Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Journal of Modern Applied Statistical
Methods Methods
Volume 18 Issue 2 Article 21
A primer on statistical inferences for <nite populations A primer on statistical inferences for <nite populations
Thomas R. Knapp
University of Rochester
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Knapp, T. R. (2019). A primer on statistical inference for <nite populations. Journal of Modern Applied
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Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods
May 2019, Vol. 18, No. 1, eP2901.
doi: 10.22237/jmasm/1556669580
Copyright © 2020 JMASM, Inc.
ISSN 1538 − 9472
doi: 10.22237/jmasm/1556669580 | Accepted: April 30, 2018; Published: September 2, 2020.
Correspondence: Thomas R. Knapp, tomkn[email protected]
A Primer on Statistical Inference for
Finite Populations
Thomas R. Knapp
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY
This primer is intended to provide the basic information for sampling without replacement
from finite populations.
Keywords: Finite populations, sampling without replacement
The traditional approach to statistical inference based on simple random sampling
with replacement from infinite normal population distributions, and employing
corrections for finite populations when necessary, is backwards. Instead,
concentrate on sampling without replacement from any finite population
distribution and then see what happens when the sampling is with replacement and
the population is infinite and normally distributed. This primer is an attempt to
make sampling without replacement from finite populations both understandable
and convincing.
Note that sampling without replacement is carried out within each sample.
Sampling between samples must be with replacement; otherwise many finite
populations would soon be depleted in the sampling process.
Are most populations infinite or finite? Real world populations, whether of
people or of objects, are all finite, no matter how small or how large. How are
samples drawn? Real world samples are all drawn without replacement.
Necessary Background
In order to understand what follows, some familiarity with permutations,
combinations, and probability, and with the content of a traditional first course in
statistics, should be sufficient.
A “Bare Bones” Example
Consider a population consisting of the observations 3,6,6,9,12, and 15.
a. It has a frequency distribution. Here it is:
Observation Frequency
3 1
6 2
9 1
12 1
15 1
b. It has a mean of (3 + 6 + 6 + 9 + 12 + 15) / 6 = 51/6 = 8.50.
c. It has a median of 7.50 (if we split the difference between the middle two
d. It has a mode of 6 (there are more 6s than anything else).
e. It has a range of 15 3 = 12.
f. It has a variance of [(3 8.5)
+ 2(6 8.5)
+ (9 8.5)
+ (12 8.5)
(15 8.5)
] / 6 = 97.50 / 6 = 16.25.
g. It has a standard deviation of
16.25 4.03=
It has other interesting summary measures, but those should suffice for now.
Consider taking all possible samples of size three from a population of six
observations, without replacing an observation once it is drawn. For the 3, 6, 6, 9,
12, 15 population they are:
(3,6,6); (3,6,9); another (3,6,9); (3,6,12); another (3,6,12); (3,6,15);
another (3,6,15); (3,9,12); (3,9,15); (3,12,15); (6,6,9); (6,6,12); (6,6,15);
6,9,12; another (6,9,12); (6,9,15); another (6,9,15); (6,12,15); another
(6,12,15); and (9,12 15).
There are 20 such samples. Suppose you would like to estimate the mean of
that population by using one of those samples. The population mean (see above) is
The mean of (3,6,6) is 5; the mean of (3,6,9) is 6; ...the mean of (9,12,15)
is 12.
The possible sample means are 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11,
11, and 12 (trust me). The frequency distribution of those means is the sampling
distribution for samples of size three taken from the 3, 6, 6, 9, 12, 15 population.
Here it is:
Observation Frequency
3 1
6 2
9 1
12 1
15 1
Ten are under-estimates, by various amounts; ten are over-estimates, also by
various amounts. But the mean of those means (do you follow that?) is 8.50 (the
population mean). Nice. The problem is that in real life if you have just one of those
samples (the usual case) you could be lucky and come close to the population mean
or you could be “way off.” That’s what sampling is all about.
Note: If we were interested in the range instead of, or in addition to, the mean,
the possible sample ranges are 3, 6, 6, 9, 9, 12, 12, 9, 12, 12, 3, 6, 9, 6, 6, 9, 9, 9, 9,
and 6. The population range is 12. A sample range could be less than or equal to 12
but could never be greater than 12.
Williams (1978) had also used a very small population (nine taxpayers) to
introduce the concept of sampling without replacement from finite populations.
Here is one of his examples:
What is Known and what is Unknown
It is important to understand that in sampling without replacement with respect to
a particular variable (e.g., height), the population size, some parameter of interest
(e.g., the population mean height), and the sample size, are all known or easily
calculated, with an optimum sample size sometimes determined. What are
unknown, and are usually the focus of the inference from sample to population, are
the various possible values for a statistic such as the sample mean height.
In an interesting conference presentation, Petocz (1990) used an example of
stars in the sky to illustrate sampling without replacement from a finite population
(although very large, the population of stars is finite). The device employed was a
photograph of part of a night sky superimposed on a 10 × 10 grid. For that example,
the population size was not only unknown but of principal concern. [It is
theoretically possible for someone with particularly good eyesight to come close to
counting all of the stars in the photograph, but I wouldn't want to try it!]
Inference for One Mean
The inference problem that is usually considered first in an introductory course in
statistics is for a single arithmetic mean, where the sample has been randomly
drawn with replacement from an infinite population in which the variable is
normally distributed. I have already considered the single-mean case first in this
primer (see the example above), but for the case of sampling without replacement
from a finite population where the variable has no specified distribution.
Little’s Approach
Little (2004) formulated the sample-to-population inference for one mean as a
Bayesian type of stratified random sampling problem rather than a simple random
sampling problem. Basu's (1971) total-weight-of-elephants example was used to
illustrate the approach. Here is the elephant example in my own words and in terms
of mean weight rather than total weight:
A circus owner would like to estimate the mean weight of a population of 50
elephants. He has resources sufficient to weigh just one elephant, but he also has
records of the weights of all 50 elephants three years ago. The weight of one of the
elephants, S, at that time was exactly equal to the mean weight. The circus trainer
claims that S's weight is still equal to the mean weight of all the elephants. The
owner designates S as the elephant to be weighed now, much to the horror of the
circus statistician who insists on the choice being made at random. The owner and
the statistician arrived at a compromise: Allot a selection probability of 99/100 to
S and a selection probability of 1/4900 to each of the other 49 elephants. They then
drew a sample of one elephant. It turned out to be S (no surprise there). The owner
was happy, but the statistician was fired and became a teacher of statistics.
