Entrances and Exits Yes No N/A
Are entrances and exits to and from work areas free from obstructions?
Are exit doors clearly marked?
Walkways, Floors and Stairs Yes No N/A
Are stairs and walkways kept clear of boxes, equipment, cables and other obstacles?
Is the tread on stairs in good condition and adequate to minimize slipping?
Is the foot space on each stair adequate?
Are handrails adequate and in a good state of repair?
Are stairs in a good state of repair?
Do stairs have anti-slip materials where warranted?
Are floors clear of slip and trip hazards, e.g., extension cords, torn carpet, uneven
surfaces, cracks, holes, etc.?
Are walkways clear of trip hazards such as open drawers, boxes, etc.?
Are walkways and stairs wide enough?
Are walkways free of oil and grease?
Are walkways adequately lit and clearly marked?
Do walkways have unobstructed vision at intersections?
Storage Facilities Yes No N/A
Are materials stored in bins whenever possible?
Is sufficient storage provided?
Are heavy items stored between mid-thigh and shoulder height?
Is there a safe means of accessing high shelves?
Is storage equipment in good condition and not overloaded?
Is stored material secured to prevent shifting/falling?
Are storage areas free from rubbish?
Are shelf units properly attached to walls and are cabinets/cupboards stable?
Are racks and pallets in good condition?
Workplace Inspection Checklist
Lighting, Ventilation and Temperature Yes No N/A
Does the lighting in the work area allow staff to see their work easily?
Are all light fittings in good working order? No flickering lights, etc.?
Are glare and excessive brightness minimized in the work area?
Is temperature maintained at a comfortable level?
Is there adequate ventilation throughout the work area?
Are all light bulbs, tubes and lighting covers adequately cleaned?
Are ventilation ducts kept clean and unobstructed?
Is general indoor air quality acceptable for the majority of occupants, i.e.,
temperature, humidity, air flow, etc.?
Equipment Yes No N/A
Is equipment clean and working properly?
Are photocopiers located away from workstations to reduce noise and exposure to
Is all lifting or moving equipment in good condition?
Are fax machines, printers, binders, laminators and other office equipment in good
Are procedures for safely operating equipment accessible to staff?
Are lockout/tagout procedures used?
Are there clear indications when equipment is switched on?
Are there procedures to report faulty equipment?
Are equipment guards in place?
Are noise levels controlled and is hearing protection being used?
Hazardous Substances Yes No N/A
Are hazardous substances properly labeled?
Are hazardous substances properly stored?
Do procedures exist for the safe use and disposal of hazardous substances?
Are material safety data sheets available for all chemicals?
Is there a register of hazardous substances?
Are all containers labeled?
Are eye wash stations readily available and easily accessible to employees?
Electrical Yes No N/A
Are all cords, plugs and sockets in good condition, i.e., not frayed, exposed, cracked,
Has electrical equipment been inspected, tested and tagged in accordance with
company policies and regulations?
Are portable power tools in good condition?
Are all electrical items in good condition?
Have switches and circuits/circuit breakers been identified and are they in working
Are battery chargers marked and well ventilated?
Staff Amenities Yes No N/A
Are staff toilets and bathroom facilities in good condition?
Are toilets and bathroom facilities cleaned regularly?
Is kitchen equipment in good working order?
Are hot water taps appropriately marked?
Are surfaces in bathrooms and kitchen areas slip free?
Is kitchen and bathroom rubbish removed regularly?
Do kitchens contain fire extinguishers that are serviceable and accessible?
Are microwaves, refrigerators, etc., cleaned regularly to reduce risks of infection and
Emergency Procedures Yes No N/A
Can emergency signals and alarms be clearly heard?
Are emergency exits clearly marked, easy to open and functional?
Are alarms and signals tested on a regular basis?
Are emergency exit lights operational?
Has there been an evacuation drill in the last 12 months?
Are evacuation drills reviewed and documented?
Have floor wardens been appointed?
Are the names and details of office/floor wardens and emergency procedures
Is an evacuation plan displayed?
Are fire extinguishers easily identified and located?
Have fire extinguishers been inspected and tagged within the last six months?
Emergency Procedures (Continued) Yes No
Are fire hoses conveniently located in major corridors?
Are sprinkler systems and smoke detectors operational?
Have re-entry procedures following an evacuation been developed and displayed?
Has emergency evacuation training been provided to all employees?
First Aid Yes No
Have first aid responders’ names been communicated to all employees?
Are the names and contact details of first aid responders and locations of first aid
kits displayed?
Are there adequate numbers of currently-trained first responders in or near work
Are first aid kits clearly labeled?
Are first aid kits easily accessible?
Are first aid kits regularly maintained and stocked?
Are emergency telephone numbers clearly displayed?
Are storage areas for AED devices communicated to personnel?
Security Yes No
Are premises secure while employees are at work, e.g., during minimum staff shifts?
Are security doors operational?
Are there procedures for managing suspicious mail and threats?
Have employees been trained in workplace violence procedures?
Desks/Workstations Yes No
If desks are adjustable, can the adjustments be easily made?
Is there enough space on each desk for the work required?
Is the height of desks appropriate for the main tasks performed, e.g,. keyboarding?
Are items in constant use within easy reach?
Are workstations/desks stable and undamaged?
Do workstations have adequate storage?
Are waste bins emptied regularly?
Is there sufficient space around workstations to provide safe access?
Desks/Workstations (Continued) Yes No
Have staff been provided with information on how to optimize their workstation,
where applicable? Provide comment:
Have aids been provided for computer workstations (for example, foot rests and
document holders)?
Personal Computers Yes No
Are monitor screens located approximately an arm’s length away?
Are the tops of screens located just below eye level?
Can the height and angle of the monitor be adjusted?
Are characters displayed on screens legible and stable?
Is screen glare minimized?
Is the mouse situated in a convenient position so that the user does not have to
reach or stretch?
Is the mouse easy to move?
Chairs (Used for working at personal computers) Yes No
Can the height of chairs be adjusted according to the tasks being undertaken?
Can the height of back rests be adjusted to provide appropriate lumbar support?
Can the angle of the back rests be adjusted so that users are sitting upright when
using a personal computer?
Can the chairs be moved close to the workstation without being obstructed by arm
Are chairs stable and undamaged?
Is the mouse easy to move?
Training Yes No
Are new employees provided safety training during employee orientation?
Is job-specific training held for employees on a regular basis?
Is training provided on the safe use of common equipment?
Are personnel familiar with applicable material safety data sheets?
Are all personnel familiar with the emergency evacuation plan?
Is all training documentation current and accessible?
Have all personnel been trained in work-alone procedures?
Have personnel been trained in the use of personal protective equipment (gloves,
respirators, hearing protection, safety glasses, lab coats, hard hats) and is PPE
provided where necessary?
Safe Lifting Yes No N/A
Have workers been trained on, and are they using, safe lifing techniques?
Are employees avoiding heavy loads (splitting into smaller loads or asking for help)?
When lifting, do employees bend their knees to take pressure off their backs?