part of an architectural
feature designed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer;
be similar in proportion, construction materials and placement to that of other
fascia signs located on a building’s facade;
not obscure architectural elements of the building; and
if the sign incorporates copy, such copy must be limited to the name of the
business and its logo.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(a) District
Commercial (TCC)
Industrial (ISS, IND)
(b) Permit
Permit required
(c) Sign
Maximum 50.00 m² or 20% of a building or unit
face, whichever is less
(d) A fascia sign with a digital display must:
have a minimum vertical clearance of 2.50 m from finished grade to the bottom of
the sign;
not extend more than 0.30 m in height above a building or parapet; and
not extend more than 0.40 m outward from the supporting building’s frontage;
(a) District
Commercial (NHC, TCC, RCC, ICC Area B)
Industrial (BP1, BP2, ICS, IND)
Mixed-Use (DTN, MU1, MU2, MID Area C)
Special (PRK, PSI)
Growth Areas (FUD, TRN)
(b) Permit
Permit required
(c) Sign
Maximum area is:
7.50 m² for a frontage ≤ 30.00 m
7.50 m² plus 1.20 m² for each
additional 10.00 m of frontage > 30.00 m
notwithstanding #, the maximum area is
2.50 m
in the BP1 and BP2 Districts
Maximum height is 10.00 m
Notwithstanding # the maximum height is 2.00
m in the BP1 and BP2 Districts
(d) Setbacks
Minimum setbacks are:
3.00 m from a property line
30.50 m from a roadway intersection.
(e) Maximum number of signs per site:
1 on a site measuring less than 0.50 ha.
2 on a site measuring between 0.50 ha and 1.00 ha or if the site consists (at least
partially) of a commercial building that measures at least 4,000 m² in floor area,
provided that:
the site is located in a NHC, TCC, RCC or Industrial District; and
at least 1 of the signs is a multiple tenant sign.
3 on a site measuring at least 1.00 ha or if the site consists (at least partially) of a
commercial building that measures at least 10,000 m² in floor area, provided that:
the site is located in a NHC, TCC, RCC or Industrial District; and
at least 1 of the signs is a multiple tenant sign.
(f) Minimum separation distance for a freestanding sign:
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
in a Mixed-Use, Commercial or Industrial District is 25.00 m from any other
freestanding sign or a billboard;
in the ICC District is 75.00 m from another freestanding sign or a billboard;
In the ICC District, up to 25% of the sign area of a freestanding sign (as
determined by the Development Officer) must employ changeable copy.
(a) District
Commercial (TCC)
Industrial (ICS, IND)
Special (PSI)
(b) Permit
Permit required
(c) Sign
The maximum digital display area shall not:
exceed 10.00 m² in TCC, ICS, and IND Districts
exceed 4.00 m
in the PSI District
Maximum height is:
10.00 m in the CC, ICS, and IND Districts
4.00 m in the PS District
(d) Setbacks
Minimum setbacks are:
30.50 m from a roadway intersection
3.00 m from a property line
in CC, ICS, and IND District, in a PSI District,
20.00 m from a Residential, PRK, or PSI District
(e) Maximum number of signs per site is 1.
(f) Notwithstanding subsection (e), in the TCC, ICS, or IND Districts a maximum of 2
freestanding signs with a digital display may be permitted on a site measuring at least
1.00 ha, or consisting (at least partially) of a commercial building that measures at least
10,000.00 m² in floor area, provided that at least 1 of the signs is a multiple tenant sign.
(g) Notwithstanding subsection (e), in the PSI District, a maximum of 1 freestanding sign
with a digital display may be permitted per school.
(h) A freestanding sign with a digital display must maintain a minimum separation distance of:
25.00 m from a freestanding sign without a digital display;
150.00 m from a freestanding sign with a digital display facing the same oncoming
25.00 m from a billboard without a digital display;
150.00 m from a billboard with a digital display, facing the same oncoming traffic;
(i) Subsection (e) does not apply to a digital display with copy that only displays a motor
vehicle fuel price or a drive-through menu board.
(a) District
Residential (LDR, SLR, LLR, MDR, HDR)
Mixed-Use (DT)* for Residential only
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Special (FUD, TRN)
(b) Permit
No permit required
(c) Sign
(Maximum area is 0.30 m²
Maximum height is 1.00 m
(d) Setbacks
Minimum 1.00 m from a property line
(e) Maximum number of signs per dwelling unit is 1.
(f) A lawn sign must be a self-supported sign, or attached to a balcony.
(a) District
All Districts
(b) Permit
Permit required
(c) Sign
Maximum area is 6.00 m²
Maximum height is 3.00 m
(d) A neighbourhood identification sign must:
be a self-supported sign;
in accordance with City policy, incorporate the neighbourhood name specified by
the relevant plans or bylaw.
(e) A neighbourhood identification sign may incorporate the logo of the developer.
(a) District
Commercial (NHC, TCC, CRC, ICC Area B)
Industrial (ICS, IND)
Special (PRK, PSI)
Growth Areas (FUD, TRN)
(c) Permit
Permit required
(d) Sign
Maximum area is 5.00 m²
(Maximum height is 2.50 m
(e) Setbacks
(Minimum 1.50 m from property line
(f) In the NHC, TCC, and RCC Districts, the maximum number of portable signs is:
1 sign on sites with frontages less than or equal to 30.00 m.
2 signs on sites with frontages greater than 30.00 m.
(g) A portable sign must maintain a minimum separation distance of 30.00 m from another
portable sign.
(h) No more than 1 sign per business is allowed.
(i) A development permit for a portable sign shall be valid for 90 days, 180 days, or 1 year.
(a) District
Residential (HDR)
Commercial (NHC, TCC, RCC)
Industrial (BP1, BP2, ICS, IND)
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Mixed-Use (DTN, MU1, MU2, MID Area C)
Special (PSI, FUD, TRN)
(b) Permit
Permit required
(c) Sign
Maximum area is 0.50 m²
(d) A projecting sign must:
be placed so that the distance between the nearest edge of the sign and the
building to which it is attached does not exceed 0.35 m;
provide a minimum vertical clearance of 2.50 m from finished grade to the bottom
of the sign;
have clearance from any electrical power
lines or other utilities and provide for safe
pedestrian movement or any other activities
or use underneath the projecting sign;
except for corner locations, be located at
right angles to the building facade;
complement the architecture and
coordinate with other streetscape
improvements and development;
on a one storey building, not extend more
than 0.30 m above the roof or parapet;
on a building with more than one storey, not
extend more than 0.75 m above the floor of
the second storey.
Notwithstanding (d)(vii), a projecting sign must not extend over the bottom of any
second storey windowsill.
(a) District
Commercial (NHC, TCC, RCC)
Industrial (ICS, IND)
(b) Permit
No permit required
(c) Sign
Maximum area is 2.50 m²
Maximum height is 2.00 m
(d) Setbacks
Minimum 1.50 m from a property line
(e) No more than 2 signs per 30.00 m of site frontage is allowed (up to a maximum of 4
signs per site).
(f) A promotional advertising sign shall only advertise an event, service, or product
available on the site.
(a) District
All districts
(b) Permit
No permit required
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(c) Sign
Maximum area is:
1.50 in the LDR and SLR, LLR, FBR Districts
in the MDR, HDR, Mixed-Use, and ICC Area A
A. 3.00 m²; or
B. 0.17 m² per panel for a consolidated post sign
(maximum 10 panels)
C. 3.00 m² in all other districts.
Maximum height is:
1.80 m in the LDR and SLR, LLR, FBR Districts
in the MDR, HDR, Mixed-Use, and ICC Area A
A. 3.00 m; or
B. 1.80 m for a consolidated post sign
C. 3.00 m in all other districts.
(d) Maximum number of sign per site is 2.
(e) A real estate sign:
shall be self-supported or wall-mounted;
shall only advertise the site upon which the sign is
located; and
in the LDR or SLR, LLR, FBR Districts, shall not
be illuminated.
(a) District
Commercial (TCC, RCC)
Industrial (ICS, IND)
(b) Permit
Permit required
(c) Sign
Maximum area is 8.00 m²
Maximum height is 3.00 m, provided the
combined total height of the building and
the sign does not exceed the maximum
building height allowance in the District
(d) Maximum number of signs per building is 1.
(e) A roof sign shall not overhang a building.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
A-BOARD SIGN means an A-shaped, temporary sign with no external supporting structure that is
set upon, but not attached to, the ground.
ATTENTION GETTING DEVICE means any pennant, flag, valance, propeller, spinner, streamer,
searchlight, mascot, message, ornamentation, audible component or sign not otherwise defined
under this section that is displayed in any manner for the purpose of drawing attention to a
development, business or fundraising activity. Lights or other ornamentations associated with the
holiday season, if displayed between November 15th and January 15th of the following year, shall
not be considered attention getting devices.
