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Chapter 194
Fishers Exact Test for Two Proportions
This module computes power and sample size for hypothesis tests of the difference, ratio, or odds ratio of
two independent proportions using Fisher’s exact test. This procedure assumes that the difference between
the two proportions is zero or their ratio is one under the null hypothesis.
The power calculations assume that random samples are drawn from two separate populations.
Technical Details
Suppose you have two populations from which dichotomous (binary) responses will be recorded. The
probability (or risk) of obtaining the event of interest in population 1 (the treatment group) is
and in
population 2 (the control group) is
. The corresponding failure proportions are given by
= 1
= 1
The assumption is made that the responses from each group follow a binomial distribution. This means that
the event probability,
, is the same for all subjects within the group and that the response from one
subject is independent of that of any other subject.
Random samples of m and n individuals are obtained from these two populations. The data from these
samples can be displayed in a 2-by-2 contingency table as follows
Group Success Failure Total
Treatment a c m
Control b d n
Total s f N
The following alternative notation is also used.
Group Success Failure Total
The binomial proportions
are estimated from these data using the formulae
PASS Sample Size Software
Fisher’s Exact Test for Two Proportions
© NCSS, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Comparing Two Proportions
When analyzing studies such as this, one usually wants to compare the two binomial probabilities,
. Common measures for comparing these quantities are the difference and the ratio. If the binomial
probabilities are expressed in terms of odds rather than probabilities, another common measure is the
odds ratio. Mathematically, these comparison parameters are
Parameter Computation
Difference =
Risk Ratio
Odds Ratio
Tests analyzed by this routine are for the null case. This refers to the values of the above parameters under
the null hypothesis. In the null case, the difference is zero and the ratios are one under the null hypothesis.
Hypothesis Tests
Several statistical tests have been developed for testing the inequality of two proportions. For large samples,
the powers of the various tests are about the same. However, for small samples, the differences in the
powers can be quite large. Hence, it is important to base the power analysis on the test statistic that will be
used to analyze the data. If you have not selected a test statistic, you may wish to determine which one
offers the best power in your situation. No single test is the champion in every situation, so you must
compare the powers of the various tests to determine which to use.
The (risk) difference, =
, is perhaps the most direct measure for comparing two proportions. Three
sets of statistical hypotheses can be formulated:
= 0
0; this is often called the two-tailed test.
> 0; this is often called the upper-tailed test.
< 0; this is often called the lower-tailed test.
The traditional approach for testing these hypotheses has been to use the Pearson chi-square test for large
samples, the Yates chi-square for intermediate sample sizes, and the Fisher Exact test for small samples.
Recently, some authors have begun questioning this solution. For example, based on exact enumeration,
Upton (1982) and D’Agostino (1988) conclude that the Fisher Exact test and Yates test should never be used.
PASS Sample Size Software
Fisher’s Exact Test for Two Proportions
© NCSS, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
The (risk) ratio, =
, is often preferred to the difference when the baseline proportion is small (less
than 0.1) or large (greater than 0.9) because it expresses the difference as a percentage rather than an
amount. In this null case, the null hypothesized ratio of proportions,
, is one. Three sets of statistical
hypotheses can be formulated:
; this is often called the two-tailed test.
; this is often called the upper-tailed test.
; this is often called the lower-tailed test.
Odds Ratio
The odds ratio, =
, is sometimes used to compare the two proportions because of its
statistical properties and because some experimental designs require its use. In this null case, the null
hypothesized odds ratio,
, is one. Three sets of statistical hypotheses can be formulated:
: =
; this is often called the two-tailed test.
: >
; this is often called the upper-tailed test.
: <
; this is often called the lower-tailed test.
Power Calculation
The power for a test statistic that is based on the normal approximation can be computed exactly using two
binomial distributions. The following steps are taken to compute the power of such a test.
1. Find the critical value (or values in the case of a two-sided test) using the standard normal distribution.
The critical value,
, is that value of z that leaves exactly the target value of alpha in the
appropriate tail of the normal distribution. For example, for an upper-tailed test with a target alpha of
0.05, the critical value is 1.645.
