Powering the continent through a
sustainable approach
Rentia van Tonder
Head: Power
Corporate and Investment Banking
Standard Bank
November 2019
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Universal bank
Established in 1862
Africa’s top bank (by Tier 1 capital) in the annual ranking of
1,000 banks globally ranked 116 and only African bank in
top 150 The Banker
Headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa
ICBC, the largest bank in China, is a 20.1% shareholder in
Standard Bank
ICBC is currently ranked No.1 in The Banker’s annual
ranking of the top 1,000 banks global
Representation in major financial centres, including
London, New York and Beijing
Africa is our calling card!
Introduction to Standard Bank
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Standard Bank
South Africa 632 7,636
Angola 27 31
Botswana 11 26
Côte d’Ivoire - - - - -
DRC 5 -
Ethiopia - - - - - -
Ghana 34 67
Kenya 24 43
Lesotho 17 77
Malawi 25 64
Mauritius 1 -
Mozambique 42 93
Namibia 47 166
Nigeria 179 390
South Sudan 1 1
Swaziland 10 62
Tanzania 10 33
Uganda 94 174
Zambia 22 82
Zimbabwe 19 27
TOTAL 1,200 8,972
* Includes service centers and access banking centers
Standard Bank
Stanbic Bank
Stanbic IBTC Bank
Representative office
Introduction to Standard Bank (Contd…)
Local on-the-ground expertise supported by a strong retail presence
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Global themes
Africa-specific themes
Banking regulation
Basel Regulation has fundamentally increased cost
of capital and liquidity thereby decreasing the
Commercial Banks’ ability to support long dated
financing structures
Capital enhancement products
and structures
DFIs and ECAs more willing to provide necessary
structural support to commercial Banks to fund P&I
opportunities particularly with regards to tenor
Power specific
Climate change
Regulation and activism makes it increasingly
difficult for Commercial Banks to support non-
renewable technology
Funds set up with specific green / responsible
mandate looking for investment opportunities
Global move towards PPP with less investment
funded directly by government balance sheets
Movement away from reliance on centralized
utilities to grid tied solutions and self contained
systems through a modular approach including
rural development and captive power solutions
Renewables efficiency
Significant improvements in the cost and quality of
renewable technology, in particular solar panels,
further enhancing feasibility and attractiveness of
Rapid advances in the battery storage changing the
renewable energy proposition sustainable cost
effective solutions will fundamentally change the
power sector
Significant power and
investment required
across Africa
More than six hundred million people across the
continent do not have access to electricity
Infrastructure spend required is between USD130m
USD150m per annum and the financing deficit is
c.USD70bn per annum over the next decade
concerns limit
sovereign appetite
Bank / investor appetite for sovereign assets is
constrained due to generally high levels of sovereign
indebtedness and low levels of growth
Policy uncertainty and non-existance complicates ability
for investors to take long term view on many Sub-
Saharan markets
Significant appetite for
African risk from Asian
giants in particular
China is the source for 21% of Africa total imports and
17% of its exports
China policy banks have extended nearly USD100bn in
loans to Africa sovereigns
Chinese FDI in Africa is close to USD30bn
Power specific
Off grid and Captive Power Solutions increasingly a
solution to solving electrification rates and reducing
reliance on sovereigns to fund power infrastructure
Significant improvements in the cost and quality of
renewable technology, in particular solar panels, further
enhancing feasibility and attractiveness of sector
Themes impacting the power sector
Five Ways Disruption Can Occur in the Power Sector
Greater access
Different ways to
consume’ or in this
case produce the same
Creating new functionality
and a better experience
Expanding access to
unconventional markets
Lower prices due to
Off grid supply power
reaching a larger,
untapped market
New power
technologies & energy
Independence from large unreliable utilitiesFocus on markets with power under-supply
Substantial reduction in
cost of renewable
energy.. Reaching a
tipping point
Captive Market
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Disruption in the energy sector is evident through four structural global trends
The Energy Revolution
1. Decarbonization
2. Digitalization
3. Decentralization
4. Energy Efficiency
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Working towards low-carbon or zero-carbon energy generation
1. Decarbonization
Challenge 1: to ensure that future global warming does not exceed 2°C by
reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40-70% by 2050
Challenge 2: to increase the contribution made by renewables to global power
generation through the use of solar, wind and biogas.
This is all very new:
Roughly 80% of the
globally existing solar PV
capacity was installed
during the last five years
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Challenge 1: the number of smart objects will
quadruple by 2020, so energy consumption in the
future will be smart and autonomous
Challenge 2: the high-speed, expansive
development of digital technologies is
dramatically changing customer needs and uses
Working towards a digital customer offering by exploiting the technological revolution and digital transformation
2. Digitalization
Trends in technology and consumer
financing (Pay-As-You-Go) is causing
an explosion in the market in
emerging markets.
