Department of Defense
NUMBER 1000.13, Volume 1
January 23, 2014
Incorporating Change 1, Effective July 28, 2020
SUBJECT: DoD Identification (ID) Cards: ID Card Life-Cycle
References: See Enclosure 1
a. Manual. This Manual is composed of several volumes, each containing its own purpose.
The purpose of the overall Manual, in accordance with the authority in DoD Directive (DoDD)
5124.02 and DoD Instruction (DoDI) 1000.25 (References (a) and (b)), is to implement policy
established in DoDI 1000.13 (Reference (c)), assign responsibilities, and provide procedures for
DoD ID cards.
b. Volume. This Volume of this Manual:
(1) Sets forth responsibilities and procedures for the DoD ID card life-cycle in
accordance with Reference (c).
(2) Incorporates and cancels Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
(USD(P&R)) Volume 1 of DoD Manual 1000.13 (Reference (d)).
2. APPLICABILITY. This Volume applies to:
a. OSD, the Military Departments (including the Coast Guard at all times, including when it
is a Service in the Department of Homeland Security by agreement with that Department), the
Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Combatant
Commands, the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense
Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other organizational entities within the DoD
(hereinafter referred to collectively as the “DoD Components”).
b. The Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS), under agreement
with the Department of Health and Human Services, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), under agreement with the Department of Commerce.
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3. DEFINITIONS. See Glossary.
4. POLICY. It is DoD policy, according to Reference (c), that a distinct DoD ID card shall be
issued to uniformed service members, their dependents, and other eligible individuals, and shall
be used as proof of identity and DoD affiliation.
a. USD(P&R). The USD(P&R) shall oversee implementation of the procedures within this
b. Heads of the DoD Components, the Director, USPHS, and the Administrator, NOAA.
The Heads of the DoD Components, the Director, USPHS, and the Administrator, NOAA, shall
implement the procedures prescribed in this Volume and ensure that supplemental guidance and
procedures are in accordance with Reference (c) and this Volume.
6. PROCEDURES. See Enclosures 2 and 3.
for Identification Card/DEERS Enrollment,” referred to in paragraph 3 of Enclosure 3 of this
issuance has been assigned Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number 0704-
0415 in accordance with the procedures in Volume 1 of DoD Manual 8910.01 (Reference (e)).
8. RELEASABILITY. Cleared for public release. This Volume is available on the Directives
Division Website at
9. SUMMARY OF CHANGE 1. The change to this issuance updates references and
organizational titles and removes expiration language in accordance with current Chief
Management Officer of the Department of Defense direction.
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10. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Volume is effective January 23, 2014.
1. References
2. ID Card Life-Cycle Procedures
3. ID Card Life-Cycle Roles and Responsibilities
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ENCLOSURE 1: REFERENCES ...................................................................................................6
ENCLOSURE 2: ID CARD LIFE-CYCLE PROCEDURES .........................................................8
SPONSORSHIP AND ELIGIBILITY .......................................................................................8
REGISTRATION AND ENROLLMENT .................................................................................9
BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION .......................................................................................9
IDENTITY AND ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION ................................................................10
Identity Documents ............................................................................................................10
Eligibility Documents ........................................................................................................11
DEERS Verification...........................................................................................................11
Biometrics ..........................................................................................................................11
ISSUANCE ..............................................................................................................................12
Cross-Servicing ..................................................................................................................12
Expiration Dates.................................................................................................................13
Renewal and Reissuance ....................................................................................................13
Temporary Cards ...............................................................................................................14
Multiple Cards ...................................................................................................................14
USE AND MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................................15
Access ................................................................................................................................15
Accountability ....................................................................................................................15
PKI .....................................................................................................................................15
milConnect .........................................................................................................................15
CAC Personal ID Number (PIN) Reset .............................................................................15
RETRIEVAL AND REVOCATION .......................................................................................15
2. TOPOLOGY SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................25
GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................27
SEPARATION OF DUTIES ...................................................................................................27
DD FORM 1172-2 ...................................................................................................................27
TASS ........................................................................................................................................28
Service Point of Contact (SPOC) .......................................................................................28
TASM ................................................................................................................................28
TA ......................................................................................................................................28
RAPIDS ...................................................................................................................................29
VO ......................................................................................................................................30
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CPR ..........................................................................................................................................30
CPR Project Officer ...........................................................................................................30
CPR TASM ........................................................................................................................31
GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................32
PART I: ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ................................................................32
PART II: DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................33
CAC Stripe Color Coding ........................................................................................................25
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(a) DoD Directive 5124.02, “Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
(USD(P&R)),” June 23, 2008
(b) DoD Instruction 1000.25, “DoD Personnel Identity Protection (PIP) Program,” March 2,
(c) DoD Instruction 1000.13, “Identification (ID) Cards for Members of the Uniformed
Services, Their Dependents, and Other Eligible Individuals,” January 21, 2014, as amended
(d) DoD Manual 1000.13, Volume 1, “DoD Identification (ID) Cards: ID Card Life-Cycle,
January 23, 2014
(e) DoD Manual 8910.01, Volume 1, “DoD Information Collections Manual: Procedures For
DoD Internal Information Collections,” June 30, 2014, as amended
(f) Defense Information Systems Agency Security Technical Implementation Guide, “Secure
Remote Computing,” August 10, 2005
(g) Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 201-1, “Personal Identity
Verification (PIV) of Federal Employees and Contractors,” March 2006
(h) Office of Personnel Management Memorandum, “Final Credentialing Standards for Issuing
Personal Identity Verification Cards under HSPD-12," July 31, 2008.
(i) DoD Directive 5230.20, “Visits and Assignments of Foreign Nationals,” June 22, 2005
(j) DoD Instruction 1400.25, Volume 1231, “DoD Civilian Personnel Management System:
Employment of Foreign Nationals,” July 5, 2011
(k) Defense Manpower Data Center, “Real-time Automated Personnel Identification System
(RAPIDS) User Guide,” March 2009
(l) DoD Instruction 8500.01, “Cybersecurity,” March 14, 2014, as amended
(m) DoD Manual 1000.13, Volume 2, “DoD Identification (ID) Cards: Benefits for Members
of the Uniformed Services, Their Dependents, and Other Eligible Individuals,” January 21,
(n) DoD Manual 5200.01, Volume 1, “DoD Information Security Program: Overview,
Classification, and Declassification,” February 24, 2012, as amended
(o) DoD Instruction 5400.11, “DoD Privacy and Civil Liberties Programs,” January 29, 2019
(p) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration Certificate Policy
“X.509 Certificate Policy for the United States Department of Defense,” February 9, 2005
(q) DoD Instruction 1000.01, “Identification (ID) Cards Required by the Geneva
Conventions,” April 16, 2012, as amended
(r) Section 10147 and chapters 1209 and 1223 of title 10, United States Code
(s) Sections 6303, 6304, 6305 of title 31, United States Code
(t) Directive-type Memorandum 17-004, “Department of Defense Expeditionary Civilian
Workforce,” January 25, 2017, as amended
(u) Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, “DoD Dictionary of Military and
Associated Terms,” current edition
(v) Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12, “Policy for a Common Identification
Standard for Federal Employees and Contractors,” August 27, 2004
Available from Defense Manpower Data Center, Personnel Identity Protection (PIP) Division at (703) 696-0036.