AWNING SIGN means a sign incorporated upon or within an awning.
BALLOON SIGN means a temporary air-inflated sign.
BANNER SIGN means a temporary sign constructed from a non-rigid fabric in a banner style which
is attached to a pole or other structure.
BILLBOARD means a sign displaying only third party advertising.
CANOPY SIGN means a sign incorporated upon or within a canopy.
COPY means the text or graphics that comprise the message on a sign face.
CHANGEABLE COPY means that portion of a sign upon which copy (excluding time, date,
temperature and fuel pricing displays) may be changed manually through the utilization of
attachable copy, or changed automatically through the electronic switching of lamp banks or
illuminated tubes.
COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN means a master plan for signage on a site for the purpose of
creating a consistent overall theme and design concept and may include several sign types.
CONSTRUCTION SITE IDENTIFICATION SIGN means a temporary sign erected on a
development site for the purpose of advertising or providing information related to the referenced
construction project and may include information on the contractor, building material supplier and
financial institution involved.
DEVELOPER MARKETING SIGN means a temporary sign promoting vacant lots, show homes, or
new developments and may include the project name, developer information, logograms,
conceptual plans or lifestyle images, but excludes construction, directional and real estate sign
DEVELOPER MARKETING FENCE SIGN means a temporary sign designed to provide continuous
visual screening of a parcel or site for the purpose of promoting current or future on-site
development and may incorporate construction, developer marketing, development directional and
real estate sign content.
DEVELOPMENT DIRECTIONAL SIGN means a temporary sign for the purpose of guiding or
directing pedestrian or vehicular traffic to new subdivisions, new development areas, or show
homes and may include the development name, developer information, logograms and directional
DIGITAL DISPLAY means a device intended to display copy using electronic screens, projection,
television, computer video monitors, liquid crystal displays (LCD), light emitting diode (LED)
displays, or any other similar electronic, computer generated, or digital technology.
DIRECTIONAL SIGN means a sign directing pedestrian or vehicular traffic, including ingress,
egress and parking signs and may include text-only copy, logograms and directional arrows.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
ELECTION SIGN means a temporary federal, provincial, municipal or school election sign or any
other temporary sign connected with the holding of an election conducted in accordance with
federal, provincial or municipal law. A sign connected with a scheduled vote of the electorate (a
process referred to by the Local Authorities Election Act, RSA 2000, c. L-21) shall be considered an
election sign.
ELECTRONIC MESSAGE SIGN means a sign or part of a sign upon which programmable or
electronic switching of changeable, text-only copy is displayed. An electronic message sign’s area
shall not exceed 0.50 m
ENTRY FEATURE SIGN means a self-supported sign which incorporates design and building
materials that accentuate the architectural theme of the on-site buildings. Entry feature signs are
limited to development name and address identification only.
FASCIA SIGN means a sign attached, etched or painted on a building. A wall mural shall not be
considered a fascia sign.
FIRST PARTY ADVERTISING means the advertising of a business, commodity, service, or
entertainment product that is conducted, sold, or offered on the site upon which the sign is located.
FLASHING SIGN means a sign that contains an intermittent or flashing light source. An electronic
message sign shall not be considered a flashing sign.
FOOTCANDLE means a unit of measure of the intensity of light falling on a surface.
FREESTANDING SIGN means a sign anchored into the ground and not attached to a building.
LAWN SIGN means a temporary sign erected or placed for the purpose of identifying an opinion or
position on a topic, cause, or political issue, but does not advertise a home-based business or
business, and excludes an election sign.
MASCOT means a person, figure or automaton dressed in costume displaying or holding signage
for the purpose of attracting attention to a business or fundraising activity.
MOTOR VEHICLE SIGN means a sign placed on, placed within, or attached to the exterior of a
motor vehicle, which sign advertises or promotes:
(a) the business for which the motor vehicle is being used; or
(b) the sale of that motor vehicle, in the form of a “for-sale” sign, provided that the motor vehicle
is parked entirely on a private residential property or entirely on the property of an approved
automotive or recreation vehicle sales establishment.
MULTIPLE TENANT ADVERTISING means when a sign advertises two or more on-site
MUNICIPAL SIGN means a sign erected or placed by or on behalf of the City;
NEIGHBOURHOOD IDENTIFICATION SIGN means a sign that displays the name of a City
PEDESTRIAN-ORIENTED means designed, scaled and located in such a way that the primary
purpose of the sign is to provide information to pedestrians and bicyclists;
PORTABLE SIGN means a temporary sign, with changeable copy, designed to be readily
PROJECTING SIGN means a sign that is attached to, supported by, and extends at least 0.50 m
outward from, a building. Neither a canopy sign nor an awning sign shall be considered a projecting
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
PROMOTIONAL ADVERTISING SIGN means a temporary sign displayed for the purpose of
advertising temporary events or activities including, but not limited to, grand openings, sales and
new or discounted products.
REAL ESTATE SIGN means a temporary sign for the purpose of advertising real estate property for
sale, lease or rent.
ROOF SIGN means a sign attached to the roof of a building or parapet of a building.
SELF-SUPPORTED means supported by one or more columns, uprights, or braces in or upon the
ground that are not attached to, and do not form part of, a building.
SIGN means an accessory device or structure erected or placed for the purpose of providing
direction or information on such things as a development, business, product, service, location,
event, message or person.
SIGN AREA means the areas of a sign that are available for copy (excluding the main support
structure). The sign area of a multiple faced sign is the area of one face.
SIGN HEIGHT means the vertical distance measured at right angles from the highest point of the
sign or sign structure to the lowest point of finished grade below.
TEMPORARY SIGN means a sign, not permanently installed or in a fixed position, placed for a
limited period of time.
THIRD PARTY ADVERTISING means the advertising of a business, commodity, service, or
entertainment product that is conducted, sold, or offered elsewhere than on the site upon which the
sign is located.
TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE means any sign, signal, marking or device placed, marked or
erected by the City for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic.
WALKWAY DECAL means a sign adhered to a travel surface that is designated for pedestrian use.
WINDOW SIGN means a sign placed on or inside a window that faces outward and is intended to
be seen from the outside.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Part 8
This section provides definitions for terms used within the Land Use Bylaw.
Please note, definitions pertaining to specific uses are HIGHLIGHTED below and signage related
definitions are located in Section 7.34 ‘Sign Definitions’.
ABATTOIR means a building where livestock is slaughtered and the meat may be cut, cured,
smoked, aged, wrapped, or frozen for distribution.
ACCESS means an area that serves as the physical connection between a site and a public roadway.
ACCESSORY means subordinate, incidental to, and exclusively devoted to a principal use or
principal building.
ADJACENT SITE means a site that is contiguous to a site which is the subject of a planning or
development application and includes land that would be contiguous if not for a public roadway,
public utility lot, public utility right-of-way, rail right-of-way, river, stream or sidewalk.
ADJOINING SITE means a site that is contiguous to another site along a common property line. An
adjoining site also includes a site that is adjacent across a rear lane, but not across a street.
AGRICULTURE (GENERAL) means the cultivation of soil for the growing of a crop or the raising of
livestock, but does not include Agriculture (Intensive).
AGRICULTURE (INTENSIVE) means a development used for the raising of livestock under
confined conditions in pens or buildings. Typical development includes a hatchery, feedlot, poultry
operation, hog barn, piggery, or insect farm.
AGRICULTURE ACCESSORY BUILDING means a building associated with an agricultural use on
the parcel which it is located that is used for the housing of livestock, the storage of farm produce or
livestock feed, or for the storage and maintenance of agricultural machinery, including a grain bin or
silo for the storage of on-farm produced crops, not including a building used for dwelling.
AGRICULTURAL SUPPORT SERVICE means a use (including an ancillary use) directly related to
supporting or servicing the onsite agricultural industry. Typical development includes an abattoir,
bottling dairy products, hay storage, dairy processing, not including Auction (Agriculture).
AMENITY AREA means an area(s) within the boundaries of a development intended for active or
passive recreation such as landscaped areas, patios, balconies and other similar items.
AMENITY AREA (COMMON) means any portion of a development that is designed for the
common usage of the owners and residents within a development. These areas may include plazas,
courtyards, recreation areas, swimming pools, tennis courts, bike storage rooms, and/or common
gathering rooms, gardens, private parks, and open spaces, including elements such as street
furnishings, hard surfacing, plantings, and architectural features to create a strong sense of
communal gathering space.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
The amenity area (common) must have convenient pedestrian connections and be universally
accessible. Maintenance of such areas including parking lots and pedestrian walkways is the
responsibility of a private entity, and is normally set forth in the form of private restrictive covenants,
which guarantee the private maintenance of these areas.
AMENITY AREA (PUBLIC) means an open space or plaza provided for the active or passive
recreation, gathering and enjoyment of the public, located and designed so as to maximize the
accessibility and use of the area by the public during the hours that the surrounding development is
open to the public. An Amenity Area (Public) shall be owned and maintained by the owners of the
development or in common. Access shall be at no cost to the public.
