Parental Rights
Infants and Toddlers Early Intervention
Preschool Special Education
Special Education
REVISED January 2021
Parental Rights: Maryland Procedural Safeguards NoticeInfants and Toddlers Early Intervention, Preschool Special Education, Special Education
Revised January 2021_FINAL
Effective January 27, 2021
Parental Rights
Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice
Infants and Toddlers, Preschool, Special Education
January 2021
© 2013 Maryland State Department of Education
This publication was developed and produced by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), Division of
Early Intervention/Special Education Services, with funds from the U.S. Department of Education, IDEA Part C
Grant #H181A120124, and IDEA Part B Grant #H027A012035A, Copyright 2013, Maryland State Department of
Education (MSDE). Readers are allowed and encouraged to copy and share this document, but must credit the
MSDE Division of Early Intervention/Special Education Services. All other rights reserved. The Maryland State
Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion,
disability, or sexual orientation in matters affecting employment or in providing access to programs. For inquiries
related to departmental policy, please contact the Equity Assurance and Compliance Branch, Office of the Deputy
State Superintendent for Administration, Maryland State Department of Education, 200 West Baltimore Street, 6th
floor, Baltimore, MD 21201-2595, 410-767-0433, Fax 410-767-0431, In
accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), this document is available in alternative formats, upon
request. Contact the Division of Early Intervention/Special Education Services, Maryland State Department of
Education at Voice (410) 767-7770 or Fax (410) 333-1571.
Karen B. Salmon, Ph.D.
State Superintendent of Schools
Clarence C. Crawford
State Board of Education
Carol A. Williamson, Ed.D.
Chief Academic Officer
Marcella E. Franczkowski, M.S.
Assistant State Superintendent
Division of Early Intervention/Special Education Services
Larry Hogan
Maryland State Department of Education
Division of Early Intervention/Special Education Services
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
410-767-7770 (phone)
410-333-1571 (fax)
This document is available from the Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Early Intervention and
Special Education Services in the following languages:
Amharic, Arabic, Bengali, Burmese, Chinese, Dari), French,
Gujarati, Haitian, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Nepali, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog,
Turkish, Urdu, and Vietnamese.
Parental Rights: Maryland Procedural Safeguards NoticeInfants and Toddlers Early Intervention, Preschool Special Education, Special Education
Revised January 2021_FINAL
Effective January 27, 2021
Table of Contents
PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS NOTICE ............................................................................... 1
NATIVE LANGUAGE ................................................................................................................. 2
ELECTRONIC MAIL .................................................................................................................. 2
PRIOR WRITTEN NOTICE ...................................................................................................... 2
Notice: ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
Content of Written Notice: ....................................................................................................................... 3
CONSENT ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Parent Consent: ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Parental Consent for Initial Evaluation: ................................................................................................... 4
Special Rules for Initial Evaluation of Wards of the State: ...................................................................... 5
Parental Consent for Services: .................................................................................................................. 5
Withdrawal of Parental Consent for Services: .......................................................................................... 5
Parental Consent for Reevaluations for IEP Children and Youth Only: .................................................. 6
Documentation of Reasonable Efforts to Obtain Parental Consent: ......................................................... 6
Other Consent Requirements: ................................................................................................................... 6
Parent Consent for Services through an IFSP: ......................................................................................... 7
Parents also have a right to decline services: ............................................................................................ 8
Parental Consent for Additional Assessments or Evaluations: ................................................................. 8
INDEPENDENT EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION ................................................................ 8
Definitions: ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Public Agency Criteria: ............................................................................................................................ 9
A Parent's Right to Evaluation at Public Expense: ................................................................................... 9
Parent Initiated Evaluation: ...................................................................................................................... 9
Request for an Evaluation by an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ): ...................................................... 10
SURROGATE PARENTS.......................................................................................................... 10
Criteria for Surrogate Parents: ................................................................................................................ 10
CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION ........................................................................... 11
Definitions: ............................................................................................................................................. 11
Safeguards: ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Consent: .................................................................................................................................................. 12
Access Rights: ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Record of Access: ................................................................................................................................... 14
Amendment of Records at Parent's Request: .......................................................................................... 14
Procedures for the Destruction of Information: ...................................................................................... 15
Children’s Rights: ................................................................................................................................... 15
Disciplinary Information: ....................................................................................................................... 15
DISCIPLINE OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES .......................................................... 15
Definitions: ............................................................................................................................................. 16
Authority of School Personnel: .............................................................................................................. 16
Services: ................................................................................................................................................. 17
Manifestation Determination: ................................................................................................................. 18
Parental Rights: Maryland Procedural Safeguards NoticeInfants and Toddlers Early Intervention, Preschool Special Education, Special Education
Revised January 2021_FINAL
Effective January 27, 2021
Special Circumstances: ........................................................................................................................... 18
Change of Placement: ............................................................................................................................. 19
Appeal of Disciplinary Action: ............................................................................................................... 19
Child Not Yet Determined Eligible ........................................................................................................ 20
Referral to and Action by Law Enforcement and Judicial Authorities ................................................... 21
AT PUBLIC EXPENSE ............................................................................................................. 21
Limitation on Reimbursement: ............................................................................................................... 22
TRANSFER OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AT AGE OF MAJORITY .................................... 23
RESOLVING DISAGREEMENTS .......................................................................................... 23
Mediation: ............................................................................................................................................... 24
Meeting to Encourage Mediation: .......................................................................................................... 25
Difference Between a State Complaint and a Due Process Complaint: ................................................. 25
State Complaint: ..................................................................................................................................... 26
Resolving a State Complaint: ................................................................................................................. 27
Resolving a State Complaint that is the Subject of a Due Process Hearing: .......................................... 27
Due Process Complaint: ......................................................................................................................... 28
Content of the Due Process Complaint: .................................................................................................. 28
Response to the Due Process Complaint: ............................................................................................... 29
Sufficiency of Notice: ............................................................................................................................. 29
Child’s Status During Proceedings: ........................................................................................................ 30
Resolution Process:................................................................................................................................. 30
Adjustments to the 30 Calendar Day Resolution Period: ....................................................................... 31
Resolution Settlement Agreement: ......................................................................................................... 32
Due Process Hearing: ............................................................................................................................. 32
An Administrative Law Judge (ALJ): .................................................................................................... 32
Subject Matter of a Due Process Complaint: .......................................................................................... 33
Hearing Rights: ....................................................................................................................................... 33
Additional Disclosure of Information:.................................................................................................... 33
Parent's Rights: ....................................................................................................................................... 33
Hearing Decision: ................................................................................................................................... 33
Separate Due Process Complaint: ........................................................................................................... 34
Timelines and Convenience of a Hearing: .............................................................................................. 34
Expedited Due Process Hearing (IEP ONLY): ...................................................................................... 34
Hearing Decisions: ................................................................................................................................. 35
Finality of Hearing Decision: ................................................................................................................. 35
Appeal: ................................................................................................................................................... 35
ATTORNEYS’ FEES ................................................................................................................. 36
ATTACHMENT ......................................................................................................................... 38
IDEA DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCESSES COMPARISON CHART ........................................... 38
Parental Rights Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice Infants and Toddlers Early Intervention, Preschool Special Education, Special Education
Revised January 2021_FINAL
Effective January 27, 2021
34 C.F.R. § 300.504 and § 303.421 and § 303.404
The procedural safeguards notice includes a full explanation of parental rights in an easily
understandable manner and in a parent’s native language, where applicable. This
Procedural Safeguards notice applies to children with disabilities and families under the
federal law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
The protections included in this document are established by the federal Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 20 U.S.C. §1400 et seq., the Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR), 34 C.F.R. § 300.1 et. seq. (IEP) and 34 C.F.R. § 303.1 et. seq. (IFSP) and the following
chapters of the Code of Maryland Regulations or COMAR: COMAR 13A.05.01, COMAR
13A.08.03, and COMAR 13A.13.01. Each public agency shall establish, maintain, and
implement procedural safeguards that meet the requirements of the IDEA. Where appropriate,
this notice will indicate which sections are applicable to either Part B or Part C of the IDEA by
indicating IEP for Part B and IFSP for Part C. For children and families receiving services
through an IFSP, parents are to receive a copy of Procedural Safeguards:
along with Prior Written Notice, including when the Early Intervention Services provider
proposes, or refuses, to initiate or change the identification, evaluation, or placement of
the child, or the provision of early intervention services to the child and that child's
when a child is referred for Early Intervention Services under Part C; or
with a copy of the State's system of payments policies when obtaining consent for
provision of early intervention services.
For children receiving services through an IEP, parents are to receive a copy of the procedural
safeguards document one time a year, except a public agency must give parents another copy of
the document:
Upon initial referral or parental request for evaluation;
Upon receipt of the first written State complaint in a school year;
Upon receipt of the first due process complaint in a school year;
When a decision is made to take a disciplinary action; and
Upon parent request.
A public agency may place a current copy of the procedural safeguards notice on its Internet web
site, if such web site exists.
The procedural safeguards document includes a full explanation of the parents’ rights, in an
easily understandable manner and in the parent’s native language, unless it clearly is not feasible
to do so. If the native language or other mode of communication of the parent is not a written
language, the public agency shall take steps to translate the procedural safeguards orally or by
other means in the parent’s native language or other mode of communication. The public agency
must keep written evidence to document the translation of the notice and the parents understood
the content of the procedural safeguards.
Parental Rights Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice Infants and Toddlers Early Intervention, Preschool Special Education, Special Education
Revised January 2021_FINAL
Effective January 27, 2021
34 C.F.R. § 300.612, § 300.29, § 303.421, and § 303.25
Parents have the right to receive information in the language they understand.
Native language, when used with an individual who has limited English proficiency,
means the following:
The language normally used by that person, or, in the case of a child, the language
normally used by the child's parents;
In all direct contact with a child (including evaluation of the child), the language
normally used by the child in the home or learning environment.
For a person with deafness or blindness, or for a person with no written language, the mode of
communication is what the person normally uses (such as sign language, Braille, or oral
communication). Parents may request their child’s completed IFSP or IEP to be translated into
the parents’ native language. If the native language spoken by the parents is spoken by more than
one percent (1%) of the student population in the local school system, appropriate school
personnel must provide the parents with the translated document within 30 days after the date of
the request. This one percent translation requirement is also discussed in the mediation section of
this document.
34 C.F.R. § 300.505
Parents may choose to receive notices electronically if this option is available. If the public
agency offers parents the choice of receiving documents by e-mail, a parent may choose to
receive the following by e-mail:
Prior written notice;
Procedural safeguards notice; and
Notices related to a request for due process.
