American University, Academic Support Center, Writing Lab, updated 2009
Paragraphs should have both coherence and unity. A paragraph with unity develops a
single idea thoroughly and links it to the rest of the paper. Paragraph coherence is
achieved when sentences are ordered in a logical manner and when clear transitions link
Paragraph unity:
Develop a paragraph around a major idea. Express this idea in the topic sentence.
Make the relationship between the main idea of the paragraph and the thesis of the
paper clear. Don’t assume that the reader will “get it.” Spell it out for him/her.
Support the main idea of the paragraph with details.
Create separate paragraphs for those details that explore your topic from different
Eliminate sentences that do not support the main idea. Alternately, you may
revise the main idea to include those sentences.
Look at the following examples from a paper that has the thesis: “Despite the amount of
foreign aid pouring in, social conditions in Zeeland remain bleak because the aid is used
for military purposes.”
Example 1 (without unity)
Robert Bee wrote, “The Zeeland massacre illustrates the need for greater control and
vigilance.” This is related to the thesis. Some 20,000 people disappeared from the
villages. Financial mishandling can lead to great misfortune. Corruption in the
government was exposed repeatedly to no avail. A police force, under orders to
eliminate suspected terrorists, grabbed political dissidents and their families.
Example 2 (unified)
The pogrom of May 3, 1987 exemplifies how foreign aid funds were appropriated
for repressive rather than social development purposes. On that day, some 20,000
people were abducted from villages in the countryside, charged as traitors and
summarily executed. Then governor-for-life Zeely Zeelafsun had recently used $5
billion in aid to create a standing paramilitary police force. Without some restrictive
control over the aid, human rights organizations were unable to prevent the buildup
and unleashing of this disaster. Robert Bee, the director of the Development as
Freedom Foundation wrote, “The Zeeland massacre illustrates the need for greater
control and vigilance.”
In the first paragraph it is hard to tell what the topic sentence is, let alone how all the
sentences belong together. The reader is not informed who Robert Bee is. The words
“related to” in the second sentence don’t give the reader any sense of what the
relationship is. The second paragraph provides a tight topic sentence that links the main
idea of the paragraph to the central argument of the paper. It eliminates details that do
American University, Academic Support Center, Writing Lab, updated 2009
not fall under the topic and adds details that are relevant to the reader’s understanding of
the events and their relation to foreign aid.
Paragraph coherence:
Decide on an order for your sentences that will best develop the paragraph’s main idea.
Your supporting sentences are raw materials. They will not make sense to a reader unless
they are put in order.
This order could be based on several factors:
Chronological sequence. This is useful for describing a sequence of events.
Modified chronology. Sometimes a major idea presented early in a paragraph can
be supplemented with necessary background information.
Spatial position of different objects. This method is useful for description.
Conversation’ between different experts. By moving between a series of key
positions, a writer can establish a sense of dialogue and develop a complex
Logical form of argument. Some form of logical proof, like a syllogism, can
serve as the basis for order.
Once you have put your sentences in order, express the connections between them with
transitional words or phrases. Think of these as signposts to guide the reader through
your paragraph. They should be clear.
Examples (transitions in bold):
1) Chronological sequence
Topic sentence: Our journey was filled with misfortune and luck.
After the car broke, we had to walk several miles.
Having eaten little for lunch, we were soon wearied.
While we wanted to continue toward town, we had to rest.
It was at that moment that a trucker offered us a ride.
2) Expert Conversation
Topic sentence: Karl Marx and Michel Foucault produced influential and
superficially similar but ultimately conflicting understandings of the way that
power struggles determine truth.
Marx, writing in the mid-nineteenth century, asserted that truth was the
product of conflicts between classes, or groups of people positioned
differently in historical economic power arrangements.
American University, Academic Support Center, Writing Lab, updated 2009
While agreeing with Marx’s recognition of the way that power struggles and
history alter truth, Foucault was more skeptical about Marx’s identification of
classes as the primary actors in the struggle.
Instead, Foucault suggested that an examination of the claims made about
sexuality and appropriate punishments revealed a complex give and take
between various social groups and interests, all of which sought to establish
dominance by controlling meaning.
Marxist critics of Foucault argue in response that removing the focus from
class eliminates a broad view of social conflict necessary to seeing how
economic and political changes shape our everyday understanding.