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(w) DoD Instruction 3020.41, “Operational Contract Support (OCS),” December 20, 2011, as
(x) Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “Policy Guidance for Provision of Medical
Care to Department of Defense Civilian Employees Injured or Wounded While Forward
Deployed in Support of Hostilities,” September 24, 2007
(y) Defense Manpower Data Center, “Contractor Verification System TASM/TA and
Applicant User Guides, Version 3.03,” April 2010
(z) Sections 2102, 2103, and 2105 of title 5, United States Code
(aa) Office of Management and Budget Memorandum M-05-24, “Implementation of Homeland
Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 12 – Policy for a Common Identification Standard
for Federal Employees and Contractors,” August 5, 2005
Available from Defense Manpower Data Center, Card Technologies & Identity Solutions Division at:
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1. SPONSORSHIP AND ELIGIBILTY. In accordance with Reference (c), sponsorship shall
incorporate the processes for confirming eligibility for an ID card. The sponsor is the person
affiliated with the DoD or other Federal agency who takes responsibility for verifying and
authorizing the applicant’s need for an ID card. Applicants for a Common Access Card (CAC)
shall be sponsored by a DoD Government official or employee.
a. The population categories and specific ID cards for which applicants are eligible are listed
in Appendix 1 of this enclosure. The majority of these populations are eligible to be sponsored
for an ID card based on either their employment status with the DoD or their authorization to
receive DoD benefits and entitlements. Examples of these population categories include, but are
not limited to: uniformed services personnel; DoD civilian employees; military retirees; certain
DoD beneficiaries; and the eligible dependents for these categories.
b. Specific populations, listed in subparagraph 3.b.(2) of Appendix 1 of this enclosure, who
are eligible to submit for the “U.S. DoD/Uniformed Service ID Card” may only be sponsored if
they meet additional criteria. Examples of these population categories include DoD contractors,
non-DoD Federal civilians, State employees, and other non-DoD personnel that have an
affiliation with the DoD other than through employment or contract. Eligibility for these
approved population categories is based on the DoD Government sponsor’s determination of the
type and frequency of access required to DoD facilities or networks. For the populations
described in this paragraph, the applicant’s sponsor must confirm that the applicant meets one of
the requirements in section 1.b.(1) through 1.b.(3) of this enclosure:
(1) Both physical access to a DoD facility and access, via logon, to DoD networks on-
site or remotely. Access to the DoD network must require the use of a computer with
Government-controlled configuration or use of a DoD-approved remote access procedure in
accordance with the Defense Information Systems Agency Security Technical Implementation
Guide (Reference (f)).
(2) Remote access, via logon, to a DoD network using DoD-approved remote access
(3) Physical access to multiple DoD facilities or multiple non-DoD federally controlled
facilities on behalf of the DoD (applicable to DoD contractors only) on a recurring basis for a
period of 6 months or more.
(a) The frequency of “recurring basis” for access shall be determined by the DoD
Component concerned in coordination with installation security policies.
(b) CAC eligibility for applicants requiring physical access to multiple DoD facilities
on a recurring basis for less than 6 months are risk-based decisions that shall be made by the
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DoD Component concerned in coordination with installation security policies. These applicants
may instead be eligible for local or regional base passes in accordance with Office of the Under
Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security (USD(I&S)) and local installation security
policies and procedures.
2. REGISTRATION AND ENROLLMENT. In accordance with Reference (c), sponsorship and
enrollment information about the ID card applicant shall be registered in the Defense Enrollment
Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) prior to card issuance.
a. For uniformed services personnel and DoD civilians, all submissions to DEERS must be
made electronically via an authorized data source feed (e.g., Civilian Personnel Management
Service). Data source feeds for additional population categories shall be approved and
incorporated by the Office of the USD(P&R) (OUSD(P&R)) as they become available.
b. The population categories that are not registered via an authorized data source feed will be
registered in DEERS via the Real-Time Automated Personnel ID System (RAPIDS) using the
DD Form 1172-2 or via the Trusted Associate Sponsorship System (TASS) (formerly known as
Contractor Verification System (CVS)), as described in Enclosure 3 of this Volume.
3. BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION. In accordance with Reference (c), a background
investigation is required for those individuals eligible for a CAC. A background investigation is
not currently required for those eligible for other forms of DoD ID cards. The use of the CAC,
as the DoD Federal personal identity verification (PIV) card, is governed and supported by
additional policies when compared to non-CAC ID cards. Sponsored CAC applicants shall not
be issued a CAC without the required background investigation stipulated in Federal Information
Processing Standards Publication 201-1 (Reference (g)).
a. A background investigation shall be initiated by the sponsoring organization before a
CAC can be issued. The mechanisms required to verify completion of background investigation
activities for DoD, military, and civilian CAC populations are managed within the DoD human
resources and personnel security communities and are linked to the CAC issuance process. An
automated means is not currently in place to confirm the vetting for populations other than DoD
military and civilian personnel such as CAC-eligible contractors and non-DoD Federal civilian
affiliates. When data is not available within the CAC issuance infrastructure on the background
investigation status for an applicant, the sponsor shall be responsible for confirming that the
required background investigation procedures comply with Reference (g) before a CAC is
authorized for issuance.
b. Initial issuance of a CAC requires, at a minimum, the completion of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) fingerprint check with favorable results and submission of a National Agency
Check with Inquiries (NACI) (or investigation approved in Federal Investigative Standards) to
the USD(I&S) approved investigative service provider. Completed NACI’s for CAC issuance
shall be adjudicated in accordance with Office of Personnel Management Memorandum
(Reference (h)).
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c. Except for uniformed services members, non-U.S. person CAC applicants that do not
meet the criteria to complete a NACI (e.g., U.S. residency requirements), must meet one of the
criteria in subparagraph 3.c.(1) or 3.c.(2) prior to CAC issuance. CACs issued to these non-U.S.
persons shall display a blue stripe as described in Appendix 2 of this enclosure. Procedures for
the acceptance of this CAC shall be in accordance with DoD policy for physical and logical
access. The specific background investigation conducted on the non-U.S. person may vary based
on governing international agreements. Non-U.S. persons must:
(1) Possess (as foreign military, employee, or contract support personnel) a visit status
and security assurance that has been confirmed, documented, and processed in accordance with
international agreements pursuant to DoDD 5230.20 (Reference (i)).
(2) Meet (as direct or indirect DoD hire personnel overseas) the investigative
requirements for DoD employment as recognized through international agreements pursuant to
Volume 1231 of DoDI 1400.25 (Reference (j)). In addition to these investigative requirements, a
fingerprint check against the FBI criminal history database, an FBI investigations files (name
check search), and a name check against the Terrorist Screening Database shall be required prior
to CAC issuance in accordance with Reference (h).
4. IDENTITY AND ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION. In accordance with Reference (c),
identity and eligibility verification shall be completed at a RAPIDS workstation. Verifying
officials (VOs) shall inspect identity and eligibility documentation and RAPIDS shall
authenticate individuals to ensure that ID cards are provided only to those sponsored and who
have a current affiliation with the DoD. RAPIDS shall also capture uniquely identifying
characteristics that bind an individual to the information maintained in DEERS and to the ID
card issued by RAPIDS. These characteristics may include, but are not limited to, digital
photographs and fingerprints.
a. Identity Documents. Applicants for initial ID card issuance shall submit two identity
documents in original form as proof of identity. A VO at a RAPIDS workstation shall inspect
and verify the documents presented by the applicant before ID card issuance. The identity
documents must come from the list of acceptable documents included in the Form I-9
“Employment Eligibility Verification” ( in OMB No.
115-0136 or, for non-U.S. persons, other sources as outlined within subparagraph 4.a.(2).
