NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3
(July 2020)
Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center Technical Manual
620 John Paul Jones Circle, Suite 1100
Portsmouth, VA 23708-2103
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
I. ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................. 2
II. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 4
III. NOISE MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL ........................................................................... 15
IV. HEARING PROTECTION ....................................................................................................... 17
V. AUDIOMETRIC MONITORING .............................................................................................. 19
VI. EMPLOYEE TRAINING ......................................................................................................... 30
VII. RECORDKEEPING ................................................................................................................ 32
VIII. PROGRAM EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENT .......................................................... 34
APPENDIX A: LIST OF SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ............................................................. 37
APPENDIX B: REFERENCES ........................................................................................................ 39
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
I. Acronyms
American National Standards Institute
Assistant Secretary of the Navy
Bureau of Medicine & Surgery
Code of Federal Regulation
Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation
Department of Defense Instruction
Depart of the Navy
Defense Occupational and Environmental Health Reporting System-
Hearing Conservation
Data Repository
Enterprise Clinical Audiology Application
Enterprise Safety Application Management System
Fitness for Duty
Hearing Conservation Program
Hearing Conservation Program Manager
Hearing Conservation Technician
Hearing Protection Device
Human Resource Office
Industrial Hygiene
Joint Knowledge Online
Medical Evaluation Board
Medical Inspector General
Military Health System
Memorandum of Agreement
Measurements of Effectiveness
Mobile Hearing Conservation Audiometric Truck
Military Occupational Specialty
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Medical Readiness Reporting System
Military Treatment Facility
Navy Enlisted Classification
Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center
Noise Induced Hearing Loss
Noise Reduction Rating
Occupational Audiology and Hearing Conservation
Octave Band Analyzer
Officer in Charge
Occupational Medicine Program Assessment
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Instruction
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Phonetically Balanced
Prospective Commanding Officer
Protective Health Information
Personally Identifiable Information
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
Permanent Threshold Shift
Prospective Executive Officer
Service Duty Occupational Code
Secretary of the Navy
Similarly Exposure Group
Safety and Occupational Health
Standard Operating Procedures
Speech Reception Threshold
Significant Threshold Shift
Tactical Communication and Protection Systems
Time-Weighted Average
Web-Enabled Safety System
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
Hearing is a multidimensional sense that functions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in a 360 degree
sphere. Good hearing is important for communicating with others in our personal lives and at work.
In certain situations, distinct hearing and precise communications are critical, where a lack of clear
understanding can trigger serious consequences. Military occupational environments exemplify
those venues. The military is a noisy enterprise. Tactical training, operational combat, shipboard
operations and shore industrial environments are inherently noise hazardous occupations. Noise
Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) and tinnitus are the most prevalent occupational health risks in the
military. Unprotected exposure to hazardous noise can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss,
compromise verbal communications, degrade the ability to discern important auditory signals in the
environment, and jeopardize human safety and operational efficiency.
The objectives of Occupational Audiology (OA) and the Hearing Conservation Program (HCP) are
to prevent occupational NIHL through proactive implementation of outreach, education and
prevention activities, and to preserve and enhance hearing capability by adhering to regulatory
measures, implementing program guidelines, and applying technological advances.
A. Purpose
1. The purpose of the Navy Medicine HCP Technical Manual (TM) is to provide
supplemental regulatory guidance to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA),
Department of Defense (DoD), and Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) 5100 series
of instructions for the consistent and effective implementation of the Navy and Marine Corps HCP.
B. Guidance
Title 29, Code of Federal Regulation (CFR), Section 1910.95, Occupational Noise Exposure
contains the OSHA regulation regarding hearing conservation. OSHA guidance provides the
minimum standards regarding the regulation and monitoring of hearing conservation for business
and industry. Specific HCP guidance for uniformed Armed Service members, military equipment,
military systems and military operations is outlined in DoD regulations.
In addition, Title 29, CFR, Part 1904 Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses
mandates recording and reporting of work-related hearing loss to OSHA for civilians enrolled in the
DoD and OPNAV instructions are based on federal OSHA law but are often more stringent due to
longer exposure times and noise levels. Combat operations are exempt from meeting OSHA
regulations. Local Commands establish specific installation policies or standard operating
procedures (SOPs) to implement the HCP.
1. Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 6055.12
, Hearing Conservation Program
establishes policy to protect all DoD personnel from hearing loss resulting from operational and
occupational noise exposure through a continuing, effective, and comprehensive HCP. DoD
Service Components must develop and maintain a written plan and ensure the implementation of a
comprehensive HCP.
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2. The Assistant Secretary of the Navy (ASN) determines Safety and Occupational Health
(SOH) policy for the Department of the Navy (DON). OPNAVINST 5100.23, Navy Safety and
Occupational Health Program Manual
is published to provide overall Navy policy for the
management of the total SOH program. OPNAVINST 5100.23 provides policy, procedures, and
guidance pertaining to responsibilities set forth by the ASN and Chapter 18 is specific to Hearing
Conservation and Noise Abatement.
General concepts and provisions of OPNAVINST 5100.23 apply to all Navy; however, exceptions
are made for military-unique equipment, systems, and operations such as forces afloat.
OPNAVINST 5100.19, Navy Safety and Occupational Health Program Manual
for Forces Afloat is
the primary SOH resource document for implementing the SOH Program for afloat commands. The
purpose of OPNAVINST 5100.19 is to provide commanding officers, safety officers, managers,
supervisors, and workers for afloat commands with a document that gives guidance and direction
necessary to implement the SOH Program. Section B of OPNAV 5100.19 is divided into Major
Hazard-Specific Elements and Chapter B4 pertains specifically to Hearing Conservation.
3. In addition to the OPNAVINST 5100 series, the Marine Corps Order 6260.3 series, Marine
Corps Hearing Conservation Program
establishes the HCP policy for Marine Corps personnel.
USMC personnel must meet reference and annual audiogram requirements and audiogram dates
must be recorded and tracked in the Medical Readiness Reporting System (MRRS).
4. Appendix A provides a list of supporting documents that can be found on the Navy and
Marine Corps Public Health Center (NMCPHC) website.
C. Responsibilities
1. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) Audiologist. Establishes policy and
procedures to implement and manage a comprehensive Department of the Navy Hearing
Conservation Program.
a. Serves as the subject matter expert for hearing conservation-related matters for
activities under the command and control of Chief, BUMED.
b. Coordinates the exchange of hearing conservation information between headquarters
commands to ensure familiarity with BUMED policies and procedures, and that they are
implemented consistently across Navy Medicine.
2. NMCPHC Occupational Audiology and Hearing Conservation (OA/HC) Division Head.
Provides appropriate guidance and direction and serves as consultant to Navy audiologists,
occupational health physicians, occupational health nurses and other health professionals in matters
related to occupational audiology, hearing conservation, and noise control.
a. Provides input into the formulation of Navy Medicine policy concerning occupational
audiology, hearing conservation, and noise control.
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b. Serves as the Navy’s Defense Occupational and Environmental Health Reporting
System-Hearing Conservation (DOEHRS-HC) Program Manager for system development, field
evaluation and operation. In this capacity, the NMCPHC OA/HC Division Head provides
professional analysis of DOEHRS-HC data and develops authoritative scientific reports.
c. Reviews military treatment facility (MTF) requests for occupational audiology, hearing
conservation and noise measurement equipment.
d. Provides technical oversight of the NMCPHC Calibration Laboratory which is
responsible for distributing, repairing, maintaining, and calibrating audiometric, sound measuring,
and other related occupational health equipment.
e. Provides standardization and quality assurance and oversight of Hearing Conservation
Technician (HCT) training programs Navy-wide. Ensures training programs at a minimum meet the
standards of the Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation (CAOHC), the
nationally recognized accrediting body for hearing testing certification.
(1) All courses are required to be coordinated, scheduled and/or canceled with
NMCPHC no later than one week prior to the end of the preceding month the course is being held.
This can be done via email to the NMCPHC Information Systems and Training Specialist.
Information required includes: Start date, location, course director, DOEHRS-HC instructor, and
confirmation of CAOHC certification and CAOHC course number (if applicable). Also, NMCPHC
has an inventory of available training equipment that can be provided (based on availability) to
support courses. Course Directors will submit the request for training equipment at the time of
scheduling the HCT Certification Course. Training equipment will be shipped back to NMCPHC
no later than the first business day after course completion.
(2) Course Directors must follow the standardized five day HCT Certification Course
curriculum that entails a written test, practical test, and oral patient counseling exam in order to
meet certification requirements. There is a limit of one student per computer, audiometric
hardware, and DOEHRS-HC software training set. It is recommended that Course Directors have
students print manuals locally prior to class.
(3) For the course to be closed out and certifications to be approved by NMCPHC
student rosters and student course critiques must be submitted within three business days of course
f. Maintains liaison with and provides appropriate input to the Naval Medical Research
and Development Command. Plans, recommends, coordinates and evaluates pilot projects with
innovative audiometric techniques, procedures and equipment.
3. NMCPHC Information Systems and Training Specialist. Provides resolutions to users with
DOEHRS-HC and Data Repository (DR) software and hardware issues. Assists users with system
trouble calls and ensures that problems are resolved. Shares solutions to common problems with the
Audiology community, Program Managers and DOEHRS user communities and reports unusual
problems to the DOEHRS-HC and DR Functional Managers.
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a. Plans and develops educational strategies and materials to ensure all users at all
audiometric test sites are fully competent with DOEHRS-HC and DR software and hardware use.
Provides on-site training on the DOEHRS-HC system, as needed, to users and HCP Managers.
b. Monitors all audiometric test sites and works to ensure that all users are entering
accurate and appropriate data into the DOEHRS-HC system. Works to ensure all sites maintain
current DOEHRS-HC software, look-up tables, Unit Identification Code Finder software and other
resources needed, specific to each test site, for optimum quality data collection.
c. Performs routine analysis of data. Monitors all exported DOEHRS-HC data to the DR
for appropriate quantity and quality of data. Proactively educates and assists users and sites with
data export and compliance issues to improve data quality/quantity.
