R70WP0003EJ0100 September, 2018
Additional Functions in HW-RTOS
Offering the Low Interrupt Latency
In this white paper, we introduce two HW-RTOS functions that
offer the lowest interrupt latency available and help create a more
software-friendly environment. One of these is ISR implemented in
hardware, which improves responsiveness when activating a task
from an interrupt and eliminates the need for developing a handler
in software. The other is a function allowing the use of non-OS
managed interrupt handlers in a multitasking environment. This
makes it easier to migrate from a non-RTOS environment to a
multitasking one.
Real Time OS in Hardware
Multitasking Environment with Lowest Interrupt Latency
Offered by HW-RTOS
R70WP0003EJ0100 September, 2018
1. Executive Summary
In this white paper, we introduce two functions
special to HW-RTOS that improve interrupt
The first is the HW ISR function. Renesas stylized
the ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) process and
implemented it in hardware to create their HW ISR.
With this function, the task corresponding to the
interrupt signal can be activated directly and in real
time. And, since the ISR is implemented in the
hardware, application software engineers are
relieved of the burden of developing a handler.
The second is called Direct Interrupt Service. This
function is equivalent to allowing a non-OS managed
interrupt handler to invoke an API. This function
enables synchronization and communication
between the non-OS managed interrupt handler and
tasks, a benefit not available in conventional
software. In other words, it allows the use of non-OS
managed interrupt handlers in a multitasking
environment. With this function, it's possible to
develop software in multitasking environments even
when applications demand extremely low interrupt
jitter, such as with high precision servo motors. In
sum, you can migrate from previously non-RTOS
systems to multitasking environments and achieve
high software development efficiency and system
2. Interrupt Basics
First, to ensure a firm foundation, let's discuss
some general information relating to interrupts and
2.1. Reducing Interrupt Disabled Periods
The upper part of Figure 1 shows what happens
when an interrupt occurs. First, when an interrupt
occurs, the corresponding ISR is activated. In this
example, when interrupt 1 occurs, ISR1 is activated,
and when interrupt 2 occurs, ISR2 is activated. The
problem is that generally, ISRs run with interrupts
disabled. As a result, as the lower part of Figure 1
shows, if processing for ISR1 is prolonged, the start
of the ISR2 process is delayed. This is not optimal for
real time systems.
One way to solve this problem is to hand ISR
processing over to a task. That is, the ISR only runs
processes that are of the highest importance for real
time performance, and for other processes a task is
activated in response to the ISR, and the task takes
over processing. This is shown in Figure 2. First,
Task 2 is running. Then, an interrupt occurs and the
ISR is activated. The ISR then activates Task 1,
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Multitasking Environment with Lowest Interrupt Latency
Offered by HW-RTOS
R70WP0003EJ0100 September, 2018
which is currently awaiting a flag. So, the Set Flag
API is invoked. Task 1 meets the conditions required
for release from the Wait state, and then moves to
the Ready state. The ISR no longer has any work to
do and terminates itself. Then, since Task 1 has a
higher priority level than the previously running Task
2, Task 1 is run. Accordingly, while Task 1 is running,
if a new interrupt occurs, the start of the
corresponding ISR is not delayed. t Thus, by handing
ISR processing over to a task, the only thing the ISR
needs to do is invoke an API, and all the other
processing can be left to the task.
In addition to Set Flag, other APIs used for this
goal include Semaphore Release and Wait Release.
Here we are simply using the ISR to invoke an
API, but of course it's also acceptable to execute
processes with high real time performance within the
ISR. It's optimal, though, to execute only the most
urgent processes in ISR, and execute all others with
Task 1.
As described above, skillful use of the RTOS in
interrupt handling allows timely running of high
priority processes, as well as interrupt disabled
periods made as short as possible.
2.2. OS managed Interrupt and Non-OS
managed Interrupt
There are interrupts managed by the OS and
those managed outside the OS. As discussed in 2.1,
the interrupt-activated handler itself is an interrupt
managed by the RTOS. This interrupt-activated
handler is called an OS-managed interrupt handler
(in this text, we call this OS-managed interrupt
handlerISR, or Interrupt Service Routine). The
priority level relationship between the RTOS, the ISR,
and tasks is shown in Figure 3.
