IPAC Recommendations for Use of PPE for Care of Individuals with Suspect or Confirmed COVID19 1
IPAC Recommendations for Use of Personal
Protective Equipment for Care of Individuals
with Suspect or Confirmed COVID19
Edition: November 2023
The recommendations in this technical brief incorporate evidence to date on modes of transmission,
effectiveness of personal protective equipment (PPE) in healthcare workers (HCWs) and the
undetermined impact of the emergence of variants and their lineages. Recommendations will be
updated as needed based on emerging information.
Key Findings
HCWs are at risk of infection from both occupational and community exposures. Therefore,
protection of HCWs from COVID-19 requires both the application of the hierarchy of controls for
infection prevention and control (IPAC) in healthcare settings and public health measures aimed at
reducing COVID-19 transmission in the community setting, particularly vaccination.
The selection and use of appropriate PPE in the healthcare setting is important given the risk
associated with healthcare interactions. The body of existing evidence comparing N95 respirators
(or equivalent) to medical masks (surgical/procedure) has substantial limitations related to high risk
of bias and unmeasured confounding. There is one Randomized Control Trial (RCT) that found
medical masks to be non-inferior to N95 respirators (based on a pre-specified margin of 2) at
preventing RT-PCR confirmed symptomatic COVID-19 infection when providing care to patients with
suspect or confirmed SARS-CoV-2. The remaining evidence is mixed with some large observational
studies supporting a protective effect of N95 respirator use over medical masks when caring for
patients with suspect or confirmed COVID-19 based on studies conducted prior to September 2021.
The recommended PPE when providing direct care for patients with suspect or confirmed COVID-19
includes a well-fitted medical mask (surgical/procedure) or a fit-tested, seal-checked N95 respirator
(or equivalent), eye protection, gown, and gloves.
There are estimates of significant increased transmissibility and decreased vaccine effectiveness of
the primary series of COVID-19 vaccine against some COVID-19 variants. Uptake of all eligible
boosters has demonstrated improved vaccine effectiveness against severity of illness with some
known COVID-19 variants and may be of benefit for emerging and future COVID-19 variants and
subvariants. It is recommended that HCWs remain up to date with recommended vaccines doses
when eligible, with the goal of providing increased protection from COVID-19 and from exposures
in both the community and healthcare setting.
IPAC Recommendations for Use of PPE for Care of Individuals with Suspect or Confirmed COVID19 2
Evidence on the routes of transmission for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
have been summarized elsewhere.
1, 2
SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted most frequently and easily at short range
through exposure to respiratory particles that range in size from large droplets to smaller aerosols that
can be inhaled or deposited on mucous membranes.
Infection can also occur by touching mucous
membranes with soiled hands contaminated with virus.
Evidence also suggests long-range aerosol
transmission can occur, particularly where there is inadequate ventilation and/or highly infectious
Evidence has suggested the potential for increased transmissibility of some COVID-19 variants and
The mechanisms for increased transmissibility are unclear. There has also been
relatively lower vaccine effectiveness against some variants and subvariants, hence the utmost
need for optimization and adherence to all layers of current IPAC measures including respiratory
protection with a good facial fit.
Ontario HCWs have potential risk of occupational exposure, however community exposure has been
a significant risk as well.
The risk of COVID-19 infection for HCWs is influenced by multiple factors
including virus characteristics (i.e. infectious dose), local epidemiology, HCW factors (i.e., immune
status, hand hygiene practices), PPE practices (including choice, fit and appropriate donning and
doffing), patient factors (i.e., vaccination status, ability to mask for source control), interaction
(i.e., close, prolonged contact, procedures associated with higher transmission risk), and
environmental factors (i.e., crowding and ventilation). For the best protection, multiple layered
preventive measures should be used in combination to help reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection.
Vaccination, including uptake of all recommended and eligible doses, increases vaccine
effectiveness to protect HCWs from community and occupational infection risk.
HCWs should
follow National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) and/or provincial recommendations
for appropriate booster doses and updated COVID-19 vaccines.
The protection of HCWs, as well as other staff, in all settings where health care is provided is critical.
