English Language Arts
Item and Scoring Sampler
The Pennsylvania System
of School Assessment
Pennsylvania Department of Education Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction—August 2022
Grade 8
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
INFORMATION ABOUT ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS ....................................1
Introduction .................................................................1
General Introduction .......................................................1
Pennsylvania Core Standards (PCS) ...........................................1
What Is Included ..........................................................1
Purpose and Uses .........................................................1
Item Format and Scoring Guidelines ..........................................2
Testing Time and Mode of Testing Delivery for the PCS-Based PSSA .................3
English Language Arts Grade 8 ..............................................3
Item and Scoring Sampler Format ............................................4
PSSA ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS GRADE 8 ..........................................6
English Language Arts Test Directions for Reading Passages and Questions ..............6
Passage 1 ...................................................................8
Multiple-Choice Questions .................................................10
Evidence-Based Selected-Response Question .................................14
Multiple-Choice Questions .................................................16
Passage 2 ..................................................................20
Text-Dependent Analysis Prompt ............................................24
Text-Dependent Analysis Scoring Guideline ....................................28
English Language Arts Test Directions for Conventions of Standard English Questions ......46
Conventions of Standard English Multiple-Choice Questions ..........................47
English Language Arts—Sample Item Summary Data ................................51
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..........................................................53
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
General Introduction
The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) provides districts and schools with tools to assist
in delivering focused instructional programs aligned with the Pennsylvania Core Standards (PCS).
These tools include Academic Standards, Assessment Anchors and Eligible Content documents,
assessment handbooks, and content-based item and scoring samplers. This Item and Scoring
Sampler is a useful tool for Pennsylvania educators in preparing local instructional programs
by providing samples of test item types and scored student responses. The item sampler is not
designed to be used as a pretest, a curriculum, or any other benchmark for operational testing.
This Item and Scoring Sampler is available in Braille format. For more information regarding Braille,
call (717)901-2238.
Pennsylvania Core Standards (PCS)
This sampler contains examples of test questions designed to assess the Pennsylvania Assessment
Anchors and Eligible Content aligned to the PCS. The Mathematics, Reading, and Writing PSSA
transitioned to PCS-based operational Mathematics and English Language Arts assessments
starting with the spring 2015 PSSA administration.
The PCS-aligned Assessment Anchors and Eligible Content documents are posted on this portal:
¾ www.education.pa.gov [Hover over “Data and Reporting,” select “Assessment and
Accountability,” and select “PSSA-PA System of School Assessment.” Then select
“Assessment Anchors/Eligible Content” on the right side of the screen.]
What Is Included
This sampler contains stimulus reading passages with test questions, Conventions of Standard
English questions, and a text-dependent analysis (TDA) prompt that have been written to align to
the Assessment Anchors, which are based on the PCS. The sample test questions model the types
of items that may appear on an operational PSSA. Each sample test question has been through a
rigorous review process to ensure alignment with the Assessment Anchors prior to being piloted
in an embedded field test within a PSSA assessment and then used operationally on a PSSA
assessment. Answer keys, scoring guidelines, and any related stimulus material are also included.
Additionally, sample student responses are provided with each open-ended item to demonstrate the
range of responses that students provided in response to these items.
Purpose and Uses
The items in this sampler may be used
as examples for creating assessment items at the classroom
level. Classroom teachers may find it beneficial to have students respond to the text-dependent
analysis prompt questions in this sampler. Educators may then use the sampler as a guide to score
the responses either independently or together with colleagues within a school or district.
The permission to copy and/or use these materials does not extend to commercial purposes.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Item Format and Scoring Guidelines
The 2022 PCS-based PSSA has multiple types of test questions. For grade 8, the types of test
questions are multiple-choice (MC) questions, evidence-based selected-response (EBSR) questions,
and text-dependent analysis (TDA) prompts.
Multiple Choice: Each of this type of test question has four answer choices. Some MC test
questions are based on a stimulus reading passage, while Conventions of Standard English MC test
questions are independent of a passage. Each correct response to an MC test question is worth
Evidence-Based Selected-Response: Each two-part EBSR question is designed to elicit an
evidence-based response from a student who has read either a literature or an informational text
passage. In Part One, which is similar to an MC question, the student analyzes a passage and
chooses the best answer from four answer choices. In Part Two, the student utilizes evidence from
the passage to select one or more answers based on the response to Part One. Part Two is different
from an MC question in that there may be more than four answer options and more than one correct
answer. Each EBSR test question is worth either two or threepoints, and students can receive
points for providing a correct response to Part One or for providing one or more correct responses in
Text-Dependent Analysis Prompt: The TDA prompt is a text-dependent analysis prompt based on
a passage or passage set that each student has read during the test event. There are three response
pages in the paper-and-pencil format and up to 5,000 characters in the online format. Both literature
and informational text passages are addressed through this item type. Students use explicit and
implicit evidence to make inferences leading to a conclusion or generalization in response to the task
stated in the prompt. Students construct a well-written analytical essay to communicate inferences
and connections to the evidence using grade-appropriate writing skills. The TDA response is scored
using a holistic scoring guideline on a 1–4-point scale.
Non-score Considerations: For TDA items, responses can be designated as non-scorable
(NS). While every effort is made to score each student response, a response may receive an
NSdesignation if it falls into one of five categories:
Blank – Blank, entirely erased, entirely crossed out, or consists entirely of whitespace
Refusal – Refusal to respond to the task
Non-scorable – In a language other than English, incoherent, illegible, insufficient, unrelated to
the passage (for TDAs), or consisting solely or almost solely of text copied from the passage (for
Off Topic – Makes no reference to the item or passage but is not an intentional refusal
Copied – Consists of text copied from the item and/or test directions
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Testing Time and Mode of Testing Delivery for the PCS-Based PSSA
The PSSA is delivered in a traditional paper-and-pencil format as well as in an online format. The
estimated time to respond to a test question is the same for both methods of test delivery. The
following table shows the estimated response time for each item type.
English Language Arts Item
Estimated Response Time
1.5 3 to 5 45
During an official test administration, students are given as much additional time as is necessary to
complete the test questions.
English Language Arts Grade 8
This English Language Arts Sampler is composed of 2 passages, 6 passage-based MC questions,
1EBSR question, 1 TDA prompt, and 4Conventions of Standard English MC questions.
There are 2 passages in this booklet. The first passage is followed by 6 passage-based
MCquestions and 1 EBSR question. The second passage is followed by 1 TDA prompt. This booklet
also contains 4Conventions of Standard English MC questions.
Each question is accompanied by a table that contains the Assessment Anchor and Eligible Content
coding, answer key(s), depth of knowledge, and testing data. Each question is followed by a brief
analysis or rationale. The TDA prompt is displayed with the item-specific scoring guideline and
examples of student responses with scores and annotations at each scoring level.
The PCS-based PSSA may be administered in paper-and-pencil format or online. As a result, this
sampler includes samples of TDA prompt responses in both formats. A sample online response is
noted by the symbol
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Item and Scoring Sampler Format
This sampler includes the test directions and scoring guidelines that appear in the PSSA English
Language Arts assessments. Each MC item is followed by a table that includes the item alignment,
the answer key, the depth of knowledge (DOK) level, the percentage
of students who chose each
answer option, and a brief answer-option analysis or rationale. The EBSR item is followed by a table
that includes the item alignment, the answer key to Part One of the item, the answer key to PartTwo
of the item, the DOK level, the mean student score, and a brief answer-option analysis for each
part of the item. The TDA prompt is followed by a table that includes the item alignment, the DOK
level, and the mean student score. Additionally, the Text-Dependent Analysis Scoring Guideline is
combined with sample student responses representing two examples of each score point to form
a practical item-specific scoring guide. The student responses in this item and scoring sampler
are actual student responses; however, the handwriting has been changed to protect the students’
identities and to make the item and scoring sampler accessible to as many people as possible.
Example Multiple-Choice Item Information Table
Item Information
Alignment Assigned AAEC
Answer Key Correct Answer
Depth of Knowledge Assigned DOK
p-value A Percentage of students who selected option A
p-value B Percentage of students who selected option B
p-value C Percentage of students who selected option C
p-value D Percentage of students who selected option D
Option Annotations Brief answer-option analysis or rationale
Example Evidence-Based Selected-Response Item Information Table
Item Information
Alignment Assigned AAEC
Answer Key: Part One Correct Answer
Answer Key: Part Two Correct Answer
Depth of Knowledge Assigned DOK
Mean Score Average Score
Option Annotations Brief answer-option analysis or rationale
Example Text-Dependent Analysis Prompt Information Table
Depth of
Mean Score
All p-value percentages listed in the item information tables have been rounded.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
On the following pages are the Reading passages and questions.
