Procedures for Time/Leave Sheets and Payroll Processing ........................................... 1
I. General Guidelines (2-CO-1C-01) .............................................................................. 1
II. Time/Leave Sheets..................................................................................................... 2
A. Entries .................................................................................................................. 2
B. Codes ................................................................................................................... 3
C. Time/Leave Sheet Entries for Mid-month Hires or Separations .......................... 10
D. Time/Leave Recording Amounts ........................................................................ 10
E. Minimum Balances Required for the Use of Accrued Time/Leave ...................... 11
F. Signature and Review ........................................................................................ 11
G. Time/Leave Sheet Entry and Distribution ........................................................... 12
H. Transferred (Intra-Agency) Employees ............................................................... 13
I. Time/Leave Exception Reports ........................................................................... 13
J. Training .............................................................................................................. 13
K. Work Verification ................................................................................................ 13
III. Leave Accrual Reports ............................................................................................ 14
A. Official Agency Record ....................................................................................... 14
B. Correcting Leave Usage, Accrual and Balances ................................................ 14
IV. Payrolls (4-ACRS-7D-27) ........................................................................................ 14
A. Types of Payrolls ................................................................................................ 14
B. Types of Payments with Main Payroll ................................................................. 15
C. Paycheck Distribution ......................................................................................... 18
D. Verification/Accuracy of Paychecks/Payrolls ...................................................... 20
E. Transactions/Notifications to Payroll ................................................................... 20
F. Payroll Deductions .............................................................................................. 21
G. Overpayments/Underpayments .......................................................................... 22
H. Pay at Termination ............................................................................................. 23
I. Non Cash Taxable Benefit and Income Reporting of State Vehicle Use ............ 24
V. References .............................................................................................................. 25
VI. Action ...................................................................................................................... 27
Attachments ........................................................................................................... 28
Section-11 Human Resources
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Effective Date: 08/27/2021
Time/Leave Sheets
ACA Standards: 2-CO-1C-01, 4-ACRS-7B-19, 4-ACRS-7D-27
Scott Crow, Director Signature on File
Oklahoma Department of Corrections
Procedures for Time/Leave Sheets and Payroll Processing
General Guidelines (2-CO-1C-01)
The agency processes and maintains records of time/leave sheets as the official
source of documentation for employee leave balances and pay. Employees,
supervisors, and human resources management specialists/coordinators
(HRMS) must ensure that time/leave sheets are accurately completed and timely
submitted, and that errors affecting leave balances and payrolls are promptly
reported to, and resolved with, the Central Human Resources (HR) unit. (4-
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Employees and supervisors are responsible for ensuring that requested and
approved leave does not exceed available balances or established limits and that
all required work hours in each seven-day work week or 28-day cycle are
scheduled or accounted for by paid or unpaid time or leave.
Failure to submit time/leave sheets or correct reported errors will result in
incorrect leave balances and delays in the issuance of employee pay.
The following procedure, which is in accordance with applicable federal and state
laws and merit rules, governs the agency’s practices for processing time/leave
sheets, issuing payrolls, resolving errors, and ensures the agency’s compliance
with principles of public accountability for state employment.
Time/Leave Sheets
All regular full and part-time employees and temporary (999) employees will
complete time/leave sheets. Time/leave sheets will be verified and signed by the
employee (if available) and the supervisor and submitted to the facility/unit
HRMS, who will ensure entry into the PeopleSoft time/leave system by the
established deadline each month.
Employee time/leave sheets must be completed in accordance with this
procedure and any other applicable guidelines. (4-ACRS-7B-19)
A. Entries
1. All employees and their supervisors are responsible for ensuring
that all entries accurately reflect the actual hours worked (to the
nearest quarter hour) and leave taken (to the nearest quarter hour)
for each workday using the codes that are authorized in this
2. Entries that violate any law, rule, or agency procedure may be
amended by the HRMS or Central Human Resources unit. Copies
of amended time/leave sheets will be distributed to the affected
3. Employees may not record any of the following paid leave codes
which would cause paid hours in the workweek to generate either
compensatory time or overtime. Workweek adjustments will be
utilized to reduce the number of approved leave hours needed to
complete the scheduled work week/work cycle. Only those hours
physically worked in excess of 40 will be compensated as overtime.
a. A
b. C
c. E
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d. S
e. FA
f. FS
g. FC
h. FD
i. TA
j. TS
k. TD
l. DL
m. M
n. P
o. AA
p. AC
q. PS
r. AU
s. MA
t. MS
u. MC
v. MD
B. Codes
The codes specified in Attachment J, ODOC Time/Leave Codes”
(attached) will be used when recording time worked and leave taken. The
code will always be preceded by the appropriate number of hours with the
exception of day off (DO) and terminated (T). Facility timekeepers will
refer to Attachment I entitled “Conversion of ODOC Time/Leave Codes to
PeopleSoft Time Reporting Codes” (attached) for entering work and leave
hours into the PeopleSoft system. Time/leave sheet entries for all workers’
compensation codes (TA, TS, TT, TD, TF) will only be made by the
Central Human Resources unit.
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1. Hours Worked (W)
The employee will report the actual hours worked, or if time spent
fighting fires under the Oklahoma Volunteer Firefighters Act, the
employee will report no more than the hours for the regularly
assigned shift or workday (74 O.S. § 840-2.20.A.7).
Employees who are reserve municipal police officers or reserve
deputy sheriffs and who miss work while performing their duties in
cases of emergency will report no more than the hours for the
regularly assigned shift or workday (74 O.S. § 840-2.20.A.8 and 74
O.S. § 840-2.20.A.9). Employees may be required, upon the
request of the appointing authority, to provide appropriate
documentation from the applicable law enforcement authority that
identifies the nature of the emergency and the period of time of the
employee’s involvement.
