1 Grant of visa to Pakistani nationals is governed by the India-Pakistan Visa Agreement, 2012 as
may be amended from time to time and the executive instructions that may be issued in this
2 Categories of Visa
(1) Diplomatic Visa
A Diplomatic visa valid for multiple entries is issued to the Heads of the Pakistani Diplomatic
and Consular Missions in India, members of the Mission holding diplomatic or consular rank,
their spouses and children and Diplomatic Couriers. This visa will be valid for the place and
duration of assignment of the holder.
A Diplomatic visa valid for single entry may be given to
high ranking Pakistani dignitaries holding diplomatic passports.
(2) Non-diplomatic Visa
A non-diplomatic visa valid for multiple entries is issued to non-diplomatic members of the
Pakistani Diplomatic and Consular Missions in India, their spouses and children and the personal
servants of members of the Mission holding diplomatic or Consular ranks. This visa will be valid
for the place and duration of the assignment of the holders.
(3) Official Visa
An official visa valid for single entry is issued to Pakistani officials not entitled to diplomatic or
non-diplomatic visa when visiting India on official business including participation in
international conferences. This visa will ordinarily be valid for 15 days and for specified places.
(4) Visitor Visa
A visitor visa is issued to a Pakistani national to meet relatives or friends or for any other
legitimate purpose valid for a maximum of five specified places and for a period not exceeding 6
months with the stipulation that continuous stay during each visit shall not exceed three months.
Reputed Pakistani artistes, including actors, musicians etc, who desire to visit India for
giving commercial performances in India on remuneration basis may be granted visitor visa
for a period not exceeding one year subject to the condition that each stay in India shall not
exceed three months and with a special endorsement ‘Commercial performance permitted’. Such
artistes would be liable to pay taxes in India as per law.
Note : A visitor visa for a maximum of five specified places may be issued for a longer period
up to two years with multiple entries to
(a) senior citizens (those above 65 years of age);
(b) a Pakistan National married to an Indian national; and
(c) children below 12 years of age accompanying parents(s) as given in (b) above.
(5) Business Visa
Business visa may be issued to bona fide Pakistani businessmen in the following categories, who
intend to travel for business purpose to India:
(i) Businessmen with an income of Pak Rs. half a million or equivalent per annum or annual
turnover/ gross sale of Pak Rs. three million or equivalent may be given one year business
visa, with five places for up to four entries.
(ii) Businessmen with an income of at least Pak Rs. five million or equivalent per annum or
turnover of Pak Rs. thirty million or equivalent per annum may be given one year multiple
entry business visas for upto ten places, with exemption from Police Reporting.
The visa shall specify that the period of stay of the businessman at a time shall not exceed 30
(6) Three-year Business Visa for Pakistan Businessmen
(i) Business Visa up to 3 years can be issued to Pakistani nationals fulfilling the
following conditions:-
(a) Pakistani national who has already been issued one year multiple entry
Business Visa and the total value of imports and exports with India (of
goods and services) of the firm/ company/ business establishment for
which the Pakistani national is working exceeds Indian rupees 50 lakhs
in the preceding financial year;
(b) Pakistani national who has not been issued one year multiple entry
Business Visa and the total value of imports and exports with India (of
goods and services) of the firm/ company/ business establishment for
which the Pakistani national is working exceeds Indian rupees one crore
in the preceding financial year, and such Pakistani national is a member
of any National Chambers of Commerce of Pakistan/ SAARC Chamber
of Commerce and Industry or is accredited with or certified by any
National Chambers of Commerce and Industry in India.
Note: This type of visa will be issued only to those Pakistani nationals whose
annual income is not less than Pak Rs. 10,00,000.
(ii) Validity of visa will be 3 years with multiple entry. Period of stay during each
visit shall not exceed 30 days.
(iii) Holder of this visa will be exempt from Police Reporting.
(iv) No. of places of visit will be restricted to 15 (excluding Restricted/ Protected/
Prohibited areas).
(v) Entry and exit of the Visa holder will be through the designated check posts.
