Continual communication between the traditional school and the alternative program is essential
for the student’s success when transitioning back to the traditional environment. Two
components which must be in place for an effective transition are:
1. A designated traditional school liaison and a designated alternative program liaison, and
2. A formal transition plan.
The following procedures are sequenced to show the responsibilities for transition activities
during and after assignment to an alternative placement.
Traditional School Liaison Responsibilities:
to stay in communication with the alternative program liaison
to track progress
to review credits and course requirements for high school students
to continue the IEP process (if applicable)
to assist and oversee the extended day transition, when appropriate
to prepare for student’s return- team changes, special assignments, schedule
to communicate and oversee the implementation of the transition plan
to monitor 12
grade students prior to mid-point, i.e., cap/gown, diploma,
graduation requirements meet
to assist in tracking students’ needs in the area of testing and to communicate
those needs to the alternative school
to make periodic visits to students in the alternative placement
to have the student identify a home campus administrator or teacher who worked
well with them-this person is subsequently invited to stop by for lunch with the
student or check in with the student periodically via email or phone call.
Alternative Program Liaison Responsibilities:
to visit weekly with the traditional school’s liaison to support implementation of
the transition plan
to visit with each student to discuss his/her adjustment and academic success
to discuss the implementation of the student’s transition plan with appropriate
to confer with teachers, counselors, or administrators to discuss issues or concerns
expressed by the student
to suggest revisions of transition plan if the student is not being successful
to discuss the possibilities of other students returning to the home school with
appropriate staff members
Traditional School Reassignment
A plan will be developed by the alternative team in conjunction with the traditional school
liaison and team. This plan is shared with teachers and all staff in the traditional school as part
of the procedure for the students return. The transition plan is implemented in the traditional
classroom with the alternative liaison as support. The transition plan may include such things as:
flexible scheduling
regular continued visits from alternative center staff
a mentor at home school
assorted strategies, e.g.:
o contact with alternative staff
o progress report
o school based mental health
o group counseling
The student begins touring the traditional school campus building, sitting on scheduled classes,
meeting with administrators, and gaining familiarity with practicalities such as lockers and lunch
Student Profile
1. Short narrative on behavior, academics, attitude, etc. prepared by staff in the alternative
2. Describe the student’s reason for leaving the program.
Alternative Education staff
Student Action Plan Criteria
Prepare a brief narrative explaining how the student has met the expectations of his or her SAP.
Transition Plan
No student will be returned to a traditional school under any circumstances without a formal written
transition plan prepared by the alternative program, parent, and student in consultation with the traditional
school to which the student shall be returned. The transition plan will include action steps necessary to
facilitate the transition, persons responsible, resources needed and any applicable timeline. The transition
plan must be approved by the Transition Team prior to a student’s return to a traditional school.
Name: Position:
_____________________________________________ SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR
_____________________________________________ SCHOOL COUNSELOR
_____________________________________________ TRADITIONAL CLASSROOM TEACHER
_____________________________________________ PARENT OR GUARDIAN
_____________________________________________ ALE REPRESENTATIVE
_____________________________________________ STUDENT
_____________________________________________ 504, Special Education, External
Support, Probation Officer, Relative, etc.
Transition Plan
Re-entry plan for: _________________________________________
Date of entry to Alternative Education: _____________________________________________
Projected Date of Withdrawal from Alternative Education: ______________________________
Traditional School: __________________________ Grade: _____________________
Alternative Education Counselor: __________________________________________________
Alternative Education Liaison: ____________________________________________________
Traditional School Counselor: _____________________________________________________
Traditional School Liaison: _______________________________________________________
Goals to be addressed upon return to traditional school:
Schedule Concerns (if any):
Suggestions for success in the traditional school: