ECE MS Workshop
Thursday, September 14
, 2023
Graduate Advising Team
Ms. Michelle T. Walker
Graduate Program Coordinator
Main point of contact
Reviews and receives all paperwork
Academic Advising
Funding Questions
Faculty and/or student concerns
Professor Lifeng Lai
ECE Graduate Program Chair
Approves petition to change degree objective
Faculty and/or student concerns
Professor Weijian Yang
Graduate Advisor (PhD students)
Academic advising for PhD students
Faculty and/or student concerns
Remedial courses & program of study
Grad studies paperwork
ECE paperwork
Professor Sebastian Gomez-Diaz
MS Director
Academic advising for MS students
Faculty and/or student concerns
Program of studies & remedial courses
Grad studies paperwork
ECE paperwork
MS Program Director
Professor Sebastian Gomez-Diaz
MS Director
Goal: Advise MS students so they can be successful.
Resolve faculty and student concerns.
Many questions/doubts could be resolved through e-mail:
Administrative paperwork should be directed to Ms. Michelle Walker
Program of study, remedial courses, etc.
MS director will review and approve those at due time.
In-person office hours are offered for MS advising:
Tuesdays 3:30-4:30pm
Appointments are required. Use:
Introduction to the MS Program
Master Program
Plan I – Thesis
Plan II – Comprehensive Exam
ECE Resources
Additional information
Introduction to the MS Program
Master Program
Plan I – Thesis
Plan II – Comprehensive Exam
ECE Resources
Additional information
Masters Program
MS Plan I - Thesis
Performs in-depth research and thesis writing
More research, less courses
14-24 months full-time study
MS Plan II Comprehensive Exam
Course-based, project
More courses, less research
12-20 months full-time study
Which degree objective are
you planning to pursue?
You do not have to decide it now!
Research Areas
Do you have a major Professor?
A major Professor will guide your studies at UC Davis.
MS director will officially serve as your major Professor until you find one.
A major Professor will supervise your work at UC Davis.
Dissertation thesis for MS plan I.
Capstone project for MS plan II.
You are requested to find, contact, and identify a major Professor to work with.
ECE Department does not assign major Professors to students.
As a graduate student, it is your duty to find a major Professor.
Faculty Directory (I)
Faculty Directory
Faculty in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Faculty Directory (and II)
Faculty Directory
Faculty in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Faculty in the Graduate Program
Members of other Departments, like Computer Science, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Biomedical
Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, etc.
How to Find a Major Professor
Seek for offered MS projects at
How to Find a Major Professor (II)
Seek for offered MS projects at
How to Find a Major Professor (III)
Seek for offered MS projects at
How to Find a Major Professor (IV)
Continuation of a project initiated in a graduated course
How to Find a Major Professor (and V)
Contact professors working in the research areas that you are interested in
Include professors in the ECE Graduate Program
Contacting a Professor
Send a concise e-mail
Dear Prof. XXX….
Succinctly introduce yourself
Highlight the projects/research lines that you are
interested on
Connect projects with your background
Request more information / meeting
Grammar mistakes / name misspelling
Send a generic e-mail
Send reminders everyday
If the professor does not reply
Send a polite reminder after ~1 week
Explore your options
Contact several professors and learn
about their research
Financial support might be available
Find the best fit
Introduction to the MS Program
Master Program
Plan I – Thesis
Plan II – Comprehensive Exam
ECE Resources
Additional information
Check the ECE Webpage
Degree Requirements
MS Plan I
Declare a Major Professor
Program of Study
Advance to Candidacy
Thesis Committee Selection
Graduate Exit Form
Meeting with a Senior Academic Advisor
MS Plan II
Declare a Major Professor
Program of Study
Advance to Candidacy
Comprehensive Examination
Graduate Exit Form
When you are ready to submit any form(s) that needs a signature from Graduate Advisor or a Graduate Coordinator please :
Make sure you get all required signatures before sending in the form. Once signatures are complete, email form
to ecegradinfo@ucdavis
Your form will be reviewed and signed by the appropriate person in the ECE department and forwarded onto Graduate Studies and your
student file.
Do NOT send the forms directly to the MS program director.
Declaring a Major Professor
Common step for MS Plan I and II
Find the form at
Fill the form
Obtain your major professors signature
Send the form to ecegradinf[email protected]
Course Requirements (I)
MS Plan I
Course Requirements: 36 units minimum
(100 and 200 series only)
At least 16 units of graduate ECE courses
Excluding 29X and seminar series and 299.
At most 3 units of graduate seminar
At most 9 units of EEC 299 research units
Additional courses might be employed
Undergraduate upper division and graduate courses
ECE as well as other departments
Courses with grades B- or better
Restricted courses are not allowed
MS Plan II
Course Requirements: 36 units minimum
(100 and 200 series only)
At least 24 units of graduate ECE courses
Excluding 29X and seminar series and 299.
