EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service
Author: Martin Russell
Members' Research Service
PE 690.523 March 2021
The New START Treaty between
the US and Russia
The last surviving pillar of nuclear arms control
The US and Russia both have formidable arsenals of potentially destructive nuclear weapons.
Although a nuclear-free world remains a distant dream, the two countries have taken steps to limit
the risk of nuclear conflict, through a series of arms control agreements limiting the number of
strategic weapons that each can have. In force since 2011, the New Strategic Arms Reductions Treaty
(New START) is the latest of these agreements.
Under New START, Russia and the US are limited to an equal number of deployed strategic warheads
and weapons carrying them, such as intercontinental ballistic missiles. To ensure compliance, there
are strict counting rules and transparency requirements, giving each side a reliable picture of the
other's strategic nuclear forces.
The 2019 collapse of the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty left New START as the only
major surviving US-Russia arms control agreement. In early 2021, with New START due to expire in
February and the two sides deadlocked over the conditions for extending it, it looked as if the last
remaining restrictions on the world's two main nuclear powers were about to lapse.
Following a last-minute reprieve by newly elected US President, Joe Biden, the two parties agreed
to extend New START until 2026, thereby giving each other welcome breathing space to negotiate
a replacement treaty. There are still many unanswered questions about the kind of weapons that a
future treaty could include.
Missile silo with a US Minuteman
intercontinental ballistic missile.
In this Briefing
Background to the New START Treaty
Content of the New START Treaty
Renewal of New START
Arms control post-New START: Unaddressed
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Nuclear warheads: warheads are the explosive part of a missile or bomb.
Strategic/non-strategic nuclear warheads: although there is no universally agreed distinction
between these two categories, non-strategic warheads (sometimes called tactical/ sub-strategic
warheads) are generally designed for use against smaller, typically military targets at shorter
distances, for example, on the battlefield. By contrast, strategic warheads are more powerful and
capable of causing much more extensive damage at long distances, including to military targets,
such as the other side's nuclear forces or civilian targets such as large cities).
Ballistic missiles release warheads that follow a parabolic flight path that is mostly predetermined
by gravity, whereas cruise missiles are powered throughout their flight and can change course.
Each type has advantages and disadvantages: ballistic missiles fly very fast and high above the
atmosphere, releasing smaller warheads travelling at speeds of five to eight kilometres per second
that are hard to intercept. Cruise missiles have wings, using aerodynamic lift like airplanes, and tend
to be much slower but less expensive than ballistic missiles.
Missiles with a range of a range of 5500 km or more enough for missiles fired from Russian territory
to reach the United States are described as intercontinental. At present, all intercontinental
missiles are ballistic, although there have been attempts to develop intercontinental cruise missiles.
Some missiles have a single warhead, while others have up to 10 or more, called Multiple
Independently targetable Re-entry Vehicles (MIRVs). The latter separate from the missile and, as
the name suggests, can hit several targets in different locations, thus maximising the damage and
the chances of getting past missile defences.
The term nuclear triad refers to the combination of ground-based, submarine, and airborne nuclear
forces. Missile launchers are silos and mobile launchers for ground-launched intercontinental
ballistic missiles (ICBMs), and launch tubes for submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs).
Strategic bomber planes carry either air-launched cruise missiles or gravity bombs, like the ones
dropped onto Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Weapons are deployed if ready for immediate use, non-deployed if kept in storage. In the New
START treaty, the precise definition of deployed depends on the type of weapon (see below).
Background to the New START Treaty
Towards nuclear disarmament?