4. NMCPHC Calibration Laboratory. Manages maintenance plans, practices and updates
programs for all assigned equipment.
a. Resolves problems pertaining to the design, installation, maintenance, operation,
calibration and repair of the assigned Industrial Hygiene, audiometric and other medical equipment
pertaining to the HCP.
b. Maintains database for inventory control of audiometers, calibrators, sound level meters
and dosimeters. Uses Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support (DMLSS) for the inventory
control of HCP audiometers.
c. Per NAVMED P-5132, Equipment Management Manual
, NMCPHC will procure,
own, calibrate, and manage all Navy Medicine HCP audiometers.
d. Provides Navy-wide support for audiometer and sound level measuring equipment
calibration, maintenance, repair and replacement. For any audiometers needing repair, immediate
contact should be made to the NMCPHC Calibration Laboratory to coordinate the transfer of new
equipment to replace the faulty equipment. Faulty equipment will be returned to NMCPHC for
e. Provides technical assistance for equipment operation, life cycle management and
equipment replacement.
f. Maintains the DOEHRS-HC training equipment utilized by the Hearing Conservation
5. Regional Hearing Conservation Program Manager (HCPM). Regional HCPMs serve as the
senior Occupational Audiology and Hearing Conservation subject matter experts for the Navy
Medicine Regions, and are responsible for oversight and implementation of Navy/USMC HCPs
throughout the Region.
a. Establishes regional business rules and benchmarks, and facilitates policy
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b. Formally evaluates the HCPs of echelon 4 subordinate activity MTFs at least every
three years as part of the Safety and Occupational Health Management Evaluation (SOHME) in
accordance with appendix B references (d) and the Bureau of Medicine Instruction 5100.13, Safety
and Occupational Health Program
. At the discretion of the Regional HCPM or the request of an
MTF, technical or informal program assist visits may be provided.
c. Collaborates with Medical Inspector General (MEDIG) SOH inspectors to ensure
quality, stable, sustainable, effective programs and promote standardization of best practices across
the enterprise.
d. Facilitates Occupational Audiologist cross-leveling support coverage at MTFs within
the region. When MTFs have gapped Occupational Audiologist billets, Regional HCP Managers
work to identify and designate another Occupational Audiologist within the region (military or
civilian) to temporarily backfill a gapped position. When there is no available Occupational
Audiologist within the region to support the gapped billet, the Regional Human
Resources/Manpower Office forwards the cross-leveling support request to the other Navy
Medicine Region or to the Navy Audiology Specialty Leader to identify a potential candidate to
provide temporary coverage to the requesting command.
e. Briefs Prospective Commanding Officers (PCO) and Prospective Executive Officers
(PXO) on the status of the gaining MTF’s HCP.
f. Upon completion of each fiscal year, Regional HCP Managers review HCP Self-
Assessments from each of the MTFs under their purview to evaluate the status of each MTF’s
program and (when possible) provide support and/or resources to facilitate improvements at
commands where weaknesses or challenges exist.
g. Reviews and consolidates MTF HCP metrics and forwards to BUMED M44 at the end
of each fiscal year.
6. MTF Hearing Conservation Program Manager. An MTF HCP Manager will be designated
by appointment letter. The senior MTF Occupational Audiologist is the appropriate professional to
serve as MTF HCP Manager. In the absence of an OA, the Regional HCP Manager will assist the
MTF commanding officer in identifying an individual within the MTF’s Area of Responsibility
(AOR) to provide local program management and an OA to provide program oversight support via
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). MTF HCP Managers are responsible for implementing the
Navy Medicine components of the HCP for noise hazard commands within the MTF AOR.
a. Ensures standardization of patient care and business practices across the MTF AOR.
Provides centralized oversight, operational management, and technical supervision of OA and HCP
personnel, services and resources within the MTF, branch clinics, and mobile facilities. Convenes
at least semi-annual meetings and/or training with HCP staff to facilitate effective leadership,
communication, and program/process improvement efforts.
b. Ensures adequate staffing, equipment, supplies, operating target, and access to OA and
HCP care and services at MTFs in the AOR. The BUMED Occupational Audiology Staffing Model
(OASM) will be used as a guide to determine appropriate staffing levels.
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c. Oversees staffing issues to include initiating, participating and facilitating in hiring
actions and orientation of OAs and HCP personnel. Facilitates training, certification, and
continuing education for HCP staff.
d. Provides technical review of HCP notifications, correspondence and reports.
e. Conducts medical record reviews, mentoring, and performance and competency
evaluations for HCP staff.
f. Monitors and evaluates DOEHRS data quality from HCP point of care sites and
resolves discrepancies. Ensures all HCP workload is appropriately captured in patient Electronic
Health Record (EHR) systems and all time spent performing HCP functions is accurately captured
in the Defense Medical Human Resource System Internet (DMHRSi) under the “FBN” Medical
Expense and Performance Reporting System (MEPRS) code.
g. Manages MTF HCP equipment inventory, maintenance, calibration schedules, and
clinic space needs. Coordinates with leadership on facility design of new and renovated spaces
and/or the relocation of OA and HCP personnel. Consults with the Regional OA/HCPM prior to
purchasing new audiometric booth(s).
h. Completes annual HCP Self-Assessment and metrics per reference (h). Annually briefs
MTF leadership on overall HCP status, self-assessment findings, metrics, and plans for
improvement. Submits assessment and metrics data to the cognizant Navy Medicine Regional HCP
Manager per established timelines.
i. Maintains HCP preparedness across the MTF enterprise for SOHME and Navy MEDIG
inspections. Resolves all formal findings.
j. Maintains a comprehensive list and contact information of all HCP enrolled commands
and command Safety Managers/Officers and updates it semi-annually. See section 7.b.(1) below
for required enrollment data elements.
k. Participates in ongoing communication and collaboration with noise hazard commands
to evaluate HCP effectiveness and work toward the common goal of hearing loss prevention.
l. Monitors and tracks program effectiveness of all supported activities. Provides
documented annual HCP performance reports to supported commands/activities and maintains these
documents for at least 5 years for inspections, audits, or epidemiological trending.
m. Ensures that formal hearing injury notifications are provided to employees and their
supervisors within 21 days of OA confirmation of permanent threshold shift (PTS) or OSHA
recordable hearing loss.
n. Conducts quarterly review of DOEHRS data entry integrity and DR uploads for all
DOEHRS users in the AOR. Analyzes DOEHRS data quality, and addresses and corrects data
integrity issues. Quarterly reviews DR accounts and archives inactive users.
o. The detailed program management checklist can be found on the NMCPHC website.
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7. Occupational Audiologist. For the purpose of HCP Management, the Occupational
Audiologist/Hearing Conservation Program Manager must maintain a close collaborative
relationship with command leadership and Safety Managers of supported noise hazard commands,
in addition to MTF Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine professionals. Effective
program management requires the following:
a. Work Schedule. OA’s will allocate no more than 50 percent of the OA work schedule
toward patient care to enable the proper distribution of efforts toward the primary mission of
hearing loss prevention. Patient care responsibilities include:
(1) Reviewing referrals and determining disposition.
(2) Providing comprehensive diagnostic audiology care and services to referred
(3) Conducting medical qualification assessments on HCP enrollees that meet criteria
for further audiological and fitness for duty evaluation.
b. At least 50 percent of the work schedule must be allocated to hearing loss prevention
outreach efforts, program oversight, and management functions. OAs must maintain objective
tracking documentation on how this time is spent. This includes:
(1) Maintaining a current, comprehensive directory of supported noise hazard
commands within the MTF AOR. For each supported command and in collaboration with the
Safety Officer and Work Area Supervisor (see Sections C.13 and C.14), the following minimum
documentation is maintained: Unit Identification Code (UIC), HCP enrollment numbers, estimated
program compliance data, PTS/hearing injury rates, and contact information for key HCP
stakeholders. The directory must be updated at least semi-annually. Collaborative partnerships
with IH personnel and the ability to access noise surveys and shared files is essential for
maintaining current HCP directory information.
(2) Prevention Outreach. Each full-time OA must complete a minimum of 12
documented HCP training or hearing loss prevention events per fiscal year with supported noise
hazard commands. Prevention Outreach must be tracked in Excel or other effective database
tracking system and kept on file for at least 5 years. The objective of these events is to provide
tangible program assistance and hearing loss prevention services that yield effective outcomes and
return on investment (i.e., reductions in hearing injury/risk, greater awareness of noise hazard
impacts, hearing protection use/fit improvements). Prevention Outreach may include:
(a) Worksite Assessments. Worksite assessments include a walk-through of the
noise hazard worksite area(s) and review/evaluation of overall program compliance, worksite noise
hazards, noise hazard signs/labels, hearing protection options/availability, employee communication
requirements/challenges, potential for engineering controls/noise hazard reduction, and providing
professional expertise and consultation on hearing loss prevention and HCP improvement
initiatives. A worksite assessment report is sent to the command leadership/Safety Manager upon
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(b) Risk-Based Intervention/Support. Conducting more detailed, customized,
targeted hearing loss prevention initiatives by prioritizing assistance to commands with the highest
hearing injury rates, and assessing possible worksite elements, work practices and employee habits
that influence injury risk. Working collaboratively with Safety, IH and other professionals to
implement processes/procedures that mitigate risk.
(c) Conducting group HCP education or other substantial knowledge-based
interactive hearing loss prevention activities for noise exposed personnel, supervisors, command
leadership, or unit Safety personnel. Group training services may be captured as encounters in the
Electronic Health Record.
(d) Providing group consultation on hearing protective device (HPD) selection,
including advanced or custom protection options, or conducting HPD fit check assessments. HPD
fittings and Fit-Check services must be captured as encounters in the Electronic Health Record.
(e) Base Safety Council meetings. Providing/presenting HCP information and
statistics, such as: noise hazard command program performance data (estimated compliance,
hearing injury/PTS), HPD options/samples/fitting demonstrations/new technology, HCP Self-
Assessment checklist items, literature on available HCP services, and OA/HCP contact information.
