The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards Steering Committee
Wisconsin Model
Early Learning
Fifth Edition
2003 Edition
2008 Edition
2011 Edition
2013 Edition
2017 Edition (Updates to the 2013 Edition)
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards Steering Committee
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Wisconsin Head Start State Collaboration Ofce
Wisconsin Early Childhood Collaborating Partners
Wisconsin Early Childhood Association
Wisconsin Division of Exceptional Children
Funding for the 2003, 2008, 2011, 2013, and 2017 Editions are from:
Wisconsin Head Start State Collaboration Project
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Braided Funding Initiative
Wisconsin Early Childhood Collaborating Partners
Great Lakes Head Start Quality Network (QNet)
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Race to the Top- Early Learning Challenge Grant
This publication is available from
Wisconsin Child Care Information Center
2109 South Stoughton Road
Madison, WI 53716
608-224-5388 or 1-800-362-7353
Or order online at
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS) are published in English, Spanish, and Hmong.
All versions are available on the Wisconsin Early Childhood Collaborating Partners (WECCP) web page and can
be downloaded in a PDF format: This website also
has related documents including: frequently asked questions, training materials, training calendars, alignment
with Wisconsin Academic Standards, as well as information about curriculum and assessment.
For more information on the
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards initiative contact:
Katherine McGurk
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Sherry W. Kimball
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
October 2017
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Tony Evers, PhD, State Superintendent
ISBN 978-1-57337-166-7
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color,
religion, creed, age, national origin, ancestry, pregnancy, marital status or parental status, sexual
orientation, or disability.
Printed on Recycled Paper
WMELS State and Regional Steering Committee, 2013
& 2017 Leadership Team
Arlene Wright, WMELS Statewide Coordinator, Ofce of Early
Learning, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (2013)
Jill Haglund, Ofce of Early Learning, Wisconsin Department of
Public Instruction
Julie Betchkal, Early Childhood Program Support, CESA 11
Wendy Bowe, Head Start Technical Assistance Center
Abbe Braun, Supporting Families Together Association
Amy Carriere. Early Childhood Program Support, CESA 10 (2017)
Glenna Carter, WI Child Care Information Center (2017)
Penny Chase, Supporting Families Together Association (2013)
Ruth Chvojicek, WI Birth-3 RESource (2017)
Bridget Cullen, Division for Early Childhood Care and Education,
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Catharine Daentl. WECCP Website Manager, CESA 5 (2017)
Jenny Giles, Special Education Consultant, Wisconsin
Department of Public Instruction
Jill Hoiting, Supporting Families Together Association
Carrie Holden, WECCP Regional Collaboration Coach-Milwaukee
Heather Jordan, Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council (2017)
Sherry W. Kimball, UW Waisman Center (2017)
Linda Leonhart, Head Start Collaboration Ofce, Wisconsin
Department of Public Instruction (2013)
Kathy McGurk, Division for Early Childhood Care and Education,
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Joanna Parker, Ofce of Early Learning, Wisconsin Department of
Public Instruction
Jeanette Paulson, Wisconsin Early Childhood Association
Mary L. Peters, Waisman Center, UW Madison
Michelle Ogorek, Statewide Early Childhood Coordinator,
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (2017)
Nicole Lopez, The Registry, Wisconsin (2017)
Ann Ramminger, Ofce of Early Learning, Wisconsin Department
of Public Instruction
Waisman Center, UW Madison(2013)
Katie Roberts, Wisconsin Technical College System
Pamela Torres, Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council (2013)
Research and Development
The 2003 edition of the Wisconsin Model Early Learning
Standards was researched and written by Diane Jenkins,
Jenkins and Associates, Madison, Wisconsin.
The 2008/2011/2013 edition of the Wisconsin Model Early
Learning Standards was researched and written by the
following team:
Arlene Wright, WMELS Coach and 2008/2013 Lead Coordinator;
Independent Education Consultant, Chippewa Falls
Ruth Chvojicek, OSEP Outcome Grant Coordinator; Early
Education Program Support, CESA 5
Linda Hurst, WMELS Coach; Early Childhood Consultant
Ann Ramminger, Southern Region Community Collaboration
Coach; Early Childhood Professional Dev., UW Waisman Center
Vikki Lane Kunstman, Retired, Curriculum and Instruction
Coordinator and Early Learning Consultant, CESA 6
The following people advised on the 2003 and/or
2008/2011/2013/2017 editions of the standards
Barbara Chaney, UW-LaCrosse
Ya-Fang Cheng, UW-Madison
Christine Enockson, Watertown Unied School District
Beth Graue, UW-Madison
Kathy Hartjes, Wisconsin Kindergarten Teachers
Sally Jansen, Green Bay Public Schools Head Start
Patricia Kielpinski, Milwaukee Area Technical College
Sherry W. Kimball, Waisman Center, UW-Madison
Joan Laurion, UW-Extension – Dane County and Family
Child Care
Julie Lennon, Green Bay Public Schools Early Childhood Special
Mary McLean, Ph.D., UW-Milwaukee
Lana Nenide, Wisconsin Alliance for Infant Mental Health
Barb Novak, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Casey O’Keefe, MS/CCC-SLP Cardinal Stritch University
Elizabeth Olsen, CESA 5/ Dane County Parent Council
Teressa Pellett, Children’s Trust Fund
Mary L. Peters, Waisman Center, UW-Madison
Pence Revington, Parents Plus Wisconsin (PIRC)
Mary Roach, Ph.D., UW-Extension
Connie Robers, Rock-Walworth CFS Head Start
Paul Sandrock, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Elaine Strom, Dane County Parent Council, Inc.
Ann Terrell, Early Childhood Council and Milwaukee
Public Schools
Gaye Tylka, Early Childhood Response to Intervention Statewide
Coordinator, CESA 4
Paula Wainscott, Eau Claire Schools Head Start
Sheila Weihert, Heritage Elementary School, De Pere
Christopher Weinhold, Wisconsin Rapids Public Schools
Christina Wen, Waisman Center, UW-Madison
2008/2011/2013 Editions Layout, Editing, Proong, and
Cover Design
Original Layout: Fernando Hernandez, CESA 5
Original Editing and Layout: Neldine Nichols, Wisconsin
Department of Public Instruction
Revision Editing: Arlene Wright and Laura Paella, Wisconsin
Department of Public Instruction; Glenna Carter, Child Care
Information Center
Proong: Roslyn Wise, WI Department of Public Instruction
Cover Design: Cynthia Hoffman Meldorf at Mercury
Communication in conjunction with the Think Big Start Small:
Invest in a Child’s Future public awareness campaign
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
Table of Contents
I. Health and Physical Development ........................................................................ 12
A. Physical Health and Development ..................................................................................14
B. Motor Development
C. Sensory Organization
II. Social and Emotional Development .....................................................................26
A. Emotional Development ..................................................................................................28
B. Self-concept
C. Social Competence
III. Language Development and Communication .....................................................42
A. Listening and Understanding ...........................................................................................44
B. Speaking and Communicating
C. Early Literacy ..................................................................................................................54
IV. Approaches to Learning ........................................................................................66
A. Curiosity, Engagement, and Persistence ........................................................................68
B. Creativity and Imagination
.............................................................................................. 71
C. Diversity in Learning
V. Cognition and General Knowledge .......................................................................78
A. Exploration, Discovery, and Problem Solving ..................................................................80
B. Mathematical Thinking
C. Scientic Thinking
Interest Areas: Children Learn from Play .................................................................102
Appendix A: Alignment of Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards with
Wisconsin Academic Standards for English Language Arts and
Mathematics and Wisconsin Essential Elements .................................................107
Appendix B: Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards and
IDEA Early Childhood Outcomes .........................................................................114
Appendix C: References and Resources
Appendix D: Early Care and Education Resource Listing
Why do we have model early learning standards? Based
on research and supported by evidence-based practices,
the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS)
provide a framework for families, professionals, and
policymakers to:
Share a common language and responsibility for the
well-being of children from birth to rst grade;
Know and understand developmental expectations of
young children; and
Understand the connection among the foundations of
early childhood, K-12 educational experiences, and
lifelong learning.
With the inclusion of the birth-to-3 age range, the revised
WMELS also includes developmental continuums,
sample behaviors of children, and sample strategies for
The development of the standards was guided by
research in the eld and supported by content experts
from institutions of higher education in the state. Aligned
to the Wisconsin Academic Standards (kindergarten
through grade 12), the WMELS are intended to provide
early learning opportunities that support children’s
continued success in school and future life.
The basis for the development of the WMELS is a set of
guiding principles that specify beliefs and values about
young children in Wisconsin. The primary principles are
as follows:
All children are capable and competent.
Early relationships matter.
A child’s early learning and development is
Expectations for children must be guided by
knowledge of child growth and development.
Children are individuals who develop at various rates.
Children are members of cultural groups that share
developmental patterns.
Children exhibit a range of skills and competencies
within any domain of development.
Children learn through play and the active exploration
of their environment.
Parents are children’s primary and most important
caregivers and educators.
A more detailed description of the WMELS Guiding
Principles is located on page 10 of the Introduction Section.
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards provide a common language and
guidance for families, professionals, and policymakers around early childhood
education and care.
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards specify developmental expectations for
children from birth through entrance to rst grade. The Wisconsin Model Early Learning
Standards reect attention to all the domains of a child’s learning and development.
Each domain is divided into sub-domains. Each sub-domain includes developmental
expectations, program standards, performance standards, and developmental continuum.
Samples of children’s behavior and adult strategies are also provided. The framework is
described below in a narrative and on the following page as a chart.
Developmental Domains
Discrete area of the child’s development. The areas are
interrelated and include:
Health and Physical Development
Social and Emotional Development
Language Development and Communication
Approaches to Learning
Cognition and General Knowledge
Developmental domains are further divided into sub-
domains. The sub-domains are labeled with letters
“A, B, and C.” For example, in the domain of Health
and Physical Development the sub-domains are:
A. Physical Health and Development
B. Motor Development
C. Sensory Organization
Developmental Expectation
Broad general statement of what the child should know
and be able to do within the expected wide variability of
development that occurs in the early childhood period.
Performance Standard
Statement that represents the specic information, skills,
or both that a child should know and be able to do. The
performance standards are designed “forward” from birth
to rst grade and are aligned with the Wisconsin Academic
Learning Expectations
Subcomponent of a performance standard that translates
the standard into what a child should know and be able
to do at a specic developmental age level. Learning
Expectations are not included in this document.
Determining local age/grade level learning expectations
are local district and community decisions.
Curriculum and Assessment
Each program/service can determine their own curriculum
and assessment based on the standards and local age/
grade level expectations that apply to their particular
setting. Selection of curriculum and assessment is a local
Developmental Continuum
Predictable but not rigid sequence of accomplishments
which describes the progressive levels of performance in
the order in which they emerge in most children, based on
current research. The developmental continuums begin
at an early developmental level and continue through
developmental levels that would be typical through the
completion of kindergarten (to rst grade).
Sample Behaviors of Children
Observable “samples” of what children might do as
they demonstrate accomplishments at each level of the
developmental continuum are included for each of the
developmental continuums linked to each performance
standard. The samples are “only samples,” they are not
meant to be inclusive of all children’s behaviors or adult
strategies that are associated with the developmental
continuum and performance standard.
Sample Strategies for Adults
“Samples” of what adults might do to assist the child
to gain knowledge or learn skills at each level of the
developmental continuum. The adult samples are not a
denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
Program Standard
Refers to what programs must do to ensure children
have the opportunities and experiences needed to meet
developmental expectations.
Learning Expectations, Curriculum, and Assessment
are not included in the framework; however, they are
critical to “understanding the big picture.”
Framework for Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards Document
Health and Physical Development
Social and Emotional Development
Language Development and Communication
Approaches to Learning
Cognition and General Knowledge
Labeled with A, B, C, etc.
Performance Standards
Specic information and/or
skills child should know
and should be able to do
Program Standards
What programs must
do for children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Sample Behaviors of Children
Developmental Continuum
Progressive levels of performance
LocaL Decisions
Learning Expectations, Curriculum, Assessment
Developmental Expectations
What child should know
and should be able to do
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards were designed to reect the
shared values and commitments of the citizens of Wisconsin to prepare young
children for success in school and later life. Designed for all children, they
create a common language among the families and the various programs and
services within the early childhood community. They set the stage for the
development of appropriate curriculum and the use of assessment practices
that support and promote children’s learning and development.
Why are early learning standards necessary and
Families, early care and education professionals,
communities, and policymakers all share accountability
for the optimal development and well being of young
children. The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
provide a framework of developmentally appropriate
expectations for young children that can guide the
creation, evaluation, and improvement of conditions
necessary for children’s optimal development and create
a common language. As a result of the combined efforts
of families, early care and education professionals,
communities, and policymakers, young children will have
expanded opportunities for positive development and
learning experiences.
Why is a common language important?
Young children grow and learn best when all of the adults
in their lives understand child development and are
consistent with each other. Because the Wisconsin Model
Early Learning Standards create common language and
address all aspects of development, they can become
the basis for conversation and learning opportunities in a
variety of settings and situations. The Wisconsin Model
Early Learning Standards recognize that parents are the
child’s primary and most important nurturers/teachers
and therefore support partnerships between parents and
the programs and settings they choose for their children.
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
provide opportunities for promoting dialogue across
settings and strengthening the early care and education
system. Careful articulation of early learning standards
can provide a common vision and common vocabulary
to unite early care and education programs. The
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards provide an
opportunity to further dialogue with the K-12 system and
establish more clearly the important role of early care and
education in children’s success later in school which will
result in a more integrated education system.
Are the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
appropriate for all children?
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards reect
expectations for a typically-developing child; adapting
and individualizing learning experiences accommodates
optimal development for all children. The Wisconsin
Model Early Learning Standards recognize that children
are individuals who develop at individual rates. While
children generally develop in similar stages and
sequences, greatly diverse patterns of behavior and
learning emerge as a result of the interaction of several
factors, including genetic predisposition and physical
characteristics, socio-economic status, and the values,
beliefs, and cultural and political practices of their families
and communities. Because brain development and
social-emotional development are most active in the early
years of a child’s life, all of the child’s experiences are of
critical importance to the child and our society. As such,
these standards support the development of optimal
learning experiences that can be adapted in response to
the individual developmental patterns of children.
How can the Wisconsin Model Early Learning
Standards be used for children with disabilities?
The Standards are designed to address individual
differences and will serve as the foundation for
individualized programming decisions for children
with disabilities. While the vast majority of students
with disabilities should be expected to work toward
and achieve these Standards, accommodations
and modications to help these students reach the
achievement goals will need to be individually identied
and implemented. For children with disabilities, these
decisions are made as part of their Individualized
Education Program (IEP) plans developed by the school
district’s IEP team. This team could include school
personnel as well as child care and Head Start personnel
and the child’s parent. Persons working with children with
disabilities will need to pay special attention to the IEP
and how curriculum adaptations and special education
services can be provided to meet each child’s individually
identied developmental needs. Some accommodations
and/or modications may be necessary as young children
with disabilities master the skills and competencies
related to the Standards. Adapting and individualizing
learning experiences can help assure that each child is
exposed to activities that can help him or her reach his/
her optimal development.
How do the Wisconsin Model Early Learning
Standards relate to the assessment of the
development of young children?
By setting appropriate expectations for young children in
the ve domains of early learning and development, the
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards set the stage
for the development of appropriate curriculum and the
use of assessment practices that support and promote
children’s learning and development. Assessment
practices are a component of program standards.
Appropriate assessment practices for young children take
into account the following
Young children learn in ways and at rates different
from older children.
Young children come to know things through doing
as well as through listening and often represent their
knowledge better by showing than by telling.
Young children’s development and learning is
rapid, uneven, and episodic, so that point-in time
assessments do not give a complete picture of their
Young children’s achievements are the result of a
complex mix of their ability to learn and their past
learning opportunities. Resources on appropriate
assessment practices for young children are listed in
the resource section.
What is the difference between the Wisconsin Model
Early Learning Standards and curriculum?
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards are
guidelines that reect widely held expectations about
what children should know and be able to do from
birth to the beginning of rst grade. The performance
standards further outline how children may demonstrate
that they meet expectations. The program standards
are general statements for teachers and caregivers to
guide in providing the opportunities and experiences
children need to meet developmental expectations. The
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards provide a
guideline for curriculum decisions and development.
Curriculum is determined based on the Standards that
provide guidelines for what children should know and be
able to do. Curriculum reects the practices, interactions,
and instruction that are implemented to support children’s
early learning and development. The National Association
for the Education of Young Children’s position statement
“Where We Stand on Curriculum, Assessment and
Program Evaluation,” recommends the following:
“Implement curriculum that is thoughtfully planned,
challenging, engaging, developmentally appropriate,
culturally and linguistically responsive, comprehensive,
and likely to promote positive outcomes for all young
How do the Wisconsin Model Early Learning
Standards relate to the Wisconsin Academic
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
align with the Wisconsin Academic Standards in their
comprehensive focus on developmentally appropriate
expectations for children birth to rst grade. Research
indicates that children who meet expectations in these
developmental domains will be successful in mastering
academic standards. As such, the Wisconsin Model
Early Learning Standards provide a foundation for the
Wisconsin Academic Standards.
Where can I nd more information about the design
of the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards?
Frequently Asked Questions are available on the
Collaborating Partners web site at
More information about alignment of the Wisconsin
Model Early Learning Standards and the Wisconsin
Academic Standards can be found in Appendix A of
this document as well as at
More information about OSEP Child Outcomes can be
found in Appendix B as well as
WMELS intended use
Improve the quality of all early learning environments.
Guide professional development activities and investments.
Inform educators and caregivers in their decisions regarding
approaches to curriculum development across all early
learning environments.
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS)
WMELS document IS NOT intended to be used
Age/grade level learning expectations that further
dene each performance standard for each age
(grade) level.
WMELS guides communities
To consider the determination of local age/grade level
expectations at the district and community level. The local
age/grade level learning can be used to make decisions
about curriculum and assessment that will determine
instructions, activities, and interactions.
WMELS developmental continuum and sample behaviors
Show how the skills and knowledge demonstrated at very
early ages provide the foundation for more complex skills at
a later age.
Are a general guide to help early care and education
professionals and parents to observe a continuum of
development recognizing that children are unique and
develop at individual rates.
WMELS developmental continuum and sample
behaviors ARE NOT intended to be
Used as age markers.
Used as a prescriptive listing.
A comprehensive or exhaustive set of sample
behaviors of children and sample strategies for
WMELS domains ARE NOT presented
To be used separately as discrete knowledge
and skill sets.
WMELS domains presented
As integrated knowledge and skills.
As interconnected domains; the development of skills in one
area is related to and inuences development in other areas.
WMELS IS NOT designed to reect
A rigid sequence of developmental abilities
typical of young children birth to rst grade.
A comprehensive list of every skill or piece of
knowledge that a particular child may exhibit.
An age-referenced continuum.
WMELS designed to reect
A developmental sequence of abilities demonstrated by
typically developing children between the ages of birth to
rst grade.
Expectations for the critical knowledge and skills that
children learn during the early years.
WMELS document DOES NOT contain
Age/grade level learning expectations.
Curriculum or an assessment tool.
WMELS document contains
Developmental domains, developmental expectations,
program standards, performance standards, developmental
continuums, sample behaviors of children, and sample
strategies for adults.
Performance standards that connect (align) to the
Wisconsin Academic Standards.
WMELS document IS NOT intended to be
used as
A tool for program assessment.
A tool for program curriculum.
Everyone can use these standards as a
Guide in creating a unifying vision for young children
in Wisconsin, based upon the guiding principles.
Resource for creating quality early learning
Resource for creating a common language across all
settings and programs for young children and their
Guide in the selection and implementation of
curriculum and assessment.
Source of example adult strategies to use as a guide
for interacting with children in a positive way.
Tool to support collaborative conversations and
professional development with others in the early care
and education system.
Tool to help parents understand child development,
how it is individual to each child, and how learning is
inuenced by our everyday interactions.
Tool to help communities understand the importance
of the early years from birth to rst grade and the link
with further educational and life success.
Validation of the critical nature of early development
and the role that adults play to help children progress
toward optimal development based upon their
individual capacities and needs.
the early childhood community will have common uses for wisconsin model early learning standards
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
One Tapestry, Many Threads
Young children learn and grow best in the context of relationships and community.
This context is made up of a variety of people, programs, and experiences.
Widespread use of the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards will form a
tapestry of common understanding and support. Everyone who is interested in
providing quality care and education for all children will nd common uses for
these standards. The individual threads of this tapestry will each be used in their
own unique way.
Wisconsin Model Early
Learning Standards
4- and 5-Year-Old
Birth to 3 Early
3- through 5-Year-Old
Special Education
Medical Community
Advocates, Policymakers,
Higher Education
Parents, Grandparents,
Guardians, Foster Parents and
Other key people in child’s life
Family Support Organizations,
Family Resource Centers,
Libraries, etc.
Family and Group Child Care
Centers, and Preschool
Head Start and
Early Head Start
Parents, Grandparents, Foster Parents, Guardians,
and other key people in a child’s life can use the
WMELS as a
Resource on child development and early learning.
A reminder that children’s skills, abilities, and
behaviors uctuate along the developmental
continuum because each person learns as an
Guide for the language and expectations used in
conversations with others involved in the lives of their
Community: Family Support Organizations,
Libraries, Family Resource Centers, etc., can use
the WMELS as a
Guide to provide training and programs that are
grounded in solid child development for young children,
their families, and others who impact their lives.
Source in understanding performance standards for
ALL children and the continuum of development for
each performance standard birth to rst grade.
Tool to assist in nding and identifying children who
may benet from early childhood services.
Family and Group Child Care Centers and
Preschools can use the WMELS as a
Source to understand performance standards for ALL
children and the continuum of development for each
performance standard birth to rst grade.
Resource for enhancing quality educational programs
and services through staff training and development.
Resource to understand child development in the ve
domains and how they interrelate.
Tool for making decisions regarding curriculum
development and activity planning.
Tool to assist in nding and identifying children who
may benet from early childhood services.
Head Start and Early Head Start can use the WMELS as a
Tool to align with the Head Start Child Outcomes
Framework so that a common language is created
with parents, collaborative programs, and other
Resource to complement Head Start performance
standards and to facilitate smooth transitions for
children between settings.
Four-Year-Old and Five-Year-Old Kindergartens
(4K and 5K) can use the WMELS as a
Resource for enhancing quality educational programs
and services through staff training and development.
Resource to understand child development in the ve
domains and how they interrelate.
individual program threads will have different uses for wisconsin model early learning standards
Tool for making decisions regarding curriculum
Tool to develop, review, and align local age/grade level
learning expectations which align to the Wisconsin
Academic Standards.
Resource to aid in communication and dialogue
regarding the continuum of developmental and
learning expectations between early childhood and
rst grade.
Birth to 3 Early Intervention Services can use the
WMELS as a
Source in understanding performance standards for
ALL children and the continuum of development for
each performance standard birth to rst grade.
Resource to understand child development in the ve
domains and how they interrelate.
Tool to support the development of the Individual
Family Service Plan (IFSP) with families and other
members of the IFSP team.
3- through 5-Year-Old Special Education can use the
WMELS as a
Source to understand performance standards for ALL
children and the continuum of development for each
performance standard birth to rst grade.
Resource to understand child development in the ve
domains and how they interrelate.
Tool to support the development of the Individualized
Education Program (IEP) with families and other
members of the IEP team.
Medical Communities can use the WMELS as a
Source to understand performance standards for ALL
children and the continuum of development for each
performance standard birth to rst grade.
Tool to assist in nding and identifying children who
may benet from early childhood services.
Advocates, Policy Makers, Higher Education can use
the WMELS as a
Resource to guide efforts to assure the optimal
learning and development of young children by
making a commitment to support early childhood
education and care efforts.
Resource to support and strengthen the resources
available to support families with young children.
Resource to build stronger connections among the
various programs and services that impact the lives of
young children and their families.
Resource to design educational programs for
professionals who work with children birth to rst
grade and their families.
This Teaching Cycle aligns with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s Framework
for Personnel Development for Special Education.
For information about the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards and trainings happening
in your area go to:
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
Training and Professional Development
Training for the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS) is taking place
throughout the state of Wisconsin.
The purpose of the training is to assist all those
who are committed to providing quality education and care, to use the WMELS as a
guide for providing quality services for young children birth to rst grade.
the training, participants become familiar with the components of the WMELS, e.g.,
developmental domains, developmental expectations, program standards, performance
standards, developmental continuum, and sample behaviors for children and adults.
The Teaching Cycle (pictured below) is used throughout the training as a means of
applying the components of the WMELS to learning and instruction.
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
Teaching Cycle
Gathering information to determine the current
developmental level of the child.
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Planning and Curriculum Goals
Deciding what should be done to promote
development and what we want children to learn.
Providing meaningful, experiential activities that
support individual and group goals guided by
supportive interactions and relationships.
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
Guiding Principles
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards Steering Committee has established
nine Guiding Principles to inform the development and application of the Wisconsin
Model Early Learning Standards in Wisconsin. These guiding principles reect the
knowledge base in scientic research, our values, and our commitment to young
children and families.
All children are capable and competent.
Development and learning begins at birth for all children
in all settings. The Wisconsin Model Early Learning
Standards support practices that promote development
and protect young children from the harm that results
from inappropriate expectations. In this they are aligned
with ethical principles of the early childhood profession.
Early relationships matter.
Beginning at birth, a child forms relationships with adults
who will guide their learning and development. Especially
during the earliest years of a child’s life from birth to age
3, a child’s growth and development is shaped within the
context of those relationships. Positive relationships are
essential for the development of personal responsibility,
capacity for self-regulation, for constructive interactions
with others, and for fostering academic functioning and
mastery. Warm, sensitive, and responsive interactions
help children develop a secure, positive sense of self and
encourage them to respect and cooperate with others.
A child’s early learning and development is
Developmental domains are highly interrelated. The
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards reect
the interconnectedness of the domains of children’s
development: social and emotional development,
approaches to learning, language development and
communication, health and physical development, and
cognition and general knowledge.
Expectations for children must be guided by
knowledge of child growth and development.
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards are
based on research about the processes and sequences
of young children’s learning and development and the
conditions under which children develop to their fullest
Children are individuals who develop at various
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
recognize that there are individual rates of development
and learning across any age range.
Children are members of cultural groups that
share developmental patterns.
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
acknowledge that children’s development and learning
opportunities reect the cultural and linguistic diversity of
children, families, and environments.
Children exhibit a range of skills and
competencies within any domain of
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards support
the development of optimal learning experiences that can
be adapted for individual developmental patterns.
Children learn through play and the active
exploration of their environment.
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
reect the belief that children should be provided with
opportunities to explore, and apply new skills through
child-initiated and teacher-initiated activities, and through
interactions with peers, adults, and materials. Teachers
and families can best guide learning by providing
these opportunities in natural, authentic contexts.
Positive relationships help children gain the benets of
instructional experiences and resources.
Parents are children’s primary and most
important caregivers and educators.
Families, communities, and schools all have signicant
roles to play in terms of what opportunities are available
to children, and how well a child is able to take
advantage of those learning opportunities. Children who
see themselves as highly valued are more likely to feel
secure, thrive physically, get along with others, learn well,
and feel part of a community.
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
Section One
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
Performance Standard
During the early childhood period, children in Wisconsin will show evidence of
developmentally appropriate abilities in the following areas:
A.EL. 1a Demonstrates behaviors to meet self-help and physical needs. Sleep
A.EL. 1b Demonstrates behaviors to meet self-help and physical needs. Dressing
A.EL.1c Demonstrates behaviors to meet self-help and physical needs. Toileting
A.EL. 1d Demonstrates behaviors to meet self-help and physical needs. Eating
A.EL. 2 Demonstrates behaviors to meet safety needs.
A.EL. 3 Demonstrates a healthy life style.
Program Standard
Early care and education programs in Wisconsin will provide developmentally
appropriate, increasingly complex and diverse opportunities for children to
understand and care for their physical well-being.
Developmental Expectation
Children in Wisconsin will be
physically healthy and will be
able to effectively care for their
own physical needs.
Health encompasses emerging knowledge and practices related to health,
safety, and nutrition that promote physical well-being. Physical development
encompasses rate of growth and muscle control (motor development). Fine
or small motor control refers to such abilities as manipulation of materials and
tools, hand dominance, and eye-hand coordination. Gross or large motor control
refers to such characteristics as balance, coordination, purposeful control,
locomotion, and stability of body movements and functions. Sensory integration
is the neurological process of organizing the information received from the three
main sensory systems—tactile, proprioceptive, and vestibular. The tactile sense
provides information to the brain primarily through the surface of the skin about
the texture, shape, and size of objects in the environment. The proprioceptive
sense provides information to the brain from the joints, muscles, and ligaments
about where the body is in space and what they are doing. The vestibular sense
provides information through the inner ear about balance and movement. When
the brain integrates or organizes sensory information efciently a child learns to
respond appropriately and automatically.
Children’s future health and well being are directly related to the development
and strengthening of their large and small muscles, involvement in sensory
experiences, and the practicing of healthy behavior. Good physical health and
motor development allows for full participation in learning experiences. While
engaging in active movement and exploration and encountering a variety of
situations and new challenges, the child’s brain and body are learning to work
together smoothly. When children take an active role in caring for their bodies,
make appropriate food choices, and participate in physical activity, they feel a
sense of pride and accomplishment in their independence and develop a sound
foundation for healthy growth in all other areas of development.
Performance Standard
During the early childhood period, children in Wisconsin will show evidence of
developmentally appropriate abilities in the following areas:
C.EL. 1 Uses senses to take in, experience, integrate, and regulate responses
to the environment.
Program Standard
Early care and education programs in Wisconsin will provide increasingly
complex and diverse opportunities for children to integrate input from all sensory
systems and learn to respond appropriately and automatically within their
Developmental Expectation
Children in Wisconsin will integrate
input from all sensory systems and
learn to respond appropriately and
automatically within their environ-
Performance Standard
During the early childhood period, children in Wisconsin will show evidence of
developmentally appropriate abilities in the following areas:
.1a Moves with strength, control, balance, coordination, locomotion, and
Purpose and Coordination
.1b Moves with strength, control, balance, coordination, locomotion, and
Balance and Strength
B.EL. 2 Exhibits eye-hand coordination, strength, control, and object
Program Standard
Early care and education programs in Wisconsin will provide increasingly
complex and diverse opportunities for children to develop their ne and gross
motor skills.
Important Reminders
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards recognize that children are
individuals who develop at individual rates. While they develop in generally similar stages
and sequences, greatly diverse patterns of behavior and learning emerge as
a result of the interaction of several factors, including genetic predisposition and
physical characteristics, socio-economic status, and the values, beliefs, and cultural
and political practices of their families and communities. The Wisconsin Model Early
Learning Standards reect expectations for a typically developing child; adapting
and individualizing learning experiences accommodates optimal development for all
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards developmental continuum and sample
behaviors ARE NOT intended to be used as age markers, a prescriptive listing of
development with every rst item in a continuum starting at birth, nor as a comprehensive
or exhaustive set of sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults.
Developmental Expectation
Children in Wisconsin will develop
and rene their use of small and
gross motor skills.
Physical Health and Development
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: A.EL. 1a Demonstrates behaviors to meet seLf-heLp anD physicaL neeDs
Engages in periods
of sleep and
wakefulness varying
in length and time of
day or night.
Child sleeps for short periods of time
that could vary from minutes to hours
in length and wakes when hungry or
Child may have day and night mixed up
and may have longer periods of being
awake and alert during the night.
Child may suddenly cry or make vocal
noises during sleep.
When child wakes, watch for signs of hunger such as rooting
with the mouth or putting hands near the mouth.
Allow child to follow own pattern of waking and sleeping. He or
she will gradually begin to sleep more at night and less during
the day.
It is normal for the child to make noises or even cry for short
periods of time—even when asleep. If the child cries harder or
for more than a few seconds he/she is indicating the need for
something else (hunger or the need to be held).
Rests for periods
throughout the day
with assistance of
Child may nap for 1-3 hours and be
active and alert during wake hours.
Child may delay sleeping by demanding
things such as a drink or to play longer.
Child may be tired and grumpy during the
day after a sleepless night.
Create a consistent time of day for child to lie down and rest for
several hours.
Set a naptime routine such as reading a short book, darkening
the child’s sleeping area, and playing quiet music.
Parents and caregivers should communicate together to
establish evening and morning routines that calm children.
If child resists rest when showing signs of tiredness, calmly
say things such as, “You are acting like you are tired—you are
crying and your eyes look tired—you will feel better after you
rest for awhile.”
Begins to follow
predictable sleeping
Child becomes calm and falls asleep
when rocked.
Child sleeps through the night.
Child falls asleep and wakes at
approximately the same time each day/
Watch child for signs of tiredness such as rubbing eyes or
crying and gently rub back or rock to help fall asleep.
Be alert to the time of day or routine of child’s sleep pattern and
begin to put child in his/her crib when it is time to sleep. Assist
him/her to calm self by playing soft, rhythmic music, providing
comfort object, such as a pacier, or gently patting back.
Recognizes physical
need for rest/sleep
and cares for own
Child gradually eliminates naps.
Child chooses quiet activity such as
looking at a book when feeling physically
Child says, “I’m tired” and lies down to
As child begins to show signs of needing less rest during the
day, provide quiet activities such as reading books together or
putting together a puzzle rather than forcing him/her to sleep.
Allow child to rest when he/she expresses the need—he/she
is learning to care for his/her physical needs in an appropriate
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Cooperates with
dressing by extending
arm or leg.
Child holds arm out so that shirt can
be pulled over his/her head.
Talk to the child as you dress him/her telling the child what
you are doing. For example, “ We’re going to put your shirt
on—rst we put your head in, now your arms, and now we
pull it down.”
Provide clothing for child that is easy to pull on/off—such
as pants with elastic. Point out to the child that the tag in
the clothing goes in the back.
Physical Health and Development (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: A.EL. 1b Demonstrates behaviors to meet seLf-heLp anD physicaL neeDs
self with assistance.
Child delights at removing clothing such as
hat, socks, shoes.
Child helps adult when pulling on and off
clothing such as pants, socks, shirt, and coat.
Child pulls shirt or pants up awkwardly at rst
then with more skill with purpose of dressing/
undressing self.
Child begins to use simple fasteners such as
Velcro, zippers (if zipper is started for them),
or tying shoes.
Allow child to physically help you take clothing off—letting
them feel what it’s like to pull off of arms and legs.
Show the child how to pull a zipper up and down, how to
put Velcro together, and how to button large buttons.
Help the child practice using fasteners using toys or dolls
with fasteners.
Talk to the child while you are working together so he/she
begins to also understand the names of clothing articles.
Dresses self with
minimal assistance.
Child is able to put on all articles of clothing
including shirts with buttons or pants with
zippers. He/she will require assistance at rst
to align buttons or start zippers on coats.
Child ties own shoes with skill.
Child selects clothes to wear by himself/
Teach child how to do things such as start zippers or fasten
small buttons or snaps. If the child becomes frustrated,
calmly and gently assist him/her and praise attempts.
For example, “Great job—you zipped the zipper up and
down—or—you got your coat on all by yourself!”
If child becomes frustrated and unwilling to try, gently help
him/her rather than taking over the task. Even though it
takes more time than just doing it yourself, it will help the
child learn to do it by himself/herself.
Depends on adult
to care for dressing
Child relies on adult to dress him/her
appropriately for the environment.
Dress child appropriately for the temperature of his/her
surroundings and in clothing comfortable for sleeping.
The child’s preference for being kept warm or cool varies.
Determine child’s comfort level by watching his/her physical
reactions. The child may show that he/she is too hot or cold
by squirming, getting red cheeks, or crying.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Seeks assistance
with diapering and
Child may vocalize or hide when he/she has a
soiled diaper.
Child verbalizes need to use toilet and rushes
to toilet—has occasional accidents.
Child pulls down pants (with assistance) and sits.
Help child begin to use the toilet when it appears he/she
is aware of a soiled diaper, is uncomfortable with it, and is
able to physically get to the bathroom and pull down own
Help child become aware of when he/she needs to use the
toilet by asking on a regular basis.
Physical Health and Development (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: A.EL. 1c Demonstrates behaviors to meet seLf-heLp anD physicaL neeDs
Depends on adult
to care for diapering
Child may become fussy or try to get adult
attention when diaper is dirty or wet.
Change child’s diaper at regular intervals to prevent diaper
Takes responsibility
for toileting.
Child anticipates need to use the bathroom
and asks to “go.”
Child may need assistance to manipulate
pant’s fasteners.
Child may need reminders and/or assistance
with personal hygiene during toileting.
When away from home, such as a car trip, plan regular
bathroom stops to help the child learn to plan for his/her
toileting needs.
During this period of learning, avoid clothing with tough to
manipulate fasteners so that the child can easily care for
his/her own needs.
Teach child how to properly clean himself/herself and how
to properly wash hands following toileting.
Takes full
responsibility for
toileting during day
and night.
Child uses the bathroom with no reminding or
Child may occasionally have “accidents”—
particularly at night.
It is normal for the child to have toileting accidents
through the age of six or seven years. It is important not
to punish but to remind child to use the bathroom earlier
the next time he/she needs to “go.”
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Feeds self with adult
Child uses ngers to feed self cereal or
Child assists adult in feeding by placing hand
on spoon or adult’s hand.
Child makes noises or points to refrigerator or
kitchen cupboard indicating desire for food.
Child feeds self by using utensils such as
small spoon or fork, awkwardly at rst but
becomes more skilled with practice.
Put simple foods such as cereal or crackers on tray in
front of child. This will give the child practice using his/her
ngers to pick up food and get it to his/her mouth.
Allow the child to assist you in feeding—allowing him/her
to hang onto spoon if desired. This is how the child learns
to do it by himself/herself. Be prepared for the messiness
that happens by using large washable bibs, a covering on
the oor, and having a wet washcloth available!
When child indicates he/she is hungry through pointing or
gestures, say, “You’re hungry” or “You’re thirsty.” This will
help him/her learn the language needed to get food.
Physical Health and Development (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: A.EL. 1d Demonstrates behaviors to meet seLf-heLp anD physicaL neeDs
Physically and
verbally indicates
need for food.