Up to a maximum of two hours may be coded “W” for time off to
vote in accordance with 26 O.S. § 7-101.
All time spent at CERT training will be coded “WC.”
Employees will report all hours worked during any shift(s) or
workday, which included attendance at shift briefing. The value of
attending shift briefing is .25 (e.g., 8.25 WB = one 8 hour shift
including shift briefing attendance; 16.25 WB = two eight hour shifts
including shift briefing attendance; 8 WB = 7.75 hours worked
during one 8 hour shift or workday and .25 shift briefing attended).
Employees will report all hours worked during any shift(s) or
workday, which included shift briefing led/conducted. The value of
conducting shift briefing is .5 (e.g., 8.5 WL = one 8 hour shift
including shift briefing led/conducted; 10WL = 9.5 hours worked
and .5 shift briefing led/conducted).
Temporary (999 hour) employees will report all hours worked
during their temporary status using the code “WT.”
2. Jury Duty (J and JT)
Code “J” will be used for classified and regular unclassified
employees. Code JT will be used by Temporary employees for
tracking purposes only (as unpaid leave). The employee will report
no more than those hours for the regularly assigned shift or
workday that were actually spent that day in activities described in
Merit Rule 260:25-15-46(a) and in this procedure.
3. Suspension With Pay (PS)
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The employee will report no more than those hours for the regularly
assigned shift or workday. Any proclaimed holiday falling within a
period of suspension with pay will be coded “HU.”
4. Leave Without Pay/Unauthorized Absence (O and UA)
Code “O” will be used if the employee has been
approved/authorized to use leave without pay. Code “UA” will be
used if the employee has failed to report to work and was without
proper authorization to do so. Holidays will be coded “O” when the
employee is in unpaid status on both the workdays just prior to and
just after the holiday or day off. The preprinted code “HOLwill be
removed from the time/leave sheet. An employee who is on
Unauthorized Absence (coded UA on the time/leave sheet) either
the workday before or after the holiday will not be eligible for
holiday pay [Merit Rule: 260:25-15-43(b)]. The preprinted code
“HOL” will be removed from the time/leave sheet.
5. Compensatory Time Used (C)
The compensatory time used code (C) will be used when a
compensatory time eligible employee (FLSA exempt) is approved
by the supervisor to take time off for accrued compensatory time in
accordance with OP-110305 entitled “Overtime Pay and
Compensatory Time.”
6. Workers’ Compensation Codes (TA, TS, TT, TD, TF)
Employees who are on leave without pay pursuant to a workers’
compensation claim may supplement temporary total disability
payments with available annual (TA) or sick leave (TS), either
accrued or donated (TD). (85A O.S. § 45)
Absences that are not supplemented with sick or annual leave will
be designated and coded as FMLA (TF) for eligible employees and
“TT” when FMLA is not applicable.
Holidays will be coded with the appropriate workers’ compensation
leave code when the employee is on workers’ compensation leave,
with or without supplement, (or any other unpaid leave status) on
both the workdays just prior to and just after the holiday. The code
“HOL” will be removed from the time/leave sheet.
Time/leave sheet entries for all workers’ compensation leave
without pay (all codes listed in item 6) will be made by the Central
Human Resources unit.
7. Family and Medical Leave Codes (FA, FS, FO, FD, FH, FC, FT)
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Employees who are on designated family and medical leave
(FMLA) for authorized absences covered by the Family and
Medical Leave Act of 1993 may select any one or a combination of
the following types of leave: annual leave accumulated by the
employee (FA), sick leave accumulated by the employee (FS), and
annual and sick leave donated by other state employees (FD) (74
O.S. § 840-2.22). Donated leave may only be used after the
employee’s own available leave balances have been exhausted.
Leave without pay (FO) may only be used after all paid leave has
been exhausted. [Merit Rule 260:25-15-45(i)]
Exempt employees may also use compensatory time (FC) to cover
FMLA absences (74 O.S. § 840-2.22).
Employees may use accrued holiday balances (HU) for absences
that would be covered by FMLA; however, any holiday which
occurs during a period of paid family leave absence will be coded
“FH.” If the employee is on unpaid FMLA (or other unpaid status)
both workdays just prior to and just after a holiday, the code “HOL
will be removed from the time/leave sheet.
Code “FT” will be used by Temporary employees to track unpaid
absences which qualify as family and medical leave.
8. Administrative Leave (AA, AC, AE, AU)
Administrative leave (AA) may be used only when an office is
temporarily closed due to unsafe working conditions; however, the
agency may additionally use “AAfor critical work related incidents
not exceeding 24 hours per calendar year (57 O.S. § 528.6, 74
O.S. § 840-2.20A.A.) [Merit Rule -260:25-15-71].
Administrative leave (AC) will be used when the appointing
authority has placed an employee on paid leave as a “cooling off
period not to exceed 32 hours in any 12 month period (74 O.S. §
840-2.20.A.5) [Merit Rule 260:25-15-50]. Holidays which occur
during a period of administrative leave (AC) will be coded “HU.”
Administrative leave (AE and AU) is granted to employees when
state services are temporarily reduced due to hazardous weather,
and in accordance with OP-110355 entitled “Procedures for
Employee Attendance and Leave” [Merit Rule 260:25-15-71].
Employees who are responsible for providing essential services will
use the code “AE” to accrue administrative leave on a straight time
basis (up to eight hours per day) for all hours worked in their
regularly scheduled work periods during such a reduction.
Administrative leave used will be coded “AU,” and will represent the
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oldest available administrative leave in the employee’s accrued
balance. Accrued administrative leave must be used before
granting of any annual leave except when the employee may lose
accrued annual leave [as defined in OP-110355 entitled
“Procedures for Employee Attendance and Leave” and Merit Rule
Employees who are not responsible for essential services will code
the time/leave sheet AE and AU (in equal amounts) to cover
absence due to the reduction in services.
