ARTICLE I – NEGOTIATIONS AGREEMENT ............................................................................. 1
1.01 DEFINITION OF “DAY” ........................................................................................ 1
1.02 CALCULATION OF DAYS ................................................................................... 1
1.03 RECOGNITION ................................................................................................... 1
1.04 PRINCIPLES OF NEGOTIATIONS ...................................................................... 1
1.05 AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND AGREEMENT ................................................. 1
1.06 PROCEDURES FOR CONDUCTING NEGOTIATIONS ....................................... 2
ARTICLE II – GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ................................................................................. 5
2.01 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................... 5
2.02 GENERAL PROCEDURES .................................................................................. 5
2.03 PROCEDURAL STEPS ....................................................................................... 6
ARTICLE III – SALARY/COMPENSATION ................................................................................. 8
3.01 SALARY SCHEDULE .......................................................................................... 8
3.02 EXPERIENCE CREDIT........................................................................................ 8
3.03 STRS PICK-UP (Salary Reduction Method) ......................................................... 8
3.04 SALARY PAYMENT ............................................................................................ 9
3.05 EXTRACURRICULAR ......................................................................................... 9
3.06 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS .................................................................................... 9
3.07 ATTENDANCE INCENTIVE ............................................................................... 10
3.08 CURRICULUM WORK ....................................................................................... 10
3.09 PAYMENT FOR COLLEGE REIMBURSEMENT ............................................... 11
3.10 SEVERANCE PAY ............................................................................................. 11
3.11 TRAVEL EXPENSE ........................................................................................... 11
3.12 TUTORS ............................................................................................................ 11
3.13 MIGRANT SUMMER SCHOOL TEACHERS ..................................................... 12
ARTICLE IV – INSURANCE PROGRAM .................................................................................. 13
4.01 HOSPITALIZATION ........................................................................................... 13
4.02 PRESCRIPTION INSURANCE .......................................................................... 13
4.03 DENTAL INSURANCE ....................................................................................... 13
4.04 VISION INSURANCE ......................................................................................... 13
4.05 PAYMENT OF INSURANCE PREMIUMS .......................................................... 13
4.06 LIFE INSURANCE ............................................................................................. 14
4.07 OTHER INSURANCE PROVISIONS ................................................................. 14
4.08 SECTION 125 ACCOUNT ................................................................................. 14
4.09 OPTIONAL HDHP MEDICAL INSURANCE PLAN ............................................. 14
4.10 INSURANCE COMMITTEE ............................................................................... 14
(HESE) WORKING SPOUSE COVERAGE ........................................................ 14
ARTICLE V – ABSENCE/LEAVES ............................................................................................ 17
5.01 ASSAULT LEAVE .............................................................................................. 17
5.02 ASSOCIATION LEAVE ...................................................................................... 17
5.03 EXTRACURRICULAR LEAVE ........................................................................... 18
5.04 FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ........................................................................ 18
5.05 INJURY LEAVE ................................................................................................. 19
5.06 MATERNITY/PARENTAL LEAVE ...................................................................... 19
5.07 PERSONAL LEAVE ........................................................................................... 20
5.08 PERSONAL LEAVE CONVERSION AND/OR CARRYOVER ............................ 21
5.09 PROFESSIONAL LEAVE/CONFERENCES ....................................................... 21
5.10 REASONS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE ............................................................. 22
5.11 SICK LEAVE (Bereavement included) ............................................................... 22
5.12 ADOPTION LEAVE ............................................................................................ 23
ARTICLE VI – EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES ............................................................................ 24
6.02 NON-RENEWAL OF LIMITED CONTRACTS .................................................... 24
6.03 REDUCTION IN FORCE .................................................................................... 25
6.04 LAYOFF ............................................................................................................. 28
6.05 TEACHER CONTRACTS/CONTINUING CONTRACTS .................................... 28
6.06 FBI / BCII (BACKGROUND) CHECK ................................................................. 29
6.07 TEACHER EVALUATION .................................................................................. 29
6.08 SCHOOL COUNSELOR EVALUATION ............................................................. 34
6.09 TEACHER TRANSFER...................................................................................... 39
6.10 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ............................................. 40
6.11 PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT ............................................................................ 41
6.12 REHIRE OF RETIRED TEACHERS ................................................................... 42
ARTICLE VII – WORKING CONDITIONS ................................................................................. 44
7.01 ACADEMIC FREEDOM ..................................................................................... 44
7.02 ASSOCIATION RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................... 44
7.03 CLASS SIZE ...................................................................................................... 46
7.04 EMPLOYEES RIGHT OF ACCESS TO PERSONNEL FILES ............................ 46
7.05 INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 46
7.06 SCHOOL CALENDAR ....................................................................................... 47
7.07 TEACHING HOURS/WORKDAY ....................................................................... 48
7.08 CLASSROOM INCLUSION AND IEPS .............................................................. 48
7.09 LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE .............................................................. 49
7.10 TEACHER SCHOOL YEAR ............................................................................... 49
7.11 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE .......................................................... 49
7.12 VIRTUAL LEARNING ACADEMY ...................................................................... 50
7.13 DRESS CODE ................................................................................................... 50
7.14 PRE-EMPLOYMENT DRUG TESTING .............................................................. 50
ARTICLE VIII – DURATION AND EFFECT OF AGREEMENT .................................................. 51
8.01 CONTRARY TO LAW PROVISION.................................................................... 51
8.02 ENTIRE AGREEMENT ...................................................................................... 51
8.03 DURATION OF AGREEMENT ........................................................................... 52
APPENDIX A Grievance Report Form ................................................................................ 53
APPENDIX B-1 Salary Schedule 2021-2022 ......................................................................... 57
APPENDIX B-2 Salary Schedule 2022-2023 ......................................................................... 58
APPENDIX B-3 Salary Schedule 2023-2024 ......................................................................... 59
APPENDIX C Extracurricular Salary Schedule ................................................................... 60
APPENDIX D-1 Personal Leave Form ................................................................................... 63
APPENDIX D-2 Personal Leave Conversion and/or Carryover Form ..................................... 64
APPENDIX E Teacher Evaluation Instrument ..................................................................... 65
APPENDIX F Professional Development Hours Verification Form ..................................... 66
APPENDIX G Medical Insurance Plan ................................................................................ 67
Letter of Concurrence ............................................................................................................... 69
For the purposes of clarification, the following definitions of “day” shall apply throughout
the Agreement.
A. Calendar Day: Monday through Sunday inclusive
B. Day: Calendar day
C. Workday: Day teachers are expected/scheduled to work
D. School Day: Day students are in attendance
In computing any period of time specified by the terms of this Agreement, the date of the
act or event from which the designated period of time begins to run shall not be included.
The last day of the period so computed shall be included.
The Willard City Board of Education (hereinafter referred to as the "Board") recognizes
the Willard Education Association, an affiliate of the Ohio Education Association and the
National Education Association, hereinafter referred to as the "Association" or the "WEA"
as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative for all the full and part time certificated
personnel hired under a regular teaching contract in the district for the purposes of
negotiating and representing bargaining unit members with respect to salary, hours, and
terms and conditions of employment. Substitutes who work less than one hundred twenty
(120) consecutive days, aides, confidential employees, classified employees, and
administrative supervisory staff are specifically excluded from the bargaining unit.
Supervisory staff is defined as those employees serving under an administrative contract
and who have the authority to hire, transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall, promote, discharge,
assign, reward, or discipline other public employees; to responsibly direct them; to adjust
their grievances; or to effectively recommend such action if the exercise of that authority
is not of a merely routine or clerical nature, but requires the use of independent judgment.
Attaining the objectives of the educational program of the Willard City School District
requires mutual understanding and cooperation among the Board of Education,
Superintendent of schools, and the educational staff. Therefore, free and open exchange
of views is desirable and necessary in the negotiations process.
"Good-Faith" negotiations requires that the Association and the Board be willing to react
to each other's proposals. If a proposal is unacceptable to one of the parties, that party is
obligated to give its reasons. "Good-Faith" requires both parties to recognize negotiations
as a shared process.
The "Good-Faith" process constitutes an agreement to attempt to reach mutual
understanding regarding subjects which are mandatory subjects of bargaining.
Negotiations shall be limited to wages, hours, terms, and other conditions of employment
and the continuation, modification, or deletion of an existing provision of the collective
bargaining agreement.
The Association may be consulted on policy matters, but policy adoption is a Board
responsibility and not a negotiable item. The Board and the Association recognize that
the Board is the legally constituted body responsible for determination of policies covering
all aspects of the Willard School System. The Board recognizes that it must operate in
accordance with all statutory provisions of the state, and such other rules and regulations
as are promulgated by the Department of Education in accordance with such statutes.
The Board cannot reduce, negotiate, or delegate its legal responsibilities.
A. Notification
If either of the parties desires to commence bargaining on salaries or other matters
of mutual concern, it shall notify the other party, in writing, of its intent to bargain
at least ninety (90), but no more than one hundred twenty-five (125), days prior to
the expiration of the contract. Notification, in writing, from the Association shall be
served on the Superintendent; and from the Board shall be served on the president
of the Association. If neither party serves such written notice during the above-
mentioned time period, the contract between the parties shall be deemed to be
extended for one (1) additional year.
B. Negotiation Meetings
1. Within fifteen (15) school days of written notification of intent to bargain, an
initial meeting shall be held between the parties. All proposals shall be
exchanged, in writing, by the Association and the Board at this first
meeting. No new proposals shall be submitted by either party after the
initial meeting unless by mutual agreement.
2. The Willard Board of Education and the Willard Education Association
agree that all sections of the existing Master Agreement between the
Willard Board of Education and the Willard Education Association which
are not re-negotiated shall be included in the Master Agreement.
3. Original proposals shall be written and in language suitable for inclusion in
the final agreement. Topical listings of items proposed for negotiations
shall constitute a clear failure of compliance and may be disregarded.
4. Meetings shall be scheduled with the least interruption of work schedules.
All meetings, including mediation, shall be in executive session unless
otherwise mutually agreed upon by both parties. Other rules for conducting
negotiations procedures which are deemed necessary and not covered by
this procedure shall be discussed and agreed upon at the first meeting.
C. Negotiation Time Limits
1. Either party may call for a caucus of up to thirty (30) minutes unless
extended by mutual agreement.
2. Bargaining sessions shall last a maximum of three (3) hours unless
extended by mutual agreement.
3. Items under negotiation must be resolved to the mutual satisfaction of both
parties within sixty (60) calendar days of the first scheduled meeting.
However, if both parties agree, extensions of time for negotiations may be
granted. If no agreement is reached, the Disagreement Procedure outlined
in this document shall be implemented.
4. Any time limits established under this article may be modified by mutual
agreement of both parties.
5. "Days" means calendar days unless otherwise specified.
D. Representation
1. Each team shall limit its representation to three (3) members unless
otherwise agreed upon at the first meeting. Each team shall designate one
(1) chief spokesperson who shall be responsible for signing any tentative
agreements. In addition, each team may admit two (2) observers to
negotiating sessions. The observers shall adhere to all rules of protocol
adopted at the first negotiations meeting and contained within this
agreement, shall maintain the executive session nature of meetings, and
shall not participate in discussion at the bargaining table.
2. Either party may call upon consultants at the expense of the requesting
party. Such consultants may be used in the negotiating meetings as team
members or for the purpose of providing information pertinent to
E. Information
The parties agree during negotiations to provide each other, upon reasonable
request and within a reasonable time, regularly and routinely prepared information
for development and evaluation of proposals. Access to such information in such
form as it exists constitutes compliance with this provision, and neither party is
obligated to develop data or information not in existence or to re-work, re-draft,
summarize, compute, or otherwise develop data or information in other than its
existing form.
F. While Negotiations Are in Process
1. During any phase of negotiations, including mediation, there will be no
public releases of information to the media unless agreed upon by both
parties. In such instances that releases are agreed upon said releases
shall be in writing, and both parties shall approve of the release prior to its
dissemination. Both parties may issue progress reports to their members
so as to keep their members informed with respect to the progress of
2. It shall be the responsibility of both parties to inform their respective
members that all progress reports are confidential and any information
derived from such reports shall not be disclosed to the general public.
G. Agreement
1. When final agreement is reached through negotiations, the outcome shall
be reduced to writing and submitted to the Association for ratification.
Following ratification by the Association, the agreement shall be submitted
to the Board. Upon official adoption by the Board, the agreement shall be
signed by both parties.
2. The Association shall be responsible for the typing of the final negotiated
agreement. The parties shall each proofread and approve the agreement
before and after printing. The Association shall be responsible for the
duplication and distribution of the contract to the Board, to the
Administration, and to all bargaining unit members.
H. Disagreement
In the event an agreement is not reached by negotiations after full consideration
of proposals and counterproposals, or within forty-five (45) days prior to the
expiration of the contract, either of the parties shall have the option of declaring
impasse. Upon the declaration of impasse, the parties shall jointly request the
appointment of a mediator from the staff of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation
Service. The mediator shall meet with the representatives of the parties either
jointly or separately, and shall take such steps as he/she deems appropriate to
persuade the parties to resolve their differences and to effect a mutually
acceptable agreement.
The period of mediation shall last for a maximum of thirty (30) days or until the
expiration of the contract, whichever is later, unless an extension of time is agreed
to by both parties. Should the parties be unable to reach agreement as the result
of this mediation process, the impasse provisions of this collective bargaining
agreement shall be deemed exhausted and members of the bargaining unit may
exercise their right to strike pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Chapter 4117,
provided that all relevant provisions of Chapter 4117 and the administrative rules
thereunder have been complied with.
The parties agree that the mediation process as outlined above shall constitute a
mutually agreed upon dispute settlement procedure that supersedes the statutory
procedures set forth in ORC 4117.14. The parties further agree that this mediation
process shall be utilized for bargaining leading to a successor contract as well as
for any in-term bargaining which may occur during the life of the Collective
Bargaining Agreement between the parties, subject to ORC 4117.18 unless
specifically agreed otherwise.
A grievance is a claim of a teacher, group of teachers, or the Association that the
bargained contract has been misinterpreted, violated, misapplied, or infringed upon.