Health care settings include, but are not exclusive to, acute care, pre-hospital care, long-term care,
primary care, ambulatory care clinics, dental care and community care, including home care and other
locations in the community where health care is provided (e.g., school settings, residential care or
correctional facilities). A hierarchy of hazard controls is used in healthcare settings (and other
workplaces) to reduce the risk of infection transmission. This technical brief focuses on
recommendations for PPE, however PPE alone is not sufficient to protect HCWs, particularly in the
context of substantial community transmission, and recommendations must be implemented along with
HCW vaccination and other protective measures within the hierarchy of controls. Recommendations for
IPAC best practices incorporate the science of infection transmission, the effectiveness of measures in
isolation and in combination as layered mitigation measures, as well as the effectiveness and the impact
of implementation fidelity.
The PPE recommendations summarized in the table below are based on the best available evidence and
were adapted from the World Health Organization’s Rational Use of Personal Protective Equipment for
Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Health Protection Scotland’s Standard Infection Control Precautions
Literature Review of AGMPs.
IPAC Recommendations for Use of PPE for Care of Individuals with Suspect or Confirmed COVID19 3
Health care settings should adhere to legislative requirements applicable to their organization/setting.
For the purposes of this document, the individual receiving care will be referred to as a patient
regardless of where the care is being provided.
Recommended Risk Assessments
Organizational Risk Assessment
A recommended practice is to conduct an Organizational Risk Assessment (ORA). An ORA is a systematic
approach to identifying areas of infection risk and assessing the efficacy of control measures that are in
place to mitigate the transmission of infections in the health care setting. The ORA is central to any
health care organization’s preparation and planning to protect HCWs. Organizations have a
responsibility to provide education and training to HCWs regarding the organization’s ORA and any
identified gaps and provide guidance around the organizational factors that may affect the selection and
use of PPE such as local epidemiology, patient population, and assessment of ventilation in the setting.
Organizations also have a responsibility for engagement of the Joint Health and Safety Committees or
Health and Safety representatives, as appropriate.
An ORA of the most important control measure, elimination, would include vaccination status of HCWs
in the organization and supports for HCWs to stay home when sick. Facilitues
Engineering control measures include care and maintenance of heating ventilation air conditioning
(HVAC) systems, physical barriers for screening and access to point of care alcohol-based hand rub
(ABHR) administrative controls, such as policies and procedures regarding screening, use of private and
airborne infection isolation rooms, monitoring the local epidemiology (including implications of
newemerging variants) and appropriate selection and use of PPE including the use of a point-of-care risk
assessment (PCRA).
An organizational awareness of ventilation / air exchanges in areas in the organization, to identify rooms
that do not meet the minimum CSA Group standard can prioritize areas to limit occupancy and facilitate
placement of individuals with suspect or confirmed COVID-19. Application of the hierarchy of controls
can help to mitigate the risk of transmission when upgrades are not possible or are in process
(for example, elimination not using the room; substitution only using for screen negative patients;
engineering optimizing ventilation, only using the room for patients able to mask; administration
limiting occupancy, using rooms for only short visits; PPE use of N95 respirators or equivalent).
Point of Care Risk Assessment (PCRA)
Performing a risk assessment is the first step in Routine Practices,
which are to be used with all
patients, for all care and for all interactions. A point of care risk assessment (PCRA) also includes
assessing the exposure risk specific to the care intervention being performed and duration of the
activity. Education and training is to be provided to the HCW on how to effectively perform a risk
assessment, including information on the efficacy of control measures identified in the organizational
risk assessment that would be pertinent to the point-of-care risk assessment. Risk assessments are
dynamic and should be completed by the HCW before each patient interaction or task to determine
whether there is risk of being exposed to an infection and for selection of the correct PPE required to
protect the health worker and other staff in their interaction with the patient and patient environment.
IPAC Recommendations for Use of PPE for Care of Individuals with Suspect or Confirmed COVID19 4
Examples of risk factors that may increase transmission and infection risk to the HCW include:
HCW: Not up-to-date on recommended COVID-19 vaccination
Patient: Unable to mask for source control
Interaction: Prolonged, close contact, performing a high-risk procedure (see below)
Application of the Hierarchy of Hazard Controls
According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the fundamental
framework for protecting workers is through the application of the hierarchy of hazard controls.