34 C.F.R. §§ 300.503 and 303.421
Parents have the right to receive written information about the public agency's actions
concerning their child’s early intervention services or special education and related
A public agency must give parents written notice a reasonable time before it proposes, or refuses,
to initiate or change the:
Parental Rights Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice Infants and Toddlers Early Intervention, Preschool Special Education, Special Education
Revised January 2021_FINAL
Effective January 27, 2021
Educational program;
Educational placement of a child
Provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to a child; or
Provision of early intervention services to the child and the child’s family through an
IFSP, or
Provision of special education and related services to the child through an IEP.
When written notice relates to an action that requires parental consent, the public agency may
give written notice at the same time.
Content of Written Notice:
For children and families receiving services through an IFSP, written notice must:
Describe the action that is being proposed or refused;
Explain the reasons for taking the action: and
Include the Procedural Safeguards.
For children receiving services through an IEP, the written notice must:
Describe the action(s) that the public agency proposed or refused to take;
Explain why the public agency is proposing or refusing to take the action(s);
Describe each evaluation procedure, assessment, record, or report the public agency used
in deciding to propose or refuse the action(s);
Include a statement that parents have protections under the procedural safeguards
provisions in IDEA;
Tell parents how they can obtain a description of the procedural safeguards if the action
that the public agency is proposing or refusing is not an initial referral for evaluation;
Include resources for parents to contact for help in understanding the IDEA;
Describe any other choices that the child's Individualized Education Program (IEP) team
considered and the reasons why those choices were rejected; and
Provide a description of other reasons why the public agency proposed or refused the
34 C.F.R. § 300.300 and 34 C.F.R. § 303.420
Parent Consent:
A public agency must get parental consent to assess a child for both early intervention and
special education and related services, and before providing early intervention and special
education and related services for the first time. Parents have the right to withdraw
consent at any time. There are some exceptions to consent for evaluation.
Parental Rights Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice Infants and Toddlers Early Intervention, Preschool Special Education, Special Education
Revised January 2021_FINAL
Effective January 27, 2021
Consent means that the parents:
Have been fully informed of all information relevant to the activity for which consent is
sought, in their native language or other mode of communication;
Understand and agree in writing to the carrying out of the activity for which their consent
is sought and the consent describes that activity and lists the records (if any) that will be
released and to whom; and
Understand that the granting of consent is voluntary and may be revoked at any time.
If parents withdraw consent, it does not cancel out an action that occurred between the time the
public agency received consent and before its withdrawal.
If the parent revokes consent, in writing, for their child to receive special education services after
the child is initially provided special education and related services, the public agency is not
required to amend the child’s education records to remove any references to the child’s receipt of
special education and related services because of the revocation of consent.
IEP Part B
Parental Consent for Initial Evaluation:
A public agency must obtain parental consent before conducting an initial evaluation of a child
to determine if the child is eligible for special education and related services, and before
providing special education and related services for the first time.
Before a public agency can
conduct an initial evaluation of a child to determine whether the child is eligible for special
education and related services, the public agency must:
Provide parents prior written notice of the proposed action; and
Obtain informed consent from the parent before conducting an initial evaluation; and
Must provide the parent with a copy of the procedural safeguards notice in addition to the
prior written notice.
The public agency must make reasonable efforts to obtain informed consent for initial evaluation
to decide whether the child is a child with a disability that requires the provision of special
education and related services. If the parent of a child enrolled in public school or seeking to be
enrolled in public school does not provide consent for initial evaluation, or the parent fails to
respond to a request to provide consent, the public agency may, but is not required to, pursue the
initial evaluation of the child by utilizing procedural safeguards discussed further herein, such as
mediation or a due process complaint.
If a parent of a child who is home schooled or placed in a private school by the parents at their
own expense does not provide consent for the initial evaluation or the reevaluation, or the parent
34 CFR § 300.300(a).
34 CFR § 300.300(a)(3)(i).
Parental Rights Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice Infants and Toddlers Early Intervention, Preschool Special Education, Special Education
Revised January 2021_FINAL
Effective January 27, 2021
fails to respond to a request to provide consent, the public agency may not use the consent
override procedures described above.
A parent’s consent for initial evaluation does not mean the parent also gives consent for the
public agency to start providing early intervention or special education and related services to
their child.
Special Rules for Initial Evaluation of Wards of the State:
If a child is a ward of the State and is not living with his/her parents, the public agency does not
need consent from the parents for an initial evaluation to determine if the child is a child with a
disability if:
Despite reasonable efforts to do so, the public agency cannot find the child’s parent;
The rights of the parents have been terminated in accordance with State law; or
A judge has assigned the right to make educational decisions and to consent for an initial
evaluation to an individual other than the parent.
Parental Consent for Services:
A public agency must obtain informed consent before providing special education and related
services to a child for the first time. A public agency must not use mediation or due process
procedures to obtain an agreement or a ruling that special education and related services may be
provided to the child without parental consent if the parents:
Refuse to give consent for their child to receive special education and related services; or
Do not respond to a request to provide consent for the provision of special education and
related services for the first time.
If the parents refuse to give consent for their child to receive special education and related
services for the first time, or if the parents do not respond to a request to provide consent, the
public agency:
Is not in violation of the requirement to make a free appropriate public education (FAPE)
available to their child; and
Is not required to have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting or develop an
IEP for their child.
Withdrawal of Parental Consent for Services:
If a parent of a child withdraws consent in writing for the continued provision of special
education and related services, at any time after the public agency begins the initial provision of
special education and related services, the public agency:
34 CFR § 300.300(d)(4)(i-ii).
Parental Rights Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice Infants and Toddlers Early Intervention, Preschool Special Education, Special Education
Revised January 2021_FINAL
Effective January 27, 2021
Is not required to amend the child’s education records to remove any references to the
child’s receipt of special education and related services because of the revocation of
May not continue to provide special education and related services to the child, but must
provide prior written notice to the parent of the parent’s written request to stop all special
education and related service, before ceasing the provision of special education and
related services;
May not use mediation or due process procedures to obtain agreement or a ruling that the
services may be provided to the child;
Will not be considered to be in violation of the requirement to make FAPE available to
the child because of the failure to provide the child with further special education and
related services; and
Is not required to convene an IEP Team meeting or develop an IEP for the child for
further provision of special education and related services.
Withdrawal of consent does not cancel out an action that occurred between the time the public
agency received consent and before the withdrawal of consent.
Parental Consent for Reevaluations for IEP Children and Youth
A public agency must obtain informed consent before it conducts a reevaluation of a child,
unless the public agency can demonstrate:
It took reasonable steps to obtain parental consent for reevaluation; and
The parent did not respond.
If parents refuse consent for new assessments, the public agency may, but is not required to, seek
to override the parent’s refusal by using mediation or due process procedures to challenge the
parent’s refusal to provide consent. As with initial evaluation, the public agency does not violate
its obligations under the IDEA if it declines to pursue new assessments.
Documentation of Reasonable Efforts to Obtain Parental Consent:
A public agency must maintain documentation of reasonable efforts to obtain parental consent
for initial evaluations, to provide special education and related services for the first time, for
reevaluations, and to locate parents of wards of the State for initial evaluations.
The documentation must include a record of the public agency’s attempts to obtain parental
consent, such as:
Detailed records of telephone calls made or attempted and the results of those calls;
Copies of correspondence sent to parents and any responses received; and
Detailed records of visits made to the parent’s home or place of employment and the
results of those visits.
Other Consent Requirements:
Parental consent is not required before a public agency:
Parental Rights Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice Infants and Toddlers Early Intervention, Preschool Special Education, Special Education
Revised January 2021_FINAL
Effective January 27, 2021
Reviews existing data as part of your child's initial evaluation or reevaluation; or
Gives your child a test or other evaluation that is given to all children unless, before that
test or evaluation, consent is required from all parents of all children.
The public agency may not use a parent’s refusal to consent to deny the parent or the child any
other service, benefit, or activity.
If a parent home schools their child or enrolls their child in a private school at their own expense,
a public agency may not use mediation or due process procedures to override consent, and the
public agency is not required to consider the child as eligible for services under 34 C.F.R. §§
300.132-300.144, if:
The parent does not provide consent for their child's initial evaluation or reevaluation; or
The parent fails to respond to a request to provide consent.
In addition to the actions for which the IDEA requires parental consent (initial evaluation, initial
provision of services, and reevaluation), Maryland law requires that an IEP team must obtain the
written consent of a parent if the team proposes to:
Enroll the child in an alternative education program that does not issue or provide credits
towards a Maryland High School Diploma;
Identify the child for the alternative education assessment aligned with the State’s
alternative curriculum; or
Include restraint or seclusion in the IEP to address the child’s behavior as described in
COMAR 13A.08.04.05.
If the parent does not provide written consent to any of the proposed actions listed above, the IEP
team must send the parent written notice of their consent rights no later than five (5) business
days after the IEP team meeting informing them that:
The parent has the right to either consent to or refuse to consent to the action proposed;
If the parent does not provide written consent or a written refusal within fifteen (15)
business days of the IEP team meeting, the IEP team may implement the proposed action.
If the parent refuses to consent to any of the proposed actions listed above, the public agency
may use the dispute resolution options listed in Education Article §8-413 (mediation or due
process) to resolve the matter.
Parent Consent for Services through an IFSP:
Parents must give written informed consent before:
All, screenings, evaluations, and assessments of the child and family
Initiating the provision of early intervention services and additional assessments
Parental Rights Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice Infants and Toddlers Early Intervention, Preschool Special Education, Special Education
Revised January 2021_FINAL
Effective January 27, 2021
If written consent is not given, the local lead agency shall make reasonable efforts to
ensure that the parent:
o Is fully aware of the nature of the evaluation and assessment or the services that will
be available; and
o Understands that the child will not be able to receive the evaluation and assessment or
the services unless written consent is given.
Parents also have a right to decline services:
A parent of an eligible child may determine whether they, their child, or other family members
will accept or decline any early intervention service and may decline this service after first
accepting it without jeopardizing other early intervention services. If a parent chooses to
continue early intervention services for a child three or older through an Extended IFSP, an
educational component must be included. If the parent does not want the educational component,
they are not eligible to receive early intervention services.
Parental Consent for Additional Assessments or Evaluations:
A public agency must obtain informed consent before it conducts additional individualized
evaluations and assessments of a child. If a parent does not give consent, the lead agency must
make reasonable efforts to ensure that the parent:
Is fully aware of the nature of the evaluation and assessment of the child that would be
available; and
Understands that the child will not be able to receive the evaluation and assessment
unless consent is given.
