This document outlines the minimum requirements for admission consideration to a degree program in the College of Engineering (CoE). Admission
is competitive and dependent on program ca
pacity. The admissions committee considers applicants’ grades/grade trends, academic rigor, and
personal statement. Meeting minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to a CoE degree program.
Cross-campus students may apply a maximum of two times, so long as they have earned 80 or fewer credits at time of application, (excluding credits
earned Spring 2020, AP/IB/CLEP/A-Level credits, credits awarded by exam, retro credits, credits from Community College of the Air Force or from
Military Service Schools awarded on a Joint Services transcript, and credits in-progress/completed during the current semester). Students may apply
to only one engineering program per admissions cycle.
A. 24 credits completed at UW-Madison, including at least one full-time (12 credit hour) semester. Special topics, independent study, seminar,
pass/fail, and credit/no credit courses will not be included in the 24 credits except for English as a Second Language courses.
B. General Education Communications Part A (Comm A) requirement taken on a graded basis at UW-Madison. If the Comm A requirement has
been satisfied through placement test, AP/IB, or transfer credit, then a liberal studies course of at least 3 credits (breadth designation of
Humanities, Literature, or Social Sciences) must be taken on a graded basis at UW-Madison.
C. Math course sequence through Math 222 or Math 276.
D. Four core courses, required for engineering degree programs (majors), completed at UW-Madison, as defined below:
1. Math: A minimum of two math courses numbered 217 or above; or one math course 300 level or above. If the math requirement for
the degree program (major) is complete or the student has completed the calculus sequence through Math 234, then additional
math courses numbered 217 or above or additional courses from the science requirement in Regulation D.2. can be taken to
complete the four core course requirement. Excludes Math 228, Math 473, special topics, independent study, seminar, pass/fail,
and credit/no credit courses.
2. Science: A minimum of two science courses required for engineering degree programs (majors) as defined in the table below. If the
math and science requirements for the degree program are complete, then departmental engineering courses 200 level and
above can be taken to complete the four core course requirement. Excludes EPD, InterEGR, special topics, independent study,
seminar, pass/fail, and credit/no credit courses.
Degree Programs (Majors)
Core Science Course Requirements
Chemical Engineering
(i) one course must be Chemistry 104 or higher
(ii) one course must be Physics 201/EMA 201 or higher
If above two requirements are completed, select from additional science
courses below.
(i) one course must be either Chemistry 104 or higher OR Physics
201/EMA 201 or higher
(ii) one other science course, from the following:
• Chemistry, all classes
• EMA 201, EMA 202, ME 240
• Physics 201 and above
Statistics, calculus-based
• EP 271
• Computer Sciences 200, 220, and 300 or above, excluding CS 304
excludes special topics, independent study, seminar, pass/fail, and
credit/no credit courses
Biomedical Engineering; Civil
Engineering; Computer
Engineering; Electrical
Engineering; Engineering
Mechanics; Engineering Physics;
Environmental Engineering;
Geological Engineering;
Industrial Engineering; Materials
Science and Engineering;
Mechanical Engineering; Nuclear
E. All graded UW-Madison courses referenced in D.1. and
D.2. above and any departmental engineering courses level 200 or above will be
counted in the Core GPA (excludes EPD, InterEGR, special topics, independent study, and seminar courses). All graded UW-Madison courses
count in the Overall GPA. For one and only one of these core courses that a student has repeated, the more recent of the two grades will be
used in the calculation of Core and Overall GPAs for admission purposes. GPA calculations only include grades earned at UW-Madison, not any
grades for transfer coursework completed at another college/university. Students may not be considered for admission if on academic
probation for GPA reasons at time of review.