When we say that the RTOS manages an
interrupt, it means that the OS activates the ISR.
Namely, when an interrupt occurs, the RTOS
activates the ISR corresponding to that interrupt. As
you can see from the figure, tasks have the lowest
priority level, then the ISR, and next comes the
RTOS. Since, as the figure shows, the RTOS is higher
priority than the ISR, if an interrupt occurs while the
RTOS is in the middle of a process, ISR activation is
delayed. As a result, the RTOS creates overhead
between the occurrence of an interrupt and ISR
activation. Generally, since RTOS processes tend to
be critical ones, they are run with interrupts disabled.
It's vital to be aware of these delays in ISR activation
by OS managed interrupts as described above.
Now we'll discuss non-OS managed interrupts .
The handler activated by non-OS managed interrupts
is called a non-OS managed interrupt handler. As you
can see in Figure 3, non-OS managed interrupt
handlers are even higher priority than the RTOS
process. As a result, even if the RTOS is in the
middle of a process, that process can be interrupted
and the handler activated immediately. Since the
software has absolutely no role in this activation, the
latency up until the handler is activated is the
interrupt latency as defined by the CPU. This non-OS
managed interrupt handler is often used in
applications which simply cannot allow much RTOS
overhead, such as high-speed servo motor control.
Another difference between the ISR and non-OS
managed interrupt handler is whether or not an API
can be invoked during the handler process. Since the
ISR is run under RTOS management, it's possible to
invoke an API. However, since a non-OS managed
Multitasking Environment with Lowest Interrupt Latency
Offered by HW-RTOS
R70WP0003EJ0100 September, 2018
interrupt handler can be activated while the OS is
executing critical processes, naturally it's impossible
to use any other RTOS functions. As a result, as
Figure 2 shows, it's not possible to hand over a part
of the handler process to a task using an API. Not
being able to invoke an API during the interrupt
handler is a huge disadvantage. Typically, if you
trace any software process back to its origin, you'll
find an interrupt. To put it the other way around,
when a single interrupt occurs, a certain process is
activated, and that process then activates another
process, so the system is like a chain. As a result,
when you can't invoke an API from the handler,
particularly synchronization or communication APIs,
that's a fatal problem.
Now, having explained a bit about OS-managed
interrupts and non-OS managed interrupts, we can
sum them up as follows. OS-managed interrupts
cause overhead until the ISR is activated, but it is
possible to invoke an API while the handler is
running. With non-OS managed interrupts, the
handler activation time is as fast as the CPU
hardware performance, but it's not possible to invoke
an API while the handler is running.
3.1. HW ISR Function and Operation
The HW ISR function is a hardware
implementation of the ISR process. More specifically,
this function invokes an API in response to an
interrupt signal inside the HW-RTOS. As explained
for Figure 2, APIs like Set Flag invoked by the ISR
which activate other tasks can be invoked in
hardware. By doing so, the ISR from Figure 2 can be
implemented completely in hardware.
This is easier to understand with Figure 4. The
upper section of Figure 4, "Conventional Software
RTOS" is a timing chart for processing interrupts in a
conventional software RTOS. When an interrupt
occurs, the currently running Task A is interrupted,
and processing transfers to the RTOS. The context
used for Task A in the RTOS is evacuated, and the
RTOS activates the ISR. The interrupt is checked in
the ISR, and an API corresponding to the interrupt
signal is invoked. In Figure 2, the invoked API was
Set Flag. When an API is invoked, processing moves
back to the RTOS, and the invoked API is executed in
the RTOS. When the API ends, the returned values
are sent to the ISR, and the ISR terminates itself.
When Task B is in the Ready state based on the
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Multitasking Environment with Lowest Interrupt Latency
Offered by HW-RTOS
R70WP0003EJ0100 September, 2018
result of the executed API, if Task B has a higher
priority level than the currently running task, a Task
Switch will be necessary. The RTOS then executes a
dispatch, and activates Task B.
That's the process for handling interrupts in
conventional software. When a single interrupt
occurs and the resulting processes are executed as
just described, it can consume 500 to 1,500 cycles of
CPU time.
