Frequently Asked Questions
Last Updated: April 17, 2020
Account Hack — See Trash.
Actions — You may take an action more than once during your
turn, unless otherwise specified by the rules.
See also Adventure Row, Market, Secrets, Telepad.
Adventure Deck — If your copy of the game came with 101
cards in the Adventure Deck (instead of 100), check to see
if you have a third copy of the Mad Scientist. There were
intended to be only two copies in the deck; you may use the
extra or remove it, whichever you prefer.
See also Expansions.
Adventure Row — You may acquire and defeat any number
of cards in the Adventure Row each turn, provided you have
enough Skill or Swords.
Do not replace cards in the Adventure Row as a player
acquires or defeats them. Instead, at the end of every player’s
turn, replace all empty spaces in the Adventure Row. This can
trigger only one Boss Attack, no matter how many Boss Attack
symbols are revealed.
Cards with Boss Attack symbols only trigger an attack on the
turn they’re placed in the Adventure Row. If the card remains
there for multiple turns, it does not trigger any additional
Apocalypse! — See Expansions.
Arrive — During Setup, if any of the six cards on the
Adventure Row have Arrive text, carry it out immediately,
before the first player takes a turn. (In the case of Space Pirate,
there will be no black cubes to return to the bag, so the Arrive
text will do nothing.)
Boots — See Playing Cards, Plus.
Boss Attack — See Adventure Row.
Clank! — See Cyber Station 11, Playing Cards.
Code Red — See Trash.
Corridor — See Telepad Technician.
Cyber Station 11 — The Clank! area of the station game board
is located at the top center (place Clank! on the logo, as you do
the base game).
See also Expansions.
Data Ports — The various data ports do the following when
you hack them:
Clank!: Add Clank! to the Clank! area equal to the
number of icons shown.
Credits: Take the number of credits shown.
Healing: Heal an amount of damage equal to the
number of hearts shown.
Power Crystal: Take a power crystal.
Skill: Generate the amount of Skill shown. It is
wasted if you don’t spend it this turn.
Swords: Generate the number of Swords shown.
They are wasted if you don’t spend them this turn.
Door Hack — See Trash.
Drawing Cards — Whenever you draw a card, you do so from
your own deck, never from the Adventure Deck.
Entertainer — This card gives you credits for each Clank! you
make on your turn, even if you use negative Clank! to remove
it later. Refilling the adventure row happens after your turn
has ended, so you don’t get Credits for any Arrive text that
generates Clank!
Eradibot — See G0/B-L1N.
Escape Pod — An escape pod can be an “adjacent space” for
cards that teleport you to one.
Remove all of your Clank! from the Clank! area when you reach
an escape pod.
You complete your entire turn when you use an escape pod;
taking the token doesn’t have to be the final thing you do.
It’s not “your” escape pod until you’re on it and safely away
from the ship. If someone runs ahead of you, it is possible
to become “stuck” behind a one-way passage leading to
an escape pod. (You bang on the window to empty space,
dramatically and futilely watching the escape pod rocket away
from you.)
Expansions — Each card from a CLANK! IN! SPACE! expansion
can be identified by a watermark in its game text box. You may
use these to sort and remove cards when you wish to play
without an expansion.
Apocalypse! — The helmet of Lord Eradikus, viewed
straight on.
Cyber Station 11 — The face of Commander Preon.
G0/B-L1N — This card is printed with the Eradibot on the
reverse side. You begin each game with the G0/B-L1N side face
up. If the Lord Eradikus enemy card is defeated during the
game, you will flip the G0/B-L1N over to the Eradibot side.
Health Meter — Each player’s health meter has spaces to
mark 10 damage. The first damage cube should be placed on
the space with the heart icon, not next to it.
Hyperlift — You do not need Boots to use a Hyperlift or
Telepad. However, you suffer dizziness after using either, and
then can’t use any Boots until your next turn. You may use the
Hyperlift immediately upon reaching a Hyperlift space; you do
not need to wait for a future turn.
Hyperlift spaces are not considered to be “adjacent” to each
other. Any card that allows you to teleport to an “adjacent
space” (such as Don Uno) does not allow you to teleport from
one Hyperlift space to another.
Market — Buying from the Market is an action. Actions aren’t
normally limited to once a turn; you may buy more than one
item from the Market if you wish. (But not more than one of
the same item. Note that this limitation is different than in the
original CLANK!)
Memory Core — When you buy a Memory Core, place it in
your discard pile, just like all other cards you acquire. It does
nothing when you draw and play it (though it’s a great card to
discard when you need to, such as for the Fe-Lion).
Movement — Every path requires at least one Boot to move
through it. Any icons on a path note additional requirements to
move through it.
See also Plus, Secrets.
Playing Cards — A card provides everything on it each time
you play it: Skill, Swords, Boots, and text.
Any Skill, Swords, or Boots you don’t spend during your turn
are wasted. Skill, Swords, and Boots go into a single “pool”;
the resources from one card can be split up to take two or
more different actions.
You must play all cards in your hand during your turn. You
must also carry out all effects in the text of each card you play.
Example: Thunder Bug 1701 makes +1 Clank! and says that if
you have a power crystal: “You may trash any card in your play
area or discard pile.” Whether you trash a card or not; you still
must add the Clank!