The levels of control range from the highest levels considered most effective at reducing the risk of
exposure (i.e., elimination and substitution) to the lowest or last level of control between the worker
and the hazard (i.e., PPE).
The application of the hierarchy of hazard controls is a recognized approach to containment or
mitigation of hazards and is fundamental to an occupational health and safety (OHS) framework.
An understanding of the strengths and limitations of each of the controls enables health care
organizations to determine how the healthcare environment (e.g., infrastructure, equipment, processes
and practices) increases or decreases a HCW’s risk of infection from exposure to a pathogen within the
healthcare setting.
Collaboration between IPAC, OHS and healthcare building engineers supports the comprehensive
evaluation and implementation of measures to reduce the risk of HCWs’ exposure to pathogens.
The hierarchy of controls is intended to compliment other public health measures such as physical
distancing, hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.
Elimination and Substitution
Elimination and substitution are considered to be the most effective measures in the hierarchy of controls,
but are not often feasible or possible to implement fully as it relates to infection control in health care
settings. COVID-19 vaccines are available in Canada and high vaccination coverage (including additional
doses as recommended) is an integral component of protecting HCWs from severe disease, reducing the
spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the population, and reducing the likelihood of infected patients in health care
Vaccination will be less effective as an elimination strategy with emerging variants and
sub-variants capable of immune escape.
Additionally, consideration for virtual clinical visits instead
of in-person visits where appropriate can reduce overall COVID-19 burden within the clinical setting.
Engineering and Systems Control Measures
Engineering controls reduce or eliminate exposure by isolating the hazard from the individual and/or by
physically directing actions to reduce the opportunity for human error.
Examples include ventilation (e.g., airborne infection isolation room [AIIR], reducing structural barriers
to airflow, optimizing fresh air changes in the HVAC system), full-length physical barriers between the
patient and the HCWs at reception and triage, point-of-care sharps containers and easily access to
ABHR. Other examples include single occupancy room design and ante-chambers for donning and
doffing PPE that require additional training (see Administrative Control Measures) to prevent these
areas from becoming contaminated with soiled PPE.
IPAC Recommendations for Use of PPE for Care of Individuals with Suspect or Confirmed COVID19 5
Administrative Control Measures
Administrative controls are measures to reduce the risk of transmission of infections to HCWs and
patients through the implementation of policies, procedures, training and education.
Effective administrative control measures to prevent the transmission of infection require the support of
leadership in the health care organization, and occur in consultation with HCWs and management
through the Joint Health and Safety Committee or Health and Safety representative to provide the
necessary organizational procedures, resources, education and training to effectively apply the controls
and the commitment of HCWs and other users to comply with their application.
Examples of administrative controls include HCW vaccination policy, sick leave policy,electronic alert
system and infectious disease flags for early detection, placement and additional precautions for
patients with infectious syndromes. Active screening, passive screening (signage), restricted visitor
policies, restricting entrances, cohorting of staff and patients and, audits of practice.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
The PPE tier refers to the availability, support and appropriate use of protective gear to minimize
exposure and prevent transmission. As the last tier in the hierarchy of hazard controls, PPE should not
be relied on as a stand-alone primary prevention program. Examples of PPE include gloves, gowns,
respiratory protection, including medical or surgical/procedure masks (ASTM level 1-3) and N95
respirators and eye protection (including some types of safety glasses, face shields, goggles).
A systematic review on the protective effects of eye protection on transmission of SARS-CoV-2 identified
5 observational studies which demonstrated an overall protective effect, however all of the studies were
at high risk of bias and the certainty of the evidence was very low.
Wearing a surgical/procedure mask (henceforth referred to as a medical mask) has been shown to be
effective in preventing transmission of acute respiratory infections such as influenza.
A number of
studies have attempted to provide further insight into the use of medical masks and N95 respirators for
protection against respiratory viruses including SARS-CoV-2; summaries are included below.
