Strategic Plan 2019-2024
“Achieving Excellence by Educating all Students for Tomorrow’s World.”
Oakes Public Schools Strategic Plan 2019-24
Table of Contents
To Our Community – District Information............................................................................3
Oakes School Board...................................................................................................................3
Oakes School Administration....................................................................................................3
Strategic Planning Overview .................................................................................................4-5
Strategic Planning Model...........................................................................................................5
Strategic Planning Committee/Process.....................................................................................6
Strategic Plan ..............................................................................................................................7
Strategic Initiatives ................................................................................................................8-13
Strategic Initiative 1 – Academic Engagement and Personalized Learning...........8-9
Goal 1: Portrait of a Graduate - 21
Century Skills ..............................................8
Goal 2: Personalized Competency-Based Education...........................................8-9
Goal 3: MTSS (Multi-Tiered Support System)......................................................9
Goal 4: Student Achievement.................................................................................9
Strategic Initiative 2 – School Culture and Climate.....................................................10
Goal 1: Growth Mindset .......................................................................................10
Goal 2: Mental Health and Student Behavior Planning........................................10
Goal : Participation and Experiences in Extra and Co-curricular Activities........11
Strategic Initiative 3 – Community Outreach...............................................................12
Goal 1: Business Partners-Student Internships .....................................................12
Oakes Public Schools Strategic Plan 2019-24
Goal 2: Family Engagement………………………………………….….………11
Strategic Initiative 4 – Resource Management and Planning ....................................13
Goal 1: Recruitment and Retention of Staff.........................................................13
Goal 2: Long Range Facilities Planning ...............................................................13
Goal 3: Long Range Technology Planning............................................................14
Goal 4: Long Range Financial Planning ...............................................................13
Strategic Initiative 5 – Continuous Improvement and Accountability ......................14
AdvancEd Engagement and Review Report........................................................................15-16
Annual Review………..…………………………………………...………………….……..….16
Oakes Public Schools Strategic Plan 2019-24
Executive Summary
The Oakes Public School District has two schools under one roof with a K-12 enrollment of 484
students. The need for a strategic plan is necessary to guide the district through the transition to
personalized competency-based learning, support the flex mod initiative in the high school, plan
for funding the ongoing building and grounds upkeep, support and guide the recruitment and
retention task force, and manage enrollment.
The Portrait of a Graduate will serve as our North Star of a system transformation and provide
strategic direction for the overall educational experience for students. EdLeader 21 states that
school leaders need to ask:
What are the hopes, aspirations, and dreams that our community has for our young
What are the skills and habits of mind that our children need for success in this rapidly
changing and complex world?
What are the implications for the design of the learning experiences and equitable access
to those experiences we provide in our school systems?
The following strategic plan makes our priorities clear, ensures full transparency, and will use
measurable outcomes to hold us accountable for maintaining focus on what will benefit our
students. The plan is proactive and provides a road map to create the kind of educational
experiences we want for today’s and tomorrow’s children. A balanced mix of current practice
and new initiatives can be found throughout the plan. The plan is comprehensive and reaches all
corners of the district. Both the academic and operational branches of the school district are
melded together to create consistency in practice.
The Oakes Public Schools Strategic Plan sets the course for the future of our district. We invite
the Oakes community to join us as we “Achieve excellence by educating all students for
tomorrow’s world.”