The bottom of Figure 4 shows an example of the
HW-RTOS HW ISR function in use. When an interrupt
occurs while Task A is running, the HW-RTOS is
activated. The HW ISR function inside the HW-RTOS
is called up, and the API corresponding to the
interrupt signal is then invoked inside the HW ISR.
The HW-RTOS receives the invocation and executes
the API. When Task B is in the Ready state based on
the result of the executed API, if the HW-RTOS finds
that Task B has a higher priority level than the
currently running task, it signals a task switch to the
Library Software, and the Library Software executes
a dispatch as ordered to activate Task B.
So that's how HW-RTOS uses HW ISR to handle
interrupts. As the figure shows, the HW-RTOS
processing time is about 15 cycles, and most of the
rest of the time used is for the Library Software's
dispatch execution. One other point to focus on is
that during the period between when the interrupt
occurs and the Dispatch begins, the CPU is still
running Task A. This is possible because the CPU
and the HW-RTOS are running on different hardware,
and so can run in parallel.
The upper section of Figure 5 shows, just like in
Figure 4, a timing chart for processing interrupts in a
conventional software RTOS, but in this example,
after the ISR invokes an API there is no need for a
context switch based on the execution results. After
the ISR completes, processing returns to Task A.
The lower section of Figure 5 shows the same
situation, with no task switch needed, in HW-RTOS.
As the figure shows, the CPU continues processing
Task A. This processing is made possible because
the HW-RTOS and CPU can run in parallel. The
surprising fact is that even though an interrupt
occurs, the CPU processing can continue
uninterrupted, and there is no overhead placed on
the CPU.
3.2. Interrupt Responsiveness
Figure 6 shows the results of interrupt
responsiveness measurements. The CPU used was a
100MHz Cortex M3, and the Software RTOS was an
ITRON, which is one of the most commonly used
RTOS in Japan. The HW-RTOS was rated at 100MHz,
as well.
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Multitasking Environment with Lowest Interrupt Latency
Offered by HW-RTOS
R70WP0003EJ0100 September, 2018
In the software RTOS, the time until the ISR
activated was 0.83 to 4.35 microseconds, in the HW-
RTOS it was 1.01 to 2.01 microseconds. Also, the
time between when the ISR invoked an API and the
next task activated in software RTOS was 6.82 to
11.2 microseconds, while the HW-RTOS time was
2.10 to 3.10 microseconds. The HW-RTOS was using
the HW ISR when the time was measured until the
task activated. As the figure shows, the maximum
measured values for software RTOS depend on the
measurement environment, and the actual worst-
case values remain undefined. On the other hand,
the maximum values for HW-RTOS are the maximum
theoretical worst-case values, and the fact that they
can never be greater is a major benefit.
So, you can see how using HW-RTOS and HW ISR
can result in major improvements in interrupt
responsiveness. In addition, this figure doesn't show
it but, as described with Figure 5, overhead is
dramatically reduced.
3.3. Advantages of HW-ISR
The four APIs that HW ISR can invoke are Set
Flag, Release Semaphore, Wakeup Task, and Wait
Release. Each one is set to be programmable for
every interrupt signal line.
With HW-RTOS, it's possible to use both HW ISR
and a software ISR simultaneously. Since the HW
ISR is run inside the HW-RTOS, no software
processes can be executed in the ISR. As a result, if
a developer truly wants to run software processing in
the ISR, it's best to activate the software ISR.
However, most software developers using HW ISR
choose not to also use software ISR since, for the
overwhelming majority of applications, HW ISR offers
more than sufficient real time performance. Another
advantage to using HW ISR is that there's no need to
design a handler. Since all the processing operations
are done with tasks, most of that pressure is taken
off of software engineers.
4. Direct Interrupt Service
4.1. Overview
As explained in 2.2, with OS-managed interrupts,
the handler can invoke an API and the process can
be handed over to a task, but the interrupt response
is slow. On the other hand, when handling non-OS
managed interrupts, interrupt response is very fast
but it's not possible to hand processing over to a
task, so there remains a serious disadvantage for
software systems. On the other hand, processing
speed is very fast in HW-RTOS, so if HW ISR
activates a task directly from an interrupt, sufficient
real time performance is guaranteed. However,
there may still be a need for even more real time
performance. For example, in order to achieve
interrupt jitter in the tens to hundreds of
nanoseconds range, HW ISR performance is just not
With HW RTOS, there is a function that not only
allows similar performance to non-OS managed
interrupts, but also allows handover to tasks for
processing. We call it Direct Interrupt Service.