The term "grievant" or "aggrieved" shall include any and all members of the bargaining
unit, any group of members of the bargaining unit, or the Association.
A day as used in this procedure shall mean a school day.
Rights of Grievant: A grievant may appear on his own behalf or may be represented at
any and all steps of the grievance procedure by the bargaining agent, or by any other
person of the aggrieved's choice, except that the aggrieved may not be represented by an
officer or employee of any teachers' organization other than the recognized bargaining
A grievant shall have the right to present a claim in accordance with the procedure
described herein, free from interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal, except that
it shall be subject to the right of the bargaining agent to be present at the settlement and
offer testimony provided that the settlement is not inconsistent with the terms of the
No grievance may be submitted to arbitration without the consent of the bargaining agent.
Any grievance may be dealt with by the grievant seeking redress with the immediate
supervisor; however, this informal procedure does not preclude the filing of any grievance
at the formal level.
Any grievance not settled at an informal level shall be reduced to writing (see Appendix
A) and shall state the alleged violation, misapplication, infringement, or misinterpretation,
and the relief sought.
The fact that a grievant files a grievance shall not be recorded in the grievant's personal
file, or in any file used in the transfer, assignment, or promotion process, nor shall such
fact be used in any recommendation for re-employment or recommendation for other
employment, nor shall the grievant be placed in jeopardy or be the subject for reprisal or
discrimination for having followed or utilized this grievance procedure.
Time limits specified herein are considered maximum; however, they may be extended by
written agreement of the parties. If the grievance is not filed in a timely fashion or
advanced to the next step by the grievant in a timely manner, it shall be deemed waived.
If the Board or its agent fails to meet the timelines, the grievance shall advance to the next
Delivery of a Disposition or an Appeal at any Step may be accomplished via email. The
filing of a grievance at Step 1 must be via hand delivery.
Informal Step
If a grievant believes there is a basis for a grievance, the grievant shall first discuss the
matter with an immediate supervisor in an effort to resolve the problem informally.
Step 1
If the grievance is not resolved within five (5) days of such informal meeting, the aggrieved
may present a formal claim to their immediate supervisor by submitting a grievance report
form (see Appendix A). The grievance must be filed within sixty (60) days (calendar) of
the event in dispute. Within five (5) days of receipt of the grievance, the immediate
supervisor shall meet with the aggrieved and the aggrieved's representative (s), if elected
by the aggrieved, in an effort to resolve the matter. The immediate supervisor shall
indicate his/her disposition of the grievance within five (5) days after such meeting by
completing the report form and returning it to the aggrieved. If such disposition is not
timely returned, the grievance would be advanced to the next step.
Step 2
If the aggrieved is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance in Step 1, the grievant
shall complete the grievance report form, Step 2, and submit the grievance to the
Superintendent within five (5) days of receipt of the disposition notice. Within five (5) days
of receipt, the Superintendent and/or designated representative shall meet with the
grievant and/or his/her representative to resolve the matter. Within five (5) days of this
meeting, the Superintendent shall indicate, in writing, his disposition of the grievance by
completing his portion of Step 2 and forwarding it to the aggrieved. The bargaining agent
shall be notified, in writing, of said disposition. If such disposition is not timely returned,
the grievance would be advanced to the next step.
Step 3
If the aggrieved is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Step 2, the
grievance may be appealed, in writing, to the Board of Education. The Superintendent
shall place the matter on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the Board of
The aggrieved employee (s) shall have the right to be represented at such meeting by
counsel and/or by a representative of his/her employee organization.
The Board of Education shall act upon such appeal no later than its next regular meeting.
The Board of Education act shall be based upon the recommendation of the
Superintendent and the arguments presented by or on the behalf of the employee(s).
Copies of the final action and supporting reasons shall be sent to the employee(s),
Superintendent, and building principal.
Step 4
If the aggrieved, with concurrence of the bargaining agent, is not satisfied with the
disposition of the grievance at Step 3, it may, within ten (10) days, submit the grievance
to arbitration by the American Arbitration Association whose rules and regulations shall
likewise govern the proceedings. The arbitrator may not add to, alter, or delete from the
terms of the negotiated items. The arbitrator shall have all power and remedies, within
lawful statutes, to render an award which shall be final and binding to all parties. In cases
where the arbitrability of an issue is questioned, the matter of arbitrability shall be ruled
upon by the arbitrator in an expedited fashion prior to a ruling by the arbitrator on the
merits of the issue. The cost for the services of the arbitrator will be borne by the losing
party, either the Board of Education or the bargaining agent.
3.0% in Year 1
3.0% in Year 2
3.0% in Year 3
$1,000 one-time Signing Bonus, not on the base, for all members enrolled on the District’s
health insurance plan to be paid in the last pay of November 2021. If a married couple is
employed by the District, and both members are on the District’s health insurance plan,
only one member will receive this payment.
Effective July 1, 2021, the base salary shall be $37,333 (see Appendix B-1). Effective
July 1, 2022, the base salary shall be $38,453 (see Appendix B-2). Effective July 1, 2023,
the base salary shall be $39,607 (see Appendix B-3).
A newly hired teacher must be granted a year of experience on the salary schedule for
each full year of teaching experience or military service, to a maximum of five (5) years.
Credit for years of experience beyond five (5) years shall be within the Board's discretion.
3.03 STRS PICK-UP (Salary Reduction Method)
A. The Board agrees to STRS "pick-up" utilizing the salary reduction method.
Contributions to the State Teachers Retirement System will be paid on behalf of
the employees in the bargaining unit, at no cost to the Board, under the following
terms and conditions:
1. The amount to be "picked-up" on behalf of each employee shall be a
percentage of the employee's gross annual compensation which equals the
rate established by STRS as required employee contributions. The
employee's annual compensation shall be reduced, at no cost to the Board,
by an amount equal to the amount "picked-up" by the Board for the purpose
of state and federal tax only.
2. The pick-up percentage shall apply uniformly to all members of the
bargaining unit as a condition of employment.
3. No employee covered by this provision shall have the option to elect a
wage increase or other benefit in lieu of the employer pick-up.
Payment of all paid leaves, sick leave, personal leave, and severance
including unemployment and workers' compensation, shall be based on the
employee's daily gross pay prior to reduction as basis (ex: gross pay
divided by the number of days worked).
B. Each employee will be responsible for compliance with Internal Revenue salary
exclusion allowance regulations, with respect to the "pick-up" in combination with
other tax deferred compensation plans.
C. If the foregoing "pick-up" provisions are nullified by subsequent Internal Revenue
Service rulings, Ohio Attorney General Opinions, or other governing regulations,
the Board will be held harmless and this article of agreement shall be declared null
and void. The Board shall then return to the former method of employer and
employee retirement system contributions as soon as is necessary.
All bargaining unit employees shall be paid in twenty-six (26) payments. Pay will be direct
deposited every other Friday. In the event a pay day falls on a holiday, pay will be direct
deposited in advance of Friday.
On occasion twenty-seven (27) payments may be implemented to prevent a three or four
week lapse between payroll direct deposits. The WEA will receive advance notice of the
necessity to utilize the twenty-seven (27) pay option.
All persons other than head coaches will start at a level commensurate with their
experience in the area of specialization to a maximum of one-half (1/2) or the midpoint of
the range. Head coaches will be placed on the extracurricular schedule at the discretion
of the Board of Education.
The compensation for each position shall be based upon a percentage (see Appendix C)
of $37,333 for the contract. Each eligible position will move one (1) percentage point
automatically each year until the midpoint is reached. After the midpoint is reached,
movement on the schedule will occur at the rate of one (1) percentage point for each three
(3) years experience in a specific extracurricular position, since July 1, 1995. Merit and/or
performance may cause a percentage increase after the midpoint is reached in which case
a new three (3) year period will begin.
The high school athletic director and assistant athletic director shall confer with their
respective principals in regards to evaluation of assignments when appropriate.
Extra duties will be paid per schedule. Pay will start with your first check and be divided
by the twenty-six (26) pays.
Additional extracurricular positions may be requested during the school year if needs
arise. The proper procedure would be requesting additional help to the building principal.
The building principal will send the request and his recommendation to the Superintendent
of schools. The Superintendent will then recommend to the Board of Education whether
or not to add the position. If the Board's decision is negative, the assignment may be
considered again through the negotiations procedure.
A. Payroll Deductions
Deductions from the regular salary will be the applicable taxes in accordance with
the employee's claim for exemption and retirement. Hospitalization, savings
bonds, association dues or fees, income protection insurance, savings account
deductions, annuities, mutual funds, and FCPE contributions can be deducted, if
so directed, in writing, by the employee. If, for any reason, the Board fails to make
a dues deduction for any employee, it shall make that deduction from the
employee's next pay.
The Employer agrees to deduct from the wages of any employee-member of the
Association, the dues, initiation fees and assessments of the Union, upon
presentation of a written deduction authorization from any member of the
Association. This deduction shall be without cost to the Association or the
member. Payroll deduction of dues, fees, and assessments will be continuous
from year to year until the Employer is notified by the Association to cease
Deductions of the annual dues and assessments will be made in as nearly equal
pay period installments during the school year and in an amount determined by
the Union. Deductions shall begin with the first pay period in October and continue
for ten (10) pays. Any member hired or becoming eligible for membership after
October 1 shall be entitled to payroll deduction of dues, fees, and assessments on
a schedule recommended by the Association Treasurer and approved by the
District Treasurer.
All monies deducted for such purposes shall be transmitted to the Union in a timely
manner. Accompanying each payment will be a complete listing of the names of
the members for which a payroll deduction was made.
In the event an employee severs employment, the District Treasurer shall deduct
all owed and remaining dues from the employee’s next pay, immediately following
such notification.
Each bargaining unit member shall receive one (1) day's pay if he/she uses one (1) day
or less of sick leave during the contract year. The payment shall be made at the time of
the first pay period in July and shall be based upon the bargaining unit member's daily
rate of pay.
An employee shall lose his/her right to this attendance incentive if he/she uses any deduct
days during a school year.
Each bargaining unit member shall receive two (2) days’ pay if he/she uses zero (0) days
of personal leave, sick leave and dock days during the contract year. The payment shall
be made at the time of the first pay period in July and shall be based upon the bargaining
unit member’s daily rate of pay.
Payment for any days of unused personal leave will eliminate any balance of personal
Employees who participate in textbook selection committees, course of study revisions
and/or preparation, and various other types of curriculum related work shall be
compensated at the rate of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour for all scheduled time
worked on days which are not on the school calendar as required workdays (e.g.,
weekends, holidays, and summer) or beyond the regular workday.
A teaching employee who earns college credit shall be reimbursed to a maximum of three
hundred fifty dollars ($350.00) per semester hour (tuition only) or a maximum of two
hundred dollars ($200.00) per quarter hour (tuition only). A maximum of nine (9) semester
hours or fourteen (14) quarter hours may be applied for and encumbered during one
calendar year. Hours reimbursed must be graduate hours and reflect an out-of-pocket
expense to the employee. An "Application for Reimbursement for College Credit" must
be submitted and approved by the Superintendent prior to the start of the scheduled class.
Undergraduate course work in areas of educational need and/or subjects may be
reimbursed at the discretion of the Superintendent.
Within two (2) weeks of providing evidence that the coursework has been satisfactorily
completed and an official college transcript has been filed along with proof of payment in
the Superintendent's office, payment will be made.
The Willard Board of Education shall grant severance pay to all certified personnel under
the following provisions:
1. The employee's effective date of retirement with the State Teachers
Retirement System (STRS) has been substantiated, and the Willard City
Board of Education has made the last payment in his/her name to STRS.
2. Employees shall receive severance pay based on twenty-five percent
(25%) of accumulated sick days.
3. Payment will be based on the employee's rate of pay at the time of
retirement from the Willard City Schools.
In the event of the death of an employee who meets the qualifications of
the STRS for retirement, the severance payment shall be paid to the
employee's estate.
Employees of the Board of Education shall be paid at rate of fifty-five cents (55¢) per mile
for travel expenses incurred while conducting school business authorized by the
Students may be tutored by bargaining unit members for academic credit if approved by
the school principal and the Superintendent. If the bargaining unit member is tutoring,
he/she will be paid at the rate listed in Appendix C, Extracurricular Salary Schedule. Such
tutoring shall be instruction performed outside school hours.
Tutoring to help the student who is having difficulty in an academic subject is a matter
between the parent and teacher.
Tutors for the above must be approved by the Superintendent. Tutors must be qualified
and certified/licensed in the specific area.
Notification of openings for migrant summer school teachers will be made available to all
district personnel annually.
Migrant summer school rate beginning in 2018:
The following step pay rate will be used to recognize the experience of the teacher in this
Years 0-5 $23.50
Years 6-10 $25.00
Years 11+ $26.50
The years must be consecutive to qualify for a higher rate based on experience. These
rates are contingent on the continued receipt of state/federal migrant funding.
Subject to the provisions of Section 4.05 below, the Willard Board of Education will provide
for each eligible full-time member of the bargaining unit, hospitalization and major medical
insurance, which includes an HUR/SOS $200.00 penalty. Each bargaining unit member
will be provided single coverage if they so desire and meet the insurance carrier's term of
eligibility. Family coverage will be provided only to those eligible bargaining unit members
with dependents who do not have family coverage through their spouse. It is the
responsibility of the bargaining unit member to contact the Superintendent or his
designated representative if he/she wishes family coverage.
Employees may elect to receive twenty-five percent (25%) of the current single premium
in lieu of participating in the hospitalization insurance program upon providing proof of
other insurance coverage that is not through the Health Insurance Marketplace. Payment
is to be made the first pay in July. Employees are not eligible for this payment in lieu if
they are covered by insurance provided by the Board or any other member of the health
insurance consortium of which the District is a member.
Subject to the provisions of Section 4.05 below, the Board will provide prescription
insurance coverage for each member of the bargaining unit.
