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(801) 808-2627
2008 MFA
Visual Communicaiton Design
Thesis: Active Interface in Visual
Communication Design
Purdue university
West Lafayette, IN
2001 BSc
Computer Science
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, RD
Associate Professor (with Tenure)
Department of Design
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
GRADTDA 5505 Information Design
DESIGN 4153 Information Design (Visual Communication Design)
DESIGN 5505 Information Design for Non-majors
DESIGN 3400 Design Media I (UI/UX Design)
Assistant Professor (Tenure Track)
Department of Design
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
GRADTDA 5505 Information Design
DESIGN 6200 Foundation for Graduate Design Studies
DESIGN 4650 Collaborative Studio
DESIGN 4153 Information Design (Visual Communication Design)
DESIGN 5453 Design Media IV (Advanced Topics in VCD)
DESIGN 3400 Design Media I (UI/UX Design)
DESIGN 5505 Information Design for Non-majors
DESIGN 3305 Visualizing as Thinking (Design Minors)
Assistant Professor/Lecturer
Department of Communication
The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
COMM 3510 Intro to Web Design
COMM 3550 Principles of Visual Communication
COMM 5520/6520 Interactive Narrative
COMM 4570 Visual Editing
Assistant Professor - Converged/Interactive Media (Tenure Track)
School of Media Arts and Design
James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia
SMAD 201 Fundamental Skills in Media Arts and Design
SMAD 308 Interactive Design for the Web II
SMAD 332 Print Communication
Visiting Assistant Professor - Visual Communication Design
Patti and Rusty Rueff School of Visual and Performing Arts
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
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A&D 205 Design III
A&D 206 Studio in VCD
A&D 318 Fundamentals of Interactive Multimedia Design
Freelance Designer
Promotional Marketing Campaign. Website design/development. Brochure design. Poster design. Work with clients individual-
ly from initial inquiry to final production.
Clients include: University of Utah, Circle Zine Online, James Madison University Football, Purdue Theatre, Purdue University,
Cramer Inc., Orbidex Inc., Capitol Court Reporting, J.H.Lynch and sons, Park Shuttle and Fly, Gaming Solutions.
Senior Interactive Designer
Cramer, Inc. Norwood, Massachusetts
Project Management. Concept development, rebranding and refreshing design for various of clients. Web site design and
development. E-mail newsletter design and development.
Clients include: Saucony, Abbott, Be-Jane, Novartis, Triaminic, Candela, Energizer, Comcast.
Multimedia Designer
BZ Results Coventry, Rhode Island
Created, developed and maintained customized web sites and marketing materials for a large group of customers
Clients include: Herb Chambers, Inskip, Paul Miller, etc. Approximately 30 automobile dealerships across America and Canada.
Web Designer/Graphic Designer
Orbidex, Inc. Providence, Rhode Island
Managed daily design challenges, as well as long-term projects for large and small clients, including web interfaces, brochures,
logos, electronic newsletters, multi-media pieces, advertising materials and presentations
Clients include: Garth Clark Gallery, Paul Kasmin Gallery, Ann McCoy, Karen Lamonte, Larry Rivers, MassArt, Lenox Hill, RI
07. 2003 Colton, Zachary A., et al. “Study protocol for FUTURES: testing a web-based reproductive health education program
for adolescent and young adult males with sickle cell disease.” PloS one 18.7 (2023): e0289039.
04.2003 Shen, Y., Sanders, E.BN. “Identity discovery: Small learning interventions as catalysts for change in design education”,
of Design, Business & Society, Special Issue: ‘Design and Interdisciplinarity’, 9:1, pp. 127–44,
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06.2022 Chu, H.Y., Shen, Y. User Feedback Design in AI-Driven Mood Tracker Mobile Apps. In: Kurosu, M. (eds) Human-
Computer Interaction. User Experience and Behavior. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13304. Springer, Cham.
05.2022 Alejandra Gomez Ortega A., van Kollenburg J., Y. Shen, et al. SIG on Data as Human-Centered Design Material. In CHI
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI EA ‘22). Association for Computing Machinery,
New York, NY, USA, Article 160, 1–4.
