Environmental Engineering Sample Schedule
Credit Hours Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6 Term 7 Term 8
Subjects Required by all Programs (55 hours)
MATH 115, 116, 215, 216
16 4 4 4 4 - - - -
ENGR 100, Intro to Engineering
4 4 - - - - - - -
ENGR 101, Intro to Computers
4 - 4 - - - - - -
CHEM 130 & 125/126 or CHEM 210 and 211¹
5 5 - - - - - - -
PHYSICS 140 with Lab 141²
5 - 5 - - - - - -
PHYSICS 240 with Lab 241²
5 - - 5 - - - - -
Intellectual Breadth (includes ECON 101 or 102)
16 4 4 - - 4 4 - -
Mathematical Methods (7 hours) +
CEE 303, Computational Methods 4 - - - - - 4 - -
CEE 373, Statistical Methods 3 - - - - 3 - - -
Technical Core Subjects (32 hours)³+
CHEM 210, Structure & Reactivity
3 - - - 3 - - - -
CEE 200, Intro to Civil & Environmental Engineering 1 - - - 1 - - - -
CEE 211, Statics and Dynamics
4 - - 4 - - - - -
CEE 230, Thermodynamics and the Environment 3 - - 3 - - - - -
CEE 265, Sustainable Engineering Principles 3 - - - 3 - - - -
CEE 325, Fluid Mechanics 4 - - - 4 - - - -
CEE 365, Environmental Engineering Principles 4 - - - - 4 - - -
CEE 366, Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3 - - - - - 3 - -
CEE 421, Hydrology and Floodplain Hydraulics 4 - - - - - - 4 -
CEE 465, Environmental Process Engineering 3 -
- - - - 3 - -
Environmental Sciences (9 hours) +
Earth Science Elective (CLIMATE 320, 410, 463 or 475 or
EARTH 305, 315, 321, 323, 442, 451 or 477)
3 - - - - - - 3 -
CEE 481/581, Aquatic Chemistry 3 - - - - - - - 3
CEE 482/582, Environmental Microbiology 3 - - - - - - 3 -
Environmental Engineering Design (4 hours) +
CEE 402, Professional Issues & Design⁵
4 - - - - - - - 4
Technical Electives (9 hours)⁴+
Water Quality and Health:
CEE 428*, CEE 480*, CHE 342, PUBHLTH 305
Atmospheric and Earth Systems:
CEE 563*, CEE 564*, CLIMATE 463, CLIMATE 467, EARTH 413
Environmental Fluid Dynamics:
CEE 428*, CEE 521, CEE 522, CEE 526*
Energy and Sustainable Infrastructure:
CEE 567, URP 423, EARTH 344
Environmental Policy and Entrepreneurship:
ENGR 520, EAS 475, CLIMATE 480, ME 589
General Electives (12 hours)
12 - - - - 4 - 4 4
128 17 17 16 15 15 17 17 14
⁵- CEE 402 must be taken in the last Winter semester.
(+) Environmental Engineering students must earn a C- or better in all courses whose categories are marked with a plus.
¹- If you have a satisfactory score or grade in Chemistry AP, A-Level, IB Exams, or transfer credit from another institution for Chemistry 130/125/126, you will have met the Chemistry
Core Requirement for the College of Engineering
²- If you have a satisfactory score or grade in Physics AP, A-Level, IB Exams, or transfer credit from another institution for Physics 140/141 and 240/241, you will have met the Physics
Core Requirement for the College of Engineering.
³- CEE may accept equivalent courses offered by other departments in the College of Engineering, with permission of the program advisor.
⁴- At least two of the three technical electives must be CEE courses, including one design course: CEE 428, 480, 526, 563, or 564 (design courses are marked with an *).
Candidates for the Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering (Environmental Engineering) - B.S.E. (Env.E.) - must complete the program listed above. This sample schedule is an
example of one leading to graduation in eight terms.
Notes: Courses offered only in the fall term are purple. Courses offered only in the winter term are green.
revised: 3/6/2023
9 - - - - - 3 3 3
Environmental Engineering BSE
Subject Prerequisite(s)
Must Be Taken Before Term(s) Offered
College Requirements
MATH 115 MATH 116, PHYSICS 140
Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
MATH116 MATH 115
MATH 215, 216; PHYSICS 240; CEE
230, CEE 265
Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
MATH 215 MATH 116 CEE 373
Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
MATH 216 MATH 116 CEE 303, CEE 373 Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
ENGR 100 Fall, Winter
ENGR 101 Prior or concurrent enrollment in MATH 115 CEE 303
Fall, Winter
CHEM 130 CEE 230, CEE 265 Fall, Winter, Spring
CHEM 125/126 CEE 230, CEE 481/581 Fall, Winter, Spring
PHYS 140/141 MATH 115 CEE 211, PHYSICS 240 Fall, Winter, Spring
PHYS 240/241 PHYSICS 140, MATH 116 Fall, Winter, Spring
Mathematical Methods
CEE 303 ENGR 101, MATH 215, MATH 216 CEE 421 Winter
CEE 373
MATH 215, MATH 216
C or better
CEE 366
Technical Core Subjects
CHEM 210
Placement by examination. Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
CEE 200 Fall, Winter
CEE 211
PHYSICS 140 CEE 212, CEE 325 Fall, Winter
CEE 230 MATH 116, CHEM 130 & 125/126
CEE 265 MATH 116, CHEM 130 CEE 365 Fall, Winter
CEE 325 CEE 211
CEE 421, CEE 428, CEE 465, CEE 521,
CEE 522, CEE 526, CEE 563
Fall, Winter
CEE 365 CHEM 130, MATH 116 CEE 465 Fall
CEE 366 CEE 365, CEE 373 CEE 428 Winter
CEE 421 CEE 303, CEE 325 CEE 521 (or concurrent with) Fall
CEE 465 CEE 325, CEE 365 CEE 480 Winter
Environmental Sciences
CLIMATE 320 MATH 115, MATH 116
CLIMATE 410 CLIMATE 320, CLIMATE 321 advised
CLIMATE 475 Senior Standing
EARTH 305 Introductory geology lab Fall
EARTH 131 or CHEM 130 or 210 or 230 Fall
EARTH 321 MATH 215, MATH 216, CLIMATE 320 Winter
EARTH 323 Winter
EARTH 442 MATH 115, (EARTH 131 or CHEM 130) Fall
EARTH 451 Permission of Instructor Winter
MATH 116
CEE 481/581 CHEM 130, Senior Standing Winter
CEE 482/582 CHEM 130 Fall
Environmental Engineering Design
CEE 402 Senior Standing Winter
Technical Electives
Water Quality and Health
CEE 428 CEE 325, (CEE 345 or CEE 366) Fall
CEE 480 CEE 465 Fall
CHE 342
CHE 230, CHE 341, (MATH 216 or 256
or 286 or 316)
C or better
Atmospheric and Earth Systems
CEE 563 CEE 230, CEE 325 Winter
CEE 564 CEE 230 Fall
(EARTH 131 or CHEM 130), EARTH
313, EARTH 325
Environmental Fluid Dynamics
CEE 428 CEE 325, (CEE 345 or CEE 366) Fall
CEE 521 CEE 325 Fall
CEE 522 CEE 325 Fall
CEE 526 Winter
Energy & Sustanable instrastructure
CEE 567
CEE 230
URP 423 Fall, Winter, Summer
Environ Policy & Entrepreneurship
ENGR 520 Senior Standing
EAS 475
CLIMATE 480 Senior Standing, MATH 116
ME 589 Senior Standing
Unless otherwise noted, a grade of C- is required for prerequisites.