Employees may elect to receive twenty-five percent (25%) of the current single premium
in lieu of participating in the prescription insurance program upon providing proof of other
insurance coverage that is not through the Health Insurance Marketplace. Payment is to
be made the first pay in July. Employees are not eligible for this payment in lieu if they
are covered by insurance provided by the Board or any other member of the health
insurance consortium of which the District is a member.
Subject to the provisions of Section 4.05 below, the Board shall provide family dental
insurance for bargaining unit members.
Subject to the provisions of Section 4.05 below, the Board shall provide Vision insurance
for bargaining unit members.
Effective July 1, 2021, the Board will pay eighty-nine percent (89%) per month and
employees will pay eleven percent (11%) per month for any premium costs. Beginning
July 1, 2022, the Board will pay eighty-eight percent (88%) per month and employees will
pay twelve percent (12%) per month for any premium costs. Effective July 1, 2023, the
Board will pay eighty-seven percent (87%) per month and employees will pay thirteen
percent (13%) per month for any premium costs.
Employees are encouraged to tax shelter all insurance premium payments via an
employee-funded Section 125 Flexible Spending Account.
The Board will provide each certified employee with a forty-five thousand dollar
($45,000.00) term life policy which includes accidental death and dismemberment.
Those certified/licensed employees who teach less than full time and who were employed
after September 1, 1983, shall have the option of having all insurance paid on a prorated
basis. Certified/licensed employees working less than half time will be charged seventy-
five percent (75%) of premium of all insurance desired. Certified/licensed employees
working less than full time will be charged fifty percent (50%) of premium of all insurance
desired. Certified/licensed employees working less than full time, who are currently
receiving insurance benefits equal to full-time employees, shall continue to receive said
benefits on the same basis as regular full-time employees.
A Section 125 Flexible Spending Account shall be available to each employee.
Participation in such account shall be at the option of each individual employee.
Participation shall be by payroll deduction, with all administrative and handling cost
charged by the carrier being the responsibility of the employee(s). Full explanation of this
program shall be the sole responsibility of the WEA.
The Board will offer an optional HDHP Medical Insurance Plan. For those employees who
choose this option the Board will contribute two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) to a Health
Savings Account for the employee.
The Association and the Board agree to establish an Insurance Committee to determine
if there are changes that should be considered to the insurance program for the next
negotiations time period.
This Committee will also be responsible for studying any changes imposed by the state
and the potential impact thereof.
The Association will select the Association representatives to this Committee and the
Superintendent will select the Administrative representatives. There will be equal
representation from the Association and the Administration.
If an employee’s spouse is eligible to participate, as a current employee, self-employed
individual (other than a sole proprietor) in a business or organization (e.g., partner,
member), or retiree in group health insurance and/or prescription drug insurance
sponsored by his/her employer, business, organization, or any retirement plan, the spouse
must enroll for coverage in such employer, business, organization, or retirement plan
sponsored group insurance coverage(s) no later than August 1, 2007.
This requirement does not apply to any spouse who:
Works less than 20 hours per week and is required to pay more than 50% of the
single premium to participate in his/her employer’s, business’s, organization’s, or
retirement plan’s group health insurance coverage and/or prescription drug
Is employed by another Huron-Erie School Employee Insurance Association
(HESE) district, provided the spouse does not receive any available payment (or
any other form of remuneration) from that HESE district for waiving health
insurance and/or prescription drug insurance coverage.
Upon the spouse’s enrollment in any such employer, business, organization, or retirement
plan sponsored group insurance coverage, that coverage will become the primary payor
of benefits and the coverage sponsored by HESE will become the secondary payor of
benefits according to the primary plan’s Coordination of Benefits and participation rules.
Any spouse who fails to enroll in any group insurance coverage sponsored by his/her
employer, business, organization, or any retirement plan, as required by this section, shall
be ineligible for benefits under such group insurance coverage sponsored by HESE.
It is the employee’s responsibility to advise the HESE Health Benefit Plan (the Plan”)
immediately (and not later than 30 days after any change in eligibility) if the employee’s
spouse becomes eligible to participate in group health insurance and/or prescription drug
insurance sponsored by his/her employer, business, organization, or retirement plan after
August 1, 2007. Upon becoming eligible, the employee’s spouse must enroll in any group
health insurance and/or prescription drug insurance sponsored by his/her employer,
business, organization, or retirement plan unless he/she is exempt from this requirement
in accordance with the exemptions stated in this section.
Every employee whose spouse participates in HESE’s group health insurance coverage
and/or prescription drug insurance coverage shall complete and submit to the Plan, upon
request, a written certification verifying whether his/her spouse is eligible to participate in
group health insurance coverage and/or prescription drug insurance coverage sponsored
by the spouse’s employer, business, organization, or any retirement plan. If any employee
fails to complete and submit the certification form by the required date, such employee’s
spouse will be removed immediately from all group health insurance and/or prescription
drug insurance coverages sponsored by HESE. Additional documentation may be
If you submit false information, or fail to timely advise the Plan of a change in your spouse’s
eligibility for employer (or business, organization, or retirement plan) sponsored group
health insurance and/or prescription drug insurance, and such false information or such
failure by you results in the Plan providing benefits to which your spouse is not entitled,
you will be personally liable to the Plan for reimbursement of benefits and expenses,
including attorneys’ fees and costs, incurred by the Plan. Any amount to be reimbursed
by you may be deducted from the benefits to which you would otherwise be entitled. In
addition, your spouse will be terminated immediately from group health insurance and/or
prescription drug insurance coverage under the Plan. If you submit false information, you
may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3319.141 of the Ohio Revised Code, the Board
will grant assault leave to cover employees absent due to physical disability resulting from
assault under the following conditions.
Any certified/licensed teacher who must be absent from his/her duties due to physical
disability resulting from an assault while teaching or in school related activities, on or off
school premises, before, during, or after school hours, will be paid his/her full scheduled
compensation for the period of such absence. Assault shall be defined as an unlawful
attempt to do bodily injury to a teacher. Before assault leave will be granted, the teacher
shall furnish to the Superintendent, a written, signed statement describing the
circumstances and events surrounding the assault, including the location and time of the
assault, names and addresses of witnesses (if known), and a physician's statement as to
the nature of the disability and its possible duration. The Superintendent shall review the
statement and make any further investigation he/she deems advisable. Should the injury
render the teacher incapable of performing his/her duties for a period of more than five (5)
days, then a medical examination may be made by a physician selected by the Board of
Education, at the expense of the Board of Education. Any injury that would be presumed
to be of a permanent nature (at least twelve (12) months duration) would require the
teacher to apply for disability retirement.
A. One (1) hour will be scheduled during the general staff meeting at the beginning
of the school year for the Association to conduct business.
B. The Board shall provide the Association with an allowance of eight (8) absence
days for the specific purpose of conducting Association business. Further, the
Association may purchase an additional four (4) days at the substitute teacher pay
rate in effect on date leave is taken plus the retirement costs to the Board based
on said payment. Association leave shall be subject to the following conditions
and provisions:
1. All expenses or costs beyond substitute pay for the annual allowance of
days shall be the responsibility of the individual(s) and/or Association.
2. Request(s) for use of Association leave shall be submitted to the
Superintendent on the Association leave form at least five (5) days in
advance for approval and in order to obtain a substitute teacher. This
request shall have the Association president's signature of approval before
being submitted to the Superintendent.
3. Association leave shall be separate and apart from personal leave,
professional leave, and extracurricular leave, and shall not be reflected in
any individual personal accumulation. In the same respect, professional
leave and extracurricular leave shall not be used for Association business
or in lieu of Association leave.
Extracurricular leave may be used in lieu of, but not in addition to, professional leave. All
extracurricular persons may use two (2) days of professional leave for clinics of their
choice and expenses will be paid by the Board of Education on the same basis as
professional leave. Expenses for state tournaments will be paid by the athletic department
governed by the approval of the high school principal. Substitute expense will be paid for
by the Board of Education. Personal leave will be used by coaches. Expenses, with the
exception of mileage, for the head coach will be paid for any tournament that involves a
Willard student as a participant and absence will not be charged against professional or
personal leave. Extracurricular leave must be requested and will be reimbursed the same
as professional leave.
The parties agree to abide by the terms and provisions of the federal Family and Medical
Leave Act of 1993. All benefits guaranteed by the Act will be provided to employees
covered by this Agreement and shall be in addition to any other benefits provided herein.
Furthermore, the benefits of the FMLA are not intended to supersede or diminish any other
leave provisions contained in this Agreement.
Family and Medical Leave will be granted up to twelve (12) weeks in any continuous twelve
(12) month period for the following reason(s):
1. Birth of a child
2. Adoption of a child or placement of a foster child
3. To provide care for a sick spouse, child (biological, adopted, or legal ward), or
4. To address the individual employee's own serious health condition
Definition of Serious Health Condition: An illness, injury, impairment, physical or mental
condition that involves:
A. Inpatient care in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical facility
B. Continuing treatment by a health care provider
Providing the employee has worked twelve (12) months and at least 1,250 hours of
compensated time in the prior year, hospitalization, prescription, dental, and life insurance
benefits will be continued at the employee's current level. Failure to return to work will
require the employee to pay back the premiums paid by the Board during the absence.
At least thirty (30) days notice, in the event of a "foreseeable" leave (example: childbirth)
shall be submitted, in writing, to the Superintendent. If due to a family member or the
employee's own serious health condition and "foreseeable" based on planned medical
treatment, the employee shall give thirty (30) days notice or as soon as practical. The
employee shall make all reasonable efforts to schedule treatment so as not to unduly
disrupt operations of the district.
Leave may be taken "intermittently" or "reduced time" except for Number 1 and 2 above,
when medically necessary. The employee may, however, be temporarily transferred to
an available alternate position with equivalent pay or benefits which may better serve the
district during the recurring periods of leave.
When a husband and a wife are employed by the Willard City Schools, an aggregate level
of leave shall commence and be limited to twelve (12) weeks in any continuous twelve
(12) month period if leave is taken for childbirth, adoption of a child, or placement of a
foster child.
A Family and Medical Leave Request form (3430.01F1) must be submitted to the
Superintendent prior to the leave being granted. Family and medical leave is unpaid leave
with previously defined benefits paid by the Board of Education for the duration of leave.
The Board of Education may require certification by a physician.
Return to work rules following a family or medical leave shall be governed by the Family
and Medical Leave Act of 1993.
Any alleged violation(s) of the Family and Medical Leave Act may be processed as a
grievance utilizing the provisions contained herein; however, pursuit of such grievance
shall not prevent an employee from otherwise enforcing his/her rights under FMLA as
provided by law.
In the event of an injury to an employee in the course of duty, the injured employee shall
elect whether:
1. to receive paid injury leave until workmen's compensation benefits begin
2. to receive sick leave.
The election, once made, shall not be changed. Injury leave shall not be charged to sick
leave. As soon as practicable, the principal shall be notified. A written statement of all
facts of the injury shall be submitted to the principal or immediate supervisor. If the
employee received medical attention, a certificate from a licensed physician stating effect
and duration shall be presented to the principal or immediate supervisor as soon as
practicable. Injury leave cannot be accumulated.
Leaves of absence, without pay, for maternity/paternity reasons shall be granted teachers,
upon proper application, by the Board, subject to the restrictions stated herein as follows:
It is agreed that the teacher who becomes pregnant may continue to work provided that
she is physically able and the rights of the pregnant employee will be pursuant to law.
Further, the pregnant teacher wishing to take a leave of absence (child bearing) shall do
so by written request.
The teacher wishing to take a leave of absence for the purpose of childcare shall request
such leave within two (2) weeks of the date of birth of the child or of the date of adoption
of the child. The Board shall approve leave of absence requests for childcare purposes
for up to a maximum of one (1) year.
The teacher on leave of absence shall notify the Superintendent, in writing, of his/her intent
to return to employment with the school district by March 1 of the school year previous to
the school year he/she intends to return.
Upon receipt of notification from the teacher of intent to return to work at the conclusion of
the leave, a determination shall be made by administration if a vacancy is available. In
the absence of a vacancy, a teacher with less seniority may be released from employment.
While the teacher is on leave, there shall be no accrual of seniority.
A. Teachers shall be granted three (3) unrestricted days of absence during each
school year without loss of salary to transact personal business or to attend to
affairs of a personal nature which cannot be conducted outside the regular school
day. If any employee retires before December 31, the employee will be granted
two (2) days of personal leave. Should any employee retire after this date, said
employee will receive three (3) days of personal leave. No personal leave may be
used during the first and last five (5) days of the school year. Exceptions may be
granted at the discretion of the Superintendent, who will discuss and consider the
circumstances in making his/her decision, upon the teacher’s request.
B. Personal leave will not be deducted from sick leave.
C. Personal leave cannot be used for leave which would otherwise be available
through sick leave. Misuse of personal leave will result in an appropriate deduct
in pay. Teachers requesting personal leave on the day before or after district
holiday or vacation break must comply with provisions 1 and 3 of Section D below
even if the request is submitted prior to five (5) school days before the expected
D. An employee must submit a written request to his/her principal (see Appendix D-
1) for personal leave at least five (5) school days in advance of the taking of
personal leave. The principal shall initial the request and forward to the
Superintendent’s office. All requests must be approved, in writing, by the
Superintendent of schools or his designee.
If five (5) school days advance notice is not given, the following shall apply:
1. An explanation for the reason for the use of the personal day, and
2. An explanation as to why five (5) school days notice was not given.
3. Failure to provide the aforementioned explanations may constitute grounds
for denial of the leave request.
E. Requests for personal leave may be limited as to use on a specific date by the
following formula:
Assignment Number of Teachers
Middle School/High School (6-12) five (5)
Elementary (PK-5) five (5)
Teachers who work on both sides of the building may use any of the available ten
(10) openings. The Superintendent shall approve or deny the request on a first
application for use basis. The Superintendent may increase at his/her discretion
the number of approved leaves in the event of an emergency.