02.2022 Shen Y. Supporting Student Mental Health in Design Learning Class via Positive Psychology. Dialectics 5th issue,
AIGA Design Educators’ Community and Michigan Publishing.
01.2022 A brams M. Zajo K. Chan P. Shen Y. et al. A Health Literate Approach to Address Health Disparities: A Virtual Program
for Parents of Children with Sickle Cell. Journal of Communication in Healthcare (YCIH)
26056 .
12.2021 Shen Y., Sanders E. Visualizing Stress: in-person and virtual co-designing with chart-based tools. Pictorial, IASDR
(International Association Societies of Design Research) 2021.
06.2021 Shen Y., Sanders E. Exploring Experiential Information Environments. Communication + Place, SEGD (Society for
Experiential Graphic Design)
02.2021 Shen Y. Visualizing One Week of College Students’ Lives During the Pandemic. The Little Book on Global Health:
COVID-19, Design Research Society.
12.2018 Shen Y. Placing Graphic Design at the Intersection of Information Visualization Fields. DHQ: Digital Humanity
2017 Shen Y. Computer-Media: Interactive Narrative. In Li Y., Chi X. (Ed.), Fusion+Evolution: Teaching and Learning of Design in
American and Chinese Academia (pp. 108 – 114). Wuhan, China: Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press.
10.2017 Shen Y. A Tale of Two Cities - Visualizing Air Quality in Salt Lake City and Beijing Communication Design,
Interdisciplinary and Graphic Design Research Journal, ico-D, Routledge Taylor & Francis Online. Print. Web. < http://www.>
11.2015 Shen Y. Reading and Interaction – Books in the Digital Age. Circle Magazine (Issue 10, November 2015 cover story)
Taiwan. Print.
08.2015 Shen Y. Ideas and Strategies to Teach Conceptual Thinking Across the Divide. Beijing: China Light Industry, 2015. Print.
10.2023 Glove, R., Shen, Y. “Tracking Acts of Kindness through Comics: an Experimental Study” In: IASDR2023 Milan: Life
Changing Design.
11.2022 Shen, Y., Sanders, E.BN. “Visualizing Stress – In-person and Virtual Co-designing with Chart-Based Tools”. In: Bruyns,
G., Wei, H. (eds) [ ] With Design: Reinventing Design Modes. IASDR 2021. Springer, Singapore.
06.2021 “Finding New Representations of Old Knowledge: a design study of visualizing I-Ching” Design Culture(s) Cumulus
Roma 2020 (delayed due to COVID-19)
10.2020 Abrams MA, Zajo K, Beeman C, et al. “A Health Literate Approach to Create a Virtual Sickle Cell Trait Education
Program”, Health Literacy Research Conference (virtual). Oral abstracts. (2021). HLRP: Health Literacy Research and Practice,
5(2), e124–e139. doi:10.3928/24748307-20210428-01
09.2019 “Design for Empowerment: A case study of using information visualization to support and promote college students’
subjective well-being” International Association Societies of Design Research (IASDR) 2019 Manchester, UK
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11.2018 “A Comparative Study of the Role of Design in China and S. Korea” DTRS (Design Thinking Research Symposium) 12,
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), South Korea
10.2018 “Visualizing Philosophy”Long Essay Presentation. Information+ conference, Interdisciplinary Practices in Information
Design & Visualization. Potsdam, Germany.
09.2018 “Self-Guided Pain Assessment Tool for Cancer Survivors with Chronic Pain” Design4Health Conference poster session,
Sheffield, UK
06.2018Visualizing the Confluence ...” Short Essay Presentation. MAKE conference by AIGA Design Educators Community
Conference Indianapolis, Indiana.
10.2017 “From Software Engineering to Information Design” International Association Societies of Design Research (IASDR)
2017 Fundamental Research Session, long paper. Cincinnati, OH
06.2017 Panel organizer and presenter.
“Visualizing As Thinking” Converge: Disciplinarities and Digital Scholarship. AIGA Design Educators Community Conference Los
Angeles, California.