Plus — Some cards have a plus sign attached to the Skill,
Swords, or Boots they provide. This is meant to point you to
the card’s text, which may provide more of the same resource
that the card has already given.
Example: Nibbling Beast always provides you one Sword when
you play it. In addition, if you play another Resistance faction
card on the same turn, its text provides you two more Swords,
for a total of three.
Power Crystals — You can only take a power crystal from the
Bank, not from an opponent.
You don’t need to “spend” a power crystal to activate a bonus
on one of your cards. Simply having the power crystal makes
such text work, on any number of cards in a single turn.
Installing Cyberware is an exception; you must spend a power
crystal to do so, as described in the rules of the Cyber Station
11 expansion.
When you pick up a power crystal, it instantly activates any
bonuses on your cards, even if you played them earlier in the
The power crystals are placed generally in the Bank, and are
not allocated “one to each power crystal space.
See also Reward Spaces.
Psychic Pool — Turning the top card of the Adventure Deck
face up is not dealing it to the Adventure Row; any Arrive text
or Boss Attack is not triggered. The player who revealed the
card may acquire it for its regular skill cost (triggering any
Acquire text as per normal) or, if it is an Enemy, defeat it for its
regular Sword cost.
If the card is still face up on the Adventure Deck at the end
of the turn, ignore it. The next time you refill cards on the
Adventure Row, it will be the first card placed there. (Any
Arrive text or Boss Attacks will be triggered at that time.)
Reward Spaces — You pick up the reward printed on a space
every time you enter it, even if you enter the same space more
than once during the same turn. (Though for most cards,
having more than one power crystal will not benefit you.)
Savage Gorklar — Here’s how you make a friend (in CLANK! IN!
SPACE!, anyway): when you defeat the Savage Gorklar, put it in
your discard pile instead of the adventure discard pile. Later,
whenever you play the Gorklar, you draw two cards.
Secrets — Picking up a secret does not “end” your movement
for a turn; if you still have Boots (or the means to teleport), you
may keep moving. You pick up the secret when you first enter
the room. Any other actions you might choose to take in the
room (such as Hacking a Data Port) happen afterward.
If you enter a space with two minor secrets (picking up one)
and then exit the space, you may re-enter it later (on the same
turn or a later turn) to pick up the other one.
Setup — See Arrive.
Shady Opportunist — Once you’ve used Shady Opportunist
to mark something with one of your cubes, an opponent
must pay you to take that token, even if you’ve escaped or
have been knocked out — and even if you were knocked
out somewhere other than the Cargo Bay (and thus have no
Shapeshifter — When the Shapeshifter copies a card that’s
a member of a faction, it becomes part of that faction too. If
that card has text triggered by faction, then that card and the
Shapeshifter trigger each other.
Example: The Traitor is an Outlaw card. When you play
another Outlaw card on the same turn, its text says that “Each
opponent gets +2 Clank!” If you use the Shapeshifter to copy
the Traitor, then each opponent gets +4 Clank!, whether or not
you play any other Outlaw cards that turn.
Skill — See Playing Cards, Plus.
Space Pirate — The “fourth symbol” on this card (below the
Swords) is the Danger icon, connected to the Danger text
below the image.
See also Arrive.
Swords — See Playing Cards, Plus.
Stumble — This card is not a Program. (Compare to a card like
Hack, which is marked as a Program directly underneath the
title.) You cannot use a card that trashes a Program to trash a
Telepad — You may use Telepads multiple times during a
turn. (However, because you are dizzy and can’t use Boots
afterward, there is rarely a reason to do so.)
Example: You have a TelePass, and on your turn you play a
Data Miner (which says: “
Data Miner (which says: “
” and “If you have placed a data
cube in your current module, +
cube in your current module, +
.”). You first use a Telepad to
teleport into a module where you have a data cube, collecting
the maximum 4 Credits from the Data Miner. Then you may
use the Telepad again to move to a different module before
ending your turn.
Telepad Technician — This card may teleport you to a telepad
in your current module, no matter how far away from it you
are at the time. You may use Boots (without dizziness) before
or after this move.
The Corridor module in the center of the ship has no Telepads.
While you’re in the Corridor, the Telepad Technician’s text can’t
take you anywhere.
If you teleport to a Telepad and you have a TelePass, you may
immediately (on the same turn) use the Telepad to move to a
different Telepad if you wish.
Teleport — See Escape Pod, Telepad.
Thunder Bug 1701 — This card can be used to trash itself.
Trash — Some cards (Account Hack, Code Red, Door Hack)
provide bonuses if and when you trash cards. They cannot
trash anything themselves, but rather are meant to combine
with other cards that can.
See also Stumble, Thunder Bug 1701.
Toxigenic Plague — A “non-Starting card” is a card that
wasn’t in your deck at the start of the game: any card other
than Access, Hack, Scramble, or Stumble.
Water Bear — A “space adjacent to your current module”
is any space that would be the first one you come to when
leaving your current module (by any exit point).
Young Telepath — The Acquire text of this card offers a
discount. If you have one power crystal, you may acquire it
for only 8 skill; two power crystals let you acquire it for only 5
skill; etc.