9. Enforced Leave (E)
Enforced leave, up to 80 hours per calendar year, which is taken in
accordance with Merit Rule 260:25-15-40 and OP-110355 entitled
“Procedures for Employee Attendance and Leave” will be charged
to the employee’s accumulated sick leave balance [Merit Rule
10. Military Leave (M)
Military leave will be used by classified and regular unclassified
employees to designate paid absence from work due to military
duty for the first 30 workdays of absence during the federal fiscal
year (October 1 through September 30) and in accordance with
OP-110355 entitled “Procedures for Employee Attendance and
11. Military Leave Without Pay (MO)
Military leave without pay will be used when a classified or regular
unclassified employee exhausts paid military leave and elects to
cover an absence from work due to military duty with leave without
pay. This includes any absence occurring after discharge and prior
to returning to duty in accordance with the time limits established by
the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights
Act and OP-110355 entitled “Procedures for Employee Attendance
and Leave.”
Holidays will be coded “MO” when the employee is on unpaid
military leave both the workdays just prior to and just after the
holiday. The code “HOL” will be removed from the time/leave sheet.
12. Military Leave for Temporary Employees (MT)
Code “MT” will be used to track unpaid absences from work due to
military duty by Temporary employees.
13. Suspension Without Pay (XO)
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“XO” will be used to record absences from work due to a
disciplinary suspension without pay. Exempt employees may be
suspended without pay in accordance with the restrictions outlined
in OP-110305 entitled “Overtime Pay and Compensatory Time.”
Holidays will be coded “XO” when the employee is on unpaid status
on both the workdays just prior to and just after the holiday. The
code “HOL” will be removed from the time/leave sheet.
14. Day Off (DO)
The code “DO” will be used to indicate that the employee was
absent for the entire workday or shift without requiring the use of
any paid or unpaid time/leave program. This includes any regularly
scheduled day off, any alternate or substituted day off, or any work
adjustment. “DO” will be coded without specifying the number of
15. Donated Leave (DL)
Donated leave may be used only when the recipient’s official leave
balance indicates that donated leave is available for the recipient’s
use and in accordance with applicable statute, merit rule, and OP-
110355 entitled “Procedures for Employee Attendance and Leave.”
16. Termination (T)
The termination code will be placed on the time/leave sheet to
indicate the employee’s last date of employment with the agency.
The entry for that date will also include the code(s) and the number
of hours which describe the employee’s status on the final date of
17. Holiday Earned (HOL)/Holiday Used (HU)
Time/leave sheets are pre-printed with all proclaimed state holidays
coded “8HOL.” The number of hours (8) must be manually reduced
to a prorated amount for part-time employees. The code “HOL
must be removed from the time/leave sheet when the employee is
in unpaid status on both workdays just prior to and just after the
holiday (excluding any involuntary leave without pay/furlough), or
when the employee is on Unauthorized Absence either the workday
before or after the holiday.
Holiday used will be coded “HU” unless it falls within a period of
paid family and medical leave (“FH”) or paid military family leave
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Holiday hours used on a non-holiday are deducted from the
employee’s oldest available holiday balance. Holiday hours used on
a proclaimed holiday are designated as the present holiday and are
not deducted from any existing balance.
Accrued holiday leave must be used before granting of any annual
leave except when the employee may lose accrued annual leave
(74 O.S. § 840-2.15C).
In every instance where the employee is absent from work on a
valid, proclaimed holiday (when the employee is eligible to earn it),
the employee will be deemed to have used holiday time with the
following exceptions:
a. The “DO” code will be used when an employee’s regularly
scheduled day off falls on a proclaimed holiday;
b. The “UA” code will be used when an employee is absent
from work without authorization on a regularly scheduled
workday which falls on a proclaimed holiday; or
c. The “XO” code will be used when an employee is on a
disciplinary suspension without pay on both the workdays
just prior to and just after the holiday.
Holidays earned and used will be in accordance with applicable
statute, merit rule, and OP-110355 entitled “Procedures for
Employee Time and Leave.”
18. Annual Leave (A) and Sick Leave (S)
Annual and sick leave may be used only when the employee has
sufficient accruals to cover absences from work and in accordance
with all applicable statute, merit rule, and OP-110355 entitled
“Procedures for Employee Attendance and Leave.”
Accruals occur only at the end of the month and are not available
for use until the first day of the following month.
19. Professional/Organizational Leave (P)
The “P” code will be used in accordance with applicable statute,
merit rule, and OP-110355 up to a maximum of 24 hours per
calendar year. (4-ACRS-7B-19)
20. Military Family Leave Codes (MA, MS, MH, MC, MD, MX)
Employees who are on designated military family leave (MFMLA)
for authorized absences covered by the National Defense
Authorization Act of 2008, may select any one or a combination of
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the following types of leave: annual leave accumulated by the
employee (MA), sick leave accumulated by the employee (MS), and
annual and sick leave donated by other state employees (MD).
Leave without pay (MX) may only be used after all paid leave has
been exhausted. [Merit Rule 260:25-15-45].
Exempt employees may also use compensatory time (MC) to cover
MFMLA absences [Merit Rule 260:25-15-45].
Employees may use accrued holiday balances (HU) for absences
that would be covered by MFMLA; however, any holiday which
occurs during a period of paid military family leave absence will be
coded “MH.” If the employee is on unpaid MFMLA (or other unpaid
status) both the workdays just prior to and just after a holiday, the
code “HOL” will be removed from the time/leave sheet.
