Evaluation Instrument to Be Used for Judging Oral Presentations
JUDGE # _____________________
Presentation # ________________________
__________ 4. (20)
____________(60) Presentation Subtotal
(200) Competitive Oral Paper Grand Total
The Presenter would appreciate your comments, i.e. pointers on how to improve his/her presentation
in the future or what were the most commendable features of the presentation. Please provide these
helpful comments on the back of the evaluation form. Thank you.
onfidence and knowledge of su
bject matter
The oral presentation fits under which Symposium Topic Area:
___________1. Family, Youth, Community and Economic Development
___________2. Food Safety, Nutrition, Health, and Health Disparities
___________3. Renewable Energy, Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change
___________4. Plant Health and Production and Plant Products
___________5. Animal Health and Production and Animal Products
Presenter’s Name_____________________________________________________________________
Presentation Title_____________________________________________________________________
Evaluation Score________________________
I. Quality of Research Presented (70%)
__________ 1. (30) Introduction, statement of purpose (Does the introduction give sufficient
background to educate the audience and does it justify the need for the work; are objectives/
hypothesis clearly defined?)
__________ 2. (20) Materials and Methods (Is methodology appropriate, reliable, thorough?)
__________ 3. (40) Results and Discussion (Are results made clear? Are tables/charts/figures/photos
clear summaries of the work? Does the Discussion adequately explain to the audience what the results
mean in terms of addressing the research objectives/hypothesis?)
__________ 4. (30) Conclusion (Are conclusions aligned with and effectively explain the results? Does
the conclusion lead the reader to recognize the importance of the work?)
__________ 5. (20) Is the work unique and interesting?
____________(140) Content Presentation Subtotal
II. Oral Presentation (30%) Delivery
__________ 1. (10) Effective use of time
__________ 2. (10) Clarity and intonation
__________ 3. (20) Use and quality of visual aids
Evaluation Instrument to Be Used for Judging Oral Presentations
JUDGE#_________________________ Presentation #___________________
Name of Presenter___________________________________
Quality of Research Presented
Maximum of
points (70%)
Introduction, statement of purpose (maximum of 30 points):
(Does the introduction give sufficient background to educate the audience and does it
justify the need for the work; are objectives/hypothesis clearly defined?)
Materials and Methods (maximum of 20 points):
(Is methodology appropriate, reliable, thorough?)
Results and Discussion (maximum of 40 points):
(Are results made clear? Are
tables/charts/figures/photos clear summaries of the work? Does the Discussion
adequately explain to the audience what the results mean in terms of addressing the
research objectives/hypothesis?)
Conclusion (maximum of 30 points):
conclusions aligned with and effectively
explain the results? Does the conclusion lead the reader to recognize the importance
of the work?)
Is the work unique and interesting? (maximum of 20 points)
Oral Presentation,
Maximum of
60 points
Effective use of time (maximum of 10 points)
Clarity and intonation (maximum of 10 points)
Use and quality of visual aids (maximum of 20 points)
Confidence and knowledge of subject matter (maximum of 20 points)
Please add all columns and enter total
Please provide comments on back on how the presenter could have improved his/her presentation or
specific commendations.