Validation of Automated Scores of
Tasks Against Nontest
Indicators of Writing Ability
Sara Cushing Weigle
June 2011
Research Report
Validation of Automated Scores of TOEFL iBT
Against Nontest Indicators of Writing Ability
Sara Cushing Weigle
Georgia State University, Atlanta
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Automated scoring has the potential to dramatically reduce the time and costs associated with the
assessment of complex skills such as writing, but its use must be validated against a variety of
criteria for it to be accepted by test users and stakeholders. This study addresses two validity-
related issues regarding the use of e-rater
with the independent writing task on the TOEFL
(Internet-based test). First, relationships between automated scores of iBT tasks and nontest
indicators of writing ability were examined. This was followed by exploration of prompt-related
differences in automated scores of essays written by the same examinees. Correlations between
both human and e-rater scores and nontest indicators were moderate but consistent, with few
differences between e-rater and human rater scores. E-rater was more consistent across prompts
than individual human raters, although there were differences in scores across prompts for the
individual features used to generate total e-rater scores.
Key words: automated scoring, writing assessment, second language, validity, e-rater
exam was developed in 1963 by the National Council on the Testing of English as a
Foreign Language. The Council was formed through the cooperative effort of more than 30 public and
private organizations concerned with testing the English proficiency of nonnative speakers of the
language applying for admission to institutions in the United States. In 1965, Educational Testing
Service (ETS) and the College Board
assumed joint responsibility for the program. In 1973, a
cooperative arrangement for the operation of the program was entered into by ETS, the College Board,
and the Graduate Record Examinations
) Board. The membership of the College Board is
composed of schools, colleges, school systems, and educational associations; GRE Board members are
associated with graduate education. The test is now wholly owned and operated by ETS.
ETS administers the TOEFL program under the general direction of a policy board that was
established by, and is affiliated with, the sponsoring organizations. Members of the TOEFL Board
(previously the Policy Council) represent the College Board, the GRE Board, and such institutions and
agencies as graduate schools of business, two-year colleges, and nonprofit educational exchange
  
Since its inception in 1963, the TOEFL has evolved from a paper-based test to a computer-based test
and, in 2005, to an Internet-based test, TOEFL iBT
. One constant throughout this evolution has been
a continuing program of research related to the TOEFL test. From 1977 to 2005, nearly 100 research
and technical reports on the early versions of TOEFL were published. In 1997, a monograph series that
laid the groundwork for the development of TOEFL iBT was launched. With the release of TOEFL
iBT, a TOEFL iBT report series has been introduced.
Currently this research is carried out in consultation with the TOEFL Committee of Examiners. Its
members include representatives of the TOEFL Board and distinguished English as a second language
specialists from the academic community. The Committee advises the TOEFL program about research
needs and, through the research subcommittee, solicits, reviews, and approves proposals for funding
and reports for publication. Members of the Committee of Examiners serve four-year terms at the
invitation of the Board; the chair of the committee serves on the Board.
Current (2010-2011) members of the TOEFL Committee of Examiners are:
Alister Cumming (Chair) University of Toronto
Carol A. Chapelle Iowa State University
Barbara Hoekje Drexel University
Ari Huhta University of Jyväskylä, Finland
John M. Norris University of Hawaii at Manoa
James Purpura Columbia University
Carsten Roever University of Melbourne
Steve Ross University of Maryland
Mikyuki Sasaki Nagoya Gakuin University
Norbert Schmitt University of Nottingham
Robert Schoonen University of Amsterdam
Ling Shi University of British Columbia
To obtain more information about the TOEFL programs and services, use one of the following:
Web site:
The study was funded by the TOEFL
Committee of Examiners and the TOEFL program at
ETS. Additional research support came from the Department of Applied Linguistics & ESL at
Georgia State University. Yanbin Lu and Amanda Baker assisted with data collection and
analysis, and Liang Guo helped with the preparation of the final report. Patricia Carrell served as
consultant to the project, primarily assisting with instrument design and planning data collection.
ETS provided the essay prompts for the study, scored all the essays with e-rater
, and arranged
for human raters for about half of the essays. I would like to thank the site coordinators at the
institutions where I collected data: Robert Nelson, Lily Compton, Kristin Di Gennaro, Cameron
Jaynes, Jennifer Lund, Megan Kilbourn, Nur Yigitoglu, Dudley Reynolds, Sunyoung Shin, and
Youngsoon So. Susan Firestone, Joe Lee, Amanda Baker, Holly Joseph, Caroline Payant, Jason
Litzenberg, and Magdi Kandil served as raters for the TOEFL iBT
essays and the submitted
writing samples. Finally I would like to thank the reviewers at ETS, and in particular Mary
Enright, for their helpful comments on earlier drafts of this report. The responsibility for any
remaining errors is solely mine, and the ideas and opinions expressed in the report are those of
the author, not necessarily of ETS or the TOEFL program.
Table of Contents
Literature Review............................................................................................................................ 2
Validity of Automated Scoring Systems ................................................................................. 3
Automated Scoring and Nonnative Writing ............................................................................ 6
Task Variability in Writing Assessment .................................................................................. 8
Method .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Research Questions ................................................................................................................ 10
Participants ............................................................................................................................ 10
Materials ................................................................................................................................ 12
Procedures .............................................................................................................................. 14
Research Question 1: Results and Discussion .............................................................................. 18
Results.................................................................................................................................... 18
Discussion .............................................................................................................................. 29
Research Question 2: Results and Discussion .............................................................................. 30
Results.................................................................................................................................... 30
Discussion .............................................................................................................................. 32
Research Question 3: Results and Discussion .............................................................................. 33
Results.................................................................................................................................... 33
Discussion .............................................................................................................................. 36
Implications and Future Directions ............................................................................................... 38
References ..................................................................................................................................... 41
Notes ............................................................................................................................................. 46
List of Appendices ........................................................................................................................ 47
List of Tables
Table 1 Participant Characteristics ............................................................................................ 11
Table 2 Interrater Reliability of e-rater and Human Rater Scores ............................................. 15
Table 3 Scoring Rubric for Submitted Writing Samples ........................................................... 16
Table 4 Descriptive Statistics of Global Self-Evaluation Variables ......................................... 19
Table 5 Correlations Among Global Self-Evaluation Variables and Student
Survey Scales ............................................................................................................... 19
Table 6 Average of Correlations Between Scores on TOEFL iBT Tasks and
Self-Evaluation Variables ............................................................................................. 19
Table 7 t-test of Difference in Magnitude of Correlations of e-rater and the
Average of Two Human Raters With Self-Evaluation Variables ................................ 21
Table 8 Descriptive Statistics and Average Correlations Between Scores on TOEFL iBT
Tasks and Student Survey Scales (Higher Mean Scores = Fewer Problems) .............. 21
Table 9 Descriptive Statistics for Instructor Ratings of Overall Performance and
Proficiency .................................................................................................................... 23
Table 10 Correlations Among Instructor Survey Variables ........................................................ 23
Table 11 Average of Correlations Between Scores on TOEFL iBT Tasks and
Instructor Ratings of Overall Performance and Proficiency ........................................ 24
Table 12 Descriptive Statistics for Instructor Survey Scale Variables ........................................ 25
Table 13 Average Correlations of Instructor Survey Scale Variables With e-rater and
Human Ratings of TOEFL iBT Essays ........................................................................ 25
Table 14 Descriptive Statistics and Interrater Agreement Statistics for Submitted Writing
Sample Scores .............................................................................................................. 27
Table 15 Average Correlations of Submitted Writing Sample Scores With TOEFL iBT
Task Scores by Content Area of Writing Samples ....................................................... 27
Table 16 Summary of Highest Average Correlations From Different Data Sources .................. 28
Table 17 Correlations of Averaged e-rater Feature Scores With Self-Evaluation of
Language Skills ............................................................................................................ 30
Table 18 Correlations of Averaged e-rater Feature Scores With Composite Instructor
Evaluation of English Ability ....................................................................................... 31
Table 19 Correlations of Averaged e-rater Feature Scores With Averaged Content
and Language Scores on Submitted Writing Samples ................................................. 31
Table 20 Descriptive Statistics and Paired t-Tests for Individual Raters Across Prompts ......... 33
Table 21 Repeated-Measures ANOVA for Topic and Rater on Scores Using
Individual Raters .......................................................................................................... 34
Table 22 Descriptive Statistics, Correlations, and Results of Paired t-Tests Across
Prompts of e-rater Features (N = 377) .......................................................................... 35
Table 23 Comparison of e-rater Feature Correlations Across Alternate Forms of
Writing Tests ................................................................................................................ 37
Automated scoring has the potential to reduce dramatically the time and resources
associated with the assessment of complex skills such as writingin particular, the recruitment,
training, and monitoring of raters. Much of the research on automated scoring has compared
automated scores on essays to the scores given by human raters to the same essays, and has
demonstrated convincingly that automated scores are at least as reliable as human scores.