In 1946, just one year after the US bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the United Nations set the
goal of eliminating nuclear weapons. A step towards that goal came in 1968, with the Treaty on the
Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), signed by most countries around the world. But
though nominally committed to disarmament under the NPT, none of the Treaty's five recognised
nuclear-weapon states (the US, USSR, China, UK and France) have made serious efforts to get rid of
their arsenals, and indeed have invested heavily in upgrading them. This paradox is apparent in the
2018 US
Nuclear Posture Review, which reaffirms 'the long-term goal of eliminating nuclear
weapons', at the same time as arguing that such weapons have become more necessary than ever
in an 'evolving and uncertain international security environment'. According to the review, nuclear
arms play a key role in deterring both nuclear and conventional attacks on the US and its allies, and
have even made the world a much safer place, with a dramatic fall in the number of wartime
casualties since the beginning of the nuclear era. On the Russian side, the 2020 Nuclear Deterrence
Policy also emphasises the deterrent function of nuclear weapons. The US and Russian documents
suggest that neither country sees total nuclear disarmament as a realistic or even desirable goal.
The New START Treaty between the US and Russia
With no sign of genuine interest from nuclear weapon states in moving towards disarmament, in
2017 over 100 (mostly African and Latin American; in the EU, Austria, Ireland and Malta) countries
adopted the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which came into force in January 2021.
Unsurprisingly, none of the nuclear weapons states signed this treaty, and the US and Russia both
rejected it as unrealistic.
Bilateral arms control: Precursors to the New START Treaty
The need for dialogue and cooperation between the world's two leading nuclear powers was
highlighted by the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, during which a tense stand-off over Soviet deployment
of nuclear-armed missiles to Cuba brought the world to the brink of war. One year after this incident,
the two countries established a crisis management hotline and, together with the UK, signed a
Partial Test Ban Treaty that banned nuclear tests, except those carried out underground.
With neither the US nor the USSR willing to disarm, the two countries adopted a series of bilateral
arms agreements limiting the number of nuclear weapons on each side. The aim was to achieve a
stable strategic balance
, with survivable strategic forces on each side that, even after a massive first
strike by the other, could still inflict a devastating response. As a result, any attack would trigger
mutual assured destruction. Although this idea became less relevant after the Cold War ended, US-
Russia nuclear arms control is still based on the idea of equally matched forces as a deterrent to
aggression by either side.
The first such bilateral agreement was the 1972 SALT I Interim Offensive Agreement (named after
the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks that produced the agreement), capping numbers of
intercontinental ballistic missile launchers and submarine-launched ballistic missile launchers.
However, it did not limit the number of warheads, thus allowing each party to increase strike power
by loading multiple warheads on each missile, nor did it include bombers.
SALT I was followed by SALT II (it was signed in 1979, but never came into force), START I (1991-
2009) and the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty (SORT) (2002-2012). START I went further than
SALT I, with limits on all three elements of the nuclear triad, as well as on the number of warheads
attributed to them.
Anti-ballistic missiles are designed to intercept ballistic missile warheads and destroy them before
they reach their targets. Potentially, they neutralise the deterrent effect of nuclear weapons by
allowing an aggressor to block a retaliatory attack and thus enjoy impunity. For this reason, SALT
negotiations considered missile defence and offensive nuclear weapons as two sides
of the same
strategic balance coin. SALT I was therefore flanked by the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM)
Treaty, which
barred the US and the USSR from having nationwide missile defences.
In 1987, the US and the USSR signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, which
completely eliminated all nuclear- and conventionally-armed ground-launched ballistic and cruise
missiles with ranges of 500-5 500 kma particularly dangerous category of weapons as it gave the
two sides the capacity to reach targets across the entire European continent.
