This Trademark Licence Agreement is made as of ………... ,…, 200…., by and
XY S.p.A. a corporation organised and existing under the laws of Italy and having its
legal seat at …, …………….. . (hereinafter referred to as "LICENSOR")
of the first part
XY………having its legal seat at …………..(hereinafter referred to as "LICENSEE")
of the second part
the LICENSOR and the LICENSEE are hereinafter also individually and/or collectively
called “Party/Parties”;
- LICENSOR is the exclusive owner of the following trademark: …………….
(hereinafter if are more than one: collectively- referred to as the Trademark”), in
……... (hereinafter referred to as the Territory”) used in relation to a pharmaceutical
preparation containing the pharmaceutical active ingredient “……………” and the
excipient “…………..”;
- The Trademark is registered in the Territory under No. ……….. in the International
Class …... and has last been renewed for a period of ……….. years from ……………..;
- LICENSOR and LICENSEE had entered into a ……….…. agreement, dated ……….
For a period of …. (…) years commencing from ……… [Eventuallly and expiring on
….…] (hereinafter referred to as the “…… Agreement”), for the distribution of certain
products of the LICENSOR in the Territory by the LICENSEE including the
pharmaceutical product containing the pharmaceutical active ingredient “……” and the
excipient “……….”;
- LICENSOR requested and LICENSEE accepted not to sell the product(s) (oppure to
supply the preparation/product) manufactured by LICENSOR containing the
pharmaceutical active ingredient(s) “…………..” and marketed in the Territory by
LICENSEE under the Trademark;
- LICENSEE requested and LICENSOR accepted to use the Trademark in the Territory
for a new product(s) containing the same pharmaceutical active ingredient(s)
“…………..” (hereinafter if more than one: collectively- referred to as “Product”) in
order to ………… (NB explain the reason of the licence)
VERSION B, in alternative:
On ………….. the Parties executed an amendment agreement to amend the Distribution
Agreement (the Amendment Agreement”). In terms of the Amendment Agreement
the aforesaid pharmaceutical preparation manufactured by the LICENSOR containing
the pharmaceutical active ingredient “……..” and the excipient “……..” and marketed
in the Territory by the LICENSEE under the Trademark was deleted from the list of
products of the LICENSOR permitted to be promoted, marketed and sold by the
LICENSEE in terms of the Distribution Agreement;
In consideration of the LICENSEE executing the Amendment Agreement, the
LICENSOR at the request of the LICENSEE is willing to grant an exclusive non-
transferable right and permission to the LICENSEE for the use of the Trademark in the
Territory for a new pharmaceutical product containing the pharmaceutical active
ingredients “………” and the excipient “………” (hereinafter referred to as the
Product”) in order to manufacture and sell the Product in the Territory subject to and
on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.
the premises and the covenants and conditions herein contained, the Parties hereby
mutually agree as follows:
1) The LICENSOR hereby grants to the LICENSEE an exclusive (or non exclusive)
non-transferable right and permission to use the Trademark in respect of and solely in
relation to the manufacture and sale of the Product in the Territory under the terms and
conditions hereby agreed by and between both Parties. Add if it is an exclusive licence:
Notwithstanding the aforegoing, the LICENSOR shall have the right to itself use
directly the Trademark in the Territory.