The digital utility of the future captures opportunities all along the value chain
Source: McKinsey
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but higher reliability & lower costs are achieved by interconnecting
3. Decentralization
Microgrid 1
Microgrid 2
Microgrid 3
Microgrid 4
Microgrid 5
The Off-Grid landscape & key players
Individual Residential C & I
Utility Involvement
Solar Home
Solar Home
& Industrial
Mini grids are classified into 4 categories where the power supplier
acts like a utility. Power usually charged by usage:
Utility operated
Privately operated
Community operated
Able to handle larger loads than SHS
Cost: $150,000 200,000 per MG
Smart metering technology and grid compatibility is key
Targeting affluent households
Custom fit solution for detached houses
System prices are in the region of +/- USD15 000
Average size 4 KW
SA is a current target market
Asset Finance Solution
< 1MW
Property Finance
1 5
Too big for Corporate
Solution and too small for
Structured Solution
5 -20
Project Finance /
Structured Solution
> 20
5-2,000kW solar panels
Target market: shopping malls,
mines, agricultural farms and
Panels mounted on a large area
such as rooftop, carpark or a farm
Main target market includes
shopping malls, mines, agricultural
farms and manufacturers
Cost: Ranges per size of
installation e.g $2MM for a 1.3MW
Smart dual meters are key
8-200w solar panel, mounted on roof
Main target market includes rural and peri-urban areas
Basic system powers lights, portable radio, USB chargers
Appliance financing e.g for TVs, fridges
Upfront deposit + monthly or daily instalments via mobile money
Ownership of system is after 12-36 months
Other business models are on “no ownership” basis but on
perpetual utility model
Cost: $200 - $600 per basic SHS
Smart monitoring technology is key
Vulcan Impact
Shell Foundation
Shell Foundation
“Picking up
“Sweet Spot”
“Watch &
Utility Involvement
East Africa
Current Key
Opp Countries
South Africa
South Africa
South Africa
East Africa
Key Players
We are prioritizing the following sectors:
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Doing more with less….
4. Energy Efficiency
Advances in energy efficient products and demand side management are helping to boost distributed energy
resources. The increased electrification of heating and cooling systems using high-efficiency heat-pump
technology, the application of efficient LED lighting and appliances, and the smart charging of electric vehicles all
contribute to greater capacity and lower life-cycles costs for net-zero energy buildings and off-grid
The aggregation and centralized management of distributed energy resources, sometimes referred to
as “virtual power stationscan transform zero-energy buildings and community-scale microgrids
into regional resources by providing, or freeing up, critical electrical system capacity when needed.
In developing economies, these changes might allow those communities not currently connected
to a national grid to completely bypass these forms of energy services
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Client Overview
M-Kopa : USD 65 million Syndicated Receivables Based Term Loan
Stanbic Bank Involvement
Stanbic Bank Kenya (“SBK”), the Kenyan affiliate of
Standard Bank Group, was appointed as Mandated Lead
Arranger to arrange the local currency equivalent of USD
65 million of receivables based financing for M-Kopa in
Kenya and Uganda
The debt facility includes CDC, FMO and Norfund as part
of the lending syndicate
Our role in the transaction included:
Arranging local currency equivalent of USD40 million
of debt for M-Kopa Kenya and USD25million for M-
Kopa Uganda
Providing local accounts
Payment and administration agent role
Other roles for the group included:
Standard Bank of South Africa as facility agent and
security agent
Standard Bank Isle of Man as cash collateral account
M-Kopa headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya is the global leader in
“pay-as-you-go” energy, leasing solar home systems to off-grid
customers on an affordable 12-month payment plan
Founded in 2010, M-Kopa combines mobile money payments
with Global System for Mobile communication (“GSM”) sensor
technology to enable affordable consumer financing for solar
powered systems.
