#MWAIS2019 | 1
MAY 21-22, 2019
MBA Program
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On behalf of the MWAIS leadership team, I welcome you to
the 14th Annual Midwest Association for Information Systems
Conference. Our theme for this year is “Inclusiveness in the IT
Talent Management Pipeline.” We are fortunate to have Dr.
Eileen Trauth as our Keynote speaker and her presentation
is entitled, “The Mainstreaming of Social Inclusion in IS
Research.” In addition to Dr. Trauth’s keynote presentation,
a session entitled “Social Inclusion in IS” will continue the
exploration of this timely topic.
In addition to exploring the topic of Social Inclusion, we have
many diverse and interesting paper sessions, panel discussions
and workshops. I’m certain you will nd many topics you will
nd interesting and informative. Our conference has always
been a good place to reconnect with friends, network with
colleagues and students, nd others with like interests; and
the friendly atmosphere provides for a collegial environment.
I hope you take advantage of these opportunities over the
next two days.
I want to thank Dr. Don Heath, his program and conference
chairs, and those who have assisted them in organizing
this conference. They have invested a lot of time and effort
in making this what is I’m sure going to be an excellent
conference. On a personal note, I am excited to visit the
EAA Aviation Museum.
I am also proud to announce that MWAIS has again been
recognized by AIS as an Outstanding Community. This
recognition is given to recognize AIS Communities that do an
outstanding job of supporting the mission of AIS through the
advancement of knowledge and the promotion of excellence
in the practice and study of information systems.
I hope you all have a great conference this year.
Dave Larson
Home to many national and international IT
companies, Oshkosh has cemented its reputation
for technology innovation. Companies doing
business here include Oracular IS, DealerSocket,
Henry Schein, Accu-Com and PODO Integrative
Technology, to name a few. With dense high-tech
business clusters and resources that are attractive
to innovative companies – including a strong
education system and highly skilled workforce
the city is well positioned for further growth in
the IT sector.
There is an existing and growing base of
information-based technology rms in Oshkosh
and the surrounding region. Oshkosh has a very
strong higher education system that produces highly
skilled talent to ll available positions. Access to a
strong education system is a valuable resource for
local IT rms and companies in need of IT talent.
The presence of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
in our community and our region is a driving force
behind growth in the IT sector both through the
supply of labor and fueling entrepreneurial activity.
UW Oshkosh offers information systems and
computer science programs that are great resources
for entrepreneurs and offers a pipeline of skilled
employees for IT companies.
Rob Kleman
Senior Vice President,
Economic Development
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On behalf of the Conference and Program committees, it
is my pleasure to welcome you to the 14th annual Midwest
Association for Information Systems conference hosted by
the Information Systems Department and the College of
Business at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. Welcome
to our home.
The program chairs, Dr. Vijayan Sugumaran, chair of the
Department of Decision and Information Science at Oakland
University, and myself, Information Systems Dept., College
of Business, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh have arranged
an outstanding program which includes thirty-seven
academic paper presentations, three workshops and several
very timely panel discussions which should be of high
interest to attendees. Thank you to all who have contributed
their time, energy and research to making the conference
a success. Special thanks to the program committee who
reviewed the papers, members of the conference committee
who helped coordinate the logistics of the conference,
and to Carey Behnke, Associate Marketing Manager in
the Communications and Marketing department at UW
Oshkosh for helping put together this beautiful brochure.
On the opening night of the conference, the conference
committee has arranged a social event which will take
place at the Experimental Aircraft Association Museum in
Oshkosh, a 50,000-square-foot facility with nearly 100 aircraft
on display. This is a fun and exciting venue with something
for everyone. Dinner will be served on the oor of the
museum and docents will be available afterward to lead
tours through the facility.
I also want to thank our sponsors for their generous support:
Giga-level sponsor: Prospect Press, Mega-level sponsor:
Mendix, Kilo-level sponsor: Oklahoma State University,
Kilo-level sponsor: UW Oshkosh MBA program, Half-kilo
sponsor: AIS SIG Ontology-Driven Intelligent Systems,
the University of Nebraska Omaha for sponsoring this year’s
award plaques and the MWAIS Executive Committee
for sponsoring complimentary student registrations.