“Certified true” copies of the identity documentation may be accepted so long as they have been
issued by the originating source (e.g., a copy of a birth certificate may be acceptable so long as it
has been certified as valid by the issuing State). In accordance with applicable law, at least one
of the two identity documents shall be a valid (unexpired) State or Federal Government-issued
picture ID. The identity documents shall be inspected for authenticity and scanned and stored in
the DEERS in accordance with the RAPIDS User Guide (Reference (k)) upon issuance of an ID
card. The requirement for the primary identity document to have a photo cannot be waived for
initial ID card issuance, consistent with applicable statutory requirements. Identity
documentation requirements for renewal or re-issuance are provided in paragraph 5.c. of this
enclosure. When it has been determined that a CAC applicant has purposely misrepresented or
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not provided his or her true identity, the case shall be referred by the relevant RAPIDS Service
Project office to the sponsoring DoD Component organization. The DoD Component
organization concerned shall initiate an investigation or provide appeals procedures as
appropriate. Exceptions to the identity documentation requirements for initial ID card issuance
are provided in subparagraphs 4.a.(1) and 4.a.(2) of this section:
(1) Children. Children under the age of 18 applying for a dependent ID card are only
required to provide documentation for the initial verification of eligibility or proof of relationship
to the sponsor described in paragraph 4.b of this enclosure.
(2) Documentation for Non-U.S. Persons. At foreign locations, eligible non-U.S.
persons may not possess identity documentation from the Form I-9 required for ID card issuance.
These individuals shall still provide personal ID as required by the intent of paragraph 4.a. Non-
U.S. persons within the continental United States (CONUS) shall present a valid (unexpired)
foreign passport as the primary form of identity source documentation. DoD organizations based
outside the continental United States should work with the local consular affairs office to
determine guidelines for the appropriate identity documentation for eligible non-U.S. persons in
accordance with agreements with host nations. It is recommended that a foreign passport be
used as the primary form of identity source documentation for these individuals. The
requirement for the primary identity document to have a photo cannot be waived. Additional
documentation used to verify identity must be original or certified true copies. All
documentation not in English must have a certified English translation.
b. Eligibility Documents. ID card applicants may be required to provide documentation as
initial verification of eligibility for benefits or proof of relationship to the sponsor. The
eligibility documents shall be inspected for authenticity by the VO and scanned and stored in
DEERS in accordance with the procedures in Reference (k). Specifications and the types of
documents and how they are utilized to verify eligibility for a member or dependent based on
their status (e.g., Retired, Reservist, spouse, former spouse, child) shall be established by the
uniformed services subject to the guidelines in this Manual. All documentation used to verify
eligibility must be original or certified true copies. All documentation not in English must have
a certified English translation. Eligibility documentation is not required when DEERS can verify
eligibility via an authoritative source or process.
c. DEERS Verification. The VO shall utilize DEERS to verify affiliation and eligibility for
benefits as described in Volume 2 of this Manual (Reference (m)).
d. Biometrics. In accordance with Reference (b), ID card applicants shall provide two
fingerprint biometric scans and a facial image, to assist with authenticating the applicant’s
identity and to bind the information maintained on that individual in DEERS and to the ID card
issued by RAPIDS. These requirements shall be integrated into the ID card issuance processes
in the following manner:
(1) A digitized, full-face passport-type photograph will be captured for the facial image
and stored in DEERS and shall have a plain white or off-white background. No flags, posters, or
other images shall appear in the photo. All ID cards issued will display a photograph.
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(2) Two fingerprints are captured for storage within DEERS for applicable ID card
applicants. The right and left index fingers shall normally be designated as the primary and
secondary finger, respectively. However, if those fingers cannot be imaged, the primary and
secondary designations shall be taken in the following order of priority: right thumb, left thumb,
right middle finger, left middle finger, right ring finger, left ring finger, right little finger, left
little finger.
(3) If two fingerprints cannot be captured, the facial image will be the alternative for
authenticating ID card applicants and ID card holders during the issuance process. Additionally,
when verification or capture of biometrics is not possible, authorization will be provided by the
RAPIDS site security manager’s digital signature. This transaction shall be subject to audit by
Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) and the uniformed services.
5. ISSUANCE. In accordance with Reference (c), ID cards shall be issued at the RAPIDS
workstation after all sponsorship, enrollment and registration, background investigation (CAC
only), and identity and eligibility verification requirements have been satisfied. Initial issuance
of an ID card to an applicant will be contingent on satisfying the criteria in sections 1 through 4
of this enclosure.
a. Cross-Servicing. The uniformed services agree to cross-service the issuance of ID cards
when affiliation and eligibility can be verified in DEERS. When eligibility cannot be verified
through DEERS, presentation of documentation shall be required. The uniformed services shall
restrict cross-servicing for verification of the DD Form 1172-2 and eligibility documentation to
the parent uniformed service for the categories in subparagraphs 5.a.(1) through (8) of this
(1) Initial application for permanently incapacitated individuals over age 21 and
temporarily incapacitated children over age 21.
(2) All dependent parents and parents-in-law.
(3) Illegitimate child of a male sponsor, whose paternity has not been judicially
(4) Illegitimate child of spouse or sponsor.
(5) Unremarried and unmarried former spouses applying for initial issuance of an ID
(6) Retiree from other services, and former members not currently enrolled in DEERS.
(7) Surviving dependents of Reserve Retirees on the sponsor’s 60th birthday.
(8) Abused dependents.
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(9) Wards.
b. Expiration Dates
(1) Except as noted in subparagraphs 5.b.(1)(a) and 5.b.(1)(b) of this section, CACs shall
be issued for a period not to exceed 3 years from the date of issuance or contract expiration date,
whichever is shorter. Unfunded contract options shall be considered in the determination of the
length of contract. For example, a contractor hired under DoD contract with a base year plus 2
option years shall be issued a CAC with a 3-year expiration. The expiration date of the PKI
certificates on the CAC shall match the expiration date on the card.
(a) DD Form 1173, “United States Uniformed Services ID and Privilege Card” or
CACs issued to DoD civilian employees, contractors, and other eligible personnel assigned
overseas or deploying in support of contingency operations shall have an expiration date
coinciding with their deployment period end date.
(b) Service Academy students shall be issued 4-year cards with 3-year certificates.
(2) Non-CAC ID cards shall be given expiration dates in accordance with the guidance
listed on
c. Renewal and Reissuance. Consistent with applicable law, the applicant for ID renewal or
reissuance shall be required to surrender the current DoD ID card that is up for renewal or
reissuance except as indicated for lost and stolen ID cards in subparagraph 5.c.(3) of this
enclosure. To authenticate renewal or reissuance applicants, the VO shall visually compare the
applicant against the facial image stored in DEERS. For applicants who have fingerprint
biometrics stored in DEERS, live fingerprint biometrics samples shall be checked against the
applicant’s DEERS record. If the biometric check confirms the identity of the renewal or
reissuance applicant then no additional documentation is required to verify identity other than the
ID card that is being renewed or reissued (documentation may still be required to verify or re-
verify eligibility as described in paragraph 4.b. of this enclosure). As a general practice for
renewal or re-issuance, two fresh fingerprint biometric captures may be stored for applicable
personnel through the initial procedures in subparagraph 4.d.(2) of this enclosure to support
DMDC’s biometric update schedule.
(1) An ID card holder may apply for a renewal starting 90 days prior to the expiration of
a valid ID. The service project office (SPO) can provide exceptions to this requirement.
(2) An ID card shall be reissued when printed information requires changes (e.g., pay
grade, rank, change in eligibility), when any of the media (including printed data, magnetic
stripe, bar codes, or integrated circuit chip) becomes illegible or inoperable, or when a CAC is
known or suspected to be compromised.
(3) An ID card shall be reissued when it is reported lost or stolen. The individual
reporting a lost or stolen ID card shall be required to provide a valid (unexpired) State or Federal
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Government-issued picture ID as noted in paragraph 4.a. of this enclosure, consistent with
applicable law, when available. If the individual is unable to present the required identity
documentation, a biometric verification shall be used as proof of identity as described in
paragraph 5.c.(3)(a) of this enclosure. The VO shall verify the cardholder’s identity against the
biometric information stored in DEERS and confirm the expiration date of the missing ID card.
