“Zero-Tolerance” Alcohol, Drugs and Controlled Substances
Lincoln Ice Hockey Association (LIHA) is concerned with the health, safety and well-being of
our player(s), parents and coaches who participate in activities and represent Lincoln Ice
Hockey. The use of illegal drugs of any kind, misuse of legal drugs and/or dietary supplements,
use of performance-enhancing substances, and/or use of alcohol are inconsistent with the
standards put forth by LIHA.
LIHA Policy: LIHA is a drug free environment and its Board of Directors (BOD) will enforce a
zero tolerance policy for the use of alcohol, drugs and/or controlled substances. Participating in
any practice, workout, game, function or event under the influence of drugs (illegal or legal),
alcoholic beverages, intoxicant or narcotic substances is strictly prohibited and may be subject to
disciplinary action. Any player, coach or team representative found using, possessing, buying or
receiving illegal drugs, performance-enhancing substances, controlled substances and/or alcohol
in the locker rooms, parking lots or other locations during a LIHA sponsored/sanctioned event is
strictly forbidden and is in violation of the LIHA Alcohol, Drugs and Controlled Substances
Policy and is subject to penalties as described in the USA Hockey Discipline Policy and
Adult Alcohol Guidelines: In addition to the zero tolerance policy in regards to minors, the
LIHA Board of Directors realizes there are certain situations when the responsible use of alcohol
by adults is acceptable assuming the implementation of responsible parameters.
1. Alcohol is not appropriate in dressing rooms or in public, non-licensed areas.
2. Use of alcohol during team dinners, team events or hotel stays should be done in a responsible
manner. There is to be no alcohol consumption prior to any games or practices by coaches and
team managers!
3. Consumption in buses, cars or vans while traveling to and from team events is strictly
4. Entering the arena while intoxicated or under the influence of illegal drugs or controlled
substances in prohibited.