AMENITY AREA (PRIVATE) means a balcony, patio, deck, or other similar structure which is
attached to and has a private entrance from the interior of a dwelling unit.
ANIMAL HEALTH means a development used for the medical care, treatment, and incidental
overnight accommodation, of animals considered as domestic pets, but not livestock. Typical
development includes a veterinary clinic or animal hospital, not including Animal Service.
ANIMAL HEALTH (RURAL) means a development used for the medical care, treatment, and
incidental overnight accommodation, of animals or livestock. Typical development includes a
veterinary clinic or animal hospital, not including Animal Service.
ANIMAL SERVICE means a development primarily located within an enclosed building used for the
accommodation, boarding, breeding, grooming, impoundment, training, and sale of small domestic
animals, not including Agriculture (Intensive) or Animal Health.
ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTION means a building feature that is mounted on, and/or extends
from, the surface of an exterior building wall or facade, typically above finished grade. Examples of
architectural projections include balconies, bay windows, or cantilevered wall sections, not including
eaves or chimneys.
ART GALLERY/STUDIO means a public or private facility which is used for the production or sale
of, or as a repository of works of individual art pieces not mass produced, consisting of one or more
of the following: paintings, photographs, drawings, etchings, pottery, or sculptures.
AUCTION (AGRICULTURE) means a development used for the auctioning of livestock and
agricultural equipment, including the temporary storage of such livestock and equipment, not
including Auction (General).
AUCTION (GENERAL) means a development used for the auctioning of goods, motor vehicles and
equipment, including the temporary storage of such goods and equipment, not including Auction
AUTOMOTIVE (SALES) means a development used for the sale of a motor vehicle, recreation
vehicle, or recreation equipment and may include a service component. Typical development
includes a car or motorcycle dealership, not including Automotive (Service), Automotive (Specialty),
or Heavy Vehicle and Equipment (Sales and Service).
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
AUTOMOTIVE (SERVICE) means a development used for the service and repair of a motor
vehicle, recreation vehicle, or recreation equipment or their components. Typical development
includes paint and collision repair, and service shops, not including Automotive (Sales), Automotive
(Specialty), or Heavy Vehicle and Equipment (Sales and Service).
AUTOMOTIVE (SPECIALITY) means a development used for the sale and installation of accessory
components for a motor vehicle, recreation vehicle, or recreation equipment. Typical development
includes vehicle wrap, window tint, decal shop, audio or visual equipment, not including Automotive
(Sales), Automotive (Service), or Heavy Vehicle and Equipment (Sales and Service).
AUTOMOTIVE WRECKER means a development used for the storing, junking, dismantling, sale,
or wrecking of 3 or more motor vehicles, not in running condition, or parts of them. Typical
development includes a salvage yard, or automotive recycler.
AWNING means a light, detachable, roof-like structure covered by fabric or other flexible material
supported from a building by a fixed or retractable frame, without a supporting structure.
BALCONY means an above-grade exterior platform projecting from a wall and located adjacent to a
BASEMENT means the lowest floor level of a building, located wholly or partly below the finished grade.
BARE LAND CONDOMINIUM UNIT means a bare land unit as defined in the Condominium
Property Act, RSA 2000, c. C-22.
BARRIER-FREE ACCESS means that a development, or parts thereof as specified in this Bylaw,
can be used by persons with physical disabilities.
BED AND BREAKFAST means a development that forms an accessory use to a dwelling (single-
detached); dwelling (semi-detached); or dwelling (duplex); and provides temporary sleeping
accommodation and meals to visitors. The development must be operated by a permanent resident
of the dwelling unit. This is considered a Home-Based Business (Level Two). This use does not
include a Boarding House or Short-Term Rental.
BEDROOM means a private room planned and intended for sleeping.
BERM means an elongated mound of earth a minimum of 1 m in height above the adjoining
average finished grade designed to provide screening or noise attenuation within a development or
between adjoining developments.
BICYCLE PARKING means the provision of space and facilities to temporarily park bicycles that
does not impede pedestrian or vehicle traffic.
BOARDING HOUSE means a commercial endeavour or development located within a dwelling
unit, or any part thereof, where the commercial activity is to provide seven or more individuals with
shared access to any of the following on a fee-for-service basis:
(a) washroom facilities;
(b) sleeping accommodations; and
(c) cooking or eating facilities.
Typical development includes rooming houses, not including a Bed and Breakfast, or Short-Term
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
BREEZEWAY means, a roofed structure that connects two buildings, that provides pedestrian
access only.
BROADCASTING STUDIO means a development used for the production or broadcast of audio or
visual programming, including radio, music, television, and movie programs.
BUILDING includes anything constructed or placed on, in, over or under land, but does not include
a highway or road or a bridge that forms part of a highway or road.
BUILDING ENVELOPE means the three-dimensional space within which a building can be
BUILDING FRONTAGE means a wall or fade on the exterior of a building which faces a public
roadway, other than a lane.
BUILDING MASS means the height, width and depth of a building.
BUILDING RECESS means a recessed area at finished grade that is created by an overhanging
upper part of a building at the building frontage or by setting a portion of a building back from the
front property line.
BUILD-TO LINE means the line at which construction of a building frontage is to occur on a lot. A
build-to-line runs parallel to, and is measured from, the front property line and is established to
create an even building façade on a street.
BULK FUEL SALES DEPOT means a development used for the bulk storage, distribution, and sale
of petroleum products and may include card lock sales.
BULK OIL AND CHEMICAL STORAGE means a development where refined or crude oil or liquid
or solid chemical is stored outdoors.
BYLAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER means an individual appointed as such in accordance with
Bylaw 21/2003, the Bylaw Enforcement Officer Bylaw, as amended.
CAMPGROUND means a development used to provide outdoor spaces to the public for temporary
accommodation in tents or recreation vehicles. For the purposes of this definition, a recreation
vehicle is considered to be an accessory building when utilized for the purpose of a dwelling for
security and maintenance of the campground.
CANNABIS has the meaning given to it in the Cannabis Act, as amended.
federally approved medical or non-medical (recreational) cannabis plants are grown, processed,
packaged, tested, destroyed, stored, or loaded for shipping that meets all federal or provincial
requirements and all requirements of this bylaw.
for a cannabis production facility with a cultivation area with a plant canopy area of less than 200 ,
or as otherwise defined by the Federal Cannabis Regulations SOR/2018-144, as amended.
CANOPY (ATTACHED) means a fixed structure that provides overhead shelter comprised of a roof
and supporting structure that are attached to and extend from a building and includes a theatre
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
CANOPY (FREESTANDING) means a fixed structure made of rigid materials that provides
overhead shelter and comprised of a roof and supporting posts and is not attached to any other
CANTILEVERED WALL SECTION means a projection of part of an exterior wall of a building not
supported by a foundation wall for the purpose of accommodating a bow or bay window, shelving
units, closets, a fireplace, or a portion of a room.
CARPORT means a roof structure, with a minimum 40% of its perimeter open and unobstructed,
used to provide overhead shelter for a motor vehicle.
CAR WASH means a development used for the cleaning of motor vehicles.
CATERING SERVICE means a development where foods and beverages, to be served off the
premises, are prepared for sale to the public.
CEMETERY means a development where the entombment of the deceased occurs and may
include such facilities as a columbarium, mausoleum, memorial park or garden, or internment
CHEMICAL PROCESSING means a development used for processing and any related storing or
warehousing of chemicals and petrochemicals. Typical development includes manufacturing of
chemical products and tank farms.
CITY means the City of St. Albert.
COMMUNITY GARDEN means an area on a whole site, or part of a site where flowers, vegetables,
or fruit are cultivated for consumption, or distribution on a not-for-profit basis.
CONFERENCE AND BANQUET FACILITY means a development that provides auditorium,
banquet, exhibition, gymnasium, meeting, or seminar facilities. This use does not include
Establishment (Gaming).
COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE means a document that may be issued by the Development Officer
indicating that a building, as shown on documentation provided to the City, is located in accordance
with the building setback requirements in this Bylaw at the time the certificate is issued or in
compliance with the yard or building setbacks specified in any development permit which may have
been issued.
CONCEPTUAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN means a site plan for the area. The overall conceptual
site development plan, considered to be non-binding, must identify the proposed building types and
locations, development phasing, parks, amenity areas, and vehicular, and pedestrian routes.
CONSTRUCTION SERVICE means a development used to provide landscaping, electrical,
plumbing, heating, painting, woodworking or similar contractor services to households or to general
contractors This use does not include Equipment Rental.
CORNER LOT means a lot located at the intersection of two or more public roadways, with the
exception of the intersection of a street and a rear lane.