A. A teacher may carry over one (1) unused personal day per contract year up to a
maximum of two (2) carry-over personal days. These carry-over days added to
the three (3) personal days granted on a yearly basis will give the employee a
potential maximum of four (4) personal days. (See Appendix D-2)
B. A teacher may choose the option A from above or he/she may choose one of the
following options:
1. Convert two (2) unused personal leave days to sick leave.
2. Carry over one (1) unused personal leave day to the next school year as
personal leave and convert one (1) unused personal leave day to sick
Each teacher will be responsible for notifying the Treasurer’s office with regard to
options 1 and 2 by the last teacher workday. If the teacher does not notify the
Board by the last teacher workday, the leave will be carried over as per Section A.
The potential maximum for personal leave accumulation remains at four (4). Sick
leave may be accumulated to the maximum permitted by this Agreement.
Employees will be granted three (3) days to attend at least one (1) academic or two (2)
extracurricular professional meetings that contribute to the educational program or
extracurricular program. Teachers may request professional training to cover the costs of
online courses and other non-traditional academic/professional meetings. One course/
meeting equals one day of professional leave. There will be no reimbursement for meals
or mileage for an on-line course. A written request should be submitted well enough in
advance to allow the principal to secure a qualified substitute, if necessary. Final approval
of all requests will be made by the Superintendent. If any request is denied, a written
reason will be noted on the request form.
Reimbursement will be made for expenses upon presentation to the Treasurer of the
appropriate receipts and forms for all expenses. Meals, lodging, registration, mileage, and
parking are allowable expenses as follows:
a) Lodging expense is not to exceed ninety dollars ($90.00) for a single occupancy;
one hundred ten dollars ($110.00) for a double occupancy; and one hundred
twenty-five dollars ($125.00) for a triple occupancy.
b) Meals will be reimbursed to a maximum of thirty dollars ($30.00) per day when
attending an all-day conference. When attending a conference that lasts less than
a full day, meals will be reimbursed up to a maximum of fifteen dollars ($15.00).
c) Transportation mileage shall be reimbursed at the rate of fifty-five cents (55¢) per
mile, to a maximum of one hundred dollars ($100.00).
d) Registration fee will be limited to two hundred dollars ($200.00).
Professional meetings include national, state, regional, district education meetings and/or
workshops, and visitations. Extent of professional leave will be governed by each year's
appropriation and budget. Substitute teachers will be paid by the Board of Education for
all professional meetings approved.
Each teacher may be given time during the school year to observe teaching methods and
procedures. These assignments shall be made under the guidance and direction of the
principal and Superintendent.
A written report of the professional day shall be made to the principal and Superintendent
before expenses will be paid.
Each teacher may use one (1) night lodging, and if no expenses are requested for the next
day, then only one (1) day professional leave will be charged. Additional nights' lodging
must have prior approval of the Superintendent. No overnight trips will be approved unless
necessary to attend the conference.
School employees may, with the approval of the Board of Education, secure a leave of
absence for the following reasons:
1. Personal Illness
2. Disability
3. Educational or Professional Advancement
4. Maternity
5. Military Service (as provided in ORC 3319.14)
6. Child Care (including adoption)
A leave of absence for illness or disability will require a signed statement from the
attending physician stating approximately the length of the absence.
Any approved unpaid leave, except family and medical leave, of more than ten (10)
calendar days, will require the employee to begin paying for hospitalization, prescription,
and dental benefits on a monthly basis. Providing that a leave is a "COBRA" qualifying
event, the employee may make application to the insurance carrier to maintain medical
5.11 SICK LEAVE (Bereavement included)
A. Each full-time bargaining unit member shall receive one and one-fourth (1-1/4)
days sick leave per month of service, or a total of fifteen (15) days per year. All
new employees without prior sick leave from another Ohio school district shall be
granted five (5) days of sick leave credit with the effective date of their contracts.
Sick leave shall accumulate for members of the bargaining unit to a maximum of
two hundred sixty (260) days.
B. New bargaining unit members shall receive credit for sick leave previously
accumulated in any elementary or secondary school chartered by the State
Department of Education including licensed parochial schools or similar institutions
or public agencies in Ohio. It will be the responsibility of the individual to supply
the Treasurer with the address of the former employer to secure a certified record
of the accumulated sick leave from the former employer.
C. Sick leave hours may be used to cover personal illness, injury, pregnancy,
exposure to contagious disease which could be communicated to other
employees, medical appointments, and illness in the immediate family.
Employee's immediate family for this policy shall include spouse, children, father,
mother, brother, sister, in-laws, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles,
nieces, nephews, or other persons who have assumed similar positions regardless
of residence.
D. Bereavement information: Sick leave hours may be used to cover a death in the
immediate family. Employee’s immediate family for this policy shall include
spouse, children, father, mother, brother, sister, in-laws, grandparents,
grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, or other persons who have
assumed similar positions regardless of residence.
Should a situation arise where the above definition does not include any individual
for whom an employee wishes bereavement leave, he/she may request leave
approval from the Superintendent.
A bargaining unit member adopting a child may be granted up to six (6) weeks of paid sick
leave from accumulated sick leave. Additional unpaid leave may be available under FMLA
(Family Medical Leave Act).
A. Lead Mentor
A bargaining unit member or administrator employed by the District who does not
perform evaluations of any current Resident Educators, designated by the
Superintendent with input from the Association, who is responsible for managing
the District’s Resident Educator Program. The final authority for appointing the
Lead Mentor rests with the Superintendent.
Responsibilities and qualifications will be based on rules, regulations and
guidelines established by ODE and the Ohio Revised Code. The Lead Mentor
must have completed all training required by ODE to serve as a Resident Educator
Mentor. The Lead Mentor will work with principals to assign a Mentor for each
Resident Educator.
The Lead Mentor will meet with each Resident Educator Mentor and Resident
Educator once every three (3) weeks after the student day throughout the school
year. Each meeting will last approximately thirty (30) minutes. The first ten (10)
minutes of the meeting will be with the Resident Educators and the Resident
Educator Mentors. Building administrators may join the meeting following the first
ten (10) minutes.
The Lead Mentor will be a bargaining unit member. He/she will be issued a
supplemental contract with a pay range of 16%-25% of the supplemental base
salary. If there are no Resident Educators in a given school year, then no
supplemental contract will be awarded. If there is no bargaining unit member who
accepts the position of Lead Mentor, the Superintendent may appoint an
administrator to the position.
B. Resident Educator Mentor
Resident Educator Mentors will be issued a supplemental contract in the pay range
of 5%-10% of the supplemental base salary for the entire school year. The position
will consist of two (2) six (6) month periods of July 1 through December 31 and
January 1 through June 30. The supplemental pay will be prorated for each of the
two (2) six (6) month periods. One (1) extended day will be given to each Resident
Educator and his/her Mentor during each six (6) month period. All required training
that must be conducted outside the school day will be through the use of extended
days. Each Resident Educator and his/her Mentor will receive one full day of
release time each grading period to be used for observations and collaboration
related to the Resident Educator program. The release days for a Resident
Educator and his/her mentor do not necessarily have to coincide. Any additional
release days must be approved by the building principal.
A. The non-renewal of a limited contract of a bargaining unit member who has taught
in the district for four (4) or more years shall be pursuant to the following procedure:
1. Prior to the non-renewal of a bargaining unit member's contract who has
taught in the district for four (4) or more years, the affected individual shall
be advised by the evaluating administrator of the deficiencies forming the
grounds of the administrator's recommendation for non-renewal. The
bargaining unit member shall be given a reasonable opportunity to correct
such performance prior to non-renewal of his/her contract.
2. When the Superintendent intends to recommend the non-renewal of an
employee's limited contract, the employee shall be given a written
statement describing the circumstances that led to the Superintendent's
recommendation at least ten (10) days, of which a minimum of three (3)
shall be school days, prior to any official Board action being taken upon the
Superintendent's recommendation.
3. An employee who is notified that his/her contract will be recommended for
non-renewal shall have the right to request, through the Superintendent, a
meeting with the Board of Education. Such meeting shall occur prior to
Board action on the Superintendent's recommendation of non-renewal. At
this meeting, the employee shall be entitled to Association representation.
4. Neither the Superintendent's recommendation nor the Board's action to
non-renew shall be without just cause.
5. Notice of the Board's intent to non-renew the limited contract of a
bargaining unit member shall be provided in writing by June 1 either by
personal service upon the teacher or by certified mail, return receipt
6. The non-renewal of a limited contract shall be subject to the grievance
procedure and such grievance shall be filed at Step 4 of the grievance
procedure. The grievant shall be entitled to immediate reinstatement/re-
employment under the appropriate contract if there is any violation of the
procedures contained herein or if the non-renewal was without just cause.
7. The procedures outlined above supersede the procedures set forth in ORC
3319.11 specifically as they pertain to the non-renewal of limited contracts.
B. For teachers who have taught in the district for less than four (4) years, the non-
renewal of a limited contract shall be governed by the procedures set forth in ORC
C. Supplemental contracts are excluded from the provisions of this section.
A reasonable reduction of instructional staff members may be made in the event that a
reduction becomes necessary as a result of a decreased enrollment of pupils, return to
duty of regular teachers after leaves of absence, or by reason of suspension of schools or
territorial changes affecting the district, or lack of funds. When such reduction is deemed
necessary, the reduction will be made in accordance with the following provisions:
1. Prior to proceeding with an anticipated staff reduction, the Association president
shall be notified by the Superintendent of schools of the Board's intent to consider
a staff reduction. A meeting shall be held between representatives of the
Association and representatives of the Board to review appropriate data indicating
a need for a reduction in staff. The parties shall discuss why the reduction is
deemed necessary, what teaching fields are to be affected, the extent of the
anticipated reduction, and the possible effects of said reduction. Also, at this
meeting, the Association will be provided with a seniority list of all bargaining unit
2. The seniority list shall be prepared by listing all teachers according to continuous
service in the district within all areas of certification/licensure. Those on continuing
contract shall be listed first according to continuous service in the district; then
those on limited contracts shall be listed by continuous service in the district. The
list shall include the date of initial employment (continuous) for each employee.
Teachers using any Board-approved leave of absence shall not lose the seniority
held prior to the leave, nor shall they gain additional seniority for the time on leave,
i.e., a leave of absence shall not break an employee's continuous employment. If
ties occur in seniority, regarding years of service, the teacher with the earliest date
of board action to employ will be considered most senior. If ties still remain, the
ties will be broken by the flip of a coin if and when such becomes necessary in
order to implement a staff reduction.
3. Any reduction in staff will first be accomplished through attrition insofar as it is
possible to do so, i.e., the number of persons affected by a reduction in staff will
be kept to a minimum by not employing replacements for employees who retire or
resign or by not replacing individuals who are non-renewed. If further reductions
are necessary, the Board shall proceed to suspend contracts in accordance with
the recommendation of the Superintendent of schools who shall, within each
teaching field affected, give preference to teachers on continuing contracts. Within
each teaching field affected the teacher with the lowest rating on his/her evaluation
will be the teacher whose contract is suspended. If two (2) or more teachers have
comparable evaluations, layoff will occur in reverse order of seniority. Any
reduction in force shall proceed using the following procedures and criteria.
a. Bargaining unit members shall be placed in one (1) of four (4) groups for
the purpose of a reduction in force.
i. Group One shall be comprised of all members who have not
received a final summative evaluation rating in the District;
ii. Group Two shall be comprised of all members who were rated
Ineffective on their evaluation using the calculation set forth below;
iii. Group Three shall be comprised of all members who were rated
Developing on their evaluation using the calculation set forth below;
iv. Group Four shall be comprised of all members who were rated
Skilled or Accomplished on their evaluation using the calculation set
forth below.
b. Any reduction in force shall begin with members in Group One, followed by
Group Two, then Group Three, and then Group Four.
c. The teacher’s final summative rating will be used to determine into which
group the teacher is placed. Teachers shall be placed in Groups Two
through Four based upon an average of the three (3) most recent
summative ratings calculated as follows:
i. Ratings of Accomplished shall equal four (4) points;
ii. Ratings of Skilled shall equal three (3) points;
iii. Ratings of Developing shall equal two (2) points;
iv. Ratings of Ineffective shall equal one (1) point.
d. The sum of the teacher’s most recent three (3) years shall be added
together, divided by three (3), and rounded to the nearest whole number to
find the average” rating. (If the number ends with less than 0.5 it will round
down and if the number ends with 0.5 or greater it will round up.) The
teacher shall then be placed in the appropriate Group based on his/her
average rating.
i. Teachers who are rated Accomplished and who are not evaluated
every year, shall be deemed to be Accomplished for the years in
which they are not evaluated.
ii. Teachers who are rated Skilled and who are not evaluated every
year, shall be deemed to be Skilled for the years in which they are
not evaluated.
iii. Teachers who have fewer than three (3) years of evaluations
(excluding those rated Accomplished and Skilled as described
above) will receive zero (0) points for those years for which they
have no evaluation rating.
e. The order of reductions within each Group shall be:
i. Members under limited contracts beginning with the least senior;
and then,
ii. Members under continuing contracts beginning with the least
iii. No preference shall be given to any member based on seniority,
except when deciding between members who have comparable
evaluations. Evaluation ratings within the same Group will be
considered comparable with each other.
4. Teachers whose continuing contracts are suspended shall have the right of
restoration to continuing service status in reverse order of layoff, if and when
teaching positions become vacant or are created for which any of such teachers
are or become qualified. After restoration of teachers with continuing contracts,
those on limited contracts shall also be restored in the manner described above.
Restoration rights for teachers whose limited contracts were suspended shall
commence upon the effective date of suspension and shall continue through the
next three (3) full school years, unless removed from the recall list as stated below.
For teachers with continuing contracts, restoration rights shall continue until the
teacher is returned to a teaching position or removed from the recall list as stated
5. A teacher whose contract is suspended shall be placed on a recall list stating years
of continuous service to the district, subject(s) certified/licensed to teach, and type
of contract held prior to suspension. A teacher on the recall list shall be offered a
contract for a position for which he/she is certificated/licensed (or can become
certificated/licensed) as positions become available and in inverse order - last
discharged, first recalled. No teacher new to the district will be employed until all
properly certificated/licensed teachers on the recall list have been offered a
contract for a vacant position. The refusal of a recall to a part-time position shall
not result in the teacher being removed from the recall list, unless the teacher was
employed part-time prior to the layoff. A refusal of a recall to a full-time position
shall result in a teacher being removed from the recall list. Recall notices shall be
sent to the last address on file with the Board. Teachers shall be responsible for
updating the Board on any change of address.