Child cries or roots mouth near nipple when
Upon sight of the bottle child makes a noise
or reaches for it.
If not hungry, child doesn’t eat when given bottle.
Learn to recognize child’s signals for hunger and
respond promptly. The child is born with an internal
signal for hunger and by responding promptly you are
conrming that need in an appropriate fashion. This is
also a critical time for building a trusting relationship
with the child.
Provide a calm environment in which to feed the young
child. Talk, hum, or sing to him/her during feeding time.
Never force a child to eat. It’s possible the child’s cry
or fussiness (that you thought meant hunger) is actually
a need for something else, such as to be held and comforted.
Feeds self with
Child recognizes feeling of physical hunger
and says, “I’m hungry.” (Not just at sight of
Child is able to pour liquid from small pitcher
without spilling.
Child becomes skilled at using spoon and fork
and using table knife for cutting softer foods.
Child selects food he/she is hungry for and
serves self the appropriate amount on plate.
Recognizes feeling of fullness and says, “I’m
Uses appropriate
table etiquette or
manners during
Assists adult in setting table with plates,
silverware, napkin, and cup.
Asks to have food passed. For example,
“Please pass the rice.”
The child naturally selects foods that his/her body needs.
Provide healthy choices and allow the child to choose
which foods and how much of each. Let the child serve
Help the child to put appropriate amounts of food on his/
her plate. The child will have a tendency to put a large
amount of food on his/her plate when feeling really hungry.
Assure the child that he/she can take more if still hungry
when nished with what’s on the plate.
Never force the child to eat. Be a role model in
encouraging the child to try new foods.
Teach child to set the table by using a placemat with
tableware drawn in the appropriate spot.
Model or practice asking for food to be passed at the table
or asking to be excused from the table. The child learns
quickly and it’s a good time to teach behavior he/she will
be expected to use the rest of his/her life.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Physical Health and Development (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: A.EL. 2 Demonstrates behaviors to meet safety neeDs
Shows awareness
of new/
situations or
Child clings to parent or familiar adult when
entering a new situation or when strangers are
Child may cry at the sound of angry voices or
loud toys.
Help the child feel safe when entering new situations or
meeting new people by holding his/her hand securely or
telling them softly that you are there.
The child may respond to fear and other threatening emotions
from the adults around him/her. Remain calm and talk to the
child in a reassuring voice to help him/her feel safe.
Shows preference for
parent(s) or primary
Child turns head to parent’s voice.
Child becomes calmer more quickly when being
comforted by parent or primary caregiver.
Life-long bonds between parent and child are formed in the
rst hours/days of life. Spend time holding and talking to
your child as much as possible.
Shows awareness
of danger in harmful
situations and begins
to recognize simple
Child walks in swimming pool area when told
to walk by lifeguard.
While playing in a sandbox together, child
tells playmate, “You’re not supposed to throw
Child does not respond when a stranger asks
a question.
Follows rules with
little supervision.
Child doesn’t touch matches or electrical
plugs, and is able to tell another child not to
touch because, “It is dangerous!”
Child stops and looks both ways before
crossing the street.
Child follows re drill procedure without
reminder or direction from adult.
Tell and model consistent, clear rules to follow regarding
health and safety, such as staying away from matches or
what to do if a stranger approaches them when they are not
with an adult.
Praise child when you witness him/her observing safety
rules. For example, “You are doing a good job stopping and
looking both ways before crossing the street!”
Every home or child care program should have a plan for
what to do in case of a re. Practice your plan with the
child so that he/she will know what to do in case of an
When it appears child is beginning to understand rules, give
child simple rules to follow. Tell him/her what you want him
to do. For example, say “Walk by the pool;” not “Don’t run.”
Teach the child what a stranger is and that he/she should
not talk to or go with strangers.
Help child recognize gures of authority that can help him/
her such as police ofcers, re ghters, or crossing guards.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Shows awareness
of need for
personal hygiene
and exercise.
Child may make a face or point at his/her stuffy
nose - indicating a need to have it wiped.
Child stands on adult’s lap while adult holds
Child says “ucky” and points to hands that need
to be washed.
While caring for child’s hygiene needs, talk to the child about
what you are doing. For example, say “Your nose is runny,
we need to wipe it with a tissue.” This will help him/her learn
to use the words associated with the actions.
Play simple games with the child to help him/her stretch and
get physical movement. Place child on a blanket on oor with
toys to reach.
Make a regular practice of brushing child’s teeth allowing
child to hold on to the toothbrush with you to help.
Physical Health and Development (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: A.EL. 3 Demonstrates a heaLthy Life styLe
Depends on
adult to care for
personal hygiene
and exercise
Child relies on adult to wipe nose (but may fuss
mildly at the action).
Child relies on adult to clean body on a regular
Child displays need to move or change positions —
such as changing from sitting in an infant chair to
lying on back on blanket.
Bath time can be a fun time between child and adult. Talk
and sing to the child during bath time—telling him/her what
you are doing as you do it. Remember to always check the
water temperature before placing child in the water.
If child has been fed and is rested but still indicating a
need for something, he/she may just want to be moved—
either to be held or have his/her position changed.
Responding to the child’s behavior will help him/her learn
to communicate needs to you.
Well-child check-ups at the child’s regular health-care
provider are an important way of keeping track of the
child’s health status. Discussion of the child’s height/
weight, eating, sleeping, and exercise patterns are very
important right from birth.
Begins to take
responsibility for
personal hygiene
and exercise
Child reaches for tissue and attempts to wipe
own nose.
Child washes and dries own hands—when
Child brushes own teeth—with reminding.
Child expresses need to get up and run after
sitting for a length of time.
Cares for
personal health,
hygiene, and
exercise needs
Child washes hands regularly and as needed
without prompting from adult.
Child understands that brushing teeth and
exercising regularly is needed to remain healthy.
Child understands the role of the dentist and
doctor in helping him/her to remain healthy.
Continue to encourage and praise child for engaging in
healthy practices such as regular hand washing, brushing
teeth, and using a tissue to wipe a runny nose.
Talk to child about the role of doctors and dentists to help
us stay healthy and that they are not just people that care
for us when we are sick.
Support young child in participating in community youth
activities such as swimming lessons, theater, art classes, etc.
Help the child to develop a routine for washing hands
(especially before and after meals) and brushing teeth.
The young child needs exercise to be healthy. Create
times for children to run and stretch and move. Do things
such as go to the park, go for walks, go swimming, and
play physical games together.
Model healthy exercise habits. The more the young child
sees the adults exercising and using their bodies the more
likely it is that the child will choose to exercise his/her
Regular visits to the dentist help children become
accustomed to this.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Motor Development
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B.EL. 1a moves with strength, controL, baLance, coorDination, Locomotion, anD enDurance
Manipulates objects
with hands.
Child reaches for and grabs rattle or toy of
Child takes cracker or cereal from high chair
tray and puts in mouth.
Child locates, grabs, and mouths toys and/or
any small object within reach.
While child is sitting, shake a rattle to encourage him/her
to reach for and grab it.
Put cereal or pieces of graham crackers on child’s high
chair tray within reach so the child can practice picking up
small objects with the hands and ngers.
Rolls over.
While lying on stomach child rolls awkwardly
to back (usually by accident the rst several
Child becomes stronger and faster at rolling
both front to back and back to front.
Child may occasionally roll body purposefully
numerous times to reach another location.
Place child on tummy on a blanket on the oor and watch
for signs that he/she is beginning to move his or her body
in a way that could lead to rolling over.
In the beginning it may help to gently take the child’s legs
and push to assist rolling all the way over.
Put toys that the child really enjoys just out of reach so that
he/she will be encouraged to roll body over to get the toy.
Child uses either arms or legs to move body
forward or backward a short distance, often
without realizing he/she is moving.
Child scoots body forward or backward with
more strength using either arms or legs—
sometimes both—with purpose of reaching
object or person.
Child is able to raise body onto hands and
knees and move in all directions in coordinated
fashion (often with considerable speed).
Provide lots of opportunities for children to move arms and
legs by placing on a large blanket or rug and placing toys of
interest nearby, encouraging him/her to move to get the toys.
A young child learning to crawl can be surprisingly fast
and can maneuver his/her body into small, unexpected
spaces such as under TV’s or small tables. Make sure the
environment is safe for the child to move around in without
having things topple over onto them if bumped.
Walks and climbs on
low objects.
Child uses furniture or people to pull self up.
Child stands up and moves around furniture
(while hanging onto furniture for support)—
often in an attempt to reach desired object on
top of furniture (such as toy, food, or a pet).
Child stands up and climbs onto furniture or
small playground equipment such as slide—
sometimes to reach on object and sometimes
“just to climb.”
As child is learning to get body up onto furniture or people, offer
a hand of support at rst to maneuver getting up and down.
Be very aware of furniture with sharp edges or corners
and/or breakable items that could be fallen on. As the child
is learning to use the muscles in his/her arms, legs, and
bodies the child will fall often. It’s best to have a safe (and
relatively soft) environment in which to learn.
Provide low objects to crawl onto such as toddler size
slides or small boxes. The child will love simply going
up and down for long periods of time, and this gives the
child’s muscles lots of good exercise.
Walks up and
down stairs with
alternating steps.
Child walks up and down stairs one step at a
time, with adult assistance.
Child walks up and down stairs, holding onto
railing, one step at a time.
Child walks up and down stairs, holding onto
railing, alternating feet. Child walks on a variety
of surfaces without assistance.
Hold onto child’s hand securely while he/she is learning to
walk up and down stairs. Child will begin by placing feet
together one step at a time.
Allow child opportunity to practice moving up stairs then
gradually become secure in also going down stairs.
Provide close supervision to prevent accidents.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Motor Development
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B.EL. 1b moves with strength, controL, baLance, coorDination, Locomotion, anD enDurance
Sits independently
with balance.
Child sits upright on adult’s lap.
Child remains upright when placed in sitting
position on oor.
Child sits upright on oor while playing with
toys without assistance of adult or infant chair.
Set child on blanket on oor—at rst with some support
of a nearby large pillow. Make sure there are no hard or
sharp objects nearby if child tips over.
Set child on blanket on ground or oor placing a favorite
toy between child’s legs—encouraging child to balance
and sit upright to play with toy.
Stands without
Child lets go of table and remains standing for
a few seconds.
Child stands in a wide stance after letting go of
adult’s hand or nger.
Child becomes increasingly more stable when
standing on own without support of object or
Observe child as he/she maneuvers around low furniture.
Watch for signs that the child is starting to stand without
support for a few seconds.
Help child to stand with support of two ngers and gently
remove ngers, but stay close, encouraging child to stand
Walks, runs, climbs,
jumps, skips, and
hops with control.
Child can walk for sustained periods of time
without reaching for objects or falling.
Child runs across room after pet or another child.
Child can hop on two feet, at rst hopping in
place and gradually hops and moves forward
with skill.
Child stands and balances on one foot without
assistance for more than a few seconds.
Provide opportunity for child to run, hop, jump, etc., by
going to the park, playing outside, or going to the gym and
playing together.
Provide a swing set, slide, riding toys, tricycle, or climbing
structure in your home, school, or child care center and
provide opportunity every day to play on it.
Create fun things to climb on indoors such as big boxes,
piles of pillows, or even small step stools.
Throws objects with
strength and control.
Child pushes large ball forward along the oor
with both arms.
Child throws a large playground ball
underhand, reaching up from knees and
throwing without a lot of direction at rst.
Child throws a small ball or beanbag overhand
to a target (such as aiming for a basket or box).
Sit or kneel on the oor near child and roll a large ball back
and forth to the child.
Play “catch” with child by throwing and catching a large
soft ball such as beach ball. You will be doing more
catching at rst than throwing.
Give child tennis balls, beanbags, or soft, squishy balls
(such as Koosh balls), and a big box or basket to throw the
balls into. You can extend it into a math activity by counting
how many balls the child gets into the basket successfully.
Squats without
Child squats down to pick up toy without
Child squats down to look under table or inside
a play tunnel to look inside.
Peek under one end of a small table such as a coffee table
and call child’s name. Encourage child to bend or squat
down to peek back at you.
Hold a toy down low to encourage child to squat while
reaching for it.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Motor Development
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B.EL. 2 exhibits eye-hanD coorDination, strength, controL, anD object manipuLation
Tracks objects
visually and focuses
on an object or
Child turns head and visually follows objects
and familiar faces.
Child focuses on the movement of a ceiling fan
or leaves blowing in the breeze.
Child purposefully focuses eyes on a toy,
familiar person, or area of interest (such as a
colorful light or leaves moving in a tree) for a
sustained period of time.
Child watches items of interest or a nearby
child for longer periods of time as attention
span increases.
Provide toys and moving objects in the environment, e.g.,
mobiles, activity center, books, mirrors, and rattles.
Smile and look into the child’s eyes as you talk with him/her.
Position child on the oor or in infant seat so that he/she
can see objects of interest easily without needing to turn
body uncomfortably.
Reaches for and
grasps objects.
Child moves both arms toward dangling toy.
Child can transfer an object purposefully from
hand to hand.
Child can feed self a cookie or cracker.
Coordinates eyes
with hands and
uses both hands
with intention and
Child uses thumb and forenger to pick up
pieces of cereal.
With supervision child drops two or three beads
into a container before dumping them out and
starting over.
Child scribbles on paper holding crayon or
marker with different kinds of grasps but
beginning to use thumb and ngertips.
Hold cereal or small crackers in front of child in your hand
so that he/she can pick them out of your hand (or off of
high chair tray).
Give child bowl and plastic beads to put in and out of bowl.
Give child large crayon or marker (with supervision) and a
large piece of paper to mark on.
Performs simple
ne motor skills
and manipulates
smaller objects with
increasing control.
Child draws a line with a crayon or marker on
drawing paper.
Child ts together a wide variety of
manipulatives such as large stringing beads,
large puzzle pieces, play dough and cookie
cutters, or large Legos.
Child makes snips on paper with a scissors.
Help child learn how to hold marker or large crayon and
together make marks on paper. Gradually lessen your
assistance until child is holding marker correctly and using
it to mark paper.
Provide t-together toys, 2-4 piece puzzles for child to play
with under your supervision.
Sit on oor with child and play along side child modeling
how to put objects together, string beads, make shapes
with play dough, etc.
Uses strength and
control to perform
complex ne motor
Child can control a marker, crayon, or pencil to
create some shapes.
Child can cut lines and curves with scissors.
Child can use small tools such as staplers or
paper punches.
Child uses a spoon, fork, and small table knife
at mealtimes.
Child can button and zip clothing and may tie
Child puts together small manipulatives such
as small stringing beads and small building
Put together a “writing” box containing a variety of writing
utensils and a variety of papers. Get it out for child to play
when you are able to “play along side” the child.
Teach child how to use fork and spoon to serve self and
how to cut soft foods (e.g., green beans or large pasta)
with a table knife. Allow him/her to spread butter or jelly on
toast “all by himself.”
Teach child how to manipulate buttons and zippers. Praise
child for doing it “all by himself.”
Include toys with small manipulatives in child’s assortment
of toys. Be aware of toys with small pieces that might be a
choking hazard in case little ones are nearby.
Hold rattle or interesting toys in front of child to reach for.
Hand child crackers or small cookies.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Exhibits responses
to physical stimuli.
Child explores objects such as toys or
hands with the mouth.
Child will anticipate and imitate facial
expressions of parent(s) or trusted
Child tolerates and shows enjoyment of
touch to body, arms, legs, and face.
Child may turn head away from bright
light or loud sounds.
Child receives much sensory information in the area around his
or her mouth. Provide a variety of safe, clean toys for the child to
explore with his/her mouth.
A child receives visual cues from the facial expressions of those he/
she trusts and is around most often. By smiling, talking, and providing
positive feedback to the child, you are teaching him/her to use the
information he/she is receiving from the senses in the development
of a positive self image.
Touch is an important way for the child to develop a feeling of security
and to learn about his/her own body. Gently massaging or rubbing
the infant’s back, arms, or legs will help the child’s sensory system
begin to learn to take in information from all parts of his/her body.
A child’s cries don’t always mean the child is hungry or needs
a diaper changed—it could mean the child is trying to adjust to
the messages he is receiving from the environment around him.
Observe child’s reaction to noise or light. If child seems agitated if
light is bright—try adjusting to see if this makes a difference to child’s
Exhibits body
awareness and
begins to move in
intentional fashion.
Child intentionally sucks hand or uses
pacier to calm self.
Child intentionally reaches for a toy or colorful
object and passes it from hand to hand.
Child turns toward object or rolls over to
reach object while lying on his/her back.
Child tolerates and is able to adjust
reaction to being swung, rocked, or spun.
As the child develops, he/she will become more skilled at
calming himself/herself when tired or when his/her senses are
overloaded. It is healthy for the child to learn to start to regulate
his/her own behaviors and not rely on adults to always care for
his/her needs. Adults can support the child to do this by allowing
the child to have the opportunity to do it himself/herself. He/she
may need a little help with things such as putting the pacier
back in his mouth.
Both sides of the child’s brain are becoming more coordinated at
working together. This is supported by giving the child objects to
manipulate in his/her hands, or objects to visually track overhead.
A child learns to move his muscles intentionally by experiencing
his/her body moving in different ways. Place toys to attract the
child’s attention nearby to motivate him/her to turn from side to
side and eventually roll over. The child’s brain and muscles are
learning to operate together through this practicing.
Discuss with your pediatrician if child cries, or shows unusual
discomfort or distress by various types movement. This might be
an indication of child’s sensitivity to sensory input.
Sensory Organization
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL.1 uses senses to take in, experience, integrate, anD reguLate responses to the
Skills become more
rened; acts and
moves with increased
intention and purpose.
Child is becoming more skilled at eye-
hand coordination and can successfully
draw with a crayon, pour from a small
pitcher, button a shirt, or string beads.
Child negotiates simple obstacle course.
Child seeks and plays in enclosed areas,
e.g., cloth tunnel or boxes.
Child is able to transition from one
activity to another without becoming
anxious or upset.
Provide lots of materials for child to manipulate and practice
coordinating his/her eye and hand movements together such
as large crayons, markers, stacking blocks, stringing beads,
puzzles, etc.
By running “around” or “through” objects on a playground or a
simple obstacle course set out in the house, the child is learning
to problem solve and do spatial planning that are important in
the development of future math concepts.
The child is increasing awareness of his/her body in space
by seeking out enclosed spaces where he/she experiences
boundaries closer to the body.
Giving warning before moving to a new activity may help the
child cope with change, e.g., “In a few minutes we are going to
pick up toys and get ready to go in the car.”
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Anticipates and
adjusts behavior
efciently and
engages in complex
skills and abstract
Child selects appropriate clothing for the
weather or adjusts water temperature
Child uses words to express a need to get up
and run after sitting for 20 minutes or longer.
Child’s large and small muscle ability is quickly
becoming more rened, and the child is able
to do things such as use a pencil and use the
appropriate amount of pressure in writing.
Child is able to tolerate or suppress “reexive
responses” to sensations such as an itchy tag
on clothing or walking on wet grass.
Help child learn to anticipate changes in the environment
by saying things like, “It is cold out today, what will you
have to put on before you go outside?” Or, “The library is a
quiet place, we have to use our soft voices.”
As children get older they are able to tolerate sitting quietly
for longer periods. But, if children are tired or if they have
already been sitting and not moving for a long time, help
them get some of the energy out of their muscles by
running or playing on play equipment for a short time.
Children learn to integrate their senses through
experiencing different situations and using a variety of
materials. Provide many different kinds of experiences for
the child that engages his or her large and small muscles
and thinking skills.
If a child shows exaggerated responses to things such
as clothing tags, changes in walking surfaces, etc., it is
recommended to discuss this behavior with the child’s
pediatrician or teacher. This type of reaction may indicate
sensitivity to various sensory inputs.
Sensory Organization (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL.1 uses senses to take in, experience, integrate, anD reguLate responses to the
environment (continueD)
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
Section Two
Developmental Expectation
Children in Wisconsin will demon-
strate emotional competence and self
Performance Standard
During the early childhood period, children in Wisconsin will show evidence of
developmentally appropriate abilities in the following areas:
A.EL. 1 Expresses a wide range of emotions.
A.EL. 2 Understands and responds to others’ emotions.
Program Standard
Early care and education programs in Wisconsin will provide the environment,
context, and opportunities for children to develop emotional competence and
Developmental Expectation
Children in Wisconsin will have a per-
sonal sense of well being.
This domain includes children’s feelings about themselves and others, their
ability to form relationships, interest in and skills needed to maintain positive
relationships with adults and children, ability to understand the perspective
and feelings of others, and skills needed to succeed in a group setting. Social
and emotional competence is developed from infancy, through the toddler and
preschool years, and beyond. Children’s early relationships are the foundation
for social and emotional competence and affects all other developmental
domains. Social competence is the ability to achieve personal goals in social
interactions while maintaining positive relationships with others.
Social and emotional development is an ongoing process of skills acquisition
and mastery, involving emotions, perception, cognition, and language. There
is a direct relationship between a child’s social and emotional well being and
overall success in school and life. Emotional development is a complex process,
involving a range and intensity of emotional reactions, perception of emotions
in self and others, emotional self-regulation, and behavioral expressions of
emotions. Emotional development occurs through the interactions of a child’s
temperament in the context of relationship and experience. Self-concept refers to
a child’s developing awareness of self in relation to others, sense of well being,
and trust that he or she has a right to a place in the world. Children depend
upon their interactions with adults and peers to construct a sense of self. Social
competence is a culturally determined construct that includes the self-regulation
needed to succeed in social settings.
Performance Standard
During the early childhood period, children in Wisconsin will show evidence of
developmentally appropriate abilities in the following areas:
B.EL. 1 Develops positive self-esteem.
B.EL. 2 Demonstrates self-awareness.
Program Standard
Early care and education programs in Wisconsin will provide the environment,
context, and opportunities for children to develop a personal sense of well-being.
Developmental Expectation
Children in Wisconsin will form and
maintain secure relationships and gain
understanding of social systems.
Performance Standard
During the early childhood period, children in Wisconsin will show evidence of
developmentally appropriate abilities in the following areas:
C.EL. 1 Demonstrates attachment, trust, and autonomy.
C.EL. 2 Engages in social interaction and plays with others.
C.EL. 3 Demonstrates understanding of rules and social expectations.
C.EL. 4 Engages in social problem solving behavior and learns to
resolve conict.
Program Standard
Early care and education programs in Wisconsin will provide the environment,
context, and opportunities for children to develop social competence.
Important Reminders
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards recognize that children are individuals
who develop at individual rates. While they develop in generally similar stages and
sequences, greatly diverse patterns of behavior and learning emerge as a result of the
interaction of several factors, including genetic predisposition and physical characteristics,
socio-economic status, and the values, beliefs, and cultural and political practices of
their families and communities. The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards reect
expectations for a typically developing child; adapting and individualizing learning
experiences accommodates optimal development for all children.
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards developmental continuum and
sample behaviors ARE NOT intended to be used as age markers, a prescriptive
listing of development with every rst item in a continuum starting at birth, nor as a
comprehensive or exhaustive set of sample behaviors of children and sample strategies
for adults.
Uses words
and gestures to
express more
complex emotions.
Child smiles and giggles when adults play
with him/her.
When he/she cannot have something from
the store, the child falls down and cries.
Child shows signs of jealousy, such as
crawling to and raising his/her arms to an
adult who is holding another child.
Child uses many emotional gestures,
such as pouting, whining, and crying to
convey desire for objects.
Child actively shows affection for familiar
person: hugs, smiles at, runs toward,
leans against, etc.
Emotional Development
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: A.EL. 1 expresses a wiDe range of emotions
Uses facial
expressions and
body movements
to express comfort
or discomfort.
Child cries to express needs for food, sleep,
diaper change, position change, or holding.
Child exhibits mutual gaze with adult
during routine care giving or play activities.
Child begins to smile
Child signals over-stimulation by looking
Child molds and relaxes body when held
and cuddled.
Child adopts a rigid posture when upset.
Respond promptly and consistently to crying to meet needs while
talking in a pleasant and caring way.
Tune in to the child’s cues to determine when he/she is receptive to
social play and when he/she needs a break.
Talk to the child while changing diaper, feeding, and dressing.
Use daily activities as natural opportunities to shape emotional
Experiment with many ways to hold a child to provide comfort.
Communicate with other adults to provide consistent and positive
interactions for the child.
Learn to read the child’s signals.
Anticipate and plan activities according to the child’s needs.
Respond promptly to the child’s cues.
Experiment to determine what works and when it works.
Child shakes head for “no” and runs away
from caregiver.
Child may start to bite or hit because he/
she does not have words to express his/
her emotions yet.
Child may hit another and say “that’s
mine” to show anger/frustration when
another child takes a toy away.
Child jumps up and down and says, “I
want more bubbles” when enjoying time
outside with activity.
Child starts to imitate adult social
behaviors using words such as “please”
and “thank you.”
Mirror back gestures and expand upon what the child might be
feeling. For example, “I can tell that you do not want to come inside
right now. After we eat, we can go back outside.”
Give the child the desired strategy to get what they want. For
example, say to the child, “If you want more cheese, say, more
cheese please.” Then when the child does say “more cheese
please,” reinforce the child by saying, “You asked for more cheese.
That was a good way to let me know you wanted more.”
Acknowledge feelings of both children, then model strategies to
share. For example, “You’re angry and frustrated because you both
want to play with the same toy!”
Teach the child new words for complex feelings such as
embarrassed, proud, satised, and confused. Show them pictures
or photos of people with different expressions, and ask him/her
what feelings he/she thinks the person might have.
Model proper words and phrases, such as please, thank you, I’m
sorry, it’s okay, we’ll work it out, how can I help, etc.
Respect and reinforce rituals and routines that help the child work
through common emotions during the day. (Snack after nap, story
before bedtime, etc.)
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Acknowledge and name/label the emotion that the child may be
feeling based on behavior he/she exhibits. For example, “It looks
like you might be angry because you can’t use that toy.”
Use calm and understanding voice tones and body language in
response to the child showing emotion.
Communicate with the child at eye level so he/she can see your
facial expressions.
Set aside times every day to have fun with the child and point out
the many emotions involved in everyday life.
Displays a variety
of emotions:
interest, pleasure,
anger, surprise,
anxiety, sadness,
joy, excitement,
disgust, and
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Emotional Development (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: A.EL.1 expresses a wiDe range of emotions (continueD)
Uses verbal and
nonverbal language to
express emotions in
appropriate situations
such as distress,
contentment, surprise,
disgust, jealousy, and
Child nds an adult and asks, “Will you help
me?” when he/she is feeling frustrated with
a task.
Child wants to please friends, can be bossy
toward others, and tries to handle situations
that he/she has seen modeled by adults, in
the media, and elsewhere.
Child starts to become upset and then uses
a strategy that an adult has taught him/her
to handle his/her feelings.
The comfort level of the child starts to increase when
talking with and accepting guidance and directions from
familiar adults.
When a child tells you he/she is feeling upset or angry,
calmly and positively reinforce them for recognizing his/her
feelings and dealing with them in an appropriate manner.
Read books to the child that show how emotions are
expressed in a variety of situations.
Provide the child with a variety of opportunities to express
his/her feelings through music, movement, art, nature, and
other creative endeavors.
Explain that all emotions are okay, but there are socially
acceptable ways to express those emotions.
awareness of own
emotions and
exhibits self-control.
Child waits to take his/her turn.
Child walks away from a situation when he/
she is angry and returns later more self-
Child agrees to the demands or desires of
another child.
When frustrated or upset, the child nds a quiet
place to play or engages in a calming activity.
Child keeps himself/herself occupied when
waiting for food to be served.
Give the child recognition and reinforcement for being
able to manage his/her emotions.
Give the child plenty of time to resolve conicts
independently before stepping in to assist even though
his/her solution may not be ideal.
Support the child’s decisions whenever possible as
long as he/she is safe from harm.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Observes and
imitates emotional
interactions of others.
Child imitates various actions that he/she has
seen, such as patting a doll on the back after
seeing an adult burp an infant.
Child repeats inappropriate word that he/she
has heard adults use, without understanding
the meaning.
Child wants rituals to be carried out in the
same way every day.
Child watches facial expressions and
gestures of others around them and imitates
what he/she sees and hears.
Emotional Development (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: A.EL.2 unDerstanDs anD responDs to others emotions
Responds to positive
emotional interactions
with coos and smiles,
and shows distress to
negative interactions.
Child reaches out, smiles, and laughs in order
to gain attention.
Child may show distress by waving arms and
kicking restlessly.
May cry or grimace when child hears other
infants cry.
Child babbles or coos and pauses to wait for
a response from an adult.
A child uses adults for social referencing. This means
that a child relies on adults to interpret the world around
them, such as how to react in an unfamiliar situation or to
unfamiliar people.
Adults’ moods, gestures, and facial expressions may impact
how a child reacts when perceiving whether he/she is safe
or threatened. Synaptic connections are starting to form
in the infant brain that set positive or negative patterns in
motion. Thus, more positive interactions/experiences in
infancy and early childhood strengthen “positive” pathways,
while more negative interactions/experiences strengthen
“negative” pathways.
Adult depression can affect the emotional security of infants
with whom they interact.
Associates words
and gestures with a
variety of emotions
expressed by others.
Child observes friend crying and says, “He’s
sad because he wants his dad.”
Child expresses feelings in symbolic play.
May play out roles in dramatic play situations,
e.g., child plays doctor in the dramatic play
area and talks about fears, previous times
he/she was hurt, and how he/she has been
comforted in the past.
Child expresses feelings, needs, and
opinions in difcult situations or conicts such
as saying, “No, that’s mine” or putting up a
hand to signal “STOP.”
Through conversation and stories, point out how someone
may have felt in a particular situation.
Use music and movement activities to act out feelings.
Use role play with puppets to teach the child how to talk to
others during various situations.
Model the framework, “I feel... when...” and encourage child
to use these words with each other and with adults.
empathy by
the feelings of
another person
and responding
Child comforts a friend who has been hurt
such as getting a band aid for a friend with a
scrape on her knee.
Child wants equality in treatment, but starts to
understand that someone with greater need
should get special consideration.
Child shows progress in developing
friendships with peers by sharing food, toys,
and interests.
Child starts to show awareness of the world
around him/her and that others may have
unique challenges that he/she deals with
daily, e.g., child says, “Bonnie needs to wear
glasses because she needs them to see, so
we need to be careful not to bump them.”
Assist the child in recognizing and understanding how
others might be feeling by pointing out facial expressions,
voice tone, body language, or words.
Model how to show empathy by responding appropriately to
others’ feelings.
Teach the child to care for others by caring for pets,
participating in community projects to help protect the
environment, or to help others in need.
Make get well and thank you cards for family, friends, and
people in the community.
Visit nursing homes and assisted care facilities to have the
child interact with and show compassion for others who
have unique needs and challenges.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
The actions and words of adults set the examples
that children will follow. Model kindness, respect, and
compassion in your thoughts, words, and actions.
When the child uses an inappropriate word, he/she may
only be repeating what he/she heard. Give him/her a better
word to use by your example.
Develop short, manageable transitions and rituals that
provide consistency and comfort.
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
others’ behavior
and emotions
and responds
Child retreats when another child raises his/
her hand as if to hit or stop them.
Child says “It’s not nice to hit” when he/she
observes another child hitting.
Child observes another child’s approach to
problem solving and uses the same strategy.
Emotional Development (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: A.EL.2 unDerstanDs anD responDs to others emotions (continueD)
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Tell the child when you notice his/her appropriate response to
another child’s emotion.
Use stories and puppets to repeat successful and appropriate
strategies that the child has demonstrated.
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
increasing self-
direction, resists
adult control,
and shows
Child attempts self-directed behavior, e.g., “I
can do it myself!”
Child shows initiative by trying new skills that
are out of his/her usual comfort zone, e.g.,
climbing on playground equipment not tried
Child repeatedly tries to open a container and
does not ask for help although he/she may be
Foster the child’s growing independence and self-direction
by letting him/her do things according to his/her own ability,
e.g., giving him/her time to dress and wash himself/herself.
Ignore imperfections and recognize achievements.
Reinforce the child’s attempts at new skills, even if he/she
does not succeed. For example, “You tried climbing the big
Help the child with tasks that he/she cannot do, saying
something like, “You tried to open it but the cover was on
too tight. When your ngers get stronger you will be able to
open it.”
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B.EL.1 DeveLops positive seLf-esteem
Begins to recognize
own abilities; is
aware of self and
own preferences.
Child cries in particular ways to get his/her
needs met.
Child moves toward and gets a favorite toy, then
Child is able to hear what others say and though
he/she cannot speak for awhile, integrates
other’s comments into his/her self-concept.
Child protests when he/she is given water rather
than the juice he/she prefers.
Child smiles and claps hands when he/she
successfully climbs up stairs.
Learn to read the child’s cues/cries and respond
appropriately to meet the child’s needs.
Place favorite toys just a little bit out of reach of the child
and talk to him/her excitedly, noting his/her accomplishment
in getting the toy.
Speak gently and kindly to the child emphasizing that he/
she is a valued and loved individual.
Acknowledge that the child knew the difference between
water and juice and that he/she will have juice sometimes
and water other times.
Clap with the child and say, “You climbed up those stairs all
by yourself, you must be so proud.”
Shows positive self-
image. Knows and
states independent
Child repeats an action or performs a new skill
purposefully to attract attention.
Child says, “I think we should play outside today.”
Exhibits positive
self-concept and
condence in his/
her abilities.
Child becomes more comfortable with his/
her body and surroundings when he/she is
successful at trying new things, which in turn
helps to develop competence and condence
through repetition. (This is why young children
love to dump things out of containers so often or
read the same book over and over again!)
After painting a picture, child wants adult to
write a story about it and insists that the picture
be put on the refrigerator.
Be patient when the child tries novel and familiar things
over and over. He/she is learning how to manipulate his/
her environment and his/her body and to feel successful at
tasks and situations.
Admire and comment on the process that the child used to
make a painting. Use words such as, “Tell me about your
painting.” Recognize that the process not the product is
important for young children.
Avoid judgmental comments and recognize individual
Reinforce the child’s independence when he/she
accomplishes a new skill or task. Cheer and clap!
Afrm the child’s sense of self by positively acknowledging
and reinforcing his or her statements, such as saying,
“That’s a good idea.”
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Displays pride
in his/her
Child takes pride in telling about self, e.g., likes
and dislikes, accomplishments, body image, etc.
Child proudly dresses himself/herself and
admires his/her reection in the mirror.
Share in the child’s pride by repeating what he/she says
such as, “I can see you really like to use the color red.”
Overlook shortcomings and comment on the child’s positive
self-initiative, saying something like, “You chose your own
outt and got dressed all by yourself.”
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Self-concept (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B.EL. 2 Demonstrates seLf-awareness
Becomes aware
of ones self as an
individual while
still connected to
Child no longer believes he/she is physically a
part of his/her closest adult and becomes more
independent, venturing away from the watchful
eye of that closest adult.
Child pays attention to his/her own reection in a
mirror and wants to see others in the mirror too.
Child shows interest in touching others’ faces
and bodies with curiosity.
Child can sometimes appear anxious as he/she
is developing an understanding of his/her likes,
dislikes, and things that frighten him/her.
Child may not always want to do what everyone
else is doing (e.g., at meal time the child wants
to play rather than eat.)
Provide safe, unbreakable mirrors at the child’s level for
the child to explore his/herself. Show child images of him/
herself in a mirror or pictures and state child’s name, e.g.,
“Look, here is David. He has black hair and mommy has
brown hair.”
Offer two choices when possible, and be prepared for
the child to refuse or protest all choices because he/she
is developing awareness of his/her own opinions and
Acknowledge the child’s individual idea even when it is not
acceptable, e.g., “I know you would like to play right now
but we are eating. It is time for you to sit at the table. When
we are done you can go play again.”
Displays personal
preferences and
Child turns head away when no longer hungry.
Child stiffens or pushes away when being held in
an uncomfortable position.
Child notices and explores his/her own hands,
eventually becoming aware that his/her hands
are attached and he/she is in control of making
them do things.
Observe the child’s likes and dislikes. Afrm and accept
his/her response.
Experiment with different positions when holding the child.
Comment on what the child is doing, “You used your hand
to push the mobile. Look how it is swaying.”
Shows awareness
of being part of a
family and a larger
Child names self and family members, pets, and
Child wonders if his/her teacher lives at the early
care and education facility.
When child sees another child at the local library,
he/she says, “We go to the same library.”
awareness of
self as a unique
Child identies own gender and names likes and
dislikes. For example, “You can’t play with us,
you’re a girl!”
Child refers to himself/herself by characteristics
such as “smart,” “fast,” or “strong.”
Child notices that other people have different
skin, hair, or eye color.
Read books and have conversations about individual
strengths and differences. Acknowledge gender difference
without bias.
Use active listening with the child, repeating what he/she
says and expanding upon his/her comments, e.g., “You
see yourself as strong because you could pick up the large
red ball and throw it more than six feet.”
Respond to the child’s comments about differences with a
matter-of-fact approach, e.g., “You noticed that Jamal has
curly hair. You have straight hair. You are different from
each other and that is okay.”
Look at and talk about photos of family members, friends,
pets, etc.
Talk about how family, friends, and other important people in
the child’s life often live in one place and work in another.
When taking the child to places in the community, talk
about how other people he/she knows may go to the same
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Self-concept (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B.EL. 2 Demonstrates seLf-awareness (continueD)
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Identies self as a
member of a specic
culture, group, or
demographic that ts
into a larger world
Child knows full name and is aware of unique
family traditions and routines.
Child talks about whether he/she lives in a
large city, small town, or rural area.
Child shows eagerness to learn about other
ways to experience the world through dance,
music, food, and conversation.
Child starts to learn that humans rely on
plants, animals, and each other for food,
clothing, medicines, and other needs.
Child shows curiosity about other geographic
locations, oceans, rivers, lakes, clouds, stars, etc.
Encourage the child to tell stories about his/her family
Model respect for diverse family types and customs.
Read books that describe all types of families, living styles,
traditions, and situations.
Visit museums, festivals, stores, and restaurants to help
the child become aware of the diversity in the world around
Explore the life cycle of plants and animals to help the
child understand the interdependence between humans
and the natural world.