(f) Networking/Relationship building. Maintain monthly email communications
with 100% of noise hazard command safety managers and officers in the AOR. Establish
systematic contact and on-site collaborative meetings with noise hazard command Safety Managers
in the AOR to develop proactive communication and facilitate reciprocal cooperative relationships
in the prevention of occupational hearing loss.
(3) Clinic Assist Visits. OAs who provide oversight to multiple HCP points of service
locations must visit and assess each site quarterly. Clinics outside a 120 mile radius must be visited
at least annually. An After Action Report is provided to the clinic Officer-in-Charge (OIC).
Technician refresher training is encouraged during visits. See the NMCPHC website for Clinic
Assist Visit checklist. Infection control protocol will be reviewed as part of the Clinic Assist Visit.
See the NMCPHC website for infection control guidance.
(4) Hearing Conservation Technician Certification Courses. Periodic standardized
hearing conservation technician certification courses are conducted to maintain adequate staffing
and credentialing of certified technicians in the AOR. Course frequency is commensurate with
local demands. OAs must maintain current hearing conservation Course Director credentials
through CAOHC. See section II.C.2.e under Responsibilities for guidance on conducting HCT
Certification Courses.
(5) Annual Technician Competency Evaluations. The provision of audiometry and
other hearing conservation support services is accomplished under the supervision of an audiologist,
otolaryngologist, occupational medicine physician, or other qualified physician. Technician
proficiency in audiometric test instructions, administration, patient education, and HPD fittings is
evaluated and documented at least annually as part of the certification maintenance process using
the standardized form that can be found on the NMCPHC website. Technician Competency
Evaluations are completed on all active certified technicians in the AOR. Active technicians are
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those who have administered audiograms within 1 year. Newly certified technicians are considered
fully qualified and a competency evaluation is not required until 1 year from certification date.
(6) Hearing injury notification reports. Formal notification is provided to the patient
and his/her supervisor within 21 days of OA confirmation of a work-related PTS or OSHA
recordable hearing loss. A sample report is located on the NMCPHC website.
(7) HCP Performance Reports. Annual fiscal year HCP performance reports are
provided to supported commands, and must include estimated compliance and PTS/hearing injury
rates. The NMCPHC website provides a template for the HCP Performance Report.
c. Audiology Equipment. The MTF or regional OA must be involved in all audiology
equipment purchases and installations. Prior to submitting a procurement package, consult the
cognizant Regional HCPM on all audiometric test booth purchases for review. See section V for a
listing of current standard of care audiology equipment.
d. Peer Review. OAs will complete peer review process in accordance with local
command credentials protocol. In the absence of a qualified Occupational Audiologist to provide
peer review services, the Regional Audiologist will assist with coordinating a viable peer review
8. Hearing Conservation Technician (HCT).
a. Educates HCP enrollees on the components, requirements, and benefits of the HCP.
b. Reviews ear and hearing information from patient’s medical record. Obtains patient
history on conditions that may contribute to loss of hearing sensitivity, or that may affect hearing
test results. Documents any significant patient history in the medical record.
c. Performs otoscopic examination of ear canals to ensure there are no medical
contraindications to testing, such as excessive ear wax, foreign bodies, evidence of infection or
disease or other conditions that may affect hearing or the insertion of earplugs. When
contraindications to testing are noted, the HCT refers the employee to appropriate provider for
evaluation, treatment and disposition.
d. Prepares patients for hearing tests. Gives clear, concise test instructions. Administers
air conduction audiometric tests. For HCP enrolled patients, compares annual hearing test results to
the most current Reference Audiogram (DD Form 2215) in the patient’s medical record to
determine if a Significant Threshold Shift (STS) exists. Reviews audiogram results with patients.
Enters test results in the patient’s medical record.
e. Schedules and performs follow-up tests, tympanometry, Hearing Protection Device
(HPD) checks/fittings, or other procedures, as required. Refers patients with STS on final follow-up
test to Occupational Audiology. Consults with OA on referral and disposition of patients with
asymmetrical hearing loss, low frequency loss or unusual/abnormal test results. Adheres to referral
guidelines outlined in section V.
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f. Ensures fit of issued HPDs, demonstrates proper use and discusses advantages,
limitations, and possible consequences of misuse or non-use. Educates on proper care and
maintenance of hearing protective devices. Determines special hearing protective needs based on
patient needs, concerns and work environment.
g. Ensures proper maintenance of audiometric equipment. Prior to daily patient testing,
performs a functional and a biological calibration check of the equipment. Records results on a DD
Form 2217, or stores results in microprocessor. Follows infection control guidelines found on the
NMCPHC website for cleaning patient headphones and patient exam areas.
h. Electronically transmits hearing conservation test result data to the DOEHRS DR daily.
Prepares and submits other hearing conservation reports as needed or as requested by Occupational
9. NEPMU Audiologist. Provides HCP oversight and consultation to supported operational
a. Conducts shipboard Technical Assist Visits for specified commands (in accordance
with local agreements) to monitor HCP compliance and provide trend analysis.
b. Supports readiness for fleet safety and medical inspection requirements, such as the
Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV), Naval Safety Center Survey, Medical Readiness
Inspection, and Afloat Training Group Inspection.
c. Conducts annual HCT Competency Evaluations for shipboard HCTs with specified
d. Provides support to remote active duty service members receiving HCP audiograms
outside of the MTF. Support includes reviewing these audiograms, inputting the audiograms into
DOERHS-HC, and recommending follow-up testing as needed.
10. Clinical Audiologist. Provides auditory and vestibular diagnostic evaluations, aural
rehabilitation, hearing aid fittings, disposition, medical record documentation, and appropriate
tertiary care referral(s).
11. Industrial Hygiene (IH): Responsible for conducting noise exposure assessments and
designating noise hazardous areas and equipment based on the noise measurements and associated
information as part of IH surveillance programs. Industrial Hygienists provide HPD
recommendations and employee HCP enrollment recommendations based on the noise exposure
assessments. Exposure assessment results, along with the associated recommendations, are
submitted to customer commands via a baseline, periodic or special IH survey report. Industrial
Hygienists typically conduct ashore and afloat annual audiometric test booth certifications. Upon
request, IHs may participate as instructors in Hearing Conservation Technician Certification
courses. Additional information pertaining to noise exposure assessments and the role of Industrial
Hygienists is provided in Chapter 5 of the NMCPHC, Industrial Hygienist Field Operations
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12. Occupational Medicine (OM). OM professionals (to include OM Providers and
Occupational Health Nurses) have training and experience with the HCP and can be of assistance
with program implementation and guidance. Their scope of responsibilities include:
documentation of employee occupational health histories, medical surveillance assessments,
medical certifications for select occupations, worksite visits, review and analysis of IH data,
identification of appropriate employee work restrictions, and occupational Fitness for Duty
evaluations on military and federal civilian workers.
13. Safety Officer. The Commanding Officer has overall responsibility for the HCP. The
Safety Officer and Work Area Supervisor manage and track program implementation and
compliance. The Safety Officer is responsible for establishing and maintaining the roster of HCP
enrolled personnel and semi-annually providing the cognizant medical facility with the total
program enrollment number. The Safety Officer is also responsible for tracking and recording PTS
hearing injury and OSHA recordable hearing loss through an established electronic mechanism,
such as Web-Enabled Safety System (WESS), Enterprise Safety and Management System
(ESAMS) or MRRS. The Safety Officer is responsible for exploring engineering and administrative
noise abatement controls.
14. Work Area Supervisor. Work Area Supervisors are responsible for tracking HCP
enrollment, enrolling and removing personnel from the HCP based on noise exposures and IH
survey recommendations, and managing and tracking medical surveillance exams for their assigned
personnel. Specific to the HCP, Work Area Supervisors must ensure medical surveillance
compliance is met by coordinating appointments with the supporting MTF, using SECNAV 5100/1
(found on NMCPHC website) form for communicating the type of assessments needed from the
MTF, and ensuring personnel complete required appointments. Work Area Supervisors are
responsible for ensuring effective HPDs are available to personnel and that their employees
properly wear HPDs in noise hazardous areas/conditions. Work Area Supervisors will notify the
Safety Officer and/or request a noise survey whenever a change in operations may impact noise
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III. Noise Measurement and Control
A. Reference (i) Chapter 5 (Noise Surveys) provides guidance on:
Noise Measurement and Evaluation (IH Surveys)
Noise Exposure Monitoring Plans
Identifying and Labeling Hazardous Noise Areas and Equipment
Audiometric Booth Certification
B. Noise Abatement and Control. Engineering controls constitutes the primary method for
preventing occupational hearing loss. Removing or reducing hazardous noise from the source is the
most effective method for preventing occupational hearing loss and creating a safe sound
environment. Every effort must be made to eliminate or reduce identified noise hazards through the
systems engineering and systems safety process. Industrial Hygienists, Occupational Audiologists,
command leaders, Facilities Managers and Safety Managers collaborate on appropriate engineering
controls and apply processes for eliminating or reducing the noise, where possible.
1. Administrative control of exposure time is required in cases where noise control is not
possible and hearing protective devices provide insufficient attenuation to reduce the employee’s
effective exposure level below 85 dBA Time Weighted Average (TWA). Implementation of
administrative controls must be accomplished under strict supervisory control, and in consultation
with safety and industrial hygiene or occupational audiology.
2. If hazardous noise exposure cannot be sufficiently eliminated or reduced through
engineering and administrative controls, appropriate HPDs should be fitted for each individual
C. HCP Enrollment. Military and civilian personnel working in hazardous noise areas will be
identified by their parent activity and enrolled in the HCP. Subsequently, these employees will
undergo hearing protection fitting and issue, annual hearing loss prevention education, and annual
audiometric testing. Per reference (f) all active duty and reserve U.S. Marine Corps personnel are
enrolled in the HCP. Civilian personnel should not be HCP enrolled if there is documented
evidence that they do not meet enrollment criteria, as this introduces potential for unwarranted
liability and compensation claims, and adds undue burden onto government and medical systems.