(vi) This Visa may also be granted to CEOs/ Directors/ senior managerial
functionaries of the Company/ Firm/ business establishment.
(7) Transit Visa
A Transit Visa valid for upto two entries in the city/port of entry for 36 hours in each case may
be issued to Pakistani nationals travelling by air or sea and proceeding to another country through
India. No visa will be required for a passenger directly transiting through an airport/seaport.
(8) Student Visa
Student visa may be granted to Pakistani nationals for studies only in professional courses, for
example, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Management etc. conducted by recognized/approved
educational institutions. No student visa shall be granted for courses in science/humanities/
commerce leading to a degree.
At the school level, Student Visa may be granted only for studies in recognized/approved
international schools that admit international students and have a high fee structure ( minimum
fee of Indian Rs. 30,000 p.m.).
Student visa can also be granted for studies in music, dance, yoga etc. in such institutions as are
recognized by MHA.
A student shall produce proof of final admission to a full-time graduation/post graduation course
in a recognized/approved educational institution in India.
A student shall produce satisfactory evidence of financial support. He/ she is required to
produce, to the satisfaction of the Indian Mission, evidence of transfer of adequate funds for at
least four months of sustenance and study in India.
A Pakistani national coming to India on student visa must register himself /herself and notify
his/her place of stay to the local district police (FRO) within 24 hours of his/her arrival in India.
Similarly, he/she must notify his/her intended departure from the notified place of stay 24 hours
before such departure, in person, in writing.
(9) Medical Visa:
A single entry Medical visa for a period up to three months may be granted to Pakistani nationals
whose sole purpose is to seek medical treatment in established/recognized/specialized
hospitals/treatment centres in India and who have obtained prior appointment for medical
treatment. The Visa can be extended by the Ministry of Home Affairs on the recommendation of
the State Governments/FRRO supported by appropriate medical documents.
The patient coming to India for medical treatment may be permitted one attendant who may be
granted medical attendant visa (Med X) visa co-terminus with the ‘Med visa’ of the patient.
Pakistan nationals holding a Medical Visa will be required to register themselves with the FRRO/
FRO concerned within 7 days of arrival in India, irrespective of the duration of the visa. Pakistan
nationals holding a Medical Attendant Visa will be required to register themselves with the
FRRO/ FRO concerned within 24 hours of arrival in India, irrespective of the duration of the visa.
(10) Visa on Arrival
Visa-on-Arrival for single entry, 45 days stay, maximum up to 5 places will be available at Attari
Immigration Point to a Pakistani national who is more than 65 years old and is crossing Attari on
foot and whose sole objective of visiting India is to meet friends or relatives. Visa-on Arrival
may be allowed for a maximum of two times in a calendar year to a Pakistani national. All such
visas will be endorsed “Exempted from Police Reporting”. This facility shall not be applicable
to holders of Diplomatic/ Official passports.
A Pakistani national desiring to avail this facility should fill the prescribed Immigration Card at
Attari Immigration Point and present (a) copy of his/her National Identity Card (NIC) with
translation in English; (b) copy of a utility bill as proof of residence; (c) his/ her Pakistani
Passport valid for not less than six months; (d) photocopy of passport; (e) two passport-size
photographs; (f) confirmation of booking in case he/ she is to stay in a hotel in India; (g) Name
and address of the person he/she is visiting in India, (h) Sponsorship Certificate as provided in
Appendix-I and (i) Print out of the Online Visa Application Form, duly filled in.
Conditions for Visa-on-Arrival
Visa-on-Arrival can neither be extended nor converted to any other kind of visa during his/her
stay in India except with the prior approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Entry Points and Exit Points
The Visa-on-Arrival will be provided only at the Immigration Check Post at Attari, Punjab to
Pakistani nationals crossing on foot. All such visa holders will be allowed to exit only from
Attari (on foot).
Fee for Visa-on-Arrival
A fee of Rupees 100/- or US$ 2/- per individual will be charged for the grant of a Visa- on-
3 Documents required for the grant of Visa for all categories
Sponsorship certificate as in Appendix-I should be attested by an authorized officer in India. A
copy of the photo identity card of the concerned officer issuing the Sponsorship Certificate, duly
self attested by the officer concerned, should be attached with the Sponsorship Certificate.