2) The LICENSEE will be allowed to use the Trademark in relation to the Product in the
Territory on the following terms and conditions:
(a) (Eventually: The LICENSEE shall be responsible for the maintenance of all
applicable standards of material and workmanship set by the LICENSOR, in
relation to the manufacture of the Product. The LICENSEE shall, in compliance
with all applicable laws, manufacture and package the Product directly or by
granting exclusively to ____, only the right to manufacture and package the
Product on behalf of the LICENSEE, maintaining in any case the exclusive right
to sell the Product in the Territory; )
(b) The LICENSEE undertakes to sell only a high quality level Product and shall
market the Product at its choice and expenses, ensuring at all times that nothing
in the marketing activities such as advertising, packaging, promotional materials,
indicates or can lead the consumer into the opinion that the Product is
manufactured or marked by the LICENSOR and/or under the LICENSOR’s
(c) Eventually: The minimum quality standard is set forth in Annex A; In
alternative Technical requirements for the manufacture and packaging of the
Product shall be in accordance with the LICENSOR’s minimum quality
standards as set forth in Annex A to this Agreement or as may be notified by the
LICENSOR to the LICENSEE from time to time. The LICENSEE agrees to
comply with all requirements and instructions, that the LICENSOR may
prescribe, relating to the manufacture and packaging of the Product and
techniques for analysis thereof. The LICENSEE further agrees to procure all
materials necessary for the manufacture of the Product (including but not limited
to raw materials and supplies) in accordance with the quality parameters, if any,
notified by the LICENSOR;
(d) The LICENSEE undertakes to manufacture the Product, directly or through
……………, and/or to sell the Product of a high quality, in accordance with all
applicable laws and rules in force in the Territory and on the terms and
conditions that do not jeopardise the image of LICENSOR’s Trademark.
Any breach of this Clause 2 shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement and
shall give the LICENSOR the right to immediately terminate this Agreement and
consequent upon such termination the LICENSEE shall immediately cease to use the
Trademark and shall forthwith return to the LICENSOR all materials in its possession
relating to the Trademark.
(Eventual Clauses:
...) The LICENSEE shall submit to the LICENSOR, if the LICENSOR so desires,
the designs and samples of all packaging materials and all advertising and promotional
materials bearing the Trademark for the approval of the LICENSOR prior to its use
...) If the LICENSOR so desires, the LICENSEE shall allow the LICENSOR or its
authorised representatives at all reasonable times to enter the facilities, works,
warehouses, or offices of the LICENSEE and of ……….. to inspect materials, methods
and standards in use in relation to the manufacture, packaging and storing of the Product
and to ensure compliance by the LICENSEE of the terms and conditions of this
3) The LICENSEE shall supply samples of the Product and packaging materials to the
LICENSOR upon request from the LICENSOR.
4) The LICENSEE agrees that it will not knowingly sell or distribute the Product under
the Trademark to any person who intends, or is likely, to sell or distribute or to make or
authorise the use of or resale of the same in contravention of this Agreement or the
applicable laws.
5) The LICENSEE agrees that it shall not use the Trademark other than in the manner
provided herein. The LICENSEE expressly acknowledges and agrees that it is not
licensed by this Agreement to use the Trademark in any country or territory whatsoever,
except in the Territory, or to sell or distribute or market the Product under the
Trademark outside the Territory. All rights with respect to the Trademark not herein
specifically granted to the LICENSEE are reserved by the LICENSOR.
6) The LICENSEE shall sell the Product in the Territory to its own customers at its own
risk and liability. Therefore, the LICENSEE agrees to indemnify and hold the
LICENSOR its officers, directors and employees free and harmless against any claims
made by anyone in connection with the manufacture, promotion, use and sale of the
Product and the use of the Trademark in the Territory.
7) The expenses for the marketing of the Product in the Territory (e.g. promotional and
advertising materials or activities) shall be borne by the LICENSEE.
8) Unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions hereof, this Agreement
shall be effective for a period of two (2) years commencing from the date first above
written and, consequently, shall automatically terminate on …..….., ……, 200……
Opzionale The Parties, at least four (4) months prior to such expiry, shall meet in order
to discuss in good faith the opportunity of prolonging the period of validity of the
Agreement (eventually: at new terms and conditions).
In alternative
Unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions hereof, this Agreement shall
be effective for a period of one (1) year commencing from the date first above written
and shall be renewable for a further period of one (1) year, except where either Party
terminates this Agreement with a three (3) months prior written notice to the other
9) Any Party shall be entitled at its option, to immediately terminate this Agreement on
the happening of any of the following events:
- if the other Party is adjudged bankrupt, goes into liquidation or controlled
administration or other bankruptcy proceedings, other than for the purpose of
amalgamation or reconstruction, without prejudice to rights arising from any antecedent
breach of any of the terms and conditions hereof;
- if the other Party breaches any one of the clauses of this Agreement and fails to
remedy such breach within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of a registered letter
from such Party calling upon the other Party to remedy such breach.