Kraig M Steinhoff, Superintendent
Oakes Public Schools
Oakes School Board
Sonia Meehl - President
Karla Hoelscher
Sheila Nagel
Robert Thorpe
Bill Schmitz
Oakes Administration
Kraig Steinhoff - Superintendent
Brandon Bata - High School Principal
Anna Sell - Elementary Principal
Oakes Public Schools Strategic Plan 2019-24
School District Systems Alignment
There is a difference between the three central tenets of school district organization. Those
tenants include Board Governance Policies, District Strategic Planning, and District Operational
Planning. The following definitions help clarify the roles each plays in a strategically aligned
school district. See figure below:
Elements of a Strategic Plan
A comprehensive strategic plan includes both the academic and operational aspects of a school
district as identified in the district’s accreditation process; the AdvancED school improvement
model. This model includes three domains:
v Leadership Capacity
v Learning Capacity
v Resource Capacity
The Domains are statements that define the capacity of a school district to provide quality
student experiences as measured by a set of standards and meet the rigorous demands of
continuous school district improvement. A strategic plan will align the work of the school
district in both academic and operational strategic initiatives, goals and result metrics.
The elements of a good strategic plan include Mission Statement, Vision Statement, Belief or
Value Statements, Strategic Initiatives, Goals, and Results that are aligned with the AdvancED
performance standards for continuous school improvement.
What is Strategic Planning?
Strategic planning is an organizational management activity that is used to set priorities, focus
energy and resources, strengthen operations, and ensure that employees, board members,
and stakeholders are all working toward common goals. It is an effort that will guide
fundamental decisions and actions to shape the future of your school district.
What is a Strategic Plan?
A Strategic Plan is a living document used to communicate the organization’s goals, the
priorities needed to achieve those goals, and metrics used to measure progress on those goals. It
includes both the academic and operational aspects of the school district.
Strategic Focus
Oakes Public Schools Strategic Plan 2019-24
The strategic plan is aligned with the Board’s governing policies. Through these policies, the
Board sets the directive; however, the Superintendent ensures a process is put in place to develop
and implement a strategic plan.
Strategic Planning vs. Operational Planning
A strategic plan is a living document used to communicate the organization's goals, the
priorities needed to achieve those goals, and metrics used to measure progress on those
goals. It outlines your mission, vision, values, and strategic initiatives (focus) for the
next three to five years. A focused strategic plan will strengthen operations, and ensure
that employees, board members, and stakeholders are all working toward common goals.
An operational plan is a yearly plan which will focus the work of the district during the
current school year. It is the mechanism used to implement a strategic plan. The
operational plan is directly aligned to the strategic plan and includes metrics to measure
the progress of the plan throughout the school year
Strategic Planning Model
Copyright © 2019 by Schatz & Associates, LLC
Board Governance Policies
“What we do is what we value”
Proactive vs. Reactive
“Hope for the best is not a strategic initiative”!
Transformational Change?
Oakes Public Schools Strategic Plan 2019-24
Strategic Planning Committee
A Strategic Planning Steering Committee was developed and consisted of the following
Kraig Steinhoff-superintendent
Anna Sell-elementary principal
Brandon Bata-high school principal
Bill Schmitz-board member
Sonia Meehl-board member
Greg Dobitz-elementary teacher
Dani Roney- elementary teacher
Shari Christenson-high school teacher
Brennan Hack-high school teacher
April Haring-support staff
Deb Van De Venter-support staff
Emily Ptacek-community member
Greg Stemen-community member
Coy Awender-student
Madison Iverson-student
Jason Paradis-elementary parent
Jessica Sundby-elementary parent
Scott German-high school parent
Shannon Jepson-high school parent
Dr. Jeff Schatz served as the Chair/Facilitator while the Cabinet and other district administrators
played the role of the support team and assisted in facilitating the process.
Planning Process
The planning process and actual construction of a new strategic plan occurred over a series of
September 17 Community Focus Group
October 3 Steering Committee Meeting #1 3:30 – 5:30 pm
October 24 Steering Committee Meeting #2 3:30 – 5:30 pm
November 14 Steering Committee Meeting #3 3:30 – 5:30 pm
February 6 Steering Committee Meeting #6 3:30 – 5:30 pm
February 20 Steering Committee Meeting #7 3:30 – 5:30 pm
**All Steering Committee Meetings were held in the school conference room.
Oakes Public Schools Strategic Plan 2019-24
Oakes Public Schools
Strategic Plan 2019-2024
Our Mission
“Achieving excellence by educating all students for tomorrow’s world.”