The Indian sponsor giving such a sponsorship certificate should furnish a copy of the sponsorship
certificate to the FRO concerned immediately after he/she has dispatched the same to the
Pakistani national applying for visa. The sponsorship certificate obtained by the Pakistani
national will be uploaded by the Indian Missions/ Posts along with the visa application on the
IVFRT system.
The production of a Sponsorship Certificate is dispensed with in the following cases:-
(a) Separate sponsorship Certificate for each city/ place to be visited would not be required in
the case of persons applying for Visitor Visa.
(b) In case of visitors, who had visited India within the past two years based on prior clearance
of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Sponsorship Certificate for repeat visits within the period
of two years from the date of clearance granted by the Ministry of Home Affairs will not be
(c) Sponsorship Certificate will also not be required in respect of persons seeking Student
Visa, Medical Visa, Business Visa or Conference Visa.
Note : In the case of a family applying for a Visitor Visa, one Sponsorship Certificate could be
submitted for the family as a whole subject to the following - (i) Only spouse and children are
considered as family members, not exceeding 6 (six) in numbers and their names, age, sex, etc.
are mentioned in the Sponsorship Certificate and duly attested by the competent authority and (ii)
The family should be travelling in a group at the same time, entering and exiting at the same
4 Specific documents required for Visa issuance
(1) Visitor Visa
Documents from Pakistan
(i) Copy of the NADRA card along with English translation clearly indicating the
(ii) Copy of electricity bill/gas bill/landline telephone bill (any one)
(iii) Any one of the following documents:
(a) For employees working in the Government, a letter from either the Head
of the Department or copy of the clearance received from the
Government of Pakistan / Provincial Government; or
(b) For an employee in the private sector, a letter from the organization
giving the details of designation, duration of service and address of the
applicant ; or
(c) For self-employed business persons, a copy of the registration granted to
the business establishment by the Government of Pakistan along with an
English translation.
Documents from India
Documents such as passport, copy of electricity bill, telephone bill, ration card, Election
I-card of the relative/host in India identifying clearly the address (any two documents). A
copy of the Passport would be the preferred document.
(2) Business Visa
The Pakistani national should submit a copy of the Income tax returns/ audited accounts
for the last two years as proof of financial conditions stipulated for grant of Business visa.
Documents from Pakistan
(i) Copy of the NADRA card along with English translation clearly indicating the
(ii) Letter from the company/ firm in Pakistan giving details of the applicant, his/her
designation and the purpose of the visit.
(iii) Copy of Membership certificate of any Chamber of Commerce of Pakistan
Documents from India
(i) Letter of invitation from any registered Indian company/ firm clearly indicating
the city to be visited and the duration of the visit.
(ii) Copy of Letter of Credit/ correspondence with the registered company/ firm in
(iii) In case of participation in or visiting a trade/business exhibition/fair in India,
details of the nature of participation and a copy of the invitation from the
exhibition / fair authorities or Federation/ Chamber concerned.
(3) Conference Visa
(i) Copy of the NADRA card along with English translation clearly indicating the
(ii) Letter of invitation from the organizers of the event in India.
(iii) Letter of introduction from the organization in which the applicant is working.
(4) Medical Visa
(i) Copy of the NADRA card along with English translation clearly indicating the
(ii) A letter of appointment from a government / ICMR (Indian Council of Medical
Research)/ NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare
Providers)/ MCI (Medical Council of India)/ CGHS (Central Government Health
Scheme) recognized hospital in India.
(iii) Medical records and diagnostic reports of the medical patient in Pakistan clearly
indicating the diagnosis and recommending treatment abroad for specialized
treatment of ailment/ disease for which medical facilities are not easily available
in Pakistan.
(5) Student Visa
(i) Copy of the NADRA card along with English translation clearly indicating the
(ii) Letter of admission of the educational institution concerned in India.
(iii) Evidence of adequate financial standing to support the academic/living expenses
in India during the course of study (bank statements).