6. Insurance coverages provided to the certified/licensed staff may be continued by
the teacher whose contract has been suspended under this provision, at his/her
own cost, for the time period required by federal law.
Reductions in force that are effectuated by financial reasons shall be subject to arbitration
using the services of the American Arbitration Association.
The Board or bargaining unit may choose to use the expedited arbitration service of the
American Arbitration Association. The party choosing to use the expedited service shall
be responsible for the additional expense of said service.
A. As a general rule, a teacher new to the system will be given a one-year limited
contract and upon a satisfactory completion of the year's work, a second limited
contract of one (1) to three (3) years may be granted to a qualified degree teacher.
Part-time teachers will receive one (1) year contracts.
B. Eligibility for and the granting of continuing contracts shall be governed by Revised
Code Section 3319.11, except as noted herein. If a teacher becomes eligible for
a continuing contract in the year his/her limited contract expires, or if a teacher
becomes eligible for a continuing contract during the term of a multi-year contract,
he/she may request consideration for a continuing contract. In both cases the
following procedure shall be followed:
1. The teacher is required to inform the Treasurer in writing of his/her request
to be considered for a continuing contract no later than September 1 of the
year he/she wishes to be considered for a continuing contract. The
Treasurer will take the necessary actions to notify the immediate supervisor
(for evaluation purposes) and the Superintendent.
2. The teacher must submit a valid certificate or other appropriate verification
to the Superintendent by March 1 of the year in which the teacher is
requesting consideration for a continuing contract.
3. The Board of Education, prior to June 1, shall at a regular meeting consider
on individual merit the teacher’s request.
4. If the Board rejects the request or fails to take action on the request, it shall
be based on reason(s) that have been identified in the evaluation process
between the employee and his/her evaluator(s). If the teacher is not
granted a continuing contract, the teacher will receive a one-year contract
for the next school year, unless non-renewal proceedings were properly
instigated during the contract year in question.
C. Teachers who are not to be re-employed shall be notified in writing on or before
June 1. If a teacher does not desire re-employment, he/she should notify the
Board, in writing, at the earliest possible date, preferably not later than May 31.
Final deadline is July 10.
D. Notice of annual salary will be given by the Treasurer no later than July 1.
Any current licensed professional staff member shall be required to undergo a criminal
record check upon renewal of any license, certificate, or permit. In the case of a
professional staff member holding a permanent teaching certificate, such criminal
background check shall occur no less than every five (5) years on or before September 5
of the fifth year.
Bargaining unit employees will be responsible for a total of twenty dollars ($20.00) for the
combined cost of the BCI / FBI checks. The Willard Board of Education is responsible for
the remaining costs associated with the background check.
A. Evaluation Procedure Defined
The evaluation procedure established in this agreement shall conform to the
framework for the holistic evaluation cycle of teachers developed pursuant to
Section 3319.112 of the Ohio Revised Code. Each completed evaluation will result
in the assignment of a teacher effectiveness rating. The teacher effectiveness
rating shall be derived from a holistic evaluation based on the walkthrough(s),
observation(s), and other components required by the Ohio Revised Code to be
used in the teacher evaluation procedure.
B. Purpose
The purposes of teacher evaluation are:
1. To serve as a tool to advance the professional development of teachers.
2. To improve instruction.
3. To assist teachers and administrators in identifying and developing best
educational practices in order to provide the greatest opportunity for
student learning and achievement.
4. To inform employment decisions of teachers.
C. Application
The teacher evaluation procedure contained in this agreement applies to the
following employees in the District:
1. Teachers working under a license issued under Chapter 3319 of the
Revised Code or working under a professional or permanent certificate
issued under former Section 3319.222 of the Revised Code.
2. The evaluation of other bargaining unit personnel will comply with the same
procedures and documents except without the high-quality student data
D. Schedule for Evaluation
1. Each teacher shall be evaluated at least once each school year.
2. Each evaluation shall consist of at least two (2) formal observations and at
least two (2) classroom walkthroughs.
3. The evaluation shall be completed no later than the first (1
) day of May
and the teacher being evaluated shall receive a written report of the results
of this evaluation not later than the tenth (10
) day of May.
4. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the Board may evaluate each teacher who
received a rating of Accomplished on the teacher’s most recent evaluation
conducted under this article once every three school years, so long as the
teacher submits a self-directed professional growth plan to the evaluator
that must relate to the Evaluation Rubric, and the evaluator determines that
the teacher is making progress on that plan. In that case, the triennial
evaluation shall be completed by the first (1
) day of May of the applicable
school year, and the teacher shall receive a written report of the results of
the evaluation by the tenth (10
) day of May of that school year. In any
year that a teacher is not formally evaluated pursuant to this Article as a
result of receiving a rating of Accomplished on the teacher’s most recent
evaluation, an individual qualified to evaluate a teacher under Article 6.07(I)
shall conduct at least one formal observation of the teacher and hold at
least one conference with the teacher.
5. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the Board may evaluate each teacher who
received a rating of Skilled on the teacher’s most recent evaluation
conducted under this article once every two school years, so long as the
teacher and evaluator jointly develop a professional growth plan for the
teacher and the evaluator determines that the teacher is making progress
on that plan. In that case, the biennial evaluation shall be completed by
the first (1
) day of May of the applicable school year, and the teacher shall
receive a written report of the results of the evaluation by the tenth (10
day of May of that school year. In any year that a teacher is not formally
evaluated pursuant to this Article as a result of receiving a rating of Skilled
on the teacher’s most recent evaluation, an individual qualified to evaluate
a teacher under Article 6.07(I) shall conduct at least one formal observation
of the teacher and hold at least one conference with the teacher.
6. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the Board may elect not to conduct an
evaluation of a teacher who meets one of the following requirements:
a. The teacher was on leave from the School District for fifty percent
(50%) or more of the school year, as calculated by the Board.
b. The teacher has submitted notice of retirement and that notice has
been accepted by the Board not later than the first day of December
of the school year in which the evaluation is otherwise scheduled to
be conducted.
7. Notwithstanding the foregoing, teachers in their first three (3) years of
employment with the Board will be evaluated each year. Nothing contained
herein shall affect the Board’s ability to evaluate a teacher in accordance
with Article 6.07(F)(1)(b) or those teachers who have requested
consideration for a continuing contract under 6.05(B).
E. Criteria for Performance Assessment
1. A teacher’s performance shall be assessed based on criteria set forth in
the Evaluation Instrument, Appendix E, of this contract.
2. All monitoring or observation of the work performance of a teacher shall be
conducted openly and with full knowledge of the teacher.
F. Observations
1. Schedule of Observations
a. A minimum of two (2) formal observations, at least fifteen (15)
school days apart, shall be conducted to support each evaluation.
A formal observation shall last a minimum of thirty (30) minutes. A
teacher shall receive written documentation/feedback after the
completion of each formal observation. Such documentation shall
be supplied within five (5) school days.
b. If the Board has entered into a limited contract or extended limited
contract with the teacher pursuant to Section 3319.11 of the
Revised Code, the Board shall perform a minimum of three formal
observations during the evaluation cycle in any school year in which
the Board may wish to declare its intention not to reemploy the
teacher pursuant to ORC 3319.11. Any member in the final year of
a limited contract or extended limited contract shall be observed
three (3) times with at least fifteen (15) school days between the
c. A teacher may request a formal observation at any time in addition
to those required by this procedure which may then be held.
2. Observation Conference
a. The initial formal observation may be preceded by a conference
between the evaluator and the teacher in order for the teacher to
explain plans and objectives for the work situation to be observed.
Subsequent observations may be preceded by a conference.
b. A post-observation conference shall be held within five (5) school
days after each formal observation.
c. The teacher shall have the right to provide additional information
during the post-conference in order to clarify any issue that could
impact the observation. The evaluator will consider any relevant
information in order to determine if any changes are appropriate.
G. Walkthroughs
1. An informal observation/classroom walkthrough is a:
Tool to inform evaluation that provides the opportunity to gather
evidence of instruction over a series of short classroom visits;
Process for giving targeted evidenced-based feedback to teachers; and
Means for evaluators to visit classrooms more frequently and more
2. An informal observation/classroom walkthrough is not a(n):
Formal observation;
“Gotcha” opportunity for supervisors or evaluators;
Isolated event; or
Shortcut to the observation protocol required as part of the teacher
evaluation process.
3. All teachers benefit from informal classroom observations. Informal
observations should not last more than 10 minutes. All walkthroughs
should include written documentation returned to the teacher in a timely
4. Informal classroom observations should be consistent and frequent.
Evaluators should make an effort to observe teachers at varying times of
the day and/or instructional period.
5. Although there may be no predetermined focus established (because of no
preconference), the evaluator will find a focus based on the instruction,
events, or discussions that are occurring in the classroom. A focus may
also occur based upon past conferences and the need for follow-up
6. Follow-up communication to informal classroom observations is a critical
component. Follow-up will often be in writing and the teacher will be
provided an opportunity to submit written comments on the observation
form. The evaluator may also offer resources to help teachers refine their
7. Teachers may identify instructional periods for the evaluator to observe as
a means for the evaluator to collect evidence related to a specific focus the
teacher and evaluator may be working on.
8. Data collected as evidence of teacher practice may be quantitative,
qualitative, or a combination of both. Accuracy is essential to ensure the
credibility of the process and the evaluator.
H. Finalization of Evaluation
1. Written Report
Before the evaluation cycle is final, and no later than May 10, a copy of the
performance rubric and formal written evaluation report shall be given to
the teacher and a conference may be held between the teacher and the
evaluator upon request.
2. Completion of Evaluation Process
a. The holistic evaluation cycle of a teacher shall use high-quality
student data and performance that is assessed during the
walkthroughs and observations. The evaluation shall acknowledge
the performance strengths of the teacher evaluated as well as
performance deficiencies, if any. The evaluation report shall be
signed by the evaluator and the teacher to verify notification to the
teacher that the evaluation will be placed in the teacher’s personnel
file, but the teacher’s signature should not be construed as
evidence that the teacher agrees with the contents of the evaluation
b. The teacher shall have the right to make a written response to the
evaluation and to have it attached to the evaluation report to be
placed in the teacher’s personnel file. A copy, signed by both
parties, may be retained by the teacher.
I. Evaluators
1. An evaluator must be a credentialed person listed in R.C. 3319.111(D).
2. The person who is responsible for assessing a teacher’s performance shall
a. Generally a District administrator or an ESC employee contracted
by the District who is working in the District.
b. In the event a teacher performs work under the supervision of more
than one supervisor, one evaluator shall be designated.
J. Evaluation Committee
1. A committee will be established to recommend any modifications to the
evaluation procedure contained in the negotiated agreement, to develop a
list of acceptable high-quality student data measures, and to develop and
implement training that the committee deems necessary. The committee
will address the school counselor issues where necessary.
2. The committee shall be comprised of three (3) Association members
appointed by the Association President and three (3) administrators
appointed by the Superintendent.
3. The committee will establish the ground rules by which it will operate.
4. An update on OTES will be provided by the committee prior to October 1
when changes have been made to the framework.
A. The purpose of the Ohio School Counselor Evaluation System (OSCES) is to:
1. Serve as a tool to advance the professional learning and practice of school
counselors individually and collectively in the District.
2. Assist counselors and administrators in identifying and developing
educational best practices in order to provide the greatest opportunity for
the academic achievement, social and emotional development, and career
planning of students.
B. Evaluator Qualifications and Roles
In the event a counselor performs work under the supervision of more than one (1)
supervisor, a single supervisor shall be designated as the evaluating supervisor
responsible for aspects of the OSCES including conducting of observations, review
of metrics, and the assignment of the final summative rating.
C. Criteria for Counselor Evaluation
1. A counselor’s evaluation, including all observations and summative
evaluations, shall be assessed based on the Ohio Standards for School
Counselors and the School Counselor Evaluation Rubric, as published by
2. All monitoring or observation of the work performance of a counselor, when
deemed appropriate, shall be conducted openly and with the full knowledge
of the counselor.
3. All results and conclusions of a counselor evaluation must be documented
and supported by evidence.
D. Evaluation Process
1. No school counselor shall be subject to more than one (1) evaluation cycle
per school year.
2. The final summative evaluation shall be completed no later than the first
(1st) day of May, and the counselor being evaluated shall receive the final
summative evaluation document not later than the tenth (10th) day of May.
3. The Board of Education may evaluate a counselor receiving a rating of
“Accomplished” once every three (3) years so long as the metric of student
outcomes is, for the most recent school year for which data is available,
“Skilled” or higher on the evaluation rubric.
4. The Board of Education may evaluate a counselor receiving a rating of
“Skilled” once every two (2) years as long as the metric of student outcomes
is, for the most recent school year for which data is available, Skilled” or
higher on the evaluation rubric.
5. In any year in which a counselor will not be formally evaluated, as a result
of having previously received a rating of Accomplished or Skilled, the
assigned evaluator shall conduct one (1) formal observation of the
counselor and hold one (1) post-observation conference with the
counselor. And, at the request of the counselor, one (1) formal observation
pre-conference will also be held. The formal observation process shall be
held in compliance with the provisions of this Contract.
6. Notwithstanding the foregoing, counselors in their first three (3) years of
employment with the Board will be evaluated each year. Likewise, every
counselor in the final year of a limited contract and every counselor who
has requested consideration for a continuing contract will be evaluated.
E. Informal Observations
1. An informal observation is a walkthrough of non-confidential activities
during unannounced times. Such observations shall be documented on the
form produced by ODE and will focus on one (1) or more of the following
Comprehensive School Counseling Program Plan
Direct Services for Academic, Career and Social/Emotional
Indirect Services: Partnerships and Referrals
Evaluation and Data
Leadership and Advocacy
Professional Responsibility, Knowledge and Growth
2. The walkthrough shall be at least ten (10) consecutive minutes, but not
more than twenty (20) consecutive minutes in duration. The walkthrough
must be of sufficient duration to allow the evaluator to assess the focus of
the walkthrough.