Table 1US-Soviet Union/Russia nuclear arms control agreements
Name of treaty Duration Limits on launchers:
ballistic missiles (ICBMs,
SLBMs); strategic bombers
Limits on nuclear
Limits do not
apply to
Current status
1972 1977
Each side commits to not
adding to the number of
ICBM and SLBM launchers
tubes, estimated at:
ICBM silos: 1054 US; 1 607
SLBM launch tubes: 656 US,
740 USSR
No limits
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Signed in
1979, but
entered into
Maximum total of 2 400
ICBM/SLBM launchers +
strategic bombers on each
side, with sub-limits for
MIRV-carrying missiles
No limits
Never in force
Strategic Arms
Signed in
1991, in
force from
Maximum total 1 600
ICBM/SLBM launchers +
strategic bombers on each
6 000 'attributed'
warheads for
each side
Signed in
1993, but
entered into
Same as START I, plus ban on
MIRV-carrying ICBMs and
'heavy' ICBM launchers, and
requirement to eliminate all
'heavy' ICBMs
3 000-3 500
warheads for
each side
and non-strategic
Russia withdrew its
support for the treaty
in 2002 after the US
pulled out of the
ABM Treaty
Treaty (SORT)
No limits (though START I
limits on missile launchers
and bombers remained in
force until 2009)
1 700-2 200
warheads for
each side
and non-strategic
Superseded by New
START in 2011
Strategic Arms
Treaty (New
Maximum 800 deployed or
non-deployed ICBM/SLBM
launchers + strategic
bombers; maximum 700
deployed ICBMs + SLBMs +
strategic bombers
1 550 deployed
warheads for
each side
and non-strategic
warheads; non-
deployed ICBMs,
Extended in January
2021, in force until
February 2026
Table 2 – Other bilateral arms control agreements
Name of treaty Duration Scope and purpose Current status
Range Nuclear
Forces (INF)
Ban on all nuclear- and conventionally-armed ground-launched
ballistic and cruise missiles with ranges of 500-5 500 km. Does
not include: submarine and air-launched missiles; ground-
launched missiles with ranges of less than 500 km/more than
5 500 km
The US ended the treaty in 2019
after repeatedly accusing Russia
of developing and deploying a
banned missile type
Missile (ABM)
Ban on missile systems defending the whole of Soviet/US
territory from attacks by strategic ballistic missiles, missile
interceptor launchers limited to 100 each
The US withdrew from the
treaty in 2002
Content of the New START Treaty
On the campaign trail in 2008, Barack Obama promised to work towards 'the goal of eliminating all
nuclear weapons'. While New START did not achieve this goal, it did at least continue the trend
started by its predecessors of reducing nuclear weapons from excessively high Cold War levels. The
objectives of the treaty were announced by Obama and his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev,
in April 2009, leading to its signing one year later and entry into force in February 2011. The treaty's
main provisions are as follows:
Warheads: each side can have up to 1 550 deployed strategic warheads. Warheads count as
deployed if loaded onto a missile that is itself deployed. In addition, one deployed warhead is
counted for each deployed strategic bomber, regardless of the actual number it carries.
Delivery vehicles: up to a total 700 deployed intercontinental ballistic missiles/submarine-
launched ballistic missiles/strategic bombers. Missiles count as deployed if installed in a launcher
that is itself deployed. The number of deployed delivery vehicles is much less than the number of
deployed warheads, as some missiles carry multiple warheads. Again, each strategic bomber is
The New START Treaty between the US and Russia
counted as one. There are no limits on missiles that are not deployed in launchers; however, they
may only be stored in restricted locations.
Launchers: up to 800 deployed and non-deployed launchers plus deployed and non-deployed
strategic bombers. A deployed launcher is a launcher containing a missile; a non-deployed launcher
contains no missile. Missile silos, mobile missile launchers, and submarine launch tubes each count
as one launcher. A single submarine can have multiple launch tubes. Once again, each strategic
bomber counts as one launcher.
A limited number of launchers used for testing or training purposes, those undergoing
maintenance, as well as formerly operational launchers without missiles count as non-deployed. In
that case, they still count towards the total of 800 deployed and non-deployed launchers.
New START limits are considerably lower than those set by previous agreements. For example:
Deployed strategic warheads, each side
6 000
1 700-2 200
1 550
Deployed + non-deployed launchers
1 600
No limit
On the other hand, New START is more flexible than START I insofar as there are no sub-limits for
each element of the nuclear triad; provided they meet the overall limit, the US and Russia can choose
the balance they want between their ground-, submarine- and air-launched nuclear weapons.