D. HCP Enrollment Criteria.
1. Noise hazard exposure criteria that requires enrollment in the HCP:
a. >85 dBA TWA continuous and intermittent noise for 1 day or more per year. TWA
calculation is based on an 8 hour workday with a 3 dB exchange rate.
b. >140 dBP SPL impulse noise for 1 day or more per year.
2. Exposure assessments should be made to determine hazardous noise areas and operations.
Assessments include noise measurements performed per reference (i), which will determine
personnel enrollment in the HCP per reference (e). Assessments should be made initially and
reassessed whenever operations have changed based on the risk management process of DoDI
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
6055.05 per reference (c). In addition, noise surveys should be performed when a ship has
undergone a major repair availability, had significant work to existing engineering systems, or has
new equipment installed per reference (e). Acquisition and new system development should
incorporate noise measurements during the test and evaluation stage per reference (d). When
insufficient noise data is available to determine risk, personnel may be enrolled in the HCP based on
the sampling of Similarly Exposed Groups (SEGs).
3. Per reference (f), all active duty and reserve U.S. Marine Corps personnel, and all active
duty and reserve Navy personnel serving with or supporting USMC units are enrolled in the HCP,
regardless of noise exposure levels. All civilian personnel occupationally exposed to hazardous
noise will be enrolled in the HCP according to the criteria listed under section III.D.1 above.
E. HCP Enrollment Responsibilities/Actions.
1. Medical Department Industrial Hygiene personnel are responsible for identifying noise
hazardous areas and equipment within a command during baseline and periodic noise hazard
surveys and during select noise exposure monitoring events. Formal IH survey reports are
subsequently provided to commands detailing the noise hazard areas and operations.
2. Commands are responsible for identifying the personnel who work in noise hazard areas or
operations, enrollment of personnel into the HCP, removing personnel from the HCP when they no
longer work in hazardous noise, and semi-annually updating HCP enrollment rosters/databases.
3. Visitors to hazardous noise areas are required to wear hearing protection, but are not
required to be enrolled in the HCP, have their hearing tested or be included on a roster of noise
exposed personnel.
F. Questions regarding the health effects of unusual noise exposures should be directed to an
Occupational Audiologist, Occupational Medicine Physician, or NMCPHC. Such exposures may
include, but are not limited to, the following:
Greater than 16 hours of continuous or intermittent exposure per day
Intense low frequency noise (i.e., when the difference between the C-weighted and A-
weighted values are greater than 15 dB)
High intensity noise above 140 dBA sound pressure level
Impulse/impact noise above 165 dBP sound pressure level
Facility/equipment alteration that significantly impacts noise levels
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IV. Hearing Protection
A. Hearing Protection Device (HPD) Use. HPD use is mandatory when personnel are
occupationally exposed to noise levels of >85 dBA or >140 dBP. HPDs and earplug carrying cases
are provided to and worn by personnel working in potentially hazardous noise in accordance with
appendix B references (d) or (e). Areas or equipment where the sound pressure levels are 104 dBA
or greater or 165 dB peak or greater shall be labeled and require the use of double hearing
protection (earplugs and circumaural muffs). Personnel who are not in compliance with the
mandatory and appropriate use of hearing protection in noise-hazardous areas (double protection
where required) are subject to administrative or disciplinary action. Per Appendix B references (d)
and (e), all personnel exposed to weapons fire regardless of a simulated or live training event must
wear HPDs. Commanders will determine the use of HPDs in combat based on mission
requirements, the impact on communication, and situational awareness per appendix B references
(d) and (e).
B. Hearing Protection Product Selection. Commercial HPD product Noise Reduction Rating
(NRR) values are not representative of real world attenuation. Reference (i) describes calculation
methods for determining more authentic product noise reduction capability to help facilitate
appropriate HPD selection. HPD attenuation measurements conducted by government labs (and
government approved labs) reflect accurate noise reduction values and can be relied on when
selecting HPD devices. Noise hazard commands are advised to consult with MTF Occupational
Audiologists or Industrial Hygienists on product selection to assure that selected devices are
appropriate and effective for the noise environments. Field attenuation estimation systems,
commonly referred to as a fit-test system are recommended as a best practice. Field attenuation
estimation using the fit-test system should be performed by a trained safety professional or
industrial hygienist per reference (d), or by an occupational audiologist.
1. Considerations for hearing protection are found on the NMCPHC website.
2. Information and guidance on NRR, ordering information, custom molded hearing
protection and other HPD products is available on the NMCPHC website.
3. The user should be permitted some freedom of choice in the selection of hearing protective
device type, unless the selected protector is medically contraindicated or inappropriate for a
particular noise hazardous area or operation. Pre-formed and hand-formed earplugs, as well as
other HPD options should be available at all times for personnel in the Hearing Conservation
Program, and hand-formed disposable earplugs must be available for visitors to noise-hazardous
4. OA consultation is recommended in instances of HCP enrollee significant hearing loss,
high intensity noise exposures (TWA’s in excess of 104 dBA or 165 dBP impulse/impact), Fitness
for Duty (FFD) concerns, or communication-critical situations.
C. Specialized Hearing Protection Products and Communication Devices.
1. Use of custom hearing protection devices is authorized. HCP enrolled personnel have the
option to use custom hearing protection to effectively reduce excessive noise exposure and maintain
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
and/or enhance communication ability. Only audiologists, otolaryngologists, or trained aviation
physiologists/technicians may take impressions of the ear necessary to make the custom earplugs.
Consult local audiologist for custom ear impression guidance and protocols.
2. Procurement of Tactical Communication and Protection Systems (TCAPS), or other
advanced electronic devices that enhance or improve communication and reduce noise exposure
should be coordinated with the MTF Occupational Audiologist, who can provide product selection
advice, device fitting, training support, and attenuation assessments.
D. HPD Fitting Procedures.
1. While the command or activity is required to purchase, provide and maintain hearing
protection for its employees, non-disposable and specialized hearing protectors require accurate
sizing and fitting by medically trained personnel. Before any such device is placed in an ear, a
well-lighted visual inspection is necessary to determine whether any condition is present that would
make insertion inadvisable, such as, observable pathology or excessive earwax. Each ear canal will
be inspected and sized separately.
2. HPD fit is a critical factor in preventing Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. The quality of the fit
significantly influences the amount of protection provided by the device. Provision of personal
hearing protection of any sort requires basic instruction as to use and care. All personnel required
to wear hearing protection will receive adequate and effective training in the proper use and care of
hearing protective devices. Medically trained personnel must examine the fit and condition of
preformed, specialized and custom earplugs at initial fitting and at least annually, preferably in
conjunction with the annual hearing test.
3. Recreational listening devices must not be used in place of or in conjunction with approved
hearing protectors. Hearing aids or amplification devices must not be used in noise hazard areas,
unless specifically approved by an audiologist. Hearing aids must not be used in place of or in
conjunction with an approved hearing protector unless approved for that purpose by an audiologist.
Any decisions to waive or alter the use of HPDs must be made and documented by an occupational
E. HPD Purchase and Procurement. As with all personal protective equipment, purchase and
provision of hearing protection and communication devices is a responsibility of noise hazard
commands. Hearing protection and earplug carrying cases are considered safety supply items, not
medical items. MTF’s must also maintain a supply of a variety of HPDs and carrying cases for the
purposes of educating command safety representatives, employee supervisors, and employees on
available and appropriate HPD options and current technology.
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
V. Audiometric Monitoring
A. Audiometric Testing and Diagnostic Audiology Services. The Navy Medical Department is
responsible for the provision of all required HCP evaluations to include diagnostic audiology
evaluations and Medical Qualification/Auditory Fitness for Duty (AFFD) evaluations. All hearing
evaluation results must be captured and maintained in the Electronic Health Record. On joint
service and sister service bases, medical surveillance and diagnostic hearing evaluations may be
obtained through certified technicians and audiologists from supporting DoD MTFs via MOA.
Navy and DoD occupational audiologists are the subject matter experts on federal regulations and
military guidance regarding occupational hearing standards and requirements for AFFD
B. Audiometric Equipment and Software Requirements. Audiology equipment must be replaced
once it has exceeded its life cycle expectancy.
1. For HCP Medical Surveillance Audiometric Testing:
a. Certified audiometric test chamber (audio booth)
b. Benson Medical CCA-200 mini microprocessor audiometer for each station with
accompanying headphones and patient response button (provided by NMCPHC)
c. Benson Medical BAS-200 Acoustic Simulator for each station (provided by NMCPHC)
d. Current version of DOEHRS-HC software
e. Otoscope
f. Middle ear screener (optional/recommended)
g. Otoacoustic Emission Screening equipment (optional/recommended)
2. For diagnostic audiology assessments:
a. Certified audiometric chamber that meets diagnostic test attenuation requirements
(recommend double-walled booth)
b. Enterprise Clinical Audiology Application (ECAA)-compatible diagnostic audiometer
with accompanying headphones, bone oscillator and patient response button
c. ECAA-compatible middle ear analyzer
d. Otoacoustic Emission equipment
e. Diagnostic otoscope
f. Compact disc player/device for administering recorded speech tests
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
g. Hearing Protection Fit-Check equipment
h. Custom earmold impression equipment and supplies
i. Current version of ECAA software
j. Virtual Audiology Equipment (optional/recommended for supporting remote clinics)
3. Audiology Booth Installation and Certification Requirements.
a. Audiometric test chambers (audio booths) must be certified annually with a Type 1
Octave Band Analyzer (OBA) meter with a 1 inch microphone, meeting the requirements of the
most recent version of ANSI standards. Recertification is also required when a chamber, including
Mobile Occupational Hearing Conservation Audiometric Truck (MOHCAT), is relocated, and
whenever there is a significant change in ambient noise levels that could affect hearing testing.
b. Certification is performed by an industrial hygienist, audiologist, or others meeting
guidelines established by NMCPHC. An approved booth certification form with instructions for
conducting a booth certification is provided on the NMCPHC website. Current booth certifications
must be posted in the area where audiometric testing is performed.
c. New booth purchases or relocation of existing booths must be coordinated through the
local Audiologist. The regional OA must be consulted to ensure the appropriate size and type of
booth is selected. Adequate space planning and preparation is required when determining facility
location for audiometric testing services. Sound-treated audiometric chambers occupy a
significantly large footprint. The designated room must also accommodate audiometric medical
equipment, office furniture, and patient counseling area. Sound attenuation is critical for obtaining
valid audiometric results, therefore, careful pre-planning is required prior to booth purchase and
installation. Audiometric testing locations should be designated in areas away from known noise
sources, such as conference rooms, break rooms, auditoriums, ambulance bays and other significant
outdoor noise sources, intercom systems, ventilation systems, and heavy patient traffic areas.