The inference from a sample mean to a population mean doesn't come up very
often, but the inference from the difference between two sample means to the
difference between two population means comes up a lot. We shall consider the
latter problem in the next section.
Inference for the Difference Between Two Means
Correlated Samples
Consider first the case of two correlated means for small finite human populations,
with the same people measured twice on the same variable or matched pairs
measured once on the same variable, and interest in the difference between the two
means. For example, we might have the following population data for husband and
wife heights, with wife's height subtracted from husband's height:
Pair Husband's height Wife's height Difference ( = H W)
A 71 inches 68 inches + 3 inches
B 70" 65” + 5"
C 69" 62" + 7"
D 68" 66" + 2"
E 67" 68" 1"
F 66" 70" 4"
Mean 68.5 66.5 + 2"
Suppose you were to take a random sample of three out of the six pairs. Just
as in the earlier section of this primer, there are 20 such samples. They are ABC,
BDF, BEF, CDE, CDF, CEF, and DEF. You would like to make an inference from
the sample to the population.
Just as in traditional statistics, the difference between the mean is the same as
the mean of the differences. Also just as in traditional statistics, the problem can be
conceptualized as one for a single-mean (of the differences) rather than one for the
difference between two means. Here are the differences for all of the possible
Sample Husband's ht Wife's ht Difference Mean of Differences
ABC A: 71 A: 68 + 3 + 5.00×
B: 70 B: 65 + 5
C: 69 C: 62 + 7
ABD A: 71 A: 68 + 3 + 3.33×
B: 70 B: 65 + 5
D: 68 D: 66 + 2
ABE A: 71 A: 68 + 3 + 2.33×
B: 70 B: 65 + 5
E: 67 E: 68 1
ABF A: 71 A: 68 + 3 + 1.33×
B: 70 B: 65 + 5
F: 66 F: 70 4
ACD A: 71 A: 68 + 3 + 4.00×
C: 69 C: 62 + 7
D: 68 D: 66 + 2
ACE A: 71 A: 68 + 3 + 3.00×
C: 69 C: 62 + 7
E: 67 E: 68 1
ACF A: 71 A: 68 + 3 + 2.00×
C: 69 C: 62 + 7
F: 66 F: 70 4
ADE A: 71 A: 68 + 3 + 1.33×
D: 68 D: 66 + 2
E: 67 E: 68 1
ADF A: 71 A: 68 + 3 + 0.33×
D: 68 D: 66 + 2
F: 66 F: 70 4
AEF A: 71 A: 68 + 3 0.67×
E: 67 E: 68 1
F: 66 F: 70 4
Sample Husband's ht Wife's ht Difference Mean of Differences
BCD B: 70 B: 65 + 5 + 4.67×
C: 69 C: 62 + 7
D: 68 D: 66 + 2
BCE B: 70 B: 65 + 5 + 3.67×
C: 69 C: 62 + 7
E: 67 E: 68 1
BCF B: 70 B: 65 + 5 + 2.67×
C: 69 C: 62 + 7
F: 66 F: 70 4
BDE B: 70 B: 65 + 5 + 2.00
D: 68 D: 66 + 2
E: 67 E: 68 1
BDF B: 70 B: 65 + 5 + 1.00
D: 68 D: 66 + 2
F: 66 F: 70 4
BEF B: 70 B: 65 + 5 0.00
E: 67 E: 68 1
F: 66 F: 70 4
CDE C: 69 C: 62 + 7 + 2.67
D: 68 D: 66 + 2
E: 67 E: 68 1
CDF C: 69 C: 62 + 7 + 1.67
D: 68 D: 66 + 2
F: 66 F: 70 4
CEF C: 69 C: 62 + 7 + 0.67
E: 67 E: 68 1
F: 66 F: 70 4
DEF D: 68 D: 66 + 2 1.00
E: 67 E: 68 1
F: 66 F: 70 4
Here is a list, in decreasing order, of the 20 mean differences:
+ 5.00, + 4.67, + 4.00, + 3.67, + 3.33, + 3.00, + 2.67, + 2.67, + 2.33,
+ 2.00, + 2.00, + 1.67, + 1.33, + 1.33, + 1.00, + 0.67, + 0.33, 0.00,
0.67, 1.00
The mean of those means is + 2.00. The population mean difference is also
2.00. So all is well, except if we drew only one sample (the usual eventuality in
real-world research) we might get one of those means that are quite far away from
Independent Samples
The independent samples case (the more common situation) was addressed by
Pitman (1937) through his separation test.I shall use an example from the Pitman
article to try to explain the process. [The title of his article, Significance tests
which may be applied to samples from any populations suggests that he makes a
very strong claim. He does; and, fortunately, he's correct.]
Pitman’s Test
Consider two samples, one of size n
and the other of size n
, where n
is less than
or equal to n
. In order to test the statistical significance of the difference between
their means you need to determine all of the possible separations between the two
sets of observations in the total population of observations.
Example (page 122 of Pitman’s article): Sample 1 consists of 1.2, 2.3, 2.4,
and 3.2, with a mean of 2.275; Sample 2 consists of 2.8, 3.1, 3.4, 3.6, and 4.1, with
a mean of 3.400. Are those two means significantly different from one another?
In order to simplify things a bit and without loss of generality, Pitman
suggests subtracting 1.2 from each sample value and then multiplying each by 10
in order to have the smallest value equal to 0 and to get rid of the decimal points.
We then have 0, 11, 12, and 20 in Sample 1; and 16, 19, 22, 24, and 29 in Sample
2. Putting these in a sequence from smallest to largest we get nine observations 0,
11, 12, 16, 19, 20, 22, 24, and 29, for which the sum is 153 and the mean is 17.
We now consider the means for all of the ways to divide those observations
into two groups, with four observations in one of the groups and with the five other
observations in the other group. One way is to have the four smallest observations
(0, 11, 12, 16) in one of the groups and the five largest observations (19, 20, 22, 24,
29) in the other group. Another way is to have the three smallest observations and
the next smallest observation (0, 11, 12, 19) in one of the groups and the other
observations in the other group. A third way is the way things actually turned out
in the study itself (0, 11, 12, 20 vs. 16, 19, 22, 24, 29), indicated by an asterisk in
the table below. And so forth. Each of those ways is referred to as a separation.