To date M-Kopa has connected over 500,000 homes in East
Africa to affordable, safe and clean energy. Its predominantly
low-income customer base is accessing lighting, phone
charging, radio and TV on daily mobile money payment plans
that are less than the typical cost of kerosene
M-Kopa’s equity investors include Gray Ghost Ventures (a U.S
based venture capital fund), General Investment Management
(an asset management fund founded by former U.S Vice
President Al Gore), CDC (a DFI owned by the U.K
government), among others
M-Kopa Group
USD65 million
Receivables Based Term Loan
Mandated Lead Arranger/Book
Runner/Local Account Bank
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Transaction Overview
Borrower M-Kopa Kenya M-Kopa Uganda
Stanbic Bank Role
Mandated Lead Arranger, Bookrunner, Local
Account Bank
Transaction Value
Industry Power & Infrastructure Off Grid
General working capital purposes based on the
borrower’s performing receivables
Stanbic: -
Norfund: USD11m
Stanbic: USD16m
Norfund: USD3m
Tenor 4 years
Highlights / Key Features
Key features of the transaction include:
M-Kopa is the market leader in “pay-
as-you-go” off-grid energy
This facility is the largest commercial
debt facility to date in the “pay-as-you-
go” off-grid energy sector
Brought together three DFIs to fund
local currency facilities
No capital outlay by SBG in Kenya yet
we make significant revenues
M-Kopa Group
USD65 million
Receivables Based Term Loan
Mandated Lead Arranger/Book
Runner/Local Account Bank
M-Kopa : USD 65 million Syndicated Receivables Based Term Loan
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Namibia - Alten Hardap PV Project
Standard Bank was the co-mandated lead arranger and underwriter for the
transaction with Proparco. Standard Bank also provided long-dated interest
rate and currency hedges and was account and agent bank.
The facilities granted included Jibar term loan, VAT facility and Debt service
reserve facility.
The Jibar term loan was funded by Standard Bank on the back of a
guarantee from Proparco which started at 30% and stepped up to 100% at
the end of year 8 of operations
Project was funded on approximate 80:20 basis with Standard Bank Namibia
as lender of record with sub participation of Jibar term loan and Debt service
reserve facility due to currency (ZAR)
This is the first large scale IPP in Namibia. Namibia has been looking to develop
a large scale IPP since before 2010 but this is the first project to reach financial
close. The project will add 7% to Namibia’s own generation capacity and actual
MWh produced saving 120,000MWhs per year from needing to be imported
from the region. The reliance of Namibia on its neighbours for power security is
a key concern from the Government who want Namibia to be self-sufficient in
terms of energy generation given the importance to economic growth.
The project does not benefit from a government guarantee and there is no
political risk protection in the power purchase agreement. In order to assist with
these limitations without the need to procure political risk cover, Standard Bank
partnered with Proparco. Proparco was unable to lend direct due to the currency
(ZAR) and hence a hybrid guarantee structure was developed where Proparco
provides a guarantee to Standard Bank (as lender under the term loan only)
which starts at 30% and increases to 100% by the end of year 8 of operations
mitigating a number of key risks including tenor related concerns.
The project is a 37MW solar photovoltaic IPP in Mariental, Namibia with a 25
year offtake with NamPower (the Namibian power utility).
Alten Hardap was awarded preferred bidder status in December 2016 with
documentation signed in January 2018 and financial close in February 2018.
Construction is expected to be 6 months with Sterling & Wilson being the
EPC and O&M contractor.
The main Sponsor and developer is Alten Energías Renovables (Spain)
which was founded in 2006 has experience in developing, financing and
operating solar PV power plants. It owns 33MW of operational assets in
Spain and is awaiting Financial Close (“FC”) of another 467MW (Kenya,
Mexico, Nigeria and Namibia).
Alten has partnered with Sojitz for its Latin America portfolio and will be
partnering with Inspired Evolution for its African projects (including Alten).
The latter is a known sponsor in SA REIPP projects and has an active fund
size of USD90m (aiming for USD250m by end 2018) and has, under its
Evolution 1 Fund, invested in three SA REIPP plants to date
First large scale IPP in
Standard Bank Involvement Transaction Overview
Company Overview
Highlights / Key Features
Alten Hardap PV Project
March 2018
ZAR 760 million
45 MW Solar PV Project
Mandated Lead Arranger, Underwriter & Hedge
Project Developer Alten Renewable Energy Developments B.V.
Main Shareholders Alten, Nampower
Borrower Alten Hardap PV (Pty) Ltd
Debt Amount ZAR 760mln
Standard Bank
Mandated Lead Arranger, Underwriter and Hedge Provider
Design, construction and operation of 45 MW solar
photovoltaic projects under Power Purchase Agreement with
Transaction Value ZAR 950mln
Tenor 15 years
Country Namibia
Deal Maker Sherrill Byrne - Sherrill.byr[email protected]
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South Africa - Wesley Bid Date 4 REIPPP Project
Standard Bank was the sole mandated lead arranger and underwriter for the
transaction. Standard Bank Also provided long-dated interest rate and currency
The facilities granted included JIBAR senior debt, VAT facility and a Debt
Service Reserve Facility
The projectof 33 MW has a 20 year Power Purchase Agreement with ESKOM
and was procured under Round 4 of the Renewable Energy Independent Power
Producers Programme (REIPPP)
Standard Bank brought FutureGrowth in as an additional lender on the senior
debt facility at financial close
The Wesley projects was one of the 27 Round 3.5 signed projects, and one of
the 4 projects that were signed with unconditional PPAs
Some of the first projects of this round to reach Financial Close
The Wesley-Ciskei project holds great significance for the Eastern Cape
Province, it is the first and only wind energy project located in a former homeland
region of the Eastern Cape, despite such regions representing almost 40% of
the Province’s landmass and being host to 60% of the Province’s population.