Moreover, the LICENSOR has the right to immediately terminate this Agreement, if the
use of the Trademark by the LICENSEE in relation to the Product constitutes an
infringement of the rights or trademarks of any third party in the Territory. In such an
event, the LICENSEE shall have no right to any reimbursement and/or liquidated
damages against the LICENSOR. In such case, the LICENSEE shall have no right to
any reimbursement and/or liquidated damages.
In case the use of the trademark is granted without royalties payment, add also the
following clause:
This Agreement shall be automatically terminated upon the termination of the
Distribution Agreement for whatsoever reason.
10) For granting the use of the Trademark the LICENSEE shall pay the LICENSOR, as
royalties, the following rate of ………..(..) on net sales of the Product within ninety (90)
days after the end of each six months period, starting from the date of …………...
Payments shall be transferred to the account of the LICENSOR or its nominee, at the
Bank indicated by the LICENSOR or as the LICENSOR may otherwise instruct in
writing from time to time.
It is agreed and understood that if the total amount of royalties to be paid in any six
months period is lower than the following amount …….…… (MINIMUM
ROYALTY), the LICENSEE, in making the payments indicated in this Article, will
increase the amounts effectively accrued so to reach the MINIMUM ROYALTY.
Version A: between parties using euro currency:
All payments shall be always made exclusively in EUR currency.
Version B: if the parties agree to pay with a ucurrency different from euro:
It is agreed and understood that, subject to the LICENSOR’s discretionary faculty, any
and all remittance due in force of the present Agreement, can be made in EUR currency,
calculated at the official exchange rate for the (inset the name of the agreed
Alternative clause:
The LICENSEE shall not be required to pay any royalty to the LICENSOR for the
exclusive non-transferable right and permission to use the Trademark in relation to the
manufacture and sale of the Product in the Territory for the term of this Agreement
granted by the LICENSOR to the LICENSEE in terms of this Agreement.
11) The LICENSOR shall maintain the registration of the Trademark in the Territory in
its name and at its costs and shall take all steps including renewing the registration to
keep it valid.
12) The LICENSEE acknowledges and accept the validity of the Trademark and further
acknowledges that the LICENSOR has the exclusive proprietary ownership of said
The LICENSEE shall not at any time do or cause to be done any act or thing, directly or
indirectly, contesting or in any way impairing any part of the LICENSOR’s rights in or
to the Trademark and the goodwill symbolised thereby. The LICENSEE undertakes not
to jeopardise the LICENSOR’s rights in the Trademark by improper use of the
13)The LICENSEE represents and warrants that it cannot derive any rights of its own
from this Agreement. (eventuallly: The LICENSEE agrees that it will not in any manner
represent that it has any ownership interest in or to the Trademark or to any registrations
or applications for registration thereof. The LICENSEE hereby expressly waives any
future rights or claims accruing or arising in the Trademark in favour of the LICENSEE
by use thereof in any manner or form whatsoever. The LICENSEE shall not register or
attempt to register the Trademark in its own name or that of any other person or entity
unless specifically authorised in writing by the LICENSEE to do so. )
14) The LICENSEE shall not perform any act, which may cause direct or indirect
violation, damage or discredit of the Trademark, nor register any name which could be
confusingly similar to the Trademark or any other trademarks, trade names, or designs
owned by the LICENSOR. In addition, the LICENSEE shall not use on or in connection
with any goods any trade mark so nearly resembling the Trademark as to be likely to
cause deception or confusion.
15) The LICENSEE shall promptly inform the LICENSOR of any imitations,
infringements, suspected infringements or violation of rights in relation to the
Trademark by third parties which may come to the LICENSEE’s attention and upon
such information the LICENSOR, at its sole discretion, shall decide whether and which
actions shall be taken. The LICENSEE shall give the LICENSOR its full co-operation
and assistance in the defence of its rights in relation to the Trademark. Any expenses
incurred for legal proceedings in the defence of its rights in relation to the Trademark
shall be borne by the LICENSOR.