However, the increased use of automated scores for both high- and low-stakes testing has sparked
a great deal of controversy, particularly among writing teachers, who have expressed a variety of
validity-related concerns regarding automated scoring systems. In order for the use of automated
scores to be accepted by test users and other stakeholders, empirical research into the meaning of
automated scores is crucial.
One test for which automated scoring has recently begun to be used is the TOEFL iBT
which is required for admission of nonnative speakers of English to many colleges and
universities in North America. The TOEFL iBT writing section includes two types of writing
tasks: (a) an independent task, in which the test takers are asked to express and support an opinion
on a familiar topic, and (b) an integrated task, in which the test takers are required to demonstrate
an understanding of the relationship between information in a lecture and a reading. Since July
2009 ETS’s automated scoring system e-rater
has been used as one of two raters to score the
independent task (see Enright & Quinlan, 2008, for an evaluation of the use of e-rater with this
Current approaches to the investigation of validity (Kane, 1992; 2001; Mislevy, Steinberg,
& Almond, 2002, 2003) require articulating an interpretive argument for validity by making
explicit the chain of inferences that link a test to its use. These inferences begin with defining the
domain of interest and end with using test scores to make decision. Each inference is then
examined through the collection of evidence that either supports or refutes the inference. Taking
this approach, Chapelle, Enright, and Jamieson (2008) provided a framework for investigating for
the validity of the TOEFL. This framework includes six inferences that must be supported
through empirical studies: domain description, evaluation, generalization, explanation,
extrapolation, and utilization. An accumulation of evidence supporting each of these inferences
thus supports the interpretive argument for TOEFL validity.
This study addresses two validity-related issues regarding the use of e-rater with the
TOEFL iBT: (a) relationships between automated and human scores of TOEFL iBT independent
writing tasks and nontest indicators of writing ability and (b) prompt-related differences in
automated scores of essays written by the same examinees. To situate this study within the
framework of the TOEFL interpretive argument, the research questions address the inferences of
generalization: “observed scores are estimates of expected scores over the relevant parallel
versions of tasks and test forms and across raters" (Chapelle et al., 2008, p. 19) and extrapolation:
“performance on the test is related to other criteria of language proficiency in the academic
context” (Chapelle et al., 2008, p. 21).
Literature Review
Automated scoring of essays has been possible since the 1960s (Page, 1966) but has only
recently been used on a large scale. Several automated scoring systems have been developed,
including the PEG system (Page, 2003); the Intelligent Essay Assessor (Landauer, Laham, &
Foltz, 2003), and IntelliMetric (Elliot, 2003). This study focuses on e-rater, developed by ETS.
For some years e-rater was used operationally, along with human raters, on the Graduate
Management Admissions Test (GMAT), and e-rater is also used in ETS’ online essay evaluation
service, known as Criterion
(Burstein, Chodorow, & Leacock, 2003). This literature review
begins with a description of e-rater, followed by a discussion of validity issues related to
automated scoring in general and then specifically in terms of evaluating the writing of nonnative
speakers of English. The literature review closes with a discussion of the issue of task variability
in writing assessment and finally addresses these issues with regard to the validity argument for
the TOEFL.
E-rater uses a corpus-based approach to analyze essay characteristics, and is trained on a
large set of essays written on a specific prompt to extract a small set of features that are predictive
of scores given by human raters. As described by Chodorow and Burstein (2004), these features
are generally of four types: syntactic, discourse, topical, and lexical. In earlier versions of e-rater,
stepwise linear regression was used to select features for each prompt from the training essays,
and these features were used to predict scores given by human raters in cross-validation studies on
another set of essays on the same prompt.
The current version of e-rater uses a standard set of features across prompts, allowing both
general and prompt-specific modeling for scoring (Attali & Burstein, 2006; Enright & Quinlan,
2010). These features are typically the following, although they may vary for specific analyses:
Errors in grammar, usage, mechanics, style: These errors are extracted from by the
writing analysis tools used in the Criterion online essay evaluation service (Burstein,
Chodorow, & Leacock, 2003) and are calculated as rates (total number of errors
divided by number of words in the essay).
Organization and development: e-rater identifies sentences in each essay
corresponding to important parts of an essay (background, thesis, main ideas,
supporting ideas, conclusion). The organization score is based on the number of
discourse elements in the essay. The development variable is the average number of
words of each of these elements in the essay.
Lexical complexity: e-rater calculates two feature variables related to lexical
characteristicsa measure of the vocabulary level of each word, based on a large
corpus of newspapers and periodicals, and the average word length.
Prompt-specific vocabulary usage: e-rater compares the vocabulary in each essay with
the vocabulary used in essays at each of the score points on the rating scale and
computes two variables. The first is the score point value, which calculates the score
point to which the essay is most similar, and the second is the cosine correlation value,
which indicates how similar the essay is to essays at the highest point on the rating
Essay length: In previous versions of e-rater, essay length was not explicitly included
as a variable, but the current version includes essay length (number of words) so that
its effect can be controlled, particularly in calculating error rates as described above.
Validity of Automated Scoring Systems
Like other commercially available automated scoring systems (e.g., see Elliot, 2003;
Landauer et al., 2003; Page, 2003), e-rater has been demonstrated to be highly correlated with
scores given by human raters (Burstein, 2002; Burstein & Chodorow, 1999). However, despite
findings that automated scores are as reliable as human scores, use of automated scoring has
generated controversy and strong opposition, particularly among composition teachers,
primarily because a computer cannot actually read student writing (Anson, 2006; Herrington &
Moran, 2001).
A recent position statement by the Conference on College Composition and
Communication (CCCC, 2004) stated in part:
The speed of machine-scoring is offset by a number of disadvantages. Writing-to-a-
machine violates the essentially social nature of writing: we write to others for social
purposes. If a student’s first writing-experience at an institution is writing to a machine,
for instance, this sends a message: writing at this institution is not valued as human
communication—and this in turn reduces the validity of the assessment. Further, since we
can not know the criteria by which the computer scores the writing, we can not know
whether particular kinds of bias may have been built into the scoring. And finally, if high
schools see themselves as preparing students for college writing, and if college writing
becomes to any degree machine-scored, high schools will begin to prepare their students
to write for machines. (“A Current Challenge” section, para. 2)
A number of scholars have expressed similar concerns about the consequences of
automated scoring on the teaching and learning of writing. For example, Cheville (2004) noted
that in the real world what counts as an error in one situation may be completely appropriate in
another. The algorithms used in automated scoring have no way of taking into account the
sociolinguistic context in which particular choices of vocabulary or syntax may be seen as errors
or not, and they thereby give students the false idea that errors can be objectively defined and thus
Herrington and Moran (2001) argued further that relying on automated scoring systems as
a replacement for on-campus placement programs will result in the loss of staff training that
occurs on campus as faculty develop writing criteria: “So long as placement tests are developed
in-house, there have to be conversations among faculty and administrators about what it means to
be ‘proficient’” (p. 496). Other concerns include the impact of automated scoring on the teaching
and learning of writing (e.g., Cheville, 2004) and the constraints on the assessment task that are
necessary for automated scoring to be feasible (e.g., Condon, 2006; see also Bennett & Bejar,
1998, for a more general discussion of task design considerations for automated scoring).
In terms of the TOEFL interpretive argument (Chapelle et al., 2008), the concerns raised
by these scholars fall under the category of utilization: “The meaning of test scores is clearly
interpretable by admissions officers, test takers, and teachers. The test will have a positive
influence on how English is taught.” (p. 21). Addressing these concerns directly is beyond the
scope of this particular study; however, inferences about utilization of test scores rely on a chain
of evidence for intermediate inferences such as generalization and extrapolation, which are
addressed in this study.
Yang, Buckendahl, Jusziewicz, and Bhola (2002) identified three main approaches to
validating automated scores. One approach involves investigation of the relationship between
automated scores and scores given by human raters. Another approach is to examine relationships
between automated scores and external measures of the same ability (i.e., criterion-related validity
evidence). The third approach is to investigate the scoring process and mental models represented
by automated scoring systems (see for example Attali & Burstein, 2006; Ben-Simon & Bennett,
2007; and Lee, Gentile, & Kantor, 2008 for examples of this line of research). The current study
focuses on the first two of these approaches.
As noted previously, several studies have demonstrated the comparability of scores
between human raters and automated scores (Yang et al.'s first category). One important study in
this area is from Chodorow and Burstein (2004), who found that, once the effects of essay length
were removed, e-rater v. 01 was not sensitive to certain characteristics of writing that human
raters were. Chodorow and Burstein concluded that future improvements to e-rater should be
made to capture some of these characteristics, including additional measures of syntactic
proficiency and word usage. These measures have been included in the current version of e-rater,
as noted above.