Show the child world globes, maps, travel books, and
science information. Talk about how people travel to
different places and how they experience things that are
different from where we live.
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Shows anxiety upon
separation from
primary caregiver
and/or familiar adults.
Child cries when parent(s) leave.
Child resists, rejects, or cries in protest when
someone other than a familiar adult tries to
hold, play with, or even looks at him/her.
Child becomes fearful of previously accepted
things and situations.
Establish a routine for times when the child must separate
from his/her parents and/or caregiver (such as giving hugs,
kisses, and waving good-bye).
Introduce the child to new people gradually in the security
of the parent(s) arms.
Express the child’s fear in simple words and reassure him/
her, e.g., “That loud sound scared you, but it won’t hurt you.”
Social Competence
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL.1 Demonstrates attachment, trust, anD autonomy
Becomes calm when
needs are met.
Child cries to express need for attention and
becomes calm when adult holds and comforts
Child may need additional comforting by being
swaddled in a blanket and held by an adult.
After physical needs are met, the child
responds with coos and smiles to adults who
interact with them.
Child asks and looks for his/her blanket or
stuffed animal when it is misplaced and hugs it
closely when found.
A trusting relationship between child and adult is formed
when the adult consistently responds to the child’s needs
with sensitivity, love, and care, e.g., pick up and cuddle
when distressed; feed when hungry; change diapers when
Gently wrap the child in a blanket and hold him/her close
to you when he/she becomes insecure or afraid.
A soft and calm human voice is very comforting to children.
Sing lullabies and songs or hum songs if you are not
comfortable singing.
Transitions into
unfamiliar settings
with assistance of
familiar adults.
Child insists on following familiar adult
Child plays a short distance away from adult,
explores his/her environment, but occasionally
looks back for reassurance.
Child may ask a lot of questions in order to feel
safe and secure.
Child may want to talk to favorite adult about
what he/she did in the unfamiliar experience in
order to process it.
Let the child play where he/she can be within eye contact.
Give the child time to adjust gradually to new surroundings
and activities.
Smile and nod to let the child know you are paying
attention, saying something like, “I see you are playing with
the blocks.”
Give the child a warning signal several minutes before a
change in activity, e.g., “You can play with the truck one
more minute and then we will read books.”
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Shows signs of
security and trust
when separated from
familiar adults.
Child says “bye-bye” and waves when adult
leaves, then happily joins play with others.
Child insists that certain routines for transitions
happen in a set order when familiar adult is not
present and another adult is with him/her.
Child may frequently ask where his/her
“mommy, daddy, auntie, grandma or grandpa”
are during the day.
Acknowledge the child’s feelings and divert his/her
attention to engaging activities, e.g., look at interesting
things in the room, sing a song, read a book, etc.
Develop regular routines for the child so that he/she can
know what to expect. Write them down for adults who may
not know the routine.
Make sure that the child has regular caregivers who are
consistent in providing the routines that he/she needs to
feel safe and secure.
Reassure the child that his/her “mommy, daddy, or most
important adult” is “at work, school, etc.” and will be back
to get him/her after nap, snack, dinner, etc.
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Social Competence (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL.1 Demonstrates attachment, trust, anD autonomy (continueD)
Acts independently
in unfamiliar settings
with unfamiliar
Child takes cues from others in the situation by
watching, listening, and imitating.
Child accepts direction from adult in charge.
Child may question why something has to be
done a certain way if he/she has not done it
that way in the past.
Child transitions into new situations with
Child is often eager to take something home to
help tell his/her family about a new situation.
Talk with child in advance of new situations, e.g., going to
swimming lessons for the rst time, so he/she knows what
to expect. Visit or role-play the new situation beforehand.
Be cognizant that each child is an individual and will
react to new situations and people in a variety of ways
depending upon his/her past experience, learning style,
culture, and biology.
Structure new situations with the child so that he/she
understands what will happen and what behavior is
Reinforce the success that the child had with a new
situation by providing positive comments about what
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Social Competence (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL. 2 engages in sociaL interaction anD pLays with others
Shows interest in
being with others.
Child is attracted by other children playing
nearby and smiles at them.
Child smiles and coos when an older child
makes a face at him/her.
Child crawls toward other children to
investigate what they are doing.
Hold or place the child where he/she is able to see other
children playing.
Encourage older children to play with the younger child,
while adults supervise.
A very young child may explore another child as though
the other child is a “toy.” Allow him/her to interact, making
sure his/her investigations do not cause pain or fear.
Begins to engage in
short play interactions
with others.
Child hands toys to others in an effort to
engage them in play for short periods of time.
Child claps hands to initiate game of pat-a-
Child peeks around objects to initiate a game
of peek-a-boo.
Child participates in songs and nger-plays as
part of regular routines and transitions.
Support the child’s engagement in play by sitting on the
oor with him/her, joining in the play, and following his/her
Reinforce positive play interactions to set the pattern for
successful behavior and reduce challenging behavior.
Engage the child’s participation in daily routines and
transitions by planning fun activities.
Participates in
parallel play with
others for longer
periods of time.
Child works side-by-side with another child,
each putting pieces in his/her own puzzle.
In the sandbox, child plays beside another
child but is engaged in his/her own activity.
Child engages in dress-up and imitates the
behavior of parents, caregivers, or others
but does not attempt to coordinate with other
children playing there as well.
Provide a variety of toys with duplicates of favorites so the
child can play next to other children without disputes.
Provide a clear boundary for the child’s play space by
putting toys on blankets, trays, or placemats.
Provide props for the child to pretend with including vests,
shoes, hats, suitcases, pretend food, dolls, etc.
Allow the child to repeat actions he/she enjoys rather than
forcing him/her to engage in play initiated by adults or
other children.
Participates in
cooperative play with
Child participates in a group game such as
duck-duck-goose or hide and seek.
Child may have difculty transitioning into a
group activity.
Child identies a favorite friend and wants to
play with that friend frequently.
Child wants to be recognized for being a good
friend and helping others.
Provide opportunities for the child to interact with others
in ways that encourages him/her to take turns, exchange
toys, and/or assist anothers.
Provide clear directions as to what will happen next and
facilitate cooperative play interactions.
Help a shy child use the skills and words he/she needs to
develop friendships.
When the child plays with others successfully say
something like, “You are sharing the trucks today and
being good friends.”
respect for others.
Child returns a toy to another child who has
misplaced it.
Child listens when someone else is speaking.
Child acknowledges and accepts differences
in others.
Compliment the child when he/she shows respect. Tell
him/her how proud you are and how good it makes the
other person feel.
Notice when the child is listening to another person
speak and acknowledge him/her before he/she becomes
Provide frequent opportunities to recognize and celebrate
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Social Competence (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL. 3 Demonstrates unDerstanDing of ruLes anD sociaL expectations
Tests adults’
reactions to his or
her behavior and
understands what
“no” means.
Child puts inappropriate objects in mouth but
understands to stop when told “no.”
Child plays games with food to see how adults
will react.
Child wiggles when adult tries to put a clean
diaper on him/her.
Respond to the child in a calm but rm voice and redirect
him/her to an object that is more appropriate to put in his/
her mouth such as a teething ring.
Offer a variety of foods at regular intervals. Allow the child
to choose what he/she will eat.
Understand that the child is feeling the difference between
having the diaper on and off. Tell the child that when the
diaper is on, he/she can go play.
understanding of
simple rules related
primarily to personal
health and safety.
Child attempts to touch electric outlet or
houseplant but looks to adult for reaction
before following through. Leaves the item
alone when adult shakes head “no.”
Child rides in car seat with straps secured
without resisting.
Child imitates behavior of adults, such as
washing hands before eating or wiping off
table after meals.
Child holds adult’s hand when in the store.
Provide a safe environment (e.g., covers on electric
outlets). Use simple words to teach rules, e.g., “Stop - Hot!”
Understand that the child is exploring his/her environment
and not trying to make anyone annoyed or angry.
Model good personal health and safety behaviors while
talking about why those rules are important.
Let the child know when something is unsafe or
unacceptable in a calm but rm manner.
The child may need frequent reminders of simple rules
because his/her memory is developing and his/her need for
exploration is high.
Remembers and
follows simple group
rules and displays
appropriate social
Child demonstrates awareness of everyday
routines such as hanging up coat or washing
hands before meals.
Child complies with transitions between
activities more readily if they are done in a fun
and engaging way.
Child is able to transition from activity to
activity if an adult gives him/her gentle
reminders of what will happen next throughout
the day.
Child is not able to wait for long periods of time
or stand in lines.
Provide consistent routines as much as possible so the
child will remember the sequence of events and what is
expected when.
Use simple, one-to-two step directions to help the child
learn appropriate behavior. For example, “When you go
inside, hang up your coat and wash your hands.”
Design schedules to minimize the amount of time the child
needs to spend waiting without something to do.
Use songs, a singing voice, or props to get the child’s
attention and direct him/her to the next activity.
Make a pictorial schedule of what happens during the day
so that the child can see a visual cue to help him/her move
to the next activity.
Displays competence
at engaging in
appropriate social
Child waits for his/her turn to come up on the
list so he/she can use the computer.
Child uses the words “excuse me” to interject
into another person’s conversation.
Child wants to make a card for a classmate
that has been sick.
Child will tell another child that they cannot
participate in duck-duck-goose unless they
follow the rules.
Child asks for adult assistance when having
difculty in a social situation.
Child needs help and reassurance when
dealing with disappointments in social
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Acknowledge and reinforce the child’s social competence
with encouraging words such as, “You were very polite
and used good manners at the doctor’s ofce today.”
Respond promptly and consistently to the child’s
inappropriate behavior to help him/her learn what is
appropriate and inappropriate.
Include the child in developing simple rules for home and
school, such as “show respect,” “help others,” and “follow
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Social Competence (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL. 4 engages in sociaL probLem-soLving behavior anD Learns to resoLve confLict
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Shows awareness of
tension and stressful
Child reacts when adults argue or raise their
Child looks away from a situation that over-
stimulates him/her.
Child nds comfort in a favorite toy or blanket
and is able to get himself/herself to sleep.
Child indicates hunger or pain with different cries.
Child continues to cry when adult cannot gure
out what he/she needs right away.
Be aware that the child is sensitive to tension and stress in
others. Help him/her to feel safe and secure when others
around them may be upset.
Check the child often and talk about how he/she restored
his/her comfort or how you helped.
Reinforce the child’s ability to comfort himself/herself by
providing his/her favorite toy or blanket when he/she is upset.
Respond promptly to the child’s cues and cries to set the
expectation that his/her needs will be met.
Continue to try to gure out what the child needs if he/she
continues to cry.
Imitates how others
solve problems.
Child holds tissue to own nose after seeing
adult sneeze and wipe his/her nose.
Child blows on cereal after seeing another
blow on theirs to cool it before eating.
Child may hide or act out when experiencing
conict among important adults in his/her life.
Child uses napkin to attempt to wipe up spill
after watching an adult do the same.
Child pats another person on the back when
they are upset.
Be aware that the child will watch how you solve problems
and deal with difcult situations in your life. He/she will
start to imitate at a very early age.
Work on your own strategies as an adult to calmly and
rationally solve problems and conicts.
Talk with the child about how you are solving the situation
in a calm way and tell him/her that it is okay to make
mistakes sometimes.
Read stories together that involve characters who solve
problems in positive ways.
Experiments with
approaches to solve
simple problems and
Child uses ngers to eat cooked noodles, after
trying unsuccessfully to use spoon.
Child uses spoon, then reaches for shovel
when trying to ll large bucket with sand.
Child may nd another item to offer to another
child “to trade” (such as when another child
won’t let him/her have the shiny purse in the
dramatic play area, he/she may offer the other
child a shiny necklace).
When one adult won’t let the child have a treat
he/she wants, the child may go to another
adult to try to get the treat.
Allow the child time to solve his/her problems rather than
stepping in right away to solve the problem for the child.
Reinforce the child’s strategy by saying something like,
“You realized that the spoon was very small and that you
could put more sand in the bucket quickly by using the
Communicate frequently with other caregivers in the child’s
life to ensure that there is consistency.
Give the child replacement skills and words for situations
where the child is trying out inappropriate ways to solve
problems. Say something such as, “When you are
frustrated that you cannot have a turn on the computer,
you can tell Ben, ‘I want to have a turn on the computer
when you are done,’ and then while you are waiting for
your turn, you could go look at a book or build with blocks.”
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Social Competence (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL. 4 engages in sociaL probLem soLving behavior anD Learns to resoLve confLict
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Seeks adult
assistance to resolve
Child seeks assistance from adult when hurt or
upset and reports what happened, e.g., “She
pushed me down.”
Child demonstrates extreme emotional shifts
and contradictory responses when making
decisions because he/she is learning about his/
her preferences in a world with many choices.
Child starts to suggest solutions to solve a
problem although the solution may be self-
Child may “tattle” when other children behave
Respond by asking, “What happened?” and “How do you
feel about that?” The child may be comforted simply by
having someone listen to his/her feelings. If the child is
not comforted, explore appropriate solutions.
Keep choices simple and limited such as asking, “Do you
want to wear your red or blue shirt?”
Teach the child problem solving steps that include the
1. What is my problem?
2. What are some solutions?
3. What would happen next?
Try one solution. If it does not work, try another solution.
Help the child to understand that there is more than one
possible solution.
Asserts needs and
desires appropriately
in conict situations.
Child approaches playmate calmly saying, “I
want my turn on the tricycle.”
Child accepts compromises when suggested
by a peer or adult.
Child starts to defend the rights of another
child to have a turn.
Child shares a portion of his/her play dough
when another child joins the activity.
Role-play appropriate problem solving techniques. Then
allow the child to resolve conicts independently as long as
he/she does so without hurting others.
Create scenarios in which a potential conict/problem-
solving situation occurs. (Such as four children want to sit
at the table but there are only three chairs. How can they
solve the problem so that everyone can sit at the table?)
Model compromises that result in positive solutions with
other adults when the child is present.
Uses a variety of
strategies to resolve
Child notices that there is only one cookie left
and suggests, “Let’s break it in half so we can
both have some.”
Child starts to recognize that peers have
preferences and will let his/her friend have the
desired game piece while playing a board game.
Child avoids a conict by walking away.
Child enters into more elaborate discussions
and interactions to meet his/her needs while
respecting the needs and rights of others.
Reinforce the child’s efforts to nd solutions to problems
using encouraging words such as, “You worked that
problem out together.”
In daily interactions with the child, recognize that he/she
has preferences and point out that each individual has the
right to make choices.
Accept avoidance as a conict resolution strategy at times.
If this happens often, it may be an indication of insecurity
or fear.
Consider having a “peace table” or “family meeting” that
is designed to promote thoughtful discussions on how to
maintain harmony in relationships and solve situations
when there may be conict.
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
Section Three
Developmental Expectation
Children in Wisconsin will convey
and interpret meaning through
listening and understanding.
Performance Standard
During the early childhood period, children in Wisconsin will show evidence of
developmentally appropriate abilities in the following areas:
A.EL. 1 Derives meaning through listening to communications of
others and sounds in the environment.
A.EL. 2 Listens and responds to communications with others.
A.EL. 3 Follows directions of increasing complexity.
Program Standard
Early care and education programs in Wisconsin will provide the environment,
context, and opportunities for children to develop their abilities to listen and
This domain refers to children’s developing the ability to understand and convey
meaning through language. Language development is reected in children’s
progress toward acquiring skills in the areas of listening and understanding,
speaking and communicating, and early literacy. Language development occurs
in the context of relationships, encompasses all forms of communication, both
verbal and nonverbal, and moves children along the continuum of early literacy.
During the rst years of life, language has an essential impact on the
rapid development of a child’s brain. Children increase their language and
communication skills by expressing their ideas and feelings, and by listening
and understanding others while engaging in meaningful experiences with adults
and peers. Children learn to communicate in a variety of ways, such as using
symbols; combining their oral language, pictures, print, and play into a coherent
mixed medium, and creating and communicating meaning through both non-
verbal and verbal language.
Early experiences dene children’s assumptions and expectations about
becoming literate as they learn that reading and writing are valuable tools. Long
before they can exhibit reading and writing production skills, children acquire
basic understandings of concepts about literacy and its functions. Regular and
active interactions with print, in books and in the environment, allow children
to consolidate this information into patterns, essential for later development
in reading and writing. Children whose home language is not English may
demonstrate literacy skills in their primary language before they do so in English.
Developmental Expectation
Children in Wisconsin will have
the literacy skills and concepts
needed to become successful
readers and writers.
Performance Standard
During the early childhood period, children in Wisconsin will show evidence of
developmentally appropriate abilities in the following areas:
C. EL. 1 Develops ability to detect, manipulate, or analyze the
auditory parts of spoken language.
C. EL. 2 Understands concept that the alphabet represents the sounds
of spoken language and the letters of written language.
C. EL. 3 Shows appreciation of books and understands how print works.
C. EL. 4 Uses writing to represent thoughts or ideas.
Program Standard
Early care and education programs in Wisconsin will provide the environment,
context, and opportunities for children to develop literacy concepts and skills.
Developmental Expectation
Children in Wisconsin will convey
and interpret meaning through
speaking and other forms of
Performance Standard
During the early childhood period, children in Wisconsin will show evidence of
developmentally appropriate abilities in the following areas:
B. EL. 1 Uses gestures and movements (non-verbal) to communicate.
B. EL. 2a Uses vocalizations and spoken language to communicate.
Language Form (Syntax: rule system for combining words,
phrases, and sentences, includes parts of speech, word order, and
sentence structure)
B. EL. 2b Uses vocalizations and spoken language to communicate.
Language Content (Semantics: rule system for establishing
meaning of words, individually and in combination)
B. EL. 2c Uses vocalizations and spoken language to communicate.
Language Function (Pragmatics: rules governing the use of
language in context)
Program Standard
Early care and education programs in Wisconsin will provide the environment,
context, and opportunities for children to develop their abilities to communicate
and speak.
Important Reminders
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards recognize that children are individuals who develop at individual
rates. While they develop in generally similar stages and sequences, greatly diverse patterns of behavior and
learning emerge as a result of the interaction of several factors, including genetic predisposition and physical
characteristics, socio-economic status, and the values, beliefs, and cultural and political practices of their families
and communities. The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards reect expectations for a typically developing
child; adapting and individualizing learning experiences accommodates optimal development for all children.
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards developmental continuum and sample behaviors ARE NOT
intended to be used as age markers, a prescriptive listing of development with every rst item in a continuum
starting at birth, nor as a comprehensive or exhaustive set of sample behaviors of children and sample strategies
for adults.
Attends to same
situation or object as
another person.
Child reaches out to an object when wanting
an adult to look at or get an object, e.g., bottle,
toy, or blanket.
Child turns and smiles when someone says a
favorite word or phrase such as “Silly Billy.”
Listening and Understanding
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: A.EL. 1 Derives meaning through Listening to communications of others anD sounDs in
the environment
Turns toward source
of sound.
Child looks toward adults or children as they talk.
Child looks toward source of sound such as a
book dropping.
Child startles and cries at loud sound or angry
Talk and sing to the child frequently when holding,
diapering, and while in the same room.
Provide multiple sources of sounds and visuals for the
child, e.g., crib mobiles, soothing musical toys or CDs,
rattles, etc.
Provide ongoing opportunities for hearing screening. This
is especially important if the adult is concerned about the
child’s lack of response to nearby sounds.
Enjoys short stories,
rhymes, nger plays,
songs, and music.
Child enjoys listening to songs such as Wheels
on the Bus (story, actions, music).
Child laughs when adult says, “This little piggy
goes to market.”
Child enjoys hearing the same story over and
over again.
To encourage the child’s interest in language sounds and words,
say nursery rhymes and sing repetitive songs to the child.
Use the same word repeatedly for objects, people, or animals.
The child needs to hear the word spoken many times every
day so he/she can learn the meaning of the word.
When talking with the child, use language appropriate to
the child’s level of understanding, get down at the child’s
level when talking to him/her and maintain eye contact.
Respond to the child’s non-verbal gesture by giving the
child the object he/she is requesting or lifting the child up
when he/she pulls on the clothing of the caregiver.
Push ball back and forth between adult and child.
Respond to the child’s vocalizations or smiles by
“mimicking” the behavior of the child.
understanding of
concept words and
sequence of events.
Child understands time concepts, such as
“When we get home from our walk, we’ll have a
snack,” or “After cleanup we can read the book.”
Child demonstrates understanding of a few
preposition words such as, “Put your shoes
under the bed,” or “Please put your chair next
to mine.”
Child follows all the steps in feeding the
hamster (going to the cupboard to get the food,
putting it in a dish, and then delivering it to the
Child understands concepts of before and
after, above, below, bottom, behind, in front of.
Use language that talks about time, e.g., “When we go to
grandma’s, you can play,” or “After your nap, you can have
a snack.”
Show and talk to the child about how to feed the hamster,
kitty, or dog saying, “First you get the food from the
cupboard, then you put one scoop of food in the dish, then
you put the scoop and the food back in the cupboard.”
Use concept words such as before, after, above, below,
bottom, behind, and in front of when talking with the child.
and listening skills
by attending and
Child listens and attends to someone tell or
read a story, such as The Three Little Pigs,
and is able to retell the story accurately in his/
her own words.
Child listens and attends to someone tell or
read stories representing real life situations,
and is able to retell the story.
Comment on the child’s listening and interaction with the
story (real or pretend); give encouragement.
Use meal times and other daily routines as an opportunity
for conversation between adult and child.
Be intentional about providing time and opportunities
(inside and outside) for the child to have individual
conversations with adults and other children.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Responds to voices
and intonation of
familiar adults and
Child coos or gurgles when someone speaks
to him/her.
Child smiles, kicks, and turns head when
someone comes near the crib.
Child startles when he/she hears harsh sound
or voice.
Child calms to soothing music.
Participates in turn-
taking, alternating
listening and
Someone makes a sound or series of sounds
and the child repeats it.
Child hears an “excited clap” while playing and
claps back in response.
Child repeats laugh when someone else laughs.
Play “turn-taking” simple games with the child, e.g., peek-a-
boo with small blanket, clapping when child does something
special, repeating same sounds made by the child.
Nuzzle the child’s tummy with adult’s face; play pat-a-cake
with hands or feet, or do gentle bouncing games on lap.
Listening and Understanding (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: A.EL. 2 Listens anD responDs to communication with others
Talk and sing to the child often throughout the day.
Provide soothing music to relax or calm the child.
Communicate with the child using voice tones, words, and
facial expressions.
appropriately when
asked to identify
familiar objects/
person/body parts
(nouns) or when
asked to run, walk,
jump (action words,
When asked, “Where is Sam?” the child looks
for brother.
Child points to body parts when asked, “Where
is your head?” (feet, eyes, ears, nose, mouth,
When someone says, “The doll wants to
sleep,” the child puts the doll in the crib.
Child will jump like a bunny when asked,
“Jump like a bunny.”
Introduce and name new objects/materials in
the child’s environment.
Repeat and emphasize the names of people and animals,
e.g., “Here comes Snuggles. Snuggles wants to play. Feel
his fur.” Or, “That’s your friend Mary eating her snack.”
Play games such as Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.
Substitute other body parts. Talk about the child’s body
parts during bath-time, dressing, and mealtime, e.g., “You
have milk on your face; let’s wipe your face (or chin).”
Name the body parts of the doll, e.g., put Band-Aid on the
“back” of the doll.
Make a book with pictures showing familiar objects,
people, and actions.
When reading a book, describe pictures, point to the correct
picture, and give simple explanation, “This boy is sleeping....
see his eyes are closed and he’s lying on a bed.”
Responds to
increasingly complex
language structures,
including comments,
requests, and
Adult says, “Daddy is going outside to wash
the car. Do you want to help?” Child says,
“Me too.”
Adults says, “Yes, you can go to Tommy’s
house, but remember you need to come home
before lunch time.” Child says, “I’ll be home.”
When playing with dolls of all sizes, adult says,
“Let’s put all the little dolls inside the little play
house and all the big dolls on the big chairs.”
The child gets all the small plastic/wood dolls
and places them inside the play house and
places the big dolls on the chairs.
Talk to and carry-on a conversation with the child about
whatever he/she is doing at the time, e.g., playing, eating,
taking a walk, riding in the car.
Provide “wait time” for the child to respond. Some children
take longer than others to respond. Wait for the child to
respond before starting another statement.
Provide time to play with the child. While playing use
increasingly more complex language that helps the child
expand on his/her previous knowledge.
When having a conversation with the child, name and
describe objects, people, animals, and plants that are
unknown to the child.
and extends
conversations much
like adults and
can sustain a topic
through multiple
The adult asks the child which animal is his/
her favorite animal. Child responds, “The
kangaroo, because she carries her baby in
her pouch.” The adult says, “Where do you
suppose kangaroos live?” The child says,
“I do not know. How can we nd out?” The
adult gets the world globe and shows the
child where kangaroos live. The conversation
continues with the adult and child looking at
books to learn more about kangaroos.
Talk about a variety of topics with the child and model
ways to use language to ask questions, give answers,
make statements, and share ideas.
Play, “I wonder what would happen if.....?”
Have fun with language and engage the child in ongoing
conversations through pretend play, thinking and talking
about fantasy, or playing with words.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Understands and
carries out a one
step direction.
Child responds to directions such as, “Wash
hands for lunch.”
Child responds to directions such as, “Please
close the door.”
Provide simple directions that are related to activities that
the child is engaged with at the time.
Provide simple directions related to familiar routine daily
Make requests that are clear, e.g., “Get your coat,” rather
than “Get it.”
Listening and Understanding (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: A.EL. 3 foLLows Directions of increasing compLexity
Responds to simple
Child waves bye-bye when asked to “Wave
Child gives an adult the cup when asked to,
“Give me the cup.”
Child responds to someone saying “No” by
taking hand away from potted plant.
Maintain eye contact with the child as the adult models the
behavior. Say to the child “Wave bye-bye” or hold hand
out as adult says, “Please give me the cup.”
Reinforce child when he/she follows or attempts to follow a
Use gestures to help the child understand requests.
Understands and
carries out two-step
Child follows simple directions such as, “Get
your hat and coat and come to the door.”
When adult asks the child to, “Put your toys
away and come sit with me so we can read a
story.” The child puts his/her toys away and
comes to sit next to the adult.
Provide clear instruction that helps the child move from
simple directions to a more complex sequence of directions.
The order of adult requests matters, e.g., “You can go
outside after you clean your room.”
Give the child time to follow through, or repeat the request
a second time. If still no response, walk the child through
the action: “Now, we’ll walk you over to the sink and put
your hands in the water and wash your hands.”
Follows a series of
three or more
multi-step directions.
Child follows directions given by an adult such
as, “Take this book and put it on the shelf and
then come to the table.”
Child remembers instructions given earlier in
the day such as, “After we eat lunch today,
remember to call grandma and ask her when
she will come over this afternoon.”
Child recalls, without reminders, the ve steps
necessary to put together his/her play house.
Ask the child to tell in sequence the routine things he/she
does such as dressing, going to bed, getting up, etc.
Read a book such as Three Billy Goats Gruff, and ask the
child to retell the sequence of events.
Play games that involve following directions in sequence,
e.g., Simon Says.
Use multiple photos of the child’s daily routines and have
the child put select pictures in order of “What will happen
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Speaking and Communicating
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B.EL.1 uses gestures anD movements (non-verbal) to communicate
Uses non-verbal
communication much
like adults.
Child uses facial expressions of emotions,
e.g., sad, happy, angry, distressed, anxious,
frustrated, etc.
Child uses body movements, e.g., waving
goodbye, motion for “come here,” walking
away when not wanting to be involved, running
toward someone when excited to see them, etc.
Through actions, continue to show the child appropriate
ways to act (greetings, requesting, answering) when
interacting with family members, friends, and family pets.
Name the child’s emotions, “You look sad.” Or, “Are you
angry? You sound as if you are angry?”
Uses gestures and
movements to get
attention, request
objects, protest, or
to draw attention
to an object in the
Child puts arms up to be picked up.
When playing outside, the child points to a
ower and smiles at someone.
Child points to the cereal box when wanting
more Cheerios.
Child pushes own milk bottle away when not
Child shakes head “no” when asked to nish
food he/she does not want to eat.
When someone is wiping off the child’s face,
makes a face, puts hands over face, and
turns away.
As the child begins to use the “up” gesture, say, “You want
me to pick you up?”
Express your delight each time the child tries to get
attention or requests an object. Use language to identify
the attention the child is seeking, or the object the child is
pointing to, e.g., “Nancy, you are pointing to the doll,” or
“Bill, you want more Cheerios.”
Give the child choices and expect him/her to protest at
times, e.g., when not hungry or does not want a hat put on
his/her head.
Uses gestures
for greetings and
Child waves bye-bye when someone leaves.
Child runs to the door and smiles when familiar
adult comes to the door.
Show the child the ritual of saying “good bye.” Wave
and say “Bye-bye” each time the adult leaves family and
friends. Help the child move his/her arm up and down as
the adult says “Bye-bye.”
Smile and express emotion when the adult greets family
and friends.
Uses movement or
behavior to initiate
interaction with a
person, animal, or
Child knocks over sister’s blocks and looks up
to her for a reaction.
Child offers a doll to friend.
Child looks at the cat and throws a toy for the
cat to play with.
Use small objects, gures of people and animals, dolls,
and other play materials to show and talk to the child about
how to interact appropriately.
Model appropriate interactions with family members,
friends, and family pets.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Speaking and Communicating
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B.EL. 2a uses vocaLizations anD spoken Language to communicate
Language Form (Syntax: rule system for combining words phrases and sentences, includes parts of speech, word order, and sentence structure)
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Child can name body parts, animals, objects,
people, and things in the environment.
Child says, “Kitty down,” when the kitty jumps
down from the chair or the child wants the kitty
to jump down from the chair.
Child asks, “What’s that?” while pointing to
Child says, “Push Karen” when wanting to be
Child says, “Me want juice” when wanting more
Respond to everyday activities and talk about the child’s
actions, thoughts, and ideas.
Provide positive attention when the child uses words to
communicate, e.g., smile or laugh, hug or pat, clap, imitate
the action or sound and call others’ attention to the child’s
action or words.
Emphasize words the child knows and talk in short
sentences, e.g., child says “Kitty go down,” and you say
“Yes, the kitty is jumping down.”
Use simple sentences. Emphasize key words. Model
three or four word phrases in a question which can be
answered with the same words, e.g., “Kitty’s eating her
Uses two to three
word phrases and
Uses one word. Child says, “Up” when wanting to be picked up.
Child says, “Open” when wanting to get
Cheerios out of a container.
Child says family dog name such as “Duke.”
Child says “No” when not wanting to take a nap.
Child names family members in the room or
When asked, “Who is that?” the child can say
“David” when looking at him in a photograph.
When the child uses one word, such as “Up,” encourage
language development by expanding on the word by
saying, “You want me to pick you up.” Or, elaborating on
the word by saying, “You want me to pick you up so you
can see the black doggie?”
Use the names of the objects the child plays with and
name the people who are in contact with the child.
Provide the child with exposure to a “rich vocabulary.”
Children who hear more words will learn more words.
Makes vowel and
consonant sound
combinations and
engages in vocal
play (babbles).
Child makes consonant sounds of “b, m, p, d,
and t,” and combines them with vowel sounds.
When playing, child says, “Ba ba ba.”
Child makes a variety of sounds using tongue
and lips such as “clicking” the tongue or
blowing air.
Child imitates a vowel/consonant sound made
by caregiver.
Respond with delight and smile when the child babbles.
Imitate the sounds of the child.
Encourage the child to repeat sounds by playfully saying
the babble sounds the adult heard the child say, e.g., “Ba
ba ba,” “Ma ma.”
The child’s rst consonant sounds are “b, m, p, d, and t.”
During quiet times such as feeding, dressing, bathing, or
playing, maintain eye contact with the child and initiate
babbling sounds. Wait with a look of anticipation for any
kind of vocal response.
Uses cries, coos,
and other noises to
Child cries differently when hungry, wet, tired,
or angry.
Child begins to make cooing sounds (vowels
and sounds such as “aah” and “eeh”).
Child varies pitch, length, and volume of
cooing sounds.
Child vocalizes to get someone’s attention.
Less crying as cooing increases.
Listen for different crying patterns and try to respond to the
cause of the child’s distress.
Respond promptly to the child’s crying so that the child
knows his/her communication is being understood.
Show the child that the adult is interested in his/her cooing
by smiling and repeating the sounds.
Play vocal games with vowel sounds and smiling facial
expressions, e.g., “ahh,” “oo,” or “eee.” Initiate a sound
and wait for a response by the child.
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Plurals (cats);
Pronouns (I, he,
Past tense (walked).
Child tells friend, “I have cars and trucks.”
Child tells someone, “I want grapes.”
When looking at a picture in a book, the child
says, “I see two boys.”
Child says, “My shoe,” when someone says,
“Is that your shoe?”
Child says, “I want water.”
Child says, “You come,” when wanting
someone to come.
Past tense
Child says, “We runned all the way home.”
When asked, “Where’s Daddy?” child says,
“Daddy went to work.”
When the balloon breaks, the child says,
“Balloon popped.”
Model correct plural usage, e.g., if child says “My foots are
cold,” say, “Your feet are cold; let’s get some socks.”
Model correct pronoun usage, e.g., if the child says “Me
want car,” adult says, “I want to play with the car, too.”
Use pronouns to describe meaningful activities or actions,
e.g., “You look sleepy,” “I am making dinner.”
Past tense
Use past tense vocabulary to describe actions that have
already happened, e.g., “You stopped your car at the stop
sign,” “We walked to the park and played on the swings
and slide.”
Model correct past tense usage, e.g., if the child says, “We
goed to the park,” adult says, “Yes, you went to the park
with Billy.”
Uses multi-word
sentences (parts
of speech, word
order, and sentence
structure) much like
that of an adult.
After hearing his/her favorite story, the child
says, “That was a great story. I really liked
the part about the boy going on a trip to see
his grandmother. It was exciting to hear about
how he helped her plant the garden with corn,
potatoes, and tomatoes. I think I would like to
plant a garden.”
After returning from the zoo, the child tells the
whole story of what happened, e.g., describing
all the animals, telling about experiences feeding
the birds, and riding on the merry-go-round.
Plan many daily opportunities and a variety of experiences
for the child to use and expand language.
Talk about a variety of topics and illustrate ways to use
language to ask questions, give answers, make statements,
share ideas or use pretend, fantasy, or word play.
Encourage conversations with the child by asking the child
open-ended questions such as, “Tell me about your toy?”
“What did you see at the park today?” “Tell me more about
what you and Sally did at the park?”
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Speaking and Communicating
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B.EL. 2a uses vocaLizations anD spoken Language to communicate (continueD)
Language Form (Syntax: rule system for combining words, phrases, and sentences, includes parts of speech, word order, and sentence structure)
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Speaking and Communicating (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B.EL. 2b Uses vocaLizations anD spoken Language to communicate
Language Content (Semantics: rule system for establishing meaning of words, individually and in combination)
Uses a word to
represent a particular
person or object.
Child says “Bankie” to refer to his/her blanket.
Child calls his/her mother and father, “Momee”
and “Dadee.”
Child calls his/her bottle a “Baba” and expects
that an adult will get his/her bottle.
A particular word represents a specic object, e.g.,
“bankie” is always the child’s blanket.
When talking with the child, consistently use the same
word for people, animals, and objects, e.g., mommy,
daddy, kitty, doggy, ball, etc.
Uses words to
represent various
Child calls all four-legged animals “doggie.”
At different parts of the day, the child points to
a doll chair, lounge chair, baby seat, highchair,
or other objects to sit in and calls them “chair.”
Child calls all toys that have wheels “cars.”
One word can represent several types (kinds) of the same
When the child over-generalizes, e.g., uses one name for
multiple objects, say the “real” name of the object, person, or
animal. If child calls the truck a “car” say, “That is your truck.”
If the child calls the kitty a “doggie” say, “This is a kitty.”
Uses words for
protests and
Child pushes adult’s hand away and says “No”
when he/she does not want to be touched or
Child says “No” when he/she does not want a
particular kind of food or an object.
Child waves and says “ Bye-bye” when
The child commands another to cease
undesired actions, e.g., resists another’s action
and rejects an offered object.
Honor the child’s efforts to show his/her independence by
saying “No.” By getting a response from an adult when he/
she says “No,” the child is learning that he/she can control
his/her environment.
The child begins to communicate using conversation
rituals that will be used the rest of his/her life, e.g.,
“Bye-bye.” Wave and say “Bye-bye” when the child says
Uses a category of
words that shows
awareness of
common aspects
among objects.
Child says, “Where are my toys for the sand
box?” when he/she wants to play with a
specic kind of toy.
Child says, “Water, milk, and juice are all
something to drink.”
Child says, “These are all owers,” as he/she
points to owers that are different colors and
The child demonstrates awareness that there are common
aspects among objects.
When playing with the child, put objects together based on
common aspects, e.g., toys, shoes, balls, say, “These are
all toys (cars, blocks, dolls).”
Uses a word to relate
to itself or something
When the child’s glass is empty, the child says,
“More” meaning “I want more milk.”
When the child’s container of food is empty,
the child says, “All gone.”
Child says, “Down” when he/she wants to get
out of the chair.
Child says, “Mine,” when he/she wants his/her
favorite toy.
The child uses words to mark existence,
nonexistence, disappearance, and recurrence.
When the child says “More,” expand and extend the child’s
language by saying, “You want more milk.”
Respond to the child’s language by lowering the child
down when he/she says “Down,” and giving the child his/
her favorite toy when the child says, “Mine” and points to
a favorite toy.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Asks many questions
with “why” to obtain
Child asks, “Where’s my shoe?”
Child asks a friend, “Where do you live?”
Child asks, “When will daddy come home?”
When playing with an object or toy child asks,
“What’s inside?”
Child asks many “why” questions about things
in his/her environment, stories being read,
actions of people or animals, etc.
As the teacher is reading Curious George, the
child asks, “Why is George so naughty?”
The child learns to ask questions by hearing others ask
Ask the child “what, where, when, and why” questions.
Ask questions which require more than a yes or no
Respond to all of the child’s attempts at questions so that
he/she knows that his/her questions are important and will
be answered.
Comments on as
well as produces and
comprehends words.