The individual shall also be required to present documentation from the local security office or
ID card sponsor confirming that the ID card has been reported lost or stolen. This
documentation must be scanned and stored in DEERS. For dependents, the DD Form 1172-2
serves as the supporting documentation for a lost or stolen card. For individuals sponsored
through TASS, the replacement ID card shall have the same expiration date as the lost or stolen
(a) If no identity documentation is available but biometric information (facial image
or fingerprint when applicable) in the DEERS database can be verified by the VO, an ID card
can be reissued to the individual upon the additional approval of a site security manager (SSM).
This transaction shall be digitally signed and audited.
(b) If biometric information cannot be verified, the requirements for initial issuance
shall apply or a temporary card may be issued in accordance with paragraph 5.d. of this
d. Temporary Cards
(1) Temporary issuance of a CAC. During contingency operations, in the event there is
no communication with the DEERS database or the certificate authority, a temporary CAC may
be issued with an abbreviated expiration date for a maximum of 10 days. The temporary card
will not have PKI certificates and will be replaced as soon as the member can reach an online
RAPIDS station or communications have been restored. Additionally, the temporary CAC does
not communicate or imply eligibility to any DoD benefit. This capability will be enabled only at
affected RAPIDS sites and must have approval granted by DMDC.
(2) Temporary issuance of a Uniformed Services Identification card. There are multiple
scenarios under which a temporary Uniformed Services Identification card may be issued. The
uniformed services shall develop standard processes and procedures for scenarios requiring
issuance of a temporary DD Forms 2765 “Department of Defense/Uniformed Services
Identification and Privilege Card” or 1173, including but not limited to those situations where the
applicant needs to obtain the necessary legal documentation or the sponsor is unavailable to
provide an authorizing signature.
e. Multiple Cards. Individuals shall be issued a separate ID card for each population
category for which they qualify as described in Appendix 1 of this enclosure. In instances where
an individual has been issued more than one ID card (e.g., an individual that is eligible for an ID
card as both a Reservist and as a DoD contractor employee), only the ID card that most
accurately depicts the capacity in which the individual is affiliated with the DoD should be
utilized at any given time.
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6. USE AND MAINTENANCE. In accordance with Reference (c), ID cards shall be used as
proof of identity and DoD affiliation to facilitate access to DoD facilities and systems.
Additionally, ID cards shall represent authorization for entitled benefits and privileges in
accordance with DoD policies. The CAC, as the DoD Federal PIV card, is governed and
supported by additional policies and infrastructure when compared to non-CAC ID cards. This
section provides additional guidance on CAC use and maintenance:
a. Access. The granting of access privileges is determined by the facility or system owner as
prescribed by the DoD.
b. Accountability. CAC holders will maintain accountability of their CAC at all times while
affiliated with the DoD.
c. PKI. Using the RAPIDS platform, DoD PKI identity and PIV authentication certificates
will be issued on the CAC at the time of card issuance in compliance with Reference (h). E-mail
signature, e-mail encryption, or PIV authentication certificates may also be available on the CAC
either upon issuance or at a later time. If the person receiving a CAC does not have an
organization e-mail address assigned to them, they may return to a RAPIDS terminal or use
milConnect to receive their e-mail certificate when the e-mail address has been assigned. To
help prevent inadvertent disclosure of controlled information, e-mail addresses assigned by an
organization shall comply with DoDI 8500.01 (Reference (l)).
d. milConnect. DoD has a self-service website available that allows an authenticated CAC
holder to add applets to the CAC, change the email address, add/update Email Signature and
Email Encryption Certificates, and activate the Personal Identity Verification (PIV)
Authentication certificate. This capability can be utilized from any properly configured
UNCLASSIFED networked workstation. The milConnect website is
e. CAC Personal ID Number (PIN) Reset. DoD has manned workstations capable of
resetting the PINs of a CAC holder with a locked card or forgotten PIN. These workstations are
intended to provide alternative locations for CAC holders to service their cards other than
RAPIDS issuance locations. To authenticate cardholders, live biometric samples shall be
checked against the biometrics stored in DEERS prior to resetting CACs. This process requires
the presence of a CAC PIN Reset (CPR) trusted agent (TA) or TA security manager (TASM) or
7. RETRIEVAL AND REVOCATION. In accordance with Reference (c), ID cards shall be
retrieved by the sponsor or sponsoring organization when the ID card has expired, when it is
damaged or compromised, or when the card holder is no longer affiliated with the DoD or no
longer meets the eligibility requirements for the card. The active status of the card shall be
terminated within the DEERS and RAPIDS infrastructure. The CAC, as the DoD Federal PIV
card, is governed and supported by additional policies and infrastructure when compared to non-
CAC ID cards. This section provides additional guidance on CAC retrieval and revocation:
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a. CACs shall be retrieved as part of the normal organizational or command-level check-out
processes. The active status of the CAC shall also be terminated in special circumstances (e.g.,
absent without leave, unauthorized absence, missing in action) in accordance with organization
or command-level security policies.
b. The DoD sponsor or sponsoring organization is ultimately responsible for retrieving
CACs from their personnel who are no longer supporting their organization or activity. CAC
retrieval will be documented and treated as personally identifiable information, in accordance
with Volume 1 of DoD Manual 5200.01 (Reference (n)) and DoDI 5400.11 (Reference (o)) and
receipted to a RAPIDS site for disposition in a timely manner.
c. Upon loss, destruction, or revocation of the CAC, the certificates thereon are revoked and
placed on the certificate revocation list in accordance with Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Networks and Information Integration Certificate Policy (Reference (p)). All other situations
that pertain to the disposition of the certificates are handled in accordance with Reference (p) as
1. ID Card Descriptions and Population Eligibility Categories
2. Topology Specifications
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1. OVERVIEW. Sections 2-5 of this appendix contain information on the CAC type of ID card.
The remaining sections in the appendix contain information on all other versions of DoD
enterprise-wide ID cards. This appendix describes these cards and lists some of the categories of
populations that are eligible to be sponsored for the cards under the guidelines described in
section 1 of Enclosure 2; additional ID-card eligible categories are codified in Reference (m).
RAPIDS accesses DEERS information collected by the DD Form 1172-2 to generate all of the
ID Cards identified in this appendix. The benefits and entitlements that support ID card
eligibility for populations in this appendix are described in Reference (m). Guidelines and
restrictions that pertain to all forms of DoD ID cards are included in Reference (c).
a. Description. This CAC is the primary ID card for uniformed services members and shall
be used to identify the member’s eligibility for benefits and privileges administered by the
uniformed services as described in Reference (m). The CAC shall also be used to facilitate
standardized, uniform access to DoD facilities, installations, and computer systems.
(1) The card shall also serve as ID for purposes of Geneva Convention requirements in
accordance with DoDI 1000.01 (Reference (q)).
(2) If a member is captured as a hostage, detainee, or prisoner of war (POW), the card
shall be shown to the capturing authorities, but, insofar as possible, should not be surrendered.
b. Eligibility. Those populations eligible for this type of CAC include:
(1) Members of the regular components of the Military Services.
(2) Members of the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve of the Reserve Components.
(3) Members of the Individual Ready Reserve of the Ready Reserve authorized in
accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense to perform duty in
accordance with section 10147 of title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.) (Reference (r)).
(4) Uniformed services members of NOAA and USPHS.
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a. Description. This CAC is the primary ID card for eligible civilian employees, contractors,
and foreign national affiliates and shall be used to facilitate standardized, uniform access to DoD
facilities, installations, and computer systems.
b. Eligibility
(1) DoD civilian employees are eligible for this CAC, to include:
(a) Individuals appointed to appropriated fund and non-appropriated fund (NAF)
(b) USCG and NOAA civilian employees.
