New Postdoc Pre-Onboarding Checklist
Welcome to Stanford! The Stanford University Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) supports approximately 2,400 postdoctoral scholars annually.
Postdoctoral scholars' contributions to Stanford and society are far-ranging and profund. They include but are not limited to: producing research,
teaching and mentoring the next generation of scientists and practitioners, filing patents, and creating software. OPA works to cultivate a sense of
belonging and support for all Stanford postdocs. This sheet provides resources, reminders, and suggestions for all Stanford postdocs.
Three to Six Months Prior To Your Arrival at Stanford
Action Items For You To Consider
Additional Notes &
Suggested Resources
- Review the Cost of Living in Silicon Valley (Palo
Alto/San Jose) and San Francisco Bay Area.
- Cost of Living Calculators for Silicon Valley (San
Jose) and San Francisco are available to assist you
with planning and preparing as needed.
- Cost of Living Calculator for Moves
Between Cities in the United States.
- International Cost of Living
Comparison Tool
- Economic Policy Institute's "Family
Budget" Calculator
If possible, you should aim to set aside at least one
month of living expenses (for the Bay Area) to support
you until your first SU payment is disbursed.
- Salary is paid twice a month: on the
7th and 22nd.
- Stipend payments are disbursed at
the month’s end.
- Look for housing in/around the local area.
- Postdoctoral scholars are encouraged to apply for
university housing through the graduate housing
- Note: For those not assigned to
university housing, the Residential &
Dining Enterprises Community
Housing Office has detailed info,
resources, & listings for local housing.
Review Postdoc Benefits policies and options.
- Benefits sessions are provided
biweekly by OPA (on Zoom).
Review an extensive list of helpful Stanford and Palo
Alto websites. This list includes information about
Stanford resources, postdoc groups, and discounts on
phone plans & food, local attractions, and more…
- Be sure to visit this website multiple
times throughout the course of your
postdoc appointment. There are plenty
of hidden gems all throughout campus!
Plan your commute to campus: Parking &
Transportation Srvcs. helps plan the best route to
campus; obtain a Caltrain Go Pass; register a bike; find
carpools (or purchase a parking permit).
- The free Marguerite shuttle provides
transportation on campus and to train
Review the postdoctoral scholar handbook and the
Postdoc Policy website, which outlines the policies that
will guide your actions and research practices.
- Research Policy Handbook section
on Postdoctoral Scholars (RPH 10.3).
Communicate with your PI/Postdoc Admin.
- Ensure success prior to arrival !
New Postdoc Pre-Onboarding Checklist
One to Two Weeks Before You Arrive On-Campus
Action Items For You To Consider
Additional Notes &
Suggested Resources
You need a SUNetID for email and other services. Aer
getting your ID number from your departmental postdoc
administrator, you create your SUNetID.
- Aer getting your email account,
subscribe to the Stanford University
Postdoctoral Association (SURPAS)
mailing list(s).
- Complete your required Patent and Copyright Agreement
(SU-18) form online.
(You can sign and can view your agreement in the "Academics" tab of the Student
Services Center. The link to the SU-18 form is in the lower right corner of the main
Axess page under the heading "LEGAL").
- Once you have your SUNet ID, log in to
Axess; click the “Patent and Copyright
Agreement (SU-18)” link to review and
Complete your "Data and Device Attestation".
(You'll need to bring your laptops, desktops, and mobile devices into compliance
with security policy.)
- An outline of the security measures for
all community members to meet
Stanford's minimum security
requirements for handling University
- Update your contact information on Axess (REQUIRED).
- Select "Personal Information" to update addresses,
phone numbers, and the Stanford Directory.
- Aer getting your SUNet ID, log in to
Axess and go to the Student Services
(Updating personal info allows you to receive
communication from university offices (i.e. OPA, Payroll,
Student Financial Services, etc.).
- IMPORTANT: Add or update your Mailing address to
ensure receipt of tax documents.
- IMPORTANT: Add or update your Local address for Go
Pass eligibility.
- IMPORTANT: International Scholars: add or update your
Permanent Home address to ensure SEVIS compliance.
- Contact information entered in
StanfordYou will be used by the AlertSU
emergency notification system in case of
- Review Associate Vice Provost Russell
Furr's email about COVID-19 protocols
from May 21, 2020:
Additional Resources
Please note, this list is not intended to be comprehensive. The resources, opportunities, and ideas shared here should
continue to grow. To that end, if we can connect our current efforts with any information or resources that your network
offers, please do not hesitate to contact any member of our OPA Team. It is our long-term goal to establish a more
cohesive national network of informed postdoctoral scholars.
= @StanfordOPA = Stanford Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
= Office of Postdoctoral Affairs = Office of Postdoctoral Affairs Website