The literature in the second category, the criterion-related validity of automated scores, is
scant, although some researchers have looked at the relationship between human scores on
writing assessments and performance on other measures of writing. Breland, Bridgeman, and
Fowles (1999) provided an overview of studies that have investigated the predictive validity of
writing assessments ranging from in-house placement tests to the Law School Admissions Test
(LSAT) and the SAT
Writing Subject Test. The criteria used for these studies have been (a)
course grades, grade point averages, or instructors’ ratings; (b) performance on other writing tasks
(specifically, multiple essays scored by multiple raters); and (c) examinee background indices,
including self-assessment of writing ability. Breland et al. found that essay test performance
correlated more highly with other writing performance than with grades, GPA, or instructors’
Studies that have related automated scores to nontest indicators of writing ability include
Elliot (as cited in Attali & Burstein, 2006) and studies by Peterson and by Landauer, Laham,
Rehder, and Schreiner (both cited in Powers, Burstein, Chodorow, Fowles, & Kukich, 2000). A
model for the current study was Powers et al. (2000). This study looked at correlations between e-
rater and human scores on two essay tasks from the GRE
General Test with several other
indicators of writing ability: (a) two samples of writing prepared as course assignments, (b) self-
evaluations of writing, (c) self-reported grades in writing-intensive courses, (d) self-reported
documentation of accomplishments in writing, and (e) success with various kinds of writing. The
researchers found modest but significant correlations between e-rater scores and most of the
indicators, with the highest correlations being with evaluators’ grades on course assignments.
E-rater did not fare as well as human raters in these correlations, one possible explanation being
that the version of e-rater used in the study did not focus to the same degree as human raters on
aspects of writing reflected in the nontest indicators and that e-rater tended not to assign extreme
scores. This study suggests that the validity-related inference of generalizability across raters may
not be fully supported for e-rater, at least in earlier versions.
Automated Scoring and Nonnative Writing
In addition to the issues raised above, there is another set of validity-related issues
surrounding the use of automated scoring for nonnative writers. E-rater, like other automated
scoring systems, was designed initially with a population of native speakers in mind. For it to be
accepted as a valid method of scoring nonnative speakers (NNS) of English, particularly the
population of TOEFL examinees, a number of considerations will need to be dealt with. One issue
is computer familiarity of examinees—since automated scoring depends on digital rather than
paper-and-pencil tests, evidence must be presented that the lack of keyboarding skills does not
lead to construct-irrelevant variance. The issue of computer familiarity is of particular importance
to the TOEFL because of variable access to computer technology in the different countries that
comprise the population of TOEFL examinees. The question of computer familiarity as it relates
to the TOEFL was first discussed in Kirsch, Jamieson, Taylor, and Eignor (1998), who found a
relationship between level of computer familiarity and TOEFL scores.
Wolfe and Manalo (2004) found an interaction between language proficiency and chosen
medium (handwriting or word processing), with lower proficiency students performing better if
they handwrote their essays and higher proficiency students performing better if they input their
essays on the computer. Wolfe and Manalo expressed concerns that groups traditionally
associated with low computer familiarity or higher computer-related anxiety (e.g., females,
examinees from developing countries, and older examinees) tend to choose handwriting over
word processing. If these examinees are required to use computers in writing assessments they
may have to perform a “double translation,” which increases the cognitive demands of the task—
Not only do they have to translate from their native language into English, but they also have to
translate from English into unfamiliar keystrokes. This additional cognitive load is a potential
source of construct-irrelevant variance, and more research is needed to explore this issue.
Another set of concerns related to the assessment of NNS writing is the question of
whether the features used to score essays, particularly in the areas of grammar, usage, and
vocabulary, are in fact the features of language that are problematic for NNS. Since the Criterion
analysis tools used to detect errors in grammar and usage are intended to focus on the kinds of
errors typically made by native speakers rather than those found in NNS texts (Burstein et al.,
2003), the errors extracted by Criterion and thus used in e-rater are not necessarily those that
appear in NNS writing. However, it should be noted that work is being done to improve
identification of typical NNS errors such as prepositions and articles (Chodorow, Gamon, &
Tetreault, 2010).
Another issue to be taken into consideration is the fact that the TOEFL differs from other
writing tests used for screening and university admission in that it is a test of language proficiency
rather than an aptitude test or a test of analytical thinking. Indeed, research on second-language
writing (e.g., Cumming, 1989; Sasaki & Hirose, 1996) suggests that language proficiency and
writing ability are separate, although related, constructs. While predictive validity studies of tests
such as the SAT, GMAT, and GRE Tests presume that the ability measured by the test is more or
less stable, this is not the case for the TOEFL. As Simner (1999) noted:
The major purpose of using the TOEFL as an admissions screening device is not to
determine how well a student performs in English at the time the TOEFL is taken, but
instead to determine how well the student is likely to perform in the future, which
typically means some 8-10 months later after the student has arrived on campus and is
immersed in an English speaking environment. Hence, the evidence needed to support the
TOEFL as a screening device is evidence in favor of predictive validity. (p. 287)
Studies of the predictive validity of the TOEFL have had mixed results. A few studies
have looked at the relationship between TOEFL scores and indicators of success such as
graduation rate, GPA, or GPA after the first 9 credit hours. For example, Ayres and Peters (1977)
found that TOEFL scores were predictive of graduate grade point average (GGPA) among Asian
students in science and engineering, and that a combination of TOEFL and the verbal section of
the GRE General Test predicted success in program completion. On the other hand, Neal (1998)
found no relationship between TOEFL scores and GGPA. Studies by Light, Xu, and Mossop
(1987), Xu (1991), and Yule and Hoffman (1990) also found little evidence of a relationship
between TOEFL scores and academic success. It should be noted that these studies were based on
the total TOEFL score, not the writing score in particular; little attention has been paid to the
predictive validity of the TOEFL writing test specifically.
One reason that the TOEFL in general does not consistently demonstrate predictive
validity is that language proficiency in itself is only one of many factors that influence success in
university studies. Another reason is that requirements for language skills and proficiency may
vary by college and major, so that students with lower TOEFL scores may be successful in some
areas and not in others. A third reason is that different levels of support for international students
with limited proficiency are offered at different institutions. For these reasons it is not likely that
TOEFL scores by themselves will ever be strongly predictive of academic success, beyond
providing a threshold (floor) below which students have a strong probability of not being
successful because of limitations in their language proficiency.
To summarize, using automated scoring systems for the TOEFL, which is intended for
nonnative writers, brings up certain validity questions beyond those that may apply to tests of
writing for native speakers. The research described here does not attempt to answer all of these
questions; however, these questions should be kept in mind when interpreting research results and
planning additional research in this area.
Task Variability in Writing Assessment
The advantages of a direct test of writing, as opposed to a more indirect test such as a
multiple-choice test, come with the serious disadvantage of a limited ability to sample the domain
adequately, so that writing tests are often limited to a single 30-minute prompt. It is therefore
critical to ensure that differences across prompts are minimized so that examinees have an equal
chance of performing successfully on all potential tasks. Task variability can affect performance
in a number of ways (see Weigle, 2002, chap. 4, for an overview); in the words of Purves (1992):
“different tasks present different problems, which are treated differently by students and judged
differently by raters” (p. 112).
Because each TOEFL examinee writes on only a single independent topic, there has been
little opportunity to investigate the reliability of scoring (human or automated) across different
topics using data from the same people. Most studies of writing prompts from the TOEFL, or its
predecessor, the Test of Written English™ (TWE
), rely on other means of analyzing prompt-
related differences. For example, an early study done of essays written for the TWE found small
but significant differences across eight different prompts, studying the operational administration
of these prompts worldwide (Golub-Smith, Reese, & Steinhaus, 1993). In more recent studies
applying e-rater to TOEFL essays, neither Burstein and Chodorow (1999) nor Chodorow and
Burstein (2004) used essays written by the same people in their studies of applying e-rater to
nonnative speakers of English. Attali (2007, 2008) is a notable exception, in that he investigated
the reliability of human and e-rater scores of essays for repeat test takers; however, Attali’s study
did not look specifically at task-related differences.
Despite not using essays written by the same candidates, Chodorow and Burstein (2004)
found that scores of human raters were more variable across prompts than were automated scores,
and also found a significant main effect of prompt on essay scores, significant main effects of
rater (human vs. two versions of e-rater) and native language, and interactions between prompt
and rater, rater and language, and language and prompt. It appears, therefore, that investigating
effects of differences among TOEFL prompts is still an area where more research is needed.
The standardized writing features included in e-rater offer an opportunity to investigate
differences in the textual structure of essays written to different prompts by the same candidates.
Attali and Burstein (2006) used essays from the Criterion database written by students from 6
through 12
grades to investigate reliability across essay prompts, and found that e-rater and
human scores were very highly correlated. Furthermore, they found that certain features used by
e-rater had moderate test-retest reliabilities, most of which were in the mid .40s. No study to date
has looked at differences in e-rater feature scores across prompts of the TOEFL.
To summarize the literature review, I will return to the TOEFL interpretive argument
articulated by Chapelle et al. (2008). In terms of generalizability, the literature suggests that
improvements in e-rater have reduced the gap between automated scores and human scores
considerably, though some questions remain about this equivalence for the TOEFL in particular.
Furthermore, there is little research comparing performance by the same students on different
TOEFL writing tasks both on overall scores (human and e-rater) and e-rater features. In terms of
extrapolation, there is a dearth of research addressing the relationship between the construct of
writing assessed by the TOEFL (and embodied in the scoring rubric used by human raters and the
algorithms used by e-rater) and the actual writing performance of students outside the testing
construct. The study reported on here attempts to address these issues.