Directions for Multiple-Choice Questions:
Some questions will ask you to select an answer from among four choices.
For the multiple-choice questions:
First, read the passage carefully.
Read each question and choose the best answer.
Only one of the answers provided is correct.
You may look back at the passage to help you answer the question.
Record your choice in the answer booklet.
Directions for Evidence-Based Selected-Response Questions:
Some questions will have two parts and will ask you to select one or more answers in
each part.
For the evidence-based selected-response questions:
Read Part One of the question and choose the best answer.
You may look back at the passage to help you answer Part One of the question.
Record your answer to Part One in the answer booklet.
Only one of the answers provided in Part One is correct.
Then, read Part Two of the question and choose the evidence to support your
answer in Part One. If Part Two tells you to select two answers, be sure to
select two answers.
You may look back at the passage to help you answer Part Two of the question.
Record your answer or answers to Part Two in the answer booklet.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Directions for Text-Dependent Analysis (TDA) Prompts:
The English Language Arts TDA prompt will ask you to analyze the passage and use evidence
from the passage to write an essay.
For the TDA Essay:
Be sure to read the passage and the TDA prompt carefully.
Review the Writer’s Checklist to help you plan and organize your response.
You may look back at the passage to help you write your essay.
Write your essay in the appropriate space in the answer booklet. If you use
scratch paper to write a rough-draft essay, be sure to transfer your final essay to the
answer booklet.
Be sure to check that your essay contains evidence from the passage to
support your response.
Be sure to check your essay for errors in capitalization, spelling, sentence
formation, punctuation, and word choice.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Read the following passage about a family in Alaska. Then answer questions 1–7 in your answer
The Last First Day
by Suzanne Westover
Anna stands in the doorway, her sister’s knapsack heavy on her shoulders, as Julie kneels by
their mother, pulling the blue and green afghan more closely around her thin frame.
“It’ll be OK, Mom,” Julie says bravely, trying to disguise the quiver in her voice.
But Anna’s mom remains silent; her heart was broken when Billy left. Now the city is claiming
Julie, too. Soon, it will be Anna’s turn, and then the house will be completely silent except for the
rattling of the wind and the dripping of the faucet . . .
Anna stands shivering on the windswept tarmac as she watches her sister board the tiny
Finally, Julie’s face appears in a cloudy rear window. Her features look tiny and scrunched, and
she already seems very far away.
Anna waves frantically, shouting her goodbyes, but her cries are futile. They’re caught up and
carelessly tossed aside by powerful gusts of late afternoon wind. As the plane begins its juddering
taxi down the short airstrip, Anna hugs her arms tightly to her sides, her eyes watering as the gravel
swirls around her.
Several other families stand nearby in tight clusters. Mothers cling to their younger children,
in defiance of the day when they, too, will have to leave. Fathers stand stoically, alone or in pairs,
stone-faced and silent.
Anna kicks angrily at the dirt. Soon the plane is a tiny speck, barely visible among the scudding
clouds. Shielding her eyes from the glare of the setting sun, Anna gazes at the sky until she feels
dizzy from concentrating on the empty horizon.
The walk home is long and lonely. She thinks she sees a black bear on the far hills and turns to
point it out to Julie before she realizes she is alone.
When Anna reaches her front porch, she hesitates on the bottom step. She can’t bear to think
about the weighty silence that will greet her. She reluctantly pushes open the creaky screen door and
tiptoes quietly past where her mother sits unmoving in the living room.
When Anna enters the room she had shared with Julie until that morning, the weak afternoon
light streams through the frayed bedroom curtains, illuminating Julie’s neatly folded comforter and
tightly tucked sheets. Anna throws herself down on Julie’s bed, angry at how utterly powerless she
“This is so unfair,” she whispers fiercely, as she buries her face into the soft neck of Julie’s
ragged stuffed monkey, a gift from years ago that she had either forgotten or deliberately left behind.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
The next morning at school, after the tinny ringing of the bell and a half-hearted Pledge of
Allegiance, Anna pulls herself to her full height, takes a deep breath, and raises her hand.
“Yes, Anna,” says Mrs. Saunders, smiling up from her large, scarred desk.
“I wanted to ask . . .” Anna hesitates, unsure of how to begin. But Mrs. Saunders smiles
encouragingly, and somehow Anna finds her voice.
“I want to know why Nunapitchuk doesn’t have a high school. My brother and sister have both
left to study in the city. It doesn’t seem right that we have to go away from our families and our
homes, just to go to school. Why can’t all the communities across Alaska have high schools? After
all, this isn’t the dark ages. It’s 1975!”
Mrs. Saunders looks slightly surprised but nods her head as if in agreement. “Anna, you bring up
a very good point. Could you see me after class?”
After school, Anna stays in her seat while Mrs. Saunders folds her long legs under the adjacent,
too-small desk. She looks at Anna fondly, and her kind eyes unwittingly crack Anna’s careful
“This is my last year!” bursts Anna. “I don’t want to have to go and live with strangers. I want to
stay right here where I belong.” Anna wipes tears of frustration from her cheeks with her red woolen
scarf. “If I can’t go to school here, I’m not going anywhere!”
As she speaks these words, Anna begins to feel more powerful; she knows it won’t be easy, but
she’s suddenly confident she’ll find a way.
“Mom, I’m home!” Anna bursts through the front door, thrumming with energy.
In the living room, Anna finds her mom still seated in the faded rocking chair. Anna sits next to
her and takes her hand.
“Mom, I have to tell you something. Today, I met with my teacher. She told me about a lawyer
who’s started to put together a case . . . I’m going to join in. We’re going to fight to have schools
in every single Native village across Alaska.” Anna pauses for breath, her words tumbling over one
another, each one a shining beacon of hope.
“Yesterday, when Julie left . . . that’s going to be the last time kids have to get onto a plane to go
to high school. I promise.”
Anna’s mom looks up, and for the first time in days Anna sees in her mom’s eyes the hint of an
almost-forgotten expression; it looks like a faint shadow of hope.
“Yesterday was the last first day,” says Anna, this time a little louder.
“Yesterday was the last first day,” repeats Anna’s mom.
Then they say it together. They say it over and over again, until tears stream down their cheeks
and their laughter rings in the hills.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. Read the sentences from the passage.
“Mothers cling to their younger children, in defiance of the day when they, too, will have to
leave. Fathers stand stoically, alone or in pairs, stone-faced and silent.”
Which inference is best supported by the sentences?
A. Parents support the decisions their children make for the future.
B. Parents share feelings about their children studying away from home.
C. Parents have little to say to their children going to a new area.
D. Parents have a difficult time watching their children move away.
Item Information
Alignment A-K.1.1.1
Answer Key D
Depth of Knowledge 2
p-value A 9%
p-value B 10%
p-value C 6%
p-value D 75% (correct answer)
Option Annotations The student is asked to identify the inference that is best supported by
the given sentences. Option D is the correct answer; the words “mothers
cling” and “fathers stand . . . stone-faced” suggest that the parents
are sad about their children having to move away to attend school.
OptionsA, B, and C are incorrect since there is no textual evidence to
support these inferences.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
2. Based on the root “deliberatus,” which means “resolved upon,” the word “deliberately” means
A. with thoughtful consideration.
B. with extreme precaution.
C. with repeated persuasion.
D. with unwavering cooperation.
Item Information
Alignment A-V.4.1.1
Answer Key A
Depth of Knowledge 2
p-value A 60% (correct answer)
p-value B 12%
p-value C 15%
p-value D 13%
Option Annotations The student is asked to use the root “deliberatus” to determine the
meaning of the word “deliberately.” Option A is the correct answer since
“deliberately” means to do something in a way that is intentional and
carefully considered. Options B, C, and D are incorrect since these are
not the meanings of “deliberately.”
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
3. Read the sentence from the passage.
“The next morning at school, after the tinny ringing of the bell and a half-hearted Pledge of
Allegiance, Anna pulls herself to her full height, takes a deep breath, and raises her hand.”
What does the term “half-hearted” reveal about Anna?
A. Anna has a lack of interest in the events taking place at school.
B. Anna is feeling confident about her answer to a question.
C. Anna is disappointed that she is overlooked to be the leader.
D. Anna has hope that she will be called on to participate in class.
Item Information
Alignment A-C.2.1.3
Answer Key A
Depth of Knowledge 2
p-value A 74% (correct answer)
p-value B 11%
p-value C 8%
p-value D 7%
Option Annotations The student is asked to determine what the term “half-hearted” reveals
about Anna. Option A is the correct answer since “half-hearted” means
to do something without enthusiasm. Anna’s “half-hearted” Pledge of
Allegiance demonstrates a lack of interest in a school event. OptionsB,
C, and D are incorrect since they do not reflect the meaning of “half-
hearted” and do not make sense in the given context.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Evidence-Based Selected-Response Question
4. This question has two parts. Answer Part One and then answer Part Two.
Part One
How does Anna’s conversation with Mrs. Saunders influence a decision?