Our Vision
“Our vision for the future is to create personalized educational experiences that will prepare each
student to develop the skills essential for their success. These skills include critical thinking,
communication, collaboration, and creativity. We will accomplish this by supporting our
students in their intellectual, social, and personal growth in a community that is safe and
conducive to learning.”
Our Commitments
The Oakes Public Schools value respectful relationships between and among students, staff,
parents, and the community. We know that through the development of genuine relationships we
will instill a growth mindset where each student can realize their full potential.
Our Strategic Focus
The Oakes Public Schools will achieve its mission, vision, and commitments through the
fulfillment of its strategic plan. The following strategic initiatives will guide our efforts as we
“Achieve excellence by educating all students for tomorrow’s world.”
I. Academic Engagement and Personalized Learning
II. School Culture and Climate
III. Community Outreach and Engagement
IV. Resource Management and Planning
V. Continuous Improvement and Accountability
Oakes Public Schools Strategic Plan 2019-24
The Oakes Public Schools will use a personalized competency-based approach to engage
students in their own educational experience. North Dakota State Standards provides the
structure for teaching and learning and encourages the highest achievement of every student by
defining the knowledge and skills that students should acquire at each grade level.
GOAL 1: Portrait of a Graduate – 21
Century Skills Development
The Oakes Public Schools will use the 21st Century Skills of collaboration,
communication, creativity, and critical thinking to create a portrait of a graduate. The
21st Century Skills encourage the highest achievement of every student, by defining the
knowledge and skills that students should acquire at each grade level and support the
learning of the North Dakota State Standards.
1. Develop a portrait of a graduate that includes essential skills necessary for each
student’s future success.
2. Provide professional development for faculty and staff focused on the content and
utilization of our portrait of a graduate.
3. Implement instructional practices that incorporate the essential skills identified in
the Portrait of a Graduate.
Progress Monitoring
1. A Portrait of a Graduate will be created, with implemented.
2. The professional development calendar will include yearly training on our Portrait
of a Graduate.
3. Students will be surveyed annually in grades 9-12 to gather feedback on
attainment of essential skills in our Portrait of a Graduate. (2021-Survey
GOAL 2: Personalized Competency-Based Learning
The North Dakota Department of Public Instruction defines personalized learning as a
process where students are met at their level, challenging them with high expectations for
academic achievement. Personalized learning includes:
Rigorous academic standards and social-emotional skills students will need to be
ready for college, career, and life.
Customized instruction will allow each student to design learning experiences.
Varied pacing based on individual student needs.
Real-time differentiation of instruction supports interventions based on formative
assessments and student feedback data.
Access to clear, transferable learning objectives and assessment results.
Oakes Public Schools will maintain the right to define competency-based learning
as it pertains to the school district’s initiatives.
1. Maintain a partnership with the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
and Knowledge Works.
2. Develop and implement a plan to transition from traditional based education to
personalized competency-based learning.
Oakes Public Schools Strategic Plan 2019-24
Progress Monitoring
1. Meet timelines and fulfill requirements set forth by the North Dakota Department
of Public Instruction and Knowledge Works throughout the five-year transition
2. Implementation of personalized competency-based learning in PreK-12.
GOAL 3: MTSS (Multi-Tiered Support System)
North Dakota’s Multi-Tier System of Supports (NDMTSS) is a framework to provide all
students with the best opportunities to succeed academically and behaviorally in school.
NDMTSS focuses on providing high-quality instruction and interventions matched to
student need, monitoring progress frequently to make decisions about changes in teaching
or goals. Data is used to allocate resources to improve student learning and support staff
implementation of effective practices. (2021-Request to gather input from staff)
1. Expand the MTSS programming systemwide from PreK -12.
2. Refine and apply instructional pathways for 7-12.
3. Create a shared data wall that includes K-12.
4. Provide regularly scheduled professional development time for the teacher to
collaborate on MTSS data and interventions for students.
