Website Payments Guide
Helping you focus on what’s important
0208 102 8100
Merchant Portal access
Payment methods and management
Platforms supported
BigCommerce integration
Magento 2 integration
Opencart integration
PrestaShop integration
WooCommerce integration
Custom website integration
Custom branding
Monitoring your website payments
Understanding your website payment statuses
Refunding a website payment
Settlements and statements
Website Payments Guide
Welcome to DNA Payments, and thanks for
choosing us as your Payments Partner.
We look forward to getting you up and running
and accepting payments as quickly as possible.
Our experts have prepared this helpful guide to
help you learn more about Website Payments.
Our Website Payment Solution is easily
integrated with all the latest web platforms,
accepts major cards and alternative payment
methods and you can even custom brand it
with your logo and colours!
We recommend looking through our guide’s
knowledge base to discover how to use our
Website Payments’ features and functionality to
their fullest potential, which include:
Payments methods and management
+ Merchant Portal access
Website platforms supported + how it
Big Commerce integration
Magento 2 integration
Opencart integration
PrestaShop integration
WooCommerce integration
Custom website integration
Custom branding
Website payments Settlements and
Back to contents
Merchant Portal Access
Once your Acquiring Agreement Application is
approved and signed, you'll receive an email
with your Merchant Portal Access details,so you
can monitor and manage your website
How to Set Up
Your Password
1. Go to our Merchant Portal via the
following link: portal.dnapayments.com
2. Select "Set up your Password" to set up
your new password.
3. You'll receive an email with a
confirmation code sent to the email
address you used to apply.
4. Enter your confirmation code and
5. Create your new password.
6. Use your email as your username and
enter your newly generated password to
log in and access our Merchant Portal.
You’ll only be able to access our Merchant
Portal after your acquiring application has
been approved. Once approved, you’ll be
notified and can use the email address you
used to apply to set up your password
following the steps highlighted in the guide.
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Merchant Portal Access
If you've forgotten your password, you can
generate a new one by using these
easy-to-follow steps:
1. Go to our Merchant Portal link:
2. Select the "Forgot Password?" link to set
up your new password.
3. You'll receive an email with a
confirmation code sent to the email
address you used to apply.
How to change
your login details
To change your login details, please send us a
message using the contact details found in our
guide, and one of our experts will be able to
help you.
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Payments Methods and Management
Our Website Payment Solution accepts all
popular payment methods, giving complete
control over payment types you choose to
receive, managed using our Merchant Portal by
logging in and visiting the payment methods
Apple Pay - Allows consumers to pay for their
goods and services easily and quickly online.
The consumers store their payment card
information in their Apple Wallet, which can be
invoked from their Apple devices or within the
Safari web browser.
Google Pay - Allows consumers to pay for their
goods and services easily and quickly online.
The consumers store their payment card
information in their Google Wallet, which can be
invoked from their Android devices or within
the Google Chrome web browser.
PayPal - Quickly accepts customer payments
using a secure PayPal account. Payments can be
managed via our Merchant Portal using this
Open Banking - Allows consumers to pay by
bank transfer, sending funds from their bank
account to the merchant.
Pay by Bank - Allows your customers to pay
directly from their bank.
Klarna - A “Buy Now Pay Later” option, allowing
customers to pay using flexible payments.
We're constantly adding new payment
methods, and each will become available on
this page to manage upon its launch.
A full range of payment methods
All major card and alternative payment methods at your fingertips
Platforms Supported
Our solution supports quick and easy
plug-and-play with all of these popular website
Big Commerce
It's really quick and easy to integrate our
Payment Solution onto your website, and our
team of experts are here to guide you through
your journey.
Define your CMS platform
The CMS you're using will define which
integration process to follow. If you're using a
custom built website, reach out to us to help
with direct integration.
Get a relevant integration guide
For each CMS that we support, we've a
ready-to-use website integration guide
presented on our developers portal, to help you
on your journey
Test and go live
We'll thoroughly test your Online Payment
Solution's credentials, so you can start
accepting payments on your website 24/7.
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BigCommerce Integration
Our Website Payments solution utilises a plugin
for BigCommerce, helping online store owners
and merchants to redirect customers to the
Secure DNA Payments Processing Gateway
when a consumer opts to pay for an order using
DNA Payments!
To use the DNA Payments Processing
BigCommerce plugin, please ensure that you
meet the following requirements
1. You need to have an active and fully
approved DNA Payments Acquiring
Account with DNA Payments Processing .
If you don't have an account, contact our
Customer Support at
account is still pending approval, you
must wait before installing!
Please ensure that you have the
credentials detailed below:
a. Client ID - ID issued by us.
b. Client Secret - Secret issued by us
c. Terminal - Live terminal number
issued by DNA Payments - unique
to each merchant site.