(c) Permanent or time-limited employees on full-time, part-time, or intermittent work
schedules for 6 months or more.
(d) Senior Executive Service, Competitive Service, and Excepted Service employees.
(2) Eligibility for additional populations shall be based on a combination of the
personnel category and the DoD Government sponsor’s determination of the type and frequency
of access required to DoD networks and facilities described in section 1 of Enclosure 2 of this
Volume. These personnel categories include:
(a) Non-DoD civilian employees to include:
1. State employees working in support of the National Guard.
2. Intergovernmental Personnel Act employees.
3. Non-DoD Federal employees that are working in support of DoD but do not
possess a Federal PIV card that is accepted by the sponsoring DoD Component. DoD
Components shall obtain Defense Human Resources Activity (DHRA) approval prior to
(b) DoD contractors.
(c) USCG and NOAA contractors.
(d) Persons whose affiliation with DoD is established through:
1. Direct and Indirect Hiring Overseas. Non-U.S. citizens hired under an
agreement with the host nation and paid directly by the uniformed services (direct hire) or paid
by an entity other than the uniformed services for the benefits of the uniformed services (indirect
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2. Assignment as Foreign Military, Foreign Government Civilians, or Foreign
Government Contractors to Support DoD Missions. Non-U.S. citizens who are sponsored by
their government as part of an official visit or assignment to work with DoD.
3. Procurement Contracts, Grant Agreements or Other Cooperative Agreements.
Individuals who have a established relationship between the U.S. Government and a State, a
local government, or other recipient as specified in sections 6303, 6304, and 6305 of title 31,
U.S.C. (Reference (s)).
a. Description. This CAC is the primary ID card for civilian employees, contractors, and
foreign national military, as well as other eligible individuals entitled to benefits and privileges
administered by the uniformed services as described in Reference (m). The CAC shall be used
to facilitate standardized, uniform access to DoD facilities, installations, and computer systems.
b. Eligibility. Specific population categories are entitled to benefits and privileges, in
accordance with Reference (m), and shall be eligible for this CAC, to include:
(1) DoD and uniformed services civilian employees (both appropriated and non-
appropriated) when required to reside in a household on a military installation within the
CONUS, Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and Guam.
(2) DoD and uniformed services civilian employees when stationed or employed and
residing in foreign countries for a period of at least 365 days.
(3) DoD contractors when stationed or employed and residing in foreign countries for a
period of at least 365 days.
(4) DoD Presidential appointees who have been appointed with the advice and consent of
the Senate.
(5) Civilian employees of the Army and Air Force Exchange System, Navy Exchange
System, and Marine Corps Exchange System and NAF activity employees of the Coast Guard
Exchange Service.
(6) Uniformed and non-uniformed full-time paid personnel of the Red Cross assigned to
duty with the uniformed services within the CONUS, Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and Guam,
when required to reside in a household on a military installation.
(7) Uniformed and non-uniformed, full-time, paid personnel of the Red Cross assigned
to duty with the uniformed services in foreign countries.
(8) Foreign military who meet the eligibility requirement of paragraph 1.b. of Enclosure
2 and are in one of the categories in subparagraphs 4.b.(8)(a) through (c). Those foreign military
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not meeting the eligibility requirements for CAC as described in paragraph 1.b. of Enclosure 2
shall be issued a DD Form 2765 as described in section 12 of this appendix.
(a) Active duty officers and enlisted personnel of North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) and Partnership For Peace countries serving in the United States under the sponsorship
or invitation of the DoD or a Military Department.
(b) Active duty officers and enlisted personnel of non-NATO countries serving in the
United States under the sponsorship or invitation of the DoD or a Military Department.
(c) Active duty officers and enlisted personnel of NATO and non-NATO countries
when serving outside the United States and outside their own country under the sponsorship or
invitation of the DoD or a Military Department, or when it is determined by the major overseas
commander that the granting of such privileges is in the best interests of the United States and
such personnel are connected with, or their activities are related to, the performance of functions
of the U.S. military establishment.
a. Description. This CAC serves as the DoD and/or Uniformed Services Geneva
Conventions ID card for civilians accompanying the uniformed services and shall be used to
facilitate standardized, uniform access to DoD facilities, installations, and computer systems.
b. Eligibility. The following population categories are eligible for this CAC:
(1) Emergency-essential employees as defined in Directive-type Memorandum 17-004
(Reference (t)).
(2) Contractors authorized to accompany the force (contingency contractor employees)
as defined in the DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (Reference (u)).
a. Description. This is the primary ID card for RC members not eligible for a CAC.
Benefits and privileges shall be administered by the uniformed services as described in
Reference (m).
(1) The DD Form 2S (RES) shall serve as ID for purposes of the Geneva Convention
requirements in accordance with Reference (q).
(2) If a member is captured as a hostage, detainee, or POW, the DD Form 2S (RES),
shall be shown to the capturing authorities, but, insofar as possible, should not be surrendered.
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b. Eligibility. Those populations eligible for the DD Form 2S (RES) include:
(1) Ready Reserve, who are not otherwise entitled to either DD Form 2S (RET), “Armed
Forces of the United States Geneva Conventions Identification Card (Retired) (Blue),” or a CAC.
(2) The Standby Reserve.
(3) The Reserve Officers’ Training Corps College Program students that have signed a
contract leading to military service.
a. Description. This is the primary ID card for retired uniformed services members entitled
to retired pay. Benefits and privileges shall be administered by the uniformed services as
described in Reference (m).
b. Eligibility. Members of the uniformed services who are entitled and in receipt of retired
pay, or entitled and have waived their retired pay, are eligible for the DD 2S (RET).
a. Description. This is the primary ID card for members of the National Guard or Reserves
who have completed 20 creditable years of service and have elected to be transferred to the
Retired Reserve. They will qualify for pay at age 60, or earlier if they have qualified
contingency service.
b. Eligibility. Members of the Reserve Components who are entitled to retired pay at age 60
(or earlier if they have qualified contingency service) and have not yet attained age 60 are
eligible for the DD Form 2 (Reserve Retired).
9. DD FORM 1173
a. Description. This is the primary ID card for dependents and other similar categories of
individuals eligible for benefits and privileges administered by the uniformed services as
described in Reference (m).
b. Eligibility. Specific population categories entitled to benefits and privileges as described
in Reference (m)are eligible for the DD Form 1173 to include:
(1) Dependents of active duty Service members of the regular components, Reserve
Component Service members on active duty for more than 30 days, and retirees.
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(2) Surviving dependents of active duty members.
(3) Surviving dependents of retired military members.
(4) Surviving dependents of Medal of Honor recipients and surviving dependents of
honorably discharged veterans rated by the Department of Veterans Affairs as 100 percent
disabled from a uniformed services-connected injury or disease at the time of his or her death.
(5) Accompanying dependents of foreign military.
(6) Dependents of authorized civilian personnel overseas.
(7) Other benefits eligible categories as described in Reference (m).
a. Description. This is the primary ID card for dependents of Ready Reserve and Standby
Reserve members not on active duty in excess of 30 days. When accompanied by a set of the
sponsor’s valid active duty orders, the card shall be used in place of a DD Form 1173 for a
period of time not to exceed 270 days, if the member is called to active duty by congressional
decree or Presidential call-up under chapter 1209 of Reference (r).
b. Eligibility. Eligible dependents of Reserve Component members and retirees as described
in Reference (m) are eligible for the DD Form 1173-1.
a. Description. This is the primary ID for non-CAC eligible civilian noncombatant
personnel who are deployed in conjunction with military operations overseas. The DD Form
2764 also replaces DD Form 489, “Geneva Conventions Identity Card for Civilians Who
Accompany the Armed Forces.
b. Eligibility. Civilian noncombatant personnel who have been authorized to accompany
U.S. forces in regions of conflict, combat, and contingency operations and who are liable to
capture and detention by the enemy as POWs are eligible for the DD Form 2764 in accordance
with Reference (q).