Progress Monitoring
1. Use assessment data to monitor student performance.
2. Finish development of (MTSS Pathway) for PreK -12.
3. Monitor the use of data walls to make student programming decisions.
4. Professional learning committee minutes will be maintained and posted by team
GOAL 4: Student Achievement
The Board of Education recognizes that the critical work of school boards is to establish
and promote a clear vision of student achievement as the top priority of the district.
1. The Board of Education and administrators will identify benchmarks to be used to
evaluate student achievement per policy GABDA.
Progress Monitoring
1. The results of the benchmarks will be updated annually and reported to all district
Oakes Public Schools Strategic Plan 2019-24
The Oakes Public Schools are dedicated to developing programs that build positive relationships,
which will ensure a positive school experience.
GOAL 1: Growth Mindset
A growth mindset is a frame of mind or a belief system which individuals use to
process incoming information. People with a growth mindset look at challenges and
change as a motivator to increase effort and learning. Oakes Public Schools will use
the Growth Mindset Framework to develop and implement a school-wide plan for
teachers and students.
1. Provide professional development to faculty and staff on the Growth Mindset.
2. Establish practices that enhance the Growth Mindset in students, faculty, and
3. Create a formal structure to ensure students develop positive relationships with
adults and peers who support their educational experiences.
Progress Monitoring
1. The professional development calendar will include training on the Growth
2. Survey students, staff and faculty annually to gather feedback on the
implementation of Growth Mindset practices. (2021-How incorporating in 7-12)
GOAL 2: Mental Health and Student Behavior Planning
The Oakes Public Schools are committed to ensuring that staff and students are in a school
environment that is safe and conducive to learning. The Multi-Tiered System of Support
(MTSS) process for behavior challenges can be used to assist in identifying and helping
students who experience mental health or behavioral issues.
1. A task force will be developed to explore best practices used to address the issue
of mental health, drug/alcohol issues, or potential drop out programming.
2. The recommendations of the task force will be used to develop a plan of action
addressing mental health, drug/alcohol issues, or potential drop out programming.
3. Increase behavioral preparedness of incoming kindergarten students by providing
preschool programming for students in need.
4. Create partnerships with outside entities to deal with mental health issues of
students, staff, and faculty.
Progress Monitoring
1. Analyze behavior incident data.
2. Analyze PreK-12 assessment data semiannually.
3. Monitor the development of partnerships with outside entities.
4. MTSS-B procedures or protocols system are implemented to decrease disruptions
of the learning environment due to behavior challenges.
Oakes Public Schools Strategic Plan 2019-24
GOAL 3: Participation and Experiences in Extra and Co-curricular Activities
The Oakes Public Schools will support participation by all students in extra and co-
curricular activities. Activities offered include academic activities, career technical
student activities, athletics, clubs, drama, and music.
1. The Oakes Public Schools will ensure that a variety of extra and co-curricular
programs and activities are made available for all students.
2. Oakes Public Schools will continue to find ways to improve and enhance current
extra and co-curricular activities.
Progress Monitoring
1. The Oakes Public Schools will monitor the effectiveness of the extra and co-
curricular programs by monitoring student participation numbers, satisfaction
survey data, GPA of participants, team scholar award recipients.
2. The Activities Director will report to the school board after each season on
participation numbers and program success.
Oakes Public Schools Strategic Plan 2019-24
The Oakes Public Schools will develop external partnerships which will provide additional support
and enrichment opportunities for students and staff.
GOAL 1: Business Partners-Student Internships
The Oakes Public Schools will establish partnerships and relationships with non-profits and
area businesses to support student academic success.
1. Continue implementation and expansion of work-based learning opportunities
provided to our Juniors and Seniors.