The commitment by these sponsors to the academic
research, discourse and scholarship in the Midwest region
is greatly appreciated. Most of all, I would like to thank the
presenters and attendees who have come together to
make this 14th annual MWAIS conference a success.
Best regards,
Don Heath
UW Oshkosh is part of the robust University of Wisconsin System—one of
the largest systems of public higher education in the country. As a member
of the System, UW Oshkosh provides students with state-wide resources
and ensures top academic quality and accountability.
With a strong research focus and national ranking in sustainability, Titans demonstrate
on a daily basis what students can do to change the world. UW Oshkosh offers nearly
200 majors, minors and emphases, in addition to 15 graduate programs and two
doctoral programs. UW Oshkosh provides academic programs that meet 21st century
needs, through nationally recognized general education curriculum that celebrates
inclusive excellence, fuels imagination and champions critical thinking.
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#MWAIS2019 | 6
Dave Larson
University of Illinois
at Springeld
Ryan Schuetzler
University of Nebraska
Omaha, Nebraska
Immediate Past-President
Shana Ponelis
University of
Don Heath
University of
Wisconsin Oshkosh
David Biros
Oklahoma State University
Membership and
Publicity Director
Anne Powell
Southern Illinois
At-Large Director
Gaurav Bansal
University of
Wisconsin-Green Bay
Don Heath
Michael Eierman
Jakob Iversen
John Muraski
Ivor Addo
Michael Patton
Information Systems
Department College
of Business, University of
Wisconsin Oshkosh
Don Heath,
University of
Wisconsin Oshkosh
Vijayan Sugumaran,
Oakland University
Hani Aldirawi
University of Illinois-Chicago
Brian Almquist
MacEwan University
Rakesh Babu
Envision Inc.
Gaurav Bansal
University of
Wisconsin-Green Bay
Connie Barber
Southern Illinois
University Edwardsville
Ronald Beckett
Swinburne University
of Technology
Andrew Behrens
Dakota State University
James Boit
Dakota State University
Caleb Bradberry
Radford University
Darrell Burrell
The Florida Institute
of Technology
Kevin Callies
Dakota State University
Ozlem Cosgun
Dakota State University
Mohammad Dadashzadeh
Oakland University
Maurice Dawson
Illinois Institute
of Technology
Steve Dunn
University of
Wisconsin Oshkosh
Michael Eierman
University of
Wisconsin Oshkosh
Lee Freeman
University of Michigan
at Dearborn
Laurie Giddens
Southern Illinois
University Edwardsville
Bryan Hosack
The Metro Health System
Jakob Iversen
University of
Wisconsin Oshkosh
Tim Jacks
Southern Illinois
University Edwardsville
Mehruz Kamal
The College at Brockport,
State University of New York
Kevin Lumbard
University of Nebraska
at Omaha
Mohammad Merhi
Indiana University
South Bend
Jeffrey Merhout
Miami University
John Muraski
University of
Wisconsin Oshkosh
Saeed Reza
Ramezanpour Nargesi
University of Texas
at Arlington
Calvin Nobles
University of Maryland
University College
Cherie Noteboom
Dakota State University
Arnold Nzailu
Dakota State University
Ray Parth
University of Illinois at
Anne Powell
Southern Illinois
University Edwardsville
Daniel Power
University of
Northern Iowa
Pam Rowland
Dakota State University
Kevin Scheibe
Iowa State University
Ryan Schuetzler
University of
Tenace Setor
University of
Aise Sevkli
Denison University
Forough Nasirpouri
Oklahoma State University
Madhav Sharma
Oklahoma State University
Soo Il Shin
University of
Wisconsin-Green Bay
Marwin Shraideh
Technical University
of Munich
Saeed Tabar
Ball State University
Cindy Zhiling Tu
Northwest Missouri
State University
Andreas Vassilakos
Illinois Institute
of Technology
Joseph Vithayathil
Southern Illinois
University Edwardsville
Piyush Vyas
Dakota State University
Christine Wania
The College at Brockport,
State University of New York
Jacob Young
Bradley University
Gary Yu Zhao
Northwest Missouri
State University
One of the greatest strengths of the Information
Systems (IS) program at UW Oshkosh is the high degree
of one-on-one engagement between students and
faculty. The IS faculty is highly knowledgeable and
focused on teaching skills that are relevant to practice.