COUNCIL means the Council of the City of St. Albert.
and design of environments to encourage desirable behaviour and functionality, and decrease
undesirable behaviour and criminal actions.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
CREMATORIUM means a development with one or more chambers used for the reduction of the
deceased. This use does not include Cemetery or Funeral Home.
CUL-DE-SAC means a public roadway built to City standards, other than a lane, that has one point of
ingress and egress and terminates in one or more bulbs. A cul-de-sac is a type of non-through street.
DIGITAL MINING FACILITY means a building, dedicated space within a building, or a group of
buildings used to house computer systems and associated infrastructure and components for the
digital transactions required for processing data. This includes, but is not limited to, digital currency
processing, non-fungible tokens, and blockchain transactions.
DAY CARE FACILITY means a development used to provide care and supervision to seven or
more children or adults. Typical development includes a day care centre, preschool, kindergarten,
and adult support programs.
DANGEROUS OR HAZARDOUS GOODS means a product, substance or organism listed in the
Dangerous Goods Transportation and Handling Act, and by the Major Industrial Accidents Council
of Canada (MIACC), as amended.
DECK means a raised platform, normally attached to a dwelling unit, which projects beyond the
principal building including balconies.
DECK (COVERED) means a deck that has a roof over it and has more than 50% of its perimeter
open to the outside.
DECK (ENCLOSED) means a deck that has a roof over it and has less than 50% of its perimeter
open to the outside.
DENSITY means the number of dwelling units and live work units on a parcel, expressed in units
per hectare, or in unites per parcel, not including secondary suites.
DENSITY REQUIREMENT means the density target set for a parcel by the Area Structure Plan
(ASP), Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP), Neighbourhood Plan, or Concept Plan, which may be
comprised of residential, commercial, mixed-use development, or any combination thereof.
DESIGNATED FLOOD LINE means the observed and calculated elevation for the 1:100 year flood
elevation along the Sturgeon River, Big Lake, and Carrot Creek as indicated on the Land Use Map.
DESIGNATED OFFICER means an individual who may carry out the powers, duties, and functions
delegated to them by the Chief Administrative Officer of the City of St. Albert in accordance with the
Chief Administrative Officer Bylaw 13/2002, as amended. This includes a Development Officer, or a
Bylaw Enforcement Officer.
(a) an excavation or stockpile and the creation of either of them;
(b) a building or an addition to, or replacement or repair of a building and the construction or
placing in, on, over or under land of any of them;
(c) a change of use of land or a building or any act done in relation to land or a building that
results in or is likely to result in a change in the use of the land or building; and
(d) a change in the intensity of use of land or a building or any act done in relation to land or a
building that results in or is likely to result in a change in the intensity of use of the land or
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT means an agreement between a developer or property owner and
the City that defines the terms and conditions under which a development must be carried out.
DEVELOPMENT OFFICER means the Director of Planning and Development, or an individual
appointed to the office of Development Officer in accordance with this Bylaw.
DEVELOPMENT PERMIT means the document issued by a Development Officer, or by Council in
a Direct Control District, under this Bylaw or any previous Land Use Bylaw and includes any plans
or conditions of approval.
DIRECT LIGHTING means artificial illumination focused on and limited to a specific area on the site
for which the lighting is provided.
DRIVEWAY means a privately owned, hard surfaced access that connects on-site parking areas to
the public roadway.
DRIVE-THROUGH means a development, or part of a development, designed to serve customers
remaining in their vehicles.
DUGOUT means an excavation of earth, rock, concrete or other material designed to retain water
for household, landscaping, stormwater management or general agricultural uses, including a
borrow pit but not including a lagoon for wastewater.
DWELLING OR DWELLING UNIT means a self-contained residence comprising cooking,
washroom, living, and sleeping facilities with a separate private entrance from the exterior of a
building or from a common hall, lobby or stairway inside a building, but does not include any part of
a hospital, hotel, motel or recreation vehicle.
DWELLING (APARTMENT) means a building containing 3 or more principal dwelling units with a
common entrance from the exterior.
DWELLING (BACHELOR SUITE) means a dwelling unit in which all of the cooking, living, and
sleeping areas are combined in a single room.
DWELLING (DUPLEX) means a single building on a single lot containing two dwelling units, each
having a separate direct entrance from the exterior, with one or more habitable rooms above
finished grade. This use does not include Dwelling (Semi-Detached).
DWELLING (MANUFACTURED HOME) means a dwelling that is manufactured to be moved from
one point to another, and which provides year-round residential accommodation and meets the
requirements for a residence under the Canadian Standards Association.
DWELLING (SECONDARY) means a secondary dwelling on a parcel, be it a Dwelling (Single-
Detached) or Dwelling (Manufactured). This use does not include Farm Help Accommodation or a
secondary suite.
DWELLING (SEMI-DETACHED) means a single building containing two side-by-side dwelling units
each with its own title and direct connection to finished grade and separated from each other by a
party wall extending from foundation to roof, which is designed and constructed as two dwellings at
the time of initial construction of the building. This use does not include Dwelling (Duplex).
DWELLING (SINGLE DETACHED) means a building comprised of one dwelling unit on a site
separated by open space from any development on an adjoining site. This does not include a
Dwelling (Manufactured Home).
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
DWELLING (TOWNHOUSE) means a building comprised of 3 or more dwelling units, where each
unit has a separate, direct entrance from the exterior, and includes plexes, back-to-back
townhouses, stacked townhouses, and street-oriented townhouses.
DWELLING (TOWNHOUSE SINGLE) means a building comprised of three or more dwelling units
where each dwelling unit is on its own titled parcel, where each unit has a separate, direct entrance
from the exterior.
DWELLING (TOWNHOUSE PLEX) means a development comprised of a single building,
containing three to four dwelling units all on a single titled parcel, where each unit has a separate,
direct entrance from the exterior.
DWELLING (TOWNHOUSE COMPLEX) means a development comprised of more than one
building, each containing three or more dwelling units, all on a single titled parcel, where each unit
has a separate, direct entrance from the exterior.
DWELLING (TOWNHOUSE HYBRID) means a mixed development form which may include a
combination of townhouse single, townhouse plex, or townhouse complex. This may also
include a development with townhousing or stacked townhousing on the same parcel as a dwelling
(apartment) or dwelling unit above a non-residential use.
DWELLING UNIT ABOVE A NON-RESIDENTIAL USE means a dwelling unit, located in a mixed-
use building, which is located above any non-residential use.
EQUESTRIAN FACILITY means a facility used for the training of riders or horses and
may include the boarding of horses.
ESTABLISHED NEIGHBOURHOOD means those neighbourhoods identified in Figure 30.
EQUIPMENT RENTAL means a development used to rent household equipment or light machinery
to the public. This use does not include Fleet Service.
EQUIPMENT SERVICE means a development that provides repair services for
household goods, equipment, and appliances. Typical uses include radio, television and appliance
repair shops, and furniture refinishing and upholstery shops.
ESTABLISHMENT (ADULT) means a development where access to potentially controversial
services is limited to adults. Typical development include adult entertainment and adult services.
ESTABLISHMENT (BREW PUB) means a development where food and beverages are prepared
and served for consumption by the public and alcoholic beverages, excluding spirits, are brewed on
the premises as an accessory use. This use may include accessory retail sales, on or off the
premises. This use does not include Establishment (Drinking) or Establishment (Restaurant).
ESTABLISHMENT (DRINKING) means a development licensed to serve alcoholic beverages for
consumption on the premises and may include up to 10 video lottery terminals as an accessory use.
This use does not include Establishment (Brew Pub) or Establishment (Restaurant).
ESTABLISHMENT (ENTERTAINMENT) means a development where live performances or motion
pictures are shown. Typical development includes a cinema, theatre or music hall, not including
Establishment (Adult).
ESTABLISHMENT (GAMING) means a development that provides patrons the opportunity to
engage in games of chance and skill. Typical development includes casinos, and bingo halls.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
ESTABLISHMENT (RESTAURANT) means a development where food and beverages are
prepared and served for consumption by the public. Typical development includes restaurants, fast
food restaurants, and takeout restaurants, not including Establishment (Brew Pub) or Establishment
EVENT VENUE (RURAL) means an accessory use to the principal use that brings additional
visitors and guests to an agricultural parcel for an assembly or event. This use may include the
provision of facilities to enable entertainment and/or the preparation of food and beverage services.
This use does not include Bed and Breakfast, Conference and Banquet Facility, Exhibition Grounds,
Campground, or Home-Based Business.
EXHIBITION GROUNDS means an outdoor facility used to host public events including rodeos,
horse shows, and exhibitions, and any accessory structure used for spectator seating or viewing.
FADE means the exterior outward face of the building.
FAMILY DAY HOME an accessory development within a dwelling unit, or part thereof, used to
provide care and supervision, to more than four but less than seven children or adults, not including
any children who are otherwise permanent residents of the dwelling unit. A family day home is
considered a Home-Based Business (Level Two).