If parents refuse consent for additional evaluations or assessments, the public agency may not
use due process procedures to challenge the parent’s refusal to provide consent.
IEP Only
34 C.F.R. § 300.502
If a parent disagrees with an evaluation completed by the public agency, the parent has the
right to have the child evaluated by someone who does not work for the public agency.
Only parents of a child with a disability under Part B are entitled to an independent
Independent educational evaluation means an evaluation conducted by appropriately
qualified personnel not employed by the public agency responsible for the education of
the child; and
Public expense means that the public agency either pays for the full cost of the evaluation
or ensures that the evaluation is otherwise provided at no cost to the parents.
Parental Rights Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice Infants and Toddlers Early Intervention, Preschool Special Education, Special Education
Revised January 2021_FINAL
Effective January 27, 2021
Parents have the right to obtain an independent educational evaluation of their child under the
IDEA subject to the procedures provided below. The public agency shall provide parents, upon
request for an independent educational evaluation, information about:
Where an independent educational evaluation may be obtained; and
The public agency’s criteria applicable for an independent educational evaluation.
Public Agency Criteria:
When an independent educational evaluation is at public expense, the criteria under which the
independent educational evaluation is obtained, including the location of the evaluation and the
qualifications of the examiner, must be the same as the criteria that a public agency uses when it
initiates an evaluation, to the extent those criteria are consistent with a parent’s right to an
independent educational evaluation. Except for the criteria described above, a public agency may
not impose conditions or timelines related to obtaining an independent educational evaluation at
public expense.
A Parent's Right to Evaluation at Public Expense:
Parents have the right to only one independent educational evaluation at public expense each
time the public agency conducts an evaluation if the parents disagree with an evaluation obtained
by the public agency.
If parents request an independent educational evaluation at public
expense, the public agency must, without unnecessary delay, either approve the request and
advise the parent of the process for arranging the evaluation at public expense, or deny the
request and file for a due process hearing.
If the public agency initiates a due process hearing and the final decision is that the public
agency’s evaluation is appropriate, parents still have the right to an independent educational
evaluation, but not at public expense.
If parents request an independent educational evaluation, a public agency may ask parents for the
reason why the parents object to the public evaluation. However, the parent's explanation is not
required and the public agency may not unreasonably delay either providing the independent
educational evaluation at public expense or initiating the due process hearing to defend the
public agency's evaluation.
Parent Initiated Evaluation:
Parents always have the right to obtain an independent educational evaluation from qualified
professionals of their choice, at their own expense. The results of a parent-initiated evaluations
must be considered by the public agency and the IEP team, if it meets public agency criteria,
when making any decisions with respect to the provision of FAPE to the child.
The results of
parent-initiated private evaluation may also be presented as evidence at a due process hearing
regarding the child.
34 CFR § 300.502(b)(5).
34 CFR § 303.502(c).
Parental Rights Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice Infants and Toddlers Early Intervention, Preschool Special Education, Special Education
Revised January 2021_FINAL
Effective January 27, 2021
Request for an Evaluation by an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ):
If an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) with the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH)
requests an independent educational evaluation as a part of a due process hearing, the cost of the
evaluation must be at public expense.
34 C.F.R. § 300.519 and § 303.422
The local lead agency, the local school system, or in some instances a judge, may assign a
surrogate parent to represent an eligible child if:
The parent cannot be identified;
The public agency after reasonable efforts cannot find the child’s parent; or
The child is a ward of the State of Maryland.
The lead agency must make reasonable efforts to ensure the assignment of a surrogate
parent not more than 30 days after a public agency determines that the child needs a
surrogate parent.
Criteria for Surrogate Parents:
No conflict with the interests of the child
Has knowledge and skills that ensure adequate representation of the child
Not an employee of the State or an employee of any service provider involved in the
provision of early intervention or other services to the child or the child’s family
Once appointed as a Surrogate Parent the Surrogate Parent has the same rights as a parent for all
The Surrogate Parents will not be considered an agency employee solely because they are
paid by a public agency to be a surrogate parent.
The local lead agency or the local school system shall notify the State Superintendent of Schools,
or the Superintendent’s designee, of the surrogate parent appointment. A surrogate parent may
represent a child in all matters relating to the:
Evaluation and assessment of the child;
Development and implementation of child’s IFSP, including annual evaluations and
periodic reviews;
Development, review, and revision of a child’s IEP;
Ongoing provision of early intervention services to child and family through the IFSP; or
Provision of special education and related services to a child through the IEP.
Parental Rights Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice Infants and Toddlers Early Intervention, Preschool Special Education, Special Education
Revised January 2021_FINAL
Effective January 27, 2021
34 C.F.R. §§ 300.610-627 and 34 C.F.R. §§ 303.401-417
Parents have the right to review their child’s records and ask the public agency to correct
their child’s record if they think the record is not correct. Parental consent must be
obtained before the release of personally identifiable information, yet your consent is not
required in some circumstances, as described below. Parents have the right to expect the
public agency to keep their child’s early intervention or educational records confidential
and ask the public agency to destroy their child’s educational information when it is no
longer needed to provide early intervention or educational services.
Destruction means physical destruction or removal of personal identifiers from information so
that the information is no longer personally identifiable.
Education records means the type of records covered under the definition of ‘‘education
records’’ in 34 C.F.R. Part 99 (the regulations implementing the Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act [FERPA] of 1974).
Early intervention records mean all records regarding a child that are required to be collected,
maintained, or used under Part C of the IDEA and the regulations in this Part.
Participating agency means any agency or institution that collects, maintains, or uses personally
identifiable information, or from which information is obtained under Part B of the IDEA. Under
Part C, a participating agency includes the lead agency and early intervention service providers
and any individual or entity that provides any early intervention services. It does not include
primary referral sources, or public agencies (such as the State Medicaid or CHIP program) or
private entities (such as private insurance companies) that act solely as funding sources for Part
C services.
Personally identifiable information includes:
Name of the child, child's parents, or other family member;
Address of the child;
A personal identifier, such as the child's social security number; or
A list of personal characteristics or other information that would make it possible to
identify the child with reasonable certainty.
For children being served by an IFSP, personally identifiable information also includes:
Indirect identifiers, such as the child's date of birth, place of birth, and mother's maiden
Other information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific child
that would allow a reasonable person in the early intervention services community, who
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Effective January 27, 2021
does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the child
with reasonable certainty; or
Information requested by a person who the educational agency or institution reasonably
believes knows the identity of the student to whom the education record relates.
Each participating agency shall protect the confidentiality of personally identifiable information
at collection, storage, disclosure, and destruction stages. One official of a public agency is
responsible for protecting the confidentiality of personally identifiable information. In addition to
the requirements of these procedural safeguards, federal and State laws and regulations also
govern the protection of educational records. All public agency personnel who collect or use
personally identifiable information must receive training regarding the State’s policies and
procedures on the confidentiality of personally identifiable information. Each participating
agency shall maintain, for public inspection, a current listing of the names and positions of those
employees within the agency who may have access to personally identifiable information.
Parental consent must be obtained before personally identifiable information is disclosed to
parties, other than officials of participating agencies for purposes of meeting a requirement of
Part B, unless the information is contained in education records, and the disclosure is authorized
without parental consent under 34 C.F.R. Part 99. The public agency must obtain parental
consent, or the consent of an eligible child who has reached the age of majority under State law,
before personally identifiable information is released to officials of a participating agencies
providing or paying for transition services under Part B of the IDEA (IEP); and if a child is
enrolled, or is going to enroll in a private school that is not located in the school district of the
parent’s residence, parental consent must be obtained before any personally identifiable
information about the child is released between officials in the local educational agency (LEA)
where the private school is located and officials in the LEA of the parent’s residence.
MSDE has developed policies and procedures for public agencies, including sanctions, which the
State uses to ensure that its policies and procedures are followed, and that the requirements for
confidentiality, in accordance with IDEA and FERPA are met. If an organization or individual
believes a public agency has violated confidentiality requirements under IDEA, a State
complaint may be filed in order to resolve the matter.
Each public agency is required to have procedures in place for how adequate notice is provided
to fully inform parents about the requirements of confidentiality of personally identifiable
information including a:
Description of the extent that the notice is given in the native languages of the various
population groups in the State;
Description of the children on whom personally identifiable information is maintained,
and the types of information sought;
34 CFR § 300.622.
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Summary of the policies and procedures that participating agencies must follow
regarding storage, disclosure to third parties, retention, and destruction of personally
identifiable information;
Description of policies and procedures used in the event that a parent refuses to provide
consent; and
Description of all of the rights of parents and children regarding this information,
including the rights under FERPA and implementing regulations in 34 C.F.R. Part 99.
Before any major identification, location, or evaluation activity, the notice must be published or
announced in newspapers or other media, or both, with circulation adequate to notify parents
throughout the jurisdiction of the activity.
Further, personally identifiable information may not be disclosed to anyone other than officials
of participating agencies collecting or using the information under the IDEA, or for any purpose
other than meeting the requirements of providing a child with a disability FAPE or early
intervention services under the IDEA. During transition from early intervention to preschool
services, the lead agency will provide notification to MSDE and the local school system that the
child may be eligible for special education services as required by 34 C.F.R. § 303.209(b)(1)(i).
This notification will include the child’s name, date of birth, and parent contact information as
required by 34 C.F.R. § 303.209(b)(1) and § 303.401.Disclosures addressed in referral to and
action by law enforcement and judicial authorities regarding reporting a crime committed by a
child with a disability do not require parental consent to the extent that the transmission is
permitted by FERPA.
Access Rights:
For children and families receiving early intervention services, the local lead agency shall
provide parents an initial copy of their child’s early intervention record at no cost to the parents.
The local lead agency must also provide at no cost to parents, a copy of each evaluation,
assessment of the child, family assessment, and IFSP as soon as possible after each IFSP
meeting. Each public agency shall permit parents to inspect and review any education records
relating to their child that is collected, maintained, or used by the public agency with respect to
the identification, evaluation, and educational placement of their child, development and
implementation of the IFSP and the provision of FAPE. For children and families receiving
services through an IFSP, the local lead agency shall comply with a request without unnecessary
delay and before any meeting regarding an IFSP, or any due process hearing, and in no case
more than 10 days after the request.