Here are all of the possible separations for the smaller sample; that's all you need,
because the corresponding larger sample consists of the remaining observations,
and its mean necessarily follows by comparison with the grand mean of 17:
Separation Group 1 (smaller sample) Sum Mean
1 0, 11, 12, 16 39 9.75
2 0, 11, 12, 19 42 10.50
*3 0, 11, 12, 20 43 10.75
4 0, 11, 12, 22 45 11.25
5 0, 11, 12, 24 47 11.75
6 0, 11, 12, 29 52 13.00
7 0, 11, 16, 19 46 11.50
8 0, 11, 16, 20 47 11.75
9 0, 11, 16, 22 49 12.25
10 0, 11, 16, 24 51 12.75
11 0, 11, 16, 29 56 14.00
12 0, 11, 19, 20 50 12.50
13 0, 11, 19, 22 52 13.00
14 0, 11, 19, 24 54 13.50
15 0, 11, 19, 29 59 14.75
16 0, 11, 20, 22 53 13.25
17 0, 11, 20, 24 55 13.75
18 0, 11, 20, 29 60 15.00
19 0, 11, 22, 24 57 14.25
20 0, 11, 22, 29 62 15.50
21 0, 11, 24, 29 64 16.00
22 0, 12, 16, 19 47 11.75
23 0, 12, 16, 20 48 12.00
24 0, 12, 16, 22 50 12.50
25 0, 12, 16, 24 52 13.00
26 0, 12, 16, 29 57 14.25
27 0, 12, 19, 20 51 12.75
28 0, 12, 19, 22 53 13.25
29 0, 12, 19, 24 55 13.75
Separation Group 1 (smaller sample) Sum Mean
30 0, 12, 19, 29 60 15.00
31 0, 12, 20, 22 54 13.50
32 0, 12, 20, 24 56 14.00
33 0, 12, 20, 29 61 15.25
34 0, 12, 22, 24 58 14.50
35 0, 12, 22, 29 63 15.75
36 0, 12, 24, 29 65 16.25
37 0, 16, 19, 20 55 13.75
38 0, 16, 19, 22 57 14.25
39 0, 16, 19, 24 59 14.75
40 0, 16, 19, 29 64 16.00
41 0, 16, 20, 22 58 14.50
42 0, 16, 20, 24 60 15.00
43 0, 16, 20, 29 65 16.25
44 0, 16, 22, 24 62 15.50
45 0, 16, 22, 29 67 16.75
46 0, 16, 24, 29 69 17.25
47 0, 19, 20, 22 61 15.25
48 0, 19, 20, 24 63 15.75
49 0, 1920, 29 68 17.00
50 0, 19, 22, 24 65 16.25
51 0, 19, 22, 29 70 17.50
52 0, 19, 24, 29 72 18.00
53 0, 20, 22, 24 66 16.50
54 0, 20, 22, 29 71 17.75
55 0, 20, 24, 29 73 18.25
56 0, 22, 24, 29 75 18.75
57 11, 12, 16, 19 58 14.50
58 11, 12, 16, 20 59 14.75
59 11, 12, 16, 22 61 15.25
60 11, 12, 16, 24 63 15.75
61 11, 12, 16, 29 68 17.00
62 11, 12, 19, 20 62 15.50
63 11, 12, 19, 22 64 16.00
64 11, 12, 19, 24 66 16.50
65 11, 12, 19, 29 71 17.75
66 11, 12, 20, 22 75 18.75
Separation Group 1 (smaller sample) Sum Mean
67 11, 12, 20, 24 77 19.25
68 11, 12, 20, 29 82 20.50
69 11, 12, 22, 24 69 17.25
70 11, 12, 22, 29 74 18.50
71 11, 12, 24, 29 76 19.00
72 11, 16, 19, 20 66 16.50
73 11, 16, 19, 22 68 17.00
74 11, 16, 19, 24 70 17.50
75 11, 16, 19, 29 75 18.75
76 11, 16, 20, 22 69 17.25
77 11, 16, 20, 24 71 17.75
78 11, 16, 20, 29 76 19.00
79 11, 16, 22, 24 73 18.25
80 11, 16, 22, 29 78 19.50
81 11, 16, 24, 29 80 20.00
82 11, 19, 20, 22 72 18.00
83 11, 19, 20, 24 74 18.50
84 11, 19, 20, 29 79 19.75
85 11, 19, 22, 24 76 19.00
86 11, 19, 22, 29 81 20.25
87 11, 19, 24, 29 83 20.75
88 11, 20, 22, 24 77 19.25
89 11, 20, 22, 29 82 20.50
90 11, 20, 24, 29 84 21.00
91 11, 22, 24, 29 86 21.50
92 12, 16, 19, 20 67 16.75
93 12, 16, 19, 22 69 17.25
94 12, 16, 19, 24 71 17.75
95 12, 16, 19, 29 76 19.00
96 12, 16, 20, 22 70 17.50
97 12, 16, 20, 24 72 18.00
98 12, 16, 20, 29 77 19.25
99 12, 16, 22, 24 74 18.50
100 12, 16, 22, 29 79 19.75
101 12, 16, 24, 29 81 20.25
102 12, 19, 20, 22 73 18.25
103 12, 19, 20, 24 75 18.75
Separation Group 1 (smaller sample) Sum Mean
104 12, 19, 20, 29 80 20.00
105 12, 19, 22, 24 77 19.25
106 12, 19, 22, 29 82 20.50
107 12, 19, 24, 29 84 21.00
108 12, 20, 22, 24 78 19.50
109 12, 20, 22, 29 83 20.75
110 12, 20, 24, 29 85 21.25
111 12, 22, 24, 29 87 21.75
112 16, 19, 20, 22 77 19.25
113 16, 19, 20, 24 79 19.75
114 16, 19, 20, 29 84 21.00
115 16, 19, 22, 24 81 20.25
116 16, 19, 22, 29 86 21.50
117 16, 19, 24, 29 88 22.00
118 16, 20, 22, 24 82 20.50
119 16, 20, 22, 29 87 21.75
120 16, 20, 24, 29 89 22.25
121 16, 22, 24, 29 91 22.75
122 19, 20, 22, 24 85 21.25
123 19, 20, 22, 29 90 22.50
124 19, 20, 24, 29 92 23.00
125 19, 22, 24, 29 94 23.50
126 20, 22, 24, 29 95 23.75
The next step is to make a frequency distribution of all of the means.