12. DD FORM 2765
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a. Description. This is the primary ID card for categories of individuals, other than current
or retired members of the uniformed services, who are eligible for uniformed services benefits
and privileges in their own right without requiring a current affiliation with another sponsor.
b. Eligibility. Those populations eligible for the DD Form 2765 include:
(1) Foreign military personnel described in subparagraph 4.b.(8)of this appendix that
cannot meet all criteria for CAC issuance.
(2) Former members.
(3) Members eligible for transitional health care. These individuals shall be eligible for
DD Form 2765 (with a “TA” overstamp) showing expiration date for each benefit, as shown on
the reverse of the card.
(4) Medal of Honor recipients.
(5) Disabled American Veterans (rated 100 percent disabled by the Department of
Veterans Affairs).
(6) Former spouse (that qualify as a DoD beneficiary).
(7) Civilian personnel in the categories listed in subparagraphs 12.b.(4)(a) through (d) of
this appendix:
(a) Other U.S. Government agency civilian employees when stationed or employed
and residing in foreign countries for a period of at least 365 days.
(b) Area executives, center directors, and assistant directors of the United Service
Organization, when serving in foreign countries.
(c) United Seaman’s Service personnel in foreign countries.
(d) Military Sealift Command (MSC) civil service marine personnel deployed to
foreign countries on MSC-owned and -operated vessels.
a. Description. This ID shall only be used to establish DoD civilian retiree identity and
affiliation with the DoD.
b. Eligibility. Appropriated and NAF civilians that have retired from any DoD Service
component or agency are eligible for the DoD Civilian Retiree Card. These civilians must have
their retired status verified in DEERS before an ID card can be issued.
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a. Description. The NOAA Retired Wage Mariner and Family Member Card is a sub-
category of the DoD Civilian Retiree Card and shall be used to establish identity and affiliation
with the DoD and to identify the individual’s eligibility for benefits and privileges administered
by the uniformed services as described in Reference (m).
b. Eligibility. Retired Wage Mariners of NOAA and their dependents as described in
Reference (m) are eligible for the NOAA Retired Wage Mariners and Family Members Card.
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1. TOPOLOGY. Graphical representations of all CACs are maintained at
2. CAC STRIPE COLOR CODING. The CAC shall be color-coded as indicated in the Table to
reflect the status of the holder of the card.
a. If a person meets more than one condition as shown in the Table, priority will be given to
the blue stripe to denote a non-U.S. citizen unless the card serves as a Geneva Conventions card.
b. Reference (g) reserves the color red to distinguish emergency first responder officials.
Until the DoD implementation of Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (Reference (v)) is
complete, the color red will also be used to denote non-U.S. personnel in the same manner as the
blue stripe in the Table (i.e., some cards with red stripes may continue to exist in circulation until
the 3-year life cycle is complete).
Table. CAC Stripe Color Coding
No Stripe
U.S. military and DoD civilian personnel or any personnel eligible for a
Geneva Conventions card.
Non-U.S. personnel, including DoD contract employees (other than those
persons requiring a Geneva Conventions card).
All U.S. citizen personnel under contract to the DoD (other than those persons
requiring a Geneva Conventions card).
a. Eligible individuals who are permanently assigned in foreign countries for at least 365
days (it should be noted that local nationals are in their home country, not a foreign country) will
have the word “OVERSEAS” printed within the authorized patronage area of the CAC.
b. The authorized patronage area for eligible individuals permanently assigned within
CONUS will be blank. Travel orders authorize access for these individuals while en route to the
deployment site.
c. During a conflict, combat, or contingency operation, civilian employees with a U.S. DoD
or Uniformed Services Geneva Conventions ID Card for Civilians Accompanying the Uniformed
Services will be granted all commissary; exchange; morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR); and
medical privileges available at the site of the deployment, regardless of the statements on the ID
card. Contractor employees possessing this ID card shall receive the benefit of those
commissary, exchange, MWR, and medical privileges that are accorded to such persons by
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international agreements in force between the United States and the host country concerned and
their letter of authorization.
d. The medical area on the card for individuals on permanent assignment in a foreign
country will contain the statement: “When TAD/TDY or stationed overseas on a space available
fully reimbursable basis.” However, civilian employees and contractor employees providing
support when forward deployed during a conflict, combat, or contingency operation are treated
in accordance with References (r) and DoDI 3020.41 (Reference (w)), and the Deputy Secretary
of Defense Memorandum (Reference (x)).
4. BLOOD TYPE INDICATORS. A blood type indicator is an optional data element on the ID
card and will only appear on the card if the blood type is provided by an authoritative data source
prescribed by Defense Health Agency.
5. ORGAN DONOR INDICATORS. An organ donor indicator is an optional data element on
the ID card and will only appear if the card applicant opts for this feature at the time of card
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1. GENERAL. This enclosure provides the roles and responsibilities associated with a series of
processes and systems that support the ID card life-cycle. The requirements provided in this
enclosure may be supplemented by military Service guidance, DoD Component-level procedures
and DMDC procedural and system documentation on DEERS, RAPIDS, TASS, and CPR.
2. SEPARATION OF DUTIES. The ID card life-cycle includes a requirement for a separation
of duties to support the issuance process. This rule requires more than one person to serve in an
official role during the sponsorship and enrollment and issuance processes. Authorizing a
RAPIDS SSM or VO to exercise the duties of a TASS TASM, TA, or sponsor would allow a
single individual to control the ID card issuance process, from record creation to card issuance.
Individuals serving in the role of a RAPIDS SSM or VO shall not exercise the role of the TASS
TASM or TA or the role of the signatory sponsor on the DD Form 1172-2. (In the case of their
own dependents, a RAPIDS SSM or VO can serve as the sponsor on the DD Form 1172-2 but
cannot serve as the VO for card issuance.)
3. DD FORM 1172-2. The DD Form 1172-2 shall be used to collect the information necessary
to register ID card and CAC applicants in DEERS via RAPIDS who are not enrolled through an
authorized personnel data feed or are not registered through TASS. The DD Form 577,
“Appointment/Termination Record – Authorized Signature,” shall be used to verify the
sponsoring individual’s signature, when verification through RAPIDS is unavailable. This form
is to be used primarily for DEERS enrollment and verification of initial and continued
association for dependents and DoD affiliates (e.g., foreign national military). The DD Form
1172-2 shall also be used to add benefits conditions for eligible personnel in accordance with
Reference (k) and Reference (m). Retention and disposition of the DD Form 1172-2 shall be in
accordance with the uniformed services’ regulatory instructions. In the absence of electronic
verification of sponsorship for the enrollment or reenrollment of dependents, the sponsor signing
block 65 in Section 5 of the DD Form 1172-2 for the ID card applicant:
a. Shall be a uniformed services member, retiree, civilian employee working for the
sponsoring organization, or an individual entitled to DoD benefits in their own right, without
requiring relationship to another sponsor, as described in Reference (m).
b. Must be a DoD ID card or CAC holder.
c. Shall establish the applicant’s initial and continued relationship to the sponsor, affiliation
with DoD, and need for a CAC card in accordance with this Volume and DoD Component-level
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4. TASS. TASS shall serve as the sponsorship and DEERS data registration tool for CAC-
eligible DoD contractors and other populations as determined by the Director, DHRA. TASS
employs an automated version of the DD Form 1172-2 to collect information necessary for
DEERS enrollment. Organizations that use TASS shall adhere to the following guidelines on
user roles:
a. Service Point of Contact (SPOC). A DoD Component that utilizes TASS shall appoint a
SPOC for TASS management and operation. The SPOC shall coordinate with the DMDC to
establish a site with TASS capability. The SPOC shall create policies, operating procedures, and
other supporting documentation in support of the Service or agency-specific implementation.