A. It encourages Anna to reach an agreement with her teacher.
B. It encourages Anna to participate in an important cause.
C. It encourages Anna to share her feelings with her mom.
D. It encourages Anna to support the goals of her sister.
Part Two
Which evidence from the passage best supports the answer in Part One? Choose one answer.
A. “Anna waves frantically, shouting her goodbyes, but her cries are futile.”
B. “In the living room, Anna finds her mom still seated in the faded rocking chair. Anna sits
next to her and takes her hand.”
C. “ ‘She told me about a lawyer who’s started to put together a case . . . I’m going to
join in.’”
D. “ ‘Yesterday, when Julie left . . . that’s going to be the last time kids have to get onto a plane
to go to high school.’ ”
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Item Information
Alignment A-K.1.1.3
Answer Key: Part One B
Answer Key: Part Two C
Depth of Knowledge 3
Mean Score
Option Annotations The student is asked to analyze how Anna’s conversation with Mrs.
Saunders influences a decision and to select the evidence that best
supports this analysis.
Part One: Option B is the correct answer since it is when Anna stays
after class to express her frustration about having to leave town to
attend high school that Mrs. Saunders informs her about how Anna can
fight to have high schools in every Native village in Alaska. Options A, C,
and D are incorrect since they do not reflect decisions made by Anna as
a result of speaking with Mrs. Saunders.
Part Two: Option C is the correct answer since it supports how Anna
will participate in an important cause. Option A is not correct; although
it relates to Julie, Anna’s sister, it does not support option B from Part
One. Option B is not correct; although it relates to the mother, it does
not support option B from Part One. Option D is not correct; although it
expresses Anna’s new belief, it does not support option B from Part One.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Multiple-Choice Questions
5. Read the sentence from the passage.
“As she speaks these words, Anna begins to feel more powerful; she knows it won’t be easy,
but she’s suddenly confident she’ll find a way.”
How does Anna’s point of view create a sense of suspense?
A. The reader realizes that Anna is growing stronger as a person.
B. The reader wonders if Anna’s plan will affect others.
C. The reader wants to know how Anna expects to achieve her goal.
D. The reader questions Anna’s motive for wanting change.
Item Information
Alignment A-C.2.1.1
Answer Key C
Depth of Knowledge 2
p-value A 38%
p-value B 11%
p-value C 43% (correct answer)
p-value D 8%
Option Annotations The student is asked to analyze how Anna’s point of view creates
suspense. Option C is the correct answer; when the author reveals that
Anna is “suddenly confident she’ll find a way,” the reader wants to find
out how Anna will achieve this goal. Option A is not correct; although
Anna may be growing stronger, this realization does not create suspense
for the reader. Option B is incorrect since Anna has not yet formed a
plan. Option D is incorrect since the reader understands Anna’s point of
view and does not question Anna’s motive.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
6. What does the dialogue at the end of the passage reveal about Anna and her mother?
A. They are concerned about how the case may affect other villages.
B. They are optimistic that changes will occur to education in small villages.
C. They are nervous about the consequences of sharing opinions with others.
D. They are upset because they have little hope of success with the case.
Item Information
Alignment A-K.1.1.3
Answer Key B
Depth of Knowledge 2
p-value A 8%
p-value B 75% (correct answer)
p-value C 8%
p-value D 9%
Option Annotations The student is asked to analyze what the dialogue at the end of the
passage reveals about Anna and her mother. Option B is the correct
answer; the fact that Anna and her mother keep repeating “yesterday
was the last first day” suggests that Anna and her mother are hopeful
that there will be a change that will allow children to stay home to attend
high school. Therefore, the day that Julie left will be the last time that
kids have to attend high school far from home. Options A, C, and D are
incorrect since they are not supported by context in the passage.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
7. Which description is the best objective summary of the passage?
A. Anna shouts goodbye to her sister, Julie, as she leaves in an airplane, but Julie cannot hear
her because of the strong wind. As she walks home, Anna sees a black bear and tries to
point it out to Julie before she remembers Julie is not there. At home, Anna realizes Julie
forgot her stuffed monkey and feels sad about this. Anna’s mother is sad as well, so Anna
tries to comfort her.
B. Feeling upset about her brother and sister who had to go away to a big city, Anna has a
hard time concentrating in class. She raises her hand and tells her teacher that it isn’t fair
that children have to go away to school and this isn’t the dark ages. Mrs. Saunders asks to
see Anna after school. During their meeting, Mrs. Saunders discovers that Anna is afraid to
leave home next year.
C. Anna’s mother is heartbroken after saying goodbye to her children Billy and Julie. Anna
worries about her mother, so she decides to come up with a plan to get her siblings back.
With the help of her teacher, Mrs. Saunders, she thinks of a way to get a high school
established in their village so that her brother and sister can come home.
D. Anna watches her sister, Julie, leave to go to high school in a different city. After going
home, she notices how quiet the house is and how upset her mother seems. At school,
Anna speaks up in class about how every village should have a high school so that children
don’t have to leave their families. Mrs. Saunders suggests a way she can help to achieve
this goal. Anna hurries home to tell her mother the news.
Item Information
Alignment A-K.1.1.2
Answer Key D
Depth of Knowledge 3
p-value A 6%
p-value B 11%
p-value C 20%
p-value D 63% (correct answer)
Option Annotations The student is asked to identify the best objective summary of the
passage. Option D is the correct answer since it is complete, contains
only main events of the story, and is objective. Option A is incorrect
since it contains minor details and vague events. Option B is incorrect
since it is incomplete, contains some minor details, and contains
inaccuracies. Option C is incorrect since it is incomplete and contains an
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Read the following science fiction passage about penguin research on a space station. Then
answer question 8 in your answer booklet.
The Penguin Whisperer
by Guy Stewart
When Candace Mooney walked into the space station Courage Penguin Research Lab, Dejario
Reynas had a penguin in his lap and two at his knees.
“What are you doing?” she exclaimed.
Dejario stood up quickly, sliding the penguin to the floor. “I’m not playing with them,” he said, a
guilty look on his face. “I’m collecting data.”
The PRL was an inner-ring lab of Courage. Emperors were adapted to extreme temperatures
and pressures, and scientists studied how they could go from deep ocean water to the surface like
little submarines. Finding out how emperors stored oxygen in muscle tissue and survived sudden
pressure drops might keep people alive longer during loss-of-pressure emergencies.
Candace rolled her eyes. “What kind of data?”
“Um, how wing length can be used to predict diving speed . . .”
Candace shook her head. “You were trying to be a penguin whisperer again.” She tugged on
her gloves, grabbed a squeegee, and started pushing frigidly cold salt water across the floor to the
recycle vents. “Grow up, Dejario. Penguins stopped being our pets when we were ten and a half.
They’re just lab animals now.”
Dejario herded the emperors up a ramp to the Antarctic habitat and shooed them inside. “The
birds listen to me!” he insisted, his breath making a cloud in the frosty air. “They do!”
Candace stared at him. “You’re wasting your time. Besides, your dad said to stop it. It bothers
the penguins.”
“Dad doesn’t understand the emperors like I do!”
“Yeah, sure. He’s only the Lead Veterinary Researcher.” Candace went back to cleaning the
floor, vents, walls, and tables. Her Intensive Training Team was currently in charge of keeping
the PRL clean and the penguins fed. She glanced into the penguin habitat through an immense
transpaluminum window. The birds seemed so playful and happy—waddling, diving, swimming—
chasing their live food for sport before eating it. Candace sighed. When she was ten, she’d loved
penguins. She used to watch them for hours. But that seemed so long ago, well before she’d been
accepted by the ITT and begun her science rotation. The PRLs research was much too important for
fooling around with the animals.
“Playing with penguins, like a kid,” Candace muttered. She shoved her squeegee around
Dejario’s boots, making him jump out of the way. “What a big fat waste of lab time.”
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Candace heard her mother’s voice over the public address. “This is not a drill. Micrometeoroid
impact and penetration of Inner Ring, Life Science Quadrant, Section Two. All quadrants have been
sealed and are on independent life support. Please remain calm and stay in your section. Rescue or
maintenance staff will contact you when your area has been secured.”
“That’s across the hallway,” Dejario said. His breath came out as a puff of fog.
The intercom lit up again. “Candace, are you there?”
In two steps, she was across the lab. Her own breath made a cloud as she answered, “I’m here
with Dejario Reynas, Mom. We’re fine.”
Dejario said, “Have you heard from my dad?”