Mean Frequency Relative frequency
9.75 1 1/126 = .008
10.50 1 1/126 = .008
10.75 1 1/126 = .008
11.25 1 1/126 = .008
11.50 1 1/126 = .008
11.75 3 3/126 = .024
12.00 1 1/126 = .008
12.25 1 1/126 = .008
12.50 2 2/126 = .016
12.75 2 2/126 = .016
13.00 3 3/126 = .024
Mean Frequency Relative frequency
13.25 2 2/126 = .016
13.50 2 2/126 = .016
13.75 3 3/126 = .024
14.00 2 2/126 = .016
14.25 3 3/126 = .024
14.50 3 3/126 = .024
14.75 3 3/126 = .024
15.00 3 3/126 = .024
15.25 3 3/126 = .024
15.50 3 3/126 = .024
15.75 3 3/126 = .024
16.00 3 3/126 = .024
16.25 3 3/126 = .024
16.50 3 3/126 = .024
16.75 2 2/126 = .016
17.00 3 3/126 = .024
17.25 4 4/126 = .032
17.50 3 3/126 = .024
17.75 4 4/126 = .032
18.00 3 3/126 = .024
18.25 3 3/126 = .024
18.50 3 3/126 = .024
18.75 4 4/126 = .032
19.00 4 4/126 = .032
19.25 5 5/126 = .040
19.50 2 2/126 = .016
19.75 3 3/126 = .024
20.00 2 2/126 = .016
20.25 3 3/126 = .024
20.50 4 4/126 = .032
20.75 2 2/126 = .016
21.00 3 3/126 = .024
21.25 2 2/126 = .016
21.50 2 2/126 = .016
21.75 2 2/126 = .016
22.00 1 1/126 = .008
22.25 1 1/126 = .008
22.50 1 1/126 = .008
22.75 1 1/126 = .008
23.00 1 1/126 = .008
Mean Frequency Relative frequency
23.50 1 1/126 = .008
23.75 1 1/126 = .008
126 1.000
The way the test works is to see where the result for the actual separation (the
starred row), which resulted in a mean of 10.75, falls in the distribution of all of the
means. The 10.75 is one of the three smallest means, out of 126, which is .024. It
is unlikely to have happened by chance when taking two samples of size 4 and size
5 from a population that has a mean of 17. So, the difference between those two
means is statistically significant beyond the .05 level.
A few comments regarding Pitman's test:
1. If the two samples are of equal size, it doesn't matter which one is referred
to as the smaller one.
2. If there are any ties in the population of observations, i.e., a particular value
appears more than once, all of the tied observations must be distinguished
from one another and each must be capable of being sampled. In Pitman's
delightful way of putting it: Numbers which are equal in value are
supposed to be distinguishable from one another-we may think of the m +
n numbers as painted on m + n different marbles. (Pitman, 1937, p. 119)
3. [Most importantly] There is nothing special about two means. The test is
sensitive to other differences between the samples, just as the better-known
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is.
4. There's a great website called Combination N choose K (N choose n in
our notation) that generates all of the combinations for you
( And approximations to the exact test
are available if the calculations get too complicated even for computers.
Inference for One Percentage
You know what a percentage is. Two out of four is 50%; one out of 5 is 20%; etc.
A percentage is easily converted into a proportion by removing the % symbol and
moving the decimal point two places to the left. A proportion is easily converted
into a percentage by multiplying by 100 and affixing a % symbol. For example,
25% is the same as .25. [Note that a proportion and a percentage are both special
cases of means. If the observations for a variable consist of 0s and 1s (a so-called
dummy variable), the proportion of 1s is the sum of all of the observations
divided by the number of them. If the observations consist of 0s and 100s (an
admittedly unusual situation), the percentage of 100s is the sum of all of those
observations divided by the number of them.]
Two Classic Examples of a Confidence Interval for a Percentage
People in general, and researchers in particular, are often interested in estimating a
population percentage from a sample percentage. The quality control expert in a
factory that manufactures widgets wants to estimate the percentage of defectives
in an entire lot by inspecting a relatively small sample of widgets. If the widgets
are tiny objects such as thumbtacks, it would be too expensive to inspect every
thumbtack in a lot of a thousand or more thumbtacks. So, they draw a sample of,
say, 20 thumbtacks, carefully inspects each of those, and determines the number, a,
of defectives in that sample. Suppose a turns out to be equal to one, i.e., 5% of the
sample. Can they conclude that there are 5% defectives in the entire lot? No. That
might the best guess, but it is subject to sampling error because it is based upon a
sample and not a population. What needs to be done is to determine how confident
they can be in the 5%.
A person who takes an exit poll as voters emerge from a precinct would like
to know, before the official results are posted, who voted for which candidate.
Suppose 18 out of a sample of 30 voters (60%) say they voted for Smith. Does that
mean 60% of all voters at that precinct voted for Smith? No; it's a sample and not
a population. Again, what needs to be done is to determine a range of values around
the 60% for which the pollster can be highly confident of capturing the true
population percentage. Such a range is called, naturally enough, a confidence
Other Examples of Confidence Intervals for a Finite Population
In his one-of-a-kind book, Tommy Wright (1991) provided extensive tables for
estimating the number of units, A, in a population of size N that have a particular
attribute from the number of units, a, in a sample of size n that have the same
attribute. Wright's tables cover possibilities for N of 2 to 2000 and for a from 0 to
200. He gives an early example (p. 8) of a = 28 out of n = 154, i.e., 18.2%, for an
N of 1600. The 95% confidence interval for A ranges from 204 to 397, i.e., from
12.8% to 24.8%. Not bad for a sample size of 154 that is only 9.6% of a population
size of 1600.
Wright also explains how to use the confidence interval tables to test a
hypothesis and to determine an optimum sample size. Just like sampling with
replacement from infinite populations, if the hypothesized parameter is inside the
95% confidence interval, for example, it can't be rejected at the .05 significance
level. If the hypothesized parameter is outside the interval, it can. In the example in
the previous paragraph any hypothesized value for A between 204 and 397 would
not be rejected.