Figure 7 is a diagram of interrupts in HW-RTOS.
Each interrupt signal is input into both the interrupt
controller and the HW-RTOS. The signal input into
the interrupt controller becomes a non-OS managed
Non-OS managed
for HW ISR
Multitasking Environment with Lowest Interrupt Latency
Offered by HW-RTOS
R70WP0003EJ0100 September, 2018
interrupt. The interrupt signal input to the HW-RTOS
is used to activate the HW ISR. Each input section
has its own Mask Register to select the input signal.
The typical setting is that when one is configured to
Through, the other is set to Mask. However, by
setting both to Through, you can implement a Direct
Interrupt Service. Figure 8 explains this in detail.
The timing chart at the top of Figure 8 shows
what happens when interrupt signals are set to
Through for the interrupt controller alone. In this
situation, when an interrupt occurs, the non-OS
managed interrupt handler activates. The center
section of Figure 8 is a timing chart for when
interrupt signals are set to Through for the HW-
RTOS alone. In this case, the HW ISR is activated.
The bottom, then, shows what happens if we set
interrupt signals to Through for both the Interrupt
Controller and the HW-RTOS. Namely, when an
interrupt signal is generated, the non-OS managed
interrupt handler activates, and at the same time the
HW-RTOS invokes the corresponding API internally.
That API executes in parallel with the non-OS
managed interrupt handler, and in this example Task
B is released from the Wait state. Task B activates at
the same time as the non-OS managed interrupt
handler ends.
4.2. Advantages of Direct Interrupt Service
Using the Direct Interrupt Service like this allows
both the non-OS managed Interrupt Process and the
task corresponding to the interrupt to activate. This
is equivalent to achieving the non-OS managed
interrupt handler's ability to invoke an API and
synchronize and communicate between other tasks.
In short, this means it's possible to implement the
interrupt responsiveness of the non-OS managed
interrupt management, while still being able to
invoke an API from within the handler at the same
In the past, to keep interrupt response jitter below
the tens of microseconds range, we had to forfeit a
multitasking environment. But now, using Direct
Interrupt Service makes it possible. It's now possible
to run multitasking processes like network control on
a single CPU along with high precision servo motor
control. As a result, not only does CPU use-efficiency
increase, but we can expect the software
development environment to improve as well. The
reason for that is, since we could not use RTOS in
conventional servo motor control, software engineers
needed expert skills to construct a system with
multiple functions. Not only did that keep
development productivity down, but also reduced
system reliability. But using Direct Interrupt Service
offers solutions to all of those problems.
5. Conclusion
Typically, interrupt handlers run with interrupts
disabled. In order to keep this interrupt disabled
period as short as possible, it's important to hand
processing over to tasks. To that end, the interrupt
Multitasking Environment with Lowest Interrupt Latency
Offered by HW-RTOS
R70WP0003EJ0100 September, 2018
handler can invoke APIs like Set Flag or Semaphore
Release, and by activating waiting tasks, let them
take over processing. Also, the fundamental truth
that "basically, all processes can be traced back to
an interrupt" is vital for understanding the
succession from interrupt handler to task. As
described above, HW-RTOS has made it possible to
implement processes from interrupt occurrence to
releasing the waiting task from the Wait state in
hardware. This is what we call HW ISR. This function
has enabled extremely high-speed activating of tasks
corresponding to interrupt signals.
And for those applications requiring even less
interrupt response jitter, HW-RTOS also offers the
Direct Interrupt Service function. Using it allows both
the non-OS managed interrupt handler and the task
corresponding to the interrupt to activate. This
completely solves the past problems of
synchronization and communication between tasks
and non-OS managed interrupt handlers, and the
inability of the non-OS managed interrupt handler to
hand processing over to tasks.
And so, we can see that HW-RTOS is more than
merely a hardware implementation of API processes,
but also achieves the fastest possible interrupt
responsiveness as well as offering ease of use for
software systems.
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