“We’re still contacting all the sections. Stay there. Station Control, out.” The intercom clicked off.
“Mom? Mom!” Candace said, but the intercom stayed silent. She banged it with her fist in
frustration and then backed away as sparks flew out and sizzled.
“You and your temper!” Dejario said. “Talk about growing up. Now you’ve broken it!”
“I didn’t break it! It’s probably fine.”
“Then why’d it spark?”
They glared at each other. Sometimes Candace wondered why they were friends at all. But she
had to admit that sparring with Dejario could lead to unusually interesting ideas.
“It’s colder in here than it was before.” He turned his head toward the tank. “There’s a skin of ice
on the water.”
It was always cold in the PRL, but Candace had never seen ice on the pool before. Usually,
silverfish with antifreeze for blood flicked freely through the water. They were food for the penguins,
but scientists also studied how the sleek fish were able to stay flexible at sub-zero temperatures.
She checked the habitat monitor. “Water and air temperatures have already dropped a lot,” Candace
“Let me see,” Dejario said, elbowing her out of the way. “The temperature is dropping almost
a degree a minute! At that rate, the water will be frozen solid in an hour. In less than two hours the
carbon dioxide in the air will start to freeze.”
“Won’t we be back on the sunny side of Earth soon? That should give us some time.”
Dejario thought. “We’re in geosynchronous orbit over Auckland, New Zealand, this month. Night
just fell, so we’ll be in Earth’s shadow for twelve hours. If someone doesn’t fix the heaters, we’ll be
“Don’t say that!”
“Why not? It’s true.”
Candace had lived on Courage long enough to know that the possibility was real. Researchers on
this and other stations were occasionally lost in accidents. The risk went with the assignment.
Dejario slumped against the habitat window. Candace shook him. “We can’t just give up, Dejario!
Can’t you think of anything?” She gazed into the penguin habitat. “How do the emperors survive?”
“During the worst storms, they huddle.”
“Just huddle? That’s all?”
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
“Well, the whole flock bunches together as tightly as it can. That way the birds in the middle keep
warm enough not to freeze.”
“Then the ones on the edge just die?”
He looked up at her in alarm. “Oh, no! They wiggle their way in toward the center, then migrate
back out to the edge, then squeeze back in again. It’s a behavior called colloidal jamming. Scientists
in the early twenty-first century recorded it.”
“What kind of jam?”
“Jamming! The massing penguins modulate metabolic heat loss by dispersing through the
huddle in coordinated periodic waves . . .”
“English, Dejario! English!”
He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly in a gelid cloud. After a thoughtful moment he said,
“You ever make dough?”
“Yeah. With Mom.”
“Kneading dough forces the dry flour into contact with the milk and eggs until the mixture is
evenly wet and dry. Right?” He glanced into the habitat. The penguins were beginning to crowd
together, each squeezing and jamming the others while slowly migrating through the huddle, keeping
the flock evenly warm. “Like that.”
Candace shivered as she studied the undulating wave of penguins. The ice on the pool was now
four centimeters thick. “Could we join their colloidal jamming—it sounds like the name of a band—
until we get help?”
“Maybe. But Dad’s right, penguins don’t like people around them.”
“No problem,” Candace said, forcing a smile. “You’re the Penguin Whisperer. They like you.”
A booming, moaning sound vibrated through the PRLs walls—ice forming and expanding in the
confined space. The intercom by the door sparked again.
“They have no idea what’s going on in here,” Candace said. “They think we’re safe and sound.
Whispering to your penguins to let us huddle with them is the only way we’ll get out of this . . . alive.”
She took a final reading on the monitor station as the ice cried out again. “Air temp is –27°C.”
Dejario took her hand. “Come on. Slowly.” He slipped on the icy floor as he turned, and Candace
helped him to his feet. Together they walked clumsily up the frozen ramp and unlocked the habitat
Peering inside, Dejario took off his gloves and threw them onto the ice and then knelt down,
shoving his hands into his pockets. Candace followed his lead, and together they skidded on their
knees to the edge of the waddle of penguins.
A large emperor nipped his jacket as Dejario sidled near. Dejario didn’t flinch. He whispered
calmly and soothingly until the penguins seemed to recognize him and allow him into their huddle.
Candace wasn’t so lucky. After she received two warning nips from skittish penguins, an
especially large bird bit her hand. Though tears sprang to her eyes, Candace didn’t make a sound.
Without thinking, she reached over and pinched the emperor back. It squawked and made room for
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
She was not nipped again as she and Dejario were carried on a kind of wave to the warm center
of jostling penguins. Continually moving, they flowed out again to the edge of the huddle and then
turned and were folded back into the scrum.
They’d gone through the waddle four times when the rescue crew, looking like shiny abominable
snow monsters, arrived in their white hazmat suits. They picked up Candace and Dejario and rushed
them out of the PRL to a warm physics lab. A rescuer popped her helmet off and exclaimed, “It was
sixty-eight below zero in there!”
Candace looked at Dejario and said through chattering teeth, “What’s the w-worry? The Penguin
Whisperer and I were just doing the colloidal penguin jam.”
“The what?”
Candace and Dejario burst out laughing. Finally Dejario managed to say, “I predict it will be a
dance craze that will sweep the station.”
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Text-Dependent Analysis Prompt
8. The penguins play an important role in the passage. Write an essay analyzing how the author
uses the penguins as a means to reveal characteristics of both Candace and Dejario. Use
evidence from the passage to support your response.
Writer’s Checklist for the
Text-Dependent Analysis Prompt
PLAN before you write
Make sure you read the prompt carefully.
Make sure you have read the entire passage carefully.
Think about how the prompt relates to the passage.
Organize your ideas on scratch paper. Use a thought map, outline, or other
graphic organizer to plan your essay.
FOCUS while you write
Analyze the information from the passage as you write your essay.
Make sure you use evidence from the passage to support your response.
Use precise language, a variety of sentence types, and transitions in your essay.
Organize your paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
PROOFREAD after you write
I wrote my final essay in the answer booklet.
I stayed focused on responding to the prompt.
I used evidence from the passage to support my response.
I corrected errors in capitalization, spelling, sentence formation, punctuation,
and word choice.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
8. The penguins play an important role in the passage. Write an essay analyzing how the author
uses the penguins as a means to reveal characteristics of both Candace and Dejario. Use
evidence from the passage to support your response.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Text-Dependent Analysis Scoring Guideline
#8 Item Information
Alignment A-C.2.1.1
Depth of
3 Mean Score 1.97
Assessment Anchor:
E08.A-C.2—Craft and Structure
Specific Assessment Anchor Descriptor addressed by this item:
E08.A-C.2.1.1—Analyze how differences in the points of view of the characters and the
audience or reader (e.g., created through the use of dramatic irony) create such effects as
suspense or humor.
Effectively addresses all parts of the task demonstrating in-depth analytic
understanding of the text(s)
Effective introduction, development, and conclusion identifying an opinion, topic, or
controlling idea related to the text(s)
Strong organizational structure that effectively supports the focus and ideas
Thorough analysis of explicit and implicit meanings from text(s) to effectively support
claims, opinions, ideas, and inferences
Substantial, accurate, and direct reference to the text(s) using relevant key details,
examples, quotes, facts, and/or definitions
Substantial reference to the main idea(s) and relevant key details of the text(s) to
support the writer’s purpose
Skillful use of transitions to link ideas
Effective use of precise language and domain-specific vocabulary drawn from the
text(s) to explain the topic and/or to convey experiences/events
Few errors, if any, are present in sentence formation, grammar, usage, spelling,
capitalization, and punctuation; errors present do not interfere with meaning
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Adequately addresses all parts of the task demonstrating sufficient analytic
understanding of the text(s)
Clear introduction, development, and conclusion identifying an opinion, topic, or
controlling idea related to the text(s)
Appropriate organizational structure that adequately supports the focus and ideas
Clear analysis of explicit and implicit meanings from text(s) to support claims,
opinions, ideas, and inferences
Sufficient, accurate, and direct reference to the text(s) using relevant details,
examples, quotes, facts, and/or definitions
Sufficient reference to the main idea(s) and relevant key details of the text(s) to
support the writer’s purpose
Appropriate use of transitions to link ideas
Appropriate use of precise language and domain-specific vocabulary drawn from the
text(s) to explain the topic and/or to convey experiences/events
Some errors may be present in sentence formation, grammar, usage, spelling,
capitalization, and punctuation; errors present seldom interfere with meaning
Inconsistently addresses some parts of the task demonstrating partial analytic
understanding of the text(s)
Weak introduction, development, and/or conclusion identifying an opinion, topic, or
controlling idea somewhat related to the text(s)
Weak organizational structure that inconsistently supports the focus and ideas
Weak or inconsistent analysis of explicit and/or implicit meanings from text(s) that
somewhat supports claims, opinions, ideas, and inferences
Vague reference to the text(s) using some details, examples, quotes, facts, and/or
Weak reference to the main idea(s) and relevant details of the text(s) to support the
writer’s purpose
Inconsistent use of transitions to link ideas
Inconsistent use of precise language and domain-specific vocabulary drawn from the
text(s) to explain the topic and/or to convey experiences/events
Errors may be present in sentence formation, grammar, usage, spelling, capitalization,
and punctuation; errors present may interfere with meaning
Minimally addresses part(s) of the task demonstrating inadequate analytic
understanding of the text(s)
Minimal evidence of an introduction, development, and/or conclusion
Minimal evidence of an organizational structure
Insufficient or no analysis of the text(s); may or may not support claims, opinions,
ideas, and inferences
Insufficient reference to the text(s) using few details, examples, quotes, facts, and/or
Minimal reference to the main idea(s) and/or relevant details of the text(s)
Few, if any, transitions to link ideas
Little or no use of precise language or domain-specific vocabulary drawn from the
Many errors may be present in sentence formation, grammar, usage, spelling,
capitalization, and punctuation; errors present often interfere with meaning
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Response Score: 4 points
8. The penguins play an important role in the passage. Write an essay analyzing how the author
uses the penguins as a means to reveal characteristics of both Candace and Dejario. Use
evidence from the passage to support your response.