Once you’ve met all these requirements and
you’ve got your API credentials, you’re ready to
install! Please follow all the steps shown via this
link and you’ll be accepting payments in no
Click here for step-by-step instructions
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Magento 2 Integration
Our Website Payments solution uses a plugin
for Magento 2 - the latest incarnation of the
leading enterprise-class Ecommerce platform -
helping online store owners, and merchants
redirect customers to the Secure DNA
Payments Processing Gateway when a
consumer opts to pay for an order using DNA
To use the DNA Payments Processing Magento
2 plugin, please ensure that you meet the
following requirements
1. You need to have an active and fully
approved DNA Payments Acquiring
Account with DNA Payments Processing .
If you don't have an account, contact our
Customer Support at
account is still pending approval, you
must wait before installing!
Create an account with Magento 2 and
setup your test and live websites and
obtain the installation resources and
Once you’ve met all these requirements and
you’ve got your API credentials, you’re ready to
install! Please follow all the steps shown via this
link and you’ll be accepting payments in no
Click here for step-by-step instructions
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Opencart Integration
Our Website Payments solution uses a plugin
for Opencart - a free and Open-Source
Ecommerce web platform, committed to
providing the best shopping cart experience for
both merchants and customers - helping online
store owners, and merchants redirect
customers to the Secure DNA Payments
Processing Gateway when a consumer opts to
pay for an order using DNA Payments!
To use the DNA Payments Processing Magento
2 plugin, please ensure that you meet the
following requirements
1. You need to have an active and fully
approved DNA Payments Acquiring
Account with DNA Payments Processing .
If you don't have an account, contact our
Customer Support at
account is still pending approval, you
must wait before installing!
Please ensure that you have the
credentials detailed below:
a. Client ID - ID issued by us.
b. Client Secret - Secret issued by us
c. Terminal - Live terminal number
issued by DNA Payments - unique
to each merchant site.
Once you’ve met all these requirements and
you’ve got your API credentials, you’re ready to
install! Please follow all the steps shown via this
link and you’ll be accepting payments in no
Click here for step-by-step instructions
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PrestaShop Integration
Our Website Payments solution uses a plugin
for PrestaShop - a free and Open-Source
Ecommerce web platform, committed to
providing the best shopping cart experience for
both merchants and customers - helping online
store owners, and merchants redirect
customers to the Secure DNA Payments
Processing Gateway when a consumer opts to
pay for an order using DNA Payments!
To use the DNA Payments Processing Magento
2 plugin, please ensure that you meet the
following requirements
1. You need to have an active and fully
approved DNA Payments Acquiring
Account with DNA Payments Processing .
If you don't have an account, contact our
Customer Support at
account is still pending approval, you
must wait before installing!
1. Create an account with PrestaShop and
setup your website and download this
ZIP file via Github.
Once you’ve met all these requirements and
you’ve got your API credentials, you’re ready to
install! Please follow all the steps shown via this
link and you’ll be accepting payments in no
Click here for step-by-step instructions
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WooCommerce Integration
Our Website Payments solution uses a plugin
for WooCommerce - an Open-Source
Ecommerce web platform, committed to
providing the best shopping cart experience for
both merchants and customers - helping online
store owners and merchants using WordPress
redirect customers to the Secure DNA
Payments Processing Gateway when a
consumer opts to pay for an order using DNA
To use the DNA Payments Processing
WooCommerce plugin, please ensure that you
meet the following requirements
1. You need to have an active and fully
approved DNA Payments Acquiring
Account with DNA Payments Processing .
If you don't have an account, contact our
Customer Support at
account is still pending approval, you
must wait before installing!
1. Create an account with Wordpress and
setup your website.
Obtain the DNA Payments
WooCommerce plugin (zip file). Please
rename this file to wc-dnapayments.zip
once it has downloaded.
Once you’ve met all these requirements and
you’ve got your API credentials, you’re ready to
install! Please follow all the steps shown via this
link and you’ll be accepting payments in no
Click here for step-by-step instructions
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Custom Website Integration
Our Website Payments solution can easily be
integrated with customer built websites using a
variety of content management systems, web
builders, PHP sites and web themes.
Please ensure you have the following before
getting in touch with us:
1. You need to have an active and fully
approved DNA Payments Acquiring
Account with DNA Payments Processing .
If you don't have an account, contact our
Customer Support at
account is still pending approval, you
must wait before installing!
1. Create your website and have it ready to
be integrated with our payment solution.
Once you’ve met all these requirements and
you’ve got your API credentials, you’re ready to
install! Our team will help and here's the quick
description link of what it will look like.
