Academic Preparation for Medical School
Minimum Required Coursework for Medical School Admission. Most medical schools in the U.S. require a minimum
of one year of English composition, one year of general chemistry, one year of organic chemistry, one year of
general biology, and one year of physics - all with lab components. Some schools also require up to a year of
college level mathematics; others require additional upper division biology courses and/or coursework in the
social sciences. Because the admission requirements for different schools vary, and because the admission
requirements may change, students must investigate the different schools available and make themselves aware
of the particular requirements for the programs in which they are interested.
Admission Prerequisites. For specific information about admission prerequisites for the various medical schools in
the United States, Mercer advisors recommend that pre-medical students access the AAMC’s Medical School
Admission Requirements (allopathic medical schools), the DO Explorer (osteopathic medical schools), and/or the
directory of TMDSAS (Texas professional schools) in the year they plan to apply. See the document, Applying to
Medical Schools, on the Pre-medical Track Page.
AP, IB, and CLEP Credit to Fulfill Science Prerequisites. An increasing number of medical schools (including Mercer
University School of Medicine) do not accept AP, IB, or CLEP credit to fulfill the core science prerequisites.
Students who use such credit to fulfill a degree requirement for a core science will still need to complete two
semesters of that science in college to fulfill the admission requirement for medical school (e.g., a student who
uses AP credit to fulfill CHM 111 must then take CHM 112 and CHM 311 or 241). In most cases, it is in the student’s
best interest to decline AP, IB, or CLEP credit for general chemistry, general biology, and physics, and take the
actual college courses instead.
Online Science Coursework. Most medical schools do not accept online coursework for the core science
requirements. Many medical schools relaxed the requirement for “in-person” science courses for students at
institutions that did not offer students a choice due to the pandemic, but most medical schools have returned to
requiring “in person” lab coursework.
Pass/ Fail Grading Options. Although many medical schools relaxed the requirement for graded prerequisite
coursework for students due to the pandemic, medical schools have returned to the policy of accepting only
prerequisite courses taken for a letter grade.
Medical School Matriculation Without a Bachelor’s Degree. Some medical schools do not require a bachelor’s
degree for admission, but instead require completion of a minimum of 90 credit hours of pre-medical
coursework. However, students should realize that such early admission to medical schools is fairly rare, because
it requires that an applicant take the MCAT and apply to medical school at the end of their second year of
undergraduate study rather than at the end of their third year. Building a strong application in this short time
frame is more difficult, so students interested in this option are encouraged to have a back-up plan in place for
completing a bachelor’s degree in case early acceptance is not achieved.
Mercer Coursework Fulfilling Common Medical School Admission Requirements
Mercer Courses That Fulfill This
English Composition
CLAS, CHP, TSM, SHSB students: INT 101/ GBK 101 and INT 201/ GBK 202
EGR students: Usually TCO 141 and EGR 107 meet this requirement; confirm with
target schools.
General Chemistry
CHM 111 and CHM 112
Note: CHM 111 is only offered in the fall; CHM 112 is only offered in the spring;
CHM 111 and 112 are also often offered in summer semesters.
Introductory Physics
PHY 141 and PHY 142 or PHY 161 and PHY 162
Note: Most medical schools do not prefer one of these series over
the other. PHY is occasionally offered in summer semesters, but students
are advised to not take lab courses like physics online.
Introductory Biology
BIO 171 and BIO 172
Note: BIO 171 is normally offered in the fall, and 172 in the spring;
BIO 171 and 172 are often offered in summer semester.
Organic Chemistry
CHM 221 and CHM 222
Note: CHM 221 is only offered in the fall; CHM 222 is only offered
in the spring. CHM 221 and 222 are often offered in summer semesters.
BMB 465 (lab is not usually required)
Note: The prereqs for BMB 465 are successful completion of CHM 222 and BIO 172. BMB
465 is sometimes offered in summer as an online option, but students
should be aware that some medical schools do not accept online science courses.
STA 126 and/or MAT 191?
Note: Many medical schools do not have a specific math requirement.
Those that do often require “one year of college math”, so we recommend
taking the math required for your degree, then checking your
target medical schools’ requirements to see if you need more.
Social Sciences
PSY 101 and SOC 101 or an upper division PSY that focuses on group psychology
Note: Most medical schools do not require these classes
as prerequisites, but these topics are on the MCAT.
Additional Biology
Coursework Often
Genetics (BIO 280), Eukaryotic Cell Biology (BIO 460/L), Development (BIO 450/L);
Biochemistry II (BMB 466)
CB 10-17-23