The department maintains a close connection with
local and regional employers looking to hire Oshkosh
graduates. This close connection with industry helps
inform classroom instruction. The IS major is available to
students fully admitted into the College of Business.
The bachelor of business administratio in Information
Systems (IS) prepares students to create, deploy and
manage information systems to integrate all aspects
of a business. Coursework includes programming,
systems analysis and design, database, networking,
and electives such as mobile application development.
Students can develop specialized skills based on their
career interests by choosing among several emphases–
including ERP, web and mobile development .
College of Business
#MWAIS2019 | 8
Eileen Trauth, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
Information Sciences & Technology
Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies
The Pennsylvania State University
[email protected] | www.eileentrauth.com
The Mainstreaming of Social
Inclusion in IS Research
Social inclusion in information is a research topic
whose time has come. A generation of researchers
and practitioners have researched the possibilities of,
and produced systems for the digital society. It is now
time to seriously consider the issues that have arisen
alongside all of our profession’s accomplishments: a
workforce that does not reect the characteristics of our
population, technology and systems that do not reect
the needs and interests of all of their users, and systems
that reveal often unintended, negative consequences
for groups of people in our society. While some IS
researchers have been conducting research for over 20
years about barriers to marginalized people in the IS
eld, about digital exclusion, and about the dark side
of IS, this work has generally been considered on the
margins of “core” IS research. And these themes have
not been among the “core skills” of IS practitioners.
That is now beginning to change as social inclusion
becomes more embedded into IS research and practice.
Dr. Trauth explains what social inclusion research and
practice has meant and then makes the case for what it
should mean in the IS profession going forward.
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DAY 1 (MAY 21)
7:15–8:45 a.m. Shuttle Conference hotel to venue
7:30–8:30 a.m. Great Hall Continental breakfast
8 a.m.–5 p.m. Great Hall Sponsor Exhibits
8:30–8:45 a.m. Ballroom B & C Conference kick-off and welcome
8:45–9:45 a.m. Ballroom B & C Keynote address: The Mainstreaming of Social Inclusion
in IS Research, by Dr. Eileen Trauth
9:45–10 a.m. Great Hall Morning break
10–10:50 a.m.
Ballroom B & C Panel Discussion: When Programs Collide –
A Panel Discussion on the Competing Interests
of Analytics and Security:
Jacob Young, Bradley University
David Biros, Oklahoma State University
Ryan Schuetzler, University of Nebraska Omaha
Tyler Smith, Bradley University
Paul Stephens, Bradley University
Rhonda Syler, University of Arkansas
Shawn Zheng, Bradley University
Room 201 Healthcare Innovation
Gamication of Medical Information in the Waiting
Room; Deepak Bagel, Patrick Murphy, Christopher Pitre,
Yongzhao Xu and Nathan Twyman
Does Organizational Innovation Capability Impact
Electronic Medical Records Implementation Success?;
Rangarajan Parthasarathy, James R. Knight and
David K. Wyant
How Can Health Technology Project Communications
be Improved in a Hospital; Andrew Behrens, Cherie
Noteboom and Dave Bishop
Pre-Conference Welcome Reception
Sage Hall | 835 High Ave.