At most 1 units of graduate seminar
At most 3 units of EEC 299 research units
Additional courses might be employed
Undergraduate upper division and graduate courses
ECE as well as other departments
Courses with grades B- or better
Restricted courses are not allowed
Course Requirements (I)
Course Requirements: 36 units minimum
(100 and 200 series only)
At least 12 units of graduate ECE courses
Excluding 29X and seminar series and 299.
At most 3 units of graduate seminar
At most 17 units of EEC 299 research units
Additional courses might be employed
Undergraduate upper division and graduate courses
ECE as well as other departments
Courses with grades B- or better
Restricted courses are not allowed
Course Requirements: 36 units minimum
(100 and 200 series only)
At least 18 units of graduate ECE courses
Excluding 29X and seminar series and 299.
At most 3 units of graduate seminar
At most 5 units of EEC 299 research units
Additional courses might be employed
Undergraduate upper division and graduate courses
ECE as well as other departments
Courses with grades B- or better
Restricted courses are not allowed
Course Schedules
Course Catalog
Important Advice
Do not overload your schedule
Some courses could be challenging and time consuming.
Find a balance: graduate courses / undergraduate upper-division courses / research / TA.
Talk with your major professor to take EEC299 units for your research project.
Be smart about your schedule
First quarter could be quite challenging Do not take more than 1 (maximum 2) graduate courses
Upper division undergraduate courses count toward your program of study and MS program
They may be pre-requisite for graduate courses
Do not assume that you have the level to follow a graduate course.
Have a strategy: take courses that are related to your research interests.
Take language courses
Adjusting to UC Davis and the quarter system may take some time
GPA is important
You must maintain an average above 3.0 to be in a good standing state
EEC200 Navigating Grad School
ECE200 – Syllabus
Mandatory course
Goal is to orient first-year graduate students (MS and PhD)
Topics of the course include
Finding a major professor
Constructing a degree plan
Developing effective time-management and study skills while maintaining a good work-life balance
Learning the essential of research integrity/ethics
Several professors will join to talk about their research lines
This course will NOT count toward your program of studies.
Full-time student status
All active students must enroll in at least 12 units per quarter.
Several options to obtain units
Graduate courses (ECE & other departments)
Upper-division undergraduate courses (not restricted). ECE & other departments
GSR Research work carried out under your major professor supervision (EEC299)
TA work Work as a teaching assistant
All courses count toward your full-time student status
Not all course might count toward your Program of Study
Do not take 3 graduate courses to be in full-time student status. You will likely not be successful.
Find a balance with graduate courses, upper-division undergraduate courses, languages, courses from other
departments, teaching assistant position, EEC299 research units, etc. This will help boosting your GPA.
Graduate Engineering Courses
16 units ECE courses
Program of Study Plan I
Research Units
EEC299 – Maximum 9 units
Approved by your major professor
EEC290 – Maximum 3 units
Other courses
Include upper-division undergraduate
courses and graduate courses
ECE and other departments
Graduate Engineering Courses
24 units from ECE courses
Research Units
EEC299 – Maximum 3 units
Approved by your major professor
EEC290 – Maximum 1 unit
Other courses
Include upper-division undergraduate
courses and graduate courses
ECE and other departments
Program of Study Plan II
ECE Forms and Documents Page: Restricted Courses
Considered key in the
undergraduate ECE curriculum
They CANNOT be used in your
program of study
They CAN be used to keep your
full-time student status
May be needed as a pre-requisite
of advanced courses.
Restricted courses
Remedial Courses
Students without a B.S. in ECE
Meet with Academic Advisor during first quarter of residence
Determine if some remedial ECE courses must be taken.
Remedial courses DO NOT contribute to your program of studies
Remedial courses DO contribute to full-time student status
Once all remedial courses have been taken, a form must be filled and routed to the Graduate Coordinator.