His discussion of the determination of an optimum sample size when inferring
from a sample percentage to a population percentage (he does it all in terms of
proportions, not percentages) is based upon the tolerable width of a confidence
interval rather than upon desired power. [That makes sense, given the title of his
book.] In the second of two examples he derives an optimum sample size of 80 for
the following specifications: N = 480; 95% confidence; and an initial feeling that
A is approximately 25% [sounds Bayesian]. After trying various values of n while
keeping in mind that a/n should be somewhere around 25%, the optimum value of
n is found to be around 80, with an interval half-width of about 44 for A and about
9% for the population percentage.
In an earlier article, Buonaccorsi (1987) had provided a comparison of two
competing methods for establishing a confidence interval for a proportion and gave
as a simple example the 90% confidence interval for N = 10, n = 4, and a = 0
through 4. [95% confidence is conventional, but other levels can be chosen,
depending upon the seriousness of the inference.]
In a much earlier article, Katz (1953) pointed out that the maximum likelihood
point estimate for A is the largest integer less than a / n (N + 1). [Katz actually used
m and M rather than a and A.] He then went on to show how to construct a
confidence interval around that quantity. Here was one of his examples:
In a very small sample inquiry, we ask nine persons, randomly selected
from a group of 100, whether they are in favor of a certain proposal and
we find three in favor six opposed. We wish to construct a 95 per cent
confidence interval for the number, M, in the whole group, in favor of
the proposal. (p. 259)
He obtained the following confidence interval, using the hypergeometric
distribution (see a later section of this primer): 9 < M < 68. In terms of percentages,
the sample percentage of 3/9 = 33.3% yielded a 95% confidence interval whose
lower limit was 9/100 = 9% and whose upper limit was 68/100 = 68%. That's a
fairly wide interval, but n was only 9.
One of the Most Interesting “Real World Finite Populations: the USA
Consider the following data:
The United States (ordered by admission to the union, and with geographical
location indicated by 1 = east of the Mississippi River and 0 = west of the
Mississippi River):
1. Delaware (1)
2. Pennsylvania (1)
3. New Jersey (1)
4. Georgia (1)
5. Connecticut (1)
6. Massachusetts (1)
7. Maryland (1)
8. South Carolina (1)
9. New Hampshire (1)
10. Virginia (1)
11. New York (1)
12. North Carolina (1)
13. Rhode Island (1)
14. Vermont (1)
15. Kentucky (1)
16. Tennessee (1)
17. Ohio (1)
18. Louisiana (0)
19. Indiana (1)
20. Mississippi (1)
21. Illinois (1)
22. Alabama (1)
23. Maine (1)
24. Missouri (0)
25. Arkansas (0)
26. Michigan (1)
27. Florida (1)
28. Texas (0)
29. Iowa (0)
30. Wisconsin (1)
31. California (0)
32. Minnesota (0)
33. Oregon (0)
34. Kansas (0)
35. West Virginia (1)
36. Nevada (0)
37. Nebraska (0)
38. Colorado (0)
39. North Dakota (0)
40. South Dakota (0)
41. Montana (0)
42. Washington (0)
43. Idaho (0)
44. Wyoming (0)
45. Utah (0)
46. Oklahoma (0)
47. New Mexico (0)
48. Arizona (0)
49. Alaska (0)
50. Hawaii (0)
A quick count indicates there are 26 states east of the Mississippi River and
24 states west of the Mississippi River. The percentage of states east is therefore
26/50 = 52%. The percentage west is, necessarily, 48%.
Suppose the interest is to draw a random sample of five of the fifty states.
There are (trust me) 2,118,760 different samples of size 5 that could be drawn.
How are they enumerated to draw some of them? There is a neat website called the
Research Randomizer ( that does most of the work
for you. I got on the site to see how it worked, gave it the numbers 1 through 50,
told it I wanted one such example, and it returned to me the following ID numbers:
8, 10, 26, 27, 43, i.e., South Carolina (SC), Virginia (VI), Michigan (MI), Florida
(FL), and Idaho (ID). Four of those five states (80%) are east of the Mississippi
River. That is an over-estimate, because 52% of the states are east, but SC, VI, MI,
FL, and ID are a sample, not the entire population of states.
I then turned to Wright's (1991) tables for N = 50, n = 5, and a = 4, and I found
the 95% confidence interval around the 80% to extend from 68% to 99%. The true
population percentage of 52% falls outside of that interval, so I had a bad sample.
In other words, if a finite population of size 50 has 52% of the observations of a
particular type, a sample of size 5 is unlikely to yield a sample percentage of 80.
[Did you follow that? If so, congratulations! If not, the other examples to follow
should make things clearer.]
More [You Can Tell I Love Percentages and Proportions]
Zieliński (2016) was concerned with the shortest (narrowest) confidence interval
for estimating a proportion. He provided the following example:
Let the size of a population be N = 1000. We took a sample of size
n = 100 and we observed ξ = 2 objects with a given property. Let the
confidence level be δ = 0.95. ...The shortest confidence interval is
(0.0043349, 0.0788678). Its length is 0.0745329. (p. 181)
A sample of size 100 takes a 10% “bite” out of the population of 1000. His ξ
is equivalent to Wright's a. There weren't many successes (the word success as
used in statistics can refer to either category of a dichotomous dependent variable),
and that's a very tight confidence interval.
Zieliński (2011) had previously been interested in the approximations of the
binomial and the normal to the exact hypergeometric-based confidence intervals.
[See a later section of this primer for a discussion of the hypergeometric
distribution.] Here is a segment of the Abstract for that 2011 article:
Consider a finite population. Let (0, 1) θ denotes the fraction of units
with a given property. The problem is in interval estimation of θ on the
basis of a sample drawn due to the simple random sampling without
replacement. In the paper three confidence intervals are compared: exact
based on hypergeometric distribution and two other based on
approximations to hypergeometric distribution: Binomial and Normal.
It appeared that Binomial based confidence interval is too conservative
while the Normal based one does not keep the prescribed confidence
level. (p. 177)
The English translation of that abstract is a bit stilted, but I think you get the
idea. [The (0, 1) θ notation is equivalent to Wright's A / N.]