4. Equipment Use, Maintenance and Calibration Requirements.
a. Medical Surveillance Audiometric Equipment. All MTF hearing conservation
audiometric testing sites must use the DoD designated microprocessor audiometer with the most
recent version of the DOEHRS-HC software for all hearing conservation testing. The most current
version of DOEHRS-HC installation software is available at the DOEHRS-DR website for those
with active accounts, or may be obtained by contacting the Military Health System (MHS) helpdesk
at 1-800-600-9332 or e-mail: [email protected]. Software maintenance updates must also be
downloaded on a monthly basis. These updates are located at the DOEHRS-HC DR website. After
logging onto the website, HC updates are found under the DOEHRS-HC menu.
b. An exception to using microprocessor-based DOEHRS-HC audiometry includes
patients who require manual audiometry (tinnitus patients, hard-to-test patients, and referrals to the
audiologist). In these instances, the manual audiometer test results will be manually entered into the
DOEHRS-HC software and uploaded to the DOEHRS-HC DR to ensure the central data repository
remains current on all hearing conservation test results. Each audiologist will have the DOEHRS-
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
HC software loaded onto their desktop to allow entering of re-established baseline or periodic
c. Audiometric Equipment Calibration.
(1) Calibration of clinical and diagnostic audiology equipment is the responsibility of
the MTF and is conducted onsite by an MTF contracted vendor. Calibration for clinical and
diagnostic audiology equipment is required to be completed by or before the calibration due date
indicated on the equipment. Daily calibration checks are not required for diagnostic audiology
(2) Medical surveillance microprocessor audiometers will be calibrated by physical
methods at least annually for compliance with the most recent version of ANSI standards.
Calibration and repairs affecting calibration are provided by NMCPHC at no cost for all DOEHRS-
HC microprocessor audiometers used in the HCP. The calibration of clinical or diagnostic
audiometers used in otolaryngology or audiology clinics are not part of the NMCPHC service.
(3) Preventive and minor maintenance of medical surveillance audiometers which does
not affect calibration is accomplished by the local MTF biomedical equipment maintenance and
repair staff. A local pool of audiometers for loan may be maintained for branch clinics and fleet
activities, where necessary, to be used for exchanging defective units which cannot be immediately
repaired locally. The local HCP Manager will control this pool. Guidance concerning the pool or
for assistance with audiometer repair, calibration, or loan may be obtained by contacting the
audiometer calibration and repair staff at the NMCPHC.
(4) Problems with DOEHRS-HC software must be reported to the MHS Help Desk by
email to [email protected] or by phone (CONUS: 1-800-600-9332 or OCONUS: 1-866-637-
8725). These emails cannot be encrypted and must not include Protected Health
Information/Personal Identifying Information (PHI/PII). Emails should include a brief, but detailed
description of the problem including screen captures (if possible), error messages, the software
version being used, and user and facility contact information.
(5) A functional listening check is performed each day the medical surveillance
microprocessor is used. A biological calibration check is performed each day the equipment is
used. An acoustic simulator or normal hearing listener with pre-recorded baseline thresholds will
be used to complete the daily biologic calibration check. Biological calibration results are
electronically recorded on a DD Form 2217. Daily biologic calibrations must be maintained and
available for review for five years. If the daily calibration test results differ from the calibration
baseline audiogram by more than +/- 5dB at 500 - 4000 Hz, or more than +/- 10 dB at 6000 Hz, an
alternate normal “listener” with a reference audiogram on file must be tested and results compared
against recorded reference hearing values for that listener. Listeners are not interchangeable once
calibration baselines are established immediately after annual electro-acoustic calibration. An
audiometer must be removed from service and repaired/recalibrated if it fails the calibration check.
C. Audiometric Test Types
1. There are 4 types of audiograms: reference (baseline) audiogram, medical surveillance
monitoring audiogram, non-HCP audiogram, and diagnostic audiogram.
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
2. All personnel enrolled in the HCP are required to obtain reference (baseline) and annual
medical surveillance hearing tests, which consist of pure tone, air conduction hearing threshold
measurements at test frequencies of 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, and 6000 Hz. Each ear is tested
separately and unaided. All audiometric assessments must be permanently retained in individual
health records. All required data fields can be found on a copy of the DOERHS-HC Demographic
Data Intake Form (sample provided on NMCPHC website).
a. Reference Audiograms are recorded on DD Form 2215. The reference hearing test will
not be administered unless the individual has been free from exposure to occupational and non-
occupational noise above 80 dBA for at least 14 hours. This requirement cannot be met by wearing
hearing protection devices. Five types of reference audiograms are used in the HCP:
Type 0 (Manually entered) Reference is manually entered into DOEHRS-HC when the
reference audiogram is not electronically available. It is entered to conduct comparison
with a periodic audiogram (DD Form 2216). This data will only be transcribed from a
DD Form 2215 from the employees medical record.
Type 1 (Baseline) Reference is administered prior to (within 30 days) employees
beginning initial work assignment in occupational noise exposure. All active duty
military personnel must receive a Type 1 reference audiogram at their first duty station.
Civilians who are enrolled in the HCP must receive a Type 1 reference audiogram upon
HCP enrollment. Diagnostic audiology evaluations are required when Type 1 reference
audiogram results are abnormal.
Type 2 (Baseline) Reference is administered after exposure to hazardous noise, such as
when the original reference audiogram was lost, or was never established. Diagnostic
audiology evaluations are required when Type 2 reference audiogram results are
Type 3 (Re-established) Reference is administered as the result of a follow-up program
and is used to re-establish the baseline due to a (negative or positive) PTS. Only an
Audiologist or HCPM can authorize the re-establishment of a baseline after a positive
(hearing gets worse) PTS. A certified HCT can re-establish reference audiograms when a
negative (DD2216 results are significantly better than the current reference) STS has
been verified and previous audiometric history has been reviewed.
Type 4 Reference is administered when there is a change in service component. A type 4
Reference is used for patients who are former active duty military and are now a civil
service employee or when a former civil service employee enters active duty service or
there is a break in service. In the case of civilians transferring between DoD service and
components (i.e., a worker employed by the Army transfers to Navy employment) the
baseline remains the same. Diagnostic audiology evaluations are required when Type 4
reference audiogram results are abnormal.
b. Medical Surveillance Monitoring Audiograms are recorded on DD Form 2216.
Monitoring hearing tests are used to detect incremental changes in hearing and identify potential
problems before the hearing loss begins to interfere with verbal communications, job performance,
or safety. Comparison is made between the most current monitoring audiogram with the most
current reference audiogram to determine whether significant changes in hearing have occurred. A
follow-up monitoring audiogram is required if results indicate a significant change in hearing in
order to validate the results. All follow-up audiograms must occur within 30 days for civilian
personnel or 90 days for military personnel to be considered valid. If follow-up testing is not
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
obtained during this time frame, the monitoring sequence starts over. A referral to occupational
audiology is required when a significant decrease in hearing is detected on the final follow-up test.
The monitoring audiogram may be conducted at any time during the work shift. Follow-
up tests require the patient to be free from occupational and non-occupational noise (less
than 80 dBA) for 14 hours prior to testing. This requirement cannot be met by wearing
Termination Audiograms are also recorded on DD Form 2216. Military personnel will
receive a Termination Audiogram only upon leaving military service within 180 days
prior to termination of military service, regardless of noise exposure history. Civilian
personnel who have been routinely exposed to hazardous noise and were enrolled in the
HCP will receive a hearing test preceding termination of employment. Additionally, all
civilian personnel who no longer require inclusion in the HCP due to removal from
hazardous noise duties will have a Termination Audiogram to document auditory status
at the time of reassignment.
Pre/Post Deployment Audiograms are not required to be administered for DON
personnel before and after deployment unless specifically indicated as part of a pre/post
deployment physical. Pre/post deployment audiograms are recorded on a DD2216.
c. Non-HCP Audiograms are used to record audiometric test results for non-hearing
conservation purposes or for personnel not enrolled in the HCP.
d. Diagnostic Audiology Evaluations are administered by MTF privileged Audiologists
for referred patients.
D. Coordination of Medical Surveillance Audiometric Testing
1. Employee supervisors are responsible for ensuring that HCP enrolled personnel report to
the supporting MTF for all annual and required follow-up hearing tests and diagnostic evaluations.
2. DON Supervisor’s Medical Surveillance and Certification Exam Referral Form (SECNAV
5100/1) is used to communicate and coordinate HCP care and services between the MTF and
supported commands. Employee supervisors are responsible for initiating and submitting this form
to the supporting MTF. Close collaboration between the MTF Occupational Audiologist or HCPM
and supported noise hazard command Safety Officers is crucial to the success of the program.
Commands with personnel in the HCP must provide the MTF HCPM or Occupational Audiologist
with Safety Officer contact information, denominator or enrollment data, Unit Identification Code
(UIC) for Navy and UIC/MCC (RUC) for Marine Corps, and program specifics to ensure effective
program management and success.
3. HCP enrolled personnel are required to bring their personal hearing protectors to the
audiometric testing location in order to verify fit and effectiveness.