For children receiving services through an IEP, the public agency shall comply with a request
without unnecessary delay and before any meeting regarding an IEP, or any due process hearing
or resolution session, and in no case more than 45 days after the request. A parent’s right to
inspect and review educational records under this section includes the parent’s right to:
A response from the public agency to reasonable requests for explanations and interpretations of
the records;
Request that the public agency provide copies of the record if failure to provide copies would
effectively prevent the parent from exercising the right to inspect and review the records; and
Have the parent’s representative inspect and review the records.
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A public agency may presume parents have the authority to inspect and review records relating
to their child unless the public agency has been advised that a parent does not have the authority
under applicable State law governing such matters as guardianship, separation, and divorce.
Record of Access:
Each public agency shall keep a record of individuals, other than parents and authorized
employees of the public agency, obtaining access to education records collected, maintained, or
used under Part C or Part B of the IDEA, including the name of the individual, the date access
was given, and the purpose for which the individual is authorized to use the records. If any
education record includes information on more than one child, the parents of those children have
the right to inspect and review only the information relating to their child or to be informed of
that specific information. Each public agency shall provide parents, on request, a list of the types
and locations of education records collected, maintained, or used by the public agency. Each
public agency may charge a fee for copies of education records that are made for parents if the
fee does not effectively prevent the parents from exercising their right to inspect and review
those records. A public agency may not charge a fee to search for or retrieve information from
education records.
Amendment of Records at Parent's Request:
If a parent believes that information in the education records collected, maintained, or used under
the IDEA is inaccurate or misleading or violates the privacy or other rights of their child, the
parent may request the public agency that maintains the information, to amend the information.
The public agency shall decide whether to amend the information in accordance with the parent
request within a reasonable period of time of receiving the request. If the public agency refuses
to amend the information in accordance with the request, it shall inform the parent of their
refusal and advise the parent of their right to a hearing to challenge the information in
educational records. A hearing conducted to challenge information in educational records must
be conducted in accordance with FERPA procedures as found in 34 C.F.R. §99.22.
The public agency, upon request, shall provide the parent with an opportunity for a hearing to
challenge information in education records to ensure that it is not inaccurate, misleading, or
otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of your child. If, as a result of the hearing,
the public agency decides that the information is inaccurate or misleading or otherwise in
violation of the privacy or other rights of the child, the public agency shall amend the
information accordingly and so inform the parent of the amendment in writing. If, as a result of
the hearing, the public agency decides that the information is not inaccurate or misleading or
otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of the child, it shall inform the parent of their
right to place in the records it maintains on their child, a statement commenting on the
information or setting forth any reasons for disagreeing with the decision of the public agency.
Any explanation placed in the records of your child must:
Be maintained by the public agency as part of the child’s record as long as the record or
contested portion is maintained by the public agency; and
Disclose the explanation to any party requesting a copy of the child’s record or the
contested portion.
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Procedures for the Destruction of Information:
The public agency is required to inform parents when personally identifiable information
collected, maintained, or used under the IDEA is no longer needed to provide early intervention
or educational services to their child. The information must be destroyed at the request of the
parents. However, for students receiving special education services under Part B, a permanent
record of the child’s name, address, and phone number, the child’s grades, attendance record,
classes attended, grade level completed, and year completed may be maintained without time
limitation. Similarly, for children receiving early intervention services under Part C, a permanent
record of a child's name, date of birth, parent contact information (including address and phone
number), names of service coordinator(s) and EIS provider(s), and exit data (including year and
age upon exit, and any programs entered into upon exiting) may be maintained without time
Children’s Rights:
Under the regulations for FERPA, parental rights regarding a child’s education records transfer
to the child once he/she reaches the age of 18, unless the child’s disability makes him/her
incompetent under State law. If the parent’s rights under Part B of IDEA transfer to the child
who reaches the age of majority, the IDEA confidentiality requirements must also transfer to the
child. However, the public agency must provide the parent and the child any notice required
under IDEA. Please refer to “Transfer of Parental Rights at Age of Majority” for more specific
Disciplinary Information:
A public agency may include in a child’s records a statement of any current or previous
disciplinary action that has been taken against the child and transmit discipline information; to
the same extent that disciplinary information is included in, and transmitted with the records of
nondisabled children. The statement may include a description of any behavior engaged in by the
child that required disciplinary action, a description of the disciplinary action taken, and any
other information that is relevant to the safety of the child and other individuals involved with
the child. If the child transfers from one school to another, the transmission of any of the child’s
records must include both the child’s current IEP and any statement of current or previous
disciplinary action taken against the child.
34 C.F.R. §§ 300.530 -300.536
The information below applies to children with disabilities, ages 3 through 21, receiving services
through an Extended IFSP or an IEP.
Parents have the right to specific procedures and protections if the public agency takes
certain disciplinary actions towards their child. Consistent with 34 C.F.R. § 300.530(d), a
public agency must provide a child educational services after the child’s removal for more
than 10 school days in a school year for a violation(s) of a student code of conduct.
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For purposes of this part, the following definitions apply:
Controlled substance means a drug or other substance identified under schedules I, II, III,
IV, or V in section 202(c) of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812(c)).
Illegal drug means a controlled substance, but does not include a substance that is legally
possessed or used under the supervision of a licensed health-care professional or that is
legally possessed or used under any other authority under the IDEA or under any other
provision of federal law.
Weapon has the meaning given the term ‘‘dangerous weapon’’ under paragraph (2) of the
first subsection (g) of section 930 of title 18, United States Code.
Serious bodily injury has the meaning given the term “serious bodily injury” under
paragraph (3) of subsection (h) of section 1365 of title 18, United States Code.
Authority of School Personnel:
School personnel may consider any unique circumstances on a case-by-case basis, when
determining whether a change in placement, made in accordance with the following
requirements related to the discipline, is appropriate for a child with a disability who violates a
school code of conduct.
School personnel may remove a child with a disability from his or her current placement to an
appropriate interim alternative educational setting, another setting, or suspension, for not more
than 10 school days at a time for violation of a school code of conduct, to the extent they take
such action for children without disabilities, and for additional removals of not more than 10
consecutive school days in that same school year for separate incidents of misconduct (as long as
those removals do not constitute a change in placement under §300.536).
If the behavior that violated the student code of conduct was not a manifestation of the child’s
disability (see Manifestation Determination below), and the disciplinary change in placement
would exceed 10 school days in a row, school personnel may apply the disciplinary procedures
to such child with a disability in the same manner and for the same duration as it would to
children without disabilities, except that the school must provide services to the child as
described below in the Services provision.
The child’s IEP Team determines the interim
educational setting for such services.
After a child with a disability has been removed from his or her current placement for 10 school
days in the same school year, during any subsequent days of removal the public agency must
provide services to the extent required under the services provision described below.
34 CFR § 300.530(a).
34 CFR § 300.536 (b)(1).
34 CFR § 300.530(c).
34 CFR § 300.530(b)(2).
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In accordance with the discipline policy required for all children, those in public prekindergarten
programs, kindergarten, first grade or second grade may be disciplinarily removed only if the
school administration, in consultation with a school psychologist or other mental health
professional, determines that there is an imminent threat of serious harm to other students or staff
that cannot be reduced or eliminated through interventions and supports. In such a case, the
principal or school administration must promptly contact the parent or guardian of the student. In
addition, the child may not be removed for more than five school days per incident. Children in
public prekindergarten programs, kindergarten, first grade or second grade may be disciplinarily
removed for forty-five school days or longer only when consistent with federal law (COMAR
A child with a disability who is removed from the child’s current placement for 10 school days
or less in a school year is only entitled to services if the public agency provides services to a
child without disabilities who is similarly removed.
A child with a disability who is removed from the child’s current placement for more than 10
school days and the behavior is not a manifestation of the child’s disability (see Manifestation
Determination), or who is removed under special circumstances (see Special Circumstances)
1) Continue to receive education services (have available FAPE), so as to enable the child
to continue to participate in the general education curriculum, although in another setting
(that may be an interim alternative educational setting), and to progress toward meeting
the goals set out in the child’s IEP; and
2) Receive, as appropriate, a functional behavioral assessment, and behavioral
intervention services and modifications, which are designed to address the behavior
violation so that it does not happen again.
After a child with a disability has been removed from his or her current placement for 10 school
days in the same school year, and if the current removal is for 10 school days in a row or less and
if the removal is not a change in placement (see definition below), then school personnel, in
consultation with at least one of the child’s teachers, determine the extent to which services are
needed to enable the child to continue to participate in the general education curriculum,
although in another setting, and to progress toward meeting the goals set out in the child’s IEP. If
the removal is a change of placement (see Change of Placement Because of Disciplinary
Removal), the child’s IEP Team determines the appropriate services to enable the child to
continue to participate in the general education curriculum, although in another setting (that may
be an interim alternative educational setting), and to progress toward meeting the goals set out in
the child’s IEP.
34 CFR § 300.530(d).
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Manifestation Determination:
Within 10 school days of any decision to change the placement because of a violation of the code
of conduct, the parent and the child’s IFSP team or IEP team must review all relevant
information in the child’s file, including his/her IFSP or IEP, any teacher observations and any
relevant information provided by the parent, to determine if the conduct in questions was:
Caused by or had a direct and substantial relationship to the child’s disability; or
The direct result of the public agency’s failure to implement the child’s IFSP or IEP.
If the IEP team determines that either of the above statements is applicable, the conduct shall be
determined to be a manifestation of the child’s disability.
Additionally, if the IEP team
determines that the child’s conduct in question was a direct result of the LEA’s failure to
implement the child’s IEP, the LEA must take immediate steps to remedy those deficiencies.
If the conduct was a manifestation of the child’s disability, the IFSP team or IEP team must
Conduct a functional behavioral assessment and implement a behavioral intervention plan
for the child, if the public agency had not previously done so, and implement a behavioral
intervention plan for the child;
Review the child’s behavior intervention plan if he/she already has such plan and modify
it, as necessary to address the behavior;
Return the child to the placement from which he/she was removed, unless the parents and
the public agency agree to a change of placement as part of modifying the child’s
behavioral intervention plan, except when the child has been removed to an interim
alternative educational setting for drugs, weapons or serious bodily injury.