2. Compute the value of the test statistic,
, for every combination of
. Note that
from 0 to
, and
ranges from 0 to
. A small value (around 0.0001) can be added to the zero cell
counts to avoid numerical problems that occur when the cell value is zero.
3. If
, the combination is in the rejection region. Call all combinations of
lead to a rejection the set A.
4. Compute the power for given values of
1 =
PASS Sample Size Software
Fisher’s Exact Test for Two Proportions
© NCSS, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
5. Compute the actual value of alpha achieved by the design by substituting
to obtain
When the values of
are large (say over 200), these formulas may take a little time to evaluate. In
this case, a large sample approximation may be used.
Fisher’s Exact Test
The most useful reference we found for power analysis of Fisher’s Exact test was in the StatXact 5 (2001)
documentation. The material presented here is summarized from Section 26.3 (pages 866 870) of the
StatXact-5 documentation. In this case, the test statistic is
= ln
The null distribution of T is based on the hypergeometric distribution. It is given by
= , 󰆁given󰆁
Conditional on m, the critical value,
, is the smallest value of t such that
The power is defined as
1 =
PASS Sample Size Software
Fisher’s Exact Test for Two Proportions
© NCSS, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
= 
, ,
When the normal approximation is used to compute power, the result is based on the pooled, continuity
corrected Z test.
Z Test (or Chi-Square Test) with Continuity Correction (Pooled and Unpooled)
Frank Yates is credited with proposing a correction to the Pearson Chi-Square test for the lack of continuity
in the binomial distribution. However, the correction was in common use when he proposed it in 1922.
Although this test is often expressed directly as a Chi-Square statistic, it is expressed here as a z statistic so
that it can be more easily used for one-sided hypothesis testing.
Both pooled and unpooled versions of this test have been discussed in the statistical literature. The pooling
refers to the way in which the standard error is estimated. In the pooled version, the two proportions are
averaged, and only one proportion is used to estimate the standard error. In the unpooled version, the two
proportions are used separately.
The continuity corrected z-test is
where F is -1 for lower-tailed, 1 for upper-tailed, and both -1 and 1 for two-sided hypotheses.
Pooled Version
Unpooled Version
PASS Sample Size Software
Fisher’s Exact Test for Two Proportions
© NCSS, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Example 1 Finding Power
A study is being designed to study the effectiveness of a new treatment. Historically, the standard treatment
has enjoyed a 60% cure rate. Researchers want to compute the power of the two-sided z-test at group
sample sizes ranging from 50 to 650 for detecting differences of 0.05 and 0.10 in the cure rate at the 0.05
significance level.
If the procedure window is not already open, use the PASS Home window to open it. The parameters for this
example are listed below and are stored in the Example 1 settings file. To load these settings to the
procedure window, click Open Example Settings File in the Help Center or File menu.
Design Tab
_____________ _______________________________________
Solve For ................................................................. Power
Power Calculation Method ....................................... Binomial Enumeration
Maximum N1 or N2 for Binomial Enumeration ....... 1000
Zero Count Adjustment Method ............................. Add to zero cells only
Zero Count Adjustment Value ................................ 0.0001
Alternative Hypothesis ............................................. Two-Sided
Alpha........................................................................ 0.05
Group Allocation ...................................................... Equal (N1 = N2)
Sample Size Per Group ........................................... 50 to 650 by 100
Input Type ................................................................ Differences
D1 (Difference|H1 = P1-P2) ..................................... 0.05 0.1
P2 (Group 2 Proportion) ........................................... 0.6
PASS Sample Size Software
Fisher’s Exact Test for Two Proportions
© NCSS, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Click the Calculate button to perform the calculations and generate the following output.