E. Medical Surveillance Audiometric Testing Outcomes
1. Significant Threshold Shifts (STS). An STS is defined as a change in hearing threshold
relative to the current reference audiogram of an average of 10 dB or more at 2000, 3000, and 4000
Hz, in either ear. The STS may be either positive (poorer hearing) or negative (better hearing). A
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
change of 15 dB or greater in either ear at any test frequency from 1000 to 4000 Hz is considered an
early warning of potential future STS, requiring verbal counseling and assurance of appropriate
hearing protection for the individual. Per reference (c), the DoD does not allow an age correction
factor to be applied when determining STS.
a. Positive STS. If the STS is positive, that is, the hearing levels of the monitoring
audiogram are significantly poorer than the reference audiogram, a 14-hour noise-free (less than 80
dBA) follow-up test must be administered on a subsequent day to determine if the decrease in
hearing is permanent.
b. If the results of this first follow- up test do not indicate an STS, no additional follow-up
testing is required and the individual is counseled and returned to annual monitoring.
c. If positive STS persists on the first follow-up and if frequencies below 3000 Hz are
involved, then it is efficient and necessary to rule out an obvious conductive (mechanical) or
medically significant basis for the shift before proceeding to the second follow-up. The preferred
method to rule out conductive hearing loss is through otoscopy and technician-administered
screening tympanometry. Normal otoscopy, in conjunction with a normal tympanogram, is a quick
and accurate indication that the threshold shift was likely not the result of an acute medical
condition. A health record entry is made to document the tympanometry and otoscopic findings. If
the tympanogram is abnormal, then evaluation by a health care provider (medical officer, nurse
practitioner, physician’s assistant, or independent duty corpsman) must be obtained and documented
and the individual followed until cleared medically. If tympanometry is not available, the test
sequence is continued. Further guidance concerning local procedures are provided by the
audiologist or physician responsible for case management.
d. Perform a second follow-up audiogram if otoscopy, tympanometry, and/or medical
evaluations are within normal limits. This follow-up test may be administered on the same day as
the first follow-up. If the STS persists on the second follow-up, the patient is referred to the MTF
Occupational Audiologist or designated DoD provider for the review of results, determination of
PTS, and disposition.
e. Negative STS. If the STS is negative, that is, the hearing levels of the monitoring
audiogram are significantly better than the reference audiogram, a retest will be conducted on the
same day. Based upon the results of this retest, the following action will be taken:
(1) If the results of the follow-up audiogram are not significantly different from the
reference audiogram (meaning no STS is present), no further testing is required. The individual is
counseled on the test results and returns in 12 months for the next annual test (if enrolled in the
(2) If the results of the retest remain significantly improved from the reference
audiogram, establish the retest as the new re-established Reference (Type 3) audiogram. No
Audiology consult is needed.
2. Hearing Injury / Positive PTS and OSHA Reportable Hearing Loss Notifications.
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
a. PTS. A positive PTS is defined as a 10dB average decrease in hearing at 2000, 3000,
and 4000 Hz in either ear when compared to the Baseline/Reference audiogram that is confirmed by
an Audiologist. A positive PTS is a potentially recordable illness or injury and is reported to the
command safety office for entry on OPNAV 5102/7 (Log of Navy Injuries and Occupational
Illnesses), or equivalent. Upon confirmation of a PTS, the reference audiogram will be re-
established as a Type 3 audiogram on a DD Form 2215.
b. OSHA Recordable Hearing Loss. All test results for civilian HCP enrollees are
reviewed for evidence of an OSHA-Recordable STS. For an STS to be considered OSHA-
Recordable, three criteria must be met: 1) a confirmed positive PTS, 2) the average hearing
threshold levels at 2000, 3000, and 4000 Hz is 25dB HL or greater, and 3) the PTS is determined to
be work related. OSHA Recordable STS is not applicable to active duty personnel.
c. PTS/OSHA Recordable Hearing Loss Notification. All PTS results must be reviewed
by an Occupational Audiologist or HCPM for validation. The HCP Manager is responsible for
notifying the HCP enrollee, his/her supervisor, and Safety Manager in writing within 21 days of
determination of a positive, PTS or OSHA recordable hearing loss. The HCP enrollee's signature
on the DD2216 serves as an appropriate formal written notice of a PTS to the individual. A sample
notification letter to the HCP enrollee’s command is provided on the NMCPHC website.
d. Hearing Injury/PTS/OSHA Recordable Hearing Loss Tracking. The employee’s
command is required to document and track employee STS and PTS through MRRS, ESAMS, or
other established system. For civilian HCP enrollees with a PTS that are also categorized as an
OSHA recordable loss, the command is required to document the injury on the OSHA 300 log. For
active duty HCP enrollees with a PTS it may be required to enter the injury into WESS. An OSHA
or WESS recordable hearing loss is recorded as a Class D mishap. A progressive hearing loss is
typically recorded as an illness; an acoustic trauma from an instantaneous event such as weapon fire
or impulse/impact noise is recorded as an injury.
e. Hearing Injury/STS/PTS Mishap Investigation. Monitoring audiograms do not prevent
hearing loss, but serve as a gauge of HCP success. Once a hearing injury has occurred, it is
imperative that the command take action to address and prevent future injury. Intervention effort
should be made at the earliest indication of decreased hearing. Early Warning Shifts and STS
incidence are the initial precursors of impending hearing injury, and are the most opportune time to
intervene. Upon notification to the Commanding Officer/Safety Officer of a PTS occurrence, the
command Safety Officer shall provide follow-up action to prevent further hearing loss.
Recommended actions may include the evaluation of the worksite, review of potential noise hazard
engineering and/or administrative controls, assessment of the adequacy and availability of
appropriate hearing protectors, and review of the effectiveness of hearing loss prevention training.
F. Audiology Referral Criteria
1. Abnormal results on initial baseline (DD2215) audiograms as indicated in block 15D of
2. Positive STS on final follow-up audiogram (DD2216).
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
3. Asymmetrical hearing loss. Individuals whose hearing thresholds at any test frequency
differ by 40 dB or more between ears cannot be tested by a technician and must be referred to an
audiologist, as masking is required. In addition, any patient with an asymmetry of 20 dB or more at
two consecutive frequencies will be referred to an Audiologist.
4. Abnormal pre-placement audiograms. Civilian employee applicants undergoing pre-
placement evaluations are referred to the supporting MTF Occupational Audiologist for review of
any pre-existing hearing loss for the purposes of assisting medical qualification determination.
5. Significant Hearing Loss. A significant hearing loss exists when the average Hearing
Thresholds in either ear at 500, 1000 and 2000 exceeds 30 dB and/or individual thresholds in either
ear exceed 35 dB at 3000 Hz and 45 dB at 4000 Hz per DoD Instruction 6130.3, Medical Standards
for Appointment, Enlistment, or Induction into the Military Services
6. Fitness for Duty/270 Rule. Any individual who has hearing loss in which the sum of
thresholds at the frequencies of 3000, 4000, and 6000 Hz in both ears equals or exceeds a sum total
of 270 dB will not be assigned to duties involving exposure to hazardous noise without a medical
qualifying evaluation and clearance.
7. 3 PTS Rule. Individuals monitored under the HCP who have their reference audiogram re-
established due to deteriorated hearing on three separate occasions must obtain clearance from an
audiologist, otolaryngologist, or occupational medicine physician before returning to duties
involving hazardous noise. These individuals are considered to be at high risk for developing
further hearing loss and require comprehensive diagnostic audiology evaluations and medical
qualification determination.
8. Auditory Complaints. Personnel enrolled in the HCP reporting significant occupational
hearing loss, bothersome tinnitus, or difficulty understanding verbal communication should be
referred to the audiologist for evaluation. Employees who experience any occupational illness or
injury should be instructed to report these problems to their immediate supervisor.
G. Medical/Otolaryngology Referral Criteria
1. Patients with abnormal screening otoscopy and tympanometry results.
2. Individuals not responding to treatment of ear canal occlusion, persistent ear pain, or ear
canal drainage.
3. Significant aural pathology, dizziness, severe and persistent or unilateral tinnitus, or sudden
onset of hearing loss warrants immediate otolaryngology consultation.
4. Upon completion of assessment/treatment, periodic monitoring hearing testing can resume
and a diagnostic Audiology evaluation may be warranted to determine if a PTS has occurred.
H. Occupational Audiology Evaluation
1. Comprehensive Occupational Audiology Evaluations involve a detailed diagnostic
audiological assessment and are allotted for a 60 minute appointment slot. ECAA software will be
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
used to electronically capture diagnostic audiology assessment results, which will be transferred
into the Electronic Health Record. Patients referred for a comprehensive Occupational Audiology
evaluation will undergo:
a. Review of complete patient audiological and relevant medical history, to include:
occupation and description of work, noise exposure (past and current), number of previous
threshold shifts, hearing protection required/used, workplace communication demands and potential
consequences of miscommunication, need for situational awareness, localization and other related
communication skills.
b. Comprehensive diagnostic evaluation of both ears to include: pure tone air conduction
testing at 250-8000 Hz, bone conduction testing at 500-4000 Hz, Speech Reception Thresholds
(SRTs), Word Recognition testing in quiet using recorded speech, tympanometry, ipsilateral and
contralateral acoustic reflex testing. Additional optional tests, as applicable include: otoacoustic
emissions, reflex decay, and Phonetically Balanced (PB) Rollover. As indicated, further diagnostic
testing or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) may be warranted.
c. Speech-in-Noise testing is conducted as part of the comprehensive assessment for
Medical Qualification/AFFD evaluations. Speech-in-Noise test options include: Speech
Recognition in Noise Test (SPRINT), QuickSIN, Hearing in Noise Test (HINT), and Words-in-
Noise (WIN). See the NMCPHC website for SPRINT scoring rubric.
2. Federal hearing standards for specified occupations will guide AFFD/Medical Qualification
determination cases. The NMCPHC website provides a chart that summarizes applicable federal
and DoD Hearing Standards. The 270 Rule will guide AFFD/Medical Qualification determinations
in the absence of federal hearing standards or other higher guidance.
