Student Withdrawal Form
School: Teacher:
Student’s Name: Male Female
Date of Birth: Grade: Withdrawal Date:
Parent/Guardian Name: Telephone:
Forwarding Address:
Please print clearly and include city, state and zip code.
Reason for Withdrawal:
Transfer to Another San Diego County School
Transfer to Private School
Transfer to Another California School
Transfer Out of State
Transfer Out of the United States – Name of Country
Home School
Name of New School:
School Address (if known):
City, State, Zip Code:
Telephone: Fax:
This student has an active IEP, and is receiving Special Education services.
This student has a 504 Plan.
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Student educational records will be forwarded to the receiving school upon written request.
For Office Use Only:
Date Student Records Sent Sent By
Please enter name and address of new school below.
11232 El Camino Real, San Diego, CA 92130 Ph: (858) 755-9301- Fax: (858) 755-4361