Office of Career Services Peabody 201 207-404-5618
Community Service Requirement
Guidelines for Students to find & complete volunteer opportunities
All undergraduate Husson Students must fulfill a community service requirement of 40 hours by
the time they graduate from the University. The Office of Career services offers resources to
help students identify and complete volunteer opportunities to fulfill this requirement. Using the
College Central System, you can find jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities
( We also offer two other resources for finding community
service options, which are listed below. These options are particularly helpful for students
searching throughout Maine or in other parts of the country.
Career Services highly recommends that you use this opportunity to participate in experiences
related to your major and/or career interests. Through community service, you can develop
skills in areas of your interest, and you can develop attributes to become a stronger applicant for
internships and jobs. We also recommend that you search for longer-term volunteering
opportunities, because they can have a greater impact on your professional and personal future,
and they can improve networking connections. Work closely with your faculty advisor on
this requirement as they are the final sign off for completion.
Where to find volunteer opportunities:
1. Local area:
a. Go to:
b. Log in if you have an account already, or activate your account using your
Student ID# for your username and your Husson email address.
c. Go to “My School’s Jobs” link and select Volunteer in View Jobs by Job
2. Other parts of Maine:
a. Visit The Maine Association of Nonprofits website (
b. Search for organizations by region and category under the Members &
Friends link at the bottom of the front page.
3. Outside of Maine:
a. Visit the Idealist website at
b. Thousands of volunteer listings are posted here.
What Career Services can do to help:
1. Visit our office!
2. We will help you complete career assessments to narrow your interests and goals.
3. We can guide you toward opportunities that can help you along your path.
How to report volunteer opportunities & track your hours on College Central:
1. Click on Report Offers/Hires on the left side of the College Central menu.
2. Fill in the information with organization, job type, and number of hours.