The following example is based upon some clever, albeit artificial, data in
Primer of biostatistics by Stanton A. Glantz (2012). In one section of that book he
discusses a number of examples of fairly large, but not infinite, populations, and
implicitly treats them all as infinite by not employing finite population corrections.
The examples are for Martians (N = 200), with a mean height of 40 cm and a
standard deviation of 5 cm; Venusians (N = 150), with a mean height of 15 cm and
a standard deviation of 2.5 cm; and Jovians (N = 100), with a mean height of 37.6
cm and a standard deviation of 4.5 cm. They are all very short creatures!
Let's just consider the Martians. For the entire population of 200 Martians, 50
are left-footed (and 150 are right-footed), i.e., 25% are left-footed, but in real life
[and even in Martian life] that is unknown and needs to be estimated. Suppose we
draw a random sample of 20 Martians and determine that 6 of them (30%) are left-
footed. Using the table on page 184 of Wright's book for N = 200, n = 20, and a = 6
we find that the lower limit of the 95% confidence interval for A is 30 and the upper
limit is 99. Since 30 out of 200 is 6% and 99 out of 200 is just under 50%, our best
guess of 30% is not very precise. But what can you expect for a small sample that
takes a small bite out of the population? [In his text Glantz doesn't carry out a
confidence interval for that example. For all other examples regarding the
population of Martians he uses the traditional formulas for sampling with
replacement from infinite populations. He shouldn't.]
Inference for the Difference Between Two Percentages
I'm especially fond of inferences from sample percentage differences to population
percentage differences, such as the difference between males and females for some
dichotomy, e.g., belief in God (yes or no), or the difference between Democrats and
Republicans for that same dichotomy. Here are three examples for other differences
between two percentages:
Example #1
Krishnamoorthy and Thomson (2002) gave the artificial but realistic quality control
example of the percentages of non-acceptable cans produced by two canning
machines. [They actually do everything in terms of proportions, but I prefer
percentages.] Non-acceptable was defined as containing less than 95% of the
purported weight on the can. Each machine produced 250 cans. One machine was
expected to have an approximate 6% non-acceptable rate and the other machine
was expected to have an approximate 2% non-acceptable rate. A sample of size n
is to be drawn from each machine. The authors provide tables for determining the
appropriate sample size for each machine, depending upon the tolerance for Type I
errors (rejecting a true hypothesis) and Type II errors (not rejecting a false
hypothesis). For their specifications the appropriate sample size was 136 cans from
each machine for what they called the Z-test, which was one of three tests
discussed in their article and for which the normal sampling distribution is relevant.
Eight non-acceptable cans were produced by Machine 1 in a sample of 137
cans (5.84%). Three non-acceptable cans were produced by Machine 2 in a sample
of 110 cans (2.73%). Therefore, N
= N
= 250, n
= n
= 110, a
= 8, and a
= 3.
The E (for exact hypergeometric) test produced a p-value of .0365. The p-value for
the binomial test was.1378. The p-value for the normal approximation was .0224.
Therefore, the E-test and the Z-test rejected the null hypothesis at the .05 level of
significance, but the binomial test did not reject the null hypothesis.
Example #2
On page 25 of his book, Wright (1991) gives the example of a conservative
confidence interval for the difference between two As. The number of observations
in Population 1 is 185; the number of observations N
in Population 2 is 440; the
sample size n
for the first population is 35; the sample size n
for the second
population is 40; there are 11 successes a
out of 35, i.e. 31.43%, in Sample 1;
and there are 19 successes a
out of 40 in Sample 2, i.e. 47.50%. The lower limit
of the confidence interval for A
was found to be 241 and the upper limit was
found to be 59. The lower limit for the difference between the corresponding
percentages is 43% and the upper limit is 13%.
Example #3
In Chapter 16 of his book, used in his statistics course, Wardrop (2015) provided a
hypothetical example of the difference between the percentage of female students
at a small college who wore corrective lenses and the percentage of male students
at that same college who wore corrective lenses. In the population of 1000 students
600 were females and 400 were males. 140 of the males (35%) wore corrective
lenses and 360 of the females (60%) wore corrective lenses, a difference of 25%.
A random sample of 10 out of the 600 females was taken and all 400 of the males
were sampled. The sample percentages of wearers of corrective lenses were not
reported, but Wardrop claimed, rightly so, that it was a bad sampling plan, and the
narrative ended there!
We could have tested the difference between two independent percentages by
using Pitman's test. but it would have been very difficult to paint all of those 0s
and 1s.
Inference for the Relationship Between Two Variables
Consider the relationship between two variables X and Y, such as height and weight,
education and income, and other interesting pairs. The statistic most commonly
employed for investigating relationships between variables is the Pearson product-
moment correlation coefficient r, which is a measure of the strength and the
direction of linear relationship. It can go from 1 to +1, with 1 indicative of a
perfect inverse relationship and +1 indicative of a perfect direct relationship, but
almost all relationships fall between the two endpoints.
Here is a simple, artificial example for a population of five observations:
Observation X Y
A 1 2
B 2 5
C 3 3
D 4 1
E 5 4
The Pearson correlation and the Spearman rank correlation in the population are
both equal to 0.
Suppose you would like to sample three of those observations from the
population of five observations. The number of such samples is equal to the number
of combinations of five things taken three at a time, which is 10. They are: ABC,
ABD, ABE, ACD, ACE, ADE, BCD, BCE, BDE, and CDE. The samples, the
corresponding X, Y data, and the correlations are:
Sample Data Correlation
ABC 1 2 .50
2 5
3 3
ABD 1 2 −.50
2 5
4 1
Sample Data Correlation
ABE 1 2 .50
2 5
5 4
ACD 1 2 −.50
3 3
4 1
ACE 1 2 1.00
3 3
5 4
ADE 1 2 .50
4 1
5 4
BCD 2 5 1.00
3 3
4 1
BCE 2 5 −.50
3 3
5 4
BDE 2 5 −.50
4 1
5 4
CDE 3 3 −.50
4 1
5 4
Four of the sample correlations are .50, four are .50, one is 1.00, and one is 1.00.
The population correlation is 0. But none of the samples got 0.