FARM HELP ACCOMMODATION means a temporary housing development that may include a
maximum of four buildings, grouped together on a site, where the occupants are persons that are an
integral part of an agricultural operation, an intensive agriculture use or an equestrian facility that is
located on the same site. This use does not include a Boarding House, Dwelling (Secondary) or
secondary suite.
FARMSTEAD means the developed portion of an agricultural parcel which includes a dwelling and
improvements related to the raising or production of crops or livestock. A farmstead may include
accessory buildings, accessory agricultural buildings, and shelterbelts.
FENCE means a vertical physical barrier constructed to provide visual screening or to enclose a lot,
parcel, or site.
FENESTRATION means the design and disposition of doors, windows and other exterior openings
of a building.
FLEET SERVICE means a development from which 3 or more motor vehicles are operated for the
transportation of passengers or goods.
FINISHED GRADE means the elevation of the ground upon placement of soil and sod above the
rough grade, or as may be identified on plot plans.
FREEBOARD ELEVATION means a specified elevation above which all building openings must be
FRONTAGE means the property line of a site along any public roadway except a lane.
FUNERAL HOME means a development used for the arrangement of funerals or holding of funeral
services and may include the preparation of the deceased for burial or cremation. This use does not
include a Religious Assembly.
GARAGE means a building that provides parking for motor vehicles, is enclosed on all sides, and
may either be attached to or detached from the principal building.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
GARAGE SALE means an accessory development involving the sale of goods from a
garage or yard in a residential district.
GLAZED AREA means the portion of a building facade comprised of windows and transparent doors.
GOVERNMENT SERVICE means a development where municipal, provincial, or federal
government services are provided directly to the public or the community at large, and includes
development required for the public protection of persons or property. Typical development includes
a police station, fire station, courthouse, post office, transit service, public museum, library, or
schoolboard or social services office.
GRADING means any land disturbance, excavation or fill, or any combination thereof and shall
include the conditions resulting from any land disturbance, excavation or fill.
GROUP HOME means a development consisting of the use of a residential dwelling for congregate
care and supervision. A group home is intended to provide room and board for from 1 to no greater
than 6 residents, exclusive of staff, requiring specialized or personal care, guidance, or supervision.
The residential character of the development shall be primary, with the occupants living together as
a single housekeeping group, and using cooking facilities shared in common.
GREENHOUSE AND PLANT NURSERY means a development used for the growing, storage and
sale of vegetables or landscaping plants, either in a greenhouse or garden, and for the storage and
sale of related gardening goods and equipment.
GROSS FLOOR AREA means the total area of all floors of a building, located totally or partially
above finished grade and the total area of all mechanical equipment areas. The area comprising the
gross floor area must be enclosed, or have a roof over the area, but does not require interior
finishing. Gross floor area shall be measured:
(a) to the outside surface of the exterior walls; or
(b) where buildings are separated by firewalls, to the centre line of the common firewalls.
GROSS SITE AREA means the total area of a lot, parcel, or site, including any area dedicated to an
easement or right-of-way, as shown on a plan of subdivision registered in the land titles office.
GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT means the aggregate weight of a vehicle and the load which the
vehicle is permitted to carry on highways and public roadways in Alberta.
GROUND COVER means low-profile vegetation commonly used for landscaping and includes
herbaceous perennials and flowers, but does not include grass.
HABITABLE ROOM means a bedroom, dining room, family room or living room.
HARD SURFACED means the provision of durable, dust-free material constructed and maintained
to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with the Engineering Department.
Typical materials include concrete, asphalt, interlocking pavers, or similar material. For vehicular
parking, including parking pads, driveways, and parking lots, materials must be capable of
withstanding expected vehicle loads.
HEALTH SERVICE means a development used for the provision of physical and mental out-patient
health care and social or counseling services. Services may be of a preventative, diagnostic,
treatment, therapeutic, rehabilitative, or counseling nature. Typical development includes medical
and dental offices, health and physiotherapy clinics, or massage therapy.
HIGHWAY is as defined in the Traffic Safety Act RSA 2000, c.T-6, as amended
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
HISTORIC RESOURCE means a structure, building, group of buildings, district, landscape,
archaeological site, or other place that has been formally recognized by the City, provincial, and/or
federal government for its heritage value.
HEAVY VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT (SALES AND SERVICE) means a development used for the
sale, service, and rental of heavy vehicles, machinery, or mechanical equipment and may include
vehicles and equipment used for farming, construction, or oilfield operations. This use does not
include Automotive (Sales), Automotive (Service), or Automotive (Speciality).
HOME-BASED BUSINESS (LEVEL ONE) means an accessory development contained within 1
room in a dwelling unit, or an accessory building, for a business that involves office functions only,
and is operated by a permanent resident of the dwelling unit.
HOME-BASED BUSINESS (LEVEL TWO) means an accessory development in a dwelling unit, or
an accessory building, for a business that is operated by a permanent resident of the dwelling unit,
and may include one employee who does not reside on the property. Bed and Breakfast and Family
Day Home are types of Home-Based Business (Two). This use does not include Animal Service with
the exception of pet grooming, Automotive (Service), Automotive Specialty, or Fleet Service, or a dry
HOME-BASED BUSINESS (LEVEL THREE) means an accessory development in a dwelling unit or
an accessory building for a business, which may have two employees who do not reside on the
property, and limited outdoor storage. Typical activity includes contractor services, landscape
supplies, commercial vehicles parking, automotive and auto body repair, and on-site light fabrication.
HOSPITAL means an institutional development used to provide in-patient and out-patient health
care to the public. Typical development includes a community health centre, hospital, palliative care,
long term care, auxiliary hospital, mental health facility, detoxification, or addictions treatment.
HOTEL means a commercial development used to provide temporary sleeping accommodation to
the public, and which may also contain a restaurant, drinking establishment, or conference and
banquet facility. Typical development includes a hotel, hostel, or motel.
ILLUMINATION means lighting by artificial means.
INDUSTRIAL (LEVEL ONE) means a development used for manufacturing, product testing, and
warehousing where any actual or potential nuisance factor generated by the development is
contained within an enclosed building. This use does not include Bulk Oil and Chemical Storage and
Chemical Processing.
INDUSTRIAL (LEVEL TWO) means a development where any actual or potential nuisance factor
generated by the development is contained within the boundaries of the site, which may include
processing of raw (transported to the site), semi, or finished material, assembling goods, cleaning,
servicing, and repairing of goods and equipment, warehousing and distribution and training of
personnel in general industrial operations. This use does not include the removal and extraction of
raw materials, Automotive Wrecker or Chemical Processing.
INDUSTRIAL (LEVEL THREE) means a development where any actual or potential nuisance factor
generated by the development extends beyond the boundaries of the site and may have significant
impact on the land and neighbouring parcels. This use does not include the removal and extraction
of raw materials, refineries, or upgraders, or Automotive Wrecker.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
INFILL DEVELOPMENT means the process of developing vacant or underused parcels, or
redeveloping existing or underused structures.
INTERIOR LOT means any lot other than a corner lot.
LANDSCAPE BUFFER means a landscaped area with dense landscaping intended to separate
and screen adjacent differing land uses.
LANDSCAPED AREA means that portion of a site which is required to be landscaped.
LANDSCAPING means preserving, enhancing or incorporating vegetative and other materials in a
development and includes combining new or existing vegetative materials with architectural
elements, existing site features or other development features including fences or walls.
LAND USE DISTRICT means an area of the City established as a land use district by this Bylaw.
LAND USE MAP means the Land Use Map
LANE means an alley as defined in the Traffic Safety Act.
LIVE/WORK UNIT means a unit designed to be used concurrently as a dwelling unit and as a
commercial use.
LIVESTOCK includes horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, llamas, ostriches, bison, roosters, turkeys,
ducks, geese, pigeons, foxes, mink, rabbits, skunks, insects, and all other animals, fowl, and birds
whether of a domestic nature or wild, but does not include dogs, cats or other domesticated
household pets ordinarily kept within the confines of a dwelling house, and does not include hens
that are kept pursuant to a valid and subsisting Hen Licence issued under the Hen Bylaw, as
amended, or bees that are kept pursuant to a valid and subsisting Urban Beekeeping License
issued under the Urban Beekeeping Bylaw, as amended
LOADING DOOR means a door used in connection with a loading space.
LOADING SPACE means a space that accommodates a vehicle while it is being loaded or unloaded.
LODGER means someone who pays for a place to sleep, and usually for meals, in someone else's
LOT means:
(a) a quarter section.
(b) a river lot as shown on an official plan, as defined in the Surveys Act, RSA 2000, c. S-26,
that is filed or lodged in a land titles
(c) a settlement lot shown on an official plan, as defined in the Surveys Act, RSA 2000, c. S-26,
that is filed or lodged in a land titles
(d) a part of a parcel described in a certificate of title if the boundaries of the part are described
in the certificate of title other than by reference to a legal subdivision.