Research Questions
This study addresses the following research questions:
1. What are the relationships between overall e-rater and human scores on TOEFL iBT
independent writing tasks and other indicators of writing ability (self-assessment of
writing ability, instructor assessment of writing ability, and independent rater
assessment on discipline-specific writing tasks)?
2. What are the relationships among specific features analyzed by e-rater and these
indicators of writing ability?
3. How consistent are the scores generated by e-rater (both the total scores and scores for
individual features) and human raters across two different writing tasks?
Data were gathered from 386 nonnative English-speaking students at eight different
institutions in the US over a 15-month period, from October 2006 through December 2007 (see
Table 1 for participant characteristics). Participants were recruited from the international student
populations at the following institutions: Iowa State University, Georgia State University,
Michigan State University, Pace University, the University of California at Los Angeles, Purdue
University, Portland State University, and the University of Minnesota. The original intention was
to test matriculated students only, but at one institution 26 students enrolled in that university's
English Language Institute were included in the participant pool. Participants were each paid $50
for their participation, in the form of a gift card for their university bookstore.
Table 1
Participant Characteristics
Characteristic N
Total 386
Age Mean (years): 24.86
Range: 18–47
Gender Female
Status Graduate
Other (ELI
/not specified)
Field of study Business
Social Sciences
Natural Sciences
Computer Science
Applied Sciences
Health Sciences
English language institute.
The following data were collected:
Essays responding to TOEFL iBT tasks. Two independent writing tasks, provided by
ETS for this study, were administered to participants. One prompt (hereafter referred to as Topic
1) asked students to discuss whether too much emphasis is spent on personal appearance and
fashion, and the other (hereafter referred to as Topic 2) dealt with the importance of planning for
the future. The order of prompts was counterbalanced so that half of the participants received one
prompt first and half received the other prompt first.
Self-assessment of writing ability. A web-based survey adapted from Allwright and
Banerjee (1997) was created using SurveyMonkey, an online survey development tool (see
Appendix A for the survey). The student survey had four sections. First, students were asked to
rate their ability to write, read, speak, and understand English and also to compare their ability to
use English for coursework with their ability to use English outside of school. Next, students were
given a list of nine problems that students sometimes have with writing and were asked to
indicate how often they experienced these problems. In the third and fourth sections, respectively,
students were asked to indicate how often they experienced specific problems related to other
aspects of English (e.g., speaking, reading, and participating in class discussions) and to
nonlanguage related problems (e.g., time management and understanding the subject matter). In
each section students could provide open-ended comments as well.
To validate the student survey, a factor analysis of the survey data (excluding the overall
self-evaluation variables) was conducted using principal components analysis with varimax
rotation (see Appendix B). The factor analysis revealed three main factors similar to the intended
factors, with the exception of three writing items that loaded on the third factor instead of the
writing factor. Accordingly, the following three scales were constructed: (a) Writing problems (6
items, α = .82), (b) Other language problems (5 items, α = .81), and (c) Other problems (7 items,
α = .80).
Instructor assessment of writing ability. Participants were asked to provide names and
contact information for two instructors familiar with their written work. These instructors were
contacted by e-mail and asked to complete an online survey (see Appendix C for the survey). The
instructor survey was similar in structure to the student survey, with sections asking instructors to
rate the student's overall performance in the course, the student's writing ability, oral ability, and
overall level of English, and their perceptions of the impact of linguistic and nonlinguistic factors
on the student's performance. Instructors also were invited to make open-ended comments in each
section of the survey.
As with the student survey, a factor analysis was conducted to explore the structure of the
survey (see Appendix D). Two scales were constructed, one for language-related problems (9
items, α = .96) and one for nonlanguage related problems (5 items, α = .91). Unlike the student
survey, which had very few missing responses, many instructors chose the option "no opportunity
to judge" on several items, which was recorded as a missing response. Therefore each scale score
was calculated as the average of nonmissing scores rather as the total of the nonmissing scores.
Nontest writing samples. Participants were asked to provide two samples of writing for
courses in which they had been enrolled within the past 6 months. Participants were encouraged
to provide writing samples from their major courses, but many only had writing samples from
writing classes (i.e., English composition or English as a Second Language [ESL] courses).
Participants were asked to provide, if possible, one sample that represented their typical writing
and one that was not as good as their typical writing. The rationale for this request was based on
Powers et al.'s (2000) observation that students tend to submit their best samples, rather than
typical samples; thus an attempt was made to obtain writing that was more representative of
typical course-related writing. Approximately half the collected samples were from major courses
and half were from English composition or ESL courses. Samples of student writing are found in
Appendix E.
Participant information sheet. The participant information sheet (see Appendix F)
served two functions. First, it provided an opportunity to collect basic demographic information
from students. Second, it served as the vehicle for collecting contact information for students’
instructors and information about the two writing samples students were asked to provide. This
information included the name of the course for which the paper was written, their estimation of
the strength of the writing, and the types of assistance, if any, students had received on the paper.
When participants signed up for the study they were given the information sheet and asked
to bring it back completed on the test date, along with their two writing samples. When they
arrived at the testing site, they logged on to a secure website, where they took the student survey
and then the writing test. The two writing topics were presented in random order. When the
students had completed all study requirements, including supplying contact information for their
instructors and submitting their writing samples, they were compensated and then dismissed.
Following student data collection, instructors were contacted by email with a request to
complete the instructor survey. Reminders were sent to instructors after 2 weeks; in some cases a
second reminder email was sent to instructors who had not yet completed the survey. A total of
410 instructors completed the survey; of the 386 student participants, 186 (48%) had one
instructor response, 112 (29%) had two, and 88 (23%) had no instructor information.
Scoring of iBT essays. All TOEFL iBT essays were sent to ETS for scoring with the
current version of e-rater. The generic or "program specific" e-rater model uses eight features and
was built on the responses of tens of thousands of examinees to more than 25 TOEFL prompts,
including the two prompts used in this study (Attali, 2007). The only prompt-specific
customization of the model was that the machine scores were scaled to have the same mean and
standard deviation as human ratings for the specific prompt. The e-rater features used in the study
were the features described above, except that the two prompt-specific vocabulary scores and
essay length were not included.
Each TOEFL iBT essay was also scored by two trained raters using the TOEFL scoring
rubric (see Appendix G). The TOEFL iBT essays were also scored by trained raters.
Approximately half of the scripts were scored by experienced raters certified by ETS; a total of
four raters participated in the first round of rating. The second half of the scripts were rated by
raters hired by the author; they were experienced ESL teachers who had rated other writing
assessments but not TOEFL essays. These raters completed the ETS online training before rating
the scripts but were not certified by ETS. The author also rated any essays that received scores
from the two human raters that were more than one point apart; however, all analyses presented in
this report are based on the scores of the original two raters. For all analyses involving individual
raters, ratings have been randomly assigned to Rater 1 or Rater 2. Table 2 shows interrater
reliability statistics for these ratings; overall, they are comparable to statistics found in similar
studies (e.g., Attali, 2007; Attali & Burstein, 2006). For example, Attali and Burstein (2006)
reported exact agreement rates of two human raters of .59 and one human rater with e-rater of .58.
Pearson correlations between individual raters (i.e., not ratings) ranged from .54 to .83;
correlations of individual raters with e-rater scores ranged from .66 to .75. Across the two topics,
correlations were as follows: Rater 1, r = .62; Rater 2, r = .58; Average rating, r = .71; e-rater, r =
.79. This suggests that e-rater is somewhat more reliable than human ratings in terms of alternate-
forms reliability.
Table 2
Interrater Reliability of e-rater and Human Rater Scores
Topic 1
Topic 2
Rater 1/Rater 2
Pearson correlation
Exact agreement/exact + adj. agreement
Rater 1/e-rater
Pearson correlation
Exact agreement/exact + adj. agreement
Rater 2/e-rater
Pearson correlation
Exact agreement
/exact + adj. agreement
Average of 2 HR/ e-rater
Pearson correlation
Exact agreement
/exact + adj. agreement
Note. Exact agreement means that the two raters gave exactly the same score; adjacent agreement
means that the two scores differed by one point or less. For analyses involving e-rater, scores
were rounded off to the nearest whole number. Since the average of two human rater scores was
not always a whole number, agreement was counted as exact if the rounded e-rater score was
within ½ point of the average of two raters.
Scoring of submitted writing samples. The course writing samples provided by students
were scored by a pool of trained raters on a scale designed for the study consisting of two
subscales: content and language (see Table 3). Each sample was rated by two raters, with a third
rater adjudicating if the two raters differed by more than a point on either scale. The reported
score is the average between the two raters. Pearson correlations between the two (averaged)
ratings on each scale across samples were .51 for content and .58 for language; within-samples
correlations between content and language were .78 for Sample 1 and .79 for Sample 2. The
original scale included two score points below Fair but as no submitted samples were judged to
be below Fair these two points were excluded from the final rating scale.