Here is a more complicated example, for three variables and seven
Observation X Y Z
A 1 3 7
B 2 6 1
C 3 2 2
D 4 7 5
E 5 1 4
F 6 5 6
G 7 4 3
All of the correlations for pairs of variables (X, Y), (X, Z), and (Y, Z) are equal to 0
in this population.
Now suppose you were to take a simple random sample of three observations
from the population of seven observations. The number of possible such samples is
equal to the number of combinations of seven things taken three at a time, which is
35. Here they are, with the sample correlations for each triplet:
Sample (X, Y) correlation (X, Z) correlation (Y, Z) correlation
ABC .240 .778 .423
ABD .891 .143 .577
ABE .636 .240 .596
ABF .371 .176 .849
ABG .034 .339 .929
ACD .619 .564 .300
ACE 1.000 .596 .596
ACF .737 .075 .619
ACG .655 .619 .189
ADE .052 .996 .143
ADF .596 .596 1.000
ADG .240 1.000 .240
AEF .189 .619 .655
AEG .143 .996 .052
AFG .778 .797 .240
BCD .189 .961 .454
BCE .866 1.000 .866
BCF .038 .999 .091
BCG .189 .945 .500
BDE .645 .839 .125
BDF .500 .945 .189
Sample (X, Y) correlation (X, Z) correlation (Y, Z) correlation
BDG .737 .397 .327
BEF .454 .986 .300
BEG .500 .737 .954
BFG .945 .676 .397
CDE .156 .655 .645
CDF .434 .891 .795
CDG .127 .052 .997
CEF .577 .982 .721
CEG .655 .500 .327
CFG .839 .500 .891
DEF .327 .500 .655
DEG .327 .982 .500
DFG 1.000 .500 .500
EFG .721 .327 .419
As you can see, those correlations are all over the place, but just as for the preceding
example, not one of them was equal to the population correlation of 0.
Covariance vs. Correlation
One of the reasons for the popularity of the Pearson correlation is it is
dimensionless, i.e., you don’t have to worry about the units of measurement for
the variables. This can be seen from one of its many formulas [Rodgers and
Nicewander (1988) claimed there were thirteen of them], the average product of
standard scores on X and on Y, which are themselves dimensionless. The covariance
between two variables X and Y is equally defensible as a measure of their
relationship (it is the correlation multiplied by the product of the standard deviation
of X and the standard deviation of Y), but it comes out in the units of X and Y. For
example, if X is height in inches and Y is weight in pounds, the covariance is in
inch-pounds. Sounds strange, doesn’t it? [The situation is similar for the standard
deviation and the variance. If X is height in inches and Y is weight in pounds, the
standard deviation of X is in inches and the standard deviation of Y is in pounds,
but the variance of X is in squared inches and the variance of Y is in squared
However, there is an important statistical advantage for the covariance. The
sample covariance was shown [by Sirotnik and Wellington (1977) in one context,
by myself (Knapp, 1979), and by others] to be an unbiased estimator of the
population covariance, but the sample correlation is not an unbiased estimator of
the population correlation.
Relationship Between the Heights and the Weights of Martians
In his textbook, Glantz (2012) provided a detailed discussion of the relationship
between height and weight for the entire Martian population and for random
samples drawn from that population. The Pearson correlation for the population
(N = 200) is .917. The correlation between height and weight for one sample
(n = 10) was found to be .925. For another sample of the same size the correlation
was found to be .880. So far, so good, no matter whether the population is infinite
or finite, and whether the samples have been drawn with or without replacement.
But when it comes to inference from sample to population it makes a big difference.
[Once again, Glantz uses the traditional formulas for hypothesis testing and for
interval estimation without the finite population correction.]
Rank Correlations
For statistical inferences regarding relationships between variables in finite
populations, things are sometimes simpler for rank correlations than for Pearson
Here are some data for the population of our 50 states:
state admrank arearank
DE 1 49
PA 2 32
NJ 3 46
GA 4 21
CT 5 48
MA 6 45
MD 7 42
SC 8 40
NH 9 44
VA 10 37
NY 11 30
NC 12 29
RI 13 50
VT 14 43
KY 15 36
state admrank arearank
TN 16 34
OH 17 35
LA 18 33
IN 19 38
MS 20 31
IL 21 24
AL 22 28
ME 23 39
MO 24 18
AR 25 27
MI 26 22
FL 27 26
TX 28 2
IA 29 23
WI 30 25
CA 31 3
MN 32 14
OR 33 10
KS 34 13
WV 35 41
NV 36 7
NE 37 15
CO 38 8
ND 39 17
SD 40 16
MT 41 4
WA 42 20
ID 43 11
WY 44 9
UT 45 12
OK 46 19
NM 47 5
AZ 48 6
AK 49 1
HI 50 47
1. state is the two-letter abbreviation for each of the 50 states.
2. admrank is the rank-order of their admission to the union (Delaware was
first, Pennsylvania was second,…, Hawaii was fiftieth). [In a previous
section I already listed the 50 states in order of admission to the union.]
3. arearank is the rank-order of land area (Alaska is largest, Texas is next
largest,…, Rhode Island is the smallest).
Of considerable interest (at least to me) is the relationship between those two
variables (admission to the union and land area). I (and I hope you) do not care
about the means, variances, or standard deviations of those variables. [Hint: If you
do care about such things for this example, you will find that they're the same for
both variables.]
The relationship (Spearman's rank correlation) for the population is .720.
The correlation can go from 1 through 0 to +1, where a negative correlation is
indicative of inverse relationship and a positive correlation is indicative of direct
relationship. That correlation is inverse and rather strong. That makes sense if you
think about it and call upon your knowledge of American history.
But what happens if you take samples from this population? I won't go
through all possible samples of all possible sizes, but let's see what happens if you
take, say, ten samples of ten observations each. And let's choose those samples
Table 1. Numbers of the states drawn with replacement
Set 1
Set 2
Set 4
Set 5
Set 6
Set 7
Set 8
Set 9
Set 10
I got on the internet and used the Research Randomizer. The numbers of the
states that I drew for each of those sets of samples are presented in Table 1 (As
indicated in a previous section, sampling within sample was without replacement,
but sampling between samples was with replacement; otherwise I would have run
out of states to sample after taking five samples!)