Child says, “Balls are all round. Some are big
and some are little.”
Child says, “Ball starts with a /B/.”
Child says, “Hats are different sizes and
The child has the ability to think about language and
comment on it as well as produce and comprehend it.
If the child has an interest in a specic topic or word, talk
about it, read about it, and help the child learn more about
his interest topic or word.
When a child comments on a word, encourage further
discussion by saying, “Tell me more about____,” or ask the
child questions about the word.
Speaking and Communicating (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B.EL. 2b Uses vocaLizations anD spoken Language to communicate (continueD)
Language Content (Semantics: rule system for establishing meaning of words, individually and in combination)
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Modies language
when talking to
younger child.
Child talks in “baby” language when talking to his/her infant
sister or brother, e.g., says goo-goo, ga-ga to the baby.
Child talks in one and two word sentences when talking to a
toddler, e.g., “Want milk?”
Child talks in three- and four-word sentences when talking to
a child who is one or two years younger, e.g., “Play with me.”
Encourage conversation by involving
both the younger and the older child in
conversation at the same time.
Offer positive feedback when the older child
talks to the younger child, “You are helping
Nora to learn more words.”
Directs attention to
an object.
Child points to an object that he/she wants and says “Mine.”
Child puts adult’s hand on jar or box while looking at the adult.
Child wants adult to open the jar or box and get him/her what
is inside.
Child looks at adult, points to shoes and says, “On” when he/
she wants his/her shoes on.
Child points to a cracker and with intonation of a question,
says “Uh?” Child wants a cracker.
Child’s intent is to act on his/her environment, e.g., child
directs attention outside of him/herself.
Child requests or directs another to carry out an action.
Expand and extend the child’s language,
e.g., child says, “On,” adult says, “You want
your shoes on,” or child says “Uh?” and
adult says “Do you want a cracker?”
Respond to the child’s non-verbal requests
by saying, “You want me to open the box
and get you a cracker?”
Seeks attention
through vocalizations
or actions.
Child tugs on adult’s clothing to let adult know that he/she
wants the adult to look at him/her.
Child says “Daddy” when he/she wants daddy to help.
The child wants a person to pay attention to him/her or an
aspect of the environment.
Respond to the child’s actions (non-verbal)
and vocalizations (verbal) to get the adult’s
Engages in short
dialogue of a few
Child says, “That’s a big dog.” Adult says, “Yes, that is a big
dog.” Child says, “Will he bite?” Adult says, “No, he will not
bite you, he is in his dog pen.”
Adult says, “I am going to the store.” Child says, “Can I go
too?” Adult says, “Yes, and after we go to the store we can
stop at the park so that you can play.” Child says, “Can
Tommy go too?”
Child says, “What is this? (pointing to a large nut on the
ground). Adult says, “That’s a walnut from this tree.”
Child can introduce a topic and provide some descriptive detail.
Child learns that asking questions is one way to keep the
attention of adults.
Maintain a conversational dialogue with
the child by maintaining eye contact when
speaking, taking turns sharing information,
asking and answering questions.
Speaking and Communicating (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B. EL. 2c uses vocaLizations anD spoken Language to communicate (continueD)
Language Function (Pragmatics: rules governing the use of language in context)
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Determines how
much information a
listener needs based
on an awareness of
listener’s role and
When a person asks a question such as, “Where do you
live?”, the child determines whether to tell the person the
directions to their home or to tell them their house number.
While the child is engaged in a dialogue with another person,
the child stops talking if the other person is not listening.
Child says, “Do you want to hear the story about the big sh
I caught?” If the person says, “Yes,” and is a sherman, the
child will tell a very detailed story. If the person says, “Yes,”
and is not interested, the child tells a very short story about
the kind and size of the sh.
The child becomes more aware of the social aspects of
talking back-and-forth with an adult or a child.
Model good listening skills for the child by
always listening and being interested in the
child’s communication.
Uses language to
effectively express
feelings and
thoughts, describe
experiences and
interact with others,
and communicate
effectively in group
activities and
During a group discussion on re safety, the
child listens to others and waits his/her turn to
express thoughts such as, “We had a re at
our house, and my mom said we all had to get
out of the house at once!”
When nding a buttery, while playing in the
backyard with three other friends, the child
and the friends take turns talking about the
Child says, “I was mad when Ellie took my
blocks. I told her to give them back.”
After returning from a trip to the zoo, child
describes the animals and tells what he/she
did such as feeding the monkeys and buying
ice cream at the ice cream cart.
Child asks a friend, “Would you like to play with
the blocks with me? We could build a big castle
together and pretend that we are the kings.”
The child uses compound and complex
sentences, grammatically correct sentences,
and speech that is understandable.
Talk about a variety of topics and illustrate ways to
use language to ask questions, give answers, make
statements, and to share ideas.
Encourage conversations with the child by asking the child
open-ended questions such as “Can you tell me about
your toy?” “What did you see at the park today?”
Engage in pretend play and fantasy play with the child.
responds to
conversations, and
stays on topic for
multiple exchanges.
Child asks adult if he/she could make cookies.
Adult and child talk about what they will need
to bake cookies. After the adult and child
prepare what they will need, child says, “Can
you help me measure the stuff?” Adult says,
“Yes, I can help you measure the ingredients
and will show you which measuring spoon
and cup to use.” Child says, “These cups and
spoons have numbers on them.” The adult
tells the child about the numbers and together
they continue their conversation and baking
experience for the next 10 minutes.
Listen to the child, respond, and follow his/her lead in the
chosen activity and discussion.
Provide opportunities for the child to engage in turn taking
and dialogue in conversation, e.g., during routines such as
meals and snacks, and allowing time during the day for the
child to talk about events and activities of interest to them.
Speaking and Communicating (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B. EL. 2c uses vocaLizations anD spoken Language to communicate (continueD)
Language Function (Pragmatics: rules governing the use of language in context)
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Early Literacy
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL.1 DeveLops abiLity to Detect, manipuLate, or anaLyze the auDitory parts of spoken
Language (This includes the ability to segment oral language into words, syllables, or phonemes independent of meaning.)
Enjoys and responds
to frequently said
sounds, words, and
Child moves arms and legs when he/she hears a
familiar, happy, sing-song voice.
Child responds by turning and smiling when he/
she hears his/her name.
Child enjoys short action play, e.g., “This little
piggy went to market...” when adult wiggles toes
or “Patty-cake, patty-cake baker’s man...”
Child smiles and giggles when hearing rhyming
words, e.g., funny bunny, Claire bear, rub-a-dub,
Child laughs, smiles, and enjoys repeated words,
e.g., “The wheels on the bus go round and
round, round and round, round and round,” etc.
Talk to the child, sing to the child, make up sounds, play
children’s music, and say rhymes to the child.
Talk with the child when diapering, dressing, eating, and
Imitates sounds.
Child imitates cooing and babbling sounds
made by adults.
Child produces sounds found in their home
Child imitates “Pa-pa” and “Ma-ma.”
Child makes sounds and imitates the tones
and rhythms that adults use when talking.
Make a variety of sounds with the child, playing a game back
and forth encouraging the child’s participation as he/she tries
to imitate sounds and the adult imitates the child’s sounds.
Imitate the sounds that objects make: A train goes
Imitate the sounds that animals make: A cow says “moo.”
Repeats words in
rhymes and actions.
Child says, “Piggy” when the adult says,
“This little piggy went to market...”
While picking up the child, the child says,
“Up, up” when adult says, “Up, up.”
Make sounds and ask the child to make them back to you like
an echo.
Use the child’s name and do silly rhymes and songs,
changing the initial consonant.
Laugh and enjoy the child’s imitation or attempts to repeat a
favorite song, chant, or rhyme.
Requests and joins
in saying favorite
rhymes and songs
that repeat sounds
and words.
Child says,Let’s say Jack and Jill,” or
Let’s say Baa, Baa, Black Sheep.”
Child says, “Let’s sing Wheels on the Bus.”
Child joins adult in singing, Itsy, Bitsy Spider.
Sing and chant with the child often. The child loves rhythm,
melody (even off-key), and the magic of music.
Say nger plays and favorite nursery rhymes with the child
while playing with him/her or working around the house while
the child is playing nearby.
Recognizes and
matches sounds and
rhymes in familiar
Child plays their own rhyming game
matching pairs of rhyming words saying,
“Down-town,” “Sadie-lady.”
Use child’s name and do silly rhymes, nger plays, and
songs, changing the initial consonant, such as “Sammy,
Pammy, Tammy.”
Use silly names and change the ending of the word such as
Willy, Willoby, Wallaby, Woo.
Invite the child to make up silly names.
When reading a rhyming book to a child, emphasize the
rhymes, e.g., Sheep in a Jeep by Nancy Shaw.
Read a picture book that features alliteration,
e.g., Alligators All Around by Maurice Sendak.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Recognizes and
produces rhyming
Child is asked, “Tell me a word that
rhymes with ‘Pam’.” The child says, “Sam.”
Child provides a rhyming word when
listening to the poem. Adult says, “I
have a dog whose name is Lilly, she
has a doggie friend named...” and the
child injects the last word “Billy.”
Child says, “Ricky rhymes with picky.”
Child says, “Humpty, Dumpty, Bumpty,
Thumpty, Gumpty.”
Have fun with the child by having one person say a word like “cake”
and the other person gives a word that rhymes with it, “rake.”
Together with the child, enjoy chants, songs, and nger plays
involving rhyming and sound substitutions. Make up poems and
jingles with rhyming words.
Read poetry and rhyming books to the child on a regular basis.
Sing songs such as, “Oh a hunting we will go, a hunting we will
go, we’ll catch a snake and put him in a______ and then we’ll let
him go.” Let the child ll in the rhyming word, e.g., cake, lake, etc.
Continue with other names of animals or other objects. Enjoy and
giggle about the funny rhymes that the child makes.
C. Early Literacy
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL.1 DeveLops abiLity to Detect, manipuLate, or anaLyze the auDitory parts of spoken
Language (This includes the ability to segment oral language into words, syllables, or phonemes independent of meaning.) (continued)
Recognizes sounds
that match and
words that begin or
end with the same
Child says, “Sally and Susie start the
same. They both start with /s/.”
Child makes up words that start with
different letter sounds, “I could call you
different names, Mom, Tom, Pom, Som,
Child says, “Tammy and toy start alike.
They both start with /t/.”
Child says, “Tom and Mom have the
same sound at the end.”
Ask the child, “What other words start with the /t/ sound like
Sing songs like Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes and substitute
the rst sounds of words: Bed, Boulders, Bees, and Boes.
Play matching games encouraging the child to match or sort
pictures that have the same beginning or ending sounds, e.g.,
ball and bear, cat and bat, to build awareness of alliteration and
Play a game by saying an animal name like “pig” and ask the
child, “Does Mattie or Patty start like pig?” Continue by using
other animal names along with one matching and one non-
matching beginning sound.
Play “I Spy” (“I spy with my little eye something in the car that
starts with...”).
Ask, “Which animal name ends with the sound /g/? Is it dog or cat?”
“I hear a /s/ at the end of bus. That is the same sound at the start
of sun. Did you know that bus and sun share a sound? Can you
think of a word that shares a sound with your name?”
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
separate syllables in
spoken words and
begins to blend and
segment syllables.
Child can clap syllables in his/her name and
other names, e.g., Tam-my (two claps); Bill
(one clap); Me-lis-sa (three claps).
Child can tell the number of syllables in a
word, “My name has two parts, Bob-by” (while
clapping for each part).
Play games such as, “Can You Guess My Word?” to blend
and segment compound words, such as “pop” – “corn,”
“cup” – “cake,” and “butter” – “y.”
Play games with words by clapping the number of syllables
in the child’s name, favorite toys, other objects, animals,
and plants. “How many claps are in your name Tammy?”
Ask the child, “How many parts does _______ (word)
have?” If child cannot tell you the number, have him/her
clap the syllables, e.g., bum-ble-bee (three claps).
single sounds and
combinations of
Child changes initial consonant in rhyming
words (onset-rime), e.g., the child says,
“Dad and sad have the same middle and last
Child can recognize sounds such as /th/, /ch/,
and /sh/ (digraphs). Child says, “Ship starts like
shoe and show.”
Child can recognize combinations of two
consonant sounds (blends) such as /st/ in stop
and /st/ in still. While playing “Simons Says,”
child says, “Stop and stand still. Hey, those
words start with /st/.”
Ask the child to guess the word you are trying to say.
Begin with easy presentation of stretched-out words such
as “mmmaaaannn,” then move to onset-rime.
Say each of the following sounds separately and ask the
child to blend the sounds together to say the word: /ch/ /e/
/z/ cheese, or /p/ /e/ /ch/ peach.
Play the game, “Cross the Bridge.” Say to the child, “I
am the lion that guards the bridge; you may not cross the
bridge until you tell me what animal you are.” The child
says, “Tiger.” “What is the rst sound in tiger?” the lion
asks. The child says “/t/.” “You may cross the bridge,” says
the lion. Also, use words with blends such as in “crane” or
digraphs as in “sheep.”
Play the game, “I Am Hungry. What Can I Eat?” Someone
models, saying, “I am hungry for a gr-ape” and the child
says, “Grape.”
Ask the child to say the sounds separately when someone
gives them a word such as “duck.” Child says the sounds
/d/u/k/. “Let’s build the word duck with these unix cubes
(/d/ /u/ /ck/). How many cubes did I need?”
Early Literacy
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL.1 DeveLops abiLity to Detect, manipuLate, or anaLyze the auDitory parts of spoken
Language (This includes the ability to segment oral language into words, syllables, or phonemes independent of meaning.) (continued)
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Explores, repeats,
imitates alphabet
related songs and
When adult sings the alphabet song, the
child imitates and repeats the alphabet
Child sings the ABC song by him/herself
singing, “ABCD (other letters may be out
of order and run together, such as LMNO
sounds like “el-i-minno”)... now I know my
Child puts a three piece inlaid puzzle
together with A, B, and C.
Sing the alphabet song to the child.
Play videos, CDs, or tapes of favorite children’s alphabet
songs and games.
Provide the child with simple alphabet puzzles and other
simple alphabet manipulative games.
Echo read ABC books with the child; you read a letter and the
child repeats the letter.
Purchase or borrow from the library, well-written alphabet
books that clearly illustrate the sounds of the letters with
pictures of objects.
Recognizes the
difference between
letters and other
Child writes A, B, c, t, then says, “See my
When looking at a mix of magnetic letters
and numbers, the child picks up the ‘A and
says “This letter is in my name (Alex).” “This
number is ‘4’ – I’m four.”
While playing with the magnetic alphabet,
numbers, and shapes, the child can sort
letters and numbers. The child says, “These
are all letters. These are all numbers.”
Child is able to nd and identify some letters
and numbers in books, signs, and labels.
Child knows the rst letter in his/her name
and points to the letter on signs and words
in a book and says, “My letter.”
When the child mixes letters and numbers, point out to the
child, “These are called letters. These are called numbers.”
Talk about the letter names and sounds, and the names of the
Mix magnetic alphabet letters, shapes, and numbers in
one bucket and play a game of sorting the alphabet letters,
numbers, and shapes.
Play games of looking for letters and numbers during all the
experiences the child has during a day. Play, “I’m looking for
the letter ‘C’ can you nd a ‘C’?” Or, “I am looking for a letter
that starts like your name. Can you nd two letters that start
like your name?” Play the same type of game looking for
Look for signs that have both numbers and letters. Ask the
child to name all the letters he/she knows and all the numbers
he/she knows.
Early Literacy
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL.2 unDerstanDs concept that the aLphabet represents the sounDs of spoken Language
anD the Letters of written Language (This includes utilizing this concept as an emerging reading strategy.)
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Recognizes letters
and their sounds
in familiar words,
especially in own
When looking at a book, the child says,
“This word (bike) starts like my name. ‘B’ is
in my name, Becky.”
Looking at a stop sign, the child says, “Stop
starts with the same letter as my name
Child says, “Look, I used the alphabet stamp
letters to make my name J-i-m-m-y.”
Alphabet letters in isolation do not have meaning to the child.
When the child is shown that letters grouped together represent
his/her name or objects they know, the alphabet takes on new
meaning. Start with familiar words, talking about the letter
names and sounds.
Say and point to letters in books, on puzzles or toys, on the
child’s clothing.
Surround the child with print so the whole alphabet is presented
in the child’s environment.
At bath time or during water play, print letters using foam soap.
Provide magnetic letters for child. Place letters on the
refrigerator, a magnetic board, or a cookie sheet and play
games saying the sounds of the letters.
Point out alphabet letters on signs in the community, labels, and
written names on lists and cards.
Echo read ABC books with the child. Adult reads a letter and the
child reads the letter too. Adult says sound and child repeats.
Encourage the child to nd letters in books that are the same as
the letters in the child’s name. Adult says sound of that letter.
Provide books, puzzles, alphabet stamp letters, and stickers so
that the child can play with alphabet letters in different ways.
Celebrate with the child when he/she reads a new letter. For
example, at breakfast time the child says, “That’s an ‘M.’ It
says /m/,” pointing to the milk carton.
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Makes some letter/
sound connections
and identies some
beginning sounds.
Child sees the letter D on a block, points
and says, “‘D’ is for Daddy.”
Child’s name is Matt. Matt says to his
friend, Michael, “‘M’ starts your name, too.”
Child says, “Banana starts with /b/.”
Child whose name is Cory says, “My name
starts like cat; both words start with a /k/
Child puts magnetic letters on the board,
saying each letter sound as the magnetic
letters are placed in a row: “/s/, /k/, /t/, /b/,
/j/, /m/.”
Using the magnetic letters, make simple words on the
magnetic board, refrigerator, or cookie sheet that start with
the same letter as the child’s name. Say, “Mom and mop
start like Mike.” Overemphasize the /m/ by holding out the
sound and saying it loudly.
Play games with letters and the sounds they make like
alphabet bingo.
“Let’s nd all the words that start with the same letter and
sound as your name.” Change the game to nd words that
end with the same letter and sound as the child’s name. Play
the game anywhere and anytime, e.g., while traveling in the
car and reading signs, or at the grocery store noticing labels
on food items.
When reading a favorite story, stop and point to the next
word and say, “Tell me the word that comes next. Look at the
rst letter. What sound does that letter make?”
When looking at a picture book with objects, people, and
animals, point to the word under the picture and ask the
child, “What do you think this word says?”
Early Literacy
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL.2 unDerstanDs concept that the aLphabet represents the sounDs of spoken Language
anD the Letters of written Language (This includes utilizing this concept as an emerging reading strategy.) (continued)
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Uses a combination
of letter sounds,
familiar environmental
print, and picture
cues to recognize a
printed word.
Child recognizes some environmental print,
or popular words and signs, e.g., “Stop”:
/s/, /t/, /o/, /p/.
Child can recognize his/her own name.
Child points to book cover and says “Moon”
for Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise
When looking at the picture book, the child
looks at the picture of the bird in the tree
and says, “Bird.”
Child sees the toy store and asks, “Does
that say ‘toy’? Does it start with /t/?”
Point out signs or pictures in the child’s environment and ask the
child, “What do you think this word (unfamiliar word) says on (or
under) the sign or picture? What sound does it start with?”
Label objects with pictures and words both inside and
outside the house.
Label child’s clothing, drawings, and special toys with his/her
Label drawings or paintings with a title. Say “Tell me what
to write about your picture.” Point to the rst letter and ask,
“What sound does it makes?”
When writing a story with a child, draw a picture as they say
a difcult word such as “igloo” or “airplane.” Then write the
word under the picture to connect script with meaning.
Recognizes that
most speech sounds
(both consonants
and vowels) are
represented by single
letter symbols.
Child can match single letter symbols with
the vowel sounds they represent, e.g., /u/ is
for the “u” in “up.”
As the child puts letters on the magnetic
board, the child says, “I know these letter
sounds” as he/she says each sound for the
letters: “/b/, /t/, /s/, /m/, /d/, and /k/.”
When the child sees the vowels, “a,e,i,o,u,”
the child can say their short sounds
correctly. For example, the child may say,
“‘A says /a/ like in apple. ‘E’ says /e/ like in
elephant. ‘I’ says /i/ like in igloo. ‘O’ says /o/
like in the word octopus. ‘U’ says /u/ like in
Child can match all single letter symbols
with the consonant sounds they represent.
As the adult is reading or speaking, say and repeat
the sound that corresponds to the letter. Letter/sound
correspondence is a basic tool for guring out new words.
When you read the word “cat,” count, clap, or tap the sounds
in words, e.g., /k/a/t/, or /t/e/n/. Helping the child recognize
initial phonemes and how that sound corresponds to letters
in words is crucial to segmenting and blending sounds.
Ask the child to select two words that begin with the same
sound from a list, e.g., cat, cup, dog with an appropriate
response of cat and cup.
While waiting at the dentist ofce, ask the child to point to a
letter in a book. The adult names the letter and says: “‘M’
makes the sound of /m/.” Next, the child points to a letter,
names the letter, and says the sound the letter makes.
Begin to model spelling simple, common CVC (consonant,
vowel, consonant) words, such as “cat,” “dog,” “mom,” and “dad.”
Experiences success
in reading by sounding
out words (decoding).
Early Literacy
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL.2 unDerstanDs concept that the aLphabet represents the sounDs of spoken Language
anD the Letters of written Language (This includes utilizing this concept as an emerging reading strategy.) (continued)
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Child can decode the rst and sometimes
the last letter of the word such as the word
“mean.” The child would know the “m” and “n.”
However, the child may not know what “ea”
sounds like.
Child says, “I know ‘f makes the sound of /f/
and ‘i’ sounds like /i/ and the end of the word
sounds like /sh/. This word is sh. I know what
a sh is.”
Child begins to understand that if words sound
alike, they should look alike, e.g., pot, hot, and
lot look alike. Uses this information to decode
Child can break words into “chunks” and then
“blend,” them back into words, e.g., s/ing, b/
ed. Child says, “My big b/ed ‘bed’.”
When reading with the child and the child comes to a word
he/she doesn’t know, help him/her sound out the letters of
the word, pointing to each letter starting from the left, e.g.,
f/l/a/g/ or b/e/s/t/. Then ask the child to blend the sounds
together to discover the word. Offer encouragement for all
Play “Going Fishing” with the child using a sh pole to sh
for three- and four-letter words on word cards (four to ve
letter words that are both familiar and unfamiliar). Assist
the child in sounding out the words he/she does not know.
The child sees and reads word families like pit, hit, sit, kit,
and sat, hat, bat, and mat. Through practice he/she will
learn that the sound of some words is the same at the end
and that sometimes it is just the beginning of the word
that’s different. The child can use this understanding to
sort words.
Play word games with the child using word tiles and asking
“What sound does this ‘p’ make?” After making the /p/
sound, add the /o/ sound and letter, say it, then add the ‘t’
and say the sound /t/. Blend the sounds together and say
the word ‘pot.’
Recognizes and
names all letters of the
alphabet (upper and
lowercase) in familiar
and unfamiliar words.
Uses alphabet stamps and names the letters:
“C, D, A.”
Child says, “This is a ‘big A’ and this is a ‘little a’.”
Child says, “My name starts with a capital ‘A
and has a small ‘a’ next to it. My name looks
like this.” Child points to his name Aaron.
Child says, “I know all my letters.”
Playing together with the child, make familiar and
unfamiliar words using magnetic letters. Ask the child
to name the words and letters, e.g., m-o-m, s-i-s, d-a-d,
m-a-d, t-o-p, b-u-g.
Play alphabet bingo games.
Provide an alphabet chart for the child with both lower and
upper case letters.
Point out upper and lower case letters while reading a
book or looking at signs and labels.
When writing a story, let the child take turns “spying” for
different letters and circling them in his/her favorite color.
Reads familiar
decodable and
some irregular words
in books, signs, and
Child begins to read a book alone or with an
adult, and reads some of the words he/she
knows and has learned from past experiences
of reading a variety of books with the adult.
Child can read signs of favorite places to eat
or shop, and familiar signs such as “Stop” or
“Men” (on a bathroom door).
Child can read words that he/she sees
frequently such as his/her own name, other
children’s names, ‘mom,’ ‘dad,’ or ‘I love you.’
Child recognizes high frequency words and
reads them when seen in the environment, in
a list, or in stories. The child may read another
child’s story, “I like dogs, cats, and sh.”
Child consistently recognizes the words ‘I,’
‘me,’ ‘mom,’ ‘dad,’ ‘no,’ and ‘yes’ when written
in a book, on signs, and on labels.
The child recognizes about 50 high-frequency words as
he/she encounters the words in reading (some children
will read more, other children will read less). Simple high-
frequency words are recognized by “sight.” For example,
when the child encounters the words, they do not need
to sound the words out. Some high frequency words are
not easily decodable, such as ‘the,’ ‘they,’ and ‘was.’ Other
words may not yet be easily decoded by the child.
When the child asks “What is this word,” tell the child the
word. Or say, “Let’s sound it out together. My turn rst
and then we can do it together.” Help your child look for
the word again or write the word for him/her on a piece of
paper. Encourage the child to read and nd the new word.
“Jimmy learned a new word; it is ‘dog’.” Have the child
draw a picture of the new word.
Provide positive feedback to the child when he/she reads
signs, labels (environmental print), and tries to read
unfamiliar words in a book – say, “You are learning to read.”
Explores and enjoys
Child looks at pages in the book as adult
Child turns pages of a book to look at pictures.
Child recognizes favorite book by its covers.
Child brings book to the adult indicating that
he/she wants the adult to read the book.
Child picks up and explores books.
The child recognizes faces and voices of those who are
familiar to him/her and will begin to connect books with
what he/she loves most, the voice and the closeness. Hold
the child and use a happy, sing-song voice using inection
while reading.
Provide “board books” (thick cardboard pages) or pliable
plastic books that have colorful pictures and some words
that relate to the pictures, e.g., pictures of animals with
words telling what the animal says.
Some very young children have a “favorite book” and will
show their excitement with smiles and sounds when the
book is read.
Early Literacy
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL.3 shows appreciation of books anD unDerstanDs how print works
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Points to and names
pictures in a book
when asked.
Child points to the appropriate picture in the book
when adult asks, “Put your nger on the kitty.”
When the adult points to a picture of a dog in a
book and asks, “What’s this?” The child says,
Child points to pictures in a book and makes
sounds or smiles.
Provide the child with a variety of books. Model holding and
using books properly.
When reading stories, actively involve the child by asking
him/her to point to a picture and ask, “What’s this?” Talk
about the picture.
Provide touch or pop-up books like Spot Goes to School that
require physical interaction, e.g., lifting up the table cloth or
pulling a string. The child learns to attend carefully to pictures
with anticipation to interact with the story in the book.
Looks at picture
books and asks
questions or makes
After the adult has completed reading the print
on the page, the child reaches and turns the
While pointing to a picture, child asks, “What’s
When looking at a picture book, the child
names animals.
Invite the child to hold the book and/or turn pages as the
adult reads.
When the adult reads, point to the print so the child knows
when it is time to turn the page.
Ask the child open-ended questions, such as, “Why do
you think this happened?”
Allow the child to choose his/her favorite book to read in
the afternoon or for bedtime.
Understands that
print in the book
carries the message.
Child notices that the print rather than just
the picture has meaning, e.g., begins to
understand that the adult is reading the word
under the picture on the page.
Child points to some words as the adult reads
the story.
Adult says, “Point to the picture,” and the child
points to the picture of butteries. Pointing to
print, the adult asks, “What is this?” “That tells the
story,” says the child. The adult asks, “How did
you know that?” “It has letters,” says the child.
When the adult asks the child, “Where do I start to
read,” the child points to where the print begins.
When books are rst read to the child, he/she does not
always understand that the print holds the message, not
the pictures. By pointing to the print as the adult reads
the book, the child comes to realize that words can be put
together to tell the story and hold the message.
When the adult reads, point to the print so the child knows
when it is time to turn the page.
When writing names or things on lists, invitations, etc.,
explain to the child what you are writing.
Help your child make his/her own book. The child can
choose pictures for the book and then tell the adult the
words to write under the picture, or the child can draw
pictures and the adult can write the story for the child’s
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Views one page at
a time from the front
to the back of the
book and knows that
the book has a title,
author, and illustrator.
Child turns the pages one page at a time and
“reads” (pretend or real) the book to an adult,
friend, or younger sibling.
Child says, “This is my favorite book;
Dr. Seuss is the author. The title is Horton
Hatches the Egg.”
Child asks, “Who drew the pictures in this
Talk about the noticeable features of pictures and tell
the child that the pictures are created by illustrators. Tell
the child that words and stories in a book are written by
Ask the child, “What do you think the author is trying to tell
us in this part of the story?”
Ask the child, “What is the title of your favorite book?”
Early Literacy
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL.3 shows appreciation of books anD unDerstanDs how print works (continueD)
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Chooses reading
activities and
responds with
interest and
Child asks adult to read him/her a story in a book.
Child chooses a book to read that has some
words in it that he/she knows and browses.
Child “reads” the story in his/her own words.
After visiting the library, the child asks, “Can I
take this book home to read?”
After going to the library, child wants to “play
Child shows a favorite page in the book and
tells about the character.
Child wants to read (pretend or real) his/her
favorite book to an adult or another child.
Comment on the child’s interest in reading, assuring the
child that he/she will learn to read as he/she grows. It is
this interest and joy that takes the child from enjoying
books to wanting to continue to read alone.
Take the child to the library to choose some books to take
home. Choose books that match the child’s interest. Attend
“Story Time” at the library with the child.
Read adult books while the child is looking at or reading
his/her own books.
Encourage the child to retell a story including details and
connections between the story events or drawings.
Recognizes some
familiar environmental
Child sees popular words and signs, e.g., “Stop.”
Child looks at the shape and color of the
stop sign (red, octagon sign) to “read” the
associated word, “Stop.”
Child begins to recognize his/her own name.
The child uses strategies such as looking at
symbols, shapes, and colors to determine
Point out signs in the environment and tell what they say.
Praise attention to print.
Label child’s clothing, drawings, and special toys with his/
her name.
Label drawings or paintings with a title. Say, “Tell me what
to write about your picture.”
Understands the
difference between
letters, words, and
Child asks, “What is this word?”
Child says, “This is a long sentence. I am
going to count the words in this sentence.”
Child says, “I know all the letters on this
Ask child to point to the rst word in the sentence and then
the last word in the sentence.
When reading a book with the child, count the number of
words in a sentence and the number of letters in a word.
Use the words ‘letter,’ ‘word,’ and ‘sentence’ as you read
books or see letters, words, or sentences in everyday print.
“Here’s your letter, Lauren (pointing to letter ‘L’). This is the
letter ‘L’.”
Early Literacy
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL.3 shows appreciation of books anD unDerstanDs how print works (continueD)
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
that books have
sequence of
events, and story
Child acts out the story of The Three Bears
by telling about each of the character’s
actions and what happened in the
beginning, middle, and end of the story.
When listening to a reading of Three Billy
Goats Gruff, the reader says, “The little
goat crossed the bridge to the other side,”
the child says, “You forgot to say trip-trap-
When someone asks the child, “Why did
the monkeys throw down their hats?”
after reading Caps for Sale by Esphyr
Slobodkina, the child gives the reason.
Help the child set up the table with three sizes of bowls.
Set up three sizes of chairs and beds. Assist the child
with “play acting” the story of The Three Bears by taking a
character part in the story.
Read stories that have repetition of words or actions and
a sequence of events. Encourage the child to tell the story
by saying, “What happened in the beginning of the story?
What happened next? And what happened at the end of
the story?”
If the child becomes upset when the adult leaves out part
of the story as the adult reads, assure him/her that you
didn’t mean to skip it and reinforce him/her for accurately
remembering what comes next in the story, “You
remembered what came next in the story.”
When reading a book such as Caps for Sale, talk to the
child about the reason why the monkeys would throw their
hats down.
Handles books
correctly, and shows
increasing skills in
print directionality.
Child holds the book properly.
Child reads (pretend or real) the book going
from front to back, left to right, and top to
Child reads (pretend or real) a list of
classmates’ names from top to bottom.
Use book terms, e.g., title, author, illustrator, front cover,
back cover, spine, etc.
Say, “Let’s start reading at the top of the page and read to
the bottom of the page” or, “We start reading on this side
(left) and move to this side (right).”
When eating out and receiving a menu, point to and read
the food choices to the child.
Show the child lists of names; move a nger down the
list and say “Let’s see if we can nd your (or your mother,
father, brother, or sister’s) name.”
When making lists for the grocery store, model reading the
list to the child by pointing at the words from top to bottom.
When reading stories, ask the child, “Where does the story
begin?” Assist the child by pointing to where you will start
reading words. Show him/her by pointing to the words and
saying, “You start to read here” (moving his/her nger left to
right). Eventually the child will know that he/she needs to do
a return sweep when starting to read the next line of print.
Model pointing to words to help children attend to print as
well as pictures.
Ask child to point to the words as adult reads the story.
Early Literacy
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL. 4 uses writing to represent thoughts or iDeas
Begins to use
writing tools to make
Child picks up crayon or marker and holds it
in his/her st and makes marks on paper or
Child makes marks with a crayon or writing tool
in a book.
Provide a variety of opportunities and tools for writing,
e.g., shaving cream, chalk, paint, markers, colored pencils,
paper, sheets of plastic.
Provide crayons (short, fat), pencils (child size), markers
(washable), and paper so that the child can make marks.
To ensure safety, an adult needs to be present when very
young children are using writing tools.
and creates
Child covers the paper with lines and zigzags
and says, “Look.”
Child randomly makes one kind of mark, then
lls another part of the paper with another kind
of scribbling, or shapes, etc., and points to one
area and says, “Kitty” then points to another
area and says, “Doggie.”
Child makes lots of circle-type marks and
shows an adult his/her writing and says, “See,
I write this.”
Child scribbles on paper and says, “This is my
When the child writes or draws making random symbols,
ask, “What does that say?”
Write and draw with the child, talking about what the adult
and the child are drawing and writing.
Continue to smile and encourage the child for writing
words or messages.
When outside, allow the child to write with chalk on the
sidewalk, at the beach, or in the sand.
Encourage the child’s attempts at writing by saying,
“You’re a writer.”
Writes lists, thank
you notes, names,
and labels objects in
In the dramatic play center, the child pretends
to use a telephone book to nd the phone
number of a friend, and then writes a rst
name and some numerals on a note pad.
Child makes signs/labels for things in the
house or in a play center, e.g., hospital, store,
house, post ofce.
When playing marching music, the child makes
a pretend stop sign and holds it up to tell
everyone when to STOP.
Child makes a list of things he/she wants to do.
The child comes to know different types of writing (stories,
signs, letters, and lists) with different purposes. The child
comes to understand the “power” of written words when
he/she writes a sign that says, “Do Not Touch” on a block
structure that has been created.
Provide a variety of paper materials and writing tools in the
play area.
Labels pictures using
scribbles or letter-like
forms to represent
words or ideas.
After the child writes the letter “B” and wiggly
lines, the child says, “This says ‘books’.”
Child makes marks, including wiggly lines
and some letters mixed together, and places
it under a picture of his/her mother and
“pretends” to read the writing, saying, “This
says, ‘I love you’.”
Child uses a letter that looks like “M” and other
marks to label Mom’s picture, a letter that looks
like “D” and marks for Dad’s picture, and writes
several letters in his/her name under his/her
Child hears someone is sick and draws a
picture with a sad face. (Drawings represent a
spoken message.)
Provide the child with larger, shorter crayons (or break
longer crayons in half and remove the paper), and large
pencils to use when drawing or writing. Larger writing
instruments are easier for children to use and manipulate.
Accept any and all ways the child uses writing instruments.
The child may hold the instrument by his/her st or use
thumb and ngers when he/she begins to learn to write.
Show how adults label things at home. Help the child draw
or write labels for things in his/her environment such as
door, table, toys, etc.
Have a special writing place to make and display the
child’s writing.
Model writing for the child, e.g., grocery list, to-do list,
thank-you cards, and invite the child to write similar lists
and cards. Provide encouragement to the child for early
scribbles, shapes, and attempts at letters.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Writes recognizable
letters and begins
to write name and a
few words.
Child makes letters when working at his
“Writing Place.”
Child writes letters in his/her own name.
Child spontaneously writes letters of the
alphabet he/she knows on the white board and
says “See all my letters?”
Child writes his/her name on art work.
Child writes “Mom” and “Dad.”
Provide the child with tracing letters, paper, and large
pencil, crayons, or markers (washable).
Model for the child how to make letter formations and say,
“Start at the top and pull down, then start in the middle,
come down around ‘b’; now, you try it.”
The child usually starts writing the letters in their name. If
the child is interested in writing alphabet letters, ask, “What
letter do you want to write?”
Using a nger, draw letters on the child’s back (this is fun
using soap in the tub while taking a bath).
Assist the child to write letters using rope (on the oor) or
use string on the table.
Uses knowledge
of sounds and
letters to write
some words and
phrases (inventive
and conventional
After going for a walk, the child gets a piece
of paper and says, “I’m going to write a story
about our walk.” The child writes, “Today is
Monday. I wlkd (walked) to the prk (park).”
Child writes, “I ms you.”
Child sounds out the correct consonant
sounds, matching them to the correct letter as
he/she reads aloud and writes, putting each
letter in the correct sequence with only a few
words misspelled, e.g., “I lke appl pie.”
After drawing a picture of a computer in his/
her journal, the child uses invented spelling to
write “I LK CMPTRS.”
Child writes sounds he/she hears in familiar
words like mom, dad, and Tom. The child
writes, “Mom, Dad, Tom” and “I love you.”
Set-up a writing center with many types of writing tools
and papers. Include name cards, word lists, picture
dictionaries, and alphabet posters for copying.
Make ABC books (both upper and lower case) that have
pages with letters written on them. Allow the child to draw
a picture that starts with the letter and write a word that
starts with the letter (rst letter correct; other parts of the
word may be spelled phonetically and that’s O.K.).
When the child writes you a message, e.g., “Can I go,”
read it and answer it as soon as possible. Save messages
and ask the child to read it back to you again.
When cooking, ask the child to make a list of what he/she
needs to get ready to make a favorite snack recipe.
When looking at pictures in books, magazines, or at the
child’s artwork, ask the child to tell you about the picture or
artwork and write a story about it.