3. The counselor shall be provided a copy of the informal observation form,
within five (5) working days of the observation, including all anecdotal
documents relative to the walkthrough.
F. Formal Observations
1. A minimum of two (2) formal observations shall be conducted to support
the final summative evaluation. All formal observations shall last a
minimum of thirty (30) consecutive minutes and will take place between
September 1 and April 30. There will be a minimum of fifteen (15) school
days between the first two (2) formal observations.
2. If, after the second formal observation, a counselor's performance is found
deficient to the extent that adverse personnel action may result, a minimum
of one (1) additional observation shall be conducted.
3. If the Board has entered into a limited contract or extended limited contract
with a counselor pursuant to section 3319.11 of the Ohio Revised Code,
the Board shall perform a minimum of three (3) formal observations during
the evaluation cycle in any school year in which the Board may wish to
declare its intention not to re-employ a counselor pursuant to division (B),
(C)(3), (D), or (E) of that section.
4. If requested by the counselor, each formal observation may be preceded
by a conference between the evaluator and the counselor, in order for the
counselor to explain the plans and objectives for the work situation to be
5. A post-observation conference shall be held no more than five (5) working
days following the observation. The conference shall be used to inform the
counselor if observed practices are aligned with the expectations that are
identified in the professional growth or improvement plan and give the
counselor the opportunity to provide additional evidence of performance.
6. The evaluator shall consider and cite evidence gathered from a variety of
sources in addition to the observation when completing the counselor
evaluation rubric. Sources of evidence include: professional growth and
improvement plans, conferences (pre, post, etc.), formal and informal
observations during the evaluation cycle, and any evidence provided by the
7. A counselor may request a formal observation at any time in addition to
those required by this procedure.
G. Finalization of the Evaluation Cycle
1. Each evaluation will result in a final summative rating of “Accomplished,”
“Skilled,” “Developing,” or “Ineffective.” The final summative rating is based
on a holistic review of all seven (7) dimensions of the Ohio School
Counselor Evaluation System. The score shall not be weighted in such a
way that one (1) area of the evaluation has a higher importance than any
other. The evaluation shall acknowledge the performance strengths and
performance deficiencies, if any, of the counselor evaluated. The evaluator
shall note the data used to support the conclusions reached in the formal
evaluation report. No later than May 10, the evaluation report shall be
signed by the evaluator and then signed by the counselor to verify
notification that the evaluation will be placed on file. The counselor's
signature should not be construed as evidence that the counselor agrees
with the contents of the evaluation report.
2. Before the evaluation is considered complete, a copy of the formal written
evaluation report shall be given to the counselor and a conference shall be
held between the counselor and the evaluator.
3. The final summative evaluation shall be an accurate reflection of all
informal and formal observations, professional growth or improvement
plans, Metric(s) of Student Outcomes, and evidence provided by the
4. The counselor shall have the right to make a written response to the
evaluation and to have it attached to the evaluation report to be placed in
the counselor's personnel file.
H. Professional Growth Plans
1. Counselors with a summative evaluation rating of Accomplished will
develop a self-directed professional growth plan, for the next school year.
2. Counselors with a summative evaluation rating of Skilled or Developing
shall develop a professional growth plan collaboratively with their
credentialed evaluator for the next school year. Counselors with a
Developing rating will have their professional growth plan approved by their
3. Professional growth plans for a school year shall be developed not later
than September 1 of each school year and shall be one academic year in
4. Professional growth plans shall describe the specific performance
expectations, resources, and assistance to be provided.
I. Professional Improvement Plans
1. A professional improvement plan is a clearly articulated assistance
program used for a counselor who has a final summative rating of
“Ineffective” on their most recent final summative evaluation.
Administration will assign the credentialed evaluator for the evaluation
cycle and approve the improvement plan as set forth in this agreement.
2. The professional improvement plan shall include:
a. Specific measurable performance expectations, resources and
assistance to be provided; and,
b. A desired level of performance that is expected and a reasonable
time period to correct deficiencies; and,
c. Professional Development opportunities that will be provided by the
Board, upon approval of the Superintendent.
3. Improvement plans for the next school year shall be developed not later
than September 1 of each school year and shall be one (1) academic year
in duration.
J. Personnel Action Requirements
The evaluation procedure contained in this agreement shall not be used in any
decision concerning the assignment, reassignment, contract status, non-renewal,
termination, reduction or recall of any counselor prior to September 1, 2017.
K. Professional Development
1. Annually the Board may provide professional development and financial
resources to continue and accelerate each counselor’s professional growth
and improvement and to provide support to counselors who are placed on
a Professional Improvement Plan.
2. An update on the evaluation will be provided by the Evaluation Committee
when changes have been made to the evaluation framework.
L. The Association and the Board shall bargain all items materially impacting the
terms and conditions of employment for the Ohio School Counselor Evaluation
System in accordance with the rules set forth in Ohio Revised Code 4117.
A. Voluntary Transfer (Teacher Initiated)
1. All members of the bargaining unit shall have the opportunity to apply for
newly created, certified/licensed positions and/or existing job openings.
2. These positions shall be provided by list to all members of the bargaining
unit monthly during the school year. If a vacancy occurs during the summer
months when time is a critical factor in filling vacancies, the Superintendent
shall notify directly by mail and/or telephone service all employed staff that
are certified/licensed for the position that is vacant or that is anticipated to
be vacant. Notification shall also be made to the Association president.
3. The list/notification so provided will specify for each position:
a. the grade level and/or subject area
b. any known salary differentials
c. building
It is recognized that all building assignments are tentative and that a
change in building specifications will entitle the teacher to withdraw his/her
4. Applications for positions must be submitted to the Superintendent of
schools within five (5) school days.
5. The final decision on teacher assignment rests with the Superintendent of
B. Necessary Transfers
1. Teachers will not be involuntarily transferred from one position to another
without first having an opportunity for a conference with the Superintendent
of schools, and being notified, in writing, at the earliest possible time before
the effective date of transfer.
2. A teacher transferred because a position is closed may file a written
request to return to that position if it is reopened.
3. When involuntary transfers are made, teachers affected shall receive
notice of open positions. Such teachers may submit a written request
listing, in order of preference, those open positions to which they feel they
possess the necessary certification/licensure and qualifications and to
which they would like to be transferred.
4. A teacher subject to involuntary transfer shall be placed in another teaching
5. The final decision on teacher assignments rests with the Superintendent of
A. Purpose
A Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC) shall be established to
oversee and review professional development plans for course work, continuing
education units, and/or other equivalent activities. In addition, the LPDC shall be
responsible for scheduling, planning, and providing appropriate professional
development activities for certificated/licensed employees. Such activities shall be
in keeping with the mission statement of the school district and the needs of the
teachers and students. The LPDC shall have no authority to alter the terms of this
Collective Bargaining Agreement nor any individual's employment contracts.
B. Term of Office
The term of office for members serving on the Committee shall be two (2) years.
Terms shall be staggered. One-half (1/2) of the initial appointments shall be for
three (3) years to facilitate the staggered terms.
C. Committee Composition and Selection
1. The Committee shall be comprised of five (5) members as follows:
three (3) teachers
two (2) administrators.
2. The teacher members shall be appointed by the WEA president. The
administrator members shall be appointed by the Superintendent.
3. In the event of a vacancy, the Committee member shall be replaced in
accordance with 2 above.
D. Committee Guidelines
The LPDC shall be responsible for establishing the guidelines by which the
Committee is to function. These guidelines should include, but not necessarily be
limited to, the following:
1. A set of bylaws governing its operation, subject to statute and provisions
herein. Decisions shall be made by majority vote of the Committee
members present and voting, including the selection of the chairperson.
2. The criteria that will be used to determine whether or not an Individual
Professional Development Plan (IPDP) will be approved, as well as the
procedures for assessing the extent to which a staff member's IPDP has
been accomplished.
E. Training
1. Members of the LPDC shall be afforded the opportunity to attend training
on the purpose, responsibilities, functioning, and legal requirements of
2. LPDC training for Committee members shall constitute appropriate
“equivalent activities” for purposes of the Committee members own
individual development plans if they so decide by majority vote.
F. Meetings and Compensation
1. The LPDC shall meet as often as the members deem necessary to
complete their work. Not later than September 10 each year, the
Committee shall post in each building their meeting schedule. Additional
meetings may be scheduled as necessary.
2. Each teacher member shall be paid twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour
for up to forty (40) hours annually for committee work performed outside
the regular workday or work year.
G. Appeals Process
Within thirty (30) days of publication of the Ohio State Department of Education
regulations/guidelines on LPDC appeals, the WEA and the Board shall meet to
bargain the appeals procedure which will herein apply.
The Association and the Board agree that all employees should exhibit appropriate
conduct in accordance with established policies of the Willard City Schools. Should
disciplinary measures be necessary, employees are guaranteed the following procedural
rights. These measures are designed to encourage appropriate conduct and ensure that
staff members adhere to the standards established by the Willard Board of Education, as
well as to provide due process rights for teachers.
All disciplinary actions will be conducted in a fair and consistent manner. Nothing herein
shall preclude the Administration from issuing more than one (1) warning or written
reprimand. Based upon the severity of the situation, deviation from the procedural order
may be warranted. Disputes over application of these procedures shall be subject to the
negotiated grievance procedure.
Step One: NOTIFICATION Written notification of the problem with expected corrective
action. Appropriate administrative help will be offered. This
warning is to be written by the building principal with a copy
being issued to the teacher and a copy provided to the
Superintendent. A copy will be placed in the employee’s
personnel file.
Step Two: REPRIMAND A written reprimand shall be made by the building principal.
It shall include a copy of previous warning(s) and corrective
action to be taken. Appropriate administrative help will be
offered. A copy will be issued to the teacher and a copy
provided to the Superintendent. A copy will be placed in the
employee’s personnel file.
Step Three: SUSPENSION A one (1) day suspension from work with or without a
corresponding loss of pay may be given by the
Superintendent. Copies of the written notice shall be
provided to the building principal, placed in the employee’s
personnel file, and to the Treasurer of the Board of
Step Four: SUSPENSION A three (3) day suspension from work with or without a
corresponding loss of pay may be given by the
Superintendent. Copies of the written notice shall be
provided to the building principal, placed in the employee’s
personnel file, and to the Treasurer of the Board of
Due process for suspensions shall consist of the following:
1. Written notification of the nature of the offense;
2. Opportunity for the teacher to have a conference with the building principal
(if applicable);
3. Opportunity for a just cause hearing before the Superintendent;
4. Right of representation at such hearing by an individual of his/her choice;
5. Written disposition by the Superintendent within five (5) workdays of the
date of the conference.
6. Written appeal by the teacher to meet with the Board within seven (7) days
of the written disposition of the Superintendent; and
7. Meeting with the Board within thirty (30) days of written appeal. The Board
shall have the authority to modify or vacate the Superintendent’s
disposition. All hearings related to suspensions shall be in executive
After three (3) years, a warning or written reprimand on file shall not be the basis of future
disciplinary action provided there has been no reoccurrence of the offense in the
subsequent three (3) years.
A. A retiree, with ten (10) or more years of service in a public, private, or parochial
school accredited by the State of Ohio and public school experience accredited by
a State Department of Education, shall be paid at the ten-year salary step level of
the BS column. A retiree with less than ten (10) years of service in a public, private,
or parochial school accredited by the State of Ohio and public school experience
accredited by a State Department of Education, shall be paid at the actual salary
step level of experience of the BS column and will advance up to ten (10) years.
The retiree will not advance past ten (10) years on the salary schedule based on
additional years of service or additional training so long as employed by the Board.
This section shall expressly supersede Chapter 3317 of the Ohio Revised Code.
A retiree may be hired on a part-time basis, in which case salary shall be prorated
based upon a full workday.
B. A retiree shall receive a one-year limited teaching contract which shall expire
automatically at the end of the stated term. No notice of non-renewal is required.
Continuation of the employment of a retiree through offering new one-year limited
contracts which automatically expire shall be at the election of the Board and upon
recommendation of the Superintendent. A retiree is not eligible for a continuing
teaching contract regardless of years of employment as a retiree with the Board.
The parties specifically waive all rights for such employees pursuant to ORC
§§3319.11 and 3319.111. Other provisions of the Negotiated Agreement and ORC
§3313.53 are waived with respect to retiree eligibility for supplemental contracts,
which shall only be offered to a retiree at the Superintendent’s discretion.
C. A retiree shall accumulate and may use sick leave but shall not be entitled to
severance pay upon conclusion of employment as a retiree. The district may
advance a re-employed teacher up to five (5) days sick leave.
D. A retiree is entitled to participate in insurances provided to bargaining unit
members only by paying the full cost of such insurances.
E. A retiree shall not accumulate seniority in the bargaining unit, and has no right of
recall in the event of a reduction in force.
F. The Board and the Association expressly intend that this article supersede any
differing or inconsistent terms of the Negotiated Agreement or provisions of the
Ohio Revised Code which pertain to teacher employment, including but not limited
to, terms, provisions and statutes pertaining to teacher salary and salary schedule
advancement, contract status, duration of contract, procedural requirements for
contract non-renewal, evaluation requirements related to teacher contract non-
renewal, reduction in force, seniority and severance pay, and regardless of
whether such terms or provisions are specifically cited herein.
G. Any provisions of the Negotiated Agreement governing mentorship shall not apply
to a retiree.
A. Academic Freedom will be guaranteed to professional staff members in order to
create in the classroom an atmosphere of freedom which permits students to raise
questions dealing with critical issues of the time and which maintains an
environment conducive to the study, investigation, presentation and interpretation
of facts which stress the interplay of ideas. The professional staff member is
responsible for exercising his/her judgment in selection of educational
methodology and/or selecting for discussion those relevant issues which he/she
may deem to be of value to the maturity and understanding of the students
B. The private life of a professional staff member is not within the appropriate concern
or attention of the Board except as it may directly prevent the professional staff
member from properly performing his/her assigned functions.