Numeric Reports
Numeric Results
Solve For: Power
Test Type: Fisher's Exact Test
Groups: 1 = Treatment, 2 = Control
Hypotheses: H0: P1 - P2 = 0 vs. H1: P1 - P2 ≠ 0
Sample Size Proportion Alpha
────────────── ──────── Difference ─────────────
Power* N1 N2 N P1 P2 D1 Target Actual*
0.05398 50 50 100 0.65 0.6 0.05 0.05 0.03207
0.11908 150 150 300 0.65 0.6 0.05 0.05 0.03909
0.18341 250 250 500 0.65 0.6 0.05 0.05 0.04011
0.24952 350 350 700 0.65 0.6 0.05 0.05 0.04112
0.31619 450 450 900 0.65 0.6 0.05 0.05 0.04381
0.37874 550 550 1100 0.65 0.6 0.05 0.05 0.04418
0.43689 650 650 1300 0.65 0.6 0.05 0.05 0.04438
0.13196 50 50 100 0.70 0.6 0.10 0.05 0.03207
0.39398 150 150 300 0.70 0.6 0.10 0.05 0.03909
0.61766 250 250 500 0.70 0.6 0.10 0.05 0.04011
0.77218 350 350 700 0.70 0.6 0.10 0.05 0.04112
0.86945 450 450 900 0.70 0.6 0.10 0.05 0.04381
0.92824 550 550 1100 0.70 0.6 0.10 0.05 0.04418
0.96215 650 650 1300 0.70 0.6 0.10 0.05 0.04438
* Power was computed using binomial enumeration of all possible outcomes. Actual alpha is only computed for two-sided tests.
Power The probability of rejecting a false null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is true.
N1 and N2 The number of items sampled from each population.
N The total sample size. N = N1 + N2.
P1 The proportion for Group 1 at which power and sample size calculations are made. This is the treatment or
experimental group.
P2 The proportion for Group 2. This is the standard, reference, or control group.
D1 The difference assumed for power and sample size calculations. D1 = P1 - P2.
Target Alpha The input probability of rejecting a true null hypothesis.
Actual Alpha The value of alpha that is actually achieved.
Summary Statements
A parallel two-group design will be used to test whether the Group 1 (treatment) proportion (P1) is different from
the Group 2 (control) proportion (P2) (H0: P1 - P2 = 0 versus H1: P1 - P2 ≠ 0). The comparison will be made using
a two-sided, two-sample Fisher's Exact Test with a Type I error rate (α) of 0.05. The control group proportion is
assumed to be 0.6. To detect a proportion difference (P1 - P2) of 0.05 (or P1 of 0.65) with sample sizes of 50 for
the treatment group and 50 for the control group, the power is 0.05398.Group sample sizes of 50 in group 1 and 50
in group 2 achieve 0.05398% power to detect a proportion difference (P1 - P2) of 0.05. The proportion in group 1
(the treatment group) is assumed to be 0.6 under the null hypothesis and 0.65 under the alternative hypothesis.
The proportion in group 2 (the control group) is 0.6. The test statistic used is the two-sided Fisher's Exact Test. The
significance level of the test is targeted at 0.05. The significance level actually achieved by this design is 0.03207.
PASS Sample Size Software
Fisher’s Exact Test for Two Proportions
© NCSS, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Power Detail Report
Test Type: Fisher's Exact Test
Groups: 1 = Treatment, 2 = Control
Hypotheses: H0: P1 - P2 = 0 vs. H1: P1 - P2 ≠ 0
Normal Binomial
Sample Size Proportion Approximation Enumeration
────────────── ──────── Difference ───────────── ──────────────
N1 N2 N P1 P2 D1 Power Alpha Power Alpha
50 50 100 0.65 0.6 0.05 0.05284 0.05 0.05398 0.03207
150 150 300 0.65 0.6 0.05 0.11919 0.05 0.11908 0.03909
250 250 500 0.65 0.6 0.05 0.18503 0.05 0.18341 0.04011
350 350 700 0.65 0.6 0.05 0.25090 0.05 0.24952 0.04112
450 450 900 0.65 0.6 0.05 0.31569 0.05 0.31619 0.04381
550 550 1100 0.65 0.6 0.05 0.37839 0.05 0.37874 0.04418
650 650 1300 0.65 0.6 0.05 0.43824 0.05 0.43689 0.04438
50 50 100 0.70 0.6 0.10 0.13036 0.05 0.13196 0.03207
150 150 300 0.70 0.6 0.10 0.39486 0.05 0.39398 0.03909