There is one published randomized control trial (clinicaltrials.gov NCT04296643) which examined
whether the effectiveness of medical masks was non-inferior to fit-tested N95 respirators worn by
health care workers (HCWs) for the prevention of reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
(RT-PCR)-confirmed symptomatic Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID19) infection in HCWs providing
routine care to patients with suspect or confirmed COVID-19.
The study design was a randomized, non-
inferiority trial conducted from May 4, 2020 to March 29, 2022 in Canada, Israel, Pakistan and Egypt.
HCWs were randomly assigned to wear medical masks (n=497) or N95 respirators (n=507) when
providing routine care to patients with suspect or confirmed COVID-19 for 10 weeks (or up to 2 weeks
following receipt of an mRNA vaccine). The authors used a pre-specified relative effect size (hazard ratio
[HR]) margin of within 2, and found medical masks to be non-inferior to N95 respirators based on this
pre-specified margin. While the results indicated non-inferiority, the margin was wide, meaning the
results should be interpreted as ruling out a doubling in hazard of confirmed symptomatic COVID-19 for
those wearing medical masks compared to N95 respirators. A hazard reduction of less than 2 but greater
than 1 could not be determined based on this study’s design.
Results of systematic reviews and meta-analyses prior to this RCT show no significant difference
between N95 respirators and medical masks when used by HCWs to prevent transmission of acute
respiratory infections from patients.
IPAC Recommendations for Use of PPE for Care of Individuals with Suspect or Confirmed COVID19 6
An early systematic review and meta-analysis of mask effectiveness for prevention of SARS-CoV-2
infection identified a significant protective effect of mask use in HCWs (adjusted OR 0.18; 95% CI 0.09-
0.34), but did not compare different types of masks.
A subsequent systematic review did not directly
compare N95 respirators and medical masks, but analysis showed an overall protective effect in the use
of N95 respirators and medical masks. Sub-analysis of mask type showed a strong protective effect in
the use of N95 respirators and a statistically significant protective effect using medical masks, but with
lower confidence of the latter due to a low sample size.
A systematic review of 12 studies published to
June 2021 compared medical mask use to N95 respirators or equivalent among HCWs, and found an
overall similar infection rate between the two groups (9.46% and 8.96%, respectively). Notably, many of
the included studies were at high risk of bias and used variable measures to determine infection rate
and source of acquisition (i.e. community or nosocomial) among infected HCWs.
An observational cohort study from Switzerland analyzed self-reported mask use in context of
cumulative SARS-CoV2 exposure among nearly 3,000 HCWs between September 2020 and September
2021, and found HCW SARS-CoV-2 positivity at 21% with respirators and 35% with medical masks
(OR, 0.49; 95% CI, 0.39-0.61).
Household exposure was associated with the greatest risk of infection
in multivariable analysis (OR 7.79; 95%CI 5.98-10.15); respirator use (OR 0.56; 95%CI 0.43-0.74) and
vaccination (OR 0.55; 95%CI 0.41-0.74) associated with the lowest risk of infection. While less than 10%
of overall participants consistently wore a mask outside of the healthcare setting, there were no data on
community and nosocomial sources of acquisition among infected HCWs.
Additional observational studies in jurisdictions that have recommended medical masks for routine care
of suspect or confirmed patients with COVID-19 have reported on the general effectiveness of these
policies by demonstrating low nosocomial infection rates compared to community exposures.
However, all of these studies were done during times of earlier variants of SARS-CoV-2.
There is further mixed evidence on the relative effectiveness of N95 respirators (or equivalent)
compared to medical masks for SARS-CoV-2. Two survey studies comparing infection rates among HCWs
who reported respirator use demonstrated significantly higher seropositivity for SARS-CoV-2 compared
to those reporting medical mask use.
However, in the survey study from France there was an
increased odds of seropositivity if HCWs reported universal respirator use (i.e., for care of non-COVID-19
patients) compared to those who wore medical masks.
In a case-control study of HCWs in Colombia
there was a significant increased infection risk by RT-PCR among those who did not use a respirator.35
In a cohort study from Switzerland of over 3000 HCWs, 22% preferentially used respirators and was
associated with non-statistically significant risk reductions in COVID-19 compared to medical masks
(adjusted HR 0.8; 95%CI 0.6-1.0, p=0.052 and 0.7; 95%CI 0.5-1.0, p=0.053 for PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2
and seroconversion, respectively).