5 Designated Check-Posts
The following check-posts are designated for the entry / exit for the Pakistani nationals coming to
India / going to Pakistan:-
By Air : Mumbai/Delhi/Chennai
By Sea: Mumbai.
By Land: Attari (by bus/train or on foot) and Munabao (by train).
Normally, the same checkpost and the same mode of journey for entry and exit would be
permitted. In cases where the applicant, at the time of application, has indicated clearly an Exit
point different from the Entry point or a mode of Exit journey different from the mode of Entry
journey, it can be allowed. However, this is subject to the exception that Exit from Attari by road
(on foot) cannot be accepted, unless the entry was also on foot via Attari. The visa sticker shall
carry the endorsement accordingly.
6 Applications
All Pakistani nationals will have to submit applications for visas on the on-line system in the
standard visa application form. For this purpose, the applicants may log on to
https://indianvisaonline.gov.in .
7 Validity of Visa
The applicant must avail the visa within a period of 90 days from the date of issue. If there are
grounds requiring extension of validity, the concerned Mission will take a decision on such
requests on priority. This provision will not be applicable to the holders of Business Visa.
8 Immigration Sheets
Each applicant will be issued Immigration Sheets (two sheets per entry) having all the particulars
of the visa applicant along with a printed photograph, while granting Visa. The Pakistani national
will be required to hand over these Immigration sheets to the Immigration authorities while
entering and exiting India.
9 Registration
Holders of visitor/ student/ conference/business visas [other than those specifically granted
Exempt from Police Reporting (EPR) Visas] shall be required to register themselves with the
FRRO/ FRO concerned within 24 hours of their reaching the specified place of stay and obtain a
Residential Permit. They shall also make a report 24 hours prior to their intended departure from
the place of stay.
Medical Visa holders will be required to register themselves with the FRRO/ FRO concerned
within 7 days of arrival in India, irrespective of the duration of the visa and obtain a Residential
Permit. Medical Attendant Visa holders will be required to register themselves with the FRRO/
FRO concerned within 24 hours of arrival in India, irrespective of the duration of the visa and
obtain a Residential Permit.
In the case of families, only one member of the family shall be required to appear before the
registration authority for registering himself/herself and the members of his/her family.
Bonafide Pakistani businessmen not in the EPR category, may depute their authorized
representatives to report their arrival/ departure in writing to the prescribed authority or the
nearest Police Station within 24 hours of their arrival and 24 hours prior to their departure.
A Pakistani national holding a transit visa, valid for a period not exceeding 36 hours, will be
required to register only at the Immigration checkpost of entry. He/she will not be required to
report his/her arrival/departure to the registration authority or the nearest police station.
Persons of more than sixty-five years of age and children below twelve years of age are exempted
from Police Reporting.
10 Fee
A fee of one hundred Rupees will be payable for the issuance or extension of visa (except for the
gratis visas). The Head of Mission (HoM) may, in rare and exceptional cases, grant gratis visa
to Pakistani nationals of repute.
11 Persons of Dual Nationality
The visa request of Pakistani nationals holding dual nationality will also be decided in accordance
with the procedure applicable in respect of Pakistani nationals. All Pakistani nationals must
obtain visa on their Pakistani passport only.
Following procedure shall be adopted in respect of persons of dual nationality:-
(1) If applicant does not have the Pakistani passport, he/ she should provide a copy of his/
her Pakistani nationality renunciation certificate.
(2) In case, the applicant does not submit his/ her Pakistani passport or Pakistani nationality
renunciation certificate and apply for visa on his/ her foreign passport, he/ she should
submit his/ her statements/ self-certificates duly sworn under oath before public notaries
of the concerned country of his/ her domicile. .
(3) In case the applicant or his/her parents was born in Pakistan, applicant should provide
the certificate of naturalization as a foreign citizen. He/ she should also submit his/ her
full version birth certificate, duly attested by the local authority.