250 250 500 0.70 0.6 0.10 0.61483 0.05 0.61766 0.04011
350 350 700 0.70 0.6 0.10 0.76985 0.05 0.77218 0.04112
450 450 900 0.70 0.6 0.10 0.86889 0.05 0.86945 0.04381
550 550 1100 0.70 0.6 0.10 0.92808 0.05 0.92824 0.04418
650 650 1300 0.70 0.6 0.10 0.96174 0.05 0.96215 0.04438
Dropout-Inflated Sample Size
Dropout-Inflated Expected
Enrollment Number of
Sample Size Sample Size Dropouts
────────────── ────────────── ──────────────
Dropout Rate N1 N2 N N1' N2' N' D1 D2 D
20% 50 50 100 63 63 126 13 13 26
20% 150 150 300 188 188 376 38 38 76
20% 250 250 500 313 313 626 63 63 126
20% 350 350 700 438 438 876 88 88 176
20% 450 450 900 563 563 1126 113 113 226
20% 550 550 1100 688 688 1376 138 138 276
20% 650 650 1300 813 813 1626 163 163 326
Dropout Rate The percentage of subjects (or items) that are expected to be lost at random during the course of the study
and for whom no response data will be collected (i.e., will be treated as "missing"). Abbreviated as DR.
N1, N2, and N The evaluable sample sizes at which power is computed (as entered by the user). If N1 and N2 subjects
are evaluated out of the N1' and N2' subjects that are enrolled in the study, the design will achieve the
stated power.
N1', N2', and N' The number of subjects that should be enrolled in the study in order to obtain N1, N2, and N evaluable
subjects, based on the assumed dropout rate. N1' and N2' are calculated by inflating N1 and N2 using the
formulas N1' = N1 / (1 - DR) and N2' = N2 / (1 - DR), with N1' and N2' always rounded up. (See Julious,
S.A. (2010) pages 52-53, or Chow, S.C., Shao, J., Wang, H., and Lokhnygina, Y. (2018) pages 32-33.)
D1, D2, and D The expected number of dropouts. D1 = N1' - N1, D2 = N2' - N2, and D = D1 + D2.
Dropout Summary Statements
Anticipating a 20% dropout rate, 63 subjects should be enrolled in Group 1, and 63 in Group 2, to obtain final group
sample sizes of 50 and 50, respectively.
PASS Sample Size Software
Fisher’s Exact Test for Two Proportions
© NCSS, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Bennett, B.M, and Hsu, P. 1960. 'On the power function of the exact test for the 2x2 contingency table', Biometrika,
Volume 47, page 363-398.
Chow, S.C., Shao, J., Wang, H., and Lokhnygina, Y. 2018. Sample Size Calculations in Clinical Research, Third
Edition. Chapman & Hall/CRC. Boca Raton, Florida.
Julious, Steven A. 2010. Sample Sizes for Clinical Trials. CRC Press. New York.
Machin, D., Campbell, M., Tan, S.B., and Tan, S.H. 2018. Sample Size Tables for Clinical, Laboratory and
Epidemiology Studies, 4th Edition. John Wiley & Sons. Hoboken, NJ.
Ryan, Thomas P. 2013. Sample Size Determination and Power. John Wiley & Sons. Hoboken, New Jersey.
This report shows the values of each of the parameters, one scenario per row. Notice that the approximate
power values are close to the binomial enumeration values for almost all sample sizes.
Plots Section
PASS Sample Size Software
Fisher’s Exact Test for Two Proportions
© NCSS, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
The values from the table are displayed on the above plots.
PASS Sample Size Software
Fisher’s Exact Test for Two Proportions
© NCSS, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Example 2 Finding the Sample Size
A clinical trial is being designed to test effectiveness of new drug in reducing mortality. Suppose the current
cure rate during the first year is 0.44. The sample size should be large enough to detect a difference in the
cure rate of 0.10. Assuming the test statistic is a two-sided Fisher’s Exact test with a significance level of 0.05,
what sample size will be necessary to achieve 90% power?