Special Circumstances:
School personnel may remove a child to an interim alternative educational setting for up to 45
school days without regard to whether the behavior is determined to be a manifestation of the
child’s disability, in cases where the child:
Carries or possesses a weapon to or at school, on school premises, or to or at a school
function under the jurisdiction of a State or local public agency;
Knowingly possesses or uses illegal drugs, or sells or solicits the sale of a controlled
substance, while at school, on school premises, or at a school function under the
jurisdiction of a State or local public agency;
34 CFR § 300.530(e)(1)(i-ii).
34 CFR § 300.530(e)(2).
34 CFR § 300.530(e)(3).
34 CFR § 300.530(f)(1).
34 CFR § 300.530(f)(1)(ii).
34 CFR § 300.530(f)(2).
34 CFR § 300.530(g)(1).
34 CFR § 300.530(g)(2).
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Effective January 27, 2021
Has inflicted serious bodily injury upon another person while at a school, on school
premises, or at school function under the jurisdiction of a State or local public agency.
The IEP Team determines the interim alternative educational setting for removals that are
changes of placement, and removals under the subheadings Additional Authority and Special
Change of Placement:
For purposes of removals of a child with a disability from the child’s current educational
placement, a change of placement occurs if:
The removal is for more than 10 consecutive school days in a school year; or
The child has been subjected to a series of removals that constitute a pattern because the
removals total more than 10 school days in a school year; the child’s behavior is
substantially similar to the child’s behavior in previous incidents that resulted in the
series of removals; and because of such additional factors as the length of each removal,
the total amount of time the child has been removed, and the proximity of the removals to
one another.
The public agency determines on a case-by-case basis whether a pattern of removals constitutes a
change of placement. This determination is subject to review through due process and judicial
proceedings. When a child is removed for more than 10 school days, that results in a change in
placement, whether or not the behavior is a manifestation of the disability, or when a child is
removed to interim alternative educational setting (IAES) for drugs, weapons or serious bodily
injury, the child continues to receive services to enable him/her to continue to participate in the
general education curriculum although in another setting and to progress toward meeting the
goals set out in his/her IEP. The child must also receive, as appropriate, a functional behavioral
assessment and behavior intervention services and modifications designed to address the
behavioral violation so that it does not recur. The IEP team determines appropriate services and
the location in which the services will be provided.
Appeal of Disciplinary Action:
If the parents of a child with a disability disagree with a decision regarding a manifestation
determination or with any decision regarding placement for disciplinary reasons, the parents may
file a due process complaint with the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) and the public
If the public agency believes that maintaining the current placement of the child is
substantially likely to result in injury to the child or others, the public agency may file a due
process complaint with OAH and the parents. When a hearing is requested under this section,
unless the parents and the LEA agree in writing to waive the resolution meeting or to use the
mediation process, a resolution meeting must occur within seven days of receiving notice of the
due process complaint, and the due process hearing may proceed unless the matter has been
resolved to the satisfaction of both parties within 15 days of the receipt of the due process
34 CFR § 300.530(g)(3).
34 CFR § 300.532(a).
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An Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), conducts the due process hearing. Whenever a hearing is
requested with regards to any decisions made above, the hearing must be expedited and
consistent with 34 CFR § 300.532(c); the hearing must occur within 20 school days of the date
the due process complaint is filed, and the hearing officer must make a determination within 10
school days after the hearing.
In making a determination in a disciplinary appeal, the ALJ may:
Return the child to the placement from which he/she was removed; or
Order a change in placement of the child to an appropriate interim alternative educational
setting for not more than 45 school days if the ALJ determines that maintaining the
current placement of the child is substantially likely to result in injury to the child or
Any decision made on an expedited due process hearing subject to this section, is
appealable consistent with 34 CFR § 300.514.
Note: The procedures above may be repeated, if the LEA believes that returning the child to the
original placement is substantially likely to result in injury to the child or to others.
When a due process complaint is requested by either the parents or the public agency, the child
remains in the interim alternative educational setting pending the decision of the ALJ or until the
expiration of the time period provided (no more than 45 school days), whichever comes first,
unless the parents and the public agency agree otherwise.
Child Not Yet Determined Eligible
Children who have not been determined eligible for special education and who have engaged in a
behavior that violates any rule or code of conduct may assert any of the protections provided, if
the public agency had knowledge that the child had a disability before the behavior occurred.
The public agency has knowledge if, before the behavior resulting in the disciplinary action
The parents expressed concern in writing, that their child needs special education and
related services, to supervisory or administrative personnel of the public agency, or a
teacher of the child;
The parents requested an evaluation; or
The child’s teacher or other school personnel have expressed specific concern about a
pattern of behavior demonstrated by the child, directly to the director of special education
or other supervisory personnel of the public agency.
The public agency is not considered to have knowledge if:
34 CFR § 300.532(c)(5).
34 CFR § 300.532(b)(3).
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The parents refused to allow the public agency to evaluate their child;
The parents refused to allow the public agency to provide special education services; or
The child has been evaluated and it was determined that he/she was not a child with a
disability under IDEA.
If the public agency does not have knowledge that a child has a disability prior to taking
disciplinary action, the child may be subject to the same disciplinary measures as a child without
disabilities who engages in comparable behaviors.
If a parent made a request for an evaluation, during the timeframe in which their child is subject
to disciplinary measures, the evaluation must be expedited. Pending the results, the child remains
in the educational placement determined by school authorities. If, based on the public agency’s
evaluation and information provided by parents, the child is determined to be a child with a
disability, the public agency must provide special education and related services and all
procedural safeguards regarding discipline of children with disabilities apply.
Referral to and Action by Law Enforcement and Judicial
IDEA does not prohibit public agencies from reporting a crime to appropriate authorities, and
law enforcement. Judicial authorities may exercise their responsibilities in applying federal and
State law to crimes committed by a child with a disability. Any agency reporting a crime shall
supply copies of the child’s special education and disciplinary records to the appropriate
authorities to the extent allowed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
34 CFR § 300.148
IDEA does not require a public agency to pay for the cost of education, including early
intervention or special education and related services, of a child with a disability at a
private school if the public agency made a free appropriate public education (FAPE)
available and the parent chose to place their child in a private school.
IDEA does not require a public agency to pay for the cost of education, including special
education and related services, of a child with a disability at a private school if the public agency
made a free appropriate public education (FAPE) available and the parents chose to place their
child in a private school. However, the public agency shall include the child in the population of
children placed in private schools by their parents, in accordance with the federal regulations.
Disagreements between the parents and the public agency regarding the availability of FAPE and
financial responsibility are subject to due process complaint procedures under IDEA. Please refer
to “Resolving Disagreements” for more specific information.
If a child with a disability had previously received special education and related services under
the authority of a public agency, and the parents enroll their child in a private preschool,
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Effective January 27, 2021
elementary, or secondary school without the consent or referral of the public agency, an ALJ or a
court, may require the public agency to reimburse parents for the cost of that enrollment if an
ALJ or a court finds that the public agency had not made FAPE available to the child in a timely
manner prior to that enrollment, and that the private placement is appropriate. An ALJ or a court
may find your parental placement to be appropriate even if it does not meet the State standards
that apply to education provided by public agencies.
Limitation on Reimbursement:
Reimbursement may be reduced or denied by an ALJ or a court if:
At the most recent IEP team meeting parents attended prior to removing their child from
the public school, parents did not inform the IEP team that they were rejecting the
placement proposed by the public agency to provide FAPE, including stating their
concerns and their intent to enroll their child in a private school at public expense; or
At least ten (10) business days (including any business days that occur on a holiday) prior
to the parents removal of their child from the public school, parents did not give the
public agency written notice of their intent to remove their child, including their concerns
regarding their child’s public placement; or
If prior to the parents removal of their child from the public school, the public agency
informed the parents, through the prior written notice requirements of its intent to
evaluate their child (including a statement of the purpose of the evaluation that was
appropriate and reasonable), but the parents did not make their child available for the
evaluation; or
Upon a judicial finding of unreasonableness with respect to the parents actions.
Notwithstanding the notice requirements described above, the cost of reimbursement:
Shall not be reduced or denied for the parents failure to provide such notice, if:
o The public agency prevented the parents from providing notice,
o The parents had not received written notice, under the IDEA notice requirements
described above,
o Compliance with the notice requirements would likely result in physical harm to the
child, and
May, at the discretion of a court or an ALJ, not be reduced or denied for failure to
provide such notice if:
o The parents are not literate and cannot write in English, or
o Compliance with the notice as described above would likely result in serious
emotional harm to the child.
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34 CFR § 300.520
In Maryland, parental rights do not transfer to children with disabilities on reaching the
age of majority, except under limited circumstances.
Under Maryland law, in certain limited circumstances, all rights accorded to the parents under
IDEA shall transfer to a child with a disability. This transfer occurs when the child reaches the
age of 18 years, if the child has not been adjudged incompetent under State law and there is
documentation that:
The parents are unavailable or unknown, and the child requests that the parental rights be
transferred to the child rather than have a parent surrogate appointed;
The parents have not participated in the special education decision making process for the
child after repeated attempts by the public agency to involve the parents over the previous
The parents have affirmatively rejected participation in the special education decision
making process;
The parents cannot participate in the special education decision making process due to
prolonged hospitalization, institutionalization, or serious illness or infirmity of one or
both of the parents and the parents have consented to the transfer of rights to the child;
The parents cannot participate in the special education decision making process due to
extraordinary circumstances beyond their control, and the parents have consented to the
transfer of rights to the child; or
The child is living outside of the parents' home and is not in the care or custody of
another public agency.
If the parents of a child with a disability, with whom the child resides, do not consent to the
transfer of rights to the child at the age of 18, and the child has not been adjudged incompetent
under State law, either party may file a due process complaint to determine whether the rights
should be transferred.
If a child with a disability has been represented by a parent surrogate in accordance with federal
and State laws and regulations, the public agency shall provide any written notice required under
federal and State laws and regulations to both the child and parent surrogate. All other rights
afforded the parent surrogate under IDEA shall transfer to the child if the child has not been
adjudged incompetent under State law and the child requests that the rights transfer.
34 CFR §§ 300.506-300.516 and 34 CFR §§ 303.430-303-434 and §§ 303.440-303.449
The following procedures describe the processes available to parents and public agencies
for resolving disagreements regarding a child's early intervention or special education
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program and related services, including eligibility. These options include mediation, State
complaint, and due process complaint.
Mediation is a voluntary process for all parties that may be used at any time by the parents of a
child with a disability and the public agency responsible for the education of the child to resolved
disagreements involving any matter under Part B of the IDEA, including matters arising prior to
the filing of a due process complaint.
Mediation may be requested by parents or the public
If during an IEP/IFSP team meeting a parent disagrees with a child’s IEP/IFSP or the special
education services provided to the child, the IEP/IFSP team shall provide the parent, in plain
An oral and written explanation of the parent’s right to request mediation;
Contact information, including a telephone number, that a parent may use to receive more
information about the mediation process; and
Information regarding pro bono representation and other free or low-cost legal and
related services available in the area.