21. Involuntary Leave Without Pay [Furlough] (ZO)
When involuntary leave without pay (furlough) is required, all
employees will abide by the office hours and work schedules as
posted in OP-110355 entitled “Procedures for Employee
Attendance and Leave.No employee may use the “ZO” code on a
regular day off. No employee may use the “ZO” code on a
proclaimed holiday other than a facility employee whose regular
workday falls on a proclaimed holiday.
22. Shift Differential (EVT, EVU, EVV, MDW, MDX, MDY, ROD, ROE,
Shift differentials will be paid to eligible employees in accordance
with OP-110340 entitled “Employee Compensation. Shift
differential payments will only be made for hours actually worked.
The number of hours worked on an evening, night, or rotating shift
will be recorded on the time/leave sheet using a shift differential
addition to the number of hours worked (coded “W” on the same
C. Time/Leave Sheet Entries for Mid-month Hires or Separations
No entries will be made on the time/leave sheet prior to the entry on duty
date or after separation from the agency.
D. Time/Leave Recording Amounts
Under ordinary circumstances, all time worked and leave taken will be
recorded in units of quarter hours. The employee will not be charged with
leave taken or credited with time worked for periods of less than eight
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minutes into the quarter hour. Eight minutes or more into the quarter hour
will be considered a full quarter hour.
Quarter hour entries will be as follows:
1. 15 minutes = .25;
2. 30 minutes = .50;
3. 45 minutes = .75.
A time/leave sheet entry for supplementing temporary total disability
payments with sick, annual, or donated leave and for the exhaustion of an
accrued leave balance must record the actual leave taken. This entry may
not be rounded up or down.
Nothing in this section will preclude a supervisor from taking corrective
action if an employee fails to report to work as scheduled in accordance
with OP-110215 entitled “Rules Concerning the Individual Conduct of
Employees” and OP-110355 entitled Procedures for Employee
Attendance and Leave.
E. Minimum Balances Required for the Use of Accrued Time/Leave
No employee may use or record the use of any accrued time or leave
when the balance for that specific time or leave accrual is less than .25
F. Signature and Review
Both the employee (when available) and supervisor will sign and date the
time/leave sheet certifying that the information is correct. If the employee
is unavailable to sign the time/leave sheet, the supervisor or HRMS will
sign for the employee, initial the signature, and write the reason the
employee did not sign.
Supervisors signing time/leave sheets for employees who are absent
pursuant to a workers’ compensation claim may state, below their
signature, that they are certifying as correct only those entries which are
unrelated to workers’ compensation absence.
The employee will immediately sign the original retained by the facility/unit
upon return to work.
Supervisors will ensure signed/approved time/leave sheets are timely
delivered to the HRMS for review.
Prior to entering time and leave hours into the PeopleSoft system the
HRMS will review the following items for accuracy and completeness:
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1. The accrual date and work location code;
2. The total work hours and leave used equal at least 40 hours for
each seven day work week or at least 160 hours for 28-day cycle
3. An HCM 14 transaction form is completed for any beginning or
ending period of leave without pay including, but not limited to,
unauthorized absence (UA), suspension without pay (XO), and
military (MO), military family (MX), or family leave without pay (FO)
(the Environmental Health and Safety unit will complete HCM 14s
pertaining to workers’ compensation leave without pay);
4. All days in the month are coded except those that require a
workers’ compensation leave code, or those days that are prior to
entry on duty or after separation;
5. Only authorized codes are used and all codes are recorded in a
legible manner; and
6. The form is properly signed and dated.
G. Time/Leave Sheet Entry and Distribution
Time/leave hours will be entered into the PeopleSoft system by the
facility/unit HRMS or designee. The original time/leave sheet will be
retained by the facility/unit as a permanent record for three years (Fair
Labor Standards Act (29 USC § 201 et seq.) (FLSA) Recordkeeping
Regulations: 29 CFR Subpart A § 516.4-6) and a copy will be given to the
1. Temporary (999) Employees
Hours worked by temporary employees will be entered into the
PeopleSoft system using only the WT” code. The “Payroll
Reporting Form for Temporary Employees” (Attachment A,
attached) will be completed and forwarded to the Payroll unit.
2. Employees on Supplemental Payroll
Time/leave hours for employees on supplemental payroll will be
entered into the PeopleSoft system by noon on the first working day
of the month. The “Payroll Reporting Form for Supplemental
Payroll” (Attachment B, attached) will be completed, listing each
employee to be paid on supplemental payroll and the reason
(worker’s compensation, donated leave, leave without pay, new
hire, or separation). The notice will be transmitted to the Central
Human Resources Time and Leave unit, along with a copy of the
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original signed timesheet, which will be used for calculating the
3. Employees on Main Payroll
Time/leave hours for employees on main payroll will be entered into
the PeopleSoft system by the established deadline each month.
H. Transferred (Intra-Agency) Employees
The facility/unit will forward time/leave sheets, completed to date, to the
receiving facility, for employees who have transferred to a new location
within the agency during the month. The receiving facility will be
responsible for completion of the time sheet for the remainder of the
month. Time/leave hours will be entered into the PeopleSoft system by the
receiving facility/unit HRMS or designee.
The time/leave sheet procedure for employees attending pre-service or
CLEET academy training will be the same as for transferred employees.
I. Time/Leave Exception Reports
A Time/Leave Exception report will be generated for each facility/unit of
those time/leave sheets that either have not been entered or which have
failed to process. The facility/unit must resolve all errors with the Central
Human Resources unit prior to the deadline issued via e-mail notice and
posted on the monthly “HRMS Field Calendar,” as provided by the Central
Human Resources unit.
Failure to process time/leave sheets will result in the delay of any
overtime, administrative (hazardous weather) leave, or holiday pay due
and may delay the issuance of the employee’s next monthly pay.