Oshkosh, WI 54901
5–7 p.m. in the main lobby
#MWAIS2019 | 1211 | UW Oshkosh
2:50-3:40 p.m. Ballroom
B & C
Workshop: Building Collaboration Networks to solve the IT Talent
Pipeline Shortage: Where are the Women?;
John Muraski, UW Oshkosh
Jakob Iversen, UW Oshkosh
Kimberly Iversen, Director of New IT Alliance
Room 201
Room 201
IS Innovation
Blockchain – a Solution to Age-old Problems: Overview, Case
Examples & Research Ideas; Dana Schwartz and Jeffrey Merhout
Decision Support for Data Virtualization based on Fifteen Critical
Success Factors: A Methodology; Marwin Shraideh, Matthias Gottlieb,
Isabel Fuhrmann, Harald Kienegger, Markus Böhm and Helmut Krcmar
Trust and Control: A Threat to the Future of Autonomous Vehicle;
Brandon Jones, Emmanuella Muamba, Matthew Vance, Benjamin
Saake and Nathan Twyman
Cybersecurity in Theory and Practice
Developing an Unintentional Information Security Misbehavior
Scale (UISMS), Forough Nasirpouri Shadbad and David Biros
A Review of Information Systems Security Management:
An Integrated Framework, Cindy Zhiling Tu, Joni Adkins and
Gary Yu Zhao
Trust Violation and Rebuilding After a Data Breach: Role of
Environmental Stewardship and Underlying Motives; Gaurav
Bansal and Noah Redfearn
Great Hall Afternoon break
4–4:50 p.m. Ballroom
B & C
Social Inclusion in IS:
Introduction by Adrienne Hartman on behalf of Women in IT
Developing more women in managerial roles in information
technology and cybersecurity; Darrell Norman Burrell
Factors Impacting Seniors’ Usage of Technology; Mohammad Merhi
and Hani Aldirawi
Investigating ICTs for Education in Marginalized Communities;
Mehruz Kamal and Diksha Diksha
Room 201 Meeting: JMWAIS Editorial Board
4:45-5:30 p.m. Shuttle Alumni Center to Conference Hotel
5:30–6 p.m. Shuttle Conference Hotel to Social Event @ EAA
6–9 p.m. Off campus Social Event: EAA Aviation Museum
3000 Poberezny Rd, Oshkosh, WI 54902
Dinner starting at 6:15
Docent tours beginning at 6:45
8–9 p.m. Shuttle Social Event to Conference Hotel
11–11:50 a.m. Room 209 Workshop: Improving Online Teaching with Technology by
Implementing Instructional Design Best Practices:
Amy Rutledge, Oakland University
Shaun Moore, Oakland University
Room 201 Data Analysis / Analytics
Comparison of Data Mining and Mathematical Models for Estimating
Fuel Consumption of Passenger Vehicles; Mehmet Sevkli, Aise Zulal
Sevkli and Ozlem Cosgun
Towards Crime Prevention Using Big Data Analytics: A Literature
Review with an Explorative Case Study; Andreas Vassilakos, Matthias
Gottlieb and Maurice Dawson
The Impact of Analytics in Professional Baseball: How Long Before
Performance Improves; Lee Freeman
Room 213 Behavioral Issues in Cybersecurity
Establishing Human Factors Programs to Mitigate Blind Spots
in Cybersecurity; Calvin Nobles
Adolescent Girls’ Inuencers in Cybersecurity Education
and Activities; Pam Rowland and Cherie Noteboom
Extrinsic Factors inuencing the Effective Use of Security
Awareness Guidelines: A Comparative study between a Bank
and a Telecommunication Company; Arnold Nzailu and James Boit
12–1p.m. Ballroom
B & C
Lunch: sponsored by Prospect Press
Prospect Press: Thank you to authors and adopters
MWAIS board meeting
Presentation: MWAIS 2020
1:10–2:40 p.m.
B & C
CIO Panel Discussion: The Need for an Ethical Framework that
Governs Core Values and Principles for the use of Articial
Intelligence (AI) and Big Data in Enterprises:
Murali Balakrishnan, CIO, TIDI Products
Gaurav Bansal, UW Green Bay
David Cagigal, CIO State of Wisconsin
Raman Mehta, CIO Visteon Corporation
Todd Thiel, VP of IT, Secura Insurance
Room 201 Data Visualization and HCI
How Does the Visualization of Data Change How it is Interpreted?;
Alexis Vanderwilt and Cherie Noteboom
Interactive Visualizations: A Literature Review, Kari Sandouka
Exploring Design Patterns as Evaluation Tools in Human Computer
Interaction Education; Christine Wania
Building Decision Adviser Bots; Daniel Power, Shashidhar Kaparthi
and Arti Mann
13 | UW Oshkosh #MWAIS2019 | 14
10–10:50 a.m. Ballroom
B & C
Workshop: Mendix workshop (continued)
Room 201 IS Theory and Practice
Modular and Collaborative Theorizing: A Move Away fromTheoretical
Superstars; Jeffrey Wall
“Something to talk about”, Exploring open source design spaces; Kevin
Lumbard, Vinod Ahuja, Matt Germonprez and Sean Goggin