Parents may request the information about mediation to be translated into the parents’ native
language. If the native language spoken by the parents is spoken by more than 1 percent of the
student population in the local school system, the IEP/IFSP team shall provide the parent with
the translated document within 30 days after the date of the request.
An employee of the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) who is qualified and trained in
effective mediation techniques will conduct the mediation. OAH is an impartial entity that is not
part of MSDE. OAH has a list of qualified employees who have no personal or professional
conflict of interest, are not employees of a State agency or the LEA that is involved in the
education or care of the child and are selected in an impartial manner to conduct the mediation.
A qualified mediator as described above is not an employee of MSDE or an LEA solely because
he or she serves as the mediator.
Mediation is at no cost to the parent or public agency responsible for the child's early
intervention or education, including the cost of a meeting with parents to encourage
A request for mediation is made to the public agency responsible for the early
intervention or education of the child and the OAH. To assist parents with filing a request
for mediation a form is available from the public agency and on the MSDE website at For further assistance, contact the public agency’s
Special Education Office or the MSDE, Division of Early Intervention/Special Education
Services, 410-767-7770.
34 CFR § 300.506(b)(1)(i).
34 CFR § 303.431(a).
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Parents or the public agency may be accompanied and advised by counsel during
A mediation session will generally occur within 20 days of the receipt of a written
request, but must be scheduled in a timely manner and at a location convenient to the
parties to the dispute.
Mediation sessions are closed proceedings. Discussions that occur during mediation must
be confidential and cannot be used as evidence in any subsequent due process hearing or
civil action of any Federal or State court of a State receiving assistance under Part B of
IDEA. Parents or the public agency may be asked to sign a confidentiality pledge before
the start of the mediation.
An agreement reached by the parties in the mediation must be set forth in a written
agreement that is enforceable in any State Court that has the authority to hear this type of
case, or in a federal district court. This agreement must be signed by the parent and a
representative of the agency with authority to bind the agency.
Mediation is available to resolve disputes whether a parent has filed a due process
complaint to request a due process hearing, but a public agency may not use mediation to
deny or delay the parent’s right to a hearing on the parent's due process complaint.
Meeting to Encourage Mediation:
A public agency may offer to parents, who elect not to use the mediation process, to meet at a
time and location convenient to the parents, to explain the benefits of the mediation process and
encourage parents to use the process.
Difference Between a State Complaint and a Due Process
In addition to mediation, parents have the right to use the State complaint process or the
due process complaint process to resolve disagreements with the public agency. These
options have different rules and procedures.
The IDEA regulations have separate procedures for State complaints and for due process
complaints. As explained below, any individual or organization may file a State complaint
alleging a violation of any IDEA requirement by a public agency. Only a parent or a public
agency may file a due process complaint on any matter relating to the identification, evaluation,
early intervention services or educational placement of a child with a disability, or the provision
of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to the child.
MSDE staff generally must resolve a State complaint within 60 calendar days, unless the
timeline is properly extended. An ALJ must hear a due process complaint (if not resolved
through a resolution meeting or through mediation) and issue a written decision within 45
calendar days after the end of the resolution period or the adjusted resolution period, unless the
ALJ grants a specific extension of the timeline at the parent's request or the public agency's
34 CFR § 303.431(b)(4).
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For an overview and comparison of these options, see the Attachment to this document.
State Complaint:
An organization or individual, including one from another State, has the right to file a
State Complaint with the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). In order for
the State to conduct an investigation, the written complaint must meet specific criteria as
required in the IDEA regulations. The MSDE is responsible for disseminating widely the
State Complaint procedures to parents and other interested individuals, including parent
training and information centers, protection and advocacy agencies, independent living
centers, and other appropriate entities.
If an organization or individual, including one from another State believes a public agency has
violated a federal or State law or regulation concerning an early intervention or special education
requirement, or that a public agency has not implemented a due process hearing decision, a State
complaint may be filed in order to resolve the matter. The complaint must be filed with the
MSDE and should be address to the Assistant State Superintendent, Division of Early
Intervention and Special Education Services, Maryland State Department of Education, 200
West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201. The person or organization that files a State
complaint with MSDE must also send a copy of the complaint to the public agency at the same
time. To assist with filing the complaint, detailed procedures and a form are available on the
MSDE website at, or by calling the Division's Complaint
Investigation and Due Process Branch at 410-767-7770.
The State complaint must include:
A statement that the public agency has violated a requirement of federal or State law or
regulation, or that the public agency failed to implement a due process hearing decision;
The facts upon which the statement is based;
The signature and contact information for the person/organization filing the State
complaint; and
If the State complaint is alleging a violation with respect to a specific child:
o The name and address of residence of the child;
o The name of the school the child is attending;
o In the case of a homeless child or youth, available contact information for the child,
and the name of the school the child is attending;
o A description of the nature of the problem of the child, including facts relating to the
problem; and
o A proposed resolution of the problem to the extent known and available to the party
at the time the State complaint is filed.
NOTE: MSDE has model forms to assist parents and public agencies in filing a State complaint.
Parents, public agencies and other parties may use the model form, or they may use any other
form as long as it meets the requirements above.
A State complaint must allege a violation that has occurred not more than one year prior to the
State receiving the complaint. MSDE must issue a written decision that contains findings of fact
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and conclusions within 60 calendar days of receipt of the State complaint, and may extend the
60-day timeline only if:
Exceptional circumstances exist regarding a particular complaint;28 or
The parent and the public agency involved voluntarily agree to extend the time to try to
mediation or alternative means of dispute resolution.
At a minimum, MSDE shall:
Conduct an independent on-site investigation, if it is determined necessary;
Provide the complainant the opportunity to submit additional information, either orally or
in writing, about the allegations in the State complaint;
Provide the public agency with the opportunity to submit a proposal to resolve the
compliant and provide the parties with the opportunity to voluntarily engage in mediation
consistent with 34 CFR § 300.506.
Review all relevant information and make an independent determination as to whether a
public agency has violated requirements of federal and State laws; and
Issue a written decision to the complainant and the public agency that addresses each
allegation in the complaint and contains findings of fact and conclusions and the reasons
for MSDE’s final decision.
The decision will also include procedures for the effective implementation of the final decision,
if needed, including technical assistance activities, negotiations, and corrective actions to achieve
compliance. If MSDE determines a public agency has failed to provide appropriate services, the
final written decision shall address how a public agency is to remediate the denial of those
services appropriate to the needs of the child, including corrective action appropriate to address
the needs of the child (such as compensatory services or monetary reimbursement), and
appropriate future services for all children with disabilities.
Resolving a State Complaint:
Mediation and other less formal methods to resolve the disagreement may be available and are
encouraged. If the parties resolve the complaint, MSDE does not conduct an investigation under
the federal regulations.
Resolving a State Complaint that is the Subject of a Due Process
If MSDE receives a State complaint that is also part of a due process hearing, or if a State
complaint contains multiple issues of which one or more are part of a hearing, MSDE must set
aside any part of the State complaint that is being addressed in the due process hearing until the
conclusion of that due process hearing. However, any issue in the State complaint that is not part
of the due process hearing must be resolved using the timeline and procedures described above.
34 CFR § 300.152(b)(1)(i).
34 CFR § 300.152(b)(1)(ii).
34 CFR § 300.152(a)(3).
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If an issue is raised in a State complaint that has previously been decided in a due process
hearing, involving the same parties, the hearing decision is binding, and MSDE shall inform the
complainant to that effect.
Due Process Complaint:
The parent, early intervention services provider, local lead agency, or a public agency may
file a due process complaint on any matter relating to the identification, evaluation, or
placement of a child, or the provision of early intervention services or educational
placement, or the provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to a child.
The due process complaint must allege a violation that occurred within two years of the date
the parent or agency knew or should have known about the alleged action that forms the basis of
the due process complaint, or if the State has an explicit time limitation for requesting such a due
process hearing under this part, in the time allowed by that State law.
This timeline does not apply to a parent if the parent was prevented from filing a due process
complaint within the timeline because the public agency specifically misrepresented that it had
resolved the issues identified in the due process complaint, or the public agency withheld
information from the parent that it was required to provide under IDEA.
To file a due process complaint, the parent or the public agency (or the parent's attorney or the
public agency's attorney) must submit a due process complaint to the other party and the OAH.
The complaint must contain all of the content listed below and must be kept confidential.
To assist parents in filing a due process complaint, a Request for Mediation and Due Process
Complaint Form is available from the public agency from which the early intervention services
are provided, where the child attends school, and on the MSDE website at Information is also available about any potential free or low-
cost legal resources at a parent’s request or if the parent or agency files a due process complaint.
For further assistance, contact the public agency's early intervention office, special education
office, or the MSDE Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services at (410) 767-
Content of the Due Process Complaint:
The due process complaint must include:
The name of the child;
Address of the child’s residence (or, for a homeless child, available contact information);
Name of the school the child is attending;
Name of the public agency responsible for the education of the child (i.e., local school
34 CFR § 303.440(a).
34 CFR § 300.511(e).
34 CFR § 300.511(f).
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A description of the problem of the child relating to the proposed or refused initiation or
change, including facts relating to the problem; and
A proposed resolution of the problem to the extent known and available to the party at the
time of the complaint.
The parent or the public agency may not have a due process hearing until the parent or the public
agency (or the parent's attorney or the public agency's attorney), files a due process complaint
that includes this information. MSDE has available model forms to assist parents and public
agencies in filing a due process complaint. Parents, public agencies and other parties may use the
model form, or they may use any other form as long as it meets the requirements above.
Response to the Due Process Complaint:
When a party files a due process complaint, the public agency responsible for the child's early
intervention and education shall:
Inform the parent of free or low cost legal and other relevant services available;
Provide the parent with a copy of the procedural safeguards document; and
Inform the parent of the availability of mediation.
If the public agency has not sent a prior written notice to the parents regarding the issues raised
by the parent in the due process complaint, the public agency shall send the parent a response,
within 10 days of receiving the due process complaint, containing:
An explanation of why the public agency proposes or refuses to take the action(s);
A description of any other options that the public agency considered and the reasons why
those options were rejected;
A description of each evaluation procedure, assessment, record or report which was used
as the basis for the proposed or refused action;
A description of other factors that were relevant and used as the basis for the proposed or
refused action;
A statement that the parents of a child with a disability have protections under the
procedural safeguards of this part and, if this notice is not an initial referral for
evaluation, the means by which a copy of the procedural safeguards can be obtained; and
Sources for parents to contact to obtain assistance in understanding the provisions of the
This response does not preclude the public agency from asserting that the parent’s due process
complaint was insufficient, where appropriate.