Progress Monitoring
1. Student completion of internship projects.
GOAL 2: Family Engagement
The Oakes Public Schools provide a wide variety of communication through Facebook,
newspaper, newsletter, Twitter, and Website. These are helpful ways to get information
out; however, they do very little to engage our families. The focus on engagement means
that we need to offer more ways for families to be involved.
1. Family Engagement is more than family communication. The Oakes Public
Schools will develop ways to engage families, to positively impact student
learning outcomes.
Progress Monitoring
2. A plan to further engage families will be developed and implemented.
Oakes Public Schools Strategic Plan 2019-24
The Oakes Public Schools will secure and allocate resources needed to fund and carry out this
strategic plan. Meeting the needs of all students by providing equitable opportunities across the
school district will be a priority in all decisions made to educate students.
GOAL 1: Recruitment & Retention of Staff
The Oakes Public Schools will create a positive, supportive work environment and culture
that recognizes human motivators and allows for flexibility in meeting the full range of needs
facing our existing or potential school workforce. We will accomplish this goal by providing:
Competitive compensation and benefit packages
High-quality new employee orientation programs
A mentoring program for all new and certified staff
Continuing education and professional development for all staff members
1. Review and further refine current practices regarding staff orientation, mentoring, and
coaching programs that address unique professional practices and organizational
expectations in support of all staff through guidance, support, and feedback.
2. Continue discussions around the recommendations made by the Retention and
Recruitment Taskforce.
Progress Monitoring
1. Update negotiated agreement that includes recommendations of the
recruitment and retention task force.
2. Develop written documents outlining the processes used for staff orientation,
mentoring, and coaching programs by the spring of 2020.
GOAL 2: Long-Range Facilities Planning
The Oakes Public Schools will strive to build and maintain facilities necessary to carry
out the Mission of the district with appropriate space available for all aspects of
education. This will be accomplished through the following objectives:
1. The Oakes Public Schools will develop a Long-Range Facilities Plan to assist the
Board of Education and administration in the decision-making process as they
plan for facility needs.
2. The Oakes Public Schools will implement the Long-Range Facilities Plan using
the necessary resources to both maintain existing facilities, and design and
remodel or build new facilities.
3. Annual Operational Maintenance – Oakes Public Schools will systematically plan
maintenance projects for completion. The plan will include a detailed list of
annual needs and scheduling, to ensure designated projects are completed.
Progress Monitoring
1. A task force will be developed during the Fall of 2019, to create a Long-Range
Facilities Plan. The task force will develop the plan over a series of meetings
completing a plan document for the Board of Education’s approval by May 1,
Oakes Public Schools Strategic Plan 2019-24
GOAL 3: Long-Range Technology Plan
The Oakes Public Schools are committed to ensuring all faculty and students have access
to technology. Furthermore, our top priority will be the integration of technology within
the curriculum to optimize the individual learning of each student. Integrated technology
within the curriculum assists students in gathering, evaluating, and or use information,
conduct research, solve problems, and create original works.
1. The Oakes Public Schools will develop a Long-Range Technology Plan to ensure
students are college or career ready.
2. Faculty and students will acquire the knowledge to use a variety of technology
tools through classroom instruction and professional development activities.
3. The Oakes Public Schools will continue the integration of technology as a
learning tool for students and staff.
4. The Oakes Public Schools will plan to use technology as an efficient and effective
mode of communication with school stakeholders.
Progress Monitoring
1. Development of a comprehensive Long-Range Technology Plan will be
completed by the end of the 2020-21 school year.
2. Development of professional development opportunities will include training for
faculty and the use of technology in the delivery of classroom curriculum.
3. Internal and external communications will use a variety of communication tools
such as website and social media platforms.
GOAL 4: Long-Range Financial Planning
The Oakes Public Schools will develop long-term financial stability and sustainability
plan. This effort will require ongoing State commitment to education funding, local
support for the educational experience expected by district stakeholders, and ongoing
Federal support for educational mandates. As a result of our efforts, this will be
accomplished through the following objectives:
1. Prepare a Long-Range Financial Plan which is data driven with historical, current,
and future data projections.