Table 3
Scoring Rubric for Submitted Writing Samples
6 – Excellent
Issues dealt with fully, clear
position, substantive arguments,
balanced ideas with full support and
logical connection, strong control of
Excellent control of language with
effective choice of words, sophisticated
range of grammatical structures and
vocabulary, few or no errors
5 – Very good
Issues dealt with well, clear
position, substantive arguments,
generally balanced ideas with
support and logical connection,
good control of organization,
occasional repetition, redundancy,
or a missing transition
Strong control of language, read
smoothly, sufficient range of
grammatical structures and vocabulary
with occasional minor errors
4 – Good
Issues discussed but could be better
developed, positions could be
clearer and supported with more
substantive arguments, appropriate
organization, with instances of
redundancy, repetition, and
Good control of language with adequate
range of grammatical structures and
vocabulary, may lack fluidity, some
grammatical errors
3 – Fair
Issues discussed, but without
substantive evidence, positions
could be clearer and arguments
could be more convincing, adequate
organization, ideas are not always
Fair control of language with major
errors and limited choice of structures &
vocabulary, errors may interfere with
Data analysis. For Research Question 1 the relationship between essay scores and
criterion variables was investigated primarily through correlations. Pearson correlations between
criterion variables (student survey variables, instructor survey variables, and ratings on nontest
writing samples) and ratings on TOEFL iBT essays were computed separately for each prompt as
E-rater (ER); 1 rating per prompt (2 total)
Each human rating (1 HR); 2 ratings per prompt (4 total)
The average between the two raters (2 HR); 1 averaged rating per prompt (2 total)
The average of each human rating and e-rater (1 HR/ER); 2 averaged ratings per
prompt (4 total)
The average of the correlations in each category across rater combinations and prompts
(single human rater, average of two human raters, e-rater, and average of one human rating and e-
rater) is reported in the results.
Where appropriate, differences in the magnitude of correlations between e-rater scores
and the average of two human rater scores, respectively, with criterion variables were calculated
using procedures outlined in Cohen and Cohen (1983, p. 57; see Urry, 2003, for the SPSS
Operationally, e-rater is used as one of the two raters for the TOEFL; however, it was
designed to emulate the average of two raters’ scores. For this reason the average between the
two raters was felt to be the most appropriate human rating to compare with e-rater for this
For Research Question 2 the e-rater feature scores were averaged across the two writing
prompts, and Pearson correlations were calculated among the averaged features scores and
criterion variables (global self and instructor ratings of language ability and scores on nontest
writing samples). Finally, for Research Question 3 paired t-tests were conducted to compare
scores on the two prompts in terms of individual ratings, the average human rater scores, e-rater
total scores, and feature scores by prompt. In addition, a repeated-measures ANOVA was
conducted with rater and prompt as independent variables and score as the dependent variable. All
statistical analyses were carried out using SPSS Versions 15 and 16.
Research Question 1: Results and Discussion
Research Question 1 (regarding the relationship between human and e-rater scores and
other indicators of writing ability) was addressed through correlations between scores on iBT
essays (human and e-rater) and a variety of criterion variables. As noted above there were three
main data sources apart from the TOEFL essays: student surveys, instructor surveys, and ratings
on other writing samples. For the student and instructor surveys, correlations were calculated
between TOEFL essay scores and both the global evaluation items and the survey scales as
described above. For the additional writing samples, correlations were calculated between TOEFL
essay scores and scores on content and language.
Relationships between essay scores and student self-assessment. The relationships
between scores on TOEFL iBT essays and student survey variables are presented in two sections:
First student overall self-evaluations of language ability are discussed, and then specific problems
that are related to language as well as those that are not. In the survey, students were asked to rate
their ability in the skills of writing, speaking, listening, and reading on a scale of 1 to 4.
Descriptive statistics for these variables are found in Table 4, and correlations among these
variables and the problem scales from the survey are found in Table 5. As Table 4 shows, students
rated themselves the highest in receptive skills (reading and listening) and lowest in productive
skills (writing and speaking). Table 5 shows that the global self-evaluation variables have
moderately strong correlations with each other (.59 to .69) but are less strongly related to the three
problem scales (.33 to .49); the correlations among the scale variables themselves range from .52
to .60.
Average correlations between combinations of e-rater and human scores on the TOEFL
iBT essays and self-evaluation variables are found in Table 6. As noted above, these correlations
are averaged across the two prompts for e-rater and the average human rater score and across both
raters and prompts for single human rater scores. The correlations are moderate, with higher
correlations for reading and writing than for listening and speaking.
Table 4
Descriptive Statistics of Global Self-Evaluation Variables
Self-Evaluation Writing
Self-Evaluation Reading
Self-Evaluation Listening
Self-Evaluation Speaking
Table 5
Correlations Among Global Self-Evaluation Variables and Student Survey Scales
Global Self-Evaluation variable
Self-Evaluation Writing
Self-Evaluation Reading
Self-Evaluation Listening
Self-Evaluation Speaking
Writing Problems Scale
Language Problems Scale
Other Problems Scale
Table 6
Average of Correlations Between Scores on TOEFL iBT Tasks and Self-Evaluation Variables
1 HR
2 HR
Self-Evaluation Writing
Self-Evaluation Reading
Self-Evaluation Listening
Self-Evaluation Speaking
Note. All individual correlations were significant at p < .01. 1 HR = individual human rating; 2
HR = average between the two raters; 1 HR/ER = average of each human rating and e-rater.
Table 7 displays the results of a t-test comparing the differences in the magnitude of
correlations between e-rater scores and the average of two human rater scores, respectively, with
the self-evaluation variables as described above. As the table shows, the correlations with the
human rater scores were significantly higher than those with most of the corresponding e-rater
scores, although the effect sizes (r
– r
, Cohen, 1998, pp. 114-115) are small.
Descriptive statistics and correlations with ratings for the three scales are found in
Table 8. Students reported the most problems with writing (mean = 17.98 out of 24, or 75% of the
maximum) and the least with other (nonlanguage-related) problems (Mean = 23.67 out of 28, or
85% of the maximum); note that a higher mean score represents fewer problems than a lower
mean score. The table also shows that human and e-rater scores were moderately and similarly
related to the student survey variables and that the correlations were lower than the correlations
with overall self-evaluation variables discussed above.
Relationship between scores and instructor assessment of writing ability. As noted
earlier, 296 of the 386 student participants received at least one instructor survey assessment. For
the purposes of this analysis only the responses for the first instructor who responded for each
student have been analyzed; however, because 112 students had two instructor responses it is
possible to look briefly at how the two instructors’ responses compared with each other. Pearson
correlations between the two instructors’ ratings on individual survey items and scale scores were
quite low, in some cases close to 0. The low correlations may be explained partly by the fact that
most ratings were at the high end of the scale, resulting in a restricted range. A more accurate
measure of the interrater reliability is thus the percentage of exact and adjacent agreement; in
other words, how often did the two instructors agree (or come close to agreeing) on their ratings
of individual students? Cross-tabulations of the ratings reveal that exact agreement varied from
45% to 50% and that exact-plus-adjacent agreement ranged from 80% to 95%, thus indicating
acceptable interrater reliability by this measure.
Another important factor to consider when interpreting the low correlations between the
two instructors is the content area of the instructors. The correlations were generally much higher
when both instructors were either English/ESL teachers or content teachers and lower (even
negative) when one instructor was an English/ESL teacher and the other was a content teacher.
For example, correlations on the Language Problem scale were .45 (p < .01) when both
Table 7
t-test of Difference in Magnitude of Correlations of e-rater and the Average of Two Human
Raters With Self-Evaluation Variables
Topic 1
Topic 2
t (p)
t (p)
Self-Evaluation Writing
Self-Evaluation Reading
Self-Evaluation Listening
Self-Evaluation Speaking
Effect size is calculated as r
– r
following procedures outlined in Cohen (1988, pp.114–115).
Effect sizes lower than .09 are considered small.
Table 8
Descriptive Statistics and Average Correlations Between Scores on TOEFL iBT Tasks and
Student Survey Scales (Higher Mean Scores = Fewer Problems)
Descriptive statistics
Average correlations
N Range Mean SD Reliability
Writing problems
Other language
Other problems
Note. All individual correlations significant at p < .01 except between e-rater and other language
problems, which was significant at p < .05 on Topic 1 and not significant on Topic 2. 1 HR =
individual human rating; 2 HR = average between the two raters; 1 HR/ER = average of each
human rating and e-rater.
Correlations of e-rater and average human rater scores with criterion variables were not
significantly different.
Cronbach's alpha.
instructors were English/ESL teachers, .12 (ns) when neither instructor was an English/ESL
teacher, and -.23 (ns) when the two were an English/ESL instructor and a content instructor
This suggests that the language demands of different English/ESL courses may be more similar
to each other than they are to those of content area courses or than those of content courses are
to each other. It also explains the near-zero correlations when instructors are not grouped in this
Of the 296 instructors who were the first respondents to the survey, slightly more than
50% (153) were English, writing, or ESL instructors, and the rest (143) were subject instructors.