J. Training
The HRMS will ensure that all new employees are provided instruction in
the proper completion of the time/leave sheet during orientation in
accordance with OP-110110 entitled “Enrollment Procedures for New
K. Work Verification
Facility/unit heads will implement processes to ensure that employees,
who are not under the direct observation of a supervisor, are providing
ongoing verification of the work assigned and performed, and coincides
with the reported hours worked. Such processes may include, but are not
limited to, regular reports, activity/travel logs, contact through e-mail, or
third party contacts.
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III. Leave Accrual Reports
A. Official Agency Record
“Employee Leave Accrual Reports” will be generated monthly for each
employee indicating the agency’s record (derived from continuously
processed time/leave sheets) of the employee’s monthly leave usage,
leave accrual, and end of month leave balances. Any failure to process a
time/leave sheet may suspend the official record of leave usage, accrual
and balances. The record will not resume until a time/leave sheet
processes for that month.
Employees are responsible for obtaining their Leave Accrual Report via
PeopleSoft Employee Self-Service.
B. Correcting Leave Usage, Accrual and Balances
Any errors detected by employees must be reported immediately to the
facility/unit HRMS.
In order for corrections/changes to be made to official leave balances,
processed time/leave sheets, or time/leave sheets that are pending
processing, the HRMS must provide corrected time/leave sheets to the
Central Human Resources unit. For time/leave sheets that have
successfully processed through the month in which the correction/change
is being requested, the HRMS will also complete the “Time/Leave Sheet
and Payroll Processing Audit Form” (Attachment C, attached) and attach it
to the corrected/amended time/leave sheet prior to forwarding them to the
Central Human Resources unit.
Corrections/changes that are discretionary in nature (and not required by
statute, rule, or the agency’s procedures) will not be made after the
affected time/leave sheet is officially processed.
IV. Payrolls (4-ACRS-7D-27)
Agency payroll procedures will comply with all applicable statute, rule and law
and pertinent guidelines established by the Office of Management and Enterprise
Services (OMES) and Human Capital Management (HCM).
Employees, supervisors, and HRMS’s are responsible for the timely and accurate
submission of documentation to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of payments
to employees.
A. Types of Payrolls
1. Main Payroll
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Main payroll, issued on the last working day of the month, Monday
through Friday, includes those regular employees who will be
receiving a full warrant and who are not subject to any potential
deductions due to their employment or leave status.
No part-time employee hired to work less than 1,000 hours per year
may be hired or paid as a regular employee. All employees hired to
work less than 1,000 hours per year must be hired as a temporary
employee and paid either as a 999 temporary (see below) or
contract employee. Temporary employees are only authorized to
work 29 hours or less per week. Regular part-time employees
(hired to work 1,000 hours or more) must have a regular work
schedule per work week and be in pay status the appropriate
number of hours per work week (i.e., a 50% part-time employee
must be scheduled to work 20 hours and be in pay status for 20
hours every work week) in order to be paid on regular main payroll.
The HCM 14 for a part-time employee must specify both the
percentage of fulltime work and the number of hours per work
period which constitutes the employee’s regularly assigned
Changes to an employee’s salary (e.g., promotions, demotions,
details to special duty) will be processed on main payroll during the
effective month if the transaction (HCM 14) is received prior to
payroll processing.
B. Types of Payments with Main Payroll
1. Holiday Payments
Payments for holidays worked will be made, in accordance with
Merit Rule 260:25-15-43, for the actual number of holiday hours
earned (and not subsequently used) that are recorded and
submitted for payment.
For the purposes of computing salary for all employees, other than
temporary employees, holidays will be considered eight hour
workdays. In order to receive pay for a holiday, an employee must
be on pay status or furlough for the entire regularly scheduled
workday before the holiday or the workday after the holiday [Merit
Rule: 260:25-15-43(b)]. No employee will receive holiday pay for
any holiday occurring before entering on duty or after terminating
employment. Part-time employees will receive holiday pay in an
amount proportionate to that which is received by full-time
employees [Merit Rule 260:25-15-43].
Employees will be paid their regular base pay for holiday hours
earned but not used within 180 days. Employees may be scheduled
to use holiday time that was earned (for holidays worked) during
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the five months (pay periods) following the month in which the
holiday was earned.
2. Longevity Payment
Longevity payments will normally be made in accordance with the
Longevity Pay Plan established in Title 74 Section 840-2.18 and
are paid in conjunction with main payroll for the month of the
employee’s anniversary date. (74 O.S. § 840-2.20(H))
3. Supplemental Payrolls
Employees will be paid on supplemental payroll when the
circumstances of their employment will result in less than a full
warrant or make it unpredictable whether a full warrant can be
issued. Supplemental payroll checks are issued to pay on or about
the 12
day of the month, following the end of the pay period. If the
falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the payroll checks will be issued
to pay on the last working day prior to the weekend. Checks that
are not subject to direct deposit are delivered to the employee as
soon as possible following issuance.
In the event the appropriate and required documents are not
received by the Central Human Resources unit in time to process
for the supplemental payroll, the employee will be paid on the first
available off cycle payroll.
Employees who have been issued a payroll check on the main
payroll process, but whose check had to be cancelled due to
unpaid leave status or termination, will be paid on the off-cycle
payroll payable on the 25
of the following month.
The HRMS must notify the Central Human Resources unit to
remove an employee from main payroll when:
a. An employee enters on duty with the agency on any day
other than the first calendar day of the month, or terminates
employment on any day other than the last calendar day of
the month; or
b. An employee has, or is anticipated to have, any period of
unpaid status during the pay period such as leave without
pay, unauthorized absence, and suspension without pay.
This includes employees for whom workers compensation
claims have been filed and which could be expected to result
in lost time (leave without pay, with or without supplement).
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Employees will be returned to main payroll for the first pay
period in which the employee returned to paid status or
completed a full month of employment with the agency.