04.2014 “From Data to Graphics.” Broadcast Education Association (BEA) 2014, Las Vegas, Nevada.
04.2013 “Beyond Tools & Technologies: Ideas & Strategies to Teach Conceptual Thinking.” Broadcast Education Association
(BEA) 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada.
04.2012 “User Centered Mobile Web Design.” Broadcast Education Association (BEA) 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada.
08.2019 The Beauty of Visual Language as Art exhibition, San Francisco Library
10.2018 RSD7 The Systemetic Design Research Network conference poster exhibition, Torino, Italy
07.2018 ChinaVis Data Visualization Art and Design Exhibition. Shanghai, China
02.2018 Words in Characters, Books as Vehicles group Exhibition, Earl and Virginia Green Art Gallery, Biola University, La
12.2017 Shanghai Visual Art and Design Exhibition 2017, Liu Haisu Art Museum Shanghai China
07.2018 ChinaVis Data Visualization Poster Exhibition. Qingdao, China
04.2017 - 01.2018 The Art of Language in Asian Culture juried Exhibition, Oklahoma State University Museum of Art, East
Asia Library of Stanford University
08.2016 Research through Making The Ohio State University Department of Design Faculty Exhibition, Urban Art Space,
Columbus, OH
02.2016 University of Utah A Sense of Place juried exhibition, President’s Gallery, Salt Lake City, UT
05.2015 Across the Divide Group Exhibition, Beijing, China. Shijiazhuang, China
04.2010 ICCC 2010 International Digital Design Invitation Exhibition, Tezukayama University, Nara, Japan
03.2009 interPHASE - MFA Thesis Exhibition (solo), West Gallery, Rueff Galleries, PAO Hall, Purdue University, West Lafayette,
01.2009 Color & Design International Poster Exhibition, Daegu & Kyongbuk Design Center, Daegu, Korea
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04.2008 Be_Tween, Envision Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
04.2008 Design by Color, East Gallery, Rueff Galleries, PAO Hall, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
12.2007 Art Partners: A Mystery Challenge, Art Museum of Greater Lafayette, Lafayette, Indiana
2007 Waves, Tippacanoe Arts Federation, Lafayette, Indiana
2007 Applied Arts Student Awards Exhibit, Toronto’s Design Exchange, Toronto, Canada
2007 Of Mind and Place, East Gallery, Rueff Galleries, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
2022 Johnson & Johnson Innovation QuickFire Challenge Award “Wheeltrak” project team.
2021 27th Annual Communicator Award (The Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts)”A New Generation of Climate Activism:
Twitter Data Analysis on Fridays for Future Movement”.
2021 OSU Affordable Learning Exchange (ALX) Teaching Grant.
2020 R. Warhol (English), Y. Shen – Reading Like a Victorian Global Arts and Humanity Large Grant, OSU
2020 Y. Shen, E. Sanders, A. Keanlinger, D. Sagris, What Stresses Us Out and How We Deal with It. Graphic Design USA
(GDUSA) Web Design Award
2020 Y. Shen, E. Sanders (Design), P. Reitter (Germanic Language and Literature) How the Arts and Humanities can Benefit
our Well-being Global Arts and Humanities Discovery Theme Open Grants Competition
2020 P. Chan (Design), Y. Shen, B. McCorkle (English) Sickle Cell Trait – SCT Aware Education In-Person Visual Aid 2.0 and
eBook 1.0 Design Development Nationawide Children Hospital sub-contract
2020 D. Xiu (Mathematics), Y. Shen, J. Cheavens (Psychology), ASCTech - Studying Subjective Well-being on OSU Campus
using Modern Machine Learning Techniques. OSU Seed Grant
2018 K., Lustberg (Public Health), N., Brill, Y. Shen Oncologists’ Perspectives of the Survivorship Care for Older Breast Cancer
Survivors OSU Cancer Control Program Seed Award
2017 Beecher, M. (Design), Shen, Y. The Designing Leaders Project: Visualizing the Leadership Narratives of Persons with
Design Backgrounds Leadership Research Grant, Fisher Leadership Initiative
2016 University of Utah Faculty Research & Creative Grant - Visualizing Air Quality Changes in Major U.S. Cities
2015 First place in the Debut Paper Competition at Broadcast Education Association (BEA) - collaborated with Dr. Ye Sun and
Miao Liu.
2014 University of Utah Teaching Grant - Interactive E-Book - The Future of Narrative Communication
2013 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Creative Project 2nd Place Award
2011 American Graphic Design Award, Graphic Design USA
2011 Adobe Design Achievement Awards (ADAA) Innovation in Interactive Media in Education Semifinalist, Adobe Systems
2011 BEA(Broadcast Education Association) Award of Excellence (Interactive Media Educational Category)
2007 STA (The Society of Typographic Arts) Scholarship:Jack Weiss Founder Award (First Prize)
2007 Creative Quarterly Graphic Design Bronze Award (Issue 7) New York, New York
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2006 Applied Arts magazine Student Award in Web Design Toronto, Canada
04.2020 “Information Design during Covid-19 Pandemic” OSU onCampus Today.
06.2019 “University Students & Their Pursuit of Happiness” Lead Read Today. Fisher Leadership Initiative. Web. < https://fisher.>
02.2019 “Curators from China Discuss the Ancient Wisdom Behind Traditional Art” The Lantern. Web. < https://www.>
05.2018 “New course marries design with data to amplify impact” The Ohio State University Translational Data Analytics
Institute News. Web. <>
10.2015 “Seven Days in Beijing.” Photomediations Machine. Web. <
04.2015 Envisioning Air Quality”, @the U University of Utah Newsletter
04.2015 “Air of Salt Lake City.” - Information Is Beautiful Awards / Inspiration. 15 Apr. 2015. Web. <http://www.>.
2014 Busan Design Association 40th Anniversary Exhibition Catalogue Busan, Korea
2013 Poster design published in Color & Design International Poster Exhibition Catalogue Daegu, Korea
2007 Book design published in Creative Quarterly (Issue 7, April 2007) New York, New York
2006 Website design published in Applied Arts (September 2006) Toronto, Canada
03.2019 Participatory Data Visualization for the Wellbeing of College Students Workshop. Jiangnan University School of
Digital Media. Wuxi, China
05.2018 Visualizing Color System 2-Day Workshop. Hebei University of Science and Technology. Shijiazhuang, China
03.2018 Visualize the Cycle of Neighborhood Regeneration. 3-Week Collaborative Design in Agile Framework. The Ohio State
University, Columbus, Ohio
11.2017 Design Sprint: Solving On-Campus Health & Wellness Issues with Design. The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
06.2017 5-Day Information Visualization Workshop at the Department of Art and Design of Gengdan Institute of Beijing
University of Technology. Beijing, China
11.2016 “The Power of Visuals – Exploring the Creative Space with Data” Research Data Management Workshop hosted by
OSU Health Sciences Library. Columbus, OH
07.2015Visual Design and Mobile App.” Healthcare Innovation Mall, Beijing, China
06.2015 “Design Education in the U.S.” Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China.
05.2015 “Conceptual Thinking.” Across the Divide 2015 Keynote Presentation, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
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AIGA National Design Educator Steering Committee
Committee member of Across the Divide - the Association of Chinese Artists in American Academia (elected member-
Reviewer for Information Design Journal, IEEE VISAP, AIGA Dialectics, IASDR, Cumulus.
Barnett Center for Integrated Arts and Enterprise Advisory Committee (OSU)
Master’s in Translational Data Analytics (MTDA) Advisory Committee (OSU)
Affiliated faculty of East Asian Studies Center (OSU)
Students Wellness committee of College of Arts and Sciences (OSU)
College of Arts and Sciences Senate (OSU)
Diversity & Inclusion Committee
Events Committee
Technology Committee
Search Committee
Visual Communication Design Curriculum Committee
Undergraduate Study Committee
Strategic Planning - Faculty Eminence Committee