In an ecological study from England that compared COVID-19
outbreaks among orthopedic surgery wards based on respirator policies, fewer outbreaks were reported
on units that recommended use of respirators when caring for symptomatic patients (11/13 of medical
mask units vs 3/6 respirator units), although this difference was not statistically significant.
A prospective cohort study assessed SARS-CoV-2 seroconversion rates in the context of mask policies
based on medical masks or FFP-2 respirators. It found that differences in mask policy did not affect the
seroconversion rate and that the most important risk factors for seroconversion were exposure to
infected co-workers and household contacts.
In a small case-control study, there was no significant association with respirator use and infection.
In a cross-sectional survey study of emergency departments (ED) in the Netherlands, 13/45 (29%) had
policies for respirator use (and eye protection) for all contacts with suspect or confirmed COVID-19
patients, and there was no difference in ED staff infections in these units compared to EDs that
IPAC Recommendations for Use of PPE for Care of Individuals with Suspect or Confirmed COVID19 7
recommended medical masks for the care of patients with suspect or confirmed COVID-19.
In a large
retrospective cohort study from the United States of HCWs providing non-AGMP routine care of patients
with COVID-19, there was no association in PCR-positive SARS-CoV-2 status between medical mask and
respirator use.
The body of existing evidence is mixed regarding a protective effect of respirator use compared to
medical masks and has substantial limitations related to high risk for bias and unmeasured confounding.
The degree of protection for HCWs from other infection prevention measures (i.e., up-to-date
vaccination status) is important to protect against exposures from community sources and in other
occupational settings (i.e., staff eating areas, unrecognized patient or staff cases). A strong
recommendation in favor of the use of a medical mask versus a respirator cannot be made based on
existing evidence and further research is required. For routine care, of a patient with suspect or
confirmed COVID-19, mask choice is best decided by PCRA.
Patient Accommodation
Patients with suspect or confirmed COVID19 should be cared for in single rooms, whenever possible.
The use of an AIIR is the recommended when performing an AGMP (see below). If an AIIR is not
available, a single room with the door closed should be used for the procedure. In one study the
universal use of AIIR for care of patients with suspect or confirmed COVID-19 did not reduce HCW
infection rates.
There is no evidence to suggest that a fallow time is required after a patient with
suspect or confirmed COVID-19 leaves the room or following a high risk procedure (i.e., AGMP). The
evidence and recommendations supporting fallow times prior to re-entering a room (after an infectious
source leaves) stem from Tuberculosis (TB) literature, and are not reflective of, nor translatable to
respiratory viruses such as SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, there are no recommendations on the use of fallow
time for SARS-CoV-2 in any setting.
Procedures with Increased Transmission Risk
The procedures that are listed as aerosol-generating medical procedures (AGMPs) are those
procedures/encounters that have epidemiological data that indicate they may significantly increase
risk of infection to HCWs within close range of the procedure and thus fit-tested N95 respirators
(or equivalent) may provide a higher level of protection, but a well-fitted medical mask
(surgical/procedure) is recommended as a minimum level of respiratory protective equipment, in
addition to eye protection.
The presence of aerosols is not sufficient to consider a procedure/encounter as having increased risk of
transmission. However, it is acknowledged that other procedures may have high-risk features similar to
an AGMP, including close, prolonged contact with the airway). The risk associated with these procedures
will depend on other factors such the likelihood of infectious SARS-CoV-2 virus, community infection
rates, duration of procedure, presence of symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 and the distance from the patient.
While these procedures share similar high-risk features to AGMPs, they currently lack clear evidence on
differences inrisk to HCWs who use a medical mask versus an N95 respirator based on their PCRA.
The collection of a nasopharyngeal swab or throat swab is not considered a procedure with increased
risk of transmission.