(1) Types of Payments with Supplemental Payrolls
(a) Temporary Employment
Temporary (999) employees will be paid an
hourly wage rate for the actual number of
hours recorded and submitted for payment.
(b) Longevity Payments
Any employee in unpaid status for 30 days or
less, and otherwise eligible to receive a
longevity payment, will receive the longevity
payment on the first supplemental payroll after
the employee returns to paid status and
documents (time/leave sheet and HCM 14)
verifying the return to pay status have been
Longevity payments will be made in
accordance with the Longevity Pay Plan
established in 74 O.S. § 840-2.18 and may be
paid in conjunction with the supplemental
payroll for the month of the employee’s
anniversary date. (74 O.S. 840-2-18H)
Employees on leave without pay for more than
30 days will not receive longevity payments
until returning to a pay status.
c. Worker’s Compensation
Employees who are using leave supplements while on
workers’ compensation will be paid on the supplemental
4. Off-Cycle Payroll
a. Types of Payments with Off-Cycle Payrolls
(1) Overtime Payments
Payments for overtime will be made in accordance
with the provisions of FLSA and OP-110305 entitled
“Overtime Pay and Compensatory Time” for the
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actual number of paid hours (not adjusted) that are
recorded and submitted for payment. Such payments
will be calculated at the employee’s regular rate of
(2) Shift Differential
Shift differential payments will only be made for hours
actually worked (W). No payment will be made for any
time an employee is on leave status (paid or unpaid)
or when that employee no longer occupies the
particular position under the circumstances that
necessitated the differential.
(3) Payments for Excess Annual Leave That is Lost (74
O.S. § 840-2.20.A.1.)
Payments for any hours of excess annual leave that is
lost will be made in accordance with the provisions of
OP-110355 entitled “Procedures for Employee
Attendance and Leave.”
Employees must initiate payment by completing a
“Claim for Payment of Lost Excess Annual Leave”
form (Attachment H, attached) and submitting to the
Central Payroll unit through the facility/unit HRMS,
facility/unit head, and administrator of
Intuitions/Community Corrections/division head. An
Employee Leave Accrual Report”, confirming the loss
of annual leave, must be attached to the claim form.
Approved claims will be paid on an off-cycle payroll
following receipt by the Central Payroll unit.
C. Paycheck Distribution
Unless otherwise authorized (see below), paychecks for all employees on
main payroll will be distributed by the facility/unit of employment on the
last regular working day (Monday through Friday) of each calendar month.
Paychecks may not be held or canceled and re-issued unless the
employee will receive a corrected paycheck within ten working days after
the established payday for the affected pay period (40 O.S. § 165.2 and
62 O.S. § 275.11).
1. Mailing Paychecks
Paychecks (for all payrolls) that require mailing to employees, (i.e.
employees working in probation and parole sub-offices) will be
mailed to arrive on the last regular working day (Monday through
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Friday) of the month.
2. Early Release of Paychecks
Paychecks will be released to the employee prior to the last
working day of the month only if the employee is scheduled to be
off work or at a work location other than the employing facility. The
facility/unit head (or designee) must provide the HRMS written
verification that the employee will not be available on payday.
Paychecks may not be cashed or deposited until the last regular
working day (Monday through Friday) of the month.
The employee and the facility/unit head (or designee) must sign
and date the “Conditions for the Early Release of Paychecks”
(Attachment D, attached) verifying the circumstances warranting
early release and acknowledging the rules concerning the cashing
or depositing of the paycheck.
3. Direct Deposit and Pay Card Enrollment (74 O.S. § 292.12 and
Merit Rules 260:25-25-1-3 and 260:25-25-14)
The direct deposit and pay card system provides for the direct
deposit of employees’ paychecks and warrants, through electronic
transfer, to financial institutions selected by the employees.
All new employees (original or re-instatement hires with the state)
must enroll in the direct deposit or pay card system at the time they
enter on duty by completing an “Automatic Deposit Transmittal”
form, available from their HRMS. The HRMS will forward the
completed form to the Central Human Resources unit with the new
hire enrollment packet. Paychecks and other warrants will be
distributed directly to employees pending activation of the electronic
4. Supplemental Payroll
Paychecks for supplemental payroll will be issued on or about the
day of the month following the end of the pay period and will be
released, distributed, and mailed accordingly.
5. Release of Paychecks to Person Other Than Employee
The employee’s paycheck may be released to someone other than
the employee when the employee has provided written
authorization which designates a person to whom the paycheck is
to be released or pursuant to a legal document such as power of
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D. Verification/Accuracy of Paychecks/Payrolls
1. Responsibility of HRMS
The HRMS is responsible for:
a. Reviewing the pay advise register (including overtime and
holiday pay) and immediately advising the Central Human
Resources unit of any discrepancies/errors; and
b. Ensuring that transaction (HCM 14) forms affecting the
accuracy of employee paychecks are properly completed
and timely submitted to the Central Human Resources unit.
2. Responsibility of Reporting Overpayments and Underpayments
Employees are responsible for reviewing all paychecks/pay advice
via the PeopleSoft ESS and immediately reporting any
overpayments or underpayments to the facility/unit HRMS.
3. The facility/unit HRMS will be responsible for immediately reporting
any occurrence of overpayment or underpayment to the Central
Human Resource Payroll unit by electronic mail.
E. Transactions/Notifications to Payroll
1. Transactions (HCM 14)
All changes to an employee’s established base pay or reductions to
the monthly paycheck due to any unpaid status must be reported
by the facility/unit HRMS to the Central Human Resources unit
within the time frames and processes outlined in this procedure.
a. Changes Affecting Main Payroll
All changes to an employee’s base pay to include
promotions, demotions, details to special duty, and eligible
lateral transfers will be processed for payment on the first
main payroll issued for the pay period in which the HCM 14
has been timely received. Any HCM 14 that is received after
the time limit will be processed for the next pay period’s main
b. Changes Affecting Supplemental Payroll
All changes reducing an employee’s paycheck due to unpaid
status (to include any leave without pay, suspension without
pay, or unauthorized absence), and any new hires after the
first of the month, must be reported on an HCM 14 and
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attached to the accurately completed time/leave sheet. The
transaction and the time/leave sheet will be forwarded to the
Central Human Resources unit by the established deadline
for each month after the pay period is ended.