Early Literacy
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL. 4 uses writing to represent thoughts or iDeas (continueD)
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
Section Four
This domain, the one most subject to individual variation, recognizes that children
approach learning in different ways and emphasizes the development of positive
attitudes and dispositions to acquire information. It honors that children learn
within the context of their family and culture. It is inclusive of a child’s curiosity
about the world and the importance that imagination and invention play in
openness to new tasks and challenges. It stresses the importance of nurturing
initiative, task persistence and attentiveness in learning while encouraging
reection and interpretation. It addresses the important aspect of how we learn
as well as what we learn.
The acquisition of knowledge, skills, and capacities is an insufcient criterion of
developmental success. Children must be inclined to marshal such skills and
capacities. The way young children approach learning is inuenced by their
sociocultural environment as well as by individual temperament and gender. All
children can and do acquire knowledge. Their ability to integrate information and
to demonstrate what they know varies based on all other areas of development
along with their individual biology, history, and culture. Children’s approaches to
learning are often determined by their openness to and curiosity about new tasks
and challenges, task persistence, and attentiveness, reection and interpretation
of experiences, imagination and invention, and individual temperament.
Approaches to learning encompass attitudes, habits, and learning styles. Young
children benet most from meaningful hands-on experiences and nurturing
interactions where the intrinsic joy of learning is emphasized and valued.
Developmental Expectation
Children in Wisconsin will use
curiosity, engagement and persistence
to extend their learning.
Performance Standard
During the early childhood period, children in Wisconsin will show evidence of
developmentally appropriate abilities in the following areas:
A.EL. 1 Displays curiosity, risk-taking, and willingness to engage in
new experiences.
A.EL. 2 Engages in meaningful learning through attempting,
repeating, experimenting, rening, and elaborating on
experiences and activities.
A.EL. 3 Exhibits persistence and exibility.
Program Standard
Early care and education programs in Wisconsin will provide the environment,
context, and diverse opportunities for children to extend their learning through
curiosity, engagement, and persistence.
Developmental Expectation
Children in Wisconsin will engage in
diverse approaches to learning that
reect social and cultural contexts
such as biology, family history, culture,
and individual learning styles.
Performance Standard
During the early childhood period, children in Wisconsin will show evidence of
developmentally appropriate abilities in the following areas:
C. EL. 1 Experiences a variety of routines, practices, and languages.
C. EL. 2 Learns within the context of his/her family and culture.
C. EL. 3 Uses various styles of learning including verbal/linguistic,
bodily/kinesthetic, visual/spatial, interpersonal, and intrapersonal.
Program Standard
Early care and education programs in Wisconsin will provide the environment,
context, and opportunities for children to extend their learning through
partnerships with parents to honor diversity and individual learning styles.
Developmental Expectation
Children in Wisconsin will use
invention, imagination, and play to
extend their learning.
Performance Standard
During the early childhood period, children in Wisconsin will show evidence of
developmentally appropriate abilities in the following areas:
B. EL. 1 Engages in imaginative play and inventive thinking
through interactions with people, materials, and the
B. EL. 2 Expresses self creatively through music, movement,
and art.
Program Standard
Early care and education programs in Wisconsin will provide the environment,
context, and diverse opportunities for children to expand their creativity and
Important Reminders
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards recognize that children are individuals
who develop at individual rates. While they develop in generally similar stages
and sequences, greatly diverse patterns of behavior and learning emerge as a result
of the interaction of several factors, including genetic predisposition and physical
characteristics, socio-economic status, and the values, beliefs, and cultural and
political practices of their families and communities. The Wisconsin Model Early
Learning Standards reect expectations for a typically developing child; adapting and
individualizing learning experiences accommodates optimal development for all children.
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards developmental continuum and
sample behaviors ARE NOT intended to be used as age markers, a prescriptive
listing of development with every rst item in a continuum starting at birth, nor as a
comprehensive or exhaustive set of sample behaviors of children and sample strategies
for adults.
Curiosity, Engagement, and Persistence
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: A.EL.1 DispLays curiosity, risk-taking, anD wiLLingness to engage in new experiences
Shows growing
eagerness and
delight in self, others,
and in surroundings.
Child delights in building with simple blocks or
Child laughs and giggles when trying to catch
water draining from a funnel.
Child asks many questions about new
experiences they encounter.
Exhibits brief interest
in people and things
in their surroundings.
Child reaches toward objects that captures his/
her attention.
Child picks up and explores interesting
objects but soon drops them and goes on to
something else.
Child notices other children at play.
Child watches a ball as it rolls away, but loses
interest when it rolls out of view.
Include objects and experiences that stimulate the child’s
senses such as walks outdoors, colorful mobiles, and a variety
of music. Notice what captures the interest of the child.
Provide opportunities for child to interact with safe toys as
long as he/she is interested. Accept their short attention span.
Provide opportunities for child to play near other children.
Encourage child to look for objects that have gone out of
site by asking “Where did the ball go?”
Attends for longer
periods of time and
shows preference for
some activities.
Child sits to listen to short stories being read
and requests them often.
Child selects favorite toy from a shelf or storage
area and plays with it for 15 minutes or more.
Child shows growing capacity to concentrate
on a task despite distractions or interruptions.
Child asks for a favorite toy that he/she cannot nd.
Gradually lengthen time child is expected to remain
engaged in activities or experiences. For example, read
longer stories to expand their attention span.
Rotate toys and books to provide a fresh variety but keep
those that the child seems most interested in for longer
periods of time.
Store toys, books, and playthings in a way that the child
can easily nd items he/she prefers, such as on a shelf
or book display. Display books so the child can see the
covers easily.
Is curious about
and willing to try
new and unfamiliar
experiences and
activities within their
Child tries to climb on outdoor play equipment
that he/she has not tried before.
Child digs in the dirt to nd bugs and worms.
Child watches other children at the table eating
a food he/she has not eaten, and then tastes it
for the rst time.
Child uses woodworking tools he/she has not
used before (with supervision).
Provide play equipment that safely challenges the child.
Encourage him/her to expand skills and abilities and still
experience success.
Enable the child to explore safely in nature even if you are
not comfortable with natural objects or animals yourself.
Learn new things together.
Introduce new foods several times. The child may not eat it
the rst time, but may be willing to try it at a later time.
Offer encouragement that is meaningful and specic to
what the child has done, e.g., “You learned how to use a
hammer today.”
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Provide opportunities to experiment with new materials
and activities without fear of making mistakes.
Provide safe toys and natural objects such as sand and
water for child to manipulate and explore.
Encourage the child’s natural inclination to ask questions
and to wonder. Help him/her rene questions and think of
ways he/she might gain answers.
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Curiosity, Engagement, and Persistence
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: A.EL. 2 engages in meaningfuL Learning through attempting, repeating, experimenting,
refining anD eLaborating on experiences anD activities
Attempts a new
skill in a variety of
Child balances and walks on a variety of
surfaces, such as grass, sand, ramps,
steps, and play structures.
Child puts on own hat when it is time to leave.
Child explores opening doors, cabinets,
and drawers.
Child wants to go down the slide
repeatedly, and may want to climb up the
slide instead of using the steps.
Allow the child to explore many environments, encouraging
exploration while keeping a watchful eye.
Although it may seem time-consuming, allow the child to “do it
him or herself” before offering to help.
If a child starts to engage in an undesirable or unsafe behavior,
gently redirect them to an acceptable activity.
Talk about what the child is doing to enhance his/her learning.
Repeats an action
many times to gain
condence and skill.
Child puts the same puzzle together
Child asks for the same story to be read
over and over again.
Child continues to do somersaults, even
though the child may fall over sideways
and bump into things.
When the child completes a task, ask if he/she would like to do it
again? This encourages the child to keep practicing.
Be patient with repeated requests for the same story. The child
is becoming familiar with the words and sequence of events and
may soon be able to “Read it him/herself” from memory.
Support the child’s desire to practice a skill he/she is trying to perfect.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Attempts a new skill
when encouraged
and supported by
a safe and secure
Child reaches for a toy when adult holds
it out to him/her.
Child tries to pull self into a standing
position when adult holds his/her hands.
Child rolls from back to stomach.
Child takes rst steps without holding
onto supportive objects.
Child tries to put on own clothes with
help from adult.
Encourage the child to try new skills within the safety of your
watchful care.
Offer toys and objects to the child allowing him/her to reach and
grasp them in order to strengthen eye-hand coordination.
Hold the child’s hands and allow him/her to pull themselves up to
standing position in order to strengthen arm and leg muscles.
When child is learning to walk, make sure there is enough space
in the room so that he/she does not bump into things. If the child
falls, do not alarm him/her, but encourage the child to try again.
When dressing the child, allow him/her to help as much as
Renes skills
that have been
Child uses new tools to build a sand castle.
Child uses a variety of strategies to get
the basketball into the hoop.
Child draws pictures of himself/herself
with more attention to detail.
Child builds a block structure with more
intricate design.
Model exploration and use of a variety of familiar and new
learning materials and activities.
Encourage child to try new approaches to solving problems. Invite
the child to think of multiple solutions. Talk about how it is okay to
make mistakes and then keep trying.
Acknowledge child’s efforts to expand on previous skills, “Wow,
I see you have added earrings, glasses, and eyelashes to your
Reinforce child’s efforts by taking photographs of his/her and his/her
projects and displaying them for the child to comment on and admire.
Experiments and
practices to expand
skill level.
Child begins to do a somersault in a
kneeling position and then expands
to beginning the somersault from a
standing position.
Child paints with a paint brush and then
asks adult, “Can I use this sponge to
paint a picture?”
After learning how to introduce himself,
e.g., “My name is Bill.” The child introduces
his sister to another friend saying, “This is
my sister, her name is Anna.”
Provide materials and equipment so that the child can experiment
with new approaches to accomplish a task that the child has
learned previously.
Encourage the child to practice and expand a skill by asking
about his/her ideas to complete the task.
Praise child for trying something new.
Talk to child while you are trying new ways of cooking, doing
activities, or engaging in other routines. Share stories with child
about experiences you had trying something new.
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
A. Curiosity, Engagement, and Persistence
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: A.EL. 3 exhibits persistence anD fLexibiLity
Focuses on activity
but may be easily
Child continues to roll and retrieve a ball for
several minutes with adult nearby until the ball
rolls under a shelf and the child cannot nd it.
The child then abandons the ball and looks for
another toy.
Child stacks blocks and knocks them down
with adult nearby. After knocking the stack
down and briey trying to restack the blocks,
may become frustrated.
Child starts to pick up toys that he/she was
playing with but gets re-engaged and starts to
play with them again.
Acknowledge the child’s persistence and help him/her to
maintain attention with comments such as “Wow! Look
how tall you can stack those blocks! Let’s try again.”
Make frequent comments about the child’s efforts such as
“You’re almost nished. You worked very hard at stacking
those blocks.”
Understand that in order for the child to learn, he/she will knock
down block structures, drop things to watch them fall, and
experiment with how things work. Use these opportunities as
teachable moments instead of sources of conict.
Attends to sights and
sounds and persists
with (continues in)
activity only when
supported by adult
Child continues to play with a ball when the
adult rolls it back and forth to him laughing and
talking about the ball.
Child concentrates on stacking blocks if the
adult helps rebuild the stack when it gets
knocked over.
Encourage child’s attention and persistence at tasks by
interacting and talking with the child about what he/she is
Respond to child’s request for help promptly without being
When a child quits or gives up too easily, gently encourage
his/her saying “Try one more time.”
Persists with activity
independently until
goal is reached.
Child continues to roll a ball attempting to
knock down cones until all cones are down,
and then sets them up and tries again.
Child builds a block structure and rebuilds it
after another child accidentally knocks it over.
Child asks if he/she can keep his/her picture
and continue to work on it later.
Provide places and times where child can play or work
without interruption.
Reinforce child’s persistence by acknowledging his/
her behavior such as taking photos of the child’s block
structure, and posting it so the child can see it often.
Provide a safe place for child to store projects that he/she
has not nished and wants to keep working on.
Sets and develops
goals and follows
through on plans
making adjustments
as necessary,
despite distractions
and mishaps.
Child engages in a game of “bowling” with
another child; setting up pins and rolling the
ball to knock them down.
Child is able to put unnished work away
temporarily and come back to complete it later.
Child has an idea, may ask an adult to help
him/her think it through and then carries out the
project, adjusting for availability of materials,
space or time (block structure, art project,
garden planting, simple cooking project).
Encourage goal setting by asking the child what he/she
plans to do.
If the child changes plans, acknowledge the change with
comments such as “I see you decided to try something
Review with the child what he/she has done during the
day, and ask the child to think about what he/she would
like to do the next day.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
B. Creativity and Imagination
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B. EL. 1 engages in imaginative pLay anD inventive thinking through interactions with
peopLe, materiaLs, anD the environment
Watches and imitates
the actions of others.
Child imitates facial expression of adults.
Child smiles when adult smiles at them.
Child imitates giggling when another child giggles.
Child engages adult by playing peek-a-boo.
May imitate adult covering eyes or holding up
a blanket.
Uses objects in
pretend play as they
are used in real life,
and gradually begins
to substitute one
object for another in
pretend play.
Child pretends to cook by stirring a spoon in a pan.
Child rolls a round object across the oor to
see if it will roll like a ball.
Child holds the toy telephone receiver up to
his/her ear with one hand and pokes at the
number buttons with the other hand.
Give young children real and pretend toys that are part of
everyday life such as pots and pans, spoons, bowls, or old
phones. (Note: Do NOT allow children to play with old cell
phones or hand held phones containing batteries for safety
Place unbreakable mirrors low on the wall near the child’s
play area. Make silly faces or pretend animal noises
together in front of the mirror.
Select toys and materials that could be used in a variety
of ways (sometimes referred to as “open-ended” toys)
in which the child’s imagination will be engaged. For
example: cardboard boxes, drawing/painting materials,
and old dress-up clothes. Complex toys (that are often
expensive) usually are not as engaging to the child as the
box they came in!
Smile, talk, and laugh with young children often—even the
youngest baby. Even if not talking directly to the child, talk
about the task or activity you are engaged in at the moment.
This will enhance the child’s language and thinking skills.
Hide your face behind your hands or an object such as
a book to play peek-a-boo with the child. A small stuffed
animal—such as a bunny—can also play peek-a-boo and
might capture the child’s attention.
Talk to the child with a fun hand puppet. Use a “silly” voice
for the puppet.
Recreates and acts
out real-life and
fantasy experiences
in pretend play.
Child puts a bib on the doll as he/she feeds it
from a dish, takes the bib off, and then puts the
doll to bed.
Child acts out a visit to the doctor by giving
a “shot” to the stuffed animals and then
comforting them after the shot.
Child explores being a mommy or daddy as
he/she feeds the doll and puts it to bed.
Child makes play dough “cookies” on a plate
and offers them to adults or friends to “eat.”
Read books with child and act out some of things that
happened in the book such as pretending to be an animal
or character (e.g., huff and puff like the wolf in The Three
Little Pigs).
Have a box of real clothes for the child to “pretend” with.
Play house, cook “pretend” dinner, have a tea party, etc.
along with child. Engage the child’s imaginative thinking
and have fun together.
Take child (even young children) to events such as
community children’s theatre performances, story hour
at the library or local coffee shop, high school theatre or
musical performances, etc.
Engages in elaborate
and sustained
imaginative play
and can distinguish
between real-life and
Child dresses in make-believe clothes and
acts out the part dressed for such as mommy/
daddy, singer on a stage, reghter, etc.
Child “plays school” by pretending to read a
book to others or does “homework” next to
siblings doing real homework.
Child creates and tells made-up and/or silly
Child plans and acts out a tea party with
stuffed animals and talks about how the
animals cannot really drink the tea because
they are not alive.
Brainstorm ideas, such as “What would happen if...” “What
else do you need to know?”
Give space and time for children to explore their interests
in depth. If a child has a superior knowledge of outer
space, encourage him/her to represent his learning by
constructing a spaceship out of cardboard boxes with
many realistic details involving windows, gears, and dials.
Expose child to lots of new and different places and
experiences such as the re station, hospitals, airports,
a Native American Pow Wow, museums, theatrical
performances, etc.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Creativity and Imagination
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B. EL. 2 expresses seLf creativeLy through music, movement, anD art
Shows a
preference towards
certain types of
movement, music,
and visual stimuli.
Child attempts hand movements to
nger plays and simple songs.
Child claps their hands to start a
game of pat-a-cake.
Child prefers books with bright colors
of people, animals, and familiar
Child becomes calm and listens
intently to a favorite tune.
Child recognizes a favorite tune on
the radio or stereo and dances along.
Sing simple songs and nger play with the child helping him/her to
follow along by gently moving their hands along with yours.
Provide simple noisemakers or instruments and “make music”
together by tapping to a beat. Encourage child to make a louder or
softer noise to help him/her discriminate between sounds. Note—rice
or macaroni in a plastic bottle that is securely sealed makes a simple
Provide books with bright colors, faces of people, animals, and
familiar objects in the child’s world. Read books together every day.
Give the child old silky scarves to dance with to music. Dance along
with the child.
Provide simple drawing materials such as large crayons or markers
and encourage experimenting with these materials. (Non-toxic and
washable materials are recommended.)
Attends to or
responds to
movement, music,
and visual stimuli.
Child shows expression of joy when
gazing at familiar picture.
Child is comforted by the slow rhythm
of a lullaby or may be excited by
music with a lively beat.
Child sways to music along with adult.
Child shakes the rattle harder and
harder, delighting in the louder noise.
Play soothing lullaby music at nap time or bedtime for child to listen to
when going to sleep.
Play a variety of music (classical, jazz, rock, etc.) for child to listen
to in the everyday environment. Sing and dance together with the
child—helping him/her to sway or feel the beat of the music.
Provide pictures at the child’s eye level for him/her to see. Pictures
can be placed next to the diaper changing area or next to a high chair
or on the wall next to the child’s play area.
Explores the
process of using
a variety of artistic
materials, music,
and movement.
Child uses crayons, paintbrushes,
markers, chalk, etc., to mix colors and
draw simple pictures.
Child explores a variety of materials
such as glue, colored rice, macaroni,
glitter, cotton balls, etc., to create
Child follows a rhythm and beat
in music with a simple musical
instrument such as a shaker, drum, or
Child participates in musical games
such as the Hokey Pokey.
Expresses self
(ideas, feelings, and
thoughts) through
a variety of artistic
media, music, and
Child tries new ideas with play dough,
such as using toothpicks as candles
for a birthday cake.
Child expresses through movement
and dancing what is felt and heard in
various musical tempos and styles.
Child progresses in abilities to create
drawings, paintings, models, and other
art creations that are more detailed,
creative, or realistic.
Child participates in musical
performances with others that include
singing, dancing, or the use of simple
Have a variety of art materials available all the time for the child to
“create” with. Let child experiment with the materials in any way he/
she likes to. Encourage creative expression. (Remember to have a
smock or old shirt for the child to help with those “messy” projects.)
Talk to the child about his/her creations. Ask questions such as, “Tell
me about your pictures,” or “Tell me what’s happening in this picture.”
Take child to musical performances (ballet or musicals as well as
children’s performances) so that he/she is exposed to a variety of
musical forms. Comment about how the music makes you feel so that
the child begins to associate different feelings with different types of
Take child to art museums, and use the names of famous artists and
talk about their style or how they created their work. Having similar
materials available for the child to experiment with can extend this.
(An example is providing watercolors after studying Georgia O’Keeffe
Provide a larger variety of drawing materials for child to experiment
with. Add things such as colored pencils, chalk, or watercolor paints.
Provide a variety of materials to draw or paint on such as large freezer
wrap paper, old paper bags, old magazines or catalogs, sidewalks, etc.
Help child learn to use glue and provide lots of various materials for the
child to “create.” Items found in nature (acorns, feathers, leaves, sand,
etc.) are particularly appealing to young children to use for creative
Play and sing simple songs and nger plays together (Itsy Bitsy Spider,
nursery rhymes, or a favorite song on the radio). This is especially fun
and helpful during long car rides.
If child is in a school or childcare setting, make a recording of favorite
songs to sing and dance to at home.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
C. Diversity in Learning
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C. EL.1 experiences a variety of routines, practices, anD Languages
Depends on adults
to communicate
about their routines,
cultural preferences,
and learning styles.
Child may be fussy when a routine they
have come to expect does not happen in
all settings.
Child may become confused when
caretakers have different practices in child
rearing and varying expectations for child.
Child imitates and repeats the language
most commonly heard in their family.
(This may be a specic dialect or a blend
of languages.)
Child may begin to learn to use simple
sign language for “more,” “stop” and
Learn about child development so that unrealistic expectations
are not placed on the child.
The caregivers of the child need to communicate frequently
about routines, and understand the importance of consistency
for the child.
Take time to understand various perspectives on child rearing
and how these practices may inuence how a child is raised.
Use simple sign language for child to signal common activities,
and help children who do not speak the primary language.
Explore a variety of ways to communicate between caregivers.
Starts to notice
differences in
routines, practices,
and languages.
Child will become fussy if he/she does
not have favorite blanket when it is
Child will not play in the sandbox because
he/she is afraid to get clothes dirty.
Child may eat certain foods with ngers
instead of using a utensil.
Child notices that someone is using a
cane and wants to touch it.
Child hears someone using another
language and tries to imitate it.
Acknowledge the importance of routines for the child, and honor
their need for consistency and comfort.
Take time to understand the reasons for the action of a child and
whether it might be the result of their biology or culture.
Be open to various ways of doing things based on biology,
culture, or family history.
Help child understand differences by commenting, “we are all
different, some of us need canes to walk, some can’t walk and
need wheelchairs, and some can walk by themselves.”
Incorporate opportunities for the child to experience other
languages through music, stories, and interactions with persons
from various cultures.
Asks questions of
adults about the
differences between
various routines,
practices, and
languages in a variety
of settings.
Child wants to know why they need to
take a nap when a friend does not.
Child asks why his/her hair is not braided
like other children.
Child tries a new food and wants to know
where and how the food is grown.
Child asks why someone needs to wear a
hearing aid.
Child asks what a word means in another
Talk to the child about how we are all different: some people
need more sleep than others or some need hearing aids to hear.
Engage the child to talk about how he/she is special and unique.
Read books about a variety of cultures, geographical locations,
and differences.
Honor the language of the child and access resources to
enhance learning in his/her primary language as well as other
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Diversity in Learning (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL. 2 Learns within the context of his/her famiLy anD cuLture
Reects their
family, culture, and
community when
engaged in play and
Child plays with items that are familiar and
similar to toys he/she is exposed to in their
most common setting.
Child may imitate the mannerisms and
behaviors of his/her family members.
Child has certain expectations of adults based
upon his/her primary relationships.
Recognize that a child learns from nurturing interactions
with adults with or without materials.
Allow child to display individuality, while teaching him/her
about socially appropriate behaviors.
Parents, grandparents, caregivers, and all adults in the
lives of the child will benet from learning about child
development and appropriate expectations.
Understands and
accepts diversity in
other children and
Child requests song of a particular style or
ethnic culture.
Child requests a food prepared the way
another family prepares it.
Child talks positively about diverse
Child seeks recognition for his/her individuality
and uniqueness.
Keep a variety of music available to respond to child’s
Share recipes for favorite foods, and try different foods
with the child.
Model acceptance and tolerance for diversity in your words
and actions.
Reinforce the child for positive comments and experiences
when engaged in diverse learning opportunities.
Starts to notice that
other children and
families do things
Child wants to use chopsticks to eat rice when
they see a friend doing so.
Child asks questions while listening to a story
about hats from different cultures.
Child wants to know why someone is wearing
clothes that are different than what he/she wears.
Encourage child to try new experiences, and then ask
them how it felt to try something different.
Answer the child’s questions in a matter-of-fact way,
indicating that the world is full of interesting ways to do things.
Read a variety of books about the child’s culture as well as
other topics that interest them.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
C. Diversity in Learning (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL. 3 uses various styLes of Learning such as visuaL/spatiaL, verbaL/Linguistic,
boDiLy/kinesthetic, interpersonaL, anD intrapersonaL.
Explores other
learning styles when
introduced by an
adult or peer.
Child follows another child’s example of how to
dance which is not his/her usual preference.
Child who usually plays alone joins in a small
group activity when invited by another child or
Child tries to tie his/her shoe in a different way
after watching another child.
When introducing a new skill or material, use a variety of
Be aware of your learning style and how that might
inuence how you interact with a child.
Invite a child who usually learns best independently to
join a small group. Start by involving only one other child,
then later expand the size of the group when the child is
Tends to have a
preferred learning
Child watches how a task is performed before
attempting the task himself/herself (visual/
Child listens for clues to understand how to
proceed (verbal/linguistic).
Child learns best when he/she is able to move
about (bodily/kinesthetic).
Child prefers to learn new skills when by
himself/herself (intrapersonal).
Child learns new skills more quickly when
interacting with others (interpersonal).
Visually demonstrate the appropriate way to use toys and
Use language and stories to describe how an activity is
Allow child to move around when exploring a new activity.
Permit child to explore new materials independently.
Introduce some activities in small group settings with one
or two other children present.
Uses a variety of
learning styles to
meet their needs or
achieve their goals.
Child who does not usually engage in physical
activities, joins a new game of tag when invited
by a friend.
Child who usually prefers verbal directions,
uses a picture diagram to complete a task.
Child who is usually not comfortable handling
sticky materials, uses “goop” to complete an
art project.
Provide multiple opportunities to learn using different
learning styles.
Encourage child to demonstrate what he/she is learning in
a variety of ways.
Encourage child to learn from others, and support his/her
efforts to share ideas and different approaches to learning.
When looking at how a task can be accomplished, discuss
a variety of approaches.
Provide directions in a variety of formats such as verbal,
written, diagrams, and modeling.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
Section Five
This domain recognizes children’s search for meaning as the basis for
intellectual development. The components focus on children’s curiosity about
the world and their developing ability to acquire, organize, and use information
in increasingly complex ways to satisfy that curiosity. Children are engaged in
and appreciate the arts as an organizing framework for expressing ideas and
feelings. Primary components include mathematics and logical thinking, scientic
thinking, and problem-solving.
Children acquire knowledge by linking prior experiences to new learning
situations. As a child applies and extends prior knowledge to new experiences,
he or she renes concepts or forms new ones. Cognition is a uid process
by which children use thinking skills to conceptually develop a construct of
the world, thus enabling active learning. General knowledge is a product of
cognition, which expands and grows through learning and self-expression.
Developmental Expectation
Children in Wisconsin will develop
their capacity to use cognitive skills
as a tool to acquire knowledge and
skills. These skills include reasoning,
reection, and interpretation.
Performance Standard
During the early childhood period, children in Wisconsin will show evidence of
developmentally appropriate abilities in the following areas:
A. EL. 1 Uses multi-sensory abilities to process information.
A. EL. 2 Understands new meanings as memory increases.
A. EL. 3 Applies problem solving skills.
Program Standard
Early care and education programs in Wisconsin will provide a supportive
context and increasingly complex opportunities for children to explore, discover,
and solve problems.
Performance Standard
During the early childhood period, children in Wisconsin will show evidence of
developmentally appropriate abilities in the following areas:
B. EL. 1 Demonstrates an understanding of numbers and counting.
B. EL. 2 Understands number operations and relationships.
B. EL. 3 Explores, recognizes, and describes, shapes and spatial
B. EL. 4 Uses the attributes of objects for comparison and
B. EL. 5 Understands the concept of measurement.
B. EL. 6 Collects, describes, and records information using all
Program Standard
Early care and education programs in Wisconsin will provide a supportive
context and increasingly complex opportunities for children to extend their
learning though the use of mathematical and logical thinking processes.
Developmental Expectation
Children in Wisconsin will understand
and use early mathematical concepts
and logical thinking processes to
extend their learning.
Developmental Expectation
Children in Wisconsin will understand
and use scientic tools and skills to
extend their learning.
Performance Standard
During the early childhood period, children in Wisconsin will show evidence of
developmentally appropriate abilities in the following areas:
C. EL. 1 Uses observation to gather information.
C. EL. 2 Uses tools to gather information, compare observed objects, and
seek answers to questions through active investigation.
C. EL. 3 Hypothesizes and makes predictions.
C. EL. 4 Forms explanations based on trial and error, observations, and
Program Standard
Early care and education programs in Wisconsin will provide the environment,
context, and increasingly complex opportunities for children to extend their
learning through the use of scientic reasoning.
Important Reminders
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards recognize that children are
individuals who develop at individual rates. While they develop in generally similar stages
and sequences, greatly diverse patterns of behavior and learning emerge as
a result of the interaction of several factors, including genetic predisposition and
physical characteristics, socio-economic status, and the values, beliefs, and cultural
and political practices of their families and communities. The Wisconsin Model Early
Learning Standards reect expectations for a typically developing child; adapting
and individualizing learning experiences accommodates optimal development for all
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards developmental continuum and sample
behaviors ARE NOT intended to be used as age markers, a prescriptive listing of
development with every rst item in a continuum starting at birth, nor as a comprehensive
or exhaustive set of sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults.
Exploration, Discovery, and Problem Solving
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: a.eL. 1 uses muLti-sensory abiLities to process information
Uses senses
to explore and
experiment with new
Child laughs while splashing and playing
with water and water toys during bath
Child experiments with tastes of new
foods and decides likes and dislikes
Child engages in poking, dropping,
pushing, pulling, and squeezing objects to
see what will happen.
Child explores and experiments with
modeling clay, shaving cream, and other
materials such as sand, dirt, and water.
Uses senses
to explore the
Child responds to too much stimulation
(touch, sounds, light, and voices) by
looking away, crying, yawning, or sleeping.
Child follows objects and people with
eyes. May prefer shiny objects and faces,
especially eyes and mouth.
Child looks at hands or plays with feet
while lying in the crib or on the oor.
Child turns head toward familiar (caregiver
or family members) voices.
Child explores objects using hands, mouth,
and tongue.
Talk and sing to the child while holding, changing diapers,
bathing, and when working or moving anywhere near the
Provide a variety of interesting objects and toys that make
noise, e.g., rattle, crinkly material, music box, squeeze toys.
Provide stuffed animals, doll with happy face, and toy with a
smiling person face.
Place a safe, interesting mobile on the child’s crib.
Uses senses and a
variety of strategies
to investigate
Child uses cups, spoons, hands, and other
tools to dig in dirt, sand, and rice table to nd
out “What’s in here?” and to hide objects.
Child inspects all moving parts of toys
such as the wheels, doors, and other small
moving parts.
Child smells odor from another room and
asks, “Who made popcorn?”
Fill a large tub with rice and give the child toys, kitchen items,
and other small safe items to play with in the “rice tub.”
Bring toys and objects to play with in the sand at the beach.
Call attention to and talk with the child about smells outside
and inside the house. “What do you smell?”
Help the child to compare and contrast by going on “hunts”
around the room for something that looks, sounds, feels, or
smells the same.
Provide the child with water toys during bath time.
Introduce new foods to determine which foods the child likes
and dislikes. A doctor or pediatrician will tell the adult when to
introduce certain types of foods.
Provide the child with safe toys and objects that he/ she can
chew, push, pull, squeeze, and roll. Provide the child with toys
that make sounds when the child pushes on or moves certain
parts of the toy.
Provide safe ways for the child to try something new, e.g.,
painting with ngers, hands, or wooden sticks. Use plastic
gloves to work with shaving cream. Use plastic cooking cutters
when playing with modeling clay.
Uses senses to
generalize and apply
prior learning.
Child uses a variety of ways to use
crayons, markers, scissors, and paper to
create “works of art.”
Child uses tools to take things apart and
attempts to put them back together the
same way or invent new structures using
the parts.
Child compares smells saying, “That smells
good like my mother’s perfume.” Or “That
smells yucky like my grandpa’s barnyard.”
Child has preferences for sounds and
music and asks adult, “Will you play guitar
music?” “I don’t like loud drum music.”
Provide the child a place to “work” with a variety of materials
and let him/her create own art work, take apart real objects (safe
objects) such as toaster and clock, and put them back together.
Allow the child to create with natural materials, e.g., sand, grass
clippings, rocks, water etc. in a safe place outside of the house.
Provide experiences that require the child to use multiple senses,
e.g., cooking to experience seeing changes and smelling and
tasting the results.
Have child close his/her eyes. Have several different items such
as fruits and ask the child, “What does this smell like?” Use two
different fruits and say, “Does this one smell like this one?”
Provide child with toys and instruments that make music.
Provide variety of musical experiences in which the child can
participate by singing, playing, listening, and dancing. Select
music from many cultures.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Exploration, Discovery, and Problem Solving
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: A.EL. 2 unDerstanDs new meanings as memory increases
Observes and
imitates sounds and
Child imitates waving bye-bye and playing peek-
Child picks up telephone and places it next to ear
and starts to “babble/talk.”
Child pushes chair up to computer and pushes at
the keys to “work” with adult.
Child points to some body parts when asked,
“Show me your head (nose, eyes, tummy, feet).”
Understands that
objects and people
continue to exist
when they are
removed from the
child’s immediate
environment. (Object
Child hides a toy car and later remembers and
looks in the same location for the toy car.
When the child sees his/her “blankie” under
one bucket and then under another bucket,
the child watches and can correctly locate the
“blankie” in the second hiding place.
When playing hide and seek with an adult,
the child can nd the adult in the same hiding
place used previously by the adult.
When asked, “Where’s your coat?” the child
looks for the coat.
Play a game showing the child an object, and then slowly
removing it from the child’s view. See if the child will look
for the object, and then play the same game by hiding the
object himself/herself and then nd it again.
As the child watches, hide a favorite object or toy under
one bucket and then under another bucket. After watching,
the child will correctly locate the object or toy in the last
hiding place.
Play hide-and-seek with your child. Watch and observe the
child nding you in the same place you hid the last time.
Wave bye-bye to your child as you say “bye-bye” when
you or other people are leaving.
Play simple peek-a-boo game by putting a very small
blanket over the child’s head, pulling it off and saying
“Peek-a-boo, Timmy” “Where’s Timmy?” Child puts small
blanket over his/her own head and waits for adult to say
Encourage child’s play and “babble/talk” as they make-
believe with objects such as a phone by saying “Hello
Jose, this is mom,” etc.
Remembers and
recalls events.
After reading a book with an adult, child can
tell what happened in the story.
After watching adult make cookies, child wants
to roll the cookies and pat them in the pan.
After seeing an adult stack boxes, the child
plays independently nesting and/or stacking
toys as previously seen done.
Child sings parts of a song, rhyme, or nger
play heard earlier said or sung by an adult.
Adult tells a story and asks the child, “What happened rst,
and then what happened next?”
Child makes cookies with adult. When another adult
comes into the room, child is asked, “Can you tell_____,
how we made cookies?”
Provide lots of opportunities for conversation and for
children to hear and use language in its many uses and
forms, e.g., poems, nursery rhymes, recordings, games,
Recognizes functional
uses of items in the
Child pretends to feed the doll with a dish and
spoon and covers the doll with a blanket when
putting the doll to bed.
Child uses the small shovel found in the
garage to dig in the dirt. The child asks for
help to put water in a watering can so that he/
she can water the plants outside.
When adult says, “It is time to clean the
carpet,” child goes to the closet to get the
vacuum cleaner.
Using everyday household items, play and pretend with
your child.
Name the items you are using, and talk to your child about
the items. When appropriate and safe, show your child
how to use the item.
Both inside and outside of the house, provide the child with
“child size” tools so that they can do the same thing the
adult is doing with a larger tool.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Exploration, Discovery, and Problem Solving
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: A.EL. 2 unDerstanDs new meanings as memory increases (continueD)
Practices and applies
new information or
vocabulary to an
activity or interaction
(representation and
symbolic thinking).
Child takes on pretend roles such as being the
“dad, mom, or teacher” as he/she plays with
two other children.
Child uses objects and other materials to
“make believe.”
Child makes and interprets what he/she
creates, e.g., uses blocks to build a building
and says, “This is the king’s castle. I want to
tell you a story about the king.”
Allow large amounts of time for independent child directed
activities. Offer a wide range of learning experiences and
Ask child to tell you about his/her very creative drawing.
While the child is telling you the story, ask the child if he/
she would like you to write the story on his/her paper.
Participate in “make believe and pretend” play with the
child and other children.
Generates a rule,
strategy, or idea
from a previous
learning experience
and applies to a new
Child explains to family members about re
safety learned at school. The child asks, “How
do we get out of the house if we have a re (at
home)? “
In the house area the child says, “We all need
to be sitting at the table before we can start to
eat.” (Rule at home)
Child says to little brother at home, “My teacher
says we always need to say, ‘Thank You’ when
someone does something nice for you.”
Child enjoys playing games that have simple
rules such as Candy Land and Go Fish.
When child talks about rules at school, have a
conversation with the child about why the rule is important
for the child and other children.
Provide predictable routines and simple rules for the child
during bath time, bed time, dinner time, play time, e.g.,
sitting at the table to eat a meal, picking up toys when
nished playing with them, reading a book before bedtime,
etc. The child will learn that “This is the way we do it at our
Provide board games such as Candy Land and Color
Bingo. Provide card games such as Go Fish and Old
Maid. Remind child if he/she forgets a part of the game
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Exploration, Discovery, and Problem Solving
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: A.EL. 3 appLies probLem soLving skiLLs
awareness of a
Child indicates hunger or pain with different
Child kicks foot when it becomes stuck in
Child grunts when toy rolls out of reach.
Become aware of and sensitive to the various cries of the
child. React and respond to the child’s cries for hunger or
When the adult can see that the child is struggling,
rearrange the environment or material and/or remove the
child from the situation or problem.
If the child is unable to get the toy he/she wants, get it for
him/her and give it to him/her.
Uses an object or part
of an object to obtain
another object and
moves around large
Child uses a stick to get a ball that rolled under
the couch.
Child pulls the cord on the telephone to obtain
the telephone.
Child climbs on a stool to get something he/
she wants.
Child pushes cart around furniture or
Child pushes a chair out of the way to get what
he/she needs.
Child will go around a person, chair, or table to
get to a desired toy or object.
Play a game by placing a desired object out of reach but
visible to the child. Provide the child with a small safe
stool, a stick from a drum set, or other objects that he/she
can use to reach other desired objects.