The responses for these two groups were analyzed separately for a number of reasons. As noted
above, perhaps these two groups appeared to respond differently to the survey items because
writing courses in general, and ESL writing courses in particular, focus on the mastery of
language-related skills rather than specific knowledge about an academic discipline. In the
courses, assignments are adjusted with respect to the presumed writing and/or language ability of
students in the class. In a lower-level ESL course, for example, the readings and writing
assignments may be shorter and simpler than for a higher level writing course or a course in an
academic discipline such as philosophy or business. Thus the responses to an item that asks
instructors to judge, for example, whether a student has problems understanding course
assignments will likely be different between these two groups of instructors.
For the purposes of this study, perhaps the most important reason to distinguish between
these two instructor groups is that the readings, assignments, and other demands of content course
areas represent, in fact, the target language use situation (Bachman & Palmer, 1996) of the
TOEFL. That is, test users (e.g., admissions officers) are interested in knowing how well
prospective students will be able to use English in academic disciplines such as biology,
economics, or psychology. Thus in the investigation of the predictive validity of the TOEFL it is
particularly important to distinguish between instructors of content courses and English or ESL
instructors when examining instructor perceptions of NNS performance in their courses.
Like the student survey, the instructor survey included both global assessments of language
proficiency and items asking about specific problems that students may face. Descriptive statistics for
the proficiency variables are found in Table 9, and intercorrelations between these variables and the
instructor survey scale variables are found in Table 10.
Table 9
Descriptive Statistics for Instructor Ratings of Overall Performance and Proficiency
Overall academic performance
Writing ability evaluation
Oral proficiency evaluation
General evaluation of English ability
Table 10
Correlations Among Instructor Survey Variables
1. Writing ability
2. Oral proficiency
3. Overall ability
4. Language problems
5. Other problems
A few observations can be made from these tables. First, Table 9 shows that ratings by
subject area instructors were higher than ratings by English instructors; this is not surprising, since
many students in the study were specifically placed into English/ESL classes because of a perceived
need to improve their English. Table 10 shows that the instructor evaluations of different aspects of
English proficiency were more highly correlated than the similar self-evaluation variables discussed
earlier; however, the relationship between the overall evaluations of proficiency and the scale
variables were approximately the same for both the student and instructor surveys.
Correlations between the overall instructor evaluation variables and the TOEFL iBT ratings
are found in Table 11. Interestingly, scores on TOEFL iBT essays correlated more strongly with
subject area instructor ratings of student proficiency than with those of English instructors; this
result may be due to the differences in comparison groups noted above. E-rater correlations were
slightly lower than human rater correlations, but these differences were significant only for Topic 1
for the overall evaluation (t = -2.91, df = 285, p < .01, effect size = .08).
Table 11
Average of Correlations Between Scores on TOEFL iBT Tasks and Instructor Ratings of
Overall Performance and Proficiency
1 HR
2 HR
Subject (n = 138–143)
Overall academic performance
Writing ability
Oral proficiency
Overall English ability
English (n = 146–153)
Overall academic performance
Writing ability
Oral proficiency
Overall English ability
Total (n = 288–296)
Overall academic performance
Writing ability
Oral proficiency
Overall English ability
Note. n refers to the sample sizes for individual correlations, which vary within each category
because of missing data. For sample sizes 138153, individual correlations below approximately
.16 are not significant, between .17 and .21 significant at p < .05, and above .21 at p < .01. For
samples sizes 288
296, individual correlations above .16 are all significant at p < .05. 1 HR =
individual human rating; 2 HR = average between the two raters; 1 HR/ER = average of each
human rating and e-rater.
As noted earlier, the instructor survey consisted of nine language-related questions and five
nonlanguage-related questions. Descriptive statistics for these scales are found in Table 12, and
correlations with TOEFL iBT essay ratings are presented in Table 13.
As was the case with the overall proficiency and performance variables, the scale scores
from subject area instructors were generally higher than those from English instructors. In
addition the correlation between the language impact scale and TOEFL essay scores was
significantly higher for the average of two human raters than for e-rater for the subject area
Table 12
Descriptive Statistics for Instructor Survey Scale Variables
Language impact
Impact of other factors
Language impact
Impact of other factors
Language impact
Impact of other factors
Table 13
Average Correlations of Instructor Survey Scale Variables With e-rater and
Human Ratings of TOEFL iBT Essays
1 HR
2 HR
Subject (n = 133–143)
Language impact
Impact of other factors
English (n = 145–153)
Language impact
Impact of other factors
Total (n = 279–296)
Language impact
Impact of other factors
Note. n refers to the sample sizes for individual correlations, which vary within each category
because of missing data. For sample sizes 133–153, individual correlations below approximately
.16 are not significant, between .17 and .21 significant at p < .05, and above .21 at p < .01. For
samples sizes 279–296, individual correlations above .16 are all significant at p < .05. 1 HR =
individual human rating; 2 HR = average between the two raters; 1 HR/ER = average of each
human rating and e-rater.
Correlations of e-rater and average human rater scores with this variable were significantly
different for both topics; no other correlations were significantly different.
instructors (Topic 1: t = -2.32, df = 138, p < .05, effect size = .09; Topic 2: t = -3.15, df = 138, p <
.01, effect size = .07) but not for the English instructors.
Relationship between essay scores and scores on student-supplied writing samples.
The third main indicator of writing ability examined in this study were the ratings on content and
language for course-related writing samples provided by student participants. Descriptive
statistics and interrater agreement statistics between the first two (unadjudicated) scores for these
variables are found in Table 14. Recall that a third rater was used in those cases where the scores
diverged by more than a point; the data in Table 14 do not include any of these third ratings. The
reported scores in the table are the average scores between two raters.
As noted above, approximately half of the writing samples were from English or writing
courses (e.g., ESL writing courses, technical writing) and half were from subject-area courses (e.g.,
chemistry, anthropology, applied linguistics). Recall that subject-area writing samples tended to be
higher in both register and cognitive demands than English writing samples. Scores on subject-area
papers were slightly higher than those on English/writing papers for both content (t = -8.61, df =
367, p = .000) and language (t = -8.58, df = 367, p = .000).
Correlations between scores on writing
samples with e-rater, single human rater scores, and two human rater scores are found in Table 15.
The table presents correlations for all samples combined as well as for samples divided into subject
area versus English. There were no significant differences in the magnitude of correlations between
the criterion variables and e-rater versus the average human score.
Note that the correlations in Table 15 are averaged across writing samples (Sample 1 and
Sample 2) and prompts (Topic 1 and Topic 2). As the table shows, both e-rater and human rater
scores were more highly correlated with scores on English papers than on subject area papers, and
were more highly correlated with the language scores than the content scores. Overall the
correlations tended to be higher between scores on nontest writing samples and TOEFL
independent writing tasks than for other indicators of writing ability; furthermore, the correlations
with e-rater scores appear to be more similar to those with human scores on this measure than
with the other indicators.
Summary of results for Research Question 1. As a summary of the highest correlations
between e-rater and essay scores and criterion variables, Table 16 displays the average
correlations between e-rater, the average human rater score, and all variables where at least one
correlation is greater than or equal to .3, sorted in descending order of the average human rater
score within each data source. Across most variables in the three data sources, the average
correlations for e-rater and individual human raters were very similar, although the differences
between e-rater and the average of two human rater scores were significant on the self-evaluation
variables and some of the instructor survey variables. The most robust difference between e-rater
and human ratings was in the language impact scale for subject area instructors.
Table 14
Descriptive Statistics and Interrater Agreement Statistics for Submitted Writing Sample Scores
Descriptive statistics
Interrater agreement indices
Exact + adj.
Note. Exact agreement means that the two raters gave exactly the same score; adjacent agreement
means that the two scores differed by one point.
Table 15
Average Correlations of Submitted Writing Sample Scores With TOEFL iBT Task Scores by
Content Area of Writing Samples
1 HR
2 HR
Note. All individual correlations significant at p < .01. 1 HR = individual human rating;
2 HR = average between the two raters; 1 HR/ER = average of each human rating and e-rater.
Table 16
Summary of Highest Average Correlations From Different Data Sources
1 HR
2 HR
Self-Evaluation Writing
Self-Evaluation Reading
Self-Evaluation Speaking
Self-Evaluation Listening
Writing Problems Scale
General Evaluation of English
Ability (subject)
Oral Proficiency Evaluation (subject)
General Evaluation of English Ability
Writing Ability Evaluation (subject)
Language Impact Scale (subject )
Oral Proficiency Evaluation (all)
Content (all essays)
Content (English essays only)
Language (subject essays only)
Note. Correlations above .30 are in boldface. SS = student survey; IS = instructor survey; WS =
writing samples; 1 HR = individual human rating; 2 HR = average between the two raters; 1
HR/ER = average of each human rating and e-rater.
Correlation between criterion variable and 2 HR average was significantly higher than
corresponding correlation with e-rater on one topic.