Transparency requirements: the US and Russia share detailed information
with one another on
their strategic nuclear forces, including:
twice-yearly declarations on numbers of deployed warheads, and numbers and
locations of delivery vehicles and launchers;
rolling notifications of the locations and status (deployed/non-deployed) of delivery
vehicles and launchers; advance notifications of treaty-accountable ballistic missile
launches. Since 2011, over 20 000 such notifications have been exchanged;
for each side, sharing of data for up to five submarine-launched ballistic missile and
intercontinental ballistic missile test flights per year;
declarations of new types of treaty-accountable weapons entering into service;
exhibition of such weapons for examination by the other party;
In addition, the US and Russia commit to not interfering with efforts to gather data (for example,
from satellites) on each other's nuclear forces.
Each party has the right to 18 inspections a year (currently suspended due to the coronavirus
pandemic). Among other things, inspections verify the number of warheads on randomly selected
deployed missiles and the number of non-deployed launchers.
Figure 1: New START Treaty limits
1 550 deployed warheads for each party
700 deployed delivery vehicles (ICBM + SLBM + strategic bombers )
800 deployed + non-deployed launchers (ICBM silos + mobile launchers + submarine launch
tubes + strategic bombers )
Source: EPRS.
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New weapons: New START does not bar the US and Russia from modernising their nuclear arsenals.
However, it gives each party the right to raise concerns about new kinds of weapons, such as Russia's
(see below), in a bilateral consultative commission, and to discuss
whether treaty limits apply to them.
New START and missile defence
As already mentioned, SALT and START I, which limited offensive nuclear missiles, were flanked by
the ABM Treaty on missile defences. However, the link between offensive and defensive strategic
weapons was broken in 2002, when the US pulled out of the ABM Treaty. According to Washington,
the latter was no longer needed because relations between Russia and the US had improved and
the risk of a nuclear conflict had receded; as a result, maintaining a strategic balance between the
two nuclear powers had become less of a concern than the need to protect the US and its European
allies from rogue states such as Iran and North Korea.
Since then, the US has developed missile defence
systems, some of which would have been banned
under the ABM Treaty (see box). Washington
insists that these systems are intended to block
limited ballistic missile attacks, for example, from
Iran or North Korea, and are not a threat to Russia,
which has more than enough missiles to
overwhelm the limited number of interceptors.
Nevertheless, missile defence remains a bone of
contention, with Vladimir Putin warning in 2018
that it could result in 'the complete devaluation of
Russia's nuclear potential', thus tipping the
strategic balance in Washington's favour.
These differing perspectives are reflected in
unilateral statements by the US and Russia on
missile defence in relation to New START.
According to Russia, 'the Treaty can operate and
be viable only if the United States of America
refrains from developing its missile defense
capabilities quantitatively or qualitatively', whereas the
US argues that 'missile defense systems are
not intended to affect the strategic balance with Russia', and that such systems are needed for
protection from limited threats. New START itself does not include provisions on anti-ballistic
missiles other than prohibiting the conversion of launchers for intercontinental ballistic missiles and
submarine-launched ballistic missiles to hold anti-ballistic missile interceptors. As a compromise
between the two sides, its preamble acknowledges 'the interrelationship between strategic
offensive arms and strategic defensive arms'.
Conventionally armed intercontinental ballistic missiles
Russia also sees itself as potentially disadvantaged by US conventional weapons, such as those
envisaged by the Conventional Prompt Global Strike programme
, which aimed to develop ICBMs
and SLBMs carrying conventional warheads. Given that such missiles could have the accuracy to
destroy some targets that previously would have required nuclear-armed missiles and can be easily
mistaken for them, Russia insisted that New START constrained strategic warheads, whether nuclear
or conventional. The same concern is reflected in its nuclear deterrence policy, which reserves Russia
the right to fire nuclear weapons when attacked by ballistic missiles, including conventional ones.
As in the case of missile defence, the preamble to New START acknowledges Russian concerns about
'the impact of conventionally armed ICBMs and SLBMs on strategic stability'. In initial negotiations
on New START, the US did not accept Russia's demands for a ban on such missiles, but it did agree
Missile defence after the end of the ABM
Russia has kept its Cold War missile defences
around Moscow a system that was allowed
under the ABM Treaty, as it only protects the
capital city. Russia's new S-500 system, expected
to become operational in 2025, will also
reportedly be able to intercept missiles.