2. Prepare a budget aligned with AdvancED school improvement plans and strategic
initiatives with a shared vision of the district’s strategic initiatives.
3. Prepare an annual budget which addresses facility and technology needs to
support effective instruction.
Progress Monitoring
1. The Oakes Public Schools will research and develop a Long-Range Financial Plan
by December 2019.
2. The Oakes Public Schools will develop an annual budget with final approval by
the Board of Education. The budget will be prepared using data metrics provided
by the Long-Range Financial Plan which includes historical, current, and future
forecasted parameters and assumptions.
Oakes Public Schools Strategic Plan 2019-24
The Oakes Public Schools are committed to making data-driven decisions to ensure continuous
improvement and accountability. The school district will engage in a comprehensive process of
building and district level evaluation and accreditation. This will be accomplished by using the
AdvancED School Improvement and Accreditation Model. AdvancED has defined three
standards and corresponding indicators to assess overall school district performance. The three
standards are:
Standard 1: Leadership Capacity Domain
The capacity of leadership to ensure an institution’s progress toward its stated objectives
is an essential element of organizational effectiveness. An institution’s leadership
capacity includes the fidelity and commitment to its purpose and direction, the
effectiveness of governance and leadership to enable the institution to realize its stated
objectives, the ability to engage and involve stakeholders in meaningful and productive
ways, and the capacity to implement strategies that improve learner and educator
Standard 2: Learning Capacity Domain
The impact of teaching and learning is the primary expectation of every system and its
institutions. The establishment of a learning culture built on high expectations for
learning, along with quality programs and services, which include an analysis of results,
are all key indicators of the system’s impact on teaching and learning.
Standard 3: Resource Capacity Domain
The use and distribution of resources align and support the needs of the system and
institutions served. Systems ensure that resources are aligned with its stated purpose and
direction and distributed equitably so that the needs of the system are adequately and
effectively addressed. The utilization of resources includes support for professional
learning for all staff. The system examines the allocation and use of resources to ensure
appropriate levels of funding, sustainability, and system effectiveness.
AdvancED Engagement and Review report – January 30-31, 2018
The Oakes Public Schools have identified and ensured that the recommendations made by the
2018 AdvancEd report team are embedded throughout the current strategic plan. Advanced
recommendations included:
Opportunity for Improvement #1
Ensure all teachers implement instructional strategies that promote critical thinking,
creativity, innovation, digital learning, and collaborative problem-solving for students to
use 21st Century Learning competencies and skills.
Opportunity for Improvement #2
Develop a formalized process to implement a system to analyze and use data to drive
instruction and align curriculum.
Oakes Public Schools Strategic Plan 2019-24
Improvement Priority #1
Design and implement induction, mentoring, and coaching programs that address unique
professional practices and organizational expectations in support of all staff through
guidance, support, and feedback from peers and leaders.
Improvement Priority #2
Implement a formal structure to ensure learners develop a positive relationship with and
have consistent access to an adult who ensures the learners are supported during their
educational experiences.
Oakes’s strategic plan will serve as a compass to maintain the priorities, goals, and achievements
of the school district. Engaging community stakeholders in what is the most comprehensive
approach to providing educational experiences, for the students we serve is essential to
understanding what is critical to the community. This plan responds to growth and opportunity,
sustainability of programs, and community needs. In April of each year, the plan will be
reviewed by the administrative leadership team and presented to the Board of Education to
consider adjustments to the plan.
Facilitated and procured in collaboration with the strategic planning committee, administration, and Board of
Education by Dr. Jeffry M. Schatz, March 11, 2019
Copyright © 2019 by Schatz & Associates, LLC. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical,
photocopy, recording, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the author:
Dr. Jeffry M. Schatz, Owner/Consultant
Schatz & Associates, LLC
Strategic Planning and Leadership Development