IPAC Recommendations for Use of PPE for Care of Individuals with Suspect or Confirmed COVID19 8
Table 1: Procedures Considered AGMPs
Procedures Considered AGMPs
Intubation, extubation and related procedures e.g., manual ventilation and open deep suctioning
Tracheotomy/tracheostomy procedures (insertion/open suctioning/removal)
Surgery using high speed devices in the respiratory tract
Some dental procedures (e.g., high-speed drilling and ultrasonic scalers)
Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) e.g., Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) and Continuous
Positive Airway Pressure ventilation (CPAP)
High-Frequency Oscillating Ventilation (HFOV)
Induction of sputum with nebulized saline
High flow nasal oxygen (high flow therapy via nasal cannula)
Summary of PPE Recommendations
This guidance is intended to inform recommended and other appropriate PPE for the care of patients
with suspect or confirmed COVID-19. In light of evidence of COVID-19 variants having varying relative
varying mechanisms and variables for increased transmissibility and potential reduced
vaccine effectiveness, the recommended PPE for direct care of patients with suspect or confirmed
COVID-19, includes a well fitted medical mask (surgical/procedure) or a fit-tested, seal-checked N95
respirator (or equivalent), eye protection, gown and gloves.
Selection of appropriate PPE should include point-of-care risk assessment, fit, and tolerability of the
mask and equipment. HCWs should follow their local organizational guidance.
For every patient and/or patient environment encounter, perform a point-of-care risk
assessment and apply the
Four Moments for Hand Hygiene.
iversal masking with well-fitted medical masks for source control
(i.e., to protect others from
the mask wearer) and routine use of eye protection for all clinical encounters are additional
IPAC practices that have been implemented during the course of the
pandemic and can be
considered based on varying periods of transmission risk as outlined in the PHO
’s Interim IPAC
Measures Based on Respiratory Virus Transmission Risk in Health Care S
IPAC Recommendations for Use of PPE for Care of Individuals with Suspect or Confirmed COVID19 9
Health Care SettingsInpatient Settings
Table 2: Health Care Settings Inpatient Settings
Setting Individual Activity Recommended PPE
Patient room Health care workers
Providing direct care to patients
with suspect or confirmed COVID19
Medical mask* or N95 respirator
(fit-tested, seal-checked)
Isolation gown
Eye protection
Patient room Health care workers
Medical procedures with increased
transmission risk (e.g., AGMP)
performed on patients with suspect
or confirmed COVID19
N95 respirator (fit-tested, seal-checked)
or medical mask*
Isolation gown
Eye protection
Patient room
Environmental service
Entering and cleaning in the room of
patients with suspect or confirmed
Medical mask* or N95 respirator
(fit-tested, seal-checked)
Isolation gown
Eye protection
Patient room Visitors
Entering the room of a patient with
suspect or confirmed COVID19
Medical mask*
Isolation gown
Eye protection
Patient Room
Transient activities
(e.g., Food service
delivery, laundry
Entering the room of a patient with
suspect or confirmed COVID19
Medical mask*
Isolation gown
Eye protection
IPAC Recommendations for Use of PPE for Care of Individuals with Suspect or Confirmed COVID19 10
Setting Individual Activity Recommended PPE
Triage Health care workers
Preliminary screening not involving
direct contact
If able to maintain spatial distance of at least
2 m or separation by physical barrier, use
Routine Practices.
If unable to maintain spatial distance of at
least 2 m or separation by physical barrier
wear a medical mask.*
Patient with suspect or
confirmed COVID19
Maintain spatial distance of at least 2 m
or separation by physical barrier
Provide patient and accompanying caregivers
with medical mask* if tolerated and not
contraindicated. Patient to perform
hand hygiene.
Administrative areas
All staff, including
health care workers
Administrative tasks that do not
involve contact with patients
Routine Practices
*A non-fit tested N95respirator (or equivalent) is considered an alternative to a medical mask.
IPAC Recommendations for Use of PPE for Care of Individuals with Suspect or Confirmed COVID19 11
Health Care SettingsAmbulatory and Outpatient Settings/Clinics
Table 3: Health Care SettingsAmbulatory and Outpatient Settings/Clinics
Setting Individual Activity Recommended PPE
Consultation or exam
Health care workers
Providing direct care to patients
with suspect or confirmed
Medical mask* or N95 respirator
(fit-tested, seal-checked)
Isolation gown
Eye protection
Consultation or exam
Patients with suspect or
confirmed COVID19
Provide medical mask* to patient and
accompanying caregivers if tolerated and
not contraindicated.