If the procedure window is not already open, use the PASS Home window to open it. The parameters for this
example are listed below and are stored in the Example 2 settings file. To load these settings to the
procedure window, click Open Example Settings File in the Help Center or File menu.
Design Tab
_____________ _______________________________________
Solve For ................................................................. Sample Size
Power Calculation Method ....................................... Binomial Enumeration
Maximum N1 or N2 for Binomial Enumeration ....... 1000
Zero Count Adjustment Method ............................. Add to zero cells only
Zero Count Adjustment Value ................................ 0.0001
Alternative Hypothesis ............................................. Two-Sided
Power....................................................................... 0.90
Alpha........................................................................ 0.05
Group Allocation ...................................................... Equal (N1 = N2)
Input Type ................................................................ Proportions
P1 (Group 1 Proportion|H1) ..................................... 0.54
P2 (Group 2 Proportion) ........................................... 0.44
PASS Sample Size Software
Fisher’s Exact Test for Two Proportions
© NCSS, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Click the Calculate button to perform the calculations and generate the following output.
Numeric Results
Solve For: Sample Size
Test Type: Fisher's Exact Test
Groups: 1 = Treatment, 2 = Control
Hypotheses: H0: P1 - P2 = 0 vs. H1: P1 - P2 ≠ 0
Power Sample Size Proportion Alpha
───────────── ────────────── ───────── Difference ──────────────
Target Actual* N1 N2 N P1 P2 D1 Target Actual*†
0.9 0.90028 546 546 1092 0.54 0.44 0.1 0.05 0.04207
* Power was computed using binomial enumeration of all possible outcomes. Actual alpha is only computed for two-sided tests.
† Warning: When solving for sample size with power computed using binomial enumeration, the target alpha level is not
guaranteed. Actual alpha may be greater than target alpha in some cases. We suggest that you investigate sample sizes near the
solution to find designs with an actual alpha you are willing to tolerate.
The required sample size is 546 per group.
As an exercise, change the Power Calculation Method to “Normal Approximation”. When this is done, the
sample size is 543—not much of a difference from the 546 that was found by exact power calculation. The
actual alpha is 0.04207 which is close to the target of 0.05.
PASS Sample Size Software
Fisher’s Exact Test for Two Proportions
© NCSS, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Example 3 – Validation using Bennett and Hsu (1960)
Bennett and Hsu (1960), page 396, present an example using Fisher’s Exact test in which P1 = 0.8, P2 = 0.2,
N1 = 10, N2 = 10, and alpha = 0.05. Assuming a one-sided test and equal sample allocation, they calculate
the power to be 0.8054.
If the procedure window is not already open, use the PASS Home window to open it. The parameters for this
example are listed below and are stored in the Example 3 settings file. To load these settings to the
procedure window, click Open Example Settings File in the Help Center or File menu.
Design Tab
_____________ _______________________________________
Solve For ................................................................. Power
Power Calculation Method ....................................... Binomial Enumeration
Maximum N1 or N2 for Binomial Enumeration ....... 1000
Zero Count Adjustment Method ............................. Add to zero cells only
Zero Count Adjustment Value ................................ 0.0
Alternative Hypothesis ............................................. One-Sided
Alpha........................................................................ 0.05
Group Allocation ...................................................... Equal (N1 = N2)
Sample Size Per Group ........................................... 10
Input Type ................................................................ Proportions
P1 (Group 1 Proportion|H1) ..................................... 0.8
P2 (Group 2 Proportion) ........................................... 0.2
Click the Calculate button to perform the calculations and generate the following output.
Numeric Results
Solve For: Power
Test Type: Fisher's Exact Test
Groups: 1 = Treatment, 2 = Control
Hypotheses: H0: P1 - P2 ≤ 0 vs. H1: P1 - P2 > 0
Sample Size Proportion Alpha
──────────── ──────── Difference ─────────────
Power* N1 N2 N P1 P2 D1 Target Actual*
0.80539 10 10 20 0.8 0.2 0.6 0.05
* Power was computed using binomial enumeration of all possible outcomes. Actual alpha is only computed for two-sided tests.
PASS found the power to be 0.80539, which matches the result in the journal.