The US has developed a Ground-based
Midcourse Defense (GMD) system
, which
protects the entire US and therefore would not
have been allowed under the ABM Treaty. It has
also deployed regional missile defence systems in
other parts of the world, such as a NATO missile
shield in Europe. Being designed for use against
shorter-range missiles, these systems would not
have been constrained by the treaty.
The New START Treaty between the US and Russia
that conventional warheads on deployed ICBMs and SLBMs should count towards the treaty limit
on deployed strategic warheads. This was a concession that it could easily afford, given that at the
time of signing the treaty it did not expect to deploy many such missiles and indeed, currently has
not declared plans to do so.
Compliance with New START
As already detailed above, inspection and
notification requirements under the treaty
ensure a high degree of transparency and
make it difficult for either side to conceal large
numbers of weapons. In any case, analysts
suggest that Russia does not have the capacity
to manufacture large numbers of missiles and
may even struggle to reach permitted levels. It
is therefore probable that the data disclosed by
the two parties closely reflects the actual state
of their nuclear forces.
According to such data, both the US and Russia
reduced their strategic nuclear forces to below
treaty limits by the February 2018 deadline,
when the limits took full effect, and have
remained in compliance with those limits since
then. In its annual report
on implementation of
the New START Treaty, of which the latest
published version is from January 2020, the US State Department confirms that Russia was in
compliance at the end of 2019. Russia raised questions in the New START bilateral consultative
commission about US techniques to convert SLMB launch tubes and bombers so they do not count
under the treaty's limits, but eventually dropped its insistence that this issue would have to be
addressed before extending the treaty.
A mostly positive track record for bilateral nuclear arms control
Arms control during the Cold War had a mixed track record. SALT limited the number of ground and
submarine launchers of ballistic missiles (according to President Ronald Reagan, the most
weapons, as missiles cannot be recalled once fired, unlike bombers, and reach their
targets in minutes rather than hours); on the other hand, it did not restrict the number of warheads,
which continued to rise, especially on the Soviet side. The emergence of MIRVs in the 1970s allowed
the US and USSR to compensate for curbs on missile numbers by mounting multiple warheads on
each missile. US and Soviet military spending picked up in the 1980s arms race, reaching over 6 %
of GDP for the US, and an economically ruinous 15 % of Soviet GDP.
Military budgets and the number of nuclear weapons fell dramatically in the 1990s. Not all of this
reduction was due to arms control agreements: the easing of geopolitical tensions and Russia's deep
economic crisis meant that defence spending was no longer such a priority
. In 1991 and 1992, the
US and USSR/Russia took unilateral measures eliminating many thousands of nuclear warheads
outside of the INF and START I treaties. However, START I and New START have also played an
important part, by setting strict and equal limits for the two sides, together with far-reaching
transparency requirements providing reliable information about numbers, locations and
capabilities of each other's nuclear forces. Arguably, these two treaties have enabled Russia and the
US to go further than they might otherwise have done, by guaranteeing that each side's reductions
are reciprocated. Under New START, both the US and Russia continued to downsize their strategic
nuclear weapon arsenals even after 2014, despite deteriorating relations between the two countries.
Figure 2: New START compliance
(as of 1 December 2020)
(max. 1 550)
Deployed delivery
(max. 700)
Deployed +
(max. 800)
Data source: US Bureau of Arms Control, Verification
and Compliance
Both the US and Russia are at or below New START
Treaty limits.
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Renewal of New START
An unfavourable context for renewal demise of the arms control system
Since the 1990s, most of the arms control agreements concluded by the United States, the Soviet
Union/Russia and allied countries, together with flanking confidence and security-building
measures such as the OSCE's Open Skies Treaty, have come unstuck.
These developments have undermined the international security order especially in Europe and
left New START as the only major remaining bilateral arms agreement between the US and Russia.