In the pasage, “The Penguin Whisperer,” the penguins play a very
important role. This role is that, throughout the pasage, the author
uses the penguins to reveal characteristics of both Candace and Dejario.
Through the penguins, the reader can se that Dejario is a very fun,
leader while Candace is a serious character who takes pride in her
work. These characteristics, though very diferent, al are shown by the
penguins’ role in the pasage.
Due to the penguins’ role in the pasage, the reader can tel that
Dejario is a very fun character. Right of the bat the reader can tel that
Dejario is not al buisnes when Candace first walks in on him playing with
the penguins. When asked what he was doing with the penguins, Dejario
responded, “‘I’m not playing with them,’ he said, a guilty lok on his face.
‘I’m colecting data.’” (page 36) This shows how Dejario is fun because
instead of doing only work in the reasearch lab, he also made time to
have fun and play with the penguins.
A second trait Dejario had that was shown through the penguins’
role in the pasage was leadership. When a life-threatening crisis came
apon Candace and Dejario, Dejario was able to be a leader and save
their lives. The heater broke and tempuratures were droping, meaning
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
that the two characters had to think quickly and decide that “jaming”
with the penguins was their only way to survive. So, as said in the
pasage, “Candace folowed his lead, and together they skided on
their knes to the edge of the wadle of penguins.” (page 38) Dejario
then preformed a dangerous task and joined the penguins’ “jam” with
Candace folowing behind. This shows how Dejario is a leader because
when presented with an unsafe task, he was able to smothly and
calmly complete the task. Because of this help save both his and
Candace’s lives by joining the penguines’ “jam.”
Finaly, a charateristic of Candace that was revealed through the
penguins’ role in the pasage is how she is very serious. For example,
in the lab she, while Dejario was busy playing with the penguins, made
sure to get straight to work on cleaning up the lab to make it a safe
enviroment for the penguins. She also said to Dejario, “‘Grow up, Dejario.
Penguins stoped being our pets when we were ten and a half. They’re
just lab animals now.” (page 36) This shows how Candace is a serious
character because she is very serious about her work, and is trying to
get Dejario to be to.
In the end, the penguins had a very important role in the
pasage tha was given to them by the author. This role was to reveal
the charateristics of the characters Dejario and Candace in the
pasage, “The Penguin Whisperer.” The penguins did, inded, show the
characteristics of the two charaters by revealing Dejario as a very
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
fun, leader and Candace as a very serious character. The penguins,
though they semed unimportant, were actualy a key element to
this pasage.
This response effectively addresses all parts of the task, demonstrating in-depth analytic understanding of the text.
A strong organizational structure is provided and supports the controlling idea: that important character traits of
both Candace and Dejario are shown by the penguins’ role in the passage. The introduction is effective in noting
that Dejario is both fun and a leader, while Candace is serious and takes pride in her work. Ideas surrounding
these differentiating characteristics, and how they are revealed through Dejario’s and Candace’s interactions with
the penguins, are effectively developed throughout the response. The first body paragraph includes an inference
characterizing Dejario as fun (Right off the bat the reader can tell that Dejario is not all buisness when Candace first
walks in on him playing with the penguins). A substantial text reference supports this inference/characterization (When
asked what he was doing with the penguins, Dejario responded, “‘I’m not playing with them,’ he said, a guilty look on
his face. ‘I’m collecting data’”). Supporting analysis is then provided to demonstrate how the author uses Dejario’s
interactions with penguins to highlight his fun personality (This shows how Dejario is fun because instead of doing only
work in the reasearch lab, he also made time to have fun and play with the penguins). The second body paragraph
is focused on Dejario’s leadership qualities. First, a crisis scenario requiring the type of heroism often associated
with the science-fiction genre is summarized using substantial, relevant text (The heater broke and tempuratures
were dropping, meaning that the two characters had to think quickly and decide that “jamming” with the penguins
was their only way to survive). This description provides context for a supporting text reference (“Candace followed
his lead, and together they skidded on their knees to the edge of the waddle of penguins”) and additional thorough
analysis of Dejario’s leadership qualities (Dejario then preformed a dangerous task and joined the penguins’ “jam” with
Candace following behind. This shows how Dejario is a leader because when presented with an unsafe task, he was
able to smoothly and calmly complete the task. Because of this help save both his and Candace’s lives). The last body
paragraph focuses on Candace’s serious attitude regarding her work by analyzing her interactions with the penguins.
Multiple text references are provided (For example, in the lab she, while Dejario was busy playing with the penguins,
made sure to get straight to work . . . to make it a safe enviroment for the penguins. She also said to Dejario, “Grow
up, Dejario. Penguins stopped being our pets when we were ten and a half. They’re just lab animals now”). Thorough
analysis connects the references to the controlling idea (This shows how Candace is a serious character because she
is very serious about her work, and is trying to get Dejario to be too), thus revealing how Candace takes pride in her
job (i.e., she tries to get her coworker to behave more seriously in their workplace). An effective conclusion reiterates
the key role that the penguins play in developing the main characters’ predominant traits. Transitions are skillfully
employed to link ideas (Due to the penguins’ role; Right off the bat; A second trait; So, as said in the passage).
Precise language and domain-specific vocabulary are effectively used to explain the topic (life-threatening crisis;
when presented with an unsafe task; though they seemed unimportant). The few errors present in spelling (buisness,
reasearch, tempuratures, enviroment, charaters) do not interfere with meaning.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Response Score: 4 points
8. The penguins play an important role in the passage. Write an essay analyzing how the author
uses the penguins as a means to reveal characteristics of both Candace and Dejario. Use
evidence from the passage to support your response.
In recent years, aspects of science-fiction have been blending with literary formats ranging
from adult novels to children’s comic books. Through popular works such as Star War’s,
authors and readers alike have acknowledged the bond formed between the audience and
characters in this genre. In sci-fi, characters are often placed in extraordinary situations.
Writers are then able to craft multi-layered characters as their interactions with fellow
characters and responses to given circumstances reveal a character’s flaws and positive
attributes. The author Guy Stewart excellently executed this in his short story, “The Penguin
Whisperer.” In this futuristic tale, the presumably young Candance Mooney and Dejario
Reynas live and learn at an outer space lab, where they assist in caring for and studying
penguins. Through the protagonists’ interactions with the mammals, the author revealed
each person’s characteristics.
On the Courage Penguin Research Lab, Candace Mooney was undergoing intensive
training. Through her work, she was frequently around the penguins, and consequently,
Dejario Reynas. While Moore was raised on the ship, she did not view the penguins as
anything more than lab specimens. She spoke on this matter stating, “Penguins stopped
being [my] pets when [I] was ten and a half.” Through Candace’s choice to solely interact
with the penguins for lab purposes, the author showcased Candance’s business-like
mindset. Additionally, Stewart utilized Candace’s non-emotional commitment to the
penguins to highlight her open-mindedness. During the rising action of the plot, the heaters
break in Mooney and Reynas’s section, causing the lab they are in to lethally drop in
temperature. Candace surprisingly agreed to see if Dejario could communicate with the
penguins on an emotional level, which would allow them to join the penguin’s warm huddle,
which would save their lives. The author used Candace’s disconnect with the penguins to
emphasize her ability to try others’ ideas.