Provide the child with push toys for both inside and
Play games with the child such as putting your body in
front of something the child would like to have access to,
and watch how the child will try to nd a way to get around
your body.
Asks questions, seeks
information, and tests
out possibilities.
Child asks the question, “Will the new rabbit
cage be big enough for all the new baby
Child says to adult, “Will this little rock grow
into a big rock?” Adult says, “How can we nd
out if the rock will grow?”
Child shows adult a game and asks, “Do
I have enough birthday money to buy this
game?” Adult says, “How will we nd out?”
Encourage child to try new things and solve problems
creatively. Respond positively to mistakes or errors.
Introduce everyday household materials and toys that can
be used in more than one way.
Encourage the child to ask questions and to wonder. Help
him/her rene questions and think of ways he/she might
get answers.
When the child asks if the cage will be big enough for all
the new rabbits, say to the child, “Do you think it will be big
enough?” “How can we nd out if it is big enough?” “What
can we do if the cage is not big enough?”
Use children’s books as resources to nd the answers to
the child’s questions, e.g., “Will little rocks grow into big
Determines and
evaluates solutions.
Given a chair that would t a doll, child, or
an adult, the adult asks, “Could I sit in this
doll chair,” and the child says, “No, you need
to sit in this big chair.”
The adult asks the child, “Can we use this
water to glue these two pieces of paper
together?” The child says, “No, water isn’t
When cleaning up blocks, the child says,
“We can’t put the blocks in this can,
because the blocks are too big.”
Talk to your child about situations, and ask questions that
will cause the child to think about the situation, evaluate
the situation, try-out some solutions, and tell you what
worked and why.
Ask your child questions, e.g., “What do you think, Mary?
Should we try using this bag (large) or this bag (small) to
put the toys in?”
Ask the child, “What can you try?” when the child asks for
help, e.g., the paint jar has dry paint in it so the paint will
not work for painting a picture.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Exploration, Discovery, and Problem Solving (continued)
When reading an exciting book to the child, stop and ask,
“What do you think will happen next?”
Deliberately interfere with the child’s activity, e.g., remove
a piece of the track from the train set, and see what the
child will do to solve the problem.
Engage child in determining solutions to questions or
problems, “It is raining, and we can’t go outside. What
could we do instead?”
Child tries to tie shoe by self. After no success,
asks another child to help. After no success,
asks an adult for assistance.
Child attempts to shovel the snow off the
sidewalk. When the child cannot make the
shovel pick-up the snow, child uses a box
to put the snow in and then realizes that the
box is too heavy for him/her to carry off the
sidewalk. Child then decides to ask his/her
caregiver to use the snow blower to get the
snow off the sidewalk.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: A.EL. 3 appLies probLem soLving skiLLs (continueD)
Child says, “She is sad.” The adult asks,
“How do you know the girl is sad?” The child
answers, “She is crying.”
Child pushes the train around the track. When
the child notices the track is broken, the child
says, “Uh-oh, the train is going to fall off the
The adult points to the doghouse and asks,
“What would happen if I rolled the ball over
there?” The child says, “The dog would chase
it and chew it up.”
Makes statements
and appropriately
answers questions
that require
reasoning about
objects, situations, or
Uses multiple
strategies to solve
Provide materials and activities that are open ended,
allowing the child opportunities to experiment and
problem-solve to carry them out. Take time with the
child after activities to talk about the solutions that the
child chooses, how the solutions worked, and how other
solutions might have worked.
When the child has tried several strategies and nothing
is working, provide the child with strategies, e.g., “It really
helps when you look for the very rst letter of your name
to nd the paper that belongs to you.”
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Explores numbers
and imitates counting.
Child plays with magnetic numbers on the
Child points to number “2” when reading a
picture book with adult.
Child holds up 3 ngers when asked, “How old
are you?”
Sings counting songs and participates in
counting nger plays.
The adult counts 1, 2, 3 and the child repeats
1, 2, 3.
Read children’s books together about numbers, counting,
and other concepts.
Find as many ways as possible to make counting and
numbers a part of everyday activities.
When playing with the child, count people, blocks in a
tower, and buttons on a jacket.
Sing number songs, say rhymes and nger plays with
numbers such as “1, 2, Buckle My Shoe.”
Arranges sets of
objects in one-to-one
Child sets table so that everyone gets 1 plate
and 1 napkin.
Child gives each friend 1 cookie.
Working together, do one-to-one matching with small
colored cubes or stringing beads for a necklace.
Set the table with the child, adult puts the plates on the
table, child places napkins and forks.
Tell the child, “Give one cookie to each friend.”
Can rote count and
counts concrete
objects to 5 and
Child counts 5 blocks in the block center.
Child lls in with the next number (4) when
counting beads, “1, 2, 3...”
Child counts correctly while pointing to each
object saying, “1, 2, 3, 4, and 5...”
Child counts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 while going up the steps.
When the child sees 5 brown coins says,
“There are 5 pennies.”
Teach and sing counting songs, rhymes, and chants
having the child use annel board pieces or objects to
count, e.g., “1-2-3-4-5, I caught a sh alive.”
Play games that ask children to clap and count, stomp and
count, e.g., “Simon says, “Clap 4 times, stomp 5 times, etc.”
Look at counting books together, asking the child, “count
how many balloons there are on this page.” If there are 5
balloons on the page on the left and 6 puppies on the page
on the right ask, “Which page has more?”
Recognizes some
numerals and
associates number
concepts with
print materials in a
meaningful way.
Child sees a 5 on a calendar and says, “That’s
a 5.”
Child counts number of animals on the page of
a picture book.
Child puts 5 annel apples on the annel tree
that has the number 5 written under it.
When playing with rubber number puzzles, the
child puts the correct piece with the number on it
with the number of dots on the other puzzle piece.
Display numerals in order in the environment in
meaningful ways, e.g., on a calendar, on a counting line,
on sign-in sheets.
Encourage the child to point to the numbers he/she can count.
Ask the child when counting and ordering objects in
everyday activities, “Which is rst, second, third, etc.?”
Names and writes
some numerals.
Child writes “4” and says “I am 4”(years old).
Child makes a 1 through 5 (or 10) number
book after visiting an apple orchard, e.g., 1
apple (cut from paper), 2 apple prints, 3 apple
seeds glued on, etc. The child writes the
number on the page with the representation of
that numeral.
Child writes numbers on tags and puts them
on items for sale in the pretend “store area.”
Provide the child with different writing materials and number
stencils for tracing or number stamps to use for printing.
Make individual number books with stickers, pictures,
handprints, or collage materials. Make sets and allow child
to write the number to represent “how many on each page.”
Mathematical Thinking
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B.EL. 1 Demonstrates unDerstanDing of numbers anD counting
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Mathematical Thinking
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B.EL. 1 Demonstrates unDerstanDing of numbers anD counting (continueD)
Names and can write
number symbols
1 through 20 and
Child can name the numbers on a calendar.
Child points out numbers he/she knows in
the: grocery store, shopping in other stores,
noticing house numbers, street numbers, or
re numbers.
Child enjoys writing numbers while playing
“store.” He/she writes the cost of each of the
food items and puts the tag on the food or
pretends to add the amount of the foods at the
cash register.
Provide number charts or calendars for the child so that
he/she can look at the number and copy it.
Point to numbers at the grocery store and say, “See, the
bananas cost 27 cents per pound.” “The apple costs 35
Counts with 1 to 1
correspondence up
to 20 objects and can
tell the number that
comes next.
Child counts using objects such as cards,
number cubes, or dominoes that have familiar
dot patterns.
When selecting 10 apples from a bag, the child
takes out 6 apples and continues counting 7,
8, 9, and 10.
Child can count 3 sets of 5 bundles of sticks
up to 15 (5, 10, 15) and then nishes counting
the rest of the sticks by ones 16, 17, 18, 19,
Child says, “I am 5, next year I will be 6.” “My
sister is 9, next year she will be 10.”
Make use of ngers for counting and encourage the child
to do so.
The adult points to each object as he/she counts to model
that one number corresponds with each object, e.g.,
counting pennies, crackers, sticks, cups, glasses, plates.
Assist the child to count money. Count money in his/her
piggy bank or play money used to play store. Count out
change so that the child becomes familiar with the coins
and their amounts.
Provide the child with counting sticks and tell the child to
put 1 stick on each number on a number line or calendar.
When the child has 10 sticks, put a band around the set of
10. Then start counting from 10 by ones until the child has
10 more sticks, and again band them together to show a
second set of 10 equaling 20.
May rote count to 100
and may count to 100
by 5’s and 10’s.
Child tells family member, “I can count to 100,
do you want to hear me?”
Child can count by 5’s using the numbers chart
when 5’s are in blue, counts to 100 by saying
5, 10, 15, 20, etc. Child can do the same when
counting by 10’s when the 10’s are in blue on
the number chart by saying 10, 20, 30, etc.
Child can count to 100 by 5’s and 10’s without
the use of a number chart.
Play counting games outdoors. Walk together outside and
count as each step is taken. Say, “Let’s see if we can
count 100 steps?” or “Let’s see how many cars (trucks,
buses) we can count as we travel in the car.”
Say to the child, “Count as far as you can go.”
Provide number charts containing 1 through 100.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Mathematical Thinking
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B.EL. 2 unDerstanDs number operations anD reLationships
Compares concrete
quantities to
determine which has
more, less, or the
At snack-time, the child uses number words
saying, “I have the same number of pretzels
you do,” or “Everyone at snack has 2 crackers
and 1 cup of juice,” or “I have less juice in my
cup, because I asked for just a little.”
Child says, “I have more modeling clay.”
Child equally distributes a set of objects into 2
or more smaller sets, e.g., shares 6 crackers
with 3 friends equally.
Recognizes that a set
of objects remains
the same amount if
physically rearranged.
Child counts 3 blocks in a vertical line and 3
blocks in a horizontal line and recognizes that
each row contains 3 blocks.
Child can group and regroup a given set in
the context of daily activities and play, e.g.,
5 blocks can be 2 blue and 3 green or 1 blue
and 4 green blocks.
Child tells “how many” 3 is when looking at
3 objects in a row, or 3 objects diagonally
placed, or 3 object in a vertical row.
5 raisins are in the child’s hand, and 5 raisins
are spread on the table. Child knows that there
are the same number of raisins in the hand as
the raisins spread out on the table.
When the child understands number order, the child will
observe that whether counting a row of 3 cookies from left
to right or the 3 cookies are in a different order, the child
will know that the amount of cookies is still 3.
Place 5 pennies in a bowl, 5 pennies spread out in a row,
and 5 pennies close together on the table. Ask the child,
“Point to which one has more pennies?” If the child says
there are more pennies in the row say, “Let’s count the
pennies to nd out.”
When you are playing with the child in the bathtub or
working at the water/sand table or cooking, use the words
“more, less, same.”
Ask child questions about which has more, less, or same.
“Is there more milk in this glass or this one?” “Do we have
the same number of spoons as bowls?”
Ask comparison questions such as, “Do we have enough
chairs for everyone?”
Identies “1 more” and
“1 less.”
Child counts 2 groups of blocks and
determines if 1 group has 1 more or less than
the other group.
Child says, “I need 1 more mitten.”
Play nger games of “Which is more and which is less?”
Hold up 4 ngers on 1 hand and 3 ngers on the other.
Which hand has “1 more?” Or, which hand has “1 less.”
When playing with toys or games ask, “Who needs 1 more
car?” or say, “I have 1 less block than you do” or “I need to
move 1 more space on the game board.”
Joins (combines) and
separates groups of
Child combines 2 sets of 3 objects and says,
“Now there are 6.”
Child discovers that 7 can be made up of 2
green cubes and 5 orange cubes or 3 orange
cubes and 4 green cubes.
When shown a picture with 4 cookies and
asked, “If your mom said you could share
these cookies with a friend, mark how many
cookies you could have.” The child puts a mark
on 2 cookies and says, “I could have only 2.”
Solves single digit addition and subtraction
problems verbally, e.g., 5+1=6 or 5-4=1.
Assist the child to put groups together and take groups
apart so that he/she begins to understand the concept of
addition and subtraction using concrete objects.
Encourage the child to make new arrangements by
putting materials together and taking them apart so the
arrangement looks different. Use materials such as
blocks, paper, boxes, beads, etc.
Place 8 blocks in a group, have the child count them. Say,
“If I take 2 of your blocks away, how many will you have
left?” Then ask “If I give you 3 more blocks, how many will
you have all together?”
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Mathematical Thinking
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B.EL. 2 unDerstanDs number operations anD reLationships (continueD)
Estimates and uses
words such as more
than, less/fewer
than, about, near,
approximately, and in
Child says, “I don’t think there are enough
apples for all the kids.”
Child says, “I think there are about a hundred
ants in this sand pile.”
Adult says, ”How many children do you think
could t into the wagon?” Child says, “More
than 2.” Adult says, “Let’s nd out.”
Ask the child to tell the adult about how many cups of
sand it will take to ll the bucket.
Play games of guessing how many red cars you will see
as you drive to a friend’s house.
Ask the child questions such as, “Do you think we will
have enough crackers for snack?”
During snack, sand or water play, and art activities,
encourage the child to “test” his/her estimation to see if it
is correct.
Recognizes that
there are parts that
make up a whole
and recognizes
“less than” a whole.
When having a snack the child says, “This is a
little piece of the big apple.”
Child picks up a puzzle piece and says, “This
piece belongs to the cat puzzle.”
When asked, “We have 1 small pizza and 2
people to eat it, what can we do?” The child
says, “We can cut it in half.”
Child says, “I have half a peanut butter cookie
and half a sugar cookie,” after breaking the 2
whole cookies in half and sharing 2 halves with
a friend.
Give the child 4 crackers and tell him/her to “Share the
crackers with a friend so you both have the same amount
of crackers.” After the child has shared the crackers say,
“You divided the crackers, and now you each have 2.”
The adult says, “Lisa, can you show us how old your
brother is? “ Lisa holds up 5 ngers on one hand and 1 on
the other hand. Adult says, “Can you think of another way
to show 6 with your ngers?”
Provide the child with three-dimensional objects such as
balls, toy animals, and people that come apart in pieces
and can be put back together as a whole.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Mathematical Thinking
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B.EL. 3 expLores, recognizes, anD Describes shapes anD spatiaL reLationships
Explores shapes and
spatial relationships.
Child puts a small ball in a container.
Child ts some shapes into a ball with
corresponding cutout shapes.
Child completes simple puzzles (pieces t
separate spaces).
Child plays inside a cardboard box or a small
child’s playhouse and brings other objects and
materials that t inside the space.
Provide simple puzzles and manipulatives that include a
variety of shapes and sizes.
Provide simple puzzles with 4 to 6 individual pieces that t
into shapes that match the puzzle pieces.
Provide shape forms and colored rubber bands for the
child to explore making shapes and experience spatial
Provide large boxes (refrigerator, stove boxes), small tents,
child playhouse, and other places for the child to explore
and play inside.
Recognizes basic
Child can point to a circle, square, and triangle
and put correct shape in matching space.
When shapes are overlapping, the child can
nd individual shapes of circles, triangles, and
Child makes pictures with magnetic shapes.
Child draws or paints shapes on paper and
names the shape. Child says, “This is a heart
Child identies and names shapes that are
unseen enclosed in a “touch box.” The child
describes the shape by touching and feeling it
and then takes it out to sort it.
Child sorts different triangle and square shapes
noticing that, “All triangles have 3 sides and
corners. Some are tall and thin. Some are short
and fat. A rectangle has 4 sides and corners.”
Include a variety of geometric shapes throughout the
environment, e.g., shape labels on tables and cubbies,
shapes on bulletin boards, and shape mobiles.
When riding in the car play I spy, e.g., “Let’s spy any
squares we see. I spy a square house, square windows,
or square signs.” Do the same with other shapes like
triangles and rectangles.
Play games such as Memory and Shape Bingo.
Provide materials for the child to make shape pictures
using shape forms, drawing shapes, painting shapes.
For snack, give the child shape crackers and peanut butter
to hold them together.
Provide pre-cut Styrofoam shapes and let the child
construct 2- and 3-dimensional structures. Use the shapes
for dipping in paint and printing on paper.
Assembles puzzles
of at least 15
intersecting pieces
(5-10 at age 3;
15 at age 4;
25 at age 5).
Child can put simple puzzles together where
each shape goes into one slot, e.g., house
shape, ball shape, progressing to more difcult
puzzles with interlocking pieces.
When given a puzzle, the child can
independently put together correctly a 5-10
piece puzzle increasing to 15-25 piece
While putting the puzzle together, the child
chooses a puzzle piece and after placing it
chooses another explaining, “This piece will t
with these two other pieces.”
Provide a variety of interesting children’s puzzles for the
child. Provide puzzles that have a large open area where
the puzzle pieces “interlock” to t into the entire space.
Children enjoy puzzles with animals, people, cars, buses,
trees, owers, and other pictures of things they know.
Play games with the child. The adult puts in a piece of the
puzzle and then the child puts in a piece of the puzzle.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Mathematical Thinking
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B.EL. 4 uses the attributes of objects for comparison anD patterning
Categorizes objects
based on physical or
functional similarity.
Child calls both roses and petunias “owers.”
Child identies adults as “big people.”
Child places all “blue blocks” together in one place.
Child puts all the “big buttons” together saying,
“they’re all round.”
Child notices a pattern on another child’s shirt saying,
“I have checks (squares) on my shirt too.”
Child arranges leaves, sticks, and stones in separate
Child recognizes that all the tables in the room are
Child refers to a yellow circle as “the sun” when
making a drawing or picture.
Show the child how to count, group, and order
household objects, e.g., plastic spoons and forks,
raisins in one bowl, and cheerios in another bowl.
Talk to the child as the adult puts away the dishes
after washing them, e.g., the plates go here, the
glasses go here, the forks go here, etc.
When walking outside with the child, nd sticks,
stones, leaves, acorns, pinecones and put them
into separate piles or boxes.
Name several objects in the house and say, “Look
the table top is a rectangle just like the top of your
Sorts and/or
describes objects by
one or more attributes
or characteristics.
Child can name and discriminate differences in color
and shapes by making a necklace with all yellow
beads or sorting the squares from the circles.
Child says, “That’s a big blue circle and this is a little
yellow square.”
Child places pennies in one cup and dimes in another
cup and says, “These (dimes) are shiny silver and
these (pennies) are brown.”
Child sorts buttons, beads, or pegs into egg cartons,
with each compartment holding a different color or
Child sorts six stones into three buckets by color and
next sorts them into three buckets according to size.
Sorts sticks by size, e.g., long or short
Child sorts clothes and describes why the clothing
is in a certain pile, e.g., “These are all my socks and
these are dad’s socks.”
• Play I spy with the child saying, “I spy something
red,” (red door) or “I spy a red ladybug,” then let
the child choose what color to spy for next.
• Play Color or Shape Bingo.
Ask the child to tell what is the same about each
group, as the child sorts the bear counters by color
(e.g., red, yellow and blue).
Talk to the child about similarities and differences
among objects. Talk about the color, shape, and
size differences.
Encourage the child to make up his/her own
sorting games for the adult to try.
Play people sorting games, e.g., all boys with tie
shoes, or children with brown hair, girls with red
clothes. Let the child decide the characteristic to
be sorted.
Allow child to sort clothes that come out of the
dryer or off the line after being washed and dried.
Matches objects.
Child matches colors. Matches red bead to a picture
of a red bead.
Child decides (when cleaning up) where the wooden
block goes on the shelf by matching the shape of the
block to the paper shape on the shelf.
Child says “same” when he/she picks up a car that
looks like the car in the book the adult is reading to
Play games with the child, e.g., Candy Land, Go
Fish, Shape or Color Bingo.
Encourage the child to make-up his/her own
matching games, e.g., matching a blue car to a
picture of a blue car, one chicken to a picture of a
Provide pictures of objects on the shelves in the
child’s room so that he/she can put toys, clothes, and
books in the same place as the picture of the object.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Mathematical Thinking
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B.EL. 4 uses the attributes of objects for comparison anD patterning (continueD)
Locates which out of
5 objects does not
belong in same class
or category.
Child knows that one of the objects is not a food.
Child takes the giraffe out of the bin lled with four
farm animals.
When shown a picture of four children and one adult
and asked, “Which one is not the same?”, the child
points to the adult and tells why the adult is not the
same as the four children, e.g., the adult is older or
the adult is bigger.
Sing the song, “One of these things is not like the
others, one of these things doesn’t belong. Can you
tell which thing is not like the other by the time we
nish our song?”
Give the child picture cards of different foods and
include some toy pictures, asking “Which of these
go in the same group? Which ones don’t belong...
and why not?”
duplicates, extends
simple patterns and
creates original
Using a peg board or beads for stringing, the child
completes a row of pegs alternating orange and blue
pegs and makes a necklace by stringing small beads
of different shapes, e.g., ball bead, square bead, ball
bead, square bead.
Child nds sticks and leaves outside and wants to
make a pattern like the adult who has made a pattern
of one stick and one leaf, one stick and one leaf, etc.
Child cuts strips to make a paper chain and makes a
pattern of green, blue, red, purple then green, blue,
red, purple, etc.
When given shape crackers at snack, the child
makes a circle, square, circle, square pattern on the
Child echo claps a pattern modeled for him/her, two
claps and a stomp and then the child creates his/her
own pattern (clap, stomp, clap, and stomp).
Play with the child, making patterns of shape, size,
color using kitchen utensils, toys, items of clothing
Provide the child with pegboards and pegs or string
and beads of different colors, sizes, and shapes.
Play games with the child by starting a pattern and
asking the child to continue the pattern. Tell the child
to start the pattern, and then the adult will nish it.
Create pictures of patterns using different shapes,
colors, and sizes, and ask the child to duplicate the
pattern using real objects or matching pictures. Ask
the child to create his/her own pattern.
Provide child with a variety of art materials such
as crayons, scissors, chalk, and markers to create
patterns inside. Outside, provide large pieces
of chalk so that the child can create his/her own
patterns for the adult to duplicate on the sidewalk or
Uses positional and
comparative words
to demonstrate
direction and
location, e.g., on-top,
below, bottom, over,
under, above, on,
and next to.
When observing the shell on the science table, the
child describes it as “very big” or standing next to a
classmate says, “You’re taller than me.”
When playing games and asked to line up rst,
middle, or last, the child goes to the specied place
in line.
Child uses distance words like near/far, in front,
behind, beside, e.g., the child walks over to a friend
and asks, “Can I sit beside you?”
On a annel board, the child places annel pieces
in a variety of positions, e.g., the child places a tree
behind the sandbox, a ag next to it.
Use everyday words to indicate space, location,
shape, and size of objects, e.g., as the child works
and plays, converse back and forth about the
locations of objects saying, “You just went under the
bridge,” or ask, “Where will you put the cone shape
on your tower?” The child replies, “On top.”
Play games like Simon Says using positional and
directional words, e.g., put your hands between your
knees, touch the bottom of your foot, or take two
steps forward.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Matches at least 6
items according to
class or category.
When given models of a person, a toy car,
and an apple, the child can match 9 assorted.
pictures as he/she puts them into categories
and says, “All of these are people, all of these
are toys, and these are all foods.”
Child can match all of his/her clothes by color.
Play games with pictures and objects, e.g., place a
picture of food, leaf, person, animal, ower, insect on the
table. Ask the child to nd more pictures that match the
categories and place them under the picture at the top.
Provide the child with 6 empty containers and groups
(categories) of little people, little animals, rocks, sticks,
etc., and say to the child, “Put all of the things that are the
same in one container.”
Matches groups
having equal
numbers of objects
up to 10.
When provided number puzzles, the child
matches the number to the set of dots.
Child can match all the cards in a card deck
with numbers of dots on them, e.g., all cards
with 4 dots.
Child says, “I have 10 pennies so I can buy10
pieces of candy (candy costs 1 cent per piece).
Child says, “There are enough chairs (5) for
each of us (5 children) to have a chair.”
Provide matching games and sorting boxes that show a
different number of objects above each slot, and have the
child match his/her number cards by putting each card in
the slot that has the same number of objects.
Use objects inside and outside to make groups of objects,
e.g., utensils, buttons, bottle caps, sticks, and stones.
Mathematical Thinking
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B.EL. 4 uses the attributes of objects for comparison anD patterning (continueD)
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Mathematical Thinking
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B. EL. 5 unDerstanDs the concept of measurement
Recognizes objects
can be measured by
height, length, and
The child measures the table, a window,
and the height of another child, using small
connecting cubes.
When making paper chains at the table, the
child says, “Mine is longer than yours,” as he/
she compares with a friend to see if it is longer.
Child says, “Rocks are heavier,” when using the
balance scale to weigh rocks and blocks, then
tries to balance the rocks with more blocks.
Put an apple on the balance scale, and see how many
rocks it takes to balance the apple.
Hang a piece of paper on the wall, have the child stand
with his/her back on the paper. Draw a line on the paper to
show how tall the child is.
Look for opportunities for the child to make comparisons
and measurements during daily activities such as building
with blocks, cooking, and walking in the park.
Talk with the child about measurements you are making
with tape measures, rulers, and scales.
Determines more,
less, many, and few.
Child says, “I put many spoons of sand in this
cup,” while using a measuring spoon to ll
cups at the sand table.
Child asks a friend, “Are there more people
that live at your house than at my house?”
Child says, “I have a few gold sh.”
Allow the child to experience cooking in the kitchen with
an adult. Talk about measuring quantities while using
measuring spoons and cups to measure sugar, our, salt,
oatmeal, rice, etc.
As a child works and plays with toys, use words to talk
about the child’s play, e.g., which has more, less, many,
and few.
Compares and
orders by size.
Child says, “Daddy is taller than me.”
Child stacks nesting rings by size.
Child says, “My ball is bigger than yours.”
Child measures the strings to see who has the
longest string or compares play dough snakes
to see which one is longer.
Child puts ve crayons on the table from
shortest to longest.
Categorizes and
sequences time
intervals and uses
language associated
with time in everyday
Child says, “In the morning we get up. At night
it gets dark.”
Child says, “After lunch we go outside.”
Child says, “I watch Mickey Mouse on
As the child works and plays inside and outside, use words
to talk with the child, such as heavier, lighter; longer, shorter;
largest, smallest; wider, narrower; and thinner/thicker.
Everyday talk to your child about time, e.g., “Good
morning, it is time to get up.” Or “Billy, it is time for lunch.”
Or, after reading the book Good Night Moon, say, “It is
night and it is time for bed.”
Point to the calendar and say, “Today is Monday. On Saturday
it will be your birthday. Let’s count the days until your birthday
and put your picture on the day of your birthday.”
Identies coins and
understands their
Child examines both sides of coins using a
magnifying glass.
Child matches and sorts coins by size or
Child identies penny and nickel.
Child identies penny and nickel, recognizing
that coins have different values by matching
ve pennies to one nickel.
Child knows that a nickel is worth more than a
Child uses coins to give change when playing
in the play store or play post ofce.
Child pays for an item at the store by counting his/
her money and giving correct amount of change.
When shopping with the child in a store, show the child the
coins and dollars you will be using to pay for an item/s.
Name coins that you are counting out to use in the parking
meter. Let the child put coins in the parking meter and talk
about how much.
Set up a store or post ofce and provide the child with
play coins or real coins to use in the store or post ofce.
Together build a store or post ofce, using boxes and other
easily accessible objects and materials that are available
or are very inexpensive.
With the child, count the money in his/her piggy bank.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Mathematical Thinking
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B.EL. 5 unDerstanDs the concept of measurement (continueD)
compares, and
describes length,
weight, or volume
using standard
Child says, “I need to get the ruler to measure how
tall my building is. Oh, it is 10 inches tall.”
Child asks adult to measure how tall he/she is on
the “Growth Chart” in his/her room.
Child says, “I wonder if this pumpkin weighs as
much as dad’s bowling ball? Let’s get the scale.”
The bowling ball weighs 12 pounds and the pumpkin
weighs 8 pounds. The adult says, “Which is heavier
and weighs more?” The child says, “The bowling ball
weighs more.”
Child uses measuring cups to measure ingredients
for the cake that he/she and an adult are making.
Child guesses (estimates) how many cups of water
can t in his/her tall plastic drink container.
Provide the child with a 12 inch ruler that is marked in 12
inches, bathroom scales or child sized scale that weighs
up to 10 or 20 pounds; and measuring cups (l cup, 1/2
cup and 1/4 cup).
Provide a growth chart for the child, and paste a picture
of the child on the chart when the adult measures him/
her (at least once per year on his/her birthday). Say to
the child, “You are 3 feet tall.” As the child gets older, hold
your hand on the chart to show the height of the child,
and let the child tell how tall he or she is.
Cook and bake with the child. Point to the measurements
in the cookbook, and ask the child to measure one cup
(or another measure) of liquid or solids.
Ask the child, “How many cups of water do you think
could t into your water bottle?”
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Uses tools to
explore measuring
Child pretends to measure the length of a road made
of blocks with a tape measure.
Child uses cups, bowls, and spoons to measure in
the sand table, e.g., tries to see how many cups of
sand t into the bowl.
Child places objects on each side of a balance scale,
manipulating objects to alter the balance and using
words such as heavy, light, and equal.
Child measures a piece of carpet using blocks and
says, “The carpet is 10 blocks long.” Or, builds a road
with blocks and says, “The road is 7 blocks long.”
Child measures using a string or paper strip to
compare the length of two objects.
Child uses teddy bears to measure the side of a table
and says, “This is 5 teddy bears long.”
Child places objects on each side of the balance
scale and says, “This side is more.”
Use non-standard measurement tools such as yarn to
“measure” around the giant ball. Then introduce and use
more standard kinds of measurement tools, e.g., tape
measure, yard stick, ruler.
Model using measuring tools as the child works and
plays, e.g., “What can we use to tell how tall that is?”
Or, “What could we use to tell how much the watermelon
time intervals
in everyday
situations, and
an awareness of
time related to a
Child says, “My birthday is in summer.”
Child says, “At nighttime it gets dark.” Adult asks,
“What time is it then?” And the child responds, “It is
When looking at the clock, child says, “The big hand
is on the 12 and the little hand is on the 5; dad is
coming home.“
Child says, “When both hands of the clock are on the
12, it will be time for lunch.”
Child relates time to his/her daily activities, e.g., the
child says, “My mom is picking me up this afternoon.”
Child asks, “Is the trip to the apple orchard this
week?” Child then looks at the calendar, counts the
days to the picture of the apple (put on the calendar
to show it is the day of the eld trip to the apple
orchard) saying, “Is it in 4 days?”
Child says, “My birthday is in May, and I will be 6
years old.”
Initially time is viewed as a sequence of events.
Through experiences, routines, schedules, clocks, and
calendars, the child begins to use words like day, night,
morning, evening, yesterday, week, and month.
Read books and talk about the things that can be done
in the different seasons. Have the child tell the adult
something he/she likes to do in each season.
Talk with the child about day and night, naming things
that can be done in the daytime and things that can be
done at night.
Talk about animals that can be seen in the daytime and
ones that move around at night.
When the child asks, “What time is it?” adult says, “What
could we use to nd that out, e.g., clock, watch?”
Adult tells the child that they will play outside at 10
o’clock and points to the clock, explaining to the child
he/she will play outside when the big hand points up at
the top and the shorter hand points to 10.
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Mathematical Thinking
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: B.EL. 6 coLLects, Describes, anD recorDs information using aLL senses
Draws and describes
pictures of objects
and actions from
Child draws a picture of a buttery and
describes the buttery to an adult or friend.
Child paints a picture of a family vacation or
eld trip. Child describes the picture he/she
has drawn.
Encourage the child to draw pictures of something the
child has done or seen. When the child is telling about
what he/she has done or seen, say, “I think you could draw
a picture about your trip to the zoo. Would you like some
paper and crayons, or would you like to paint a picture?”
Describes and
records information
through a variety of
means, including
discussion, drawings,
maps, graphs, and
Outside the window is a large thermometer.
Each day the child marks on a chart if the
temperature rises (went up) or falls (goes
By the gerbil’s cage, there is a chart with
different pictures and words of the foods the
gerbil can eat (seeds, apple, and carrot).
When the child feeds the gerbil, he/she makes
a check next to the food given to the gerbil.
After collecting leaves, the child lays the
leaves in rows by their shape or color telling
why they were put in different groups. On a
graph sheet, the child records by coloring
in a square for each leaf in the column that
represents its color starting at the bottom of
the graph, e.g., the rst column has 5 squares
colored yellow to represent the 5 yellow leaves
Child says, “I made a map of the road to take
from my house to my friend Jimmy’s house.”
Pose a question of the day. Show the child how to make
tally marks under “Yes” or “No” on the question board, e.g.,
“Do you like to eat peas?” or “Do you like summer better
than winter?” or “Do you live on a farm?” or “Have you
ever read a book about dinosaurs?”
Assist the child to make graphs and charts to record
information about his/her collections of stickers, leaves,
rocks, shells, buttons, cars, dolls, etc.
After the child has grouped sets of objects, ask questions,
such as, “How did you make your groups?” After the child
tells you, say, “Let’s make a graph of how many you have
in each group to see which group has the most.” Help the
child make a picture graph of the child’s groups (or use the
real objects to make the graph).
Assist the child to make maps of the rooms in the house,
his/her room, or the outside of the house and yard.
Use maps to show the child where the adult and child will
be going in the car. Use a marker to show where the adult
and child are now and where the two of you will be going.
Begins to apply
information collected
to similar situations
by designing own
charts or graphs.
Child lays sea shells on blank grid and graphs
the shells by shape, putting them in different
rows. Later, the child lays some long, single
strings of yarn on the oor to make a grid and
puts photographs of family in one column,
photos of friends in another column, and
photos of pets in another, talking about the
information on the grid.
Assist the child when they have collections, such as rocks,
owers, to collect data, and show the information using
graphs or charts, discussing why we collect data and other
ways to show it so it can be shared.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Scientic Thinking
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL. 1 uses observation to gather information
Shows awareness
of differences in
their environment
(smell, touch, sight,
sound, and taste).
Child responds to too much stimulation
(touch, sounds, light, and voices) by
looking away, crying, yawning, or sleeping.
Child shows awareness of loud and soft
Child responds differently to sound, light,
and temperature intensity.
Child responds to familiar voices
(caregiver or family members) by turning
head toward the sound.
Child responds to being wrapped tightly
in a soft, light, receiving blanket and
responds to having “no” clothes on during
diaper changes.
Watch and observe how the child responds to sounds, such as a
door being shut; to visuals, such as seeing a person walk past him/
her; or to touch, such as being touched by an adult.
Watch to see if the child stops what he/she is doing or increases
what he/she is doing. The child will let the adult know what he/she
likes or dislikes.
Try differences of light intensity in the child’s room at night. Does
the child like dark, or low or high levels of light in the room when he/
she sleeps?
Wrap the child (infant) tightly in a soft, light receiving blanket while
being held or while sleeping. Does the child like to be wrapped
Does the child like having no clothes on during diaper changing.
Recognizes and
responds to
differences in the
Child shows preference for familiar
person as opposed to a stranger.
Child shows preference of certain toys
and materials, e.g., soft, fuzzy, rough,
shinny, spongy, or hard.
Child shows preference for being “dry”
rather than “wet.” Indicates by a cry or
sounds when “wet.”
Purposefully seeks
information through
observation to
satisfy curiosity or
need for answers.
Child asks many questions as he/she
nds frogs in the pond, worms in the
garden, and bugs in the woods.
Child uses magnets to see what
“sticks” and “what doesn’t stick.”
Child asks, “Why is it cold when it
snows and hot when it is time to go to
beach at the park?”
Child wants to plant his/her own
garden when the adult is planting in the
Child asks many questions as he/she
watches and helps the adult cook.
Encourage child’s interest in discovery and exploration by providing
a variety of different materials and toys for the child to hold and
Provide a variety of motion experiences for the child, e.g., swing,
child sling, front or back carrier, stroller, car seat for ride in car.
Follow the lead of the child’s responses to differences in the
environment so that you know what he/she prefers.
Encourage children to explore, experiment, and share his/her thoughts
and ideas about the world. Ask questions that will encourage children
to think about what they have seen, heard, and done.
Provide the child with a variety of magnets and materials that “stick”
and do not “stick.” Answer the child’s questions about magnets.
Talk about the weather with the child, using words, such as sunny,
cloudy, rainy, hot, and cold. Talk about what the weather is like each
Encourage cooking and gardening experiences as an adult and child
Model thinking out loud and talk about ideas and observations with
children. Use descriptive words when talking about things, people,
trees, animals, insects, etc.
properties of nature,
using a variety of
senses (part to
whole, living/non-
living, weather,
Child says, “The rose is the only ower
in our garden that smells.”
Child draws pictures of all of the
animals he/she saw at the zoo and
wants an adult to put the name of the
animal under each picture.
Child has an insect container/collector
and wants to use it to collect different
kinds of insects.
Child asks, “Why do trees have pine
cones? What are all these prickly
pieces on the cone?”
Child uses a bottle to collect water from
a shallow pond and asks, “Why is the
water so dirty?”
As a child works and plays, talk with the child about living plants
and animals, modeling the use of descriptive words.
If the adult/family has plants and a pet, allow the child to help take
care of the plants and pet.
Go on insect hunts and bird-watching walks. Later ask the child to
draw pictures or tell what he/she saw so the adult can write it on the
drawing made by the child.
Encourage child to experiment with opening acorns, pulling apart
pieces of the pine cone, and exploring the inside of seeds. Discuss
what he/she has observed.
Explore and talk about land, water, rocks, and other non-living
things in the neighborhood and community.
Involve child in planning family outings to interesting places, such
as, the zoo, farm, aquarium, orchard, parks, markets, museums,
and other family trips.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Scientic Thinking (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL. 2 use tooLs to gather information, compare observeD objects, anD seek answers to
questions through active investigation
Engages in behavior
to investigate
notices cause and
effect relationships in
daily environment.
Child shakes rattle, stops, and then shakes
Child drops plate from high chair and looks
down to oor where it hits and repeats action
again and again.
Child uses an egg beater to whip up bubbles in
the bath tub or water table.
Child continues to poke or hit at a toy to keep it
in motion or make it repeat actions.
Child turns objects over and over to thoroughly
explore (pushing, pulling, dropping, squeezing).
Child looks carefully inspecting, trying, and
moving parts of toys, such as wheels, doors,
and other moving parts.