(e) a part of a parcel described in a certificate of title if the boundaries of the part are described
in a certificate of title by reference to a plan of subdivision.
(f) for the purpose of this bylaw, the words ‘parcel’ and ‘lotare used interchangeably.
LOT AREA means the area of a lot including any area dedicated to an easement or a right-of-way
as shown on a plan of subdivision or described in a certified copy of a certificate of title.
LOT COVERAGE means percentage of lot area covered by buildings.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
LOT DEPTH means the distance between the front and rear property lines of the lot as measured
perpendicularly or radially from the mid-point of the front property line to the mid-point of the rear
property line of the lot.
LOT FRONTAGE means the width of a lot, parcel, or site at the front property line adjoining a public
LOT WIDTH means the distance between the side property lines as measured along the minimum
front yard building setback, unless otherwise specified in this Bylaw.
MAXIMUM WORKING SHIFT means the time period that the greatest number of employees are
required to be present at the development.
MIXED-USE BUILDING means the development of a building or structure with a variety of
complementary and integrated uses, which includes a residential component, and a non-residential
component, in a compact, urban form. The non-residential component may include, but is not limited
to, office, retail, government service, restaurant, or entertainment in a compact urban form.
MULTI-TENANT means three or more non-residential units separated by partition walls that
separate one tenant’s space from another or from the building’s common area such as a public
corridor, as shown on a submitted floor plan.
MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ACT (MGA) means the Municipal Government Act, RSA 2000, c. M-26.
MUNICIPAL VIOLATION TAG means a City-issued notice or ticket that alleges a Bylaw offence, and
provides a person with the opportunity to pay an amount to the City in lieu of prosecution for the offence.
NATURAL AREA means land or water identified as environmentally sensitive, that require
protection and stewardship. Examples include, but are not limited to, wetlands, watercourses,
ravines, forests, meadows, grasslands, and riparian areas.
NET FLOOR AREA means the gross floor area of a building, less the area of stairways, elevators,
mechanical floors or rooms, vertical service shafts, common corridors, lobbies, public washrooms,
internal garbage storage and internal vehicular areas.
NON-THROUGH STREET means a public roadway built to City standards, other than a lane, that
has one permanent point of ingress and egress. This includes, but is not limited to, cul-de-sacs, or
any road design with one access point and spine, and one or more bulbs or dead ends. See Figure
26 for examples of typical non-through street designs.
Figure 26: Example of Typical Non-Through Street Designs
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
OFF-SITE means a location other than the site which is the subject of a development.
ON-SITE means a location on the site which is the subject of a development.
OUTDOOR DISPLAY AREA means an outdoor area forming part of a development used to exhibit
or show motor vehicles, recreation vehicles, equipment, goods, materials, or products.
OUTDOOR STORAGE means an outdoor area forming part of a development used for the storage
of equipment, goods, materials, motor vehicles, recreation vehicles, or products. This use does not
include any storage facility use.
OVERLAY DISTRICT means an identified area where additional regulations and/or requirements
are imposed or supersede the underlying land use district(s) to which it is applied. The overlay area
cannot change the permitted and discretionary uses.
PARK means land that is intended to be used by the public for active and passive recreation, or
general enjoyment.
PARKING means leaving a motor vehicle temporarily on a lot, parcel or site.
PARKING LOT means a development or part thereof which provides for the access, maneuvering
and parking of motor vehicles.
PARKING PAD means a hard surfaced area intended to accommodate the required on-site
parking, but does not include a driveway.
PARKING STRUCTURE means a building or portion thereof, used for the parking of motor vehicles.
PARKING STRUCTURE, UNDERGROUND means a building or portion thereof, used for the parking
of motor vehicles, where the majority of the parking structure is contained below finished grade.
PATIO means an at grade concrete slab or other hard surface that adjoins a dwelling unit for the
purpose of outdoor gathering.
PEACE OFFICER is as defined in the Provincial Offences Procedures Act RSA 2000, c.P-34.
PEDESTRIAN-ORIENTED means a development designed, scaled, and located to provide priority
to pedestrians and non-motorized modes of travel.
PERSONAL SERVICE means a development used to provide services related to the care and
appearance of an individual, including the cleaning and repair of clothing, but does not include
Health Service. Typical development includes dry cleaner, hair salon, tanning salon, laundromat,
tailor, shoe repair, and aesthetician services.
PLAZA means a flexible open space that provides opportunity for community gathering, events, and
social interactions.
PRINCIPAL BUILDING means a building that accommodates the principal use of a site.
PRINCIPAL USE means the primary or main purpose for which a building or land is used.
PRIVATE POOL OR POND means any private swimming pool, decorative pond, or hot tub,
whether above or below the ground.
PRIVATE PROPERTY means property that is not defined hereunder as public property.
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
PRIVATE ROADWAY means a common property pursuant to the Condominium Property Act, RSA
2000, c. C-22, created for the purpose of vehicular access and circulation, designed to a standard
acceptable to the Development Officer or Subdivision Authority.
PROFESSIONAL OFFICE means an office use providing professional services. Typical
development includes offices providing accounting, architectural, employment, engineering,
insurance, investment, legal, real estate, planning, secretarial, broadcasting studios and travel agent
services. This use does not include Health Service or Government Service.
PROPERTY LINE means a line of record bounding a lot that divides one lot from another lot or from
a public roadway or any other public space.
PROPERTY LINE, COMMON means the shared property line between dwelling (semi-detached) or
dwelling (townhouse) units.
PROVINCIAL VIOLATION TICKET means a "violation ticket" as defined in the Provincial Offences
Procedures Act RSA 2000, c.P 34.
PUBLIC MARKET means a temporary market set up indoors or outdoors comprising a variety of
small scale and local vendors.
PUBLIC PROPERTY means, except for highways, any property owned, held or controlled by the
City or other public authority.
PUBLIC ROADWAY means the right-of-way, or registered road allowance, of the following:
(a) a local road,
(b) a service road,
(c) a street,
(d) an avenue,
(e) a lane,
(f) an alley, or
(g) an undeveloped registered road plan that is publicly used or intended for public use.
PUBLIC UTILITY means a system or works used to provide one or more of the following for public
consumption, benefit, convenience or use:
(a) water or steam,
(b) sewage disposal,
(c) telecommunications,
(d) irrigation,
(e) drainage,
(f) fuel,
(g) electric power,
(h) heat,
(i) waste management, or
(j) residential and commercial street lighting,
and includes the thing that is provided for public consumption, benefit, convenience or use.
PUBLIC UTILITY BUILDING means a development in which the owner or operator of a public utility
maintains or houses any operation in connection with the distribution of a public utility, but does not
include any development for the production of electric power, or gas, whether natural or artificial.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
RADIO ANTENNA means a device, such as s radio antennas used for commercial fleet dispatch,
and ham (or hobby) radio antennas and its support structures designed to receive and transmit
radio waves for limited commercial uses and non-commercial uses, including commercial fleet
services, or amateur radio operators.
REAL PROPERTY REPORT means a document showing building location and other site data
prepared by a Registered Alberta Land Surveyor according to the standards of the Alberta Land
Surveyors Association.
RECREATION (INDOOR) means a development used for sports or recreation within an enclosed
building. Typical development includes health and fitness club, swimming pool, amusement arcade, and
athletic field, rink, or court, not including Conference and Banquet Facility or Establishment (Gaming).
RECREATION (OUTDOOR) means a development used for outdoor sports or recreation. Typical
development includes a picnic area, playground, pedestrian and bicycle trail, boating facility,
swimming pool, spray park, golf course, and athletic field, rink, or court.
RECREATION EQUIPMENT means a utility trailer, boat, boat trailer, all-terrain vehicle, snowmobile,
but not a recreation vehicle.
RECREATION VEHICLE means a portable structure with seating and sleeping capacity to provide
temporary living accommodation that is either carried on or pulled by another vehicle, or transported
under its own power.
RECESSED ARCADE means a pedestrian area created by an overhanging part of a building that is
supported by columns.
RECYCLING DEPOT means a development for collecting, sorting, and temporarily storing
recyclable materials including bottles, cans, paper, boxes, and small household goods, not including
Automotive Wrecker.
RELIGIOUS ASSEMBLY means a development used for worship and related religious,
philanthropic or social activities and includes accessory rectories, manses, meeting rooms, food
preparation and service facilities, and other buildings. Typical uses include churches, chapels,
mosques, temples, synagogues, parish halls, convents or monasteries.
RELOCATABLE BUILDING means a building that is designed to be relocated from site to site, but
is not used for residential purposes.
RENEWABLE ENERGY FACILITY means a development that generates and stores energy from a
source that is naturally occurring, and replenishes after use, for commercial distribution. Sources of
renewable energy include wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, and biomass. This use does not include
nuclear power generation.