In case the LICENSOR evaluates too expensive the defence of the Trademark, the
LICENSEE, upon request, can be entitled by the LICENSOR to defend the Trademark
at its own name and costs.
16) The relationship of the LICENSOR and the LICENSEE shall at all times be deemed
to be of independent contractors. By virtue of this Agreement, neither Party shall be
deemed to be the other Party's partner, joint venturer, legal representative or agent and
therefore the LICENSOR and the LICENSEE shall have no power, express or implied,
to legally represent the other or any authority to enter into contracts on each other's
behalf. Furthermore, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as qualifying
LICENSEE's salesmen and collaborators as LICENSOR's employees or agents.
17) By signing this Agreement, the Parties give their mutual authorisation to let their
own data be inserted in their respective database for the administrative, technical and
accounting management of the Agreement itself. The Parties also allow each other to
supply said data to third parties, to extent that such communication may be necessary
for the fulfilment of the rights and obligations related to the execution of this
The Parties also confirm as well to have been informed about their own rights in
accordance with Art. 7 of the Italian D.Lgs No. 196 dated 30 June 2003 on the
protection of the personal data, and particularly on the rights to ask the updating,
correction or cancellation of them
18) This Agreement is governed, construed and interpreted in accordance with the
substantive law of Switzerland.
The Parties will attempt to amicably settle any disputes which may arise in connection
with this Agreement.
If a dispute between the Parties arising out of this Agreement cannot be settled by them
through negotiations in good faith, such dispute shall be finally settled by a Panel of
three (3) Arbitrators in Geneva (Switzerland) under the Rules of the International
Chamber of Commerce. Each Party will appoint one (1) Arbitrator and the third
Arbitrator, acting as a Chairman, shall be appointed by the two arbitrators so appointed
or, in case of their disagreement, according to said Rules.
The language to be used shall be English.
The award to be rendered shall be final and conclusive and binding upon all the Parties.
The Parties hereby exercise the right granted to them by Article 192 of the Swiss
International Private law and waive their rights to file an appeal against the arbitral
award pursuant to Article 190 of the Swiss Private International Law.
19) Neither Party shall be liable for a failure or delay in performance of any of the
obligations hereunder due to force majeure such as wars, insurrections, strikes, acts of
God, Governmental actions, controls or regulations, national emergency, or many other
contingency beyond the control of such Party.
The Party affected by force majeure shall inform the other Party immediately.
The Party whose performance of obligations has been delayed by force majeure shall
use its best efforts to overcome the effect of the force majeure as soon as possible. If the
failure on the delay is longer then sixty (60) days, the other Party has the right to early
terminate this Agreement.
20) The premises (eventually: and the Annex A) are an integrant part of this Agreement.
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and cancels and
supersedes every and all previous agreement between the Parties concerning the right
and permission to use the Trademark (optional with the only exception of ……..).
21) All notices requests, demands, and other communication related to this Agreement
shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if personally delivered
or sent by telefax and confirmed by registered letter to the following addresses:
if intended to the LICENSOR:
XY s.p.a.
Kind attention Mr. ……..
Telefax: …..
if intended to the LICENSEE:
or to the other addresses that each Party shall previously communicate in the future to
the other Party in writing. Notices shall be effective when received at the address then in
22) If one or more of the provisions hereof shall be void, invalid, illegal or
unenforceable in any respect under any applicable law or decision, the validity, legality
and enforceability of the remaining provisions herein contained shall not be affected or
impaired in any way. Each Party shall, in any such event, execute such additional
documents as the other Party may reasonably request in order to give valid, legal and
enforceable effect to any provision hereof which is determined to be invalid, illegal or
23) No waiver by the LICENSOR of any breach or a series of breaches of this
Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach or waiver of the terms
and conditions of this Agreement.
24)This Agreement shall not be transferred or assigned, either totally or in part, by the
LICENSEE, to any third party, without the prior written consent of the LICENSOR.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be duly
executed in two originals as of the date first above written.
________________ _________________
Annex A
To the Trademark Licence Agreement
made as of ………...
Minimum quality standard
(point 2)