While Candace has an open-mind, Dejario has an open heart. He has a special-bond with
the penguins, and actively tries to communicate with the animals. While his father, who is a
Lead Veterinary Volunteer, told Reynas his antics, quote, “[bothered] the penguins,” Dejario
still believed in his emotional connection. Stewart used Dejario’s relationship with the
penguins to spotlight the boy’s emotional intelligence, and stubbornness.
Additionally, the writer highlighted Dejario’s lighthearted side, as he was caught playing with
the penguins at the beginning of the passage.
From beginning to end, Gary Stewart’s science fiction writing includes main characters with
engaging persanality traits. Through Candace Mooney and Dejario Reynas’s interactions
with the penguins, the author embaldened their personality traits, without blatantly stating
adjectives. Through this, the sci-fi passage truly reached the stars.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
This response effectively addresses all parts of the task, demonstrating in-depth analytic understanding of the text.
The organizational structure is strong. An extensive introduction demonstrates clear understanding of the science-
fiction genre, thus providing context helpful in addressing the two areas of focus: multi-layered characters within
the science-fiction genre and how interactions with fellow characters and responses to given circumstances reveal
a character’s flaws and positive attributes. The student focuses first on Candace’s character, making an inference
(Through Candace’s choice to solely interact with the penguins for lab purposes, the author showcased Candance’s
business-like mindset) that is supported with key text details and quotes (Mooney was undergoing intensive
training. Through her work, she was frequently around the penguins, and consequently, Dejario Reynas; “Penguins
stopped being [my] pets when [I] was ten and a half”). Thorough analysis effectively characterizes Candace’s role
at the research lab (Stewart utilized Candace’s non-emotional commitment to the penguins to highlight her open-
mindedness; Candace surprisingly agreed to see if Dejario could communicate with the penguins on an emotional
level; The author used Candace’s disconnect with the penguins to emphasize her ability to try others’ ideas). Next,
the student contrasts Candace’s and Dejario’s personalities by making an inference that effectively illustrates a
relevant implicit meaning from the text (Candace has an open-mind, Dejario has an open heart) before shifting focus
to Dejario. Additional insightful analysis of implicit meanings from the text (He has a special-bond with the penguins;
Stewart used Dejario’s relationship with the penguins to spotlight the boy’s emotional intelligence, and stubbornness;
the writer highlighted Dejario’s lighthearted side) effectively supports the student’s focus on Dejario’s positive
attributes. The conclusion, though succinct, further clarifies the student’s ideas surrounding how Candace’s and
Dejario’s interactions with the penguins reveal their characteristics (Through Candace Mooney and Dejario Reynas’s
interactions with the penguins, the author embaldened their personality traits, without blatantly stating adjectives).
Skillfully employed transitions link ideas (In recent years, In this futuristic tale, Through the protagonists’ interactions
with the mammals). An effective use of precise language and domain-specific vocabulary helps the student explain
how the penguins reveal characteristics of Candace and Dejario (blending with literary formats, placed in extraordinary
situations, multi-layered characters, utilized Candace’s non-emotional commitment, emotional connection/intelligence,
engaging persanality traits, executed, futuristic, lethally, disconnect, embaldened, blatantly). Very few errors are
present in this response.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Response Score: 3 points
8. The penguins play an important role in the passage. Write an essay analyzing how the author
uses the penguins as a means to reveal characteristics of both Candace and Dejario. Use
evidence from the passage to support your response.
The story “The Penguin Whisperer” by Guy Stewart tells the story of two scientists
that work with Emperor penguins. Throughout the story, the two scientists face various
problems when there is a micrometeroid impact and penetration issue in the lab. The story
walks the reader through how the scientists, Candace and Dejario, resolve the problem with
the help of their Emperor penguin friends. Throughout the story, Stewart uses the penguins
as a means to reveal characteristics of both Candace and Dejario.
The author uses the Emperor penguins to potray secret characteristics of Candace and
Dejario. For example, the author states “ ‘Grow up, Dejario. Penguins stopped being our
pets when we were ten and a half. They’re just lab animals now.’ ” Candace is talking some
sense into Dejario after she catches him playing with the penguins. From this quote, the
reader can infer that Dejario is not as mature or serious about his job as Candace. Dejario is
not a serious person, while Candace is.
The author also reveals more characteristics about Candace with the use of the penguins.
The text states, “‘Mom? Mom!’ Candace said, but the intercom stayed silent. She banged
it with her fist in frustration…as sparks flew out and sizzled. ‘You and your temper!’ Dejario
said.” Candace and Dejario find out through the intercom that there is a micrometeroid
impact and penetration issue within the lab. The reader can infer that candace is not very
calm and she is frightened. Dejario stays calm and tries to think of a plan. Candace stands
in the lab worried about getting out alive. Therefore, Candace is worrysome but Dejario is
Finally, the author reveals that Candace’s knowledge is limited when she is scared.
The author writes, “‘Jamming! The massing penguins modulate metabolic heat loss
by dispersing through the huddle in coordinated periodic waves…’ ‘English, Dejario!
English!’” Dejario tells Candace his plan and tries to explain it to her, but Candace does not
understand it. The reader can infer that Candace does not know about the colloidal jam.
Therefore, Dejario has more knowledge on science and penguins than Candace does.
Overall, Guy Stewart uses the penguins in the story “The Penguin Whisperer” to portray
characteristics about Candace and Dejario, the two scientists. The penguins show that
Candace is frightened, serious, and is limited on her penguin knowledge. Dejario is not
serious, calm, and has a lot of knowledge on penguins.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
This response adequately addresses all parts of the task, demonstrating sufficient analytic understanding of the
text. The organizational structure is appropriate and adequately supports the focus/controlling idea (Throughout the
story, Stewart uses the penguins as a means to reveal characteristics of both Candace and Dejario). The introduction
provides context for the analysis that follows by providing brief descriptions of the setting and the problem/solution
(two scientists that work with Emperor penguins . . . face various problems when there is a micrometeroid impact and
penetration issue in the lab. The story walks the reader through how the scientists, Candace and Dejario, resolve the
problem with the help of their Emperor penguin friends). In the first body paragraph, the student provides an inference
addressing both Dejario and Candace’s personalities (Dejario is not as mature or serious about his job as Candace.
Dejario is not a serious person, while Candace is) that is drawn from a relevant text detail (“ ‘Grow up, Dejario.
Penguins stopped being our pets when we were ten and a half.’ ”) and supported with clear analysis (Candace is
talking some sense into Dejario after she catches him playing with the penguins). The second body paragraph also
draws a contrast between Candace’s and Dejario’s personalities (The reader can infer that candace is not very calm
and she is frightened. Dejario stays calm and tries to think of a plan; Candace is worrysome but Dejario is not) that is
revealed through their situation in the penguin lab (“ ‘Mom? Mom!’ Candace said, but the intercom stayed silent. She
banged it with her fist in frustration). The third body paragraph includes more analysis contrasting the two characters
(Candace’s knowledge is limited when she is scared; The reader can infer that Candace does not know about the
colloidal jam. Therefore, Dejario has more knowledge on science and penguins than Candace does) that is based
on additional text references and relevant quotes (“ ‘Jamming! The massing penguins modulate metabolic heat loss
by dispersing through the huddle in coordinated periodic waves…’ ‘English, Dejario! English!’” Dejario tells Candace
his plan and tries to explain it to her, but Candace does not understand it). A clear conclusion clarifies the focus/
controlling idea and reiterates previously made points (The penguins show that Candace is frightened, serious, and
is limited on her penguin knowledge. Dejario is not serious, calm, and has a lot of knowledge on penguins). Transition
use, though somewhat repetitive, appropriately links ideas (From this quote, the reader can infer, The author also
reveals, Finally). Few errors are present (worrysome, micrometeroid, missing capitalization), and they do not interfere
with meaning.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Response Score: 3 points
8. The penguins play an important role in the passage. Write an essay analyzing how the author
uses the penguins as a means to reveal characteristics of both Candace and Dejario. Use
evidence from the passage to support your response.
In this passage “The Penguin Whisperer” by Guy Stewart,
tells a story about how two very diffenent characters come
together over Penguins and have to survive a life thretening
event. The two charecters that come together with help of
the Penguins are Candace and Dejario. They are scientists
abourd space station courage, working with Penguins,
studying how they survive sudden pressure drops. Dejario
loves the Penguins like a pet and believes that they listen to
him. Candace thinks he acts like a child and only thinks of
the Penguins as experiments. A disaster happens, and they
are going to have to work together to survive unberabley
cold tempitures.
While in the time of crises candace asks Dejario what
Penguins woud do to survive intence cold situations. He
explaines how Penguins huddle to keep warm. “The Penguins
were beginning to crowd together, each sqeezing and
jamming the other while slowly migrating throught the
huddle, keeping the flock evenly warm” (Stewart LN34). This
is important because it is showing the Penguins “sqeezing
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
and Jamming” together to keep warm, and how this process
is “keeping the flock evenly warm.” Then Cadace started
to respect and see Dejario diffrently because he truly
understands the Penguins.