Provide child with a variety of tools that can be used in a
variety of ways, e.g., measuring cups, child sized plastic
bottles, small plastic plates, and containers.
Provide tools that can be used in the water during bath
time, e.g., plastic containers, small plastic eggbeater, and
other water toys.
Show the child new ways to use a toy or tool to scoop,
push, turn over, and use the side or bottom of a toy or tool.
Works toward an
objective, may use
tools or others in
the environment to
obtain the object.
Child walks toward favorite toy, and then starts
to crawl to get there faster.
Child hands toy or object to adult to have them
make it work or open it up.
Child uses motions or sounds, or asks adult for
help to reach bottle or cup.
Provide an environment for the child to move around safely.
Provide toys and objects that are safe for the child to put in
mouth and manipulate.
Respond to the child’s request for assistance by giving the
child the desired object or showing the child how the toy works.
Uses buttons/levers
to produce desired
Child investigates the buttons on the telephone
or computer to see how they work.
Child presses on multiple buttons and lifts and
pushes on multiple levers on toys to make a
variety of sounds; recalls which lever or button
was pushed, lifted, pulled to make favorite
Child lifts and opens doors on toys to see what
is inside or to put something inside.
Provide the child with a variety of safe toys that the child
can investigate and explore.
When a toy is new, allow the child to explore the toy to see
how it works. Clap, smile, and say “Yea!” when the child
gets a reaction from the new toy (positive reinforcement).
Watch the child try it again and continue to explore.
Uses books to look
for information.
Child sees a ladybug outside and asks an
adult, “Can we nd a book about ladybugs?”
Child asks, “Why do some bugs have spots?”
while looking at pictures of bugs in a book and
observing that some of them have spots and
some of them do not.
Child asks an adult, “Do we have books to tell
how airplanes y?”
Provide a wide range of children’s books including books
about animals, insects, plants, people, water, air, land, and
other environmental books.
Read often to and with the child. Ask the child questions
such as, “What do you think is going to happen when the
girl plants the little seed?” Or, “How do you think airplanes
are able to y?”
Uses magnifying
glass (hand lens),
binoculars, and maps
for investigation of
the environment.
Child is working with “Flaom” (rice crispy,
crystal-like, sticky substance) and goes to get
a magnifying glass to take a closer look at the
“Flaom” to see what it is made of.
Child says, “Look at my roads from my house
to grandma’s house.”
Using the binoculars, child says, “Look at this
bird, it is red and white and black and has a
long beak.”
Provide tools such as a magnifying glass, binoculars,
and maps. Encourage children to use the tools to explore
objects, plants, seeds, and hands.
Encourage child to draw a map of the neighborhood or a
map of his/her house or the way to get to the park or the
way to get to a friend’s house.
Take binoculars along when the child and adult take a walk
outside. Play a game of “How many different birds can
we see?” Keep a journal of all the different kinds of birds.
Remember to bring a reference book of birds along!
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Scientic Thinking (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL. 2 uses tooLs to gather information, compare observeD objects, anD seek answers to
question through active investigation (continueD)
Makes comparisons
between objects that
have been collected
or observed.
Child examines a shell collection and responds
to requests, such as “Find some more pink
ones.” or “Show me a shell that isn’t smooth.”
Child oats and sinks various objects at the
water table.
Child observes differences among the birds in
the yard or at the feeder.
Child tells whether the sounds made by rhythm
instruments are the same or different.
Encourage child to share his/her thoughts and ideas about
the world around them.
Ask question that will encourage child to think about what
he/she has seen, heard, and done.
Model thinking “out loud” and talk about ideas with child.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Creates mental
images of objects
and people not
in immediate
Child looks for a favorite toy in the same place it
was yesterday.
Child looks around the room in buckets and
under the couch for “nuk” when adult says,
“Where’s your ‘nuk?” Child nds it in the same
place where the child left it.
Child asks for favorite toy when it has been left at
Child likes to play Peek-A-Boo and Hide-and
Play games of Hide-and-Seek and Peek-a-Boo with your child.
Ask the child, “Where’s your nuk?” or “Where’s your coat?”
Provide special places for the child’s clothes and toys.
Child will learn and remember where to nd coat, pajamas,
shoes, and special toys.
Show pictures to the child of favorite people like grandma,
grandpa, brothers, sisters, caregivers. Make a picture
book for the child of favorite people.
Scientic Thinking (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL. 3 hypothesizes anD makes preDictions
Locates object
hidden from view.
Child nds toy that is hidden under blanket after
watching someone hide it.
Child retrieves a ball that has rolled behind couch.
Child searches under two boxes to nd block.
Provide time for the child to try to think about “What just
happened?” and to think about “What am I going to do?”
Play games of having the child hide and put the object
under rst one box and then the other. Play the game
again, and hide it under a different box the next time.
Asks simple
questions and
draws conclusions
based on previous
Child says, “Look at all my leaves (leaves are
different kinds, color, shape, size). Did they come
from the same tree?”
Child says, “We planted a seed at school, and my
teacher said it would grow into a sunower. Can
we plant a seed at home and see what happens?”
Be available to answer the child’s questions and talk
more or show the child more about the current interest
of the child, e.g., the child wants to know more about the
difference in the shapes of leaves.
Help the child nd books about different kinds of trees, take
a walk to see what the leaves look like from particular kinds
of trees, make a book with the child displaying leaves with
a real picture of the particular tree. Let the child take the
picture of the tree with a camera.
Participate with the child in natural events, e.g., growing
seeds, caring for animals, charting the weather.
Conduct some longer-term experiments, such as growing
seeds in differing light conditions and keep ongoing records
or pictures.
Makes plans
for testing
hypotheses to
prove or disprove
Child says to a friend, “Should we try to mix the red
paint with green paint? Maybe we can make blue.”
Child brings a snowball into the house and asks to
put it in the freezer to see if it will still be a snowball
tomorrow or if it will melt.
Child wants to plant 3 different sized seeds to see if
the biggest seed grows into the biggest plant.
Child plants seeds in two owerpots and puts one
in the closet and the other on the windowsill. Child
says, “I think the seed in my closet will grow, but it
will be a very small plant. The seed in the window
will grow to be a big plant.”
Provide opportunities for the child to try new activities and
Create environments that offer an appropriate amount of
stimulation for the child to use a wide variety of equipment
and materials.
Help child verbalize his/her reasoning and thinking out loud
about how to solve a problem or answer a question.
Write down the child’s recommended ways of solving
problems as well as his/her solutions to problems. Try
them out.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Asks questions,
seeks information,
and tests out
Child asks, “Why does the moon look different
at night? Sometimes it is big like a ball, and
sometimes it looks like a dish.”
Child asks adult, “What if we planted a stick in the
ground, would it grow to be a tree?” Adult says,
“Should we try planting the stick to see if it grows
into a tree?”
Child says, “My truck does not oat in the bathtub. I
tried it out, and it just sits on the bottom of the tub.”
Encourage the child to ask questions and to wonder. Help
them rene questions.
When the child asks questions, encourage him/her to
test out possibilities to nd answers to questions. Test out
possibilities with the child.
Use children’s books as resources to nd the answers to
the child’s questions, e.g., “What if we planted a stick in
the ground, would it grow to be a tree?”
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Scientic Thinking (continued)
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: C.EL. 4 forms expLanations baseD on triaL anD error, observations, anD expLorations
Identies and
investigates the
physical qualities of
living and nonliving
Child recognizes a cup when it is turned
upside down.
Child says “little dog” when seeing the
neighbor walk his dog.
Child describes kitty as “soft” when petting the
Provide opportunities for children to experiment with new
materials and activities without fear of making mistakes.
Explores and
conclusions based on
observation and past
Child points out stripes on a caterpillar.
Child notices it gets darker when the sun goes
behind a cloud.
Child points out changes in animals or plants
in the room.
Be available and respond to the child when he/she
encounters problems while exploring (without being
Respond to the child’s conversation, expand on his/her
language, and use descriptive words while playing with
the child.
Makes reasonable
explanations, using
data gathered from
observation and
Child says, “When I mix the color red and blue,
it makes purple.”
Child says, “Look, when I shake this jar of
water, it makes bubbles.”
After spinning around and stopping, the child
says, “Spinning makes the room look like it is
moving up and down.”
Provide tasks and materials in which the goal is trying
different strategies or solutions rather than right or wrong
Model exploration and use of a wide variety of familiar and
new learning materials and activities.
Help the child make a “special place” for all his/ her
experiments and collection boxes.
Offers and seeks
explanations of
questions and
experiments, using
references such as
books and
Child says, “Look, it’s just like the Hungry
Caterpillar book. My mom and I tried to put a
caterpillar in a jar with some leaves and a stick
and look what happened.”
After trying to take a toaster apart, the child
asks adult, “Do you have a book that can help
me put this back together?”
Child asks adult to help him/her use the
computer to nd out how an acorn can grow
into a tree.
Provide a rich array of children’s books that relate to
animals, insects, people, plants, air, and water.
Join the child in searching through books or doing a
search on the computer for an explanation or an answer
to their questions or wondering.
Encourage the child’s demonstration of exibility and
inventiveness in play and problem solving.
Sample Behaviors of Children
Sample Strategies for Adults
Listed above are sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults, they are not a denitive list or an exhaustive inventory.
They start from an early developmental level and continue through older ages to the completion of kindergarten.
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
Interest Areas: Children Learn From Play
Interest Areas: Children Learn From Play
Here are some suggestions for each area. Begin at the youngest age and add
items for the age of each child in your group. Remember to change materials
regularly to keep areas fresh and interesting. Allow children to play with any
item as long as it is safe for his/her age.
Active Play Equipment
(In large, open spaces, and outside)
INFANTS (Birth to 12 months)
Bounce chairs
Mobiles (activated by movement)
Things to reach and grab
Adults to bounce gently upon
(with caution)
Bright colored balls
TODDLERS (12 – 24 months) add
Crawling tunnel
Riding toys
Cardboard boxes
2-3 steps to climb
Ramps to walk on
Push and pull toys
2 – 3 YEARS add
Low climber
Low slide
Homemade obstacle course
Sandbox with toys
Low balancing beam
Low basketball hoop
Tricycle/big wheels
Jump ropes
Easy-to-play games such as
“Follow the Leader”
Sensory Materials
(To stimulate the ve senses)
INFANTS (Birth to 12 months)
Sucking toys
Unbreakable mirrors (acrylic)
Patterned crib sheets
TODDLERS (12 – 24 months) add
Music boxes
Busy boxes
Push toys
Large bells, drums
Non-toxic play dough and nger paint
(with close supervision)
Water play with cup & spoon
Fruit to taste (cut into small pieces)
2 – 3 YEARS add
Sand-play with household objects
Scarves for dancing
Listening games
Texture boards
Tasting activities
More tools for working with sand,
water, and play dough
Rhythm instruments
Wide variety of music
Cooking activities
(with close supervision)
Construction Materials
(In a quiet spot for building)
INFANTS (Birth to 12 months)
Nesting toys
Large, soft blocks
TODDLERS (12 – 24 months) add
Cardboard blocks
Cups to stack
Toy pounding bench
2 – 3 YEARS add
Wood unit blocks
Little people gures
Cars and trucks
Train and tracks
Wooden pegs, mallet, and styrofoam
More unit block shapes and
Props for road, town scenes
Woodworking bench and
accessories (with careful one-on-one
Construction sets with small pieces
(keep away from smaller children)
From Growing Smart and Healthy Babies. Reprinted by permission of Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning.
From Growing Smart and Healthy Babies. Reprinted by permission of Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning.
Manipulative Toys
(On a low table)
INFANTS (Birth – 12 months)
Large rings
Squeeze toys
Textured balls
Large measuring
TODDLERS (12 – 24 months) add
Puzzles: 2 – 6 pieces with
Nesting toys
Large pegboards
Snap-together toys with big
2 – 3 YEARS add
Puzzles: 4 – 6 pieces
Big beads to string
Stacking toys
Scissors and cards to cut
Puzzles, pegboards
Stringing and snap together
toys with smaller pieces
according to ability level
Doll & Dramatic Play
INFANTS (Birth – 12 months)
Soft dolls
Peek-a-boo games
Songs and nger plays
TODDLERS (12 – 24 months) add
Blankets to wrap dolls
Dishes, pans, spoons
Broom, sponge
Unbreakable mirror (acrylic)
Shopping cart
Pretend food
2 – 3 YEARS add
Doll bed, carriages
Doll clothes
Realistic dolls
Tables and chairs
Toy stove, etc.
Dress-up clothes (simple)
Boxes with dress-up
clothes and realistic
accessories to encourage
Play “restaurant,” “store,”
“gas station,” “ofce,”
Let the children be your
Book & Recordings
(In a soft, cozy spot)
INFANTS (Birth – 12 months)
Records of voices, sounds,
animal sounds, music
Sturdy cloth or cardboard
Lap books with large
illustrations, picture of faces,
large objects, bright shapes
TODDLERS (12 – 24 months) add
Books with simple stories
Songs, nger plays
Pictures on wall at eye level
Flannel board and annel
2 – 3 YEARS add
Books with stories about
familiar things
Short story records, more
songs, nger plays
Written and picture labels
on objects
Flannel board accessories
More and more detailed stories
Access to record/tape player with
instructions on care and use
Written and picture labels on
objects such as: name on cup,
etc., to help associate written
word with objects
Child’s own words as dictated
on artwork and in homemade
books to be read back by child/
More annel accessories
Art Materials
(Near water & low tables/chairs)
INFANTS (Birth – 12 months)
Bright socks on hands/feet
Textured objects
Brightly colored toys
Edible nger paint (baby
TODDLERS (12 – 24 months) add
Frequent opportunities to
explore messy edible/
nontoxic substance (food,
water-based nger painting)
Non-toxic markers (on boxes)
Chalk (on paper, cardboard,
Fat crayons (one color at a
Large paper to draw on (tape
2 – 3 YEARS add
Water-based paint with
large brushes
Scissors and things to cut
Play dough
2-3 crayons at a time
Large paper, different
textures, colors
Stickers and paper
Water colors
Hole punchers
Glue/paste and a variety of
things to glue onto paper
Magazines to cut up
Things to lick and stick
Crayons and markers of
many colors
Natural objects (leaves,
pine cones, etc.)
Collage materials
Interest Areas: Children Learn From Play
Interest Areas: Children Learn From Play
From Growing Smart and Healthy Babies. Reprinted by permission of Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning.
Specic Skills Learned
Cognitive: Makes decisions about interests and abilities.
Self-help: Find toys by him/herself or sets up environment for play.
Social/Language: Learns to share, barter, manage conict, and ask for help.
Emotional: Learns about acceptance and rejection. Expresses needs.
Putting away toys
Sand play
Finger plays and songs
Story time or listening
to music
Sitting down to eat
Setting the table
Dramatic play
Block play
Finding toys or learning
materials to work with
alone or with others.
Cognitive: Sorts toys, follows directions.
Physical: Places objects on the shelf, replaces lids, opens and shuts doors.
Social: Takes turns, learns to handle toy carefully.
Cognitive: Measures sand and maps out roads (spatial relationships).
Physical: Pours, dumps, pushes, gathers, scoops, packs (small and large motor).
Social: Shares, interacts, and cooperates.
Cognitive: May count the rungs to the top of a climbing structure; plans the climb. Maps out
direction and distance to ride; watches for others in path.
Physical: Large motor coordination, balance.
Social: Takes turns, interacts.
Cognitive/Language: Learns words, gestures, and melody (sequencing, repetition, speech, and listening
skills). Follows directions.
Physical: Coordination (small and large motor) for gestures and nger plays.
Cognitive: Listens and retains information. Follows story line (sequencing) with eyes
and/or ears.
Recognizes words, pictures, instruments, and rhythms.
Physical: Pours milk, passes the dish (small motor coordination).
Cognitive: Measures to pour. Understands directions.
Social/Language: Learns appropriate table conversation and manners.
Cognitive: Counts silverware, glasses, and napkins, or places one object by each setting.
Follows pattern of place settings.
Social: Cooperates with other children. May teach younger children to help.
Physical: Picks up and places objects (small motor coordination).
Social: Plays adult roles. Develops self-image and coordinates with others.
Language: Learns to express self in another role.
Cognitive: Decides appropriate dress and appearance for role; uses visual perceptions to
assess self, others, and play environment. Learns and remembers behaviors to
imitate. Develops abstract thinking abilities.
Self-help: Dresses self: Sets up play environment and nds props.
Physical: Learns to balance blocks and line them up (small motor coordination).
Matches blocks that look alike.
Cognitive: May count blocks, sees pattern and design. Learns to build and plan structure.
Social: Learns to share and cooperate.
Cognitive/Language: Listens to music and rhythms. Learns to understand simple movement,
directions, and their relationship to music.
Physical: Coordinates movements (large motor).
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
Appendix A
Standards in the State of Wisconsin
Wisconsin’s adoption of the Wisconsin Academic Standards provides an excellent
opportunity for Wisconsin school districts and communities to dene expectations from
birth through preparation for college and work. By aligning the existing Wisconsin
Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS) with the Wisconsin Academic Standards,
expectations can be set from birth through high school completion.
Since 2003, the WMELS have inuenced all programs serving children under
mandatory school age to identify what children from birth through entrance to rst
grade should know and be able to do. Schools across the state have worked with
childcare, Head Start, and other community programs to incorporate the WMELS
into their early childhood special education, four-year-old kindergarten, and ve-
year-old kindergarten programs. The adoption of Wisconsin Academic Standards
provides opportunity for alignment between the WMELS and the Wisconsin Academic
Standards in the areas of English language arts and mathematics. The WMELS provide
developmental expectations for young children from birth through entrance to rst
grade that are foundational to the Wisconsin Academic Standards for kindergarten
through grade 12.
Overview of WMELS
The development of the WMELS was guided by research in the eld of
early education and supported by content experts from institutions of higher
education in the state. The WMELS provide a framework for families,
professionals, and policymakers to:
Share a common language and responsibility for the well-being of
children from birth to rst grade;
Know and understand developmental expectations of young children;
Understand the connection of early childhood with K-12 educational
experiences and lifelong learning.
The WMELS specify developmental expectations for children birth through
entrance to rst grade and address all the domains of a child’s learning
and development including: Health and Physical Development; Social and
Emotional Development; Language Development and Communication;
Approaches to Learning; and Cognition and General Knowledge. The
developmental domains are highly interrelated. Knowledge and skills
developed in one area of development impact the acquisition of knowledge
and skills in other areas of development. Each domain is divided into sub-
domains, which include developmental expectations, program standards,
performance standards, and a developmental continuum, along with samples
of children’s behavior and adult strategies.
The WMELS are intended to:
Improve the quality of all early learning environments;
Guide professional development activities and investments;
Inform educators and caregivers in their decisions regarding approaches
to curriculum development across all early learning environments; and
Guide communities as they determine local age/grade level learning
expectations at the district level. The local age/grade level learning
expectations assist to make decisions regarding curriculum and
assessment that will determine instruction, interactions, and activities.
Overview of the Wisconsin Academic Standards
Teachers, content experts, parents, and community leaders collaborated
to review the Wisconsin Academic Standards for English Language Arts,
Mathematics, and Literacy in All Subjects, and these standards have been
adopted by 45 states. Adopted in 2010, the Wisconsin Academic Standards
focus on core conceptual understandings and procedures starting in the early
grades, enabling teachers to take the time needed to teach core concepts
and procedures well—and to give students the opportunity to master them.
With students, parents, and teachers working together for shared goals, we
can ensure that students make progress each year and graduate from school
prepared to succeed in college and in a 21st Century workforce.
Wisconsin’s Guiding Principles for Teaching and Learning inform the
instructional design and implementation of all academic standards. All
educational initiatives are guided and impacted by important and often
unstated attitudes or principles for teaching and learning. For information
about Wisconsin’s Guiding Principles for Teaching and Learning:
Wisconsin Foundations for English Language Arts
English language arts is an integrated discipline.
English language arts instruction builds an understanding of the human
Literacy is an evolving concept, and becoming literate is a lifelong
learning process.
Critical thinking and problem solving, communication, collaboration, and
creativity (the 4 C’s) are aspects of effective English education and skills
of Wisconsin graduates.
Literacy, language, and meaning are socially constructed and are
enhanced by multiple perspectives.
Wisconsin Foundations for Mathematics
Every student must have access to and engage in meaningful,
challenging, and rigorous mathematics.
Mathematics should be experienced as coherent, connected, intrinsically
interesting, and relevant.
Problem solving, understanding, reasoning, and sense-making are
at the heart of mathematics teaching and learning and are central to
mathematical prociency.
Effective mathematics classroom practices include the use of
collaboration, discourse, and reection to engage students in the study
of important mathematics.
Connection between WMELS and Wisconsin
Academic Standards
The WMELS address expectations for young children from birth through
entrance to rst grade. The Wisconsin Academic Standards address what
students should know and be able to do from kindergarten through grade 12.
Since the WMELS and the Wisconsin Academic Standards both address the
ve-year-old kindergarten level, school districts are encouraged to use both
the WMELS and the Wisconsin Academic Standards as they move forward
with their standards work in early childhood four-year-old kindergarten, ve-
year-old kindergarten programs, and the primary school years.
Overview of Wisconsin Essential Elements
Except under rare circumstances, students with disabilities will access the
general education curriculum through the Wisconsin Academic Standards.
However, some students with signicant cognitive disabilities cannot meet the
general education standards, even with accommodations and modications.
These students are instructed using alternate academic achievement
standards, called the Wisconsin Essential Elements. The Wisconsin Essential
Elements are descriptions of what students with signicant cognitive
disabilities are expected to know and be able to do at each grade level from
kindergarten through grade 12. When considering the Wisconsin Essential
Elements, it is important to note that they are based on the Wisconsin
Academic Standards and align with the WMELS.
It is important to practice caution when making determinations about which
set of standards a student will access. Except for the very few students with
signicant cognitive disabilities, kindergarten students with disabilities will
access the general education curriculum through the Wisconsin Academic
Standards. The decision to use the Wisconsin Essential Elements should be
made only after careful consideration of potential long-term impacts such as
limiting a student’s opportunity to learn and reducing the access to general
education curriculum.
For more information on:
Wisconsin Academic Standards contact Connie Ellingson at:
Wisconsin Essential Elements (CCEE) contact Molly Bever at:
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS) contact Sherry
Kimball at: sherry[email protected]
For more information about the WMELS:
For more information regarding Wisconsin’s Academic Standards:
For more information about teaching and learning English
language arts in Wisconsin and to download and print the
Wisconsin Academic Standards for English Language Arts:
For more information about teaching and learning mathematics in Wisconsin
and to download and print the Wisconsin Academic Standards for
The Wisconsin Essential Element webpage:
Wisconsin Academic Standards: Mathematics Domains
Counting and
and Algebraic
Number and
Operations in
Base Ten
Measurement and
Data Geometry
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
Developmental Domain: V. Cognition
and General Knowledge
Sub-Domain: B. Mathematical Thinking
Standard B.EL.1
of numbers and
Standard B.EL.2
number operations
and relationships
Standard B.EL.2
operations and
Standard B.EL.5
the concept of
Standard B.EL.6
Collects, describes
and records
information using
all senses
Standard B.EL.3
recognizes, and
describes shapes
and spatial
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
Comparison with Mathematics Strands
of Wisconsin Academic Standards
(Grade K Overview)
Standards for Mathematical Practice
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4. Model with mathematics.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
6. Attend to precision.
7. Look for and make use of structure.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Wisconsin Academic Standards: English Language Arts Strands
Informational Text
Foundational Skills Writing
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
Developmental Domain:
III. Language Development and Communication
Sub-Domain: C. Early Literacy
Standard C.EL.3
Shows appreciation of
books and
understands how print
Standard C.EL.3
Shows appreciation of
books and
understands how print
Standard C.EL.1
Develops ability to
detect, manipulate, or
analyze auditory parts
of spoken language
Standard C.EL.2
concept that the
alphabet represents
the sounds of spoken
language and letters of
written language
Standard C.EL.3
Shows appreciation of
books and understands
how print works
Standard C.EL.4
Uses writing to
represent thoughts or
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
Comparison with English Language Arts Strands
of Wisconsin Academic Standards
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
Comparison with English Language Arts Strands
of Wisconsin Academic Standards
Wisconsin Academic Standards: English Language Arts Strands
Speaking and Listening Language
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
Developmental Domain:
III. Language Development and Communication
Sub-Domain: A. Listening and Understanding
Sub-Domain: B. Speaking and Communicating
Sub-Domain: C. Early Literacy
Performance Standard A.EL.1
Derives meaning through listening to
communication of others and sounds
in the environment
Performance Standard A.EL.2
Listens and responds to
communications with others
Performance Standard A.EL.3
Follows directions of increasing
Performance Standard B.EL.1
Uses gestures and movements
(non-verbal) to communicate
Performance Standard B.EL.2a
Uses vocalizations and spoken language
to communicate (Language Form-Syntax)
Performance Standard B.EL.2b
Uses vocalizations and spoken language
to communicate (Language Content-
Performance Standard B.EL.2c
Uses vocalizations and spoken language
to communicate (Language Function-
Performance Standard B.EL.2a
Uses vocalizations and spoken language to
communicate (Language Form-Syntax: rule
system for combining words, phrases, and
sentences, includes parts of speech, word
order, and sentence structure)
Performance Standard B.EL.2b
Uses vocalizations and spoken language to
communicate (Language Form-Semantics:
rule system for establishing meaning of words,
individually and in combination)
Performance Standard C.EL.4
Uses writing to represent thoughts or ideas
Portrait of a Literate Studentles/imce/cal/pdf/portrait-literatestudent.pdf
1. Demonstrate independence.
2. Build strong content and knowledge.
3. Respond to the varying demands of audience,
task, purpose, and discipline.
4. Comprehend as well as critique.
5. Value evidence.
6. Use technology and digital media strategically and capably.
7. Come to understand other perspectives and cultures.
Appendix B
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
and IDEA Early Childhood Outcomes
Child outcomes are dened as the benets experienced
as a result of services and supports provided for a child or
family. The fact that a service has been provided does not
mean that an outcome has been achieved. Likewise, an
outcome is not the same as satisfaction with the services
received. The impact that those services and supports
have on the functioning of children and families constitutes
the outcome. The Federal Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act of 2004 (IDEA), instilled heightened
awareness of accountability, by requiring states to measure
educational results and functional outcomes for children
with disabilities. In Wisconsin, we have worked to blend the
requirements of the Preschool Outcomes for children with
Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), ages 3 through
5 years, and Infant and Toddler Outcomes for children with
Individual Family Service Plans (IFSPs), from birth to age
3, into a birth to 6 Child Outcome system.
The outcomes address three areas of child functioning
necessary for each child to be an active and successful
participant at home, in the community, and in other places
like a child care program or preschool. Thinking functionally
moves us from single behaviors in domain-specic areas
to thinking about how skills and routines are functional and
Positive social-emotional skills refer to how children get
along with others, how they relate with adults and with
other children. For older children, these skills also include
how children follow rules related to groups and interact with
others in group situations such as a child care center. The
outcome includes the ways the child expresses emotions
and feelings and how he or she interacts with and plays
with other children.
The acquisition and use of knowledge and skills refers to
children’s abilities to think, reason, remember, problem
solve, and use symbols and language. The outcome also
encompasses children’s understanding of the physical and
social worlds. It includes understanding of early concepts
(e.g., symbols, pictures, numbers, classication, spatial
relationships), imitation, object permanence, the acquisition
of language and communication skills, and early literacy
and numeracy skills. The outcome also addresses the
precursors that are needed so that children will experience
success later in elementary school when they are taught
academic subject areas (e.g., reading, mathematics).
The use of appropriate behavior to meet needs refers
to the actions that children employ to take care of their
basic needs, including getting from place to place,
using tools (e.g., fork, toothbrush, crayon), and in older
children, contributing to their own health and safety. The
outcome includes how children take care of themselves
(e.g., dressing, feeding, hair brushing, toileting), carry out
household responsibilities, and act within their environment
to get what they want. This outcome addresses children’s
increasing capacity to become independent in interacting
with the world and taking care of their needs.
The following table shows how the ve areas of the
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards align with the
three child outcomes.
II A. Emotional Development
A.EL.1 Expresses a wide range of
A.EL.2 Understands and responds
to others’ emotions
II B. Self-Concept
B.EL.1 Develops positive self
B.EL.2 Demonstrates self
II C. Social Competence
C.EL.1 Demonstrates attachment,
trust, and autonomy
C.EL.2 Engages in social
interaction and play with
C.EL.3 Demonstrates
understanding of rules and
social expectations
C.EL.4 Engages in social problem
solving, and learns to
resolve conict
Positive Social Relationships
Knowledge and Skills Action to Meet Needs
III A. Listening and Understanding
A.EL.1 Derives meaning through listening to communications of
others and sounds in the environment
A.EL.2 Listens and responds to communications with others
A.EL.3 Follows directions of increasing complexity
IIl B. Speaking and Communicating
B.EL.1 Uses gestures and movements (non-verbal) to communicate
B. EL 2a Uses vocalizations and spoken language to communicate.
Language Form
B EL 2b Uses vocalizations and spoken language to communicate.
Language Content
B. EL 2c Uses Vocalizations and spoken language to communicate.
Language Function
III C. Early Literacy
C.EL.1 Develops ability to detect, manipulate, or analyze the
auditory parts of spoken language
C.EL.2 Understands the concept that the alphabet represents
the sounds of spoken language and the letters of written
C. EL 3 Shows appreciation of books and understands how print
C. EL 4 Uses writing to represent thoughts or ideas
IV A. Curiosity, Engagement, and Persistence
A.EL.2 Engages in meaningful learning through attempting,
repeating, experimenting, rening, and elaborating on
experiences and activities
IV B. Creativity and Imagination
B. EL. 1 Engages in imaginative play and inventive thinking through
interactions with people, materials, and the environment
B. EL. 2 Expresses self creatively through music, movement and art
IV C. Diversity in Learning
C.EL.1 Experiences a variety of routines, practices, and languages
C.EL.2 Learns within the context of their family and culture
C.EL.3 Uses various styles of learning including verbal/linguistic,
bodily/kinesthetic, visual/spatial, interpersonal, and intra
V A. Exploration, Discovery, and Problem Solving
A.EL.1 Uses multi-sensory abilities to process information
A EL.2 Understands new meanings as memory increases
A EL.3 Applies problem solving skills
V B. Mathematical Thinking
B.EL.1 Demonstrates an understanding of numbers and counting
B.EL.2 Understand number operations and relationships.
B.EL.3 Explores, recognizes and describes shapes and spatial
B.EL.4 Uses the attributes of objects for comparison and patterning.
B.EL.5 Understands the concept of measurement
B.EL. 6 Collects, describes and records information using all senses
V.C. Scientic Thinking
C.EL. 1 Uses observation to gather information
C.EL.2 Uses tools to gather information, compare observed
objects, and seek answers to questions through active
C.EL. 3 Hypothesizes and makes predictions.
C. EL. 4 Forms explanations based on trial and error,
observations and explorations
I A. Physical Health and Development
A.EL. Demonstrates behaviors to meet
1a-d self-help and physical needs
including sleep habits, dressing,
toileting, and eating
A.EL.2 Demonstrates behaviors to meet
safety needs
A.EL.3 Demonstrates a healthy lifestyle
I B. Motor Development
B.EL. 1a Moves with strength, control,
balance, coordination, locomotion,
and endurance Purpose and
B.EL.1b Moves with strength, control,
balance, coordination, locomotion,
and endurance Balance and
B.EL.2 Exhibits eye-hand coordination,
strength, control, and object
B.EL.3 Uses senses to take in, experience,
integrate, and regulate responses to
I C. Sensory Organization
C. EL.1 Uses senses to take in, experience,
integrate, and regulate responses to
the environment
II. C. Social Competence
C. EL. 3 Demonstrates understanding to
rules and social expectations
C. EL. 4 Engages in social problem solving
and learns to resolve conicts
IIl B. Speaking and Communicating
B.EL.1 Uses gestures and movements
(non-verbal) to communicate
B. EL 2a Uses vocalizations and spoken
language to communicate.
Language Form
B EL 2b Uses vocalizations and spoken
language to communicate.
Language Content
B. EL 2c Uses Vocalizations and spoken
language to communicate.
Language Function
IV A. Curiosity, Engagement, and
A.EL.1 Displays curiosity, risk-taking
and willingness to engage in new
A.EL.2 Engages in meaningful learning
through attempting, repeating,
experimenting, rening, and
elaborating on experiences and
A.EL.3 Exhibits persistence and exibility
IV B. Creativity and Imagination
B.EL.1 Engages in imaginative play
and inventive thinking through
interactions with people, materials,
and the environment
B.EL.2 Expresses self creatively through
music, movement, and art
Appendix C
References and Resources
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Dombro, Donna R. Weston, and Abigail M. Jewkes. 2003.
The ounce scale: Standards for the developmental proles.
New York: Pearson Early Learning.
Minnesota Department of Education, Early Learning
Services. 2005. Early childhood indicators of progress:
Minnesota’s early learning standards. Roseville, MN: Author.
National Association for the Education of Young Children.
2005. NAEYC, where we stand: On responding to linguistic
and cultural diversity. Washington, DC: Author.les/naeyc/le/positions/diversity.pdf
New Hampshire Early Learning Guidelines Task Force.
2005. New Hampshire early learning guidelines. Concord,
NH: New Hampshire Department of Health and Human
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Parks, Stephanie. 1999. Inside HELP: Administration and
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Determining Curriculum and Assessment
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Copple, Carol, and Sue Bredekamp, 2009. Developmentally
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from birth through age 8. Rev. ed. 3rd ed. Washington, DC:
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Epstein, Ann S. 2015. The intentional teacher: Choosing the best
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development. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
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Guidelines and Standards
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classrooms. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and
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standards for children’s learning prior to kindergarten. Early
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Spicer, Scott. 2002, January 10. States try to specify what young
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The Head Start path to positive child outcomes: The Head Start
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Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Wisconsin Academic
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model academic standards: Raising the bar for all students.
Wisconsin Early Learning Standards Steering Committee and
Dianne Jenkins. 2013 4th Ed., November. Wisconsin model early
learning standards. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Department of Public
Information for Teachers and Parents
General Information
Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early
This national resource center promotes positive social emotional
outcomes and enhanced school readiness of low-income children
birth to age 5.
Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention Board
Coordinates projects and publishes brochures for child abuse
prevention including the Strengthening Families Initiative and
Shaken Baby Syndrome prevention training.
Child Care Resources Inc. – Tip Sheets for Child Care
Information, ideas and tips on a variety of child care topics
available for download in PDF format.
eXtension Alliance for Better Child Care (EABCC)
Practical information about children and child care, sponsored by
the Cooperative Extension System.
Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center
Information about early childhood development, teaching and
learning in any early childhood setting.
National Association for the Education of Young Children
(NAEYC). This is a membership organization dedicated to
improving the quality of educational and developmental services
for all children from birth through age eight. Its website provides
much useful information on early childhood practice, policy, and
Search Institute
This organization promotes developmental assets, which are
positive experiences and personal qualities that young people
need to grow up healthy, caring, and responsible.
Strengthening Families
Strengthening Families is a proven, cost-effective strategy to
prevent child abuse and neglect. The effort encourages and
supports child care providers as they strengthen families and
help prevent abuse through their daily contact with parents and
Supporting Families Together Association (SFTA)
SFTA coordinates Wisconsin’s Child Care Resource and Referral
Agencies in building systems and supporting quality care,
resources, and education to enrich the lives of children.
Wisconsin Child Care Information Center (CCIC)
Mail order lending library and information clearinghouse for
Wisconsin child care teachers.
Wisconsin Early Childhood Association (WECA)
Professional association whose members care for and educate
Wisconsin’s children, aged birth to eight. An afliate of the
National Association for the Education of Young Children
Wisconsin Early Childhood Collaborating Partners
WECCP represents many public and private agencies,
associations, and individuals. It coordinates their collaborations
around Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards, early
childhood special education, professional development, 4-year-old
kindergarten, and community collaborations. WI Early Childhood
Career Guide
YoungStar is Wisconsin’s child care quality rating and
improvement system. Its website has many information resources
for parents and providers.
Free Online Magazines and Newsletters
Earlychildhood NEWS
Articles, ideas, and crafts for teachers and parents of young
children, infants to age eight.
Child Care Information Exchange emails this short, free, electronic
newsletter ve days a week with a news story, success story,
solution, trend report, or other useful item.
FPG eNews
News and resources from the Frank Porter Graham Child
Development Institute at the University of North Carolina. E-Newsletter
Bi-weekly news about health and safety from the American
Academy of Pediatrics.
NPPS News and Updates
Articles from the National Program for Playground Safety tell
how to make child care, elementary school, and residential
playgrounds safe.
Texas Child Care Quarterly
Texas Child Care Quarterly
This excellent training journal for child care providers and early
childhood education teachers gives information on how children
develop and how teachers can help children grow and learn. Most
issues contain articles to download in PDF format.
Classroom Activity Ideas
Discount School Supply: Free Activities
eXtension Alliance for Better Child Care - Database of Hands-On
Activities for Child Care
Gryphon House: Free Activities
Teacher QuickSource
Teaching Our Youngest: A Guide for Preschool Teachers and
Child Care and Family Providers
WISELearn Resources
Infant and Toddler Care
Healthy Child Care America Back to Sleep Campaign
(SIDS prevention)
National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome
Program for Infant/Toddler Caregivers
The PITC Online Library houses an extensive collection of
multimedia resources related to infant/toddler care. It includes
many interesting PowerPoint presentations to download.
Zero to Three
Supports the healthy development and well-being of infants,
toddlers, and their families. Its website has information for
professionals, parents, and policymakers. Click on Key Topics.
Health and Safety
American Academy of Pediatrics
Information on child development and health for parents and
professionals from an organization of 60,000 pediatricians.
ECELS - Healthy Child Care Pennsylvania
Fact sheets and other information for early education and child
care providers.
National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness
The NCECHW portal shares resources and best practices with
early childhood educators, health care professionals, and families.
National Program for Playground Safety
Safety tips and standards for child care, elementary school,
residential, and park playgrounds.
National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and
Early Education
The full, updated set of National Health and Safety Performance
Standards, Guidelines for Early Care and Education Programs in a
searchable online database.