2. Notification to Remove Employee from Main Payroll
The HRMS must submit the names of employees to be removed
from main payroll using the “Notification to Remove Employee
From Main Payroll” (Attachment E, attached). Attachment E must
be forwarded to the Central Payroll unit as occurrences warrant, but
no later than one week prior to the distribution or deposit of
paychecks for main payroll. For each month an employee is on
supplemental payroll, the “Notification to Remove Employee From
Main Payroll” (Attachment E, attached) must be forwarded and the
time/leave sheet sent under separate cover as described in this
F. Payroll Deductions
1. Involuntary
Garnishments (including any income assignment directing the
payment of child support) as a result of a district court or
administrative order will be processed, and employees notified of
such garnishments, in accordance with state statute (12 O.S. §
1171 et seq). Such garnishments can only be stopped or modified
upon receipt of a district court or administrative order.
Federal levies to withhold earnings to be paid to the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) will be processed in accordance with IRS
2. Voluntary
Employees may use payroll deductions to purchase goods and
services from, or make charitable contributions to, those groups,
companies, and organizations, or for purposes, which the State of
Oklahoma has approved, for payroll deduction. Such payroll
deductions, administered in accordance with applicable statute and
merit rules include: credit unions, supplemental insurance,
supplemental retirement plans, legal insurance, salary adjustment
agreements included in the state flexible benefits plan, Oklahoma
Public Employees Association (OPEA) and other statewide
associations, college savings accounts, United States savings
bonds, and charitable organizations.
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Employees may obtain information about approved payroll
deductions and initiate such deductions through the facility/unit
personnel office.
G. Overpayments/Underpayments
The agency will seek repayment of any overpayments made to an
In the event an overpayment or underpayment to an employee is the
result of an administrative error, the amount owed to the employee or due
to the agency from the employee will be paid in accordance with 74 O.S. §
1. Underpayments
Disbursement of underpayments to an employee will include all
underpayments made within a period of two years prior to the
determination of the error (74 O.S. § 840-2.19.B.7).
2. Overpayments
a. Recovery of overpayments from an employee will include all
overpayments made within one year prior to the
determination of the error (74 O.S. § 840-2.19.B.7).
b. Prior to initiating recovery of overpayments, the agency will
provide the employee with notice and opportunity to
respond. (74 O.S. § 840-2.19.B.8) Such written notice will be
provided to the employee within ten days of the
determination that an overpayment has been made. The
notice will contain (74 O.S. § 840-2.19.D.1):
(1) The amounts paid in error;
(2) The dates of the payments;
(3) The options available for repayment;
(4) The right to protest the findings; and
(5) A space for the employee to indicate the repayment
option or protest the findings.
c. Options for repayment will include (74 O.S. § 840-2.19.D.2):
(1) Lump-sum cash repayment;
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(2) Reduction of subsequent paycheck(s) in a lump sum
or installments over a term not to exceed the term in
which the overpayment(s) were made;
(3) Reduction in accrued annual leave by an amount of
time equal in value to the gross amount owed; or
(4) Any combination of the above.
d. If a permanent classified employee protests, the agency will
provide the facts in writing, the notice, and the protest to the
Oklahoma Merit Protection Commission within five days (74
O.S. § 2.19.D.4).
H. Pay at Termination
1. Leave Accumulations
Terminating employees will be paid for accrued annual leave, up to
the limits provided in 74 O.S. § 840-2.20 [Merit Rule 260:25-15-
11(b) (8)], holiday time, and overtime on off-cycle payroll.
Terminating employees will not be paid for unused sick leave [Merit
Rule 260:25-15-12(9)] or compensatory time [Merit Rule 260:25-7-
12(d) (3)].
2. Longevity
Retiring employees and beneficiaries (of deceased employees) will
receive a pro-rated longevity check. Longevity is not paid for any
other type of termination from employment.
3. Payroll Beneficiaries
In the event of an employee death, all wages owed to the employee
will be paid to the designated beneficiary as listed with the agency
on the Data Summary Sheet. If a beneficiary for wages has not
been named, the final wages, not to exceed $3,000.00, will be paid
to any surviving spouse, or if no surviving spouse, to any
dependent children or their guardians in equal shares. Any final
wages more than $3,000.00 will be distributed after any legal action
(40 O.S. § 165.3a).
Prior to disbursement, the HRMS will confirm the identity of the
named or statutory beneficiary (picture I.D.) and require proof of
relationship to the deceased employee (marriage license, birth
certificate) if released to an unnamed, statutory beneficiary
(spouse, dependent child or guardian).
4. Failure to Return Agency Property
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Employees are required to return state property in their possession
as requested by the employer. Any failure to return property may
result in a reduction of the final wages by the depreciated value of
the property (40 O.S. § 165.3). In calculating such values, each
$100.00 of property will be considered fully depreciated after each
year of its life in the agency (i.e. $200.00 of property will be valued
at $100.00 after one year of life and fully depreciated after two
years). Security equipment will not depreciate in value.
I. Non Cash Taxable Benefit and Income Reporting of State Vehicle Use
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rules provide that certain eligible
employees (both drivers and passengers) who use a state vehicle for non-
business commuting to or from work and their residences derive a non
cash taxable benefit from that usage which must be reported to the IRS as
income to the employee.