Reasons for the demise of arms control
Several factors explain the demise of these treaties, among them Russian non-compliance. The US
first publicly raised concerns about Russia's SSC-8 missile in 2014; refusing to accept Russian
assurances that the latter was a short-range missile, the US estimated its range at 2 500 km, therefore
putting it in the category of missiles banned by the INF Treaty. The US also accused Moscow of
imposing unjustified restrictions on observation flights over Russian territory, in violation of the
Open Skies Treaty. The US has since withdrawn from both treaties.
Another significant factor is that many Cold War and post-Cold War agreements no longer reflect
the new reality. Technological developments have brought new weapons (such as Russia's
innovative nuclear weapons see below) that fall outside the scope of existing restrictions. At the
same time, the geopolitical situation has changed; except for its nuclear forces, Russia is no longer
an equal adversary for the US and is probably less of a threat in the long term than rising power
China, which is not party to any of the agreements. China's large arsenal of intermediate-range
Figure 3: Arms control, total warhead numbers, defence expenditure
Data source: Federation of American Scientists, 1945-2013/2014-2020; SIPRI.
Arms control agreements have helped to bring down US and Russian nuclear stockpiles and military
Figure 4: Arms control, confidence and security building measures timeline
Since 2000, the US and Russia have pulled out of several important agreements. Source: EPRS.
The New START Treaty between the US and Russia
missiles, most of which are conventionally armed, may have been an even more significant motive
for the US decision to pull out of the INF Treaty than Russian non-compliance.
Donald Trump's presidency was particularly unfavourable to arms control, leading to US
withdrawal from the INF Treaty and the Open Skies Treaty; until reprieved at the last minute by
Trump's successor, Joe Biden, it looked as if New START would share the same fate. Trump's
approach towards arms control was of a piece with his general unilateralism ('America First') and
scepticism towards international agreements and institutions. Among Republican politicians,
Trump's attitude is certainly not unique: although several important agreements (such as SALT I,
ABM Treaty, INF Treaty, START I) were concluded under Republican presidents, senators from the
party were already sceptical about New START in 2010, perhaps due to the fact that it was the
initiative of a Democrat president.
Most arms control agreements were concluded during periods of relative détente between the US
and the Soviet Union/Russia in the early 1970s, the late 1980s and 1990s, and after the Obama-era
', which paved the way for New START. Good diplomatic relations create trust, enabling the
delicate compromises needed to strike agreements that accommodate the two sides' differing
interests and address their concerns. Today, with US-Russia relations at a
post-Cold War low, arms
control has become more necessary than ever, but it is precisely at tense times like this that
cooperation and dialogue are especially difficult.
The debate on New START renewal
Originally due to expire after 10 years in February 2021, New START contains a provision allowing it
to be extended for up to five years. Of the two parties, Russia showed more interest in renewal, with
Putin calling
for unconditional extension in December 2019. There was more scepticism on the US
side; after Donald Trump dismissed the treaty in 2017 as an Obama-era 'bad deal', his administration
was non-committal on renewal, arguing that Russia had showed itself to be an unreliable partner.
Presidential arms control envoy, Marshall Billingslea, downplayed the risk of a new arms race,
arguing that the US could spend Russia and China 'into oblivion', if necessary.
Talks on New START opened in Vienna in June 2020, with the US initially opposed to the idea of a
simple extension. According to Billingslea, an arms control agreement only made sense if it included
China as well as Russia's non-strategic weapons. However, China, which had been invited to
participate, did not show up. In August 2020, the US softened its position on Chinese participation
and expressed
openness to extending New START bilaterally for at least a shorter period, conditional
on various demands being met, such as Russia signing a commitment to negotiate a new treaty
including all categories of nuclear weapons, and with more rigorous verification measures. In
October 2020, Billingslea announced that the US was willing to extend New START for one year on
condition that Russia agreed to freeze its nuclear arsenal including non-strategic weapons
pending a new treaty.