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Custom Branding
We understand you've put lots of effort into the
branding and styling of your business to ensure
it's unique and reflects your values and mission.
We also understand how important it is to
promote your brand and get reputation and
awareness across your entire business model.
These values are why we've implemented a
branding module that lets you use our Payment
Solutions with a seamless styling experience.
1. To get your website checkout customised
with your brand and styling, just get in
touch with our Support Team and we'll
do the rest Get in touch
2. Simply provide use with your beautiful
logo in the appropriate format and your
business's colour schemes, and our team
of experts will prepare mock-ups and
apply any additional requests
1. Our custom branding solution is
extremely flexible, and we're sure we'll be
able to deliver something very special for
your business, so just get in touch with us
and we'll be happy to help Get in touch
Once you’ve met all these requirements, our
team will help and here's the quick description
link of what it will look like.
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Monitoring Your Website Payments
Filtering Search Results
You can also use the Search tool at the top of
the page to perform keyword-related searches
for a particular result you want.
There are additional filters on your Online
Payments page. To search using these, please:
1. Go to the top search toolbar items on
your selected payments page.
2. Click the Filters dropdown menu.
3. From the Filters dropdown menu, select:
Shop name
Order number
Post link
Customer ID
Donation amount
Payment method
Refund date
Refund amount
Online Payments is where you can also monitor
your Payment Links and Virtual Terminal
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Monitoring Your Website Payments
View More Details
To find out more details about your Online
Payments, please:
1. On your Online Payments page, click on
the payment, and you’ll see dropdown
2. Click the dropdown you want more
information on, which are:
Payment details (amount, date, status,
order number, payment ID, transaction
Summary (shop, description, authorised
on, result message)
Location (payer IP, description)
Payer details (payer, account ID, email,
Payment page (language, postlink
address, postlink)
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Understanding Your Website Payment
You can search the status of your Website
Payments’ statuses by:
1. Go to the top search toolbar on the
payments page you’ve selected.
2. Select the Status dropdown button.
3. Select from the following dropdown
Pending: Payment is authorised and is
waiting for the charge status. Applicable only
to merchants using a manual "charge"
completion scheme.
Created: Usually applicable only for
alternative payment methods (APM),
meaning payment is initiated and awaits
completion on the consumer/APM side.
Credited/refunded: Refund payment
completed and credited, meaning the
Merchant has issued a refund and it has
been credited.
Charged: Payment completion status,
meaning the payment process has been
completed and processed to the Merchant.
Cancelled: Payment cancelled/reversed by
the customer, integrator, payment processor,
or in the Merchant Portal.
Declined: The payment has been declined by
the card issuer and/or acquiring processor for
a variety of reasons, such as insufficient funds.
Failed: When the payment has been Failed
appears, it is due to due to technical issues,
either with the consumer card, APM or
New: Payment has been initialised/created,
but the processing has not yet started.
3D Secure: Payment awaits 3D Secure
completion by the consumer, who has yet to
pass this phase before completing the
Tokenised: Tokenised request completed
successfully, and token created for payment
to be processed and completed by the
acquiring bank.
Verified: Payment is verified by the card
issuer who has fully verified the card details
and payment.
Processing: Payment awaits completion from
the issuer and/or 3D Secure completion
before it can be fully processed and shown as
Charged or Declined.
Abandoned: Payment has been initiated but
not yet completed by the customer and
therefore hasn’t been processed.
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Refunding a Website Payment
Our Merchant Portal provides you with
functionality to manage your transactions
easily, especially if you're using our Website
Payment solution. These include:
Refund and Partial Refund
Using our Website Payment solutions you can
process a Full or Partial Refund for any
processed Payment using our Merchant Portal.
To process a Full or Partial Refund, please:
1. Select the transaction on your Online
Payments page and click on it.
2. When our Payments Manager appears,
select either the “Refund" button, and
fill in the amount you would like to
refund, either the total amount or a
partial refund amount.
3. Refunds are then processed
automatically and refunded back to the
payment method used originally.
Funds are credited to the original payment
method used for the Sale transaction and must
not exceed the actual Sale amount.
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Digital Refund Receipt
When a refund is processed, users can generate
a Digital Refund Receipt in the same way
that's currently supported via a Sale
The receipt is emailed to the original payee; the
date on it is the date we process the transaction
and may not be the date funds are credited to
the Cardholder’s account.
Settlements and Statements
Any transactions successfully processed
through our Website Payment Solution are
automatically settled in your Bank Account
within the Settlement Period as per your
Acquiring Agreement.
Downloading your Settlement Statements
To download your Settlements Statements,
1. Select the “Settlements” page on the
menu bar of our Merchant Portal.
2. Go to the “Download” button on the top
right-hand side of the screen.