The SPOC will oversee TASM registration, and provide any other required field support. The
(1) Must be a U.S. citizen.
(2) Must be a uniformed services member, civilian employee working for the sponsoring
organization, or a DoD contractor providing management support to the service or agency
implementing TASS (a contractor cannot perform the TA or TASM role).
(3) Must be capable of sending and receiving digitally signed and encrypted e-mail.
(4) Must be a CAC holder.
(5) Shall complete the training provided by DMDC for the TASM and TA roles.
b. TASM. The TASM will act as a TA and oversee the activity for TASS site TAs. A TASS
(1) Must be a U.S. citizen.
(2) Must be a uniformed services member or a DoD civilian employee working for the
sponsoring organization.
(3) Must be capable of sending and receiving digitally signed and encrypted e-mail.
(4) Must be a CAC holder.
(5) Shall complete the training provided by DMDC for the TASM role.
c. TA. TAs shall be sponsors for eligible populations within TASS and will utilize TASS to
register data for the DD Form 1172-2, re-verify CAC holder affiliation, and revoke CACs in
accordance with this Manual and the TASS (CVS) TASM/TA and Applicant User Guides
(Reference (y)). Sponsoring an applicant is a multi-step process which includes establishing the
individual’s eligibility in accordance with section 1 of Enclosure 2 of this Volume and verifying
that the individual has the necessary background investigation completed to be issued a CAC in
accordance with section 3 of Enclosure 2 of this Volume. A TASS TA:
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(1) Must be a U.S. citizen.
(2) Must be a uniformed services member, a DoD civilian employee working for the
sponsoring organization, or a non DoD Federal agency employee approved by DHRA.
(3) Must be capable of sending and receiving digitally signed and encrypted e-mail.
(4) Must be a CAC holder.
(5) Shall complete the training provided by DMDC for the TA role.
(6) Shall manage no more than 100 active contractors at any given time within TASS.
Exceptions to this limit can be authorized by the DoD Component concerned to address specific
contract requirements that substantiate a need for a larger contractor-to-TA ratio. The DoD
Component SPOC shall document any authorized exceptions to the 100-contractors limit and
shall, at a minimum, conduct annual audits on the oversight functions of these specific TAs.
(7) Shall coordinate with their contracting personnel when establishing the contractor’s
initial and continued affiliation with DoD and need for CACs in accordance with agency or
Component-level procedures.
(8) Shall coordinate with their contracting, human resources, or personnel security
organizations to confirm that the appropriate background check has been completed for CAC
(9) Shall re-verify a CAC holder's need for a CAC every 6 months (180 days) within
(10) Shall revoke the CAC within the TASS upon termination of employment or
completion of affiliation with the DoD.
(11) Shall ensure that the CAC is retrieved upon the CAC holder’s termination of
employment or completion of affiliation with the DoD.
5. RAPIDS. RAPIDS must be operated in accordance with Reference (k). RAPIDS shall be
supported by:
a. SSM. The SSM shall manage the daily operations at a RAPIDS site to include managing
users, cardstock, and consumables. The SPO shall assign a primary and secondary SSM to each
site to ensure the site continues to function in the absence of one of the SSMs. The SSM shall
perform all responsibilities of a RAPIDS user (VO), as well as all SSM responsibilities. The
SSM shall:
(1) Be a U.S. citizen.
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(2) Be a uniformed services member, civilian employee working for the sponsoring
organization, or a DoD contractor.
(3) Be a CAC holder.
(4) Complete the training provided by DMDC for the SSM and VO roles.
(5) Be responsible for supporting RAPIDS functions delineated in Reference (k).
(6) Must have a favorably adjudicated NACI.
b. VO. The VO shall complete identity and eligibility verification and card issuance
functions in accordance with Reference (c). The VO:
(1) Must be a U.S. citizen.
(2) Must be a uniformed services member, civilian employee working for the sponsoring
organization, or a DoD contractor.
(3) Must be a CAC holder.
(4) Shall complete the training provided by DMDC for the VO role.
(5) Be responsible for supporting RAPIDS functions delineated in Reference (k).
6. CPR. Organizations that utilize CPR shall adhere to the guidelines in this section on user
a. CPR Project Officer. The CPR project officer (CPO) shall be appointed by the Service or
Agency as the focal point for day-to-day CPR management and operation. The CPO:
(1) Must be a U.S. citizen.
(2) Must be a uniformed services member, civilian employee working for the sponsoring
organization, or a DoD contractor.
(3) Must be a CAC holder.
(4) Must establish sites with CPR capability, oversee CPR TASM registration, and
ensure other required field support in accordance with DMDC and Service- or agency-level
b. CPR TASM. The CPR TASM manages the CPR trusted agent (CTA) operations. The
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(1) Must be a U.S. citizen.
(2) Must be a uniformed services member, civilian employee working for the sponsoring
organization, or a DoD contractor.
(3) Must be a CAC holder.
(4) Shall complete the required training and manage CTA operations in accordance with
DMDC and Service- or agency-level guidelines.
c. CTA. The CTA’s primary role is to provide PIN reset. The CTA:
(1) Must be a U.S. citizen.
(2) Must be a uniformed services member, civilian employee working for the sponsoring
organization, or a DoD contractor.
(3) Must be a CAC holder.
(4) Shall complete the required training and conduct CPR operations in accordance with
DMDC and Service- or agency-level guidelines.
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CAC Common Access Card
CONUS continental U.S.
CPO CAC PIN reset project officer
CTA CAC PIN reset trusted agent
CVS Contractor Verification System
DEERS Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
DHRA Defense Human Resources Activity
DMDC Defense Manpower Data Center
DoDD DoD directive
DoDI DoD instruction
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
ID identification
MSC Military Sealift Command
MWR morale, welfare, and recreation
NACI National Agency Check with Inquiries
NAF non-appropriated fund
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NIPRNet Nonsecure Internet Protocol Router Network
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OUSD(P&R) Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Personnel and Readiness
PIN personal identification number
PIV personal identity verification
PKI public key infrastructure
POW prisoner of war
RAPIDS Real-Time Automated Personnel Identification System
SPO service project office
SPOC service point of contact
SSM site security manager
TA trusted agent
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TAD/TDY temporary assigned duty / temporary duty
TASM trusted agent security manager
TASS Trusted Associate Sponsorship System
UMP-PIP User Maintenance Portal - Post-Issuance Portal
U.S.C. United States Code
USD(I&S) Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security
USD(P&R) Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
USPHS U.S. Public Health Service
VO verifying official
Unless otherwise noted, these terms and their definitions are for the purpose of this Volume.
access to a DoD network. User logon to a Windows active directory account on the Nonsecure
Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet) or an authorized network operating system account
on the NIPRNet.
access to a DoD network (remote). Authorized NIPRNet users accessing a NIPRNet resource
Another NIPRNet resource outside of the originating domain; or
An authorized system that resides outside of the NIPRNet. This includes domain-level
access from handheld devices. Remote access includes logon for the purposes of telework,
Virtual Private Network, and remote administration by DoD or non-DoD personnel.
certified document. Must be a certified true original and should convey the appropriate seal or
markings of the issuer, or have a means to validate the authenticity of the document by a
reference or source number, or be a notarized legal document or other document approved by a
Judge Advocate, or have the appropriate certificate of authentication by a U.S. Consular Officer
in the foreign country of issuance which attests to the authenticity of the signature and seal.
certified English translation. See requirements for certified document.
civilian employee. DoD civilian employees, as defined in section 2105 of title 5, U. S.C.