Perform hand hygiene
Consultation or exam
Environmental service
After and between consultations
with patients with suspect or
confirmed COVID19
Medical mask*
Isolation gown
Eye protection
Waiting room
Patient with suspect or
confirmed COVID19
Provide medical mask* to patient and
accompanying care giver if tolerated and
not contraindicated.
Immediately move the patient to a single
patient room or separate area away from
others; if this is not feasible, ensure spatial
distance of at least 2 m from other patients.
Administrative areas
All staff, including health
care workers
Administrative tasks that do not
involve contact with patients
Routine Practices
IPAC Recommendations for Use of PPE for Care of Individuals with Suspect or Confirmed COVID19 12
Setting Individual Activity Recommended PPE
Triage/Reception Health care workers
Preliminary screening not
involving direct contact
If able to maintain spatial distance of at
least 2 m or separation by physical barrier
use Routine Practices
If unable to maintain spatial distance of at
least 2 m or separation by physical barrier
wear a medical mask.*
Patients with suspect or
confirmed COVID19
Maintain spatial distance of at least 2 m or
separation by physical barrier.
Provide medical mask* to patient and
accompanying caregiver if tolerated and not
*A non-fit tested N95 respirator (or equivalent) is considered an alternative to a medical mask.
IPAC Recommendations for Use of PPE for Care of Individuals with Suspect or Confirmed COVID19 13
Other Settings
Table 4: Other Settings
Setting Individual Activity Recommended PPE
Home Care Health care workers
Providing direct care to clients/patients
with suspect or confirmed COVID19
Medical mask * or N95 respirator
(fit-tested, seal-checked)
Isolation gown
Eye protection
Home Care Health care workers
Medical procedures with increased
transmission risk (e.g., AGMP)
performed on clients/patients with
suspect or confirmed COVID19
N95 respirator (fit-tested, seal-checked)
or medical mask.*
Isolation gown
Eye protection
Long-term care
home/retirement home
Health care workers
Providing direct care to residents with
suspect or confirmed COVID19
Medical mask* or N95 respirator
(fit-tested, seal-checked)
Isolation gown
Eye protection
Long-term care
home/retirement home
Health care workers
Performing medical procedures with
increased transmission risk (e.g.,
AGMP,CPAP and/or open suctioning) on
residents with suspect or confirmed
N95 respirator (fit-tested, seal-checked)
or medical mask.*
Isolation gown
Eye protection
IPAC Recommendations for Use of PPE for Care of Individuals with Suspect or Confirmed COVID19 14
Setting Individual Activity Recommended PPE
Long-term care
home/retirement home
service workers
Entering and cleaning in the room of
residents with suspect or confirmed
Medical mask* or N95 respirator (fit-
tested, seal-checked)
Isolation gown
Eye protection
Long-term care
home/retirement home
Administrative areas
Administrative tasks that do not involve
contact with resident with suspect or
confirmed COVID19
Routine Practices
Long-term care
home/retirement home
Entering the room of a resident with
suspect or confirmed COVID19
Medical mask*
Isolation gown
Eye protection
*A non-fit tested N95 respirator(or equivalent) is considered an alternative to a medical mask.
IPAC Recommendations for Use of PPE for Care of Individuals with Suspect or Confirmed COVID19 15
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This document was developed by Public Health Ontario (PHO). PHO provides scientific and technical
advice to Ontario’s government, public health organizations and health care providers. PHO’s work is
guided by the current best available evidence at the time of publication. The application and use of this
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Publication History
Published: 2020
Edition: October 2022
Edition: November 2023
Public Health Ontario
Public Health Ontario is an agency of the Government of Ontario dedicated to protecting and promoting
the health of all Ontarians and reducing inequities in health. Public Health Ontario links public health
practitioners, front-line health workers and researchers to the best scientific intelligence and knowledge
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© King’s Printer for Ontario, 2023