1. Affected Employees
The following drivers, and any passengers of such drivers, will
derive a non-cash taxable benefit for each one way commuting trip
to or from work and their residences:
a. All essential employees as defined in 47 O.S. § 156.1.A; and
b. All emergency responders as defined in 47 O.S. § 156.1.B.
2. Notification to the Central Human Resources unit
a. The agency director’s office will notify the Central Human
Resources unit of any job or individual employees deemed
essential under 47 O.S. § 156.1.A and any employees who
are authorized emergency responders in accordance with 47
§ O.S. 156.1B.
Notification will be provided anytime such “essential” status
or authorization is rescinded.
b. Commuting drivers will report any agency employee who is
transported to or from work as a passenger using the
“Monthly Passenger Commuting Notification Form”
(Attachment F, attached) to the Central Human Resources
unit. The completed form must be provided to the Central
Human Resources unit by the fifth working day of the month
following the month in which the commute occurred. A copy
of the form will be provided to each reported passenger by
the Central Human Resources unit.
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c. Commuting drivers will report any instance of workday
commuting that was either less than or exceeded one
roundtrip using the “Change in Commuting Schedule Form”
(Attachment G, attached). The completed form must be
provided to the Payroll unit in Central Human Resources by
the fifth working day of the month following the month in
which the commuting schedule varied.
3. Taxable Income
a. Every employee for whom notification has been received in
accordance with Section IV. I. 2. item a. of this procedure
above will have a taxable income of $3.00 per workday
($1.50 each one way trip) reported to the IRS except as
provided in Section IV. I. 3. items c. and d. below.
b. Every employee passenger for whom notification has been
received in accordance with Section IV. I. 2. item b. of this
procedure will have a taxable income of $1.50 reported to
the IRS for each one way trip.
c. The reported taxable income for commuting employees will
be adjusted in accordance with any notification provided on
the “Change in Commuting Schedule Form” (Attachment G,
d. Employees who use a state vehicle to commute and live in
state provided housing on the grounds of their duty station
will not incur a non cash benefit from such vehicle usage.
e. The non-cash benefit from the employee’s paycheck is
subject to all taxes (Federal, State, FICA, and Medicare).
V. References
Policy Statement No. P-110100 entitled “Uniform Personnel Standards”
OP-110110 entitled “Enrollment Procedures for New Employees”
OP-110215 entitled “Rules Concerning the Individual Conduct of Employees”
OP-110305 entitled “Overtime Pay and Compensatory Time
OP-110355 entitled “Procedures for Employee Attendance and Leave”
OP-110340 entitled “Employee Compensation”
12 O.S. § 1171 et seq.
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26 O.S. § 7-101
40 O.S. § 165.2, 40 O.S. §165.3, 40 O.S. §165.3a
44 O.S. § 209
47 O.S. § 156.1A, 47 O.S. § 156.1B
57 O.S. § 528.6
62 O.S. § 275.11, 62 O.S. § 7.10
72 O.S. § 48
74 O.S. § 840-292.12
74 O.S. § 840-2.15
74 O.S. § 840-2.15C
74 O.S. § 840-2.18.
74 O.S. § 840-2.18.(H)
74 O.S. § 840-2.19.B.3.
74 O.S. § 840-2.19.B.7.
74 O.S. § 840-2.19.B.8.
74 O.S. § 840-2.19.D.1.
74 O.S. § 840-2.19.D.2.
74 O.S. §840-2.19.D.4.
74 O.S. § 840-2.20
74 O.S. § 840-2.20.A.A.
74 O.S. 840-2.20.A.1
74 O.S. § 840-2.20.A.5
74 O.S. § 840-2.20A.7
74 O.S. § 840-2.20.A.8
74 O.S. § 840-2.20A.9
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74 O.S. § 840-2.20.(H)
74 O.S. § 840-2.22
85A O.S. § 45
Merit Rules: 260:25-15-11(b)(8); 260:25-7-12(d)(3); 260:25-15-12(9); 260:25-15-
40; 260:25-15-43; 260:25-15-43(b); 260:25-15-45; 260:25-15-45(i); 260:25-15-
46(a); 260:25-15-50; 260:25-15-71; 260:25-15-71(d); 260:25-25-1-3; 260:25-25-
Oklahoma State Employees’ Direct Deposit Rules (Merit Rule 260:25-25)
Oklahoma State Charitable Contribution Campaign Rules
IRS Regulations
Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (Public Law 103-3)
National Defense Authorization Act of 2008, Section 585(a) (Public Law 110-181)
Fair Labor Standard Act (29 USC § 201 et seq.)
VI. Action
The unit head/affected administrator of Institutions/Community Corrections is
responsible for compliance with this procedure.
The chief administrator of Human Resources is responsible for the annual review
and revisions.
Any exception to this procedure will require prior written approval from the
agency director.
This procedure is effective as indicated.
Replaced: Operations Memorandum No. OP-110120 entitled “Procedures for
Time/Leave Sheets and Payroll Processing” dated June 26, 2020
Distribution: Policy and Operations Manual
Agency Website
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Attachments Title Location
Attachment A "Payroll Reporting Form for Temporary Employees" Attached
Attachment B “Payroll Reporting Form for Supplemental Payroll” Attached
Attachment C "Time/Leave Sheet and Payroll Processing Audit Attached
Attachment D “Conditions for the Early Release of Paychecks” Attached
Attachment E "Notification to Remove Employee From Main Attached
Attachment F “Monthly Passenger Commuting Notification Form” Attached
Attachment G “Change in Commuting Schedule Form” Attached
Attachment H “Claim for Payment of Lost Excess Annual Leave” Attached
Attachment I “Conversion of ODOC Time/Leave Codes to Attached
PeopleSoft Time Reporting Codes”
Attachment J ODOC Time/Leave Codes” Attached