(Reference (z)) are individuals appointed to positions by designated officials. Appointments to
appropriated fund positions are either permanent or time-limited and the employees are on full-
time, part-time, or intermittent work schedules. In some instances, the appointments are seasonal
with either a full-time, part-time, or intermittent work schedule. Positions are categorized further
as Senior Executive Service, Competitive Service, and Excepted Service positions. In addition,
DoD employs individuals paid from NAFs, as well as foreign national citizens outside the United
States, its territories, and its possessions, in DoD activities overseas. The terms and conditions
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of host-nation citizen employment are governed by controlling treaties, agreements, and
memoranda of understanding with the foreign nations.
civilian noncombatant personnel. Personnel who have been authorized to accompany military
forces of the United States in regions of conflict, combat, and contingency operations and who
are liable to capture and detention by the enemy as POWs.
competitive service positions. See section 2102 of Reference (z).
contingency operation. Defined in Reference (u).
contractors authorized to accompany the force. Defined in Reference (u).
contractor employee. An employee of a firm, or individual under contract or subcontract to the
DoD, designated as providing services or support to the Department.
CPR. A portable, single-purpose system capable of providing timely PIN reset capability to the
field without requiring a CAC holder to return to a CAC issuance facility (i.e., RAPIDS
cross-servicing. Agreement amongst all uniformed services to assist members regardless of the
‘parent service’ of that member or their dependents for all matter ID card or benefits related when
dependent. An individual whose relationship to the sponsor leads to entitlement to benefits and
dual status. A person who is entitled to privileges from two sources (e.g., a retired member, who
is also the dependent of an active duty member; a retired-with-pay member who is employed
overseas as a civilian by the U.S. Government and is qualified for logistical support because of
that civilian employment; a member of a Reserve Component who is an eligible dependent of an
active duty military sponsor; or a child, who is the natural child of one sponsor and the stepchild
and member of a household of another sponsor).
eligibility documentation. Properly certified birth certificate or certificate of live birth
authenticated by attending physician or other responsible person from a U.S. hospital or a
military treatment facility showing the name of at least one parent; properly certified marriage
certification; properly certified final decree of divorce, dissolution, or annulment of marriage and
statements attesting to nonremarriage and status of employer-sponsored healthcare; court order
for adoption or guardianship; statement of incapacity from a physician or personnel or medical
headquarters of sponsor's parent uniformed service; letter from school registrar; retirement orders
(providing entitlement to retired pay is established) or DD Form 214 “Certificate of Release or
Discharge from Active Duty;” DD Form 1300, “Report of Casualty;” certification from the
Department of Veterans’ Affairs of 100 percent disabled status; orders awarding Medal of
Honor; formal determination of eligibility for Medicare Part A benefits from the Social Security
Administration; civilian personnel records; and invitational travel orders.
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excepted service positions. Defined in section 2103 of Reference (z).
federally controlled facility. Defined in OMB Memorandum M-05-24 (Reference (aa)).
foreign national civilians and contractors. A category of personnel that are CAC-eligible if
sponsored by their government as part of an official visit or assigned to work on a DoD facility
and/or require access to DoD networks both on site or remotely (remote access must be on an
exception only basis for this category).
former member. An individual who is eligible for, or entitled to, retired pay for non-Regular
service in accordance with chapter 1223 of Reference (s), but who has been discharged from the
Service and who maintains no military affiliation.
former spouses. Individuals who were married to a uniformed services member for at least 20
years, and the member had at least 20 years of service creditable toward retirement, and the
marriage overlapped by: 20 or more years (20/20/20); 15, but less than 20 (20/20/15); an abused
spouse whose marriage overlapped by 10 or more years (10/20/10).
full-time work schedule. Full-time employment with a basic 40-hour work week.
Individual Ready Reserve. Defined in Reference (vu).
Intergovernmental Personnel Act employees. The Intergovernmental Personnel Act mobility
program provides temporary assignment of personnel between the Federal Government and State
and local governments, colleges and universities, Indian tribal governments, federally funded
research and development centers, and other eligible organizations.
intermittent work schedule. Employment without a regularly scheduled tour of duty.
member. An individual who is affiliated with a Service, e.g., active duty, Reserve, active duty
retired, or Retired Reserve. Members in a retired status are not former members. See the
definition of “former member.”
NACI. The minimum investigation conducted by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
for federal employment in nonsensitive positions and for individuals requiring eligibility for
logical and physical access. The NACI consists of a records check (of designated agencies of
the Federal Government that maintain record systems containing information relevant to making
a personnel security determination) plus written inquiries to law enforcement agencies, former
employers and supervisors, references and schools covering the last 5 years.
NAF employees. NAF employees are Federal employees within the Department who are paid
from NAFs. Section 2105 of Reference (z) explains the status of NAF employees as Federal
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part-time work schedule. Part-time employment of 16 to 32 hours a week under a schedule
consisting of an equal or varied number of hours per day.
permanent employee. Career or career-conditional appointment in the Competitive or Senior
Executive Service or an appointment in the Excepted Service that carries no restrictions or
Ready Reserve. Defined in Reference (vu).
Retired Reserve entitled to pay at age 60 (Gray Area Retirees). Reserve members who have
completed 20 qualifying years for retirement and are entitled to receive pay at age 60, but have
not yet reached age 60. Individuals may be recalled to active duty under Reference (r).
seasonal employment. Annually recurring periods of work of less than 12 months each year.
Seasonal employees generally are permanent employees who are placed in non-duty or non-pay
status and recalled to duty in accordance with pre-established conditions of employment.
Seasonal employees may have full-time, part-time, or intermittent work schedules.
Selected Reserve. Defined in Reference (u).
Senior Executive Service positions. Appropriated fund positions in an agency classified above
General Service-15 pursuant to section 5108 or in level 4 or 5 of the Executive Schedule, or an
equivalent position, which is not required to be filled by an appointment by the President by and
with the advice and consent of the Senate.
SPO. The uniformed services, National Guard and Reserve Component, and agency-level office
that coordinates with OUSD(P&R) on policy and functional matters related to DEERS, RAPIDS,
and TASS, and manages ID card operations within the respective organization.
sponsor. The person affiliated to a DoD or other Federal agency who takes responsibility for
verifying and authorizing the applicant’s need for an ID card.
spouse. A person legally married to a current, former, or retired uniformed service member,
eligible civilian employee, or other eligible individual, in accordance with this volume,
regardless of gender or state of residence.
SSM. The SPO-appointed individual that manages the daily operations at a RAPIDS site to
include managing users, cardstock, and consumables.
Standby Reserve. Defined in Reference (u).
temporary assignment. An appointment for a specified period not to exceed 1 year. A temporary
assignment can be extended up to a maximum of 1 additional year.
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TA. An individual appointed by a TASM that serves as a sponsor for eligible populations within
TASS, utilizes TASS to register data for the DD Form 1172-2, re-verifies CAC holder affiliation,
and revokes CACs.
TASM. An individual appointed by a SPO to oversee the activity for a specific TASS site and
associated TAs. These individuals also serve in the TA role.
TASS (formerly known as CVS). A web application used to verify that CAC applicants have the
appropriate government sponsorship for the purpose of issuing CACs. The TASS web interface
automates the DD Form 1172-2 for tracking the request process and updating DEERS with
applicant information required for CAC issuance. The system also provides a mechanism for
periodic re-verification of contractor eligibility to ensure that information is current and
contractor CACs do not remain active when not appropriate. This capability will be expanded to
support registration and background investigation confirmation for additional CAC eligible
VO. An individual who is responsible for validating eligibility of bona fide beneficiaries to
receive benefits and entitlements.