Six courses must be selected from a least three of the six areas listed
Remedial courses
Academic Probation
GPA < 3.0
Graduate studies is notified
Academic hold
You cannot register for new courses
Must meet with the MS Program Director to define a strategy to graduation
You cannot TA
You cannot graduate if you are in academic probation
MS Advancement to Candidacy
Maintain 3.0 GPA in all coursework listed on the Program of Study
Program of Study is approved
Candidacy MS Plan I
Graduate Studies Website: Graduate Forms
Candidacy MS Plan II
Graduate Studies Website: Graduate Forms
Candidacy Payment
Graduate Studies Form Store
Selecting Your Committee Members
Coordinate with your major professor to make your selection
Visit the ECE Directory for ECEGP members
The majority of your members must be from the ECEGP list
Faculty listed by Research area Faculty & Research
External Membership
External Membership Application
CV of the member you are requesting to be member of your committee
MS Plan I - Graduation
Thesis Committee
Submit electronically using ProQuest
and Title Page is signed
Graduate Exit Form
Presentation is not required
Masters Plan II
Main professor + 1 committee
Written report
Brief description of the project
Poster/Oral presentation
15~20 minutes
MS Plan II Route:
Comprehensive exam vs Paper critique route
Comprehensive exam
Written report
Oral presentation
Paper critique route
MS director is the Major Professor
Rare option for exceptional cases
Discuss your case with the MS director
Critique of a paper
Specific to your research area
Paper database provided by ECE faculty
Evaluation by ECE faculty + MS director
Poster/oral presentation
Preparing for Graduation
Filing deadlines
Graduation Documents
Preparing and Filing Your Thesis or
1. Title Page
2. Copy of your abstract
3. Copyright/Embargo Agreement
4. Graduate Exit Form
5. Meet with a Senior Academic Advisor
Comprehensive Exam/Paper Critique
Schedule your exam
1. Verification of Completion of the
Comprehensive Exam
2. Masters Report Form
3. Written report in IEEE format
4. Graduate Exit Form
MS Plan II
Masters Exam or Project Filing Requirements
MS Plan I
Preparing & Filing Your Thesis or Dissertation
Student Assessment Report (SPA)
Degree Progress
Committee Members
Accomplishments and Expectations
Career Goals
Overall Assessment (Completed by major professor)
1. A survey to keep track of students’ performance and collaboration with Professors
Help identifying potential challenges
2. Student completes the SPA
3. Major Professor reviews and finalizes the SPA
4. MS Program Director approves
Tips: Student Assessment Report
Be specific
Understand the degree requirements
Have personal expectations, set clear goals
Communicate with your major professor
Degree requirements
Graduation date
Introduction to the MS Program
Master Program
Plan I – Thesis
Plan II – Comprehensive Exam
ECE Resources
Additional information
Student Status
Full-time All active student must enroll in at least 12 units
Part-timeSubmit a Part-time Petition Webform by the 10
day of instruction
F-1 or J1 status cannot drop below 12 units without SISS authorization
Register for 6 units or less
Planned Educational Leave Program
PELP up to a year
Email Graduate Program Coordinator for PELP application
International students must return to their home country
In-Absentia - In absentia is a reduced-fee registration status for full-time, regularly enrolled
students who have an academic need to conduct research or study outside of the state of
California for a period of one academic year.
Filing Fee
Must have Advanced to Candidacy (program of studies approved)
Research project should be have completed, except cosmetic edits
Degree Changes
Petition for Degree Objective Change
Change major (connect with advisor in new major)
Change degree objective
Double major
Complete the Petition to Change Graduate Major, Degree Objective, or Double Graduate Major
Transferring Coursework
Petition to Transfer Coursework
You may transfer coursework from another
university as long as the course was not required
for your undergraduate degree objective
Coursework must be approved by Graduate
Faculty Advisor
Submit syllabus for the course
Must have a letter that confirms the course was
required for your undergraduate degree
Funding Information
Masters students are self-funded
You are supposed to cover your tuition fees
Potential funding sources
Teaching assistant (TA) appointment
GSR might be available
Professors may have funded projects available
Funding may vary
FAFSA (Domestic Students) Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Teaching Assistant Positions (I)
Teaching Assistants - TA appointment
You work as a support teacher in an undergraduate or graduate courses ECE and other departments
You will receive an e-mail every quarter with a list of TAs positions. You should apply if you are interested.
Full-time status
Good academic standing
(3.0 GPA minimum)
Complete EEC 390
Language Proficiency
TA Orientation website
EEC390 is Mandatory
Register as soon as possible
Only available in the Fall
2-day course
Does not count toward your
program of study.
September 25 & 26, 2023.
If you are working as a TA…
Enroll in EEC396 to get units (1
to 4) to satisfy full-time student
status requirements.
These units cannot be employed
in your program of study
Teaching Assistant Positions (and II)
TA Orientation website
Employment Eligibility & Work Study
3.0 minimum GPA
Full-time status a 12 units for the quarter
50% total appointment maximum during the academic year
GSR Appointment 21 academic quarters max
Note: Must file a Petition for Exception to Policy (to the Dean of Graduate Studies) if any of these criteria are not met during a given
Work Study
Must be a Domestic Student (US citizen/permanent resident)
FAFSA Required each year by June 30th
Must demonstrate Financial Need
Must have at least a 25% GSR Appointment with a faculty Research Advisor
Thank you!!
Milestones -
Schedules and Classes -
MS Plan I Degree Requirements -
MS Plan II Degree Requirements -
Faculty & Research -
Faculty Directory -
Graduate Studies Forms -
Preparing & Filing Your Thesis or Dissertation
Masters Exam or Project Filing Requirements
Academic Calendar
Form Store Electronic payments