Correlations between criterion variable and
2 HR average were significantly higher than corresponding correlations with e-rater on both
Relationship between e-rater and human scores on TOELF iBT essays. From the
results of the study it is clear that e-rater scores and human scores are highly correlated and thus
can be said to be measuring highly similar constructs. From a practical perspective there seems to
be little or no difference in scores between human raters and e-rater, and in fact the alternate-
forms reliability of e-rater is somewhat superior to that of human raters in this study. However,
there were some differences between e-rater and human scores on a few of the variables. These
variables tended to be related to overall language proficiency rather than writing per se. For
example, although the correlations between essay scores and self-evaluations of reading and
writing were higher than those between essay scores and self-evaluations of listening and
speaking, the correlations between human ratings and the latter self-evaluation scores were
significantly higher than the corresponding correlations with e-rater scores. This finding suggests
the possibility that the e-rater algorithm may not be as sensitive as human raters to certain
markers of language proficiency.
The most striking difference between e-rater scores and the corresponding human scores is
found in the relationship with subject instructors’ ratings of the problems that their NNS students
have that are related to language proficiency. One possible explanation for this result may be
found in the research finding that essay raters do not base their scores strictly on the wording of a
specific scale (see Eckes, 2008, for a recent review of the literature on rater behavior). For
example, Lumley (2002) noted that raters’ judgments seem to be based on “some complex and
indefinable feeling about the text, rather than the scale content” and that raters form “a uniquely
complex impression independently of the scale wordings.” Part of this complex impression is
related to raters’ expectations of writers, often based on their own teaching and previous rating
experience (see Weigle, 2002, for a discussion of this issue). Thus, raters may be influenced by
their notions of the situations in which students would find themselves and may base their ratings
in part on their intuitions about language issues that are problematic in content courses. This in
turn may have aligned their scores more closely with instructor ratings.
Relationships between scores on TOEFL iBT essays and criterion variables. As for
considerations of criterion-related validity, correlations between essay scores and other indicators
of writing ability were generally moderate, whether they were scored by human raters or e-rater.
These moderate correlations are not unlike those found in other criterion-related validity studies
(see, for example Kuncel, Hezlett, & Ones, 2001, for a meta-analysis of such studies of GRE
Tests). They are also similar to or higher than those presented in Powers et al. (2000), which
compared e-rater scores of GRE essays with a variety of other indicators. The correlations in that
study ranged from .08 to .30 for a single human rater, .07 to .31 for two human raters, and .09 to
.24 for e-rater. Possible explanations for the difference in magnitude of these correlations include
improvements in e-rater since the Powers et al. study was written and difference in the writing
constructs measured by the GRE and the TOEFL (Lee, 2006).
The highest correlations tended to be for global measures of global language proficiency
rather than specific aspects of writing ability, suggesting that the TOEFL iBT independent task may
be more useful as a measure of general language proficiency than of academic writing ability.
Research Question 2: Results and Discussion
To answer Research Question 2 (regarding relationships among specific features analyzed
by e-rater and indicators of writing ability), the eight e-rater feature scores were averaged across
the two topics. Correlations were calculated between the averaged e-rater feature scores, the
overall self-evaluation variables from the student survey, the overall evaluation of language
proficiency from the instructor survey, and the writing sample scores. Results of these analyses
are presented in Tables 17 to 19.
Table 17
Correlations of Averaged e-rater Feature Scores With Self-Evaluation of Language Skills
e-rater feature
Word Length
*p <. 05. **p < .01.
Table 18
Correlations of Averaged e-rater Feature Scores With Composite Instructor Evaluation of
English Ability
e-rater feature
Subject instructor
evaluation (n = 140)
English instructor
evaluation (n = 144)
Word Length
*p < .05. **p < .01.
Table 19
Correlations of Averaged e-rater Feature Scores With Averaged Content and Language Scores
on Submitted Writing Samples
Content average
(two writing samples)
Language average
(two writing samples)
Word length
*p < .05. **p < .01.
The variables that were most closely related to student self-perception of all four language
skills were vocabulary, style, usage, and grammar. Other e-rater variables (mechanics, word
length, and organization) were related to self-perceptions of writing and reading but not listening
and speaking. All correlations were fairly low, however, with the exception of vocabulary, which
had a correlation of .33 with self-perception of writing ability.
For the instructor ratings, the three ratings (writing, oral proficiency, and general English
ability) were combined into a single scale, composite evaluation of English ability. Because of the
differences between English and subject area instructors (discussed above), the correlations
between this variable and the averaged e-rater feature scores were computed separately (see Table
18). These correlations show a different pattern from the self-evaluation variables above, although
again the correlations are generally low. The usage and style variables were the only ones
statistically significant for both groups of instructors. Grammar and organization were correlated
with instructor evaluations for subject area instructors but not English instructors, and the other
four variables were significantly, although only slightly, related to the English instructors’
evaluations but not to the subject area instructors' evaluations.
As for correlations of e-rater feature scores and scores on course-related writing samples,
the correlations in Table 19 are generally higher than those from the student and instructor
surveys, particularly in the area of language. Vocabulary, grammar, and style have the highest
correlations with these scores, with correlations above .30 for the language scores.
In summary, the e-rater features that are consistently related to criterion variables tend to
be those features related to linguistic accuracy (grammar, usage, style, and mechanics) rather than
those related to discourse (organization and development). The highest correlations overall tended
to be the correlations between these linguistic features as measured by e-rater and the ratings on
the language scale of submitted writing samples. This result in particular lends support to the
claim that the features evaluated by e-rater are similar to those used by human raters in judging
the effective use of language.
One intriguing result is that vocabulary level was highly related to student self-evaluations
and to ratings of writing samples, but not to instructor evaluations of language ability. This suggests
that instructors may focus on language errors more than other factors when asked to evaluate their
students’ language abilities in the abstract, whereas raters looking at specific writing samples take
into account a wider variety of features of writing when giving scores.
Research Question 3: Results and Discussion
To answer Research Question 3 (regarding consistency of scores across prompts), human
and e-rater scores, as well as e-rater feature scores, were compared across the two writing
prompts. Table 20 shows the descriptive statistics for the averaged human rater scores and e-rater
scores for the two prompts. Recall that approximately half of the samples were rated by a group
of four raters from ETS and the other half were rated by two raters at GSU; as noted previously,
ratings were randomly assigned to either Rater 1 or Rater 2. Paired t-tests revealed that there were
no significant differences across prompts for any rater.
To further investigate the effects of both prompt and rater on scores, a two-factor
repeated-measures ANOVA was conducted with rater (Rater 1, Rater 2, e-rater) and topic (1 vs.
2) as independent variables. Results of this analysis are found in Table 21. As the table shows, the
analysis revealed a main effect for Rater but no overall effect for Topic or Rater/Topic interaction.
The rater effect can be seen in Figure 1: E-rater scores are lower than either of the two human
ratings. However, the effect is small (partial eta
= .03).
Table 20
Descriptive Statistics and Paired t-Tests for Human and e-rater Raters Across Prompts
T1 average human score
T2 average human score
T1 e-rater score
T2 e-rater score
Note. t-test results refer to comparisons of ratings by human raters and e-rater, respectively, across
the two prompts
Table 21
Repeated-Measures ANOVA for Topic and Rater on Scores Using Individual Raters
Partial eta
Error (Topic)
Error (Rater)
Topic * Rater
Error (Topic * Rater)
Figure 1. Plot of rater-by-topic interaction (single human raters vs. e-rater).
Table 22 shows the descriptive statistics, correlations, and results of paired t-tests of the e-
rater features between the two topics. The features are presented in descending order of Pearson
correlations between topics. As the table shows, the feature scores differed across topics in several
ways. The mean scores were significantly different across topics for all features except grammar
and organization, with three features (word length, vocabulary, and style) having higher means on
Topic 1 and others (development, mechanics, and usage) having higher means on Topic 2
(significantly higher mean scores are in boldface in the table). The features that were most
strongly correlated across topics were mechanics (.71), vocabulary (.63), and organization (.60),
with the lowest correlations for usage (.33) and grammar (.34).
Table 22
Descriptive Statistics, Correlations, and Results of Paired t-Tests Across Prompts of e-rater
Features (N = 377)
Topic 1
Topic 2
Word Length
- 0.21
Note. Significantly higher mean scores are in boldface.
One criticism frequently leveled at large-scale writing testing programs is that decisions
are often made on the basis of a single essay written on a single topic. ETS has responded to such
criticisms in TOEFL iBT by including two different writing tasks (one independent and one
integrated); however, test takers still only respond to a single independent writing task, and thus it
is important to demonstrate that the specific prompt given to the test taker does not affect the
outcome of the test. The last research question addresses this issue.
The results of this analysis show that e-rater is generally more consistent across the two
prompts than individual human raters. This consistency is a potentially powerful argument in
favor of using e-rater operationally to eliminate or reduce human bias related to different writing
prompts. However, in practice differences in individual raters are mitigated by double-scoring and
using a large number of different raters, so that no individual rater bias has a serious detrimental
effect on test results. In this study rater bias may have been magnified by the use of a small
number of human raters who were trained but not highly experienced in rating TOEFL essays.
Human raters tended to rate essays slightly higher than e-rater did, but the effect size was small
and of little practical significance; furthermore, this result may have been due to the specific raters
used for the study.