When they relized that the only way for them to
survive was to do the colloidal Penguin Jam they started
to work together and use their skills to get to the Penguins.
“Candace followed his lead, and together they skidded
on thier knees to the edge of the waddle of Penguins.”
(Stewart LN41). This is important because it talks about
how “Candace followed his lead,” before she thought he
was childish…now, they are working together and listening
to eachother.
In this passage the Penguins save Cadace and
Dejario’s lives. They also help bring them together
because Candace is forsed to trust and listen to Dejario’s
knowledge and hisconection with the Penguins. That is
how the Penguins helped reveal and bring together to
characters with very diffrent characteristics.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
This response adequately addresses all parts of the task, demonstrating sufficient analytic understanding of the text.
The organizational structure is appropriate and supports the controlling idea that two very diffenent characters come
together over Penguins and have to survive a life thretening event. The clear introduction provides context for the
analysis that follows (Candace and Dejario . . . are scientists abourd space station courage, working with Penguins,
studying how they survive sudden pressure drops; A disaster happens, and they are going to have to work together
to survive unberabley cold tempitures). Also, within the introductory paragraph, clear analysis and relevant text is
combined to clarify how the interaction with the penguins reveals Candace’s and Dejario’s differing personalities
(Dejario loves the Penguins like a pet and believes that they listen to him. Candace thinks he acts like a child and
only thinks of the Penguins as experiments). The first body paragraph begins by citing details and quotes relevant
to the student’s ideas (in the time of crises candace asks Dejario what Penguins would do to survive; He explaines
how Penguins huddle to keep warm; “The Penguins were beginning to crowd together, each sqeezing and jamming
the other while slowly migrating throught the huddle, keeping the flock evenly warm. This is important because it is
showing the Penguins “sqeezing and Jamming” together to keep warm, and how this process is “keeping the flock
evenly warm). Next, the student provides clear supporting analysis based on explicit and implicit meanings from
the text (Then Cadace started to respect and see Dejario diffrently because he truly understands the Penguins).
The second body paragraph combines additional clear analysis (before she thought he was childish…now, they are
working together and listening to each other) based on relevant text details (When they relized that the only way for
them to survive was the colloidal Penguin jam they started to work together; This is important because it talks about
how “Candace followed his lead,” before she thought he was childish now they are working together and listening to
eachother). The conclusion reinforces these ideas with more clear analysis (They [the penguins] also help bring them
together because Candace is forsed to trust and listen to Dejario’s knowledge and hisconection with the Penguins), all
of which helps strengthen the essay. Appropriate transitions are used to link ideas (While in the time of crises, When
they relized, In this passage). An appropriate use of precise language clearly explains the topic (two very diffenent
characters come together, disaster happens, truly understands). There are errors present in capitalization, punctuation,
spelling (diffenent, thretening, charecters, abourd, unberabley, tempitures, intence, explaines, throught, sqeezing,
relized, cadace, eachother, forsed, conection), and usage (incorrect or missing words); however, they seldom interfere
with meaning.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Response Score: 2 points
8. The penguins play an important role in the passage. Write an essay analyzing how the author
uses the penguins as a means to reveal characteristics of both Candace and Dejario. Use
evidence from the passage to support your response.
The penguins play an important role throughout the passage.The
author uses them as means to reveal characteristics of both Candace
and DeJario.
First, let’s talk about DeJario.At the beginning of the passage,
DeJario is caught playing with the penguins. He also claims that he can
understand them. He seems to be childish when playing with the penguins,
but shows Candace he knows what he is doing when he Joins the huddle.
Next, let’s talk about Candace. She is more serious than DeJario
and thinks he is acting like a child when treating the animals like pets.
she also doesn’t believe he can understand the penguins and makes fun
of him for it. Later on in the story, she relizes she is wrong when he
easily Joins the penguin huddle.
The penguins help find characteristics of both Candace and DeJario
throughout the passage. Without the penguins, it would be difficult to find
each character’s personality.
This response inconsistently addresses the task, demonstrating partial analytic understanding of the text. The
organizational structure is functional, but also somewhat weak—especially the organization of ideas within the body
paragraphs of the response. The introduction simply restates the task (The penguins play an important role throughout
the passage. The author uses them as means to reveal characteristics of both Candace and DeJario) in a weak attempt
at providing a controlling idea. In the first body paragraph, the student provides two weak, character-based inferences
to describe Dejario (He seems to be childish; shows Candace he knows what he is doing) that are drawn from vague
text references (when playing with the penguins; when he Joins the huddle). The vague text and supporting inferences
lack the analytic precision needed to clearly show how the penguins reveal Dejario’s characteristics. In the second
body paragraph, the student provides two weak inferences describing Candace’s characteristics (She is more serious
than DeJario; she relizes she is wrong) that are drawn from vague text references (thinks he is acting like a child when
treating the animals like pets; he easily joins the penguin huddle). The weak conclusion again restates the prompt and
adds a general assertion (Without the penguins, it would be difficult to find each character’s personality) that is not
supported in the response. Transition use (First, At the beginning, Next) is inconsistent; paragraphs are appropriately
linked, but this is not the case for all the ideas within each paragraph. The few errors do not interfere with meaning.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Response Score: 2 points
8. The penguins play an important role in the passage. Write an essay analyzing how the author
uses the penguins as a means to reveal characteristics of both Candace and Dejario. Use
evidence from the passage to support your response.
In the passage The Penguin Whisperer, Guy Stewart explains how penguins reveal
characteristics from both Candace and Dajario. The penguins have an effect on the two’s
different qualities.
To begin, Candace and Dajario Joke around a lot. The author writes, “You were trying to be
the penguin whisperer again.” This explains that the two joke around with each other and
have fun. Another ex ample is, “Yeah, sure. He’s only the lead veterinary researcher.” This
is Candace being sarcastic with Dejario to have some excitment.Dejario is very intelligent
when it comes to the penguins.
“Jamming! The massing penguins modulate met abolic heat loss by dispersing through the
huddle in coordinated periodic waves.”
This reveals that Dejario is very smart when talking about the penguins.
Candace and Dejario exhibit many different characteristics from the penguins. This reveals
that they are very intelligent and fun kids.
This response inconsistently addresses some parts of the task, demonstrating partial analytic understanding of
the text. The introduction restates the task and adds a weak controlling idea (The penguins have an effect on the
two’s different qualities). In the body paragraph, the student provides a weak inference (Candace and Dajario Joke
around a lot) drawn from a quote (“You were trying to be the penguin whisperer again”) in a weak attempt at showing
how the author uses the penguins to reveal characteristics of both Candace and Dejario. Another weak inference
(Candace [is] being sarcastic) is also drawn from a quote (“Yeah, sure. He’s only the lead veterinary researcher”) in
another weak attempt at showing how the author’s use of penguins reveals Candace’s and Dejario’s characteristics.
A third inference (Dejario is very intelligent when it comes to the penguins) is drawn from a somewhat disconnected
text reference (“Jamming! The massing penguins modulate met abolic heat loss by dispersing through the huddle in
coordinated periodic waves”) in a weak attempt at analyzing Dejario’s intelligence. The conclusion moves somewhat
beyond a literal interpretation of the text by means of an unsupported inference (This reveals that they are very
intelligent and fun kids) but does not further clarify the ideas addressed in the body paragraph. Simple transitions
inconsistently link ideas (To begin, Another ex ample). The few errors present do not interfere with meaning.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Response Score: 1 point
8. The penguins play an important role in the passage. Write an essay analyzing how the author
uses the penguins as a means to reveal characteristics of both Candace and Dejario. Use
evidence from the passage to support your response.
Candace and DeJario like penguins and they research them. Candaces really admiration of
penguins despite others criticism she goes from dismissing Dejario’s penguin philosphy to
believing in its potential and Dejario she is able to solve problems and she didn’t really like
penguins as much as Candace did but started to start liking the penguin at the end now
Candace and DeJario is really is good freands’ and they both like penguin’s.
This response minimally addresses part of the task, demonstrating inadequate analytic understanding of the text.