RESIDENTIAL SALES CENTRE means a dwelling unit or temporary building that is used to exhibit
dwelling units for sale, rent, or raffle. Typical uses include show or raffle homes.
RETAIL (ADULT) means a development for the retail sale of potentially controversial goods which
are limited to adults, not including Retail (Cannabis), Retail (General), or Establishment (Adult).
RETAIL (CANNABIS) means a development used for the retail sale of cannabis that is authorized
by provincial or federal legislation. This use does not include Cannabis Production and Distribution
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
RETAIL (GENERAL) means a development for the retail sale of a wide range of consumer goods
and services with a floor area less than 4000 sq. m, but does not include Retail (Warehouse).
Typical development includes a grocery store, variety store, clothing store, sporting goods store,
furniture store, jewelry store, financial institution, pharmacy, or liquor store.
RETAIL (WAREHOUSE) means a development for the wholesale or retail sale of goods with a
gross floor area of 4000 sq. m or greater. Typical development includes a large grocery store, big
box store, or home improvement store.
RETAINING WALL means a structure which supports and contains the ground on a site.
ROUGH GRADE means the elevation of ground existing at completion of grading, but prior to the
placement of soil and sod.
SCHOOL (COMMERCIAL) means a commercial development used for training and instruction in a
trade, skill or service. Typical development includes trade, secretarial, business, hairdressing, driver
training, music or academic tutoring schools, not including School (Elementary or Secondary), or
School (Post-Secondary).
SCHOOL (ELEMENTARY OR SECONDARY) means a public or private development used for
elementary or secondary education, or both, and includes its administrative offices on the same site.
This use does not include School (Post-Secondary), School (Commercial), or Day Care Facility.
SCHOOL (POST-SECONDARY) means a public or private development offering education or
instruction to individuals beyond a secondary school. Typical development includes colleges and
universities, not including School (Commercial).
SCREENING means the total or partial concealment of a development by a fence, wall, berm,
landscaping, or combination thereof. Such screening is intended to be sight-obscuring, and mitigate
any visual nuisance of the development.
SECOND PUBLIC ACCESS means a public roadway built to City standards, other than a lane, that
is connected to a public roadway, other than a lane.
SELF SUPPORTED means supported by one or more columns, uprights, or braces in or upon the
ground that are not attached to, and do not form part of, a building.
SEPARATION DISTANCE means an open space around dwellings separating
them from
buildings or activities, and providing daylight, ventilation, and privacy. Separation distance is not a
front yard building setback, side yard building setback or rear yard building setback as defined herein.
SERVICE LANE means a building access route for motor vehicles found at the rear or side of a
SERVICE STATION means a development used for the sale of gasoline, lubricating oils and other
automotive fluids and incidental goods.
SECONDARY SUITE means an accessory secondary dwelling unit that is located within, attached
to, or separate from a principal dwelling unit. A secondary suite contains cooking, washroom, living,
and sleeping facilities separate from those of the principal dwelling. A secondary suite, in any form,
cannot be subdivided from the principal dwelling so as to create a separate legal title for the
secondary suite.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
SECONDARY SUITE (INTERNAL) means an accessory secondary dwelling unit that is located
within a dwelling (single-detached), dwelling (semi-detached), or dwelling (duplex). A secondary
suite includes the development or conversion of basement space, or where all, or a portion of the
suite is located at, or above grade. This use does not include a Secondary Suite (Garage) or
Secondary Suite (Garden).
SECONDARY SUITE (GARAGE) means an accessory secondary dwelling unit that is located
above a detached garage, and has an entrance separate from the vehicle entrance to the garage. A
secondary suite (garage) is only allowed in conjunction with a dwelling (single-detached), dwelling
(semi-detached), or dwelling (duplex). This use does not include a Secondary Suite (Internal) or
Secondary Suite (Garden).
SECONDARY SUITE (GARDEN) means a single-storey accessory secondary dwelling unit that is
located in a building separate from the principal dwelling. A secondary suite (garden) is only
allowed in conjunction with a dwelling (single-detached), dwelling (semi-detached), or dwelling
(duplex). This use does not include Secondary Suite (Internal) or Secondary Suite (Garage).
SETBACK means the distance from the foundation wall of a structure to the property line at right
angles or radially to it. Where there is no foundation wall, the distance shall be measured from the
exterior wall at grade, not including cantilevered wall sections or architectural projections.
SHED means an accessory building used for the storage of gardening or household equipment,
materials, and tools in a residential development and includes a storage shed.
SHIPPING CONTAINER means a vessel, also known as a sea can, that was previously used to
transport goods now used for storage purposes only.
SHOPPING CENTRE means a development comprised of three or more separate commercial, or
mixed-use buildings that operate as a unit and share a common parking area.
SHORT TERM RENTAL means a dwelling, or portion of a dwelling, that is advertised for rent for a
period of less than 30 days, but does not include a bed and breakfast, or boarding house.
SIGN means an accessory device or structure erected or placed for the purpose of providing
direction or information on such things as a development, business, product, service, location,
event, message or person.
SITE means a lot or parcel on which a development exists or occurs or for which an application for a
development permit is made.
SITE DENSITY means the number of dwelling units per ha of gross site area.
SITE PLAN means a detailed, dimensional plan at a reproducible scale providing information and
graphic depiction of all physical development relationships to occur on a site.
SLEEPING UNIT means a room that is intended for human occupancy but is not equipped with self-
contained cooking facilities. It may provide accommodation for not more than two persons.
SOD FARM means a commercial farm growing of sod through seeding and stripping of topsoil to
selling of the final product.
SOLAR COLLECTOR (FREESTANDING) means a non-reflective accessory structure not attached
to a building, used to collect sunlight that is part of a system used to convert radiant energy from the
sun into thermal or electrical energy.
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
SOLAR COLLECTOR (ATTACHED) means a non-reflective accessory structure attached to a
building, used to collect sunlight that is part of a system used to convert radiant energy from the sun
into thermal or electrical energy.
STADIUM means a large building, containing an athletic field, which is used primarily for spectator
sporting events. The building can be fully enclosed or built without a roof.
STEPBACK means a horizontal recess to a building façade, from the vertical façade immediately
below it.
STOREY means the space between the top of any floor above finished grade, and the top of the
next floor above it, and if there is no floor above it, the part between the top of the floor and the
ceiling above it. The bottom store of a building located at street level is commonly refeed to as the
ground storey. For the purposes of calculating a storey, walkout basements are not included.
STREETSCAPE means the area that lies between the street curb and the building frontage of the
adjacent buildings, the role of which is to define the pedestrian corridor and the distinguishing
character of a particular street, including landscaping, trees, lawns, sidewalks and other surfacing,
lighting, street furniture and signage.
STRIPPING means any activity that removes or significantly disturbs vegetated or otherwise
stabilized soil surface, including clearing and grubbing operations.
STORAGE FACILITY (INDOOR) means a development containing units that are used for storage.
Storage units are non-portable and constructed within a single, wholly enclosed building with a
common entrance to the exterior.
STORAGE FACILITY (MINI) means a development of storage units where each unit contains a
separate access from the exterior of the building.
the primary use is the storage of unoccupied recreation vehicles or recreation equipment, stored
outdoors on a parcel.
SUBDIVISION AUTHORITY means the authority established by the City of St. Albert Subdivision
Authority Bylaw, as amended.
SUPPORTIVE LIVING ACCOMMODATION means a development in a multiple dwelling or
sleeping unit form, that provides residents with access to on-site professional care and daily living
support, which is recognized, authorized, licensed or certified by a public authority.
SURVEILLANCE SUITE means a dwelling unit or sleeping unit, that is accessory to the principal
use, and which is used solely to accommodate a person or persons, whose function is to provide
surveillance, maintenance and security of the principal use.
TANDEM PARKING means one vehicle parked in front of, or behind the other vehicle, either on a
driveway or parking pad, or in a parking lot, parking structure, or garage.
TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER means any tower used to provide a broad range of communication
services through the transmitting, receiving or relaying of voice and data signals including radio, cellular,
broadcast, Personal Communication Services (PCS) or wireless data such cell phone towers and
wireless internet towers. For the purposes of this Bylaw this excludes Radio Antenna.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
THROUGH STREET means a public roadway built to City standards, other than a lane, that has two
separate points of ingress and egress. A lane cannot serve as a secondary route for ingress or egress.
TIPI means a portable conical tent made of skins, cloth, or canvas on a frame of poles. A tipi is not
considered an accessory building.
TOPSOIL PROCESSING AND SALES means the act of stripping and refining raw soil for reuse as
topsoil and may include stripping, screening, stockpiling and sales of soil.
TRANSITIONAL ACCOMMODATION means a development in a multiple dwelling or sleeping unit
form that provides residents with access to individualized programs and services.