The primary shareholder and developer of the Wesely project is Innowind
Limited (“Innowind”)
A long term player, Innowind is a South African based integrated renewable
energy company that develops, finances, builds, owns and operates commercial
renewable energy generation facilities
InnoWind is an expert in the field of wind energy and with its French parent
company, EDF Energies Nouvelles, brings experience in cutting edge clean
energy technologies such as stealth wind turbines, solar PV and energy storage
Innowind has offices located in Cape Town and Port Elizabeth and provide
oversight services for renewable energy projects by managing the projects and
their commercial agreements to optimize returns over the project’s life cycle
The EPC and O&M contract is being fulfilled by Vestas
Standard Bank Involvement
Transaction Overview
Company Overview
Highlights / Key Features
Riverbank Wind Power Pty Ltd
April 2018
ZAR 800 million
33 MW Wind Project
Mandated Lead Arranger, Underwriter & Hedge Provider
Project Developer Innowind Limited (parent company is EDF Energies Nouvelles)
Main Shareholders
Innowind (60%); Telagystix Proprietary Limitted (22.50%);
Uncedo Lwethu Winds of Change (RF) Pty Ltd (5%); Riverbank
Winds of Change BBBEE Co (RF) Pty Ltd (12.50%)
Borrower Riverbank Wind Power (RF) Pty Ltd
Debt Amount R800 mn
Standard Bank Role Mandated Lead Arranger, Underwriter and Hedge Provider
Design, construction and operation of a 33 MW wind project
under Round 4 of REIPPP
Transaction Value R1.03 bn
Tenor Construction plus 18 years
Country South Africa
Hedged value R800 mn
Deal Maker Vincenzia Leitich [email protected]
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South Africa - Scatec Solar Bid Date 4 REIPPP Projects
Standard Bank was the sole mandated lead arranger and underwriter for the
transaction. Standard Bank Also provided long-dated interest rate and currency
The facilities granted included both Jibarand CPI senior debt and subordinated
Additional guarantees were also issued by Standard Bank to ESKOM
The three projects totaling 258 MW has a 20 year Power Purchase Agreement
with ESKOM and was procured under Round 4 of the Renewable Energy
Independent Power Producers Programme (REIPPP)
Standard Bank brought Liberty Group, Prescient Investment Management,
Sanlam Capital Markets and Development Bank of Southern Africa in as
additional lenders into the transaction at financial close for an amount of ZAR1.9
billion across the projects
These projects were 3 of only 6 projects of the 27 Round 3.5 and Round 4
projects that were signed with unconditional PPAs
Some of the first projects of this round to reach Financial Close
Standard Bank providing CPI debt to Renewable Energy project in SA for first
Innovative structuring to provide long dated guarantees to Eskom
The primary shareholder and developer of the three projects are Scatec Solar
A long term player, Scatec Solar develops, builds, owns, operates and maintains
solar power plants, and already has an installation track record of 1,000 MW.
Currently, the company is producing electricity from 322 MW of solar power
plants in the Czech Republic, South Africa, Rwanda, Honduras and Jordan and
another 434 MW are under construction.
With an established global presence, the company is growing briskly with a
project backlog and pipeline of more than 1.5 GW under development in the
Americas, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Scatec Solar is headquartered in
Oslo, Norway.
The EPC and O&M contract is being fulfilled by Scatec Solar ASA group entities
Standard Bank Involvement Transaction Overview
Company Overview
Highlights / Key Features
Scatec Solar ASA
(Sirius Solar PV, Dyasons Klip 1 & Dyasons Klip 2)
April 2018
ZAR 2.29 billion
3 x 75 MW Solar PV Projects
Mandated Lead Arranger, Underwriter & Hedge
Project Developer Scatec Solar AS
Main Shareholders
Scatec Solar AS (42%), Norfund (18%) & Black Industrialist
Investor (35%), BEEE Trust (5%)
Sirius Solar PV Project One (RF), Dyasons Klip 1 (RF) &
Dyasons Klip 2 (RF)
Debt Amount R2,29 bn (R764m x 3)
Standard Bank Role Mandated Lead Arranger, Underwriter and Hedge Provider
Design, construction and operation of 3 x 75 MW solar
photovoltaic projects under Round 4 of REIPPP
Transaction Value R3.68 bn
Tenor COD + 17 years
Country South Africa
Deal Maker Sherrill Byrne - Sherrill.byrne@standardbank.co.za
Thank you