Making Insurance Markets Work for Farmers
National Agricultural
Insurance Scheme in India
With 25 million farmers insured, the National
Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS) in India is the
largest crop insurance scheme in the world.
The Indian Government moved from a social crop
insurance scheme to a market-based crop insurance
program with actuarially sound premium rates, up-
front subsidies, and participation of private insurers.
The World Bank provided technical assistance to
support modification of NAIS based on international
best practice and in-country experience.
With two-thirds of the population dependent on
agriculture for a livelihood, crop insurance is an
important element of agricultural risk management in
India. The Government of India (GoI) has historically
focused on crop insurance as a planned mechanism to
mitigate the risks of natural perils on farm production. In
1999, GoI established the National Agricultural Insurance
Scheme (NAIS) to reduce farmers' vulnerability to natural
disasters. The NAIS offers insurance for food crops,
oilseeds, and selected commercial crops through state-
owned insurer, Agriculture Insurance Company of India
(AICI). With about 25 million farmers insured, it is the
largest crop insurance program in the world.
NAIS is based on an indexed approach known as the area
yield-based approach, where the index used is the crop
yield of a defined area called an insurance unit (IU, e.g.,
an administrative block). The actual yield of the insured
crop, measured by crop-cutting experiments in the IU, is
compared to historical yields. If the former is lower than
the latter, all insured farmers in the IU are eligible for the
same rate of indemnity payout. Individual crop insurance
would have been virtually impossible given the large
number of very small landholdings. Using the area yield-
based approach also has other merits. Most importantly,
it mitigates moral hazard and adverse selection.
NAIS is funded by post-disaster government
contributions, entailing an open-ended and highly
variable fiscal exposure for GoI. Farmers’ premiums are
subsidized; the annual claim/farmers’ premium ratio is
higher than 100 percent. At the end of the crop season,
aggregate claims exceeding the farmers’ premium are
funded 50-50 by the state and central governments.
India’s post-disaster funding arrangement was
necessitated by the lack of an actuarially sound premium
rating methodology, which means that estimating
payouts is not feasible. This system is not optimal for
GoI’s budget management and delays claims settlement,
leading to distress of farmers and exposing farmers to a
vicious debt cycle.
To address these challenges, in 2005 the Government
formed a joint task-force with AICI and requested the
World Bank to provide non-lending technical assistance
(NLTA) in modifying the crop insurance program and in
improving insurance coverage.
The objectives of the NLTA were to:
Review current underwriting methodology;
Develop an actuarially sound pricing methodology
based on international best practice;
Develop product design and pricing methodology for
new weather index insurance products;
Suggest cost-effective catastrophe risk financing
solutions for the public crop insurance company AICI.
Key outputs of the NLTA include:
Development of a best practice, standard, actuarially-
sound pricing procedure using an experience-based
approach for area-yield insurance;
Detailed inputs into the design of the modified NAIS
(mNAIS), which was launched for the 2010-11
growing season in 12 districts, covering 332,628
farmers, with an expected claims ratio within 50
percent; AICI is targeting 400,000 farmers for the next
growing season;
Development of commercial weather-based crop
insurance products;
Building of AICI’s capacity to transition NAIS to a
market-based approach;
Policy dialogue with various line ministries about the
fiscal impact of the modified NAIS as well as the
welfare implications of the modified scheme;
Designing prototype actuarial software; pricing over
200 insurance products; advising on use of mobile
technology for improving crop cutting data quality
and timeliness.
Actuarial regime. The mNAIS scheme operates on an “actuarial regime” in which the government’s financial liability is
predominantly in the form of premium subsidies given to AICI and funded ex-ante, thereby reducing the contingent and
uncertain ex-post fiscal exposure currently faced by the government under NAIS and reducing delays in claims settlement.
Up-front premium subsidies. AICI receives premiums (farmer collections plus premium subsidies from the government) and
is responsible for managing the liability of the mNAIS through risk transfer to private reinsurance markets and risk retention
through its reserves. It is financially able to operate on a sustainable basis.
On-account partial payment. The mNAIS product continues to be based on an area yield-based approach, with a provision
for an early part payment to farmers (in season) based on weather indices.
Small Insurance Units. Crop-cutting experiments to assess crop yield estimates are lowered from Block level to Village level
to reduce basis risk (i.e., the mismatch between the actual, individual crop yield losses and the insurance indemnity).
Cutoff dates. Adverse selection is reduced through the enforcement of early purchase deadlines ahead of the crop season.
Additional benefits. Additional benefits are offered for prevention of sowing, replanting, post harvest losses, and localized
risk, such as hail losses or landslides.
Main Features of the mNAIS
Updated March 2012
Lessons Learned
. S
tate-of-the-art tools should be developed in close
collaboration with the client, and second-best technical
solutions should be deployed when necessary to reflect
on-the-ground realities and political and economic
considerations. Drawing on international best practice
and in-country experience, the actuarially sound pricing
methodology helps attract international reinsurance
capacity. Such pricing methodology ensures the financial
sustainability of the program and its relevance to the
country context. An open approach helped close
collaboration with the client, leading to drawing on their
country and domain knowledge to a significant extent, a
process which also enabled the Bank team to learn from
the client’s experience and knowledge.
2. Technical tools can pave the way for policy dialogue.
The actuarial tools by themselves were the defined
output sought by the client. These actuarial tools were
used as the basis for a shift from ex-post to ex-ante
funding. They were also used to demonstrate efficiency
and the political and economic gains possible through
faster claims settlements. The tools therefore helped
translate technical work into a policy dialogue.
3. Extensive institutional capacity building and technical
inputs for both the implementing agency and
policymakers is critical. Agricultural insurance is a highly
specialized line of business that requires intensive
institutional capacity building. Major efforts were
undertaken to ensure that the proposed technical
recommendations would be fully understood and
implemented. Intensive training was provided to AICI
technical staff through technical documents, monthly
teleconferences, and quarterly on-site visits.
4. Combine traditional and innovative crop insurance.
Although much development literature and debate on
traditional versus new generation (weather-based)
insurance, technical grounds were used to demonstrate
the benefits of combining the two approaches, based on
their respective comparative advantages. Weather-
based indices are used for on-account partial payment of
claims in case of adverse mid-season conditions, while
area yield indices are used for final payment of claims.
Area-yield based insurance: Insurance scheme under
which insurance payments are based on an area-yield
estimate determined by harvest production
measurements taken at a series of randomly chosen
Crop Cutting Experiments locations.
Crop cutting experiment: Sampling process by which
crop yields are statistically estimated in each insurance
Further Reading
World Bank (2007). India National Agriculture
Insurance Scheme: Market-based solutions for better
risk sharing. Washington, DC.
Word Bank (2010). Enhancing Crop Insurance in India.
Washington, DC.
Niraj Verma, Senior Financial Sector Specialist, The
World Bank,, +1(91) 5785-
Olivier Mahul, Program Coordinator, Disaster Risk
Financing and Insurance, Capital Markets Practice
(NBFI), and GFDRR, The World Bank,, +1(202) 458-8955