(4) In all such cases of dual nationals, who do not hold a Pakistani passport but have
Pakistani National Identity Card [NIC] / National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis
[NICOP], the applicant should give a self declaration or an affidavit stating that he/she
does not hold a Pakistani passport. He/ she will be issued a visa of the type and on the
terms as for Pakistani citizens, including ‘Visitor Visa’, on the foreign passport.
12 Seamen
A seaman visiting a port as a member of the crew of a Ship need not hold a passport or a visa. He
may be issued Landing Permit valid for the port of entry for a period not exceeding 24 hours,
provided he deposits his Continuous Discharge Certificate with the Immigration Authorities.
Shore Leave Pass facility and sign-on/ sign-off facility will not be extended to Pakistani crew.
Air Crew
In connection with the operation of air services between India and Pakistan, the crew members,
administrative personnel etc. visiting the other country will be granted the facilities on a
reciprocal basis.
14 Railway crew
Multiple entry visa, valid for one year, may be granted, with EPR facility, to members of the
Pakistani Railway staff on duty in connection with the interchange of rail traffic, as
approved by the respective railway administrations. Such visa facilities would be on a
reciprocal basis. Such persons will be exempted from the provisions of registration.
15 Bus crew
Multiple entry visa, valid for one year, with EPR(Exemption from Police Reporting) facility,
may be granted to the Pakistani crew members of the Delhi-Lahore bus service, on duty, in
pursuance of the bilateral agreement between India and Pakistan in this regard. Such visa
facilities would be on a reciprocal basis.
Pilgrim Visa
Pilgrim visas may be issued to Pilgrims intending to visit religious shrines as per the 1974
Protocol on Visits to Religious Shrines, or any future revision to the Protocol. Such visas will
need to be applied at least 45 days before the commencement of the intended tour. The visas will
be issued at least ten days before the commencement of travel. These visas will be issued for a
single entry, restricted to 15 days validity and would be non-extendable.
17 Group Pilgrim Visa to minority communities in Pakistan to visit religious places in India
Group Pilgrim Visa may be granted to minority communities in Pakistan (i.e. Hindus, Sikhs, etc.)
for visiting religious places in India. For the purpose of grant of Group Pilgrim Visa, the number
in each group shall be restricted to a maximum of 50 and for every group of 50 or less, there shall
be a group leader. Group leader shall be responsible to ensure that the members of the group
enter India together, travel within India to the places specified in the Visa together and exit India
together. Group leader will also be responsible for reporting to FRO concerned at each place of
18 Foreigners of Pakistani Origin
Visas for foreign nationals with Pakistani Origin will be issued as per the details given below:-
(a) Foreign nationals of Pakistani origin married to Indian nationals and their children may
be granted ‘X-2’ visa for a period of 5 years at a time with multiple entry facility..
(b) In the case of foreign nationals of Pakistani origin who apply for Employment Visa,
Business Visa, Research Visa etc, the duration of the visa and the number of entries to be
permitted will be considered as per the general visa guidelines.
(d) In respect of foreign nationals of Pakistani origin who apply for a Tourist Visa , only
single entry visa will be granted for a period of 3 months .
Appendix- I
(To be filled in duplicate by the Indian Referee of Pakistan National)
S/O, D/O, W/O :
I ………. s/o / d/o / w/o …….. r/o……….., hereby certify that the above mentioned Pakistani national is
my ……….. (relationship) / known to me for the last …..years. He/She is visiting India for ……..
(mention reason).
I……….. further declare that I am willing to host the above mentioned Pakistani national and take full
responsibility for his/her good conduct during his/her stay in India and his/ her return to Pakistan on or
before the expiry of visa.
(with full name/ address & voter Card number)
(To be done by the DM/ SP/ SDM/ Tehsildar/ BDO/ SHO/ Group-‘A’ officers of the Central and State
Government/ Principal of Government college/ Principal or Head Master of Govt. School)
It is certified that Shri …………. (name / address of Indian referee), who is sponsoring the visit of …….
(name of the Pakistani national), to India, is personally known to me.
with name, Designation, I/C No.
Office Seal
(A copy of the photo identity card of the concerned officer issuing the Sponsorship Certificate, duly self
attested by the officer concerned, should be attached with the Sponsorship Certificate)