The other party to a due process complaint (parent or public agency) must send the other party a
response that specifically addresses the issues in the due process complaint, within 10 calendar
days of receiving the due process complaint.
Sufficiency of Notice:
The due process complaint is considered sufficient unless the party receiving the complaint
notifies OAH and the other party in writing within 15 days of receiving it that the receiving party
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believes the due process complaint does not meet the content requirements. Within five (5) days
of receiving notice of the deficiency, OAH will determine whether the due process complaint
meets the content requirements and immediately notify the parties in writing.
A party may amend its due process complaint only if the other party consents in writing and is
given the opportunity to resolve the issues through a resolution meeting as noted below; or OAH
grants permission not later than five (5) days before a due process hearing occurs. The timeline
for the resolution meeting and the due process hearing begins again with the filing of the
amended due process complaint.
Child’s Status During Proceedings:
During the pendency of any administrative or judicial proceeding (except as provided under the
discipline section), unless the parent and public agency agree otherwise, the child must remain in
his or her current early intervention or educational placement. If the proceeding involves an
initial application for early intervention services, the child must receive those services that are
not in dispute.
If the proceeding involves an initial application for initial admission to public
school, the child, with parental consent, must be placed in the public program until the
completion of all proceedings. If the decision of the ALJ agrees with the parents that a change of
early intervention services or education placement is appropriate, that placement becomes the
child’s current placement during the pendency of subsequent appeals.
However, if the complaint involves an application for initial services under this part from a child
who is transitioning from Part C (ISFP) of the Act to Part B (IEP) and is no longer eligible for
Part C services because the child has turned three, the public agency is not required to provide
the Part C services that the child had been receiving. If the child is found eligible for special
education and related services under Part B and the parent consents to the initial provision of
special education and related services under § 300.300(b), then the public agency must provide
those special education and related services that are not in dispute between the parent and the
public agency.
Resolution Process:
Within 15 calendar days of receiving a parent's due process complaint, and before the due
process hearing begins, the public agency must hold a meeting with the parent and the relevant
member or members of the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) team or Individualized
Education Program (IEP) team who have specific knowledge of the facts identified in the
parent's due process complaint. The meeting:
Must include a representative of the public agency who has decision-making authority on
behalf of the public agency; and
May not include an attorney representing the public agency unless the parent brings an
34 CFR § 303.430(e)(2).
34 CFR § 300.518(c).
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The parent and the public agency determine the relevant members of the IFSP or IEP team to
attend the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is for the parent to discuss the due process
complaint, and the facts that form the basis of the complaint, so that the public agency has the
opportunity to resolve the dispute. The resolution meeting is not necessary if:
The parent and the public agency agree in writing to waive the meeting;
The parent and the public agency agree to try mediation; or
The public agency initiated the due process complaint.
If the public agency has not resolved the due process complaint to the parent's satisfaction within
30 calendar days of receiving the complaint (the resolution period), the due process hearing may
The 45-day timeline for issuing a final decision begins at the end of the 30-day resolution period,
unless one of the following circumstances described below in the Adjustments to the 30 Calendar
Day Resolution Period or the Expedited Timelines sections applies.
Adjustments to the 30 Calendar Day Resolution Period:
Except when the parent and the public agency have agreed to extend the resolution process,
waive the resolution process, or to use mediation, a parent’s failure to participate in the
resolution meeting will delay the timelines for the resolution process and due process hearing
until the meeting is held.
If, after making reasonable efforts and documenting such efforts, the public agency is not able to
obtain the parent's participation in the resolution meeting, the public agency may, at the end of
the 30-day resolution period, request that the ALJ dismiss the due process complaint.
Documentation of the public agency's efforts must include a record of attempts to arrange a
mutually agreed upon time and place, such as:
Detailed records of telephone calls made or attempted and the results of those calls;
Copies of correspondence sent to the parent and any responses received; and
Detailed records of visits made to the parent's home or place of employment and the
results of those visits.
If the public agency does not hold the resolution meeting within 15 calendar days of receiving
notice of a parent's due process complaint or does not participate in the resolution meeting, the
parent may request that the hearing commence and the decision be issued within 45 calendar
If the parent and the public agency agree in writing to waive the resolution meeting, then the 45-
day timeline for the due process hearing starts the next day.
After the start of mediation or the resolution meeting and before the end of the 30-day resolution
period, if the parent and the public agency agree in writing that no agreement is possible, then
the 45-day timeline for the due process hearing starts the next day.
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If the parent and the public agency agree to try mediation, at the end of the 30-day resolution
period, both parties can agree in writing to continue the mediation process until an agreement is
reached. However, if either the parent or the public agency withdraws from the mediation
process, then the 45-day timeline for the due process hearing starts the next day.
Resolution Settlement Agreement:
If a resolution to the dispute is reached at the resolution meeting, the parent and the public
agency must enter into a written, legally binding agreement that is:
Signed by the parent and a representative of the public agency who has the authority to
hold the public agency to the agreement; and
Enforceable in any State court of competent jurisdiction (a state court that has authority
to hear this type of case) or in a federal district court.
If the parent and the public agency enter into an agreement as a result of a resolution meeting,
either party may void the agreement within three (3) business days.
Due Process Hearing:
The parent or the public agency involved in a dispute has the opportunity for an impartial due
process hearing when filing a due process complaint. A parent or the public agency must request
the hearing within two years of the date the parent or public agency knew about the alleged
action that forms the basis of the due process complaint. The only exceptions to the two year
requirement are: (1) if a parent was prevented from filing a due process complaint due to specific
misrepresentations by the LEA that it had resolved the problem forming the basis of the due
process complaint, or (2) if a parent was prevented from filing a due process complaint due to the
LEA’s withholding of information that is required to be provided to a parent.
An Administrative Law Judge (ALJ):
Is an employee of the Office of Administrative Hearings, and not of MSDE;
Does not have a personal or professional interest that conflicts with their objectivity in
the hearing;
Is knowledgeable and understands the provisions of the IDEA, and federal and State
regulations pertaining to the IDEA, and legal interpretations of the IDEA; and
Has the knowledge and ability to conduct hearings, and to make and write decisions,
consistent with appropriate, standard legal practice.
A person who otherwise qualifies to conduct a hearing, is not an employee of MSDE
solely because he or she is paid by MSDE to serve as a hearing officer.37
MSDE will keep a list of persons who serve as hearing officers, to include a statement of
the qualifications of each of those persons. This information is available on the OAH
34 CFR § 300.510(d).
34 CFR § 303.443(c)(2); 34 CFR § 300.511(c)(1-2).
34 CFR § 303.443(c)(3); 34 CFR § 300.511(c)(3).
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Subject Matter of a Due Process Complaint:
The party (the parent or the public agency) that files the due process complaint may not raise
issues at the due process hearing that were not addressed in the due process complaint, unless the
other party agrees.
Hearing Rights:
Either party to any due process hearing (including a hearing on IDEA disciplinary procedures)
has the right to:
Represent yourself or be represented by an attorney at due process hearings in accordance
with State Government Article §9-1607.1, Annotated Code of Maryland;
Be accompanied and advised by a lawyer and persons with special knowledge or training
with respect to the problems of children with disabilities;
Present evidence and confront, cross-examine, and require the attendance of witnesses;
Prohibit the introduction of any evidence at the hearing that has not been disclosed to that
party at least 5 business days before the hearing;
Obtain a written, or, at the parent's option, electronic, word-for-word record of the
hearing; and
Obtain written, or, at the parent's option, electronic findings of fact and decisions.
Additional Disclosure of Information:
At least five (5) business days before a due process hearing, the parent and the public agency
must disclose to each other all evaluations completed by that date and recommendations based
on those evaluations that the parent or the public agency intend to use at the hearing. An ALJ
may prevent any party that does not comply with this requirement from introducing the relevant
evaluation or recommendation at the hearing without the consent of the other party.
Parent's Rights:
The parent has the right to:
Have the child present;
Open the hearing to the public; and
Have the record of the hearing, the findings of fact, and decisions provided to you at no
Hearing Decision:
The ALJ decision on whether a child received a free appropriate public education (FAPE) must
be based on substantive grounds. In matters alleging a procedural violation, an ALJ may find that
the child did not receive FAPE only if the procedural inadequacies:
Interfered with the child’s right to a FAPE;
Significantly interfered with the parent's opportunity to participate in the decision-making
process regarding the provision of a FAPE to the child; or
Caused a deprivation of an educational benefit.
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None of the provisions described above can be interpreted to prevent an ALJ from ordering a
public agency to comply with the requirements in the procedural safeguards section of the
federal regulations under Part B of the IDEA (34 CFR 300.500 through 300.536).
The ALJ decision on whether a child was appropriately identified, evaluated, or placed, or
whether the child was appropriately provided early intervention services must be based on
substantive grounds. In matters alleging a procedural violation, an ALJ may find that the child
was not appropriately identified, evaluated, placed, or provided early intervention services only
if the procedural inadequacies:
Impeded the child's right to identification, evaluation, and placement or provision of early
intervention services for the child and that child's family;
Significantly impeded the parent's opportunity to participate in the decision-making
process regarding identification, evaluation, placement or provision of early intervention
services for the child and that child's family; or
Caused a deprivation of an educational or developmental benefit.
Separate Due Process Complaint:
Nothing in the procedural safeguards section of IDEA prevents a parent from filing a separate
due process complaint on an issue separate from a due process complaint already filed.
Timelines and Convenience of a Hearing:
Not later than 45 calendar days after the end of the 30 calendar day period for resolution
meetings or, as described under Adjustments to the 30 Calendar Day Resolution Period, not later
than 45 calendar days after the end of the adjusted time period:
A final decision is reached in the hearing; and
A copy of the decision is mailed to each of the parties.
An ALJ may grant specific extensions of time beyond the 45-day time period at the request of
either party. Each hearing must occur at a time and place that is reasonably convenient to the
parent and the child.
Expedited Due Process Hearing (IEP ONLY):
A public agency is responsible for arranging an expedited due process hearing when a due
process complaint is filed on behalf of a child with a disability, regarding:
A child with a disability who is not currently enrolled and attending school;
The placement of a child with a disability in an interim alternative education setting; or
A manifestation determination.