However, even though the overall e-rater scores were consistent across the two topics, the
specific e-rater feature scores did not show the same consistency. There were significant
differences in six of the eight feature scores across the two topics; the largest differences were
found in the vocabulary and word length scores, with higher scores on Topic 1 (importance of
appearance) than Topic 2 (planning for the future). At the same time the vocabulary score was
highly correlated across the two topics, which indicates that the prompts rank-ordered students in
terms of their vocabulary usage in similar ways. An analysis of the 50 most frequently used words
among the student responses reveals that more words of over six letters were used frequently for
Topic 1 (appearance, fashion, personal, emphasis, and important) than for Topic 2 (planning and
carefully); since several of these words appear in the respective prompts, the differences in
vocabulary and word length scores may simply be an artifact of the prompt wording.
The differences in e-rater feature scores could be explored more thoroughly through a
textual analysis of TOEFL essays. For example, it may be the case that Topic 2 elicited more
personal narratives (and thus more instances of past tense) in support of arguments, while Topic 1
elicited supporting arguments in the form of general truth statements in the present tense,
resulting in a lower correlation between the grammar scores on the two topics (see Biber, 1988,
for a more complete discussion of the relationship between discourse genres and specific
linguistic structures).
The data presented here are also similar to data presented in Attali and Burstein (2006),
who found the true-score correlation between human and machine scores to be .97, a result
replicated in this study. On the other hand the alternate-forms reliability of individual e-rater
features presented by Attali and Burstein from essays written by 6
through 12
graders differs
from the reliabilities found in this study (see Table 23). In particular the mechanics reliability
coefficient in the current study is quite a bit higher than the same coefficient in the Attali and
Burstein study, while the grammar and usage reliabilities are lower. The range of reliabilities is
also greater. These differences may be due to the fact that different populations were used in the
two studies—Attali and Burstein’s data came from middle and secondary students, including both
native and nonnative speakers, while this study’s data came from university students, all of whom
are nonnative speakers of English.
Table 23
Comparison of e-rater Feature Correlations Across Alternate Forms of Writing Tests
Present study
Attali & Burstein (2006)
Vocabulary .63 .44
Word Length
Style .44 .43
Grammar .34 .45
Implications and Future Directions
This study adds to the growing literature related to the validation and use of e-rater for
TOEFL essays (e.g., Attali, 2007, 2008; Attali & Burstein, 2006; Chodorow & Burstein, 2004;
Enright & Quinlan, 2008; Lee et al., 2008). In terms of the validity argument for the TOEFL
outlined by Chapelle et al. (2008), the study provides evidence that support the inferences of
generalization (across tasks and raters) and extrapolation to other criteria of writing ability in
academic contexts. As for the inference of utilization--that is, the inference that test scores
obtained in part through the use of e-rater are clearly interpretable and that the test will have a
positive influence on English teaching—perhaps one of the most serious deterrents to the
operational use of automated scores in high-stakes assessment is the opposition to machine
scoring by groups of stakeholders, especially teachers of writing and perhaps students themselves.
Evidence of the comparability of e-rater and human scores in terms of how they relate to nontest
indicators of writing ability may promote acceptance of automated scoring, especially if it can be
argued that automated scoring would help to contain the costs and resources needed to score the
test and mitigate the need to pass additional costs on to test takers, thus potentially increasing
access to the test. It may be that stakeholders are more willing to accept automated scoring of
second-language proficiency tests than of tests intended primarily for first-language writers, since
quantifiable sentence-level aspects of texts are more intuitively related to language proficiency
than are concerns of voice, audience awareness, and the ability to make a persuasive argument,
notions that are of paramount importance to composition teachers.
At the same time the study results suggest that e-rater cannot duplicate human ratings, and
there are still some differences between e-rater and human scores. This may even be a comforting
observation to writing teachers, since it emphasizes the fact that writing is primarily a means of
communicating between people, not a collection of measurable features of text. Presenting e-rater
as a tool to help streamline the process of making decisions on the basis of test scores rather than
as a substitute for human judgment may help allay the fears of those who object to machine
scoring of writing.
There are a number of limitations to this study, and a few of them will be mentioned here.
A number of sources of unreliability may have affected the correlations presented. The human
ratings on TOEFL essays may have been affected by the fact that the raters hired by the author
were not as extensively trained or experienced as the ETS raters. The writing samples submitted
by students were also of such varied nature that consistent scoring may have been a problem. In
addition, those writing samples were written in very different contexts, and participants had
access to varying levels of assistance and feedback, so they are not all strictly products of the
individuals who turned them in. The instructors who agreed to participate in the study also were
not a random sample; students may have chosen those teachers they thought would give positive
reports about their writing ability, or instructors who had particularly strong feelings about their
students’ language proficiency may have been more willing to take the survey. All of these
variables may have affected the study results.
Nevertheless, the data collected for this study represent a wealth of information about the
relationship between writing test scores and the role of writing in student success, and additional
analyses tangential to the focus of this report may be carried out. One analysis that might shed
light on some of the differences across topics would be a many-faceted Rasch analysis using the
FACETS software (Linacre, 2010; see also Myford & Wolfe, 2003, 2004, for details of this
method of analysis), which can be used to estimate rater severity and task difficulty on the same
linear scale, allowing investigation of questions such as whether specific raters judge essays on
certain topics more severely than others. This analysis could provide more detailed information
about rater bias, and along with e-rater feature scores could complement recent research on the
factors that influence rater behavior (e.g., Eckes, 2008).
Other questions less directly related to the focus of this report concern the relationship
between students’ perceptions of their abilities and their chosen field (do students at the same
level of proficiency but in different areas of study, such as science vs. business, perceive their
language needs differently?) or between a student’s self-assessment of his or her own ability and
the perceptions of that student’s instructor. The corpus of writing samples collected for this study
could also be useful in exploring questions about the role of writing in academic life. For
example, information was gathered on the types of help and feedback students received on the
writing samples they submitted; these data have not yet been analyzed and might shed light on the
academic lives of nonnative speakers in terms of what resources and support they find useful in
their writing. The analysis of writing samples in terms of register, cognitive demands, and use of
sources, while ultimately not proving overly informative for the present study, may have
implications for the study of the types of writing that students need to do for their coursework and
may in fact be more useful for subsequent analyses not related specifically to the TOEFL.
In conclusion, the findings presented in this report highlight the complex nature of writing,
the relationships between writing on a test and writing in academia, and the use of different
testing and scoring methods to make judgments about students’ readiness to participate fully in
academic life. The use of automated scoring in conjunction with human scoring to make the
process of assessing writing more efficient and potentially more reliable is just one of many
factors that may affect the outcome of assessments. There is no single ideal testing format or
scoring procedure, but e-rater certainly holds promise as an additional tool in the language tester’s
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t-test results are shown for Sample 1 only; similar results were found for Sample 2.
List of Appendices
A. - Student Survey ................................................................................................................ 48
B. - Factor Analysis of Student Survey Variables .................................................................. 51
C. - Instructor Survey ............................................................................................................. 53
D. - Factor Analysis of Instructor Survey Variables .............................................................. 56
E. - Participant Information Form .......................................................................................... 58
F. - Samples of Submitted Student Writing ........................................................................... 60
G. - TOEFL Independent Writing Task Scoring Guide ......................................................... 63
Appendix A
Student Survey
Appendix B
Factor Analysis of Student Survey Variables
Table B1
Unrotated Factor Matrix
Factor 1
Factor 2
Factor 3
Understanding what the writing assignment requires me to do
Organizing my ideas
Expressing my ideas clearly
Using appropriate vocabulary related to the subject
Using appropriate general vocabulary
Using English grammar correctly
Knowing how to format my papers correctly
Doing my best writing within the amount of time given
Writing on a computer
Understanding my instructor's lectures in class
Understanding my classmates
Participating in class discussions
Understanding the course readings
Reading fast enough to keep up with the amount of reading required
Understanding the subject matter and concepts related to the subject
Getting used to the way classes are taught in the U.S.
Knowing how to get help with coursework when I need it
Organizing my time to get all my school work done
Table B2
Rotated Factor Matrix
Appendix C
Instructor Survey
Appendix D
Factor Analysis of Instructor Survey Variables
Table D1
Unrotated Factor Matrix
Understanding the course readings
Understanding the requirements of writing assignments
Organizing ideas in writing
Expressing ideas clearly in writing
Using appropriate vocabulary in writing
Using English grammar correctly in writing
Understanding lectures and directions in class
Participating in class discussions
Asking for help when necessary
Lack of familiarity with the university culture
Lack of appropriate background for the course
Difficulties understanding concepts related to the subject matter
Inadequate study skills
Other nonlinguistic factors
Table D2
Rotated Factor Matrix
Appendix E
Participant Information Form
Appendix F
Samples of Submitted Student Writing
Figure F1. Sample 1.
Figure F2. Sample 2.
Figure F3. Sample 3.
Figure F4. Sample 4.
Appendix G
TOEFL Independent Writing Task Scoring Guide
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