I. Medical Qualification/AFFD Determination
1. Medical personnel make recommendations on HCP enrollee ability to perform essential job
functions. The fitness for duty decision is a collaborative effort between medical and key personnel
from the employee’s command (i.e., employee supervisor, Safety representative, Human
Resources). The role of medical is limited to determining whether the individual meets physical
standards/requirements of the position and can, from a medical standpoint, perform the job capably
and safely. Waivers and employment-related decisions are fundamentally managerial, not medical.
2. It is recommended that an interdisciplinary working group is established to make
recommendations regarding the medical qualification/fitness for duty for individuals on a case-by-
case basis.
a. The interdisciplinary working group should be comprised of a Navy or DoD OA and
other occupational health professionals from the Occupational Medicine, Industrial Hygiene,
Preventive Medicine, and Health Promotion Departments.
b. The individual’s Supervisor and Safety Manager should be consulted to determine the
essential job tasks required of the individual, the capabilities of the individual to perform the
essential tasks, and a safety analysis that documents the individual’s ability to perform essential
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
tasks without personal risk or risk to others. See the NMCPHC website for a sample Job Capability
and Safety Analysis Worksheet.
c. An on-site assessment of the employee’s worksite may be warranted to evaluate job
requirements, communication demands, noise exposure, availability/use of protective equipment,
and potential for reasonable workplace accommodations. A functional onsite assessment of an
employee’s ability to perform the requirements of their position while operating in the noise
environment can assist in guiding the AFFD determination.
d. Before the final medical qualification/fitness for duty determination is made Human
Resources and applicable legal representative(s) should be consulted to review pertinent issues
specific to the case and provide guidance on the appropriate course of action.
3. Active Duty Patients. Service member’s chain of command and Safety Officer/Manager are
notified when an active duty service member is not medically qualified to work in noise. Employee
placement in an alternate work environment without hazardous noise or potential change to a non-
hazardous noise occupation [Military Occupational Specialty (MOS)], Service Duty Occupational
Code (SDOC)] is recommended to the command. A medical board may be recommended.
4. Civil Service Patients. Civil service employee’s chain of command, Safety
Officer/Manager, and Human Resource Office (HRO) are notified when the employee is not
medically qualified to work in noise. Employee placement in an alternate work environment
without hazardous noise may be recommended to the command.
5. Possible determinations include: Medically qualified, Not Medically Qualified or
Medically Qualified with Limitations. Final determination decisions will be forwarded to the
appropriate authorities for action:
a. Active Duty patients. Notifications of those deemed Medically Qualified will be
forwarded to the service member’s chain of command and Safety Officer/Manager. Findings of Not
Medically Qualified will be referred to an appropriate physician for consideration regarding a
Medical Evaluation Board (MEB).
b. Civil Service patients. Medical qualification recommendations will be forwarded to the
employee’s chain of command.
J. Provider Credentials
1. Audiologists supporting the HCP must be credentialed and privileged through the MTF and
must be certified as a Course Director by CAOHC. All HCP audiometric testing will be supervised
by the cognizant MTF’s Occupational Audiologist or HCP Manager.
2. HCTs or nurses providing medical surveillance audiometric testing must be certified in
occupational hearing conservation. Successful completion of a Hearing Conservation Certification
Course authorized/approved by the NMCPHC is required for certification. This training is provided
by military and civil service audiologists who are CAOHC certified Course Directors. Navy HCP
course locations, dates and contact information are available on the NMCPHC website.
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
a. Equivalent training sponsored by other military services may be utilized with prior
permission/coordination from NMCPHC.
b. HCTs obtaining initial certifications should observe audiometric testing in an HCP
clinic for at least one day prior to the HCT Certification Course. After completing the HCT
Certification Course the HCT should be supervised the first 3-5 days of initial hands-on experience
and before conducting hearing testing independently. Technicians who have been inactive for more
than six months should be supervised to ensure competency prior to conducting hearing testing
independently. Those providing the supervision should ensure HCTs possess the knowledge and
skills associated with DOEHRS-HC procedures and data accuracy, HCP procedures and regulatory
requirements, and electronic medical record applications.
c. Recertification training is required every five years. Certification extensions may be
granted on a case-by-case basis from NMCPHC.
d. An annual on-site HCT competency assessment (sample on the NMCPHC website)
must be conducted on all active certified HCTs by an Occupational Audiologist, HCP Manager or
Lead Technician. Competency assessments for Lead Technicians will be conducted by an OA.
Active Technicians are defined as those who have used the DOEHRS-HC system within 1 year.
HCTs will be evaluated on test instructions, administration, education, and fitting of hearing
protective devices. This evaluation will be documented at least annually to maintain certification.
Documentation of successful competency evaluations must be maintained in technician training
files and tracked by the HCPM.
e. At the discretion of the MTF HCPM, DOEHRS-HC accounts may be locked or
archived for Technicians who have not successfully completed the annual Technician Competency
Evaluation, or have demonstrated lack of skills/competency, or are non-compliant with
f. Annual in-service refresher training is recommended during on-site visits.
g. Quarterly group meetings with all HCP staff are recommended to provide targeted
training on issues/trends identified during Technician Competency Evaluations, improve HCP
implementation/management, and facilitate mentorship and open communications among OA
providers and Technician staff.
K. Provider Workload Capture. HCP patient care services provided by audiologists and certified
technicians must be captured in the Electronic Health Record and coded as a special program
service in an F-MEPRS clinic (FBN*). Accuracy of workload capture will be monitored by the
L. Medical Diagnosis and Procedure Coding. Occupational Audiologists and HCP Technicians
will adhere to the Military Health System (MHS) and Hearing Center of Excellence (HCE)
guidelines for medical coding.
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
VI. Employee Training
A. Training Requirements
1. Initial hearing conservation training must be provided prior to assignment to duties in
hazardous noise, and annually thereafter. Civilians enrolled in the HCP should obtain initial
training from the command during an orientation module. Uniformed personnel should obtain
initial education during basic training.
2. Provision and documentation of initial and annual training is the responsibility of the
employee’s command. Commands are encouraged to seek MTF Occupational Audiology subject
matter experts to assist with providing effective, meaningful training.
B. Training Content
1. Initial and annual training must be sufficiently comprehensive to ensure familiarity with the
following training elements: (1) the physical and psychological effects of noise environments and
hearing loss, (2) recognition of posted noise-hazardous spaces and environment, (3) audiometric
testing and its purpose, (4) the proper selection, fitting, use and care of HPDs, (5)
roles/responsibilities in the prevention of hearing loss, (6) awareness training as to the hazards of
non-occupational noise exposure during recreational activities, (7) the impact of hearing loss on job
performance and FFD, and (8) disciplinary actions for HCP non-compliance.
2. Other than successful noise abatement operations, nothing is more important to the
successful prevention of NIHL than motivating personnel to wear hearing protectors appropriately
and ensuring compliance with personal protective and medical surveillance requirements.
Personnel must understand why they need to protect themselves, when and how to do so, resources
available for hearing protection and communication, and the consequences of carelessness or
deliberate non-compliance.
3. Successful education at all levels of command is vital. As HCP subject matter experts,
Navy Medicine Occupational Audiologists assist noise hazard commands in providing annual
hearing conservation training, and in educating leadership on HCP compliance and the appropriate
tools and technology for hearing loss prevention.
4. Occurrences of technician-administered refresher training is documented in the medical
record when provided in conjunction with the annual audiogram.
C. Training Resources
1. Sources of training support are the Occupational Audiology /Hearing Conservation
Program offices at Navy MTFs and Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Units. Upon
request, these subject matter experts can provide assistance with HCP training, as schedules permit.
2. Sources for hearing conservation training materials and information may be found on the
NMCPHC website. A Hearing Education and Readiness (HEAR) course (DHA-US097) is
recommended and available on the Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) website. The course length is
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
thirty minutes with a course certificate provided upon completion. The target audience for this
course includes military and civilian employees, Supervisors, and Safety personnel.
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
VII. Record Keeping
A. Hearing Conservation Data
1. All hearing conservation data will be recorded using the following forms:
a. DD Form 2215, Reference Audiogram
b. DD Form 2216, Hearing Conservation Data
c. DD Form 2217, Audiometer Biological Calibration Check
2. Employee Health Record. Hard copy print-out of DD Forms 2215’s and 2216’s are placed
in Part 1 of the individual’s health record. The health record of each individual identified by
command for inclusion in the HCP will contain the following: Original baseline/reference
audiogram (DD Form 2215), Re-established reference audiogram(s), if different from original
baseline audiogram (DD Form 2215), and all monitoring audiograms (DD Form 2216). Diagnostic
OA evaluation results will be captured in ECAA software with an electronic copy saved into the
electronic health record and hard copy placed in the individual’s health record.
3. DOEHRS-HC. Audiometric testing sites that are connected to local-area network (LAN)
lines will export (upload) to the DOEHRS DR each day that the system is used to administer
audiometric testing. Testing sites that are not connected to LAN lines will export DOEHRS data at
least weekly. Information concerning exporting data is available at NMCPHC, DOEHRS-HC and
DR websites.
4. An electronic backup of the local audiometric database must be retained for maintaining
data integrity. Electronic backups must be conducted at least weekly, and preferably daily.
B. Individual Noise Exposure
1. Individual dosimetry results must be recorded in the employee medical record.
Documentation of exposure may be based on actual exposure or similar exposure group (SEG) data
associated with the individual’s job code [Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC), MOS, SDOC] and
may not be readily available in the medical file. Avoid selection of a specific noise exposure choice
on the DD Forms 2215/2216 without documentation of the actual exposure.
a. NMCPHC Form 5100/17, Industrial Hygiene Noise Survey Form
b. NMCPHC Form 5100/18, Industrial Hygiene Noise Dosimetry Form
C. Medical Department Documentation
1. The following records are maintained:
a. Current number (denominator) of personnel enrolled on the HCP, as provided by the
supported commands. This number will be updated at least every 6 months.
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
b. Results of noise surveys. (Survey data for individual commands may not be available.)