The organizational structure is minimal, and the student’s ideas are presented haphazardly. The student provides
a minimal focusing idea (Candace and DeJario like penguins); however, it does not indicate how the author uses
penguins to reveal Candace’s and Dejario’s characteristics. The rest of the response consists of minimal, unsupported
inferences (she goes from dismissing Dejario’s penguin philosphy to believing in its potential and Dejario she is able to
solve problems; she didn’t really like penguins as much as Candace did but started . . . liking the penguin at the end;
Candace and DeJario is really is good freands’ ). There is insufficient reference to the text as well as some confusion
surrounding the characters and the plot. There is minimal evidence of a conclusion. Transition use is minimal (and,
now). Errors are present in sentence formation, usage (admiration for admired, is for are, missing words), spelling
(philosphy, freands), and punctuation and often interfere with meaning.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Response Score: 1 point
8. The penguins play an important role in the passage. Write an essay analyzing how the author
uses the penguins as a means to reveal characteristics of both Candace and Dejario. Use
evidence from the passage to support your response.
The penguins play an important role in the
passage. Because that’s what there studing on
in the story. I know this because in the story
dejario always around penguins and want to
adapted to how they live and survied in harsh
cold weather’s. And in the story it tell’s you how
candace have’s a love for penguin’s now and since
she was ten. so yes I think the penguins do have
an important role in the story.
This response minimally addresses part of the task, demonstrating inadequate analytic understanding of the text.
There is minimal evidence of an organizational structure. The student provides an organizing focus for the response
(The penguins play an important role in the passage); however, the idea only minimally addresses the task. There
is a lack of connection between the important role played by the penguins and how the author uses them to reveal
characteristics of Candace and Dejario. The response focuses on Dejario’s interactions with the penguins (dejario
always around penguins) and Candace’s feelings towards the penguins (candace have’s a love for penguin’s now and
since she was ten). A minimal conclusion reaffirms the student’s original misinterpretation of the task (so yes I think the
penguins do have an important role in the story). There is little use of precise language or domain-specific vocabulary.
Many errors are present in sentence formation (fragment), grammar, usage (incorrect or missing words), spelling
(studing, survied), capitalization (random and missing), and punctuation (extra apostrophes, missing commas); errors
present often interfere with meaning.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
On the following pages are the Conventions of Standard English questions.
Directions for Multiple-Choice Questions:
Each question will ask you to select an answer from among four choices.
For the multiple-choice questions:
Read each question and choose the best answer.
Only one of the answers provided is correct.
Record your choice in the answer booklet.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
9. Read the sentence.
The school counselor told me that I should, select elective classes that interest me, check
to see whether the times for those classes conflict with the times for my required courses,
discuss my choices with my parents, and then complete the schedule form provided by my
homeroom teacher.
Which revision should be made to correct the punctuation error in the sentence?
A. Remove the comma after should.
B. Add a comma after conflict.
C. Remove the comma after courses.
D. Add a comma after form.
Item Information
Alignment D.1.2.5
Answer Key A
Depth of Knowledge 2
p-value A 82% (correct answer)
p-value B 5%
p-value C 5%
p-value D 8%
Option Annotations The student is asked to identify the revision that corrects the punctuation
error in the given sentence. Option A is the correct answer; the comma
after “should” needs to be removed since it is not needed. The only
commas in this sentence that are needed are the ones that separate
items in a series. Option B is incorrect; no comma needs to be added
after “conflict.” Option C is incorrect; the comma after “courses” needs
to remain since it separates items in a series. Option D is incorrect; no
comma after “form” is needed.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
10. Read the sentence.
Once the microscopes and slides had been placed on the tables, the students could
continue the experiment.
Choose the correct way to rewrite the sentence using only active voice.
A. Once the microscopes and slides had been placed on the tables, the experiment could be
B. The students continued the experiment once they had placed the microscopes and slides
on the tables.
C. The students could continue the experiment once the microscopes and slides had been
placed on the tables.
D. Once the microscopes and slides had been placed on the tables by the students, they
could continue the experiment.
Item Information
Alignment D.1.1.2
Answer Key B
Depth of Knowledge 2
p-value A 12%
p-value B 40% (correct answer)
p-value C 35%
p-value D 13%
Option Annotations The student is asked to choose the correct way to write a given sentence
using only the active voice. Option B is the correct answer since both
verbs are written in the active voice. Option A is incorrect since both
verbs are written in the passive voice. Option C is incorrect; although the
first verb is written in the active voice, the second verb is written in the
passive voice. Option D is incorrect; although the second verb is written
in the active voice, the first verb is written in the passive voice.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
11. Read the paragraph.
(1) The Student Art Society was invited to help host an art exhibit at a local gallery. (2) The
members of our organization helped to hang the artwork. (3) The gallery owner supervised
our work very closely. (4) She was understandably a little nervous. (5) When we finished, the
gallery owner praised us for our careful and helpful work. (6) Later, we worked in pairs to
learn as much as possible about each piece of artwork so that we could answer questions
for visitors. (7) Having played a role in preparing and hosting the show, we were very
satisfied to see the crowd of patrons enjoying the event.
Choose the best way to revise sentences 2, 3, and 4 to improve meaning in the paragraph.
A. The members of our organization helped to hang the artwork as the gallery owner,
understandably a little nervous, closely supervised our work.
B. The gallery owner supervised our work very closely, the members of our organization
helping to hang the artwork and her being a little nervous.
C. The members of our organization helped to hang the artwork, while the gallery owner
supervised our work very closely though she was nervous.
D. The gallery owner supervised our work very closely, she was understandably a little
nervous, and the members of our organization helped to hang the artwork.
Item Information
Alignment D.2.1.3
Answer Key A
Depth of Knowledge 2
p-value A 48% (correct answer)
p-value B 7%
p-value C 32%
p-value D 13%
Option Annotations The student is asked to identify the best way to revise sentences 2, 3,
and 4 to improve meaning in the given paragraph. Option A is the correct
answer since this sentence best clarifies the meaning of the original
sentences. Options B, C, and D are incorrect since they are awkward
and do not clearly express the meaning of the original sentences.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
12. Read the sentences from a story.
Holding her binoculars with both hands, Jennifer stepped lightly on the winding path,
searching the treetops for her favorite bird, the cardinal. A rustling sound from somewhere
in the forest caught her attention. She stopped, crouched down, and silently scanned the
forest. In the distance, she spotted two red squirrels going everywhere. Amused by the
sight, Jennifer slowly rose and continued down the path in search of a cardinal.
Which revision of the underlined words best describes the squirrels and maintains the style of
the paragraph?
A. moving rapidly from tree to tree
B. running happily through the forest
C. scurrying playfully from branch to branch
D. proceeding quickly through the trees in the forest
Item Information
Alignment D.2.1.6
Answer Key C
Depth of Knowledge 2
p-value A 32%
p-value B 17%
p-value C 36% (correct answer)
p-value D 15%
Option Annotations The student is asked to identify the revision of the given underlined
words that best describes the squirrels and maintains the style of
the paragraph. Option C is the correct answer since it has the most
descriptive language and best maintains the lighthearted tone of the
paragraph. Options A, B, and D are incorrect since they are not as
descriptive and do not reflect the cheerful and carefree tone of the
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
Multiple-Choice and Evidence-Based Selected-Response Questions
Alignment Answer Key
Depth of
1 A-K.1.1.1 D 2 9% 10% 6% 75%
2 A-V.4.1.1 A 2 60% 12% 15% 13%
3 A-C.2.1.3 A 2 74% 11% 8% 7%
4 A-K.1.1.3
Part One: B
Part Two: C
3 Mean Score: 1.43
5 A-C.2.1.1 C 2 38% 11% 43% 8%
6 A-K.1.1.3 B 2 8% 75% 8% 9%
7 A-K.1.1.2 D 3 6% 11% 20% 63%
9 D.1.2.5 A 2 82% 5% 5% 8%
10 D.1.1.2 B 2 12% 40% 35% 13%
11 D.2.1.3 A 2 48% 7% 32% 13%
12 D.2.1.6 C 2 32% 17% 36% 15%
Text-Dependent Analysis Prompt
Alignment Points
Depth of
Mean Score
8 A-C.2.1.1 4 3 1.97
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts Item and Scoring Sampler—August 2022
“The Last First Day” by Suzanne Westover from Skipping Stones, May/Jun 2010, Vol. 22, Issue 3,
copyright © 2010 by Skipping Stones. All rights reserved. Reproduced by permission.
“The Penguin Whisperer” by Guy Stewart from Cricket, Jan 2013, Vol. 41, Issue 1.
Copyright © 2013 by Carus Publishing Company. Reproduced with permission. All Cricket Media
material is copyrighted by Carus Publishing Company, d/b/a Cricket Media, and/or various authors
and illustrators. Any commercial use or distribution of material without permission is strictly
prohibited. Please visit http://www.cricketmedia.com/info/licensing2 for licensing and
http://www.cricketmedia.com for subscriptions.
PSSA Grade 8 English Language Arts
Item and Scoring Sampler
Copyright © 2022 by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The materials contained in
this publication may be duplicated by Pennsylvania educators for local classroom use. This
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