TRANSMITTING STATION means a development used for the rebroadcast of radio or television signals.
TOWNHOUSE (INTERIOR UNIT) means a dwelling unit forming part of a townhouse building,
which is not an end dwelling unit.
TOWNHOUSE (END UNIT) means the last dwelling unit forming the end of a townhouse building.
UPLIGHTING means outdoor lighting that angles upwards to the sky.
URBAN DESIGN REVIEW (EXTERNAL) means a preliminary review of the design and architecture
of a proposed development, conducted by a contracted third party or appointed review committee.
URBAN DESIGN REVIEW (INTERNAL) means a preliminary review of the design and architecture
of a proposed development, conducted by City staff.
VEHICLE has the same meaning as ‘motor vehicle’ as defined in the Traffic Safety Act, RSA 2000, c. T-6.
WALKOUT BASEMENT means a basement with a direct entrance from the finished grade, but not
an entrance through a door well located below finished grade.
WALL MURAL means a graphic painted or affixed to an exterior wall for decorative purposes only.
WALL-MOUNTED means attached to the wall of a building.
WAREHOUSE means a commercial development for the indoor storage of equipment, goods,
motor vehicles, recreation vehicles, materials or products.
ZERO LOT-LINE means a form of residential development where one side of a dwelling (single-
detached house) is placed on a side property line with no side yard setback. An attached or detached
garage may be placed on the same side property line. Zero lot-line dwellings exist in conjunction with a
maintenance easement to allow mutual access to the side of the building placed on the property line.
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
major roadways include:
Bellerose Drive
Boudreau Road
Campbell Road
Corriveau Avenue
Cunningham Road
Dawson Road
Fowler Way
Gate Avenue
Gervais Road
Giroux Road
Grandin Road
Hebert Road
Hogan Road
LeClair Way
Levasseur Road
McKenney Avenue
Meadowview Drive (west of
Ray Gibbon Drive)
Neil Ross Road
Perron Street
Poirier Avenue
Range Road 260
Ray Gibbon Drive
Riel Drive (south of Levasseur Road)
Sir Winston Churchill Avenue (north of
LeClair Way)
St. Albert Trail
St. Anne Street
Sturgeon Road
Township Road 540A
Veness Road
Villeneuve Road (east of Hogan Road)
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(1) Schedule C applies to all parcels within the LDR District within the Established
Neighbourhoods identified on Figure 30,for which the following infill development is
i) new dwelling (single-detached), dwelling (semi-detached) or dwelling (duplex) on a
lot within an Established Neighbourhood;
ii) renovations to an existing dwelling that results in an increase in height of 1.50 m or
more and/or an increase in gross floor area of the house of 25.00% or more; or
iii) proposed subdivision or consolidation of existing lots.
(2) This schedule does not apply to a dwelling (townhouse plex).
(3) Notwithstanding the regulations in this schedule, infill development shall comply with
the following requirements for a development in the LDR District:
i) Permitted and Discretionary uses;
ii) Floor Area;
iii) Lot Area;
iv) Lot Widths;
v) Maximum Lot Size;
vi) Attached Garage or Carport; and
vii) Side Yard Setbacks.
(4) Notwithstanding the regulations in this schedule, infill development shall comply with
Section 4.38 for lot depth.
(5) An infill review must be completed prior to submission of a development permit application.
(1) The purpose of Schedule C is to ensure that, in Established Neighbourhoods:
i) new low density residential development, including dwelling (single-detached),
dwelling (duplex), or dwelling (semi-detached) houses, is compatible with the
neighbourhood character and the streetscape; and
ii) significant renovations of existing dwelling (single detached) houses, dwelling
(duplexes), or dwelling (semi-detached) houses are compatible with the
neighbourhood character and streetscape.
(1) In addition to the application requirements of Sections 2.4 and 2.5, an application for
infill development must also provide at the time of development permit application:
i) a landscape retention and removal plan;
ii) a site servicing plan; and
iii) a lot grading and drainage plan.
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Draft Land Use Bylaw
(2) In addition to the application requirements of Sections 2.4 and 2.5, and subsection
(C.3)(i), the following may be required by the Development Officer:
i) a sun / shadow study; or
ii) public consultation as per the Public Participation Standards for Planning and
Development Applications.
(1) Two or more lots may be consolidated, or consolidated and re-subdivided, if the new
lots meet the lot dimension requirements.
(1) Lot coverage must be within 10.00% of the existing coverage for the low density
development on the immediately adjoining lot which has the greatest lot coverage.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (C.5(1), the maximum lot coverage shall not exceed:
i) 40% for a dwelling (single detached); and
ii) 47% for a dwelling (semi-detached), or a dwelling (duplex).
(1) When at least one of the adjoining houses on the streetscape, or both frontages for a
corner lot, is less than 6.00 m in height, the maximum building height is 9.50 m.
(2) The restricted building envelope does not apply where adjoining development on both
sides of the infill development are two storeys or greater in height.
Figure 27: Restricted Building Envelope
(1) If a lot is adjacent to an accessible rear lane, the driveway and garage, should one be
built, must be accessed from the lane.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the Development Officer has the discretion to change
this requirement if the lot’s configuration, location, or topography does not allow for
such access.
(1) Development must conform to the type of access of the majority of dwellings along the
adjoining streetscape. If the majority of dwellings have front drives leading to
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
unobtrusive side or rear garages, or carports, the new development must remain
consistent with that pattern.
(2) Front access must conform to the following:
i) The maximum width of a front driveway, on a lot less than 12.20 m in width is 5.50
m; and
ii) The maximum width of a front driveway, on a lot equal to or greater than 12.20 m in
width is 7.50 m.
(3) The maximum width of an attached garage that faces a front or a side public roadway,
excluding a lane, is 7.30 m, or 35.00% of the building fade, whichever is less.
(4) The maximum projection of an attached garage is 3.00 m from the front or side of the
dwelling, or within 1.00 m of the adjacent garage projections, if large front garages
predominate on the street.
(1) The front yard building setback for a new development will be the average of the front
yard building setbacks of the two adjoining properties.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), if there is a discrepancy of greater than 1.50 m in the
setbacks of the building(s) on the two adjoining lots, the Development Officer has the
discretion to consider the setbacks of other houses along the street when determining
the required setback.
(1) Any development within the rear 40.00% of a perpendicular corner lot will have a
setback at least 1.00 m greater than the required side setback of the remainder of the
building, along the flanking side, as illustrated in Figure 28.
(2) Other setback requirements could be at the discretion of the Development Officer
based on maintaining the character of the streetscape.
Figure 28: Staggered Setback
(1) The rear yard setback for a new infill dwelling:
i) where there is no attached garage, shall be a maximum projection of 4.60 m
beyond the rear of the adjoining houses, but not closer than 10.00 m to the rear
property line; or
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
ii) where there is an attached garage, shall be a maximum projection of 6.10 m
beyond the rear of the adjoining houses, but not closer than 6.00 m to the rear
property line.
(2) The depth of the rear yard of a new infill house must be a minimum of 40.00% of the
depth of the lot. In addition, the house must not extend more than 4.60 m beyond the
rear of the adjoining houses.
(3) If the garage is attached to the house, the depth of the rear yard of a new infill house
must be a minimum of 30.00% of the depth of the lot. In addition, the house must not
extend more than 6.10 m beyond the rear of the adjoining houses.
(1) A multiple lot development is when a subdivision has occurred to create new low
density residential lots.
(2) If a multiple lot development is within a regular block, these regulations will be applied
as a single calculation to all new subdivided lots.
(3) The existing houses on either side of the entire proposed development will be used as
guidelines for determining height, coverage, access, setbacks and building depth, for a
dwelling (single detached), dwelling (semi-detached), or dwelling (duplex).
(4) If a multiple-lot development is on a corner and perpendicular to the other houses on the block:
i) the maximum lot coverage for each lot is as per the LDR District regulations;
ii) the restricted building height (see Figure 29) applies to all lots if the adjoining
house to the rear, or to the side of the lots, is less than 6.00 m;
iii) the front yard setback may be determined at the discretion of the Development
Officer, using the adjoining houses to the rear, or to the side of the lots, but shall not
be less than 6.00 m;
iv) if the lots within the multiple-lot development have a mixture of front and rear lane
access, access requirements and driveway locations shall be determined at the
discretion of the Development Officer; and
v) additional requirements to ensure privacy for the adjoining existing dwelling to the
rear of the new properties may be required at the discretion of the Development
Figure 29: Multiple Lot Developments
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
(1) If there are no existing mature trees on the site that can be preserved, a minimum of
one tree in the front yard, and one in the back yard shall be planted.
(2) The Development Officer in considering an application may impose conditions requiring
the retention of trees, or additional plantings.
Figure 30: Established Neighbourhoods (shows expanded city boundary).
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw
City of St. Albert
Draft Land Use Bylaw