Noise survey data and files should be available to OA and Occupational Medicine Department
c. Results of daily Audiometer Biological Calibration Checks (DD Form 2217).
d. Results of annual audiometric test booth certifications.
e. Records of competency evaluations and in-service training of HCTs.
D. Retention of Records
1. Results of hearing tests performed for hearing conservation, as well as exposure
documentation, will be a permanent part of an individual’s health record.
2. Noise exposure data, recorded on a DD Form 2214, NMCPHC Form 5100/17, or
NMCPHC Form 5100/18, will be kept for a minimum of 40 years.
3. All other hearing and noise-related documentation will be retained for five years.
E. HCP Workload Reporting
1. All Occupational Audiology and HCP patient care workload will be recorded in the
Electronic Health Record under the FBN MEPRS code per current MEPRS guidance. FBN is used
to document hearing conservation services to active duty service members and DoD civilians
enrolled in the HCP. FBN is also used to document diagnostic audiology services, including
hearing loss evaluations for worker’s compensation, hearing readiness/fitness for duty, significant
threshold shift, acoustic trauma, and difficult to test patients (non-organic behavior or response).
2. All MTF personnel performing Occupational Audiology or HCP activities will record this
work time under FBN in the DMHRSi application.
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
VIII. Program Evaluation and Management
A. MTF tracking of the following metrics by fiscal year is required. Metrics will be reported
through: annual HCP Self-Assessments and Metrics submissions to the cognizant Navy Medicine
Region and annual HCP status briefings with MTF leadership. This data will also be reviewed
during SOHME/MEDIG evaluations.
1. Noise hazard command HCP enrollment, estimated compliance and hearing injury rates
2. Hearing loss prevention outreach initiatives (minimum of 12 per full-time OA per FY)
3. Technician Competency Evaluation rate (benchmark = 95%)
4. Clinic Assist Visits (benchmark = 100%)
5. Submission of annual HCP performance reports to noise hazard commands in the MTF
AOR (benchmark = 100%)
6. Submission of hearing injury reports (within 21 days) to noise hazard commands in the
MTF AOR (benchmark = 100%)
B. HCP Metrics. Key to a successful HCP is to ensure that all personnel who are exposed to
hazardous noise in the workplace are enrolled in the command’s HCP, receive annual audiometric
evaluations, and active measures are taken to prevent occupational hearing loss (i.e., noise control,
HPD use). While Navy Medicine is responsible for management of the medical components of the
program, ultimately it is each command’s responsibility to ensure its personnel receive proper
medical surveillance to include annual audiograms. Navy Medicine does not have control over the
number of individuals reporting for annual required testing.
The DOEHRS DR offers both standard and ad hoc queries against all centrally maintained data.
Guidance in utilizing the DR can be provided by NMCPHC. Incomplete reporting, either through
the HCP enrollee roster or DOEHRS data entry and uploads, and/or non-compliance with annual
testing requirements negatively impact the data integrity and usefulness of HCP trend analysis
through the centralized DOEHRS-HC database and the DOEHRS DR.
1. Audiogram Compliance and Hearing Injury Rates are important data points for measuring
HCP success.
Command Safety Officers and Work Area Supervisors manage and track HCP implementation and
compliance. The Safety Officer and Work Area Supervisor are responsible for establishing and
maintaining the roster of HCP enrolled personnel, semi-annually providing the cognizant medical
facility with the total program enrollment number, ensuring medical surveillance compliance is met
by coordinating appointments with the supporting MTF, and ensuring personnel complete required
appointments. Because the Safety Officer manages and tracks HCP implementation, it is their
compliance metrics that will be reported for Annual Audiogram Compliance.
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
The HCPM at the MTF is subject to periodic assessment to ensure technical management of OA
services. As a part of that assessment the HCPM will be asked to present efforts made to monitor
Annual Audiogram Compliance that include those outlined in the Responsibilities section above.
a. HCP Enrollment. Accurate HCP enrollment numbers are necessary for calculating
b. Compliance = the number of individuals enrolled in the HCP who have a current
audiogram (dated within 12 months) divided by the number of individuals enrolled. The statistic is:
# in HCP with current audiogram X 100 = % HCP compliance.
(1) Calculating Annual Audiogram Compliance. The denominator in the compliance
calculation is the number of personnel enrolled in the HCP. The accuracy of this number can be
susceptible to HCP enrollee roster availability from Safety Officers and/or Work Area Supervisors
and roster updates, especially with the transient nature of military personnel moving to different
The numerator in the compliance calculation is the number of personnel enrolled in the HCP that
received their annual audiogram. Numerator accuracy is contingent on correct data entry into
DOEHRS-HC and successful routine (daily/weekly) uploading of the audiogram test results into the
(2) Reporting Annual Audiogram Compliance. The Navy reports the percentage of
compliance of annual audiograms based on self-reported data from Echelon II commands submitted
to the Naval Safety Center and consolidated into the Medical Surveillance Command Report.
USMC annual audiogram compliance is collected, consolidated, and reported on through the
Medical Readiness Reporting System (MRRS).
The accuracy of the Navy and USMC compliance data for annual audiograms is a result of shared
efforts made at local levels between noise hazardous commands and MTF HCP personnel. It is the
responsibility of the Safety Officer and Work Area Supervisor to ensure personnel enrolled in the
HCP receive appropriate medical surveillance testing and the HCT’s to properly conduct, record,
and routinely (daily/weekly) upload audiometric testing. It is the responsibility of the OA and/or
the HCPM to monitor upload schedule and data integrity issues.
c. Injury Rate.
(1) Incidence of STS = the number of positive STSs (poorer hearing) on annual
monitoring tests (minus follow-up exams for the same individual) in the latest fiscal year, divided
by the number of individuals monitored. The statistic is: # of STS detected X 100 = % incidence
STS # monitored.
(2) Incidence of PTS = the number of PTSs (poorer hearing) in the latest fiscal year
divided by the number of individuals tested during that period. The statistic is: # PTS detected X
100 = PTS incidence.
(3) STS rate metrics guide: <5% = Green, 6-9% = Yellow, >10% = Red
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
2. Population MOEs
a. NMCPHC publishes an annual HCP MOE Compendium Report that provides
population metrics and expands on the traditional injury (STS) rate and estimated compliance rates.
In addition to the traditional metrics, data is also provided for percentages of hearing impaired, new
accessions with hearing impairment, and those eligible for compensation on termination audiogram.
These expanded MOEs serve as a standardized operational demand signal that is actionable from
the unit commander through the chain of command and serve as an enterprise tool to assess efforts
made to minimize preventable hearing loss across the DON.
b. Requests for ad hoc queries should be directed to the Regional Audiologists.
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
APPENDIX A: List of Supporting Documents
HCP Management Checklist
This appendix provides a detailed program management checklist for HCP Managers to implement
the Navy Medicine components of the HCP for noise hazard commands within the MTF AOR. To
access this document, please visit the NMCPHC website.
Clinic Assist Visit Checklist
This appendix provides Occupational Audiologist with a standardized checklist to assist when
conducting clinical assist visits. To access this document, please visit the NMCPHC website.
Occupational Audiology/HCP Infection Control Guidelines
This appendix provides infection control guidance. To access this document, please visit the
NMCPHC website.
Technician Competency Evaluation Form
The standard form shall be used when completing the Technician Competency Evaluation
Form. To access this document, please visit the NMCPHC website.
Sample Hearing Injury/PTS Notification Letter
The appendix provides a sample PTS formal notification letter that must be provided to the
patient and his/her supervisor within 21 days of determination of a work-related PTS or OSHA
recordable hearing loss. To access this document, please visit the NMCPHC website.
Hearing Conservation Program Performance Report
This appendix provides a template for the HCP Performance Report to provide to supported
commands. To open this template click on the hyperlink: HCP Performance Report
SECNAV 5100/1 Form
SECNAV 5100/1 form is used to communicate and coordinate the type of medical surveillance
assessments to be conducted by the MTF and to document the completion and outcome of
required appointments. To access this document, please visit the NMCPHC website.
Hearing Protective Devices (HPDs)
This appendix provides information on Hearing Protective Devices (HPDs). To access this
document, please visit the NMCPHC website.
Audiometric Booth Certification Form
An approved booth certification form with instructions for conducting a booth certification is
provided in this appendix. To access this document, please visit the NMCPHC website.
DOEHRS-HC Demographic Data Intake Form
Required data fields for reference and annual audiometric tests can be captured on the demographic
data intake form for DOEHRS-HC data entry purposes. To access this document, please visit the
NMCPHC website.
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
SPRINT Score Guide
Speech-in-Noise testing is conducted as part of the comprehensive assessment for Medical
Qualification/AFFD evaluations. This appendix provides scoring methodology and disposition
recommendations regarding the SPRINT. To access this document, please visit the NMCPHC
Hearing Standards
This appendix provides a chart that summarizes applicable Hearing Standards. To access this
document, please visit the NMCPHC website.
Job Capability and Safety Analysis
This appendix provides a sample Job Capability and Safety Analysis Worksheet. To access this
document, please visit the NMCPHC website.
NMCPHC TM-6260.51.99-3 (July 2020)
APPENDIX B: References
(a) Title 29, Code of Federal Regulation (CFR), Section 1910.95, Occupational Noise Exposure
(b) Title 29, CFR, Part 1904 Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses
(c) Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 6055.12, Hearing Conservation Program
(d) OPNAVINST 5100.23, Navy Safety and Occupational Health Program Manual
(e) OPNAVINST 5100.19, Navy Safety and Occupation Health Program Manual for Forces Afloat
(f) Marine Corp Order 6260.3 Series, Marine Corp Hearing Conservation Program
(g) NAVMED P-5132, Equipment Management Manual
(h) Bureau of Medicine Instruction 5100.13, Safety and Occupational Health Program
(i) Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center, Industrial Hygienist Field Operations Manual
(j) DoD Instruction 6130.3, Medical Standards for Appointment, Enlistment, or Induction into the
Military Services