Despite criticising US 'unilateralism', Russia appeared in October to be on the point of accepting this
demand, agreeing to freeze the number of total warheads for one year in return for a one-year
extension of New START, but the two sides were still unable to bridge their differences, for example,
on verification of the freeze. It was left to newly elected President Joe Biden to reprieve the treaty:
one of his first actions after taking office in January 2021 was to
propose an unconditional extension
for the maximum five years; with the two sides in agreement and approval from both houses of the
Russian Parliament (as required by Russian law; on the US side, extension does not require Senate
approval as it does not change the text of the treaty), renewal was confirmed just two days before
the expiry date.
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Arms control post-New START: Unaddressed issues
Continued downsizing of nuclear forces
Although extending New START is a positive step for arms control, it still leaves many unanswered
questions. For example, if the US and Russia ever agree on a new arms control treaty, they will need
to decide whether to continue reducing the number of strategic nuclear weapons. With around
1 550 deployed strategic warheads each, the two parties still have far more nuclear weapons than
necessary for credible deterrence one estimate
suggests that as few as 100 warheads would be
enough to wipe out an adversary. In 2013, Barack Obama proposed a further cut of up to one-third
in strategic warheads compared to New START levels, although the idea is not currently on the table.
From bilateral to multilateral?
In the longer term, another pressing concern is
extending arms control beyond the US and Russia to
other nuclear weapon states China in particular.
Reliable information on Chinese nuclear weapons is in
short supply, but most estimates
put its total stockpile at
over 300 warheads. Although this is not even one-
fifteenth the size of the US and Russian arsenals, the lack
of transparency is a concern, as is the prospect that this
figure is likely to rise. According to one Pentagon official,
Beijing could
double its nuclear arsenal over the next
decade (although in the past similar forecasts of Chinese
nuclear expansion have proved wrong).
As already mentioned, in 2020 the US pressed China to
join New START negotiations. However, Beijing declared
that it would only be willing to participate if the US
agreed to reduce its arsenal to the size of China's, which
it claims is 20 times smaller. So long as China has far fewer
nuclear weapons, it has no incentive to accept the same
limits as Russia and the US. Nor is Beijing likely to agree to transparency measures of the kind
included in New START, given that secrecy about its nuclear forces helps to
compensate for their
relatively small size.
For its part, Russia has declared itself open to multilateral initiatives especially if they include US
'nuclear allies' the UK and France and also has an obvious interest in limiting Chinese nuclear
forces, but considers Washington's attempt to involve Beijing in bilateral US-Russia relations to be
'completely far-fetched'.
Non-strategic and non-deployed weapons
Nearly two-thirds of US and Russian nuclear stockpiles consists of non-strategic and non-deployed
warheads, which are not currently subject to any arms control restrictions. Already in 2010, the
Obama administration expressed
the hope that these categories could be brought within the scope
of a follow-up treaty to New START. Russia has nearly 10 times as many non-strategic nuclear
warheads as the US, which pose a serious threat to targets in neighbouring states and perhaps
further afield, if mounted on the intermediate-range missiles that Russia is accused of developing.
As already mentioned, this continuing asymmetry nearly became a deal-breaker in talks on
extending New START, with Russia declining to commit to a freeze on non-strategic weapons or a
new treaty that includes them. Many experts believe that Russia is unlikely to agree to curbs in this
field unless the US accepts corresponding restrictions on missile defence and long-range
conventional weapons.
Figure 5: Global warhead stockpiles
(strategic + non-strategic/ deployed + non-
deployed + retired)
Data source: SIPRI Yearbook 2020.
The New START Treaty between the US and Russia
The US and Russia both have large numbers of non-deployed warheads in storage. Such warheads
are a potential concern, not least because the US and Russia could, if they stopped complying with
New START limits, easily deploy them on missiles which are not currently fully loaded.
Innovative nuclear weapons
In his March 2018 address to the Federal Assembly, Vladimir Putin unveiled a new generation of
Russian nuclear weapons, which he claims are necessary owing to the refusal of the US to scale back
its missile defences. Precise, highly manoeuvrable and travelling up to 20 times the speed of sound
over huge distances, they are practically unstoppable, according to him.