C. Each teacher is the final authority in evaluating students in his/her charge with
respect to grades. It is understood that all grading and evaluating of students must
comply with all relevant Board policy and with the Administrative policies and
procedures as stated in the teacher's handbook of the respective buildings.
A change of any student's grade, either in an individual grading period or final
grade, without the teacher's written consent, will occur only if it is demonstrated
that the grade was given to the teacher and shall include, in writing, the reason(s)
for the change.
If the teacher objects to said change, he/she shall appeal the change to the building
principal. If still not satisfied, the teacher may appeal to the Board of Education
through its designee, the Superintendent of schools.
The final resolution is the responsibility of the Superintendent of schools. The
Superintendent shall notify, in writing, the building principal and teacher of his/her
decision and shall give written reason(s) for the decision.
Any grievance(s) regarding Section 7.01, subsection C, is restricted to procedural
Any issues/complaints regarding Section 7.01, subsection A, shall be restricted to
consideration by the Labor Management Committee. The issue/complaint shall be
presented to the Labor Management Committee for discussion and final resolution.
A. Inasmuch as the Association is recognized as the sole organization representing
the teachers, the Board recognizes that in order to effectively represent and
communicate with its members, certain services are necessary.
B. The Board therefore authorizes the Association the following rights as the only
representative of the certified/licensed staff.
1. To use the facilities of any building for meetings, without fee, upon
notification of the administrator in charge of such building. Permission to
use such facilities shall be given as long as it does not interfere with any
previously authorized activity in said building.
2. To use Board owned equipment including computers, calculators,
duplicating equipment, and audio-visual equipment at times which do not
interfere with the operation of the school system. Any expendable supplies,
such as paper, will be supplied by the Association. If Board supplies are
used, the Association shall notify the Board of such use, and shall
reimburse the Board accordingly. The Association shall pay for damage to
equipment which occurs during Association use, except for damage from
normal wear and tear.
3. To use the school internet, email system and the inter-school mail system
in the schools' offices to distribute Association bulletins, newsletters, or
other circulars.
4. To use bulletin boards in teacher lounges or workrooms to disseminate
information to teachers.
5. To use telephones in any building to carry out Association business. Any
fees or toll call charges shall be paid by the Association through use of
credit cards or collect calls. These calls are not to be made at a time that
interferes with duties assigned by the Board and Administration.
6. All employees shall be provided one (1) copy of the teacher personnel
7. The Board shall provide the Association with the name(s), address(es), and
telephone number(s) of newly hired certified/licensed staff, providing the
newly hired employee agrees. The Association may participate in the new
teacher orientation program.
8. The Association president shall receive a copy of the Board agenda.
The Association shall receive a copy of the Board's record of proceedings.
The Association shall have on-line access to existing policies and all
subsequent updates.
C. New Bargaining Unit Member Orientation
The District shall provide an annual orientation for all newly hired bargaining unit
1. Scheduling of Orientation
The District shall provide notice to the Association President of the date,
time, and location of all bargaining unit member orientations.
2. Association Time
The Association shall be provided not less than thirty (30) minutes of time
to communicate with bargaining unit members at each new bargaining unit
member orientation. All non-bargaining unit members shall excuse
themselves during this portion of the orientation.
A. It is recognized by the Association and the Board that pupil-teacher ratio is an
important aspect of an effective educational program. The Board agrees to the
following maximums for class size:
K - 2 24 students
3 - 4 26 students
5 - 6 28 students
7 - 12 30 students
B. If a class exceeds the maximum, a teacher may request a meeting of the Class
Size Committee, which will consist of the building principal, the teacher, and an
Association representative. The Committee will make a recommendation to the
Superintendent, who will act on the recommendation.
C. Should the class size exceed the above stated limits, the Superintendent may take
one (1) of the following actions:
1. assign a daily voluntary community aide
2. assign a daily educational aide
NOTE: Times to be set by the Superintendent with the amount of time increasing
in proportion to the number of students in excess of the above maximum.
D. Prior to the implementation of "inclusion" the parties shall meet to discuss the
effects of such implementation.
E. Administrative action may be taken when two or more non-English speaking
students are in a grade level. The grade level teacher(s) and building principal will
make a recommendation to the Superintendent, who may act on the
All employees shall have the right of access to their personnel file compiled by the school
district upon request to the Superintendent. As provided by law, each employee shall
have the right to question items placed there by the school district.
Upon request, the following information will be furnished to the WEA president:
1. Salary grid of all employees represented by the WEA.
2. Class Size Data:
a. actual for each semester
b. projections - when prepared
3. New Employee List (address and building assignment)
4. Sick Leave Data
5. Personal Leave Data
6. July Tax Budget
7. Annual Appropriations
8. Year-end Treasurer's Report by Detailed Fund/Function/Object Number
9. Monthly Treasurer's Report - Same format as above
10. SM-1 and SM-2's
11. Amended Certificates of Estimated Resources
12. Membership Data
The following procedure will be followed in the adoption of the school calendar:
1. A Calendar Committee will be established by either the Board of Education, the
Association, or both parties to develop calendars in January of each school year.
2. The establishment of the Committee shall be by mutual agreement of both parties.
3. The Committee will submit to the Superintendent the proposed calendars for
review and to be typed into format.
4. Any necessary changes brought about by the Superintendent's review will be
directed to the Committee for modification.
5. The Association will submit the calendars for a vote and direct the results to the
6. Any changes in the adopted calendar shall, when practicable, be made after
consultation with the president of WEA.
7. Any days made up as a result of ORC 3319.08 (after the first five (5) calamity
days), in order to meet the teacher school year set forth in Article 7.10, will be
made up according to an ordered list of dates provided at the time of the calendar
adoption. The decision whether to use blizzard bags to make-up a maximum of
three (3) days after the first five (5) calamity days will be made each year. Any
days made up through the use of blizzard bags will count toward the teachers’
school year set forth in Article 7.10.
8. Adoption of an official school calendar shall be at the discretion of the Board of
A. Teachers shall be on duty in accordance with the school calendar.
Teachers having supplemental contract for extended service shall work such
additional days as are required by such contracts.
B. The normal school day shall be seven and one-half (7-1/2) continuous hours,
including a lunch period of no less than thirty (30) consecutive minutes.
C. Applicable state minimum standards regarding teachers non-pupil contact time or
periods shall be observed by the Board. Each full-time secondary and junior high
teacher shall be provided a daily conference period equal to at least forty-five (45)
minutes in length during the actual teaching day.
Full-time elementary teachers shall have two hundred (200) minutes of conference
time each week including specials.
D. Teachers assigned to substitute using any of the conference time referred to in
paragraph C above are entitled to compensation at the rate of twenty-five dollars
($25.00) per period. Teachers that volunteer to substitute shall not receive
additional compensation. For purposes of this provision, a period shall equal forty-
five (45) minutes. The twenty-five dollar ($25.00) rate will be prorated if more or
less than a period.
E. Teachers shall not lose any salary on days school is closed due to inclement
weather or public utility curtailment. However, such days as are designated for
make-up days due to the closing of schools shall not call for additional
compensation excepting only to the extent that total days of duty for a teacher may
not exceed that provided in his/her contract and/or the applicable school calendar
except as otherwise provided by law.
F. In the absence of the regular teacher, a qualified substitute teacher will be obtained
whenever practicable.
A. A special education teacher must be involved in the development and revisions of,
and must sign, any IEP for which he/she is to be held responsible.
B. At least one (1) regular education teacher should be involved in the development
and revisions of each student's IEP. Regular education teachers shall be invited
on a voluntary basis but shall not be required to attend IEP conferences outside
the workday. It is understood that the terms of the IEP must be followed by all
teachers who provide services to such students.
C. No bargaining unit member who is not a certificated/licensed school nurse shall be
required to administer medication or to perform medical or custodial care services.
Bargaining unit members may administer first aid as is appropriate.
D. Teachers who service any student(s) whose education is directed by an IEP or a
Section 504 Plan shall be notified prior to the first day of school of the students'
name(s) and required classroom modifications. Teachers of students newly
enrolled shall be notified as soon as possible.
The determination of the size of classes shall take into consideration any
extraordinary demands on physical space, teacher contact, and/or teacher
The Board and the Association, desiring to foster better day-to-day communications, and
to achieve and maintain a mutually beneficial relationship through the use of a continuing
communications program to effectively maintain stable labor-management relations and
avoid controversies have formed a Labor-Management Committee (LMC).
At the start of each school year the Association president and the Superintendent shall
establish a schedule of regular Labor Management Committee meetings. Additional
meetings may be scheduled at the request of either party.
A tentative agenda for each meeting shall be jointly prepared by the Association president
and the Superintendent. These meetings shall not be used to adjust grievances, alter
terms of this agreement or an individual's employment contract, nor to abridge
management rights.
Chairmanship of the meetings shall alternate between the parties.
Minutes shall be prepared for each meeting of the Labor Management Committee and
shall be distributed to all administrators, Board members, and bargaining unit members.
The teacher school year shall consist of 183 days, to be divided as follows:
178 student instruction
2 parent-teacher conferences (or equivalent)
3 meetings and in-service
183 total
Any school Improvement Committee that is created as a result of the implementation of
ESEA shall consist of teachers on a voluntary basis, an administrator from each building,
and the Superintendent or his/her designee. Decisions of the Committee will be made by
consensus and no SIP will be implemented without the mutual agreement of the WEA and
the Superintendent. Compensation for work on the Committee will follow the guidelines
set forth under the Professional Development Committee.
A. Teachers providing Virtual Learning Academy (VLA) services are required to be
qualified/certified to teach in the grade/subject area that s/he will supervise.
B. VLA assignments will be offered to the “teacher of record” first. If the teacher of
record declines the assignment, the assignment will be posted for five (5) calendar
days. The assignment will be offered to other teachers, in order of seniority, from
among those teachers who respond to the posting.
C. Once a teacher has been assigned two (2) students, any additional students must
first be offered to other teachers, in order of seniority, before any teacher may be
assigned more than two (2) students. There will be no reduction in the employment
status of teachers because of the implementation of the VLA.
D. Certified teachers who work with students who are approved for VLA will be paid
$175.00 if the student completes all of the lessons for the class. If the student
completes some, but not all of the lessons for the class, then the teacher will
receive a proportionate amount of the $175.00 based on the number of lessons
completed compared to the total number of lessons that were available (e.g., if the
student completes 50% of the number of available lessons, then the teacher will
receive 50% of $175.00 or $87.50). Teachers whose students complete the entire
VLA lesson cycle will receive an additional $35.00 (i.e., $175.00 plus $35.00, or
$210.00 total).
E. VLA instructors will submit a student completion report which will indicate the
number of assignments completed by the student, in order to receive
compensation. By way of example: student completed 18/18 lessons or student
completed 32/36 lessons.
Dress should reflect a level of professionalism which enhances the learning climate of the
building. It is important that a teacher’s dress sets a tone and helps to establish the
teacher as a role model for students. Thus, overly casual dress will be prohibited.
Some teaching positions may dictate the style of dress. For example, physical education
teachers are permitted to wear clothing conducive to the teaching of physical activity.
Exceptions can be made for “dress down days,” fundraising activities, and special events
as deemed by the Principal.
The Board may implement pre-employment drug testing for illegal substances. The cost
of the program shall be borne by the Board. Testing will be conducted by a state-
approved, certified, and licensed drug testing company.
A. Except as specifically set forth in Section 4117.10 (A) of the Ohio Revised Code,
this contract supersedes and prevails over all statutes of the State of Ohio and all
policies, rules, and regulations of the Board and/or Administration. However,
should the State Employment Relations Board or any court of competent
jurisdiction determine, after all appeals or times for appeal have been exhausted,
that any provision herein is unlawful, such provision shall be null and void, but all
other provisions of this contract shall remain in full force and effect. Within thirty
(30) workdays, the parties shall meet to negotiate a replacement provision for any
declared to be unlawful. To be valid, a replacement provision must be properly
ratified and signed by each party.
B. If, during the term of this agreement, there is a change in any applicable state or
federal law, including changes brought about through the implementation of ESEA,
or valid rule or regulation adopted by a federal agency or a state agency pursuant
thereto, which would invalidate any provision of this agreement, the parties will
meet to negotiate any necessary change in the agreement relative to the affected
provision within sixty (60) days by demand of either party.
C. If the parties cannot reach agreement with regard to 8.01 (B), either party may
request the outstanding issues arising from changes noted in 8.01 (B) be
presented for fact finding using the services of the Federal Mediation and
Conciliation Service (FMCS) or the State Employment Relations Board (SERB). If
the Fact Finding Report is rejected by either party, the parties will continue with the
Dispute Resolution Procedure as outlined in Article I (1.06 [H]).
The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this agreement,
each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and proposals on any
subject within the scope of bargaining. The understandings and agreements arrived at by
the parties after the exercise of the right and opportunity are set forth herein, and the
parties agree that this agreement constitutes the entire contract between them and settles
all demands and issues on all matters within the scope of bargaining.
Except as otherwise specifically provided in the written provisions of this agreement, the
Board of Education has the sole and exclusive right to make all decisions relevant to the
conduct and management of the schools as prescribed by law.
All provisions of this agreement, unless specifically indicated otherwise, shall become
2021, and shall remain
full force and effectthrough June 30, 2024, both
- -k
f -
PAGE 1 of 4
Date of Occurrence Informal Discussion Date
Submit to immediate supervisor after five (5) school days have elapsed since an informal
discussion with supervisor.
Aggrieved Person(s): Building
Date submitted to immediate supervisor: 20
(Include section of contract violated)
(To be completed by grievant)
Signature of Aggrieved Person(s)
Date of Formal Meeting
(To be returned to grievant within five (5) school days after formal meeting with grievant.)
Signature (Supervisor) Date of Disposition
Aggrieved Response (Check One)
Decision Accepted
Decision to be Advanced Signature of Aggrieved Person(s)
Deadline Expired
Date of Disposition
PAGE 2 of 4
Submit to Superintendent within five (5) school days after receiving disposition notice of Level One.
Aggrieved Person(s): Building
Date submitted to Superintendent: 20
(Include section of contract violated)
(To be completed by grievant)
Signature of Aggrieved Person(s)
(To be returned to grievant within five (5) school days after formal meeting with grievant.)