For the first set (DE, CT, NH, OH, IL, ME, AR, IA, OR, and AZ ) the sample
data are (the numbers in parentheses are the ranks for the ranks; they are needed
because all ranks must go from 1 to the number of things being ranked, in this case
state admrank arearank
DE 1(1) 49(10)
CT 5(2) 48(9)
NH 9(3) 44(8)
OH 17(4) 35(7)
IL 21(5) 24(4)
ME 23(6) 39(6)
AR 25(7) 27(5)
IA 29(8) 23(3)
OR 33(9) 10(2)
AZ 48(10) 6(1)
The rank correlation is (using the ranks of the ranks) is .939. That’s not bad (the
population correlation is .720.)
Relationship Between Two Dichotomies
For the remainder of this section I'll show you how to use the difference between
two percentages to infer relationships between two dichotomies.
Consider the can example in the previous section taken from Krishnamoorthy
and Thomson (2002). The percentage of non-acceptable cans produced by Machine
1 was 5.84. The percentage of non-acceptable cans produced by Machine 2 was
2.73. That difference was found to be statistically significant at the .05 level.
Therefore, there must be a statistically significant relationship between Machine
Number and Can Acceptability.
The basic principle is as follows: If there is a difference between the
percentage of successes in Group A and the percentage of successes in Group
B there must be a relationship between the group variable and the variable that
Table 2. Frequency table for phi
Machine number
129 (94.2 % of 137)
107 (97.3% of 110)
8 (5.8 % of 137)
3 (2.7 % of 110)
determines success.” The statistic that quantifies such a relationship is a variation
of the Pearson r called a phi coefficient. For the can example, phi is found by setting
up the 2 × 2 Table 2 (three cans are unaccounted for).
The formula for phi is
ad bc
where a is the frequency in the upper-left corner of the table; d is the frequency in
the lower-right corner; b the upper-right; c the lower-left; e the first row total; f the
second row total; g the first column total; and h the second column total. For this
example we have 129(3) 107(8) divided by the square root of 236(11)(137)110,
i.e., .075. That's a small relationship (the sign doesn't really matter), but the
difference between the two percentages 2.7% and 5.8% is also small.
The Hypergeometric Distribution
In previous sections of this book there was occasional reference to the word
hypergeometric. It turns out that the hypergeometric formula for probability is
the foundation of sampling without replacement from finite populations. It's a bit
complicated so I didn't want to introduce it earlier, but here it is:
( )
k n k
where P is probability, X is the number of units that have a particular attribute; K is
the number of units in the population that have the attribute; k is the number of units
in the sample that have the attribute; N is the population size; and n is the sample
size. The expressions within the parentheses are the number of combinations of K
things taken k at a time; the number of combinations of N K things taken n k at
a time; and the number of combinations of N things taken n at a time, respectively.
In this primer and in Wright's (1991) tables, A is used instead of K and a is used
instead of k. [It is quite common to find that different authors choose different
symbols for the same things.]
Let’s try a couple of examples:
Example #1. What is the probability of two aces in five draws from an ordinary
deck of playing cards?
There are 52 cards in the deck, so N = 52. Since 5 cards are to be drawn, n = 5.
Since there are 4 aces in the deck, K = 4. Since the desired outcome is 2 aces, k = 2.
The number of combinations of 52 things taken 5 at a time (the denominator) is
52! / 5!47!, where the symbol ! stands for factorial and in the numerator requires
starting with the number 52, multiplying it by 51, multiplying that by 50...all the
way down to 1. The numbers in the denominator work the same way: first
5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1, then 47 × 46 × 45 ×× 1. The 47! in the denominator cancels
out all but 52 × 51 × 50 × 49 × 48 of the numerator, giving us 52 × 51
× 50 × 49 × 48 divided by 120, which works out to be 2,598,960. [I used the nice
calculator in Windows 10.]
We’re not done yet. We also need to determine the number of combinations
of 4 things taken 2 at a time (that's easy; it's 6) and the number of combinations of
48 things taken 3 at a time (that turns out to be 17,296). Finally multiply the 6 by
the 17,296 and divide by the 2,598,960, which gives.04.
For the five-card-stud poker players among you, a hand consisting of two aces
and three other cards is a pretty good, but don't expect to get one because its
probability is only .04.
Example #2. For the example in Glantz (2012), what is the probability of drawing
all left-footed Martians in a sample of size five?
Recall from a previous section that there were 200 Martians altogether, so
N = 200. 25% of them were left-footed, so K = 50. A sample of size 5 is to be drawn,
so n = 5.
Plugging these numbers into the hypergeometric formula I get .000836.
Therefore, if you find yourself on Mars and you take a random sample of five of its
inhabitants, be prepared to get all right-footers.
Finite Population Correction Factor
Using the procedures for sampling with replacement from infinite normal
populations for problems involving finite populations can be slightly improved by
employing the finite population correction whenever a statistical inference is
carried out. Its formula for one mean or one percentage or one correlation is
where N is the population size and n is the sample size, and the formula for the
standard error of the statistic is multiplied by it. The net result is a smaller standard
error, since the fpc is less than 1, which makes the inference more precise.
A Final Note
It is ironic that the right way to handle real-world populations is often the most
difficult, statistically speaking. I have only scratched the surface of the body of
available literature on sampling without replacement from finite populations. I
would like to believe, however, that I have covered the basics. The next time you
have the opportunity to design a study that is concerned with sample-to-population
inference, please at least consider using one of the approaches included in this
Always keep in mind the difference between the role of the statistician and
the role of the researcher. The statistician tells us what happens when you take
samples, and you want to make statistical inferences from sample statistics to
population parameters. The researcher (usually) has only one sample, and they are
concerned only with the inference from their sample to the population from which
it was drawn.
Oh; that reminds me. I said that we should start by using sampling without
replacement from finite populations and then move on to sampling with
replacement from infinite populations. How can we do that?
The simple answer is “with considerable difficulty.” We can no longer specify
N, since the population is taken to be of infinite size. One consolation is that for
infinite populations it doesn't really matter if the sampling within sample is with or
without replacement. If you draw an observation into your sample, put it back in
the population, and then draw subsequent observations, it's most unlikely that you'll
get the first observation again or any other repeats.” That's another consolation,
and a partial defense for using the traditional approach when you have a large finite
population. A third consolation is that many large finite populations have frequency
distributions very close to normal [but see the article by Micceri (1989) regarding
such a claim].
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