The due process hearing must occur within 20 school days of the date the complaint is filed.
The ALJ must make a determination within 10 school days after the hearing. A resolution
meeting must occur within seven (7) calendar days of receiving notice of the due process
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complaint and the due process hearing may proceed unless the matter has been resolved to the
satisfaction of both parties within 15 calendar days of receiving the due process complaint.
Hearing Decisions:
After deleting any personally identifiable information, the public agency is responsible for
transmitting the findings and decisions to the State advisory panel and also must make those
findings and decisions available to the public.
Finality of Hearing Decision:
An ALJ decision is final unless appealed by either the parents or the public agency. Any party
aggrieved by the findings and decisions has the right to bring a civil action with respect to the
complaint presented in the due process hearing.
Any party to the hearing who does not agree with the findings and decision has the right to
appeal by bringing a civil action in any State court of competent jurisdiction or in a district court
of the United States without regard to the amount in controversy within 120 days of the date of
the ALJ decision.
In any civil action, the court will:
Receive the records of the administrative proceedings;
Hear additional evidence at the parent's request or at the public agency's request;
Base its decision on the preponderance of the evidence: and
Grant the relief that the court determines to be appropriate.
Nothing in Part B of the IDEA restricts or limits the rights, procedures, and remedies available
under the U. S. Constitution, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Title V of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), or other federal laws protecting the rights of children
with disabilities. Except that before the filing of a civil action under these laws seeking relief that
is also available under Part B of IDEA, the due process procedures described above must be
exhausted to the same extent as would be required had the parent or public agency filed the
action under Part B of the IDEA. This means that parents may have remedies available under
other laws that overlap with those available under the IDEA, but in general, to obtain relief under
those other laws, parents must first use the available administrative remedies under the IDEA
(i.e., the due process complaint, resolution meeting, and impartial due process hearing
procedures) before going directly into court.
34 CFR § 300.513(d).
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34 C.F.R. § 300.517
In any action or proceeding brought under IDEA, the court in its discretion may award
reasonable attorneys’ fees to:
The parents or guardians of a child with a disability who is the prevailing party;
To a prevailing party who is MSDE or any other public agency against the attorney of the
parent who files a complaint or subsequent cause of action that is frivolous, unreasonable,
or without foundation, or against the attorney of the parent who continued to litigate after
the litigation clearly became frivolous, unreasonable, or without foundation; or
To a prevailing party who is MSDE or any other public agency against the attorney of the
parent, or against the parent, if the parent’s complaint or subsequent cause of action was
presented for any improper purpose, such as to harass, to cause unnecessary delay, or to
needlessly increase the cost of litigation.
Fees awarded must be based on rates prevailing in the community in which the action arose for
the kind and quality of services furnished. No bonus or multiplier may be used in calculating the
fees awarded. Funds available under the IDEA shall not be used to support legal fees, court
costs, or other costs associated with a cause of action brought on behalf of a child with a
disability to ensure FAPE.
Fees may not be awarded under the following circumstances:
For any IFSP or IEP team meeting unless it is convened as a result of a due process
hearing or judicial action;
For mediation conducted prior to filing a due process complaint;
For resolution meetings; and
For services following a written settlement offer to the parent if:
o The offer is made within the timelines under Rule 68, Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure, or in an administrative proceeding, more than ten days before the
proceeding begins;
o The offer is not accepted within ten days; and
o The court finds the relief obtained by the parent in the hearing is not more favorable
to the parent than the offer of settlement. Fees and costs may be awarded if the parent
was substantially justified in rejecting the settlement offer.
Fees may be reduced under the following circumstances:
The parent or the parent’s attorney unreasonably prolonged resolving the dispute;
The amount of fees unreasonably exceeds the hourly rate prevailing in the community for
similar services by attorneys of reasonably comparable skill, reputation and experience;
The time and services were excessive considering the nature of the proceeding; or
The attorney did not provide the appropriate information in filing the due process hearing
request notice.
Parental Rights Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice Infants and Toddlers Early Intervention, Preschool Special Education, Special Education
Revised January 2021_FINAL
Effective January 27, 2021
Fees will not be reduced if:
The public agency prolonged the resolution; or
There was a violation of the procedural safeguard requirements.
Because the parent’s right to recover attorneys’ fees depends upon meeting certain conditions set
out in the IDEA, parents should discuss this matter with their attorneys.
Parental Rights Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice Infants and Toddlers Early Intervention, Preschool Special Education, Special Education
Revised January 2021_FINAL
Effective January 27, 2021
Who can initiate
the process?
Parent or public
agency, but must
be voluntary for
Parent or public
Public agency schedules the
resolution meeting upon receipt of
a due process complaint unless the
parties agree to waive or use
Any individual
or organization
including those
from out of state
What is the time
limit for filing?
None Specified
2 years of when the
party knew or should
have known of the
problem with limited
Triggered by a parent’s due
process complaint
1 year from the
date of the
alleged violation
What issues can be
Any matter under
Part 300, including
matters arising
prior to the filing
of a due process
complaint (there
are exceptions)
Any matter relating to
the identification,
evaluation or
educational placement
or provision of a free
appropriate public
education (there are
Same as the issues raised in the
parent’s due process complaint
violations of Part
B of IDEA or
Part 300
What is the
timeline for
resolving the
None specified
45 days from the end
of the resolution
period unless a
specific extension to
the timeline is
3, 4
Public agency must convene a
resolution meeting within 15 days
of receipt of the parent’s due
process complaint, unless the
parties agree in writing to waive
the meeting or agree to use
Resolution period is 30 days from
receipt of the parent’s due process
complaint unless the parties agree
otherwise or the parent or public
agency fails to participate in the
resolution meeting or the public
agency fails to convene the
resolution meeting within 15 days
of receipt of the parent’s due
process complaint
3, 5, 6, 7
60 days from
receipt of the
complaint unless
an extension is
Who resolves the
Parent and
public agency
with a
The process is
voluntary and both
parties must agree
to any resolution
Hearing Officer/
Administrative Law
Judge (ALJ)
Parent and public agency
Both parties must agree to any
Maryland State
Department of
Parental Rights Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice Infants and Toddlers Early Intervention, Preschool Special Education, Special Education
Revised January 2021_FINAL
Effective January 27, 2021
The time limit does not apply to a parent if the parent was prevented from filing a due process complaint
due to: (1) specific misrepresentations by the public agency that it had resolved the problem forming the
basis of the due process complaint; or (2) the public agency’s withholding of information from the parent
that was required under Part 300 of IDEA to be provided to the parent (34 C.F.R. §300.511(f)).
Such exceptions include: the public agency many not file a due process complaint or use mediation to
override a parent’s refusal to consent to the initial provision of special education services (34 C.F.R.
§300.300(b)(3)); the public agency may not file a due process complaint or use mediation to override a
parent’s refusal to consent to an initial evaluation or reevaluation of a parentally-placed private school child
or home schooled child; (34 C.F.R. §300.300(c)(4)(i)); the right of parents of parentally placed private
school children to file a due process complaint is limited to the public agency’s failure to meet the child
find requirements (34 C.F.R. §300.140); the public agency’s failure to provide a highly qualified teacher is
not an issue subject to due process, but a State complaint could be filed with the State Education Agency
(SEA) (34 C.F.R. §300.156(e)).
If the due process complaint is filed for an expedited hearing pursuant to discipline procedures, or the
child is not currently enrolled and attending school, the resolution period is 15 calendar days (with the
meeting being held within 7 days). If the matter has not been resolved to the satisfaction of both parties, the
hearing must occur within 20 school days of the date the hearing is requested and a decision must be issued
with 10 school days after the hearing. (34 C.F.R. §300.532(c) and COMAR 13A.05.01.15).
A hearing officer/ALJ may grant specific extension of time at the request of either party. (34 C.F.R.
The regulations allow for adjustments to the 30-day resolution period. The 45 day timeline for the due
process hearing starts the day after one of the following events: (1) both parties agree in writing to waive
the resolution meeting; (2) after either the mediation or resolution meeting starts but before the end of the
30-day period, the parties agree in writing that no agreement is possible; (3) if both parties agree in writing
to continue the mediation at the end of the 30-day resolution period, but later, the parent or public agency
withdraws from the mediation process. (34 C.F.R. §300.510 (c)).
Parent failure to participate in the resolution meeting delays the timelines for the resolution process and
due process hearing until the meeting is held. (34 C.F.R. §300.510(b)(3)).
If the public agency fails to hold the resolution meeting within 15 days of receiving the parent’s due process
complaint or fails to participate in the resolution meeting, the parent may seek the intervention of an ALJ to
begin the due process hearing timeline (34 C.F.R. §300.510(b)(5)).
The timeline for resolving the State complaint may be extended if exceptional circumstances exist with
respect to a particular complaint, or the parent (or individual or organization, if mediation or other
alternative means of dispute resolution, is available to the individual or organization under State
procedures) and the public agency agree to extend the time to engage in mediation or to engage in other
alternative means of dispute resolution, if available in the State (34 C.F.R. §300.152(b)(1)).
The MSDE complaint procedures provides the public agency with the opportunity to respond to the
complaint, including, at the discretion of the public agency, a proposal to resolve the complaint; and an
opportunity for the parent who files a complaint and the public agency to voluntarily engage in mediation.
(34 C.F.R. §300.152(a)(3)). In some cases, the complainant and public agency may be able to resolve the
dispute without the need for MSDE to resolve the matter.
Parental Rights Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice Infants and Toddlers Early Intervention, Preschool Special Education, Special Education
Revised January 2021_FINAL
Effective January 27, 2021
Maryland State Department of Education
Division of Early Intervention & Special Education Services
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
410-767-0249 (phone)
410-333-1571 (fax)
© 2021 Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Early Intervention and
Special Education Services
Produced under the guidance of Marcella E. Franczkowski, Assistant State
Superintendent, Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services. Please
include reference to the Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Early
Intervention and Special Education Services on any replication of this information. To
request permission for any use that is not “fair use” as that term is understood in
copyright law, contact: Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Early
Intervention and Special Education Services, 200 W. Baltimore Street, 9th Floor,
Baltimore, MD 21201, Phone 410-767-0249,
This document was developed using grant funding provided to the Maryland State
Department of Education from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special
Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS)/Office of Special Education Programs
(OSEP), under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The Maryland State
Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age,
national origin, religion, or disability in matters affecting employment or in providing
access to programs. For inquiries related to departmental policy, please contact the Equity
Assurance and Compliance Branch: Phone 410-767-0433, TTY 410-767-0426, Fax 410-