Superintendent Date of Disposition
Notification to Bargaining Agent
Aggrieved Response (Check One)
Decision Accepted
Decision to be Advanced Signature of Aggrieved Person(s)
Deadline Expired
Date of Disposition
PAGE 3 of 4
To be placed on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting.
Aggrieved Person(s): Building
(Include section of contract violated)
(To be completed by grievant)
Signature of Aggrieved Person(s)
NOTE: The aggrieved person(s) shall have the right to be represented at the Board of Education
meeting by counsel and/or by a representative of his/her employee organization. If the aggrieved,
with concurrence of the bargaining agent, is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at
the completion of Level Three, the grievance may, within ten (10) school days, be submitted to
the American Arbitration Association for binding arbitration.
PAGE 4 of 4
Date of Hearing 20
Date of Final Disposition of Grievance 20
Decision of Board of Education and Reasons Therefore:
Signature, President, Board of Education
Willard City Schools
NOTE: The Superintendent shall submit copies of the final disposition of this grievance to the
aggrieved, principal, Willard Education Association, Willard Board of Education, and a copy
retained by the Superintendent.
Appendix B-1
150 hours
B.S.+12 B.S.+24 M.A. M.A.+15 M.A.+30
Step 0 $37,333 $38,827 $40,320 $41,814 $43,306 $44,800
1.00 1.04 1.08 1.12 1.16 1.20
Step 1 $38,827 $40,320 $41,814 $43,306 $44,800 $46,667
1.04 1.08 1.12 1.16 1.20 1.25
Step 2 $40,320 $41,814 $43,306 $44,800 $46,667 $48,534
1.08 1.12 1.16 1.20 1.25 1.30
Step 3 $41,814 $43,306 $44,800 $46,667 $48,534 $50,400
1.12 1.16 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35
Step 4 $43,306 $44,800 $46,667 $48,534 $50,400 $52,266
1.16 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40
Step 5 $44,800 $46,667 $48,534 $50,400 $52,266 $54,134
1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45
Step 6 $46,667 $48,534 $50,400 $52,266 $54,134 $56,000
1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50
Step 7 $48,534 $50,400 $52,266 $54,134 $56,000 $57,866
1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55
Step 8 $50,400 $52,266 $54,134 $56,000 $57,866 $59,734
1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60
Step 9 $52,266 $54,134 $56,000 $57,866 $59,734 $61,600
1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65
Step 10 $54,134 $56,000 $57,866 $59,734 $61,600 $63,467
1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70
Step 11 $56,000 $57,866 $59,734 $61,600 $63,467 $65,334
1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75
Step 12 $57,866 $59,734 $61,600 $63,467 $65,334 $67,200
1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80
Step 13 $59,734 $61,600 $63,467 $65,334 $67,200 $69,067
1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85
Step 14 $61,600 $63,467 $65,334 $67,200 $69,067 $70,933
1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90
Step 16 $63,467 $65,334 $67,200 $69,067 $70,933 $72,800
1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95
Step 18 $65,334 $67,200 $69,067 $70,933 $72,800 $74,667
1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00
Step 20 $67,200 $69,067 $70,933 $72,800 $74,667 $76,533
1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05
Step 24 $68,200 $70,067 $71,933 $73,800 $75,667 $77,533
Step 26 $69,200 $71,067 $72,933 $74,800 $76,667 $78,533
$1,000 added to Step 20 to create Step 24
$1,000 added to Step 24 to create Step 26
All hours past degree must be graduate hours.
Appendix B-2
150 hours
B.S.+12 B.S.+24 M.A. M.A.+15 M.A.+30
Step 0 $38,453 $39,992 $41,530 $43,068 $44,606 $46,144
1.00 1.04 1.08 1.12 1.16 1.20
Step 1 $39,992 $41,530 $43,068 $44,606 $46,144 $48,067
1.04 1.08 1.12 1.16 1.20 1.25
Step 2 $41,530 $43,068 $44,606 $46,144 $48,067 $49,990
1.08 1.12 1.16 1.20 1.25 1.30
Step 3 $43,068 $44,606 $46,144 $48,067 $49,990 $51,912
1.12 1.16 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35
Step 4 $44,606 $46,144 $48,067 $49,990 $51,912 $53,834
1.16 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40
Step 5 $46,144 $48,067 $49,990 $51,912 $53,834 $55,758
1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45
Step 6 $48,067 $49,990 $51,912 $53,834 $55,758 $57,680
1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50
Step 7 $49,990 $51,912 $53,834 $55,758 $57,680 $59,602
1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55
Step 8 $51,912 $53,834 $55,758 $57,680 $59,602 $61,526
1,35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60
Step 9 $53,834 $55,758 $57,680 $59,602 $61,526 $63,448
1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65
Step 10 $55,758 $57,680 $59,602 $61,526 $63,448 $65,371
1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70
Step 11 $57,680 $59,602 $61,526 $63,448 $65,371 $67,294
1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75
Step 12 $59,602 $61,526 $63,448 $65,371 $67,294 $69,216
1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80
Step 13 $61,526 $63,448 $65,371 $67,294 $69,216 $71,139
1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85
Step 14 $63,448 $65,371 $67,294 $69,216 $71,139 $73,061
1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90
Step 16 $65,371 $67,294 $69,216 $71,139 $73,061 $74,984
1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95
Step 18 $67,294 $69,216 $71,139 $73,061 $74,984 $76,907
1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00
Step 20 $69,216 $71,139 $73,061 $74,984 $76,907 $78,829
1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05
Step 24 $70,216 $72,139 $74,061 $75,984 $77,907 $79,829
Step 26 $71,216 $73,139 $75,061 $76,984 $78,907 $80,829
$1,000 added to Step 20 to create Step 24
$1,000 added to Step 24 to create Step 26
All hours past degree must be graduate hours.
Appendix B-3
150 hours
B.S.+12 B.S.+24 M.A. M.A.+15 M.A.+30
Step 0 $39,607 $41,191 $42,776 $44,360 $45,944 $47,528
1.00 1.04 1.08 1.12 1.16 1.20
Step 1 $41,191 $42,776 $44,360 $45,944 $47,528 $49,509
1.04 1.08 1.12 1.16 1.20 1.25
Step 2 $42,776 $44,360 $45,944 $47,528 $49,509 $51,489
1.08 1.12 1.16 1.20 1.25 1.30
Step 3 $44,360 $45,944 $47,528 $49,509 $51,489 $53,469
1.12 1.16 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35
Step 4 $45,944 $47,528 $49,509 $51,489 $53,469 $55,449
1.16 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40
Step 5 $47,528 $49,509 $51,489 $53,469 $55,449 $57,430
1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45
Step 6 $49,509 $51,489 $53,469 $55,449 $57,430 $59,410
1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50
Step 7 $51,489 $53,469 $55,449 $57,430 $59,410 $61,390
1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55
Step 8 $53,469 $55,449 $57,430 $59,410 $61,390 $63,372
1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60
Step 9 $55,449 $57,430 $59,410 $61,390 $63,372 $65,352
1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65
Step 10 $57,430 $59,410 $61,390 $63,372 $65,352 $67,332
1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70
Step 11 $59,410 $61,390 $63,372 $65,352 $67,332 $69,313
1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75
Step 12 $61,390 $63,372 $65,352 $67,332 $69,313 $71,293
1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80
Step 13 $63,372 $65,352 $67,332 $69,313 $71,293 $73,273
1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85
Step 14 $65,352 $67,332 $69,313 $71,293 $73,273 $75,253
1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90
Step 16 $67,332 $69,313 $71,293 $73,273 $75,253 $77,234
1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95
Step 18 $69,313 $71,293 $73,273 $75,253 $77,234 $79,214
1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00
Step 20 $71,293 $73,273 $75,253 $77,234 $79,214 $81,194
1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05
Step 24 $72,293 $74,273 $76,253 $78,234 $80,214 $82,194
Step 26 $73,293 $75,273 $77,253 $79,234 $81,214 $83,194
$1,000 added to Step 20 to create Step 24
$1,000 added to Step 24 to create Step 26
All hours past degree must be graduate hours.
PAGE 1 of 3
Note: All computed on base of $37,333
Athletic Director 22- 25
Assistant Athletic Director 12- 15
Athletic Trainer 1- 8
Head Football Coach 16- 25
Assistant (4) 9- 18
Freshman (3) 7- 16
Middle School 6- 15
Assistant (2) 5- 14
Head Basketball Coach 16- 25
Assistant (2) 9- 18
Freshman 7- 16
8th Grade 6- 15
7th Grade 6- 15
Head Track Coach 11- 20
Assistant (4) 6- 15
Middle School 6- 15
Assistant (4) 4- 13
Track Meet Attendant 0.5
Head Wrestling Coach 13- 22
Assistant 7- 16
Middle School (2) 5- 14
Head Baseball Coach 10- 19
Assistant (2) 6- 15
Golf Coach 7- 16
Assistant Golf Coach Girls and Boys 4- 13
Head Cross Country Coach 7- 16
Assistant 4- 13
Head Tennis Coach 7- 16
Assistant 4- 13
Head Swimming Coach 7- 16
Assistant 4- 13
PAGE 2 of 3
Fall Head Cheerleader Advisor 5- 14
Fall Assistant 3- 12
Fall Middle School 3- 12
Winter Head Cheerleader Advisor 5- 14
Winter Assistant 3- 12
Winter Middle School 3- 12
Head Volleyball Coach 16- 25
Assistant 9- 18
Middle School (2) 6- 15
Head Softball Coach 10- 19
Assistant (2) 6- 15
Instrumental Director 11- 20
Assistant 7- 16
High School/Middle School Vocal 9- 18
Elementary Vocal 5- 7
Orchestra Director 9- 18
Majorette Instructor 1- 4
Flag Instructor 4- 7
Theatre Director 9- 18
Assistant 5- 14
Art Club Advisor 2
Middle School Art Club 2
Elementary School Art Club 2
Academic Challenge Advisor
High School (2) 6- 15
Middle School (2) 4- 6
Power of Pen (2) 2
Middle School Newspaper 3
Annual Director (Yearbook) (2) 5- 14
Middle School Yearbook 4
General Service 2
PAGE 3 of 3
Class Advisors
Freshman 1
Sophomore 2
Junior (2) 3
Senior (2) 3
Student Council
High School (2) 3
Middle School 3
National Honor Society (HS) 4
Building Head 7- 12
Department Chairperson
High School (including Music K-12) 2%
Middle School--Science, Social Studies, Math, Language Arts 1%
Team Leader—5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade,
8th Grade, 7th/8th Grade 2%
Lead Mentor 16%-25%
Resident Educator Mentor 5%-10%
Mentor Teacher $200.00
FFA Advisor 11
Tutor $25.00/hour
Date of Request
I request days of personal leave to be granted on
I hereby certify that these matters cannot be conducted at times other than during my regularly
scheduled workday. This leave would not otherwise be available through sick leave. Misuse of
personal leave will result in an appropriate deduct in pay.
If this request extends a vacation/holiday and/or is requested less than five (5) school days in
advance of the date the leave is requested, please provide explanation below. Other personal
leave requests do not require explanation.
No personal leave may be used during the first and last five (5) days of the school year.
Exceptions may be granted at the discretion of the Superintendent.
Signature of Employee
Signature of Principal
Choose one of the options below. Submit this completed and signed form to Cyndi Shoup,
Treasurer. Failure to complete this form might result in personal days being accumulated
according to Section 5.08 A.
_____ I wish to convert two unused personal leave days into two sick days.
_____ I wish to convert one unused personal leave day into one sick day.
_____ I wish to roll over one personal day to accumulate a total of four personal days for the next
school year.
_____ I have two personal leave days left at the end of the school year. I elect to carry one over
to a personal day for a total of four days and convert one to a sick day.
Teacher’s Name Date
Please Print Legibly
The OTES 2.0 model shall be the evaluation instrument and forms approved and provided
by the Ohio Department of Education. The Board of Education shall utilize OhioES for all
evaluations for teachers evaluated pursuant to Article 6.07.
Teacher’s Name
Building Assignment
I have completed the following professional development activity:
Length (hours):
Principal’s signature (if required **)
Teachers shall forward one (1) copy of this completed form to the building principal and retain
one (1) copy for the teacher’s own records.
** If the activity does not apply to the teacher’s subject area or approved IPDP, the building
principal’s signature is also required, in advance of attending the activity.
For verification of activities not sponsored by the Board, attach statement or certificate of
completion, or submit with presenter’s signature below.
I verify that__________________________________ completed the above-named activity and
that the length of the program was _____ hours.
Presenter’s Signature:
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Letter of Concurrence
By And Between
The Willard Board of Education
The Willard Education Association OEA/NEA
This Letter of Concurrence is entered into this 18
day of May 2009.
WHEREAS, the Willard Education Association and the Willard Board of Education
mutually agree that parent/teacher contact concerning student performance is an
essential part of a quality education experience; and
WHEREAS, the Board and Association agree that timely reporting of student performance
is a key factor in fostering parental support for student achievement; and
WHEREAS, the Board and Association agree that Internet posting of student grades,
while a valuable tool for communication with parents, raises questions of student privacy
and teacher/District liability;
NOW, THEREFORE, the WEA and the Willard Board of Education mutually agree to
support and/or encourage the following:
1. The Board and the Association agree to require all teachers to post grades using
the appropriate grading system (i.e., “progress book”) to the Internet/computer
system in a timely manner.
2. The Board and Association agree that communication with parents is vital. It is
suggested that teachers communicate to parents, situations that may occur that
would hinder grades being posted in a timely manner.
3. The Board and the Association agree that persons other than the classroom
teacher will not share grading information with parents, or other persons authorized
to access such information, which is not currently and/or normally available online
for parental access.
4. The Board will make every effort to notify parents that grading information available
online may not be current due to various mitigating circumstances.
5. The Board and the Association acknowledge that access to PIN is an issue of
privacy. Teachers will not have access to parental PINs and cannot be held
responsible for loss, theft, or unauthorized distribution of said numbers.