Whitney M. Young Jr.
Service Award
Nomination Form
The Whitney M. Young Jr. Service Award recognizes outstanding service by an adult or an organization for demonstrated involvement in the
development and implementation of Scouting opportunities for youth from rural or low-income urban backgrounds.
Nominee’s Information
Name ___________________________________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________________
City _____________________________________________ State ___________ Zip code _______________
Country ____________ Home phone ________________________ Mobile phone _____________________
Email ___________________________________________________________________________________
Occupation ______________________________ Scouting affiliation ________________________________
Nominated by _________________________________________________ Date __________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________
City __________________________________________ State _________________ Zip code ____________
Phone _____________________________ Email _______________________________________________
Council Committee Approval
On _______________, the _________________________ Council Committee, BSA, approves the nominee as
worthy of this award.
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
(Council committee chair’s signature) (Scout executive’s signature)
The nominee has made a significant contribution while acting as an advocate for rural or low-income urban
youth, encouraging outreach to improve their conditions, and sensitizing Scouting’s and America’s leadership
to these conditions.
1. The nominee has actively served on the following committees or boards that promoted activities and
services for rural or low-income urban communities:
2. The nominee has extended Scouting opportunities to youth of rural or low-income urban communities in
the following ways:
3. The nominee has assisted the local council executive board and district committee(s) in the recruitment
of key leadership as follows:
4. The nominee has participated in the development of volunteer leadership in rural or low-income urban
areas. Describe.
5. The nominee has responded to hands-on activities at summer camp, community service projects, or
other activities of special assistance to people in rural or low-income urban areas. Describe.
6. The nominee has caused greater comprehension of the uses of Scouting in organizations that serve far-
reaching rural or low-income urban communities. Explain how.
7. The nominee has created a better understanding of how to apply the aims and ideals of Scouting in rural
or low-income urban communities. Explain how.
8. The nominee exhibited leadership in promoting Scouting for youth in rural or low-income urban areas
regardless of religion, or creed, and has helped others understand how to make Scouting operations
meaningful to people in rural or low-income urban areas, including outreach and organizational
methods. Describe.
9. The nominee has provided, through achievements and deeds, a civic and charitable role model for
Scouts, Venturers, and Scouters. Describe.
10. The nominee exhibited leadership in funding, training, methods development, and/or other
administrative support necessary to make Scouting effective in rural or low-income urban communities.
The Nomination and Selection
The Whitney M. Young Jr. Service Award is presented to people at all levels of the organization (executive
board, district Scouters, unit personnel) and to people of all races and income levels. The council president
designates a committee to administer the award for the council. This may be a special Whitney M. Young Jr.
Award committee or the council’s advancement and recognition committee, Silver Beaver committee, or inner-
city/rural advisory committee. The committee should include at least one person who is familiar with low-
income urban and/or rural outreach. The Scout executive or a designated staff member serves as advisor to the
The council’s annual quota of awards shall not exceed the number of districts in the council. Emphasis is on
being selective, with no intention that the full quota must be used every year. The quota is noncumulative.
The award should not be presented posthumously.
The council committee screens, prioritizes, and selects worthy recipients. Nominations may be submitted to the
committee by committee members, professional staff, or any other registered Scouter.
Applications may be obtained from www.scouting.org/awards_central.
The Award
The council orders the below item(s) using the regular Supply order form from the Supply Group distribution
Whitney M. Young Jr. Service Award
Plaque, No. 619051
Whitney M. Young Jr. Service Award
Lapel Pin, No. 619105
(not available for organization recipients)
Whitney M. Young Jr. Service Award
Embroidered Square Knot, No. 19000
(not available for organization recipients)
Whitney M. Young Jr. Service Award
Pendant on Ribbon, No. 619106
(not available for organization recipients)
Select a highly visible event with an appropriate ceremony to present the award. Council and district
appreciation dinners, annual business meetings, testimonial dinners, or a major function that the recipient is
associated with provide excellent settings for the award presentation.
The presentation might also involve other community agencies that are actively involved with rural or low-
income urban outreach (such as Urban League, for which Whitney Young served as national executive
2013 Printing