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Safety and recall information about consumer products that could
cause serious injury or death.
Wisconsin Department of Health Services Childhood
Communicable Diseases
For those responsible for the care of children and teens in group
settings, charts show how diseases are spread, incubation period,
signs and symptoms, when contagious, exclusion criteria.
Children with Special Needs
CESA #7 Special Education Services
Special Education in Plain Language in English and Spanish,
autism information for staff, and many other helpful resources.
ECTA Center (Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center)
The Center organizes papers and presentations on inclusion, early
intervention, and early childhood special education in order to
improve systems, practices, and child outcomes.
Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute
FPG generates knowledge, informs policies, and supports
practices to promote positive developmental and educational
outcomes for children of all backgrounds and abilities from the
earliest years.
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities
Information on identifying developmental disabilities and acting
early to make sure young children get the help they need to reach
their full potential.
YoungStar – Early Childhood Inclusion
Information, helpful tips, and relevant resources for child care
providers and families.
Wisconsin Regulations
Supporting Families Together Association (SFTA)
SFTA coordinates Wisconsin’s Child Care Resource and Referral
Agencies in building systems and supporting quality care,
resources, and education to enrich the lives of children.
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF)
The DCF Division of Early Care and Education (DECE) regulates
child care programs serving Wisconsin families and supports
program quality improvement and improved access to affordable
high-quality child care. This website has a wealth of information
for families and child care programs in a variety of settings.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instructionce-of-early-learning
DPI regulates public schools and administers the Child and Adult
Care Food Program in Wisconsin. This website covers a variety of
early childhood topics.
Information Especially for Parents
*All websites accessed August 2017
. . . about children with special needs
Wisconsin FACETS
(Wisconsin Family Assistance Center for Education, Training, and Support)
This nonprot organization was founded in 1995 by parents who believed that
parents are the best advocates for their children. Wisconsin FACETS’ parent
centers around the state offer free education and support services to children
and adults with disabilities and their families.
Wisconsin First Steprst-step
Information and referral hotline for children and youth from birth to age 21 with
special needs. Serves families and professionals. Website includes an On-line
Resource Directory searchable by location and agency or service needed.
. . . about how to choose child care
Child Care Aware
Information in English and Spanish on choosing child care and other aspects of
Supporting Families Together Association
Ten community-based Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (CCR & R)
agencies in Wisconsin help parents nd child care.
Wisconsin Child Care Finder
Parents can search this website by location to compare child care programs’
YoungStar quality ratings and regulatory compliance records to choose the best
program for their children.
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
DCF regulates licensed family and group child care programs and day camps;
administers the Wisconsin Shares Child Care Subsidy Program, the YoungStar Quality
Rating and Improvement System, and child welfare programs; and in cooperation with
counties regulates certied family child care homes.
. . . about family activities and child rearing
Child Care Resource Center (CCRC):
Online resource for families providing information about child care and early education.
Child Care Resources Inc. – Tip Sheets for Parents and Families
Information, ideas and tips on a variety of parenting and child development topics available for download in PDF
Family Resource Centers
10 family resource centers around Wisconsin offer parent education and support. All focus on family strengths and
building self-esteem and condence within families.
Parenting Counts
Research-based resource site developed to support parents and caregivers in raising socially and emotionally
healthy children. Includes over 250 articles and 60-second videos about child development from birth to age ve.
In English or Spanish.
Prevent Child Abuse Wisconsin: Family Fun Calendar
A calendar with a fun activity idea for each day of the year and helpful tips and resources for creating character in
ourselves and in our children. In English or Spanish.
U.S. Department of Education – Early Learning: Information and Resources for Families
Recommended resources from the Department of Education, other agencies and organizations.
YoungStar Resources for Parents
What to look for when selecting a child care provider; information on early childhood education, nutrition and
healthy learning environments; activities that promote children’s healthy brain development.
Zero to Three – Parent Favorites
An extensive collection of articles and videos designed to help parents of infants and toddlers tune in to what
makes their child tick and to guide them in thinking about the best way to meet their child’s individual needs.
Appendix D
Early Care and Education Resource Listing
All websites accessed June 2017
Birth to 3 Early Intervention Program
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
1 W. Wilson Street, P.O. Box 7851
Madison, WI 53707-7851
Phone: 608-266-8276, Fax: 608-261-8884
Birth to 3 is Wisconsin’s early intervention program for
infants and toddlers with developmental delays and
disabilities and their families. A federal law, the Individuals
with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), provides a
framework for a comprehensive program and coordinates
developmental, health and social services within a
community. The Department of Health Services oversees
the Birth to 3 Program in Wisconsin. The Birth to 3 Program
is for children ages birth to 36 months. Eligibility is based
on a diagnosed disability or signicant delay in one or
more areas of development. The team will evaluate the
child’s ability to learn (cognitive development); move, see
and hear (physical/motor development); communicate and
understand others’ communication (speech and language
development); respond to and relate with others’ (social
and emotional development); and eat, dress and care
for daily living needs (adaptive development). A Birth to
3 service coordinator helps the family understand and
participate in the evaluation process.
Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention Board
110 E. Main Street, Suite 810
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608-266-6871, Fax: 608-266-3792
The Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention Board (formerly
the Children’s Trust Fund) promotes the development of a
sustainable, comprehensive prevention infrastructure that
reects research and promising practices in child abuse
and neglect prevention. Through strategic partnerships and
investments, the Board supports Wisconsin communities
in the provision of services to prevent child abuse and
neglect. Best-practice guidelines, comprehensive training,
and tools for collecting uniform outcome-based evaluation
data measuring the effectiveness of prevention programs
are provided to funded organizations.
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Community
Nutrition Programs
P.O. Box 7841
Madison, WI 53707
Phone: 608-267-9129, Fax: (800) 441-4563
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI)
administers the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) in Wisconsin.
The CACFP helps provide funding for nutritious meals
and snacks served to children and adults receiving day
care. The CACFP also provides funding for meals served
to children and youth residing in homeless shelters and
for snacks provided to youth participating in eligible
afterschool care programs. The CACFP promotes healthy
and nutritious meals for children and adults in day care by
reimbursing participating day care operators for their meal
costs. A resource library is available on the USDA Team
Nutrition website at:
Child Care Information Center (CCIC)
2109 S. Stoughton Road
Madison, WI 53716
Phone: 608-224-5388 or 1-800-362-7353, Fax: 608-224-
The Department of Children and Families supports
the CCIC mail-order lending library and information
clearinghouse serving anyone in Wisconsin working in the
eld of child care and early childhood education. CCIC
offers educators statewide free written materials, help
in planning individualized and group trainings, and loan
of books and videos from a specialized collection in the
DPI Resources for Libraries and Lifelong Learning. Staff
will search for information as requested and mail it out in
customized packets. CCIC has materials on numerous
topics including:
1) child care, early childhood, and school-age care; 2) early
childhood curriculum and assessment; 3) health and safety;
4) Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (books,
posters, bookmarks, and training materials); 5) multicultural
6) inclusion of children with disabilities in child care
7) brochures and other information providers need to meet
regulatory requirements; and 8) materials in Spanish and
Child Care Licensing and Certication
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, Bureau of
Early Care Regulation
201 E. Washington Avenue - Room E200, P.O. Box 8916
Madison, WI 53708
Phone: 608-266-9314, Fax: 608-267-7252
Child care programs that provide care for 4 or more
children under age 7 who are unrelated to the provider
are required to be licensed. There are 5 regional and 3
district ofces around the state that issue licenses, monitor
programs for compliance with the licensing rules, and
investigate complaints.
The licensing ofces maintain a le on each facility that
includes copies of the center’s complaint and compliance
history. Information on a center’s complaint and compliance
history is available by phone, mail, in-person review, or on
the Child Care Search website at: http://childcarender. Packets that provide information on how to
become licensed are available for $25 from the Northern
Regional Ofce.
A child care provider who provides care for 3 or fewer
children under the age of 7 years who are unrelated to
the provider may voluntarily become certied. The county/
tribal human services departments are required to certify
providers who serve children subsidized by the Wisconsin
Shares Child Care Subsidy Program.
In Milwaukee County, the Bureau of Early Care Regulation
Southeastern Regional Ofce is responsible for
certication. The certifying agency may make certication
available to all providers, whether or not public funding is
involved. DCF promulgates the certication rules in chapter
DCF 202. There are 71 counties and 8 tribes throughout
Wisconsin that administer certication programs; monitor
providers for compliance with the certication rules, and
investigate complaints. Certication in Milwaukee County
is done by DCF’s Milwaukee Early Care Administration.
Certication agencies maintain a le on each provider that
includes copies of the provider’s complaint and compliance
history. Information on a provider’s complaint and
compliance history is available by phone, mail, or in-person
review. The listing of certication agencies is posted at:cation/pdf/certiers.
Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R) Agencies
Contact Information:
Wisconsin’s Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies work
within eight regions of the state, serving all 72 counties
and 11 tribes to ensure that Wisconsin’s youngest children
have high quality early childhood experiences. CCR&Rs
have something to offer everyone: families looking for care
or supports, early care and education providers in need
of professional development opportunities or communities
looking for information, data or solutions.
For Families: educating families, as consumers of child
care, so that they can make the most informed choice
that is best for their family, providing a list of referred
providers based on their needs and priorities, and
connecting them with other community resources or
supports so that they are prepared to be successful in
raising their family.
For Early Care and Education Professionals: delivering
high quality training on a range of content areas from
developmentally appropriate practices to Strengthening
Families, providing customized technical consultation to
potential and current early care and education providers
through programs like Licensing Preparation, Active
Early & YoungStar, and collecting and annually updating
business information to maximize referrals to their
For Communities: educating stakeholders about what
quality early care and education is and how to support
it in communities, compiling data and producing reports
regarding the local child care industry and convening
stakeholders to advocate for the best possible outcomes
for Wisconsin’s youngest children.
Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs
Program (CYSHCN)
Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of
Public Health, Bureau of Family and Community Health
Phone: 608-266-3674 Fax: 608-267-3824
The Wisconsin CYSHCN Program funds 5 Regional
Centers which provide direct service to families and
providers. The CYSHCN Program philosophy is that
children are best served within their families.
Children and families are best supported within the
context of their community.
Families will have convenient access to care
Collaboration is the best way to provide comprehensive
Family perspectives and presence must be included in
all aspects of the system.
The Wisconsin CYSHCN Program directs projects and
programs, provides leadership and technical assistance
to support the efforts of agencies, provides education and
training opportunities for staff and service providers and
coordinates a statewide system of nutrition services. The
CYSHCN Program provides grants to promote care for
Wisconsin children and youth with special health care
needs and their families. It publishes Finding Your Way:
A Navigation Guide for Wisconsin Families Who Have
Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs and
Disabilities, available in English or Spanish at:
Cooperative Educational Service Agency (CESA)
CESA Contact Information:
CESAs provide leadership and coordination of services
for school districts, including curriculum development
assistance; school district management development;
coordination of vocational education; and exceptional/
special education, research, human growth and
development, data collection processing and dissemination,
and in-service programs. CESAs work in partnership with
school districts to provide leadership and to help facilitate
change and continuous improvement in schools so that
all children will achieve educational excellence. Twelve
agencies across Wisconsin provide statewide service
Early Childhood Kindergarten
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
125 S. Webster Street
Madison, WI 53707
Phone: (608) 267-9652, Fax: (800) 441-4563
4K Community Approach (4KCA):
All Public elementary schools include 5-year-old
kindergarten and may include 4-year-old kindergarten
programs. Recently, 4-year-old kindergarten programs
have seen a dramatic increase. Typically, these programs
have been in public school buildings. An increased
number of school districts have initiated community-based
approaches through partnerships that bring 4- and 5-year-
old kindergarten programs into child care, preschool, or
Head Start center settings. In these locations, licensed
teachers may still have separate kindergarten classrooms,
may team-teach in a blended program, or teach through
other arrangements. As of the 2016-17 school year, 97.6
percent of public school districts were offering 4K, serving
48,764 students.
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
125 S. Webster Street
Madison, WI 53707-7841
Phone: (608) 267-9172, Fax: (608) 267-1052
Each of Wisconsin’s 422 school districts provides special
education services to children with identied disabilities,
ages three to 21. Programs serving children from three
to ve years of age are called Early Childhood Special
Education (ECSE) programs. Services are provided in
the least restrictive environment within a range of settings
including the home, child care, Head Start, kindergarten,
and early childhood special education programs. When
children are served in general education, consultation and
support services are available to teachers and other staff.
Each school district is responsible to provide a continuum
of special education and related services to children with
disabilities who need special education. Children are
evaluated to determine if they meet state eligibility criteria.
Early Childhood Systems
Wisconsin Department of Health Services – Wisconsin
Maternal & Child Health Program
Phone: 608-266-3674, Fax: 608-267-3824
Wisconsin Healthiest Families initiative focuses on
networks of services addressing family supports, child
development, mental health, and safety and injury
prevention. The Keeping Kids Alive objective includes
Child Death Review and Fetal Infant Mortality Review with
the goal to establish a sustainable, coordinated system to
identify causes of all fetal, infant and child deaths, resulting
in preventive strategies for community action.
Early Dual Language Learner Initiative (EDLLI)
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
125 S. Webster Street
Madison, WI 53707
Phone: (608) 267-9625
The Early Dual Language Learner Initiative (EDLLI)
provides resources, professional development, and
technical assistance to community partners regarding
culturally and linguistically responsive practices for young
children, birth through 5. The EDLLI cross sector group
collaborates with other state initiatives in order to include
the strengths and needs of dual language learners and
their families in different statewide trainings such as those
provided by Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards,
Preschool Options, and Wisconsin Pyramid Model for
Social Emotional Competence.
Governors Early Childhood Advisory Council (ECAC)
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
201 E. Washington Avenue, P.O. Box 8916
Madison, WI 53708-8916
Phone: 608-266-9314, Fax: 608-267-7252
The ECAC was established in December 2008. The
mission of the Council is to help ensure that all children and
families in Wisconsin have access to quality early childhood
programs and services. It continues work dedicated to
building a comprehensive, sustainable early childhood
system in Wisconsin.
Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council, Inc. (GLITC)
2932 Highway 47 N., P.O. Box 9
Lac du Flambeau, WI 54538
Phone: 715-588-3324, Fax: 715-588-7900
The Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council (GLITC) provides
services to Native Americans in Wisconsin, Michigan,
and Minnesota. GLITC supports member tribes in
expanding self-determination efforts by providing services
and assistance. Member tribes of GLITC are: Bad River
Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians, Lac
Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians,
Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, Oneida Nation, Red
Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, Sokaogon
Chippewa Community, Saint Croix Chippewa Indians
of Wisconsin, Stockbridge-Munsee Community, Forest
County Potawatomi Community, Ho-Chunk Nation, Lac
Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians
of Wisconsin, Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior
The Registry
2908 Marketplace Drive, Suite 103
Fitchburg, WI 53719
Phone: 608-222-1123, Fax: 608-222-9779
The Registry is a career level system which awards a
certicate verifying that an individual has met all State of
Wisconsin, Department of Children and Families entry-
level training and is qualied for the position that s/he
holds. Additional credit-based training is categorized
by core knowledge areas as dened by the National
Association for the Education of Young Children. The
Registry encourages professional development by dening
set goals and recognizes the attainment of those goals by
individuals. The Registry has developed highly specialized
professional credentials and awards completion of the
credential to those individuals who have met all prescribed
goals. Resource and support materials related to the
Registry services are available at:
R.E.W.A.R.D Wisconsin Stipend Program (Rewarding
Education with Wages And Respect for Dedication)
Wisconsin Early Childhood Association (WECA)
Madison Ofce
2908 Marketplace Dr., Suite 101
Fitchburg, WI 53719
Phone: 800-783-9322
Ofce: 608-240-9880
Milwaukee Ofce
316 N. Milwaukee St., Suite 410
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Ofce: 414-278-9322
The R.E.W.A.R.D Wisconsin Stipend Program is a
compensation and retention initiative for members of the
early care and education workforce who are at Registry
Level 7 or higher. Incremental yearly salary supplements
are awarded based on one’s educational attainments and
longevity in the eld. This program encourages increased
education and retention through increased compensation.
Supporting Families Together Association (SFTA)
700 Rayovac Drive, Suite 6
Madison, WI 53711
Phone: 1-888-713-KIDS or 608-443-2490,
Fax: 608-441-5399
Supporting Families Together Association envisions an
environment in which all children have the opportunity
to reach their highest potential and all adults understand
their roles and responsibilities to children. To make this
happen, SFTA supports and sustains an effective network
of family support and early care and education systems
through statewide membership of Child Care Resource &
Referral Agencies, Family Resource Centers, and other
organizations and individuals committed to early childhood.
SFTA focuses efforts on four early childhood priorities:
Quality Early Care and Education: SFTA is committed
to working with its community-based organizations
to advocate, educate and build Wisconsin’s capacity
to deliver high-quality early care and education
experiences to all of Wisconsin’s children. This is
supported through programming like YoungStar, Training
& Technical Assistance and Child Care Resource &
Referral services.
Strong Families: SFTA provides concrete support to
families in a strengths-based and evidence-informed
manner in order to prevent child abuse and neglect. This
is supported through child abuse and neglect prevention
efforts and training, including Strengthening Families,
Stewards of Children and SFTA’s annual Small Change
Makes a Big Difference Campaign.
Healthy Children: SFTA is actively engaged in a broad
range of health promotion efforts that are designed to
create better health outcomes for all of Wisconsin’s
children. This is supported through efforts to promote
The Pyramid Model of Social Emotional Competence
and obesity prevention initiatives like Active Early.
Responsive Systems: SFTA builds systems and
supports to early childhood that result in opportunities
for all children to reach their highest potential. This is
integrated into all programming at SFTA, including the
radio program Apoyando Familias, Aprendiendo Juntos
and intentional supports for Wisconsin’s 11 Tribes.
T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Wisconsin Scholarship
Program (Teacher Education And Compensation Helps)
Wisconsin Early Childhood Association (WECA)
Madison Ofce
2908 Marketplace Dr., Suite 101
Fitchburg, WI 53719
Phone: 800-783-9322
Ofce: 608-240-9880
Fax: 877-432-7567
Milwaukee Ofce
316 N. Milwaukee St., Suite 410
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Ofce: 414-278-9322
Fax: 877-432-7567
T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Wisconsin is a statewide
scholarship program designed to help teaching staff in
child care centers and after-school programs, Head Start
teachers, family child care providers, and center directors
and administrators advance their educational qualications
while continuing their current employment in regulated
early childhood and school age care settings. A variety
of scholarship models meet the diverse needs of the
workforce. All models support credit-based education in
Wisconsin institutions of higher education. By working
in partnership with programs and scholarship recipients,
T.E.A.C.H. pays the largest share of expenses related to
the completion of an educational path towards a credential,
degree, or coursework related to improving a YoungStar
rating. T.E.A.C.H. provides counseling and administrative
support as well, plus a bonus upon contract completion.
UMOS Migrant Child Care Program
2701 S. Chase Avenue, Suite B
Milwaukee, WI 53207
Other UMOS ofce locations:
Phone: 414-389-6000 or 1-800-279-8667, Fax: 414-389-
UMOS services enhance the overall development of
children from migrant farmworker parents through the
consolidation and allocation of administration and social
service migrant child care funds. The overall goal of the
UMOS Migrant Child Care Program is to collaboratively
provide quality educational and supportive services to
eligible migratory children, addressing their special needs
and empowering them to achieve to high standards.
Waisman Center
1500 Highland Avenue
Madison, WI 53705-2280
Phone: 608-263-5776
Fax: 608-263-0529
One of 14 national centers dedicated to the advancement
of knowledge about human development, developmental
disabilities, and neurodegenerative diseases through
research and practice, the Waisman Center shares its
resources in many ways: through public lectures and
seminars; through consultation to physicians, educators,
and other professionals; through articles in professional
journals, books, and other publications; and through
an internet website and resource center related to
developmental disabilities in early childhood: http://www.
Wisconsin AfterSchool Association (WAA)
E. Capitol Drive
Milwaukee, WI 53211
Phone: 608-276-9782
The National AfterSchool Association’s mission is to be the
leading voice of the afterschool profession dedicated to the
development, education, and care of children and youth
during their out-of-school hours. The Wisconsin AfterSchool
Association is the state afliate of the national organization.
It hosts a statewide conference, administers the Wisconsin
Afterschool and Youth Development Credential, publishes
a quarterly newsletter, and supports public policy
development at state and national levels. It provides a
professional network for all providers of out-of-school time
programs serving the diverse needs of Wisconsin’s children
and families.
Wisconsin Alliance for Infant Mental Health (WI-AIMH)
133 S. Butler Street, Suite 340
Madison, WI 53703-5606
Phone: 608-442-0360 Fax: 608-441-8920
The WI-AIMHis focused on promoting healthy social
and emotional development of all Wisconsin children
birth through age ve. The Wisconsin Infant and Early
Childhood Mental Health Plan presents a blueprint for a
comprehensive system of care that includes prevention,
early intervention, and treatment. The goal of the initiative
is to weave infant and early childhood principles into the
fabric of all systems that touch the lives of young children.
The developing infant and early childhood system of care
in Wisconsin includes the critical components of public
awareness, training, service delivery, and policy.
Wisconsin Child Care Administrators Association
The Wisconsin Child Care Administrators Association
was founded in 1976 to help child care administrators in
Wisconsin network with each other, spread the news about
issues affecting them, take joint action on advocacy issues,
and help administrators nd out about classes and training
specically designed to meet their needs. WCCAA plays a
critical role in directing the future of professionalism in child
care in Wisconsin by working with local, state, and federal
government ofcials to educate them about WCCAA, its
members, and its commitment to professionalism and
excellence in child care.
WI Council on Children and Families:
NEW NAME: Kids Forward
555 W. Washington Avenue, Suite 200
Madison, Wisconsin 53703
Phone: 608-284-0580, Fax: 608-284-0583
Kids Forward (formerly the Wisconsin Council on Children
and Families) is a nonprot, multi-issue child and family
advocacy agency. Headquartered in Madison, its mission
is to promote the well-being of children and families
in Wisconsin by advocating for effective and efcient
health, education, and human service delivery systems.
Kids Forward accomplishes this through publications,
educational conferences, and ongoing projects like
Wisconsin Budget Project, and WisKids Count.
Its early education efforts focus on quality early learning
experiences for Wisconsin’s children ages birth to ve.
The intent is that all early education – no matter what the
setting – meets critical standards of quality. Kids Forward
sees early education as a linchpin for children’s educational
success in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF)
– Quality Initiatives
Bureau of Early Learning and Policy (BELP), Quality
Initiatives Section
201 E. Washington Avenue, P.O. Box 8916
Madison, WI 53708-8916
Quality Initiatives:
The Department of Children and Families, Bureau of Early
Learning and Policy has lead planning responsibility for
quality improvement efforts and delivery of resources
and support to child care programming. The Bureau, in
cooperation with the early childhood community, provides
knowledgeable leadership, guidance, and joint planning
to achieve this vision. Additionally, the Bureau directs the
YoungStar Quality Rating and Improvement System for
child care programs, the Scholarship and Bonus Initiatives
administered through the Wisconsin Early Childhood
Association, the Child Care Resource and Referral
Contract administered through the Supporting Families
Together Association, and the quality contracts for training
and technical assistance delivery for quality programming
and planned supply of child care and early education
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF)
– Wisconsin Shares Child Care Subsidy Program/
Fraud Detection and Investigation
201 E. Washington Avenue, P.O. Box 8916
Madison, WI 53708-8916
Bureau of Early Learning and Policy (BELP), Shares Policy
Wisconsin Shares:
Bureau of Program Integrity, Fraud Detection and
Phone: 1-877-302-FRAUD (3728)
Report Fraud:
Program Integrity:
The Wisconsin Shares Child Care Subsidy supports
low-income working families by subsidizing a portion
of the cost of child care while the parents or caregivers
are working or participating in another approved activity.
Wisconsin Shares is implemented locally by counties and
tribes. The Department of Children and Families, Bureau
of Early Learning and Policy (BELP) provides effective
management, development, and coordination of Wisconsin
Shares. The Bureau of Program Integrity prevents, detects,
and recovers fraudulent Wisconsin Shares payments.
Wisconsin Division for Early Childhood
WDEC Pinterest Page:
WDEC Facebook Page:
WDEC is a state chapter of the Division for Early Childhood
(DEC) of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), the
largest international professional organization dedicated
to improving educational outcomes for individuals with
exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or the gifted.
DEC is especially for individuals who work with or on behalf
of children with special needs, birth through age eight, and
their families. Founded in 1973, DEC promotes policies and
advances evidence-based practices that support families
and enhance the optimal development of young children
(0-8) who have or are at risk for developmental delays and
WDEC established the Jenny Lange Scholarship Fund
through UW-Whitewater and is a co-sponsor of the annual
WI Early Childhood Education and Care Conference and
the biennial JoLyn Beeman Memorial Lecture Series.
Membership in WDEC provides reduced fees at these
conferences; a state e-newsletter, and the quarterly journal
Young Exceptional Children.
Wisconsin Early Care and Education Career Guide
The intent of the Wisconsin Career Guide is to support
individuals in identifying career paths within the eld of
early care and education. Links are provided to connect
individuals to the organizations with which they may
be interested in seeking employment. Links are also
provided to sites with information on educational and
degree requirements. Resources are identied to support
individuals seeking to further their education through credit-
based coursework.
Wisconsin Early Childhood Association (WECA)
Madison Ofce
2908 Marketplace Dr., Suite 101
Fitchburg, WI 53719
Phone: 800-783-9322
Ofce: 608-240-9880
Fax: 608-663-1091
Milwaukee Ofce
316 N. Milwaukee St., Suite 410
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Milwaukee Ofce: 414-278-9322
Fax: 414-278-9336
WECA is a statewide, nonprot organization serving as
a professional association whose members care for and
educate Wisconsin’s children, ages birth to eight. WECA
is an afliate of the National Association for the Education
of Young Children (NAEYC). WECA advocates for the
child care profession, offers training and professional
development, sponsors a Child Care Food Program, and
administers the T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Wisconsin
Scholarship Program which offers scholarship opportunities
to teachers, family child care providers, center directors
and administrators for credit-based education. WECA also
administers the REWARD Wisconsin Stipend Program,
a statewide compensation initiative that awards stipends
directly to family child care providers, center teachers, and
program directors based on attained levels of education.
WECA offers a free statewide Professional Development
Counseling Service over the phone to anyone employed
in early childhood education who wants to hear about the
options for training and education available in Wisconsin. It
co-sponsors a statewide conference annually.
Wisconsin Early Childhood Collaborating Partners
E-mail: Catherine Daentl at [email protected]
WECCP was started in 1994 and focuses on collaboration
among diverse early childhood partners, including the
Wisconsin Departments of Children and Families (DCF),
Public Instruction (DPI), and Health Services (DHS),
and related early childhood organizations and agencies.
The WECCP website serves as the collaborative source
of information on issues of cross sector interest, state
initiatives, and research-based practices. Regional
Collaboration Coaches have been in place since 2004
to connect, build, and sustain cross sector systems
around state and regional early childhood priority areas.
WECCP’s goal is for Wisconsin communities, agencies,
associations, and state government to work together as
a system of high quality comprehensive early childhood
services for all children and families. Essential content
areas for collaboration are: professional guidance; child
development; Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards;
Wisconsin Pyramid Model for Social and Emotional
Competence; curriculum and assessment; literacy, math,
and other content areas; health and wellness; diversity;
Child Find and screening; children with disabilities; family
partnerships; 4K community approaches; and councils and
The WECCP listserv - http://www.collaboratingpartners.
com/docs/listserv-weccp.pdf - is designed to facilitate
interactive, electronic communication among agencies,
associations, and individuals providing services to
Wisconsin’s young children (birth to age 8) and their
families. The focus of this listserv is on state, community
and interagency efforts to improve service delivery
approaches for young children and their families.
WECCP information on community approaches to serving
children is available at: http://www.collaboratingpartners.
WECCP professional development resources ‒ including
the Wisconsin Core Competencies for Professionals
Working with Young Children & Their Families and the
Wisconsin Training and Technical Assistance Professional
(T-TAP) Competencies for Early Childhood and Related
Professionals Working with Adults ‒ are available at: http://
Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity: Early Care and
Education (Early Childhood) Initiatives
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
1 W. Wilson Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608-266-1865, Fax: 608-267-3824
The Wisconsin Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity:
Early Care and Education (Early Childhood) Initiative
The health and well-being of Wisconsin’s children are
directly related to the development and strengthening of
their large and small muscles, involvement in sensory
experiences, and practicing of healthy behavior. The
Department of Health Services, Nutrition and Physical
Activity Obesity Prevention Program supports the
developmental expectation that children in Wisconsin will
be physically healthy and will be able to effectively care
for their own physical needs. This site contains information
and tools to support child care, preschool, Head Start, early
childhood special education and kindergarten programs
for four- and ve-year-olds to provide developmentally
appropriate, increasingly complex and diverse opportunities
for children to understand and care for their physical well-
Wisconsin Family Assistance Center for Education,
Training & Support, Inc. (WI FACETS)
600 W. Virginia Street, Suite 501
Milwaukee, WI 53204
Phone: 877-374-0511 or 414-374-4645
WI FACETS is a nonprot organization serving Wisconsin
children and adults with disabilities, their families and
those who support them. Services provided include: public
awareness, parent education, specialized workshops,
parent support, parent leadership, and promotion of
partnership activities between parents and professionals.
All services are free of charge.
Wisconsin Family Child Care Association (WFCCA)
The Wisconsin Family Child Care Association, WFCCA, is
a statewide organization of family child care providers and
their supporters, formed to provide support, involvement,
and communication with others in the profession. The goal
of the Association is to help maintain the high quality of
care that promotes the physical, intellectual, emotional, and
social development of children by:
Promoting the awareness of family child care as a viable
choice in child care.
Promoting awareness of the professionalism of family
child care.
Providing an opportunity for input into laws concerning
Providing a statewide information/assistance network.
Providing an opportunity for involvement, support, and
communication with others.
Wisconsin First Step
Hotline: 1-800-642-7837rst-step
Wisconsin First Step is a statewide Information and
Referral hotline that serves families with children who have
special health care needs. The line is operational 24 hours
per day, 7 days a week. Parent Specialists with specialized
disability expertise and having a child with a special need
answer the line Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Wisconsin First Step has two components. It serves
as a central online resource directory of public health
services, including Wisconsin’s Birth to Three Program.
This statewide program provides supports and services
to infants and toddlers with developmental disabilities and
their families. Another component to First Step is to serve
as the Information and Referral hotline for the Children and
Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) Regional
Centers. In addition to providing referrals to disability-
related resources, Parent Specialists provide direct
linkages to the closest CYSHCN Regional Center. The
Regional Centers provide information and referral, service
coordination, and parent networking for families of children
ages 0-21 with special health care needs.
Wisconsin Head Start Association (WHSA)
5250 E. Terrace Drive, Suite 110 D
Madison, WI 53718
Phone: 608-442-6879 Fax: 608-442-7672
The Wisconsin Head Start Association (WHSA) is a private,
not-for-prot, membership organization representing over
16,000 young children and their families and over 4,000
staff composing 66 Head Start/Early Head Start programs –
including American Indian and Migrant/Seasonal programs
– in Wisconsin. WHSA is an association of leaders
dedicated to assuring the availability of comprehensive,
top quality services for children and families in our state.
They accomplish this through advocacy, the delivery of
professional development services, and the creation of
unique resources for people and organizations committed
to families.
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS)
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards are derived
from research in all the domains of the child’s early learning
and development and apply to all settings in which children
receive care and education from birth through entrance to
1st grade. They were developed by the Wisconsin Model
Early Learning Standards Steering Committee, composed
of representatives from the state Departments of Public
Instruction, Health Services, and Children and Families;
the Head Start State Collaboration Ofce; and Wisconsin
Early Childhood Collaborating Partners. The Standards
include developmental expectations, performance
standards, developmental continuum, example behaviors
of children, and example strategies for adults. They provide
a shared framework for understanding and communicating
expectations for young children’s development. They are a
guide for parents, early care and education professionals,
and policy makers, all of whom share responsibility for
the well-being of young children. A copy of the Wisconsin
Model Early Learning Standards can be downloaded at the
link listed above. The Frequently Asked Questions section
lists commonly asked questions regarding the development
and intended use of the standards.
Training for Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
takes place throughout Wisconsin for educators, child care
providers and families who want to continue to improve the
quality of early education and care for children birth to rst
Wisconsin Pyramid Model for Social and Emotional
The Wisconsin Pyramid Model for Social and Emotional
Competence in Young Children is a developmentally
appropriate, evidence-based framework designed to
promote social and emotional competence and address
challenging behaviors in young children ages birth to 5.
An implementation grant from the Center on the Social
and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL)
at Vanderbilt University allowed Wisconsin to establish
demonstration sites and adapt the curriculum for child care
staff into an 8-part training series. Pyramid Model materials
are available at:
YoungStar – Wisconsin’s Child Care Quality Rating and
Improvement System
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, Bureau of
Early Learning and Policy (BELP)
201 E. Washington Avenue
Madison, WI 53708
YoungStar, Wisconsin’s Child Care Quality Rating and
Improvement System, sets a ve-star rating system for
child care providers based on four quality components: the
provider’s education and training, the learning environment
and curriculum, the program’s business and professional
practices, and the children’s health and well-being. Through
this rating system the state is addressing several key
issues in Wisconsin’s child care system. It is:
1. Improving the overall quality of child care.
2. Giving parents a clear, understandable tool to compare
their child care options and choose high quality care.
3. Creating tools, training, and incentives for providers to
improve services, particularly for low-income children.
4. Establishing a connection between child care quality and
the rate of Wisconsin Shares payments, and helping
prevent fraud in the Wisconsin Shares system.
Supporting Families Together Association (SFTA) is the
contracted agency for the delivery of YoungStar services. It
supports early education programs as they demonstrate the
quality of care they offer to Wisconsin’s youngest children.
Local administration of YoungStar occurs through 14 Local
YoungStar Ofces. Contact information is available at:ce
The YoungStar Quality Indicator Point Detail documents for
Family Child Care, Group Child Care, School-Age Care,
and Licensed Day Camps are available at:
The Star ratings of child care programs may be seen on
the Regulated Child Care and YoungStar Public Search at:
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) – Healthy
141 Northwest Point Boulevard
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-1098
847-434-4000 (tel)
800-433-9016 (toll-free tel)
847-434-8000 (fax) and
AAP is committed to the attainment of optimal physical,
mental, and social health and well-being for all
infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. Its website provides information on
health-related and child-rearing topics, AAP programs,
policies, and publications, and many other child health
Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for
Early Learning (CSEFEL)
Mary Louise Hemmeter, Principal Investigator
Vanderbilt University, Department of Special Education
Box 328 GPC
Nashville, TN 37203
Phone: 615.322. 8150 or 866.433.1966
Fax: 615-343-1570
CSEFEL is a national center focused on strengthening the
capacity of child care and Head Start programs to improve
the social and emotional outcomes of young children.
The Center develops and disseminates evidence-
based, user-friendly information to help early childhood
educators meet the needs of the growing number of
children with challenging behaviors and mental health
challenges in child care and Head Start programs. The
Center has also developed What Works Briefs that
provide summaries of effective practices for supporting
children’s social-emotional development and preventing
challenging behaviors. Each Brief describes practical
strategies, provides references to more information
about the practice, and includes a one-page handout that
highlights the major points of the Brief.
eXtension Alliance for Better Child Care
c/o Bryan Cave LLP
One Kansas City Place
1200 Main Street, Suite 3800
Kansas City, MO 64105-2122
This interactive learning environment, sponsored by the
Cooperative Extension System, is an excellent place to
nd research-based, practical information about children
and child care.
Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge
Center (ECLKC)
Phone: 1-866-763-6481
The Administration for Children and Families’ (ACF)
Ofce of Head Start and Ofce of Child Care collaborate
to provide on this website effective, evidence-based
resources and teaching practices for early childhood care
and education.
National Association for the Education of Young
Children (NAEYC)
1313 L Street NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-232-8777 or 1-800-424-2460 or
The nation’s largest professional association for early
childhood educators, NAEYC membership includes a
subscription to the magazine of your choice ‒ Young
Children or Teaching Young Children ‒ access to
digital content, discounts on books and conference
registrations, an Action Center for advocates, and other
benets. Members of the Wisconsin Early Childhood
Association (WECA) are members of NAEYC. NAEYC
works to raise the quality of programs for all children from
birth through age eight. A major part of NAEYC’s efforts
to improve early childhood education is through different
systems of accreditation for programs that are committed
to meeting national standards of quality.
National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC)
1743 W. Alexander Street, Suite 201
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
Phone: 801-886-2322
The mission of NAFCC is to support the profession of
family child care and to encourage high-quality care
for children. NAFCC promotes high-quality family child
care through accreditation, leadership training, technical
assistance, public education, and policy initiatives.
NAFCC holds an annual national conference and
publishes a quarterly newsletter.
National Institute for Early Education Research
1743 W. Alexander Street, Suite 201
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
Phone: 848-932-4350, Fax: (732) 932-4360
NIEER supports early childhood education initiatives by
providing objective, nonpartisan information based on
Strengthening Families: Center for the Study of
Social Policy (CSSP)
The Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) works
to secure equal opportunities and better futures for all
children and families, especially those most often left
Zero to Three
ZERO TO THREE: National Center for Infants, Toddlers
and Families
1255 23rd Street NW, Suite 350
Washington, DC 20037
Phone: 202-638-1144 or 1-800-899-4301
Zero to Three is a national, nonprot, multidisciplinary
organization that advances the mission to inform,
educate, and support adults who inuence the lives
of infants and toddlers. Its mission is to ensure that all
babies and toddlers have a strong start in life.
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
Guiding Principles
• All children are capable and competent.
• Early relationships matter.
• A child’s early learning and development is
• Expectations for children must be guided by
knowledge of child growth and development.
• Children are individuals who develop at
various rates.
• Children are members of cultural groups
that share developmental patterns.
• Children exhibit a range of skills and
competencies within any domain of
• Children learn through play and the active
exploration of their environment.
• Parents are children’s primary and most
important caregivers and educators.