Brief History of Midwest Association for Information Systems: 2005-2018;
Bryan Hosack and Kevin Scheibe
Room 209 Healthcare Information Technology
Building Trust in Healthcare IoT; Madhav Sharma and David Biros
A Conceptual Model of the Role of Relative Advantage, Compatibility
and Complexity in Electronic Medical Records Implementation Successs;
Rangarajan Parthasarathy, Justin Kern and David K. Wyant
What are Healthcare Providers’ Perceptions of Health Information
Technology Project Training?; Andrew Behrens, Kaushik Ragothaman,
David Bishop and Cherie Noteboom
1111:50 a.m. Room 201 Cybersecurity Training and Education
Evaluating User Value and Condence of Information Security for More
Effective Security Training; Ryan Wainz, Kristijana Arroyo, Chandle Camden
and Blake Killough
Identifying Major Flags in Phishing Emails; Eric Bush, Zachary Brake,
Michelle Scheiffele and Darin Aranjo
Employee Acceptance of Employer Control Over Personal Devices –
Research in Progress; Kevin Callies, Cherie Noteboom, Daniel Talley
and Yong Wang
12–1 p.m. Ballroom
B & C
Box lunch and closing remarks
12:30-1:30 p.m. Shuttle Conference to Hotel
7:45–8:45 a.m. Shuttle Conference hotel to venue
8–9 a.m. Great Hall Continental Breakfast
9–9:50 a.m. Ballroom
B & C
Workshop: Mendix workshop on innovative low-code tools for
Systems Analysis and Design
Room 201 IS Training and Education
Work 4.0 and the Identication of Complex Competence Sets;
Ronald Beckett and Tanvria Daberkow
Innovations from academia around cybersecurity workforce and
faculty development; Darrell Norman Burrell
Scenarios for information and communication technology in
sub-Saharan African academic libraries: a research proposal;
Shana Ponelis
Room 209 AI and Machine Learning
Predicting Stock Market Using Pattern Analysis and Machine Learning
Algorithms; Saeed Tabar, Sushil Sharma and David Volkman
Electronic Evidence and Technology-Assisted Review; Brian Almquist
Analysis of Twitter Data with #MeToo; Keerthi Bandarapally, Gowtham
Anand Kishore Reddy Chintapalli, Sree Praveen Madduru, Kamna Pal
and Vincent Yu
DAY 2 (MAY 22)
#MWAIS2019 | 16
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Password: email address
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17 | UW Oshkosh #MWAIS2019 | 18
The Ph.D. in Business Administration from
the Department of Management Science
and Information Systems (MSIS) at Oklahoma
State University provides intensive study
in information technologies and prepares
the student for signicant professional
contributions in university research and
teaching. The MSIS Ph.D. program began
in 2002. Since then, over 40 individuals
have earned their doctoral degree.
We seek students with great potential
and a desire and ability to produce high
quality research in the eld of Management
Information Systems. Equally desirable is a
passion to become a high quality teacher
and mentor. While not required, it is desirable
for students to have work experience at the
managerial level.
Research Active Faculty
Scores of high quality journal and
conference publications since the
department’s inception in 2003
Many publications co-authored with
current and former Ph.D. students
Research Support
Annual compensation of $20,000
(nine-month calendar) plus tuition
and fee waivers
University-paid medical insurance
Ph.D. students choose research area
provided faculty expertise is available
Stillwater and OSU Perks
$75 million Business Building opened
in January 2018
Low cost of living and housing
Placement of Recent Graduates
Students typically placed at
comparable institutions following
Recent MSIS Ph.D. graduates employed
at Louisiana State University, Illinois
State University, Wright State
University, Arkansas State University,
the United States Air Force Academy
and South Dakota State University
Application Information
February 1 is the application deadline
for rst review
Master’s degree with GPA 3.5 or above
Minimum GMAT score of 600 or
minimum GRE score of 310 required
See https://business.okstate.edu/watson/
msis-phd/application.html for additional
David P. Biros, Ph.D. (Lt. Col. USAF, Retired)
Associate Professor of Management Science
and Information Systems
Fleming Chair in IT Management
Oklahoma State University
Earn your Ph.D. in MSIS at
Oklahoma State University