3. Download either as a PDF, Excel, or CSV
Set date parameters for custom downloads
To set custom date parameters:
1. Go to the top search toolbar on your
“Settlements” page.
2. Click on the dates shown.
3. Select your start and end date period
using the calendar.
4. Select the "Download" button on the top
right-hand side of the screen.
5. Select the format of the document (PDF,
Excel, or CSV file).
6. Your Statement will download to your
Back to contents
Settlements and Statements
Alternatively, you can use the quick date
parameter results button next to the calendar,
just to the left, which gives you the option to
search by:
Last week
Last month
You can also search using the Filter dropdown
option on the toolbar, where you can search by:
Account number
Terminal type (POS or any other type)
Terminal (terminal ID)
If no Statements are shown, there still needs to be Settlements processed. It may also be because
you still need to pass the Settlement Period from your first transaction, or maybe there are yet to
be any successful transactions processed.
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Settlements and Statements
Settlement Period
Your Settlement Period is in your Acquiring
Agreement, and is typically from one to seven
days. All payments successfully processed are
automatically transacted to your Bank Account
within the specified Settlement Period.
Settlements explained
Once you've downloaded Your Settlement
Statement, you'll be able to explore the details
provided, such as:
Payment amounts
Payable amounts
Payment methods
Acquirer fees
Transaction dates and times
Settlement dates
Here's a quick example for you: Your Settlement period is seven days (please refer to your
agreement to identify your specific settlement period). You accepted Payment A on the 1st of
January; Payment B on the 2nd of January; on the 8th of January, Payment A settles into your Bank
Account, and you'll be able to view and download your Payment on your Settlements Statement in
our Merchant Portal.
Finally, on the 9th of January, Payment B is settled to your Bank Account, and you can view and
download your Payment on your Settlements Statement in our Merchant Portal.
For peace of mind, please wait for your agreed Settlement Period to allow each Payment to show on
your Bank Account.
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To keep track of all your fees from your
Settlements, you can visit the Billing section,
which will show a list of your Invoices from DNA
Payments to download for your accounting.
Downloading your Invoices
To download your Invoices, please:
1. Select the “Invoices” page on the menu
2. Go to the Invoice you’d like to download.
3. Download either as a PDF file in the
Actions section.
Set date parameters for custom downloads
To set custom date parameters:
1. Go to the top search toolbar on your
“Billing” page.
2. Click on the dates shown by month only.
3. Select your start and end date period
using the calendar.
4. From the Actions, select the "Download"
5. Your Invoice will download to your
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Back to contents
Our Reports page provides a detailed overview
and breakdown of your transactions where you
View analytics as real-time charts of your
Website Payments.
Monitor and report on the progress of
your business’s payment activity
Get valuable insight into your growth,
trends and much more
Using the top search toolbar bar on your
Reports page, you can access your business's
common day-to-date payment workflows and
search by:
Set date parameters
To set custom date parameters:
1. Go to the top search toolbar.
2. Click on the dates shown.
3. Select your desired start and end date
period on the calendar that is then
displayed, or you can use the quick set
date parameter results button next to the
calendar dates, just to the left, which
gives you the option to search by:
This week
Last 7 days
This month
Last 30 days
Last 60 days
Last 90 days
Once you've set the custom dates and
highlighted your date period in yellow, your
data will be ready to monitor or manage.
The top of your Reports page will display your
search results: Charged transactions, Pending
transactions, Cancelled transactions and
Refunded transactions.
Your transaction search results are also
displayed as line charts, which can be viewed
Transactions (viewed either as Amount
or Number of transactions)
Transactions comparison (viewed either
as Amount or Number of transactions)
You can also search for transactions on these
charts by using the Status dropdown, which
shows your transactions by:
The circular charts show you your transactions
Payment methods
Card methods
Issuing banks (card payments only)
Again, these can be refined using the Status
dropdown, which shows your transactions by:
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To keep track of all your exported payment data
CSV files from the Online Payments section,
you can visit the Exports section, which will
show a list of your exported files from DNA
Payments and their status.
What you’ll see
Once an Export is requested, you’ll see:
1. Export ID.
2. File name.
3. Document type.
4. Date requested.
5. Last updated.
6. Status (pending or exported).
Select Online Payments
To see results by for Online Payments:
1. Go to the top Document Type dropdown
toolbar on your “Exports” page.
2. Click on Online Payments
3. Your results will show as requested.
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Pioneering payment
solutions, powering
businesses to thrive
0208 102 8100
DNA Payments Limited (Company No.11154668 /FCA No.806630). Registered office: 10
Lower Grosvenor Place, London, SW1W 0EN. DNA Payments Limited is authorised by
the Financial Conduct Authority under the Payment Service Regulations 2017 for the
provision of payment services.