Table 4 New Russian nuclear weapons, main types
Name Type
Range Targets Features Deployment
ballistic missile
10-15 nuclear 16 000 km
High value
Replaces SS-18
Hypersonic glide
vehicle, launched
by ICBMs such as
Each Avangard
vehicle counts as
a single warhead
Depends on
the missile
carrying it
High value
Capable of
maneuvering in
flight to evade
missile defence
launched, nuclear-
underwater drone
Nuclear 10 000 km
Coastal cities,
aircraft carriers
Capable of
reaching depths
of 1km. Could set
off a radioactive
After 2027
cruise missile
25 000 km
value targets
Powered by a
nuclear reactor
After 2030
ballistic missile
Conventional or
2 000 km in
addition to
Naval vessels
and ground
Travels at 10 times
the speed of
On trial basis
in 2017
Cruise missile,
launched from ship
or submarine
perhaps also
500 km
Ships and
ground targets
Travels at 9 times
the speed of
Data sources: Congressional Research Service, Nuclear Threat Initiative.
New START limits apply to some of these weapons such as the
system, which Russia
claims to have already deployed in 2019, and the
ballistic missiles that will eventually carry
it. On the other hand,
do not resemble any of the categories envisaged
by New START and therefore arguably fall outside its scope. Given that neither of the latter weapons
is likely to be deployed during the lifetime of the treaty, the issue has not yet become relevant, but
it would have to be tackled by a future arms control agreement.
The US is also modernising its nuclear weapons, but until recently more by maintaining and
adapting existing weapons than developing new ones, which the 2010 Obama-era Nuclear Posture
Review claimed were unnecessary. The 2018 version of the review breaks with this policy, arguing
that the US may need 'new capabilities' to keep up with adversaries. In February 2021, the US
deployed its first new nuclear weapon in over a decade, an SLBM that has a much lower yield
(explosive force) than existing SLBMs and, according to the Pentagon, gives the US a more
proportionate and credible response to Russia's non-strategic weapons. Although comparable to
those weapons in terms of yield, the new missile still counts under New START limits for strategic
EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service
weapons. With the INF Treaty gone, the US also has a ground-launched intermediate-range missile
in the pipeline; as a cruise missile, this will fall outside the scope of New START.
Prospects for arms control post-2026
In March 2021, Joe Biden declared his determination to pursue new arms control agreements. The
five-year extension of New START gives Russia and the US five years' breathing space to negotiate a
replacement treaty. Ideally, a new bilateral arms control agreement would include currently
unrestricted categories of weapons described in the previous sections. However, any such treaty
could be extremely difficult to negotiate, as it would need to reconcile the strengths and
vulnerabilities of the two sides across the disparate categories of weapons that weigh in the
strategic balance. In addition, an agreement on non-deployed warheads would probably require
intrusive new verification provisions. Experts feel it is unlikely that other nuclear weapon states,
especially China, will agree to participate.
Even the more modest objective of a bilateral treaty with a similar limited scope to New START may
be hard to achieve. On the US side, scepticism towards arms control and general mistrust of Russia
given past compliance doubts could stand in the way of the two-thirds Senate consent vote for
ratification of international treaties. It is true that even without a treaty, a massive expansion of
nuclear weapons stockpiles would be unlikely; neither side, especially Russia with its stagnating
economy, can afford a 1980s-style arms race. However, the absence of clear limits and transparency
would create risks for the strategic balance between the two sides.
The EU and New START: in February 2021, the EU welcomed the US and Russian decision to extend
New START, which it considers 'a crucial contribution to international and European security'. For
the EU, the treaty 'limits strategic competition and increases strategic stability'. The EU encourages
Russia and the US to seek 'further reductions to their arsenals' in all categories of nuclear weapon,
thus 'laying the ground for even more robust future arms control agreements and reporting'.
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background material to assist them in their parliamentary work. The content of the document is the sole
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